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有一首英文歌 女生唱的 有些摇滚风格 中间有几句 baby your love 是什么歌啊,急求



有啊。比如:Wait for your turn.It"s my turn to speak.

will you take your kite什么意思

will you take your kite你会带你的风筝吗

java通过平台api接口远程访问对方数据库将返回的json存放到我们库中,HttpURLConnection post传参问题

post 的话,你写个 html 的表单,submit 到这个地址看看或者,有浏览器的工具也可以做这事。先调通了,再调程序另外,你没看到人家 api 写的清清楚楚,需要先取得认证 token 的么……


首先,确保你的网络正常工作。其次,既然你已经尝试了网上的所有方法,我觉得你应该考虑换掉你的无线硬件。例如,如果您的计算机断开连接,您的手机或其他计算机可以连接吗?如果可以的话,在你的电脑里解释一下... 其次,如果你有一个现成的无线网卡,你可以安装然后尝试连接到无线,或者硬件本身出故障哦

To my dear loving, You have been and still are my only ture valentine I will be there for you until

Dear my love,you are my one true love and I would be with you forever!本人水平有限,不过觉得你那几句看着别扭,有冒犯还请海涵!

Turn negatives into positives,把消极转化为积极英语作文300字

One day, a farmer"s donkey accidentally fell into a dry well, and the farmer tried to find a way to rescue the donkey, but a few hours passed and the donkey was still howling in pain in the well. Finally, the farmer decided to give up, and he thought the donkey was too old to waste time and effort to get it out, but anyway, the dry well was to be filled in. So the farmer asked his neighbor for help and poured the mud into the dry well. When the donkey learned of his situation, he began to cry miserably, but unexpectedly, the donkey soon quieted down. The farmer saw when dirt falls on the donkey"s back, the donkey will shake off earth at a side, then stood on the dirt pile, so his ass out of the well, and then in all surprised expression to quickly ran away. This story tells us three things. The first reason is that in the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, but your help will only pay for the burial of your soil. So, the donkey teaches us to get out of the precipice -- to turn the negatives into positives. The second reason is that, no matter how hopeless, sometimes it is so easy to beat them. The third reason is that the donkey calmly walks out of the dry well, and the person who es out of the difficult situation should learn from the future.

there s a place in your heart中文版歌词是什么?



turn多接表示颜色的形容词,也接表示天气的形容词,它侧重变得与以前完全不同。""get+adj.""是口语,用得广泛,get能替代become, become较正式,get与become前面的主语既可以是人又可以是物。go和come是一对相反的词。""go+adj.""表示令人不快的事情,而""come+adj.""表示好的事情。如:In hot weather, meat goes bad.Things will come righ in the end.go与come前面的主语一般是物。如:误:She goes famous.正:She becomes(gets) famous.表语为mad,crazy(古怪的),blind, lame或表示颜色的词,go前面的主语可以是人。如:He went mad.Hearing this, she went red.2. become, turn, get, go, fall能用名词作表语,其它的则不能。如:His dream has become(got) a reality.He has turned scientist.He has gone socialist.He fell(a) victim to cancer.注意:go, turn后面的名词通常不带冠词。3. become, get, grow能接过去分词,并且come和go多接有否定前缀的过去分词。“get+过去分词”表示一次行为;“become+过去分词”表示事情发生的最后结果。如:The string comes untied.His report went unnoticed.The fence gets white---washed every year.She became engaged as a typist.4. get, go, come能接现在分词,不过它们已失去“成为”的意思。如:They went in and got chatting together.(开始)We often go swimming.(去)He came running in(来)3 become,get,go,grow,run,turn都可以表示状态的变化,但要注意下面的几点:1.指人的情绪或身体状态的变化,多用become与get,两者可以互换。1)Hearing what he said,the teacher got/became angry.听到他所说的话,老师生气了。2)I hope you will get well soon.我希望你不久能痊愈。2.become,get也用于天气、社会的发展变化,两者可以互换。1)Our country is getting/becoming stronger and stronger.我们的国家日益强大。2)It"s becoming/getting colder and colder.天变得越来越冷。3.指人的身体、精神或事物向不好的方面变化时,多用go,所以它后面的形容词常常是表示消极意义的。1)Something has gone wrong with the machine.机器出了毛病。2)The meat has gone bad in such hot weather.在如此热的天气,肉坏了。on hearing the news of the accident in the local mine, she ____pale.A. got B. changed C. went D. appearedgo mad go bad go crazychang clolour chang from red to green change into4.指颜色的变化时,多用turn.1)The leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天树叶变黄了。2)When she saw this,she turned red.看到这个,她的脸红了。5.become与turn都可以接名词,become后的名词前有冠词,turn后的名词无冠词且常用单数。1)She became a lawyer.她成了一名律师。2)He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.成为作家之前他是一名教师。注意:He became chairman of the party.他成了这一党派的主席。在此句话中,chairman前无冠词,因为它是一个表示职位的名词。如果一个职位在一定时期内由一个人担任时,这个表示职位的名词做表语、宾补和同位语时,常不用冠词。例如:1)He was president of the Republic at that time.2)We elected him monitor of our class.3)Mr.Hunter,captain of the team,loves playing football这几个词用作连系动词时,都可以表示“变成”的意思,但具体用法有所不同。 become通常不用来表示未来的事,而表示变化过程已经完成,用法比较正式。如:I became ill.我病倒了。get也表示变化的过程已经完成,比become口语化,通常与形容词连用。如:He has got rich.他变富了。go与get用法差不多,特别用于某些成语中。如:go bad变坏,go blind变瞎,go hungry挨饿。be表示“成为”的意思时,多用于将来时、祈使语气或不定式。如:He will be a scientist.他将成为一名科学家。I would like to be a bus-driver.我想成为一名公共汽车司机。grow表示“逐渐变成新的状态”的含义。如:My younger brother is growing tall.我的弟弟渐渐长高了。turn有“成为与以前完全不同的东西”的含义。如:the milk turned sour.牛奶变酸了。



it was our presents这句话不是有问题吗?it was后接复数!而且这个错误出现在完形填空里面

不太清楚你那句子的情况,后面还有没有。我最近遇到的一个句子。It was banks that were on wrong planet,with accounts that market prices overstate assets.其中bank银行,后面加s,表示复数,并不是集体名词。这句话的It was我认为可以去掉,仅仅表达 这是 的意思。放在句首可以隐藏不看,修饰后面的名词而已。

英语作文:What may happen in the future?

It would be foolhardy to venture technological predictions for 2050. Even more so to predict social and geopolitical changes. The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable. Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950s.But there are some trends that we can predict with confidence. There will, barring a global catastrophe, be far more people on Earth than today. Fifty years ago the world population was below 3 billion. It has more than doubled since then, to 6.7 billion. The percentage growth rate has slowed, but it is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The excess will almost all be in the developing world where the young hugely outnumber the old.If population growth were to continue beyond 2050, one can"t be other than exceedingly gloomy about the prospects. And the challenge of feeding such a rapidly growing population will be aggravated by climate change.The world will be warmer than today in 2050; the patterns of rainfall and drought across the world will be different. If we pursue "business as usual",CO2 concentration levels will reach twice the pre-industrial level by around 2050. The higher its concentration, the greater the warming - and, more important still, the greater the chance of triggering something grave and irreversible: rising sea levels due to the melting of Greenland"s icecap; runaway release of methane in the tundra.Some technical advances - information technology, for instance - surprise us by their rapidity; others seemingly stagnate. Only 12 years elapsed between the launch of Sputnik and Neil Armstrong"s "one small step" on the moon. Many of us then expected a lunar base, even an expedition to Mars, within 30 years. But it"s more than 36 years since Jack Schmitt and Eugene Cernan, the last men on the moon, returned to Earth. Since that time, hundreds of astronauts have been into orbit, but none has ventured further.The Apollo programme now seems a remote historical episode: young people all over the world learn that America landed men on the moon, just as they learn that the Egyptians built the pyramids; the motivations seem almost as bizarre in the one case as in the other. The race to the moon was an end in itself - a magnificent "stunt", driven by superpower rivalry. Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost. But, of course, we now depend on space in our everyday lives (GPS, weather forecasting and communications). And robotic exploration has burgeoned. Unmanned probes to other planets have beamed back pictures of varied and distinctive worlds.I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft. Robots and "fabricators" may enable large construction projects, using raw materials that need not come from Earth. But will people follow them? The practical case for sending people into space gets ever-weaker with each advance in robots and miniaturisation. But I"m nonetheless an enthusiast for manned missions - to the moon, to Mars and even beyond - simply as a long-range adventure for (at least a few) humans.Each mobile phone today has far more computing power than was available to the whole of Nasa in the 1960s. And advances proceed apace. Some claim that computers will, by 2050, achieve human capabilities. Of course, in some respects they already have. For 30 years we"ve been able to buy calculators that can hugely surpass us at arithmetic. IBM"s "Deep Blue" beat Kasparov, the world chess champion. But not even the most advanced robot can recognise and move the pieces on a real chessboard as adeptly as a five-year-old child.Deep Blue didn"t work out its strategy like a human player: it exploited its computational speed to explore millions of alternative series of moves and responses before deciding an optimum move. Likewise, machines may make scientific discoveries that have eluded unaided human brains - but by testing out millions of possibilities rather than via a theory or strategy.But will we continue to push forward the frontiers, enlarging the range of our consensual understanding? Some aspects of reality - a unified theory of physics, or a theory of consciousness - might elude our understanding simply because they"re beyond the powers of human brains, just as surely as quantum mechanics would flummox a chimpanzee.We can with some confidence predict continuing advances in computer power, in IT, in techniques for sequencing and interpreting and modifying the genome. But there could, by 2050, be qualitatively new kinds of change. For instance, one thing that"s been unaltered for millennia is human nature and human character. But in this century, mind-enhancing drugs, genetics, and "cyborg" techniques may start to alter human beings themselves.And we should keep our minds open, or at least ajar, to concepts on the fringe of science fiction. Flaky American futurologists aren"t always wrong. They remind us that a superintelligent machine is the last instrument that humans may ever design - the machine will itself take over in making further steps. Another speculation is that the human lifespan could be greatly extended, something that would wreak havoc on all population projections. At the moment this hope leads some to bequeath their bodies to be "frozen" on their death, in the hope of some future resurrection. For my part, I"d still opt to end my days in an English churchyard rather than a Californian refrigerator.We can make one firm forecast that"s important for all "citizen scientists". There will surely be a widening gulf between what science enables us to do, and what applications it"s prudent or ethical to pursue.It"s sometimes wrongly imagined that astronomers, contemplating timespans measured in billions, must be serenely unconcerned about next year, next week and tomorrow. But a "cosmic perspective" actually strengthens my own concerns about the here and now.Ever since Darwin, we"ve been familiar with the stupendous timespans of the evolutionary past. But most people still somehow think we humans are necessarily the culmination of the evolutionary tree. No astronomer could believe this.Our sun formed 4.5bn years ago, but it"s got 6bn more before the fuel runs out. And the expanding universe will continue - perhaps for ever - becoming ever colder, ever emptier. As Woody Allen said, "Eternity is very long, especially towards the end". Any creatures who witness the sun"s demise, here on Earth or far beyond, won"t be human. They will be entities as different from us as we are from a bug.But even in this "concertinaed" timeline - extending millions of centuries into the future, as well as into the past - this century is special. It"s the first in our planet"s history where one species - ours - has Earth"s future in its hands, and could jeopardise not only itself, but life"s immense potential.Suppose some aliens had been watching our planet for its entire history. Over nearly all that immense time - 4.5bn years - Earth"s appearance would have altered very gradually. But in just a tiny sliver of its history - the last few thousand years - the patterns of vegetation altered much faster than before. This signalled the start of agriculture. The pace of change accelerated as human populations rose.Then there were other changes, even more abrupt. Within the last 50 years - little more than one hundredth of a millionth of the Earth"s age - the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to rise anomalously fast. The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves (TV, cellphone, and radar transmissions.) And something else unprecedented happened: small projectiles launched from the planet escaped the biosphere. Some were propelled into orbits around the Earth; some journeyed to the moon and planets.If they understood astrophysics, the aliens could confidently predict that the biosphere would face doom in a few billion years when the sun flares up and dies. But could they have predicted this unprecedented spike less than halfway through the Earth"s life - these human-induced alterations occupying, overall, less than a millionth of the elapsed lifetime and seemingly occurring with runaway speed?If they continued to keep watch, what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next few decades? Will final spasm be followed by silence? Or will the planet itself stabilise? And will some of the objects launched from the Earth spawn new oases of life elsewhere?The outcome depends on political choices. But those choices can be influenced by effective and idealistic scientists, environmentalists and humanists, guided by the knowledge and technology that the 21st century will offer.自不量力地对2050年作技术预测是愚蠢的尝试。打算预测社会和地理政治的变化更是自不量力。事实上,最重要的发展,最重要的质的跨越,也是最不可能预言的。即使是最优秀的科学家也没预料到核物理的冲击力如此巨大,而回溯到上世纪五十年代,像iPhone这样的日常消费品一定会被看作不可思议的东西。不过,我们能满怀信心地预言某些趋势。比如,除非爆发一场全球性大灾难,将来地球上一定会有比今天多得多的人口。五十年前,地球人口还不到三十亿;而五十年后的今天,地球人口已经翻了一番多,达到六十七亿。虽然人口增长的速度已经减缓,但是,由此类推,到2050年地球人口将达到九十亿,而且新增加的人口几乎都将出自发展中国家,因为现在那里年轻人的数量远远超过了老年人。如果2050年之后人口继续增长,那么前景无疑会极其暗淡。由于气候变化的影响,要养活如此迅速增长的人口,我们必将面临更加严峻的考验。到2050 年,全球气候将比今天更暖和;世界各地的降雨及干旱的形式也将有所变化。如果我们继续“处之泰然”,到2050年左右,大气中二氧化碳的浓度级别将达到工业化以前的两倍。而二氧化碳的浓度越高,气温就会越高——更重要的是,还可能引发某些更严重、更不可逆转的变化:格陵兰冰盖的融化造成海平面上升;冻土地带的甲烷失去控制释放出来。如今,某些技术(比如信息技术)的发展速度快得令人吃惊;而其它方面却似乎停滞不前了。苏联发射史波尼克人造卫星和尼尔·阿姆斯壮在月球上迈开“一小步”前后只过了十二年。我们许多人因此都期待着在三十年内完成月球基地的建设,甚至实现火星探险。然而,自从杰克 ·施密特和尤今·塞尔南最后登上月球又返回地球以来,已经过去三十六年多了。从那时起,已经有数百名宇航员进入轨道,但是,没有人再做进一步的尝试。阿波罗计划如今看起来如同遥远的历史事件:全世界的年轻人听美国人登陆月球的故事,就好像听埃及人建造金字塔的故事一样;其动机无外乎是为了在一个又一个事件中猎奇。其实争先恐后地登上月球才是登陆月球的真正目的——这不过是受超级大国相互竞争驱使的壮丽的“特技”表演。从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。当然了,我们今天的日常生活,比如GPS,天气预报和通讯等都离不开太空。机器人的探险活动已经迅速发展起来。针对其它星球的无人驾驶探测器也已经传回各种各样独特世界的图片。我希望,到2050年,各种微型小机器人飞行器能够完成对整个太阳系的探测,并绘制出图谱。机器人和“制造者”也许能够使利用必要的非地球产原材料来建造大型建筑项目成为现实。可是,人们会遵照执行吗?把人送上太空的实际情况,使得机器人和小型化的每次改进都更缺乏说服力。尽管如此,我依然热心支持把载人飞行——去月球、去火星,甚至其它星球——仅仅作为人类(至少几个人)的远程冒险。如今,每部移动电话的计算能力都比二十世纪六十年代整个美国宇航局可用的计算能力都强得多。移动电话的发展进程非常迅速。有人声称,计算机将在 2050年之前达到人的智力水平。其实,在某些方面它们无疑已经达到了人的智力水平。早在三十年前,我们就能够买到计算能力大大超过人类的计算器。IBM 的“深蓝”计算机就打败了国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫。但是,即使是现在最先进的机器人,也还不能像五岁大的孩子一样熟练地识别或移动现实生活中棋盘上的棋子。“深蓝”并不是像人类棋手那样计算棋着,而是利用自己快速的计算能力研究数百万条走法以及对策,再从中选定最佳的走法。同样,机器也能获得令人类大脑无法理解的科学发现,不过,它不是通过什么理论或策略,而是通过测试数百万条的可能性来完成任务的。那么,我们是否能够继续推进这些尖端科学,扩大我们的交感理解力范围呢?现实的某些方面,比如,我们难以理解物理的统一理论或认知理论,也许只是因为它们超出了人类大脑的理解能力,正如量子力学必定会令黑猩猩大惑不解一样。我们能颇为自信地预言计算机的性能、IT、技术等将继续发展,可以用于为基因组测序,理解并修改基因组。但是,至2050年,定然会出现新的变化。举例来说,人类的本性和人类的性格千年以来没有变化。而在本世纪,增智药物、基因和“半机器人”技术也许会开始改变人类本身。我们应该向处于科学幻想边缘的观念开放我们的头脑,或至少是半开放。古怪的美国未来学家也有对的时候。他们提醒我们,具有超常智慧的机器是人类所能设计的终极仪器——机器将接管其本身以后的发展历程。还有一种推测,即人类的寿命将大大延长,这将对各种人口预测造成巨大的破坏性影响。目前,这种希望已经导致一些人留下遗言,要将他们的尸体“冷冻起来”,希望将来能够复活。至于我,宁愿选择在英国的教堂结束自己的一辈子,也不想进入加利福尼亚的冰箱。我们能够确切地做出一个对所有“科学家公民”而言很重要的预言。那就是,科学能让我们做什么和科学所追求的明智或道德的应用之间肯定存在着宽大的鸿沟。有时,人们会错误地想像,以数十亿的标准来衡量时间间隔的天文学家们一定很冷静,不会在乎明天、下周甚至明年。但是,“宇宙的观念”确实加深了我自己对眼前的关注。自达尔文以来,我们已经熟悉了进化历史惊人的时间间隔。然而,不知为什么,大多数人仍然以为我们人类必然是进化树的顶点。而天文学家没人相信这一点。我们的太阳形成于四十五亿年前,而六十亿年后它的燃料才能耗尽。膨胀的宇宙将继续——也许会永远——越变越冷、越变越空。正如伍迪·艾伦所说,“永远是很长的,尤其是通往终结”。任何能见证太阳死亡的生物,无论是在当今的地球上或是遥远的它方,都不会是人类。它们将是某种实体,其不同于我们,就好像我们不同于臭虫一样。不过,即使在这张向未来,向过去延伸数百万世纪的“折叠式”时间表上,本世纪也是特别的一个世纪。在我们地球的历史上,这是第一次有一个物种——我们的人类——掌握了地球的未来,不仅可能危及其本身,而且可能危及生命的巨大潜力。假设某些外星人一直观察着我们地球的整个历史。随着那段极长的时间过去——四十五亿年——地球外貌必定一直都在逐渐地改变着。但是,在其历史的一小段时间内——即过去的几千年——植物的模样比以前变化得快得多。这标志着农业的出现。随着人类数量的增长,这种变化的速度也越来越快。接着,出现了其它变化,更突然的变化。在过去的五十年里 ——只比百万分之一地球年龄的百分之一多一点——大气中的二氧化碳浓度开始反常地迅速上升。地球成了无线电波(电视、手机以及雷达传输器)的密集发射器。另外一些前所未有的事情也发生了:从地球上发射出去的小型抛射体逃离了我们的生物圈。其中一些被推入环绕地球的轨道,另一些则飞向月球和其它星球。如果外星人懂得天体物理学,他们可能会自信地预测到,当太阳突然燃烧起来然后灭亡的时候,这个生物圈将在几十亿年之内面对厄运。他们会不会已经预测到地球生命过去了一半的信号?——总的来说,这些人类引发的变化占据了不到百万分之一已经过去的生命期,而表面来看却似以失控的速度在发生着变化。如果这些假设的外星人继续监视着我们,他们在今后几十年内会见证到什么?会是在最后的痉挛之后归于静寂吗?或者地球本身将稳定下来?从地球上发射出去的某些东西会不会在其它地方孕育出新的生命绿洲?这个结果取决于政治选择。而二十一世纪将要提供的知识和技术,可能会引导有影响、有理想的科学家、人类生态学专家和人类学者,对这些选择产生影响。


reimbursable词典结果:reimbursable[法] 可收回的,可补偿的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Necessary and reasonable postage expenses for general correspondence are reimbursable. 一般通信所必需的及合理的费用是有所补偿的。2.The contractor shall make available any correspondence and other documentation concerned with reimbursable subcontracts to shell on request. 承包商应根据要求向shell提供与补偿分包合同有关的信件及其他文件。

英文emissions dans lair interieur是什么意思

emissions dans lair interieur 全部释义和例句>>排放在巢穴内部emissions n. 排放物( emission的名词复数 ); 散发物(尤指气体); [网络] 排放; 辐射; 发射; [例句]Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.工业化国家必须减少二氧化碳的排放。[其他] 形近词: transmissions admissions commissions


with you in your heart意思是:把你放在心里

分析句子结构 as you know, living in constant white water with the changes occurring all the time

as 引导非限制性定语从句,

求大神解答一下win10 bonjour service

Bonjour Service是苹果家族操作系统的视频聊天工具,可能是你安装什么软件附带装上去的。Bonjour,原名Rendezvous,是苹果电脑公司在其开发的操作系统Mac OS X10.2版本之后引入的服务器搜索协议所使用的一个商标名。 到控制面板找到把它删除就可以了~~










首先,打开出自网易的游戏《tickleKuri》,输入账号密码登录。2.其次,找到游戏中的设置,点击声音设置。3.最后,将声音设置按自己的习惯调节即可。网易2001年正式成立在线游戏事业部,与广大游戏热爱者一同成长。经过20年的快速发展,网易已成为中国领先的游戏开发公司[222]。网易游戏一直处于网络游戏自主研发领域的前端[223],凭借历年来稳定的精品游戏输出,截止至2020年,网易连续四年位居全球手游发行商收入排行榜TOP2;同时,网易在海外市场取得了重大突破,稳居中国厂商出海收入排行榜前四;多款自研游戏位列中国App Store手游收入排行榜TOP 20[224]。



tickle kuri手机版怎么开启声音





tickle your feet弄痒你的脚双语例句1On the one hand the level of water goes up and quickly comes to tickle your feet.就好象水位一直在上升,很快就会弄痒你的脚了。2First, careful foot sharp stones, Second, from a group of fish, tickle your feetafter itch, foot move, shrimp it all away, Third, it is easy to trample lichen, slidinto the water!第一,得小心脚下锋利的石块;第二,时不时的有一群小鱼经过,挠得你脚痒痒的,脚一动,虾就全被吓跑了;







turn out 与work out的区别 意思都为 结果是……的时候,有没有什么区别

turn out表示结果为,主语是事件,比如the problem turned out to be right work out表示做出来,主语是人,比如i worked out this problem

英语翻译1.Would you mind if I turn down the radio?(保持原句意思)Would

1,mind后面加动名词,动名词和名词一样,只能用物主代词修饰,如你只能说my book,不能说me book. 2,因为what是主语,what was the matter本身就是主系表结构,是正语序,不需要再颠倒. 3,先说B,B本身就是正语序,who是主语,has broken是谓语,后面的是宾语.宾语从句应该是正语序,B符合.D是语境不符,have gone表示已经去了哪里,已经不在你身边了,你不可能和他说话.英语用法来源于祖先,祖先是没有电话的. 4,看来你不会辨认正语序,B就是正语序,which是主语,is是系动词,the way是表语,后面是修饰的.不能总看见疑问代词加谓语就认为是倒装,你可知疑问代词能做主语乎? 5,当然不等于,agree with是动词短语,能做谓语,而后者是介词短语,只能做表语.用法很不相同.

would you mind的肯定回答到底是no, of course not.还是yes?

no, of course not.

英语选择(请解释):Would you mind my using your pen?


---They say there is a new restaurant nearby.---Yes, and it__________ for no more than a week. ...

A 试题分析:根据for可知,本题应该用现在完成时,故排除BD;本句的意思是“它开了不到一周。”表示的是一种状态,故应该用形容词open。所以本题选A。点评:本题最重要的地方在于用open的形容词“开着的”还是用动词词性“打开,开设”。当用动词时,open作为非延续性动词,不能还时间段连用。


好评率高。根据查询yooourthing品牌资料信息得知。YOOOURTHING旗舰店KAROND旗舰店 评价 95%好评度 100%好评度。





Are your hands clean?做肯定回答

Yes, I AM。 N0, I"m not

Is your name Millie?答句是选Yes,it is .还是Yes ,I am.

问题在问你的名字是Millie? Yes,it is 是,它是的 如果她问你,Are you Millie?你是Millie吗?时你可以回答Yes ,I am 是,我是



Is your name Millie? 答句是选Yes,it is .还是Yes ,I am.

yes i am

moxa交换机rstp和turbo ring的区别

  工业以太网交换机专门为满足灵活多变的工业应用需求而设计,提供一种高性价比工业以太网通讯解决方案。  而其组网方式则更重点关注于环路设计。  环路有单环和多环的区别,同时亦有在STP和RSTP基础上,各个厂家设计的私有环路协议,如RingOn、RingOpen开环、FRP环、turbo环等。  集线器的发展产生了一种叫非管理型交换机的设备。  它能实现消息从一个端口到另一个端口的路由功能,相对集线器更加智能化。  非管理型交换机能自动探测每台网络设备的网络速度。  另外,它具有一种称为“MAC地址表”的功能,能识别和记忆网络中的设备。  换言之,如果端口2收到一条带有特定识别码的消息,此后交换机就会将所有具有那种特定识别码的消息发送到端口2。  这种智能避免了消息冲突,提高了传输性能,相对集线器是一次巨大的改进。  然而,非管理型交换机不能实现任何形式的通信检测和冗余配置功能。  以太网连接设备发展的下一代产品是管理型交换机。  相对集线器和非管理型交换机,管理型交换机拥有更多更复杂的功能,价格也高出许多-通常是一台非管理型交换机的3~4倍。  管理型交换机提供了更多的功能,通常可以通过基于网络的接口实现完全配置。  它可以自动与网络设备交互,用户也可以手动配置每个端口的网速和流量控制。  一些老设备可能无法使用自动交互功能,因此手动配置功能是必不可缺的。  绝大多数管理型交换机通常也提供一些高级功能,如用于远程监视和配置的SNMP(简单网络管理协议),用于诊断的端口映射,用于网络设备成组的VLAN(虚拟局域网),用于确保优先级消息通过的优先级排列功能等。  利用管理型交换机,可以组建冗余网络。  使用环形拓扑结构,管理型交换机可以组成环形网络。  每台管理型交换机能自动判断最优传输路径和备用路径,当优先路径中断时自动阻断(block)备用路径。

四道英语选择题.要有分析解释.1.I ( ) you a valuable present for your birth?

1.B 翻译:我本来想要给你生日送一件有价值的礼物,但是我把钱花光了. would like to have done sth意思是“本来想要做某事”,隐含“事实上没有做到”的含义; run out of sth意思是“花光/用光了...”.此处用主动,被动为:money was run out of. run out是不及物动词,用法为;money ran out. 2.B 翻译:这是一个奇怪而令人困惑的时代.我们已经(可以)远道直至月球并返回,但是却在穿过马路去见新邻居(这件事上)上有困难. 固定短语:have trouble (in) doing sth“做某事有困难”,所以是:have trouble crossing the street. 后面用不定式做目的状语:to meet the new neighbour,即“穿过马路”的目的在于“去见新邻居”. 3.C 翻译:吃你喜欢的任何一块蛋糕,并把其他的(蛋糕)留给迟来的人. 后面有the others,说明不止两块蛋糕,排除D(either只两者之间的任意一者); A中的who es late并不指人,而是指一件事情.而whoever = anybody who,指人,排除A; B中的every指“每一块”,如果都吃了,那就没有剩下的蛋糕了,所以应该是“任何一块蛋糕”即whichever cake,排除B. 4.B 翻译:--打扰了,你可以帮我一个忙吗?--当然可以.什么事?--我想知道你是否能够告诉我怎样填写这张表格. 翻译:答者再说最后一句话时,wonder这个动作其实是之前正在发生的,所以用过去进行时“当时我正想要知道”,且此时用was wondering表示一种委婉礼貌的说辞.,8,四道英语选择题.要有分析解释. 1.I ( ) you a valuable present for your birthday,but I ( ) money. A.would have liked to give;ran out of B.would like to have given;ran out of C.would like to give;was run out of D.would like to give;ran out 2.This is a strange and confusing age.We"ve been all the way to the moon and back,but have trouble crossing the street ( ) the new neighbour. A.meeting B.to meet C.having met D.to have meet 3.Eat ( ) cake you like and leave the others for ( ) es late. A.any;who B.every;whoever C.whichever;whoever D.either;whoever 4.-Excuse me,Sir.Would ynu do me a favor? -Of course.What is it? -I ( ) if you could tell me how to fill out this form. A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder

you aremytreasures是什么意思

you are my treasures汉语意思:你是我的宝贝。或你是我的珍宝。

you are my spurstar

you are my super star你是我的超级巨星

im your lady and you are my man 是哪首歌

The power of love 爱的力量The whispers in the morning of lovers sleeping tight are rolling like thunder.Now as I look in your eyes I hold on to your body and feel each move you make.Your voice is warm and tenders a love that I could not forsake."Cause I am your lady and you are my man.Whenever you reach for me I"ll do all that I can.Lost is how I"m feeling lying in your arms.When the world outside"s too much to take.That all ends when I"m with you even though there may be times it seems I"m far away.(But) Never wonder where I am "cause I am always by your side."Cause I am your lady and you are my man.Whenever you reach for me I"ll do all that I can.We"re heading for something, somewhere I"ve never been.Sometimes I am frightened but I"m ready to learn of the power of love.The sound of your heart beating made it clears suddenly.The feeling that I can"t go on is light years away."Cause I am your lady and you are my man.Whenever you reach for me I"ll do all that I can.We"re heading for something, somewhere I"ve never been.Sometimes I am frightened but I"m ready to learn of the power of love.

you are my one life for sure什么意思


Choose one you Iike ,为什么是you不是your,说下原因?

you like是定语从句修饰one。you 主语like谓语。you你,your你的。Choose one you like选择你喜欢的一个。

You are my life background, I am your yibingding啥

Chinese English

centos7字符界面 scureCRT远程 system-config-kickstart 出现界面 是框框 没文字 LANG=zh_CN-UTF-8

已解决这个问题,需下载字体,输入这两项命令:yum install dejavu-sans-fontsyum install dejavu-serif-fonts

You are the one,in particular,I care,I treasure. 是什么意思?


you,your 后面用is还是用are?


外贸中KD structure什么意思

意思是kd结构。kd结构是指家具类型,KD指散件组装,英文全称为:knockdown。KD有三种形式: CKD 、 SKD 、 DKD 。 CKD (Complete Knockdown)为全散件组装, SKD(Semi-Knockdown) 则是半散件组装,一部分总成是现成的。DKD(Direct Knockdown) 可以翻译为直接组装或成品组装,如汽车组装生产中,车身整体进口,安装车轮后出厂。KD结构的家具大多出现在欧美,日韩,南欧等经济发展较快的国家。



your 有 you are 的意思吗


disturbance handler是什么意思



disturbances 英[du026as"tu025c:bu0259nsu026az] 美[du026as"tu025c:bu0259nsu026az] n. 骚乱( disturbance的名词复数 );打扰;困扰;障碍 [例句]Even relatively stable tunisia has seen continuing disturbances.即使是相对稳定的突尼斯也是骚乱不断。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

you get me ture那首歌歌词

歌曲名:Be Calm歌手:Fun.专辑:Aim And IgniteBe CalmFun.As I walk through the streets of my new cityMy back feeling much better, I supposeI"ve reclaimed the use of my imaginationFor better or for worse, I"ve yet to knowBut I always knew you"d be the one to understand me,I guess that"s why it took so long to get things right.Suddenly I"m lostOn my streetOn my blockOh why, Oh whyOh why haven"t you been there for me?Can"t you see, I"m losing my mind this time?I think it"s for real, I can seeThe tops of trees are turning redThe beggars near bodegas grin at meI think they want somethingI close my eyes, I tell myself to breatheAnd be calm.Be calm.I know you feel like you are breaking down.I know that it gets so hard sometimes.Be calm.I"m scared that everyone is out to get me."These days before you speak to me you pause.""I always see you looking out your window.""After all, you lost your band, you left your mom."Now every single crack, every penny that I pass,Says I should either leave or pick it upBut with every single buck I"ve madeI"m saddled with bad luck that cameThe moment I was baptizedOr when I found out one day I"m gonna dieIf only I could find my people or my place in lifeA when they come a"carolin"So loud, so bright, the thereminWill lead us to a chorusWhere we"ll all rejoice and sing a song that goes:Oh be calm.Be calm.I know you feel like you are breaking down.I know that it gets so hard sometimes,Be calm.Take it from me, I"ve been there a thousand times.You hate your pulse because it thinks you"re still aliveAnd everything"s wrongIt just gets so hard sometimesBe calm.I don"t remember much that night,Just walking, thinking fondly of youThinking how the worst is yet to comeWhen from that street corner came a songAnd I can"t remember the man,The panhandler or his melody.The words exchanged had far exceeded any change I"d given thee.Oh be calm.Be calm.I know you feel like you are breaking down.I know that it gets so hard sometimes,Be calm.Take it from me, I"ve been there a thousand times.You hate your pulse because it thinks you"re still aliveAnd everything"s wrongIt just gets so hard sometimesBe calm...



linux服务器,突然断电后提示:A discovery error has occured,please powercycle the system and all the

是小机还是pcserver ,好像有部分硬件没有加电


your翻译成中文?回答如下:意思是:你的英[jɔ:(r)]释义:pron.你的,你们的短语:How I Met Your Mother老爸老妈的浪漫史;老爸老妈浪漫史;老爸老妈罗曼史;我是这么遇到你母亲的扩展资料:近义词:youyou英[ju]释义:pron.你;你们n.(You)人名;(柬)尤;(东南亚国家华语)猷[复数:yous或you]短语:Thank you谢谢;谢谢你;感谢你;神奇视觉倒影杯you和your用法的区别you意思是“你,你们”,your意思是“你的,你们的”。you可以直接放在句首做主语,your却不能单独使用。your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须带一个名词才能用,如your book。单复数都是you,是指‘你"或‘你们"。your是指‘你的"。如果一定要翻译过来‘yours"也是指‘你的",不过它们的用法不同。yours一般用在语句的句末,your就不可以了。举个对比的例子:This is your book. This book is yours.回答完毕。


you不同类。my/your是形容词性物主代词,you是名词性物主代词。you一、含义:pron. 你;你们;(泛指)任何人。二、用法:you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。You must all listen carefully.你们都必须仔细听着。相关单词:your一、含义:adj. 你的;你们的。二、用法:直接源自古英语的eower,意为你的、你们的。your是第二人称形容词性物主代词,单复数同形,在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体。Your work falls short of my expectations.你的工作未达到我的期望。

your 有 you are 的意思吗


your怎么读 英语your怎么读

1、your 英[ju0254u02d0(r)]美[ju028ar],det. 你的; 您的; 你们的; (泛指)大家的,人们的; 指有名或经常被谈论的人或事物。 2、例句:Your work is just not good enough.你的工作真是不够好。


My pen is blue,yours is blank,这个句子对吗?


your是所有格。your的意思是你的,您的,你们的,(泛指)大家的,人们的,指有名或经常被谈论的人或事物。your的例句:You can"t take your money with you when you go(你不可能把钱带进棺材)。 扩展资料 your的例句:Call me if you have any problems regarding your work(你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话);There are too many errors in your work(你的工作失误太多)。


you是指“你,你们”一般用作主语,如:You are students.(你们是学生) your 是指“你的,你们的”一般后面跟名词,如:Your books.(你们的书),10,一个主格一个宾格, 意思上 前者是你或你们, 后者是你的或你们的,1,you 是你,人称代词,是中文里的主语 your是你的,人称代词,作为中文里的修饰语出现,1,you是指你或者是你们; 而 your则可以指你的或者是你们的。,0,you是指示代词 意思是:你your意思是:你的 意思都不同 比如 I hate you:我讨厌你 I hate your girlfriend:我讨厌你的女朋友,0,


your的英音[ju0254:];美音[ju028ar,ju0254r,jor,ju0259]。你的;您的;你们的;(泛指)大家的,人们的;指有名或经常被谈论的人或事物。1、Your ruler,your ruler.2、your kindness,your patience。3、Your life is your choice,your choice is your responsibility.4、Your feet fill your feet,your hands fill your hands.5、Your newspaper and your post.6、Your cups match your saucers.7、your father or your mother.8、Your career:Heed your enemies.9、Your hobby is your direction,your interest is your capital,and your temperament is your destiny.10、Your work is all right but Im sure you could do better.11、Men,your money,your handsome,your talent,your humor,not as good as your loyalty.Your的组词:your boots.你的靴子。your accomplishments.你们的成就。


you是人称代词,意思为你;your是物主代词意思是你的. what are you doing?你在干什么? this is your book.这是你的书.


your,主要用作代词,作代词时意为“你的,你们的”。your用法:单复数同形,在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体。your词性:your是第二人称形容词性物主代词。 your的短语 your name 你的名字 ; 您的姓名 ; 姓名 ; 你的姓名 Your Highness 王子殿下 ; 殿下 ; 皇子殿下 Your Profile 可以修改你的个人资料 ; 修改帐户信息 ; 职位要求 ; 您的个人资料 your arrival 驾临 ; 皇帝驾临 ; 您的到来 ; 敬辞 Your Goals 你的目标 ; 你的目的 Your Hometown 你的家乡 ; 家乡 Your dream 你的梦想 ; 你的梦 ; 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 ; 你的幻想 Your Words 我说你啊 ; 你说我说 ; 你的话语 ; 你的话 you和your的用法区别 1、you 既可以当主格你,或你们,也可当宾格你,或你们。如:You are a teacher. (主格 :你) You are teachers . (主格:你们) Thank you ! (宾格,你 或你们) 2、your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须带一个名词才能用。 是“你的,你们的” 意思。 如:your book 你的书 ,your teacher 你的老师,或你们的老师。 3、yours意思也是“你的,你们的” 是名词性物主代词,后面不可带名词了 。yours =your + 名词 。如:My pen is black, yours is red. = My pen is black , your pen is red.在这里:你的是红的=你的钢笔是红的。


you和your的区别用法和意思:you既可以当主格你,或你们,也可当宾格你,或你们。your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须带一个名词才能用。是“你的,你们的”意思。 扩展资料   you和your的区别和用法   一、意思不同   1.you意思:你;你们;(泛指)任何人   例句:   You two seem very different to me.   你们两个似乎与我大不一样。   2.your意思:你的;你们的`   例句:   Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.   斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。   二、用法不同   1.you用法:作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。   2.your用法:单复数同形,在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体。   三、词性不同   1.you词性:you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”。   2.your词性:your是第二人称形容词性物主代词。

your的英语怎么读音 your的英语解释

1、your,你的,读音:美/ju028ar,ju0259r/;英/ju0254u02d0r; ju0259r/。 2、释义:pron.你的,你们的。 3、例句:Your dream will come true one day.你的梦想总有一天会实现的。


意思是:你的英[ju0254:(r)]释义:pron.你的,你们的短语:How I Met Your Mother老爸老妈的浪漫史;老爸老妈浪漫史;老爸老妈罗曼史;我是这么遇到你母亲的扩展资料:近义词:youyou英[ju]释义:pron.你;你们n.(You)人名;(柬)尤;(东南亚国家华语)猷[复数:yous或you]短语:Thank you谢谢;谢谢你;感谢你;神奇视觉倒影杯




“your“是形容词,中文意思是 ”你的;你们的“。 “your”的中文翻译,英 [j?:(r)] ,美 [j??r; j?r] 例句: 1.used when speaking or writing to one or more people to show that something belongs to them or is connected with them你的;你们的。 Could you move your car? 你能把你的车挪一下吗? Is that your brother over there? 那边的是你弟弟吗? Don"t worry. It"s not your fault. 别担心,这不是你的错。 Be aware of your own feelings. 要注意自己的情绪。 2.of or belonging to any person任何人的。 If you are facing north, east is on your right. 假如你面向北,你的右边就是东。 3.informal used when mentioning something that is a typical example of a particular type of thing〔用于提及某类事物的典型例子〕 It was just your basic, ordinary hotel room – nothing special. 这是那种最基本、最普通的酒店客房没什么特别之处。 Your typical 60s pop group had three guitarists and a drummer. 60年代典型的流行乐队有三个吉他手和一个鼓手。参考资料有道词典.有道词典[引用时间2017-12-20]


your的英语读音是:英[ju0254u02d0(r)];美[ju028ar]。your:你的;你们的;(泛指)大家的,人们的,任何人的;口语表示强调—个;指有名或经常被谈论的人或事物。音标:英[ju0254u02d0(r)];美[ju028ar]。短语搭配:1、not on your life绝对不行。2、a word in your ear跟你讲句悄悄话。3、A penny for your thoughts你呆呆地在想什么。4、I beg your pardon对不起,请再重复一遍。5、beg your pardon对不起,请原谅。双语例句1、Your work falls short of my expectations.你的工作未达到我的期望。2、Please advise us of any change in your plan.你们的计划倘有变更,请告诉我们。3、Your pants are dirty.你的裤子脏了。4、I hope he doesn"t mind your saying it.我希望他不介意你说的话。


your是第三人称单数。your的单、复数同形.单数时翻译成“你的”;复数时翻译成“你们的”.其名词所有格是yours,并不是复数形式.而第一人称的单复形式是my,our.第三人称的单复形式是his/her,their。 you和your的具体用法 一、you: 1、you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。 2、you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。 二、your:your是第二人称形容词性物主代词,单复数同形,在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体。 your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须带一个名词才能用。 是“你的,你们的” 意思。 如:your book 你的书 ,your teacher 你的老师,或你们的老师。 yours意思也是“你的,你们的” 是名词性物主代词,后面不可带名词了 。yours =your + 名词 。如:My pen is black, yours is red. = My pen is black , your pen is red.在这里:你的`是红的=你的钢笔是红的。


故障现象: VNX系列的阵列柜每条总线(Bus)能支持多少个enclosures? 解决方案: VNX系列的阵列柜每条总线最多支持10个enclosure,即一个主柜9个扩展柜。 需要注意的是,每个型号的阵列柜还有对磁盘数量的限制,如VNX5100和VNX5300分别最多支持75块硬盘和125块硬盘。

external enclosure是什么意思

external enclosure外壳enclosure[英][u026anu02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259(r)][美][u026anu02c8klou028au0292u0259(r)]n.圈占; 围绕; 圈占地; 附件; 复数:enclosures Four-month-old asian elephant calf luk chai plays with a football in his enclosure attaronga zoo in sydney, australia. 澳大利亚悉尼塔龙加动物园,四个月的亚洲小象鲁克柴在圈里玩足球。


一、意思不同1、you意思:你;你们;(泛指)任何人。例句:You two seem very different to me.你们两个似乎与我大不一样。2、your意思:你的;你们的。例句:Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。二、用法不同1、you用法:作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。2、your用法:单复数同形,在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体。三、词性不同1、you词性:you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”。2、your词性:your是第二人称形容词性物主代词。
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