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MBA case study是什么 怎么写

mba是工商管理硕士,case study是个案研究首先你要有一道题,然后针对性的进行研究分析。

求英语作文!题目是the most important personal quality of a university student。250字。

这是02年专八的作文吧 要是英语专业的话就自己试着写写吧 而且应该是400字左右才对

Case Study怎么写?求指导,最好分享一下它的写作技巧


留学生商科case study案例分析怎么写?

case study一般来说商科的同学问的会比较多一些。case study的写作还是有一定难度的,也是同学们比较头疼的写作之一。其实案例分析的写作还是有一定的技巧可寻的,以商科为例:这里我们以商科服装行业案例分析为例,给出一个步骤,方便同学们更加直观的了解案例分析的技巧。Step 1: Investigate the Company"s History and Growth公司的过去可以极大地影响组织的现在和未来状态。 首先,调查公司的创始,关键事件,结构和增长。创建事件,问题和成就的时间表。 这个时间表将为下一步派上用场。Step 2: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses使用你在第一步中收集的信息,继续检查并列出公司的价值创造功能。 例如,该公司可能在产品开发方面表现不佳,但在营销方面表现强劲。 列出已发生的问题并记下它们对公司的影响。你还应该列出公司擅长的领域。 请注意这些事件的影响。你基本上是进行部分SWOT分析,以更好地了解公司的优势和劣势。 SWOT分析涉及记录内部优势(S)和弱点(W)以及外部机会(O)和威胁(T)等内容。Step 3: Examine the External Environment第三步涉及识别公司外部环境中的机会和威胁。 这是SWOT分析的第二部分(O和T)发挥作用的地方。需要注意的特殊项目包括行业内的竞争,讨价还价能力以及替代产品的威胁。 一些机会的例子包括扩展到新市场或新技术。 威胁的一些例子包括竞争加剧和利率上升。Step 4: Analyze Your Findings使用步骤2和3中的信息,为案例研究分析的这一部分创建评估。 将公司内部的优势和劣势与外部威胁和机遇进行比较。 确定公司是否处于强有力的竞争地位,并决定它是否能够以目前的速度成功继续。Step 5: Identify Corporate-Level Strategy要确定公司的企业级战略,请确定并评估公司的目标任务,目标和行动。 分析公司的业务及其子公司和收购。 你还想讨论公司战略的利弊,以确定变更是否可能在短期或长期内使公司受益。Step 6: Identify Business-Level Strategy到目前为止,你的案例研究分析已经确定了公司的企业级战略。 要执行完整分析,你需要确定公司的业务级策略。(注意:如果是一个单一的企业,没有多个公司,而不是整个行业的审查,企业战略和业务级战略是相同的。)对于这一部分,你应该识别和分析每个公司的 竞争战略,营销战略,成本和一般焦点。Step 7: Analyze Implementations这部分要求你识别和分析公司用于实施其业务战略的结构和控制系统。 评估组织变更,层次结构级别,员工奖励,冲突以及对你正在分析的公司非常重要的其他问题。step 8: Make Recommendations案例研究分析的最后部分应包括你对公司的建议。你提出的每项建议都应基于分析的上下文并为其提供支持。绝不分享预感或做出毫无根据的建议。你还需要确保你建议的解决方案实际上是现实的。如果由于某种限制而无法实施解决方案,则它们不够现实,无法进行最终切割。最后,考虑一些你考虑和拒绝的替代解决方案。 写下拒绝这些解决方案的原因。Step 9: Review完成写作后查看分析。 批评你的工作,以确保涵盖每一步。 寻找语法错误,错误的句子结构或其他可以改进的东西。 它应该清晰,准确,专业。


实际应用情况的展示与技术研究的报告。Case Study和Technical Paper的区别在于前者重点在于实际应用情况的展示,而后者则重点在于技术研究的报告。Case Study通常是一个实际案例的报告,目的是展示某个产品、服务或解决方案在现实环境下的运用情况和效果,以帮助读者了解产品、服务或解决方案的实际应用情况。Technical Paper则是一种技术性的论文,目的是报告某个技术的研究成果、理论分析或实验结果,以帮助读者了解该技术的原理、应用范围、特点和发展趋势等。

案例分析(case study)如何拿高分?

  案例分析(case study)的考核形式有很多种,它即可以作为考试中的压轴题出现,也可以作为课堂作业的形式出现,不少同学在首次接触案例分析题,时感觉无从下手。别担心,其实无论案例分析的出现形式是什么,它的得分要点都基本相同。要想案例分析(case study)拿高分,请注意以下五个得分点:  案例分析得分点一:独创性  独创性并非是要同学们说出一个前无古人后无来者的新鲜想法,而是在于提出自己独到的讲解及观点。可能你与其他同学拥有同样的结论,但是同一句话是可以拥有不一样的厚度的,只要你能够提出自己的观点,那么这就是独创性。  案例分析得分点二:分析内容既要出于内容又要高于内容  同学们在进行案例分析的时候,其内容应当与所提供的案例材料相关,与此同时还要有丰富的外部材料做支撑。当然了,并不是说文中所列举的方方面面都必须要涉及到,因为不同的案例分析其侧重点是不同的。  要想写好案例分析,那么同学们就需要多角度地,结合不同情况,且细致地去认知一个东西,而并非简单化的只给出一个可以明确看到的结果。  案例分析得分点三:对所运用的模型即案例事件本身有充分的理解  这几个方面本身是抽象的,如写成什么样才算是“有独创性”,“充分理解”,这就有很大的商榷空间。其实这些方面相互关联,我觉得最关键的是“充分理解”。  因为我本人对营销有些了解,所以这里就以营销举例。“充分理解”不是说引用几条其他作者对一家公司营销能力的观点,比如有三个作者都说某某公司营销能力强,然后可能会给一些数据,罗列一些结论性的事实,然后得出结论。“充分理解”是要去解释为什么说这家公司和同行相比营销能力强,具体强在什么地方,是线上做的好还是线下做的好,是铺展面广还是定位精准,是一个单品占大部分市场份额还是几条产品线一起发力,有没有什么数据或者例子可以支撑,同行对手在这方面怎么样,能不能做到同样的量级,为什么做不到,基于一系列分析后再得出结论。结论也可以是多角度的,比如可能这家公司在营销方面有压倒性优势,或者这家公司在线上强但是线下弱,再或者这家公司的营销优势是长期的/短期的等等。  案例分析得分点四:细致分析优劣势  如果对某个事物有深刻的理解,自然可以看到一个东西的优势和不足。好处和坏处也不是单纯地罗列点,而是要分析在什么情况下这是好处,在什么情况下这是坏处。  比如我最近学到的一个现象叫展厅现象,如果脱离情景,只是简单地说展厅现象有一个缺点:减少线下客流,实体店会赚不到钱,然后给出一些实体店销售业绩下滑的数据,就很干巴巴,如果说展厅现象对自己有线上商城的零售商反而让他更好地精准营销,但是对没有线上商城的零售商可能是灾难,但也取决于后者有没有能力快速建立起成熟的线上渠道,另外也取决于零售产品,如对消费电子零售商影响更大,因为XXX,但是对食品零售商影响较小,因为XXX等等,分析就会更深一步。因为很多东西不是简单的好处坏处可以概括的,都要结合具体的情景。  因为这些材料都不是案例本身或课堂本身能提供到的,所以需要另外找资料。要做到“充分理解”,就必然要求挖掘案例以外的信息。案例本身只是给大家提供一个背景介绍,告诉大家有这么一家公司,这家公司做了什么等等。要回答好案例分析的问题必然要在案例以外找大量相关材料,否则论点就会扁平化。  案例分析得分点五:行文流畅,没有明显的语法错误  相信大家对于这部分应该都是很清楚的,无论是哪一种英文作业,在行文流畅性上都是非常重要的,同学们可以通过一些小标题来保障段落之间的逻辑关系。本回答来源于BayDue论文网,原文链接



英国论文写文章怎么样?手中有一份case study作业,1500字,实在是词穷,想...

英国论文, 什么要的呢?

case study作用

个案研究(casestudy)也称个案调查。对某一特定个体、单位、现象或主题的研究。这类研究广泛收集有关资料,详细了解、整理和分析研究对象产生与发展的过程、内在与外在因素及其相互关系,以形成对有关问题深入全面的认识和结论。 个案研究的单位可以是个人、群体、组织、事件或者某一类问题,由此而产生人员研究个案,各生活单位或社会团体个案、传播媒介个案,以及各种社会问题个案等

case study 辅导咨询:留学生需要了解哪些?

Case Study并不难写,它主要要求我们针对一个商业现象或技术问题进行分析,找出最有效的解决方法并提供佐证,或是分析其优势,劣势和形成原因,提出观点和看法。对于英语能力一般的同学来说,前期的准备工作需要的就是阅读大量的案例涉及到的背景材料,可能是比较耗费时间和精力挑战之一。同时,如果我们要想拿高分,就需要更加结合实际情况分析,给出最为可行的解决方案。

什么叫做case study?怎样做case study?

案例研究 在social science study里,案例研究法case study是一种很常见的研究方法。然而,作为一种科学研究方法,case study相较于采访和问卷来说更难操作,并且广泛地被误以为不像其他研究方法那样“令人满意”。其实如果大家掌握了case study的操作流程,案例研究也不乏是一种非常有效的研究方法。今天HotEssay就为大家分享一下case study写作的具体流程。1开题(Proposal)在这个阶段,我们需要明确研究问题和研究目的。只有这些基础打好,我们后面的案例分析才能更有方向。2案例的选择在选择案例的时候,我们应该尽可能地聚焦于特定的群体,聚焦于具有理论或者显示意义的案例。比如,研究Luckin Coffee财务造假对stakeholders的影响。这种案例能够在一定程度上增补理论类别,或者对现有的ethical investment理论进行延伸。3研究方法和工具的选择(Methodology)很多同学都认为case study是从属于定性研究法(qualitative methodology),虽然广义上来说没有错,但是在进行案例研究的时候,我们完全可以把定性和定量数据结合;收集多种类型的数据,比如案例的官方财务数据,媒体报道等等。丰富的qualitative & quantitative data能够帮助某些研究产出evidence-based findings.在收集数据的过程中,同学们要尽可能“入戏”,“进入现场”,从stakeholders的角度分析qualitative & quantitative data背后的意义。如果同学们研究的是一个 ongoing case,比如Luckin Coffee的财务造假,那么我们需要结合实时变动来调整数据收集和分析的方向。另外,如果同学选取的case不止一个,那么我们的分析可能会涉及到寻求跨案例的共同模式。4形成假设(hypotheses/assumptions)在quantitative methodology里,hypotheses体现的是研究者对各个变量之间关系的假设。在case study里,通过对研究问题相关证据进行案例内或者跨案例分析,我们可以试着寻求变量之间的关系和背后的原因。5文献对话在进行到这一步时,我们需要基于文献对话来验证假设是否合理。这里就需要同学们回到literature review这一章节中总结的theoretical framework,来将你通过数据分析得出的假设嵌入theoretical framework,与矛盾/相似文献进行对比。这个步骤可以帮助我们建立内部效度,提升理论层次。充分克服case study可能不是十分“令人满意”这个刻板印象。

什么叫做case study?怎样做case study

案例研究 在social science study里,案例研究法case study是一种很常见的研究方法。然而,作为一种科学研究方法,case study相较于采访和问卷来说更难操作,并且广泛地被误以为不像其他研究方法那样“令人满意”。其实如果大家掌握了case study的操作流程,案例研究也不乏是一种非常有效的研究方法。今天HotEssay就为大家分享一下case study写作的具体流程。1开题(Proposal)在这个阶段,我们需要明确研究问题和研究目的。只有这些基础打好,我们后面的案例分析才能更有方向。2案例的选择在选择案例的时候,我们应该尽可能地聚焦于特定的群体,聚焦于具有理论或者显示意义的案例。比如,研究Luckin Coffee财务造假对stakeholders的影响。这种案例能够在一定程度上增补理论类别,或者对现有的ethical investment理论进行延伸。3研究方法和工具的选择(Methodology)很多同学都认为case study是从属于定性研究法(qualitative methodology),虽然广义上来说没有错,但是在进行案例研究的时候,我们完全可以把定性和定量数据结合;收集多种类型的数据,比如案例的官方财务数据,媒体报道等等。丰富的qualitative & quantitative data能够帮助某些研究产出evidence-based findings.在收集数据的过程中,同学们要尽可能“入戏”,“进入现场”,从stakeholders的角度分析qualitative & quantitative data背后的意义。如果同学们研究的是一个 ongoing case,比如Luckin Coffee的财务造假,那么我们需要结合实时变动来调整数据收集和分析的方向。另外,如果同学选取的case不止一个,那么我们的分析可能会涉及到寻求跨案例的共同模式。4形成假设(hypotheses/assumptions)在quantitative methodology里,hypotheses体现的是研究者对各个变量之间关系的假设。在case study里,通过对研究问题相关证据进行案例内或者跨案例分析,我们可以试着寻求变量之间的关系和背后的原因。5文献对话在进行到这一步时,我们需要基于文献对话来验证假设是否合理。这里就需要同学们回到literature review这一章节中总结的theoretical framework,来将你通过数据分析得出的假设嵌入theoretical framework,与矛盾/相似文献进行对比。这个步骤可以帮助我们建立内部效度,提升理论层次。充分克服case study可能不是十分“令人满意”这个刻板印象。

case study是什么意思

case study案例研究双语对照词典结果:case study[英][keis u02c8stu028cdi][美][kes u02c8stu028cdi]n.个案研究; 专题; 研究实例; 范例分析; 复数:case studies例句:1.Feedback on the case study has been extremely positive. 这项案例研究获得了极其积极的反馈

30 minutds的歌词中文意思?tatu唱的。

他们合唱的是叫30 minutes么还有具体的歌词 谢谢问题补充:我要他们合唱的歌词而不是Tatu单独唱的30 minutes 谢谢 歌曲:30 Minutes 歌手:Tatu Tatu -


30minutes 三十分钟 Mama, Papa forgive me 妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧 Out of sight, Out of mind 跨越旁人眼神,远离思绪理智 Out of time, To decide 不顾时间流逝,好来做下决定 Do we run?, Should I hide? 我们要逃避吗?我该隐藏吗? For the rest, Of My life 在我剩余的人生里 Can we fly?, Do I stay? 我们能飞翔吗?我们该留下吗? We could lose, We could fail 我们可能失败,我们可能放弃 In the moment, It takes 随着分秒,渐渐流逝 To make plans, Or Mistakes 我们要把握未来,或是犯下错误 Thirty minutes, a blink of an eye 三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼 Thirty minutes, to alter our lives 三十分钟能改变我们的世界 Thirty minutes, to make up my mind 三十分钟能够确认我的心意 Thirty minutes, to finally decide 三十分钟好来真的做下决定 Thirty minutes, to whisper your name 三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名 Thirty minutes, to shoulder the blame 三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧 Thirty minutes, of bliss, thirty lies 三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言 Thirty minutes, to finally decide 三十分钟好来真的做下决定 Carousels, in the sky 旋转木马高挂在天上 That we shape, with our eyes 是我们用双眼所编织的想象 Under shade, silhouettes 螫伏在阴影的黑色轮廓 Casting shade, Crying rain... 所投掷出的哭泣雨滴中 Can we fly? Do I stay? 我们能飞翔吗?我该留下吗? We could lose, we could fail... 我们可能会失败,我们可能会放弃 Either way 任何的决定 Options change, Chances fail 结局都会改变,运气若用尽 Trains derail 世界就会毁灭 Thirty minutes, a blink of an eye 三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼 Thirty minutes, to alter our lives 三十分钟能改变我们的世界 Thirty minutes, to make up my mind 三十分钟能够确认我的心意 Thirty minutes, to finally decide 三十分钟好来真的做下决定 Thirty minutes, to whisper your name 三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名 Thirty minutes, to shoulder the blame 三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧 Thirty minutes, of bliss, thirty lies 三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言 Thirty minutes, to finally decide 三十分钟好来真的做下决定 To decide 好来真的做下决定 To decide 做下决定 To decide 做下决定 To decide 做下决定。。。。


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就是B虚继承A 在类A中的模板是B类型的这里边A可能是这样定义的template <typename T>class A{public: T t; ...}其中A是一个模板类

mac系统下studio one的破解方式 。

我这里有最新版本的Studio One Pro 4 mac破解版分享给你吧,这个跨时代的音乐创作软件,有着与其他软件不同的地方就是,这款软件能够通过一个窗口,一次点击,就能完成所有需要做的工作,非常方便。以下是破解教程,有用的话麻烦点赞:需要注意的是:启动软件注册机需要winebottler软件或者windows系统,本站为您提供windows模拟工具winebottler,点击即可下载。1、下载完成后点击打开镜像文件,将“Studio One 4 .app”拖入“applications”当中。2、安装完成后打开studio one,任意输入账号密码,点击登陆。3、选择界面下方的离线激活。4、使用wine打开下载的中的注册机【studio one keygen.exe】,然后将离线激活的激活码复制到注册机中,点击【generate】。5、把studio one keygen生成的许可证文件拖入离线激活界面。6、presonus studio one破解完成,您现在可以自由的使用这款软件的所有功能了。

contextual variable是什么意思

contextual 英[ku0259n"tekstu0283u028au0259l] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu025bkstu0283uu0259l, kɑn-] adj. 文脉上的,前后关系的 [例句]Market researcher gartner named " contextual and social user experience " as one of 2012 "s bigge...

return home还是come home

return home: 返回家,一般没有感情色彩 come back home :回家,主要因为有个come,显出有个回家的强烈愿望,有“终于回来了”的感觉 go home:就是去家,没指出是自己本人回家还是叫别人去自己家 arive home很明显 强调到家了

Ubuntu linux 安装oracle 11G 问题

你保证oracle这个压缩包都解开了吗,su root了吗,安装前先看一下readme文件,应该有说怎么做installation的。

哪首歌的开头有come on come on turn the radio on 是一首英文歌 女的唱的 最近101

应该是《Cheap Thrills》是澳大利亚女歌手希雅·富勒演唱的歌曲,收录在专辑《This Is Acting》中。歌词如下:Come on come on turn the radio onIt"s Friday night and I won"t be longGotta do my hair I put my make up onIt"s Friday night and I won"t be longTil I hit the dance floorHit the dance floorI got all I needNo I ain"t got cashNo I ain"t got cashBut I got you babyBaby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)Baby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)But I don"t need no moneyAs long as I can feel the beatI don"t need no moneyAs long as I keep dancingCome on come on turn the radio onIt"s Saturday and I won"t be longGotta paint my nails put my high heels onIt"s Saturday and I won"t be longTil I hit the dance floorHit the dance floorI got all I needNo I ain"t got cashNo I ain"t got cashBut I got you babyBaby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)Baby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)But I don"t need no moneyAs long as I can feel the beatI don"t need no moneyAs long as I keep dancing(I love cheap thrills)(I love cheap thrills)I don"t need no moneyAs long as I can feel the beatI don"t need no moneyAs long as I keep dancingOh ohBaby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)Baby I don"t need dollar bills to have fun tonight(I love cheap thrills)I don"t need no moneyAs long as I can feel the beatI don"t need no moneyAs long as I keep dancingLa la la la la la(I love cheap thrills)La la la la la la(I love cheap thrills)La la la la la la(I love cheap thrills)La la la la la(I love cheap thrills)

come up还是turn up?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: There is some doubt whether he will (turn up/e up) in the meeting. 我觉得是turn up. e up和turn up都是出现的意思,不过e up是指事情,问题,指人路露面应该是turn up对吧? 解析: 对的,举例说明:We invited her to dinner but she didn"t even bother to turn up. 我们请她吃饭她都不露面.

reject.refuse.decline.deny.turn down表拒绝时的区别,我要能做题的心得

1.refuse  1. refuse + 名词,意为“拒绝……”。  例1 The official refused the glove money from a businessman. 那个官员拒绝接受生意人的礼金。  2. refuse sb. sth.,意为“拒绝某人某物”。  例2 I just can"t refuse my granddaughter anything.我就是无法拒绝我孙女的任何要求。  3. refuse to do sth.,意为“拒绝做某事”。  例3 Some university students from the countryside refused to take any donation. 一些农村来的大学生拒绝接受任何捐款。  例4 Yesterday my car refused to start. 昨天我的车子发动不起来。 2. reject  除了有“拒绝”之意外,常用于reject sth./sb.的结构,意为“排除;摒弃”。  例5 The doctor rejected the student after the physical examination. 医生对这个学生体检后,认为他身体不合格。  例6 The social worker"s sincere advice finally made him reject his bad habit of drinking every day. 社工的诚心建议最终使他摒弃了每天喝酒的坏习惯。  例7 His appeal has been rejected. 他的上诉被驳回了。  3.deny  含义较广,有“拒绝;否认;不承认;节制;摒弃”等含义。  1. deny +名词 / 动名词,意为“否认;不承认”。  例8 The accused man denied the charge against him in the court. 在法庭上,被告否认了对他的控告。  例9 The president has denied having made any statement to that effect. 总统否认曾就那件事做过任何声明。  例10 She denied knowing anything about the coming examination. 她否认她知道关于下次考试的任何事情。  2. deny + that从句,意为“否认(某事或某说法)”。  例11 The driver denied that he was responsible for the car accident. 司机不承认在这次车祸中的责任。  例12 I can not deny that the failure of my eyesight has been a heavy blow to me. 不可否认我的视力衰退对我是个严重的打击。  3. deny + to do sth.,意为“否认做了某事”。  例13 The lawyer denied this to be the case. 律师否认这是事实。  4. deny + oneself + 名词,意为“拒不”。  例14 The famous poet lived in a quiet countryside and denied himself to any visitors. 那个著名诗人住在安静的乡下,不会见任何来客。  例15 I told my wife to deny myself to any callers. 我对妻子说无论谁来拜访,我都不见。4.decline婉拒;谢绝[+to-v]She declined their invitation. 她婉拒了他们的邀请。 She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn"t feeling well. 她说她身体不舒服,婉拒了与她的朋友共进午餐。 5.turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。turn down 通常指拒绝一个“提案、建议”。有的时候他们可以互换。


OverlayFS之前已经加入到了Ubuntu内核中,但是那并不是我们想要的。Overlay(没有FS)是一个不同的内核模块,因此你需要安装3.18(或者以上)的内核:cd /tmp/ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.18-vivid/linux-headers-3.18.0-031800-generic_3.18.0-031800.201412071935_amd64.debwget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.18-vivid/linux-headers-3.18.0-031800_3.18.0-031800.201412071935_all.debwget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.18-vivid/linux-image-3.18.0-031800-generic_3.18.0-031800.201412071935_amd64.debsudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.0-*.deb linux-image-3.18.0-*.deb我已经在Ubuntu14.04和12.04环境下测试成功了。Docker你需要安装Docker 1.4或者更高版本(我使用1.5版本做测试的),具体可以参考 官方文档 来安装。在有了新的内核并且重新启动以后,现在需要在/etc/default/docker中给DOCKER_OPTS设置 -s overlay :# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.DOCKER_OPTS="-s overlay"设置好以后,重新启动Docker服务,如果一切顺利的话,你可以从 docker info命令中得到如下的信息:$ sudo docker infoContainers: 0Images: 0Storage Driver: overlayBacking Filesystem: extfsExecution Driver: native-0.2Kernel Version: 3.18.0-031800-genericOperating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTSetc...为了使Overlay正常跑起来,你可能需要在Ubuntu 12.04的环境下执行 modprobe overlay 。还有一点需要注意:如果 Docker 不能成功地使用 Overlay 作为存储后端,那么将会转为使用DeviceMapper(而不是AUFS)机制存储。


OverlayFS之前已经加入到了Ubuntu内核中,但是那并不是我们想要的。Overlay(没有FS)是一个不同的内核模块,因此你需要安装3.18(或者以上)的内核:sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.0-*.deb linux-image-3.18.0-*.deb我已经在Ubuntu14.04和12.04环境下测试成功了。Docker你需要安装Docker 1.4或者更高版本(我使用1.5版本做测试的),具体可以参考 官方文档 来安装。在有了新的内核并且重新启动以后,现在需要在/etc/default/docker中给DOCKER_OPTS设置 -s overlay :# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.DOCKER_OPTS="-s overlay"设置好以后,重新启动Docker服务,如果一切顺利的话,你可以从 docker info命令中得到如下的信息:$ sudo docker infoContainers: 0Images: 0Storage Driver: overlayBacking Filesystem: extfsExecution Driver: native-0.2Kernel Version: 3.18.0-031800-genericOperating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTSetc...为了使Overlay正常跑起来,你可能需要在Ubuntu 12.04的环境下执行 modprobe overlay 。还有一点需要注意:如果 Docker 不能成功地使用 Overlay 作为存储后端,那么将会转为使用DeviceMapper(而不是AUFS)机制存储。

c#中virtual, abstract和override的区别和用法?

irtual和abstract都是用来修饰父类的,通过覆盖父类的定义,让子类重新定义。(1)virtual修饰的方法必须有实现(哪怕是仅仅添加一对大括号),而abstract修饰的方法一定不能实现。(2)virtual可以被子类重写,而abstract必须被子类重写。(3)如果类成员被abstract修饰,则该类前必须添加abstract,因为只有抽象类才可以有抽象方法。(4)无法创建abstract类的实例,只能被继承无法实例化。Override关键字主要是提供派生类对基类方法的新实现,重写的基类方法必须和Override的方法具有相同的签名, 此关键字不可以用于重写非虚方法和静态方法,与其配套使用的关键字是Virtual、abstract、Override。与此同时,Override方 法还不可以修改Virtual方法的可访问性,Override方法和Virtual方法必须具有相同的访问修饰符,不能使用修饰符 new、static、virtual 或 abstract 来修改 override 方法。Virtual 关 键字允许在派生类中重写这些对象,默认情况下,方法是非虚拟的,不可以重写非虚方法,virtual关键字不可以与static、abstract、 private、override一起使用。Virtual关键字又是和override紧密不可分的,如果要实现Virtual方法就必须要使用 override或new关键字(new和override产生的机理不同)。总结:New关键字主要用来区别派生类和基类同名方法的选择问题,通过隐藏基类方法,达到使编译器调用正确的方法的目的。Override主要用来对基类的方法和虚方法进行重写。


子类函数覆盖父类函数的方法总结: (1)不使用任何修饰符 在不使用任何修饰符的情况下,可以实现覆盖,但是会有警告。 (2)使用new new用在子类重写父类的函数前,此时覆盖可以正常完成,但是具体调用父类的函数还是调用子类的函数,要看对象的类型。示例程序如下:namespace demo{ class Person { private string name; private int age; public string Name { set { name = value; } get { return name; } } public int Age { set { age = value; } get { return age; } } public void show() { Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0},年龄:{1}", name, age); } static void Main(string[] args) { Person per = new Person("张三丰", 24); per.show(); //Person stu = new Student();//此时调用父类中的show方法 //Student stu = new Student();//此时调用子类中的show方法 stu.Department = "计算机"; stu.show(); } } class Student:Person { string department; public string Department { set { department = value; } get { return department; } } public new void show() { Console.WriteLine("系别:" + department); } }} (3)使用virtual,new或override virtual用在父类的要被重写的函数前,new或override用在子类的重写父类的函数前。示例程序如下:namespace demo{ class Person { private string name; private int age; public string Name { set { name = value; } get { return name; } } public int Age { set { age = value; } get { return age; } } public virtual void show() { Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0},年龄:{1}", name, age); } static void Main(string[] args) { Person per = new Person("张三丰", 24); per.show(); //Person stu = new Student();//此时调用子类中的show方法 //Student stu = new Student();//此时调用子类中的show方法 stu.Department = "计算机"; stu.show(); } } class Student:Person { string department; public string Department { set { department = value; } get { return department; } } public new void show() //new也可以是用virtual。new时,调用父类show();override时,调用子类show() { Console.WriteLine("系别:" + department); } } (4)总结如下 virtual函数允许子类函数重写该函数,override无论子类的实例是父类类型还是子类类型,子类的实例都会调用子类中重写的函数。new子类实例是子类类型,则调用子类中的重写函数;子类实例是父类类型,则调用父类中的重写函数。 父类中没有virtual修饰的函数也可以被子类中的new函数重写,但是此时子类的实例若是父类类型,调用的函数是父类的函数


1. sealed——“断子绝孙”密封类不能被继承。密封方法可以重写基类中的方法,但其本身不能在任何派生类中进一步重写。当应用于方法或属性时,sealed修饰符必须始终与override一起使用。即:密封类不会有子类,所以是“断子绝孙”。2. new——“你是我的,我是我的”new关键字用于显式隐藏从基类继承的成员。也就是在使用派生类时调用的方式方法是new关键字新定义出来的方法,而不是基类的方法。在不使用new修饰符的情况下隐藏成员是允许的,但会生成警告。使用new显式隐藏成员会取消此警告,并使用派生类新定义的方法。即:好比是不用祖宗的东西,而是用自己创造(new)的东西。3. virtual——“为了子孙后代”virtual关键字用于修改方法或属性的声明,在这种情况下,方法或属性被称做虚成员。虚成员的实现可由派生类中的重写成员更改。调用虚方法时,将为重写成员检查该对象的运行时类型。将调用大部分派生类中的该重写成员,如果没有派生类重写该成员,则它可能是原始成员。在默认情况下,方式是非虚拟的。非虚方法不能重写。不能将virtual修饰符与一下修饰符一起使用:static、abstract和override。除了声明和调用语法不同外,虚拟属性的行为与抽象方法一样。在静态属性上使用virtual修饰符是错误的。通过override修饰符的属性声明,在派生类中重写虚拟继承属性。即:virtual是为了让子孙后代可以实现各自的梦想而做的。4. abstract——“我是上帝”abstract修饰符可以和类、方法、属性、索引器及事件一起使用。在类声明中使用abstract修饰符,以指示该类只能是其他类的基类。标记为抽象或包含在抽象类中的成员必须通过从抽象类派生的类来实现。抽象类具有以下特性:抽象类不能实例化。抽象类可以包含抽象方法和抽象访问器。不能用sealed修饰符修改抽象类,这意味着该类不能被继承。从抽象类派生的非抽象类必须包括继承的所有抽象方法和抽象访问器的实现。在方法或属性声明中使用abstract修饰符以指示此方法或属性不包含实现。抽象方法具有以下特性:抽象方法是隐式的virtual方法。只允许在抽象类使用抽象方法声明。抽象方法声明不提供实际的实现,所以没有方法体;方法声明只是以一个分号结束,并且在结束后没有花括号。实现由override方法提供,它是非抽象类的成员。在抽象方法声明中使用static或virtual修饰符是错误的。除了在声明和调用语法上不同外,抽象属性的行为与抽象方法一样。在静态属性上使用abstract修饰符是错误的。在派生类中,通过包括使用override修饰符的属性声明可以重写抽象的基础属性。即:abstract是一种抽象,好比上帝,是人们对神的抽象,看似什么都能干,其实什么都干不了。5. override——“一手遮天”使用override修饰符来修改方法、属性、索引器或事件。主要是提供派生类对基类方法的新实现。覆盖上面abstract、virtual两种关键字修饰的成员。由重写声明重写的方法称为重写基方法。重写基方法必须与重写方法具有相同的签名。重写基方法必须是虚拟的、抽象或重写的。不能重写非虚方法或静态方法。不能使用下列修饰符修改重写方法:new、static、virtual和abstract。重写属性声明必须指定与继承属性完全相同的访问修饰符、类型和名称,并且重写属性必须是虚拟的、抽象的或重写的。即:override好比不但不用祖宗的那套,而且还自己创一套新功夫代替祖宗那套。

关于C# virtual关键字重写还是覆盖

public virtual new int Insert()已在类(父类)中有一个Insert方法,使用New可以覆盖掉那个方法而生成一个新的Insert虚方法,与原来的方法只是名称上一样,但是成了另一个函数public virtual int insert()声明了一个虚的方法,此方法可以在继承的子类中进行重写。public override int insert()此处是重写基类的虚方法insert。函数的签名必需与父类一致。


要扩展或修改继承的方法、属性、索引器或事件的抽象实现或虚实现,必须使用 override 修饰符。 override 方法提供从基类继承的成员的新实现。由 override 声明重写的方法称为重写基方法。重写的基方法必须与 override 方法具有相同的签名。


1、override表示以继承的父类方法 2、virtual(虚拟方法)和dynamic(动态方法)表示:后代类可以override祖先的同名方法,在override过程的实现里,还可以用inherited调用祖先的同名方法,virtual(虚拟方法)和dynamic(动态方法)两者的差异在于方法指针的保存,virtual方法使用VMT(Virtual Method Table),也就是说,每一个该类的后代类都拥有整个的VMT,其优点在于速度快,因为类的实例可以直接从VMT中找到该方法的入口,但它也耗用较多的内存;相对的dynamic方法则不使用VMT,如果类的后代没有override该方法,那么需要从它的父类去查找方法的入口,它的优点是少用内存,因为子类只保留它override的方法入口,缺点是速度较慢,尤其在多级继承的时候,可能需要前溯好多层才找到方法的。 3、一般的理解是,如果该方法其后代类基本都需要override的,使用virtual,如果该方法不经常在后代类中被override的,使用dynamic。

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overseas study 海外学习-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

overseas financial institution中文翻译

Overseas financial institution 海外财务机构 But , subject to prudential considerations , overseas financial institutions may be allowed access to the domestic market as financial intermediaries 不过,我们可以在经过审慎的考虑与审查后,让海外金融机构参与本地市场,作为金融中介机构。 Overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 汇丰银行、高盛投资银行等境外金融机构希望央行年内能进一步采取措施增加汇率的弹性。 By the end of 1995 , a total of 214 overseas financial institutions and organizations have set up representative offices . the figure accounts for half of the national total of 519 到1995年底外国金融机构和组织在京的代表机构达到214家为非营业机构,占全国519家代表处将近一半。 The thesis started from the current situation of the overseas financial institutions investment in chinese banks , *** yzing the characters , the ine and risks along with the overseas investment , and conducted thoroughly research on equity price and research methods 本文从目前境外金融机构参股中资银行的现状入手,分析了外资参股的特点和参股带来的收益、风险,并主要针对参股定价的情况和所采用的评估方法进行深入研究。 During the process of overseas financial institution engaging in equity investment in chinese banks , the most disputable point is equity price , obviously , equity price undervalue will cause loss to chinese banks , on the other hand , equity price overvalue will affect the investing motivation of oversea investors 在外资参股中资银行的过程中,引起争论最多的是参股价格问题,低估会给我国银行带来损失,高估则会影响境外金融机构的参股动力。 As the most important part of the general assembly , we will organize the participation of the general assembly home overseas financial institution , investment banks and corporations in the financial part of the city " s ecological projects remended and exchange activities , or other characteristics of the cities in the items head remendations and exchange activities , the goal is to enable the general assembly to participate in the investment side and enterprises can project rapid convergence , and reached good intentions of cooperation 作为年会的重头戏,组委会将组织参会中外资金融机构、投资银行和企业财团参加部分金融生态城市或其它特色城市的项目推荐及洽谈活动,目的是使参会投融资双方能够进行项目快速对接,并达成双方合作意图。 In dec 2003 , cbrc ( china banking regulatory mission ) issued ‘ administrative rules governing the equity investment in chinese financial institutions by overseas financial institutions " , which stipulates the equity investment proportion of a single overseas financial institution in a chinese financial institution shall not exceed 20 % , and sets forth the basic law principles for overseas strategic investment institutions 2003年12月中国银监会发布了《境外金融机构投资入股中资金融机构管理办法》 (以下简称《管理办法》 ) ,允许单个境外金融机构向中资金融机构投资入股比例最高为20 % ,为银行引入境外战略投资者提供了明确的法律依据。 More qfiis are expected to enter the country with the authorities recently lowering the entry threshold and relaxing controls over management of investment quotas and trading accounts . overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 目前,中国正降低境外证券投资商的进入门槛,并在逐步放宽对投资额度和交易帐户管理的限制,这将吸引更多的合格境外机构投资者进入我国市场。 More qfiis are expected to enter the country with the authorities recently lowering the entry threshold and relaxing controls over quotas and trading accounts . overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 目前,中国正降低境外证券投资商的进入门槛,并在逐步放宽对投资额度和交易帐户管理的限制,这将吸引更多的合格境外机构投资者进入我国市场。

overseas study 什么意思

overseas 是“海外的”意思overseas study 海外学习,即留学的意思。希望能帮到你。

英语studying overseas各是什么词性


overseas students和students overseas区别

第一个overseas 表示限定 在前面就是adj 也就是和students 不一样 所以是国外的学生 第二个可以看成students who are overseas 的省略 所以是留学生 前面那个人回复刚好相反了

留学生为什么是overseas students ,overseas不是副词吗?


1.Do you know _____the student ______ ______ ______?(在讨论什么)?

1,.what are talking about (题目是students吧,是不是打错了)2.Where do want to go3.take you there4.Who brought you here5,How much money need6.Let"s Great Wall7.How much did pay for...,7,1.Do you know _____the student ______ ______ ______?(在讨论什么) 2.______ ______ you ______ ______ ______after dinner?(想去哪里) 3.No one can ______ ______ ______,(带你去那里)you must go by yourself. 4.______ ______ ______ ______?(谁带你来的)Mr.Wang did. 5.______ ______ ______do you______?(需要多少钱) 6.______go to the ______ ______.(让…去长城) 7______ ______ ______ you ______ ______ the trainers?(买…花了多少钱) 8.对学生来说,在学校有许多东西可学. There are lots of things ______ ______ ______ ______at school. 9.他们都想与那些交换留学生成为朋友. They all want to______ ______ ______ the exchange students. 最好9:30之前

请问oversea后面为什么加 s ?:Many overseas students have this kind of problem.


Zubayda koglumni ixlax turmay kowag ni kisi wilamsa!!!请帮忙翻译下这句维语,谢谢了




—Did you know any German before you came to Berlin? —Never _______ it, actually. A.had I lea

A 试题分析:考查情景交际和倒装。句意:--你去柏林之前会德语吗?--其实我从未学过(德语)。否定词never, seldom, hardly, scarcely等位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装,即把is/do/will/have/can等提到主语之前,排除C;根据句意可知是发生在过去的事情,应该用完成时,排除D;根据第一句中的did可知,所说的事情是发生在“过去的过去”,应该使用过去完成时,排除B,故选A。


Proxifier是一个程序,可以让不支持通过代理服务器工作的网络程序能通过HTTPS或SOCKS代理或代理链。 ProxifierSetup 应该是这软件的安装文件包。

turnaround specialist 什么意思


求幸运之杖 wand of fortune WOF后三部的下载地址qwq


vice president of manufacturing中文如何翻译


请问cultivation/nurture 两词作为培养的意思有什么区别吗?

就培养这一层含义而言,nurture的语气要轻微一些,大致像汉语里说培训,扶持.可能日常见到比较多一些,也更多用在一般文章里.比如想说“要培养一些有希望的音乐家":to nurture promising musicians.这里基本上同train,foster等词汇用法差不多. cultivate(n.cultivation)更有点表达用心培养的语气,像是中文写作要表达的耕耘,浇灌那类含义.通常指在现有基础上就某些技能更有提高一层的意思,比如 to cultivate a singing voice (在现有已经有一定音乐技能的基础上),而不能说nurture (or train) a singing voice.

父母对子女的养育.用nurtue/ cultivate ?


请问cultivation/nurture 两词作为培养的意思有什么区别吗?

就培养这一层含义而言,nurture的语气要轻微一些,大致像汉语里说培训,扶持。可能日常见到比较多一些,也更多用在一般文章里。比如想说“要培养一些有希望的音乐家": to nurture promising musicians. 这里基本上同train,foster等词汇用法差不多。cultivate(n. cultivation)更有点表达用心培养的语气,像是中文写作要表达的耕耘,浇灌那类含义。通常指在现有基础上就某些技能更有提高一层的意思,比如 to cultivate a singing voice (在现有已经有一定音乐技能的基础上),而不能说nurture (or train) a singing voice.

Sojurner Turth

HER BIRTH AND PARENTAGE. THE subject of this biography, SOJOURNER TRUTH, as she now calls herself-but whose name, originally, was Isabella-was born, as near as she can now calculate, between the years 1797 and 1800. She was the daughter of James and Betsey, slaves of one Colonel Ardinburgh, Hurley, Ulster County, New York. Colonel Ardinburgh belonged to that class of people called Low Dutch. Of her first master, she can give no account, as she must have been a mere infant when he died; and she, with her parents and some ten or twelve other fellow human chattels, became the legal property of his son, Charles Ardinburgh. She distinctly remembers hearing her father and mother say, that their lot was a fortunate one, as Master Charles was the best of the family,-being, comparatively speaking, a kind master to his slaves. James and Betsey having, by their faithfulness, docility, and respectful behavior, won his particular regard, received from him particular favors-among which was a lot of land, lying back on the slope of a mountain, where, by improving the pleasant evenings and Sundays, they managed to raise a little tobacco, corn, or flax; which they exchanged for extras, in the articles of food or clothing for themselves and children. She has no remembrance that Saturday afternoon was ever added to their own time, as it is by some masters in the Southern States. top ACCOMMODATIONS. Among Isabella"s earliest recollections was the removal of her master, Charles Ardinburgh, into his new house, which he had built for a hotel, soon after the decease of his father. A cellar, under this hotel, was assigned to his slaves, as their sleeping apartment,-all the slaves he possessed, of both sexes, sleeping (as is quite common in a state of slavery) in the same room. She carries in her mind, to this day, a vivid picture of this dismal chamber; its only lights consisting of a few panes of glass, through which she thinks the sun never shone, but with thrice reflected rays; and the space between the loose boards of the floor, and the uneven earth below, was often filled with mud and water, the uncomfortable splashings of which were as annoying as its noxious vapors must have been chilling and fatal to health. She shudders, even now, as she goes back in memory, and revisits this cellar, and sees its inmates, of both sexes and all ages, sleeping on those damp boards, like the horse, with a little straw and a blanket; and she wonders not at the rheumatisms, and fever-sores, and palsies, that distorted the limbs and racked the bodies of those fellow-slaves in after-life. Still, she does not attribute this cruelty-for cruelty it certainly is, to be so unmindful of the health and comfort of any being, leaving entirely out of sight his more important part, his everlasting interests,-so much to any innate or constitutional cruelty of the master, as to that gigantic inconsistency, that inherited habit among slaveholders, of expecting a willing and intelligent obedience from the slave, because he is a MAN-at the same time every thing belonging to the soul-harrowing system does its best to crush the last vestige of a man within him; and when it is crushed, and often before, he is denied the comforts of life, on the plea that he knows neither the want nor the use of them, and because he is considered to be little more or little less than a beast. top HER BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Isabella"s father was very tall and straight, when young, which gave him the name of "Bomefree"-low Dutch for tree-at least, this is SOJOURNER"s pronunciation of it-and by this name he usually went. The most familiar appellation of her mother was "Mau-mau Bett." She was the mother of some ten or twelve children; though Sojourner is far from knowing the exact number of her brothers and sisters; she being the youngest, save one, and all older than herself having been sold before her remembrance. She was privileged to behold six of them while she remained a slave. Of the two that immediately preceded her in age, a boy of five years, and a girl of three, who were sold when she was an infant, she heard much; and she wishes that all who would fain believe that slave parents have not natural affection for their offspring could have listened as she did, while Bomefree and Mau-mau Bett,-their dark cellar lighted by a blazing pine-knot,-would sit for hours, recalling and recounting every endearing, as well as harrowing circumstance that taxed memory could supply, from the histories of those dear departed ones, of whom they had been robbed, and for whom their hearts still bled. Among the rest, they would relate how the little boy, on the last morning he was with them, arose with the birds, kindled a fire, calling for his Mau-mau to "come, for all was now ready for her"-little dreaming of the dreadful separation which was so near at hand, but of which his parents had an uncertain, but all the more cruel foreboding. There was snow on the ground, at the time of which we are speaking; and a large old-fashioned sleigh was seen to drive up to the door of the late Col. Ardinburgh. This event was noticed with childish pleasure by the unsuspicious boy; but when he was taken and put into the sleigh, and saw his little sister actually shut and locked into the sleigh box, his eyes were at once opened to their intentions; and, like a frightened deer he sprang from the sleigh, and running into the house, concealed himself under a bed. But this availed him little. He was re-conveyed to the sleigh, and separated for ever from those whom God had constituted his natural guardians and protectors, and who should have found him, in return, a stay and a staff to them in their declining years. But I make no comments on facts like these, knowing that the heart of every slave parent will make its own comments, involuntarily and correctly, as soon as each heart shall make the case its own. Those who are not parents will draw their conclusions from the promptings of humanity and philanthropy:-these, enlightened by reason and revelation, are also unerring. top HER RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Isabella and Peter, her youngest brother, remained, with their parents, the legal property of Charles Ardinburgh till his decease, which took place when Isabella was near nine years old. After this event, she was often surprised to find her mother in tears; and when, in her simplicity, she inquired, "Mau-mau, what makes you cry?" she would answer, "Oh, my child, I am thinking of your brothers and sisters that have been sold away from me." And she would proceed to detail many circumstances respecting them. But Isabella long since concluded that it was the impending fate of her only remaining children, which her mother but too well understood, even then, that called up those memories from the past, and made them crucify her heart afresh. In the evening, when her mother"s work was done, she would sit down under the sparkling vault of heaven, and calling her children to her, would talk to them of the only Being that could effectually aid or protect them. Her teachings were delivered in Low Dutch, her only language, and, translated into English, ran nearly as follows:- "My children, there is a God, who hears and sees you." "A God, mau-mau! Where does he live?" asked the children. "He lives in the sky," she replied; "and when you are beaten, or cruelly treated, or fall into any trouble, you must ask help of him, and he will always hear and help you." She taught them to kneel and say the Lord"s Prayer. She entreated them to refrain from lying and stealing, and to strive to obey their masters. At times, a groan would escape her, and she would break out in the language of the Psalmist-"Oh Lord, how long?" "Oh Lord, how long?" And in reply to Isabella"s question-"What ails you, mau-mau?" her only answer was, "Oh, a good deal ails me"-"Enough ails me." Then again, she would point them to the stars, and say, in her peculiar language, "Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other." Thus, in her humble way, did she endeavor to show them their Heavenly Father, as the only being who could protect them in their perilous condition; at the same time, she would strengthen and brighten the chain of family affection, which she trusted extended itself sufficiently to connect the widely scattered members of her precious flock. These instructions of the mother were treasured up and held sacred by Isabella, as our future narrative will show. top

vocabulary and structure考什么

vocabulary and structure考试内容如下:一、听力理解(Listening Comprehensive)测试考生理解所听问题并做出恰当回答的能力、理解简短对话的能力和听写词语的能力。听力材料的语速为每分钟100词。听力材料以日常交际和简单的业务交际内容为主。词汇限于《基本要求》的“词汇表”中B级2,500词的范围,交际内容涉及《基本要求》中的“交际范围表”所列的B级听力的范围。二、词汇用法和语法结构(Vocabulary and Structure)测试考生运用词语和语法知识的能力。测试范围限于《基本要求》中的“词汇表”B级(2500词)和“语法结构表”所规定的全部内容。三、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)本部分测试的文字材料以一般性阅读材料(科普、文化、社会、常识、经贸、人物等)为主,也包括简单的应用性文字,不包括诗歌、小说、散文等文学性材料,其内容能为各专业学生所理解。阅读材料涉及的语言技能和词汇限于《基本要求》中的“阅读技能表”中与B级要求相应的技能范围和 “词汇表”B级中2,500词的范围;阅读材料涉及的应用性内容限于《基本要求》中“交际范围表”B级所规定的读译范围,如:便条、通知、简短信函、简明广告、简明说明书、简明规范等。四、翻译——英译汉(Translation——English to Chinese)测试考生将英语正确译成汉语的能力。所译材料为句子和段落,包括一般性内容(约占60%)和实用性内容(各约占40%);所涉及的词汇限于《基本要求》的“词汇表”中B级(2,500词)的范围。五、写作/汉译英(Writing/Translation——Chinese to English)测试考生套写应用性短文、填写英文表格或翻译简短的实用性文字的能力。

vocabulary and structure是什么意思

vocabulary and structure 词汇与结构

经济学问题:trade-off 和 opportunity cost各是什么意思啊?


经济学问题:trade-off 和 opportunity cost各是什么意思啊?


金融术语翻译(risk versus return trade-off)

the Apartments component had the best risk versus return trade-off with a positive bias to upside returns 这些住房组合能有最佳风险与回报比益及能肯定的偏离混乱,从这段文字理解,祇能说明Sharp ratio为正值,在衡量期内价值的平均净值增长率超过了无风险利率,投资价值比银行存款要好。夏普指数越大,说明价值单位风险所获得的风险回报越高。<<<<<不至导致肥尾效应下行。

risk return trade off这个术语怎么解释




经济学问题:交替使用(trade-off) 和 机会成本(opportunity cost)各是什么意思啊?

打个比方, trade off就是比如你花了100万买了一辆大排量的悍马越野车,你开的很舒服,但是大排量汽车队空气又很大的污染。这个污染就是trade off。再打个比方,你花了这100万买了悍马,这100万也可以买20个LV的限量珍藏版的包包,但是你却买了悍马车,所以没有买到漂亮的包包。对于买车你的机会成本就是20个包包。不难理解吧~具体的定义我已经有点忘了...相信楼主应该研究过他们的定义的...

经济学问题:trade-off 和 opportunity cost各是什么意思啊?

1、“trade-off” 是取舍。“opportunity cost”是取舍后你需要担负的成本。2、通俗的说,这两个词在经济学中代表类似的意思:(1)举个例子,你想去看电影,电影的机会成本(opportunity cost)就是你看电影要花费的时间和金钱。利用这些资源你也可以选择听音乐会,这里的音乐会就是电影的trade-off(你取舍掉的)。(2)机会成本是指为了得到某种东西而所要放弃另一些东西的最大价值。3、机会成本在经济学上是一种非常特别的既虚既实的一种成本。它是指1笔投资在专注于某一方面后所失去的在另外其它方面的投资获利机会。

condition statement situation 区别

条件 声明 情况

“Creativity is the key to a brighter future,” say education?

小题1:D 小题2:C 小题3:C 小题4:D 略,2,“Creativity is the key to a brighter future,” say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this important skill in children. If Dick had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as of great importance: a new type of tape. Dick worked for the Minnesota Mining pany. At work he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Finally, using his own time, Dick improved the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former pany learned from its mistake. Now it encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas. Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a character of high intelligence. The fact that a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce new ideas that are good for something. Unfortunately, schools have not tried to encourage creativity. With strong attention to test results and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators give up creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but can"t recognize ways to use it in new situation. They may know the rules correctly but they are unable to use them to Work out practical problems. It is important to give children choices. From the earlier age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their results. Even if it"s choosing between two food items for lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money. This is because the most important character of creative people is a very strong desire to find a way out of trouble. 小题1:What did the pany where Dick once worked learn from its mistake? A.They encouraged people to work a longer time. B.They discouraged people to think freely. C.They asked people to spend all their work time developing new ideas. D.They encouraged people to spend some of their work time considering and improving new ideas. 小题2: Creativity is something __ A.that people are born with B.that depends on intelligence C.that is a way of using what one has learnt to work out new problems D.that is not important at all 小题3:Why don"t schools try to encourage creativity? A.They don"t understand the importance of education. B.They don"t want their students to make mistakes. C.They pay too much attention to exam marks, language and mathematical skills. D.They think it more important to remember some information. 小题4: What should the parents do when their children decide how to spend their money? A.Try to help them as much as possible. B.Take no notice of whatever they do. C.Leave them as they are. D.Help them if their decision is wrong, but not too much..

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我也在纠结,,马叔叔的视频里用云杉单板感觉声音好一些 但是外观个人感觉不及相思木。



Last month an earthquake, ________ a magnitude of

第二个空 是与struck 并列的谓语动词 当然用过去式killed。与第一个空无关。

acne studios羊毛围巾刺不刺的

一条质感好的羊绒围巾,最是体现个人风格与美的小物,尤其是这条即使不打折也能分分钟卖断货的AcneStudios。好多人从夏天就开始下单,因为每次上架不久就呗抢光 你说刺不刺

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艾科你 死丢丢

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last mouth the student

从语法来看是时态的问题.时间标志是last month. 既然是一般过去时,那么谓语动词就应该用过去式,即把谓语动词organize改为 organized就行了.

mutual和each other的区别?

表达的意思都是相同的 但是在句子中的位置不同 each other一般放在句末 we help each other. mutual 只做定语 放在名词前 mutual adj. 相互的; 彼此的 [口]共有的, 共同的 our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助 mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱 mutual association 互济会 mutual fund 合股投资 mutual preferential duties 互惠关税

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英文acne studios l.nyg.23中文怎么说


大神帮我鉴定下这条Acne Studios围巾真伪

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