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monsters是凯蒂·斯凯的一首歌曲,出自专辑《The Tune

Monsters - Katie Sky (凯蒂·斯凯)//Lyrics by:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park//I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters我看到你内心的怪兽时I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走In the dark we we我们在黑暗中We stand apart we we被迫分开Never see that the things we need are staring right at us却不知道 我们需要的东西就在眼前You just want to hide hide你一味地躲避Hide never show your smile smile从来不肯露出笑容Stand alone when you need someone it"s the hardest thing of all世间最难的事情 是你需要帮助时却四下无人That you see are the bad bad你想到的只有痛苦的过去Bad memories take your time and you"ll find me不要着急 我很快就会出现的I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走I could see the sky sky我可以看到Sky beautiful tonight night今天的夜空绚烂多彩When you breathe why can"t you see that the clouds are in your head当你呼吸时 请看看头顶的云彩I would stay there there我一直都在那里There"s no need to fear fear不要害怕And when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust当你需要和信任的人倾诉时What you see are the bad bad你想到的只有痛苦的过去Bad memories take your time and you"ll find me不要着急 我很快就会出现的I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走I"ll chase them all away我会将它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light你一定能看到光明Even in the darkest night即使是在最漆黑的夜晚And I"ll be here like you were for me我会一直陪着你 就像你曾经守护着我一样So just let me in所以 让我走进你的心里吧Cause I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走

take off ,be off,go off,see...off, turn off 各是什么意思

take off(v.)拿掉 取消 脱衣 起飞 减弱 离开 岔开 复制be off离开 取消go off(v.)离开 去世 消失 睡去 爆炸 被发射 进行 变质see...off送行turn off(v.)关掉, 避开, 使转变方向, 生产, 制造, 用车床加工出, 使厌烦, 变成

pem stud 是什么意思

PEM是美国的一个紧固件标准。PEM STUD 估计是指符合PEM标准的栓钉。

ubuntu 怎么添加.pem

在源里加上cdrom sudo apt-cdrom -m -d /cdrom add 这样生成的source.cn(这一点没有验证),手动删掉他们,只留cdrom,开始升级吧: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 2、添加光盘源 如果ISO刻到光盘上了,再想把它来做源 就插上光盘 先挂载光驱,再添加那个挂载点做源 sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom



altitude above sea-level是什么意思

altitude above sea-level释义海拔高程; 海拔高度双语例句 1An air pressure altitude measurement system which took advantage of the relationship between air pressure and altitude above sea-level was studied and realized by MCU.本文研究了一种利用大气压力与海平面高度的关系,使用单片机实现气压高度测量的系统。

美国nature made flaxseed oil亚麻籽油 什么人不能吃

亚麻籽油没有固定针对人群,刚做完手术的人建议不要食用 。因为亚麻籽油中的亚麻酸可以使血液流动性变强 。使其伤口不宜于愈合 。而这样的确定缺点 却也是亚麻籽油的优势 。如果您对亚麻籽油又一定的了解。可以了解下依诺金品牌亚麻籽油 。

帮忙翻译几个词的意思 1 go over 2 get over 3 turn over 4 look over 什么意思?

1 go over 仔细检查,润色,复习 2 get over 爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅 3 turn over 打翻,营业额达到,周转,移交给,反复考虑,翻身,折腾,翻阅 4 look over 从...上面看,察看,检查,原谅 调查,从上面看过去

马来西亚的batu kawa是什么地方

Batu Kawan =峇都交湾是槟城州 {Penang) 的一个小岛. 算是个旅游胜地....

Applicant’s signature一栏怎么填?

到“百度”搜索以下两个文件看看,想必有些帮助(不能发链接给你-链接经常会被“和谐掉:):1、Adobe移动应用可在pdf文件上添加签名和注解 2、用Adobe Acrobat或VeryPDF PDF Stamp2.3破解版批量给多个pdf文件加签名或水印的方法

Applicant’s signature一栏怎么填

Applicant"s signature申请人签名写 你自己的就可以了。

Applicant’s signature是什么意思


applicant signature and company chop是什么意思

英文:applicant signature and company chop中文:申请人签名及公司印章很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

塞班岛Natural Nail Spa的具体地址在哪

Natural Nail Spa位于塞班市区,具体地址是Micro Beach Rd, 96950, Mariana Islands,开门时间一般是周日下午1:00-下午6:00周一-周六上午10:00-下午8:00。周边玩乐景点美国纪念公园与Natural Nail Spa距离0.32km麦克海滩与Natural Nail Spa距离0.68km军舰岛与Natural Nail Spa距离3.25km酒店星沙酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.2km海岛酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.25km塞班水湾酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.25km餐厅Tony Roma"s与Natural Nail Spa距离0.35kmMoby Dick Restaurant与Natural Nail Spa距离0.42kmCountry House(乡村之屋)与Natural Nail Spa距离0.43km。

请以Homes in the future为题,写一篇短文提示词汇:cool in winter, warm in summer, robot, everyone’

Homes in the future will be very nice and comfortable. It will be cool in winter and warm in summer. There will be a robot at everyone"s home.And it will help people do housework, clean house and cook the meal.It will look after children and old people. It also can tell children stories. What a wonderful home! 试题分析:本书面表达是讨论未来的家是怎样的,根据提示词汇可知,本文主要讲述在将来的家庭中会有机器人来完成各种工作。由于是谈论将来的家庭,故本文应该用将来时;人称主要牵扯机器人,故人称应用it。写作中,应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。点评:本题给出的材料较为简略,可发挥的空间较大,所以自己可以选择自己比较熟悉的内容发挥,利用自己熟悉的单词句式等。

we are going up,we are going down, we are turning around。翻译,谢谢


college board 寄成绩, status 出现pending是何意思?


pending status是什么意思

pending status等待状态双语对照词典结果:pending status[英][u02c8pendiu014b u02c8steitu0259s][美][u02c8pu025bndu026au014b u02c8stetu0259s][计] 未决状态; 例句:1.The license applications had been in Pending status and are now all active.

pending status是什么意思


我电脑里有两首歌..但不知道歌名..请帮忙找找..谢谢了.. http://www.tudou.com/home/_51220470

1、歌名:So wie ich 歌手:P-ride&Katha德语说唱http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MRKtqkhHzHk/2、歌曲:don"t go away作词:Miko Yumi Acid Pang作曲:Miko Yumi Wilson Tan Zennon Goh演唱:by2 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg1ODI2MzY0.htmlLooking through your eyesthere"s nothing to hideAnd you"re no longer mineHow could I survivewhen you say goodbyeWhy do birds still fly up highCan"t stop the tears from fallin"We used to be so finewhen you walked into my lifeI tried to reach out for youjust to be with youMy heart is breakin"Don"t Don"t Go AwayBaby don"t you know I miss you soDon"t Don"t Go AwayI"ve never been on my own beforeWooh Oh…Can"t you hear me just take me with youSo don"t don"t go awayDon"t Don"t Go AwayBaby don"t you know I miss you soDon"t Don"t Go AwayI"ve never been on my own beforeSo won"t you feel my heartbeat once moreWooh Oh……

请问一下literature review怎么写?最好有例子和格式.

  Literature Review写法:看了文献中作者相关理论之后,总结作者的观点在提出自己的看法,要求举例支撑观点的要举例 。具体写法可以参照以下格式  To better understand the characters of transformational and transactional leadership. Levinthal & March (2001) illustrates the fact that transactional and transformational leadership is intrinsically a collaboration and decision making orientation which emphasizes the development and empowerment of expertise ,the understanding of reform together with encouraging employees to carry out reforms. Bass & Avolio (2001) examines that leader set up objectives and orientations as well as spurring employees by clarifying roles and work requirements. They also present transactional leaders" charisma or idealized influence, inspirational motivation, stimulation and individualized consideration, which traits could get employees to exert them to working to the largest extent in order to achieve group goals. Schriesheim (2002) shows how each reward system is made use of in an organization so as to achieve leaders" vision. Pillai, et al (2003) expound that transactional and transformational leadership is based on the notion that leaders give employees rewards or punishments according to their performance in the course of transaction. Boisot (2003) points out, under transactional and transformational leadership, that leaders can create with employees a professional atmosphere and attitude. Through the development of the profession, decision sharing, and the promotion of self-value, they can co-create an environment where respect, acceptance, kindness, support for growth and learning are appreciated.

we have forty-five students.为什么四十五名学生要加-

这应该是英语数词写法的固定格式吧,凡是表示几十几,几十与几之间要加-。67 sixty-seven53 fifty-three28 twenty-eight

pictures in my head 翻译


c++出现[Error] ld returned 1 exit status?

head.h头文件中声明的4个函数,void StartTyph();void StopTyph();void StartWar();void StopWar(); 只有声明却没有函数体的定义,所以编译出错了。下面这样,就能编译通过了:#include "head.h"int main(){ Welcome(); return 0;}void Welcome(){ int WelDat; cout<<"请选择1-4的编号"<<endl; cin>>WelDat; switch(WelDat) { case 1: StartTyph(); break; case 2: StopTyph(); break; case 3: StartWar(); break; case 4: StopWar(); break; }}void StartTyph(){};void StopTyph(){};void StartWar(){};void StopWar(){};


MTU设置 MTU,即Maximum Transmission Unit(最大传输单元),此值设定TCP/IP协议传输数据报时的最大传输单元。设置合适的MTU值可以解决“部分网站打不开”、“上网速度慢”等问题,并且可以适当提升上网速度。设置多大的MTU值取决于你的上网方式,不同的上网方式支持不同的MTU,下面列出了一些上网方式的MTU值:EtherNet(一般上网方式,默认值):1500PPPoE/ADSL:1492Dial Up/Modem:576问题一:知道了我的上网方式,如何设置MTU值?1. 在 『开始』>『运行』中,键入regedit,点确定; 2. 选择『HKEY_Local_Machine』>『SYSTEM』>『CurrentControlSet』>『Services』>『Tcpip』>『Parameters』>『interface』; 3. 在 interface 底下可能有很多的选项,你一个一个的去看,会有一个选项与你的网卡的 IP 相同,那个就是你要挑选的选项啦!然后同样的在该选项上选择『编辑』>『新建』>『DWORD值』之后,建立一个名为『MTU』的DWORD,然后双击修改,选择十进制,填入合适 MTU 值,确定!大功告成!问题二:我不知道自己的上网方式,如何确定MTU值呢?ping -f -l 1500 C:WINDOWS>ping -f -l 1500 with 1500 bytes of data:Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms上面的式子中,-l 是 L 的小写(不是 1 喔),1500 是我们要测的 MTU 值,结果出现了 Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. 这个东西,那表示MTU值太大了,你需要更小的 MTU 值才行!好啦!那假设我们使用 1464 来测试时:C:WINDOWS>ping -f -l 1464 with 1464 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=1464 time=10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=1464 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=1464 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=1464 time<10ms TTL=128Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 10ms, Average = 2ms结果出现了回应了!这表示这一个 MTU 值是可行的!不过,强烈建议找出可行的最大 MTU 值!这样一来,在设定的时候,才可以达到最佳的网速!找出 MTU 值:利用上面这个方法找到的数值还不是 MTU 喔!由于一些封包上面的问题,上面这个值再加上 28 才是我们所需要的 MTU 值!所以,在上面的例子中,我们所需要的 MTU 值是 1464+28=1492!一般来讲,设计好本机的MTU值,可以解决部分网站打不开的情况,但是如果你的共享主机或路由器的MTU设置有问题,有时问题仍然存或,或者出现网速过慢的情况。合理的设置路由器与本机的MTU值,就可以完全解决上述问题,使上网速度达到最大化。

circle trip 和return trip的区别

return trip回程(从你到达的地方回来)circle trip环程旅行(从你离开的地方,到达几个不同地点,又回到你离开的地方)

Doctoral Student 和Ph.D Student有什么不同


round trip ticket 跟return ticket 是一样的吗 有不同吗


Opportunity 歌词

你好,感谢你关注并喜欢上OPPO的产品!OPPO的705T这个型号非常受大家的喜爱。因为OPPO Ulike 2(U705T)机器操作系统:Android OS 并经过OPPO公司专门优化后适合大家平时操作和人性化的改进的系统。摄像头像素:后置800万像素,前置500万像素;4.5英寸的高清屏幕让你不仅是拍照,看视频,看图片,小说都是一种非常爽的体验。机器有时尚外观,专门设计的人体工程握感的外观和Ulike丽人功能软件;机器相机自带有极致美颜功能,可以令用户拍摄出来的照片有如化妆美颜后的效果。您可以参考一下官方网站的介绍。同时 这个非常适合年轻有品味有追求的人使用!建议您可以到各大OPPO专卖店体验下机器,谢谢

zowie的broken machine歌词?http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/s0Zut7L1PC0/

歌手:lukather steve 专辑:luke Of rags and bonesRusty old wheels on a cobblestone streetEverything I wonFollows me round like a ghost that won"t leave me aloneEven sticks and stonesCan"t leave a mark on this spirit of steelHave you really grownLukather SteveWhen you come back bleeding from your love torn battlesWish I could feel bad for youOr sympathize after all I"ve been throughI"m not as strong as I seemWhile your heart is beatingI"ve got this broken machineThose days have goneTook so long just to pick myself up, and try to walk aloneNo more afraid to let the sun stare at my faceSee what you have doneTake so long to replaceAs for your falling apart at the seamsWish I could feel bad for youOr sympathize after all that I"ve been throughHow come you"re not as you seemYou"ve got your problemYour self-esteemWish I could feel bad for youOr feel anything after all I"ve been throughI"m not as strong as I seemWhile your heart is beatingI"ve got this broken machine

KinKi Kids和KAT-TUN 为什么关系不好

呃,关于这个关系不好,应该是定义不同。如果以跟KK之间关系亲密程度的后辈团来判断,那就是现在关系不太亲密的后辈。KK在J家都是很受后辈们尊敬的前辈,他们对待后辈也是不遗余力的提拔培养。KT是当年KK非常着力提携的后辈,KT成立原本就是为了光一的NHK节目pop jam个人solo表演伴舞,当年跟着光一一直活跃在NHK和KK的每场con里,所以KK饭对他们都非常熟悉。但是,KT出道以后,自己有了自己的饭丝,不再需要KK的提携,他们嘴里提到KK的时候就渐渐变少了,逐渐也跟KK的关系变淡了很多。现在基本就没有交集了,也几乎听不到KT的人对KK当年提携培养的感激的言论了。而且,似乎,好像,听说,KT里个别成员对KK也曾经有些让我们KK饭听了不太舒服的言论。这样才会造成KK跟KT关系不好的说法吧。其实,你想啊,以KK两人在娱乐圈混的那么多大咖那么多艺人都跟他们关系很好,怎么可能跟自己家后辈关系不好?他们两个那么聪明,不会随便给自己树敌的,何况,KT自己也是J家的人,怎么敢在日本那种后辈前辈非常明确的规矩下,不尊敬身为前辈的KK?他们不会做这么明显的违反日本规矩的事情了。最多也就是不怎么来往了而已。不过,以KK提携过的后辈团,后辈里,KT确实是关系最淡的一个。而MA 4U TT甚至是ARASHI,这些曾经给KK伴舞的后辈们,对KK都很亲密和尊敬。



图片英文、照片英文怎么说? Picture 与 Photo 中文意思!看例句搞懂

图片英文、照片英文 照片英文 、 图片英文 应该怎么说呢?常见的照片英文跟图片英文说法有 Photo 跟 Picture …这两个英文单字里面很像是中文里面的「照片」跟「图片」,但其实还是有一点小差异的,虽然现在这两个英文单字很常被混用了。 如果你还不知道 照片跟图片的英文 要怎么说,以及不是很了解 Photo 跟 Picture 这两个英文单字之间的些微差异,本篇文章会有完整的讲解。 下面教学跟照片还有图片相关的英文说法跟例句,赶快学起来吧! 文章目录 一、图片英文 Picture / Pic 二、照片英文 Photo /photograph 三、Photo 跟 Picture 差在哪? 照片英文/图片英文 总整理 一、图片英文 Picture / Pic Picture 的意思更像是中文里面的「图片」,可以指艺术照、画画、绘画,甚至是拍照的照片也可以用 Picture。 另外,图片的英文 Pictures 的缩写也可以叫做 Pics。 例: We can"t get a clear picture. 我们看不到清晰的画面。 例: Every picture tells a story. 每张照片都讲述一个故事。 例: He gave me a picture of her. 他给了我一张她的照片。 二、照片英文 Photo /photograph Photo 这个英文单字比较像是中文里面的「照片」,而且通常是指拍照的那种照片,所以摄影师的职业叫做 photographer。 跟摄影有关的英文可以参考:【摄影 英文】摄影师、光圈、快门、镜头、三脚架…英文怎么说? 另外,照片英文 Photo 其实是 photograph 的缩写,因为叫 Photo 比较简洁。 例: holiday/wedding photos 假期/婚礼照片 例: She took lots of photos of him. 她给他拍了很多照片。 三、Photo 跟 Picture 差在哪? 虽然现在几乎已经都被混著用了,所以Photo 跟 Picture 意思上的差异真的很小。 真的要严格说的话,大概可以总结以下几点。 1.Picture 比较像是物体、人物或场景在平面上的视觉表现,而 Photo 是任何纸上任何主题的视觉表现。 2.Picture 可以指手工制作的,尤其是那些绘制或绘画的图片,而 Photo 比较指拍摄的图片,例如由相机拍摄的照片。所以摄影师才叫做 photographer。 3.Picture 可以指所有类型的视觉成像,所以 Photo 也是一种 Picture。 4.通过创建图片来拍摄某物或某人的图像这种比较艺术的东西,通常都会叫 Picture,因为完成它们需要一段时间,而 Photo 通常只需要一下就拍摄完毕了。 照片英文/图片英文 总整理 Picture 的中文翻译比较偏向图片,Photo 中文翻译比较偏向照片。拍摄照片的摄影师叫做 photographer。Picture 可以指所有类型的视觉成像,所以 Photo 也是一种 Picture。 【摄影 英文】摄影师、光圈、快门、镜头、三脚架…英文怎么说? pic 中文意思是?秒懂英文「pic」意思

study analysis英语区别


Jamelia Featuring Beenie Man的《Money》 歌词

歌曲名:Money歌手:Jamelia Featuring Beenie Man专辑:Superstar - The HitsPink Floyd: MoneyMoney, get away.Get a good job with good pay and you"re okay.Money, it"s a gas.Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.New car, caviar, four star daydream,Think I"ll buy me a football team.Money, get back.I"m all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack.Money, it"s a hit.Don"t give me that do goody good bullshit.I"m in the high-fidelity first class traveling setAnd I think I need a Lear jet.Money, it"s a crime.Share it fairly but don"t take a slice of my pie.Money, so they sayIs the root of all evil today.But if you ask for a raise it"s no surprise that they"re giving none away."HuHuh! I was in the right!""Yes, absolutely in the right!""I certainly was in the right!""You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising!""Yeah!""Why does anyone do anything?""I don"t know, I was really drunk at the time!""I was just telling him, he couldn"t get into number 2.He was askingwhy he wasn"t coming up on freely,after I was yelling and screaming and telling him why he wasn"t coming up on freely.It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out"http://music.baidu.com/song/7976538





请问a sony pictures entertainment company这里的pictures是什么意思啊


image 与 picture有什么区别

picture 通常指一幅图画,凡是有图的东西都可以称为picture.,而只是picturephoto 更多的时候是指用camera (相机)形成的相片


take 乘公共汽车 draw 画图 water 浇花




Pictures就是相册的英文,完全没有问题啊。扩展pictures 英[ˈpɪktʃəz]美[ˈpɪktʃərz]n. 图画; 绘画; 相片; 照片; 电视图像;v. 想象; 设想; 忆起; 描述; 描写; 显示在照片上; 用图片显示;[词典] picture的第三人称单数和复数;[例句]The pictures, too, were absent from the walls那些画也不在墙上了。




picture可数,复数: pictures 英 [pkt(r)] 美 [pktr] n.图画;绘画;相片;照片;电视图像 v.想象;设想;忆起;描述;描写;显示在照片上;用图片显示 扩展资料   They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV.   他们在电视上看到了警察突击搜捕的激动人心的画面。   The room was decorated with twee little pictures of animals.   这个房间里挂满了花哨的动物小图片。   The walls were covered with pictures.   这些墙上挂满了画。




picture是单数pictures是复数,如:我有一张图翻译成英语:I have a picture.

small pictures什么意思;-)



picture[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8pu026aktu0283u025a] 生词本简明释义n.照片,画像;图画,图片;影片;情景vt.构想,想象;描绘,画;描述复数:pictures第三人称单数:pictures过去式:pictured过去分词:pictured现在分词:picturing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT图画;绘画;图片A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene.A picture of Rory O"Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。

Toni Braxton的《Stupid》 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:LibraJC - StupidOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!(This was the best thing that ever happened to be. But over time, I realized that I was stupid)(Listen)How did it get to this, see I thought I headed into the perfect relationship.Should"ve known you"d be influenced by them girls you was hanging with.Cause they (?), just thought you wouldn"t trip, flip, dealt the script.Don"t oh oh yeah, overheard your conversations on the phone (Yeah)Last time I checked Tim wasn"t a woman.So I knew you was creeping, baby you"re fronting. I feel so stupid.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.What"s the reason you"re doing this, everyday"s an argument.Cause it doesn"t take nothing to make you smile (Oh yeah)From not answering the phone to not coming home.To the dude you was walking with in green by the mall.I ain"t seen everything, you can do what you wanna do, do.I"m so stu-stu.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.The lying, the cheating, the heartache, the pain, the strain.The worry, frustration, was all.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.http://music.baidu.com/song/488469



picture 用英语怎么说

picture 用英语怎么说:英 [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259(r)]、美 [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259r]1、A picture of flowers hung on the wall. 墙上挂着一张花卉的图画。2、The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life. 作者巧妙地构筑了一幅上流社会生活的背景图画。3、Just a few years ago the picture was very different. 几年前的情况就大不相同。4、In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed. 为掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。5、The picture looks very different when you see it close to. 这幅画贴近看时就很不一样。6、The picture shows a side view of the house. 这张图是房子的侧面。


pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z] [美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z] 生词本简明释义n.<非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业;影片( picture的名词复数 );情况;图画;(生动的)描述v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 );描绘;想像;设想以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT图画;绘画;图片A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene.A picture of Rory O"Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.用彩色粉笔画一张小画


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。

picture 英文

英文picture的意思是图片,照相,可以作动词,也可以作名词。造句:一:Young girls love to take pictures。年轻的姑娘们都喜欢照相二:He took a lot of pictures when he was out today。他今天出去玩的时候拍了很多照片三:He pictured the impression in his mind。他把脑海里的印象刻画了出来


pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z][美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z]n.图画; <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业; 影片( picture的名词复数 ); 情况; (生动的)描述; v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ); 描绘; 想像; 设想; 例句:1.Can I see those pictures again? 我能再看看那些照片吗?


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。


pictures是手机的照片文件夹,打开文件夹,可以看到照片以日期形式排列,长按文件夹,可以进行删除操作。 手机使用技巧:1、以一加7Pro为例,打开手机的文件管理页面,点击放大镜图标,搜索pictures即可找到该文件夹。 2、在一加7Pro的文件管理页面点击“u30fbu30fbu30fb”,点击新建文件夹,可以创建一个文件夹,点击设置按钮,可以“显示隐藏文件”。 3、打开一加7Pro的相册页面,选择一张照片,点击照片页面右上角的“i”,可以查看照片位于哪个文件夹,可以查看曝光等参数。 4、打开一加7Pro的文件管理页面,可以按照分类查看文件,分为文档、最近文件、图片、音频、视频等类型。 资料拓展:为了提升手机的游戏体验,一加7Pro内置强大的游戏模式,除了具有来电免打扰、快速回复等功能,还支持游戏画面增强和振动反馈增强功能,可以增强游戏画面中明暗部分的细节表现。在振动模式下,手机会增强触觉反馈。手机内置Fnatic电竞模式,支持深度免打扰、性能增强、网络增强等功能,手机还加入了智能电池管理功能。


直接加S pictures




图片 照片




picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。

pictures怎么读 pictures英文解释

1、pictures 读音:美/pu026aktu0283u025az/;英/pu026aktu0283u0259z/。 2、释义:n.图片;绘画作品(picture的复数);电影院。v.画;设想;用图表示(picture的第三人称单数)。 3、例句:Why do people paint pictures?为什么人们要画画?


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。





Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? -___

d啊 rather ... or ...问句是选择性的。所以

什么是Cyber Monday?Black Friday?Small Business Saturday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday .They are Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black.There are some small shops near the gate. The 。


nt in major public


some. a lot of many


picture照片英文读法是[_p_kt__r]。picture照片英文音标是[_p_kt__r],其读法可以根据其音标进行拼读。相关例句:I"m going to the pictures with my friends tonight今晚我准备和我的朋友们去电影院。相关例句:The picture depicts the scene of Jesus" suffering这幅画描绘的是耶稣受难的场景。


可数名词的复数的变化规则一般在词尾加s以s x children sh结尾加es以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改成I再加espicture的复数是 pictures



picture 是什么意思

picture Wikin.1. 画, 图画, 图片2. 照片, 画像3. 美景, 美的事物[人]4. 生动的描写, 写照5. 相似的形象, 化身, 体现6. 印象, 记忆, 情景, 想象7. [pl. ]电影, 电影院8. 【无】图象, 电视画面picture hat女用宽边帽picture play电影剧She is the picture of her mother.她活象她的妈妈。picture hall [house, palace, show, theatre]电影院(的旧称)picture book图画书picture gallery画 廊, 美术馆, 美术陈列馆picture tube(电视)显像管picture card花牌(纸牌中的J、Q、K); 有图画的明信片You look the picture of health.你看起来十分健康。have one"s picture taken(请人给自己)照像give a picture of ...把...描绘一番n.[C]1. ??画像;图片;照片[(+of)]This book gives a good picture of life in China today.这本书生动地描述了当代中国的生活情况。I had a picture taken this morning.今天上午我拍了张照。v.1. 画,描写,想像vt.1. 想像[+wh-][O7]The painter pictured the general sitting on a horse.画家给骑着马的将军画像。Can you picture Bill dressed as a fairy?你能想像得出比尔扮作?膳?哪Q??更多例句topI get the picture you two want to be left alone together.我现在明白了--你们俩想单独在一起。Draw a picture of the house so we know what it looks like.画出房子的图来让我们看看是什麽样子的。His picture of cows won a prize.他画的牛的作品获了奖.They showed us the pictures of their wedding.他们给我们看结婚照片.I can"t picture the village without the old church.我无法设想村子里没有那座旧教堂像什麽样子The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome.那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动。This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。May I take a picture of you?我可以给你照相吗?相关词top同义词vt. 描绘;描写depict characterize portray represent illustrate describe 其他:depict portray sketch perspective prospect design countryside fantasize movie envisage characterize painting copy conceive fancy memory figure paint illustrate landscape pattern describe image draw scene represent 变化型top动变:pictured picturing pictured 名复:pictures 词性变化toppicturevt.1. 画, 用图表示2. 生动地描写[描述, 描绘]3. 想象4. 把...(作为电影)拍摄It is hard to picture life a hundred years ago.我们很难想象一百年前人们的生活。继承用法toppicturedromen. [英]电影院picture-goern. 影迷相关短语topbe the picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象close-up picture特写镜头, 特写画面be in the picture[口]被告知详情; 获得最新消息be the very picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象big picture[口](电影放映节目单上的)正片; [美俚]特种宽银幕电影look the picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象look the very picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象step into the picture引人注意, 处于显要地位, 成为其中一部分come into the picture引人注意, 处于显要地位, 成为其中一部分be high up in the pictures (=be in the picture picture)大有成就; 成为要人, 居重要地位

discount rate和rate of return的区别

discount rate 和 rate of return 是两个完全没有关系的概念。discount rate 用于商品降价销售的比例,rate of return 指投资获利比例。比如,一个十元钱的商品以9元卖出,其 discount rate 就是 10%,或者说降价一成。你投入¥100 买股票,年底收到 ¥25 的利息,你的 rate of return 就是 25%。


"pictures" 的音标为 /u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259rz/。"pictures" 是源自拉丁语的单词 "pictura",意为 "画",在中世纪后期,它被引入英语,并开始用于描述画作或绘画艺术品。随着摄影术的发展,"pictures" 的使用逐渐扩展到描述照片或任何可视艺术品。在现代英语中,"pictures" 是一个非常常用的词,可以用于表示任何类型的图像或视觉媒体。"pictures" 通常用作名词,在句子中作主语、宾语或定语。例如:I like to look at pictures of animals.(我喜欢看动物的图片。)She took some pictures of the sunset.(她拍了一些日落的照片。)The museum has a collection of ancient Greek pictures.(博物馆有古希腊绘画作品的收藏。)此外,"pictures" 还可以作为动词使用,意为 "描述" 或 "描绘"。例如:The author vividly pictures the scenery in her book.(作者在她的书中生动地描绘了风景。)He pictures himself as a successful businessman.(他将自己描绘成一名成功的商人。)总的来说,"pictures" 是一个通用的单词,用于描述各种类型的图像和视觉媒体,并且在日常生活和文学作品中广泛使用。


picture 这个是图片文件夹 不知道是哪里的,不建议删除~!

ancient ;ritual ;substitute ; 这英语用谐音怎么读??

ancient 嗯申特Ritual 瑞除哦Substitute 撒伯斯忒秋特
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