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休假在家的第二天因为找对象问题和父母爆发了争吵,父母认为没有对象的主要原因是我太强势,让相亲对象退避三舍。而我认为强势从来都没有任何问题,如果没有一个互相尊重、鼓励支持的伴侣,会坚持不婚,结婚从来都没有那么重要。中国式父母总是这样,用世俗的标准约束着儿女,从来没有真正看到孩子的需求。 从小我就喜欢画画,学校有兴趣班时便报了工笔画学习,高中也喜欢写写画画,父母亲却认为那只能用来看看,也从来没有鼓励支持过。直到工作后,才正儿八经学习绘画,从素描开始学起。报画室的过程也令人啼笑皆非,小镇上没有一家为成人开办的画室,在街上走走逛逛,看到一家画室打的广告,打电话过去画室老师说:“你家孩子多大?”,我说没有孩子,是自己学,画室老师囧了个囧,说了下大概学习时间以后,便开启了学画之旅。 这段学画的时光让我彻底爱上了画画,爱上了在纸上描绘色彩的感觉,也参加过活动,画过的漫画也获得过省三等奖。回想过去的点点滴滴,寻找自我从来都不是一件容易的事情,工作之余同事们不是在约会就是在游玩,而我在画室里一坐一上午。坚持自我总会让我和同事们格格不入,很多时候面对邀请总是婉拒。人的精力总是有限的,要将有限的精力投入到无限的热爱中啊…… 美国演员 Charlie Day 在梅里马克学院演讲时说过:“跨出你的舒适圈,在这个过程中,你要相信自己的心声,你自己的想法,你的诚实,你的弱点。”遵从自己内心的想法,前进的道路上总是充满荆棘,坚持自我的同时外界总会有各种各样的声音,这些声音除了一些不明所以的陌生人、同事、朋友,甚至也有你的至亲,你必须要像他们认为的样子去生活,女孩子嘛这么努力做什么,早点找个人嫁了生个孩子不就够了嘛。 在他们眼里,女人从来都是要依附于男人生活的,没有规规矩矩找个人结婚生子那就是出格,会被身边人笑话的。自我,自我是什么东西,能让你找到对象吗?而他们认为的对象不过是个男人就行,至于这个男人是否精于算计,是否尊重女性都不重要,重要的是男的就行。坚持自我总是和社会标签背道而驰,不仅要面对各种诱惑,还要和社会舆论抗争,可我也仅此这一生,笑的开怀、哭的痛快,为什么如此艰难? 许多人终其一生,从未认真考虑过人生的意义,上学阶段被要求认真学习不准早恋,工作后懵懵懂懂就被催婚,抓紧找对象结婚,推着你匆匆忙忙向前走,从没有停下来认真思考:我是谁,我到底在做什么?等到回顾一生的时候才恍然大悟,遗憾没有坚持下去,可时光不会倒流。有段时间上重生网文盛行,在我看来不过是没有活在当下的人,给自己一个后悔的机会,认为重新开启一段人生总会有那么点不同,可他们不知道只要坚持自己,前面的路就不会好走,必须要有破釜沉舟的决心和走到底的勇气。 面对外界的各种声音,心情低落的时候总会反复循环一首歌曲,歌名叫梦追人: 一番高い所に登って(我登上最高的山峰) 一番光る星を掴んだ(去摘下最亮的星星) 一番辛い道を选んで(我选择最艰辛的道路) 一番强い心をまとった(磨炼出最坚强的内心) 梦を追い続ける(我一直追逐着梦想) もっと远くへ行く(想去到更远的地方) 德国作家赫尔曼 黑塞,被誉为“德国浪漫派最后一个骑士”的作家。他的作品《德米安》中有句话 “对每个人而言,真正的职责只有一个:找到自我。然后在心中坚守其一生,全心全意,永不停歇”。 说起来容易,做起来难,找到自我,坚持自我从来都不是一件容易的事。而我仍然在寻找自我的路上,不断探索心中所爱,然后为之付出一生。许多优秀的人在前方披荆斩棘为你开路,我不过是芸芸众生里赶路的一员,无论前方如何,只管埋头向前赶路。

求歌词翻译 Just be yourself


just be yourself 和 be yourself 区别,哪个做单句最好?能不能发散思维翻译下


做你自己 用英语应该说Just do yourself 还是 Just do it yourself ?

just do youself 只是做自己just be youself只要做你自己Just do it yourself 有点特定某件事了,不妥~

Just be yourself.分析句子成分。


Just be yourself 如何翻译??

做你自己(意思是不要盲从他人的意见),6,请自便!!!(客气话),2,做回你自己 自己想怎么样就怎么样 很常用的一句英语口语~,1,别客气! 请随便! 放松点!,1,做你自己!,0,做你自己!,0,随便啊,别客气(make yourself at home),0,做你自己!,0,

just be yourself冯曦妤 歌词

one cloudy day,what make you lose your face....

Just Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Just Be Yourself歌手:Labrenda Ben专辑:The Complete Motown Singles, Volume 3: 1963冯曦妤 - Just Be Yourself作曲:陈光荣作词: anders lee编曲: 陈光荣监制:陈光荣One Cloudy DayWill Make You Lose Your FaitnThe Worldls Full Of Fallinc StarsThe Light Is Dimminc DarkOH~~Don"t Stop Believinc In YouIt"s Alright (See The Bright Side)OH~~ (Deep In You Mind)It"s Okay (Choose The Right Way)Just Be Yourself Be YourselfIt"s So Bravehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7387826

just be yourself什么意思

Just Be Yourself 做你自己; [例句]Want have a brilliant future? Yes, you can, just be yourself!希望有光明的未来?是的,你可以,只是你!

just be yourself是什么意思


may the fourth be with you什么意思?

这个拼写错误,正确写法是may the force be with you.意思是愿原力与你同在,出自《星球大战》中的一句台词 "May the force be with you",是具有跨文化沟通效果的一句话,这句台词也是星战文化的代表。在《星战》的世界观中,原力(Force)是一种天赋的、至高无上的力量,它超自然而又无处不在,是所有生物创造的一个能量场,同时也是绝地和西斯两方追求和依靠的关键所在。拥有原力的人可以隔空移物、心灵感应等,原力不仅是一种技能,更是一种信仰,因此片中亦经常出现一句"May the force be with you",片中角色最常用的问候语,最初是对拥有原力者的一种祝福和祈祷,后来非原力敏感者也常用这句话互相激励,这句台词也被星战迷们津津乐道.

May the fourth be with you是什么意思?

May the fourth be with you意思是愿新年与你同在

Arthur Fiedler&The Boston Pops Orchestra的《Theme》 歌词

歌曲名:Theme歌手:Arthur Fiedler&The Boston Pops Orchestra专辑:Best Of/20Th Century彩冷える-ayabie- - TheMe作词:彩冷える作曲:彩冷える编曲:彩冷えるいいわけを探していた靴ひもを结ぶような立ち止まる 今が无駄じゃないんだと声を上げてがむしゃらに呼吸をすることに背を向けた仆の唇 溶かす太阳道端の踏まれた花よりもうなだれてる仆は头が大きくなって気が付けばいつしかつま先ばかり见つめてた明日にいくら期待しても早く このバトンを 渡して背中を押してあげなければ何も 始まらないこたえ 迎えにいこうゆっくり焦らないで意味のない人なんていないから二度とないこの瞬间君に出逢えたから言叶で着饰った心を解かしたいよご褒美が欲しくて褒めて欲しいって结果ばかり见つめていたんだ向かい风を强く吸い込んでさ「一人じゃない」暁の空 何も 怖くはない谁かに必要とされたいって泣いたり居场所がないって叹いたりそれはまだ何もないだけだからどこにだっていける不可能なんてないよこたえ 迎えにいこうゆっくり焦らないで意味のない人なんていないからあまりに近すぎて远く感じているんだでも谁にも近道なんてないよhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8517012

英语he would never try to presure you怎么翻译?

He would never try to pressure you意思就是说他永远也不会试图给你压力,也就是说,这个人对你应该是比较好的,就是说不想给你太多压力,让你觉得为难


对于国内消费者来说,或许有一些厢式的MPV会更适合他们使用,福特的途睿欧和全顺就是这样的车子,其可以满足基本的舒适载人需求,同时在载货层面同样厉害。日前,福特就发布了这两款车型的海外版新车Transit和Tourneo的官图,新车共计推出Trail和Active两个版本车型。外观方面,Transit/Tourneo的Trail车型相对更为野性,其采用了福特皮卡家族的前脸设计,整个进气格栅为黑色风格,并且印有“FORD”的品牌标识,整体更为霸气、野性。除此之外,新车也在车身周围加入了黑色的防刮条,彰显出了一种跨界车的感觉。不过毕竟它们定位于厢式车,整体方正的造型依旧得以保持。而Active版本车型则采用了更偏城市型的设计,新车主要的变动在于大灯组上,环绕型的LED灯带非常具有辨识度。另外在细节处理上,Active车型也要比起Trail车型更为精致和高级。内饰方面则就大同小异了,采用了较为普通且实用的设计,悬浮式的中控屏符合时下的新车水准,整体的布局依旧很“MPV”化。动力方面,两款新车依旧搭载的是2.0T柴油发动机,并且其最大功率有着130马力、170马力和185马力三种调校。另外Custom Trail版本车型还提供48V微混系统的动力可选;而Trail版本车型还提供前轴的mLSD限滑差速器和智能四驱系统的越野选项。觉得我们内容不错的请继续关注我们!成为我们饭团一员 分享你的车生活!买车用车 ▏实用干货 ▏原创视频本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。

致爱your song简谱


Journal of Robotics,Networking and Artificial Life是SCI吗

ieee wireless communications & networking conference这应该是个会议吧不属于SCI的会议简介:IEEE WCNC is the premier event for wireless communications researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems and networks. Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, IEEE WCNC has a long history of bringing together industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. In 2014, Istanbul will become the wireless capital by hosting IEEE WCNC 2014. The conference will include technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and technology and business panels. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications, networks, services, and applications.



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单片机仿真,程序编译时正确,但是仿真时却出现错误?末尾显示Source code build FAILED with error(s).

程序有问题吧 你把程序贴出来

怎么评价 Adobe 的 Source Code Pro 这个字体

  目前来看,编程字体大概有两大类,两次大类,两小类:  大类:等宽,不等宽  次大类:衬线,无衬线  小类:高瘦,矮胖那么 Source Code Pro 就属于「等宽的无衬线矮胖字体」,与其相同的字体非常多,但是 Source Code Pro 的质量是最高的,原因如下:  1.行距和字距是目前编程字体中控制的最完美的,Monaco 的行距错乱严重,与 Sorce Code Pro 完全不能比。  2. 0和o、O辨别分明,Droid Sans Mono 与其质量相似,但是在这点上远远不及。与其类似的还有小写 l 和大写 I。  3.字形非常优美,弧线内敛而且恰到好处。但是最常用的编程变量小写 i 和 j 又很有编程之风,这点我非常喜欢。  4.(仅限于 OS X 或者 Mactype 等反锯齿算法)各个字号都清爽漂亮,比起 Courier New 真是太漂亮了,无论是放大还是缩小都优美简洁。  5.开源免费,比起盗版字体来说要心安不少。  就先说那么多吧。

如何编译AML8726-MX Linux 3.0.8 Source Code

$cd ~ $cd C_code $gcc xxxx.c -o xxxxxxxx 其中,~就是 /home/a564034199 xxxx就是你的源文件的名字 xxxxxxxx就是要编译的文件

编程,src是源代码的意思,那么它的全称是Source还是 Source 什么 Code的取首字母?中间的单词是什么?

src是源代码的意思src是取Source中的S r c中的字母这个不固定取那几个字母,外国人的习惯或者和读音有关系,不过这些都是约定成俗,就比如 you 写成 u 而不写成 y一般都是简写单词,比如res就是resource的简写但也有特殊,比如usr本身是 Unix System Resource 的缩写

打开VB6.0出现Source Code Control是什么意思?如图所示



如果你想删除 Source Code(源代码)帐号,具体步骤可能会因网站或服务提供商而异。通常,你可以通过以下步骤尝试删除帐号:登录 Source Code 帐号:首先,使用你的用户名和密码登录到 Source Code 帐号。导航到帐号设置:在登录后,查找帐号设置或个人资料页面。通常,这些选项可以在网站顶部菜单、侧边栏或帐号下拉菜单中找到。查找删除账户选项:在帐号设置或个人资料页面中,查找是否有删除账户或关闭账户的选项。有些网站可能将删除账户选项放在“安全设置”、“隐私设置”或“账户管理”等部分。确认删除:如果找到了删除账户的选项,可能需要进行一些确认操作,例如输入密码、提供安全验证码或选择删除原因等。请按照网站提供的指示完成删除操作。等待处理:一旦你提交了删除请求,网站可能需要一段时间来处理和确认。在此期间,避免登录或使用帐号。请注意,删除账户是一个不可逆的操作,一旦删除后,你将无法恢复帐号和相关数据。在删除账户之前,请确保你备份了你需要保留的数据和文件。如果你在删除账户时遇到困难,或者网站没有提供明确的删除选项,请联系 Source Code 网站的客户支持或查阅网站帮助文档,以获取更具体的指导。

东方神起keepyour head down 有哪几首?

keepyour head down ,HOW CAN I

python 中 return lambda 怎么理解?



rumour ["ru:m05] n. 谣言,传闻vt. 谣传n. 谣言,传闻vt. 谣传同反义词 同:[n.] hearsay, rumor [v.] bruit, rumor点击查看…… 参考例句 There"s a rumour floating around of a new job-in the unit. 这个部门盛传有个新工作要聘人。不适合 There isn"t an atom of truth in the rumour. 谣言中没有丝毫的真实性.不适合 Rumour circulates rapidly. 谣言传得很快。不适合 The rumour soon gained currency. 谣言很快传开了。不适合 The rumour gained currency. 谣言已传开。不适合    more... 点击查看…… 英英解释 名词解释: gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth [同] hearsay, rumor, rumour点击查看…… 动词解释: tell or spread rumors It was rumored that the next president would be a woman[同] bruit, rumor, rumour点击查看…… 点击查看……

event.returnvalue is deprecated.please use the standard event.preventde是什么意思

event returnvalue is deprecated. please use the standard event preventde事件中不推荐使用。请使用标准的事件 保护

请问select字段into cursor与select字段into array有什么区别以及它们的用法


oracle触发器select into和cursor用法的区别

楼主您好cursor多用于定义遍历一个结果集之前的查询。然后用fetch into或是for循环遍历(loop)此游标select into多用于查询出单个值(不是绝对的 比如有bluk collect into)并给自己自定义的变量赋值。这俩其实没太大关系,一般对比cursor和ref cursor,select into 和 :=赋值的区别

ZK currentEpoch&acceptedEpoch

在做多机房kafka切ZK演练时发现,当原集群的zk节点加入新集群时,出现报错 Leaders epoch, 6 is less than accepted epoch, 9 查看/data/zookeeper/data/version-2目录下确实有2个文件,分别是 acceptedEpoch、currentEpoch,这2个文件里的值都是9 这是为什么呢?这两个文件是做什么的? 这两个文件分别反映了指定的server进程已经看到的和参与的epoch number。尽管这些文件不包含任何应用级别的数据,但他们对于数据一致性来说很重要,决定了集群的选主能否成功. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-335?focusedCommentId=16975961&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-16975961 这两个变量主要是为了解决集群失败恢复的场景 As mentioned, the implementation up to version 3.3.3 has not included epoch variables acceptedEpoch and currentEpoch. This omission has generated problems [5] (issue ZOOKEEPER-335 in Apache"s issue tracking system) in a production version and was noticed by many ZooKeeper clients. The origin of this problem is at the beginning of Recovery Phase (Algorithm 4 line 2), when the leader increments its epoch (contained in lastZxid) even before acquiring a quorum of successfully connected followers (such leader is called false leader ). Since a follower goes back to FLE if its epoch is larger than the leader"s epoch (line 25), when a false leader drops leadership and becomes a follower of a leader from a previous epoch, it finds a smaller epoch (line 简单来说就是: 以前是不区分acceptedEpoch 和 currentEpoch的,以前epoch是直接从zxid中前32位里提取的。但这会导致一个问题:假设有三个服务器s1, s2, s3. 集群s1和s2取得联系,且s1为leader,s3为LOOKING: s2重启,加上s3的选票,将s3选为leader s3把自己当做leader,且epoch+1,但无法与其它server取得联系。此时s1还是认为自己是leader(后文会问为什么)。 s2无法与s3取得联系,同时收到s1的LEADING信息,便回到s1的旧集群里 s3无法与他人取得联系,退出leadership,回到FLE,并收到旧集群leader s1的消息,便作为follower也回到旧集群里 s3作为follower发现自己的epoch比旧leader的epoch还大,便又回到FLE 之后s3就不断在4和5之间徘徊,不断在FLE阶段和RECOVER阶段循环。 至于为什么s1自认为自己是leader, 是因为leader有一个缓存时间导致leader不会因为某些瞬时故障而结束自己的任期. 这个缓存时间的原理是:心跳包 在心跳包以内leader1检测不到leader2和leader3的learnHandler线程死亡,因而leader状态保持有效,仅仅是状态表示标识,不会影响写操作,因为写操作会要求半数以上节点响应,而这个时间端这个要求是不满足的. 那么acceptedEpoch和currentEpoch是怎么解决故障恢复问题的呢? if (newEpoch > self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { wrappedEpochBytes.putInt((int) self.getCurrentEpoch()); self.setAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch); } else if (newEpoch == self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { // since we have already acked an epoch equal to the leaders, we cannot ack // again, but we still need to send our lastZxid to the leader so that we can // sync with it if it does assume leadership of the epoch. // the -1 indicates that this reply should not count as an ack for the new epoch wrappedEpochBytes.putInt(-1); } else { throw new IOException("Leaders epoch, " + newEpoch + " is less than accepted epoch, " + self.getAcceptedEpoch()); 直接报错,强制不允许大于leader的epoch的节点加入集群

Kate Bush的《Nocturn》 歌词

歌曲名:Nocturn歌手:Kate Bush专辑:Aerial Cd2Album:Darkness And HopeTitle:NocturnaHigh heels of crystalstuck in the heartdaylight that healsthe fullmoon scarsSpider strategyand the wish to beat one with methroughout the frightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightSister of cainall our breed slainthe youthful oathis still the samele mal de vivrethat never endsbut the hunt (for you) goes onthroughout the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightQQ :26090985http://music.baidu.com/song/2183056

Sure Thing 歌词

Love you like a brother,像哥哥一样爱你Treat you like a friend.像朋友一样对你Respect you like a lover像爱人一样尊重你Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh(⊙o⊙)哦,哦,哦。。。。You could bet that你可以肯定Never gotta sweat that 永远不需要担心You could bet that你可以肯定Never gotta sweat that 永远不需要担心If you be the cash, I"ll be the rubberband如果你是金钱,我就是强盗团You be the match, I"m gon be the fuse, boom如果你是火柴,我就是导火线,boom(爆炸的声音)Painter baby, you could be the muse如果我是画家,你就是我灵感的源泉I"m the reporter baby, you could be the news如果我是记者,你就是我的独家新闻Cause you"re the cigarette and I"m the smoker你是香烟,我是吸烟者We raise a be, cause you"re the joker你有无限的可能,因为你是个难以捉摸的人You are the chalk and I can be the blackboard你是粉笔,我就是黑板You could be the talk and I could be the walk我是一段路,你就是这段路上我们所说的话Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的You could bet that never gotta sweat that 你可以肯定,永远不需要担心You could bet that never gotta sweat that 你可以肯定,永远不需要担心You could be the lover, I"ll be the fighter baby你是美人,我就是那个英雄If I"m the blunt, you could be the lighter babe如果我是爆竹,你就是打火机Fire it up将我点燃Writer baby, you could be the quote如果我是作家,你就是我的引述If I"m the lyric baby, you could be the note. record that如果我是歌词,你就是旋律Saint I"m a sinner, prize I"m a winner, it"s you你是圣人我是罪人,你是奖品我是赢家What can I do to deserve that我怎样才能更配得上你Paper baby, I"ll be the pen你是白纸,我就是钢笔Say that I"m the one, cause girl you"re a ten你是个完美的人,而我就是你命中注定的人Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的(Now rock with me babe, let me hold you in my arms, talk with me babe yeah, yeah)(现在和我一起摆动吧,让我把你搂在怀里,跟我说话,耶,耶)This love between you and I is simple as pie baby你我之间的爱就像水果派一样简单It"s such a sure thing (such a sure thing)它是毋庸置疑的(毋庸置疑)Ooh it such a sure thing (such a sure thing)哦,它是毋庸置疑的(毋庸置疑)Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的Love you like a brother,像哥哥一样爱你Treat you like a friend.像朋友一样对你Respect you like a lover像爱人一样尊重你Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦。。。。自己翻译的,凑合着看吧~(*^__^*)

if a neighbour of___steals even an inch of our land, he becomes our enemy.

ours (我们)是名词性的物主代词后面不用跟名词

in view of/in terms of/in the course of 什么意思

in view of 英音:[in "vju: 05v] 美音:[01n "vju 05v] 1. 鉴于;考虑到In view of this, we"ll start earlier. 考虑到这点,我们将提早开始。 in terms of 英音:[in "t05:mz 05v] 美音:[01n "t09mz 05v] 1. 就...而论;在...方面In terms of money, he"s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 in the course of 英音:[in 0805 "k00:s 05v] 美音:[01n 0805 "k00rs 05v] 1. 在...期间;在...过程中The work should be completed in the course of this week. 这项工作应在本周内完成。

麻烦解释kindergarten与nursery的差别 请指教,


Oracle database 10g 用cmd 链接EM console出现错误:“System 5 error has occurred."

把注册KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/ENUM/ROOT/Legacy_ORACLECONSOLE****的键值删除,然后再recreate emctl 看看?删除这个键值之前把注册表做一个备份。

请问kindergarten 和nursery school有区别吗?

pre-kindergarten 应该是幼儿园前,也就是宝宝刚出生的那段时间。pre-school=kindergarten,幼儿园。但由于“pre_kindergarten”前加了“pre”,所以要比“pre-school”靠前。

Just Like That (Featuring Rock Supreme) 歌词

歌曲名:Just Like That (Featuring Rock Supreme)歌手:Jarvis Church专辑:Just Like ThatMims - Just LIke ThatJust Like Easy, nigga I"m ruthlesscatch me with yours breezy pushing that new whipdrop top new 6 white on white new kicksI"m just pimping cross the world like Ludacrisbut niggas in the hood saying "MIMS done sold out"see me in the club and they pulling that gold outbut they don"t know I"m with the same niggas I came withsame niggas from the hood, niggas I bang withso shit ain"t change different hood the same shit"ain"t no half stepping"" on some Big Daddy kane shitI walk like hustler pimping hustlers languagewe don"t know each other "cause you hustle is ancientyou way too old nigga, I flow like H20 nigga knowevery place you go nigga, I know youpumping on that shring that"s right nigga I own youbring the hook in now somethin" for me to zone toJust Like that, a nigga blow up and do good now the hood don"t want you back nigga,Just Like that, they see you on the cover of that "Fortune Five" and catch heart attacks yeah,Just Like That, uh huh uh huh,Just Like that,You can"t go back now,Just Like That, uh huh uh huh,Just like That,You Can"t Go back now.I"m looking for that sunshine but I ain"t lil flipperyeah I"m a star but I ain"t the lil dipperalways been bad forever since a lil nigga so bitcheslove my swag used to call me lil jiggacorey sedmonds you need to bring it to the streetsso now I"m just chilling in the belly of the beast waiting for myrelease date, a nigga hungry as hellbut I be damned if you catch me walking for some cheesecakeI be in each state new bitch on my arm new twenty onthe chain another six on the charmI"m a don motherfucker kiss the ring when you see mesee I do what I do like I do it for T.V.I"m too hot, so now its all eyes on me like 2pacriding round on my lap got 2 glocksthis rap shit done made me crazyif it ain"t about the money nigga "Fuck You pay me"Just Like that, a nigga blow up and do good now the hood don"t want you back nigga,Just Like that, they see you on the cover of that "Fortune Five" and catch heart attacks yeah,Just Like That, uh huh uh huh,Just Like that,You can"t go back now,Just Like That, uh huh uh huh,Just like That,You Can"t Go back now.You was never in my class yous a bitchthought you was shit now you class dismissedyou story ain"t real enough lies keep building up you bitchmaidhomie so for you I keep a switchblade on me"cause I don"t a gun for you assI"ll give you ass a head start for I run for you assFATBOY I"m watching you put on a act boyI thought you was my man you gone do me like that boybut you know what they say and I"m calling it outwhen the pressure cook up, the true colors come outvaseline in your ass and a dick in your mouthsit back and got the industry tricking you outyou"re a bitch nigga, sell you soul or get rich niggaso I guess it time to expose you whole shit niggayou"re truly MIMS, they last soldierthe lesson for today is done class overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2567776

我的华硕笔记本开机出现system has error,please restart your computer 是啥原因


income tax expense 和 current tax的区别!!多谢!!


be as poor as a church mouse是什么意思?


有一首歌,女声,歌词有turn the light down ,,,in the dark

Hilary Duff 的 All About You里面有一句“Turn the lights down let me show you it"s true”完整歌词:You could be my dirty secret (I could be yours) We could only be a rumor (Never be sure) You could meet me in the backseat (Late night) A ticket up in first class (Mile high) Cuz hey baby, baby you got me so So good Hey baby, baby I got it so So bad Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you Turn the lights down let me show you it"s true Get a little taste of what I"m into Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you, you I don"t wanna keep a secret (No no no more) This is more than just a little thing, baby (For sure) I can"t wait until the next time (We meet) Gonna kiss you in the daylight Out on the beach Cuz hey baby, baby you got me so So good Hey baby, baby I got it so So bad Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you Turn the lights down let me show you it"s true Get a little taste of what I"m into Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you (Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you), you Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you Midnight eyes Oh you came as a surprise You were right on time Think you"re all about me, but I"m all about you Think you"re all about me, but I"m all about you (Think you"re all about me, but I"m all about you) Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you Turn the lights down let me show you it"s true Get a little taste of what I"m into Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you, you Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you Think you"re all about me but I"m all about you

trickyourgf 什么意思

trick your gf欺骗你的女朋友gf=girl friendtrick 英[tru026ak] 美[tru026ak] n. 恶作剧; 戏法,把戏; 计谋,诀窍; 骗局; vt. 哄骗,欺骗; 打扮; adj. 弄虚作假的; 有诀窍的; 欺诈的; [网络] 圈套; 技巧; 诡计; [例句]We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.我们在捉弄一个总是来烦我的人。[其他] 第三人称单数:tricks 复数:tricks 现在分词:tricking 过去式:tricked过去分词:tricked

Tony Curtis的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Tony Curtis专辑:Jammys Sleng Teng Extravaganza "95Skunk Anansie - WeakLost in time I can"t count the wordsI said when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh thoughts so unkind"cos I wanted youAnd now I sit here I"m all aloneSo here sits a bloody mess, tears fly homeA circle of angels, deep in warWeak as I am, no tears for youDeep as I am, I"m no ones foolWeak as I amSo what am I now I"m love last homeI"m all of the soft words I once ownedIf I opened my he heart, there"d be no space for airIn this tainted soulIn this weak young heartAm I too much for youWeak as I am, am, amAm I to much for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7425506

Tony Curtis的《Weak》 歌词

歌名:《Weak》(脆弱)词/演唱:凤凰鸣●●生命如此脆弱,就像风中的蜡烛看看这些无辜的孩子,他们做错了什么?如果是因为上辈子的罪为什么要逼今天对前世一无所知的生命来偿还?你让士兵在战场上牺牲,让平民在家园里丧身或许他们都犯过错,可是就连婴儿你也不放过难道只是因为他们脆弱?你的名字叫做上帝我相信你的存在,能听见每颗心为了那些被战争,暴力,贫穷和病魔折磨的童年我想发出自己脆弱的声音你用各种残忍的手段残害着幼小的生命和他们的父母亲为什么你就不会遭到报应?是不是因为人类都崇拜你?这不公平,天堂也许就是地狱一切都是人们的是幻想,可能你并不是慈悲的神喜欢无情地玩弄众生,所以好人一生并不平安说什么“好人就有好梦“,“恶有恶报“,都是我们在安慰自己伟大的上帝,请让我们都回到妈妈的子宫里原谅我们的过错,原谅我们的脆弱别让绝望伴随着我们在现实中漂泊地球人,和动物一样在你眼中卑贱而又渺小给予我们生命之后,你喜欢独自在远方观看着这场戏无尽的矛盾,争夺,互相残杀和灾难你会让我们先体验酸甜苦辣,然后毫不留情地全部带走无论是好人还是罪人,都逃不出你定的死亡规则无论人民多么善良,你都会给他们带来灾祸无论信徒多么忠诚,你都会发动一些*乱和战争那么我们还要信仰来干吗?全它*的是骗局从1998到今天,从中国到印*,我看够了悲剧那些车轮下的躯体,病床上的眼睛,被抛弃的心灵枪口前的恐惧,但愿我们都能离开这个星球到达一片真正充满爱与和平的领土原谅我们的过错,原谅我们的脆弱别让绝望伴随着我们在现实中漂泊2008年,祖国遭遇了很多不幸,从雪灾到地震不知道接下来还有什么在等待着我们我们从不害怕,但是至少我们已经知道中国人会永远团结在一起,一起欢笑一起哭泣世界在看着我们,永远不要脆弱这首歌,献给所有逝去的生命,所有挣扎中的人们顽强地前进,共渡难关,爱我中华这就是生活,永远不要脆弱在柏油路面与天空之间,有着数不清的脆弱画面凤凰鸣,2008﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/7529451

Furia的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Furia专辑:...And Then We Married The WorldMelanie C - WeakQQ : 349777127Every single morning I wake up and there"s a moment of blissThen I rememberI get up and I get on with what I chose but oh how I wish,We could go back in timeAnd find the part we lostGo back to where we started offEvery single morning I wake upAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakI can feel you loving me like tiny little wounds when I breath,And time is so unkindand I am covered up in scars that should be starting to healBut I"m not movingIt"s like I"m stuck in fantasies,Rerunning made up memoriesI can feel you loving me babyAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakAnd I hate the way I feel, I can"t control myselfIt"s like you stripped away my strength and made me someone elseWhy am I stuck here?Cos I"ve been waiting, oohAnd I"ve been patientEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel?Cos I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakSo weak...http://music.baidu.com/song/2625792


接上一篇笔记和大家分享推特上另外8位大神级别的Midjourney AI绘画博主,大家可以关煮下-咱们学习就要站在巨人的肩膀上,去接触更多前沿的AI绘画教程、知识~

3what is the change your want to make about yourself?why ?英语口语 谢谢提供!


privacy policy url 怎么弄

  privacy policy url  网络隐私权政策网址;也是选填的  网络释义  1.    隐私权政策网址  如何建立fb应用程式 |... ... Category 程式分类 Privacy Policy URL 隐私权政策网址 Terms of Service 服务使用规定网址 ...  2.    也是选填的  基廉列克杂记本: Apple App上架方法 ... Privacy Policy URL 这是隐私权保护政策的网站  如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。  您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

privacy policy url是什么意思

privacy policy url网络隐私权政策网址;也是选填的网络释义1.隐私权政策网址如何建立fb应用程式 |... ... Category 程式分类 Privacy Policy URL 隐私权政策网址 Terms of Service 服务使用规定网址 ...2.也是选填的基廉列克杂记本: Apple App上架方法 ... Privacy Policy URL 这是隐私权保护政策的网站如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

service duration是什么意思

service duration服务时间双语对照例句:Duration of interruption of train service; 列车服务受阻的时间;

有首粤语歌。有句歌词是 ONE TWO THREE FOUR

我知道有首英语歌,就叫“ONE TWO THREE FOUR”

求一首、韩国歌曲 节奏很劲爆 刚开始是说one two three four 好像不是歌手唱的 !


有一首歌歌词是one什么 two什么 three什么 four什么 five什么 six什么 seven。。

Back at one

笑傲江湖火冒三丈one two tree four什么歌曲

那年蒋介石在整个南京种满了梧桐树只因宋美龄喜欢 夏洛用一辆法拉利换了一车向日葵只因马冬梅喜欢 吴柏松三年的陪伴也抵不过江辰的一句陈小希我们和好吧 路星河56次求婚也抵不过余淮的一句对不起我来晚了 我以为孟云穿成至尊宝的样子是挽留但看见林佳拼命吃芒果的时候我才明白是放手 海绵宝宝为什么没有第二季因为海绵宝宝的配音死了 哆啦A梦为什么没有结局因为大雄不想接受没有哆啦A梦的现实 有人喜欢你么 没有 谁会在你饿得时候给你买最喜欢吃的东西没有? 有人帮你擦眼泪么没有 有人心疼你的无助么没有 一厢情愿就得愿赌服输 你何曾见过感情放过谁

凤凰传奇的一首歌,里面有句歌词是ONE TWO THREE FOUR。跪求,

creepin" up on you

求一首日语歌名 高潮部分有一句 one two three four。。。。(。。。为日语)

如果我猜的没错应该是滨崎步的浜崎あゆみ- step youどうって事ない会话のやり取りふとした瞬间に见せる仕草忘れないようにって思わなくてもあたしの中のどこかがちゃんとwow oh oh oh oh no no no no覚えてる you and meso one two three fourひとつずつone two step you そうやって君の事を知って行きたいのone two three fourひとつずつone two step you そうやってもう谁にも止められなくなってくwow wow so wow wowoh wow wow so wow wowone two three four you and me?今顷どこで何しているかななんて思ったその后すぐに例えばほんのちょっとでいいからあたしの事を想い出してってwow oh oh oh oh no no no no愿ったの you and meso one two three fourいつからかone two step you そのうち欲张りになってくあたしがいてone two three fourいつからかone two step you そのうち笑颜独り占めしたくなるかなwow wow so wow wowoh wow wow so wow wow理想と琭実の差はあまりにも激しくてとめどなく开くばかりoh yeah yeah yeahこのへんで謆める?それともがんばっちゃう?oh yeah yeah yeah yeahyeah yeah yeah yeahso one two three four you and me?one two three fourひとつずつone two step you そうやって君の事を知って行きたいのone two three fourひとつずつone two step you そうやってもう谁にも止められなくなってくone two three fourいつからかone two step you そのうち欲张りになってくあたしがいてone two three fourいつからかone two step you そのうち笑颜独り占めしたくなるかなwow wow so wow wowoh wow wow so wow wowwow wow so wow wowoh wow wow so wow wowone two three four you and me?おわり

许嵩的灰色头像最前面的歌词 什么one…two…three…four……如题 谢谢了

one night,two night,three night,four night.

以 one two three four 开头的英文歌


一首英文歌,女声,舒缓,歌词有一句one two three four

Roll The Dice



one two three four five的英文歌曲

《one two three four five》是一首英文歌曲。歌词如下:One two three four five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six seven eight nine ten,Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go,Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite,This little finger on my right.One two three four five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six seven eight nine ten,Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go,Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite,This little finger on my right.歌曲专辑美妙动听的儿歌可以给儿童带来欢乐,带来梦想,带来知识。本辑《英文儿歌大全》收录了大量英文儿歌,它突破了传统英文儿歌模式,在儿歌中融入了英语教学的内容,宝宝在音乐的熏陶下开启音乐潜能和智力潜能。同时通过卡通动画学习英语句子,加大英语词汇量,增强英语口语语感,提高英语语言表达能力。听儿歌,学英文。这是父母送给宝宝最好的礼物,让宝宝的童年更美好。

一个女的唱的首英文歌开头是one two three four ,是一首跳街舞的歌,求回答。

布兰妮的 three?


我知道是那一个,哈哈。tip toe JasonDERulo、Franch Mo.....

onetwo恰恰恰,three four恰恰恰是什么歌?歌名?


找一首滨崎步的歌,里面有句歌词是one two three four you and me

step you 滨崎步 歌词:STEP you 追随谈着一些有啊没的话题在偶然的瞬间里流露的动作即使不用特别去记忆在我心中的某处也wow oh oh oh oh no no no no清楚记得 YOU and ME?(你和我?)SO 一步一步1.2 STEP you (追随你)就这样去了解属于你的一切1.2.3.4 一步一步1.2 STEP you (追随你)就这样逐渐已无人能够阻止wow wow so wow wowoh wow wow so wow wow1.2.3.4 YOU and ME(你和我)?此刻你在做些什么就在我想到这点没有多久哪怕只是一点点也好希望你也可以想起我wow oh oh oh oh no no no no衷心盼望 YOU and ME(你和我)SO 曾几何时1.2 STEP you (追随你)不知不觉里我变得越来越贪心1.2.3.4 曾几何时1.2 STEP you 不知不觉里或许我会想独占你的笑容wow wow so wow wow oh wow wow so wow wow理想与现实的差距是那样的巨大只会不断地扩大oh yeah yeah yeah要不要就这么放弃?还是说要继续努力?oh yeah yeah yeah yeahyeah yeah yeah yeahSO YOU and ME(你和我)? 一步一步1.2 STEP you (追随你)就这样 去了解属于你的一切 一步一步1.2 STEP you (追随你)就这样逐渐已无人能够阻止1.2.3.4 曾几何时1.2 STEP you (追随你)不知不觉里我变得越来越贪心1.2.3.4 曾几何时1.2 STEP you (追随你)不知不觉里或许我会想独占你的笑容wow wow so wow wow oh wow wow so wow wow wow wow so wow wow oh wow wow so wow wow1.2.3.4 YOU and ME(你和我)?

求一首日文歌名 听起来很可爱 歌词有很多one two three four

是不是少女的终末旅行啊,倒是满足可爱这个特点,并且有很多one two three

one two three four开头的歌

i just want to

有一首粤语歌里面有一句歌词叫做什么one two three four

歌名:阳光点的歌歌手:吴业坤歌词:你要许愿吗青春眼睛心里有热情这里有共鸣再错都有人聆听微风吹任得你更率性满肚理想吗别人骂你不清醒你越要更大声我呼应I say one two three fourYou say one two three four这是阳光点的歌这是微风点的歌纪念曾经这么青春过I say one two three fourYou say one two three four以后危险这么多以后难关这么多庆幸曾经这么天真过至少你跟我世界复杂到不敢细数开网络地图不见有命途照顾好礼仪谈吐微风吹没几句我知道怕我老几岁便无力这么风骚痛着笑笑着哭到苍老I say one two three fourYou say one two three four这是阳光点的歌这是微风点的歌纪念曾经这么青春过I say one two three fourYou say one two three four以后危险这么多以后难关这么多庆幸曾经这么天真过记得最初大城埋没我的声线得你竖了你耳朵也因此我呐喊不敢怠慢岁月无多I say one two three fourYou say one two three four唱着无拘束的歌唱着无修饰的歌纪念曾经这么青春过I say one two three fourYou say one two three four要是危险这么多要是难关这么多庆幸曾经这么简单过至少你跟我

一首英文歌开头是one two three four 女声后面好像还有go


求一首歌,歌词有 one two three four ,you and me . 是一个外国女生唱的,节奏很快。


歌词一直重复one, two three, four 这是什么歌。非常感谢

是这个咩?"1234"——FEISTOne, two, three, fourTell me that you love me moreSleepless long nightsThat is what my youth was forOld teenage hopes are alive at your doorLeft you with nothing but they want some moreOh, you"re changing your heartOh, You know who you areSweetheart bitterheart now I can"t tell you apartCozy and cold, put the horse before the cartThose teenage hopes who have tears in their eyesToo scared to own up to one little lieOh, you"re changing your heartOh, you know who you areOne, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or tenMoney can"t buy you back the love that you had thenOne, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or tenMoney can"t buy you back the love that you had thenOh, you"re changing your heartOh, you know who you areOh, you"re changing your heartOh, you know who you areOh, who you areFor the teenage boysThey"re breaking your heartFor the teenage boysThey"re breaking your heart


five .


歌曲《ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE》。歌手:Chris & Pui。所属专辑:Joining in Songs。歌词:One two three four five。Once I caught a fish alive。我抓到了一只小鱼。Six seven eight nine ten。Then I let it go again。然后放走了它。Why did you let it go。为什么你放走了它。Because it bite my finger so。因为它咬了我手指头。which finger did it bite。它咬了哪个手指头?This little finger on the right。右手小指头。One two three four five。Once I caught a fish alive。我抓到了一只小鱼。Six seven eight nine ten。Then I let it go again。然后放走了它。Why did you let it go。为什么你放走了它。Because it bite my finger so。因为它咬了我手指头。which finger did it bite。它咬了哪个手指头?This little finger on the right。右手小指头。Chris & Pui演唱的歌曲有:1、Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty。2、Wheels on the Bus。3、One Man Went to Mow。4、Zoom, Zoom, Zoom。5、A Sailor Went to Sea。


one tuo thee 开头的歌叫加油加油


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