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fortunately[英][u02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv.幸运地; 比较级:more fortunately最高级:most fortunately双语例句1Bombs had hit the building a number of times but fortunately no one was hurt.炸弹几次袭击这幢大楼,但幸运的是没有人受伤。

Fortunately, 是什么意思、。?





fortunately的读音:英[ftntli],美[frtntli]。释义:幸运地;交好运地;吉利地。短语搭配:Fortunately daily幸运每天。双语例句1、Fortunately the short delay gave him time to gather himself.幸运的是,这短暂的拖延给了他喘息的时间。2、Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.他运气好,很快就有人聘请他做另一个工作。3、I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn"t started.我迟到了,不过幸好会议还没有开始。4、Fortunately for us, the weather changed.我们运气好,天气变了。5、Fortunately, common sense prevailed.幸而理智占了上风。fortunately luckily凑巧 ; 幸运地Fortunately is可幸的是 ; 幸运的是Fortunately daily幸运每天Fortunately my幸运夜Fortunately girls幸运的女生Fortunately around幸运围绕hide fortunately吉利地掩饰secure fortunately幸运地获得fortunately complete有幸完成的

turn turn tur中文歌词


英语I saw a magnificent picture怎么翻译?

I saw a megnificent picture.我看到了一副十分壮观的图片。

求一篇关于World Wild Fund for Nature的英文简介!

The world natural foundation (WWF) was founded September 11, 1961 aSwiss scenery beautiful small town - Mole each Si (Morges), thefounder was the English renowned biologists, once was appointed UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization firstgeneral manager Zhu Lian Mr. Huxley. Its basic goal is protects theEarth the biological resources. The last four decades and more, underin every way support, the WWF growth have been extremely have theinfluence the independent non- government international environmentalprotection organization. WWF is enjoys the high reputation in the whole world, one of biggestindependent non- government environmental protection organizations,has nearly 5 million supporters and in the world are enlivening inmore than 90 countries the network. In 1980, WWF officially arrivedChina, in 1996 has set up the office in Beijing, hereafter hasestablished seven projects offices one after another; The developmentuntil now, altogether has more than 70 staffs, has developed includingthe species, the forest, the fresh water, the energy and the climaticchange, the environment education and the wild trade and so on thevarious work. The WWF mission is suppresses the Earth naturalenvironment the worsening, creates glorious future which the humanityand the nature harmoniously is together. Devotes for this WWF to: Protection world biodiversity; Guarantees the renewable natural resource the sustainable use; The impetus reduction pollutes and the waste expense motion.

The study of the wild world may help to make the world easier----


the study of the wild world

这个地方是做补足语补充说明在哪方面easier,要用不定式,相当于 the world easier to be understood,(但只是理论上,一般还是使用主动表被动) .注意,此处不是make do的结构,而是make sth adj,然后才是不定式作补足语.

date of signature


翻译 constitutes the entire understanding between the parties as of effective date with respect to

这是一个合同的完整条款, 可译为:(本协议)构成并涵盖关于本协议标的的完整协议与合约方共识

辩论 Pressure is a killer for students 帮帮忙,有没有相关的英语名言或资料 正规一点的 谢谢啊 感激啊

If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. If you don"t want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can — and recognize there are many things beyond your control. So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He"s a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska. Eliot says there are people in this world that he calls "hot reactors". For these people, being tense may cause tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure. Eliot says researchers have found that stressed people have higher cholesterol levels, among other things. "We"ve done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. When that happens it happens very quickly, within five minutes. It creates many short circuits, and that causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. And when that happens, we can"t live." Eliot, 64, suffered a heart attack at age 44. He attributes some of the cause to stress. For years he was a "hot reactor". On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected but on the interior, stress was killing him. He"s now doing very well. The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors — fear, uncertainty and doubt — together with perceived lack of control, he says. For many people, the root of their stress is anger, and the trick is to find out where the anger is coming from. "Does the anger come from a feeling that everything must be perfect?" Eliot asks. "That"s very common in professional women. They feel they have to be all things to all people and do it all perfectly. They think, "I should, I must, I have to." Good enough is never good enough. Perfectionists cannot delegate. They get angry that they have to carry it all, and they blow their tops. Then they feel guilty and they start the whole cycle over again." "Others are angry because they have no compass in life. And they give the same emphasis to a traffic jam that they give a family argument," he says. "If you own anger for more than five minutes — if you stir in your own juice with no safety outlet — you have to find out where it"s coming from." "What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem." One step to calming down is recognizing you have this tendency. Learn to be less hostile by changing some of your attitudes and negative thinking. Eliot recommends taking charge of your life. "If there is one word that should be substituted for stress, it"s control. Instead of the FUD factors, what you want is the NICE factors — new, interesting, challenging experiences." "You have to decide what parts of your life you can control", he says. "Stop where you are on your trail and say, "I"m going to get my compass out and find out what I need to do."" He suggests that people write down the six things in their lives that they feel are the most important things they"d like to achieve. Ben Franklin did it at age 32. "He wrote down things like being a better father, being a better husband, being financially independent, being stimulated intellectually and remaining even-tempered — he wasn"t good at that." Eliot says you can first make a list of 12 things, then cut it down to 6 and set your priorities. "Don"t give yourself impossible things, but things that will affect your identity, control and self-worth." "Put them on a note card and take it with you and look at it when you need to. Since we can"t create a 26-hour day we have to decide what things we"re going to do." Keep in mind that over time these priorities are going to change. "The kids grow up, the dog dies and you change your priorities." From Eliot"s viewpoint, the other key to controlling stress is to "realize that there are other troublesome parts of your life over which you can have little or no control — like the economy and politicians". You have to realize that sometimes with things like traffic jams, deadlines and unpleasant bosses, "You can"t flee. You can"t flee. You have to learn how to flow."这篇是讲压力可能会导致心脏病等一系列疾病 你可以自己筛选一下,然后还可以搜一些由于压力大导致学生自杀的相关报道,总的来说就是1.压力会影响身心健康 2.压力会带来精神隐患 3.压力过大可能会成为行动的阻力等等 反正就是那么些套话 说的有点逻辑性就可以了希望有所帮助


动名词做主 表示常做这类 有那个习惯。有那种爱好。

翻译;在全世界各地的学生,为什么是the student around the world 而不是the student of around the world

of和around连用???? 你见过吗?

西方大学中 coordinator,counselor,tutor 分别是什么意思?

coordinator协调者counselor顾问tutor 导师

tatu的Happy Birthday的歌词,最好能翻译一下

以下摘自强大的国内F.L.Y.(tatu迷)第一人hitatu的网站: ----------------------------------------------------- Happy Birthday (Flipsyde 反面合唱团 feat. t.A.T.u.)Happy Birthday + Make a wish生日快乐。。。来许个愿Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样Would you""ve been a little angel or an angel of sin?你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使?Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes?还是做个倔强小男孩,有著漂亮的深褐色眼睛?I payed for the murder before they determined the sex我为谋杀而祈祷,在知道他们性别以前Choosing our life over your life meant your death选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌And you never got a chance to even open your eyes你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到Sometimes I wonder as a fetus if you faught for your life?有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗?Would you have been a little genius in love with math?你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上?Would you have played in your schoolclothes and made me mad?你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我著迷?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲?Would you have made me quit smokin"" by finding one of my lighters?你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉?I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose?我猜想著你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow?还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓?Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!Verse 2:I""ve got a millon excuses to why you died我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀Who""s to say it woulda worked, and who""s to say it wouldn""t have?谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢?I was young and strugglin"" but old enough to be your dad我年幼无知,挣扎於世,但年纪不小,够做个爹The fear of being a father has never disappeared害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过Pondering frequently while I""m zippin"" on my beer再三思量,我痛饮啤酒My vision of a family was artificial and fake我对家庭的预想,不切实际So when it came time to create I made a mistake当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错Now you""ve got a little brother maybe he""s really you?如今你有了小老弟,但其实是你吗?Maybe you really forgave us knowin"" we was confused?也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑?Maybe everytime that he smiles it""s you proudly knowin"" that your father""s doin"" the right thing now?也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确?I never tell a woman what to do with her body我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理But if she don""t love children then we can""t party如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...我的愿望都是梦Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那裏的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那裏的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!

Nature: 半金属和单层半导体之间的超低接触电阻

第一作者:Pin-Chun Shen, Cong Su, Yuxuan Lin, Ang-Sheng Chou 通讯作者:Pin-Chun Shen, Lain-Jong Li,Jing Kong 通讯单位: 麻省理工学院(MIT),台湾积体电路制造公司(TSMC) 先进的超越硅电子技术既需要通道材料,也需要发现超低电阻接触。原子薄的二维半导体具有实现高性能电子器件的巨大潜力。但是,到目前为止,由于金属引起的间隙态(MIGS),金属-半导体界面处的能垒(从根本上导致高接触电阻和较差的电流传输能力)限制了二维半导体晶体管。最近, 麻省理工学院(MIT)Pin-Chun Shen和Jing Kong,台湾积体电路制造公司(TSMC)Lain-Jong Li 等人 在国际知名期刊 “Nature” 发表题为 “Ultralow contact resistance between semimetal and monolayer semiconductors” 的研究论文。他们报道了半金属铋与半导体单层过渡金属硫化合物(TMDs)之间的欧姆接触,其中MIGS被充分抑制,TMD中的简并态与铋接触形成。通过这种方法,他们在单层MoS2上实现了零肖特基势垒高度,接触电阻为123欧姆微米,通态电流密度为1135微安/微米。就他们所知,这两个值分别是尚未记录的最低和最高值。他们还证明了可以在包括MoS2、WS2和WSe2在内的各种单层半导体上形成出色的欧姆接触。他们报道的接触电阻是对二维半导体的实质性改进,并接近量子极限。这项技术揭示了与最新的三维半导体相媲美的高性能单层晶体管的潜力,从而可以进一步缩小器件尺寸并扩展摩尔定律。 图1:半金属-半导体接触的间隙态饱和的概念 原文链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03472-9

铭瑄B150-MD4 turbo主板支持的固态硬盘接口?


studio display能用在windos


求steady sturdy substantial stable区别

steady sturdy substantial stable区别 steady多表示发展、增长稳步的,稳定. sturdy多表示人体结实的,坚固的,肌肉发达,体格强壮的,健壮的. substantial多在正式场合出现,关系牢固;也可形容经验丰富.可译为:大而坚固的;结实的;牢固的. stable多表示某人人品可靠,或政治方面稳定平衡的,平稳的. ——团队【白墨青城】


substantial [attrib 作定语] concerningthe most important part of sth; essential 实质的; 大体上的; 基本的: We are in substantial agreement. 我们的意见基本一致. having physical existence, not merely seen or heard or imagined; real 实际存在的; 实物的; 真实的: Was it something substantial that you saw, or was it a ghost? 你见到的是实物, 还是鬼魂? virtual [attrib 作定语] being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such in name or officially 事实上的, 实际上的, 实质上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认): Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business. 我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人. * A virtual state of war exists between the two countries. 这两国间实际上处於战争状态. virtual偏重真实情况substantial 偏重本质上


  1.安装前准备工作  1.1 到oracle官网下载适合自己电脑的oracle软件包;  我的是:Oracle Database 10gRelease 2 ( Edition for Linux x86下的:10201_database_linux32.zip  地址:http //www oracle.com/technetwork/database/10201linuxsoft-097986.html  1.2 更新ubuntu  # apt-get update  # apt-get upgrade  1.3 安装额外的javaJDK  可在【Ubuntu软件中心】搜OPENjdk,安装OpenJDK 完成后path路径自动设置好了  1.4 安装缺少的包并降低GCC版本  apt-get install gcc make binutils lesstif2 libc6 libc6-dev rpm libmotif3 libaio1 alien  apt-get install ksh libtool libstdc++5 build-essential compat-libstdc++  卸载gcc-4.6,安装gcc-4.4 版本  apt-get remove gcc-4.6  apt-get install gcc-4.4  1.5 创建oracle用户  登录到root用户下操作:  1.5.1 修改shell  ls -l /bin/sh 如果是dash修改为bash  rm /bin/sh  ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh  1.5.2 创建用户和组及oracle安装路径  addgroup oinstall  addgroup dba  addgroup nobody  usermod -g nobody nobody  adduser oracle  usermod -g oinstall -G dba oracle  id oracle  id nobody  mkdir -p /opt/oracle  mkdir -p /opt/oradata  chown -R oracle:dba /opt/ora*  chmod -R 775 /opt/ora*  1.5.3 创建欺骗版本声明  vi /etc/RedHat-release  然后向其中加入 Red Hat Linux release 3.1  1.5.4 建立链接  ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 /usr/bin/gcc  ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 /lib/libgcc.s.so.1  ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk  ln -s /usr/bin/rpm /bin/rpm  ln -s /usr/bin/basename /bin/basename  mkdir /etc/rc.d  ln -s /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc.d/rc0.d  ln -s /etc/rc1.d /etc/rc.d/rc1.d  ln -s /etc/rc2.d /etc/rc.d/rc2.d  ln -s /etc/rc3.d /etc/rc.d/rc3.d  ln -s /etc/rc4.d /etc/rc.d/rc4.d  ln -s /etc/rc5.d /etc/rc.d/rc5.d  ln -s /etc/rc6.d /etc/rc.d/rc6.d  ln -s /etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/init.d  1.5.5 添加用户到sudoer列表中  vi /etc/sudoers  在“ root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL” 下一行 ,添加:  oracle ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL  1.5.6 修改内核参数和系统变量  A 修改/etc/sysctl.conf文件(可以不用修改)  gedit /etc/sysctl.conf  添加如下内容:  kernel.shmall = 2097152  kernel.shmmax = 2147483648  kernel.shmmni = 4096  kernel.sem = 25 32000 100 128  fs.file-max = 65536  net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000  B 修改/etc/security/limits.conf(可以不用修改)  gedit /etc/security/limits.conf  添加如下内容:  * soft nproc 2407  * hard nproc 16384  * soft nofile 1024  * hard nofile 65536  说明:不要忘了“*”号,可以换成oracle  C 修改ubuntu的oracle用户的环境变量  修改/home/oracle/.profile和/etc/profile两个文件  vi /home/oracle/.profile  vi /etc/profile  添加如下内容:  #oracle_path start  export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle  export ORACLE_SID=orcl  export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle  export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin  #oracle_path end  1.5.7 使参数生效  重启系统 或 终端执行命令 sysctl -p  1.5.8 将下载好的oracle安装文件mv到/home/oracle下,并解压。注销root用户,登录oracle用户  2.开始安装oracle  2.1 打开终端,cd到/home/oracle/database的oracle解压文件下,执行下面这条命令  ./runInstaller -jreLoc /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre  java-version是java的安装版本,这一句是为了在图像化装oracle是不会出现乱码或者方框  然后就向windows下安装一样的图像化安装界面。  不行的话,使用英文安装界面  export LANG=ENGLISTH  ./runInstaller  2.2 按照下面的图像步骤操作  http //www cnblogs.com/luochengor/archive/2011/08/20/2147041.html  2.3 执行到配置配置脚本时  切换到root下,在终端中执行脚本  /home/oracle/oralnventory/orainstRoot.sh  /opt/ora10/root.sh  2.4 出现oracle database 10g 安装完成时,记下两个URL。  2.5 安装数据库  在终端中执行如下命令:  $dbca //如果出现中文乱码,执行下面命令  $cd /opt/ora10/bin  $gedit dbca  在dbca中找到“JRE_DIR=/opt/ora10/jdk/jre”,替换为JRE_DIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre ,然后保存退出  $dbca //正常显示了  2.6 按照下面步骤执行  http //www cnblogs.com/luochengor/archive/2011/08/20/2147041.html  但是:要将数据库名字及SID都要写上orcl  一直到安装完成。  3. 启动oracle  在“终端”以oracle身份运行  启动TNS监听器:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start  ($ORACLE_HOME,就是oracle的安装目录:/opt/ora10 .直接cd,进入oracle的安装目录,到bin文件夹下,$lsnrctl start ,也行)。  关闭TNS:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop  启动sqlplus:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog  关闭sqlplus:SQL> exit  4. 为了能够像windows下一样能够使用上下键翻动命令,还需要安装rlwrap包:  sudo apt-get install rlwrap  然后修改oracle用户的~/.bashrc文件和/etc/profile文件,在其最后添加两行:  这样上下左右键就可以使用了。  最后来解决oracle中文字符集的问题。不出意外的话,启动oracle会发现所有的中文都是“?”,要么就是乱码,这其实是服务器端字符集和客户端字符集不一致造成的。  解决方法为:DBA身份进入sqlplus,做查询  SQL>select userenv(‘language") from dual;  将查询结果复制,在/etc/bash.bashrc文件中再加一行:export NLS_LANG=”查询结果”,重新登录问题解决。例如:我的查询结果为SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8,则新加一行为export NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8"。  但是有时候这个方法不一定奏效,你可以将  export NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8"  export NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK"  分别写到两个文件中尝试一下,但是两个文件写的一定要一致。  5. 如果有问题可按下列过程处理:  5.1  问题:调用makefile "../sqlplus/lib/ins_sqlplus.mk" 的目标"install" 时出错。请参阅"/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-12-06_11-03-18AM.log" 以了解详细信息。  解决办法:$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib/env_sqlplus.mk添加一行:EXPDLIBS=-lclntsh ,然后点击“重试”按钮, ok.  其实安装 gcc-4.4 以后没有这个问题。  5.2  问题:调用makefile "../sysman/lib/ins_sysman.mk" 的目标"agent nmo nmb" 时出错。请参阅".. /oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-12-06_11-03-18AM.log" 以了解详细信息。  分析:后面遇到的错误其实本质上是一个问题,主要是gcc的版本高了,oracle10g的gcc是3.4左右的版本,但是ubuntu的开发速度早就用了4.0以上版本,而且你还无法apt安装低版本  解决办法:卸载gcc-4.6,安装gcc-4.4 版本  apt-get remove gcc-4.6  apt-get install gcc-4.4  5.3  调用makefile "../network/lib/ins_net_server.mk" 的目标"install" 时出错。请参阅".. /oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-12-06_11-03-18AM.log" 以了解详细信息。  分析:我在网上找到了一篇类似的文档,参见(点击打开链接),但是我手工编译还是有问题,而且在oracle10g中并不是他所提到的-lons参数问题。  还是gcc版本问题,我曾尝试过安装低版本的gcc,但是一开始编译就报错,所以放弃了,如果有人能成功降低版本环境,相信一定能解决所有错误问题,这也是为什么ubuntu 8能很自然成功安装的一个解释。  方法:目前我还没有方法,按照其.mk文件的说明,这个东西好像是数据库链接断裂时候重新链接用的  解决办法:卸载gcc-4.6,安装gcc-4.4 版本  在/usr/bin 下做了 /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 的软链接  cd /usr/bin  ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 /usr/bin/gcc  5.4  调用makefile "../rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk" 的目标"all_no_orcl ihsodbc" 时出错。请参阅"../oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-12-06_11-07-36-AM.log" 以了解详细信息。  分析:我们看一下log文件  信息: Generating BASE ORASDK library...  信息: Creating /opt/ora10/lib/liborasdkbase.so.10.2  信息: gcc: 错误:/lib/libgcc_s.so.1:没有那个文件或目录  gcc: 错误:/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5:没有那个文件或目录  我们看到终于是那个非常多的错误了,其实还是gcc的问题,重新下载了libgcc_s.so.1,并且重新做了stdc++5的链接,但是问题还是更多,因为只做软链接和下载一个动态库是没法解决所有问题的。  解决办法:安装compat-libstdc++-33_3.2.3-48.3_i386.deb,重试。。  在一个libgcc_s.so.1软链接  cd /lib  ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 libgcc.s.so.1  6. 开机启动  6.1 root 下面修改:vi /etc/oratab  orc1:/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1:Y  将N该为Y  6.2 oracle 下面修改:  cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin  vi dbstart  找到 ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER 这行, 修改成:  ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER=/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1  或者直接修改成:  ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER=$ORACLE_HOME  测试运行 dbshut, dbstart 看能否启动oracle 服务及listener服务  ps -efw | grep ora_  lsnrctl status  ps -efw | grep LISTEN | grep -v grep  6.3 root 下创建文件:  vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle10  #!/bin/bash  # chkconfig: 345 99 10  # description: Startup Script for Oracle Databases  # /etc/init.d/oracle10  export ORACLE_SID=ym  # export ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER=/data/files/oracle/10g/bin  #oracle 安装目录  export ORACLE_HOME=/data/files/oracle/10g  export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin  case "$1" in  start)  su oracle -c $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart #启动服务  su oracle -c $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start #启动监听  touch /var/lock/oracle  echo "OK"  ;;  stop)  echo -n "Shutdown Oracle: "  su oracle -c $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut #启关闭服务  su oracle -c $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop #关闭监听  rm -f /var/lock/oracle  echo "OK"  ;;  *)  echo "Usage: "basename $0" start|stop"  exit 1  esac  exit 0  然后  chmod 775 oracle10  chkconfig --add oracle10  chkconfig --list oracle10

hadoop Task process exit with nonzero status of -1.


电脑显示硬盘错误,用hd tune检测说硬盘重映射扇区计数红了,但错误扫描没有错,怎么办

05项,看数值大小多少,数值是多少就说明发生了多少个坏道。05,重映射扇区计数,表明硬盘有扇区出问题了,无法进行读写。S.M.A.R.T启用了备用扇区。损坏的扇区写进G-LIST表。当然了,备用扇区是有限的,如果备用扇区用完了,那么硬盘就会出现坏道了。你看你的那个值是否持续上升,上升到红色警告的话,硬盘基本就要挂了。所以说,05项数据不一直增长或者很小的话,那硬盘还是健康的,你扫描也扫不出坏道啥的,重映射的扇区数过多的话会影响读写速度。从你提供的数据中看出,你的硬盘目前有561个坏道,损坏的扇区已经添加进G-LIST表,硬盘之后读写时将不再访问该扇区磁道,赶紧做下重要数据的备份。 如果硬盘在质保期之内,联系下经销商,最好是给你换新盘。

一首英文歌,高潮部分是……on a Friday night,隔了一句有个turn on the radio

Stereo Heart

我今天用hd tune检测硬盘 发现重映射扇区计数 3 是不是有坏道了 慢扫描,全绿 硬盘使用没有问题 速度也很


电脑用HD tune检测出 interface CRC Error Count 这一项是atten


找一首外文歌.女的唱的.在电台上听到.歌词中有一句'......friday night and saturday morning.....'


how much are the pictures_______all 1.at 2.in 3.for 4.to 最好分别详细说明为什么 谢

2in all = altogether 总共【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

英语翻译local studies have increasingly become acceptable to pro?

local studies have increasingly bee acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture. 局部的研究只有结合并考虑 到更广阔的地质学问题时才会逐渐被专业人员接受.,3,局部的研究只有结合,并仔细考虑到更广阔的地质情况时,才会逐渐变得为专家所接受。,0,只要区域研究体现并反应了更为广泛的地质情况,区域研究就会越来越多地被专业人员所认可。,0,翻译啊,加一个会翻译的微信号就可以了,微信号fanyiguan2013,0,英语翻译 local studies have increasingly bee acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate,and reflect on,the wider geological picture.

iphone4S相簿里的My Pictures 里的照片怎么删除啊?

首先想问一下你是不是 同步进去的,如果是的话,就在桌面上建立一个空的文件夹,然后通过itunes将空文件夹同步进去就可以了。

iphone4S相簿里的My Pictures 里的照片怎么删除?


contractual arrangement是什么意思

contractual arrangement1. 合约安排2. 合同安排3. 契约安排4. 契约性安排例:Enter into a contractual arrangement.参加承担契约的安排



基因测序时otu和 归类操作一样吗



你已经得到了otu_table.biom文件,也就是说你很清楚你需要哪些OTU。现在要做的只是,要得到对应OTU的DNA序列而已。可以用下面的方法实现,找到你pick otu那一步生成的rep_set文件夹,里面有一个rep.set.fasta文件,用mega打开,你就可以看到各个OTU对应的DNA序列。你可以把不需要otu的删除,留下的即为需要的otu(考虑到需要的只有几十条,不需要的有几万条,推荐下面的方法);新建一个txt文本文件,将所需的序列复制、粘贴进去。注意:各个>otu123(otu名称,别忘了大于号>)单独一行,换行后紧接着粘贴DNA序列,把所需的序列粘贴进来,强制修改.txt后缀名为.fasta。搞定。后面就可以构建进化树了。


在之前的版本中,打开或关闭offline模式都是在setting-->Build,Execution-,Deployment-->Gradle 里面的Offline work中设置打开或者关闭,旧版本如下图: 但是在新版本AndroidStudio3.6.0之后尝试设置Offline 模式的时候却找不到这个选项了,如下图: 所以现在AndroidStudio打开或关闭Offline work只能在AndroidStudio窗口右上角的Gradle侧边栏中设置,如下图: 点击Toggle Offline Mode 按钮实现离线在线切换

求一首英文歌,一个女生反复在重复一句好像是:baby I see you love me ture..

Baby If You Wanna Love Me

turn back/on/into/off是什么

turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻回到turn on v. 打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击turn into v. 变成;进入turn off 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向

请问形容一个人down to earth natural,是指自然不做作吗?


turn ones back on turn ones back to分别是什么意思?


turn back on

turn one"s back to 有背弃、背对的意思. turn one"s back on 是你说的这个意思没错


生物分子的形貌决定了它的功能。对于酶和其他蛋白质分子来说,这一规律早已经被人们所观测到并为人熟知。然而对于地球上的另一种主要的生物大分子——聚糖来说,人们仍然缺乏有效的直接观测表征手段。以至于,人们到目前为止,还不清楚这种也被称作碳水化合物的分子是否也像蛋白质一样折叠,从而产生不同的性质。更重要的,现有人们所依赖的非直接观测手段只能揭示样品分子的平均结构。但是对于聚糖分子这种复杂多变的分子来说,这些对平均结构的观测所提供的信息并不准确。尤其在研究其构型和生物化学功能的关系时,这些平均信息的作用和价值会大打折扣。 近日, 德国马克思普朗克固体研究所Klaus Kern教授团队,马克思普朗克胶体界面研究所Peter H. Seeberger教授团队以及牛津大学Stephan Rauschenbach教授 合作报道了单分散聚糖分子的直接实空间成像。人们首次在实空间中观测到单分散聚糖分子的形貌,并实现了不同同分异构体间连接结构及连接位置的辨别。 文章要点 图注:(a, d)不同聚糖分子同分异构体的化学结构及聚糖符号表达式;(b, e) 相应分子的扫描隧道显微镜图像;(c, f) 扫描隧道显微镜图像中对应的线起伏图。 论文链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2362-1

I’d like to take ____ of this opportunity to thank you all for your kindness and hospitality.




turn their back on是什么意思

turn their back on这是在某段或者某句话中的几个单词的截取,翻译时需要结合整句话的意思来翻译。重点词汇释义turn使转动; 旋转; 使改变方向; 使不适; 使变酸; 使变换; 使变为; 翻转; 改变; 机会back on背靠1、Both whole communities and individuals turn their back on some pitfall and hurry offto land in another, rather deeper. 无论是社会,还是个人,往往逃离了某个陷阱,却又匆匆地跳进了另一个更深的陷阱。2、Ultimately, countries should not turn their back on financial liberalisation. 最后要指出的是,各国不应对金融自由化说不。3、When work achievements are no longer the be all and end all of life, getting marriedand having children may perhaps become a desire that they will not turn their backon again. 当事业成就再也满足不了我们对人生的追求时,结婚生子就可能成为一种义无反顾的需要了。

return back和return区别

return本身就有回来的意思,后面不会同时跟着backreturn=give back

ubuntu14.04lts /var/log目录下生成的kern.log syslog有几十上百g

一、/var目录/var 所有服务的登录的文件或错误信息文件(LOG FILES)都在/var/log下,此外,一些数据库如MySQL则在/var/lib下,还有,用户未读的邮件的默认存放地点为/var/spool/mail二、:/var/log/系统的引导日志:/var/log/boot.log例如:Feb 26 10:40:48 sendmial : sendmail startup succeeded就是邮件服务启动成功!系统日志一般都存在/var/log下常用的系统日志如下:核心启动日志:/var/log/dmesg系统报错日志:/var/log/messages邮件系统日志:/var/log/maillogFTP系统日志:/var/log/xferlog安全信息和系统登录与网络连接的信息:/var/log/secure登录记录:/var/log/wtmp 记录登录者讯录,二进制文件,须用last来读取内容 who -u /var/log/wtmp 查看信息News日志:/var/log/spoolerRPM软件包:/var/log/rpmpkgsXFree86日志:/var/log/XFree86.0.log引导日志:/var/log/boot.log 记录开机启动讯息,dmesg | morecron(定制任务日志)日志:/var/log/cron安全信息和系统登录与网络连接的信息:/var/log/secure文件 /var/run/utmp 记录著现在登入的用户。文件 /var/log/wtmp 记录所有的登入和登出。文件 /var/log/lastlog 记录每个用户最後的登入信息。文件 /var/log/btmp 记录错误的登入尝试。less /var/log/auth.log 需要身份确认的操作

turn out/back/up/down 分别是什么意思


Back In Time (featured in Men in Black III) 歌词

歌曲名:Back In Time (featured in Men in Black III)歌手:Pitbull专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music, Vol. 43Pitbull - Back in Time (Men In Black III)Let"s excuse me babyGo, yeah you babyBack, ooh you groovy babyIn, let"s make a movie babyTime, excuse me babyLet"s, yeah you babyGo, ooh you groovy babyBack in, let"s make a movie babyIt"s Mr Worldwide, Agent A, Reporting liveFrom Cape Canaveral, MK, Big Syphe, let"s rideBack, back, in, in, timeBaby, ohhh babyOhhh baby, my sweet babyYou"re the oneMiami equals black mask, black clothesWith a little bit of rope to tie, I flipped itBlack suits, white shirts, black glasses with a matching tieLike Agent J or Agent K, and I wish the whole world wouldOk, i"m tryin" make a billion out of 15 centsUnderstand, understoodI"m a go-getter, mover, shaker, cultureBury a boarder, record-breaker won"t chaGive credit where credit is due don"t chaKnow that I don"t give a number twoY"all just halfway thoughtsNot worth the back of my mindBut to understand the future we have to go back in timeBaby, ohhh babyOhhh baby, my sweet babyYou"re the oneI got the globe, yeah, in the palm of my handWherever I spin it, that"s where I landLet"s save the worldMen In Black I know you understandStop the movement, they can try if they want toIgnorar lo latino, si, they can try if they want toWhat Pit solves is a bit rawTook like jigsaw and built it allDespite a big loss, I"d bet it allAnd fought blind against the world, Ray CharlesY"all just halfway thoughtsNot worth the back of my mindBut to understand the future, we have to go back in timeBaby, ohhh babyOhhh baby, my sweet babyYou"re the oneLet"s excuse me babyGo, yeah you babyBack, ooh you groovy babyIn, let"s make a movie babyTime, excuse me babyLet"s, yeah you babyGo, ooh you groovy babyBack in, let"s make a movie babyTimeBaby, ohhh babyOhhh baby, my sweet babyYou"re the onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59196577

帮忙写一篇1.5分钟的英文演讲稿题目是the future of book。急急急急急

With advances in electronic technology, in the form of paper books not only the emergence of the emergence of e-books for the book brought a revolution in technology.In the past, any printed front and back cover of the book have been called. No logic phonebook also to be included within the scope of the book. Now, with the decline of paper books, the traditional letter of the housing is gradually disappearing, remaining more of a concept of the book - writing organizations around specific topics.Now, people often spend a few hours on the network, relish reading a variety of excellent novels and reports, and to think. Network Reading unique attraction that will loosely organized information together, we can feel free to browse clips, get ideas.Books on the network is called e-books, using digitally produced books direct result, the book can be displayed at any time on any screen, it could "goes to" in order to read after the people no longer need to pre-purchase a book. The book is no longer a physical presence, but you can always pop into a data stream.Admittedly, the key to the future development of the book lies in e-books, whether it is the gradual rise of the modern reader, or when the electronic reading experience a new experience, so that people lamented generation "book" for books at the same time, can not help but think, what will be the book What became of it? Ubiquitous book experts have asserted that no one would wish only a few inches in front of a large luminous screen reading, but the fact that they were wrong. Modern reading devices getting smaller and smaller, notebook computers, tablet PCs, handheld readers, mobile phones, and even appeared in a technique called "rapid serial visual presentation," the reader - the width of the screen is only a word.With the increase in different types of e-readers, people no longer have a lot of books, but has a wide range of readers. Download e-books, it is possible to see this recommended language:. "This book is best suited for No. 3 plate reader to read" and browse art magazines in class, it is likely to be recommended in large coffee table kind reader.Like the Chinese invented paper affect the world, the emergence of reflective electronic ink screen is upending the old publishing industry. This is called electronic paper display technology, invention, when applied on a like reflection of ambient light can be white, covered with dark text can be changed with the traditional black and white, as legible.Currently, the e-ink screen is mainly used for plate reader, it looks like a slab, showing a content above. Click on this plank in what you can "flip" the contents of previous faded, replaced by the contents of the next page. Its biggest feature is the size of the font can be adjusted according to personal preference.But later, when the electronic ink sheet by making a cheap way, we can be about a hundred pages of paper stapled into a book like this. Since the electronic paper looks similar to ordinary paper, set a good book will be the spine, and then wrapped in a beautiful book cover, e-book on the traditional book is no different.And for those who like to read the newspaper, or see more content on the same page of the people, modern technology has solutions, MIT Media Lab is testing a new way of reading through the book portable lasers The contents projected on a nearby plane, anything at hand can be used as the screen. When, wallets, table, her boyfriend back can be a carrier, the book might be really ubiquitous. Written the book because of you change to a new way appeared in people"s lives, along comes a new reading experience. Webcam on the plate reader will like "small eyes", as the reader through changes in facial expression, to read their inner emotions.This means that the contents of the book will likely vary depending on the reader"s experience, if you are showing in the face of impatience, contents of the book will be automatically shortened and simplified; if you look confused, content It will be expanded or converted some of the user-friendly vocabulary. In short the book will be based on your needs, change the contents of hundreds, and you have to do, or maybe just a frown pout.Currently, there are many similar test, multiple endings novel is one of the most exciting one, according to the progress of the reader"s reader, give different character introduction and outline of the story, the same book, with different endings and story lines, so that when people read the book truly move your feet, the highest level of human unity of the book.Books with dynamic images but also the future development trend of books. For static picture books, there are many people call: picture books, coffee table books, catalogs, but now there is not a word to describe the dynamic books. In more advanced e-book technology, the picture is no reason to just rest, one can not generally be dynamic picture books as movies. Maybe we can call it a book that can be viewed, or you can read the TV programs.On the screen, people are trying to text and moving images into one, so that FIG next text, the word in the image. In fact, "New York Times" and "Washington Post" have made similar attempts, by making some of the interactive chart, the moving images and text combined.Although current technology can not fully mashup images and books, but does not prevent people to book a good future Imagination, the ideal state is that people control the motion picture as it is now as easy to control text, you can freely moving map add comments, making abstract, cut, paste, references, links over a series of activities.If these can be achieved, and that people will be able to set the visual content-rich book production, this is undoubtedly good news for the training and education books, entertaining book will first be implemented in the transition.In reading paper books, people can make comments, marking, outlining the main points, knuckle, and in e-book, all this is gradually achieved, and there will be more surprises. Now e-book can be done to get people while reading, while the mark to remember fragments of hope, when necessary, repeated reading these fragments derived.

They expressed their ___that they could come back to China in the near future,although

选 B 。 hope一般侧重于表达有可能实现的愿望;而wish一般侧重于表达不大可能实或根本不考虑是否可能实现的愿望;idea 意思是 想法,主意;advice 意思是 建议

I Do Want To Really Come Back To The Future And see What Life I Will Lead.........这句英语的意思是


求一首歌歌词can we go back to the future baby

love me ?My friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me

Floratone的《The Future》 歌词

歌曲名:The Future歌手:Floratone专辑:FloratoneThe FutureP DiddyPress PlayI can"t hear you!I like it when you say my name("The Fu-The Fu-The-Future-ture-ture-ture-ture...")Y"all gon" love meFeelin it"s about to get uglyInject this dose of the futureTap them veins, grab hold, let me shoot yaMainline this new Diddy heroinThe Afro-American dream is too evidentThe potential to be the first black PresidentiTunes, download me in every residentEarly, I skip break-fastNigga be on his grind like he need new brake padsWe in the hood like black soap and dollar vansMy CD"s in 3-D, hologramsThe future, y"all need to holla manThe live show"s a hard act to follow manBronze my likeness, y"all need to follow himFrom now to 3000, I"ll be a problem manThe futureAlways before you("The Fu-The Fu-The-Future-ture-ture-ture-ture...")Always illWith my demeanor, flip, assemble my own team toSay fuck FEMA in case there"s another KatrinaAnd you, laughed at the past, said I was a dreamerBut it"s, back to the future, sold out arenasWe, take "em to the cleaners, calm ya nervesThis is the man who provided more jobs for blacks than armed services(Let"s go) Cut them corners, stay ahead of them sharp curvagesYeah, ya heard of us, hits stay superflousMan, I extend credit to a vagabondRun yo" city, and we not talkin marathonsBang like chitty chitty here to disturb youNew CD, watch it spread like bird fluAmerica, fall back, you can"t stop meGot a thing for pigeon-toed chicks who walk knock-kneedSkin-tight jeans we call that botoxiedI"m desensitized baby, you can"t shock meI"m the futureAlways before you("The Fu-The Fu-The-Future-ture-ture-ture-ture...")Always illI went from, blocks to greater to fortunes rock relatedNow my entire crib is voice activatedTelevision on, Mr. Combs is homeSolar panel rooftop my, kitchen is chromeDim the lights to a purple haze then answer the phone(Hello?) Peep the moon through my retractable domeWhat they thought they assassinated was only a cloneWe about to venture off into the unknown (let"s go)Where sunrays hook off layers of ozoneChips inserted in the brain, the new cell phoneThe future, fuck with me nowI"m Grammy certified the committee can pick me nowAnd they all green with envy like Bill BixbyBow down, kiss the tip of my cane, I paid sixty thou"You know the suit stay crispy nowHands to the sky and get ready if you wit me nowThe futureNever seen before, never willAlways before you, always illI AM!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/2800977

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打开我们的AndroidStudio,点击File-->Project Structure……,如图:选择app选项,右侧最后一个Depencies-->点加号,选择第一项,如图:在搜索框中,输入design,选择第一个,点击Ok,如图:然后在app文件夹下的build文件中,看到“compile "com.android.support:design:23.2.1"”,证明添加Design,成功5接下来就是查看它的特点,期待ing,大概布局有:TextInputLayout(文本输入布局)、TabLayout(选项卡布局)、Snackbar、FloatingActionButton(浮动按钮)、NavigationView(导航视图)、AppBarLayout(应用程序栏布局)、CoordinatorLayout(协作布局)、CollapsingToolbarLayout(折叠工具栏布局)

Back To The Future Overture 歌词

歌曲名:Back To The Future Overture歌手:Alan Silvestri&Alan Silvestri & The Outatime Orchestra专辑:Back To The Future (Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack)Backstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/54455394

Back To The Future 歌词

歌曲名:Back To The Future歌手:大嘴巴专辑:万凸3Dru Hill - Back To The FutureI remember we used to ask each otherHow many kids are we gon" haveI remember we used to make plans likeI"ll cook if you just cut the grassI remember when we would go house shoppingAnd how picky you would beI recall when we would watch Billy CosbyAnd say that"s how we gonna beWhateverTo and all we ever careWhateverMaking the vision that we shareWe don"t knowWhere did all of those aspirations goI don"t knowBut baby all I wanna know isCan we take it back to the way we wereBack to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw herEven though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to beBack to the futureI reminisce about the first time I saw youMy future flashed before my eyesI often think about the first time I called youHow we were laughing through the nightWe used to say we would outlast foreverTravel the road that never endsWe need to find a way to put it back togetherLiving the moment once againCan we take it back to the way we were (can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (the way the way)Even though we tried to stay away(try we try)My heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to be (can we please)Back to the future, to the future (back to the way the way)Can we take it back (take it back)Baby pleaseCan we take it back to the way we were (baby can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (first time you saw)Even though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLet"s go back to the you and me that was supposed to beI reminisce about the first time I saw youBefore my eyes, my future flashedCan we take it back to the futureOr is our future just our pasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7324037

Back To The Future 歌词

歌曲名:Back To The Future歌手:Stereo Mc"S专辑:33-45-78后海大鲨鱼 - Back To The FutureThe boy is from the futureHe is coming back to the futureHe wears red jacketAnd black shoes never changedHere is your favorite rock songA horrible beat you are living onWhen you say you are aloneI close the door and hang up the phoneHe wants to back to the futureBack to the futureIt"s not as good as we thoughtBut it"s story about youYou and meThe man is from the futureHe has came back to the futureI wear my jacketAnd black shoes never changedHere is my favorite rock songA horrible beat i can live onWhen you say we are downI close the door and hang up the phoneWhen he say we are the historyWe"ll show youWe are the futureIt"s not as good as we thoughtBut it"sstory about you you and mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10230864

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关于电影back to the future3的简介,经典台词等,用英语回答

1. “There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it"s easy.” 2. “Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.” Shaquille ONeal quotes 3. “It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends.” 4. “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Joanne Kathleen Rowling quotes (English Writer, author of Harry Potter, b. b.1965)5. “I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it"s only a choice of attitude.” 6. “If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.” Robert Fritz quotes 7. “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” 8. “When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels” 9. “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” 10. “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius quotes (China"s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, 551-479 BC)11. “When you have to make a choice and don"t make it, that is in itself a choice.” William James quotes (American Philosopher and Psychologist, leader of the philosophical movement of Pragmatism, 1842-1910) 12. “There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.” Henry David Thoreau quotes (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)13. “While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.” Stephen R. Covey quotes14. “A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy and nothing can stop him.” Alexander Solzenitsyn quotes15. “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt quotes (American United Nations Diplomat, Humanitarian and First Lady (1933-45), wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US president. 1884-1962)16. “Man is a being with free will; therefore, each man is potentially good or evil, and it"s up to him and only him (through his reasoning mind) to decide which he wants to be.” Ayn Rand quotes (Russian born American Writer and Novelist, 1905-1982)17. “The artist is the only one who knows that the world is a subjective creation, that there is a choice to be made, a selection of elements” Anais Nin quotes (French born American Author of novels and short stories, 1903-1977)18. “Life is a sum of all your choices.” Albert Camus quotes (French Novelist, Essayist and Playwright, 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1913-1960)19. “To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” Kofi Annan quotes (Ghanaian diplomat, seventh secretary-general of the United Nations, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.)20. “Allow the world to live as it chooses, and allow yourself to live as you choose.” Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", b.1936)For more quotations about choice go to the following website.

《Back To the Future》(回到未来)的英文简介

Marty McFly, a typical American teenager of the Eighties, is accidentally sent back to 1955 in a plutonium-powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist. During his often hysterical, always amazing trip back in time, Marty must make certain his teenage parents-to-be meet and fall in love - so he can get back to the future.

Back To The Future (Main Theme) 歌词

歌曲名:Back To The Future (Main Theme)歌手:City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra&Nic Raine专辑:Classic CinemaDru Hill - Back To The FutureI remember we used to ask each otherHow many kids are we gon" haveI remember we used to make plans likeI"ll cook if you just cut the grassI remember when we would go house shoppingAnd how picky you would beI recall when we would watch Billy CosbyAnd say that"s how we gonna beWhateverTo and all we ever careWhateverMaking the vision that we shareWe don"t knowWhere did all of those aspirations goI don"t knowBut baby all I wanna know isCan we take it back to the way we wereBack to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw herEven though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to beBack to the futureI reminisce about the first time I saw youMy future flashed before my eyesI often think about the first time I called youHow we were laughing through the nightWe used to say we would outlast foreverTravel the road that never endsWe need to find a way to put it back togetherLiving the moment once againCan we take it back to the way we were (can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (the way the way)Even though we tried to stay away(try we try)My heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to be (can we please)Back to the future, to the future (back to the way the way)Can we take it back (take it back)Baby pleaseCan we take it back to the way we were (baby can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (first time you saw)Even though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLet"s go back to the you and me that was supposed to beI reminisce about the first time I saw youBefore my eyes, my future flashedCan we take it back to the futureOr is our future just our pasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7674493

求高二英语作文一篇 题目《back to the future》

如果没有题材限制,就写成故事性质吧. back to the future It is a real story.If everything went on as usual. Not far from the Pacific Ocean coast,just around the Chile,the first group of navy found something strange under the sea.A huge black box made of unknown materials,which contains unknown stuff.is it safe?or it explodes in a minute when everybody affirmed its safety.Who knows that? it caused a wide discussion around the world,also the panic. the news of this miserable box almost covered the bland of space time swirl that found in the Bermuda Triangle.No one knows the suggestion e from,it said that scientists could put the box into the swirl,we could neither worry about the danger of the secret stuff,nor the harmfulness of the swirl.so this methoed was fixed by this way.the number of 2012 was curved on the surface,and it was thrown away. just one hundred years later ,a sunny day ,people received a special gift from the sky ----the huge black box,crashed into the Pacific ocean,suddenly ,burst out,the sea was crying ,the land was shaking,the plate of the plane was sinking,everything was destroyed during a pause. it sure is a fake work ,but we should know the danger of leaving the unknown and harmfulness to our future,as well as the pollution .if we do as the story told us ,the we could never back to the future,because we would never have a future.

Back To The Future 歌词

歌曲名:Back To The Future歌手:Dru Hill专辑:InDRUpendence DayDru Hill - Back To The FutureI remember we used to ask each otherHow many kids are we gon" haveI remember we used to make plans likeI"ll cook if you just cut the grassI remember when we would go house shoppingAnd how picky you would beI recall when we would watch Billy CosbyAnd say that"s how we gonna beWhateverTo and all we ever careWhateverMaking the vision that we shareWe don"t knowWhere did all of those aspirations goI don"t knowBut baby all I wanna know isCan we take it back to the way we wereBack to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw herEven though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to beBack to the futureI reminisce about the first time I saw youMy future flashed before my eyesI often think about the first time I called youHow we were laughing through the nightWe used to say we would outlast foreverTravel the road that never endsWe need to find a way to put it back togetherLiving the moment once againCan we take it back to the way we were (can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (the way the way)Even though we tried to stay away(try we try)My heart is still in yesterdayLets go back to the you and me that was supposed to be (can we please)Back to the future, to the future (back to the way the way)Can we take it back (take it back)Baby pleaseCan we take it back to the way we were (baby can we take it back)Back to where to sake of time, you saw him and you saw her (first time you saw)Even though we tried to stay awayMy heart is still in yesterdayLet"s go back to the you and me that was supposed to beI reminisce about the first time I saw youBefore my eyes, my future flashedCan we take it back to the futureOr is our future just our pasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/533361


onclick="f1()"和onclick="return f1()"的区别是什么?



2023年6月27日,上海——第11届勒芒经典赛自6月29日至7月2日期间正式开赛,意式态度先锋玛莎拉蒂将携扛鼎阵容强势亮相,为兼具复古氛围与经典传承的赛道传奇盛事增添意式格调,向热衷竞技赛事的汽车爱好者们献上一场震撼人心的视觉盛宴。勒芒24小时拉力赛,以无与伦比的赛道设计成为当之无愧的殿堂级耐力赛事,也是赛车界最激动人心的比赛之一。三叉戟品牌携兼具独特风格和卓越设计的经典车型,以及一系列结合现代前沿技术的车型亮相,并将于勒芒赛道上极具传奇色彩的弯道之间驰骋,尽显意式锋芒。不单是挑战耐力极限,勒芒经典赛还致力于展示个性魅力十足的复古车型。每隔两年,来自世界各地的汽车爱好者、绅士车手与汽车收藏家都将齐聚,共襄盛事。玛莎拉蒂将与观众一同见证大约500款于1923年至1981年期间参加勒芒24小时赛的经典车型,其中更有曾在勒芒赛历史中留下难忘篇章的传奇赛车,还原纯粹的竞技传奇魅力。玛莎拉蒂超越百年的历史中,拥有一系列标志性车型,成为无数车迷梦寐以求的经典之作。在法国的赛事中,兼具夺目外观与极致性能,仅生产了5辆的1961年玛莎拉蒂Tipo 63将于现场亮相。车辆采用极富特色的“Birdcage”鸟笼底盘和12缸V型发动机,曾经的传奇惊喜亮相赛事现场。此外,还有动力强劲且运动气息十足的1974年玛莎拉蒂Bora,搭载备受喜爱的中置后驱发动机,也将屹立于现场。往昔的经典之作魅力十足,而并驾齐驱的全新GranTurismo One-Off Luce概念车型则诠释了玛莎拉蒂与时俱进的意式态度,100%纯电驱动带来强劲性能,使其成为电气化时代汽车工业的艺术品,同时也彰显了玛莎拉蒂未来的宏伟蓝图。此外,还有定制款MC20,采用流光橙(Orange Glow)配色,通过三叉戟品牌的Fuoriserie个性化定制项目,为具备无畏精神的运动车型爱好者量身打造,展现活力与个性。赛道上还将设置一个特别区域,1962年的玛莎拉蒂3500 GT将伫立现场,展现传奇风采。这款备受赞誉的带有Touring车身的轿跑,是1950年代著名的六缸赛车的继任者,可达220马力的澎湃动力使其最高时速超过230公里。同时,还将展出全新GranTurismo One-Off Prisma概念车型,搭载震撼人心的 “Nettuno海神”V6发动机,车身未来主义色彩十足,以卓越的意大利工艺勾勒前卫理念。玛莎拉蒂的车队由全新GranTurismo Trofeo跑车、格雷嘉Trofeo SUV、MC20 Cielo敞篷跑车和定制款MC20组成,将在全长达13公里的赛道上进行令人热血沸腾的热身圈,与经典车型的比赛交替进行。三叉戟品牌与时俱进的现代车型,将在世界上最负盛名的赛道之一上畅享速度激情,展现独特魅力。【本文来自易车号作者环球汽车网,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】



empirical study是什么意思

empirical study实证研究双语对照词典结果:empirical study[英][emu02c8piriku0259l u02c8stu028cdi][美][u025bmu02c8pu026aru026aku0259l u02c8stu028cdi]实证研究; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The empirical study we presented here shows that consumers in different countries withdifferent ethnic origins not only use the web for different purposes, but these differentpurposes may lead them to have different impressions of the same web sites. 我们通过实证研究在此表明,消费者在不同的国家,不同种族不仅使用网站的目的不同,而且这些不同的目的,可能会导致他们对同一个网站产生不同的印象。

----the help of my teacher,i caught up with the other students.

填 withwith the help of.... 在。。的帮助下





Returned mail: see transcript for details 是什么意思??

回邮:全文见详情 原来星期三下午接获讯息, 2007年2月7日5时30分18秒-0700(格林尼治)从sjcitkcprof02[]-----以下地址有致命失误:获取内核锁procmail的:〔6898〕5时30分41秒2007年2月7日星期三



谁知道“show me what love is can be ture”是哪首歌里的歌词啊? 急!!! 谢谢了~!......


英语My love just be ture怎么翻译?

英语原文:My love just be ture;中文翻译:我的爱都是真挚的;just be: 正是,都是

turn out to be true是什么意思

turn out to be true结果属实; 双语例句1In the event those reports turn out to be true, what will the Japanese government be getting for all that cash?如果这些报道被证明属实,那么日本政府花这么一大笔钱得到的岛屿究竟长得什么样呢?2I know better than anybody else does that you have to try out hypotheses that may not turn out to be true.我比谁都清楚,你得反复验证那些最终可能是错的猜想。

食品很好,服务也不错。(be ture of)翻译成英语

The food taste good and the service is perfect

有“l will always be you always be ture”的歌词的歌叫什么

你好,这首歌是容祖儿的《betrue》 动摇问我彷徨问我 恋爱若不妥患难一起过苦恼共对快乐沉醉 找到了理想知已那根据若然犯错共同踏破 但逃避不过现实的奔波未来让我珍惜你重来过 不怕太少见又如何看着前途就似跨几个栏河我亦从不太啰嗦暗中会陪你切磋计划未来尚有很多若旅途颠簸 沿路记住有着我 总可以更痛快的激破Iwillalwaysbewithyou哪怕风雨同步抵挡不会输IwillalwaysbewithyouAlwaysbetrue长伴身边的隽语
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