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n.照片,画像; 图画,图片; 影片; 情景; vt.构想,想象; 描绘,画; 描述; 第三人称单数:pictures过去分词:pictured复数:pictures现在进行时:picturing过去式:pictured


分岛花音nbsp;-nbsp;skipnbsp;turnnbsp;step作词∶分岛花音nbsp;作曲∶Mana招待されたshoutainbsp;sareta晴れの日の雨harenbsp;nonbsp;nichinbsp;nonbsp;ameあたしに耳打ちしたatashininbsp;mimiuchinbsp;shita静かに静かにshizukanbsp;ninbsp;shizukanbsp;ni雨のプール踏んでステップを披露しているamenbsp;nonbsp;pu^runbsp;funnbsp;denbsp;suteppunbsp;wonbsp;hirounbsp;shiteiru管弦のスタッカートを真似て合わせてからかうkangennbsp;nonbsp;sutakka^tonbsp;wonbsp;manenbsp;tenbsp;awanbsp;setekarakau伞を舍てkasanbsp;wonbsp;sute君はキラキラ笑うからkunnbsp;hanbsp;kirakiranbsp;waraunbsp;kara屋上は键を挂けていても空を见られるのokujounbsp;hanbsp;kaginbsp;wonbsp;kakenbsp;teitemonbsp;soranbsp;wonbsp;miranbsp;reruno后悔してたkoukainbsp;shiteta夏の日の午后natsunbsp;nonbsp;nichinbsp;nonbsp;gogoあたしに雨が降ったatashininbsp;amenbsp;ganbsp;futta静かに静かにshizukanbsp;ninbsp;shizukanbsp;ni雨のプール踏んでステップを披露しているamenbsp;nonbsp;pu^runbsp;funnbsp;denbsp;suteppunbsp;wonbsp;hirounbsp;shiteiru合唱のクレッシェンドを真似て合わせてからかうgasshounbsp;nonbsp;kuresshiendonbsp;wonbsp;manenbsp;tenbsp;awanbsp;setekarakau伞を舍てkasanbsp;wonbsp;sute君はふわふわ笑うから屋上はお天気雨kunnbsp;hafuwafuwanbsp;waraunbsp;karanbsp;okujounbsp;haonbsp;tenkiameさぁnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンsaanbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^nnbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^n笑い声はwarainbsp;koenbsp;haスキップnbsp;ターンnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンsukippunbsp;ta^nnbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^n响いて空に溶けて君を照らしてhibiinbsp;tenbsp;soranbsp;ninbsp;tokenbsp;tenbsp;kunnbsp;wonbsp;teranbsp;shiteさぁnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンsaanbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^nnbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^n足音はashiotonbsp;haスキップnbsp;ターンnbsp;スキップnbsp;ターンsukippunbsp;ta^nnbsp;sukippunbsp;ta^n响いて雨に弾けて君を揺らしてhibiinbsp;tenbsp;amenbsp;ninbsp;hikenbsp;tenbsp;kunnbsp;wonbsp;yuranbsp;shite雨のプール踏んでステップをamenbsp;nonbsp;pu^runbsp;funnbsp;denbsp;suteppunbsp;wo屋上はお天気雨okujounbsp;haonbsp;tenkiame管弦のスタッカートを真似てkangennbsp;nonbsp;sutakka^tonbsp;wonbsp;manenbsp;te合唱のクレッシェンドを真似てgasshounbsp;nonbsp;kuresshiendonbsp;wonbsp;manenbsp;te屋上はお天気雨okujounbsp;haonbsp;tenkiame 查看原帖>>满意请采纳


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。








pictures 英 [u02c8piktu0283u0259z]n.<非正>①(过时)电影院②电影业,影片( picture的名词复数 ),情况,图画,(生动的)描述v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ),描绘,想像,设想[例句]She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。


pIctures生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 ["pu026aktu0283u0259z] 美 ["pu026aktu0283u0259z] n. <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业;影片( picture的名词复数 );情况;图画;(生动的)描述 v. 绘画( picture的第三人称单数 );描绘;想像;设想 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词图画;绘画;图片 A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene. A picture of Rory O"Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan. 一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks. 用彩色粉笔画一张小画2. N-COUNT 可数名词照片 A picture is a photograph. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other... 游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street. 《观察家报》在头版刊登了一张暴乱者聚集在满是垃圾的街头的大幅照片。3. N-COUNT 可数名词(电视)图像,画面 Television pictures are the scenes which you see on a television screen. 【搭配模式】:usu pl...heartrending television pictures of human suffering. 令人心碎的人类遭受苦难的电视画面




pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z][美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z]n.图画; <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业; 影片( picture的名词复数 ); 情况; (生动的)描述; v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ); 描绘; 想像; 设想; 例句:1.Can I see those pictures again? 我能再看看那些照片吗?2.Why did you change your pictures? 为什么要换你画的画?

计算NPV的时候,为什么WACC和Rate of Return可以被看做成Discount rate

我的理解为,i是把一个利率作为参数的简单算法,假如你想办个300万的事情,从你妈借钱100万不给利息,朋友借了100万,答应到时给他2万利息,请他吃饭花了1万,从银行借了100万,利息7%,你说你的300万生意的资金使用利率是多少?这就出现了wacc,是个加权平均的,你的return rate 超过它你才能赚钱。


["piktʃəz] 是正规音标。

Mid-Autumn festival 作文,八句

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It"s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken, fish, crabs and so on. They"re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.

以“Mid-Autumn Festival”为题写一篇英语作文。

The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about thO rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day. What a great festival! 中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。 在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。 中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候;一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。 中秋是个美好的节日啊!

the Mid-Autumn Festival是短语吗?

是短语,意思是:中秋节。重点词汇:Autumn。英['u0254:tu0259m]释义:n.秋天,秋季;晚年,渐衰期;秋(从秋分到冬至)。adj.秋天的,秋季的。【名】(Autumn)奥特姆(人名)。[复数:autumns]短语:Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;中秋佳节;中秋时节。词语使用变化:autumnn.(名词)1、autumn指一年四季中的第三个季节,即夏冬之间的“秋季”。在英国,指8,9,10三个月;在美国,指9,10,11三个月;而在我国,则以农历七、八、九三个月为秋季。2、秋季既是成熟的季节,又是严冬之前草木开始萧疏之时,故当autumn用于比喻义时,既可指一个人的“成熟时期”,也可指盛时已过、开始衰老之年,即“中年”或“初老”。具体含义当视修饰语及上下文而定。3、autumn在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、状语,有时也可用作名词的定语。

mid autumn festival怎么读音

mid-autumn festival[mu026ad u02c8u0254tu0259m u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l]n.中秋节1. Once more he smiled, remembering a certain Mid - Autumn Festival. 一想起那一年 中秋 佳节,他不禁漾出笑容.来自辞典例句2. The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near. 中秋节快到了.来自辞典例句3. Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - autumn Festival , Chung Yeung Festival and so on. 嗯, 还有端午节 、 中秋节 、 重阳节等等.来自辞典例句

Mid-Autumn festival,中秋节英语作文600字

What is the Mid Autumn Festival? Maybe different people will have different answers, for children, the Mid Autumn Festival is a bright and sweet cakes; for the old man, the Mid Autumn Festival is in the deeply sentimental and melancholy; in a foreign land, the Mid Autumn Festival is inextricable and Acacia plex; for old lovers when the Mid Autumn Festival moon Trinidad were happy feelings. The Mid Autumn Festival is not only the moon and the moon cake, but also the moon and the moon. The Mid Autumn Festival is a wonderful day, night of the Mid Autumn Festival, bright and breezy, will be surrounded by family family table. On weekdays, everyone is learning to work all day for the cause. It"s hard to get together, and all the trivial things are thrown away in a moment, and the family sit around and talk with ease and laughter. In the evening, I stepped on the bench on the balcony, looked at the sky, and waited for the appearance of the moon. The sky was still dark. One or o minutes passed, and I raised my head, "ah! The moon has appeared." The head of the moon came out first, and the sky was lighter than before. Then the moon"s body slowly came out of the clouds, and then the feet of the moon appeared from the sky. "Ah!" the sky is so bright! The moon around a few *** all stars, stars from time to time in front of the moon blink, like countless bright light, the moon stars *** ile, really beautiful ah! Bright moonlight to the earth, the earth on the grass is more green, more beautiful flowers, a group of the naughty children playing under the moon, moonlight to them, they play more cheerful! After a while, the moon is like a shy little girl, veiled slowly rises, it is golden yellow, slowly through the clouds of *** oke like clouds, upward. In a moment, the color of the moon has turned white! It is like a big snowball, and how like a white jade plate. The clouds next to it are swept past. It is like a scarf. It sets off the moon like fairies. It is reflected in the Lianshui river. The bright moonlight Qingsa the poetry on the island, I was around the moonlight illuminated. The moon hangs through the mottled gap, and spreads a layer of silver on the ground. The moonlight shone the trees in the mottled shadows. The willow sparse very pretty and charming shadows, indescribably beautiful. On the other side of the river town of Hunan magnificent building, in the moonlight more colorful. On the o distance, the car was running around, like a rainbow across the Lianshui river. In the distance, the East Taishan a full moon ing down the black forest shrouded in silver in the world.

Mid-Autumn festival六年级英语作文

The annual Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon! The Mid-Autumn festival has a moving story called chang ‘e moon. The tradition of autumn festival is to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. Every year I make mooncakes with my mother. The moon cakes are shaped like the moon on the Mid-Autumn night, with many flavors, such as peanut, fruity and floral. They are very sweet and tasty. The moon cake has family reunion meaning, it also places people"s thoughts and love to the relatives. Do you like mooncakes? Do you like Mid-Autumn festival?

Mid-autumn festival_中秋节英语作文100字

Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China for thousands of years.It is also a grand festival.The time is on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month each year. On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, we usually have " Mid - Autumn Festival Gala",We will also watch the moon with our family. The Mid-Autumn Festival is to commemorate Chang "e and Hou Yi"s poignant love. Now people watch the moon on the Mid - Autumn Festival to express their homesickness. Do you like Mid-Autumn Festival?

mid-autumn festival怎么读


Mid-autumn Festival英语作文

The Mid-Autumn Festival : the night of the Mid-Autumn FestivalNight of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a beautiful, peaceful night. Each and every family have a joyous gathering, eat moon cakes and fruit, and enjoy the happiness of a family union. " Every festival, preparing the homesickness ", who all hope in the Mid-Autumn Festival can be family reunion, it is it"s only human, but not every wish. My father is a TV journalist, because of busy work, there are several Mid-Autumn Festival can and we spent together. Thought here, I can not help but think of Su Shi"s " prelude to water melody ": " so, partings and reunions. "Today is the lunar calendar in August fifteen, and was once a year the Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, I and my mother to my grandmother"s house for the holiday. Eating family reunion dinner, I and my brother together on the rooftop of the moon.The moon shyly covered with layers of the veil, after a long time, only gently lifted the veil, gradually exposed to it glowing face. I carefully looked Mochizuki, heart of the distant moon empty is filled with infinite daydream.....My brother looked at the round moon in the sky, turned around in the ask: "elder sister, this is silver disc? " I heard this sentence feel angry and funny, he must be reminded of my teaching his poetry " Gu Lang Yuehang ", deliberately to show off. Then, we rushed to the moon read aloud together: " hour do not know, call for white plate. I doubt Yaotai mirror, fly in the high official position end. "We chat while eat with appetite to eat moon cakes, five Jin, lotus seed, roast pork ... ... I like yellow, a bite, sweet, delicious!Time passed quickly, in an instant it was late at night, we had to go home and unable to part from. Did not know that next year"s Festival how it should be翻译:中秋节作文:中秋之夜中秋之夜是个美好、祥和的夜晚。家家户户欢聚一堂,品尝月饼和瓜果,享受天伦之乐。“每逢佳节备思亲”,谁都希望在中秋佳节能够得以全家团聚,这是人之常情,但又总不能家家如愿。我爸爸是位电视新闻工作者,因为忙于工作,就有好几个中秋节都不能和我们一起度过。想到这里,我不禁想起苏轼的《水调歌头》:“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。” 今天是农历八月十五,又是一年一度的中秋佳节。晚上,我和妈妈回奶奶家过节。吃完团圆饭,我就和弟弟一起上天台赏月。 月亮害羞地盖着层层面纱,过了很久,才轻轻地掀起它的面纱,渐渐地露出它的那张能发光的脸蛋。我仔细地抬头望月,心里对遥远的月空充满了无限的遐想。。。。。 弟弟看着这一轮高空中的明月,侧过脸俏皮地问:“姐姐,这是白银盘吗?”我听了这句话觉得好气又好笑,他一定是想起了我教他的古诗《古郎月行》,故意在卖弄呢。于是,我们冲着月亮大声朗诵起来:“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。” 我俩边聊边津津有味地吃月饼,有五仁的、莲蓉的、叉烧的……我最喜欢的还是双黄的,咬一口,甜甜的,味道好极了! (可选几段,并不用全按原文) 时间过得真快,一转眼夜已深了,我们只好恋恋不舍地回家了。不知明年的中秋节会是怎样的呢

英语Mid-Autumn festival的100字作文初一水平

你好,很高兴为你解答(^o^)/~祝你学业有成 The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. THere are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.



Skip Turn Step 这首歌的歌词

招待された shoutai sareta 晴れの日の雨 hare no nichi no ame あたしに耳打ちした atashini mimiuchi shita 静かに静かに shizuka ni shizuka ni 雨のプール踏んでステップを披露している ame no pu^ru fun de suteppu wo hirou shiteiru 管弦のスタッカートを真似て合わせてからかう kangen no sutakka^to wo mane te awa setekarakau 伞を舍て kasa wo sute 君はキラキラ笑うから kun ha kirakira warau kara 屋上は键を挂けていても空を见られるの okujou ha kagi wo kake teitemo sora wo mira reruno 后悔してた koukai shiteta 夏の日の午后 natsu no nichi no gogo あたしに雨が降った atashini ame ga futta 静かに静かに shizuka ni shizuka ni 雨のプール踏んでステップを披露している ame no pu^ru fun de suteppu wo hirou shiteiru 合唱のクレッシェンドを真似て合わせてからかう gasshou no kuresshiendo wo mane te awa setekarakau 伞を舍て kasa wo sute 君はふわふわ笑うから屋上はお天気雨 kun hafuwafuwa warau kara okujou hao tenkiame さぁ スキップ ターン スキップ ターン saa sukippu ta^n sukippu ta^n 笑い声は warai koe ha スキップ ターン スキップ ターン sukippu ta^n sukippu ta^n 响いて空に溶けて君を照らして hibii te sora ni toke te kun wo tera shite さぁ スキップ ターン スキップ ターン saa sukippu ta^n sukippu ta^n 足音は ashioto ha スキップ ターン スキップ ターン sukippu ta^n sukippu ta^n 响いて雨に弾けて君を揺らして hibii te ame ni hike te kun wo yura shite 雨のプール踏んでステップを ame no pu^ru fun de suteppu wo 屋上はお天気雨 okujou hao tenkiame 管弦のスタッカートを真似て kangen no sutakka^to wo mane te 合唱のクレッシェンドを真似て gasshou no kuresshiendo wo mane te 屋上はお天気雨 okujou hao tenkiame

midautumn festival什么意思

多维的 ....

mid autumn festival怎么读音

米的 哦他母 FAI斯特沃

The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture.这里pieces的意思是什么?怎样翻译?



正确的写法是piccolo,意思是短笛。短笛(Piccolo)是音域最高的木管乐器,是长笛家族的一种变种乐器,也是交响乐队中音域最高的乐器之一。短笛必须要长笛练习的非常好的人才可以演奏,比长笛难吹,也比长笛的音色高。包含三个八度。由于音色尖锐, 富于穿透力,有节制,审慎地使用可使整个乐队的乐声更加响亮、有力而辉煌。常用来表现胜利凯旋、热烈欢舞或描写暴风雨中的风声呼啸等。名称源自意大利文“flauto piccolo”。短笛,是缩小了的长笛。在意大利文中,“短笛”一字意为小长笛。像长笛一样,短笛通常定为C大调,比一般的长笛高了一个八度(令它们成为最高音的横笛)。音域d2~c5。记谱与长笛相同,而实际发音高八度,为所有吹管乐器中的最高音乐器。音色尖锐,光辉明亮,穿透力极强。短笛的音乐是写得比标准音高低一个八度。短笛的指法与长笛的一致,但声音却比长笛高了一个八度。很多交替的指法亦可能被用作调整它们特有的音高的频率,因为通常很多都会走音了。在标准的C大调短笛的增加部分中,有D音的短笛音高,有时用来与降半音A一致,出色地用于意大利军乐队。一般短笛能吹奏3个八度,由C5至C8(个别型号更可以吹奏D8)。吹至第三个八度的音符时,就会开始愈来愈难,特别是轻声地吹的时候。但是作曲家们通常只是会把高音域的作品写给短笛。短笛缺乏长笛的最低音B键,而且短笛的低音区域较暗且不明显,较少使用。记谱与长笛相同,而实际发音高八度,为所有吹管乐器中的最高音乐器。音色尖锐,光辉明亮,穿透力极强。在配器上,无论规模多大的乐队中,用一只已足可扩展音域,增大纵深能力。对于铜管乐队尤其重要。

如何在Quartus II中设置Virtual pin及常见问题

  在编译时会出现类似错误:  Error: Can"t place 108 pins with 2.5 V I/O standard because Fitter has only 81 such free pins available for general purpose I/O placement.  为了避免以上情况的出现,常常使用Virtual Pin对非IO引脚的信号进行约束,经过约束的信号,综合布线器将不对其分配IO资源。  具体方法如下:  在Quartus II中Assignments->Assignment Editor,在Category栏选择logic options,到列表中To列下添加要设置的引脚接口,将Assignment Name设置为Virtual Pin,将Value设置为On,Enabled 设置为Yes, 如果需要设置的很多,可以通过在Pin Planner中将引脚复制过来。  这样设置为Virtual Pin 就不会占用FPGA的IO资源,而且时序仿真不会增加额外的延时,更加准确。  2、用quartus设计框图时出现错误,错误信息如下:  Error: Can"t place 117 pins with LVTTL I/O standard because Fitter has only 85 such free pins available for general purpose I/O placement  Error: Can"t place pins due to device constraints  Error: Can"t fit design in device  Error: Quartus II Fitter was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 0 warnings  Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 0 warnings  这个问题我也碰到过,不到10分钟就解决了。  解决方法:  在你开发的时候,你在给芯片指定管脚的时候, 可能因为某些原因删除了一些管脚, 而你在ALL PIN列表中却没有删除,当你继续分配的时候,虽然你实际用到的管脚不到85, 但是你曾经分配的管脚已经有117个了。 所以解决方法很简单,就是在ALL PIN列表中删除未用管脚。  感觉这是QuartsII的一个小bug。  Error: Can"t place 98 pins with 3.3-V LVTTL I/O standard because Fitter has only 80 such free pins available for general purpose I/O placement。  提示信息表明错误: 不能够放置98个3.3LVTTL I?O标准电平引脚,因为Fitter只能有80个空余的引脚用来作为GPIO。 请检查你的工程管理的器件,不能满足你的应用,得更换更多引脚或更高性能的芯片。

TGNET/TLNET和pipeline studio 有什么区别

TGNET/TLNET和pipeline studio 是同一个软件,pipeline studio 是统称,其中油品管道模拟为TLNET,气体管道模拟是TGNET,这个软件易学,适合初入行者使用。

Shakira的《La Tortura》 歌词

歌曲名:La Tortura歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation Vol. 2Shakira - La TorturaA: Ay!payita mía guárdate la poesía,guárdate la alegría pa" ti!Sh: No pido que todo los días sean de sol,no pido que todos los viernes sean de fiesta...Y tampoco te pido que vuelvas rogando perdón,si lloras con dos ojos secos y hablando de ella!Sh: Ay! Amor me duele tanto...A: Me duele tanto!Sh: Que te fueras sin decir a donde.Ay! Amor fue una tortura...A&Sh:...perderte!A: Yo sé que no he sido un santo,pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Sh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusa vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Mejor te guardas todo eso.A otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adiós!Sh: No puedo pedir que el invierno perdone un rosal.No puedo pedir a los olmos que entreguen peras.No puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortaly andar arrojando a los cerdos miles de perlas!A: Ay! Amor me duele tanto, me duele tanto!Que no creas más en mis promesas.Sh: Ahy! Amor...A: Es una tortura...Sh:...perderte!A: Yo sé que no he sido un santo,pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Sh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusas vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Mejor te guardas todo eso.A otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adiós!A: Dame, damela. No te bajes, no te bajes,oye negrita mira, no te rajes.De lunes a viernes tienes mi amor,déjame sábado a mi que es mejor!Oye mi negra no me castigues más,porque allá afuera sin ti no tengo paz!Yo sólo soy un hombre arrepentidoy como el ave que vuelve a su nido.A: Yo sé que no he sido un santoy es que no estoy hecho de cartónSh: No sólo de pan vive el hombrey no de excusas vivo yo!A: Sólo de errores se aprendey hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón.Sh: Ay!... Ay!... ay, ay, ay, Ay!Todo lo que he hecho por ti.Fue una tortura perderte y me duele tanto que sea así.Sigue llorando perdón. Yo...(A: Oye mira no te rajes!)yo no voy...a llorar hoy por ti!http://music.baidu.com/song/7997490

Shakira的《Tu》 歌词

歌曲名:Tu歌手:Shakira专辑:Live And Off The RecordShakira - TuTe regalo mi cinturaY mis labios para cuando quieras besarTe regalo mi locuraY las pocas neuronas que quedan yaMis zapatos deste?idosEl diario en el que escriboTe doy hasta mis suspirosPero no te vayas másPorque eres tu mi solLa fe con que vivoLa potencia de mi vozLos pies con que caminoEres tu amorMis ganas de reírEl adiós que no sabré decirPorque nunca podré vivir sin tiSi algún día decidierasAlejarte nuevamente de aquíCerraría cada puertaPara que nunca pudieras salirTe regalo mis silenciosTe regalo mi narizYo te doy hasta mis huesosPero quédate aquíPorque nunca podré vivirhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1616555



急求the adventure of an it leader.pdf

make adventure 意思是 “进行冒险活动”, make adventure of 就是 “进行 ... 的冒险活动”或 “冒 ... 之险”。




我想在win11系统上,用vagrant启动VirtualBox 原来在win10上搭建过,新电脑升级了win11,我想再重新搭建一套虚拟机 win 11 vagrant_2.2.6_x86_64.msi VirtualBox-6.0.12-133076-Win.exe 先是采用了官网的建议 #20545 (Windows 11 Support) – Oracle VM VirtualBox 注意要用管理员身份运行,运行后要重启电脑 可是,没管用,然后几经波折,我还是没有解决。 静下来想一想,应该是我win11的问题,显然VirtualBox也知道有这个问题,他在新版应该有所解决,我决定卸载重来 卸载VirtualBox和vagrant 安装了最新的版本: vagrant_2.2.19_x86_64.msi (原来的版本只能启动VirtualBox-6.0,所以vagrant也要更新) VirtualBox-6.1.28-147628-Win.exe

安装vm virtualbox后 ,进入界面时,提醒输入用户名和密码,请问用户名 密码是什么?


vagrant ssh 登陆ubuntu 为什么每次都要输密码?并未在vagrantfile中配置password

1.下载安装 VirtualBox 下载地址:https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads 2.安装 Vagrant 下载地址:http://downloads.vagrantup.com/ 根据提示一步步安装。 3.下载系统镜像 在init vagrant时可以直接添加系统镜像,考虑到国内的网速情况,...

virtualBox和vagrant 的区别

vagrant 比 virtualbox 等虚拟机软件高阶vagrant 会呼叫 virtualbox 等为其服务若要更深入了解差异,可将 vagrant 与 vboxmanage (by virtualbox)命令的参数与功能做一比较对于服务器,没有图形界面,virtualbox 怎么点?使用 virtualbox headless 启动,你试试配置端口转发和文件夹挂载,那参数表的长度。vagrant 本身是 DSL语言。对 virtualbox headless进行操作,让配置更人性化,把冗长的命令简化了,把大部分参数配置在可读性很强的配置文件中,使用简单的命令就可以完成操作。因为今天刚刚接触vagrant,我来试着描诉一下,不对之处还请指正。我们开发的时候,面临的一个大问题是,环境不同意,最常见的就是:哎呀,在我机器上没问题,怎么在你这就不能跑了。可能配置不一样,或者缺少某个依赖。多人合作或者跨平台开发很可能遇到这些问题。那么有没有办法统一开发环境呢?vagrant就是做这个的,配置好了开发环境,打包到一个.box 文件(或者直接使用别人打包好到.box文件),这就是一个虚拟机,下次换环境的时候,直接使用这个虚拟机开发就可以了。这就是vagrant的方便之处。所以vagrant依赖于virtualbox 或者 vmware等虚拟机软件。还有更多的功能我还没很深的体会,所以先说这么多:)- Vagrantfile 可以清楚描述你希望这台 VM 做的事情(内存数,IP 地址,第一次启动时的 Puppet部署,端口转发) - Vagrantfile 的变化可以用 git 追踪 - 同时启动 N 台搭建模拟集群非常方便一般折腾用virtualbox,频繁折腾用vagrant1.virtualbox的共享目录/端口映射单独配置很麻烦,用vagrant极为方便,没有用vagrant之前,我甚至不知道vb有这两个功能 2. vagrant 提供了一堆 mini ubuntuiso,这个在前2年非常稀有 3. 而且这些iso里面的virtualbox tools都帮你安装好了,很方便vagrant还包括OS起来之后的provision,比如我用git维护自己的vagrant配置,无论用公司pc还是自己的mac,通过vagrantup就能把自己的开发环境全部搭好。尤其涉及到你的开发平台为了跑特定程序需要起各种服务的时候,vagrant简直太有用了。 而且用vagrant管理的时候,还可以把对应的配置share给测试,这样别人帮你做测试的时候就能省掉很多环境搭建的工作,而且不用担心测试环境跟你开发环境有差别。Vagrant 是一个可创建轻量级、高复用性和便于移植的开发环境的工具。在非专业人士眼里,这意味着Vagrant抛弃开发环境中所有让人头痛的设置代之为了一个单一的配置文件,你可以选择你的服务器所需要的特性予以保留。你将不会再被XAMMP,手动配置虚拟环境,或者使用FTP远程编辑所卡住。实际上使用 Vagrant也需要虚拟机,当即使用Vagrant打包系统后会发现系统里面有一个Vagrant的进程,只是说你可以使用Vagrant的一些命令简单的操作虚拟系统,Vagrant的目的在于有一个统一的环境,不会出现“在我的电脑上没有问题,怎么你那里不行”这样的问题。实际上还是建议直接使用虚拟机,我用过vagrant搭建环境,但最后还是不如直接使用虚拟机爽

anne studio是什么牌子


annual turnover 和 annual sale什么区别

annual turnover 是年营业额,annual sale 是年销售额具体营业额和销售额是不一样的.

annual turnover 和 annual sale什么区别

annual turnover年周转量;年营业额;年销售额;年度经营额annual sale周年大减价


设计师保罗伦纳1924年至1926年首次创建Futura字体,他认为现代的字体应该表达的现代模式,避免产生任何非必要的元素Futura成功催生了新的几何无衬线字体,如卡贝尔和世纪哥特式特点是用清脆、干净的形式反映效率和卤莽的外观。 Futura代表现代主义设计。这款字体当年是先锋字体,而在现在是精益求精的代名词,有着深厚的文化积累和底蕴。(宜家前年将Futura字体换掉,就引起大众批评)

bios setup utility怎么把CPU风扇报警关闭


如何在 Ubuntu 中安装最新的 Arduino IDE 1.6.6

GIMP 图像编辑器 2.8.16 版本在其20岁生日时发布了。下面是如何安装或升级 GIMP 在 Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 及其衍生版本中,如 Linux Mint 17.x/13,Elementary OS Freya。GIMP 2.8.16 支持 OpenRaster 文件中的层组,修复了 PSD 中的层组支持以及各种用户界面改进,修复了 OSX 上的构建系统,以及更多新的变化。如何安装或升级多亏了 Otto Meier,Ubuntu PPA 中最新的 GIMP 包可用于当前所有的 Ubuntu 版本和其衍生版。1、添加 GIMP PPA从 Unity Dash 中打开终端,或者通过 Ctrl+Alt+T 快捷键打开。在它打开它后,粘贴下面的命令并回车:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp 输入密码,密码不会在终端显示,然后回车继续。2、安装或升级编辑器在添加了 PPA 后,启动 Software Updater(在 Mint 中是 Software Manager)。检查更新后,将看到 GIMP 的更新列表。点击 “Install Now” 进行升级。upgrade-gimp2816对于那些喜欢 Linux 命令的,按顺序执行下面的命令,刷新仓库的缓存,然后安装 GIMP:sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gimp3、(可选的) 卸载如果你想卸载或降级 GIMP 图像编辑器。从软件中心直接删除它,或者按顺序运行下面的命令来将 PPA 清除并降级软件:sudo apt-get install ppa-purge sudo ppa-purge ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp

美国亚马逊上传产品中manfacturer part number是怎么写



TüV标志,德国莱茵TUV集团,其前身为1872年成立的“Verein zür überwachüng der Dampfkessel”(即“蒸汽锅炉监督协会”),后来成为德国TüV专为元器件产品定制的一个安全认证标志,在德国和欧洲得到广泛的接受。

求助,请问Manufacturer Part Number是什么意思

Manufacturer Parts Number 就是零部件编号 ,它是来确定部件的唯一标识


  Manufacturer Part Number  制造商零件编号; 制造商零件号;  [例句]Helicopter components. manufacturer"s part number  直升机元件.制造商的零件号

请以 ”Cultural Norms“ 为题写一篇200字的英文作文

Cultural Differences and marketingGlobalization is an inevitable process in the 21st Century, and so is the cross-culturalization. On the one hand, the world is becoming more homogeneous, and distinctions between national markets are not only fading but, for some products, will disappear altogether. This means that marketing is now a world-encompassing discipline. However, on the other hand, the differences among nations, regions, and ethnic groups in terms of cultural factors are far from distinguishing but become more obvious. It is suggested that the claims for "a right to culture" by national states in recent years can be important criteria for trade policy making, intellectual property rights protection, and the resource for national interests. The last summit of francophone nations in the 20th century called for a "cultural exception" in GATT/WTO rules governing trade of goods. The claims will not only affect public policy in these nations but international trade rules. It might initiate a worldwide cultural protectionism for trans-national marketing while we are approaching the globalization economically in the 21st Century. From a marketing point of view it is very important for marketers to realize that as the world becomes globalized the cultural imperative is upon us; markets in the 21st century are world and yet cross-cultural markets. To be aware of and sensitive to the cultural differences is a major premise for the success in the 21st Century marketplace. The cross-cultural issues will provide more challenges and opportunities to the marketers in the 21st Century although they might not be totally new in the marketing area. There are many unsolved problems or issues that need to be solved and discussed by the scholars and marketing professionals in theories and in practice. In the theoretic area these themes and issues need to be probed: 1) culture impacts on marketing (international versus domestic); 2) cross-cultural dimensions of marketing research; 3) cross-cultural aspects of marketing mix (products, price, promotion, and distribution; 4) cross-cultural marketing education and professional training; 5) cross-cultural practice in electronic marketing.The topics or themes listed above can be viewed as guidelines for further theoretic studies although they will not be treated as exclusive for the marketing scholars. More themes and topics will be discovered as the theoretic discussions going on. In terms of marketing practice, the following points should be guidelines for marketers to minimize the possible cross-cultural marketing mistakes: 1) develop cultural empathy (recognize, understand, and respect another"s culture and difference); 2) be culturally neutral and realize that different is not necessarily better or worse; 3) never assume transferability of a concept from one culture to another; 4) get cultural informants involved into the decision-makings. Cross-cultural marketing is defined as the strategic process of marketing among consumers whose culture differs from that of the marketer"s own culture at least in one of the fundamental cultural aspects, such as language, religion, social norms and values, education, and the living style. Cross-cultural marketing demands marketers to be aware of and sensitive to the cultural differences; to respect the right to culture by the consumers in various cultures and marketplaces, marketers should understand that they deserved the right to their cultures. If the marketers want to be the winners in the cross-cultural marketing they must create the marketing mix that meets the consumer"s values on a right to their culture. From the anthropological perspective all market behaviors are culture-bound. Both consumer behavior and business practices are performed to a large extent by the culture within which they take place. Therefore, in order to match the marketing mix with consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and product-use patterns in a potential market, marketers must have a thorough understanding of the cultural environment of that market, i.e., marketing cross-culturally. However, this is by no means to suggest that in the 21st century all marketers should focus on cultural differences only to adjust marketing programs to make them accepted by the consumers in various markets. In contrast, it is suggested that successful marketers should also seek out cultural similarities, in order to identify opportunities to implement a modified standardized marketing mix. To be able to skillfully manipulate these similarities and differences in the worldwide marketplaces is one of the most important marketing strategies for businesses in the 21st Century. As discussed above, marketing cross-culturally requires that marketers determine the cultural viability of markets. To determine the cultural viability of market means that the marketers should positively identify cultural factors that can be used to facilitate the marketing program in the targeted markets. These factors may or may not exist in the targeted markets; a successful marketer is able to make use of those already existent factors while create other non-existent factors. The classic anthropological theory suggests that while all human behaviors, including market behaviors, take place within a cultural context, human beings are able to influence and even change, through their behaviors, the cultural context within which their behaviors take place. Accordingly, not only does culture influence marketing; but marketing also influences culture. Marketers can act as agents of changes within a culture. The interactions between marketing and culture can be examined from three perspectives. First, culture defines acceptable purchasing and product-use behavior for both consumers and business. Let us take business gift as an example, in cultures where a business gift is expected but not presented, it is an insult of to the host. In countries where gifts generate an obligation, such as in Japan, it may be beneficial to engage in the practice. Yet, in other cultures, offering a business gift could be misinterpreted as inappropriate, thus offending the recipients. Secondly, each element of culture influences each component of the marketing mix. Promotion, for instance, is strongly influenced by the language. Product acceptance is affected by culturally based attitudes towards change. And distribution is influenced by social institutions, such as kinship ties. Thirdly, marketing also influences culture, especially by contributing to cultural borrowing and change. In the long run, as more markets become global and standardization of marketing mix increases, the rate of cultural changes will also increase. Nonetheless, cultures may change slowly, and specific products many meet with protracted resistance. Therefore, the primary task for marketers is to locate the similarities in various markets and strategically make them available for entering into the new markets cross-culturally. Marketing cross-culturally is a process during which marketers need to continuously adjust their behaviors and marketing programs to fit into the targeted markets. However, when entering foreign markets, marketers frequently fall into the trap of the self-reference criterion, the unconscious application of one"s own cultural experiences and values to a market in another culture. Even more dangerous than self-reference criterion is ethnocentrism, the belief that one"s own culture is superior to any other. It is important for the marketers know that there is no room for ethnocentrism in the 21st Century marketing practice.

langwage is the carrier of the culture

langwage打错了吧。如果是Language is the carrier of the culture.的话,那就是语言是文化的载体。

English as a global lingua franca makes for (=promotes)cross-cultural communication.

英语作为一种全球通用语言(lingua franca )促进(makes for =promotes)了跨文化交流。

corruption from a cross-cultural perspective 有没有看过的

corruption from a cross-cultural perspective 跨文化视野中的腐败重点词汇释义corruption腐败; 贪污; 贿赂; 变体cross-cultural超越一种文化的,比较各种文化的

what is cross-cultural communication


有谁可以帮我找出这些问题的答案 关於cross cultural的~!千恩万谢了~!!

spring brother is pure man !

cross-cultural differences英英释义


求关于“Cultural Differences "英文文章


cross-cultural awareness是什么意思


一个以“cross-cultural communication”为话题的三人对话,出现的词汇尽量简单,对话稍微长点

A:Nice to meet you. My name is Cherry from China.B:Nice to meet you. My name is Christan from England.c:I am Michael from US. Nice to meet you.A:Christan, What is your hometown like?B:It is very beautiful, there are the best beautiful villages there.C:Really?B:Yes, if you have chance for there, you will know.

关于英国纽卡斯尔大学Cross-Cultural Communication MA专业的问题


What do you think of cross-cultural marriage?

is great! depends....

definition of cross-cultural awarenes

Cross-cultural awareness refers to the cross-cultural communication of the participants in the cultural understanding of the sensitivity factors. Generally divided into four levels: first, to those who have been recognized as the surface is the strange phenomenon of cultural awareness; Second, for those with the native culture and is considered to be contrary incredibly significant awareness of the cultural identity; through three Rational analysis in order to gain awareness of cultural identity; the four holders of cultural differences from the perspective of perceived cultural differences.

cross-cultural communicator是什么意思

cross-cultural communication n. 跨文化交际;[例句]Further the author proposes the view point of uniformization in translation from the perspectives of appreciation and cross-cultural communication.结论:从欣赏和跨文化交际的角度出发提出了词牌翻译统一化的观点。

跨文化的翻译中intercultural 和 crosscultural 的区别

intercultural 是不同文化间的, 并没有跨文化的意思cross-cultural 才是跨文化的.

cross cultural sensitivity是什么意思

跨文化敏感性Preventing these conflicts is possible with increased awareness of our own attitudes as well as sensitivity to cross-cultural differences.我们可以通过有意识地调整自己的态度以及对文化差异的敏感度来阻止这些冲突的发生。

cross-cultural fertilisation 什么意思

cross-cultural fertilisation跨文化的受精满意的话望采纳

Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultures can be helpful in cross-cultural commun

为啥刚只看到标题,如果是标题,那:often 后面应该少了comunicate with 之类的词,整个句子的意思是:经常和熟悉两边文化的中间人交流/接触,有助于跨文化的传达。



returnable schedule 是什么意思

returnable schedule回收计划schedule[英][u02c8u0283edju:l][美][u02c8skedu0292u:l]n.时刻表,进度表; 清单,明细表; 预定计划; 目录; vt.排定,安排; 将…列表; 为…作目录; 第三人称单数:schedules复数:schedules现在进行时:scheduling过去式:scheduled过去分词:scheduled双语例句He has been forced to adjust his schedule.他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。


public class Student {String name;//销售名字double ordinary;//学生平均成绩double attendance;//学生出勤率public boolean qualified(){return ordinary>=60&&attendance>=0.6;}public String toString(){return name+" "+ordinary+" "+attendance;}public static void main(String[] args) {Student st=new Student();st.name="小明";st.ordinary=50.5;st.attendance=0.5;boolean zg= st.qualified();//判断考试资格String xx=st.toString();//基本信息System.out.println(zg);System.out.println(xx);}}


anti其实不是从VTB圈来的。。百度解释:就是一些不满某个当红的明星而针对不满的明星所采取的的各种行为、乃至做出极端行为的反对者。可以说是吹毛求疵了还有 其实中国V圈大多自称anti的都不是真anti,中国v圈还是gachi多的DD”是日语谁でも大好き(无论是谁都最喜欢)的缩写,取假名音 Da re de mo Da i su ki中大写的两个D组合而成。“单推”是与DD相对的词语,语义为只喜换某一个角色或偶像。“gachi”是日语がち(真的;认真的)的罗马音拼写,在大陆Vtuber粉丝圈是“gachi恋”的缩写。“gachi恋”的意思近似于“真爱粉”。事实上,由于DD梗在中文互联网的泛滥,“DD”一词从日语环境中的偏贬义词状态过渡到了如今中文互联网中的中性词状态。如果一个人说出“DD是有极限的”这句话,没准接下来就会发表一通单推宣言。也可能会变本加厉同样,公开宣称自己是单推的人,背地里可能是个DD头子。他们被戳穿时可能会这样自我辩解嘲讽:“单推所有Vtuber不也是单推么!”当然,这些都是Vtuber粉丝圈打趣的边角料。无论你是DD、单推人还是gachi,乱玩梗都是禁止的。

attendance status是什么意思

attendance status 全部释义和例句>> 出席状况

Happy mid autumn day!U0001f4ad这是什么意思

中秋节快乐mid autumn day 中秋节[例句]The Moon gets full on Mid Autumn Day, the family gets prosperous through union.整句话是“中秋圆月,家和万事兴”吧?!

中秋快乐的英文 happy mid autumn festival怎么发音读

what mid autumn festival

以my family,s mid autumnDay为题的英语作文80词左右

您好:My FamilyHello,everyone! Today I"m very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard.In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family!希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~

mid autumn day前面加什么介词

in mid autumn day

Platero Y Tu的《Magia》 歌词

歌曲名:Magia歌手:Platero Y Tu专辑:7『Magia』歌:Kalafina作词:梶浦由记作/编曲:梶浦由记いつか君が瞳に灯す爱の光が〖终有一天 在你眼眸中所亮起的爱之光芒〗时を超えて〖能够超越时间〗灭び急ぐ世界の梦を〖那时 这正急速崩毁的世界之梦〗确かに一つ壊すだろう〖至少有一个 真的会被破坏掉吧〗踌躇いを饮み干して〖将踌躇一饮而尽〗君が望むモノは何?〖你所期望的到底是什么〗こんな欲深い憧れの行方に〖在这如此贪婪地憧憬着的前方〗儚い明日はあるの?〖还会有虚幻的明日存在吗?〗子供の顷梦に见てた 古の魔法のように〖如同儿时所梦见的 古魔法那般〗闇さえ砕く力で〖凭借着这股连黑暗也能被击碎的力量〗微笑む君に会いたい〖一心渴望着 能与微笑着的你相见〗怯えるこの手の中には〖在这畏怯的双手之中的〗手折られた花の勇気〖是被折之花的勇气〗想いだけが頼る全て〖只有这份思念 是可以依靠的全部〗光を呼び覚ます 愿い〖因呼唤光明而觉醒的 愿望〗いつか君も谁かの为に〖终有一天 你也会为了谁〗强い力を望むのだろう〖而渴求强大的力量吧〗爱が胸を捉えた夜に〖当这颗心被爱意紧揪之夜〗未知の言叶が生まれて来る〖将会诞生出 未知的话语〗迷わずに行けるなら〖若是能毫无迷惘地前进〗心が砕けてもいいわ〖那么将这颗心粉碎掉也无妨〗いつも目の前の哀しみに〖为了能够直面眼前这挥之不去的悲哀〗立ち向かう为の 呪文が欲しい〖渴望着 咒语〗君はまだ梦见る记忆〖你仍在梦见的这些记忆〗私は眠らない明日〖我无法入眠的明日〗二人が出会う奇迹を 胜ち取る为に进むわ〖为了能争取到 两人相逢的奇迹 而不断向前〗怯えるこの手の中には〖在这畏怯的双手之中的〗手折られた花の刃〖是折断花儿的利刃〗想いだけが生きる全て〖只有这份思念 是生存的全部〗心に振りかざす 愿い〖充斥着内心的 愿望〗囚われた太阳の辉く〖被囚禁的太阳 依然闪耀着光辉〗不思议の国の本が好きだった顷〖在依旧喜欢着不可思议之国的书的时候〗愿いはきっと叶うと 教えるお伽噺を 信じた(光と影の中)〖坚信着 愿望定能实现的传言(光与影之中)〗静かに咲き乱れていた 古の魔法优しく〖在这片宁静中怒放着的 古魔法〗世界を変える力が〖将世界变得温柔的力量〗その手にあると嗫く〖正在手中窃窃低语〗终わらない梦を见よう 君と行く时の中で〖在与你同行之时 希望这会是一个永不结束的梦〗想いだけが生きる全て〖只有这份思念 是生存的全部〗命を作るのは 愿い〖使我降生于世的这份愿望〗そう雪 制作终わるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1114933


你的ubuntu是不是14.04 以下的版本?这个bug 在 kernel 更新到 3.3.6 以后 就解决了。我建议你有两个选择:进入recovery恢复模式,安装新版本的kernel。直接安装Ubuntu 16.04 LTS。参考:与你同样的问题:
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