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叶佩雯的《Departures》 歌词

歌曲名:Departures歌手:叶佩雯专辑:Rpg「Departure」作词∶mao作曲∶安瀬圣歌∶mao朱く染まる 空と君が消えてしまわないようにそっとそっと 想い込めて抱きしめるよ 壊れないようにいつだって ずっとそばで 勇気をくれていたコト嬉しくて『ありがとう』 伝えたい いまここで君にさよなら 旅の终わり また始まるStory 缲りかえして出会えた この奇迹は 胸の奥でずっと辉くナミダデ ナンニモ ミエナイ ケレドまた少し 强くなれたかな変わってゆく 空と君は眩しく辉きだしてもっともっと 见つめていたいそう愿った 叶いますように终わらない夜はない いつかは朝がくるから迷いのない『大丈夫』 君がくれた 强い気持ちいつかは 旅の终わり 刻まれてくStory 忘れないよ消えない この轨迹は 目を闭じれば ほらすぐそばにハテナイ オモイハ エイエン ダカラまた少し 未来へ向かってさよなら どこかでまた 続いてゆくStory 时を越えて出会えた この奇迹は 胸の奥でずっと辉くナミダデ ナンニモ ミエナイ ケレドまた少し 强くなれたかな【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/602678

SQUAREHOOD的《Departures》 歌词

Departures作词:SQUAREHOOD&jam作曲:KEN FOR 2SOUL MUSIC INC.演唱:SQUAREHOOD瞳闭じて 浮かぶシルエット未来の仆は 何を见てるだろうここがはじまり 信じよう心が仆に 强く告げている决して 楽な道じゃないけどもうダメなんて 言わないでってそばで勇気をくれた あなたがいたから仆は 今日の仆になれたありがとうって 伝えたくって散らかった纸に描いたMessage繋がっていたい愿いのPassageヒトハツヨクナル(人は强くなる)(ありのままのキミでいいから)ダカラチイサク ヨワクウマレルノサ(だから小さく 弱く生まれるのさ)あなたを守るため 何をすればいい?Do you know?I don"t knowDo you know?I don"t know答えは 谁も知らないそれぞれの道 それぞれの空の向こうへ梦が呼ぶ场所へひとつだけ约束できるとしたら それは仆が仆でいることだけだよ きっと描いていた 理想とは违ってた事に 戸惑ってたけど不器用な仆の 日々さえも道标だと 分かり始めたよ花が ひとつ咲くのなんか当たり前って 思ってたっけ光与えられずに 枯れる花もいるきっと、爱をもらえないで咲けずにそっと 泣いてる人つかまっていいよ この手にRight on谁だってそう彷徨ってRide onボクハツヨクナル(仆はつよくなる)(ありのままのオレでいいから)アナタガクレタ アイ二コタエルタメ(贵方がくれた 爱に答えるため)声にならないなら 抱きしめればいいDo you know?I don"t knowDo you know?I don"t know想いは必ず届く大切な人 大切な今の中で确かめあえたらぼくたちは ひとりずつ强くならるはずさ出逢いも别れも 光なんだ きっとまるで流れ星仆らはそれぞれに生まれ消えてゆくよ出逢い 别れ 立ち止まり 泣いて歩き出して また踬いて 泣いてそれでも降り止まぬ雨はない だから...その爱を探しにいこうあなたを守るため 何をすればいい?Do you know?I don"t knowDo you know?I don"t know答えは 谁も知らない声にならないなら 抱きしめればいいDo you know?I don"t knowDo you know?I don"t know想いは必ず届くそれぞれの道 それぞれの空の向こうへ梦が呼ぶ场所へ雨上がり 虹に向かい走り出すみたいに辉きの中へその未来の方へ终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/412276


歌曲名:DEPARTURES歌手:Aaa专辑:BUZZ communicationどこまでも限りなく降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて届けたくてそばにいてほしくて「DEPARTURES」作词∶Tetsuya Komuro作曲∶Tetsuya Komuro歌∶AAAずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人笑颜だけは 今も辉 いているいつの日から细く 长い道が始まる出発の日はなぜか 风が强くてやさしさもわがままも 温もりも寂しさも思いやりも全てを 全部あずけたどこまでも限りなく降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて届けたくてそばにいてほしくて冻える夜待ち合わせも出来ないまま明日を探してるいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいfeelin" good, feelin" bad 全て君から想いは雪すら溶かす程热くそれでもまだ距离の壁は厚くそっと写真から视线を外す电波に乗っけて飞ばす言叶伝わりきりやしないねこんなものじゃOh…Doawn,Love こそがPain?PainこそがLove? 痛みを爱す…行ったことがないね 雪と游びたいね会いたくて会えなくて あこがれている夜がやけに长くて 冬のせいかもしれないだけど春は明るく 阳ざし浴びたい永远に続く道 それはあなたへの想いがきっと降りつもる雪とともに深く强く二人を支えていたD E P A R T U R E S D E P A R T U R E S前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになった左利きも惯れたし 风邪も治った爱が梦を邪魔する 梦が爱を见つけるやさしさが爱を探して あなたが私 を选んでくれたからどこまでも限りなく降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて届けたくてそばにいてほしくて冻える夜待ち合わせも出来ないまま明日を探してるいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいい【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2495630


歌曲名:DEPARTURES歌手:Globe专辑:青春歌年鉴 90年代総集编どこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人笑颜だけは 今も辉いているいつの日から细く 长い道が始まる出発の日はなぜか 风が强くてやさしさも わがままも 温もりも 寂しさも思いやりも 全てを 全部あずけた冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないまま明日を探してるいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいWhen a man and a womanStart to be tried to do the same thin"again and againLeavin" their dream,their love behindLookin" after all those long nightsto discover a new adventure行ったことがないね 雪と游びたいね会いたくて 会えなくて あこがれている夜がやけに长くて 冬のせいかもしれないだけど春は明るく 阳ざし浴びたい永远に続く道それはあなたへの想いがきっと降りつもる雪とともに 深く强く二人を支えていた前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになった左利きも惯れたし 风邪も治った爱が梦を邪魔する 梦が爱を见つけるやさしさが 爱を探してあなたが私を 选んでくれたから终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59432123



Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~中文译音

「Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~」作词・作曲・编曲 - ryo歌 - EGOIST歌词TV ver.もうあなたから爱爱(あい)されることも〖你已经不会再爱我〗mou anata kara ai sareru kotomo必要(ひつよう)とされることもない〖也不再需要我〗hitsuyouto sareru kotomo naiそして私(わたし)は こうして一人(ひとり)ぼっちで〖于是乎我就这样孤零零一人〗soshite watashiwa koushite hitori bocchideあの时(とき)あなたはなんて言(い)ったろう〖那时候你到底说了些什么?〗anotoki anatawa nannte ittarou届(とど)かない言叶(ことば)は宙(ちゅう)を舞(ま)う〖传递不了的话语飘荡空中〗todokanai kotobawa jyumonn分(わ)かってるのに 今日(きょう)もしてしまう〖明明心里明白 今天却依旧许下〗wakatteru noni kyoumo shiteshimau叶(かな)わぬ愿(ねが)い事(こと)を〖无法实现的每份心愿〗kanawanu negai kotowo离(はな)さないで 〖不要松开〗hanasa naideきゅっと 手(て)を握(にぎ)ってて〖请紧紧握住我的手〗 kyutto tewo nigitteteあなたと二人(ふたり) 続(つつ)くと言(い)って〖快说要跟你两人一起走下去〗anatato futari tsutsukuto itte繋(つな)いだ その手(て)は暖(あたた)かくて〖十指相扣的手暖乎乎的〗tsunaida sonotewa atataka kute优(やさ)しかった 〖相当温柔〗yasashi kattaあなたはいつもそうやって私(わたし)を〖你总是若无其事地惹怒我〗anatawa iitsumosouyate watashio怒(おこ)らせて最後(さいご)に泣(な)かすんだ〖最后还弄哭人家〗okoulasete saiigoni nakasuindaだけど後(あと)になって〖然而事过之后〗dakedo atoninateごめんねっていうその颜(かお)〖你对我说道歉的表情〗gomenne teiusonokao好(す)きだった〖我是如此喜欢〗sukidata离(はな)さないで〖不要松开〗hanasanaideぎゅっと そう思(おも)いっきり〖请尽情地将我抱紧吧〗kyuto souomoikiriあなたの腕(うで)の中(なか)にいたい〖我想跳进你的臂弯中〗anatano udenonakaniitai二人(ふたり)でおでこをあわせながら〖你我两人相互贴着额头〗futaride odekoo awasenagara眠(ねむ)るの〖迈入梦乡〗nemurunoもう二度(にど)とは会(あ)えないってことを知(し)ってたろう?〖你早就知道我们不会再相见?〗mounidotowa ainaite kotoo shitetaru[离(はな)さないで〖不要松开〗hanasanaideぎゅっと あなたが好(す)き〖紧抱着我 我喜欢你〗kyuto anatagasukiもう一度(いちど)だって笑(わら)ってくれないの〖你就不能再一次对我展露笑容么〗mouichido date walate kurenainoあなたの温(ぬく)もりが消(き)えちゃう前(まえ)に〖趁着你的温存尚未消逝之前〗anatano nukumolika kiechamaeni抱(だ)きしめて〖请紧拥我〗takishimete

罪恶王冠ED Departures完整版日文+罗马音+中文

もうあなたから爱されることも【你不会再爱我】mouanatakaraaisarerukotomo必要とされることもない【也不会再需要我】hitsuyotosarerukotomonaiそして私はこうして一人ぼっちで【然后我就这样孤身一人】soshitewatashiwakoushitehitoribocchideあの时あなたはなんて言ったろう【那时候你说了什么】anotokianatawananteittarou届かない言叶は呪文【没听到的话语像咒文】todokanaikotobawachuumon分かってるのに 今日もしてしまう【明明心里明白 今天却仍然许下】wakatterunoni kyoumoshiteshimau叶わぬ愿い事を【无法实现的愿望】kanawanunegaigotowo离さないで きゅっと手を握ってて【不要放手 紧紧握住我的手】hanasanaide kyuttotewonigitteteあなたと二人続くと言って【说过要两个人一起继续】anatatofutaritsuzukutoitte繋いだその手は暖かくて【握紧的手很温暖】tsunaidasonotewaatatakakute优しかった【很温柔】yasashikattaあなたはいつもそうやって私を【你总是这样惹我生气】anatawa itsumo souyatte watashiwo怒らせて最後に泣かすんだ【把我弄哭为止】okorasete saigoni nakasundaだけど後になって【但是最后】dakedoatoninatteごめんねっていうその颜【你道歉的表情】gomennetteiusonokao好きだった【我非常喜欢】sukidatta离さないで【请不要离开】hanasanaideぎゅっと そう思いきり【请尽情地将我抱紧吧】gyutto souomoikiriあなたの腕のにいたい【我想躲在你的怀里】anatanoudenonakaniitai二人でおでこをあわせながら【你我两首相依】futarideodekowoawasanagara眠るの【静静沉睡】nemurunoもう二度とは会えないってことを知ってたの【你知道我们已经不能再见吗?】mounidotowaaenaittekotowoshittetano?离さないで【请不要离开】hanasanaideぎゅっと あなたが好き【紧抱着我 我喜欢你】gyutto anatagasukiもう一度だって笑ってくれないの【你能再次为我展露笑容吗?】mouyichidotattewarattekurenainoあなたの温もりが消えちゃう前に【趁着你的温存消逝之前】anatanonukumorigakiechyaumaeni抱きしめて【请抱紧我】dakishimete已发


DEPARTURES作词 小室哲哉 作曲 小室哲哉呗 镜音リンu30fbレンずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人zutto fuseta mamano shashin tate no futari笑颜だけは 今も辉いているegao dake wa ima mo kagayai teiruいつの日から细く 长い道が始まるitsuno hi kara hosoku nagai michi ga hajimaru出発の日はなぜか 风が强くてtabidachi no hi wa nazeka kaze ga tsuyokuteやさしさも わがままも 温もりも 寂しさもyasashisa mo wagamama mo nukumori mo sabishisa mo思いやりも 全てを 全部あずけたomoiyari mo subete wo zenbu azuketaどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とdokomademo kagiri naku furi tsumoru yuki toあなたへの想いanata eno omoi少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてsukoshi demo tsutae takute todoke takute sobani ite hoshikute冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないままkogoeru yoru machi awase mo dekinai mama明日を探してるashita wo sagashiteruいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいitsudatte omoide wo tsukuru toki niwa anata to futari ga ii前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになったmaegami ga nobitane onaji kurai ni natta左利きも惯れたし 风邪も治ったhidari kiki mo naretashi kaze mo naotta爱が梦を邪魔する 梦が爱を见つけるai ga yume wo jamasuru yume ga ai wo mitsukeruやさしさが 爱を探してyasashisa ga ai wo sagashiteあなたが私を 选んでくれたからanata ga watashi wo erande kure takaraどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とdokomademo kagiri naku furi tsumoru yuki toあなたへの想いanata eno omoi少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてsukoshi demo tsutae takute todoke takute sobani ite hoshikute冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないままkogoeru yoru machi awase mo dekinai mama明日を探してるashita wo sagashiteruいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいitsudatte omoide wo tsukuru toki niwa anata to futari ga ii



『Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~』 请问是什么意思?



Romaji 罗马音Doko mademo kagirinaku furitsumoru yuki to Anata e no omoi Sukoshi demo tsutaetakute todoketakute soba ni ite hoshikute Zutto fuseta mama no shashin tate no futari Egao dake wa ima mo kagayaite iru Itsu no hi kara hosoku nagai michi ga hajimaru Tabidachi no hi wa nazeka kaze ga tsuyokute Yasashisa mo wagamama mo nukumori mo sabishisa mo Omoiyari mo subete wo zenbu azuketa Doko mademo kagirinaku furitsumoru yuki to Anata e no omoi Sukoshi demo tsutaetakute todoketakute soba ni ite hoshikute Kogoeru yo machiawase mo dekinai mama Ashita wo sagashiteru Itsu datte omoide wo tsukuru toki ni wa anata to futari ga ii When a man and a woman Start to be tired to do the same thin" Again and again Leavin" their dream, their love behind Lookin" after all those long nights To discover a new adventure Itta koto ga nai ne yuki to asobitai ne Aitakute aenakute akogarete iru Yoru ga yake ni nagakute fuyu no sei ka mo shirenai Dakedo haru wa akaruku hizashi abitai Eien ni tsuzuku michi Sore wa anata e no omoi ga kitto Furitsumoru yuki to tomo ni fukaku tsuyoku Futari wo sasaete ita Trying to find what the meaning of love Alone at midnight I just want to see you, just want to be feel you Just want to be there by your side Under the same snow Under the same moonlight Maegami ga nobita ne onaji kurai ni natta Hidarikiki mo nareta shi kaze mo naotta Ai ga yume wo jama suru yume ga ai wo mitsukeru Yasashisa ga ai wo sagashite Anata ga watashi wo erande kureta kara Doko mademo kagirinaku furitsumoru yuki to Anata e no omoi Sukoshi demo tsutaetakute todoketakute soba ni ite hoshikute Kogoeru yo machiawase mo dekinai mama Ashita wo sagashiteru Itsu datte omoide wo tsukuru toki ni wa anata to futari ga ii中文一直静躺在照片中的俩个人 只有那灿烂的天空 至今仍闪耀发亮著 曾几何时 开始了遥远的路程 出发的那天 不知道为什麼风很大 温柔 任性 温度 寂寞 纤细的心 全部的一切 全部都寄托在风中不管到那里 没有界限地 飘落堆积的白云和对你的思念 即使一点点也好 希望传达给你 传送给你 希望你在身边 冰冷的夜晚 等待著 在无法相见之下 寻找明天 曾几何时 记忆编织的时候 和你在一起俩个人真好 WHAT A MAN AND A WOMEN START TO BE TRIED TO DO THE SAME THING AGAIN AND AGAIN LEAVIN" THEIR DREAM THEIR LOVE BEHIND LOOKIN" AFTER ALL THOSE LONG NIGHTSTO DISCOVER A NEW ADVENTURE 从没有去过 想去玩雪 想要见面 却无法见面 期待著夜晚 距离天亮还很久 也许是冬天的不好吧! 但是 在春天 想在沐浴在明亮的太阳光下 ` 永远继续著的道路这对你的思念 一定随著飘落堆积的白雪 更深切 更坚强地支持著二人 TRYIN" TO FIND WHAT"S THE MEANIN" OF LOVE !ALONE AT MIDNIGHT... JUST WANNA SEE YA, JUST WANNA FEEL YA JUST WANNA BE THER BY YOUR SIDE UNDER THE SAME SNOW UNDER THE SAME MOONLIGHT 额头前面地头发长长了 变得差不多了 习惯了用左手 感冒也治好了 爱 妨碍了梦想 梦想发现了爱 温柔 去寻找爱 亲爱的你 请选择我吧! 不管道那里 没有界限地 飘落堆积的白雪和对你的思念 即使一点点也好 希望传达给你 传送给你 希望你在身边 冰冷的夜晚 等待著 在无法相见之下 寻找明天 曾几何时 记忆编织的时候 和你在一起俩个人真好


中文谐音BY:Itoshigoyohello 嘛多 哦 阿ke爹 之萨苦 阻布呀依大 how are u? 打咧莫 依纳依 he呀 嗲 hi哆里 mornin" 阿萨 嘎 ki大 哟 多s哈布里 浓 阿萨 嘎 Tick-tock 哇大示 浓 呐几 哦 打咧卡 嘛依爹 hello 目卡示 浓 阿尼咩 尼 索嗯纳 浓 依大kke 纳 how are u? 呜拉呀嘛示依 纳 米嗯纳 尼 阿依萨咧爹 Sleepin" 吧卡 纳 过哆 依跌纳依嗲 示大苦 哦 示纳苦咋 cryin" 纳米打 浓 阿哆 哦 卡苦苏 大咩 莫呜 苦之古写 尼 纳大 ”嘛阿 依卡” Ki浓呜 浓 过哆吧 嘎 呼哆 阿大嘛 哦 浓比路 ”莫呜 ki米 尼 哇 谢嗯谢嗯 ki大依 示爹纳依 卡拉” 索咧呀 嘛阿 哇大示 打跌 几布嗯 尼 ki大依 纳多 示爹纳依 ke咧多 阿咧 哇 依大依 多呜依呜 阻莫里 嗲苏 卡 浓多莫哆 嘛嗲 嗲卡卡大 过哆吧 苦之 哦 阻依爹 嗲大 浓 哇 呜索 过呜示爹 哟呜 莫 哇大示 哇 ki左 纳 过哆吧 哦 罗呜hi 示爹 依ki爹余苦 纳谢 卡苦示爹 示嘛呜 浓 嗲苏 卡 哇拉哇咧路 浓 嘎 过哇依 浓 嗲苏 卡 打咧 尼 莫 阿依大苦纳依 浓 嗲苏 卡 索咧 ho嗯哆呜 嗲苏 卡 阿依嘛依 哆依呜 纳 浓 呜米 尼 哟哇咧爹 依ki 莫 嗲ki纳依 ho多 苦路示依 浓 苏过示 过e 嘎 kiki大苦 纳里嘛示大 Ho嗯哆呜 尼 哟哇依 纳 依k过呜 尼 苏苏嘛纳依 示大苦 浓 哆出呜 莫呜罗呜 哆示大 阿大嘛 嗲 哦莫呜 ”莫呜 里余呜 哦 阻ke爹 呀苏嗯嗲 示嘛哦呜 卡纳” 依呀依呀 哇卡跌嘛苏 跌 纳嗯哆纳苦 依跌 米大 打ke 打 哟 哇卡跌路 卡拉 哦过拉纳依嗲 哟 示阿哇写 打罗呜 哆 呼示阿哇写 打罗呜 哆 哟呜多呜 尼 咋嗯过苦 尼 阿萨hi 哇 浓波路 依ki爹依苦 打ke 嗲 写依依趴依 浓 哇大示 尼 过咧 依左呜 纳尼 哦 浓左目 哆依呜 浓 纳谢 ki 尼 示爹 示嘛呜 浓 嗲苏 卡 Ho嗯哆呜 哇 阿依萨咧大依 浓 嗲苏 卡 索浓 爹 哦 哈纳示大 浓 哇 打咧 嗲苏 卡 Ki 嘎 阻依爹嘛苏 卡 几嗯写依 尼 time card 嘎 阿路 纳拉 哦哇里 浓 几卡嗯 哇 依阻 纳嗯 打罗呜 哇大示 嘎 依ki大 布嗯 浓 余呜 哟呜 哇 打咧 嘎 哈拉呜嗯 嗲苏 卡 thank you 阿里嘎哆呜 跌 依依大依 浓 thank you 阿里嘎哆呜 跌 依依大依 浓 thank you 依之多 打ke 嗲 莫 依依 卡拉 过过罗 浓 索过 卡拉 哦哦纳ki 示纳嘎拉 阿里嘎哆呜 跌 依依大依 浓 纳谢 卡苦示爹 示嘛呜 浓 嗲苏 卡 Ho嗯哆呜 哇 ki依爹 ho示依 浓 嗲苏 卡 谢 大依 尼 哇拉 大里 示纳依 卡拉 哈纳示爹 米嘛写嗯 卡 苦之 哦 hi拉卡纳ke咧吧 哇卡拉纳依 哦莫跌路 打ke 嗲 哇 阻大哇拉纳依 纳嗯爹 咩嗯多呜苦萨依 依ki莫浓 嗲锁呜 尼嗯ge嗯 哆依呜 浓 哇 hello how are uhello how are uhello how are u阿纳大 尼 hello how are u

罪恶王冠Departures歌词 完整版的歌词..

罪恶王冠盛开的野花啊 啊 请一定告诉我 人为什么要互相伤害 互相争斗呢 凛然盛开的花啊 那里能看到什么呢 人为什么不能做到 互相谅解呢 雨后的夏日 映出蓝天 就像往常那样 结成小小的 在我面前 不置一言 日渐枯萎时 你想到了什么 不能言语的你 身为蔓草的你 告诉我爱 在夏日离别 微风荡漾 歌随风逝去 生存之证 由我演唱 那不知名的亡者


专辑:DEPARTURES 艺人:Globe(地球乐团)歌曲:DEPARTURES作词u30fb作曲 小室哲哉中文歌词:=======================一直静躺在照片中的两个人只有那样灿烂的天空 至今仍闪耀发亮著曾几何时 开始了遥远的路程出发的那天 不知为何 风 很大温柔 任性 温度 寂寞 纤细的心全部的一切 都寄托在风中不管到那里 没有界限地飘落堆积的白雪和对你的思念即使一点也好 希望传达给你传达给你 希望你在身边冰冷的夜晚 等待著在无法相见之下 寻找明天曾几何时 记忆编织的时候和你在一起两个人真好START TO BE TIRED TO DO THE SAME THIN"AGAIN AND AGAINLEAVIN" THEIR DREAM,THEIR LOVE BEHINDLOOKIN" AFTER ALL THOSE LONG NIGHTSTO DISCOVER A NEW ADVENTURE从来没有去过 想去玩雪想见面 却不能如愿期待著夜晚 距离天亮还很久也许是冬天的不好吧!但是 在春天 想沐浴在明亮的阳光下永远继续著的道路 这对你的思念一定随著飘落堆积的白雪 更深切 更强烈地支持著二人TRYIN" TO FIND WHAT"S THE MEANIN" OF LOVEALONE AT MIDNIGHT...JUST WANNA SEE YA,JUST WANNA FEEL YAJUST WANNA BE THERE BY YOUR SIDEUNDER THE SAME SNOWUNDER THE SAME MOONLIGHT额头前面的头发长长了 变得差不多了习惯了用左手 感冒也治好了爱 妨碍了梦想 梦想发现了爱温柔 去寻找爱 亲爱的你 请选择我吧!不管到那里 没有界限地飘落堆积的白雪和对你的思念即使一点也好 希望传达给你传达给你 希望你在身边冰冷的夜晚 等待著在无法相见之下 寻找明天曾几何时 记忆编织的时候和你在一起两个人真好=======================原文歌词:globe - DEPARTURES专辑:DEPARTURES 作词 小室哲哉 作曲 小室哲哉 どこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人笑颜だけは 今も辉いているいつの日から细く 长い道が始まる出発の日はなぜか 风が强くてやさしさも わがままも 温もりも 寂しさも思いやりも 全てを 全部あずけたどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくて冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないまま明日を探してるいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいWhen a man and a womanStart to be tried to do the same thin"again and againLeavin" their dream,their love behindLookin" after all those long nightsto discover a new adventure行ったことがないね 雪と游びたいね会いたくて 会えなくて あこがれている夜がやけに长くて 冬のせいかもしれないだけど春は明るく 阳ざし浴びたい永远に続く道それはあなたへの想いがきっと降りつもる雪とともに 深く强く二人を支えていた前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになった左利きも惯れたし 风邪も治った爱が梦を邪魔する 梦が爱を见つけるやさしさが 爱を探してあなたが私を 选んでくれたからどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とあなたへの想い少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくて冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないまま明日を探してるいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいい终わり

departures 网球王子迹部的礼物片尾曲



ずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人zutto fuseta mama no shashin tate no futari笑颜だけは 今も辉いているegao dake wa ima mo kagayaite iruいつの日から细く 长い道が始まるitsu no hi kara osoku nagai michi ga hajimaru出発の日はなぜか 风が强くてtabidachi no hi wa naze ka kaze ga tsuyokuteやさしさも わがままも 温もりも 寂しさもyasashisa mo wagamama mo nukumori mo sabishisa mo思いやりも 全てを 全部あずけたomoi yari mo subete wo zenbu azuketaどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とdokomademo kagiri naku furi tsumoru yuki toあなたへの想いanata e no omoi少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてsukoshi demo tsutaeta kute todoketa kute sobani ite hoshi kute冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないままkogoeru yo machi awase mo deki nai mama明日を探してるashita wo sagashi teruいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいitsudatte omoide wo tsukuru toki niwa anata to futari ga iiWhen a man and a womanStart to be tired to do the same thin"again and againLeavin" their dream, their love behindLookin" after all those long nightsto discover a new adventure行ったことがないね 雪と游びたいねitta koto ga nai ne yuki to asobi tai ne会いたくて 会えなくて あこがれているaitakute aenakute akogarete iru夜がやけに长くて 冬のせいかもしれないyoru ga yake ni nagakute fuyu no sei kamo shirenaiだけど春は明るく 阳ざし浴びたいdakedo haru wa akaruku hizashi abi tai永远に続く道eien ni tsuzuku michiそれはあなたへの想いがきっとsore wa anata e no omoi ga kitto降りつもる雪とともに 深く强くfuri tsumoru yuki to tomo ni fukaku tsuyoku二人を支えていたfutari wo sasaete itaTRYIN" TO FIND WHAT"S THE MEANIN" OF LOVEALONE AT MIDNIGHT...JUST WANNA SEE YA,JUST WANNA FEEL YAJUST WANNA BE THERE BY YOUR SIDEUNDER THE SAME SNOWUNDER THE SAME MOONLIGHT前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになったmaegami ga nobi tane onaji kurai mo natta左利きも惯れたし 风邪も治ったhidari kiki mo nare tashi kaze mo naotta爱が梦を邪魔する 梦が爱を见つけるai ga yume wo jama suru yume ga ai wo mitsukeruやさしさが 爱を探してyasashisa ga ai wo sagashiteあなたが私を 选んでくれたからanata ga watashi wo erande kureta karaどこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪とdokomademo kagiri naku furi tsumoru yuki toあなたへの想いanata e no omoi少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくてsukoshi demo tsutaeta kute todoketa kute sobani ite hoshi kute冻える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないままkogoeru yo machi awase mo deki nai mama明日を探してるashita wo sagashi teruいつだって想い出をつくる时にはあなたと二人がいいitsudatte omoide wo tsukuru toki niwa anata to futari ga ii一直静躺在照片中的两个人只有那样灿烂的天空 至今仍闪耀发亮著曾几何时 开始了遥远的路程出发的那天 不知为何 风 很大温柔 任性 温度 寂寞 纤细的心全部的一切 都寄托在风中不管到那里 没有界限地飘落堆积的白雪和对你的思念即使一点也好 希望传达给你传达给你 希望你在身边冰冷的夜晚 等待著在无法相见之下 寻找明天曾几何时 记忆编织的时候和你在一起两个人真好START TO BE TIRED TO DO THE SAME THIN"AGAIN AND AGAINLEAVIN" THEIR DREAM,THEIR LOVE BEHINDLOOKIN" AFTER ALL THOSE LONG NIGHTSTO DISCOVER A NEW ADVENTURE从来没有去过 想去玩雪想见面 却不能如愿期待著夜晚 距离天亮还很久也许是冬天的不好吧!但是 在春天 想沐浴在明亮的阳光下永远继续著的道路 这对你的思念一定随著飘落堆积的白雪 更深切 更强烈地支持著二人TRYIN" TO FIND WHAT"S THE MEANIN" OF LOVEALONE AT MIDNIGHT...JUST WANNA SEE YA,JUST WANNA FEEL YAJUST WANNA BE THERE BY YOUR SIDEUNDER THE SAME SNOWUNDER THE SAME MOONLIGHT额头前面的头发长长了 变得差不多了习惯了用左手 感冒也治好了爱 妨碍了梦想 梦想发现了爱温柔 去寻找爱 亲爱的你 请选择我吧!不管到那里 没有界限地飘落堆积的白雪和对你的思念即使一点也好 希望传达给你传达给你 希望你在身边冰冷的夜晚 等待著在无法相见之下 寻找明天曾几何时 记忆编织的时候和你在一起两个人真好

网王里《departures》的歌词是什么?有哪些人唱的啊?如题 谢谢了

无论在那方 风怎么去吹 也轻松去面对 最终不一起我也没痛悲 无论在那方 风始终会吹 会有天吹向着你 替我讲句: 心底爱没有死 照片上 眼睛前 记忆内 笑的脸 爱的人 说的话 那亲密 那痴缠 那滋味 留脑海极自然地 # 每一日也等闲(如)过不腻 从未管 从未知 从何日起 我的路 渐变修长 还有天地 迎向风 并未逃避 猛风劲 我心仍能够安睡 冷风静暖心灵忘了恐惧 有失落 有哀愁 全已准备 和你的 日夜回味 * 无论在那方 风怎么去吹 也轻松去面对 最终不一起我也没痛悲 无论在那方 风始终会吹 会有天吹向着你 替我讲句: 心底爱没有死 @ 无论在那方 也要天天的去追 每秒钟的接近你 爱意不紧不迈向着你推 无论在那方 我也知不可以永远 偏偏选中是你 愿你抽空一起过末世纪 When a man and a woman Start to be tired to do the same thing Again and again Leavin" their dream, their love behind Lookin" after all those long nights To discover a new adventure 雪开路 雪飞来 雪花聚 人物飞 时候飞 情在飞 见不着 见不能 见不遂 人到底 现在何地 repeat # with(如) Trying to find what"s The meaning of love Alone at midnight I just wanna see ya I just wanna feel ya I just wanna be there by your side Under the same snow Under the same moonlight (Break) 爱不倦 永不眠 我不寐 无月色 停未息 仍然在追 发不白 却转红 盼再旖旎 情到底 日夜回味 每一日 也等闲如过也不腻 从未管 从未知 从何日起 我的路 渐变修长 还有天地未睡 迎向清风 并未逃避 如果可以 愿你领会 repeat * @




※日文歌词 DEPARTURES 云が流れる速さにも イラダチ覚え戸惑う 心の中 あやふやで 过ぎ行く时间の狭间で 足りない事がなにか 知りたくなる そんな时は 积み重ねてきた情热 胸に秘めた思いが 眩しく辉きだす 时を越えて行けるはずさ 今、鲜やかに映し出す 未来を 君の心の景色を そして 旅立つこの道に 降り注ぐ光の中 明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら 広がる空の青さにも 不安が募り迷う 心の中 暧昧で 思い描いた理想には 手が届かぬ気がして 挫けそうになる そんな时は すり减らしてきた魂 突き动かされるまま 明るい希望に変わる 梦を叶えられるはずさ そう、答えは一つじゃない 未来も 君の心の景色も そして 遥か彼方へと 降り注ぐ光目指し 明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら 信じる术を见失った 昨日に别れを告げて トンネルをくぐり抜け 虹の彼方へ 时を越えて行けるはずさ 今、鲜やかに映し出す 未来を 君の心の景色を そして 旅立つこの道に 降り注ぐ光の中 明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら 梦を叶えられるはずさ そう、答えは一つじゃない 未来も 君の心の景色も そして 遥か彼方へと 降り注ぐ光目指し 明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら ここから仆ら -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※罗马音歌词 DEPARTURES kumo ga nagareru hayasa nimo IRADACHI oboe tomadou kokoro no naka ayahuya de sugi yuku jikan no hazama de tarinai koto ga nanika shiritakunaru sonna toki wa tsumikasane tekita MONO mure ni himeta omoi ga mabushiku kagayakidasu toki wo koete yukeru hazusa, ima azayaka ni utsushidasu mirai wo kimi no kokoro no keshiki wo soshite tabidatsu kono michi ni furi sosogu hikari no naka ashita e mukatte arukidasou kokokara bokura hirogaru sora no aosa nimo fuan ga tsunori mayou kokoro no naka aimai de omoi egaita risou niwa te ga todokanu kigashite kujikesou ni naru sonna toki wa suri herashitekita MONO sukiugokasareru mama akarui kibou ni kawaru yume wo kanaerareru hazusa sou kotae wa hitotsu jyanai mirai mo kimi no kokoro no keshiki mo soshite haruka kanata eto furi sosogu hikari mezashi ashita e mukatte arukidasou kokokara bokura shinjiru sube wo miushinatta kinou ni wakare wo tsugete TONNERU wo kukurinuke niji no kanata e toki wo koete yukeru hazusa ima azayaka ni utsushidasu mirai wo kimi no kokoro no keshiki wo soshite tabidatsu kono michi ni furi sosogu hikari no naka ashita e mukatte arukidasou kokokara bokura yume wo kanaerareru hazusa sou kotae wa hitotsu jyanai mirai mo kimi no kokoro no keshiki mo soshite haruka kanata eto furi sosogu hikari mezashi ashita e mukatte arukidasou kokokara bokura kokokara bokura -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※中文翻译 DEPARTURES(起程) 风云流动的速度 感觉焦急得不知所措 心中也是含糊难辨 光阴流逝的时间缝隙里 总觉得对不满足的事 变得想要知道 那样的时候 堆积的热情 胸中隐匿的情感 闪耀出眩目的光彩 一定能够跨越时空的 现在、鲜艳的反映出来 未来和你心中的景色 然后 起程的这条道上 在照射下来的光芒之中 通往明日 迈出步伐向前吧 我们从这里开始 一望无际的天蓝 越来越不安迷惘 心中也是暧昧不明 用全部心情去描绘的理想 总觉得传达不到 所以变得挫折 那样的时候 耗弱的灵魂 刺激它使之再振作起来的话 也变转变成明亮的希望 梦想一定会实现的 对、因为答案不只一个 未来和你心中的景色都是 然后 目标是遥远彼方 射下的光芒 通往明日 迈出步伐向前吧 我们从这里开始 找不到相信的方法 宣布告别昨日 穿越隧道 通往彩虹的彼方 一定能够跨越时空的 现在、鲜艳的反映出来 未来和你心中的景色 然后 起程的这条道上 在照射下来的光芒之中 通往明日 迈出步伐向前吧 我们从这里开始 梦想一定会实现的 对、因为答案不只一个 未来和你心中的景色都是 然后 目标是遥远彼方 射下的光芒 通往明日 迈出步伐向前吧 我们从这里开始 我们从这里开始


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Departures[剧场版 「テニスの王子様」 迹部からの赠り物 ~君に捧げるテニプリ祭り~ 主题歌]歌:青酢+キャップと瓶云が流れる速さにも イラダチ覚え戸惑う 心の中 あやふやで过ぎ行く时间の狭间で 足りない事が何か 知りたくなる そんな时は积み重ねてきた情热(モノ) 胸に秘めた思いが 眩しく辉き出す时を越えて行けるはずさ 今、鲜やかに映し出す未来を 君の心の景色をそして 旅立つこの道に 降り注ぐ光の中明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら広がる空の青さにも 不安が募り迷う 心の中 暧昧で思い描いた理想には 手が届かぬ気がして 挫けそうになる そんな时はすり减らしてきた魂(モノ) 突き动かされるまま 明るい希望に変わる梦を叶えられるはずさ そう、答えは一つじゃない未来も 君の心の景色もそして 遥か彼方へと 降り注ぐ光目指し明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら信じる术を见失った 昨日に别れを告げてトンネルをくぐり抜け 虹の彼方へ时を越えて行けるはずさ 今、鲜やかに映し出す未来を 君の心の景色をそして 旅立つこの道に 降り注ぐ光の中明日へ 向かって歩き出そう梦を叶えられるはずさ そう、答えは一つじゃない未来も 君の心の景色もそして 遥か彼方へと 降り注ぐ光目指し明日へ 向かって歩き出そう ここから仆ら ここから仆らkumo ga nagareru hayasa nimo, IRADACHI oboe tomadou, kokoro no naka, ayahuya desugi yuku jikan no hazama de, arinai koto ga nanika, shiritakunaru, sonna toki watsumikasane tekita MONO, mure ni himeta omoi ga, mabushiku kagayakidasutoki wo koete yukeru hazusa, ima, azayaka ni utsushidasumirai wo, kimi no kokoro no keshiki wososhite, tabidatsu kono michi ni, furi sosogu hikari no nakaashita e , mukatte arukidasou, kokokara bokurahirogaru sora no aosa nimo, fuan ga tsunori mayou, kokoro no naka, aimai deomoi egaita risou niwa, te ga todokanu kigashite, kujike souni naru, sonna toki wasuri herashitekita MONO, tsukiugokasareru mama, akarui kibou ni kawaruyume wo kanaerareru hazusa, sou, kotae wa hitotsu jyanaimirai mo, kimi no kokoro no keshiki mososhite, haruka kanata eto, furi sosogu hikari mezashiashita e, mukatte arukidasou, kokokara bokurashinjiru sube wo miushinatta, kinou ni wakare wo tsugeteTONNERU wo kukurinuke, niji no kanata etoki wo koete yukeru hazusa, ima, azayaka ni utsushidasumirai wo, kimi no kokoro no keshiki wososhite, tabidatsu kono michi ni, furi sosogu hikari no nakaashita e , mukatte arukidasouyume wo kanaerareru hazusa, sou, kotae wa hitotsu jyanaimirai mo, kimi no kokoro no keshiki mososhite, haruka kanata eto, furi sosogu hikari mezashiashita e, mukatte arukidasou, kokokara bokura, kokokara bokura云流着的速度也 记住焦躁慌张失措 心里面 含糊走过的时间狭缝 不足的事情总觉得 变想知道 那样的时候是堆起来的热情(人) 胸部隐藏的想啊 耀眼地闪耀起来应该越过时候能去嘛 现在,鲜明地映出未来 你心的风景然后 启程的这条道路啊 大雨如注的光里面明天向去 想要往走起来 从这里我们扩大的呆笨蓝嘛也 不安招募迷失 心里面 暧昧在想像的理想 手没送到的空气做 好像要沮丧的样子在变成 那样的时候是印刷减少的魂(人) 支撑被摇动的照旧 变成明亮的希望应该被能达到梦嘛 是吗,答案是一个是不也有未来 也有你心的风景然后 遥远那边向和 以大雨如注的光为目标明天向去 想要往走起来 从这里我们迷失了相信的技术 昨天告诉离别潜入隧道拔出 彩虹的给那边应该越过时候能去嘛 现在,鲜

《Information technology journal (ITJ)》这个期刊如何?是ei全文收录么,具体投稿格式可否共享一下啊

我投稿的时候也没有分栏,也没有指定审稿人,后来初审返回意见的时候才按要求分栏的。后来我帮着别人投稿的时候都分栏了,不管你影不影响美观,只要中稿了都会要求你分栏的。不过倒没有因为这方面的原因而导致中稿的概率。--来着品 优刊。

information technology and our life英语作文

With the progress of science and technology,people on the mobile phone has not only limited to the phone,send the information so simple,now,intelligent mobile phone has been coming to us,permeate every corner of life.Intelligent mobile phone is more popular nowadays are so powerful,there is virtual and real life and experience the perfect combination of.In the letter to upload videos and photos,as for QQ,Skype and other video chat is extremely convenient; map,navigation,bar code recognition goods and price,market price,the subway traffic query,weather forecast and PM2.5,translation,calculator,unit conversion,visit the news blog to send and receive mail,video,photos or video the recording is more easy and convenient,and these are the powerful function of mobile phone in a corner,and those who master skillful use of mobile phone cannot be mentioned in the same breath,but I have been very satisfied,satisfied the spiritual needs,hope later can more understand the mobile phone,let mobile phone into our common people"s daily life,and a sentence fashionable discourse,intelligent mobile phone to change our life.Chat with friends,to explore in the next few years intelligent mobile phone will have a revolutionary change to and development of,can"t predict.

在dos下用turbo c 编译c程序,链接时报错,代码段超过64k,怎么办?

可能是link后面跟的字符串超长了,把参数放到另一个文件,然后用 tlink @文件名 的方式试试


会,我正在使用一个来自scikit-image的分割算法,在某个时刻,我想将分割后的图像存储到一个数组对象中,这项任务是通过执行以下代码来完成的: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 14)) ax.imshow(image, cmap="gray") ax.plot(init[:, 1], init[:, 0], "--r", lw=3) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object ax.plot(snake[:, 1], snake[:, 0], "-b", lw=3) ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis([0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], 0]) fig.canvas.draw() #Save the segmented image into a numpy array: data = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep="") data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) segmentedImage = resize(data, (512, 512))复制现在,问题是我不想显示图像,我只需要将它存储在segmentedImage变量中,而不是一直显示它。我不太清楚哪一行代码实际显示了图像,并且我所做的任何阻止matplotlib执行此操作的努力,例如禁用交互模式,似乎都是失败的,因为我不是在jupyter中工作,而是在Visual Code中工作。

How do you take care of your body (i.e. fitness, nutrition, etc.) 作文题,大家尽情发挥~

I amd a health conscious person and take care of my body in many ways. Firstly, i am cautious about having a healthy diet, with balanced nutritions.There is a saying that "you are what you eat". Thus i do believe that a healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy diet. What is being consumed is very important.I make sure that i follow the food pyramid and do not consume too much fats or junk food, and take in sufficient vitamins and mutritions by eating sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. This is one way which i take care of my body.I also do regular excercises, not only for weight control, but at the same time, to keep fit and healthy so that i will be safe from illnesses like heart diseases. By excercising regularly,apart from keeping fit, i am also able to study more efficiently, due to the endorphines produced which stimulates brain functions. Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has also been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease.There are many other factors which contributes to how i take care f my body but the above mentioned are two main ways which helps to keep my body fit and strong.O.O楼上的你太神了吧

Forever In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Forever In Your Eyes歌手:Jessica Simpson专辑:IrresistibleArtist: Jessica SimpsonAlbum: Irresistible *Title: Forever In Your EyesEyes like fire - Burn desireAs we dance away into the nightThis attraction - Fuels a passionThat"s just too strong for us to try and fightEach moment we"re togetherI just never want to end"Cause I could never feel this way again"Cause nothing else had ever felt so rightTo feel your body lying next to mineAs the rhythm of your heart beats through meAll through the nightI never thought I"d ever realizeA long that feels so close to paradiseBoy I could spend my whole life livingForever in our eyesLips so tender - I surrenderEverything I am is yours aloneWhen you tough me - All that I seeFire feeling that my heart has never knownYou"re all I ever dreamed ofyou"re my every fantasyWhoever thought on angel could bring heaven here to me"Cause nothing else had ever felt so rightTo feel your body lying next to mineAs the rhythm of your heart beats through meAll through the nightI never thought I"d ever realizeA long that feels so close to paradiseBoy I could spend my whole life livingForever in our eyesYou"re the one my heart beats forYou"re my everything and moreIt"s a burnin" love I can"t seem to ignoreAll the things I feel insideAre too strong for me to hide (baby)I need you by my side"Cause I could live forever in your eyes"Cause nothing else had ever felt so rightTo feel your body lying next to mineAs the rhythm of your heart beats through meAll through the nightI never thought I"d ever realizeA long that feels so close to paradiseBoy I could spend my whole life livingForever in our eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8321854

home is in your eyes歌词

My heart beats a little bit slower   我的心跳有些慢   these nights are a little bit colder   这些夜晚有点冷   Now that you"re gone   现在你走了   my skies seem a little bit darker   我的天空看起来有点阴暗   sweet dreams gonna a little bit harder   甜蜜的梦似乎有点困难   I hate when you"re gone   我恨你离开的时候   Everyday time is passing, growing tired of all this traffic   每天时间在流逝 ,厌倦了所有的交通   take Me away to where you are   带我去你那里   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   Just so I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so far away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is In your eyes   因为家就在你眼中   Your heart beats a little bit faster   你的心跳有些快   there"s tears were there used to be laughter   曾经有泪水也有欢笑   now that I"m gone   现在我走了   You talk just a little bit softer   你的话语有些轻柔   things take just a little bit longer   事情需要一些时间   you hate that I"m gone   你恨我走了   Everyday time is passing   每天时间在流逝   growing tired of all this traffic   厌倦了这一切的交通   take me away To where you are   带我去你那里   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   Just So I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so far away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in Your eyes   因为家就在你眼中   If I could write another ending   如果我能写下另一个结局   this wouldn"t even be our song   这也不会是我们的歌   I"d find a way that we would never ever be apart   我想找到一种方法,我们将永远不分开   right from the start   从一开始   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   Where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   just so I Can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so farr away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in your Eyes   因为家就在你眼中    I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   just So I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so farr away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in Your eyes   因为家就在你眼中

Look in Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Look in Your Eyes歌手:Ric Ocasek专辑:This Side of ParadiseThere"s nothing in here movingBut I know I"m not aloneSad escapes and lullabies go homeThere"s someone trying to reach youWithout a cautious doubtSomeone you could never figure outBut you felt it all beforeYou got that look in your eyesThat makes me wanna tryYou got that look in your eyesTonight you"re full of sorrysMoonlight swims in bitter sweetYou never really know just who to keepIt"s a question of silenceAnd propositions that you fearIt"s a question of silence or tearsBut you"ve been through this beforeYou got that look in your eyesThat makes me wanna tryYou got that look in your eyesThere"s nothing in here movingBut I know I"m not aloneSad escapes and lullabies go homeBut you"ve done it all beforeYou got that look in your eyesThat makes me wanna tryYou got that look in your eyesYou got that look in your eyesYou got that look in your eyesYou got that look in your eyesYou got that look in your eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/27206091

The Sundays的《Your Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Eyes歌手:The Sundays专辑:Static And SilenceYour EyesGary King & Mike BaiardiYour eyesbabybeautiful girlwith the beautiful smilei can"t help but stare at you babyplease don"t pass bywon"t you stay for a whilethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when i"m lonelyand i"m by myselfwhen i need a little helpto make it throughall i need to see isyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulbabytell me your dreamstell me your fearsare you scared love won"t last through the years, girl?it"s not what it seemsi"ve been there beforethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when you"re lonelyand your by yourselfwhen you need a little helpto make it throughjust remember what i saw inyour eyesthey"re more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesthey"re more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesare a window to my soulshoulder length hairsuch a beautiful girli can"t help but stare at you babya beautiful smilewon"t you stay for a whilethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when i"m lonelyand i"m by myselfwhen i need a little helpto make it throughall i need isyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulare a window to my souli see my hopes and my dreamswhen i look in your eyesin your eyesin your eyesin your eyesyour eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2779424

Lost In Your Eyes歌词翻译

Lost in Paradise 迷失在天堂词曲:Peter Sven Kvint/Vincent Degiorgio 编曲:吕绍淳演唱:Joanna 王若琳 Lost In ParadiseI know that it might sound strangeBut you made my seasons start to changeIt happened so suddenlyLike heaven has waited up for meI"ve just been looking so longKept meeting my Mr.WrongIn every model and every sizeNow my fantasyIs staring at your eyesSometimes you think I"m beautifulBut I don"t knowI"ll keep it to myselfYou say it,It feels wonderfulMy smile can showI"m lost in paradiseThe letters you wrote to meShowed me the signs I"ve never seenI thought every man I"d wantFalls out of a dating magazineBut I konw that with youI was so far from the truth,On every page and every lineNow you"re my everythingI guess you know how to read my mindSometimes you think I"m beautifulBut I don"t knowI"ll keep it to myselfYou say it,It feels wonderfulMy smile can showI"m lost in paradiseI know I guess that it showsthe message left flows to memake it more worth than make believe迷失在天堂我知道听起来很奇怪你改变了我的季节实在是太意外了彷佛天堂正恭候著我的到来我寻寻觅觅却总是一直遇到形形色色的错误对象如今 我的爱情幻梦正凝视著你的双眼有些时候 你觉得我美丽动人我浑然不知我会记住你对我的赞美你说了这感觉很奇妙我的微笑说明了我已迷失在天堂中你写给我的信让我看见我前所未见的徵兆我猜想我所渴望的男人都会从约会杂志里头跳出来如今 跟你在一起我知道 一页页 一句句的话语都不是真的你是我的一切我猜想你真的非常了解我我知道我猜想一切都表露无疑浮现在我脑海中的话语让我明白一切都不是虚假

高潮歌词重复出现look in your eyes 女声英文歌!

Look In Your Eyes演唱:Lynda SayyahWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions burning inside of meI thank god every day of my lifeWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions burning inside of meI thank god every day of my lifeI never forgetWhen I look in your eyesWhen we metsummer of 0"5Never wouldOf guessed or expectedto feel so aliveCause you were like a localAnd I was more like a visitorBut from the second I saw youI knew I had to get with yaSpit a little gameYou acted like you got nausousI"m laughingAnd I"m thinking to myself stay cautiousCuz, I know you heard of my past.And reputation, for that some hesitation, in fact some separationBut eventually, we were both consumed by the energyLike what could we doWe knew there was chemistryFelt, the attraction, and felt the connection,and felt the affection, and itself was a blessing.So now I"m contemplating,Trying to plot my next move, I told you I don"t care what it takesI got to get youI spent the rest of the summer with you,And I discovered now not only do i want you It"s true girl,I love yaWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions running inside of meI thank god everything went rightWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions running inside of meI thank god everything went rightWhen I look in your eyes.I don"t wanna lie to you,I don"t got the patience or time, andI don"t need to act hard when I"m saying my rhyme,Cuz see I"m grown up, I"m passed that, I"m over the limit.I"m over these women, living with the phoniest image,It"s just a show or a gimmick,Sorry ladies, not meCuz be got beAnd he got she,And he"s cocky,But you know how to deal with it.It"s we not me,So the both of us feelin itNever pictured myself as a co dependentBut I depend on you, and with that there"s no pretendingThat you make me better,When we grow together.we keep close together when we see cold weather.Hum V Wont forget you,You aint leaving my sight,You the reason I write,The reason I fightThe heartbeat of my life,And I don"t care if I sound soft.Cuz all the haters just bounce offWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions burning inside of meI thank god everything went rightWhen I look in your eyesI can feel my temperature riseI feel emotions burning inside of meI thank god everyday of my lifeWhen I look in your eyes

jun gyu jeon也就是郭采洁的《我的未来式》、杨丞琳的《祝福》和《In your eye》的曲作者是谁。


gumi有一首歌,开头是嘟嘟嘟的声音,旋律伴有水滴声音,歌词里还有一句in your eyes


一首英文歌,其中一句歌词I can see it in your eyes


Look In Your Eyes歌词翻译

当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪燃烧内部箱我感谢上帝每天都在我生命中当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪燃烧内部箱我感谢上帝每天都在我生命中当我看到你的眼睛里我从来没有忘记我们见面时夏季0"5永远不会的猜测或预期觉得这样活着导致您就像一个地方我更像一个访问者但是,从第二我看见你我知道我必须获得与亚吐痰有点游戏你们的行动就像你nausous我笑和我想对自己保持谨慎Cuz ,我知道你听说过我的过去。和声誉,因为这有些犹豫,事实上一些分离但最终,我们都是能源消耗什么样的事情,我们可以做我们知道有化学认为,吸引,并认为该连接,并感受到了亲情,和本身就是一种祝福。所以我现在考虑,我想下一步的阴谋,我告诉你我不在乎什么需要我得让你我花剩下的夏天与你,现在,我发现不仅我要你这是真的女孩,我爱亚当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪里面我运行我感谢上帝一切都正确当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪里面我运行我感谢上帝一切都正确当我看到你的眼睛里。我不想骗你,我没有耐心和时间,并我并不需要采取行动时,我很难说我的韵,Cuz见我长大了,我已过了,我的极限。我对这些妇女的生活与phoniest形象,这只是一个显示或噱头,对不起各位,不是我Cuz得是他和她,他的自大,但是你知道如何处理它。这是我们不是我,所以,我们都feelin它从来没有想象自己是一个共同依赖但是,我依靠你,并与没有假装你让我更好,当我们共同成长。我们保持密切的合作时,我们看到的寒冷天气。坎V惯于忘记你,你是不会离开我的视线,你的原因,我写,我之所以作斗争心跳的我的生活,我不在乎我声音软。Cuz所有haters只是反弹当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪燃烧内部箱我感谢上帝一切都正确当我看到你的眼睛里我能感觉到我的温度上升我觉得情绪燃烧内部箱我感谢上帝,我每天都生活当我看到你的眼睛里机器翻译~

Tamra Rosanes的《Your Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Eyes歌手:Tamra Rosanes专辑:Like I Like ItYour EyesGary King & Mike BaiardiYour eyesbabybeautiful girlwith the beautiful smilei can"t help but stare at you babyplease don"t pass bywon"t you stay for a whilethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when i"m lonelyand i"m by myselfwhen i need a little helpto make it throughall i need to see isyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulbabytell me your dreamstell me your fearsare you scared love won"t last through the years, girl?it"s not what it seemsi"ve been there beforethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when you"re lonelyand your by yourselfwhen you need a little helpto make it throughjust remember what i saw inyour eyesthey"re more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesthey"re more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesare a window to my soulshoulder length hairsuch a beautiful girli can"t help but stare at you babya beautiful smilewon"t you stay for a whilethere"s so much that i wanna say to youand when i"m lonelyand i"m by myselfwhen i need a little helpto make it throughall i need isyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulyour eyesare more than beautiful babyyour eyesare a window to my soulare a window to my souli see my hopes and my dreamswhen i look in your eyesin your eyesin your eyesin your eyesyour eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10448976

see the stones ni your eyes是什么歌的歌词

U2乐队的With Or Without You U2是80年代以来英国和爱尔兰最受瞩目的伟大乐队,

When I look in your eyes(温柔的眼神) 歌词

歌曲名:When I look in your eyes(温柔的眼神)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)When I look in your eyes(温柔的眼神)贵族乐团When I look in your eyesI see the wisdom of the world in your eyesI see the sadness of a thousand goodbyesWhen I look in your eyesAnd it is no surpriseTo see the softness of the moon in your eyesThe gentle sparkle of the stars in your eyesWhen I look in your eyesIn your eyesI see the deepness of the seaI see the deepness of the loveThe love I feel you feel for meAutumn comes, summer diesI see the passing of the years in your eyesAnd when we part there will be no tears, no goodbyesI"ll just look into your eyesThose eyes, so wiseSo warm, so realHow I love the world, your eyes reveal译文:温柔的眼神当我望着你的双眼我在其中看见世界的睿智我看见千个说再见的哀伤当我望着你的双眼而不会讶异在你眼中看见月亮的柔和你眼中星光的温和闪耀当我望着你的双眼在你的眼中我望见大海的深邃我看见爱情的深辽我感觉到那就是你所对我的爱夏逝秋来在你眼中我看见岁月的流逝而当我们在一起时没有泪水,没有别离我只要看着你的双眼这双眼,如此聪慧这么温暖,这样真实我多么深爱你眼中流露出的世界http://music.baidu.com/song/20727696

杨丞琳和罗志祥的In Your Eyes歌词应该怎么唱(对唱)有重叠!!!

你问我 你眼中 我看到甚麽 我回答 隐形眼镜 还有一个 帅到翻的我 我问你 你眼中 你爱我甚麽 你总是 钓我胃口 故作神秘 爱说不说 男生都这样爱耍坏 行为举止 挑战我的忍耐 女生才是 有够奇怪 心里永远 那麽多Why In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You 吃醋 撒娇 生气 耍赖 是你的专利 让你来 疼我 爱我 让我 喂我 这些小事情 让你来 只要 让我(你)愉快 就算耍冷 下不了台 我全都愿意 都是因为爱 我问你 你眼中 透漏些甚麽 你笑着 保持沉默 让我期待 你的承诺 男生都这样爱耍坏 行为举止 挑战我的忍耐 女生才是 有够奇怪 心里永远 那麽多Why In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You 请闭上眼睛 坏蛋你想做甚麽 哪有做甚麽 你的小计谋 才不可能骗到我 oh 你的眼睛 也累了该休息一下 就让我趁这个机会 靠近你 吻你一下 In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我们存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 因为有你 才会精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You

“in your eyes the sky is different blue”是哪首英文歌曲里的歌词?

Bon Jovi - Thank you for loving meIt"s hard for me to say the thingsI want to say sometimesThere"s no one here but you and meAnd that broken old street lightLock the doorsWe"ll leave the world outsideAll I"ve got to give to youAre these five words when IChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeFor parting my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meThank you for loving meI never knew I had a dreamUntil that dream was youWhen I look into your eyesThe sky"s a different blueCross my heartI wear no disguiseIf I tried, you"d make believeThat you believed my liesChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeFor parting my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meYou pick me up when I fall downYou ring the bell before they count me outIf I was drowning you would part the seaAnd risk your own life to rescue meSoloLock the doorsWe"ll leave the world outsideAll I"ve got to give to youAre these five words when IChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeYou parted my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meWhen I couldn"t flyOh, you gave me wingsYou parted my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving me http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&word=thank+you+for+loving+me&lm=-1

love in your eyes是那首歌的歌词

歌曲:love in your eyes歌手:soraya 专辑:on nights like this


可翻译为:[in your eyes]在你眸中 in your eyes the desire.你双眸中那份盼望 let me feel that i loved you.让我似曾爱过你 and i live in a feeling .以这种感觉一直生活着 as if i"m in love with you ,oh my darling.仿似同你相恋般一样,是吗,我心爱的 Ah my dear you own my heart.心爱的你是属于我一个人的 my desire increases when you"re next to me.当靠近我时,那份盼望预发萌生 everything show in me.我所表现出的一切 from a long time i wana tell you.老早就想诉你 that i love you oh my soul.从灵魂中深爱着你 your more precious than my eyes.比我双眸中任何事物更珍贵 loved and i"ve found.爱过且发觉过 In your love all i"ve been wishing for .一直静待你那份情 i"m yours i missed you.诉说着我只属于你、想念你的那份情 your heart called me and i went with him .当我同他漫步之时,似觉君情召唤着 i loved.爱过了 in your love oh my life .生命中爱过你 i"m yours.也曾属于你 in your love,oh my dear,all i wished for .心爱的,我所许的所有心愿 your heart called out to my heart.即为同你心连心 It called me and went in you"re breeze.任凭狂风也要共相伴.

In Your Eyes 歌词

In Your Eyes作词:崔惟楷 作曲:Jeon、Jon Gyu演唱:罗志祥、杨丞琳你问我你眼中我看到甚么我回答 隐形眼镜 还有一个 帅到翻的我我问你 你眼中 你爱我甚么你总是 钓我胃口 故作神秘 爱说不说男生都这样爱耍坏行为举止 挑战我的忍耐女生才是 有够奇怪心里永远 那么多坏In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For You吃醋 撒娇 生气 耍赖 是你的专利 让你来疼我 爱我 让我 喂我 这些小事情 让你来只要 让我(你)愉快 就算耍冷 下不了台我全都愿意 都是因为爱我问你 你眼中 透漏些甚么你笑着 保持沉默 让我期待 你的承诺男生都这样爱耍坏行为举止 挑战我的忍耐女生才是 有够奇怪心里永远 那么多坏In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For You请闭上眼睛 坏蛋你想做甚么哪有做甚么你的小计谋 才不可能骗到我oh 你的眼睛 也累了该休息一下就让我趁这个机会 靠近你 吻你一下In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我们存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩因为有你 才会精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For Youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8428471

《in your eyes》 是什么意思?


In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:安七炫专辑:PolarisSa shi leun gu lae don go jioMo du a go I so jioGeu dae I a peum dooh baby your eyesji chin geu dae nun bi chul bo myoo don yak sok jocha al sun ob so jioDa seu han geu dae sum diol so kemo du neu dyo jio so jioNal yang an sa rang eulyour heartgeu leul jio don wu li dulha ji manham ge myon hal su I ge jioNae an wi gu dae waThe love just made for meThe love that I can feelWu li him gio wo don go man geumhang bok man I ge jioThrow your hurt awaycan"t you see how can bese sang o don a peum so ke dooh babyJal hae gal su I ge jioWu li neunneu daen mo leu go I ge jioA ji me nu neul deul dae doo gi mob shi geu dae jioMy eyesnae do nun so ken ga deuksa rang Iwu ji go dael yang hae I jioGeu daedo nae mam gat ge jioThe love just made for meThe love that I can feelWu li him gyo wo don go man keumhaeng bok man I ge jioThrow your hurt awaycan"t you see hwo can bese sang o don a peum so ke doOh babyjal hae gal su I ge jioWu lineun na yi du nu nenae do su nega deu ki go yo jinseul peun nun mu leun I jenobsdeun go dyo~~~~~The love just made fo meThe love that I can feelWuli him gyo wo don go man geumhang bok man I ge jioThrow your hurt awaycan"t you see how can beSe sang o don a peum so ke dojal hae gal su I ge jioWu lineun yong won hal su I ge jioOn je nahttp://music.baidu.com/song/996642

2009年出的一首很蓝调的英文歌,女声。里面歌词有in your eyes.很舒缓。

I see you 么?阿凡达主题曲啊 呵呵

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Tony Lucca专辑:In Your EyesWhat on earth am I meant to doIn this crowded place there is only youWas gonna leave now I have to stayYou have taken my breath away(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youDestiny has a funny wayWhen it comes and takes all your cares awayI can"t think of a single thingOther than what a beautiful state I"m in(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youWith you with you with you...Want to make it with youWith you with you with you...(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyes...http://music.baidu.com/song/17518230

in your eyes 歌词

1.阿肯的Akon - In Your Eyes (Once In A While I Do Look At You) I Can See It...Cuz Everyday I Can"t Help But See It, People Aint Satisfied...And Your Hatin" Your 9 to 5, & Everybody Wanna Live AnotherLife...Even If You Go Out To Mountain Climb, To Better Your Day...All That Will Do Is Leave Room For People To Say...Wish You Livin" Better Now, Share A Little O" That CheddarNow...Cuz I Remember Days Back When A Brother Was Hustlin" N Robbin"Too...I Dun Tossed The Beretta Now, On A Whole Nother Level Now...Still I Can"t Enjoy My Fame, "Less My People Doin The Same &Gettin" Money Too...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**Ooh Once In A While...I Can See That You Don"t Want To EverStruggle No More...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**I Can See That You Don"t Ever Wanna Cry No More...Cuz Every Time You Ask Me In Grinding, It Shouldn"t Have To BeThat Way...Shouldn"t Have To Be My Way, I Shouldn"t Have To Want For ABrighter Day...Gotta Little Little Problem On My Way, Bounty Hunter CheckinState To State...Child Support Lady On Your Case, Not To Mention Tickets You AintNever Paid...Ooh It Will Stop Though, This What You Be Askin...God Please Hold It Down For Me, Don"t Let Satan Get A Hold OfMe...I"m Tryna Tell You, It Can Happen To Me Too...But It Happend Lot Worse To My Brother, Muhamad, I Thank God HeRecovered**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**Ooh Once In A While...I Can See That You Don"t Want To StruggleNo More...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**I Can See That You Don"t Ever Wanna Cry No More... 2. 歌曲:In Your Eyes(台湾偶像剧《海派甜心》插曲)   Rainie & Love....?雨爱 歌手:杨丞琳 & 罗志祥  音乐风格:流行  专辑:《Rainie & Love....?雨爱》  发行时间:2010年01月01日  唱片公司:Sony Music  地区:台湾  语言:国语 原词曲:Jeon / JunGyu 改编词:崔惟楷  (罗)你问我 你眼中 我看到什么  我回答 隐形眼镜  还有一个 帅到翻的我  (杨)我问你 你眼中 你爱我什么  你总是 钓我胃口  故作神秘 爱说不说  男生都这样 爱耍坏  行为举止 挑战我的忍耐  (罗)女生才是 有够奇怪  心里永远 那么多Why  (合)In Your Eyes  发现一种东西叫爱  (因为爱 所以我存在)  In Your Eyes  看见生活多么精彩  (罗)看着你 我神眼离不开  早被你打败  (合)其实你悄悄变成  我的最爱  My Love Is For You  (罗)吃醋 撒娇 生气 耍赖  是你的专利 让你来  (杨)疼我 爱我 让我 为我  这些小事情 让你来  (合)只要 让你(我)愉快  就算耍冷 下不了台  我全都愿意 都是因为爱  (杨)我问你 你眼中 透漏些什么  你笑着 保持沉默  让我期待 你的承诺  男生都这样 爱耍坏  行为举止 挑战我的忍耐  (罗)女生才是 有够奇怪  心里永远 那么多Why  (合)In Your Eyes  发现一种东西叫爱  (因为爱 所以我存在)  In Your Eyes  看见生活多么精彩  (罗)看着你 我神眼离不开  早被你打败  (合)其实你悄悄变成  我的最爱  My Love Is For You  (罗)请闭上眼睛  (杨)坏蛋 你想做什么  (罗)哪有做什么  (杨)你的小计谋 才不可能 骗倒我  (合)喔 你的眼睛 也累了 该休息一下  就让我 趁这个机会  靠近你 吻你一下  In Your Eyes  发现一种东西叫爱  (因为爱 所以我们存在)  In Your Eyes  看见生活多么精彩  (杨)因为有你 才会精彩  (罗)看着你 我神眼离不开  早被你打败  (合)其实你悄悄变成  我的最爱  My Love Is For You

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:The Shanes专辑:Shanes VITripped along many stonesEnough to sayI found my own wayI don"t know where to goCouldn"t see where it leadsMaking castles in the sandAfraid no one else would hold my handI"m stained from the worldSad, sad, sad little girlBut I see in your eyesYour wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack home... back homeHolding on to memoriesOften scaredOf what I"d seeAnd then you cameAnd then you cameAnd rescued meAnd I"m okayI"m okayBut I see in your eyesYou wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayOh and I know you"ll never leave me aloneI"ll follow you just anywhere that you goIn my life I can see youI know I believe you will stay, ohIn your eyesYou wear no disguiseOh oh ohLike a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyOh yeah oh oh ohIn your eyes oh ohOh yeah, oh yeahYeah hey yeah ohI said you"re like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack homeBack homeIn your eyesIn your eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8108363

李宇春的eyes like yours 和zombie的歌词

eyes like yoursOh, you know I have seen A sky without sun A man with no nation Saints, captive in chains A song with no name For lack of imagination Ya he… And I have seen Darker than ebony Ya he… And now it seems, that I Without your eyes could never be My one desire, all I aspire Is in your eyes forever to live Traveled all over, the seven oceans There is nothing that I wouldn"t give Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eves like yours Oh, I have just seen A woman of means In rags and begging for pleasure Crossed a river of salt Just after I rode A ship that"s sunk in the desert Ya he… And I have seen Darker than ebony Ya he… And now it seems, that I Without your eyes could never be My one desire, all I aspire Is in your eyes forever to live Traveled all over, the seven oceans There is nothing that I wouldn"t give Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours李宇春 Zombie Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence caused such silence Who are we mistaken But You see it"s not me, It s not my family In your head,in your head They are fighting With their tanks, and their bombs And their bombs, and their guns In your head In your head they are crying In your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie What"s in your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie Another mother"s breaking Heart is taking over When the violence causes silence We must be mistaken It"s the same old theme since 1916 In your head, In your head they"re still fighting With their tanks ,and their bombs And their bombs, and their guns In your head In your head they are dying In your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie What"s in your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie


题主是否想询问“In your eyes什么歌”?《In Your Eyes》。1、歌词节选:In your eyes,I can see fire,Im burning up inside,Touch the flame。2、歌曲简介。“In your eyes”是《In Your Eyes》中的歌词,原唱为Tom Wilson/MAJRO,发行时间为2019年04月12日。

i can see the colors in your eye是哪首歌里的

我能看见你的眼 。

求:驿动的心(love in your eyes)英文歌词

歌曲:《驿动的心》词曲:梁弘志演唱:姜育恒专辑:《驿动的心》歌词:曾经以为我的家是一张张的票根撕开后展开旅程投入另外一个陌生这样飘荡多少天这样孤独多少年终点又回到起点到现在我才发觉哦路过的人 我早已忘记经过的事 已随风而去驿动的心 已渐渐平息疲惫的我是否有缘 和你相依曾经以为我的家是一张张的票根撕开后展开旅程投入另外一个陌生这样飘荡多少天这样孤独多少年终点又回到起点到现在我才发觉哦路过的人 我早已忘记经过的事 已随风而去驿动的心 已渐渐平息疲惫的我是否有缘 和你相依哦路过的人 我早已忘记经过的事 已随风而去驿动的心 已渐渐平息疲惫的我是否有缘 和你相依疲惫的我是否有缘 和你相依

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:George Benson专辑:Midnight MoodsGeorge Benson-In Your Eyes送给最爱的老公 (纪昀)老公,我爱你!永远!嘿嘿!I think I finally know youI can see beyond your smileI think that I can show youThat what we have is still worthwhileDon"t you know that love"s just like the threadThat keeps unravelling but thenIt ties us back together in the endIn your eyesI can see my dream"s reflectionsIn your eyesfound the answers to my questionsIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you moreYou warned me that life changesThat no one really knowsWhether time would make us strangersOr whether time would make us growEven though the winds of time will changeIn a world where nothing stays the sameThrough it all our love will still remainIn your eyesI can see my dream"s reflectionsIn your eyesfound the answers to my questionsIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you moreIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54359460

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Aaron Neville专辑:The Tattooed HeartTripped along many stonesEnough to sayI found my own wayI don"t know where to goCouldn"t see where it leadsMaking castles in the sandAfraid no one else would hold my handI"m stained from the worldSad, sad, sad little girlBut I see in your eyesYour wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack home... back homeHolding on to memoriesOften scaredOf what I"d seeAnd then you cameAnd then you cameAnd rescued meAnd I"m okayI"m okayBut I see in your eyesYou wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayOh and I know you"ll never leave me aloneI"ll follow you just anywhere that you goIn my life I can see youI know I believe you will stay, ohIn your eyesYou wear no disguiseOh oh ohLike a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyOh yeah oh oh ohIn your eyes oh ohOh yeah, oh yeahYeah hey yeah ohI said you"re like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack homeBack homeIn your eyesIn your eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8046644

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:TWO-MIX专辑:7TH Anniversary BESTI FOR YOU 私だけ见つめて强く抱いて 离さないで雨に打たれても 心を涙で 濡らさないように…『In Your Eyes』作词:永野椎菜/作曲:高山みなみ/编曲:Two-Mix歌:Two-Mix気づけば自然な程しぐさや口癖とか驯染んでゆくの判る…自分に重ね合わせて…うまく话せる 自信はないけど それでもね…君が今どれ程 大切な人かをもっと伝えたい…LOVE FOR YOU 伤ついた数だけ甘く せつないKISS くれる…君へ溢れそうな情热…静かに持て余す…I FOR YOU 私だけ见つめて强く抱いて 离さないで雨に打たれても 心を涙で 濡らさないように…见えない扉を开け歩いて来た 几つも…昨日と违う今日を信じて裏切られても…頬に触れれば 全てが判るよ 何もかも…生きてきた理由も 巡り会う奇迹も爱が 导いて…LOVE FOR YOU 特别な二人になれる… 同じ明日を愿い…そして… 美しくなりたいまぶしい 瞳の中で…I FOR YOU 存在の确かさどこにいても 感じてたい…雨に闭ざされた 声さえいつでも闻き取れるようにLOVE FOR YOU 伤ついた数だけ甘く せつない KISS くれる…君へ溢れそな情热…静かに持て余すhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18254158

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Yanni专辑:If I Could Tell YouOooh, love...I get so lost sometimesDays passAnd this emptiness fills my heartWhen I want to run awayI drive off in my carBut whichever way I goI come back to the place you areAnd though my instincts, they returnAnd this grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, and without my prideI reach out from the inside, ooh ooohIn your eyes, the light, the heatI am completeI see the doorway to a thousand churchesthe resolution of all the fruitless searchesOh, I see the light I see the heatOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyesLove...I don"t like to see so much painSo much wastedAnd this moment keeps slipping awayI get so tired of working so hard for my survivalI look to the time with you to keep me awake and aliveAnd though my instincts, they returnAnd this grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, and without my prideI reach out from the inside, ooh ooohIn your eyes, the light, the heatI am completeI see the doorway to a thousand churchesThe resolution of all the fruitless searchesOh, I see the light I see the heatOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyesIn your eyes, ooh...In your eyes, ooh...http://music.baidu.com/song/3461813

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:James "D-Train" Williams专辑:In Your EyesGeorge Benson-In Your Eyes送给最爱的老公 (纪昀)老公,我爱你!永远!嘿嘿!I think I finally know youI can see beyond your smileI think that I can show youThat what we have is still worthwhileDon"t you know that love"s just like the threadThat keeps unravelling but thenIt ties us back together in the endIn your eyesI can see my dream"s reflectionsIn your eyesfound the answers to my questionsIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you moreYou warned me that life changesThat no one really knowsWhether time would make us strangersOr whether time would make us growEven though the winds of time will changeIn a world where nothing stays the sameThrough it all our love will still remainIn your eyesI can see my dream"s reflectionsIn your eyesfound the answers to my questionsIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you moreIn your eyesI can see the reasons why our love"s aliveIn your eyeswe"re drifting safely back to shoreAnd I think I"ve finally learned to love you morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14875737

温流在致美丽的你中的插曲《in your eyes》中文和中文音译歌词

(中文歌词)虽然一次都没有说出口其实我那天感觉到了心脏的跳动我从一开始就知道虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运爱情向我走来走向你的那个瞬间就像永远不会醒来的梦真的如梦境一般还记得初见的那天那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子感谢你来到我的身边我从一开始就知道虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运爱情向我走来走向你的那个瞬间就像永远不会醒来的梦真的如梦境一般看著我笑起来的你在这样美好的日子里却为何流泪在我眼里希望这一切都变成永远不会醒来也永远不变的梦爱情停留的地方我们一起度过的时间对我来说 就像不泯灭的梦还记得初见那天那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子真的谢谢你(音译)堂 汗bon多 吗蓝 叫 高不几慢 萨西 麦lia 南 科那来 一 新将你对嫩 高儿 呢giao扫 桥文不套 南 乃 素 一扫扫 后新海 孙 闹不扫几慢 一米 无林 穷哎亲 努嗯mion噶他扫 萨浪嗯 内给楼哇闹了 一个嫩 西干额罗 用我你 给几安嫩古慢 噶他扫 穷麦 古慢 噶他扫 桥文慢南科 乃了 gi要开 努你 不西给平打东 科龙 乃类 内给 哇桌东 扣吗我 你噶 内给 哇桌扫 桥文不套南 乃 素 一扫扫 后新海 孙闹不扫几慢 一米 无林 穷哎亲 努嗯mion噶他扫 萨浪嗯 内给楼哇闹了 一个嫩 西干额罗 用我你 给几安嫩古慢 噶他扫 穷麦 古慢 噶他扫 乃 波妙无嫩 闹 一楼尅 就嗯 乃 为 nun木里乃噶 内 努乃嫩 用我你 给几安呢古米gi儿怕类 呢 表起安ki了 萨浪一 毛木嫩过 胡里 杭该海西干额罗 用我你 票起安呢古慢 噶他扫 内干 古慢 噶他扫 桥文慢南科 乃了 gi要开 努你 不西给平打东 科龙 乃类 你噶 哇桌扫 扣吗我 穷麦

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Sr-71专辑:Here We Go AgainLove I get so lost, sometimesDays pass and this emptiness fills my heartWhen I want to run awayI drive off in my carBut whichever way I goI come back to the place you areAll my instincts, they returnAnd the grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, without my prideI reach out from the insideIn your eyesThe light the heatIn your eyesI am completeIn your eyesI see the doorway to a thousand churchesIn your eyesThe resolution of all the fruitless searchesIn your eyesI see the light and the heatIn your eyesOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the lightThe heat I see in your eyesLove, I don"t like to see so much painSo much wasted and this moment keeps slipping awayI get so tired of working so hard for our survivalI look to the time with you to keep me awake and aliveAnd all my instincts, they returnAnd the grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, without my prideI reach out from the insideIn your eyesThe light the heatIn your eyesI am completeIn your eyesI see the doorway to a thousand churchesIn your eyesThe resolution of all the fruitless searchesIn your eyesI see the light and the heatIn your eyesOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the light,The heat I see in your eyesIn your eyes in your eyesIn your eyes in your eyesIn your eyes in your eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14535092

In Your Eyes 歌词


谁知道杨丞琳跟罗志祥合唱的[In Your Eyes]的歌词?谢谢!


i see a promise in your eyes和i see in your eyes a

last cigarette. For a whole week hedid not smoke

求歌词里面有look in your eyes的英文歌

Jonas Brothers-when you look me in the eyes Bryan Adams-Everything I Do,I Do It for you不过两首都不是男女对唱

In Your Eyes-Kylie Minogue达人帮我找到歌词后翻译一下,3Q!~

0分 还是去kylie吧找Houson吧

In Your Eyes 歌词


in your eyes,in your face,in the way you hold my hand什么歌

http://www.xiami.com/song/177154271112uc6d4 24uc77c (D.ear Cover)uac00uc0acEverytime I close my eyesuadf8ub0a0uc774 uc0dduac01ub0a0ub54cuba74Everytime I close my eyesub2e4uc2dc ub610 uc124ub808uc774uace4 ud574uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 uadf8ub0a0uc758 uadf8uc21cuac04ub4e4uc740uc5ecuc804ud788 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 uace0uc2a4ub780ud788 uae30uc5b5ub420The best scene of my life more than anythingThe day before last christmas and gently flowing melodiesIn the soft light of candles. Is where I sang my song for youAnd in your eyes, In your face, In the way you hold my handThe memories of you with me I"ll never forgetEverytime I close my eyesubc24uc0c8 uace0ubbfcud558uace0 uc37cub358 uadf8ud3b8uc9c0ub97c uc77duc5b4uac00uba70ub108ubb34ub098 ub5a8ub838ub358 uadf8 uc21cuac04ub4e4 uae4cuc9c0ub3c4uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 uadf8ub0a0uc758 uadf8uc21cuac04ub4e4uc740uc5ecuc804ud788 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 uace0uc2a4ub780ud788 uae30uc5b5ub420The best scene of my life more than anythingThe day before last christmas and gently flowing melodiesIn the soft light of candles. Is where I sang my song for youAnd in your eyes, In your face, In the way you hold my handThe memories of you with me I"ll never forgetEverytime I close my eyes

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:FeverWhat on earth am I meant to doIn this crowded place there is only youWas gonna leave now I have to stayYou have taken my breath away(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youDestiny has a funny wayWhen it comes and takes all your cares awayI can"t think of a single thingOther than what a beautiful state I"m in(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youWith you with you with you...Want to make it with youWith you with you with you...(Woooh)Is the world still spinning around(Spinning around, woooh)I don"t feel like coming downIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyesI can tell what you"re thinkingMy heart is sinking tooIt"s no surpriseI"ve been watching you latelyI want to make it with youIt"s in your eyes...http://music.baidu.com/song/13973038

Smoke gets in your eyes(你眼中的迷雾) 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke gets in your eyes(你眼中的迷雾) 歌手:贵族乐团 专辑:最爱爵士情歌2(爵士电影) Smoke gets in your eyes(你眼中的迷雾) 贵族乐团 They asked me how I knew My true love was true I of course reply Something here inside Cannot be denied They said someday you"ll find All who love are blind When your heart"s on fire You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes So I chaffed them And I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet today my love has flown away I am without my love Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide So I smile and say When a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes 译文: 你眼中的迷雾 人们问我如何确定 我的真爱确定不假 我是如此确定 因为心中深处感受 是无法否认的 人们说有天你会明白 恋爱中的人是盲目的 当你的心一旦燃烧了 你必须了解 你眼中必定充满迷雾 因此我嘲笑他们 愉快的笑着 居然如此怀疑我的爱情 但今天,我的爱已逝 真情不再 现在,朋友们取笑我 我再也无法隐藏眼泪 只好强颜欢笑的说着 当你的爱情火苗被浇熄时 你的眼中依然充满迷雾 http://music.baidu.com/song/20727838

一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,声音沙哑,歌词里面有in the way ,in your eyes,好像是you开头的

Trouble i am you

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Martin Nievera专辑:Best Wishes, Martin Nievera (A Wedding Love Song Collection)Oooh, love...I get so lost sometimesDays passAnd this emptiness fills my heartWhen I want to run awayI drive off in my carBut whichever way I goI come back to the place you areAnd though my instincts, they returnAnd this grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, and without my prideI reach out from the inside, ooh ooohIn your eyes, the light, the heatI am completeI see the doorway to a thousand churchesthe resolution of all the fruitless searchesOh, I see the light I see the heatOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyesLove...I don"t like to see so much painSo much wastedAnd this moment keeps slipping awayI get so tired of working so hard for my survivalI look to the time with you to keep me awake and aliveAnd though my instincts, they returnAnd this grand facade, so soon will burnWithout a noise, and without my prideI reach out from the inside, ooh ooohIn your eyes, the light, the heatI am completeI see the doorway to a thousand churchesThe resolution of all the fruitless searchesOh, I see the light I see the heatOh, I want to be that completeI want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyesIn your eyes, ooh...In your eyes, ooh...http://music.baidu.com/song/2840850

ln your eyes 是什么意思


In your eyes there is heavy blue什么意思?


一首韩文歌。一男的唱的。有个歌词叫in your eyes 求求求

M.I.B - 나만 힘들게(只有我辛苦)[00:07.03][00:10.03]KangNam] In Your Eyes I Can See You Forever[00:23.84]In Your Life 다시 한번 내 눈을 바라봐 줘 /再次看着我的眼睛吧[00:27.92]난 너만 있으면 돼 /我只要有你就足矣[00:31.66]In My Eyes I Can See You Forever[00:34.30]In Your Life 누가 뭐래도 상관이 없어 /不管别人说什么都无所谓[00:37.83]난 그냥 곁에 있으면 돼 /我 只要你在身边就可以[00:42.30][00:42.54]5Zic] It Just 윷놀이 게임 도를 넘어 개같애 /It Just 翻牌游戏 过了界 就像狗一样[00:45.59]너라는 걸 유치하니 모같애니가 했던 말이 만약 /这样的你 幼稚的跟什么一样 如果说过的话[00:49.66]만에 하나마나한 거짓말 혹은 딜레마 /言行不一 或是谎言 或是困境[00:52.87]I Don"t Wanna Wait You Day And Night Day And Night[00:57.77]그래서 불러본 나의 노래 /所以我唱出的这首歌[01:00.14]Rest In Peace 나의 눈물 /Rest In Peace 我的眼泪[01:01.86]두 남녀의 Film 같이 느껴줘 Busterz /让我感觉就像两男女的Film Busterz[01:04.61][01:05.08]KangNam] In Your Eyes I Can See You Forever[01:06.49]In Your Life 다시 한번 내 눈을 바라봐 줘 /再次看着我的眼睛吧[01:10.31]난 너만 있으면 돼 /我只要有你就足矣[01:14.41]In My Eyes I Can See You Forever[01:17.21]In Your Life 누가 뭐래도 상관이 없어 /不管别人说什么都无所谓[01:20.44]난 그냥 곁에 있으면 돼 /我 只要你在身边就可以[01:24.33][01:24.75]Cream] 자꾸만 왜 이래 Ma Lady What U Gonna Do /为什么总是这样 Ma Lady What U Gonna Do[01:27.99]사실 맞춰 갈 힘도 없어 너라는 내 퍼즐게임 /其实我已经没有猜下去的力气 你是我的 Puzzle Game[01:32.09]Everybody Say 너 정도면 괜찮대 (What?) /Everybody Say 你这样的还不错 (What?)[01:35.86]아무것도 모르겠어 Girl What U Say /什么也不知道 Girl What U Say[01:38.70]어쩌면 이 모든 건 No Pain No Gain /无论如何 这一切都是 No Pain No Gain[01:41.86]언제나 넌 내게 아는 오빠라며 짜증나게 했어 /你总是和我说起认识的哥哥 真让人心烦[01:46.81][01:47.88]SIMS] Hello 여전히 넌 그대로겠지 /Hello 你还是这样吧[01:49.70]변명 따윈 집어쳐 부질없는 애칭 /收起辩解纠缠和没用的爱称[01:52.32]밥 먹듯 거짓말로 내 마음을 짓밟아 /说谎像吃饭一样 践踏我的心[01:54.79]역시 혼자의 착각이었어 누굴까 다음은 /果然是我自己的错觉 下一个会是谁[01:57.68]좀 더워 좀 무거워 너라는 고민을 적어도 여러 번 물어봐도 /有点热 有点重 你这样的烦恼 至少不过怎么问你[02:01.44]답은 한 가지야 서러워 유치했지만 사라져버린 /答案都只要有一个 悲伤 虽然幼稚 消失的我们[02:05.20]우리 이제 너 없이도 일어설 수 있어 I Can Do It /现在没有你 也能站起来 I Can Do It[02:08.36][02:08.62]KangNam] (Baby) 내 눈을 바라봐 /(Baby) 再次看着我的眼睛吧[02:11.07](왜 이래) 왜 나만 힘들게 /(为何这样) 为什么只有我辛苦[02:13.78](Lady) 다시 돌아와 줘 너는 어디 있니 /(Lady) 再次回到我身边 你在哪里[02:18.89][02:19.14]Cream] (Baby) 이젠 지쳐 난 Everyday /(Baby)现在厌倦了Everyday[02:21.93]SIMS] (왜 이래) 새벽의 공기가 날 깨우네 /(为何这样) 凌晨的空气将我唤醒[02:24.41]5Zic] (Lady) 더 이상 필요 없는 베개 /(Lady) 再也没有用的枕头[02:26.97]내 왼팔은 이제 니께 아닌 너의 향만 짙게 배긴 /我的左手 只不过是还残留你的香气的枕头[02:29.82]미운 오리 새끼/丑小鸭[02:31.54][02:31.89]Y"all know what is this check it out girl[02:34.51][02:34.80]KangNam] In Your Eyes I Can See You Forever[02:37.25]In Your Life 다시 한번 내 눈을 바라봐 줘 /再次看着我的眼睛吧[02:40.90]난 너만 있으면 돼 /我只要有你就足矣[02:44.92]In My Eyes I Can See You Forever[02:47.79]In Your Life 누가 뭐래도 상관이 없어 /不管别人说什么都无所谓[02:51.05]난 그냥 곁에 있으면 돼 /我 只要你在身边就可以[02:55.34][02:56.53]Lonely Lonely Lonely My Love My Love[03:00.0o]SIMS] Leave Me Alone 우리는 그래 끝이 나버린 결론 /Leave Me Alone 终于我们就这样结束了[03:02.00]Cream] Baby Girl Where U at Ye What U Wanna Do[03:04.71]이젠 나 돌아볼까 봐 나 혹시라도 /现在我也许会回去[03:06.81]5Zic] I"m So Lonely 들리니 Shawty /I"m So Lonely 听得到吗 Shawty[03:12.56]잡을까도 해봤지만 괜히 막 또 다른 후회만 됐어 /虽然试着逃离 也只会再一次白白的后悔[03:17.16]이걸로 Satisfy /即使这样也 Satisfy[03:21.79][03:22.02]In Your Eyes[03:24.60]Whatever you do I don"t care Get out of my face[03:27.96]

In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Eyes歌手:Anastacia专辑:The Best Of AnastaciaTripped along many stonesEnough to sayI found my own wayI don"t know where to goCouldn"t see where it leadsMaking castles in the sandAfraid no one else would hold my handI"m stained from the worldSad, sad, sad little girlBut I see in your eyesYour wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack home... back homeHolding on to memoriesOften scaredOf what I"d seeAnd then you cameAnd then you cameAnd rescued meAnd I"m okayI"m okayBut I see in your eyesYou wear no disguiseHelp me find my wayI"m like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayOh and I know you"ll never leave me aloneI"ll follow you just anywhere that you goIn my life I can see youI know I believe you will stay, ohIn your eyesYou wear no disguiseOh oh ohLike a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyOh yeah oh oh ohIn your eyes oh ohOh yeah, oh yeahYeah hey yeah ohI said you"re like a bird in the skyYou helped me to flyFly awayFly awayBack homeBack homeIn your eyesIn your eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/9644066

求温流《in your eyes》韩文歌词~

uc628uc720-in your eyesub2e8 ud55cubc88ub3c4 ub9d0ud55c uc801 uc5c6uc9c0ub9ccuc0acuc2e4 ub9d0uc57c ub09c uadf8ub0a0uc5d0 uc774 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub6f0ub294uac78 ub290uaf08uc5b4ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 ub09c uc54c uc218 uc788uc5c8uc5b4ud655uc2e0ud560 uc21c uc5c6uc5c8uc9c0ub9cc uc774ubbf8 uc6b0ub9b0 uc815ud574uc9c4 uc6b4uba85 uac19uc558uc5b4uc0acub791uc740 ub0b4uac8cub85c uc640ub108ub97c uc774ub044ub294 uc2dcuac04uc73cub85cuc601uc6d0ud788 uae68uc9c0 uc54aub294uafc8ub9cc uac19uc558uc5b4 uc815ub9d0 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ucc98uc74c ub9ccub09c uadf8ub0a0uc744 uae30uc5b5ud574ub208uc774 ubd80uc2dcuac8c ube5bub098ub358 uadf8ub7f0 ub0a0uc5d0 ub0b4uac8c uc640uc92cub358uace0ub9c8uc6cc ub2c8uac00 ub0b4uac8c uc640uc918uc11cucc98uc74cubd80ud130 ub09c uc54c uc218 uc788uc5c8uc5b4ud655uc2e0ud560 uc21c uc5c6uc5c8uc9c0ub9cc uc774ubbf8 uc6b0ub9b0 uc815ud574uc9c4 uc6b4uba85 uac19uc558uc5b4uc0acub791uc740 ub0b4uac8cub85c uc640ub108ub97c uc774ub044ub294 uc2dcuac04uc73cub85cuc601uc6d0ud788 uae68uc9c0 uc54aub294uafc8ub9cc uac19uc558uc5b4 uc815ub9d0 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub0a0 ubcf4uba70 uc6c3ub294 ub108uc774ub807uac8c uc88buc740 ub0a0uc65c ub208ubb3cuc774 ub0a0uae4cub0b4 ub208uc5d0ub294uc601uc6d0ud788 uae68uc9c0 uc54auc744uafc8 uc774uae38 ubc14ub798 ub298 ubcc0uce58 uc54auae30ub97c uc0acub791uc774 uba38ubb34ub294 uacf3uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8 ud560 uc2dcuac04uc73cub85cuc601uc6d0ud788 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc744uafc8ub9cc uac19uc558uc5b4 ub0b4uac90 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11cucc98uc74c ub9ccub09c uadf8ub0a0uc744 uae30uc5b5ud574ub208uc774 ubd80uc2dcuac8c ube5bub098ub358 uadf8ub7f0 ub0a0uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc640uc918uc11cuace0ub9c8uc6cc uc815ub9d0

In your eyes歌词大意

[ar:shinee][ti:In Your Eyes][00:03.80]虽然一次都没有说出口[00:10.11]其实我那天感觉到了心脏的跳动[00:17.95]我从一开始就知道了[00:23.85]虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运[00:35.94]爱情向我走来 走向我的瞬间[00:50.89]就像永远不会醒来的梦 像梦一样 真的如梦境一般[01:04.46]还记得初见那天 那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子[01:22.06]感谢你来到我身边[01:40.66]我从一开始就知道了[01:44.42]虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运[01:58.35]爱情向我走来 走向我的瞬间[02:12.85]就像永远不会醒来的梦 像梦一样 真的如梦境一般[02:42.37]看著我笑起来的你 在这样美好的日子 却为何流泪 在我眼里[03:09.99]希望这一切都变成永远不会醒来 也永远不变的梦[03:24.18]爱情停留的地方 我们一起度过的时间[03:38.88]对我来说就像永不泯灭的梦 真的如梦境一般[03:53.01]还记得初见那天 那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子[04:10.36]感谢你 真的
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