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2023-07-29 20:14:59








enclosureKK: []DJ: []n.1. 围住,封入[U]The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn"t use it.公共土地的圈围意味着普通人将不能使用它。2. 圈地;围场[C]There is a public enclosure of a racecourse.那儿有个作赛马场的公共圈地。3. 围栏,围墙[C]4. (信函的)附件[C]I received a letter with three enclosures.我收到一封有三份附件的信。
2023-07-29 06:29:492

external enclosure是什么意思

external enclosure外壳enclosure[英][u026anu02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259(r)][美][u026anu02c8klou028au0292u0259(r)]n.圈占; 围绕; 圈占地; 附件; 复数:enclosures Four-month-old asian elephant calf luk chai plays with a football in his enclosure attaronga zoo in sydney, australia. 澳大利亚悉尼塔龙加动物园,四个月的亚洲小象鲁克柴在圈里玩足球。
2023-07-29 06:29:581

Enclosed pls find the quotation of the two envelopes for your reference.

enclosed 在这句里是被附上的意思pls=please 请 enclosure是附件attachment: n. 附件例句:信封内装有几份附件。 There are several enclosures in the envelope.
2023-07-29 06:30:152

as per contract是什么意思

as per contract按合同双语对照例句:1.All dust seal enclosures shall be bolted to e-rooms as per contractdrawings. 按照合同图纸将所有防尘外壳用螺栓连接至电子室。2.Upon completion of all verification, delivery and shipment commences asper contract. 一完成所有的查对,依据合同开始装运货物。
2023-07-29 06:30:232


自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了(on Longer )With the appearance of the cellphone he no longer writes to his friends.2.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网,了解这个领域的最新动态(surf the Internet,even Though )Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours daily surfing the Internet to know the latest development of the this new field.3.李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon )Professor Li delivered a consise speech at the graduation ceremony, and his words impressed themselves deeply upon me.4.讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信(Confidence )When it comes to the final exam, the students feel anything but nervous. They are filled with confifence.5.在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟(snap )It is only a snap for most students in their class to write a 100-word composition.6.我发现自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣(find…doing)I find myself showing a great interest in spoken English. 7.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化(realize,enormous )Driving on the highway, i realize that great changes have taken place in China"s road system in the past few years.8.我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机(can hardly,believe,work )I can harly believe that he learnt so quickly to work with the computer. 9.三年时光已经过去了,这一刻终于来临了,不到两周我就要回国了。(in less than )With the passage of three years at last comes the moment i look forward to when i will return to China in less than two weeks.10.许多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁愿和家人一起呆在国内(can"t wait )The many people i know can"t wait to go abroad,but i would rather stay at home with my family members.11.他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要的角色(Academic career,play a role in )His life experince has always played an important role in his academic career.12.那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间(extend )That restaurant has recently extended its business hours. 13.我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚的有趣的书籍(Approach )I have just finished reading a book that studies Shakespeare from a new angle of view.14.随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件问题已引起人们的极大关注(Issue,Draw much Concern )With the wide application of email, the issue of junk mails has drawn much concern in people.15.传统教育比起网络教育来说对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多限制(communication and Interaction )Compared with web-education, traditional education has much limitation in communication and Interaction between the student and the teacher.16.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚(put one"s finger on )I feel the piano isn"t itself the minute i put my fingers on it. However i can"t make myself clear.17.这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配(apart From )Apart from the fact that this pair of trousers doesn"t go well with my jacket, it it isn"t big enough.18.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐(whatever )Whatever the reason is, i enjoy popmusic.19.他对国外文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以求有用的信息(browse through )Showing a great interest in overseas cultures, he often browses through books for useful information.20.在是否要创办一个新的社团问题上,我们的意见很不一致(vary )Our opinions vary on whether to set up a new association21.我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复(resume,cover letter,fax )I sent my resume and enclosures to the company by email but haven"t received a reply.22.当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫地提供帮助(not Hesitate for a Second )Whenever others are in trouble, John doesn"t hesitate for a second to offer his help.23.我得承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道要拿到签证不容易(Admit,abroad,visa )I"d admit i want to work and study overseas for a while but i know it"s not easy to get a visa.24.他到伦敦2年后才在一家国际银行找到了一份工作(it was not Until …that …)It was not until two years after he had got to London that he found a job in a state bank.25.汤姆完成了他的教学工作后,在中国周游了2个月才回到美国的家(Travel throughout,before )After his teaching work completion, Tom travelled throughout China for two months before he returned home to America.满意请采纳。
2023-07-29 06:30:451


翻译的都不错 怎么不给分 (都几天了 可以公布答案吗 请尊重大家的劳动成果 若回答满意 请采纳为最佳答案 谢谢 若不满意可继续追问)
2023-07-29 06:30:573


u3000u3000Abstractu3000u3000Now, environmental issues have become the iron and steel enterprises have to face challenges. In the iron and steel production, from mining of raw materials preparation, coking, sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking, and so on until the finishing line, smoke and dust exist in almost all of the production line, is not only one of the main sources of pollution, but also a waste of resources, the impact of physical and mental health workers, iron and steel enterprises is the main task of environmental governance.u3000u3000Through the dust on the domestic iron and steel enterprises governance Shougang iron works with the status of dust control analysis, we can understand that in the dust control Shougang has invested huge in this area, but also to take a lot of advanced dust removal technology, compared treatment results significantly. Especially in the application of airtight cover. However, there are some inadequacies, such as the choice of the collector is still lagging behind.u3000u3000Therefore, this research paper will be mainly on the 3rd Shougang blast furnace iron works and a silo hopper dust removal equipment of the transformation, including the working principle of electrostatic precipitator, bag filter, as well as the working principle of a long bag ESP transform low-voltage pulse bag filter. There are 3 high-rise silo hopper and a dust of new technologies and practical management of research, namely, the implementation of the dust source or single-double sealed airtight cover and dust vents mobile devices. More convenient in operation and maintenance, the dust concentration to achieve less than posts lOmg/m3, the concentration of precipitator emissions standard of less than 50mg/m3.u3000u3000The above research and analysis will help future blast furnace of Shougang No. 1,2,4 hopper dust pollution, etc., so that Shougang iron works to improve the environmental quality.u3000u3000Key words iron works, dust, sealed enclosures, ESP
2023-07-29 06:31:121


商务书信的格式   美观整洁的书信格式会给收信人留下深刻的印象,那么商务书信的整体格式是怎样的?下面我就为大家细细说来吧!   一、信 头   在信和传真中,信头所占页面一般不超过三分之一。   发信人地址   一般来说,商业书信的首页都使用印有公司抬头的信笺,抬头上标明公司名称、地址、电话和传真号码。传真也一样,信笺上印有抬头,并采用固定的信头格式。 传真发信人的地址位于传真纸页首固定的信头格式内。   发信日期   日期的书写有以下两种模式:“12 June 1998”[日-月-年]或“June 12, 1998”[月-日-年] 日期不能缩写,序数词不能使用缩写形式,月份也不能缩写。   收信人地址   收信人地址包括收信的全名和职衔,以及公司的全称和地址。礼貌性的称呼要使用得当。 传真中收信人地址一般打在信头格式相应的.空格内。   指定收信人姓名   在商业书信和传真中,指定收信人姓名这一栏现已不常用。收信人地址的首行已经写明收信人姓名,因而不一定需要专门指定收信人姓名这一栏。 如果要使用指定收信人姓名这一栏,就要从页面左边空白处写起,在收信人地址下面空两行。   称 呼   商业信件和传真常用以下方式开头:   1、Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Wang(表示写信人知道收信人的姓名和性别);   2、Dear Sir或Dear Madam(表示写给一位有具体职衔的人,如Sales Manager,Chief Accountant等,而且写信人知道对方的性别);   3、Dear Sir or Madam(表示写给一位有具体职衔而写信人又不知其性别的人);   4、Dear Sirs (表示写给一家公司,没有明确的收信人)。   称呼中的第一个单词和其他所有名词的第一个字母均须大写。   事 由   写明事由可以使收信人对信件或传真的内容一目了然。   二、信 文   全齐头式(full-blocked)书信,每个段落都从左边空白处开始写起,右边空白处必须尽量对齐,不能把单词断开。   在齐头式书信或传真中,信文也是从左边空白处开始写起,在事由下面空一行。   三、信 尾   传真的信尾一般都很简短(通常只有结尾敬辞和署名),而书信的信尾内容则相对较长。   结尾敬辞   一般来说,书信和传真结尾敬辞都使用“Yours sincerely”或“Yours faithfully”。称呼为“Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…”时结尾用“Yours sincerely”。称呼为“ Dear Sir/Sir or Madam/Sirs”时结尾则用“Yours faithfully”。   信末签名   写信人既可代表本人签名,也可代表公司签名。如:   Yours faithfully   For precision Airconditioning Co (Pte) Ltd   Yvonne Chong   Ms Yvonne Chong   Regional Sales Manager (Singapore)   信末签名位于左边空白处。在结尾敬辞或公司名称下面留出三行签名的位置,然后再打上写信的姓名、职衔及/或部门。   口述者/打字员姓名缩写   下面表中是信函或传真的口述者和打字员的姓名缩写。   口述员       打字员       姓名缩写   -         Sim Loo       Lee sll   Cheng Fook Jam   Chan Chuen Fye   CFJ/ccf   Chew Yit Lin Chin   Kein Hoong Chew  Yit Lin/ckh   Grahame T Bilbow   Foo Tuan Seik    GTBilbow:fts   Goh Bee Hua      Han Swee Lean   GBH:HSL   附 件   如果信件或传真还附有其他文件,就必须在文中注明。附件说明通常位于口述者/打字   员姓名缩写之后。可以采用以下几种方法:   ·Estimate enclosed   ·2 Enc./Enclosuree 2   ·Enclosure   ·Enclosures:   1. 2000 Price list   2. Catalogue   抄 送   如果除主要收信人之外,信件或传真还需抄送第三者时,通常用“cc”表示,“cc”即“carbon copy”(复写本;副本)。有时,如果发信人不想让收信人知道信件或传真还要抄送给别人,就用“bcc”(“blind carbon copy”无信头副本)代替“cc”,标注在不发给收信人的影印件的下方。   附 笔   商业信函或传真中的“附笔”(缩写为“PS”)用于补充本人的说明。“附笔”位于左边空白齐头处,在“附近”或“抄送”等说明之下空一行。 页码说明   商业信函如果超过一页,随后的各页可以在页首加注说明收信人姓名、页码及日期。如:   Mrs. H Itakura   Page 2   14 June 200-   在商业信函中,页码有时位于距页顶一英寸的左边空白处,与信文之间空两行。   信 封   信封显然只适用于商业信件。信封上收信人地址的格式必须与内文的写法一致,即齐头式,单行间隔。收信人姓名位于收信人地址上方,中间空两行。也可以在收信人地址的第一行中直接写上收信人的姓名和职衔。   传真格式   传真的首页一般都印有现成的信头格式,只需填入写信人和收信人的姓名、地址、传真号码、页数和日期等内容即可。   在商业信函中,宽式标点比严标点更为常用。   使用严式标点意味着客户地址的每一行结尾都要加逗号,每个缩写词(包括客户姓名的首字母缩写)后面都要加点号(如Mr., Co., Ltd., St., Rd.等,又如Mr. J. R. Liu)。   拓展知识:   商务书信布局礼仪   正排式或垂直式或齐头式(BlockedForm)。   这种排列的要领在于每个要素都从左边开始排列,每一行都不向右缩入,因而整封信的左边成一垂直线右边参差不齐。这种形式虽然打字时方便省事,不需考虑左边缩入,但不匀称美观,所以使用它的人也不很多。 ③改良式或混排式(ModifiedForm)。   这种排列集上述两种形式之所长,信头、结束语、签名和发信人姓名排在右边,封内地址和称呼排在左边,但每个要素分行时每行都不向右缩入;正文每段开始缩入五个英文字母,而段与段之间可不空行。这种形式兼顾及方便省事与匀称美观,因此,它是目前极为流行的英文书信范式。   注意事项   ①因为手写有时难免不好辨认,所以英文书信最好是打印。   ②信封的书写一般是收信人名址写在信封正面的中央而发信人名址可写在正面的左上方或者信封的背面,书写形式应与信内风格一致。   ③书信的折叠也应有讲究 ;
2023-07-29 06:31:211


根据IEC60309标准,工业用插头插座连接器电流等级:16、32、63、125......125A以上规格没有尺寸互换性要求。防护等级一般采用:IP22(防滴)、IP44(防溅)、IP56(防浪)、IP67(水密),中文描述仅供参考。 防护等级标准对IP××有详细定义,如:GB 4208-2008 外壳防护等级(IP代码)等效IEC 60529:2001IEC 60529 CORR 3-2009 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code) Degres De Protection Procures Par Les Enveloppes (Code IP) Edition 2.1
2023-07-29 06:31:375


2023-07-29 06:32:062


GB2313-1993管形荧光灯镇流器一般要求和安全要求 Ballastsfortubularfluorescentlampsgeneralandsafetyrequirements GB/T3978-1994标准照明体及照明观测条件 Standardilluminantsandilluminating-viewingconditions GB/T5700-1985室内照明测量方法 Measurementmethodsforinteriorlightimg GB7248-1987电光源的安全要求 Safetyrequirementsofelectricallightsource GB/T7249-1987普通照明灯泡的最大外形尺寸 Maximumlampoutlinesforgenerallightimglamps GB/T7451-1987电光源名词 Electriclightsourcevocabulary GB/T7922-1987照明光源颜色的测量方法 Methodsofmeasuringthecolourofligntsource GB/T8417-1987灯光信号颜色 Colorsoflightsignals GB10681-1989普通照明灯泡 Generalserviceincandescentlamp GB10682-1989普通照明用管形荧光灯 Tubularfluorescentlampsforgeneralliglitimg GB10976-1989正面放映设备银幕照度测量方法 FrontprojectionequipmentMethodformeasuringscreenillumination GB/T11470-1989电光源产品质量分等分级指标 Thecriteriaofquality-controlandclassificationofelectriclamps GB/T13259-1991高压钠灯泡 Highpressuresodiumlamps GB/T13434-1992高压钠灯泡特性的测试方法 TestmethodforH.P.S.lamps GB/T1404-4-1993管形荧光灯镇流器性能要求 Ballastsfortubularfluorescentlampsperformancerequirements GB14045-1993放电灯(管形荧光灯除外)用镇流器的一般要求和安全要求 Ballastsfordischargelamps(excludingtubularfluorescentlamps)generalandsafety requirements GB/T14046-1993铁路信号灯泡 Lampsforrailwaysignal GB/T14094-1993卤钨灯 Tungstenhalogenlamps GB14196-1993普通照明灯泡的安全要求 Safetyrequirementsfortungstenfilamentlampsfordomesticandsimilargeneral lightimgpurposes GB15039-1994发光强度、总光通量标准灯泡 Standardlampsforthemeasurmentofluminousintensityandluminousflux GB15040-1994普通测光标准灯泡 Photometricstandardlampforgenerallightimgservice GB/T15041?C1994高压短弧氙灯 Highpressurexenonshortarclamp GB/T15042-1994高压钠灯泡用镇流器性能要求 Ballastforhighpressuresodiumlamppropertyrequirement GB/T15043-1994白炽灯泡光电参数的测量方法 Methodsformeasuringelectricalandluminousparametersofincandescentlamps GB/T15143-1994管形荧光灯用交流电子镇流器一般要求和安全要求 A.C.suppliedelectronicballastsfortubularfluorescentlamps-Generalandsafety requirements GB/T15144-1994管形荧光灯用交流电子镇流性能要求 A.C.suppliedelectronicballastsfortubularfluorescentlamps-Performance -; GB15766.1-1995道路机动车辆灯泡尺寸、光电性能要求 LampsforroadvehiclesDimensional,electricalandluminousrequirements GB/T15766.2-1995道路机动车辆灯泡性能要求 LampsforroadvehiclesPerformancerequirements GB/T15766.3-1995道路机动车辆灯泡辅助用灯泡 Roadvehiclelampsforsupplementarypurposes GB16843-1997单端荧光灯的安全要求 Single-cappedfluorescentlamps-Safetyspecifications GB16844-1997普通照明用自镇流灯的安全要求 Self-ballastedlampsforgenerallightingservices-Safetyrequirements GB/T17262-1998单端荧光灯性能要求 Single-cappedfluorescentlamps?CPerformancerequirements GB/T17263-1998普通照明用自镇流荧光灯性能要求 Self-ballastedlampsforgenerallightingservice-Performancerequirements GB1312-1991管形荧光灯座和启动器座技术条件 Technicalrequirementsoflamphodersfortubularfluorescentlampsandstarterholders GB1406-1989螺口灯头的型式和尺寸 TypesanddimentionsofEdisonscrewcaps GB1407-1996卡口式灯头的型式和尺寸 Typesanddimentionsofbayonetcaps GB1444-1987防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座 Edisonscrewlampholdersspeciallyusedforexplosion-proofluminaires GB/T1483-1989螺口式灯头的量规 GaugeofEdisonscrewlampcaps GB/T1484-1979插口式灯头的量规 Gaugeofbayonetlampcaps GB2797-1994灯头总技术条件 - Generalspecificationforlampcaps GB/T2798-1981圆筒式和凹式灯头的型式和尺寸 Typesanddimensionsofcylindricalandrecessedcaps GB/T2799-1981插脚式灯头的型式和尺寸 TypesanddimensionsofPincaps GB/T2800-1981预聚集式灯头的型式和尺寸 Typesanddimensionsofprefocuscaps GB/T6997-1986插脚式灯头的量规 Gaugeofpincaps GB/T6998-1986预聚集式灯头的量规 Gaugeofprefocuscaps GB13260-1991管形荧光灯座和启动器座型式和尺寸 Typesanddimensionsoflampholdersfortubularfluorescentlampsandstarterholders GB/T13261-1991管形荧光灯座和启动器座检验量规 Gaugeoflampholderfortubularfluorescentlampsandstarterholder GB17935-1999螺口灯座 Edisonscrewlampholders GB17936-1999卡口灯座 Bayonetlampholders GB/T3877-1983钼箔 Molybdenumfoil GB/T4181-1997钨丝 Tungstenwires GB/T4182-1997钼丝 Molybdenumwires GB/T4183-1984钼钨合金丝 Molybdenum-tungstenalloywires GB/T4184-1984钨铼合金丝 Tungstenrheniumalloywires GB/T4185-1984钼钨合金条 Molybdenum-tunstenalloybars GB/T4186-1984钼钨合金杆 Molybdenum-tungstenalloyrods- GB/T4187-1984钨杆 Tungstenrods GB/T4188-1984钼杆 Mloybdenumrods GB/T4189-1984掺杂钨条 Dopedtungstenbars GB/T4190-1984掺杂钼条 Dopedmolybdenumbars GB/T4842-1995纯氩 Pureargon GB/T5828-1995氙气 Xenon GB/T5829-1995氪气 Krypton GB7447-1987灯泡用氩气 Argonforglowlamp GB7448-1987灯泡用氩气检验方法 Testmethodsofargonforglowlamp GB/T10624-1995高纯氩气 Highpurityargon GB11248-1989杜美丝 Dumetwire GB7000.1-1996灯具一般安全要求与试验 Generalsafetyrequirementsandtestsforluminaires GB7000.2-1996应急照明灯具安全要求 Safetyrequirementsofluminairesforemergencylighting GB7000.3-1996庭园用可移式灯具安全要求 Safetyrequirementsofportablelumiairesforgardenuse GB7000.4-1996儿童感兴趣的可移式灯具安全要求 Safetyrequirementsofportablechild-appealingluminaires GB7000.5-1996道路与街路照明灯具的安全要求 Safetyrequirementsoflulminairesroadstreetlighting GB7000.6-1996内装变压器的钨丝灯灯具的安全要求 Safetyrequirementsoflulminaireswithbuilt-intransf-ormersforfilamentslamps GB7000.7-1996投光灯具安全要求 Safetyrequirementsforfloodlights GB7000.8-1996游泳池和类似场所用灯具安全要求 Safetyrequirementsforlulminairesforswimmingpoolsandsimilarapplications GB7000.9-1996灯串安全要求 Safetyrequirementsforlightingchains GB7001-1986灯具外壳防护等级分类 Classificationofdegreesofprotectionprovidedbyenclosuresforluminaires GB/T7002-1986投光照明灯具光度测试 Photometryforfloodlight GB7256.1-1987民用机场灯具技术条件通用要求 SpecificationsforairportlightfixturesGeneralrequirements GB9316-1988摄影用电子闪光装置安全要求 Safetyrequirementsforelectronicflashapparatusforphotographicpurposes GB/T9467-1988室内灯具光度测试 Photometryofindoortypeluminaires GB/T9468-1988道路照明灯具光度测试 Photometryofluminairesforstreetlighting GB/T9473-1988民用台灯通用技术条件 Generaltechnicalrequirementsoftablelampforciviluse GB9720-1988船用荧光照明灯具通用技术条件 Fluorescentlightsinships-Generalspecification GB11155-1989船用指示灯通用技术条件 Generalspecificationforindicatorlightinships GB12045-1989船用防爆灯技术条件 Marineexplosion-prooflight-Specification GB/T13036-1991可移式通用灯具技术条件 &-nbsp;Technicalrequirementsforportablegeneralpurposeluminaires GB/T13037-1991固定式通用灯具技术条件 Technicalrequrementsforfixedgeneralpurposeluminaires GB/T13954-1992特种车辆标志灯具 Specicalwarninglightforroadvehicles GB/T13961-1992灯具用电源导轨系统 Eletricalsupplytracksystemsforluminaires GB/T14076-1993电影电视舞台灯具通用技术条件 Generaltechnicalrequirementsofluminairesforfilm,televisinstudiosandstage lighting 二、行业标准 QB1113-1991耐压照明灯泡 QB1114-1991高压氪灯管 QB1115-1991高压钠灯泡用电子触发器 QB1116.1-1991仪器灯泡白炽仪器灯泡 QB1116.2-1991仪器灯泡仪器卤钨灯泡 QB1116.3-1991仪器灯泡氘灯 QB/T1494-1992事物特性表灯泡 QB/T2048-1994一般白炽灯泡总技术条件 QB/T2050-1994自镇流荧光高压汞灯泡 QB/T2051-1994荧光高压汞灯泡 QB/T2052-1994荧光高压汞灯泡用镇流器性能要求 QB/T2053-1994荧光高压汞灯泡光电参数测量方法 QB/T2054-1994局部照明灯泡 QB/T2055-1994装饰灯泡 QB/T2056-1994船用灯泡 QB/T2057-1994红外线灯泡 QB/T2058-1994照相灯泡 QB/T2059-1994照相放大灯泡 QB/T2060-1994反射型照相灯泡 QB/T2061-1994聚光灯泡及反射型聚光摄影灯泡 QB2274-1996电光源产品的分类和型号命名方法 QB2275-1996镇流器型号命名方法 - QB2276-1996荧光灯用启动器 QB/T3573-1999电光源产品图样的一般要求 QB/T3574-1999电光源产品设计文件的编制方法 QB/T3575-1999电光源产品工艺文件的编制方法 QB/T3576-1999电光源产品图样及技术文件的更改规则 QB/T3580-1999高压钠灯光电参数的测量方法 QB/T3581-1999紫外线高压汞灯管 QB/T3582-1999紫外线高压汞灯管紫外辐照度及电参数测量方法 QB/T3583-1999管形镝灯 QB/T3584-1999管形镝灯光电参数测量方法 QB/T3585-1999矿用头灯灯泡 QB/T3736-1999石英卤钨灯夹封部位温度的标准测量方法 QB/T2450-1999飞机灯泡 QB1549-1992插脚式灯座的型式和尺寸 QB1550-1992插脚式灯座的量规 QB2218-1996灯头、灯座的型号命名方法 QB2219-1996单端荧光灯灯头的型式和尺寸 QB/T2220-1996圆筒式灯头的量规 QB/T2259-1996荧光灯用卤磷酸钙荧光粉 QB/T2260-1996灯用卤磷酸钙荧光粉相对亮度测试方法 QB/T2261-1996灯用卤磷酸钙荧光粉发射光谱及色坐标的测试方法 QB3586-1999插口式灯座技术条件 QB3587-1999螺口式灯座技术条件 QB3588-1999插口式灯座的型式和尺寸 QB/T3589-1999插口式灯座的检验量规 QB3590-1999螺口式灯座的型式和尺寸 QB/T3591-1999螺口式灯座的量规 QB/T3733-1999灯头温升的测量方法 QB1112-1991电光源玻壳型号的命名方法 QB/T2049.1-1994电光源玻壳A型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T204.2-1994电光源玻壳B型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.3-1994电光源玻壳BT型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.4-1994电光源玻壳G型玻壳尺寸系列 &n-bsp; QB/T2049.5-1994电光源玻壳K型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.6-1994电光源玻壳M型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.7-1994电光源玻壳P型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.8-1994电光源玻壳R型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.9-1994电光源玻壳T型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T2049.10-1999电光源玻壳ED型玻壳尺寸系列 QB/T3577-1999电光源玻壳通用技术条件 QB/T3578-1999电光源用玻璃管和玻璃杆 QB/T3579.1-1999电光源玻璃牌号命名方法 QB/T3579.2-1999DGB421型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.3-1999DGB422型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.4-1999DGB423型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.5-1999DGB431型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.6-1999DGB432型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.7-1999DGB433型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.8-1999DGB434型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.9-1999DGB435型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.10-1999DGB436型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3579.11-1999DGB437型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T2451-1999DGB233型和DGW240型电光源玻璃主要技术数据 QB/T3734-1999灯丝型号的命名方法 QB/T3735-1999绞合钨丝线圈 QB1417-1991防爆灯具安全要求 QB1551-1992灯具油漆层 QB/T1552-1992照明灯具反射器油漆层技术条件 QB/T1553-1992灯具瓦楞纸箱包装技术条件 QB/T2134-1995影视舞台用聚光灯具技术条件 QB/T2135-1999影视舞台灯具用单相三极插头插座和联接器技术条件 QB/T2136-1995影视舞台特殊效果灯(器)具技术条件 QB/T2137-1995影视舞台用散光灯具技术条件 QB3592-1999手提-灯 QB/T3737.1-1999民用、建筑灯具玻璃罩口径尺寸 QB/T3737.2-1999民用、建筑灯具玻璃罩罩座口径尺寸 QB/T3738.1-1999灯具型号命名方法总则 QB/T3738.2-1999民用、建筑灯具型号命名方法 QB/T3738.3-1999工矿灯具型号命名方法 QB/T3738.4-1999公共场所灯具型号命名方法 QB/T3739-1999民用白炽落地灯通用技术条件 QB/T3740-1999灯具用软梗技术条件 QB/T3741-1999灯具电镀、化学覆盖层 QB/T3742-1999灯具木箱包装技术条件 QB/T3743-1999民用机场灯具技术条件高强度立式下滑灯 QB/T3744-1999接地带灯技术条件 QB/T3745-1999跑道中线灯技术条件 QB/T3746-1999嵌入式灯具通用技术条件
2023-07-29 06:32:161


2023-07-29 06:32:275


  求职信,询价信,报价信等是在商业信函当中经常使用的信函,下面简单介绍一下这类信件的写作方法,主要提供一些参考用语,这样根据你的具体的情况,就很容易完成这类信函。   Application for Employment(求职信)   一般求职信写四段,1) Source of information 2) Personal information 3) Reason for changes 4) Requests   (1) Opening Sentences   My friend... has informed me that you are looking for a... and has suggested that I should apply you for the appointment.   Having read your ad, I wish to be considered as...for this position.   I would like you consider my application for the position of ... which you advertised in....   In reply to/With reference to your advertisement appearing in...of ...I would like to apply for the position of your company.   I beg to offer myself for the situation as a your company.   I see from your advertisement in ...that you are looking for a....   I recently heard from...that there is a vacancy in your ...department.   ...has told me that some time in May there will be a vacancy/an opening your office.   (2)Education/work experience   I for...years.   In 19...I graduated from...   I enrolled for a year"s course at...   I studied.... I have trained as a....   I have a degree in ....from the University of...   I attended classes in...   I have had...yours" experience in...   I speak fluent English.   My proficiency in English means that I would be able to handle all the English correspondence on my own.   (3) Reason for the changes   I would like the opportunity to work on my own initiative/with children.   My reason for applying for the post is that I would like to have more responsibility.   My reason for looking for a change is the better opportunities offered by a large company like yours.   My present employer is closing down his business.   As my family is moving to ...I am looking for employment there.   (4)Closing sentences   Please refer to the enclosed personal data sheet/curriculum vita   for further particulars.   For information about my character/work record please contact....   I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification in more detail.   I am enclosing my personnel record sheet for your kind consideration and references.   The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet. I hope that the information I have provided in this letter and the enclosures are sufficient for your purpose.
2023-07-29 06:32:541


看你说的在那个方面了,比如食品方面:所谓的工业级,农业级,食品级,试剂纯,分析纯等等只是根据用途不同来划分的例如工业级是在工艺生产过程中使用的,具体含量标准是根据产品属性决定的. 农业级和食品级分别是分别用在农业和食品行业的,其他也是一样 试剂纯,分析纯一般用在化验室在电子产品方面:有商用级、工业级和军用级产品,比如电子的工业级标准是主要参照的标准为中国国家标准GB 4208-93《外壳防护等级(IP代码)》、IEC标准(IEC 60329-2001)《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)》或Nema 250-2003《Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)》。主要是不同的标准(带有权威的定义)加国家标准,比如XX产品符合GJB(国军标)什么什么,MIL(美军标)什么什么的。一般来说,军用级最高,工业级次之,然后是商业级,最后是民用级。以电子电源为例:军用级电源,要求很严,比如对防水,防火,防摔、抗电磁等等都有要求;工业级电源,就在没有军用电源那边严格。但对防水、防火有一定要求;商业级电源,要低于工业级电源的防水和防火的要求;民用电源,就是一般我们用的电源,不是很严的要求,但是也有一定在要求,这些要求是分等级的,等级的化分是根据电源的质量、要求及所用途来分类的!
2023-07-29 06:33:191


enclosure [in"klu0259uu0292u0259] n. 附件,围墙,围绕例句与用法:They are opposed to the enclosure of common land. 他们反对把公地圈为私有。There are several enclosures in the envelope. 信封内装有几份附件。She keeps a horse in that enclosure. 她在那个围栏里养了一匹马。There is the members" enclosure at the racecourse. 那儿是这个赛马场上的会员座区。
2023-07-29 06:33:291


you are not kidding, are you?
2023-07-29 06:33:481


prefaceIs the important basis of the mould manufacturing assembly. No high levels of mould, no high level of industrial products. Mould technology is the measure of a national product manufacture level of important symbol.Mold is able to produce a has certain requirements of the shape and size of the parts of a production tools. Be also usually people say mold, such as television, telephone enclosures, plastic, and other commodities, is the plastic heating software note into a mold cooling molding production comes out. Steaming pot of metal plate is by with mold pressed into such a shape. Any goods are in out of the mould manufacturing. Can say no without the mold the production of the products. So how do out of the mold? First of all it by mold design personnel according to product (parts) the use requirement, the die structure designed, draw drawing again by technical workers according to the drawings by all kinds of mechanical processing requirements (such as lathe, planer, milling machine, grinder, edm, line cutting) to each of the parts in the mold, the assembly and debugging, until can produce qualified products, so tool to master a comprehensive range of high knowledge and skills, die doing good, good quality of product, mould reasonable structure, high production efficiency. The factory efficiency good.Mould industry is the foundation of industrial industries, industrial every field of widely used mold. In electronics, automobiles, electric motors, electric appliances, instruments and meters, home appliances and products such as communication, 60% to 8% of a 0 parts depends on that of die forming. With mold production parts shown by the high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption, is other processing manufacturing method can match. Mold is "benefit amplifier", in the mold production of the final product value, is often die own value on a few times, one hundred times. Mold production technology of level, to a large extent, on the quality of products and the benefits and new product development ability, and has become the measure of a national product manufacture level of important sign [3]. Mould as the basis of industrial production technology and equipment, the national economy in played an important role. In the past 10 years, mould CAD technology develops very quickly, application range widening. Mould CAD technology to die design and manufacturing provides an efficient, economy and rapid method, greatly promoted the mould quality, shorten the die design and manufacture period, lower the cost of the die. At home and abroad and have been many mould CAD system, the system although has strong analysis ability and graphics processing power, can provide interactive design. But in these systems, mould design process mainly adopts the man-machine interactive way, most of the design is depend on the design experience of the operator, the computer is just for some rules matching, and calculating work, and for previous success of the mould design can"t effective use of, cause mould design cycle is very long, the cost is higher, the development of efficiency is very low.Mold is the foundation of industrial production technology and equipment, known as "the mother of industrial". 75% of the rough machining parts, 50% of industrial products finish machining parts are made by the molds, most of the plastic products also by molds. As the foundation of the national economy industry, mould involving machinery, automobile, light industry, electronic industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, building materials, and other industries, application scope is very extensive. But because it is a comprehensive technology, so it"s development will inevitably involve many areas of common cooperate, especially plastic industry and steel industry.There are many kinds of mould, plastic mould is one of them, plastic mould design is mould design and manufacture specialized students backbone course, through this design to the following requirements:1, the understanding of the system analysis of technology of plastics and molding process;2, familiar with master the basic design of the die parts and their structural characteristics;3, understand the general selection principle of injection molding machine;4, understand the whole assembly process of mould;5, good skill in UG3.0, AutoCAD, PORE and software.
2023-07-29 06:33:561

thixo molding是什么意思

2023-07-29 06:34:072


  自学考试 专接本 是江苏高职学生升学的重要途径之一,英语专接本有哪些翻译知识点呢?接下来我为你整理了专接本英语知识点,一起来看看吧。   专接本英语知识点:翻译(一)   1. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。   It is important to acquire a foreign language.   2.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。   It took him about/approximately half a year to complete the paper.   3. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。   I have finished what you made me do.   I have finished those things that you made me do.   4. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。   Once being adapted to the new environment, he will make even greater progress.   5. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。   Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to education.   6. 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。   The bell is about three times/twice as tall as a person.   7我听说刘同志在申请回原单位。   I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit.   9.这本书非常有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。   The book is so interesting that I finish it without break.   10.我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什   I told him several times but he kept on reading without hearing what a said.   11. 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。   It is known by everybody that Computers play a very important role in our daily life.   12. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会取得成功。   As long as you keep on trying, you will succeed sooner or later.   13.由你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。   Itu2019s up to you who will be invited to the party next week.   14.这部电影使我回想起了在北京所看到的情景。   The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beinjing.   15.我已经习惯了这种生活方式。   I have got used to this way of life.   十年后,我习惯了这种生活方式。   It was ten years before I began to get used to the way of life here.   16. 成功不仅取决于个人的能力,而且还取决于合作的意愿。   Success relies not only on oneu2019s ability but also a willingness to cooperate.   17. 尽管困难重重,他们还是决心实现诺言。   In spite of all the difficulties,/even though there are so many difficulties, they are determined to keep their promises.   18. 你走还是留,不是很重要。   It wonu2019t make much difference whether you leave or stay.   19. 正式语言主要用于政府报告,考试作文和商业信函中。   Formal language is mainly used in government reports, examination compositions and business letters.   20. 据当地报纸报道,昨天这家银行遭到抢劫。   It is reported in the local newspaper that this bank was robber yesterday.   21.直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。   It was not until it was dark that he came to realize that it was too late to go home.   Not until it was dark did he come to realize that it was too late to go home.   He didnu2019t realize it was too late to go home until it was dark.   22. 既然你明天就要动身,今晚我们可以一起共进晚餐。   Since you are leaving tommorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.   23. 英国人对不同的文化和不同做事方式不太熟悉,这种情况在其他国家也如此。   The British are not very familiar with different culture and other ways of doing things, as is often the case in other countries.   24.就是在这间小屋里,他们勤奋地工作着。   It is in the small house that they are working/have been working delligently.   25.如果我们不努力的话,就学不好英语。   If we donu2019t work industrially, we will never learn english well.   26.正如谚语所说:一个人的学习能力是无限的。   As the saying goes, the learning ability of a person is unlimited.   27. 人和动物的最大区别在于人能学习并使用语言。   The biggest difference between animals and human beings is/lies in that human can learn and use language.   28.萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。   Sam cannot afford the camera which he desires, because itu2019s too expensive.   28. 无论我们的祖国什么时候需要我,我都将响应她的号召。   Wherever/whenever our motherland needs me, I will respond to her call.   29. 很明显,科技的发展对中国现代化起着至关重要的作用。   It is obvious that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China.   30. 就这一方法本身而言,是值得一试的。   As far as the method itself is concerned, it is worth trying.   专接本英语知识点:翻译(二)   31. 他一直全身心地扑在工作上。   He has always been absorbed in his work.   32. 一天,苏珊(Susan) 在浏览书籍时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。   Oneday, while scanning books, Susan was attrcted by a true story.   33. 和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。   It is no easy job/not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away.   34. 邻居们都不能容忍他那样对年迈的父亲说话。   The neighbors canu2019t bear the way( in which he talks to his old father).   35. 李大伯自己虽不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时,他从不犹豫。   Although he isnu2019t rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitate to help others in need.   36. 无论我们是否愿意,我们生活的世界在过去的一百年间已经发生了很多变化。   Whether we like it or not, the world (we live in) has changed a great deal in the past 100 years.   37. 随着经济发展,在中国,旅游越来越受到人们的欢迎。With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in China.   38. 他的演讲激励我们比以往任何时候都更加努力工作。His speech inspired us to work harder than ever before.   39.不管他们说什么,做你认为正确的事。   No matter what they say, do (what you think is right).   Regardless of   40. 一个人要想健康,每天锻炼身体是非常必要的。   If one wants to be healthy, it is necessary for him to do exercises everyday.   41.他试了好几次,但试验还是以失败告终。   He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.   42.有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?   It is great pleasure to have a friend coming from afar.   43.中华民族的优良传统一定会代代相传。   The good traditions of the Chinese are certain to be passed from generation to generation.   44. 他们已经十年没见面了。   They havenu2019t seen each other for ten years.   It is/has been ten years since they met last time.   45. 在我看来,讨论是解决问题的好方法。   In my opinion, discussion is a good solution to the problem.   46. 你应该利用课外一切机会学英语。You should take advantage of every opportunity to study english out of class.   47. 她对知识有强烈的渴望,但不知道如何求知。   She has a strong desire for knowledge, but she doesnu2019t know how to obtain/aquire it.   48. 人们只有生病了才知道健康的价值。   Only when people fall ill can they come to know the value of health.   49. 这个主意听起来不错,但实际上行得通吗?   The idea sounds good, but will it work in practice?   50. 据估计,世界上大约有80%的人口支付不起合理的饮食、住房和医疗保健费用。   It is estimated that about 80% of the worldu2019s population cannot afford to proper food, housing or medical care.   专接本英语知识点:翻译(三)   51. 长城是中国的历史文化符号之一。   The Great Wall is one of the symbols of Chinese history   and culture.   52. 无论生活多难,我都不会失去信心。However difficult the life is, I will never lose my confidence/faith.   53. 物体离我们越远,看起来就越小。   The farther an object is away from us, the smaller it looks/seems.   54. 政府已经采取积极措施防止空气污染。   The government has already taken active measures/steps to prevent/stop the air pollution.   55. 建设和谐校园的关键在于让每个学生都能积极参与进来。   The key to constructing/building up a harmonious campus is to have every student take part in it actively.   The key to   56. 实践应该和理论相结合。   Theory should go hand in hand with practice.   57. 商品价格与我们的生活密切相关。   Goods prices are closely related to our daily life.   Closely related to our daily life are goods prices.   My files are in the 3 enclosures.   In the 3 enclosures are my files.   58. 没有调查就没有发言权。   One who makes no investigation has no right to speak.   59. 只要你努力学习,毕业后你就能找到合适的工作。   As long as you study hard, you will find/get a nice/decent job after graduation.   You are sure to find   A nice/suitable/proper job   59. 休息时他对我讲了许多事,其中有一些简直使人不能相信。(which)   During the break, she told me a lot, some of which were really unbelieveable.   Some of which were hardly believeable.   60. 他为了复习学过的知识,每天都很早到学校。(in order to)   In order to review what he has learned, he get to school very early every day.   Get what he wants/desires,   61.史密斯教授直到成功的做完试验才离开试验室。(notu2026 until)   Professor Smith didnu2019t leave the lab until he had successfully finished his experiment.   Not until he had successfully finished his experiment did he leave the lab.   61.尽管那里的气候很干燥,但是他已经习惯了。(to be used to)   Although it is dry , he has gotten used to the weather there.   62. 他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。   He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss.   63. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕.   His achievements earned him respect and admiration.   64. 他的计划出人意料地成功了。   To the surprise of everyone, his plan succeeded.   65. 他好不容易才回到了家。   With much difficulty did he find his way home.   He went back home with great/much difficulty.   66. 他刚刚到达就生起病来了。   No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.   67. 我们应想国家之所想,急国家之所急。   What the country thinks and worries about is what we should think and worry about.   68. 坦率地讲,能在这么短的时间内完成这项任务,实在令人安慰。   To be frank, it is a great relief to have the task fulfilled in so short a time.   69. 我知道他来迟的原因。   I know the reason(why he came late)   Later 后来,比u2026晚   Lately 近来   Latter 后者 former   70. 屋顶坏了的房子现在已经修好。   The house (whose roof was damaged) has been repaired.   71. 上海是他出生的地方。   Shanghai is the place (where he was born)   72. 世界上有些国家终年少雨。   There are some countries in the world (where there is little rain throughout the year/at any time)   73. 如果赞成,就请举手。   Those who are in favor please hold up/raise their hands.   74. 直到完成时,他才意识到他病得厉害.   Not until he had completed the task did he realize that he was seriously ill.   75. 你最好带上毛衣,以防天气变冷。   You may as well take a sweater, in case/for fear that/lest that it turn cold.   In caseu2026should do   76. 不管是否加热,这种物质都不会在水中融化。   Whether it is heated or not, the substance does not dissolve in water.   77. 如果你方便的话,请明天上午十点钟到这儿。   If it is convenient for you, please come here at ten   78. 你越解释,我愈糊涂。   The more you explain, the more confused I am.   我越变老,越觉得幸福。   The older I get, the happier I am.   79. 我自从童年时起就发现没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力。   Since my early childhood, I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading.   I have found that nothing appeals to me more than reading.   Nothing is u2026than 比较级,其实是最高级。   80.据今日的报纸报道,将向这个国家的西部地区派遣一个医疗小组。
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问题一:工业级是什么意思 工业级,农业级,食品级,试剂纯,分析纯等等是根据用途不同来划分的。 工业级是在工艺生产过程中使用的,具体含量标准是根据产品属性决定的.。 一般来说,军用级最高,工业级次之,然后是商业级,最后是民用级。 以电子电源为例: 军用级电源,要求很严,比如对防水,防火,防摔、抗电磁等等都有要求;工业级电源,就在没有军用电源那边严格。但对防水、防火有一定要求; 商业级电源,要低于工业级电源的防水和防火的要求; 民用电源,就是一般我们用的电源,不是很严的要求,但是也有一定在要求, 这些要求是分等级的,等级的化分是根据电源的质量、要求及所用途来分类的! 工作基准试剂(国标无简写标记,用汉语注明,绿色标签):作为基准物质,标定标准溶液。 优级纯(GR,绿色标签):主成分含量很高、纯度很高,适用于精确分析和研究工作,有的可作为基准物质。 分析纯(AR,红色标签):主成分含量很高、纯度较高,干扰杂质很低,适用于工业分析及化学实验。这个是一般实验室用的最多的等级。 化学纯(CP,蓝色标签):主成分含量高、纯度较高,存在干扰杂质,适用于化学实验和合成制备。 实验试剂(LR,黄色标签):主成分含量高,纯度较差,杂质含量不做选择,只适用于一般化学实验和合成制备。问题二:什么叫做工业级的产品? 看你说的在那个方面了,比如食品方面: 所谓的工业级,农业级,食品级,试剂纯,分析纯等等只是根据用途不同来划分的 例如工业级是在工艺生产过程中使用的,具体含量标准是根据产品属性决定的. 农业级和食品级分别是分别用在农业和食品行业的,其他也是一样 试剂纯,分析纯一般用在化验室 在电子产品方面: 有商用级、工业级和军用级产品, 比如电子的工业级标准是主要参照的标准为中国国家标准GB 4208-93《外壳防护等级(IP代码)》、IEC标准(IEC 60329-2001)《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)》或Nema 250-2003《Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)》。 主要是不同的标准(带有权威的定义)加国家标准,比如XX产品符合GJB(国军标)什么什么,MIL(美军标)什么什么的。 一般来说,军用级最高,工业级次之,然后是商业级,最后是民用级。 以电子电源为例: 军用级电源,要求很严,比如对防水,防火,防摔、抗电磁等等都有要攻; 工业级电源,就在没有军用电源那边严格。但对防水、防火有一定要求; 商业级电源,要低于工业级电源的防水和防火的要求; 民用电源,就是一般我们用的电源,不是很严的要求,但是也有一定在要求, 这些要求是分等级的,等级的化分是根据电源的质量、要求及所用途来分类的!问题三:工业级是什么呀 工业级是电子设备的常用分级,一般电子设备被分为商用 工业 军工等等分级。工业级满足一般工业现场的环境气氛。如果用于恶劣环境将不适用。用于商业环境又成本偏高。 问题四:工业级是什么意思 工业级,农业级,食品级,试剂纯,分析纯等等是根据用途不同来划分的。 工业级是在工艺生产过程中使用的,具体含量标准是根据产品属性决定的.。 一般来说,军用级最高,工业级次之,然后是商业级,最后是民用级。 以电子电源为例: 军用级电源,要求很严,比如对防水,防火,防摔、抗电磁等等都有要求; 工业级电源,就在没有军用电源那边严格。但对防水、防火有一定要求; 商业级电源,要低于工业级电源的防水和防火的要求; 民用电源,就是一般我们用的电源,不是很严的要求,但是也有一定在要求, 这些要求是分等级的,等级的化分是根据电源的质量、要求及所用途来分类的! 工作基准试剂(国标无简写标记,用汉语注明,绿色标签):作为基准物质,标定标准溶液。 优级纯(GR,绿色标签):主成分含量很高、纯度很高,适用于精确分析和研究工作,有的可作为基准物质。 分析纯(AR,红色标签):主成分含量很高、纯度较高,干扰杂质很低,适用于工业分析及化学实验。这个是一般实验室用的最多的等级。 化学纯(CP,蓝色标签):主成分含量高、纯度较高,存在干扰杂质,适用于化学实验和合成制备。 实验试剂(LR,黄色标签):主成分含量高,纯度较差,杂质含量不做选择,只适用于一般化学实验和合成制备。问题五:五金工具里所说的工业级什么意思 工业级工具最初由开拓工具国际集团老总吴献法提出。 一个普通家庭一把扳手可能一辈子都用不坏,但是如果放到汽车修理店呢?每天成百上千次的反复使用,你无法想像,一辈子用不坏的扳手半天就不能工作了,这时候就要求有一种能够经得起反复考验的工具,工业级工具应运而生,工业级工具所使用的材料、制造工艺与普通工具截然不同,不光这样,每一款工业级工具都要经过反复测试,每一把工业级工具都要经过仔细检查才能进入市场。问题六:什么叫工业级专业空调 工业级别空调控制环境的温度湿度精度没有精密空调高,工业级别意义上的空调环境。 工业空调有大金,精密空调有艾默生,stulz,APC、RC等。问题七:触摸屏工业级是什么意思?三防主要指什么? 工业现场的防护等级一般指防水和防尘,第三防好像没有特指过, 不过有客户提出过,好像是防油问题八:什么是工业级白砂糖 工业糖指的是原糖。 工业糖执行的标准是《GB 15108-2006 原糖》。 原糖含有一定量的杂质,色泽比白糖深,含有相对较多的水份和糖蜜,微生物含量也比白砂糖为高。原糖只能用作工业生产(主要用来生产白砂糖或绵白糖),不能直接食用,不能直接添加到食品中作为原料使用。 绵白糖是从甜菜里提取的,砂糖是从甘蔗里提取的,一般绵白糖的产地是北方,而砂糖是南方。 绵白糖的甜度要高于砂糖,用途跟砂糖没有太大区别,我一般不喜欢用绵白糖,因为保存很困难,又要防潮还要防干结~,取用的时候也粘粘乎乎的弄不清爽工业白糖和食用白糖没有区别,都是白砂糖。 白糖主要有白砂糖和绵白糖两种。颜色洁白、颗粒如砂者,叫白砂糖;颜色洁白、粒细而软,入口易化者,叫棉白糖。 白砂糖是蔗糖的结晶体,纯度一般在99.8%以上,从化学角度看,这是很纯的物质了。白砂糖具有纯正的蔗糖甜味,除直接食用外,也是工业用糖的主要品种。 绵白糖是细小的蔗糖晶粒被一层转化糖浆包裹而成的,其纯度与白砂糖相当。转化糖在这里起着变软、增香、助甜的作用。这是因为转化糖具有蜂蜜般的清香味(蜂蜜的主要组分就是转化糖)其甜度又大于蔗糖(以蔗糖的甜度为1,则转化的糖甜度为1.2),转化糖的较强的吸水能力保持了糖粒的锦软,所以绵白糖的口感优于白砂糖。问题九:家用级、商业级、工业级产品的区别? 国家标准对有些产品分军用、民用(包括工业用),当然军用的标准更高。 企业自称的家用级、商用级、工业级、企业级,都是企业自定的质量等级划分,没有统一规定。一般来说,商用级、工业级、企业级的质量标准更高些,这是因为在商用、工业用、企业用的情况下,使用条件更差,使用时间更长,所以对质量要求也更高。 举例来说,榨汁机在家用情况下,一天用不了几次,每次时间也不长,可是在饮品店的商用情况中,往往是好几个小时的频繁使用,显然,商用级的榨汁机应该有更高的质量标准。
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问题一:信封的单词怎么写? envelope;?envelop;?mailer 问题二:信封的英语单词 信封 : envelope Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 这个信封封得很严实。 The envelope was firmly sealed. 2. 寄信前,他在信封上写上地址。 He addressed the envelope before mailing the letter. 3. 信封内装有几份附件。 There are several enclosures in the envelope. 4. 他用蒸汽把信封上的邮票揭下来。 He steamed the stamp off the envelope. 5. 我用了一个邮资已付的信封。 I use a prepaid envelope. 6. 他把邮票贴在信封上。 He glued a stamp onto the envelope. 7. 信封(的封口)没粘住. The (fl矗p of the) envelope was unstuck. 8. 这个信封开了. This envelope has e unstuck.
2023-07-29 06:34:531

英语求 翻译句子 急!

自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了(on Longer )With the appearance of the cellphone he no longer writes to his friends.2.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网,了解这个领域的最新动态(surf the Internet,even Though )Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours daily surfing the Internet to know the latest development of the this new field.3.李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon )Professor Li delivered a consise speech at the graduation ceremony, and his words impressed themselves deeply upon me.4.讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信(Confidence )When it comes to the final exam, the students feel anything but nervous. They are filled with confifence.5.在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟(snap )It is only a snap for most students in their class to write a 100-word composition.6.我发现自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣(find…doing)I find myself showing a great interest in spoken English. 7.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化(realize,enormous )Driving on the highway, i realize that great changes have taken place in China"s road system in the past few years.8.我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机(can hardly,believe,work )I can harly believe that he learnt so quickly to work with the computer. 9.三年时光已经过去了,这一刻终于来临了,不到两周我就要回国了。(in less than )With the passage of three years at last comes the moment i look forward to when i will return to China in less than two weeks.10.许多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁愿和家人一起呆在国内(can"t wait )The many people i know can"t wait to go abroad,but i would rather stay at home with my family members.11.他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要的角色(Academic career,play a role in )His life experince has always played an important role in his academic career.12.那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间(extend )That restaurant has recently extended its business hours. 13.我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚的有趣的书籍(Approach )I have just finished reading a book that studies Shakespeare from a new angle of view.14.随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件问题已引起人们的极大关注(Issue,Draw much Concern )With the wide application of email, the issue of junk mails has drawn much concern in people.15.传统教育比起网络教育来说对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多限制(communication and Interaction )Compared with web-education, traditional education has much limitation in communication and Interaction between the student and the teacher.16.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚(put one"s finger on )I feel the piano isn"t itself the minute i put my fingers on it. However i can"t make myself clear.17.这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配(apart From )Apart from the fact that this pair of trousers doesn"t go well with my jacket, it it isn"t big enough.18.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐(whatever )Whatever the reason is, i enjoy popmusic.19.他对国外文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以求有用的信息(browse through )Showing a great interest in overseas cultures, he often browses through books for useful information.20.在是否要创办一个新的社团问题上,我们的意见很不一致(vary )Our opinions vary on whether to set up a new association21.我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复(resume,cover letter,fax )I sent my resume and enclosures to the company by email but haven"t received a reply.22.当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫地提供帮助(not Hesitate for a Second )Whenever others are in trouble, John doesn"t hesitate for a second to offer his help.23.我得承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道要拿到签证不容易(Admit,abroad,visa )I"d admit i want to work and study overseas for a while but i know it"s not easy to get a visa.24.他到伦敦2年后才在一家国际银行找到了一份工作(it was not Until …that …)It was not until two years after he had got to London that he found a job in a state bank.25.汤姆完成了他的教学工作后,在中国周游了2个月才回到美国的家(Travel throughout,before )After his teaching work completion, Tom travelled throughout China for two months before he returned home to America.这样可以么?
2023-07-29 06:35:001


With the sentence word or phrase sentence, thank you!!!!1 with the mobile phone, he never wrote to a friend (on Longer)2 even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours online every day,understand the latest developments in this field (surf the Internet, even Though)The 3 Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement, his words were engraved on my memory. (impress upon)4 talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all, they are self-confident face (Confidence)Write a short passage of about 100 words in 5 in 30 minutes, most students in their class is just a piece of cake (SNAP)6 I found myself having great interest in spoken English (find... Doing)7 driving on the highway, I realized that in recent years, great changes have taken place in the Chinese highway system (realize, enormous)8 I can hardly believe that he has learned to use the computer so quickly (canhardly, believe, work)9 three years have passed, and the moment is coming, in less than two weeks, I willreturn. (in less than)10 I know a lot of people who are unable to hold oneself back to go abroad, but I prefer to stay home with my family (can"t wait)11 his life experiences have always been playing an important role in his academic career (Academic career, play a role in)12 the restaurant has recently extended its Business Hours (extend)13 I have just finished reading a book from a new perspective to study Shakespeare"s interesting books (Approach)14 with the wide application of e-mail, spam has caused great concern (Issue,Draw much Concern)15 compared to traditional educational network for the education of communication and interaction between students and teachers has more limited (communicationand Interaction)16 something is wrong with the piano, but I can"t say clearly (put one"s finger on)17 these trousers are too big, but not with my jacket (apart From)18 No matter what the reason is, I like pop music (whatever)19 and he has great interest in foreign cultures, often be learned in books foruseful information (browse through)20 on whether we should start a new society problem, our opinion is not consistent(vary)21 and I have put my resume and cover letter by fax to the company, but has not yet received a reply (resume, cover, letter, fax)22 when people encounter difficulties, John will not hesitate to help (not Hesitatefor a Second)23 I have to admit that I want to work and study abroad for some time, but I know it is not easy to get a visa (Admit, abroad, visa)24 he went to London 2 years later in an international bank to find a job (it was notUntil... That... )25 Tom completed his teaching work, around 2 months before returning home inChina USA (Travel throughout, before)
2023-07-29 06:35:091


  信封,一般是指人们用于邮递信件、保守信件内容的包装。那么你知道是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于信封的英语知识吧。    信封英语单词   envelope    信封的英语例句   他把论文装进一个空白信封里。   He placed the paper in a plain envelope.   他开始裁开每个信封。   He began to slit open each envelope.   信封上盖有赫尔辛基的邮戳。   The envelope was postmarked Helsinki.   他用蒸汽把信封上的邮票揭下来。   He steamed the stamp off the envelope.   信封内装有几份附件。   There are several enclosures in the envelope.   这个信封封得很严实。   The envelope was firmly sealed.   把信封的口盖塞进信封里。   Tuck the flap of the envelope in.   他从口袋里掏出一个相当大的米色信封。   He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.   我用了一个邮资已付的信封。   I use a prepaid envelope.   把地址写在信封上,把信装进信封里。   Address an envelope and put the letter in it.   她会收下信封知道是自己赢了。   She would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed.   这个信封里装着什么东西?   What does it contain in this envelope?   我舔了舔信封盖口,把它封好。   I licked the flap of the envelope and sealed it.   请用随信附上的信封将填好的调查表寄回。   Use the enclosed envelope to return your pleted survey.   他在信封上看到了她那细长的笔迹。   He saw her spidery writing on the envelope.   请随信寄来一个贴好邮票的回信信封。   Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.   她打开了带有香味的信封。   She opened the perfumed envelope.   标有古驰Gucci商标的礼物不仅有助于顺利地打通关系,而且与装在信封里的现金相比,也显得颇具品味。   A gift with a Gucci label builds guanxi, or relationships, and is considered more tasteful than an envelope of money.   讯息本身的实际编码方式信封通常是SOAP,但同时也支援其它编码。   The actual encoding of the message itself enveloping is usually SOAP, but other encodings can be supported as well.   有关信封的英语口语表达   第一句: Can I buy some stamps and envelopes here?   这儿卖邮票和信封吗?   A: Can I buy some stamps and envelopes here?   这儿卖邮票和信封吗?   B: Yes. How many stamps and envelopes do you want to buy?   是的。您要买几张邮票和几个信封?第二句: Could you tell me where I can get the registered envelope and some stamps?   请告诉我在哪儿能买到挂号信封和邮票?   A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can get the registered envelope and some stamps?   请问我在哪儿能买到挂号信封和邮票?   B: At that counter.   在哪个柜台。其他表达法:   IThe envelpe was firmly sealed.   这个信封封的很严实。   Please address the envelope before mailing the letter.   寄信前,请在信封上写上地址。 1.寄信用英语怎么说 2.梳妆台用英语怎么说 3.蒸汽的英语单词 4.新鲜用英语怎么说 5.签名用英语怎么说 6.3.5元的英文怎么说
2023-07-29 06:35:191


轿厢是电梯用以承载和运送人员和物资的箱形空间。轿厢一般由轿底、轿壁、轿顶、轿门等主要部件构成,其内部净高度至少应为2m。轿厢架(轿架 car frame)是轿厢的承载结构,轿厢的负荷(自重和载重)由它传递到曳引钢丝绳。当安全钳动作或蹲底撞击缓冲器时,还要承受由此产生的反作用力,因此轿厢架要有足够的强度。轿厢架一般由上梁、立柱、底梁和拉条(调节轿底水平度,防止底板倾翘)等组成。轿厢体是形成轿厢空间的封闭围壁,除必要的出入口和通风孔外不得有其他开口(少部分国家要求轿顶开设安全窗),轿厢体由不易燃和不产生有害气体和烟雾的材料组成。为了乘员的安全和舒适,轿厢入口和内部的净高度不得小于2米。为防止乘员过多而引起超载,轿厢的有效面积必须予以限制。具体可参见GB7588-2003对额定载重量和轿厢最大有效面积的对应规定。在乘客电梯中为了保证不会过份拥挤,标准还规定了轿厢的最小有效面积。轿厢体一般由轿底板(轿底 car platform;platform)、轿厢壁(轿壁 car enclosures;car walls)、轿厢顶(轿顶 car roof)。厢内装置一般有操纵箱(轿内的操纵装置)、通风装置、照明、停电应急照明、报警和通信装置。称量装置一般设在轿底,也有少数设在轿顶的上梁或者绳头板上。基本结构是在底梁上安装若干个微动开关(触点)或重量传感器,当置于弹性胶垫上的活络轿厢由于载荷增加向下位移时,触动微动开关发出信号,或由传感器发出与载荷相对应的连续信号。最基本的一个开关,在超载(超过额定载荷10%)时动作,使电梯门不能关闭,电梯也不能起动,同时发出声响和灯光信号(有些无灯光信号)。所以也称超载开关。轿厢分类编辑由于各类电梯的用途不同,因此其轿厢结构也不一样.1.客梯轿厢2.住宅梯轿厢3.医用(病床)梯轿厢4.货梯轿厢5.杂物梯轿厢6.观光梯轿厢7.汽车梯轿厢8.矿井梯轿厢9.冷冻电梯轿厢10.船舶梯轿厢
2023-07-29 06:35:301

求: 英文解雇信

Sample Employee Termination Letter Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms etc Further to our meeting of (date) I confirm that your employment with (Company) is terminated with effect from (date). As stated at our meeting on (date) the reason for termination your employment is as follows; Reason 1 - e.g. summary of redundancy reasons. Reason 2 - summary of gross misconduct or poor performance and what steps had been taken and when to enable the employee to rectify the situation. Reason 3 - etc Clearly state individual requirements such as return of pany car equipment submission of expense claims etc and any other administrative details. Clearly state actual leaving date and details of notice period holiday pay general pay and pension or other benefits plus redundancy settlement if appropriate. Clearly state how the employee can appeal to the decision - the employee"s rights the appeal process and appeal timeframes. Please sign date and return this letter as confirmation of receipt of this letter and any attachments/enclosures. Yours truly Name position Attachments/enclosures include copies of all relevant pany policies plus any supporting material related to the reasons for di *** issal. 参考: mftrou/sample-employment-termination-letter
2023-07-29 06:35:521

at the zoo英语作文 一定要正确哦, 6句话左右

Sure, here"s a short English composition about a visit to the zoo:Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. We were excited to see various animals from around the world. As we entered, the vibrant colors and sounds filled the air. We observed lions, tigers, and bears in their enclosures, marveling at their strength and beauty. The monkeys swung from tree to tree, entertaining us with their playful antics. The giraffes gracefully stretched their long necks to reach the leaves. We enjoyed the educational shows and learned interesting facts about different species. It was a memorable day at the zoo, creating lasting memories for all of us.请注意,这篇作文是大约六句话的简短作文,描述了一次去动物园的经历。使用了一般过去时态和多样的动物词汇。文章流畅、简洁,以吸引读者的注意力并传达了作者的观点。
2023-07-29 06:36:012

《Finger Prints》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Finger Prints》(Francis Galton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: mkhx书名:Finger Prints作者:Francis Galton出版社:Prometheus Books出版年份:2006-6页数:191内容简介:Despite the increasing use of DNA evidence and other sophisticated forensic techniques in crime solving, fingerprints still serve as an indispensable tool of modern-day criminal investigation. This fascinating book, originally published in 1892, represents the first thorough investigation of this anatomical peculiarity and its application in establishing individual identity for use in law enforcement. Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin and a member of the Royal Geographical Society, had already made a reputation for himself as an explorer of Africa and the founder of the new field of eugenics when he turned his attention to the subject of fingerprints. Through extensive research at his "anthropometric laboratory", Galton laid out an elementary system of classifying fingerprints based on observed patterns of arches, loops, and whorls. Using meticulous drawings as well as photographs of ink prints, he showed that "the numerous bifurcations, origins, islands, and enclosures in the ridges that compose the pattern, are proved to be almost beyond change." Thus, he established a sure method of individual identification. Galton"s system was later modified by Sir Edward R Henry, who became chief of police in London. In 1901, Scotland Yard officially adopted the Galton-Henry system of fingerprinting. Today, it is the most widely used system of fingerprint classification in the world. This classic work will make a welcome addition to the libraries of historians, criminologists, and fans of true crime and forensic science.
2023-07-29 06:36:081

at the zoo作文5句话

At the zoo, the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. Visitors eagerly gather, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. Colorful birds soar through the sky, their vibrant feathers painting a breathtaking picture against the backdrop of lush greenery. Majestic lions roam their enclosures with regal grace, their powerful presence commanding attention. Laughter fills the air as children watch playful monkeys swinging from branch to branch, creating a lively scene that captivates the hearts of all who visit the zoo.
2023-07-29 06:36:232

en60529 en 什么标准

2023-07-29 06:36:542


Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and attracts millions of tourists each year.[1] A lot of its cultural attraction can be attributed to its cultural diversity that reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and Arab ethnicities. It is also environmentally friendly, and maintains natural and heritage conservation programs. As English is one of its numerous official languages, it is generally easier for tourists to understand when speaking to the local population of the country, for example, when shopping. Transport in Singapore exhaustively covers most, if not all public venues in Singapore, which increases convenience for tourists. This includes the well-known Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.The Orchard Road district, which is dominated by multi-storey shopping centres and hotels, can be considered the centre of tourism in Singapore. Other popular tourist attractions include the Singapore Zoo and its Night Safari, which allows people to explore Asian, African and American habitats at night without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals. The Singapore Zoo has embraced the "open zoo" concept whereby animals are kept in enclosures, separated from visitors by hidden dry or wet moats, instead of caging the animals. Jurong Bird Park is another zoological garden centred around birds, which is dedicated towards exposing the public to as much species and varieties of birds from around the world as possible, including a flock of one thousand flamingos. The tourist island of Sentosa, which attracts more than 5 million visitors a year, is located in the south of Singapore, consists of about 20-30 landmarks, such as Fort Siloso, which was built as a fortress to defend against the Japanese during World War II. Guns from the World War II era can be seen at Fort Siloso, from a mini-sized to a 16 pound (7 kg) gun. Recently, the island has built the Carlsberg Sky Tower, which allows visitors to view the whole of Sentosa, as well as the Sentosa Luge, a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleighs supine and feet-first. Steering is done by shifting the weight or pulling straps attached to the sled"s runners. Singapore will have two integrated resorts with casinos in 2010, one at Marina Bay and the other at Sentosa which the government announced during a parliament session on April 18, 2005.There are various shopping belts in Singapore, Marina Bay, Bugis Street, Chinatown, Geylang Serai, Kampong Gelam & Arab Street, Little India, North Bridge Road, Orchard Road, Riverside, Shenton Way & Raffles Place and The Suburbs.Singapore seeks to be the business hub of Southeast Asia and has an expansive shopping precinct located in the Orchard Road district. Many multistorey shopping centres are located at Orchard Road; the area also has many hotels, and it"s the main tourism centre of Singapore, other than the Downtown Core. The local populace also use Orchard Road for shopping extensively.Other than Orchard Road, Singapore"s largest shopping centre, VivoCity, has also attracted millions of people since its opening in 2006.[13]To further encourage tourists to shop at Singapore, the Singapore Tourism Board and various organizers organize the Great Singapore Sale yearly. Shoppers can enjoy great discounts and bargains at participating outlets. The Singapore Tourism Board introduced "Late Night Shopping" in 2007.[14] Tourists can catch "Late Night Shopping" on Orchard Road up till 11pm every Saturday and enjoy special deals or promotions by participating retailers.Singapore is a haven for the arts all year round. Its dynamic arts scene is richly influenced by their indigenous Malay culture, the heritage of Chinese and Indian migrants, as well as the cityu2019s international outlook. As new contemporary forms evolve, traditional art forms are simultaneously being preserved to create an arts culture that is uniquely Singapore.The Art Districts in Singapore include Central Arts Districts, Chinatown Arts Belt, Dempsey and Tanglin, Little India, and Riverside. The are also various art museums in Singapore like the Asian Civilisations Museums at Empress Place and Old Tao Nan School, Singapore Art Museum, and NUS Museums.Many of Singapore"s performing arts venues and institutions are more than just performance locations u2013 they are architectural marvels in their own right. These venues include the Singapore Repertory Theatre, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, The Substation and the University Cultural Centre.Sentosa is a relatively large island of Singapore located to its south. Along with a beachfront resort, the island"s tourist attractions include Fort Siloso, its historical museum, the Underwater World aquarium and the Carlsberg Sky Tower. Singapore will also be building two casinos (integrated resorts), one on Marina Bay and one on Sentosa. Singapore has a variety of parks and projects which often feature its natural tropical environment.The Singapore Zoo and Night Safari, allows people to explore Asian, African and South American habitats at night, without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals.Singapore has its Singapore Botanical Gardens open to the public that is 52 hectares large, and includes the National Orchid collection with over 3000 types of orchids growing.Recently the government has also been promoting the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve as a quiet getaway from the stress of modern life.The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is an extensive nature reserve which covers much of the Bukit Timah Hill, and is the only remaining place where primary rainforest still exists on the island.The Jurong BirdPark includes extensive specimens of exotic bird life from around the world, including a flock of one thousand flamingos.Pulau Ubin, an island offshore Singapore, is slowly becoming a popular tourist spot. The nature wildlife there is left undisturbed.Singapore is among the top five countries in the world for nightlife, fine dining and shopping.[15] Some popular nightspots in Singapore include:Boat Quay is a historical quay in Singapore which is situated upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River. Shophouses on it have been carefully conserved and now house various bars, pubs and restaurants.Clarke Quay is a historical riverside quay and a buzzing party central in Singapore, and is situated even further upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River than Boat Quay is. Presently, five blocks of restored warehouses house various restaurants and shops such as antique shops. There are also moored Chinese junks (tongkangs) that have been refurbished into floating pubs and restaurants. Crazy Horse Paris opened their third cabaret show worldwide in Clarke Quay in December 2005, but ended operations in February 2007 owing to poor business. The Ministry of Sound opened at Clarke Quay in December 2005 and is one of the most popular nightclubs in the city currently.Clarke Quay also boasts more than 50 eateries offering over 20 different types of cuisine, and more than 20 bars, clubs and pubs. Some of the world"s best pubs are located in Clarke Quay.
2023-07-29 06:37:031

wrought steel中文翻译

Cast steel wheels and wrought steel wheels for cranes 起重机用铸钢车轮和锻钢车轮 Product *** ysis and its tolerance for wrought steel 锻钢的产品分析及其公差 Wrought steel butelding short radius elbows and returns 可锻钢对接焊弧形弯头和回转管 Factory - made wrought steel butelding fittings 工厂制锻钢对焊配件 Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe 焊接锻钢管和无缝锻钢管 Colpery haulage and winding equipment - specification for wrought steel 矿山运输和提升设备.第2部分:锻钢制品规范 Wrought steel enclosures for gas - filled high - voltage switchgear and controlgear 充气式高压开关设备和控制装置用锻钢外壳 Methods for macroscopic asses *** ent of the content of non - metalpc inclusions in wrought steels 锻钢中非金属夹杂物含量的宏观评定方法 Specification for wrought steel enclosures for gas - filled high - voltage switchgear and controlgear 充气高压开关和控制设备锻钢外壳规范 Direct - hardening unalloyed and low - alloyed wrought steel in form of different black products 不同黑色产品形式的非合金和低合金锻造钢的直接淬火
2023-07-29 06:37:101


商务英语写作书信的几种格式   为了帮助大家更好地备考BEC考试,以下是我整理的商务英语写作书信的几种格式,希望对大家有所帮助。   1. 全齐头式(Full-blocked):这种格式的信函各部分内容都从左边空白处写起,用起来方便省事,是现今常用的格式之一。   2. 齐头式(Blocked):这种格式与全齐头式相似,只是有些内容不是从空白处写起。结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔都从中间写起。日期可以从中间起行,也可以靠右对齐。   3. 半齐头式(semi-blocked):这种格式与齐头式雷同。不同的是,半齐头式的每个段落缩进五或十个英文字母;结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔从中间写起。   4. 方齐头式(square-blocked):这种格式也类似于全齐头式。不同的是,它的日期靠右对齐,和收信人地址在同一行。这种格式平整见方,外观漂亮。   5. 简化式(simplified):简化时式和全齐头式相比,有几个主要的区别:首先,简化式没有称呼和结尾敬语,收信人姓名必须在信文内的某个地方出现。其次,事由和写信人姓名必须大写。最后,列表要缩进五个英文字母空位,如果加有序号就不必缩进。   商务英语书信的格式与结构   我国实行对外开放以来,对外贸易得到迅速发展。WTO的成功加入,使我国的对外贸易事业有了突破和发展。作为对外贸易中的一种基本的通讯联络方式,商务英语书信也得到广泛应用。对于外贸专业的学生以及从事对外贸易的工作者来说,熟练掌握商务英语书信的格式与结构并加以应用,是不可或缺的一项技能。   商务英语书信有自己独特的格式与结构。虽然现在的人们喜欢标新立异,喜欢以一种更随意、更友好的方式进行交往,但是,为了避免寄信方和收信方之间由于格式、结构的不统一而引起的混乱,以及由此而带来的查找不便、使双方花费不必要的时间,所以,最安全、最有效的方法就是遵循国际上常用的、约定俗成的格式与结构。一旦选定一种格式与结构,最好是坚持使用,不能想改就改,想换就换,否则就会给对方一种不稳定、不踏实的感觉,会引起一些意想不到的麻烦,有可能最后导致交易的失败。   一般来说,现在使用的商务英语书信的格式主要有两种:传统的`缩头式(the conventionalindented form) 和现代的齐头式(the modern blocked form) 。   根据英国传统做法,缩头式要在信文每一段缩进五或六个字母的空间,有时可能会缩进更多。现在,齐头式在商务英语书信中使用得非常普遍。它的突出特点就是所有信的内容都从信纸的左边开始,段落与段落之间要比缩头式多空出两到三行,以便于区分。这种格式被称作齐头式(the fullblocked form) 。但是,有时把日期放在信纸的左边会给查找带来不便,所以,人们使用了一种改良的齐头式(the modifiedblocked form) ,即把日期放在右边,而把其他内容放在左边。   一般来说,我们通常使用单行距来布局一封信,这会使我们所写的信有一种紧凑感,但有些人在写短信的时候,更喜欢用双行距。   根据个人或公司的喜好,可以选择使用齐头式或缩头式。但不论选择哪一种格式,一般商务英语书信的结构都包括以下几部分内容:   (1) 信头(the letter - head)   (2) 案号和日期(the reference and date)   (3) 封内名称和地址(the inside name and address)   (4) 开头称呼语(the salutation)   (5) 信文(the message or the body of the letter)   (6) 结尾敬语(the complimentary close)   (7) 写信人签名或签署(the writer"s signature and designation)   (8) 注意事项(the attention line)   (9) 事由、标题(the subject line)   (10) 经办人代号(the reference notation)   (11) 附件(the enclosure)   (12) 抄送(the carbon copy notation)   (13) 附言(the postscript)   在商务英语书信中,上述每一部分内容都有自己固定的位置,包含自己独特的内容,它们是不能随意互换的。   信头所包含的是写信人的基本情况,包括他的姓名、地址、电话号码、电传号码以及传真号码甚至E - mail 地址。信头在信纸的最上方,有的公司把信头直接印在所使用的信纸上。质量优良的信纸以及一个整洁、匀称的信头,可以展示一个公司的风采,增强公司的信誉。   案号是写信时所给的、以便查询的字母或数字。经常以“Our ref”和“Your ref”来区分。它的位置一般是在信头的右边。而日期在信头以下三行或四行,不管是齐头式还是缩头式,一般把日期放在右端,这可起到行尾的作用,使信看上去更整齐。在商务英语书信中,日期一定要写全,不能用数字的形式,因为美国和英国的日期标示法是不同的。英国的日期标示法是“24th March,2002”, 而美国的日期标示法则是“March24 ,2002”。月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。   封内名称和地址即收信人的名称和地址,要放在信纸的左上方,在日期以下三行或更多行,这可根据信的长短来定。   封内名称和地址要用齐头式,紧靠信纸的左边,这样会使信看上去整齐。   开头称呼语是写信人开始信文的礼貌用语,一般商务英语书信中多用Dear Sir , Dear Sirs 或Gentlemen ,并且独立成行,在封内名称和地址以下三行。在Dear Sir 或Dear Sirs 后面用逗号,而在Gentlemen 后面用冒号。   信文是实质性的内容,信文的书写要求是简洁、清晰、礼貌;语法正确,切中要点;段落划分明确,每段集中于一个话题;打印准确,布局要有艺术性,使你的信件看上去赏心悦目。尤其注意页边空栏,它是信文的框架。信文多用单行距,有些短信可用双行距。   结尾敬语是信件结束时的一种礼貌用语。它只是一种礼貌用语,在信中没有实际意义,传统使之成为必须,并已成为习惯,所以一直沿用至今。传统的结尾敬语有: Yours faithfully , Yours truly(多用于美国) 等,也有人用倒装的Faithfullyyours , Truly yours 等。结尾敬语必须和信文紧连一起,不能分开,更不能把它单独放到另一页。如遇此种情况,则信件必须重新安排、打印。   签署是写信人或其所代表公司的名称或标记。公司名称可以打印,而主管人签名则必须是手写,两者都不可用印章代替。这部分在结尾敬语以下三行,大约留出五行或更多的空间。   注意事项的习惯用语是:For the attention of 或简单的Attention ,下面一般要加上横线。当信件是写给特定的人或主办部门时,则用此用语。它在开头称呼语以上两行。除齐头式外,可放在信文以上中间。   事由或标题在开头称呼语以下两行,下加横线,除齐头式外,一般放在信文以上中间。经常是用一词或简单的几个词来表示信文的主题,让收信人先对所谈内容有所了解。   经办人代号在签署以下两行。是打字员名字的首字母缩写,可用小写,也可用大写。   附件在经办人代号以下两行。写信人可标示出一个或多个信中所提到的附件。经常使用的形式有: Enclosure , Enclosures ,Encl. ,Enc. 等。   抄送在附件以下两行。抄送有明、暗两种方式。明示的标记为cc ,后面加上收件人或公司的名字,可打印在原件和复印件上。暗示的标记为bcc ,后加收件人或公司的名字,只打印在复印件上,并且只有写信人和收信人知道。   附言在抄送以下两行。如写信人想增加些信中忘记提到的内容,可用此方式,但应尽量避免使用。因为它可能会给人一种错觉,即在写信前,你未能很好地安排你的信件。这可能会影响到你的信誉。   在上述十三部分内容中,前七部分是每一封商务英语信件所必需包含的内容,而后几部分则是可有可无的。   总之,当你书写商务英语书信的时候,必须谨记:选定一种格式,坚持使用,不能变来变去;结构中的内容要安排合理得当,所必需的七部分内容一个都不能少。布局好的信件是双方交易的好的开始。一封布局优雅、端庄匀称的信件,会留给人一种良好的印象,促进双方的进一步往来,直至交易的达成。 ;
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  附件,指随同文件发出的有关文件或物品;组成机器、器械的某些零件,部件。那么你知道附件用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    附件的英语说法1:   attachment    附件的英语说法2:   accessory    附件的英语说法3:   enclosure    附件的网络短语:   附件约束 Attachment Constraint   锅炉附件 boiler fittings ; boiler accessories ; boiler auxiliaries ; garniture of boiler   必需附件 essential accessory ; requisit a accessorl   附件类型 filetype ; types of attachment ; Double-Lock Plate ; attachtype char   灯饰附件 lighting accessories   安全附件 safety accessory ; Safety accessories ; aety accessory ; Security Accessories   管子附件 plumbing fixtures ; pipe accessories ; pepe fittings ; Pipe & Tube Fittings   量块附件 Accessories for gauge blocks ; reference gage    附件的英语例句:   1. The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.   内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。   2. I received your enclosure with gratitude.   附件收到,十分感谢.   3. These are indispensable accessories.   这些是不可缺少的附件.   4. The vacuum cleaner has four different attachments.   吸尘器有四个不同的附件.   5. This prospect was the subject of an appendix to the development plan.   这是发展计划附件的主题规划.   6. Please do not send your resume by attachment.   请勿以附件形式发送简历。   7. There frequently follow the text of an act one or more schedules.   法令中在正文之后常常还附有一个或几个附件.   8. I received a letter with three enclosures.   我收到一封有三份附件的信.   9. A radio is an accessory to a car.   收音机是汽车的附件.   10. Please find enclosed my CV and a letter of recommendation from my school principal.   请查收我附件里的CV,和我学校推荐人的介绍信.   11. 1 Hz horizontal and 4 Hz vertical transducers are used at many stations as supplements.   1赫兹的水平向换能器和4赫兹的垂直向换能器也当作附件用于许多台站.   12. Pen read Costigan"s letter and its inclosure mechanically, hardly knowing what was before his eys.   潘怔怔地读完了科斯蒂根的信和它的附件, 简直不相信他的眼睛.   13. Opening the folder, Nim slid the small pile of letters and attachments across the table.   尼姆打开文件夹, 把一小叠信件和附件推到桌子对面.   14. The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of X - ray spectrometer attachments.   扫描电子显微镜能利用x射线谱仪的附件来提供化学组份的信息.   15. Any annex is the integral part of this contract.   对本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分.
2023-07-29 06:37:451


军事系(Military): 1级兵营 嵌入式刺刀(Plug Bayonet) 使步兵装备嵌入式刺刀,上刺刀后无法开枪卡宾枪(Carbines) 可招募装备卡宾枪的龙骑兵、轻龙骑兵、殖民地龙骑兵2级兵营 环式刺刀(Ring Bayonet) 替换步兵的嵌入式刺刀,装上后可开枪方阵(Square Formation) 步兵方阵可有效抵御骑兵冲锋,并提升国家威望军事课程(Military Syllabus) 所有陆军维持费用-5%,提升国家威望,解锁3级兵营3级兵营 楔形阵(Wedge Formation) 骑兵学会楔形阵,给予敌军更大冲锋伤害底座刺刀(Socket Bayonet) 替换环式刺刀,提升国家威望,解锁4级兵营鼓点行军(Cadenced Marching) 通过鼓点协调步兵移动,增加战略界面下部队移动速度和国家威望排枪射击(Fire by Rank) 允许线阵步兵实施排枪射击4级兵营 新式刺刀操练(New Model Bayonet Drill) 所有装备刺刀部队冲锋+3,提升国家威望菱形阵(Diamond Formation) 取代原先的楔形阵,可使骑兵部队快速转弯重组调配(Reorganised Procurement) 所有陆军部队招募价格-5%,解锁5级兵营和4级炮厂行进射击(Fire and Advance) 线阵步兵可在行进中开火射击5级兵营 轻步兵条例(Light Infantry Doctrine) 可训练高等级轻步兵,解锁不列颠猎兵、轻步兵、殖民地轻步兵短卡宾枪(Shortened Carbines) 卡宾枪骑兵装弹时间-5%轮射(Platoon Firing) 允许列阵火枪步兵向敌人实施轮番射击,解锁6级兵营6级兵营 机械膛线(Machined Rifling) 可由机械加工膛线提高射击精度,解锁绿衫军,提升国家威望螺旋后膛(Screw Breech) 可从枪炮后膛装填弹药提升战斗效率,解锁来复枪兵,提升国家威望发火帽(Percussion Cap) 需先研究出火帽炮弹。降低雨天对火药影响,所有火枪哑火概率-5%,提升国家威望火炮系(Ordnance): 1级兵工厂 霰弹(Canister Shot) 允许火炮发射霰弹,解锁12磅步兵炮和2级兵工厂改良手榴弹(Improved Grenades) 提高步兵手榴弹作战效率2级兵工厂 爆破弹(Explosive Shells) 榴弹炮和迫击炮可发射爆破弹,解锁4英寸迫击炮、3磅马拉炮、双桅炮船、12磅榴弹炮和3级兵工厂3级兵工厂 燃烧弹(Carcass Shot) 榴弹炮和迫击炮可发射燃烧弹4级兵工厂 火箭弹(Explosive Rockets) 解锁火箭炮船和火箭炮车5级兵工厂 石灰弹(Quicklime Shells) 取代燃烧弹,以炮弹中的生石灰灼烧或致盲敌人6级兵工厂 榴霰弹(Shrapnel Shot) 火炮可发射凌空爆炸并迸射铁片的榴霰弹火帽炮弹(Percussion Shells) 采用雷管撞击引爆发射药的炮弹,取代爆破弹海军系(Naval): 1级海军学院 海军码头(Naval Shore Facilities) 允许建造船坞、2级海军学院燧发炮(Flintlock Cannon) 舰炮装弹时间-5%,提升国家威望木材风干(Seasoning) 所有船只维持费用-10%,建造费用+5%,提升国家威望六分仪(Sextant) 战略界面下船只移动距离+5%,提升国家威望2级海军学院 海军新论(Naval Architecture Advances) 可建造干船坞,所有船只建造费用-5%,提升国家威望改良葡萄弹(Improved Grape Shot) 需先研究出霰弹。增加舰炮葡萄弹杀伤力经度表(Longitude Watch) 战略界面下船只移动距离+10%,提升国家威望海军管理改革(Reformed Naval Administration) 允许建造3级海军学院,提升国家威望大口径短炮(Carronades) 允许建造大口径短炮护卫舰,提升国家威望铜皮船底(Copper Bottoms) 所有船只建造费用+5%,战略界面下移动距离+5%,战术界面下移动速度+10%橙汁腌菜(Lime Juice and Sauerkraut) 允许修建海军医院,所有船只维持费用-5%,提升国家威望3级海军学院 膛线火炮(Rifled Cannons) 需先研究出机械膛线。可为战舰装备膛线火炮,提升国家威望改良包铜(Improved Coppering) 所有船只维持费用-5%,战略界面下移动距离+5%,战术界面下移动速度+10%铅质弹筒(Sheet Lead Cartridges) 舰载火炮装弹时间-5%,舰载火炮哑火几率-5%,提升国家威望桅杆顶帆(Top Gallants) 装有顶帆的船只战略界面下移动距离+10%,战术界面下移动速度+10%,提升国家威望食物保鲜(Preserved Foods) 战斗中士气+2,提升国家威望 农业系(Agriculture): 1级农庄 公地分圈(Common Land Enclosures) 农庄对人口提升效果+0.2%,降低饥荒概率,可建造稻田农庄、酿酒厂和2级农庄改良畜牧(Improved Animal Husbandry) 降低饥荒概率,农庄产生的财富+5%2级农庄 循环耕种(Four Field Crop Rotaion) 农庄对人口提升效果+0.3%,降低饥荒概率,可建稻田农庄和3级农庄3级农庄 播种技术(Seed Planting Drill) 农庄建筑造价-15%,农庄耕种费用-15%,提升国家威望高级灌溉(Advanced Irrigation) 农庄对人口提升效果+0.4%,降低饥荒概率,农庄产生的财富+10%,可建大型酿酒厂,提升国家威望选择育种(Selective Breeding) 农庄产生的财富+15%,可建4级农庄汽泵抽水(Steam-Pumped Land Drainage) 需先研究出基础汽泵。农庄对人口提升效果+0.5%,降低饥荒概率,提升国家威望4级农庄 脱粒机(Threshing Machine) 农庄产生的财富+25%,降低饥荒概率,提升国家威望冶金系(Metal industry): 1级铁匠作坊 无可研究技术2级铁匠作坊 基础汽泵(Basic Steam Pump) 冶金建筑造价-10%,开矿费用-10%,可建蒸汽动力的金矿、银矿、铁矿焦炭高炉(Coke Blast Furnace) 冶金建筑产生的财富+10%,可建3级铁匠作坊,提升国家威望测量工具(Measuring Tools) 所有建筑产生的城市财富+5%,所有工业建筑产生的财富+5%,可建碎石路3级铁匠作坊 机械工具(Machine Tools) 需先研究出国富论。所有陆地单位造价-15%,所有建筑产生的城市财富+5%,可建伐木场、陶瓷厂,提升国家威望搅炼炉(Puddling Furnace) 所有炮兵造价-15%,冶金建筑产生的财富+20%,提升国家威望蒸汽机(Steam Engine) 所有工业建筑产生的财富+15%,可建各种以蒸汽为动力的金矿、铁矿、银矿、制衣厂、干船坞、发动机厂、制糖厂,提升国家威望4级铁匠作坊 通用零件(Interchangeable Parts) 所有陆军单位维持费用-5%,海军单位维持费用-10%,所有建筑产生的城市财富+5%,提升国家威望纺织系(Textile industry): 1级纺织厂 无可研究技术2级纺织厂 多轴纺织机(Spinning Jenny) 纺织类建筑产生的城市财富+10%,提升国家威望精纺机(Spinning Mule) 需先研究出社会分工。纺织类建筑产生财富+5%,提升国家威望,可建3级纺织厂飞梭(Flying Shuttle) 纺织类建筑产生的城市财富+15%,提升国家威望3级纺织厂 打孔织布机(Punch-Card Loom) 纺织类建筑产生的城市财富+15%,提升国家威望大型织布机(Power Loom) 纺织类建筑产生的财富+5%,产生的城市财富+20%,提升国家威望,可建4级纺织厂4级纺织厂 规模生产(Mass Production) 需先研究出古典经济学。所有地面单位造价-10%,所有海军单位造价-10%,所有建筑产生的城市财富+10%,提升国家威望 1级学校 经验主义(Empiricism) 科技研究速度+5%,城市财富每回合+2,可建2级学校,提升国家威望民约论(Social Contract) 科技研究速度+10%,城市财富每回合+2,提升国家威望重农主义(Physiocracy) 城市财富每回合+3,农庄产生财富+15%,可建大型香料、蔗糖、棉花、咖啡、茶叶、烟草种植园2级学校 功利主义(Utilitarianism) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,城市财富每回合+3,所有文化类建筑造价-20%,可建3级学校,提升国家威望民选政府(Government by Consent) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,科技研究速度+5%,城市财富每回合+3,提升国家威望社会分工(Division of Labour) 城市财富每回合+4,所有工业建筑产生财富+10%,提升国家威望,可建蔗糖、香料、棉花、咖啡、烟草、茶叶仓库和商业码头3级学校 权力分衡(Separation of Powers) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,中产阶级快乐度+1,城市财富每回合+4,提升国家威望股份公司(Joint Stock Companies) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,城市财富每回合+5,所有建筑产生财富+10%,提升国家威望,可建皮毛市场、贸易港口人权(Rights of Man) 科技研究速度+10%,城市财富每回合+5,提升国家威望,可建4级学校国债(National Debt) 所有陆军单位维持费用-5%,所有海军单位维持费用-5%,城市财富每回合+8,提升国家威望国富论(Wealth of Nations) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,贸易路线收入+25%,城市财富每回合+8,所有建筑产生财富+5%,提升国家威望4级学校 公民权(Citizenship) 中产阶级快乐度-1,步兵招募费用-10%,城市财富每回合+6,提升国家威望人文主义(Secular Humanism) 宗教骚动-50%,呼吁改革快乐度-1,城市财富每回合+6,提升国家威望,可建皇家学院自由贸易(Free Trade Doctrine) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,贸易路线收入+25%,城市财富每回合+10,港口产生的财富+25%,提升国家威望,可建全球贸易公司废除奴隶(Abolition of Slavery) 贵族快乐度-4,城市财富每回合+8,种植园造价+30%,提升国家威望古典经济学(Classical Economics) 呼吁改革快乐度-1,城市财富每回合+14,所有建筑产生的财富+15%,提升国家威望
2023-07-29 06:38:011

问几个短语 请帮我用英文翻译过来 谢谢!

2023-07-29 06:38:179


你发的内容是不是有垃圾邮件特征?我看到有一个Coremail Antispam,这个是Coremail邮件系统的反垃圾邮件系统。
2023-07-29 06:38:352


看你说的在那个方面了,比如食品方面:所谓的工业级,农业级,食品级,试剂纯,分析纯等等只是根据用途不同来划分的例如工业级是在工艺生产过程中使用的,具体含量标准是根据产品属性决定的. 农业级和食品级分别是分别用在农业和食品行业的,其他也是一样 试剂纯,分析纯一般用在化验室在电子产品方面:有商用级、工业级和军用级产品,比如电子的工业级标准是主要参照的标准为中国国家标准GB 4208-93《外壳防护等级(IP代码)》、IEC标准(IEC 60329-2001)《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)》或Nema 250-2003《Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)》。主要是不同的标准(带有权威的定义)加国家标准,比如XX产品符合GJB(国军标)什么什么,MIL(美军标)什么什么的。一般来说,军用级最高,工业级次之,然后是商业级,最后是民用级。以电子电源为例:军用级电源,要求很严,比如对防水,防火,防摔、抗电磁等等都有要求;工业级电源,就在没有军用电源那边严格。但对防水、防火有一定要求;商业级电源,要低于工业级电源的防水和防火的要求;民用电源,就是一般我们用的电源,不是很严的要求,但是也有一定在要求,这些要求是分等级的,等级的化分是根据电源的质量、要求及所用途来分类的!
2023-07-29 06:38:451


2023-07-29 06:39:082


(轿架 car frame)是轿厢的承载结构,轿厢的负荷(自重和载重)由它传递到曳引钢丝绳。当安全钳动作或蹲底撞击缓冲器时,还要承受由此产生的反作用力,因此轿厢架要有足够的强度。轿厢架一般由上梁、立柱、底梁和拉条(调节轿底水平度,防止底板倾翘)等组成。 是形成轿厢空间的封闭围壁,除必要的出入口和通风孔外不得有其他开口(少部分国家要求轿顶开设安全窗),轿厢体由不易燃和不产生有害气体和烟雾的材料组成。为了乘员的安全和舒适,轿厢入口和内部的净高度不得小于2米。为防止乘员过多而引起超载,轿厢的有效面积必须予以限制。具体可参见GB7588-2003对额定载重量和轿厢最大有效面积的对应规定。在乘客电梯中为了保证不会过份拥挤,标准还规定了轿厢的最小有效面积。轿厢体一般由轿底板(轿底 car platform;platform)、轿厢壁(轿壁 car enclosures;car walls)、轿厢顶(轿顶 car roof)。 一般设在轿底,也有少数设在轿顶的上梁或者绳头板上。基本结构是在底梁上安装若干个微动开关(触点)或重量传感器,当置于弹性胶垫上的活络轿厢由于载荷增加向下位移时,触动微动开关发出信号,或由传感器发出与载荷相对应的连续信号。最基本的一个开关,在超载(超过额定载荷10%)时动作,使电梯门不能关闭,电梯也不能起动,同时发出声响和灯光信号(有些无灯光信号)。所以也称超载开关。
2023-07-29 06:39:221

linux服务器,突然断电后提示:A discovery error has occured,please powercycle the system and all the

是小机还是pcserver ,好像有部分硬件没有加电
2023-07-29 06:39:362


Last summer, I got a chance to work on a farm during my vacation. Although the work was demanding, it was an amazing and memorable experience.I got up early every morning and went out to the fields for work. The first thing I had to do was check the watering system and ensure that all the plants were properly irrigated. Then I had to take care of the animals. I fed them, cleaned their enclosures and made sure they were healthy. After that, I had to harvest the crops. Picking up fruits and vegetables was hard work, but the satisfaction of seeing a field full of harvested produce was worth the effort.The farm work involved a lot of physical labor and it was challenging at times. However, I learned how to work in a team and the importance of communication with my fellow farm workers. We had to cooperate to ensure that everything was done in time and to standard. Through this, I learnt a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work, discipline and dedication.Working on the farm also made me appreciate the hard work that farmers put into growing our food. It takes a lot of effort to produce fruits and vegetables, and many people take for granted the process involved in bringing food to their tables.In conclusion, working on the farm was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It taught me the value of hard work and dedication, and the importance of cooperation and teamwork. Most importantly, working on the farm gave me an appreciation of the food we eat and the efforts of those who produce it.去年夏天,我有机会在假期时在一家农场工作。虽然这份工作很辛苦,但它是一次美妙而难忘的经历。每天早上我都会早早起床去田地工作。我首先要检查灌溉系统,并确保所有的植物都得到了正确的灌溉。然后我要照顾动物,给它们喂食,清洁它们的围栏并确保它们身体健康。之后,我要收割庄稼。摘取水果和蔬菜是很辛苦的工作,但看到整个田地都堆满了收获的农作物,一切的辛劳都变得值得。农场工作需要很多体力劳动,在某些时候有些挑战性。但是,我学会了如何与团队合作,以及与我的农场同事沟通的重要性。我们必须合作来确保所有的工作都按时完成,做到规范。通过这一过程,我学到了艰苦工作、纪律和奉献的重要性,这是非常宝贵的经验。在农场工作也让我更加珍惜农民种植食物的辛苦工作。种植水果和蔬菜需要付出很多努力,很多人忽略了将食物端到自己餐桌上背后的过程。总之,在农场工作是一次富有挑战性但又非常有收获的经历。它教会了我勤奋工作、奉献精神的价值,以及合作和团队合作的重要性。最重要的是,农场工作让我更加珍惜我们所吃食物的珍贵感和生产者所做出的努力。
2023-07-29 06:39:473

新加坡旅游景点英文介绍 新加坡旅游景点英文介绍带翻译

假设你是一名导游,请根据提供的信息,用英文向游客介绍一下新加坡。60词左右。Hallo,everyone,wellcome to Singapore!I am (名字),very honoured to be the guide of everybody today.Well,let me introduce Singapore first.Singapore is a small country in Southeast Asia,very close to China.Its enviroment is really good,i think you have already felt---fresh air,light blue and clean sky,transparent and limpid lakes... Its famours landmarks and scenic pots are the Night Safari and Merlion Park which is in Sentosa(圣陶沙,新加坡著名也是主要的旅游景点).OK,l think you are all very excited to visit them,let us go now!请用英文介绍一下新加坡的旅游景点!!谢谢Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and attracts millions of tourists each year.[1] A lot of its cultural attraction can be attributed to its cultural diversity that reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and Arab ethnicities. It is also environmentally friendly, and maintains natural and heritage conservation programs. As English is one of its numerous official languages, it is generally easier for tourists to understand when speaking to the local population of the country, for example, when shopping. Transport in Singapore exhaustively covers most, if not all public venues in Singapore, which increases convenience for tourists. This includes the well-known Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.The Orchard Road district, which is dominated by multi-storey shopping centres and hotels, can be considered the centre of tourism in Singapore. Other popular tourist attractions include the Singapore Zoo and its Night Safari, which allows people to explore Asian, African and American habitats at night without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals. The Singapore Zoo has embraced the "open zoo" concept whereby animals are kept in enclosures, separated from visitors by hidden dry or wet moats, instead of caging the animals. Jurong Bird Park is another zoological garden centred around birds, which is dedicated towards exposing the public to as much species and varieties of birds from around the world as possible, including a flock of one thousand flamingos. The tourist island of Sentosa, which attracts more than 5 million visitors a year, is located in the south of Singapore, consists of about 20-30 landmarks, such as Fort Siloso, which was built as a fortress to defend against the Japanese during World War II. Guns from the World War II era can be seen at Fort Siloso, from a mini-sized to a 16 pound (7 kg) gun. Recently, the island has built the Carlsberg Sky Tower, which allows visitors to view the whole of Sentosa, as well as the Sentosa Luge, a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleighs supine and feet-first. Steering is done by shifting the weight or pulling straps attached to the sled"s runners. Singapore will have two integrated resorts with casinos in 2010, one at Marina Bay and the other at Sentosa which the government announced during a parliament session on April 18, 2005.There are various shopping belts in Singapore, Marina Bay, Bugis Street, Chinatown, Geylang Serai, Kampong Gelam Arab Street, Little India, North Bridge Road, Orchard Road, Riverside, Shenton Way Raffles Place and The Suburbs.Singapore seeks to be the business hub of Southeast Asia and has an expansive shopping precinct located in the Orchard Road district. Many multistorey shopping centres are located at Orchard Road; the area also has many hotels, and it"s the main tourism centre of Singapore, other than the Downtown Core. The local populace also use Orchard Road for shopping extensively.Other than Orchard Road, Singapore"s largest shopping centre, VivoCity, has also attracted millions of people since its opening in 2006.[13]To further encourage tourists to shop at Singapore, the Singapore Tourism Board and various organizers organize the Great Singapore Sale yearly. Shoppers can enjoy great discounts and bargains at participating outlets. The Singapore Tourism Board introduced "Late Night Shopping" in 2007.[14] Tourists can catch "Late Night Shopping" on Orchard Road up till 11pm every Saturday and enjoy special deals or promotions by participating retailers.Singapore is a haven for the arts all year round. Its dynamic arts scene is richly influenced by their indigenous Malay culture, the heritage of Chinese and Indian migrants, as well as the city"s international outlook. As new contemporary forms evolve, traditional art forms are simultaneously being preserved to create an arts culture that is uniquely Singapore.The Art Districts in Singapore include Central Arts Districts, Chinatown Arts Belt, Dempsey and Tanglin, Little India, and Riverside. The are also various art museums in Singapore like the Asian Civilisations Museums at Empress Place and Old Tao Nan School, Singapore Art Museum, and NUS Museums.Many of Singapore"s performing arts venues and institutions are more than just performance locations _ they are architectural marvels in their own right. These venues include the Singapore Repertory Theatre, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, The Substation and the University Cultural Centre.Sentosa is a relatively large island of Singapore located to its south. Along with a beachfront resort, the island"s tourist attractions include Fort Siloso, its historical museum, the Underwater World aquarium and the Carlsberg Sky Tower. Singapore will also be building two casinos (integrated resorts), one on Marina Bay and one on Sentosa. Singapore has a variety of parks and projects which often feature its natural tropical environment.The Singapore Zoo and Night Safari, allows people to explore Asian, African and South American habitats at night, without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals.Singapore has its Singapore Botanical Gardens open to the public that is 52 hectares large, and includes the National Orchid collection with over 3000 types of orchids growing.Recently the government has also been promoting the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve as a quiet getaway from the stress of modern life.The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is an extensive nature reserve which covers much of the Bukit Timah Hill, and is the only remaining place where primary rainforest still exists on the island.The Jurong BirdPark includes extensive specimens of exotic bird life from around the world, including a flock of one thousand flamingos.Pulau Ubin, an island offshore Singapore, is slowly becoming a popular tourist spot. The nature wildlife there is left undisturbed.Singapore is among the top five countries in the world for nightlife, fine dining and shopping.[15] Some popular nightspots in Singapore include:Boat Quay is a historical quay in Singapore which is situated upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River. Shophouses on it have been carefully conserved and now house various bars, pubs and restaurants.Clarke Quay is a historical riverside quay and a buzzing party central in Singapore, and is situated even further upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River than Boat Quay is. Presently, five blocks of restored warehouses house various restaurants and shops such as antique shops. There are also moored Chinese junks (tongkangs) that have been refurbished into floating pubs and restaurants. Crazy Horse Paris opened their third cabaret show worldwide in Clarke Quay in December 2005, but ended operations in February 2007 owing to poor business. The Ministry of Sound opened at Clarke Quay in December 2005 and is one of the most popular nightclubs in the city currently.Clarke Quay also boasts more than 50 eateries offering over 20 different types of cuisine, and more than 20 bars, clubs and pubs. Some of the world"s best pubs are located in Clarke Quay.用英语介绍新加坡写作思路:根据题目要求,介绍新加坡特色景点。Singapore is a small country.新加坡的国土面积很小。Singapore"s climate is very pleasant. It feels like early summer all the year round. There is neither severe winter nor intense heat. The roads are full of trees and flowers.新加坡的气候很宜人,一年四季都是初夏的感觉,那里没有严冬也没有酷暑,路上绿树成荫,花草鲜艳。Singapore"s architecture is very creative, such as the highest Jinsha Entertainment City in China. It is composed of three buildings, like three big pillars, with a "speedboat" overhead, which is very spectacular.新加坡的建筑很有创意,比如国内最高的金沙娱乐城,它由三幢大楼组成,像三个大柱子,它们一起头顶着一个“快艇”,很壮观。Singapore is very clean. There is no dust when driving. There is almost no garbage on the ground. In the clear evening sky, the blue sky and white clouds are so close to us, as if we could pick a cloud with our hand.新加坡很干净,汽车开过时没有尘土飞扬,地上几乎看不到垃圾,傍晚晴朗的夜空,蓝天白云离我们那么近,仿佛伸手就可摘一朵云彩。There are many different places in Singapore. I like this small civilized and beautiful oriental country.新加坡还有很多与众不同的地方,我喜欢这个文明又美丽的东方小国。新加坡简短英文介绍,下附中文翻译。Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.新加坡是东南亚的一个岛国,北隔柔佛海峡与马来西亚为邻,南隔新加坡海峡与印度尼西亚相望,毗邻马六甲海峡南口。Singapore is a developed capitalist country in Asia. It is praised as one of the "Four Dragons of Asia". Its economic model is called "state capitalism"".新加坡是亚洲发达的资本主义国家,被誉为“亚洲四小龙”之一,其经济模式被称作为“国家资本主义”。Singapore is located in the tropics. The annual temperature difference and the daily temperature difference are small, and the average temperature is between 23 and 34 degrees centigrade。新加坡地处热带,气温年温差和日温差小,平均温度在23至34℃之间。Singapore is a multilingual country, has 4 official languages, namely English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapore uses English as the main language and language of instruction.新加坡是一个多语言的国家,拥有4种官方语言,即英语,马来语,华语和泰米尔语。他们采用英语,作为主要的通行语和教学语。Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping an
2023-07-29 06:40:011


Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and attracts millions of tourists each year. A lot of its cultural attraction can be attributed to its cultural diversity that reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and Arab ethnicities. It is also environmentally friendly, and maintains natural and heritage conservation programs. As English is one of its numerous official languages, it is generally easier for tourists to understand when speaking to the local population of the country, for example, when shopping. Transport in Singapore exhaustively covers most, if not all public venues in Singapore, which increases convenience for tourists. This includes the well-known Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system. The Orchard Road district, which is dominated by multi-storey shopping centres and hotels, can be considered the centre of tourism in Singapore. Other popular tourist attractions include the Singapore Zoo and its Night Safari, which allows people to explore Asian, African and American habitats at night without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals. The Singapore Zoo has embraced the "open zoo" concept whereby animals are kept in enclosures, separated from visitors by hidden dry or wet moats, instead of caging the animals. Jurong Bird Park is another zoological garden centred around birds, which is dedicated towards exposing the public to as much species and varieties of birds from around the world as possible, including a flock of one thousand flamingos. The tourist island of Sentosa, which attracts more than 5 million visitors a year, is located in the south of Singapore, consists of about 20-30 landmarks, such as Fort Siloso, which was built as a fortress to defend against the Japanese during World War II. Guns from the World War II era can be seen at Fort Siloso, from a mini-sized to a 16 pound (7 kg) gun. Recently, the island has built the Carlsberg Sky Tower, which allows visitors to view the whole of Sentosa, as well as the Sentosa Luge, a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleighs supine and feet-first. Steering is done by shifting the weight or pulling straps attached to the sled"s runners. Singapore will have two integrated resorts with casinos in 2010, one at Marina Bay and the other at Sentosa which the government announced during a parliament session on April 18, 2005. There are various shopping belts in Singapore, Marina Bay, Bugis Street, Chinatown, Geylang Serai, Kampong Gelam & Arab Street, Little India, North Bridge Road, Orchard Road, Riverside, Shenton Way & Raffles Place and The Suburbs. Singapore seeks to be the business hub of Southeast Asia and has an expansive shopping precinct located in the Orchard Road district. Many multistorey shopping centres are located at Orchard Road; the area also has many hotels, and it"s the main tourism centre of Singapore, other than the Downtown Core. The local populace also use Orchard Road for shopping extensively. Other than Orchard Road, Singapore"s largest shopping centre, VivoCity, has also attracted millions of people since its opening in 2006. To further encourage tourists to shop at Singapore, the Singapore Tourism Board and various organizers organize the Great Singapore Sale yearly. Shoppers can enjoy great discounts and bargains at participating outlets. The Singapore Tourism Board introduced "Late Night Shopping" in 2007.[14] Tourists can catch "Late Night Shopping" on Orchard Road up till 11pm every Saturday and enjoy special deals or promotions by participating retailers. Singapore is a haven for the arts all year round. Its dynamic arts scene is richly influenced by their indigenous Malay culture, the heritage of Chinese and Indian migrants, as well as the city"s international outlook. As new contemporary forms evolve, traditional art forms are simultaneously being preserved to create an arts culture that is uniquely Singapore. The Art Districts in Singapore include Central Arts Districts, Chinatown Arts Belt, Dempsey and Tanglin, Little India, and Riverside. The are also various art museums in Singapore like the Asian Civilisations Museums at Empress Place and Old Tao Nan School, Singapore Art Museum, and NUS Museums. Many of Singapore"s performing arts venues and institutions are more than just performance locations – they are architectural marvels in their own right. These venues include the Singapore Repertory Theatre, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, The Substation and the University Cultural Centre. Sentosa is a relatively large island of Singapore located to its south. Along with a beachfront resort, the island"s tourist attractions include Fort Siloso, its historical museum, the Underwater World aquarium and the Carlsberg Sky Tower. Singapore will also be building two casinos (integrated resorts), one on Marina Bay and one on Sentosa. Singapore has a variety of parks and projects which often feature its natural tropical environment. The Singapore Zoo and Night Safari, allows people to explore Asian, African and South American habitats at night, without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals. Singapore has its Singapore Botanical Gardens open to the public that is 52 hectares large, and includes the National Orchid collection with over 3000 types of orchids growing. Recently the government has also been promoting the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve as a quiet getaway from the stress of modern life. The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is an extensive nature reserve which covers much of the Bukit Timah Hill, and is the only remaining place where primary rainforest still exists on the island. The Jurong BirdPark includes extensive specimens of exotic bird life from around the world, including a flock of one thousand flamingos. Pulau Ubin, an island offshore Singapore, is slowly becoming a popular tourist spot. The nature wildlife there is left undisturbed. Singapore is among the top five countries in the world for nightlife, fine dining and shopping. Some popular nightspots in Singapore include: Boat Quay is a historical quay in Singapore which is situated upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River. Shophouses on it have been carefully conserved and now house various bars, pubs and restaurants. Clarke Quay is a historical riverside quay and a buzzing party central in Singapore, and is situated even further upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River than Boat Quay is. Presently, five blocks of restored warehouses house various restaurants and shops such as antique shops. There are also moored Chinese junks (tongkangs) that have been refurbished into floating pubs and restaurants. Crazy Horse Paris opened their third cabaret show worldwide in Clarke Quay in December 2005, but ended operations in February 2007 owing to poor business. The Ministry of Sound opened at Clarke Quay in December 2005 and is one of the most popular nightclubs in the city currently. Clarke Quay also boasts more than 50 eateries offering over 20 different types of cuisine, and more than 20 bars, clubs and pubs. Some of the world"s best pubs are located in Clarke Quay.
2023-07-29 06:40:095

英语求 翻译句子 急!

2023-07-29 06:40:263


若要拒绝这项工作要约:1。在这项工作的录取通知书对应位置签名和写下日期.2. 使用内附的商业回复信封,将工作录用函的所有纸张寄回,寄达时间不迟于200x年3月17日星期四。如果你接受这个工作机会,起聘日期将会是那一天你出席参加新的受聘取向。
2023-07-29 06:40:484


So English Chinese important a paper
2023-07-29 06:40:564

sackville street中文翻译

As addenda , a tennis and fives court , a shrubbery , a glass summerhouse with tropical palms , equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray , a beehive arranged on humane principles , oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric elppses of scarlet and chrome tupps , blue scillas , crocuses , polyanthus , sweet wilpam , sweat pea , ply of the valley bulbs obtainable from sir james w . mackey pmited wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman , agent for chemical manures , 23 sackville street , upper , an orchard , kitchen garden and vinery , protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures , a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements 可以增添一个网球兼手球场,一片灌木丛,用植物学上最佳办法设置一座热带椰子科植物的玻璃凉亭,有喷泉装置的假山石,按照人道的原则设计的蜂窝。在矩形的草坪上布置一座座椭圆形花坛,将深红和淡黄两色的郁金香蓝色的天蒜报春花西樱草美洲石竹香豌豆花和欧钤兰都栽培成别致的卵形球根购自詹姆斯w马凯伊爵士247的股份有限公司,他是个种籽与球根批发兼零售商,苗木培养工,化学肥料代理商,住在上萨克维尔街二十三号。果树园蔬菜园和葡萄园各一座。
2023-07-29 06:41:041


2023-07-29 06:41:114