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butter is nourse用定语从句合并成另一个句子

This is the nacklace which she is looking for.

He was nourse about this?什么意思










Take your time - Amy Diamond 歌词及中文翻译

Take Your Time慢慢来演唱者:Amy Diamond所属专辑:Swings & RoundaboutsHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahTake your time别急 慢慢来…… If you cage me I"d wanna be free right?若你将我囚禁 我当然想重获自由when you"re tired you wanna sleep safe at night当你筋疲力尽 你也当然想安稳一息We"re not changing human nature now我们并没有在改变本性So when you need love I will show you how当你需要爱的灌溉 我一定会指引你 But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?但如果我说 我整颗心都属于你 那又代表什么呢?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe失去你我无法呼吸也只是个谎言If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly倘若蝴蝶的翅膀生来即缚Unreachable遥不可及Maybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbye也许我们就不必道别Though my heart calls尽管我心呼唤When your heart wants to run with the wind你的心想随风飘荡Oh I"ll be fine放心 我没事And then maybe come back in the spring也许春天它就会归来So take your time所以 别急 慢慢来…… When you let go then your soul decides当你选择放手一搏 让心选择It is easy to enjoy the ride你会更享受沿途景色We"re united, separated, true的确 我们聚在一起 又遭分离And all that is yours you will never lose但那都是你宝贵的财富 谁也夺不去 But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?但如果我说 我整颗心都属于你 那代表着什么呢?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe失去你我无法呼吸也只是个谎言If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly倘若蝴蝶的翅膀生来即缚Unreachable遥不可及Maybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbye也许我们就不必道别Though my heart calls尽管我心呼唤When your heart wants to run with the wind你的心想随风飘荡Oh I"ll be fine放心 我没事And then maybe come back in the spring也许春天它就会归来So take your time所以 别急 慢慢来…… Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah So hard如此艰难If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly倘若蝴蝶的翅膀生来即缚Unreachable遥不可及Maybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbye也许我们就不必道别Though my heart calls尽管我心呼唤When your heart wants to run with the wind你的心想随风飘荡Oh I"ll be fine放心 我没事And then maybe come back in the spring也许春天它就会归来So take your time所以 别急 慢慢来…… 满意请采纳

小学英语作文:从容Take your Time

  【篇一】从容Take your TimeNowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to work all day. When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy life, now it is the time to take your time and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you. 如今,人们忙于他们的工作,很少有时间来休息。大部分人早上起得很早,然后工作一整天。当他们工作回家后,他们觉得很累,很快就睡觉了。人们让他们自己整天忙碌,没有时间来享受生活,现在是时候放慢脚步,享受你身边美丽的风景。  【篇二】A Trip to Guilin 去桂林It is said that Guilin is a beautiful place, the water is so clean and the mountain is not like the ordinary one. I want to go to Guilin and see its scenery. I have a chance to go to Guilin, my parents visit my aunt. I see Guilin"s beautiful mountain and the clean water, I know why people call Guilin"s scenery the most beautiful. 据说,桂林是一个很美丽的地方,那里的水很清,山也不像普通的山。我想要去桂林看看那里美丽的风景。我有机会去桂林,我的父母去拜访我的姑姑。我看到桂林美丽的群山和清澈的水,我终于知道为什么人们说桂林的风景是最美丽的。  【篇三】开心的一天 I Have A Great DayToday is Saturday, I am very happy, because I have no class, so I wake up very late, I have enough sleep. At noon, my friend Li Hua comes to my house and asks me to go to the park with him. We play many games and see the beautiful scenery, I also take many picture. Today I have a great day, I enjoy the time with my friend. 今天是星期六,我感到很开心,因为我没有课,因此我很晚才起来,我睡够了足够长的时间。中午,我的朋友李华来到我家,他邀请我和他一起去公园玩。我们玩了很多游戏,看到了美丽的风景,我也照了很多相。今天我过得很开心,我享受和朋友在一起的时光。

turn down for what什么意思


turn forward down有这个短语么

没有,turn down就有

turn it down什么意思

turn down 英[tu0259:n daun] 美[tu025an dau028an] 减少,关小;拒绝;驳回;顶回去

turn down the TV是什么意思啊

可能是把电视音量调小吧by cycling介词性短语一般作状语,其他都是名词

turn down it和turn it down的区别

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: turn down it和turn it down的区别是什么? 解析: 不可以用turn down it, 只能用turn it down. Turn down后面可以加名词,比如turn down the music, turn down the TV等等。 或者在中间加名词,比如 turn the music down, turn the TV down. 。但是,如果用it 这种代词, 只能放在后面,不可以放在中间。 所以选B。

get turn down

如果在一个约会上,我被拒绝,我会很郁闷.我再度被拒绝. 第一句的get后面接的turned down是动词,拒绝 的意思.turned用ed形式表示被动,被拒绝. 第二个get turning down,中用ing形式,表示,get后面接的是动名词,此时应理解为:得到一个拒绝.

how could you turn down

答案C.选项A turn off“关闭,关掉”;B turn in“上交”;D turn to“转向;求助于;翻到 … … ”;C turn down“拒绝;(煤气,声音等)开小”符合语境,故选C项.

turn down to do sth. 对吗?


just turn ---the TV and watch it.A.on B.down C.off .D to说明原因

选A turn on:打开电视,和后面看电视意思连贯. turn down:指把电视声音关小,如果后面一句说太吵了,可以选turn down. turn off:指关掉电视. turn to:死译为转向电视,用法不对,turn to后面一般不加类似TV这种实物名词,可以加学科,比如turn to computer science,表示转攻电子计算机学,也可以表示变成XX,比如Water turns to ice at 0.,意为水在零度的时候变成冰,或是turn to后面加somebody for help,指向somebody求助.

"Turn Down For What"到底是什么意思

turn down for what为什么拒绝?双语对照词典结果:百科释义Turn Down For What是由美国说唱歌手、制作人,嘻哈音乐子类Crunk创始人之一Lil Jon和来自澳大利亚的DJ Snake合作的一首歌曲。例句:1.I mean, what"s down there for you? 我的意思是,那里有什么你想要的?2.Most fallen leaders are remembered for what brought them down. 下台的领导人被人们记住的多是由于致使他们下台的事件。3.So what exactly are you fishing for down here? 你在这下面到底要捞些什么?

turn off /turn down /turn away的区别

B 拒绝


turn down 英[tə:n daun] 美[tɚn daʊn] [词典] 拒绝; 减少,关小; 驳回; 顶回去; [例句]Before this I"d have smiled and turned her down在这之前,我本该笑着拒绝她。

turn down the radio 和 go on the bus 里 为什么down是副词而on是介词呢?

不是跟后面的词有关 具体的我也解释不清楚 不过个人感觉 TURN DOWN是词组 TURN应该是不及物动词GO ON不是词组 ON表示方向 GO是及物动词(只供参考 不一定正确)

把音量调高英语怎么说要用turn的 不知道是turn on还是turn down


turn down for what是什么意思


Turn you down 的中文意思是?

拒绝(请求等) Shadow. 参考: .dictionary.yahoo/search?q=1&s=turn+down 拒绝你既意思 say no 唔认同............... 拒绝你既意思. 或系 say no 咁解. 例如有人同你讲 --> sorry to turn you down. 即系话唔好意思 令你失望. It me reject your suggestion. Eg. "turn down the thumb" 表示反对

turu down造句

turu应为turnturn down 英[tə:n daun] 美[tɚn daʊn] [词典] 拒绝; 减少,关小; 驳回; 顶回去; [例句]Before this I"d have smiled and turned her down在这之前,我本该笑着拒绝她。I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down 我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。

turn away和turn down 都有拒绝的意思,两者有区别吗?可不可以换用?

1 turn away 的感情色彩更浓如: To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good. 使堕落,使走邪路使远离正确的、合理的或好的事物。 Do you think I should turn down his offer? 你认为我应该拒绝他的报价吗?2 换用请注意 turn sth /sb away= turn away from sth/ sb turn sth/sb down= turn down sth/sb

问几个词组turn out ,turn up ,turn down ,turn in 的区别是什么?

turn out turn out to be...原来是.turn out ...产出. turn up sb turn up露面,/调高音量 turn down 调低音量 turn in 递交 交作业等

turn down service 英文怎么解释?


turn的短语 关于turn的短语

关于turn的短语: 1、turn off关掉;关上;关;拐弯。 2、turn up开大;出现;来到;找到。 3、turn down关小;调低;拒绝;调小。 4、turn over移交;翻过来;仔细考虑;翻身。 5、turn back回来;折回;翻过来;往回走。 6、turn around转身;转向;转过身;转圈。 7、linguistic turn语言学转向;语言转向;语言的转向;语言论转向。 8、Turn time等泊时间;回合时间;等泊时候;转换时间。 9、Spot turn原地转身;点转;原地转;定点转。

用turn down 造句

I"m working now. Would you please turn down the radio?我正在工作,你能把收音机声音关小一点吗?

turn down/refuse的区别?尽量扼要。谢谢

turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。refuse作为不及物动词的例子:A: did he accept your gift?B: No, he refused.都作为及物动词时,refuse 的意思比较广泛,而 turn down 的意思不那么广泛。turn down 通常指拒绝一个“提案、建议”。也可以有 turn sb down 的说法,但是实质上 还是拒绝了某个人的 提案。例如:He asked Helen to marry him but she turned him down.refuse 的意思中包含了 turn down。同时还有很多其它意思,不仅是拒绝一个 提案,还可以是很多别的事物。例如:refuse a fact(不承认事实), refuse sb(拒绝某人), refuse sb money 拒绝借钱给某人。refuse a gift 拒受礼物。refuse to burn (柴等)烧不着。 refuse to shut (门等)关不上。



turned down是什么意思

调低声音,turn down 意思是关小,调低~在这里用的是过去式!

turn up和turn down的区别

turn up 出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧 turn down 减小,关小,调低;拒绝 turn down其反义词为turn up。 扩展资料   例句:   Can you turn up the TV?   你能把电视机的声音调大点吗?   It"s a fair bet that they won"t turn up.   我敢打赌,他们不会出席。   For some obscure reason , he failed to turn up.   他莫名其妙地没有如期露面。   I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.   我喜欢接受挑战做别人拒绝做的`工作。   Who could turn down an innocent fourth grader?   谁能拒绝一个天真无邪的四年级学生呢?   The opportunity was just too good to turn down.   这个机会好到令人无法拒绝。

turn on,turn off,turn up,turn down的经典例句

Turn on(打开): I want to watch TV, can I turn on the TV? (我想看电视,我能开吗?)Turn off(关上):You must turn off the light when you go to bed. (你应当在你睡觉前关灯。)Turn up(找到):Don"t worry; something will turn up. (不要着急,会有办法的。)Turn down(被向下折转, 拒绝):Turn down the radio. (把收音机开小一点。)这是我自己想的,不知道能不能帮你的忙

问几个词组turn out ,turn up ,turn down ,turn in 的区别是什么?

1 结果证明是 2 上调3 降低4 上交

Turn down和rufuse有什么样的区别?(详细一些O(∩_∩)O谢谢)

turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。 refuse作为不及物动词的例子: A: did he accept your gift? B: No, he refused. 都作为及物动词时,refuse 的意思比较广泛,而 turn down 的意思不那么广泛。

turn down同义短语


turn off,turn on,turn down,turn up的用法

答案是:turn on 打开(开关) turn off (关闭,熄灭)turn down 调低,关小,turn up 开打,调高 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

turn down能不加宾语吗?i should turn down我应该拒绝,行吗

必须加!turn sth down我应该拒绝 i should turn it down

turn down等于shut down

不完全一样,turn down 有调小的意思,如:Would you turn down your radio a little 你能把你的收音机关小点吗?而shut down/turn off 是关掉,关闭的意思如:Would you shut down/turn off your redio关掉你的收音机好吗?所以:turn off = shut down.

用turn down 造句


turn down后面跟的是to do还是to doing,为什么


turn down有收拢的含义吗

turn down 和 收拢意思截然不同。1、 turn down 指由高往低降、由大往小减弱、由上往下折,由近处推向远处,如:Turn down the radio, please. 请把收音机的音量调低Turn your collar down. 请把你的衣领翻下来。We politely turned down the invitation. 我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请。2、 “收拢” 指 “由外向里收”,即 “把分散的事物聚集起来” 或 “把分散的东西归拢在一起”,等于英语的 put together、assemble together 或 draw sth. in tight 。

turn down turn up 是什么意思?

turn down声音调小turn up 声音调大

turn down,fall down,shut down,come down.分别什么意思

turn down :调小(音量,光线,煤水);fall down 倒塌; 跌倒shut down,关闭,停工,come down 传递;传给

turn down是降低音量的意思,可不可以说turn down voice


turn down和turn away 的区别

turn down "把声音调小”的意思。从down(向下)就可以看出来。turn away "转身离开,掉头就走”的意思。

turn down可以分开使用吗

不可以。英文中有很多动词都是需要接一个介词短语才能跟宾语的,就像上面那个turn down the offer(拒绝),如果你说turn the offer,别人是听不懂的。turn down后可以接动作,可接 to do sth。后面也可以直接跟名词或代词,turn sb./sth down。作为“调小”含义时,后可直接跟相应名词,turn down sth。

turn down的用法及短语

turn down调小声,拒绝,减少,降低异同之处:turn down的主语可以是人,也可以是物。 例句: We get distracted before we can turn down the heating. 我们在暖气关掉之前心烦意乱。 扩展资料   I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down   我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。   Would you turn down$ 7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine?   给你700万美元要你裸体登上杂志,你会拒绝吗?   Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.   大多数开发商会保留权利,拒绝接手他们认为基本没可能卖出去的地产。

turn down与turn off的区别

用反义词来比较可能更容易理解:turn on 启动的意思,turn on the TVturn off是turn on的反义词,关闭的意思,turn off the TVturn down--关小,turn down the volume关小音量turn up--开大,turn up the vulume

turn down后面跟的是to do还是to doing,为什么

to do

turn down是什么意思

turn down 英[tu0259:n daun] 美[tu025an dau028an]减少

turn down 是什么意思

turn down 英[tu0259:n daun] 美[tu025an dau028an] [词典] 拒绝; 减少,关小; 驳回; 顶回去; [网络] 关小; 调小音量; 调低; [例句]Before this I"d have smiled and turned her down.在这之前,我本该笑着拒绝她。双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道down 英[dau028an] 美[dau028an] adv. 向下; (坐、倒、躺) 下; (表示范围或顺序的限度) 下至; prep. (从高处) 向下; (表示位置) 在…的下方; (表示方向) 沿着…向下; (表示时间) 自…以来; adj. 向下的; 沮丧的; 计算机或计算机系统停机; (以…) 落后于对手的; [网络] 动词; 关闭; 现场; [例句]We"re going down a mountain.我们正在下山。[其他] 第三人称单数:downs 复数:downs 现在分词:downing过去式:downed 过去分词:downed 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Down [词典] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏]唐地貌名称,来源于古英语,含义是“丘”(down,low hill)




rapture3d是一款声音处理工具,可以为用户提供环绕音的设置方法。使用范围包括游戏和音乐两大方面,帮助用户将游戏音乐或者电影等视频文件的音频调整音效,提高观影和游戏体验。rapture3d可以兼容OpenAL音效引擎,可以将声卡中的杂音去除。扩展资料:工具/材料:以rapture3d 2.5.1为例。1、首先双击“rapture3d 2.5.1”安装包。2、然后在该界面中,选择“I accept the agreement”,点击“Next”按钮。3、之后在该界面中,默认安装路径,点击“Next”按钮。4、接着在该界面中,显示开始安装。5、最后在该界面中,安装完成,点击“Finish”按钮。

eclipse 时间为什么会少8小时....我用System.currentTimeMills();获得总秒数 结果计算结果少个8小时 求解

eclipse 中 install JRE的 Default VM arguments 设置为: -Duser.timezone=Asia/Shanghai


MS是增强立体音响效果的东东。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦


GetSystemTime(&sysTm); //获取格林威治标准时间,与北京时间相差8小时 CTime tm = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); //获取当前时间与1970年1月1日8am的秒数差。这两个是windows的api,不属于c语言的。


SYS@orcl> select sysdate,current_date,systimestamp,current_timestamp from dual;SYSDATE CURRENT_DATE SYSTIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-------------- -------------- -------------------- --------------------24-3月 -09 24-3月 -09 24-3月 -09 12.32.05. 24-3月 -09 12.32.05. 750000 下午 +08:00 750000 下午 +08:00


CTime::GetCurrentTime() 是一个静态成员函数,直接返回的就是一个CTime对象,其源代码如下:<pre t="code" l="cpp">CTime PASCAL CTime::GetCurrentTime()// return the current system time{ return CTime(::time(NULL));}构造好的CTime对象赋值给另外一个CTime对象,当然是没有问题的。

根据System.currentTimeMillis()获取当前毫秒数,在控制台输出当前时间 格式为(2017-08-24 21:27:00);

系统时间是long 类型的,精确到毫秒 long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); 你如果除以1000,可以精确到秒。 ========================================= Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); 当前的年你己经拿到了。减法我就不写了吧!

System.currentTimeMillis() 与 new Date().getTime() 有何差异?


JAVA System.currentTimeMillis()语句





System类代表系统,系统级的很多属性和控制方法都放置在该类的内部。该类位于java.lang包。currentTimeMillis方法public static long currentTimeMillis()该方法的作用是返回当前的计算机时间,时间的表达格式为当前计算机时间和GMT时间(格林威治时间)1970年1月1号0时0分0秒所差的毫秒数。可以直接把这个方法强制转换成date类型。代码如下:long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年-MM月dd日-HH时mm分ss秒");Date date = new Date(currentTime);System.out.println(formatter.format(date));运行结果如下:当前时间:2011年-08月10日-14时11分46秒另:可获得当前的系统和用户属性:String osName = System.getProperty(“os.name”);  String user = System.getProperty(“user.name”);  System.out.println(“当前操作系统是:” + osName);  System.out.println(“当前用户是:” + user);System.getProperty 这个方法可以得到很多系统的属性。

假设当前时间是2015 年5月12日,编写一个CurrTime类,设置属性为该时间,定义show方

package test02;public class CurrentTime {int year;int month;int day;int hours;int mintues;double s;public void show(){System.out.println(+year+"年"+month+"月"+day+"日"+hours+"点"+mintues+"分"+s+"秒");}}package test02;public class CurrentTimess {public static void main(String[] args) {CurrentTime kk=new CurrentTime();kk.year=2015;kk.month=5;kk.day=12;kk.hours=10;kk.mintues=11;kk.s=00;kk.show();}}我的这个应该更容易理解把



html5 视频currenttime设置失效,为什么自动变为0?


请教大智慧 currenttime 函数

在VC中,我们可以借助CTime时间类,获取系统当前日期,具体使用方法如下:CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); //获取系统日期int d=t.GetDay(); //获得几号int y=t.GetYear(); //获取年份int m=t.GetMonth(); //获取当前月份int h=t.GetHour(); //获取当前为几时int mm=t.GetMinute(); //获取分钟int s=t.GetSecond(); //获取秒int w=t.GetDayOfWeek(); //获取星期几,注意1为星期天,7为星期六

origin 和 source同是起源,有什么不同用法

origin多指 起源 出身 开端 强调的是源头 例如dracula origin 吸血鬼起源 物种起源 origin of speciessource多指来源 发源之意 例如first source第一来源 source of water 水源==


这两个词均可指事物的起点.origin多指“始于遥远的时间或地点”; source多用于隐喻,说明河流的源头或收入、情报、消息等来源. origin:origin侧重指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身. source:source本义指河流或瀑布的源头,引申指某事的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源. root:root通常指事物产生的原因或根源.


这两个词均可指事物的起点.origin多指“始于遥远的时间或地点”; source多用于隐喻,说明河流的源头或收入、情报、消息等来源. origin:origin侧重指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身. source:source本义指河流或瀑布的源头,引申指某事的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源. root:root通常指事物产生的原因或根源.


一个社区的兴旺在很大程度上和该区的人口和社区构成有关。即所谓人气的兴旺。人气旺会带动本地的商业,促进消费,还会招来邻区甚至更远的人到这个地方来消费,这种无声的推高某一区兴旺的因素是非常重要的。Hurstville曾被称为“小香港”。很明显是说这里香港居民比较多。但最新数据表明在Hurstville总人口75,177中来自大陆的居民占了16%!而这一人口比例在大悉尼区中只有2%。来自香港的居民占7%,大悉尼区该比例只得1%。仅算来自香港的居民已大大超出排在其后只占3%的新西兰居民。当然,澳洲本土出生的仍占居首位,达47%,而大悉尼区占到61%。来自大陆和香港的居民人口占到Hurstville总人口的23%,居悉尼各市镇之首。在Hurstville,新来的移民或居民英文说不好一点没问题,只要能说普通话和广东话。这也就是这里的亚洲食品杂货的超市开一家旺一家。出火车站沿着Forest路走,去数数有多少家小超市。新装修的火车站价格极平的“通利”超市也即将开业。这足以说明Hurstville人口繁荣,商业兴旺。年轻人占人口的相当比例,20至39岁的人占人口总数的33%,与大悉尼区的比例持平。5岁到19岁占19%,高出大悉尼区5%。说明自然人口增长呈上升趋势。Hurstville距CBD15公里,面积24.7平方公里,所辖自然区有Bexley, Bexley South, Kingsgrove, Kingsway West, Beverly Hills, Allawah, Carlton, South Hurstville, Penshurst, Hurstville。地势高,靠近海岸,受海洋气候影响大。夏天不会像近蓝山那些市镇那么热,冬天又不会太冷,有时温差会有六至七度之多。另外,近水,就可享受更多的水中乐趣,在George河里驾摩托艇,在Botany Bay中驾舟,甚至出洋在近海钓鱼。去沙滩就更不用说了,喜欢热闹就去Bondi海滩;舒适点的就去Cronulla海滩,求清静的去Royal National Park。

以what our city will be like in 10 years ?为题的短文?


kingsway,burnaby 邮编多少

Kingsway, Burnaby是位于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省中东部的一条主干道,西北-东南走向,贯穿温哥华及本那比,其邮编是V5E。


反义词 on

英语作文 Our favorite food(Our是指自己的家庭成员喜欢吃的食物)不少于8

My Favourite Food一、 My favourite food is fruit. As we all know, fruit is delicious and healthy food. It has many kinds, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons and so so. Nowadays, nearly every one have fruit every day. It has a long history. Nobody know that how the fruit springs up. But we all enjoy it very much. I like it very much. Because it is healthy to our body. After we insist on having fruit every day, we will become stronger. As the proverb says ,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away .” So we should have more. It still has a lot of advantages. First, it can make our skin become white and smooth. This point is very attractive to girls. Next, it helps digestion. When we are hungry, we can eat fruit. It can let you feel full at once. In addition, fruit is so pretty and cute. In one word, having fruit is good for our health. So we should enjoy it.二、My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of mushrooms in the world. Some are like small houses with big round heads and thick bodies. And some have the shapes of umbrellas. Mushrooms usually grow among trees in forests. My mother can cook mushrooms in many different ways. Mushrooms are very good for people"s health. I like mushrooms very much. They are healthy.三、My favourite food is noodles. They are healthy to our bodies. We need a lot of noodles every day. We buy them in the shops and supermarkets. In my family we usually eat noodles. I like noodles very much..四、My favourite food is hamburgers. These food are in KFC and McDonald"s. I like them because there are vegetables, chicken and some salad in hamburgers. They"re very nice. We will not be hungry if we eat them. So I like hamburgers best.五、Apples are my favourite food. They are delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. Of course! Apples are healthy food. So I like them very much. Do you like them,too?六、I like ice-cream best. I like it very much because it is sweet. When the hot summer is coming, I can eat an ice-cream. At that moment, I can feel cool and relaxed. Although ice-cream is unhealthy food, I like it very much. I think I should eat less ice-cream in the future.七、My favourite food is chocolate cake. I like it because it is sweet and very delicious. I think , many children like chocolates and cakes like me. Chocolate cake tastes better than rice and vegetables. I like to eat it but it is unhealthy.So you can"t eat it all day. I eat 3 cakes sometimes , but I won"t eat it all the time.八、My favourite food is kiwi fruits. I like them , because they taste delicious. Their skin is brown. And inside is green. And some are yellow or red. They are very expensive. They are healthy because they have much nutrition. I like to eat kiwi fruits!九、My favourite food is beef. I like it because it is delicious. It is healthy food. It can make us strong. And children must eat more beef. It is always helpful to them. It will be more delicious while it is made as curry beef. So I like beef very much. How about you?十、Do you have your favourite food ? My favourite food is chicken wings. I like spicy chicken wings best. Because I think they"re nice. Every week I often eat six chicken wings. They"re good for your health. They can make you strong. But you can"t eat a lot. They are bad for your stomach. I love chicken wings. I can"t leave them.十一、Different people like different food. Most children like milk. So do I. I like milk because it is fresh and healthy. Drinking milk help us to be strong. I always drink two cups of milk. Milk is also popular food in China. More and more people like to drink milk. I like milk very much.谢谢采纳。。。祝你学习进步

Chelsea burns 的中文歌词

切尔西的灼伤 I was running out of trouble 我麻烦不断 You were running out of fame 你名声斐然 Streets smelled like the desert As they were putting out the flames 当他们扑灭火焰 街道散发着荒凉的气味 And Chelsea burns Chelsea burns Under my feet 而切尔西的灼伤 切尔西的灼伤归咎于我 Twenty-third was empty 西23街空空如也 I heard somebody yell 我听见有人在呼喊 A straight-laced passerby"s Pulled over the hotel 一个刻板的路人停靠在旅馆旁边 And Chelsea burns Chelsea burns Under my feet 而切尔西的灼伤 切尔西的灼伤归咎于我 Whether we were lost or overwhelmed 无论我们迷失或是受了打击 Nobody knows that I"m better off 没人知道我还挺得过去 Making up lies to be left alone 为了不被打扰,我编造着谎言 And Chelsea burns Chelsea burns Under my feet 而切尔西的灼伤 切尔西的灼伤归咎于我 I was running out of trouble 我麻烦不断 You were running out of fame 你名声斐然 I"m streets ahead of happiness 我是通向快乐的一条条街道 Still wondering who to blame 仍不知道去责怪谁 Chelsea burns Chelsea burns Under my feet 而切尔西的灼伤 切尔西的灼伤归咎于我


Alyssa Reid - Without YouI don"t wanna goBaby I don"t wanna goI"ve cried" I"ve triedI came out the othersideI don"t wanna goBaby I don"t wanna goI"ve cried" I"ve triedHow can you see me this way?And then the music playsWhat will be left to say?I came right out of topI can make your record stopI"ve cried" I"ve triedI came out the othersideDon"t wanna leave you this wayOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youOh! Can you hear me say?Over endlessly waitin"I finally made it hereWithout youI"ve been downBut I still made it throughAnd you knowI"ve got nothing to loseOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youI don"t wanna stayBaby I don"t wanna stayI"ve cried" I"m fineCatch me on the othersideI don"t wanna stayBaby I don"t wanna stayI"ve cried" I"m fineDon"t wanna leave you this wayAnd then the music playsWhat will be left to say?I came right out of topI can make your record stopI"ve cried" I"ve triedI came out the othersideDon"t wanna leave you this wayOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youOh! Can you hear me say?Over endlessly waitin"I finally made it hereWithout youI"ve been downBut I still made it throughAnd you knowI"ve got nothing to loseOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youAnother dayAnother reason why I"m aloneYou said you"de stayBut lately I"ve been standing on my ownHere it goesYou said it wouldn"t stopWhen the records starts to dropYou"ll hear me loud and clearWithout youAnd then the music playsWhat will be left to say?I came right out of topI can make your record stopOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youOh! Can you hear me say?Over endlessly waitin"I finally made it hereWithout youI"ve been downBut I still made it throughAnd you knowI"ve got nothing to loseOh! Can you hear me say?Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youcan make your record Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youcan make your record Over begging and pleadingI finally made it hereWithout youcan make your record stopRecord stop" record stop" record stop" record stop" record
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