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srsuntour xcm怎么样


because i was hurt,so i want to take a break为什么take a break不能换成rest


_________ one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.

【答案】:D【答案】D【译文】我相信无论你挑选哪一个,你都会喜欢的。【考点】让步状语从句【解析】由whichever引导,表示“无论哪个”,其作用相当于no matter which。因为后面接有one,因而不能用whatever,故选D。

迈克尔杰克逊enjoy yourself歌词

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou better enjoy yourselfYou sittin" over thereStarin" into spaceWhile people are dancin" Dancin" all over the placeYou shouldn"t worryAbout the things you can"t controlCome on girl while the night is youngWhy don"t you make yourself race, make yourself goEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meLet"s have some funLet"s have a good time you and meSittin" there with your mouth poked outJust as sweet as you can beWhy don"t you liveLive the life you gotCome on girl, let"s get itWhile the feelin" is gettin" hot and hotEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meHey there girl, I"ve been watchin" youI can wipe away that frownOh, you and I can get togetherWe can tear the house downWe can tear the house downWe can tear the whole house downEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou got to enjoy yourselfSay it again(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on (Come on)You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do itHey, hey, hey get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down

What does your families usually do for the weekend?Do you enjoy it?Why?


Nirvana的《Curmudgeon》 歌词

歌曲名:Curmudgeon歌手:Nirvana专辑:With The Lights Out Cd2英文歌词第一站I can"t hide, noOn the mantleI"m not sadUntil I"m homeIt"s the seasonI"m all reasonI have seenAll I have grownSheared at the seamsCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meAnd not seenAt the seamsAt the seamsCheat on meAnd not seenI"m a lenderI"m a planterI put somethingIn the gardenIn the handleOn the mantleI met SantaI met GodSheared at the seamsCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meAnd not seenAt the seamsAt the seamsCheat on meI"m a ladyCan you save me?It"s the sulfurI have grown"Tis the seasonI"m all reasonI have fleasSo run on homeSheared at the seamsCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meCheat on meAnd not seenAt the seamsCheat on mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1251303


780块的捷安特 还是别改了上学骑着玩没必要以后花钱自己配吧..好言相劝改了会被笑的 架子都是钢的吧

超高分!求摇滚夏令营2结尾一起唱的This is our song吉他谱

歌曲名:This Is Our Song歌手:Alyson Stoner&Demi Lovato&Joe Jonas&Nick Jonas专辑:Camp Rock 2: The Final JamThis Is Our Song(Lew/Graham/Hector)You"re so beautiful, divineEverything "bout you so fineAnd with the love like yoursThere is no pain in this world that I can"t endureSo beautiful, so wonderfulAnd as we float on the floorI hear the music of loveThis is our songThis is the song we"ll remember forever and everIt means to you what it means to meSo from this moment on, we knowThis is our songOur songAnytime I feel aloneI put on our favorite songAnd like the music and wordsWe merge into oneAnd play on and onLove"s so beautiful, unconditionalCan"t find the words to explainThis is our song and our song says it allWhen my skies are greyMake them clear againWhen I"m weak you are strongI need to hear the sound, you need to hear the wordsThis is how it all beganSo forever and everWith just so you knowJust soWe knowWe knowWe both knowThis is our song希望能帮到你。

burst at the seams是什么意思

burst at the seams在接缝处爆裂双语对照词典结果:burst at the seams胀破接缝,太满,太挤; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I ate so much I thought I"d burst at the seams. 我吃了这么多,我想我吃得过饱了。2.And the overburdened syndication market is starting to burst at the seams. 此外,超负荷的银团贷款市场也正出现裂痕。

This is a picture of my room 为什么填of

因为 表示的是 所属关系 所以可以用of

迪卡侬rr500入门山地车,改装空间大不大?轮径26,前叉是80行程的suntour xct。。。

改装空间不大,迪卡侬做的只是运动市场,山地车还差点其实。 改动空间是有了,无非就是加钱,可加钱不如直接一步到位了。

美利达 勇士550 升级版560 前叉SR SUNTOUR M2025 63mm是弹簧叉吗 在平时怎样保养


If the project ________ by the end of this month is delayed , the company is sure to pay a larg...

C 试题分析: 考查非谓动词语。A选项过去分词表示被动完成;B选项现在分词表示主动进行;C选项不定式的被动形式表示被动和将来;D选项现在分词的完成式表示主动完成;从结构判断________ by the end of this month是非谓语做定语用来修饰project,而且从this month 可知此处表示将来,所以答案选C。句意:如果计划到月底竣工的项目被耽搁了的话,公司肯定得为此偿付一大笔钱。

凯路仕山地自行车上SR SUNTOUR 这是什么意思?怎么用?


failure is not the end,but the beginning作文

01 "Never,never,never,never give up." 永远,永远,永远,永远都不要放弃.02 "The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that,when nations are strong,they are not always just,and when they wish to be just,they are no longer strong." 世界历史可以总结为:当一个国家强大的时候,它并不总是公正的.而当它试图去变得公正时,它就不再强大.03 "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 勇气就是不断失败,而不丧失热情.04 "This is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is,perhaps,the end of the beginning." 这不是结束,这甚至不是结束的开始.但,这可能是开始的结束.05 "I like a man who grins when he fights." 我喜欢微笑着战斗的人.06 "True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain,hazardous,and conflicting information." 真正的才华体现在对未知、危险和矛盾的信息的判断之中.07 "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." 站起来说话需要勇气,坐下倾听同样需要.08 "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." 态度是小事,但能造成很大区别.09"We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give." 我们靠获得的东西生存,但我们靠给予的东西生活.10 "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 悲观主义者从每个机遇中看到困难,乐

SUNTOUR的XCR和RockShox Dart2


SR Suntour XCM V3 MLO锁死避震前叉 是线控锁死前叉吗?

SUNTOUR XCM V3有线控版的,这个版本的右肩上有线控安装装置,车子肩部有REMOTE字样,就表示是线控的,但多数都是肩控的



帮忙看看这款前叉SR SUNTOUR SF-XCT 避震前叉






老款的日本桑拓 SUNTOUR XC PRO 后轴飞轮不通用问题

修复suntour pro花鼓http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e6194460100hxbd.html



12款 Suntour三拓XCR 9S9速山地车牙盘8速的车能用么?


三拓Suntour XCT铝合金肩控锁死前叉是油叉吗?

油簧结构 机械锁死

SR Suntour前叉


山地车 SR suntour前叉是国产的还是日本的,求真相,拒日货。那个“suntour”又是怎么回事,一样吗

台湾的 不解释

是SR SUNTOUR前叉,上面写着呢?这个前叉怎么样呢?

入门叉 三百元价位 还可以的 3000以下车配这个比较合适

suntour (三托)是哪个国家的啊?


SR suntour前叉是国产的还是日本的,求真相,拒日货。那个“suntour”又是怎么回事,一样吗

1、先回答你的提问:SR suntour或者suntour,1956年-1990年是日本的牌子,破产后台湾资本渗入,至1995年4月日本国内的生产全部停止。SR是"Sakae Ringyo"的头文字,总部位于彰化県福兴郷福兴工业区兴业路7号,2001年在中国u30fb広东省深圳市宝安区的生产拠点为「荣轮科技(深圳)股份有限公司」,昆山也有工厂。依然有日资股份。2、理解你的心情,但是 --- 可能你也知道,身份证就使用了日本技术,我个人也不太理解,有IC芯片的身份证,不用别国技术就不行吗?目前,尽量不要买日本的整机产品是有可能的,但是日本的零配件在世界各国的汽车、电脑、手机、数码、电视等产品中,占有一定地位,某些零配件只有日本生产,世界各国只能从那里进口,也包括国产品牌。例如:去年日本地震后,全球汽车市场都有所涨价,原因是日本某零配件的工厂在震区,停产了,这些配件只有日本生产,供应全球。 再比如,国产的电脑和手机,对日本零配件依赖程度较高,欧美品牌的电脑和手机,对日本零配件依赖程度也较高。

SR Suntour前叉这个牌子是哪个国家生产的?




The baby () non stop for The past hour


Goose house组合的NonStop!journey罗马音歌词,注意是罗马音,不要少词或漏词

雨上(あめあ)がりの虹(にじ)もa me a ga ri no ni ji mo凛(りん)と咲(さ)いた花(はな)もrin to sa i ta ha na mo色(いろ)づき溢(あふ)れ出(だ)すi ro dzu ki a fu re da su茜色(あかねいろ)の空(そら)a ka ne i ro no so ra仰(あお)ぐ君(きみ)にa o gu ki mi niあの日(ひ)a no hi 恋(こい)に落(お)ちたko i ni o chi ta瞬间(しゅんかん)のドラマチックshun kan no do ra ma chi kkuフィルムの中(なか)の1(ひと)コマもfi ru ma no na ka no hi to ko ma mo消(き)えないよki e na i yo心(こころ)に刻(きざ)むからko ko ro ni ki za mu ka ra君(きみ)だよki mi da yo君(きみ)なんだよki mi nan da yo教(おし)えてくれたo shi e te ku re ta暗闇(くらやみ)も光(ひか)るならku ra ya mi mo hi ka ru na ra星空(ほしぞら)になるho shi zo ra ni na ru悲(かな)しみを笑颜(えがお)にka na shi mi wo e ga o niもう隠(かく)さないでmou ka ku sa na i de煌(きら)めくどんな星(ほし)もki ra me ku don na ho shi mo君(きみ)を照(て)らすからki mi wo te ra su ka ra眠(ねむ)りも忘(わす)れて迎(むか)えた朝日(あさひ)がne mu ri mo wa su re te mu ka e ta a sa hi gaやたらと突(つ)き刺(さ)さるya ta ra to tsu ki sa sa ru低気圧(ていきあつ)运(はこ)ぶte i ki a tsu ha ko bu头痛(ずつう)だってzu tsuu da tte忘(わす)れるwa su re ru君(きみ)に会(あ)えばki mi ni a e ba静寂(せいじゃく)はロマンティックse i ja ku wa ro man ti kku红茶(こうちゃ)に溶(と)けたシュガーのようにkou cha ni to ke ta shu ga- no you ni全身(ぜんしん)に巡(めぐ)るよzen shin ni me gu ru yo君(きみ)の声(こえ)ki mi no ko e君(きみ)だよki mi da yo君(きみ)なんだよki mi nan da yo笑颜(えがお)をくれたe ga o wo ku re ta涙(なみだ)も光(ひか)るならna mi da mo hi ka ru na ra流星(りゅうせい)になるryuu se i ni na ru伤付(きずつ)いたその手(て)をki zu tsu i ta so no te woもう离(はな)さないでmou ha na sa na i de愿(ねが)いを込(こ)めた空(そら)にne ga i wo ko me ta so ra ni明日(あした)が来(く)るからa shi ta ga ku ru na ra导(みちび)いてくれたmi chi bi i te ku re ta光(ひかり)はhi ka ri wa君(きみ)だよki mi da yoつられて仆(ぼく)もtsu ra re te bo ku mo走(はし)り出(だ)したha shi ri da shi ta知(し)らぬ间(ま)にshi ra nu ma niクロスし始(はじ)めたku ro su shi ha ji me taほらho ra今(いま)だi ma daここでko ko de光(ひか)るならhi ka ru na ra君(きみ)だよki mi da yo君(きみ)なんだよki mi nan da yo教(おし)えてくれたo shi e te ku re ta暗闇(くらやみ)は终(お)わるからku ra ya mi wa o wa ru ka ra君(きみ)だよki mi da yo君(きみ)なんだよki mi nan da yo教(おし)えてくれたo shi e te ku re ta暗闇(くらやみ)も光(ひか)るならku ra ya mi mo hi ka ru na ra星空(ほしぞら)になるho shi zo ra ni na ru悲(かな)しみを笑颜(えがお)にka na shi mi wo e ga o niもう隠(かく)さないでmou ka ku sa na i de煌(きら)めくどんな星(ほし)もki ra me ku don na ho shi mo君(きみ)を照(て)らすからki mi wo te ra su ka ra答(こた)えはいつでもko ta e wa i tsu de mo偶然(ぐうぜん)?必然(ひつぜん)?guu zen hi tsu zenいつか选(えら)んだ道(みち)こそi tsu ka e ran da mi chi ko so运命(うんめい)になるun me i ni na ru握(にぎ)りしめたその希望(きぼう)も不安(ふあん)もni gi ri shi me ta so no ki bou mo fu an moきっと2人(ふたり)を动(うご)かすki tto fu ta ri wo u go ka su光(ひかり)になるからhi ka ri ni na ru ka ra

Greenland is the largest island(岛)in the world. It’s in Europe(欧洲). Near Greenland there i

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:A 试题分析:这篇短文描述了格陵兰岛和冰岛,并就两岛的一些特点做了对比。小题1:根据How about Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it isn"t. Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. Iceland has lots of hot springs .描述可知本句描述错误。小题2:根据The weather is not so cold as that on Greenland.可知本句描述正确。小题3:联系下文可知“Hot spring”指的是温泉,故本句描述错误。小题4:根据Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland.可知本句描述错误。小题5:根据And there are more people on Iceland than on Greenland.可知本句描述正确。点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。

请以How to Protect our World 为题,写一篇80字左右的英语短文。

There is so much for us to think about when seeing so many plastic bags piled everywhere. The plastic bag has brought great convenience to people but has also done huge environmental damage. Every person should know the harm resulting from "white pollution". To explain this, we should know how terrible and harmful the "white pollution" is and what we should do to reduce this kind of pollution. "White pollution" mainly refers to the two negative effects on the environment: "visual pollution" and "latent hazard" due to the ineffective management and disposal of plastic rubbish. White pollutants primarily consisting of foam boxes, plastic bags, plastic cup, and other plastic materials. Today, the presence of white pollution along railways, by the rivers, on the two sides of the streets in the cities, etc. has made people realize the severity of the problem. Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic products, one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbish and the earth would become a dustbin. To prevent our environment from the white pollution, governments need to work closely with each other and take actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution. We must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to color the earth green instead of white. 1. In our daily life we must use plastic bags as less as possible. Use the paper bags instead and try not to rely on plastic bags. This will reduce the pollution to our environment and reduce the waste of the resources. 2. Recycling and reprocessing used Styrofoam rather than completely banning its production is an important strategy to eliminate white pollution. Let us have everyone educated to learn their own responsibility and obligation of reducing the "white pollution" and protecting the environment.



一首英文歌开始是吹口哨,然后就是one two three four。


求翻译Children get (in the way) during the holidays.


__________[A] evidence[B] accidents[C] adventures[D] events

【答案】:DExamples of stress-inducing events in the life of a young person are death of a pet, pressure to achieve academically, the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth group. 年轻人的生活中,能够带来压力的事件,包括宠物的死亡、学业的压力、父母的离异,或者加入新的年轻人群体。[D] event来自拉丁语evenire发生,e-出.外+venire来,发生出来的事就是“(比较重大的)事件”。而句子表语部分恰恰罗列了种种较为重大的事件。[A] evidence n. 明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据,[物]证据,证物;[B]accident n. 意外事件,(造成一定伤亡或者损失的)事故;[C] adventure n. 冒险,冒险的经历。

树莓派 如何 安装pycurl 用pip install pycurl 总是报错

1.在安装pip前,请确认win系统中已经安装好了python,和easy_install工具,如果系统安装成功,easy_install在目录C:Python27Scripts 2.进入命令行,然后把目录切换到python的安装目录下的Script文件夹下,运行 easy_inatall pip。3.pip安装成功后,在cmd下执行pip!



迈克杰克逊we are de wourld音乐和歌词



We can do it/on/our/own!这样读可以加重语气,以取得对方的信任。

our own符合语法吗,求大手解释

固定用法,人称物主代词后面常有,修饰物主代词,强调物品是前面人称代词独有的,不是和别人分享的。比如说my room 我的房间my own room 我自己的房间our也可以这样用这时的own是形容词,不是动词

【We own the night歌词翻译!】May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight 开头的!急需啊!!!

May our hearts be full like our drinks tonightMay we sing and dance till we lose our mindsWe are only young if we seize the nightTonight we own the nightTonight we own the nightLa la la la laLa la la la laWhen my time is over, lying in my graveWritten on my tombstone, I want it to sayThis man was a legend, a legend of his timeWhen he was at a party, the party never diedHey, Everybody"s got a dream so what do you sayAre we making history?May our hearts be full like our drinks tonightMay we sing and dance till we lose our mindsWe are only young if we seize the nightTonight we own the nightTonight we own the nightLa la la la laLa la la la laFor tonight im famous, for tonight im kingAnd I will be remembered, for centuries of sandThis man was a hero, a hero of the nightWhen he was at a party, the party never diedHey, i"m a little drunk, but I got something to sayMay our hearts be full like our drinks tonightMay we sing and dance till we lose our mindsWe are only young if we seize the nightTonight we own the nightTonight we own the nightAnd let us wake up in studded strangers bedLet the drinks comes in until nothing leftAnd this night my friends we will not forgetTonight we own the nightTonight we own the nightMay our hearts be full like our drinks tonightMay we sing and dance till we lose our mindsWe are only young if we seize the nightTonight we own the nightTonight we own the night


body 的背景图片 的 路径是 blimgs下的bki


War never changes



2015年6月26日长隆欢乐世界游行,英文歌曲是什么?歌词大概是that i miss your

California Gurls - Katy PerryGreetings loved onesLets take a journeyI know a placeWhere the grass is really greenerWarm wet and wildThere must be something in the waterSippin" gin and juiceLaying underneath the palm treesThe boysBreak their necksTry"na to creep a little sneak peekYou could travel the worldBut nothing comes closeTo the golden coastOnce you party with usYou"ll be falling in loveOooooh Oh OoooohCalifornia girlsWe"re unforgettableDaisy DukesBikinis on topSun-kissed skinSo hotWill melt your popsicleOooooh Oh OoooohCalifornia girlsWe"re undeniableFine fresh fierceWe got it on lockWest coast representNow put your hands upOooooh Oh OoooohSex on a beachWe get sand in our stilletosWe freakAnd we"re cheapSo play the songs on the stereoYou could travel the worldBut nothing comes close to the golden coastOnce you party with usYou"ll be falling in loveOooooh Oh OoooohCalifornia girlsWe"re unforgettableDaisy DukesBikinis on topSun-kissed skinSo hotWill melt your popsicleOooooh Oh OoooohCalifornia girlsWe"re undeniableFine fresh fierceWe got it on lockWest coast representNow put your hands upOooooh Oh OoooohTone TanFit and readyTurn it up cause its gettin" heavyWild wild west coastThese are the girls I love the mostI mean the onesI mean like shes the oneKiss herTouch herSqueeze herThe girls a freakShe drives a jeepThe men on the beachI"m okayI won"t playI love the baitJust like I love LAVenice beachAnd Palm SpringsSummer time is everythingCome on boysHanging outAll that a-sHanging outBikinis tankinis martinisNo weeniesJust to getIn betweenyKaty my ladyYou looking here babyI"m all up on youCause you representing CaliforniaCalifornia girlsWe"re unforgettableDaisy DukesBikinis on topSun-kissed skinSo hotWill melt your popsicleOooooh Oh OoooohCalifornia girlsWe"re undeniableFine fresh fierceWe got it on lockWest coast representNow put your hands upOooooh Oh OoooohCaliforniaCalifornia girls manCaliforniaCalifornia girls

安装sbsettings出现sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1),请问怎么处理

有其他文件吗?比如setup.exe之类的?如果有就用那个来安 没有就回下载页去看看





the Course l Hate most of the long -distance Education 求一篇80字的英语作文 急用

  A: Morning,guys!As wo know,with the society deloping.Lifelong education is of great importance in our life .First of all.why do we attach importance of lifelong education.   B:In my opinion,the society is in the progress,we have to improve ourselves to appiy to challenge.   A:Yeah,it is great!And you ?   C:As far as I am concerned,it is good radically.It is lifelong education that makes us wise during Our life.We all should call on lifelong education .   A:I agree with you.As the saying goes,there is no end for learning .Of course,words said than done,there arre some difficulties in persisting it through the whole life.What should we do to Get in ?   B:Lifelong education is just a kind of habit.We need to spend too much time in developing it.However ,most of students do not like reading at all.What"s more ,they hate it.It is hard for them to achieve it.   C:At the same time ,we would rather play compouter or click smart phones.It seems that we have on time to study.when talking about the topic ,some of us feel boring They think it of no use . B:Aha,it is true ,it may be a very common phenomen.   A:Both of you are good.As a teacher, I hope most of you will have the concept of longlife education.   B:OK,I will do my best to do so .In addition ,there is a will ,there is a way!Just do it !And you ? C: Though it may be hard ,I am fond of trying it.Let us work together . A:Okey,it is over.Last but not least,we have to stick to it ,come on,guys!!

隐藏人物Hidden Figures

安利一部电影,影片讲述1962年,汉森饰演的非裔美国数学家与斯宾瑟和梦奈两位“同事”组成智囊团,三位女性非裔主人公由于性别和肤色的原因,在上世纪中叶仍存在种族隔离的美国,依靠值得信赖的学识和品德,为宇航员约翰·格伦成功绕地球轨道飞行做出贡献,获得尊重的故事。 凯瑟琳·约翰逊(Katherine Johnson)奶奶今晨去世了,享年101岁。她是谁? 1962年,苏联人加加林登天已经是前一年的事了,美国人正在拼命追赶。那一年的2月20日,美国人计划用大力神火箭把水星飞船送入地球轨道,里面将搭载宇航员约翰·格伦(John Glenn),如果成功,他会是第一个进入地球轨道的美国人,第三个进入宇宙的美国人(前两个都是抛物线弹道亚轨道飞行)和第五个进入宇宙的地球人。 环球飞行,对飞船弹道的计算就变得非常麻烦,因为有很多时候飞船在通讯盲区里,无法通讯,更不能遥控。 NASA的科学家用当时还非常幼稚的电脑给格伦推演了整个飞行过程,格伦表示不信任这些经常死机的家伙。“叫那个女孩来,只要她拍板,我随时可以上天。” 那个女孩,就是时年42岁的凯瑟琳·约翰逊,NASA的负责弹道计算的数学家。她1953年加入当时还叫国家航空咨询委员会(NACA)的NASA前身的时候,职位是“计算员”,也就是computer,人肉计算机。再之前,她在一个高中教数学、法语和音乐。再之前,她是西弗吉尼亚州立大学第一名黑人女研究生。 NACA的人肉计算机,全部工作在总部大楼的西侧配楼,全都是黑人女性。 这些故事,大家可以找电影《隐藏人物》(Hidden Figures)看。这个中文译名其实丢了一大部分“神”。figure,也是数字。hidden,说的是直到2005年,NASA早期的黑人女性的故事才见诸于大众视野。 凯瑟琳1986年在NASA退休,水星计划、双子星计划、阿波罗计划、航天飞机时代。美国载人航天无数个决定宇航员命运的方程的解中,有她这个隐藏的数字。 2015年,她获得由奥巴马颁发的自由勋章。2016年,以她和其他NASA早期黑人女雇员为原型的电影《隐藏人物》上映。2019年,她百岁寿辰之时,她曾经工作过的西配楼,被命名为凯瑟琳约翰逊大楼。 老奶奶,To infinity,and beyond.







hidden treasure是什么意思

中文翻译为:search for hidden treasure寻找隐藏的宝藏例句:1、I was completely baffled in my search for hidden treasure.我寻找隐藏的财宝的努力完全失败了。2、Description: Big city adventure San Francisco-Join the Big City Adventure treasure hunt and search for thousands of cleverly hidden items!描述:大城市的冒险旧金山-加入大城市探险寻宝,并搜寻成千上万的巧妙隐藏项目!





free shipping free return是什么意思

free shipping free return免费送货,免费退货例句:1.Wide shoes-free shipping& return shipping. 鞋宽免航运船务返回。2.Unilateral commitments by the buyers return shipping charges. 由买家单方面承担来回运输费用。3.Last year it introduced "amazon prime", which provides free shipping in return for a one-off payment. 去年,它推出了“亚马逊优惠计划”,对一次性付款的顾客提供免费运输服务。4.Benefits include free shipping, gifts, offers such as buy one and get one free, and discounts. 免费福利包括航运、礼物和提供诸如买一送一,折扣.5.If we have refunds agreements, you will be responsible for the return shipping charges. The balance will be refunded back to you after we receive the items. 如果达成退货退款协议,本店铺会收取货品退回运费。我们在收到退回货物后,会退回款项。




outercourse的意思是外层,外层outercourse不性交也能获得高潮快感;非性交性快感sexual stimulation without vaginal penetrationsince pregnancy cannot happen if sperm are kept out of the vagina, outercourse is one method of birth control




Once the plugin is installed, the next step is to configure it. Conceptually, this is very similar to associating a local project with a repository project in Structure101 ide plugin. You have some local code on your machine, here in the form of a project in an IDE, and you need to tell the plugin where the corresponding repository project is located. Logically, then, configuration takes place on a per-project basis: you configure local project X to be associated with repository project X, local project Y with repository project Y, etc. See also: Multi-project Issues. Once the association is in place, the plugin retrieves the architecture diagrams from the repository and displays them in the Diagrams Viewer. It then plugs itself into the IDEbuild system, ready to check for violations whenever a project source file is (re-)compiled. Any violations it finds are shown as overlays in the Diagrams Viewer. Note that any class map for the relevant model will be applied before the architecture is checked. See Understanding Models and Rules. A key feature is that the plug-in can be set to warn only on new code changes that are inconsistent with the architecture. This way developers can grow the code-base towards the target architecture without being constantly swamped with pre-existing violations. This is achieved by comparing each (bad) dependency against a reference snapshot of the project stored in the repository, marking a violation as "new" if the corresponding dependency cannot be found in the reference. The primary configuration data required by the plugin is therefore: The path to the repository: either a file system path (typically to a shared network drive) or an URL if the repository has been web-enabled via the Structure101 web application The project within the repository that corresponds to the given IDEproject The snapshot in the repository project to use as the reference (usually the most recent, but possibly hard-wired to a specific older version in extended branching and merging scenarios) The severity to apply for new vs existing violations The last aspect of the configuration relates to exactly when the plug-in will actually check for violations. The default setting is always - this means that it will perform an incremental scan every time code is recompiled. The main alternative is on demand - in this mode, it will only perform the scan when you tell it to (by hitting the refresh button) in the Diagrams Viewer. Finally, you can also set never - this basically puts the plugin to sleep, but without losing any of the settings. To get at the configuration screen: In Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101 in the tree on the left. In IntelliJ IDEA: choose File / Settings / Structure101 (under Project Settings). To get at the configuration screen in Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101in the tree on the left. Here"s what the configuration screen looks like in Eclipse.

non-functional currency什么意思


跪求,你们谁知道we are,we are.not your ordinary fam-mily........,这首歌的名字和中文翻译

冰河世纪四的主题曲,就叫we are

sdupt.exe是什么东西? urlproc.exe是什么东西? sddsupdate.exe是什么东西? 说的详细一点,谢谢。

sdupt.exe这个不是病毒,SD是盛大的意思,而后面的你不感觉是UPDATA的影子吗??这个是传世实时升级文件的进程。。 给你版本更新的。。urlproc.exe是360浏览器红绿灯监测进程。在360浏览器右下方有个红绿灯标志。右键点击,弹出窗口,点击暂停监测。进程消失。建议不要关闭这个进程。SddSUpdate.exe 是盛大游戏的组件,用于盛大游戏的更新服务。它与盛大游戏(如:传奇等)默认安装在不同的目录中。该程序有盛大的数字签名,是确保安全的。你可以右击该文件,点击属性,查看“数字签名”。

以know yourself为题写一篇英语作文

In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead.Let"s say the top crowd decides that it is *** art to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbeing. The situation can even bee dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is *** art to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.   Now, chances are that you have e across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don"t do it yourself. Learn to say, “No.”   Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with, have the courage to bow out politely. You"ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet. Remember this in your heart, you are the unique one in the world, just be yourself.

求有关be yourself 的英文演讲稿

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar WildeIt"s quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice: Be yourself. But it"s such a vague adage. What do they really mean when they tell you to be yourself? And is it really as easy as it sounds?1. Find yourself. You can"t be yourself if you don"t know, understand, and accept yourself first.2. Stop caring about how people perceive you. The fact is, it really doesn"t matter. It"s impossible to be yourself when you"re caught up in wondering "Do they think I"m funny? Does she think I"m fat? Do they think I"m stupid?" To be yourself, you"ve got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter—not their consideration of you. 3. Be honest and open. What have you got to hide? You"re an imperfect, growing, learning human being. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself—and you feel you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally—then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. 4. Relax. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you"re not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. 5. Develop and express your individuality. Whether it"s your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it. 6. Have a Productive Day. Accept that some days you"re the pigeon, and that some days, you"re the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that"s just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you"ll respect yourself. 7. Believe in who you are. If you"re always working to be someone you"re not, you"ll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you"re proud the way you are! Yea and don"t forget that being yourself and honesty is the best policy! 希望对你有用^_^

just do yourself 翻译


Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Be Yourself歌手:Morcheeba专辑:Parts of the Process-= Morcheeba 《 Be Yourself 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Too much of a good thingHas really burnt me outI"m sick of satisfactionAnd living in a droughtJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canThe center of attentionIs living on the edgeThe thirty of second floorI"m standing on a ledgeGot to get this straightCos we"re running too lateJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Just be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can... ... ...http://music.baidu.com/song/53882580

求一首英文歌 男声的。歌词大概是:......you are all I need......let me by your side....I am yours..

Close my eyes and feel your mind轻轻地闭上双眼感受你的心境Time has passed I walk like a shadow时光逝去我宛如幽魂般地游走Never knew What I am going through从未知觉自己穿越过的事物You touch my heart and take my breath away你触动我的心弦 教我屏息Whisper on the wind so softly风儿捎来的耳语 如此地轻柔Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love就让耀眼星辰将爱注满我们的梦想吧Reach for your hand伸向你的手you"re holding my key你正握著我的钥匙and you show me the way你引导我方向Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one我多么希望我两能永远在一起 永不分离All the tears that haunt my past那些泪水纠结著我的过往You promised It"ll be better tomorrow你曾约定过的明天将会更好的play that song You and I listened to播放那首我俩曾聆听过的歌吧!And let it gently ease our pain让它轻柔地舒缓我们的伤痛Tender rain drops from the blue sky晴空飘下温柔的雨滴blue sky晴空Flowers blooming life is so divine丛花绽开生命是如此的神奇like sunlight on a stream仿佛溪水上闪烁耀眼的阳光般you"re holding my key你正握著我的钥匙You show the world to me你引导我看全世界Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开So much love in this beautiful world在这美丽的世界上 处处充满著爱Search for the brightest star in the sky找寻那夜空中最明亮的星辰You will find the meaning of love你将会发现真爱的意义Don"t be afraid别害怕Don"t be afraid别害怕Just be yourself只要作你自己Just be yourself只要作你自己We need this love我们需要这份爱…(We need this love)这份我从未知道的爱I never knew我从未知道(I never knew)我从未知道Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 永远不分开

接纳自己 Osho wisdom: Accept yourself

每个人都觉得自己某方面不够好,原因是我们没有接受每个人都是独特的。其实根本不存在劣等或者优越的问题。每个人都是独特的,不存在比较。 Everybody feels inferior in some way or other. And the reason is that we don"t accept that everybody is unique. There is no question of inferiority or superiority. Everybody is just one of his kind comparison does not not arise. 我们没有允许人们去接纳自己。 当你开始接纳自己的时候,没有比较,那所有的劣等,优等就消失了。 当你完完全全地接纳自己,你就会从这些复杂的劣势优越中解脱出来。不然你一辈子都会受苦。 We have not allowed people to accept themselves as they are. The moment you accept yourself as you are, without any comparison, all inferiority, all superiority, disappears. In the total acceptance of yourself you will be free from those complexes inferiority, superiority. Otherwise you will suffer your whole life. 我也没看到有什么人能在这个世界拥有一切。人们尝试过,也失败了。 And I cannot conceive of a person who can have everything in this world. People have tried, and failed utterly. 只要做你自己,就足够了。 Just be yourself, and that"s enough. 你被太阳接受,你被月亮接受,你被树接受,你被大海接受,你被地球接受。你还想要什么? You are accepted by the sun, you are accepted by the moon, you are accepted by the trees, you are accepted by the ocean, you are accepted by the earth. What more do you want? 你被整个宇宙接受 You are accepted by this whole universe. 庆祝吧! Rejoice in it! 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/07817b672ec7

just be yourself 如何回答



just be yourself做好你自己做好自我

恋骑士 Purely☆Kiss的登场人物

艾尔希亚·哈温斯(エルシア=ハーヴェンス)(Elcia·Harvence)CV:一色ヒカル(田中凉子)爱好:剑术、历练自己、收集布偶喜欢的东西:布偶、可爱的小东西和内衣、诚实的人讨厌的东西:幽灵、恐怖电影、坏蛋从骑士制度相当发达的维路布格王国来的留学生。隶属于伊斯库瓦亚,1年级学生,但和主人公不同班级。出生于拥有爵位的贵族骑士家族。自幼接受贵族、骑士的双重教育,行为举止都展现出傲人的凛凛风范。事实上,她的确拥有过人的剑术,曾经仅凭一己之力就解决了强盗事件。以“成为众人的模范骑士”为目标而不懈努力着。向来一本正经,乍一看会以为她很冷静沉着,实则极度不服输,很容易就热情高涨。日常生活也总是严格要求自己,以至于对恋爱相关事宜完全无知加无视。尽管如此,也有喜爱布偶和可爱内衣的少女一面。「真是奇遇,藤守要。看来我们之间好像有不可思议的缘分那呢」人气投票第4名。 狮堂 真奈(しどう まな)(Mana Shidou)CV:ひなき蓝(佐藤辽佳)爱好:料理、制作瓶船(最喜欢小心翼翼地组装,慢慢成型的过程)喜欢的东西:西式点心讨厌的东西:黑咖啡、啤酒类的苦涩物白宫学园1年级学生,隶属于伊斯库瓦亚,主人公的同班同学。在很多领域都有建树的大企业体——狮堂集团社长家的大小姐。为自己家族自豪的同时,也自觉作为狮堂家的女儿还远远不够成熟。也正是为了让自己成长到配得上狮堂家门第的人而以骑士为奋斗目标。对人很亲切,也很会照顾人,只是多少有点胆怯和懦弱。总是时刻鞭策自己不能丢狮堂家的脸,努力展现出能干的一面。倒也不是天资聪慧,只是凭着自身的不懈努力,在学习和运动上都竭力回应了他人的期待。由于被家里的女仆灌输了扭曲的男性认识,对男性毫无免疫力甚至产生了一点洁癖。另外还有些微的洁癖。因为讨厌做不到的事,就算身为大小姐,依旧料理、洗衣、打扫样样手到擒来。尤其料理还特意向自家的厨师学习,如今的手艺已经到了就连专业人士也甘拜下风的级别。「这并不是我自身的,而是狮堂家的成就。现在的我还差得远了」人气投票第2名。 风间 明莉(かざま あかり)(Akari Kasama)CV:小仓结衣(结衣音同唯)爱好:跑步、和小孩子玩耍、裁缝、节约喜欢的东西:米饭(反正不挑食,而且好吃又便宜)讨厌的东西:阴沉的气氛、孤独白宫学园1年级学生,隶属于伊斯库瓦亚,主人公的同班同学。通过自身的拼命学习赢得奖学金,转入白宫学园。身为贫穷大家庭的长女,为了给家人给予最大的经济支援而充分利用自己出众的运动能力,也就此以收入相对稳定的骑士为目标。由于经常照顾弟弟妹妹,很会逗小孩。擅长针线活儿、料理等家务。只是比起饭菜的质量,更注重份量就是了。向来不会深入思考,都是仅凭直觉和气势直接行动,可谓乐观无比的活泼少女。尽管穷得一贫如洗,却全然没有半点伤感,反倒逆来顺受,每一天都过得异常开心。就某一方面而言,也可说她神经太大条了。因为在其乐融融的大家庭中长大,很受不了孤身一人。「重要的是,你的后背和爸爸的很像嘛。这样抱住的话,就能让人冷静下来呢」人气投票第6名。 藤守 由宇(ふじもり ゆう)(Yuu Fujimori)CV:雪都さお梨(深田爱衣)爱好:收集哥哥相关的物品(小心翼翼地珍藏着照片和礼物)、看书、上网喜欢的东西:哥哥、超浓黑咖啡讨厌的东西:超自然现象(其实是害怕无法解释的非科学之物)比主人公小1岁的妹妹。不过由于跳级,和主人公就读于同一班级,还加入了伊斯库瓦亚。最喜欢哥哥的哥哥第一至上主义者。仅仅凭着自学就完全掌握各种理论和知识,简直就是无师自通的天才。看着自幼就以骑士为目标的主人公,为了遭遇危险时能帮助、支援哥哥,她也立志成为骑士。不管对谁都是以礼相待,知书达理而且沉着稳重。可惜的是,一旦碰上和主人公扯上关系的事,感情就会立马失控,甚至于手足无措、喜怒无常。幸亏她还会把握分寸,尽量在别人面前保持正常的兄妹往来。不过只有两人时,马上就会进入撒娇模式。「难道不是要进行亲密兄妹间的肌肤相亲吗?反正只有我们两人,没什么奇怪的呀」人气投票第1名。 国中 佳织(くになか かおり)(Kaori Kuninaka)CV:楠铃音(本田千秋)爱好:没什么特别爱好喜欢的东西:睡午觉讨厌的东西:虫子白宫学园三年级学生,伊斯库瓦亚的团长。在校期间就已经取得骑士资格,主人公一行人入学之前,她一直隶属于正规的骑士团。不仅异常敏锐,运动能力也超乎常人,就算是初次接触的事物也能立马上手。也正因无所不能,反倒没什么事物能勾起她的强烈兴趣。总能以过来人的身份给主人公他们提出建议,跟尚未成熟的伊斯库瓦亚共同前进。稳重成熟的同时也亲切随和,向来都是笑容可掬。工作和学习上的确很能干,可私生活却多少有点不像样,实在懒散。尤其爱赖床,哪怕起床后也基本处于半睡状态,全裸着在宿舍内游荡而引发问题事件也是常有的。「从你们穿上那身盔甲之时起,就已经背负上伊斯库瓦亚之名。竭尽全力战斗到底吧」人气投票第3名。 伯纳黛特·维路布格(ベルナデット=ヴィルブルグ)(Bernadette·Villeburg)CV:大花どん爱好:时代剧鉴赏、悠闲地散步喜欢的东西:垃圾食品(尤其是日本制的杯面)讨厌的东西:死板的人、宾馆(讨厌做作的感觉)维路布格王国的王女。虽然在王位继承权上顺位靠后,却是维路布格王族中最积极处理公务的。十分理解自己身为王女的立场与义务,在这一点上并没有不满,只是对二十四小时都被保护的生活感到厌倦。知识丰富计算力高,也有行动力,性格孩子气。拜其所赐开心就笑,遇到讨厌的事就不高兴,感情表现直接。在意自己发育得不怎么好的身体,至少要学会有威严的说话方式,因此在学日语时选择了时代剧中的殿下一般的说话方式,一种穿越的感觉。因为某些理由来到了白宫市,但是……「称呼余为贝露就行。就是爱称这样的。余也会称呼汝为要的」人气投票第5名。 松下 良平(まつした りょうへい)(Ryouhei Matsushita)CV:原田友贵白宫学园一年级学生,主人公的同学。虽然是入学时才和主人公相遇,但是不久就打成一片。虽然被和主人公们不同的骑士团接收,但是伊斯库瓦亚以外的从骑士并不会做些真格的活动,也就做些杂务和资料整理之类的工作。对谁都是有话直说很好相处。因为擅长揣摩别人的内心,和初次见面的人也能很快熟络。在资料整理和杂务中得到的情报会悄悄地告诉主人公,暗地里支持着伊斯库瓦亚。对于身处左拥右抱的后宫状态中的主人公,比起羡慕嫉妒恨,更多的是对被各种极端性格的女孩子所包围的险境感到同情。「难得进了骑士团,为啥交给我做的都是些杂务啊。明明说我是令人期待的人才,好奇怪啊」人气投票第8名。 南云 宗善(なぐも むねよ)(Muneyoshi Nagumo)CV:こんつ(PC)/にいなみいくや(OVA)白宫学园理事长,虽然已从一线退下,现在还是现役的民卫骑士。骑士道十勋章这种国际性的勋章全部获得。因此在国内也是有名的民卫骑士,很多学生都憧憬他。过去作为骑士救了年幼的主人公,以此为契机帮助想成为骑士的主人公训练。和主人公的师徒关系加上家庭交流,两人如同亲人一般。不在意细节的豪爽性格,虽然不时会开玩笑,认真的时候还是会认真的。身为教育者威严而公正。认为用身体记住才是最好的经验,指导都如同实战一般严格。平时作为白宫学园的理事长为教育年轻人尽心尽力。作为学生从骑士的骑士团录用重审计划的发起者,是主人公一行“伊斯库瓦亚”的负责人。「虽然我也觉得一男五女一起会相当严峻,你的话做得到的」人气投票第7名。 藤守 要(ふじもり かなめ)(Kaname Fujimori)CV(OVA):浪速辰/春伊なるせ(幼年)白宫学园一年级学生,从骑士团“伊斯库瓦亚”里唯一的男生。曾经被卷入某次事件,后被南云救出。从那时起,他就一直憧憬着南云一般的骑士,并以骑士为目标奋斗着。为人随和,不管对谁都是亲切相待。老好人一个,看到别人有困难、有烦恼,总会设法帮忙。不仅如此,他还是热血少年,一旦有事发生,向来二话不说直接行动。人气投票第9名。

just do yourself 什么意思和just be yourself 一样吗


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