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有谁知道印尼生产的 washburn wg500 如何辨别真伪?




刚买的washburn wi66pro琴颈是直的,一品打品其他品都不打品,把1品丝撬高些行吗?是不是琴颈有变形了?


wasnburn 勇士吉他在中国有没有生产厂家?


washburn n2 真假

我也喜欢washburn的吉他只要感觉手感和音色都是这个价位不亏的,没没什么大问题其实网上说得也不全对.推荐你去guitarchina论坛里问问,那里吉他牛人多 呵呵









washburn n2 的电吉他产地在哪里?


Washburn X12 怎么样啊 最近正在犹豫 属于什么档次的琴啊

参考报价不到339.9美元, 属于中档琴, 但是性价比比较高, 音色很不错.网上的很多使用者的打分比较高.http://www.washburn.com/products/electrics/x/x12qvs.aspx主要的配置如下:Quilted maple top 絮纹枫木贴面Solid wood body 实木琴体Bolt on maple neck 螺丝连接枫木琴颈Hardtail bridge 固定式琴桥Rosewood fingerboard with dot inlay 紫檀木指板,点状泛音点镶嵌Gloss finish 抛光漆面3-way switch 3档拾音器选择开关Tune-o-matic bridge Tune-o-matic琴桥Washburn HH pickups Washburn自己生产的双线圈拾音器Die cast tuners Die cast卷弦器琴弦长度25.5"24品欢迎站内信交流.


老款N4Washburn众多签名系列中,在中国大陆最为大家熟悉的就是极端乐队的吉他手Nuno Bettencourt的N系列吉他,Nuno在大部分演出和录音中使用的都是Washburn N4吉他,足见这款吉他的出众之处。型号为Washburn N4 RELIC,这款吉他个人认为是一把适合速弹的吉他,琴颈和琴体是用5螺栓弧形方式连接的,是由Stephens设计,所以结构名称叫Stephens extended cutaway 5-bolt neck joint,这样可以毫无困难的在高把位演奏。不像GIBSON那样的琴用的是传统的方式连接,使得手小的吉他手不容易弹奏高把位的音。N4 RELIC拾音器使用的是著名的 Lawrence L-500与Seymour Duncan 59,琴头是Reverse设计(就是通常所说的反头琴),我觉得可能是反头的原因,在使用同一规格的琴弦时,推弦比其他吉他容易的多,轻轻松松的就能推到大二度。带有锁弦系统的Floyd Rose琴桥不易跑音,与Fei-ten矫正调音系统配合得很完美。这是一把Washburn的旗舰型号。 它经过纯手工仿旧处理,精确模仿Nuno使用的N4的所有细节。不同时期的N4 Relic会根据Nuno那把琴的情况作相应调整,所以不是所有的N4 Relic都一样。 产地:美国 产品规格:●美国手工定做部门制造(Washburn USA Custom Shop)●经长年保存的实心桤木琴体●经久耐用的金属件●琴桥拾音器:Bill Lawrence L500●琴颈拾音器:Seymour Duncan ‘59●3档拾音器切换●Floyd Rose琴桥●Floyd Rose认证颤音系统●22品枫木琴颈,黑檀(乌木)指板●Stephens 5螺栓弧形方式连接琴颈与琴体●R2渡铬弦锁●西班牙琴师风格的琴头连接●高档Grover 18:1齿速比卷弦器●14”倾斜角反琴头●Buzz Feiten调音系统 N4系列中还有一个高贵的型号N4E PNM。 之所以说它高贵是因为N4E PNM使用的是紫檀木琴身和琴体,使得音色方面更增加了许多温暖和高频的特性。调音钮使用的是GROVER公司的18-1,琴头还贴有Buzz Feiten Tuning System的标志。这一系统就是把琴枕向一品方向略微移动了一点,并对指板做了一些修正,使我们在演奏吉它时,弦在拉力的作用下仍然能保持准确的音高。当然我们在琴上是看不到这套系统的任何外部装置的。琴的指板采用乌木,使音色圆润清亮,而且指板十分坚固不易变形,非常适合需要大量外出演出的乐手。 产地:美国琴颈:紫檀琴体:紫檀指板:乌木连接:螺钉连接(STEVENS专利5螺钉)拾音器:SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59(琴颈),BILL LAWRENCE L500(琴桥)琴桥:德国SCHALLER原产FLOYD ROSE双摇调音钮:GROVER 18-1校音系统:BUZZ FEITEN TUNINTG SYSTEM出品:美国 CUSTOM SHOP纯手工 声音表现声音表现是最难说的,一般都要有个参照物。但是和N4音色接近的琴不是很多见,我就只好直接说了。它的声音表现如同Nuno专辑的音乐一样,可以表现的刚劲有力,又可以演奏出轻快的Funk感觉,N4的低音重而不闷是众所周知的,而且低音很有颗粒感,不浑浊。用琴桥拾音器的时候,明显比其他同档次的金属琴亮很多,但不刺耳。这样的声音很难形容,(声音太抽象)总之很好就是了。CLEAN音色和FEDNER比,肯定不如FEDNER的音色清脆,但是很扎实。而且N4在失真的时候没有杂音,声音很容易捏到一起,音头很清楚。这一点非常的好,对于流行金属比较合适,Nuno很多时候的演奏会有制音的切分快速扫弦,这个技法在N4上表现的是最好的。 新款N4Nuno现在的音乐在不断地转变和变化。2005年Washburn为Nuno推出了新款的N4。首先,我们来看看新款N4的性能指标。 琴颈:枫木琴体:桃花心木指板:乌木连接:螺钉连接(STEVENS专利5螺钉)拾音器:SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59(琴颈),BILL LAWRENCE L1000(琴桥)琴桥:德国SCHALLER原产FLOYD ROSE双摇调音钮:GROVER 18-1校音系统:BUZZ FEITEN TUNINTG SYSTEM出品:美国 CUSTOM SHOP纯手工新款N4的调音旋钮采用黑色设计,琴颈与老款最显著的区别就是品位标记由原来的圆点变成了符号(样子比较怪),好象是Nuno身上的纹身符号,琴颈和琴身的连接依然使用STEPHENS的专利连接技术,连接使用的螺钉改用平头螺钉。琴颈拾音器依然为SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59,与老款不同的是琴桥处拾间器更换为BILL LAWRENCE的更高型号 L1000,与老款音色不同。新款在音色控制上有了很大的改进,不仅增加了音色控制,而且音量和音色旋钮都可以拨起,用于减小拾音器的输出,模拟单线圈拾音器,(俗称切单)这样可以更加适合演奏一些轻快的音乐。新款N4的琴体采用了桃花心木,与老款N4不同的是,它将带来更多的低频表现。新款N4音色表现新款琴体采用桃花心木,低频响应有所提高,很明显的感觉是声音变得更加结实了,音量输出也比老款N4有所提高,琴体共振效果更加出色,延音非常的好。琴桥处拾音器BILL LAWRENCE更换为新型号L1000,它的动态、清澈度都是极为出色的。高低频的输出十分平衡,不会让吉它手的SOLO淹没在沉重的节奏里。在弹奏的时候,我们能很清晰地感受到BILL LAWRENCE的经典声音。而当换到SEYMOUR DUNCAN拾音器上演奏时,纯正的电子管声音立刻出现。新款N4可以适应更多风格的音乐,扩展了琴本身的风格和性价比。 新产品:Washburn N5 N6吉他Washburn与Nuno Bettencourt 20年以来首次发行新款得N系列吉他。Nuno说:我需要一款能够体现我的变化和成长的吉他。N5 N6就是为这样的目的所设计的。N5、N6都是由美国Washburn公司生产的,其琴身是桤木的,非常结实,琴颈和指板采用雀眼枫木,Floyd Rose双摇系统,Grover18:1卷弦扭,阳极处理的镀铝护板,Stephens 5螺栓弧形方式连接琴颈与琴体,Buzz Feiten调音系统。N5的特点是Seymour Duncan SSL1 拾音器,N6使用的是Seymour Duncan SSL1 拾音器和一条JB 琴桥拾音器联合使用。上面所说的都是N系列的高型号吉他,下面我们来说说低型号,被称为Exterme乐队吉他手Nuno签名系列琴的入门型号的N1 N2。很多朋友都很喜欢NUNO,喜欢N4,可是因为经济原因不能购买。不过N1的出现改变了这一状况,N1价格低廉,使得很多朋友圆了梦。N1的设计完全是遵循N4的样式,做工没有因为价格低而下降,外观也是简洁大方,NI的音色也对的起它的价格,可谓价廉物美,原声音色极为悦耳,低频出色,这好像也是Washburn一贯的特点,毕竟是金属琴,低频当然要好点。高频则清亮细腻,比较突出音头。原声音色出众就保证了失真音色的浑厚有力,在同价位电吉他中有极为明显的优势。当然你不要拿N1 N2和N4来比较,那样的比较是没有意义的,在同等价位的吉他中N1 N2还是很有优势的,特别是在金属风格方面尤为出众。惟一遗憾的是它不是美国生产的。NI的产品规格桤木琴体 琴桥拾音器: Washburn 621 琴颈拾音器: Washburn 621 Floyd Rose Lic双摇琴桥 卷弦器:Grover 18:1 品数:22琴颈:枫木指板:红木 14"仰角反琴头设计总体来说,Washburn N系列的电吉他之所以深受人们喜爱,不仅是因为大师效应,更是因为产品本身的优秀。适应风格比较广泛,录音演出都可以用,声音通透有力,简直是好处多多。所以你要是喜欢NUNO或是Jennifer Batten等大师,又对Washburn吉他垂涎已久,就赶快买一把自己心仪的型号吧,相信你绝对不会后悔的。


accurate 形容词: 精确的; 副词:accurately 精确地,准确地; 名词:accuracy [数] 精确度,准确性; 同义词:exact,precise; 反义词:inaccurate 扩展资料   Doctors can get the wrong impression from even an accurate description.   即便很精确的病历也可能让医生产生错误的.印象。   An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.   准确的诊断是在一系列的检查后作出的。   The article is an accurate reflection of events that day.   这篇文章准确地记录了那天发生的事。   Price is not always an accurate marker of quality.   价格并不总是质量的准确标志。


没有听过的哦~~我用的是eplay的 手感音色都不错的呢


Washburn词典结果:Washburn[人名] [北方英格兰人姓氏] 沃什伯恩地貌名称,来源于古英语人名Walc+古英语,含义是“溪流”(stream); [地名] [美国] 沃什本; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dan washburn is a shanghai-based writer. 丹沃什本是一名驻上海的作家。

What little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.这里little 为什么不放在knows 后面

这是what引导的强调句的用法。这里的little是不可数名词。what little he knows about it时强调句,他知道的如此之少。

《by your side》- sade 歌词翻译


—Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.—Sure, ? A.wha...

A 试题分析:考查交际用语:句意:--对不起,我想知道你是否可以帮我?--是什么?选A. what is it,B. what is this是问“这是什么东西?”C. what help汉语表达,D. what do you want你想要什么?不符合上下文。选A。点评:交际用语的考查,要根据上下文的语境进行辨析。在平时的学习中要加强对一些常考的交际用语的短语和句型进行记忆。不能受汉语的影响。


what"s your mother? =What does your mother do? =What is your mother"s job? =What is your mother"s profession? 你的母亲是干什么工作的? What is your mother"s name? 你的母亲叫什么名字?。



home furnishings是什么意思


when the European settlers arrived in ___ is now the the united states,they brought...


写篇作文lectures and Discussion

With the development of society, some new form of Education has continually appeared in our study。Different student like different form of Education,and now the following is two main points. Firstly,Some students are in favour of lecture Teaching,maybe they lJust like to accept it but not change it.Secondly,Some students prefer discussion Teaching.In all ,above to all I like the scond viewpoint.In university education, teaching can be conducted in different forms. Two very popular ways of teaching are lecture and discussion. Normally in lecture, more students can be accommodated in one lecture room. However,individual care is seriously compromised. Hence, many students do not have lecture as it lacks lecture-student interaction. In contrast, discussion can solve the problem of passive listening that happens so often in lecuture rooms. In dicussion section, there is always a discussion leader, who leads the discussion. Less students participate in discussion than in lecture so that everyone can voice their opinions on the topic. Ideas can be exchanged and improved though discussion section. Thus, discusion facilitates active learning. Nonetheless, in many universities, lecutre is still the main way to conduct lessons.This is because discussion requires large amount of capital input which cannot fit the current situation in china. Thus, in my opinion, a combination of some lectures and some discussion would be a wonderful way of learning provided that there is enough education resources.不好意思我这也是借鉴的···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

It came as a surprise that the boss had dismissed


Eric Durrance的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:Eric Durrance专辑:Angles Fly AwayCreed - What IfI can"t find the rhyme in all my reasonLost sense of time and all seasonsFeel I"ve been beaten downBy the words of men who have no groundsCan"t sleep beneath the trees of wisdomWhen your ax has cut the roots that feed themForked tongues in bitter mouthsCan drive a man to bleed from inside outWhat if you did?What if you lied?What if I avenge?What if eye for an eye?I"ve seen the wicked fruit of your vineDestroy the man who lacks a strong mindHuman pride sings a vengeful songInspired by the times you"ve been walked onMy stage is shared by many millionsWho lift their hands up high because they feel thisWe are one We are strongThe more you hold us down the more we press onI know I can"t hold the hate inside my mind"Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your lifeSo I"ll just ask a questionA lonely simple questionI"ll just ask one questionWhat if? What if?What if? What if?What If I?What if your words could be judged like a crime?What if? What if?What if? What if?What If I?<<<<< END >>>>>http://music.baidu.com/song/2620230

python wheel和source的区别是什么

你可以这么理解,source是源代码,如果包含C++的化需要编译;而wheel 是编译后的,可以直接安装。pip 默认的也是先下载wheel文件安装,没有的化再源码编译安装

python wheel和source的区别是什么

Windows x86 MSI Installer (2.7.5) (sig)这个是32位的 应该装下面这个 Windows X86-64 MSI Installer (2.7.5) [1] (sig</dd><dd class="dd attach f-light" data-dl="[{"fsid":"752494819","shareid":"2324517579","uid":250237691,"qid":605893433,"rid":1513362491}]" data-url="zhidao.baidu/question/1818125043940856188" data-si="1"><a href="#" class="dl-name"><i class="i-download"></a>

阿迪达斯鞋型号后面的4m 6 m什么意思?例如V21930 Duramo 4 M,G61541 vanquish 6 m,是越高越好吗


Le Souvenir De Ce Jour 歌词

歌曲名:Le Souvenir De Ce Jour歌手:Jenifer专辑:Jenifer Fait Son LiveJenifer - Le souvenir de ce jourEnlacés dans leur chaleurLe sable sur leur mainLivrés au vent qui se meurtIls fusionnent leur destinL"homme qui noyait son malheurLes croise sur son cheminVoit dans leurs yeux la lueurEt le sourire qui revientJe ne connais pas la suiteRien n"est sur mais je sais qu"il mériteL"innocence d"être surEt qu"importe, ils ont pu....Toucher un jourLe bonheur d"être ensembleGouter l"amourOublier un instantL"enfer autourLe souvenir de ce jourVaut plus que toutL"aube a grandi la lumièreElle se réveille enfinLeur histoire n"est plus qu"un rêve, mais...Moi, je m"en souviensElle partage sa vie nouvelleAvec quelqu"un de bienMême la nuit dans son sommeilElle cherche encore sa mainJe ne connais pas la suiteRien n"est sur, mais je sais qu"il existeUn espoir dans le douteEt qu"importe, ils ont pu....Toucher un jourLe bonheur d"être ensembleGouter l"amourOublier un instantL"enfer autourLe souvenir de ce jourVaut plus que toutEt qu"importe, ils ont pu....Toucher un jourLe bonheur d"être ensembleGouter l"amourOublier un instantL"enfer autourLe souvenir de ce jourVaut plus que toutToucher un jourLe bonheur d"être ensembleGouter l"amourOublier un instantL"enfer autourLe souvenir de ce jourVaut plus que tout...finhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12786430

imo surcharge是什么费用

IMCO additional : 危险品附加费;surcharge也有附加税的意思。

Jenifer的《Pour Toi》 歌词

歌曲名:Pour Toi歌手:Jenifer专辑:Jenifer Fait Son LiveJenifer - Pour ToiJ"ai une ballerine au coeurQuand je pense à toiEt je la fais danser quand je lui parle de toiEt tout le monde voulait que je t"oublieMais tu vois bien enfin qu"il est partiEntre tes rêves et tes paroles,moi je n"écoutais personneJe sais comme on s"aimaitJe l"ai dit a l"étoileJ"aurai donné le mondePour un regard de toiEt tout le monde voulait que l"on s"oublieEt tu vois bien que maintenant que tu as comprisEntre nos rêves et leurs paroles,moi je n"écoutais personneJe sais qu"un jour tu reviendrasA pas de deux, de toiMettre ma vie entre tes brasPas à d"autres pour tuer caJe sais tu reviendrasLaissez moi penser caJe serais làPour toi...J"ai une ballerine au coeurQuand je pense à toiEt elle me fait rêverQuand elle danse pour toiEt elle me dit faut pas que tu renoncesIl reviendra pour toi de ses voyagesEntre nos rêves et nos oublisMoi je n"écoute plus qu"elleJe sais qu"un jour tu reviendrasA pas de deux, de toiMettre ma vie entre tes brasPas à d"autres pour tuer caJe sais tu reviendrasLaissez moi penser caJe serais làJe voudrais que tu viennesQue tu viennesPour leur dire que tu m"aimesQu"ils ont tortQue tu m"aimesEt tu leur dirais mêmeJe voudrais qu"elle revienne, qu"elle revienneJe n"entends plus leurs voixJe ferai n"importe quoi pour toiT"en va pas là-bas…Ne t"en vas pas là-basJ"ai une ballerine au coeurQuand je pense à toifinhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12787576





It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.

意思:我们坚信,前进的步伐已经迈出。(或者:我们已经向前迈出了一步。)解释:形式主语是it,真正主语是that从句。把真正主语调到开头,成为:That a step forward has been taken is our firm conviction.牛人团燕子为你解答。满意请采纳。谢谢!

bias current中文翻译

Input bias current 输入偏压电流 On top of that is the user " brightness " adjustment , which adjusts the bias currents to all tubes at the same time 此后就是用户使用的“亮度”调整了,此项同时对三只管子的偏置电流进行调整。 Again , consider using amppfiers that exhibit a *** ooth input bias current transition throughout the appped input mon - mode voltage 再者,所用的放大器也要考虑在加到输入端的整个共模电压(范围内)输入偏置电流转换保持平滑。 The g2 adjustment is a service or factory level adjustment , normally only done at the factory or at installation , which adjusts the bias current for each tube individually so that they all e on at the same time 每一只投影管都需要一定量的偏置电流才能够正常工作,然而,每只管及其相应的电路参数都会有些差异,因此所需的偏置电流也不太一样。 The results of numerical simulation show that for various kinds of noise without modulation the anti - noise properties and the output quapty of laser can be improved by selecting appropriately bias current and parameters of the cavity 数值模拟的结果表明,对于无调制时的各种噪声,适当选取偏置电流和腔内参数可以提高微腔半导体激光器的抗噪声性能或激光输出的质量。 To reduce power dissipation of the amppfier , a kind of on / off technology is used in the circuit . with a pttle bias current circuit to control the main bipolar transistor operation , the transistor will be in a state of on / off 采用器件旁路小电流工作电路,实现对低噪声放大器主要工作晶体管的控制,使该晶体管按需要分别处于工作或关断状态,保证了放大器的极低功耗。 Second , since input bias currents are not always *** all and can exhibit different polarities , source impedance levels should be carefully matched to minimize additional input bias current - induced offset voltages and increased distortion 其次,因为输入偏置电流不一定都小,且可能体现不同的极性,而且源阻抗水平应该仔细地进行匹配,以将输入偏置电流引起额外失调电压和增加的畸变减到最小。 And a novel systematically method , using pnear bination approach to design high order filter , has been proposed . the designed filters can be adapted by adjusting the bias currents , without changing the physical structure . the results of the examples and pspice simulator show the advantages and availabipties of this method 并且提出了多项式线性组合法,采用该方法不但能设计出所要求的高阶电流滤波器,而且能在不改变物理结构的情况下,利用电流控制传送器的特性,调整其偏置电流,实现滤波器输出特性的改变。 The results that increasing of bias current and shunted resistance and lowing critical current and connected inductance can decrease the tran *** ission time are shown ; ( 4 ) a new type of circuit , ladder shape multiplayer jtl . structure is provided by author , thus output signal of rsfq circuits can be amppfied before transfer to room temperature electronics system . it has highly gain of amppfy relatively and the double peak structure are avoided through decreasing parasitic capacitance ( 4 )针对目前超导与室温接口电路的电压放大器存在的“双峰”和放大增益效率较低的不足,提出了一种全新的阶梯式多层jtl电压放大电路结构,较好的解决了以上的问题,通过初步的仿真分析证实,该电路的构思极负有创新性。 The bias magic field of the bias coil driven by bias current and *** all signal test current , results in the induced signal of the control coil . the terminal voltage of the control coil is detected by the test circuit . then the signal containing the information of rotor displacement is obtained , from which we can get the dc voltage signal proportional to the rotor displacement through half - wave rectification circuit and low pass circuit . this dc signal is put into a pid controller to get the control signal of the rotor displacement 偏置测试电路向偏置线圈输入偏置电流和小信号测试电流,两者产生的偏置磁场在控制线圈产生感应信号,检测电路检测控制线圈端电压并提取含有转子位移信息的电压信号,该信号经半波整流电路和低通滤波电路后得到与转子位移成正比例的直流信号,再由pid控制器转换为转子位移的控制信号,最后控制信号输入功放电路产生控制电流,实现闭环控制。 For phoic signal modulation , if the pass band range of the band pass filter ( bpf ) is 300hz - 3400hz , the anti - noise properties of laser are approximately independent of bias current and parameters of the cavity ; when the pass band range of bpf increases to a certain degree , modulating bias current and parameters of the cavity can improve the anti - noise properties of laser 对语音调制情况,如带通滤波器的通带范围取为300hz - 3400hz ,则激光器的抗噪声性能基本不依赖于偏置电流和腔内参数;当带通滤波器的通带范围增大到一定程度,调整偏置电流和腔内参数可以实现半导体激光器的高抗噪声性能。 Subcircuit models are designed and simulated , which includes bias current source , voltage reference , error amppfier , pwm parator , driver circuit , protection circuits for over - temperature , over - current . at last , bined with periphery ponent , the circuit is simulated , and the result meets the anticipant requirement 并对集成电路内的各个模块包括电流偏置电路、基准电压电路、误差放大电路、三角波振荡发生电路、 pwm比较电路、驱动电路、过热保护电路和过流保护等进行了具体的设计和仿真,并对整体应用电路进行了仿真,结果均达到了预先设定的指标。 As a mix - mode chip , the apppcation - specific controller including *** og signal and digital signal processing block can be appped to receiving , amppfying , processing , controlpng signals of pir , and offer a wide apppcation in some fields . in *** og circuits , by sub - threshold mosfet , a self - bias current source is presented , which has a high power supply restrain ratio and a plementary to absolute temperature characters 这款芯片是一款数模混合芯片,包括模拟信号处理(含模数接口模块)和数字信号处理两大模块,完整实现对红外信号的接收、放大、处理、控制,产生有效数字电平驱动继电器、可控硅等负载,应用于自动灯等多种场合。 By changing the negative bias current density , gaseous ratio and total pressure , nanocrystalpne diamond film is prepared by ion - assisted bombardment method at the substrate temperature of 700 ? 00 ? and mixture gaseous of ch4 and h2 the effect of growth parameters on the diamond film is studied . the diamond film presents very low pressive stress and excellent field emission character 采用离子辅助轰击法,以ch _ 4 、 h _ 2为源气,衬底温度为700 900 ,通过改变衬底负偏压、 h _ 2和ch _ 4气体比例以及工作气压,制备出纳米金刚石薄膜,并对工艺参数对金刚石薄膜沉积的影响进行了研究。 The chip can be widely used in mp3 player , pda , digital camera , cells phone and portable products etc . this thesis first introduces the basic theory of switching power supply . the operating theory of this circuit has been demonstrated . the operating principle and simulation *** ysis about band gap reference , self - biased current source , one shot circuit , hysteresis parator , and current - pmit circuit have been particularly expounded in this thesis 本文首先阐述了开关电源的工作原理,详细介绍了本电路的整体工作原理,最后重点介绍了自偏置电流源电路、基准源电路、单稳态触发器电路、峰值电流限制及低电池电压迟滞比较器的工作原理,并利用eda工具larker ? ams 、 hspice对电路进行了完整的设计和模拟仿真,给出了合理的电路数据,各子模块电路的电特性参数均达到或优于设计所需指标。 The thesis has done the widespread investigation and study to the domestic and foreign " s technologies of *** ogy low voltage and low power , and *** yzes the principles of work , merts and shortings of these technologies , based on the absorption of these technologies , it designs a 1 . 5v low power rail - to - rail cmos operational amppfier . when designing input stage , in order to enable the input mon mode voltage range to achieve rail - to - rail , it does not use the traditional differential input pair , but use the nmos tube and the pmos tube parallel supplementary differential input pair to the structure , and uses the proportional current mirror technology to reapze the constant transconductance of input stage . in the middle gain stage design , the current mirror load does not use the traditional standard cascode structure , but uses the low voltage , wide - swing casecode structure which is suitable to work in low voltage . when designing output stage , in order to enhance the efficiency , it uses the push - pull mon source stage amppfier as the output stage , the output voltage swing basically reached rail - to - rail . the thesis changes the design of the traditional normal source based on the operational amppfier , uses the differential amppfier with current mirror load to design a normal current source . the normal current source provides the stable bias current and the bias voltage to the operational amppfier , so the stabipty of operational amppfier is guaranteed . the thesis uses the miller pensate technology with a adjusting zero resistance to pensate the operational amppfier 本论文对国内外的模拟低电压低功耗技术做了广泛的调查研究,分析了这些技术的工作原理和优缺点,在吸收这些技术成果基础上设计了一个1 . 5v低功耗轨至轨cmos运算放大器。在设计输入级时,为了使输入共模电压范围达到轨至轨,不是采用传统的差动输入结构,而是采用了nmos管和pmos管并联的互补差动输入对结构,并采用成比例的电流镜技术实现了输入级跨导的恒定;在中间增益级设计中,电流镜负载并不是采用传统的标准共源共栅结构,而是采用了适合在低压工作的低压宽摆幅共源共栅结构;在输出级设计时,为了提高效率,采用了推挽共源级放大器作为输出级,输出电压摆幅基本上达到了轨至轨;本论文改变传统基准源基于运放的设计,采用了带电流镜负载的差分放大器设计了一个基准电流源,给运放提供稳定的偏置电流和偏置电压,保证了运放的稳定性;并采用了带调零电阻的密勒补偿技术对运放进行频率补偿。 Using finite element method , a calculation *** ysis on the magic field and hearing force of electromagic thrust hearings system , which was being arranged in various forms of structures under co - directional and inverse bias current conditions of input , was carried out by taking the system as an integral model , thus their variation low and factors of influence were rather distinctly brought to pght 摘要用有限元法对同向和反向偏流输入情况下,各种结构布置形式的电磁推力轴承系统,按整体模型进行磁场和承载力的计算分析,较清楚地揭示了它们的变化规律和影响因素。 Firstly , design the sofare phase - closed loops ; secondly , reapze the double closed loops control of the instantaneous value and the virtual value . furthermore , the dynamic flux imbalance of the output transformer caused by ordinary pi arithmetic is *** yzed in detail . a new solution for flux balance by samppng the instantaneous primary current of the output transformer and introducing the on - pne calculated bias current ponent into the voltage regulation arithmetic is presented 系统软件实现了ups的各个功能模块,首先设计了软件锁相环;然后实现了输出电压瞬时值和有效值双闭环反馈控制;并且在深入分析基本数字pi算法所引起的输出变压器动态偏磁问题的基础上,提出了一种改进算法,实时消除了变压器的偏磁。 However , the emission wavelength of a dfb - ld needs to be carefully turned on the predetermined wavelength grid by adjusting both laser temperature and bias current . furthermore , dfb - ld has such drawbacks as a relatively large variation of the lasing wavelength with ambient temperature ( ~ 0 . 1nm / c ) which restricts its apppcation in dwdm systems 然而dfb - ld的激射波长受温度( 0 . 1nm )和偏置电流的影响较大,只有通过调节dfb - ld的温度和偏置电流,其激射波长才能被调谐在预置的波长处。 The cmr materials have plex physical properties . some phenomena of the lacamno3 films are discussed , such as the effects of mi *** atch beeen the substrates and the films , the variation of the resistance of films under different bias currents . and the effects and improvements are discussed with details after the films are annealed in high temperature and high oxygen pressure 超巨磁电阻材料有着复杂的物理性质,我们对lacamno _ 3薄膜材料所表现出来的一些现象进行了讨论,如应力变化对薄膜性质的影响、不同偏置电流与薄膜电阻变化的关系等,还特别讨论了薄膜在高温、高氧压环境中退火所带来的影响以及薄膜性质的改善。 We apply the agrawal " s theory model of soa , and study the temporal characteristics of the output pulse for input picosecond optical pulses with different sharpness edges passing through a semiconductor optical amppfier , and find that the peak power and the pulse width of the output pulse depend on the input pulse peak power , the sharpness degree of the input pulse edge and the bias current of soa 本文应用agrawal的关于soa理论模型,详细研究了具有不同陡峭边沿的皮秒超高斯光脉冲经soa后的时域特性的变化,发现输出脉冲的峰值功率、脉冲宽度与输入脉冲的峰值功率、输入脉冲边沿的陡峭程度以及soa的偏置电流密切相关。 The electro - chemical measurement system used to perform dpsv measurement is constructed with o parts , a low - current measurement system consists of low input bias current operational amppfier and a high resolution sar adc and a potentialstat consists of high resolution dac and high current buffer amppfier 对于微分脉冲伏安溶出测量,我们使用高精度高速saradc和低偏置电流运放构成微电流采样系统,使用高精度dac和高速大电流缓冲放大器设计了恒电位计,并与微控制器共通组成电化学测量系统。 In the fourth chapter , a fourth - order chebyshev low - pass filter employs new low voltage , highly pnear , wide inputting range transconductor is proposed , then we presents a new circuit to tune gm value of transconductor accurately , which employs a new switched - capacitor circuit to change the bias current of transconductor , a third order elpptical function low - pass filter with accurate tunable frequency has been designed using transconductor that is not only with voltage mon - mode negative feedback , but also with varying bias - triode transistors which can improve the pnearity of this circuit 第四章:提出了一种新的低电压、高线性度、宽输入范围跨导,并由此设计实现了四阶切比雪夫( chebyshev )低通滤波器,接着提出了一种宽输入范围且具有电压共模负反馈的全差分跨导,并采用一种新的开关电容电路实现跨导值gm精确可调,从而可以设计得到高性能具有精确截止频率的跨导-电容三阶椭圆函数滤波器。


encourage v. 鼓励, 激励, 支持to say or do something that helps someone have the courage or confidence to do somethingmotivate v. 给...动机; 激发; 刺激to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do it

figure ; billion ; billionaire 这英语用谐音怎么读?

figure翻译为:n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征[网络] 体形[专业] 人物 [艺术学];数字 [计算机科学技术];图形 [语言学]读作:飞哥儿billion翻译为:n. 十亿;大量num. 十亿adj. 十亿的n. (Billion)人名;(法)比利翁[网络] 万亿;盛永达读作:北林~billionaire翻译为:n. 亿万富翁[网络] 富豪;亿万富豪读作:北林尼儿

什么是rapid urbanization


The impact of urbanization的英语作文

considering the impact of urbanization 这是一个动名词短语,考虑城市化的影响,它可以作主语,例如: considering the impact of urbanization is an import respect of China"s future development考虑城市化的影响是中国未来发展的一个重要方面。这个短语也可以做状语,例如: considering the impact of urbanization,real estate will have a futher development考虑到城市化的影响,房地产将有进一步的发展

urbanisation 英语作文

Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. Some people are in favor, while others are opposed. In my opinion, urbanization has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. First,urbanization can quicken our pace to catch up with the developed countries. We all know that the developed countries are all highly urbanized. Second, urbanization will help to solve the problem of unemployment. It will create more job opportunities for the unemployed. In addition, urbanization will free a great number of farmers from the fields, thus realizing the dream of agricultural mechanization in our country. Finally, urbanization can improve the standards of living of the migrants who move to the urban area. However,the disadvantages of urbanization are also obvious. To begin with,administration of the increasing population in urban area might be a great challenge to the government. Moreover, more problems, such as increasing crime rate, over crowding, might increase, since more people are concentrated in a relatively smaller place. It is evident that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I am in favor of urbanization.


urbanization 英[u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n] n. 都市化; [例句]Urbanization will become increasingly important in the future.城市化将来将变得越来越重要。


urbanization[英][u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n]n.都市化; Admist China"s fast urbanization, Western architects have been flocking to the country to play a part in reshaping our cities"skylines.随着中国都市化脚步的加快,西方建筑师纷纷参与中国的城市改造工作。

Urbanization(2013·高考北京卷)Until relatively recently,the vast majority of human beings lived a

小题1:E小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:F  本文为说明文,介绍了Urbanization(都市化)的形成与发展。小题1:解析:选E。文章一开始就提到绝大多数的人没有看到城市就死了。第一座城市很可能建于5 500年以前;后一句又提到:几乎每个人都住在农场或者小乡村里。因此中间要填的是E项:甚至是在200年以前,也只有少数的人生活在城市里。小题2:解析:选D。文章第一段说英国是第一个成为城市化社会的国家。第二段接着说英国仅仅是个开始,这是因为许多别的工业国家也开始效仿英国,成为城市化的社会,因此D项为正确答案。小题3:解析:选B。现在有超过82%的美国人住在城市里,大约有2%的人住在农场;剩下大约16%的人住在别的地方,即B项所描述的:其余的住在小城镇里。小题4:解析:选A。上一句提到:即使在先进的农业社会,也需要大约95个农民养活5个城市人,这只有一个结果:这使得城市很小。小题5:解析:选F。前一句提到:在过去的两百年里,工业革命打破了城乡之间的平衡。后一句提到:现在的情况不是需要95个农民养活5个城市人,在美国1个农民就能养活100多个非农民。那中间只能填F项:现代化把更多的人吸引到城市里来,使得农民更加多产。


urbanization英 [u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n]n.都市化




urbanization城市化双语对照词典结果:urbanization[英][u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025c:bu0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n]n.都市化; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Thus urbanization is an important factor in language death. 城市化是语言灭亡过程中的一个重要因素。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



(制造业)英语翻译及解释——turned parts


Ours的《Willing》 歌词

歌曲名:Willing歌手:Ours专辑:Mercy... Dancing For The Death Of An Imaginary Enemy朝日を切りきざんで物语のベル鸣りひびくはじめる瞬间(とき)が来たよ自由という时刻に合わせていた胸がふるえて今度こそ风のようにはばたけ もっと伤つく予感も越えて手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ明日を学びすぎてひらめきが逃げ出す前に踏み出せば见えてくる素直になれた时の気持だけ覚えておこういつだってこの胸に爱せる きっと见知らぬ世界で会える自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよ悲しい想いはこのままであきらめてしまうことさ手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8004418


惊喜的英文是surprise。发音:英 [su0259"prau026az],美 [su0259r"prau026az]    释义:n. 惊蚂缺埋奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现例句:It was a great surprise to learn of her marriage.翻译:得知她结婚是一件十分令人惊喜的事。surprise的用法1、surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。2、surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”; 后接介词扮芦from表示“出其不意使…说了”; 后接介词into表示“出其不闷蚂意地使人…”; 后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。3、surprise的现在分词和过去分词都可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。


惊喜的英文是surprise。发音:英 [su0259"prau026az],美 [su0259r"prau026az]    释义:皮卖袭n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现例句:It was a great surprise to learn of her marriage.翻译:得知燃兄她结婚是一件十分令人惊喜配早的事。surprise的用法1、surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。2、surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”; 后接介词from表示“出其不意使…说了”; 后接介词into表示“出其不意地使人…”; 后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。3、surprise的现在分词和过去分词都可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。

---Look at these tracks. It _____ be a wolf.” ---Don’t be so sure. I think it _____ be a fox. .

A 考查情态动词。Must可表示肯定推测,意为“一定”;could“可能”,表示的可能性没有can大,但比may大。句意“看那些脚印。它一定是一匹狼。”“不要那么肯定。我认为是一只狐狸。”故选A。


Source不仅仅是一家零售店,更特别开辟了一块地方用来作为年轻人艺术和创意所用的source画廊。Source致力于把全世界最潮流的街头服饰引进到北京,而source一楼的画廊区将展示年轻的、有潜力的中国艺术家的作品,同时也将把国际著名的知名艺术家及其创作的作品带到北京来。除了常规的展览,Source画廊还将会经常组织一些音乐和电影方面的活动,以及一些互动的讨论及演讲等等。 2006年底在上海创立的source品牌店,融合了凝聚集合态度的销售方式,用领袖观点的买手眼光,为街头爱好者和潮流达人提供了最具创新力量的品牌服装。3年后,在众目睽睽的期待下,2009年9月4日source北京旗舰店终于落户于北京cbd的世界城商业街。Source北京旗舰店总共800平方米,一楼主要展示了最能代表街头品牌的限量版产品及潮流新品,而二楼零售区主要销售来自知名及新锐的街头及时尚品牌。 开幕活动吸引了来自世界各地的知名设计师和潮流热门人物。业内精英及明星都从各地赶来支持source北京旗舰店的开张。活动在晚上6点以街头涂鸦表演开始,紧接着模特在现场为大家展示了source最新的秋冬系列,其中包括来自澳大利亚的insight、Ksubi、Sass&Bide、Something,日本品牌edwin,意大利品牌franklin And Marshall以及美国品牌mishka,Volcom等众多品牌的最新潮流时尚。现场活力四射的说唱音乐以及up Down Rock高弹力节拍的电音将气氛推向高潮。当天精彩的活动的dj的表演下绚丽落幕。Source一贯的眼光和思想:艺术与服装结合品牌,为北京的潮流达人提供一个完全不同的展示自我的平台。 Source的目标是把国际上最好的街头服饰品牌带到北京。特别是一些来自伦敦、纽约、东京和澳洲的品牌,其中包括supremebing、Mishka、Ksubi、Insight以及2k,在source你能发现众多意想不到的品牌出现在你眼前。 Source不仅仅是一家零售店,更特别开辟了一块地方用来作为年轻人艺术和创意所用的source画廊。Source致力于把全世界最潮流的街头服饰引进到北京,而source一楼的画廊区将展示年轻的、有潜力的中国艺术家的作品,同时也将把国际著名的知名艺术家及其创作的作品带到北京来。除了常规的展览,Source画廊还将会经常组织一些音乐和电影方面的活动,以及一些互动的讨论及演讲等等。回到顶部地位 自从在2006年下半年,Source已经确立了自己在上海街头文化的领袖地位。结合服装,运动鞋,配件和艺术,Source已经推出了40多个来自世界各地的街头品牌。从纽约的自治市镇到西海岸的碗型溜冰场,从东京的巷道到澳大利亚的海滩,再到欧洲各国的涂鸦街道,Sourece旗下已经聚集一批最具创新性的品牌。我们的目的是展示国际话的街头风格设计带给中国观众的震撼。 它经常销售的品牌为Insight、Ksubi(Aust.)、Supreme Being、Addict (英国)、Volcom、LRG(加利福尼亚州),Mishka(纽约)Santastic和Santastic and Edwin(日本),Franklin & Marshall、和Pharmacy(意大利)等等。 source还设立了一个由阿迪达斯,匡威,耐克和鬼冢虎等品牌的限量版运动鞋所构成的独特收藏。其中的高级品牌包含了Pointer(英国), JB Classics (美国), Feit (奥地利)。 更重要的,让source自豪的是,我们一直致力于培育我们旗下每一个品牌历史和文化在中国的发展。消费者会知道这些品牌的是以怎样的方式发展和创造的。我们保证,通过展示、销售、艺术和培育我们的品牌品牌,我们的各个品牌将给中国市场带来新的气象。Source非常荣幸将世界上最好的街头品牌带到北京的街头。一站式街头文化时尚中心是画廊?店铺?酒吧?咖啡厅? 没关系,狐朋狗友汇聚一堂美国,意大利,荷兰,英国,澳大利亚,日本 --- 全球最新最热的街头潮流之时尚品牌及产品登陆中国制造,展示,零售代表街头文化每个层面的产品世界领先的创意零售概念:波鞋展示塔代表最酷而独一无二的街头时尚服饰,人物,品牌以及活动








========= Pull = 拉 Turn = 转动 ========= 如果是调整座位倾斜度的操作杆,把操作杆拉上并同时转动操作杆。

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要获得GT7保时捷Turbo,在Gran Turismo Sport游戏中,您需要完成以下几个步骤:1. 解锁GT League模式(完成初始训练和驾驶考试)2. 完成"Vision Gran Turismo Trophy"赛事(赛程包括时间试验和赛车之间轮流比赛),获得GT by CITROEN和GT by PEUGEOT。3. 完成"Group 1 Cup"赛事,获得Porsche 917 Living Legend与VGT。4. 使用这两辆车完成Brand Central中“Porsche”部分的所有赛事和试验,然后您将获得GT7保时捷Turbo。提示:您可以通过修改部分车款的外形和性能来增加赛事的完成难度,当然,也可以考虑获得其他车款的帮助。

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If our love was a fairy tale/是哪首歌的歌词

歌曲:breathless 歌手:shayne ward歌词[ar:shayne ward ][ti:shayne ward - breathless][by:活在当下]shayne ward - breathlessif our love was a fairy tale i would charge in and rescue you on a yacht baby we would sail to an island where we"d say i do and if we had babies they would look like you it"d be so beautiful if that came true you don"t even know how very special you are chorus you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless and if our love was a story book we would meet on the very first page the last chapter would be about how i"m thankful for the life we"ve made and if we had babies they would have your eyes i would fall deeper watching you give life you don"t even know how very special you are you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me you must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me you"re like an angel the thing that i feel is stronger than love believe me you"re something special i only hope that i"ll one day deserve what you"ve given me but all i can do is try every day of my life you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless

Drop Your weapons!翻译成中文是什么意思?


请求大师英文回答:你觉得办公室同事怎么样?what do you think of your collegues?求职英语教师用,谢谢

It"s my honored to be a member of the office and know so many kind collegues. All of them are very enthusiastic and kind-hearted for me. I was a little bit nervous at first for I"m a new recruit, haven"t rich experience in teaching, and know little about the new work environment. But my collegues" enthusiasm removed all my anxieties.

culture shock英语怎么读


Culture and life 怎么读?



英文原文:culture time怎么读?英式音标:[ˈkʌltʃə] [taɪm] ? 美式音标:[ˈkʌltʃɚ] [taɪm] ?


关于cultures英语读为: 英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259z],美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259rz]。造句一:Acquisition of friable calli from stems and establishment of the cell suspension cultures of Prunus armeniaca L. cv.Canino and Luizet.杏茎脆散型愈伤组织的获取及细胞悬浮培养的建立造句二:We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。造句三: To accumulate informations and discuss of cultures and subcultures.希望累积一些次文化以及传统文化的知识和讨论。造句四:I consider that as accumulation of various cultures.但低俗与高尚,前面的朋友已说明了,我想不需要重复了。造句五: He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.他是世界上最优秀的古印度文化学者之一。造句六:Its a ability, character and cultures presentative for a person.也是一个人的能力,性格,文化水平的表现。造句七:The film portrays a culture of young people who live in lower Manhattan.这部电影描绘了在下曼哈顿地区生活的青年人文化。






culture 英["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] n. 文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖 vt. 培植,培养 第三人称单数:cultures;过去分词:cultured;名词复数:cultures;现在... [例句]And culture can be changed.可见文化也可以改变。

nonverbal culture怎么读









这是非法关机或其它原因引起的磁盘受损,请修复一下(每个磁盘都修复一下或只修复C)。系统自带的磁盘修复方法:具体步骤如下:在我的电脑中选中盘符C 后单击鼠标右键选属性,在弹出的驱动器属性窗口中依次选择“工具→开始检查”并选择“自动修复文件系统错误”和“扫描并恢复坏扇区”,然后点击开始,扫描时间会因磁盘容量及扫描选项的不同而有所差异(按上面的方法做后,会弹出一个框,点是,自动关机后在开机进行修复,Win78选按计划磁盘检查按钮)。硬盘坏道将导致电脑系统文件损坏或丢失,电脑无法启动或死机。硬盘坏道可以采用NDD磁盘工具或Scandisk来修复。如果故障依旧,请还原一下系统或重装(还是不行格式化硬盘重新分区重装,在不行检修一下去吧)。

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condemn ,criticize, censure, denouce,blame用法的区别是什么?

condemn, 态度坚决而严厉地谴责某人criticize, 普通的批评,指出某人的错误censure, 具有权威性的批评denounce, 公开批评blame, 责备某人做错某事,强调其做错事后应付的责任。

求英语专业高手!hurt、ache和sore,意为 都是疼痛,各是怎么用的?

hurt的意思是1.肉体上的伤害[痛苦] No one suffered any hurt in the accident.在这场事故中没有人受伤。2.精神上的痛苦[创伤] It was a severe hurt to her pride.这对她的自尊心是一次严重的伤害。The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.这次经历给我留下了深深的创伤。3.损害,伤害,危害;损失4.痛苦(或精神苦恼)的原因5.打击;(使受伤的)一击ache的意思是1.疼痛 She felt an ache in her back.她感到后背隐隐作痛。sore的意思是(肌肤的)痛处, 伤处


不一样哦sure 英[u0283u028au0259(r)] 美[u0283u028ar] adj. 确信的,确实的;有把握的;无疑的;一定的 adv. 当然;确实地;无疑地 最高级:surest;比较级:surer [例句]I "m not sure we "re sure.我不确定我们确定的事。sore [英]su0254:(r) [美]su0254r, sor adj. 疼痛的;使人伤心的;恼火的,发怒的 n. (肌肤的)痛处,伤处 adv. 〈古,诗〉同sorely [例句]This is a sore point for perkowski.这是潘考夫斯基的一个痛脚。
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