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求英语诗歌My friend,水平要在初二就行,谢谢

People laugh and people cry Some give up and some always try Some say hi while some say bye Others may forget you but never I... If kisses were water, I will give you sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give you a tree. If you love a planet, I will give you a galaxy, If friendship is life, I will give you mine.In my life I learned how? To love to smile to be happy to be strong to work hard to be honest to be faithful to forgive but I couldn"t learn howto stop rembering you. There are many stars but the moon is you. There are many friends but the best is you.To forget me that"s up to you.To forget you I will never ever do. You may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, You may be out of my reach but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to you but you will always be special to me!Sometimes my mind asked why?I miss you, Why?I care for you, Why? I remember you then my heart answered its simply because you are a sweet friend!


Poems in Honor of Spring   For winter"s rains and ruins are over,   And all the season of snows and sins;   The days dividing lover and lover,   The light that loses, the night that wins;   And time remembered is grief fotten,   And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,   And in green underwood and cover   Blossom by blossom the spring begins. —Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909)   Summer Poetry   Bright was the summer"s noon when quickening steps   Followed each other till a dreary moor   Was crossed, a bare ridge clomb, upon whose top   Standing alone, as from a rampart"s edge,   I overlooked the bed of Windermere,   Like a vast river, stretching in the sun. —William Wordsworth (1770–1850)   Fall Poetry   The morns are meeker than they were,   The nuts are getting brown;   The berry"s cheek is plumper,   The rose is out of town. —Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)   Winter Verse   In the bleak midwinter   Frosty wind made moan,   Earth stood hard as iron,   Water like a stone;   Snow had fallen, snow on snow,   Snow on snow,   In the bleak midwinter,   Long ago. —Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)   四个季节全有,这儿有详细资料://factmonster/spot/pmseasons1   面朝大海 春暖花开 face the sea with spring flowers blossoming 海子 从明天起,做一个幸福的人 from tomorrow on, i will be a happy person, 喂马,劈柴,周游世界 grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world. 从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜 from tomorrow on, i will care foodstuff and vegetables, 我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开 ihave a house, towards the sea,with spring flowers blossoming 从明天起,和每一个亲人通信 from tomorrow on, i will write to each of my dear ones, 告诉他们我的幸福 telling them of my happiness, 那幸福的闪电告诉我的 what the lightening of blessedness has told me, 我将告诉每一个人 i will spread it to each of them. 给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字 and give a warm name to every river and every mountain. 陌生人,我也为你祝福 strangers,i will also give you my well-wishing. 愿你有一个灿烂的前程 may you have a bright future! 愿你有情人终成眷属 may you and your lover bee spouse! 愿你在尘世获得幸福 may you enjoy happiness in this earthly world! 我也愿面朝大海,春暖花开 i only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming.   Warble For Lilac-Time 原文: Warble me now for joy of lilac-time, (returning in reminiscence,) Sort me O tongue and lips for Nature"s sake, souvenirs of earliest summer, Gather the wele signs, (as children with pebbles or stringing shells,) Put in April and May, the hylas croaking in the ponds, the elastic air, Bees, butterflies, the sparrow with its simple notes, Blue bird and darting swallow, nor fet the high-hole flashing his golden wings, The tranquil sunny haze, the clinging *** oke, the vapor, Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above, All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running, The maple woods, the crisp February days and the sugar-making, The robin where he hops, bright-eyed, brown-breasted, With musical clear call at sunrise, and again at sunset, Or flitting among the trees of the apple-orchard, building the nest of his mate, The melted snow of March, the willow sending forth its yellow-green sprouts, For spring-time is here! the summer is here! and what is this in it and from it? Thou, soul, unloosen"d—the restlessness after I know not what; Come, let us lag here no longer, let us be up and away! O if one could but fly like a bird! O to escape, to sail forth as in a ship! To glide with thee O soul, o"er all, in all as a ship O"er the waters; Gathering these hints, the preludes, the blue sky, the grass, the morning drops of dew, The lilac-scent, the bushes with dark green heart-shaped leaves, Wood-violets, the little delicate pale blossoms called innocence, Samples and sorts not for themselves alone, but for their atmosphere, To grace the bush I love—to sing with the birds, A warble for joy of lilac-time, returning in reminiscence. 译文: 为我歌唱丁香花季节的喜悦吧, (它正在怀念中归来,) 为了大自然,请与我一起吧,灵巧的唇舌,初夏的留念, 与我一起收集那些可爱的音符, (如孩童收集卵石或成串的贝壳,) 将它们放进四月五月,这些池塘里鸣叫的雨蛙,轻快的微风, 蜜蜂,蝴蝶,歌声单调的麻雀, 蓝鸟和疾飞的燕子,也别忘了那扇着金色翅膀的天宇, 那宁静的彩霞,缭绕的烟霭和水雾, 鱼儿畅游的湖海的波光,头上蔚蓝的天色, 那容光焕发的一切,奔流的小河, 那枫树林,那清新的二月天和酿糖的日子, 那跳跃着的、眼睛发亮的褐胸知更鸟, 它在日出时清脆悦耳地鸣啭,日落时又歌唱, 或在苹果园的树木中飞动,给它的爱侣筑巢, 三月里融化的雪,杨柳刚抽出的嫩绿的柔条, 因为春天到了!夏天快来了! 它孕育着什么,又会产生些什么呢? 你,灵魂得到解放——我不知道还在急切地追求什么; 来吧,让我们不再在这里逗留,让我们奋起前进! 啊,但愿一个人能像一只鸟一样飞翔! 啊,能够逃逸,像乘着快艇出航! 同你的灵魂,越过一切,寓于一切,像一只船划过海洋; 收集起预示和征兆,这蓝天、野草、清晨的露珠, 这丁香花的芬芳,这披着暗绿色心形叶片的灌木林, 这木本紫罗兰,这名叫“天真”的娇小的淡淡的花卉, 这种种的草木不只是为它们自己,而是为了它们的四周, 为了装饰我所爱的丛林——为了与百鸟一起吟哦, 唱一支深情的歌,为这回忆中归来的丁香花季节的欢乐。 --Ben


1. 想找有关爱情精短的英文句子.(Lovecommitment)(Iloveyouforever)就 love at first sight一见钟情Love is blind.[谚语]爱情是盲目的Love is the reward of love.[谚语]爱就是爱的报酬.Love me,love my dog.[谚语]爱屋及乌.Love makes the world go round.爱能感动世界Love is not geting but giving.爱是付出,不是占有.Love is the lodestone of life.爱情是生活的磁石.True love should be permanent.真爱应该是永恒的.Love turns winter into summer.只要有爱,严冬亦能成初夏.My love to you is everlasting.我对你的爱是无尽的.All shall be well,Jack shall have Jill 有情人终成眷属。 2. 给几个关于爱情的英文诗句 我愿与君相知山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝!愿得一心人,白头不相离。 汉 ;卓文君〈白头吟〉得成比目何辞死愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。 唐;卢照邻〈长安古意身无彩凤双飞翼心有灵犀一点通。 唐;李商隐〈无题〉在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期! 唐;白居易〈长恨歌〉相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 唐;李商隐〈无题〉曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 唐;元稹〈离思〉东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。 唐 ;刘禹锡《竹枝词》春心莫共花争发一寸相思一寸灰。 唐;李商隐〈无题〉蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。 唐;杜牧〈赠别〉红豆生南国,春来发几枝。愿君多采颉,此物最相思。 王维〈相思〉花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝! 唐 杜秋娘〈金缕衣〉一枝秾艳露凝香,云雨巫山枉断肠。 李白《清平调之二》衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 宋;柳永《凤栖桐》爱情,只有情,可以使人敢于为所爱的人献出生命;这一点,不但男人能做到,而且女人也能做到。——柏拉图水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。 ——纳撒尼尔。 3. 【求一个关于L和A字母开头组成的爱情英文句子,如果有特别唯美的 是这三个字母开头的几句话,认真帮楼主找的,Love to be loved by you, baby, you changed my life so patiently.And, turned it into something good and real.Now your are my eyes, my soul, you are everything.And I"m lost in you. 亲爱的,我爱上了你爱我的感觉.我的生活为之改变,它变得更美丽,更真实.你的我的眼,我的灵魂,我的一切.我已迷失在你的爱情里.。 4. 写爱情的英文美句 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 Love is a carefully designed lie. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去 Fading is true while flowering is past 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我. Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of。 爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝….在爱情下交缠. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了 If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars 感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然 to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered . 宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔心碎了,还需再补吗? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix? 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过 There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away. 与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪 When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害 When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt 一天发觉,除了爱,我什么都没有. I found one day that I had nothing except the love 人活着总是要得罪一些人的就要看那些人是否值得得罪 When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended. 谁捡走了我的玻璃鞋,寻找遗失的玻璃鞋. I am looking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up 命里有时终需有命里无时莫强求 You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don"t kveth for it if it doesn"t appear in your life. 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁. No one indebted for others,while many people don"t know how to cherish others. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。 Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂 Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 Love is the greatest refreshment in life. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 Love never dies. 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 There is no remedy for love but to love more. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。 Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。 Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 The soul cannot live without love. 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。 Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one. 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在。 I miss you so much already and I haven"t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我。 5. 求一篇英语情诗 我怎样爱你 作者:伊丽莎白.巴莱特.白朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning) 译者:阮一峰 我怎样爱你?让我来告诉你。 我用我灵魂所能达到的极限来爱你, 就像在黑暗中感受 生命的尽头和上帝的恩惠。 我爱你,是日光和烛焰下 最基本的需要。 我无拘无束的爱你,就像人们为权利而斗争。 我无比纯洁的爱你,就像人们不为赞美而陶醉。 我爱你,我的深情不再留给往日的悲伤, 我爱你,用我童年的信念, 我爱你,就像爱那些天上的圣人, 我爱你,用我生命中所有的呼吸、微笑和泪水, 如果上帝让我去死,我会接受, 但死后我会更加爱你。 英文原诗如下: How do I love thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day"s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood"s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning 6. 经典英文爱情诗歌 十首经典英文情诗1、Love is more than a wordit says so much.When I see these four letters,I almost feel your touch.This is only happened sinceI fell in love with you.Why this word does this,I haven"t got a clue.Love不单是一个字,它还代表了许多意涵,当我看到这四个字母的时候我几乎能感受到你内心的感动但是这只是发生在,我爱上你之后,为何这个字有如此的魔力,我也不清楚2、Thank you for comfotting me when I"m sadLoving me when I"m madPicking me up when I"m downThank you for being my friend and being aroundTeaching me the meaning of loveEncouraging me when I need a shoveBut most of all thank you forLoving me for who I am.感谢你在伤心时安慰我,当我生气时感谢你护着我,当我沮丧时你拉拔我,感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁,告诉我爱的意义是什么,当我需要动力时你鼓励我,但我最想感谢你的是,爱上像我这样的一个人。 3、Sweetheart,My thoughts are deep into youFrom the moment that I wake upAnd to the whole day throughHappy Valentine"s Day亲爱的,我深深地想念着你,从我每天早上起来的那一刻起,每一分每一秒直到一天结束。情人节快乐!4、Thank you for standing behind meIn all that I doI hope you"re as happy with meAs I am with you感谢你永远支持我,不论我作了些什麽,我希望你跟我在一起永远开心,就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐。 5、If I could save time in a bottlethe first thing that i "d like to dois to save every day until eternity passes awayjust to spend them with youif I could make days last foreverif words could make wishes come trueI"d save every day like a treasure and thenagain I would spend them with you如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子,我要作的第一件事就是,把每一天都存下来直到永恒,再和你一起慢慢度过。如果我能把时间化作永恒,如果我的愿望能一一成真,我会把每天都像宝贝一样存起来,再和你一起慢慢度过。 6、To sweetheart or friend,words can mean much.Valentine heart to heart,conveys a loving touch.给我的爱人或是朋友,一句话可以代表许多意思,让我们传递著情人节的讯息,也传送出爱的感觉。7、You"re always there for meWhen things tend to go wrongIt"s that faith you have in meThat makes our love strong就算是我犯了错误也没关系,是你对我坚定的信心,让我们的爱更加茁壮。 8、It"s your loving and your caringAnd knowing that you"re nearThat gentle touch you haveMake my troubles disappear是你的爱意和呵护,知道你就在我的身边,还有你的温柔和体贴,让我所有的麻烦全都不见。9、A better love I couldn"t ask forWith your sweet and gently wayAnd knowing that your love for meGrows more everyday我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人,能比你更加温柔和体贴,我也深深地相信,你对我的爱一天比一天更深。 10、We share so much togetherAnd you always pull me throughThank you for standing behind meIn all that I do我们分享生命中的每一天,感谢你带领着我感谢你一直支持着我不论我做了些什么参考资料:/z/q660033614.htm。 7. 最经典的英语爱情句子 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 6) Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有. 8. 谁能给首英语情诗 Sonnet 18 莎士比亚的十四行诗 Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm"d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature"s changing course untrimm"d But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee. 我能否将你比作夏天? 你比夏天更美丽温婉。 狂风将五月的蓓蕾凋残, 夏日的勾留何其短暂。 休恋那丽日当空, 转眼会云雾迷蒙。 休叹那百花飘零, 催折于无常的天命。 唯有你永恒的夏日常新, 你的美貌亦毫发无损。 死神也无缘将你幽禁, 你在我永恒的诗中长存。 只要世间尚有人吟诵我的诗篇, 这诗就将不朽,永葆你的芳颜。 正如同一个人可以有不止一张照片或者画像那样,一首诗歌也可以有不止一个翻译。这照片、画像、翻译自然不会完全相同,会有优劣好坏的差别。但是,由于欣赏者的口味不一,在不同的欣赏者眼里,不同的作品会有不同的得分。 这首诗的艺术特点首先是在于它有着双重主题:一是赞美诗人爱友的美貌,二是歌颂了诗歌艺术的不朽力量。其次就是诗人在诗中运用了新颖的比喻,但又自然而生动。


  音乐能激发或抚慰情怀,绘画使人赏心悦目,诗歌能动人心弦,哲学使人获得智慧,科学可改善物质生活。下面是我带来的励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译,欢迎阅读!   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译精选   the human seasons   four seasons fill the measure of the year;   there are four seasons in the mind of man:   he has his lusty spring, when fancy clear   takes in all beauty with an easy span:   he has his summer, when luxuriously   spring"s honied cud of youthful thought he loves   to ruminate, and by such dreaming high   is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves   his soul has in its autumn, when his wings   he furleth close; contented so to look   on mists in idleness--to let fair things   pass by unheeded as a threshold brook.   he has his winter too of pale misfeature,   or else he would forego his mortal nature.   人生四季   四季轮回构成了一年,   人的心灵也有四季更替:   他有生机勃勃的春天,   在幻想中把所有美景一览无余;   在那奢华繁盛的夏天,   他爱把春天采集的花蜜细细品尝,   沉浸在甜美的青春思绪中,   他高高飞扬的梦想几乎升上天堂;   秋天他的心灵栖息在宁静的港湾,   他收拢了疲倦的羽翼,   悠闲而满足地透过雾气遥望,   任美好的事物像门前的小溪不经意地流逝。   他终将走进冬天的苍凉晚境,   不然他就失去了凡人的本性。   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译阅读   人们经常是不讲道理的、没有逻辑的和以自我为中心的   不管怎样,你要原谅他们   People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;   Forgive them anyway.   即使你是友善的,人们可能还是会说你自私和动机不良   不管怎样,你还是要友善   If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;   Be kind anyway.   当你功成名就,你会有一些虚假的朋友   和一些真实的敌人   不管怎样,你还是要取得成功   If you are successful, you will win some false friends   And some true enemies;   Succeed anyway.   即使你是诚实的和率直的,人们可能还是会欺骗你   不管怎样,你还是要诚实和率直   If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;   Be honest and frank anyway.   你多年来营造的东西   有人在一夜之间把它摧毁   不管怎样,你还是要去营造   What you spend years building,   Someone could destroy overnight;   Build anyway.   如果你找到了平静和幸福,他们可能会嫉妒你   不管怎样,你还是要快乐   If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;   Be happy anyway.   你今天做的善事,人们往往明天就会忘记   不管怎样,你还是要做善事   The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;   Be good anyway.   即使把你最好的东西给了这个世界   也许这些东西永远都不够   不管怎样,把你最好的东西给这个世界   Give the world the best you have,   And it may never be enough;   Give the world the best you have anyway.   你看,说到底,它是你和上帝之间的事   而决不是你和他人之间的事   You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;   It is never between you and them anyway.   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译学习   o captain!my captain!   啊,船长!我的船长!   walt whitman (瓦尔特.惠特曼)   o captain!my captain!our fearful trip is done,   啊!般长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;   the ship has weather"d every rack, the prize we sought is won,   这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。   the port is near, the bells i hear, the people all exulting,   港口在望,钟声响,人们在欢欣。   while follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;   千万双眼睛注视着船——平稳,勇敢,坚定。   but o heart!heart!heart!   但是痛心啊!痛心!痛心!   o the bleeding drops of red!   瞧一滴滴鲜红的血!   where on the deck my captain lies,   甲板上躺着我的船长,   fallen cold and dead.   他倒下去,冰冷,永别。   o captain! my captain!rise up and hear the bells;   啊,船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声;   rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills,   起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬:   for you bouquets and ribbon"d wreaths-for you the shores crowding,   迎接您,多少花束花圈——候着您,千万人峰拥岸边;   for you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing;   他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;   here, captain!dear father!   啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!   this arm beneath your head;   我的手臂托着您的头!   it is some dream that on the deck   莫非是一场梦:在甲板上   you "ve fallen cold and dead.   您倒下去,冰冷,永别。   my captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,   我的船长不作声,嘴唇惨白,毫不动弹;   my father does not feel my arm , he has no pulse nor will;   我的父亲没感到我的手臂,没有脉搏,没有遗言;

need 诗歌..."Love Was When"

为了爱 为了爱,他来到世界上,离开尊贵天,变成人样。 为了爱,犹太为故乡,渔夫是朋友,父亲是木匠。 为了爱,耶稣来到这地方,给我新生命,自由和理想。 为了爱,他被钉十字架,他的爱,使我心有盼望。 为了爱,他住在我心里,你若相信他,他也看见你。 为了爱,担当我的罪,无论在何处,我都要跟随。 为了爱,耶稣向我走过来,生命的花蕊,朵朵为他开。 为了爱,他永远在徘徊,他的爱,人永远不明白。 <-- 按Right Click 选择另存目标 下载此MIDI 参考: midiversefirms/3/325 Love Was When Love was when God became a man locked in time and space without rank or place. Love was God born of Jewish kin; Just a carpenter with some fishermen. Love was when Jesus walked in history. Lovingly He brought a new life that"s free. Love was God nailed to bleed and die to reach and love one such as I. Love was when God became a man down where I could see. Love that reached to me. Love was God dying for my sin; And so trapped was I my whole world caved in. Love was when Jesus met me now it"s real. Lovingly He came; I can feel he"s real. Love was God; only He would try to reach to love one such as I.

英国文学史 英文诗歌赏析A Red ,Red Rose

A Red, Red Rose O my love is like a red, red rose That"s newly sprung in June; O my love is like the melody That"s sweetly played in tune. The beauty of my love can be compared with a red rose, and the sweet voice and shape of my love are like piece of soft music. As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a" the seas gang dry. My graceful girl, you are very beautiful and I love you very much; my dear, I will love you firmly until all the seas go dry. The speaker expresses his fiery passion for his love and swears to love her forever. Till a" the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi" the sun; O I will luve thee still, my dear While the sands o" life shall run. My dear, I will love you till all the seas go dry and the rocks melt with the sun. I will love you firmly so long there is a life keeping time or I will love you until the end of my life. And fare-thee-weel, my only Luve! And fare-thee-weel awhile! And I will come again, my luve, Tho" "twere ten thousand miles. Farewell to you, my only dear love, farewell to you only for a short time! I will come back back again even though it were ten thousand mile away, my dear! A Red, Red Rose O, My love is like a red, red rose which has newly sprung in June; O, my love is like the melody(music) which has sweetly played harmoniously. My love is deep as you are beautiful, my pretty girl. I will love you until the sea dry, my dear. Until the sea dry and the rock melt with the sun. O, I love you till the end of my life, my dear. Farewell to you, my only dear love, farewell to you only for a short time! I will come back back again even though it were ten thousand mile away, my dear! Theme: to express strong affection to his love, swearing that he will love her for ever. Structure: 1.Stanza 1: compare his sweet heart as a red rose and sweet music. 2. Stanza 2-3 : swear that he will love her for ever, and assure that he will never change his heart. 3. Stanza 4: assure his lover that he will leave for a short time but will come back no matter how far it is. Form: Scottish Folklore, short lines, strong rhythm. The first and third lines have 8 syllables and the second and fourth lines have 6 syllable in the first two stanzas and 7 syllables in the second two stanzas. Rhyming abab. Use simile to express the strong affection which can not be controlled. And use repetition to intensify his emotion.

英语诗歌欣赏A Red Red Rose

  A red red rose 赏析   Oh, my love is like a red, red rose,   That"s newly sprung in June.   Oh, my love is like a melody,   That"s sweetly played in tune.   As fair as you, my bonnie lass,   So deep in love am I;   And I will love you still, my dear,   Till all the seas gone dry.   Till all the seas gone dry, my dear,   And the rocks melt with the sun;   I will love you till, my dear,   While the sands of life shall run.   And fare you well, my only love!   And fare you well, a while!   And I will come again, my love,   Though it were ten thousand mile.   翻译(by :王佐良)   呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰   六月里迎风初开;   呵,我的爱人像支甜甜的曲子,   奏得合拍又和谐。   我的好姑娘,多么美丽的人儿!   请看我,多么深挚的爱情!   亲爱的,我永远爱你,   纵使大海干涸水流尽。   纵使大海干涸水流尽,   太阳将岩石烧作灰尘,   亲爱的,我永远爱你,   只要我一息犹存。   珍重吧,我唯一的爱人,   珍重吧,让我们暂时别离,   但我定要回来,   哪怕千里万里!



帮忙找找 中 英文诗歌 对比 鉴赏





  It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over. Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.  Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.  It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over. Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.  Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

诗歌丨Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision 歌手:Selah 所属专辑:Greatest Hymns Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart 求我心中主,成为我异象 Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art 我别无爱慕,惟主我景仰 Thou my best thought by day or by night 充满我思想,我心向往 Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light 沉睡或清醒,慈容是我光 Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true word 成为我智慧,成为我箴言 I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord 我愿常跟随,祢在我身边 Thou my great Father, I Thy true son 祢是我圣父,我是祢子 Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one 祢常居我心,我与祢合一 High King of Heaven my victory won 天上大君王,引领奏凯歌 May I reach heaven"s joys, oh, bright heaven"s sun 容我享天乐,共目见曙光 Heart of my own heart whatever befall 永远不变改,铭记心上 Still be my vision, oh Ruler of all 万有的主宰,成为我异象 Thou and Thou only first in my heart 我心属祢心,永无变更 High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art 天上大君王,祢是我万有 下次更新可能是明天, 也可能是下个月 点赞与分享, 是我最大的支持 ...


O nature! I do not aspire To be the highest in thy choir,- To be a meteor in thy sky, Or comet that may range on high; Only a zephyr that may blow Among the reeds by the river low; Give me thy most privy place Where to run my airy race. 翻译: 啊,自然!我并不企盼 成为你歌队里至尊的一员-- 做一颗天上璀璨的流星 或在高空中漫游的彗星; 我只想做一缕柔和的轻风, 穿梭在河畔的芦苇丛中; 告诉我你最僻静的地方, 让我的气息在那里飘荡。 In some withdrawn, unpublic mead Let me sigh upon a reed, Or in the woods, with leafy din, Whisper the still evening in: Some still work give me to do,- Only-be it near to you! 翻译: 来到僻远幽静的草地, 我倚着芦苇轻轻地叹息, 来到树叶沙沙的森林, 我悄声低语来迎接黄昏, 让我为你做一些事情,-- 只要--我能够跟你亲近! For I"d rather be thy child And pupil, in the forest wild, Than be the king of men elsewhere, And most sovereign slave of care; To have one moment of thy dawn, Than share the city"s year forlorn. 翻译: 我宁愿生活在荒野丛林, 做你的孩子,做你的学生, 也不愿去做人间的皇帝, 或不折不扣的忧患的奴隶; 我愿享有你黎明的刹那, 放弃城市中寂寞的年华。 Nature——Henry David Thoreau


The Swing 秋千(1) How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜欢荡一趟秋千, Up in the air so blue? 置身于蓝蓝的晴空吗? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 啊,我认为这是小孩所能做到的Ever a child can do. 最愉快的玩耍。 (2) Up in the air and over the wall, 越过墙外高踞天空, Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望见如此广大的世界, River and trees and cattle and all 河流、树木、牛群, Over the countryside---- 还有整个的乡村。 (3) Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰着翠绿的花园 Down on the roof so brown---- 以及棕色的屋顶 Up in the air I go flying again 我又飞上天去, Up in the air and down! 在天地间上下穿梭! by R. L. Stevenson



Fire and Ice 诗歌赏析

“Fire and Ice” is a very compact little lyric. The poet compares the world to a place where fire and ice exist at the same time. The fire represents passion and desire, while the ice represents coldness and hatred. This poem is best understood as a reflection on the coexistence of opposites in the human condition.The first two lines of the poem are particularly important. They suggest that the world will come to an end, but they do not say whether it will be destroyed by fire or ice. This opening invites the reader to consider the possibility of a world where these two elements exist in tension with each other.The poet then goes on to develop these themes by juxtaposing fire and ice throughout the poem. Line three says that “if the world should end in fire or in ice / I have no preference.” This line suggests that the poet is resigned to the fact that the world is an uncertain and volatile place.The next few lines of the poem explore the differences between fire and ice. Fire is depicted as a passionate force that is life-affirming, while ice is depicted as a cold and deadening force. The poet juxtaposes these elements to show that they are opposites, but they also have qualities that are similar.In the final line of the poem, the poet returns to the idea of resignation. He says, “if the world should end in half-寸"s / I hope I"m in that half-shelf.” This line suggests that the poet is willing to accept whatever comes his way.Overall, “Fire and Ice” is a powerful poem that explores the themes of resignation, detachment, and the coexistence of opposites. It is a short but impactful work that manages to capture the human condition in a few concise lines.




茅屋为秋风所破歌 是晚唐诗人杜甫的著作,诗中生动形象的展现出诗人在安史之乱之后的艰苦生活,含蓄的表现了大唐王朝在劫难之后的落魄景象.从题目即可看出 这是一首“歌行体”的诗,不仅如此,白雪歌送武判官归京,以及行路难,都是歌行体的诗.





诗歌what is a youth这首歌的中文翻译:




求诗歌 i promise you my love全文

Theres so many things that I love about youI could name so many things you continue to doYou always stand by my side and show you careGood times and bad you"re always there.In sad times you always manage to make me smileThe way you promise we"ll be together to walk down the aisleI love the moment we look into each others eyesA love so beautiful I have invisible happy criesI love the way we both know that we belongThrough tough times we"ve proven to always be strongThe warmth of your hug when you hold me tightIn bad times you promise everything will be alrightI love it when you tell me we"ll always be foreverI know now and all our days we"ll face everything togetherTimes that are hard and my eyes start to cryYour hand is always there to wipe them dryI love spending my days with you, they are so much funTogether on rainy days and under the glowing sunI love seeing you in the day and dreaming of you at nightI keep every memory with me and you"re never out of my sightI love your gentle touch and your words that are sweetEvery time I"m with you my heart still skips a beatI love it when you know I feel sadYou will do anything just to make me glad.No one in this lifetime can understand the way I feelMornings I wake up sometimes still wondering if this is all realYour love and comfort is what I"ll forever needYou"re not only a boyfriend but my soul mate indeed.I love the way its taken us ages to findThe most divine love between us, for I call you mineEvery single day is better because you have brightened my lifeI hope to one day have the privilege of becoming your wifeI respect each word you say that comes out of your heartI promise you that nothing can tear us apartI love the way you"ve taken away all my painAnd still to this day your love keeps me saneI love the feeling I get when I hear your nameI know that when I say I love you, you feel the sameI cherish you so much and thank God I found youI promise to my everyone and to your love I"ll always be true 这首诗应该是i promise you my love forever

美国文学the wild honey suckle诗歌鉴赏

《野金银花》是Freneau在南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿散步时,看到一簇幽生的金银花,于是便有感而发,将这首短诗一气呵成。诗人以敏锐的观察力、浅俗的词汇、优美的旋律和清晰的意象,细腻生动地描写了盛开于北美大地不为人们注意的野金银花。此诗分为两大部分,前两节写景,后两节抒情。写景以抒情为目的,抒情以写景为背景,两部分互为烘托,成为不可分割的整体。诗人以惊喜的目光看到自然界神奇的产物时,心中涌动的是对大自然无限的崇拜之情。如果说“绿荫”指的是未受人类文明侵犯的新大陆处女地的话,那些“美丽的金银花”则应是大自然创作的生命的具体体现。诗人用浅显的文字勾画出一片繁荣祥和的景象,在对生命的赞叹中,流露出返璞归真、崇尚自然的情节,充满了浪漫主义情调和理想主义色彩。然而,Freneau的过人之处,不仅在于他具有诗人的敏感,而且在于他同时具有哲人的睿智。诗人先是描写外界景物,然后直接联系到自己,联系到人类,并将人与自然融为一体,以自然规律来感染读者。所以,诗人从第三小节开始笔锋一转。显然,诗人对大自然的神奇力量由崇拜转为迷惑,怀着惋惜忐忑的心情联想到生命的无奈和大自然的无情,开始了对生命本质的思考。因此,在第四小节,诗人对主题进一步挖掘。至此,Freneau借助金银花的荣枯阐述了自己毫不掩饰的自然观:万物有生必有死,有荣必有枯,花开花落,四季转换乃自然界的规律,这一规律是不以人的意志为转移的,是人类无法抗拒的。自然界万物的生生息息乃自然的神力所造就,是人类无法左右的。因而,对于花的荣枯,人的生死,人类大可不必为之伤情。正如中国的一句古语,人“生不带来死不带去”。诗人高歌:“不曾拥有,何曾失去”,足以说明诗人对生命本质有了明确的认识后,走出困惑,最终达到一种豁达乐观的境界。 Freneau以他对美洲大地的深厚感情和洞若幽微的感受力,通过对金银花的生长环境及其盛衰变迁的描述,抒发了他对短暂人生的感叹,使本诗在清丽的意境和浓郁的美洲大地的乡土气息中加入一层哲理的思考。诗歌的最后四句,似对花说,又似诗人自然自语,令人颇为回味,乃整首诗歌的点睛之笔。人无异于花草,两者都发端于“一块共同的泥土”,并无法回避“一把黄土葬其身”的最终结局。美是那么短暂,人生或许亦莫过于此吧。言尽而意犹存,让人怅然若失。诗人记录了他对生命的感触,揭示生命的本质,借此提醒读者,生命因其短暂而宝贵无价。虽然生命只是从生到死的一个过程,但依然有许多令人心快的绮丽风光,有许多值得人们为之奋斗拼搏的美好事物。珍惜生命才是真正地享受生命。尽管生命是有限的,却要在这有限的生命中,尽可能绽放它,满怀热情,悟彻人生的实质。就如同任何一种像野金银花的花卉不会因为最终的凋零而拒绝开放,人类也不应该因为生命最终的结局是死亡就放弃对生命的珍爱。这首诗中,Freneau以抒情的色调描绘和讴歌了大自然的瑰丽,同时又揭示出自然界的萧杀冷酷和生命无奈短暂的本质;既有浪漫主义情调,又不乏意象主义的意味,的确不失为一首上乘之作。 英文赏析:The short lyric was written in 1786. Freneau was inspired by the beauty of the wild honey suckle when he was walking at Chaeleston, South Carolina. It was virtually unread in the poet"s lifetime, yet it deserves a place among major English and American works of poetry of that time. This is one of the most quoted works of Freneau. Generally speaking, it is the best of Freneau"s poems, and the best poem on nature before the appearance of the verses of William Cullen Bryant, William Wordsworth, and Ralph Waldo Emerson"s The Rhodora. But unlike those early writers who turned to look for themes outside America, Freneau rooted his poem on this piece of land. He is one of the few early writers who eulogize the country. Before Freneau there had been some American poets who, however, wrote mostly on the religious theme and either in style or structurally they imitated English poets. Freneau, the first American-born poet, was one of the earliest who cast their eyes over the natural surroundings of the New Continent and American subject matter. As is displayed in this poem, honeysuckle, instead of rose of daffodil became the object of depiction; it is “wild” just to convey the fresh perception of the natural scenes on the new continent. The flowers, similar to the early Puritan settlers, used to believe they were the selects of God to be arranged on the abundant land, but now have to wake up from fantasy and be more respectful to natural law. Time is constant but the time of a life is short; any favor is relative but change is absolute; with or without the awareness, nature develops; flowers were born, blossomed and declined to repose, and human beings would exist in exactly the same way. A philosophical meditation is indicated by the description of the fate of a trivial wild plant. A quintessentially Romantic poet, Freneau demonstrated the best of his poetic art in the melodious lyrics on Nature"s beauty. In this short poem about a flower, the poet describes his thoughts over some much more grand topics including religion and life in general. The wild honey suckle is, in the poet"s eye, no longer a common flower. To some extent, Freneau"s poem is a longer expounding of William Blake"s poem: “To see the world in a grain of sand,/And a heaven in a wild flower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,/And eternity in an hour.”In the first two stanzas, to start with, Freneau devoted more attention to the environment of the flower in which he found it than to the appearance of the flower per se. He commented on the secluded nature of the place where the honey suckle grew, drawing a conclusion that it was due to Nature"s protectiveness that the flower was able to lead a peaceful life free from men"s disturbance and destruction. But the next stanza immediately changed the tone from silent admiration and appreciation to outright lamentation over the “future"s doom” of the flower --- even Nature was unable to save the flower from its death. Actually no flower, or no living being, can escape. Not even the flowers that used to bloom in Eden. Thus from the flower in nature the poet started to ponder over the fate of man, who was bound to fall from his innocence and suffer from the despair of death as the result to his exile from Paradise. Just as kindly as nourished and protected the honey suckle in spring and summer, Nature will destroy ruthlessly the flower with its autumn and winter weapons. Following the traditional European model, the lyric is written in regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas, rhyming “ababcc”, and sounds just like music. But in order to accord with the change in tone and topic in Stanza 3, the rhythmic pattern is varied. Different from the rest the poem which is written in smooth iambic tetrameter lines, the third line of the stanza --- “They died” --- begins with a “spondee” (two stressed beats in a row) and, after forcing the reader to pause (the dash), continues in a highly irregular rhythm with an intensification of stressed beats. The purpose is obvious: the speaker wants to drive the horrible message home, to let the reader feel the impact acutely. But as we progress into the last stanza, when a more mature view of life and death is adopted, the rhythms are restored to the original regularity as the tone assumes a tempered serenity grown out of experience. In this poem, the poet expresses a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature. In addition, the poet writes with the strong implication that, though in the work no one is presented in person, human beings at times envy the flower. This is seen not because the “roving foot” would “crush”; nor that the “busy hand” would “provoke a tear”; nor because of the “vulgar eye”, but because of the fact that the human being has the ability to foresee his death. Whereas, the flower, with its happy ignorance, lacks this consciousness and is completely unaware of its doom. Its innocence left it happier than the foreseeing human beings. Unfortunately, the human beings are quite unwilling to refuse this knowledge and that arouses all their sufferings.



急寻含有由“if”从句的歌词或诗歌 追分题!!

allowance 宽容,体谅, 原谅impostor 冒名顶替者, 招摇撞骗者knave 流氓、无赖、恶棍stoop 弯腰pitch-and-toss 掷硬币游戏(瞄准目标投掷钱币的游戏)nerve 神经, 胆量, 勇气sinew 肌肉、精力、体力serve one"s (own) turn满足某人的需要,(紧急时)能起作用the common touch the ability of a powerful or famous person to talk to and understand ordinary people The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. 她已道歉,但他认为这是没有用的。IfIf you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you;If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or, being lied about, don"t deal in lies,Or, being hated, don"t give way to hating, And yet don"t look too good, nor talk too wise;If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with triumph and disasterAnd treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you"ve spokenTwisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build "em up with worn-out tools;If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginningsAnd never breathe a word about your lossIf you can force your heart and nerve and sinewTo serve your turn long after they are gone,And so hold on when there is nothing in youExcept the Will which says to them “Hold on!”If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt youIf all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds" worth of distance run –Yours is the Earth and everything that"s in it, And – which is more – you"ll be a Man, my son!作者卢迪亚?吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling, 1865—1936),英国著名作家,19世纪90年代在英国几乎是家喻户晓。1907年获诺贝尔文学奖。《如果》是他当时写给他儿子的一首诗,是其脍炙人口的代表作。这首诗历来倍受推崇。吉卜林本人说 “如果你在每天清晨读一遍这首诗,你将成为高尚的人; 如果你在每晚读一遍这首诗,你将成为圣洁的人。”如果如果众人在失去理智却归咎与你时,你依然能镇定自若;如果在所有人怀疑猜忌你时,仍能自信如常却对他人猜忌宽容体谅;如果你能够等待,却不因此而厌烦,或者被谎言所骗,却不去欺骗别人, 或者被人憎恨,却不心怀憎恨, 而且不去刻意表现超然不凡或谈吐不俗;如果你充满梦想,又能够不被梦想支配;如果你善于思索,又不只是想想而已如果你有能力应对成功和灾祸,并能以同样态度对待这两种欺世假象;如果你能够承受听到自己说出的真言,被流氓歪曲设陷坑害缺乏判断力的人;或看到自己毕生心血之作被毁坏,仍能俯身重拾破旧的工具将其重建;如果你把赢得的全部收益聚拢一处,倾尽所有冒险一搏, 即使全部失去仍会从头开始,而对损失从不吐露半字;如果你能逼迫你的精神、胆量和体力消逝很久依然还能为你所用,继续坚持,即使你已耗干一切,而只能听到意志对其呼唤:“坚持!”如果你跟民众交谈而不失正直善良的美德,或是和君王散步而还能交往、理解民众如果你的敌手和挚友都无法伤害到你,如果对你来说所有人都重要但无人过分重要如果你能用值六十秒钟的远距离奔跑,去填满生命中无情的每一分钟,那么你就可以拥有整个世界及其万物,更重要的是,你就是个真正的男子汉了! 我的孩子。




找Jacques prevert的诗歌去比如paris at night、pour toi mon amour用词简单但是很深情顺便赞一下LS推的Le Dormeur Du Val,除了Jacques Prevert的诗以外这首是我最喜欢的


  有些英文诗歌总是那样的简单易懂。下面是我收集整理的,欢迎大家阅读。    :The Bight   At low tide like this how sheer the water is.   White,crumbling ribs of marl protrude and glare   and the boats are dry, the pilings dry as matches,   Absorbing, rather than being absorbed,   the water in the bight doesn"t wet anything,   the color of the gas flame turned as low as possible.   One can *** ell it turning to gas; if one were Baudelaire   one could probably hear it turning to marimba music.   The little ocher dredge at work off the end of the dock   already plays the dry perfectly off-beat claves.   The birds are outsize. Pelicans crash   into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.   it seems to me, like pickaxes,   rarely ing up with anything to show for it,   and going off with humorous elbowings,   Black-and-white man-of-war birds soar   on impalpable drafts   and open their tails like scissors on the curves   or tense them like wishbones, till they tremble.   The frowsy sponge boats keep ing in   with the obliging air of retrievers,   bristling with jackstraw gaffs and hooks   and decorated with bobbles of sponges.   There is a fence of chicken wire along the dock   where,glinting like little plowshares,   the blue-gray shark tails are hung up to dry   for the Chinese-restaurant trade.   Some of the little white boats are still piled up   against each other, or lie on their sides, stove in,   and not yet salvaged, if they ever will be, from the last bad storm.   like torn-open, unanswered letters.   the bight is littered with old correspondences.   Click. Click. Goes the dredge,   and brings up a dripping jawful of marl.   All the untidy activity continues,   awful but cheerful.    :The Arrow And The Song   ***1***   I shot an arrow in the air,我向空中射了一箭,   It fell to earth, I knew not where;它已落到地面,我不知道其去向;   For so swiftly it flew, the sight 因它飞得如此地快速   Could not follow it in its flight.视力无法跟得上它的飞驰。   ***2***   I breathed a song into the air,我向空中轻歌一曲,   It fell to earth, I knew not where;它已落地而停,我不知其去向;   For who has sight so keen and strong,谁有这么敏锐的视力,   That it can follow the flight of song? 能跟得上歌声的飞驰?   ***3***   Long, long afterward, in an oak 很久,很久以后,在一棵橡树上,   I found the arrow still unbroke;我发现它依然完好无损;   And the song, from beginning to end,而这首歌,从头到尾,   I found again in the heart of a friend.我发现又深印在一位友人的心上。    :Pippa"s Song   The year"s at the spring,一年之计在于春,   And day"s at the morn;一日之计在于晨;   Morning"s at seven;一晨之计在于七时;   The hillside"s dew-pearled;山坡上装点着珍珠般的露水珠露;   the lark"s on the wing;云雀在风中飞跃;   The snail"s on the thorn;山垆上蜗牛爬行   God"s in his heaven---神在天堂司宇宙   All"s right with the world!世上一切都太平!    :The Fountain   ***1***   Into the sunshine,阳光下,   Full of the light,充满著光辉,   Leaping and flashing 跳跃着、闪烁著   From morn till night!从日出到日落!   ***2***   Into the moonlight,月光下,   Whiter than snow,比雪更白,   Waving so flower-like 当风吹拂时,   When the winds blow!波动有如花!   ***3***   Into the starlight,月光下,   Rushing in spray,急溅起泡沫,   Happy at midnight,午夜里欢乐,   Happy by day.白天里雀跃。   ***4***   Ever in motion,永远跳动着,   Blithesome and cheery,愉快又欢欣,   Still climbing heavenward,永远向天高攀,   Never aweary;从不疲惫;   ***5***   Glad of all weathers,适应各种天气,   Still seeming best,永远活力充沛,   Upward of downward 上上下下   Motion thy rest;是运动也是休息;   ***6***   Full of a nature 充满著活力   Nothing can tame,不受拘束,   Changed every moment 时时有变化,   Ever the same.永远一样。   ***7***   Ceaseless aspiring,不断升高   Ceaseless content,不断满足   Darkness or sunshine 黑暗里,阳光下   Thy element;都是你活动范围;   ***8***   Glorious fountain!辉煌耀目的喷泉!   Let my heart be 但愿我心如你般   Fresh, changeful,constant,清新,多变,坚定   Upward like thee!永远向上!    :Crossing the BarBy Alfred Tennyson   Sunset and evening star,   And one clear call for me!   And may there be no moaning of the bar,   When I put out to sea,   But such a tide as moving seems asleep,   Too full for sound and foam,   When That which drew form out the boundless deep   Turns again home.   Twilight and evening bell,   And after that the dark!   And may there be no sadness of farewell,   When I embark;   For though from out our bourne of Time and Place   The flood may bear me far,   I hope to see my Pilot face to face   When I have crost the bar.


in prose style...= =This poem discribed a fine world that all is right in which it is a spring moring at seven, lark singing in the sky and god is doing his work in his heaven ,nothing wrong with the world.The poem want to tell us the beutiful side of the world, but I tend to think about the dark side of it while reading it. Beacuase seasons are changing and time is passing away quickly, beutiful things are always transient. What if there is no heaven at all ? Even though the god is in his heaven and control the world, the starvation, discrimination and wars never stop.


个概念。 1. 音步(Foot):英诗中重读与非重读音节的特殊性组合叫作音步。 一个音步的音节数量可能为两个或三个音节,但不能少于两个或多于三个音节,而且其中只有一个必须重读。分析英文诗歌的格律就是将它的句子划分成音步,并分清是何种音步及音步的数量。这个过程称为scansion。 如:诗句 “From fairest creatures we desire increase” 要是分成音步的话,就变成了这个样子: Fro-m fai*re-st crea*ture-s we* de-sire* i-ncrea*se 上面“-”表示它前面是轻读音节,而“*”则表示它前面是重读音节。我们于是看出:上面的句子共有五个音步,每个音步都是由前轻读后重读的两个音节组成,这样的音节被称为“抑扬格”。颇有点唐诗的“平仄”的味道,但又有本质上的不同。我们还看出:一个音步不必等于一个单词。 根据音步的数量,每一行一个音步的称为“单音步”(monometer);每一诗行有两个音步的,称“双音步”(dimeter);三个音步的,称“三音步”(trimeter);此外还有四音步(tetrameter)、五音步、(pentameter)、六音步(hexameter)、七音步(heptameter)、八音步(octometer)。 2. 韵律(Metre): 韵律是指音步在朗读时的轻重长短的节奏或规律,这要依据音步所含音节的数量及重读音节的位置来区分。传统英诗的音步有六种。即: 抑扬格(Iambus) 扬抑格(Trochee) 抑抑扬格(Anapaest) 扬抑抑格(Dactyl) 抑扬抑格(Amphibrach) 扬抑扬格(Dactyl) “抑”为轻读音节,“扬”为重读音节。“扬抑格”即一个音步有两个音节,前面的音节重读,后面的轻读。同理,“扬抑扬格”即一个音步有三个音节,最前的音节重读,中轻读,后重读。 3. 英文诗歌的押韵:英语诗歌的押韵在形式上,要比古汉语格律诗复杂。 3.1 就起押韵功能的单词而言,一是辅音也可入韵(比较:汉语只能根据韵母押韵。),二是押韵的音节可以选在单词的头,中间和尾(比较:每个汉字只有一个音节)。最常见的有: 头韵(Alliteration):是指单词开始的字母重复,如great和grew; 谐元韵(Assonance):是指单词中重读元音重复,如great和fail; 尾韵(Rhyme):则指单词结尾的字母重复,如great和bait。 3.2 而一行诗中也可能同时存在多种押韵形式,如: The light that lies in women"s eyes. 这行诗中有头韵light和lies,谐元韵light、lies、eyes,还有尾韵lies和eyes。 3.3 英语诗歌的行与行之间的押韵格式则被称为韵法(rhyming scheme)。常见的有两行转韵(AABB)、隔行押韵(ABCB)、隔行交互押韵(ABAB)和交错押韵(ABBA)等。 如这四行诗: From fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty"s rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory: 即为abab押韵格式,详细分解如下: From fairest creatures we desire incr(ease=a), That thereby beauty"s rose might never d(ie=b), But as the riper should by time dec(ease=a), His tender heir might bear his memo(ry=b): 4. 英文诗歌的章法也可以受到形式的限制,如商籁诗(十四行诗 - son): 商籁诗须遵守:十四行,五音步,抑扬格这种形式。即全诗共十四行,每行五个音步,而音步的韵律是抑扬格。 这种形式首先出现在意大利,在十六世纪中传入英国,为伊丽莎白时代的文人所宠爱。诗人如莎士比亚、斯宾塞及西德尼都写下过很多著名的十四行诗。到十八世纪,十四行诗又受到冷落。后来才浪漫派诗人济慈、沃兹沃斯等人复兴。 英文的商籁诗两种类型:即意大利式(Petrarvhan)及莎士比业式(Shakesperoan),或称英国式。 4.1 意大利式: 由意大利诗人皮特拉克(Petrarch)所创,全诗分两部分:第一部分八行(The Octave),由两个四行诗体(Quatrains)组成,韵脚是abbaabba;第二部分有六行(The Sestet),韵脚可有不同形式。严格的意大利十四行诗,前八行结尾,诗意应告一段落,而后六行又转入新的诗意。 4.2 莎士比亚式: 全诗亦分为两个部分:第一部分是三个四行诗体组成,韵脚可交替进行。第二部分双行诗体。是最后是押韵的双行诗体。全诗韵脚是ababcdcdefefgg。莎士比亚式诗中意境一气呵成,直到最后双行诗体,为全诗 *** 。   请反复朗读,读清每个词的轻重音节,很容易发现: 本14行诗为莎士比亚体(又称英国体)shakespearean son 采用三诗节stanza加上一个英雄双韵体heroic couplet 每个stanza有四个诗句verses, 每个verse里有十个音节syllable 每两个syllable组合成一个音步 于是每句verse中有五个音步 每个音步中第一个音节是重音,第二个轻 所以是五步扬抑格啦 举例:、queen of 、the sil、ver bow!--、by thy 、pale beam 我用顿号分了5步 每步先重后轻   我知道“五步抑扬格”和“十四行诗” 见//baike.baidu/view/1961107

秋天的诗歌(英语) 越短越好!

《forever autumn》 So,the season of the fall begins Down the crossroads in a sleepy little inn By the fire when the sun goes down But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain Forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Out the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets in The secrets clear in the cloudy night But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain,they will stay the same And the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain,and the storm again Coming closer every day,forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Past the passingbell,past willow weeping A ripple forms on the brinks of time But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain,they will stay the same And the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain,and the storm again Coming closer every day,forever autumn autumn trees depth of autumn a few leaves on the tree dancing autumn leaves the girls talk about christmas autumn from the gnarled trees fluttering birds


雪莱的《无常》Mutability Percy Bysshe Shelley We are the clouds that veil the midnight moon; How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver, Streaking the darkness radiantly!--yet soon Night closes round, and they are lost forever: Or like forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings Give various response to each varying blast, To whose frail frame no second motion brings One mood or modulation like the last. We rest.--A dream has power to poison sleep; We rise.--One wandering thought pollutes the day; We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep; Embrace fond foe, or cast our cares away: It is the same!--For, be it joy or sorrow, The path of its departure still is free: Man"s yesterday may ne"er be like his morrow; Nought may endure but Mutability. 《无常》 雪莱 我们象遮蔽午夜之月的云彩; 它一刻不停地奔跑,闪耀,颤栗, 向黑暗放出灿烂的光辉!——但很快 夜幕合拢了,它就永远隐去; 又象被忘却的琴,不调和的弦 每次拨弄都发出不同的音响, 在那纤弱的乐器上,每次重弹, 情调和音节都不会和前次一样。 我们睡下:一场梦能毒戕安息; 我们起来:游思又会玷污白天; 我们感觉,思索,想象,笑或哭泣, 无论抱住悲伤,或者摔脱忧烦: 终归是一样!——因为呵,在这世间, 无论是喜悦或悲伤都会溜走: 我们的明日从不再象昨天, 唉,除了“无常”,一切都不肯停留。 1814年 拜伦的《在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣 》By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept (1815) 在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣 by Lord Byron (1788-1824) 1 We sat down and wept by the waters Of Babel, and thought of the day When our foe, in the hue of his slaughters, Made Salem"s high places his prey; And ye, oh her desolate daughters! Were scattered all weeping away. 2 While sadly we gazed on the river Which rolled on in freedom below, They demanded the song; but, oh never That triumph the stranger shall know! May this right hand be withered for ever, Ere it string our high harp for the foe! 3 On the willow that harp is suspended, Oh Salem! its sound should be free; And the hour when thy glories were ended But left me that token of thee: And ne"er shall its soft tones be blended With the voice of the spoiler by me! 在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣   一   在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来   悲痛地哭泣,我们想到那一天   我们的敌人如何在屠杀叫喊中,   焚毁了撒冷的高耸的神殿:   而你们,呵,她凄凉的女儿!   你们都号哭着四散逃散。   二   当我们忧郁地坐在河边   看着脚下的河水自由地奔流,   他们命令我们歌唱;呵,绝不!   我们绝不在这事情上低头!   宁可让这只右手永远枯瘦,   但我们的圣琴绝不为异族弹奏!   三   我把那竖琴悬挂在柳梢头,   噢,撒冷!它的歌声该是自由的;   想到你的光荣丧尽的那一刻,   却把你的这遗物留在我这里:   呵,我绝不使它优美的音调   和暴虐者的声音混在一起! 莎士比亚的 BUT wherefore do not you a mightier way Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time? And fortify yourself in your decay With means more blessèd than my barren rime? Now stand you on the top of happy hours, And many maiden gardens, yet unset, With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers, Much liker than your painted counterfeit: So should the lines of life that life repair Which this time"s pencil or my pupil pen, Neither in inward worth nor outward fair Can make you live yourself in eyes of men. To give away yourself keeps yourself still, And you must live, drawn by your own sweet skill. 但是为什么不用更凶的法子去抵抗这血淋淋的魔王--时光?不用比我的枯笔吉利的武器,去防御你的衰朽,把自己加强?你现在站在黄金时辰的绝顶,许多少女的花园,还未经播种,贞洁地切盼你那绚烂的群英,比你的画像更酷肖你的真容:只有生命的线能把生命重描;时光的画笔,或者我这枝弱管,无论内心的美或外貌的姣好,都不能使你在人们眼前活现。献出你自己依然保有你自己,而你得活着,靠你自己的妙笔。</SPAN>


  英语诗篇对于英语的语言感知、语言审美乃至人格培育都有着不可低估的作用。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读!   篇一   真爱是什么   Love is Mom"s kiss and Dad"s pat.   Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.   Love is the tree of friendship.   Love is mutual understanding and support.   Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.   Love is the never-setting sun in the sky.   Love is the spring of the inspiration.   Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.   Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.   Love is a key to open the door of a closed heart.   Love is an oasis on a boundless desert which gives a tired walker strength and hope.   Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.   Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.   Love is the teacher"s persistence in giving lectures when he is ill.   Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.   Love is sending postcards to parents on their birthdays.   Love is a kind of subtle and precious sensation among human beings.   Love is all!   爱是妈妈的亲吻,爸爸的抚拍。   爱是送给情人芬芳的玫瑰和对小孩的细心呵护。   爱是友谊之树。   爱是人与人之间相互的理解和支援。   爱是对别人的宽容和牺牲。   爱是天空中永不沉落的太阳。   爱是智慧之源泉。   爱是一剂治疗心灵创伤的灵丹妙药。   爱是黑暗中的蜡烛、寒冬里的火炉。   爱是一把开启关闭着的心灵的钥匙。   爱是无边沙漠中的一片绿洲,它能给那些疲惫的旅行者以力量和希望。   爱是怒海中的一片平静的港湾,它能让那些困倦的水手们安全和宁静。   爱是一丝温暖的微风,它能化解繁乱生活中的焦虑和伤痛。   爱是老师在生病时却仍然给学生上课的那种坚毅。   爱是课间休息时学生给老师送去的一杯清茶。   爱是在父母生日时给他们寄去的贺卡。   爱是人类一种微妙而又珍贵的感觉。   爱是人类的一切。   篇二   安眠封闭了我的灵魂   A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal   William Wordsworth   A slumber did my spirit seal1;   I had no human fears:   She seemed a thing that could not feel   The touch of earthly years.   No motion has she now, no force;   She neither hears nor sees;   Rolled round in earth"s diurnal course   With rocks, and stones, and trees.   安眠封闭了我的灵魂   威廉华兹华斯   安眠封闭了我的灵魂,   人世的恐惧忘却磬尽,   她已回归自然,   对岁月的感觉荡然无存。   纹丝不动,了无声息,   闭目不视,充耳不闻,   她陪着山脉,拌著木石,   追随大地昼夜飞驰的转轮。   篇三   JennyKiss"dMe珍妮给了我一个吻   Jenny kiss"d me when we met,   Jumping from the chair she sat in;   Time, you thief, who love to get   Sweets into your list, put that in!   Say I"m weary, say I"m sad,   Say that health and wealth have miss"d me,   Say I"m growing old, but add,   Jenny kiss"d me.   珍妮给了我一个吻   珍妮的才华盖世,   珍妮的美艳绝伦;   多少文人明里追捧,   多少美女暗地嫉恨。   就在我们相遇时,   珍妮给了我一个吻;   我还记得她椅中绰约的坐姿,   我还记得她冲我奔来的倩影。   贼头贼脑的时光,   密查暗访的精灵;   偷记人间的风流韵事,   当然,也录下我那一刻的温馨。   说我面容疲惫,   我认;   说我精神忧郁,   我认;   说我财富全无,   我认;   说我健康不再,   我认;   说我年纪老迈,   我认。   可是,要补充一句:   珍妮给了我一个吻。   篇四   THE WHITE BIRDS   ——by W.B. Yeats   Would that we were,my beloved,white birds on the foam of the sea!   We tire of the flame of the meteor,before it can fade and flee;   And the flame of the blue star of twilight,hung low on the rim of the sky,   Has awakened in our hearts,my beloved,a sadness that may not die.   亲爱的,但愿我们是浪尖上一双白鸟!   流星尚未陨逝,我们已厌倦了它的闪耀;   天边低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星的幽光,   唤醒了你我心中,一缕不死的忧伤。   A weariness es from those dreamers,dew-dabbled,the lily and rose;   Ah,dream not of them,my beloved,the flame of the meteor that goes,   Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:   For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam:I and you!   露溼的百合、玫瑰梦里逸出一丝困倦;   呵,亲爱的,可别梦那流星的闪耀,   也别梦那蓝星的幽光在滴露中低徊:   但愿我们化作浪尖上的白鸟:我和你!   I am haunted by numberless islands,and many a Danaan shore,   Where Time would surely forget us,and Sorrow e near us no more;   Soon far from the rose and the lily,and fret of the flames would we be,   Were we only white birds,my beloved,buoyed out on the foam of the sea!   我心头萦绕着无数岛屿和丹南湖滨,   在那里岁月会以遗忘我们,悲哀不再来临;   转瞬就会远离玫瑰、百合和星光的侵蚀,   只要我们是双白鸟,亲爱的,出没在浪花里!   




约翰·多恩 的《早安》的诗歌全文如下:x0dx0a英文版本为以下:x0dx0aTHE GOOD-MORROW.x0dx0aby John Donnex0dx0aI WONDER by my troth, what thou and Ix0dx0aDid, till we loved ? were we not wean"d till then ?x0dx0aBut suck"d on country pleasures, childishly ?x0dx0aOr snorted we in the Seven Sleepers" den ?x0dx0a"Twas so ; but this, all pleasures fancies be ;x0dx0aIf ever any beauty I did see,x0dx0aWhich I desired, and got, "twas but a dream of thee.x0dx0ax0dx0aAnd now good-morrow to our waking souls,x0dx0aWhich watch not one another out of fear ;x0dx0aFor love all love of other sights controls,x0dx0aAnd makes one little room an everywhere.x0dx0aLet sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone ;x0dx0aLet maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown ;x0dx0aLet us possess one world ; each hath one, and is one.x0dx0ax0dx0aMy face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,x0dx0aAnd true plain hearts do in the faces rest ;x0dx0aWhere can we find two better hemispheresx0dx0aWithout sharp north, without declining west ?x0dx0aWhatever dies, was not mix"d equally ;x0dx0aIf our two loves be one, or thou and Ix0dx0alove so alike that none can slacken, none can die.x0dx0ax0dx0aSource:x0dx0aDonne, John. Poems of John Donne. vol I.x0dx0aE. K. Chambers, ed.x0dx0aLondon: Lawrence & Bullen, 1896. 3.x0dx0ax0dx0a中文版本如以下:x0dx0a我真不明白;你我相爱之前x0dx0a在于什么?莫非我们还没断奶,x0dx0a只知吮吸田园之乐像孩子一般?x0dx0a或是在七个睡眠者的洞中打鼾?x0dx0a确实如此,但一切欢乐都是虚拟,x0dx0a如果我见过.追求并获得过美,x0dx0a那全都是——且仅仅是——梦见的你。x0dx0ax0dx0a现在向我们苏醒的灵魂道声早安,x0dx0a两个灵魂互相信赖,毋须警戒;x0dx0a因为爱控制了对其他景色的爱,x0dx0a把小小的房间点化成大千世界。x0dx0a让航海发现家向新世界远游,x0dx0a让无数世界的舆图把别人引诱x0dx0a我们却自成世界,又互相拥有。x0dx0ax0dx0a我映在你眼里,你映在我眼里,x0dx0a两张脸上现出真诚坦荡的心地。x0dx0a哪儿能找到两个更好的半球啊?x0dx0a没有严酷的北,没有下沉的西?x0dx0a凡是死亡,都属调和失当所致,x0dx0a如果我俩的爱合二为一,或是x0dx0a爱得如此一致.那就谁也不会死。x0dx0a 约翰·多恩的代表诗作《早安》既是对“破晓歌”的继承和开拓,同时也是对这一文学形式所作的玄学诠释。诗中“巧智”、“奇喻”等典型玄学派艺术技巧的运用,不仅丰富了传统“破晓歌”这一文学形式的艺术魅力,同时也为我们探索17世纪英国玄学派诗歌独特的宇宙观及其自然哲学思想提供了重要的参照。《早安》全诗共分三个诗节。诗人在该诗中的第一诗节就着眼于描写相爱之前人生意义和经验的苍白、单调和虚无。传统“破晓歌”普遍着眼于“共度良宵”的短暂欢乐以及随后的“依依惜别”的离愁相比,多恩无疑是一位善于“在天文、航海、神话、金属加工术等一切事实和体验中提取意象和隐喻”的诗人,是一位有思想深度并且善于使读者也使自己震惊的诗人。诗的开篇就直接表露了这种震惊:“我真不明白”(I wonder)。“wonder”一词一语双关,既表现了震惊,也暗示了探索。紧随其后出现的“你我相爱之前在于什么?”突出地否定了相爱之前的人生意义,从而将凌晨的苏醒不仅理解为时间的更替,更是诠释成生命的发现和生命意识的觉醒。接着,诗人用了“没有断奶”、 “吮吸”、“沉睡”等词,来表现了“成熟”与“不成熟”、“婴儿生活”和“生命全面觉醒”之间的冲撞与对立。“七个睡眠者的洞”是一个典故,传说埃弗索斯地方有七个青年,为了躲避罗马皇帝狄希乌斯的迫害,藏入山洞,由于喝了魔酒,在洞中昏然沉睡了一百多年。诗人以此来寓指以前的生活只不过是一场梦幻,毫无意义。如果说有过什么欢乐,那也只是“吮吸田园乐”一种没见过大世面的乡下孩子所体验的那种欢乐。如果说获得过什么美,那也不是现实的美,而是虚无,而是梦幻,甚至连梦幻也只不过是预想中的恋人——梦中的你。x0dx0a 约翰·多恩John Donne(1572 - 1631),英国诗人。1572年生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。信仰罗马天主教。约翰·多恩又译邓约翰,是英国詹姆斯一世时期的玄学派诗人,他的作品包括十四行诗、爱情诗、宗教诗、拉丁译本、隽语、挽歌、歌词等,代表作有《日出》,《歌谣与十四行诗》,<神圣十四行诗》《给圣父的赞美诗等。


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. “长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night"s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come." 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫。 我是抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线, 唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人, 今夜如此,夜夜皆然。”



英文诗歌love is

十首经典英文情诗 1、Love is more than a word it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven"t got a clue. Love不单是一个字, 它还代表了许多意涵, 当我看到这四个字母的时候 我几乎能感受到你内心的感动 但是这只是发生在, 我爱上你之后, 为何这个字有如此的魔力, 我也不清楚 2、Thank you for fotting me when I"m sad Loving me when I"m mad Picking me up when I"m down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am. 感谢你在伤心时安慰我, 当我生气时感谢你护着我, 当我沮丧时你拉拔我, 感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁, 告诉我爱的意义是什么, 当我需要动力时你鼓励我, 但我最想感谢你的是, 爱上像我这样的一个人。 3、Sweetheart, My thoughts are deep into you From the moment that I wake up And to the whole day through Happy Valentine"s Day 亲爱的, 我深深地想念着你, 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起, 每一分每一秒直到一天结束。 情人节快乐! 4、Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do I hope you"re as happy with me As I am with you 感谢你永远支持我, 不论我作了些什麼, 我希望你跟我在一起永远开心, 就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐。 5、If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that i "d like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away just to spend them with you if I could make days last forever if words could make wishes e true I"d save every day like a treasure and then again I would spend them with you 如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子, 我要作的第一件事就是, 把每一天都存下来直到永恒, 再和你一起慢慢度过。 如果我能把时间化作永恒, 如果我的愿望能一一成真, 我会把每天都像宝贝一样存起来, 再和你一起慢慢度过。 6、To sweetheart or friend, words can mean much. Valentine heart to heart, conveys a loving touch. 给我的爱人或是朋友, 一句话可以代表许多意思, 让我们传递著情人节的讯息, 也传送出爱的感觉。 7、You"re always there for me When things tend to go wrong It"s that faith you have in me That makes our love strong 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, 是你对我坚定的信心, 让我们的爱更加茁壮。 8、It"s your loving and your caring And knowing that you"re near That gentle touch you have Make my troubles disappear 是你的爱意和呵护, 知道你就在我的身边, 还有你的温柔和体贴, 让我所有的麻烦全都不见。 9、A better love I couldn"t ask for With your sweet and gently way And knowing that your love for me Grows more everyday 我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人, 能比你更加温柔和体贴, 我也深深地相信, 你对我的爱一天比一天更深。 10、We share so much together And you always pull me through Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do 我们分享生命中的每一天, 感谢你带领着我 感谢你一直支持着我 不论我做了些什么


《如果》为题的诗歌共收集到两篇,全文如下:一、吉卜林《如果》诺贝尔奖得主吉卜林写给他12岁儿子的诗。《如果》吉卜林如果在众人六神无主之时,你镇定自若而不是人云亦云;如果被众人猜忌怀疑时,你能自信如常而不去枉加辩论;如果你有梦想,又能不迷失自我;如果你有神思,又不至于走火入魔;如果在成功之中能不忘形于色,而在灾难之后也勇于咀嚼苦果;如果看到自己追求的美好破灭为一摊零碎的瓦砾,也不说放弃;如果你辛苦劳作,已是功成名就,为了新目标,你依旧冒险一搏,哪怕功名成乌有;如果你跟村夫交谈而不变谦恭之态,和王侯散步而不露谄媚之颜;如果他人的爱情左右不了你,如果你与任何人为伍都能卓然独立;如果昏惑的骚扰动摇不了你的意志,你能等自己平心静气再做答时……那么,你的修养就会如天地般博大,而你,就是个真正的男子汉了,我的儿子!《If》By Rudyard KiplingIf you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you;If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don"t deal in lies,Or being hated don"t give way to hating,And yet don"t look too good, nor talk too wise;If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with Triumph and DisasterAnd treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you"ve spokenTwisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build" em up with worn out tools;If you can make one heap of all your winningsAnd risk it on one turn of pitch and tossAnd lose, and start again at your beginningsAnd never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinewTo serve your turn long after they are gone,And so hold on when there is nothing in youExcept the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds" worth of distance run——Yours is the Earth and everything that"s in it,And—which is more—you"ll be a Man, my son!【吉卜林简介】吉卜林一般指约瑟夫·鲁德亚德·吉卜林约瑟夫·鲁德亚德·吉卜林(Joseph Rudyard Kipling),英国小说家、诗人。主要作品有诗集《营房谣》、《七海》,小说集《生命的阻力》和动物故事《丛林之书》等。1907年吉卜林凭借作品《基姆》获诺贝尔文学奖 ,当时年仅42岁,是至今为止最年轻的诺贝尔文学奖得主。获奖理由:“这位世界名作家的作品以观察入微、想象独特、气概雄浑、叙述卓越见长”。二、《如果》席慕蓉四季可以安排得极为黯淡如果太阳愿意人生可以安排得极为寂寞如果爱情愿意我可以永不再出现如果你愿意除了对你的思念亲爱的朋友 我一无长物然而 如果你愿意我将立即使思念枯萎 断落如果你愿意 我将把每一粒种子都掘起把每一条河流都切断让荒芜干涸延伸到无穷远今生今世 永不再将你想起除了 除了在有些个因落泪而湿润的夜里 如果如果你愿意【席慕蓉简介】席慕蓉(1943年10月15日—),蒙古族,全名穆伦·席连勃,当代画家、诗人、散文家。原籍内蒙古察哈尔部。1963年,席慕蓉台湾师范大学美术系毕业,1966年在比利时布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院完成进修,获得比利时皇家金牌奖、布鲁塞尔市政府金牌奖等多项奖项。著有诗集、散文集、画册及选本等五十余种,《七里香》、《无怨的青春》、《一棵开花的树》等诗篇脍炙人口,成为经典。席慕容的作品多写爱情、人生、乡愁,写得极美,淡雅剔透,抒情灵动,饱含着对生命的挚爱真情,影响了整整一代人的成长历程 。


如果如果在众人六神无主之时,你能镇定自若而不是人云亦云; 如果在被众人猜忌之日,你能自信如常而不去枉加辩论; 如果你有梦想,又不迷失自己;如果你有神思,又不致于走火入魔;如果你在成功之中能不忘形于色,而在灾难后能勇于咀嚼苦果;如果你听到自己说出的奥秘,被无赖曲解成面目全非的魔术而不怨艾; 如果看见自己追求的美好,受到天灾破灭为一摊瓦砾而不说放弃; 如果辛苦劳作已是功成名就,还要冒险一搏哪怕功名成饶有;即使惨遭失败,仍要从头开始; 如果你跟村夫交谈而不离谦恭之态,和王候散步不露谄媚之颜; 如果他人的爱憎左右不了你的正气;如果你与任何人为伍都能卓然独立; 如果昏惑的骚扰动摇不了你的意志,你能等自己心平气静再作答对。 那么,你的修养会如天地般博大----而你,就是真正的男子汉了。 我的儿子!原文如下:IF……by Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don"t deal in lies,Or being hated, don"t give way to hating,And yet don"t look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with Triumph and DisasterAnd treat those two imposters just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you"ve spokenTwisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build "em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winningsAnd risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginningsAnd never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinewTo serve your turn long after they are gone,And so hold on when there is nothing in youExcept the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch,If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds" worth of distance run,Yours is the Earth and everything that"s in it,And-which is more-you"ll be a Man, my son!


泰戈尔英文诗《世界上最远的距离》The most distant way in the world The most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end. it is when i sit near you that you don"t understand i love u. The most distant way in the world is not that you"re not sure i love u. It is when my love is bewildering the soul but i can"t speak it out. The most distant way in the world is not that i can"t say i love u. it is after looking into my heart i can"t change my love. The most distant way in the world is not that i"m loving u. it is in our love we are keeping between the distance. 翻译:世界上最远的距离 不是生与死的距离 而是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 而是爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我爱你 而是想你痛彻心脾 却只能深埋心底 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我想你 而是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 世界上最远的距离 不是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 而是明知道真爱无敌 却装作毫不在意 世界上最远的距离 不是树与树的距离 而是同根生长的树枝 却无法在风中相依 世界上最远的距离 不是树枝无法相依 而是相互了望的星星 却没有交汇的轨迹 世界上最远的距离 不是星星之间的轨迹 而是纵然轨迹交汇 却在转瞬间无处寻觅 世界上最远的距离 不是瞬间便无处寻觅 而是尚未相遇 便注定无法相聚 世界上最远的距离 是鱼与飞鸟的距离 一个在天,一个却深潜海底We Were Dear to Each Other By Rabindranath Tagore Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fall there with a sign. O Troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song,as one kiss of the eternal. It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars. The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement,dancing water,Will you carry the burden of their lameless? Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 我们相亲相爱 泰戈尔 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了. 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息了一声,飞落在那里. 世界上的一小队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的脚印在我的文字里. 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩瀚的面具揭了下来. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的吻. 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢. 无垠的沙漠热烈地追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将将失去群星了. 跳着舞的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的欢跳.你肯挟痂足的泥沙而俱下么? 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂. 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不认识的. 我们醒了,却知道我们是相亲相爱的. 雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)西风颂 原文:I1 O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being, 2 Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead3 Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,4 Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,5 Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,6 Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed7 The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,8 Each like a corpse within its grave, until9 Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow10 Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill11 (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)12 With living hues and odours plain and hill:13 Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;14 Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!II15 Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky"s commotion,16 Loose clouds like earth"s decaying leaves are shed,17 Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,18 Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread19 On the blue surface of thine a{:e}ry surge,20 Like the bright hair uplifted from the head21 Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge22 Of the horizon to the zenith"s height,23 The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge24 Of the dying year, to which this closing night25 Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,26 Vaulted with all thy congregated might27 Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere28 Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh hear!III29 Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams30 The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,31 Lull"d by the coil of his cryst{`a}lline streams,32 Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay,33 And saw in sleep old palaces and towers34 Quivering within the wave"s intenser day,35 All overgrown with azure moss and flowers36 So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou37 For whose path the Atlantic"s level powers38 Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below39 The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear40 The sapless foliage of the ocean, know41 Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear,42 And tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear!IV43 If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;44 If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;45 A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share46 The impulse of thy strength, only less free47 Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even48 I were as in my boyhood, and could be49 The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven,50 As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed51 Scarce seem"d a vision; I would ne"er have striven52 As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.53 Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!54 I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!55 A heavy weight of hours has chain"d and bow"d56 One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.V57 Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:58 What if my leaves are falling like its own!59 The tumult of thy mighty harmonies60 Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,61 Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,62 My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!63 Drive my dead thoughts over the universe64 Like wither"d leaves to quicken a new birth!65 And, by the incantation of this verse,66 Scatter, as from an unextinguish"d hearth67 Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!68 Be through my lips to unawaken"d earth69 The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,70 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?翻译:1 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸! 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避: 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你 以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起 她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍, (唤出嫩芽,像羊群一样,觅食空中) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原。 不羁的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 2 没入你的急流,当高空一片混乱, 流云象大地的枯叶一样被撕扯 脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干。 成为雨和电的使者:它们飘落 在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面, 有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁, 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶, 里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结; 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰:哦,你听! 3 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒, 而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天, 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦, 就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边, 它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤, 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵, 那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力; 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青: 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听! 4 哎,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起, 假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾, 是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息, 假如我分有你的脉搏,仅仅不如 你那么自由,哦,无法约束的生命! 假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄, 似乎并非梦幻),我就不致像如今 这样焦躁地要和你争相祈祷。 哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云! 我跌在生活底荆棘上,我流血了! 这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。 5 把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意: 虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一! 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落, 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!西风呵, 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 赞同0| 评论 检举 | 2011-5-8 20:06 博之先生 | 三级 When You Are Old         When you are old and grey and full of sleep      And nodding by the fire,take down this book      And slowly read,and dream of the soft look      Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;           How many loved your moments of glad grace,      And loved your beauty with love false or true,      But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,      And loved the sorrows of your changing face;           And bending down beside the glowing bars,      Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled      And paced upon the mountains overhead      And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.      (BY William Butler Yeats) 当你老了赵志博译当你老了,头发花白,睡思昏沉;炉火旁打旽,拿起这部诗歌。慢慢读起,追思已逝的眼神的柔和,及它晕影的幽深多少人爱你年轻时优雅的片辰,爱你的美丽,假意或真心;惟有一人爱你朝圣者的灵魂,爱你苍老的脸上痛苦的留痕。躬下身来,在红光闪耀的炉火旁,低语着,淡淡悲伤,爱情怎样黯淡,此时轻轻踱步于头顶的山峦,一大群繁星里隐去了他的脸庞。袁可嘉译          当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉,     炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,     慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和,     回想它们昔日浓重的阴影;          多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰,     爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心,     只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,     爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹;          垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁,     凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝,     在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子,     在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞当你老了 冰心译      当你老了,头发花白,睡意沉沉,      倦坐在炉边,取下这本书来,      慢慢读着,追梦当年的眼神      那柔美的神采与深幽的晕影。      多少人爱过你青春的片影,      爱过你的美貌,以虚伪或是真情,      惟独一人爱你那朝圣者的心,      爱你哀戚的脸上岁月的留痕。      在炉栅边,你弯下了腰,      低语着,带着浅浅的伤感,      爱情是怎样逝去,又怎样步上群山,      怎样在繁星之间藏住了脸。 ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it"s been cloudy. But don"t forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you have been defeated. But don"t forget the victories you have won. Forget about the misfortunes you have encountered. But don"t forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you have been lonely. But don"t forget the friendly smiles you have seen. Forget about the plans that didn"t seem to work out right. But don"t forget to always have a dream. 忘掉你失意的日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸,但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子,但不要忘记你得到的友善微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。I"M DREAMING OF THE WHITE CHRISTMAS I"m dreaming of the white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know. The tree tops glisten and children Listen to hear sleigh-bells in the snow. I"m dreaming of the white Christmas With every Christmas card I write. May your days be merry and bright, And may all your Christmases be white. (An American Folk Song) 我梦想着白色的圣诞 我梦想着白色的圣诞, 就象我曾度过的圣诞一样。 树梢灯光闪闪, 孩子们听着雪橇铃响。 我梦想着白色的圣诞, 写着圣诞贺卡一张张。 愿你年年过着白色的圣诞, 愿你的生活永远愉快,安康。Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Shakespear Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm"d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature"s changing course untrimm"d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st; Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 你的长夏永远不会凋谢 我怎能够把你来比拟作夏天? 你不独比他可爱也比他温婉; 狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践, 夏天出赁的期限又未免太短; 天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈, 他那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽; 给机缘或无偿的天道所摧残, 没有芳颜不终于凋残或销毁。 但你的长夏将永远不会凋落, 也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳; 或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊, 当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。 只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛, 这诗将长在,并且赐给你生命。THE WIND风(Part I)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌?Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我;But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。(Part II)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我;But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。~by C. G. RossettiTHE CUCKOO布谷鸟In April, 四月里,Come he will, 它就来了,In May, 五月里,Sing all day, 整天吟唱多逍遥,In June, 六月里,Change his tune, 它在改变曲调,In July, 七月里,Prepare to fly, 准备飞翔,In August, 八月里,Go he must! 它就得离去了!~by Mother Goose"s Nursery Rhyme DreamsHold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想, For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀 That can never fly. 再也不能飞翔 Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For when dreams go 梦想若是消丧Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,Frozen only with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长I Loved You Alexander PushkinI loved you; and perhaps I love you still,The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yetIt burns so quietly within my soul,No longer should you feel distressed by it.Silently and hopelessly I loved you,At times too jealous and at times too shy.God grant you find another who will love youAs tenderly and truthfully as I我曾经爱过你我曾经爱过你。爱情,也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消亡;但愿它不会再打扰你;我也不想再使你难过悲伤。我曾经默默无语毫无指望地爱过你,我既忍受羞怯,又忍受着嫉妒的折磨;我曾经那样真诚那样温柔地爱过你,但愿上帝保佑你,另一个人也会像我一样爱你。


黎明,朝霞染红的黎明!你带给我们多么醉人的开始啊!Dawn, sunglow red dawn!You bring us how intoxicating the start!我们已经不觉站立起来,在那强劲而热情地喷薄而来的束束霞光中望着东方。We have not sleep standing up, in the strong and enthusiasm gushing in beam rays and looking east.茫茫的草地,条条的山梁,都呼啸着从两侧疾疾退去。The vast grassland, section of the ridge, all screamed from the sides of illness subsided.车轮溅起溪流的水花,飞扬的水珠高高四散,像是碰上了我们灼热的脸。Wheel splash splashes water streams, flying high like a scattered, met our burning face.它虽然仍是一片墨蓝,轻缀其中的几簇残星虽然也依旧熠熠闪亮,但是那缀着星星的黑幕后面。Although it is still a dark blue, light up one of the few cluster remnant stars while still twinkling with stars, but the behind-the-scenes plotting behind.


有关母亲节的诗歌(精选15首)   诗歌,是一种抒情言志的文学体裁。是用高度凝练的语言,生动形象地表达作者丰富情感,集中反映社会生活并具有一定节奏和韵律的文学体裁。以下是我为大家收集的有关母亲节的诗歌(精选15首),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。   1、母爱是一只摇篮   小时候   母爱是一只摇篮   母亲哼着童谣   摇啊,摇啊   就摇到了外婆桥   长大后   母爱是一碗   热腾腾的鸡蛋面   和一件铺满新棉的御冬衣   热在心里   暖在身上   而后来   母爱是一些琐琐碎碎的唠叨   和临行前的千叮万嘱   儿啊,在家千般好,出门时时难   在外不好了,想家了   就早点回来   现在啊   母爱是握在手中的电话   和那牵引着的长长的电话线   家中的电话号码   游子夜夜往心里拨   2、妈妈的声音   时常在梦里   听到妈妈呼唤我的乳名   那清脆亲切的声音   一如风铃的琤琮   桂花糖 新图书   新衣服 新玩具   都藏在妈妈的声音里   一声呼唤带来多少   喜悦 欢欣 惊奇 激动   当妈妈的青丝变成白发   妈妈的声音苍老而凝重   像从电话里   伸出一双干瘪的手   抚摸我的头发   拂过我的头顶   声声嘱咐叮咛   如泉水叮咚   年年月月   永不干枯   3、妈妈不在身边   妈妈不在身边   我为她过节   ——用心!   翻开往事   远逝的歌谣记载着   少年时赶着牛车   循着妈妈的呼唤   回村的日子   我知道   儿女的身高   烙在那双   包满老茧的手掌上   我知道   儿女的欢笑   刻在那个   顶风沐雨的额头上   节日的夜晚   妈妈不在身边   我聆听那古老的门环   突然叩响时   妈妈的目光   4、妈妈的声音   时常在梦里   听到妈妈呼唤我的乳名   那清脆亲切的声音   一如风铃的琤琮   桂花糖 新图书   新衣服 新玩具   都藏在妈妈的声音里   一声呼唤带来多少   喜悦 欢欣 惊奇 激动   当妈妈的青丝变成白发   妈妈的声音苍老而凝重   像从电话里   伸出一双干瘪的手   抚摸我的头发   拂过我的头顶   声声嘱咐叮咛   如泉水叮咚   年年月月   永不干枯   5、伟大的母爱   采一束最鲜艳的玫瑰花,   寄托着所有对母亲爱的话,   母亲说我傻,   玫瑰花是象征爱情的花,   不,   也是儿女要送给母亲的花。   很久听不到母亲为我儿时讲的笑话,   真后悔,   那一段段还没听完就进入梦乡的话语。   母亲说,傻孩子,   母亲对儿女要说的话永远没个说完,   就是睡到坟墓里,   你们也是我永远的牵挂。   6、《致母亲》   当我呱呱坠地时   迎接我的是母亲含泪的笑脸   当我哭泣时   抚摸我的是母亲温柔的小手   当我跚跚学步时   陪伴我的是母亲鼓励的目光   当我成长时   守护我的是母亲无微不至的呵护   当我远行时   牵挂我的是母亲永不褪色的爱   7、《母亲的挂念》   母亲的挂念,是春天的风   为远行的孩子送上   一片慈祥   母亲的挂念,是夏天的云   为远行的.孩子递去   一片阴凉   母亲的挂念,是秋天的泥   无论孩子像叶子一样飘得多远   乡情仍厚厚地叠着在那里   母亲的挂念,是冬天的火   异地的天气虽然很冷,很冷   但心里却感觉很暖,很暖   8、《献给母亲》   我惯于昂首阔步,两眼朝天,   我的性情也有点执拗倔强;   即使国王跟我面对面相望,   我也不会低垂下我的眼帘。   可是,慈母啊,我要对你直言:   尽管我的傲气是如此刚强,   一到你的幸福的亲切的身旁,   我常常感到自卑而畏缩不前。   你有渗透一切的、崇高的精神,   光芒四射,直飘向日月星辰,   是这种精神暗暗地征服了我?   回忆往事真使我感到难过,   我做错许多事情,伤你的心,   那样万分爱我的慈母的好心!   9、我思念我的妈妈   祝天下的妈妈节日快乐……   这是天下儿女的心愿……   日子象走在常有风雨的路上,   母亲在最前头。   让一些为儿女遮挡风雨的雨伞给母亲,   母亲又推给了我,   啊雨伞下的儿女,   雨伞外的母亲。   雨不再是雨,   是上苍送给人间的一棵幸福泪。   母亲节精选诗歌:   当太阳把麦穗刷成一片金黄时   10、母亲   您的生日宴会又将在收割的协奏曲中   如期进行   这片黄土是上苍为您特制的蛋糕   你用镰刀将遍地的烛光   割倒叠起   我跟在您的身后拾捡遗落的烛光   您很满意的笑   这是您唯一允许我为您祝寿的方式   其实我很想说些什么   哪怕一句话也好   一个字也好   您依旧弯腰如弓大粒的汗珠   弹射成身后夕阳如血   终于在那把可以击穿任何冠冕堂皇的   镰刀宣布休息时   我想终于有机会为您讲出那句压抑已久的话了   而您却枕着一地汗珠   睡着了   11、桃花的话   桃树开口,尽是女人味道   起初粉红粉红的,想到母亲,便想到了青涩   站在枝头,不断的诱惑着   每一个敢于普通的人。   而青涩源于粉红却高于粉红   它敢于说话,脆生生的喜人,母亲弯着腰   或者抬着头、踮着脚   都是为了一个接近的更可能。   12、酉水河畔   酉水拐着弯的行走   走到最远的地方是沈从文的书里   或许,那里的美,便是海。   读初中时,我曾用酉水   洗过身子,用了十多个年头的夏天   酉水从没有被我弄脏过   仿佛,那年头根本就没有脏字。   酉水河畔一直住着竹子   它们的影子,在酉水里显得消瘦   一如吊脚楼悬挂着   其实是在踮着脚进行远望。   母亲其实知道,顺水容易   逆水难。如今酉水河水位下降   儿要回家,肯定还得等到来年   13、《最直白的语言》   ——献给母亲   (一)   母亲!—我的笔扯着血脉的相亲   在黑夜里温柔而渴望的呼唤—   黑色是沉默而深刻的   十二点我沉浸于一片寂静的回归   当所有从你耳鬓飘去的落叶   在身后定格成枯黄灰褐的过去   一个日子悄然靠近历史和今天   将以时间的名义给你至高的荣誉   于是在冻草于埂边泛绿   打起你秋天篮子的主意的那一天   我开始预谋起一张张日历   而你啊—我的敬爱的母亲   你还不知道你劳动所深深   熟悉的五月,还有一个星期天   完完全全的属于你——   就像小时候   当我望着眼前可爱的双煎蛋   欢呼时你总是   不知道自己的生日是哪一天   (二)   该如何为你写首诗   把爱镌刻上时间不朽的丰碑   我的笔已整整失眠一个春天   这之于你是何其的微渺   那些飘摇的岁月   你伤过春伤过秋天   你伤过生活的一年四季   于是我的笔坚持的舞蹈和思考   如同你总想弄明白那一次哭泣   是来自恐惧病痛或饥饿   甚至是我的无理取闹   那张布满兹爱的脸啊   总想一次次贴近我幼小的心灵   也总是被我调皮的双手   抓出一条条带血的伤痕   (三)   我曾多少次为你咬紧牙关   我的灾难的母亲   是谁背弃了你少女的渴望   你是目不识仃的   我的疼痛的母亲   就连仅有的几个数字   也是我教你看清   仿佛你扳着我的手指   用自家话教我数起:1234   而你总是微笑的表达了   最大的宽容和满足   因为你已能拨通   一趟远方的电话—   为你小鸟般长出翅膀   忍心你落寞而离去的儿子   带来牵挂带来乡音   带来故乡的甜美的歌谣   (四)   我注定不能用成熟的文字   去表达别人眼中的深刻—   岁月已在你脸上   刻下了太多的伤痕   我看见你脸上忙碌的皱纹   在灯光下奔跑,   生活迫使你不得不深邃的眼睛   在黑暗中缩小   谁能说啊谁能说   这不已经结构起全世界   最深刻而伟大的一幅版画   (五)   今夜我的笔终于触着了春天的水   我的血液变绿滋润了干枯的抒情   在纸的白色河床上滔滔不绝   春天的一切都是大胆和直白的   如同我为你写下的这些语言——   白的像从你脸上开过的油菜花   白的像从你手中落下的钉耙   白的像从你眼中闪过草绿花红   白的像从你嘴中飘出的山谣   白的像山中的月—像你   白的像每个早晨你耳听熟悉的   公鸡的啼鸣——我高音地呼喊:   母亲,你好吗?   母亲,祝你节日快乐!   我的黎明升起来   永远永远于你!   (六)   也许今夜我的语言过于直白   也许今夜我的抒情   只是了却自己的一桩心愿   也许任何形式的文字都无法把你赞美   母亲就是一首诗   你就是一首诗——   你诗一样的微笑温暖了我   你诗一样的目光滋润了我   你诗一样的皱纹触疼了我   你诗一样的白发刺伤了我   那么明天你充满期待的明天   我的振作将为了你的感叹   我的幸福就是为了你的悲伤!   14、母亲   那个手捧鲜花的人   那个笑容开满面庞的人   那个送我来这个世界的人   从最初,我潜伏在她体内   到依偎在她的怀抱   直至在她面前又跑又跳   她吞下所有苦,藏起所有泪   只为我笑颜永驻   有她就有家,有她就幸福温馨   她把爱给了子孙、亲朋和邻人   用行动教我做一个勤劳善良正直的人   她平凡普通   却有这世上最动听的名字——母亲   15、我爱你,妈妈   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾赋予我生命   让我在美丽的世界里   看到了灿烂的太阳   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾给我快乐   让我在无知的童年里   无忧无虑的成长   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾为我奔波劳累,   为我的学习呕心沥血   长大的我   因学业不能够在身边   孝敬你   儿子不孝   母亲节到了   儿子不在你身边   儿子在求学的路上   儿子在远方为你,   妈妈我爱你,   永远永远 ;


  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家或多或少都接触过一些经典的诗歌吧,诗歌具有精炼含蓄的特点,起着反映社会生活、表达思想感情的作用。那么什么样的诗歌才是好的诗歌呢?以下是我收集整理的适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌,欢迎大家分享。   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌1   小时候   母爱是一只摇篮   母亲哼着童谣   摇啊,摇啊   就摇到了外婆桥   长大后   母爱是一碗   热腾腾的鸡蛋面   和一件铺满新棉的御冬衣   热在心里   暖在身上   而后来   母爱是一些琐琐碎碎的唠叨   和临行前的千叮万嘱   儿啊,在家千般好,出门时时难   在外不好了,想家了   就早点回来   现在啊   母爱是握在手中的电话   和那牵引着的长长的电话线   家中的电话号码   游子夜夜往心里拨   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌2   繁花盛开的五月   迎来了一年一度的母亲节   望着一束束鲜红的康乃馨   仿佛   看到了慈祥可爱的母亲   可是五月的某一天   并非是我出生的时刻   奶奶说   儿的生日是娘的苦日   在我的心里   只有生我的那一刻   才是我的母亲节   只是   很少有人知道   很少有人记得   然而   每年的这一天   却有好多的亲友陪同   一起度过   感谢您   我亲爱的母亲   感谢您将我带到靓丽的世界   让我享有人间的悲欢喜悦   您是我一生永远   唱不尽的美妙的歌   感谢您   我亲爱的母亲   虽然今天不是我的母亲节   可我依然   送给您一束美丽的康乃馨   祝愿您永远的吉祥幸福快乐   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌3   妈妈不在身边   我为她过节   ——用心!   翻开往事   远逝的歌谣记载着   少年时赶着牛车   循着妈妈的呼唤   回村的日子   我知道   儿女的身高   烙在那双   包满老茧的手掌上   我知道   儿女的欢笑   刻在那个   顶风沐雨的额头上   节日的夜晚   妈妈不在身边   我聆听那古老的门环   突然叩响时   妈妈的目光   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌4   1、桃花的话   桃树开口,尽是女人味道   起初粉红粉红的,想到母亲,便想到了青涩   站在枝头,不断的诱惑着   每一个敢于普通的人。   而青涩源于粉红却高于粉红   它敢于说话,脆生生的喜人,母亲弯着腰   或者抬着头、踮着脚   都是为了一个接近的更可能。   2、酉水河畔   酉水拐着弯的行走   走到最远的地方是沈从文的书里   或许,那里的美,便是海。   读初中时,我曾用酉水   洗过身子,用了十多个年头的夏天   酉水从没有被我弄脏过   仿佛,那年头根本就没有脏字。   酉水河畔一直住着竹子   它们的影子,在酉水里显得消瘦   一如吊脚楼悬挂着   其实是在踮着脚进行远望。   母亲其实知道,顺水容易   逆水难。如今酉水河水位下降   儿要回家,肯定还得等到来年   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌5   母亲节这天   天上飘着濛濛细雨   母亲,忙碌的你是否还没顾的上吃早饭   父亲出门带伞了吗   远方的女儿好想给你端上一碗热乎乎的粥饭   母亲节这天   听着窗外飘落的雨滴   母亲的歌声又飘扬在我的耳畔   父亲的车轮仍在有节奏的旋转   远方的女儿让雨丝带去真挚的祝愿   母亲节这天   沙沙雨声伴着七彩电波   手拿听筒感觉着您的笑脸   心中感同于母亲的文字已经发表   内心喜悦的女儿耐心的倾听你的叨念   母亲节这天   女儿好想对父母说声:老爸,老妈,节日快乐   知道您们不需要这种做作式的祝愿   懂得您们最大的心愿   就是儿女们平平安安,盼望一家人团团圆圆   母亲节这天   小雨淅淅沥沥   我为孩子穿上小雨鞋,撑起小花伞   领他们感受雨中的浪漫   孩子,你们是父母的天使,一生的浇灌   母亲节这天   雨丝伴着袅袅炊烟   我把热腾腾的饺子给公婆的碗里盛满   公婆也是知冷知热的父母   你们的冷暖也在我的心头挂牵   母亲节这天   老公出门还在路上颠簸   人是漂泊的小船,家是停泊的港湾   你是辛苦的,我是爱你的   让我们共同营造美丽的家园   母亲节这天   好想回到父母亲身边   不向父母提及工作的事情和生活的烦恼   只想帮母亲涮涮筷子洗洗碗   给父亲捶捶后背揉揉肩   一年三百六十五天   天天都是母亲的节日   生活中扮演不同角色的我们   找点空闲找点时间   带上笑容带上祝愿常回家看看   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌6   母亲,一个永唱不衰的旋律   母亲,一个没有完结的话题   母亲,一个亲切而深情的称谓   是谁设定了——   每年五月的第二个星期天   为母亲的节日   五月,夹裹着寒冷的春天刚刚退去,   五月,挟持着炎热的初夏刚刚到来,   一个温馨的季节   一个舒适的季节   一个氤氲着母亲温暖的季节   让伟大的母亲尽显光荣的风采吧   让辛劳的母亲惬意的休闲一天吧   无私的母亲怎能舍得休闲呢   忙碌的母亲怎能忍心停顿呢   她何曾休息过一分钟   她何曾无忧过一秒钟   儿行千里母担忧   母亲无时无刻不在牵挂着儿女   母亲无时无刻不在惦记着孙辈   且看——   慈母手中线,游子身上衣。   临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。   且看——   寸草春晖   跪乳报恩   大爱无疆   母爱纯真   愿母亲节——   成为唤醒儿女报恩的一记钟声   愿天下儿女永远牢记——   “子欲孝而亲不待”的古训   愿天下儿女尽力报答母亲的恩德   祝福母亲高兴快乐   一生平安   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌7   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾赋予我生命   让我在美丽的世界里   看到了灿烂的太阳   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾给我快乐   让我在无知的童年里   无忧无虑的成长   我爱你,妈妈   因你曾为我奔波劳累,   为我的学习呕心沥血   长大的我   因学业不能够在身边   孝敬你   儿子不孝   母亲节到了   儿子不在你身边   儿子在求学的路上   儿子在远方为你,   妈妈我爱你,   永远永远   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌8   母爱,   不挑儿的长相   母爱,不分春夏秋冬   母爱,   崇高伟大   母爱,   无限忠诚   无论你平和、躁动   无论你失败、成功   母爱   你失败、成功   母爱   无处不在   她,   伴随你   经历人生是她,   放飞人间的龙凤是她,   架起天际的长虹   不懂得母爱   你就迷失了生命的真谛   忘却母爱   高官厚禄血冷躯空   一个母亲陷入贫困   一方惦念何以安宁?   用我们的双手点染熔灿的颜彩   用颗颗爱心缩放全面的繁荣   关怀母亲也是你我的升华净化   替母亲试干眼泪共赏绚丽的恢弘!   站在母亲的高度   站在母亲的高度   情感很瘦   穿堂的风   不能把爱说透   母亲   一个瘦瘦的文字   被岁月排比沦落和飞升   都有象征义深夜析   你需要勇气   仰望是一种传统的视觉   越接近光源越接近完美   母亲站在故乡的前端劈雨   母亲跟水一起   让水流得像模像样   最后被大海模仿   母亲的.身后   被麦浪淹没   母亲也许就站在麦子的高度   读泥土母亲的行走   近似于一场战斗   生存很艰辛   流浪却充满温情   伤寒常常靠拢晚秋   斜倚一棵树成落叶纷纷   树梢被描写成暗色   母亲永远是暖色   在油画中走进走出   最后光芒四射   我无法想象   一种温暖被集中起来   将是火把   如果站在这样光明的高度   我们看到的是什么   一边是黑沉沉的夜   一边是快乐的诞生   母亲一场   婴儿的行走   一定跟一棵树有关   一定跟你的站姿   跟你的立场有关   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌9   尽管长时间没有向你问安,   没给你写信,然则,别让你心里   发生猜疑,宛如你儿子应有的   对你的深爱已经从我的胸中   消失。决非如此,就像那岩石,   在水底深深扎下永远的万年根,   它决不脱离原处,哪怕是流水,   时而用风浪,时而用柔波从它   上面流过,使人们看不到它,   我对你的爱,也是如此离不开   我的胸中,尽管人生的长河,   时而受痛楚鞭挞,汹涌地卷过,   时而受欢喜的静静的抚爱,   遭到覆盖和阻挠,使它不克   向太阳露面,不及映着周围围   返照的阳光,在你这慈母的眼前   向你显示你儿子是怎样崇拜你。   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌10   你惨白的指尖理着我的双鬓,   我忍不住像儿时一样   牢牢拉住你的衣襟。   啊,母亲,   为了留住你垂垂隐去的身影,   固然晨光已把梦剪成烟缕,   我照旧久久不敢睁开眼睛。   我依旧珍藏着那鲜红的领巾,   恐怕浣洗会使它   失去你特有的温馨。   啊,母亲,   岁月的流水不也同样无情?   恐怕记忆也一样褪色啊,   我怎敢轻易打开它的画屏?   为了一根刺我曾向你哭喊,   此刻戴着荆冠,我不敢,   一声也不敢呻吟。   啊,母亲,   我常悲哀地仰望你的照片,   纵然呼唤能够穿透黄土,   我怎敢轰动你的安息?   我还不敢这样陈设爱的礼物,   固然我写了许多支歌   给花、给海、给拂晓。   啊,母亲,   我的甜柔深谧的纪念,   不是急流,不是瀑布,   是花木掩映中唱不出歌声的古井。   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌11   我惯于举头阔步,两眼朝天,   我的性情也有点执拗强硬;   即使国王跟我面对面相望,   我也不会低垂下我的眼帘。   但是,慈母啊,我要对你直言:   尽管我的傲气是如此刚强,   一到你的幸福的热忱的身旁,   我经常感到自卑而畏缩不前。   你有渗透一切的、高尚的精力,   光芒四射,直飘向日月星辰,   是这种精力暗暗地征服了我?   回想旧事真使我感到惆怅,   我做错许多事情,伤你的心,   那样万分爱我的慈母的好心!   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌12   母亲是一棵树   一棵饱经沧桑的树   为儿女遮挡风雨无怨无悔   母亲是一只鹰   一只身经百战的鹰   带儿女自由翱翔不辞辛苦   母亲是一首诗   一首蕴含着爱的诗   教儿女健康成长任劳任怨   母亲是身上的被   没有她会感到寒冷   母亲是菜中的盐   没有她生活就没有味道   母亲肯定有她的痛楚   那些游走不定的伤痛   常常挂在她的脸上   和望着儿女们的笑交织着…   母亲,您辛苦了   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌13   一根小小的针,   一条长长的线,   舞成了千层底   织成了新衣裳   温暖了我童年的记忆   一碗细白的面粉   一把葱绿的蔬菜   在母亲的手下变换着花样   饱蘸着浓浓的母爱   滋养了我渴望的情怀   一把破旧的雨伞   一双不合脚的水鞋   那是母亲为我撑起的一片晴空   那是母亲为我踏出的人生坦途   改变了我面朝换土背朝天的命运   一句“凡事靠自己”   我铭记心中   一句“做人要诚信”   我恪守践行   平凡的你指明了我人生的航向。   啊,母亲   今天是你的节日,   我要为你献上这首赞歌   日里夜里   奏响在女儿的心中!   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌14   啊!母亲   您用生命   孕育了另一个生命   多少轮日沉星起   您寝食难安   多少个风雪之夜   您彻夜难眠……   啊!母亲   您用乳汁   哺育着另一个生命   多少回雪虐风饕   您拥儿入怀   多少次寒风侵肌   您为儿遮被……   母亲!   您也曾美若天仙   绰约多姿   您也曾玉貌花容   天生丽质   谁不想青春常驻   为了儿女子孙   为了相夫教子……   岁月   无情的在您脸上   刻下深深的皱纹   看着您……   疲惫的神情   佝偻的脊背   让儿内心不禁颤抖   热泪盈眶……   夜深人静的时候   您两鬓斑白   多少黑丝变白发   一盏油灯   一针一线   只为那崭新的书包   却刺穿了   多少层深厚的茧皮……   是不是我们   不远走   您就不会再害怕……   是不是我们   不远嫁   您就不会再牵挂……   是不是我们   生了病   您还能再给我们喂喂药……   是不是我们   冻了手   您还会再给我们缝手套……   是不是我们   摔了跤   您就能从轮椅上站高高!   是不是我们   撒个娇   您就能把我们又举高高!   啊!母亲!   多么平凡而伟大的名字……   啊!母亲!   多么崇高而可敬的称呼。   母亲啊!   您是我生命中……   最深爱的人……   适合母亲节朗诵的诗歌15   耳畔余音袅袅   心中思念悠悠   梦里青丝常现   眼前银发斑驳   铺开微微泛黄的记忆   我用情感的工笔   勾勒出一个熟悉的模样   她就是慈祥的娘   娘凭着生命的坚韧   融化了岁月的冰霜   素描了如莲般的往事   擎起了一个爱的信仰   娘把慈祥堆在眼角   她的脚步愈发蹒跚   枕着儿女的乳名入眠   一世倾情任劳任怨


A Psalm of Life Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined and our way;But to act, That much to-morrow.Find us farther than to-day.Art is long, and time is fleeting. And our hearts, though stout and brave. Still, like muffled drums, are beating,Funeral marches to the grave。In the world"s broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb,driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no future.howe"er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act,act in the living Present!Let us,then,be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;Still achieving,still pursuing,Learn to labour and to wait.(人生礼颂) 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;人生呵,无非是虚梦一场因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,事物的表里并不一样。人生是实在的!人生是热烈的!人生的目标决不是坟墓;你是尘土,应归于尘土。此话指的并不是我们的精神。我们的归宿并不是快乐,也不是悲伤,实干,才是我们的道路,每天不断前进,蒸蒸蒸日上。光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强,却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。在这人生的宿营地,在这辽阔的世界战场,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,做一名英雄汉立马横枪!别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐!让死去的往昔将死亡一切埋葬!上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气,让我们起来干吧,下定决心,不管遭遇怎样;不断胜利,不断追求,要学会苦干和耐心等待。


A Psalm of Life Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined and our way;But to act, That much to-morrow.Find us farther than to-day.Art is long, and time is fleeting. And our hearts, though stout and brave. Still, like muffled drums, are beating,Funeral marches to the grave。In the world"s broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb,driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no future.howe"er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act,act in the living Present!Let us,then,be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;Still achieving,still pursuing,Learn to labour and to wait.(人生礼颂) 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;人生呵,无非是虚梦一场因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,事物的表里并不一样。人生是实在的!人生是热烈的!人生的目标决不是坟墓;你是尘土,应归于尘土。此话指的并不是我们的精神。我们的归宿并不是快乐,也不是悲伤,实干,才是我们的道路,每天不断前进,蒸蒸蒸日上。光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强,却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。在这人生的宿营地,在这辽阔的世界战场,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,做一名英雄汉立马横枪!别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐!让死去的往昔将死亡一切埋葬!上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气,让我们起来干吧,下定决心,不管遭遇怎样;不断胜利,不断追求,要学会苦干和耐心等待。

励志诗歌: Never give up 永不言弃

励志的`诗歌有很多,下面我就为大家推荐一首中英文的励志诗歌: Never give up 永不言弃,快来看看吧。 Never give up, 永不放弃, Never lose hope. 永不心灰意冷。 Always have faith, 永存信念, It allows you to cope. 它会使你应付自如。 Trying times will pass, 难捱的时光终将过去, As they always do. 一如既往。 Just have patience, 只要有耐心, Your dreams will come true. 梦想就会成真。 So put on a smile, 露出微笑, You"ll live through your pain. 你会走出痛苦。 Know it will pass, 相信苦难定会过去, And strength you will gain. 你将重获力量。


  祖国是什么?有人说,祖国是地图上那只高唱的雄鸡;有人说,祖国是各地上空飘扬的五星红旗;还有人说祖国是回响于四方的义勇军进行曲。我整理了歌颂祖国的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇一   It is A beautiful face,   I was lying on the bed to see the angel"s face.   Bandaging the wounds of love warm exorcise fear.   That moment,   I feel I have a strong motherland.   It is a kind of faces   that I see before Ben away from the classroom the most calm face.   To his students,   his achievements in the eternal.   That moment, I feel I have a strong motherland.   Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?   Shakespear   Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?   Thou art more lovely and more temperate.   Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,   And summer"s lease hath all too short a date.   Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,   And often is his gold complexion dimm"d;   And every fair from fair sometime declines,   By chance or nature"s changing course untrimm"d;   But thy eternal summer shall not fade   Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st;   Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade,   When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st:   So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.   你的长夏永远不会凋谢   我怎能够把你来比拟作夏天?   你不独比他可爱也比他温婉;   狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,   夏天出赁的期限又未免太短;   天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,   他那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽;   给机缘或无偿的天道所摧残,   没有芳颜不终于凋残或销毁。   但你的长夏将永远不会凋落,   也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳;   或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,   当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。   只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,   这诗将长在,并且赐给你生命。   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇二   Climb over five thousand years,   Side banner will give you the bright,   My dear motherland.   Hence,   I am not going to crawl,   Hence,   I will not be subjected to slavery,   Hence,   my monument in the new China, the   Straight into a stand of trees.   Trees,   I am just an ordinary tree.   Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock;   Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement.   I am just a normal tree,   Incoming sand standing place   With my brothers and sisters together   For my motherland green barriers erected.   I am just a normal tree,   Standing on the shore of the choppy,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong.   I am just a normal tree,   Standing on ice and snow of the north sky,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my sculpture image of the motherland.   I am just a normal tree,   Hot side of the south,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my country to open up a cool road.   I am just a normal tree,   Even if I fall,   Also let the speeding train,   With young Chinese,   To break through the fog of financial crisis,   Direct access to the full glory of a new era.   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇三   A Farmeru2019s Homeland   Translated by Ting Lan   A farmeru2019s homeland is gathered in his palm of land   He never walks out of sight line of crops, for his lifelong harvests   Of blossom in spring and fruit in autumn   A farmeru2019s sweat permeates soil, unnoticed, so u2013   It never stops pouring, that his plot of land   Is neither thirsty nor barren   A farmeru2019s power is small, so u2013   He ploughs, hoes, and shoulders his rice   That his homeland is full of vigor, all the time   The loud sounds of chant   Echo in the sky, so rivers and mountains   Are immersed in excitement   Where they canu2019t hold back their great joys   A farmeru2019s intention, never stays overnight   So he works until dawn to uproot weeds   That prevent his aspire   A farmeru2019s homeland is narrow, so u2013   He defends its territory: a village, and a few ridges   That he persists across generations, and   Keeps fostering his daughters and sons   How vast a farmeru2019s homeland is!   The Map of Rooster, hung high on the wall, daily patrolling   Records footprints of a farmeru2019s homeland   一个农民的祖国,收拢在巴掌大的地里   走不出庄稼的视线,为春华秋实倾尽一生   一个农民的汗落地即无   不停挥洒,以至于一块地   不干渴不荒芜   一个农民的力太小   耕锄肩担,以至于祖国地   时时刻刻布满了生机   一声声嘹亮的号子   回荡天际,以至于山川河流   沉浸喜悦不能自拔   一个农民的心思   不隔夜,以至于披星戴月   拔除影响希望的杂草   一个农民的祖国多狭隘   守土有责,一个村庄几条田埂   世代不移香火延续   一个农民的祖国多辽阔   墙上高挂的雄鸡图,天天巡视   惦记一生

英语诗歌-Never Give Up 永远不要放弃

I know you"re going to make it.   It may take time and hard work.   It may take some sweat and tears.   You may become frustrated.   You may become depressed.   You may even become hopeless.   And at times you"ll feel like giving up.   Sometimes you may even wonder if the struggle is really worth it.   But I have confidence in you.   I believe you will succeed.   I know you"ll make it, if you try.   Whatever you do, just don"t give up.   Your dreams will come true.   I love you.   我知道你会成功。   成功需要时间、需要勤奋,   成功得流汗、得流泪。   你可能会遭受挫折,   你可能会感到沮丧,   你甚至可能会觉得绝望。   有时,你会想放弃,   有时,你甚至不知道是否值得拼搏。   但是我对你充满信心,   我相信你会成功。   只要你尝试,你就会成功。   不管你做什么,都不要放弃。   你的梦想会成为现实。

never give up谁的诗歌

1、amandamal Amanda的诗歌。2、原文Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You"ll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain 永 不 放 弃 , 永 不 心 灰 意 冷 。 永 存 信 念 , 它 会 使 你 应 付 自 如 。 难 捱 的 时 光 终 将 过 去 , 一 如 既 往 。 只 要 有 耐 心 , 梦 想 就 会 成 真 。 露 出 微 笑 , 你 会 走 出 痛 苦 。 相 信 苦 难 定 会 过 去 , 你 将 重 获 力 量 。


70 a dreamMoist xiao picturequeSun dongsheng,Rotary dike willow,New journey,A dream in the heart, surgingPassion is waiting for outbreaks.Here,We provide a platform and share the happiness together,Here,We fly youth, to show themselves.Community parades, already was seven years,A.twenty,Eliminate the difficult 1,000 million insurance,We still holds his head high forward,Listen, moist lakeThoughts pass, thick love phaseLook, ooze chengcheng colorfulTheatrical performance, extraordinary splendour confused is shownFamous lecture is tasted,You life potpourriThe knowledge competition,WanFan ybr hair, to winView, various exhibitionsInfinite universe, panoramaLine, social practicePanoramic sunvo, blend in societySeven years, say short not short, say long not longBut our school has undergone earth-shaking changesThe establishment of new campusGive us more broad worldSouth of the rapid development of trialAlso accelerate the growth of our tour sectionWith a beautiful dreamAnd we sincerely heartWe have reason to believe that our future will be even betterOur tour section will do more excitingWhen dreams were builtWhen happy in the nearWhen the air is full of happinessWe have started a new journeyWith a confidenceWith our curiosity and imaginationGo chasing a new dreamIn order to dream, and we will be in a down-to-earth wayIn order to dream, and we will do our utmost toIn order to dream, we need your supportFriends, let us for our community, etcFor we better tomorrow struggles unremittingly!


Ezra PoundIn a Station of the MetroThe poem was first published in 1913 and is considered one of the leading poems of the Imagist tradition. Written in a Japanese haiku style, Pound"s process of deletion from thirty lines to only fourteen words typifies Imagism"s focus on economy of language, precision of imagery and experimenting with non-traditional verse forms. The poem is Pound"s written equivalent for the moment of revelation and intense emotion he felt at the Metro at La Concorde, Paris.The poem is essentially a set of images that have unexpected likeness and convey the rare emotion that Pound was experiencing at that time. Arguably the heart of the poem is not the first line, nor the second, but the mental process that links the two together. "In a poem of this sort," as Pound explained, "one is trying to record the precise instant when a thing outward and objective transforms itself, or darts into a thing inward and subjective." This darting takes place between the first and second lines. The pivotal semi-colon has stirred debate as to whether the first line is in fact subordinate to the second or both lines are of equal, independent importance. Pound contrasts the factual, mundane image that he actually witnessed with a metaphor from nature and thus infuses this “apparition” with visual beauty. There is a quick transition from the statement of the first line to the second line"s vivid metaphor; this ‘super-pository" technique exemplifies the Japanese haiku style. The word “apparition” is considered crucial as it evokes a mystical and supernatural sense of imprecision which is then reinforced by the metaphor of the second line. The plosive word ‘Petals" conjures ideas of delicate, feminine beauty which contrasts with the bleakness of the ‘wet, black bough". What the poem signifies is questionable; many critics argue that it deliberately transcends traditional form and therefore its meaning is solely found in its technique as opposed to in its content. However when Pound had the inspiration to write this poem few of these considerations came into view. He simply wished to translate his perception of beauty in the midst of ugliness into a single, perfect image in written form.It is also worth noting that the number of words in the poem (fourteen) is the same as the number of lines in a sonnet. The words are distributed with eight in the first line and six in the second, mirroring the octet-sestet form of the Italian (or Petrarchan) sonnet.Emily DickinsonI Heard a fly buzz-when I diedThe death in this poem is painless, yet the vision of death it presents is horrifying, even gruesome. The appearance of an ordinary, insignificant fly at the climax of a life at first merely startles and disconcerts us. But by the end of the poem, the fly has acquired dreadful meaning. Clearly, the central image is the fly. It makes a literal appearance in three of the four stanzas and is what the speaker experiences in dying.The room is silent except for the fly. The poem describes a lull between "heaves," suggesting that upheaval preceded this moment and that more upheaval will follow. It is a moment of expectation, of waiting. There is "stillness in the air," and the watchers of her dying are silent. And still the only sound is the fly"s buzzing. The speaker"s tone is calm, even flat; her narrative is concise and factual.The people witnessing the death have exhausted their grief (their eyes are "wrung dry" of tears). Her breathing indicates that "that last onset" or death is about to happen. "Last onset" is an oxymoron; "onset" means a beginning, and "last" means an end. For Christians, death is the beginning of eternal life. Death brings revelation, when God or the nature of eternity becomes known. This is why "the king / Be witnessed in his power." The king may be God, Christ, or death; think about which reading you prefer and why.She is ready to die; she has cut her attachments to this world (given away "my keepsakes") and anticipates death and its revelation. Are the witnesses also waiting for a revelation through her death? Ironically the fly, not the hoped-for king of might and glory, appears. The crux of this poem lies in the way you interpret this discrepancy. Since the king is expected and the fly appears, are they to be associated? If the fly indicates the meaning of death, what is that meaning?Does the fly suggest any realities of death--smell, decay? Flies do, after all, feed on carrion (dead flesh). Does this association suggest anything about the dying woman"s vision of death? or the observers" vision? Is she-- are they--seeing the future as physical decay only? Does the fly"s fulfilling their expectations indicate that death has no spiritual significance, that there is no eternity or immortality for us? There are other interpretations of the fly. The fly may stand for Beelzebub, who is also known as lord of the flies. Sometimes Beelzebub is used as another name for Satan; sometimes it refers to any devil; in Milton"s Paradise Lost, Beelzebub is Satan"s chief lieutenant in hell. If the King whom the observers and/or the speaker is waiting for turns out to be the devil, is there still irony? How is the meaning of the poem affected by this reading? For example, does the poem become more cheerful? What would Dickinson be saying about eternity? Can the poem support more than one of these interpretations of the fly?What is the effect of the fly being the only sign of life ("buzz") at the end of the poem? To extend this question, is it significant that the only sign of vitality and aliveness in the entire poem is the fly?For literal-minded readers, a dead narrator speaking about her death presents a problem, perhaps an unsurmountable problem. How can a dead woman be speaking? Less literal readers may face appalling possibilities. If the dead woman can still speak, does this mean that dying is perpetual and continuous? Or is immortality a state of consciousness in an eternal present?"I heard a fly buzz when I died" is one of Emily Dickinson"s finest opening lines. It effectively juxtaposes the trivial and the momentous; the movement from one to the other is so swift and so understated and the meaning so significant that the effect is like a blow to an emotional solar plexus (solar plexus: pit of the stomach). Some readers find it misleading because the first clause ("I heard a fly buzz") does not prepare for the second clause ("when I died"). Is the dying woman or are the witnesses misled about death? does the line parallel their experience and so the meaning of the poem?Walt WhitmanO Captain, My CaptainIn "O Captain, My Captain", Whitman uses line length and word choice to represent a wide range of emotion from joy to sorrow. The poem begins with the narrator feeling overjoyed because the "fearful trip is done," (Whitman 1). Whitman displays this feeling of joy with words that imply same. Examples of these choice words are prize, won, bells, people all exulting. These words give the reader a feeling of excitement and accomplishment. Soon, however, the mood swings from enthusiasm to sorrow once the narrator realizes that the Captain is dead. Whitman makes the change from joy to sorrow seamlessly, a skill that only few possess. As the mood swings, Whitman"s word choice changes accordingly. He begins using words such as pale, no pulse nor will, and fearful words that generally have the feeling of sorrow. Whitman uses line length and line repetition to set the tone of the poem, and also to make the reader see the true meaning. The first line of each of the three sections begins with Captain, and the section ends with "fallen cold and dead". The purpose of Whitman beginning each section with Captain is to remind the reader that the focus remains on the Captain and nothing else, while the purpose of placing "fallen cold and dead" at the end of each section is to, at first, to inform the reader of what is to come, while later it"s purpose is simply to remind the reader of the tragedy. Whitman uses line repetition often, and mostly for the purpose of clarification. Whitman also uses line length to further the tone of the poem. In the beginning of the poem when the mood is joyful, the line length goes from long to short representing, at first, the feeling of enthusiasm, but then growing shorter to represent a panicked feeling. Whitman used line length and word choice masterfully in the poem "O Captain, My Captain", resulting in a roller coaster of feelings for the reader.

双语诗歌:陪你多一天One More Day

One More Day Last night I had a crazy dream A wish was granted just for me It could be for anything I didn‘t ask for money Or a mansion in Malibu I simply wished, for one more day with you One more day One more time One more sunset, Baby, I‘d be satisfied But then again I know what it would do Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you First thing I‘d do, is pray for time to crawl Then I‘d unplug the telephone And keep the TV off I‘d hold you every second Say a million I love you‘s That‘s what I‘d do, with one more day with you One more day One more time One more sunset, Baby, I‘d be satisfied But then again I know what it would do Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you 陪你多一天 昨夜我做了一个疯狂的梦 梦中许一个心愿 就可以心想事成 我没有要金钱 也没有要奢华的宫殿 我只要 陪伴在你身边多一天 多一天 多一点时间 多看一次夕阳西坠 Baby 我就会无怨无悔 我知道 也许梦难圆 可还是深深的期盼 多一天守在你身边 我要做的第一件事 就是祈求时间把脚步放缓 我会拔掉电话线 关上电视的开关 只求每一秒都拥着你 把“我爱你”说上无数遍 这就是 我的心愿 多一天 多一点时间 多看一次夕阳西坠 Baby 我就会无怨无悔 尽管梦难圆 我还是祈祷 多一天守在你身边


关于春天的英文诗歌如下:1、《春晓》作者:孟浩然Spring Morning春眠不觉晓,This spring morning in bed I"m lying,处处闻啼鸟。Not to awake till birds are crying.夜来风雨声,After one night of wind and showers,花落知多少。How many are the fallen flowers.2、《春夜喜雨》作者:杜甫Happy Rain on a Spring Night好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right.当春乃发生。It will fall when comes spring.随风潜入夜With wind it steals in night;润物细无声。Mute, it wets everything.野径云俱黑,Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads;江船火独明。In boat a lantern looms.晓看红湿处Dawn sees saturated reds;花重锦官城。The town"s heavy with blooms.3、《江南春》作者:杜牧Spring on the Southern Rivershore千里莺啼绿映红,Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees;水村山郭酒旗风。By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze.南朝四百八十寺,Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain;多少楼台烟雨中。Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and rain.4、《相思》作者:王维Love Seeds红豆生南国,The red beans grow in southern land.春来发几枝。How many load in spring the trees愿君多采撷,Gather them till full is your hand;此物最相思。They would revive fond memories.5、《好事近》作者:秦观Song of Good Event?春路雨添花,The spring rain hastens roadside flowers to grow;花动一山春色。They undulate and fill mountains with spring.行到小溪深处,Deep, deep along the stream I go,有黄鹂千百。And hear hundreds of orioles sing.?飞云当面化龙蛇,Flying cloud in face turns to dragon or snake.天矫转空碧。And swiftly melts in azure sky.醉卧古藤阴下,Lying drunk ‘neath old vines, I can"t make了不知南北。Out if it"s north or south by and by.


可以找一些Pablo Neruda的诗,他的今夜我写下最伤感的诗有点长,但是很好,网上有视频


POEMA OF SIGUIRIYA GITANA THE GUITAR It starts crying Of the guitar. It breaks crown In the morning. It starts crying Of the guitar. It is useless silence It is impossible Silence. Cry monotonous Cries as water, Cries as the wind On the Nevada It is impossible Silence. Cry for things Distant Arena South hot Calling white camellias. Cry no white arrow, No tomorrow afternoon, And the first dead bird On the branch Oh, guitar! Heart malherido Five swords Federico Garcia Lorca, 1921-1924



一定要英语的 迎奥运的诗歌(五年)

II O Lady Glory, and Mirth, delighting in music, Children of the most mighty of Gods, Listen now, and Health, lover of the dance, Look on the company lightly treading after friendly fortune. I have come with a song for Asopichos In the Lydian style with careful art; For through you the Minyan race Is victorious at Olympia. Go now, Echo, to the black walls Of Persephona"s house And bring the fine news to his father; See Kleodamos and tell him How his son In the famous valleys of Pytho Has crowned his young hair With the wings of a glorious triumph. I have commented before on my opinion of the validity


II O Lady Glory, and Mirth, delighting in music, Children of the most mighty of Gods, Listen now, and Health, lover of the dance, Look on the company lightly treading after friendly fortune. I have come with a song for Asopichos In the Lydian style with careful art; For through you the Minyan race Is victorious at Olympia. Go now, Echo, to the black walls Of Persephona"s house And bring the fine news to his father; See Kleodamos and tell him How his son In the famous valleys of Pytho Has crowned his young hair With the wings of a glorious triumph. I have commented before on my opinion of the validity


1. 关于采野花的诗句有 关于采野花的诗句有 1.赞美野花的诗句有哪些 1、野花芳草,寂寞关山道。柳吐金丝莺语早,惆怅香闺暗老!——《清平乐·野花芳草》唐代:韦庄 释义:野花和香草,寂寞地生长在这关山路旁。柳树吐出金黄的丝条,黄莺儿那么早就在歌唱。我满怀惆怅,在香闺里暗自虚度时光。 2、一茅斋,野花开。管甚谁家兴废谁成败,陋巷箪瓢亦乐哉。 ——《山坡羊·道情》元代:宋方壶 释义:只要有一间茅屋,四周围野花盛开,管他谁家兴旺,谁家衰败。 3、野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。——《春思》唐代:韦应物 释义:野花如同雪花一样纷纷扬扬环绕江城,犹看见一年一度的花草,回忆起来帝京。 4、野花留宝靥,蔓草见罗裙。——《琴台》唐代:杜甫 释义:看到琴台旁的一丛野花,我觉得它就像卓文君当年的笑容;一丛丛碧绿的蔓草,就如同卓文君当年所穿的碧罗裙。 5、灼灼野花香,依依金柳黄。——《菩萨蛮·霏霏点点回塘雨》五代:佚名 释义:池塘边开满了缤纷灿烂的野花,散发着阵阵清香;一缕缕金黄的柳丝,在春雨中随风摇曳,轻轻拂动。 6、迟日江山丽,春风花草香。——《绝句二首》唐代杜甫 释义:江山沐浴着春光,多么秀丽,春风送来花草的芳香。 7、野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。——《草 / 赋得古原草送别》唐代白居易 释义:无情的野火只能烧掉干叶,春风吹来大地又是绿茸茸。 8、涉江采芙蓉,兰泽多芳草。 ——《涉江采芙蓉》两汉:佚名 释义:我踏过江水去采荷花,生有兰草的水泽中长满了香草。 9、秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜,群燕辞归鹄南翔。——《燕歌行二首·其一》魏晋曹丕 释义:秋风萧瑟,天气清冷,草木凋落,白露凝霜。燕群辞归,天鹅南飞。 10、晴日暖风生麦气,绿阴幽草胜花时。——《初夏即事》宋代:王安石 释义:晴朗的天气和暖暖的微风催生了麦子,麦子的气息随风而来。碧绿的树荫,青幽的绿草远胜春天百花烂漫的时节。 2.有哪些描写路边野花的诗句 1、“野花芳草,寂寞关山道。” 《清平乐·野花芳草》 唐代:韦庄 野花芳草,寂寞关山道。柳吐金丝莺语早,惆怅香闺暗老! 罗带悔结同心,独凭朱栏思深。梦觉半床斜月,小窗风触鸣琴。 释义: 野花和香草,寂寞地生长在这关山路旁。柳树吐出金黄的丝条,黄莺儿那么早就在歌唱。我满怀惆怅,在香闺里暗自虚度时光。 我多么悔恨,解下罗带与你结成同心。如今独自靠着朱栏,思念多么深沉。睡梦中醒来,一弯斜月照着半个空床。小窗吹来的风,触动琴弦哀鸣作响。 2、“野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。” 《春思》 唐代:韦应物 野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。 阊阖晓开凝碧树,曾陪鸳鹭听流莺。 释义: 野花如同雪花一样纷纷扬扬环绕江城,犹看见一年一度的花草,回忆起来帝京。 早上宫门打开仿佛将碧绿的树都凝住了,曾经陪鸳鹭听流莺得到叫声。 3、“野花留宝靥,蔓草见罗裙。” 《琴台》 唐代:杜甫 茂陵多病后,尚爱卓文君。 酒肆人间世,琴台日暮云。 野花留宝靥,蔓草见罗裙。 归凤求凰意,寥寥不复闻。 释义: 司马相如年老体衰时,依然像当初一样爱恋卓文君,二人的感情丝毫没有减弱。 司马相如家中贫寒,生活窘迫,于是他们便开酒舍维持生计。我在琴台之上徘徊,远望碧空白云。心中欣羡万分! 看到琴台旁的一丛野花,我觉得它就像卓文君当年的笑容;一丛丛碧绿的蔓草,就如同卓文君当年所穿的碧罗裙。 司马相如追求卓文君的千古奇事,后来几乎闻所未闻了。 4、“野径风来阵阵香,名花未省植何方。” 《野花》 宋代:任希夷 野径风来阵阵香,名花未省植何方。 却思一卉何能尔,应是春原集众芳。 释义: 在野外的小路上,传来阵阵芳香,不知道是什么名贵的花朵在什么地方种植。 却想不到有什么花朵能够做到,应该是原野上一堆花朵聚集在一起。 5、《琴台》 唐代:杜甫 茂陵多病后,尚爱卓文君。 酒肆人间世,琴台日暮云。 野花留宝靥,蔓草见罗裙。 归凤求凰意,寥寥不复闻。 释义: 司马相如年老体衰时,依然像当初一样爱恋卓文君,二人的感情丝毫没有减弱。 司马相如家中贫寒,生活窘迫,于是他们便开酒舍维持生计。我在琴台之上徘徊,远望碧空白云。心中欣羡万分! 看到琴台旁的一丛野花,我觉得它就像卓文君当年的笑容;一丛丛碧绿的蔓草,就如同卓文君当年所穿的碧罗裙。 司马相如追求卓文君的千古奇事,后来几乎闻所未闻了。 3.关于“野花”的古诗 1、古坟零落野花春,闻说中郎有后身。今日爱才非昔日,莫抛心力作词人。——唐·温庭筠《蔡中郎坟》 2、交趾殊风候,寒迟暖复催。仲冬山果熟,正月野花开。积雨生昏雾,轻霜下震雷。故乡逾万里,客思倍从来。——唐·杜审言《旅寓安南》 3、日射平溪玉宇中。云横远渚岫重重。野花犹向涧边红。静看沙头鱼入网,闲支藜杖醉吟风。小春天气恼人浓。——宋·米芾《浣溪沙》 4、春色撩人不自由,野花满地不忘忧。多情为惜郎君力,暂借风流占上头。——明·唐寅《花降图》 5、逢春便见野花亲,往覆闲忙旧路尘。轮走蹄轻多少意,世途常似梦中人。——宋·宋太宗《缘识》 6、野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。阊阖晓开凝碧树,曾陪鸳鹭听流莺。——唐·韦应物《春思》 7、春入山家,杖藜独步登严岫。野花争秀。弄蕊香盈袖。对景开怀,莫遣双眉皱。春难久。乱红飞后。留得韶光否。——宋·张抡《点绛唇·春入山家》 8、野花幽草满庭除,生意绵绵接太虚。独坐空斋无一事,呼童三径乐教锄。——宋·蔡格《山居十三首》 9、乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。——白居易 《钱塘湖春行》 10、报慈一隔,佛祖命脉。放去收来,圣凡罔测。隔不隔,若为陈。担取诗书归旧隐,野花啼鸟一般春。——宋·释道宁《偈六十九首》 11、瀑布岩前水满溪。青阳庙下四山围。歌残白雪云犹*,舞落乌纱鸟忽飞。迷晚色,锁晴霏。野花如绮柳如丝。一尊不惜颓然醉,明日重来已后——金·段成己《鹧鸪天·瀑布岩前水满溪》 12、六幅蒲帆晓渡平。一江星斗渐西倾。离家才是两三程。浦外野花如唤客,树头春鸟自呼名。五云深处锦官城。——宋·陈允平《浣溪沙》 13、日暮秋风吹野花,上清归客意无涯武帝去来罗袖尽,野花黄蝶领春风。——张泌《赠韩道士》 14、帝城春欲暮,喧喧车马度。 共道牡丹时,相随买花去。——白居易的《秦中吟买花》 15、牡丹芳,牡丹芳,黄金蕊绽红玉房。 千片赤英霞灿灿,百枝绛点灯煌煌。——白居易《牡丹芳》 4.形容野花的诗句有哪些 1. 《清平乐·野花芳草》 唐代:韦庄 野花芳草,寂寞关山道。柳吐金丝莺语早,惆怅香闺暗老! 罗带悔结同心,独凭朱栏思深。梦觉半床斜月,小窗风触鸣琴。 2. 《卖花声·怀古》 元代:张可久 阿房舞殿翻罗袖,金谷名园起玉楼,隋堤古柳缆龙舟。 不堪回首,东风还又,野花开暮春时候。 美人自刎乌江岸,战火曾烧赤壁山,将军空老玉门关。 伤心秦汉,生民涂炭,读书人一声长叹。 3. 《山坡羊·道情》 元代:宋方壶 青山相待,白云相爱,梦不到紫罗袍共黄金带。一茅斋,野花开。 管甚谁家兴废谁成败,陋巷箪瓢亦乐哉。贫,气不改;达,志不改。 4. 《春思》 唐代:韦应物 野花如雪绕江城,坐见年芳忆帝京。 阊阖晓开凝碧树,曾陪鸳鹭听流莺。 5. 《琴台》 唐代:杜甫 茂陵多病后,尚爱卓文君。 酒肆人间世,琴台日暮云。 野花留宝靥,蔓草见罗裙。 归凤求凰意,寥寥不复闻。 6. 《菩萨蛮·霏霏点点回塘雨》 五代:佚名 霏霏点点回塘雨,双双只只鸳鸯语。灼灼野花香,依依金柳黄。 盈盈江上女,两两溪边舞。皎皎绮罗光,青青云粉状。 7. 《商山麻涧》 唐代:杜牧 云光岚彩四面合,柔柔垂柳十余家。 雉飞鹿过芳草远,牛巷鸡埘春日斜。 秀眉老父对樽酒,茜袖女儿簪野花。 征车自念尘土计,惆怅溪边书细沙。 5.描写春天野花的诗句有 最出名的,满园春色的关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 叶双桃晚更红,窥窗映竹见玲珑。唐 韩愈《题百叶桃花》 草色青青柳色黄, 桃花历乱李花香。 (贾至《春思》) 草色青青柳色黄,桃花历乱李花香。唐 贾至 《春思三首》 城边流水桃花过,窗外春风杜若香 唐刘禹锡《寄朗州温右吏曹长》 颠狂柳絮随风舞,轻薄桃花逐水流。唐 杜甫《绝句漫兴九首》 短短桃花临水岸。轻轻柳絮点人依。唐 杜甫《十二月一日》三首 凡桃俗李争芬芳,只有老梅心自常。(明·王冕《题墨梅图》) 红入桃花嫩,青归柳叶新。唐 杜甫〈奉酬李都督表丈早春作〉 蕙兰有恨枝尤绿,桃李无言花自红。 宋 欧阳修 《舞春风》 经典语句 柳下桃蹊,乱分春色到人家。 宋秦观《望海潮》 洛阳城东桃李花,飞来飞去落谁家。唐 宋之问《有所思》 南陌青楼十二重,春风桃李为谁容。 唐 贺知章《望人家桃李花》 去年今日此门中, 人面桃花相映红。 人间四月芳菲尽, 山寺桃花始盛开。 (白居易《大林寺桃花》) 人面不知何处去, 桃花依旧笑春风。 (崔护《题都城南庄》) 桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带春烟。(王维《田园》) 桃花复含宿雨,杨柳更带朝烟。唐 王维《田园乐》 桃花尽日随流水, 洞在清溪何处边? (张旭《桃花溪》) 桃花流水窅(yǎo)然去, 别有天地非人间。 (李白《山中问答》) 桃花潭水深千尺, 不及汪伦送我情! (李白《赠汪伦》) 桃花细逐杨花落, 黄鸟时兼白鸟飞。 (杜甫《曲江对酒》) 桃花香,李花香,浅白深红,一一斗新妆 。 宋 秦观《江城子》 桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红映浅红。唐 杜甫《江畔独步 寻花七绝句》 桃蹊李径年虽古,栀子红椒艳复殊。唐 杜甫《寒雨朝行视园树》 西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 (张志和《渔歌子》) 鸭头春水浓如染,水面桃花弄春脸。宋 苏轼《送别诗 》 野桃含笑竹篱短,溪柳自摇少水清。 宋 苏轼《新城道中》经典语句 一番桃李花开尽,唯有青青草色齐。 宋曾巩《城南》 雨中草色绿堪染,水上桃花红欲然。唐 王维《辋川别业》 6.描写 野花的诗句 一朵野花在荒原里开了又落了, 不想到这小生命,向着太阳发笑, 上帝给他的聪明他自己知道, 他的欢喜,他的诗,在风前轻摇。 一朵野花在荒原里开了又落了, 他看见青天,看不见自己的藐小, 听惯风的温柔,听惯风的怒号, 就连他自己的梦也容易忘掉。 一袭野甸芳, 楚楚自苍茫。 萱草浮红艳, 涵寒任尔狂! 当时我立即想到了袭人,于是用寒涵的韵,也即兴写了一首: 一袭花自芳, 默默依君窗。 怡红空负尔, 入野无娇狂。 7.有关采花的诗句 唐寅诗文真切平易,不拘成法,大量采用口语,意境清新,对人生、社会常常怀着岸傲不平之气。 如《把酒对月歌》中: 我愧虽无李白才,料应月不嫌我丑; 我也不登天子船,我也不上长安眠; 姑苏城外一茅屋,万枝桃花月满天。 又如诗云: 万事由天莫强求,何需苦苦用机谋; 饱三餐饭常知足,得一帆风便可收。 生事事生何时了,害人人害几时休; 冤家宜解不宜结,各自回头看后头。[明]唐寅《桃花庵歌》桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。 半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。 车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。 若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。 8.有关采花的诗句 唐寅诗文真切平易,不拘成法,大量采用口语,意境清新,对人生、社会常常怀着岸傲不平之气。 如《把酒对月歌》中: 我愧虽无李白才,料应月不嫌我丑; 我也不登天子船,我也不上长安眠; 姑苏城外一茅屋,万枝桃花月满天。 又如诗云: 万事由天莫强求,何需苦苦用机谋; 饱三餐饭常知足,得一帆风便可收。 生事事生何时了,害人人害几时休; 冤家宜解不宜结,各自回头看后头。[明]唐寅《桃花庵歌》桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙。 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。 半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年。但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。 车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘。若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天。 若将花酒比车马,彼何碌碌我何闲。别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。


  美国现代诗歌大师罗伯特&middot;弗罗斯特((1874-1963)诗人一生历经坎坷,大器晚成,可以说是集勇气、责任、智慧和艰辛的一生。他的诗歌是浪漫主义与现代主义的完美结合,简洁的语言背后常常语含讥讽,窝意深长,隐含了对现代性的 反思 ,这是受到他本人的生活经历、当时的社会背景及宗教的影响下出现的。本文旨在通过对弗罗斯特的传记、 散文 及文本分析,探讨宗教伦理思想对弗罗斯特及其诗歌的影响,这是促成弗罗斯特诗歌现代性反思的重要因素。是宗教伦理思想给予他坚定的信念,在混乱的现实世界以自己“悲而不怨”、积极面对的方式走出时代的困惑,在诗的海洋里不断地探寻人的自身价值和艺术的真谛,引领同时代的人们寻找理想的精神家园。   一、时代背景   19世纪末、20世纪初,随着工业技术的发展,美国的经济也以惊人的速度增长。然而,科学技术是一把双刃剑,它让社会进步的同时也带来了许多社会问题以及人的异化状态。弗罗斯特的一生见证了美国的巨大变化:工业革命冲击了平静的乡村生活,以及两次世界打战给人类带来了巨大伤害。在弗罗斯特生活的年代,“上帝死了”的年代,“一切固定的东西都烟消云散了(马克思语)”,没有了稳定的传统价值观,人与人之间失去了认同感。在贫乏的时代,诗人何为?作为一诗人,意味着去注视、去吟唱远逝诸神的踪迹。弗罗斯特是一个虔诚的教徒,他关心的是迷离的大自然和人,“诗意地居住于大地之上”,可以说是一个执着的人类精神家园的守望者。他用艺术的手法含蓄地反映了产生它的时代,揭示了现代社会的物质化及混乱状态,表达了对现代性的反思。弗罗斯特的早年和青年时期的生活充满了艰辛和失望,对他来说,“生活如此可恨,世界如此邢恶”。难能可贵的是,弗罗斯特并役有因此而消极沉沦、悲观厌世,因为他认为棍乱是有限的,人能够与之抗衡从而重新获得秩序。对弗罗斯特来说,是诗歌激起了他对生活的热爱;诗是控制日常生活的混乱的一种手段,“诗短暂地遏制了混乱”。弗罗斯特在诗歌创作中坚定三种信念:自我信念,爱的信念和艺术的信念;他认为“这三种信念都和上帝的信念紧密相关,因为相信上帝是你为了获得未来而同他分享的一种关系,为了相信未来&mdash;相信灵魂的未来。”这一切归因于宗教思想对弗罗斯特的影响,是宗教精神激励着他走出了时代的困惑。   二、诗人受母亲及爱默生的影响   我们说到宗教伦理思想对弗罗斯特诗作的影响时不能忽略了两个人:一个是诗人的母亲,另一个是超验主义的代表人物拉尔夫&middot;沃尔多&middot;爱默生。诗人在青少年时期深受其母亲和爱默生的影响,在他的诗歌里蕴含着深刻的宗教伦理思想。弗罗斯特的一生主要居住在新英格兰,那里的 文化 是宗教性的,文人在某种意义上仍是上帝的儿女。弗罗斯特的母亲是苏格兰人,是一个虔诚的清教徒;她自己写诗,也给弗罗斯特读苏格兰的文学作品和华滋华斯、拜伦及爱默生的诗。清教伦理注重个人和家庭生活,严守道德戒律;为了上帝的荣耀而竭力劳作,努力完成白己应尽的责任和义务,这样就能达到善功赎救的目的。   爱默生的超验主义所提倡的乐观主义态度也体现在弗罗斯特的诗作里。在新英格兰,爱默生时代的浪漫主义主要带有道德和哲学色彩。它的道德成分扎根于经久不衰的清教理想主义,而其哲学成分主要来自爱默生的著作及其思想。爱默生在他的著述里声言:人和世界之间存在着完美的和谐;他号召人们跟随心中的上帝,时时刻刻用一种堪与清教始祖的宗教狂热相比的热情来生活。他的训导是愉快和乐观的,在精神上找到了努力的方向,这种理想主义有助于丰富人们的精神。弗罗斯特在他的散文《关于爱默生》里这样写道:“我自己的语言在一定程度_L与爱默生有关;关于对自由的焦虑,我多半得归因于爱默生而不是其他任何人。爱默生的一生都被誉为诗人哲学家或哲学家诗人,而这两者都是我最喜爱的。他是一个乐观的一元论者,在一元论者看来,邪恶并不存在。悲观的二元论是唯一的正统&hellip;&hellip;我自己的非正统有一段不寻常渊源,除了母亲及父亲的原因外,这一切在很大程度上都受惠于爱默生。这一切都与爱默生有密切关系。”正是受到爱默生的乐观主义精神的影响,弗罗斯特在诗中不象T&middot;S艾略特那样流露出对现实的绝望情绪,而是表现为“无论多么悲痛也不抱怨,悲而不怨”,以自己的方式走出困惑,引领同时代的人们寻找理想的精神家园。   三、弗罗斯特诗歌中的宗教伦理思想   弗罗斯特的一生是奋斗的一生,怀着对上帝的信念、对&lsquo;相信未来,相信灵魂的未来&rsquo;的信念,他辛勤笔耕了半个世纪。弗罗斯特的诗作不仅真实地反映了现实的异化状态,更多的是隐含了对他人的关爱。__教义说:对人要慈善,要爱你的邻人,要为别人控制你自己,选择最艰苦的道路。以友善对待他人就是对上帝的真正崇拜的精神体现在他的诗歌里。弗罗斯特的一生历尽艰辛和痛苦,他的坚韧和精神苦难在诗中演化成了关切现实世界的人道情怀和人性光芒。尤其是他的对话体叙事诗《雇工之死》(the Death of the Hired Man),通过对年老而又自尊的雇工赛拉斯的处境的描写,字里行间透露着对他的深切同情,因此该诗被认为是人类生活中最感人的一幕;同时这首诗表达了对人的尊严的呼唤,体现了诗人的人道主义情怀。   《指令》(Directive)是弗罗斯特在冷战时期发表的杰作,是理解诗人宗教伦理思想的重要作品,是“一篇迷惘时代的挽歌,美好未来的蓝图”。该诗隐含了弗罗斯特对艺术与宗教信仰关系的深思,他曾经开玩笑地说,《指令》是他的“艾略特诗歌”,因为该诗涉及到了神灵。美国评论家兼诗人的兰德尔&middot;贾雷尔称这首诗为“一首自古以来写得最令人沮丧、震惊而同时又最令人欣慰的诗篇”。首先,诗人给读者展示了一幅混乱不堪的场景:   Back out of all this now too much for us,   Back in a time made simply by the loss   Of detail, burned dissolved, and broken off   Like graveyard marble sculpture in the weather,   抽身离开我们难应付的这所有一切   回归一个因失去细节而简单的年代   一个像墓园里的石雕因风吹日晒   而变得凋零衰飒支离破碎的年代   There is a house that is no more a house   Upon a farm that is no more a farm   And in a town that is no more a town   在一个如今己不再是市镇的市镇里   在一个如今已不再是农场的农场上   有一幢如今己不再是房子的房子   “技术的白昼是世界的黑夜”,现代文明对自然天真的东西进行摧毁,而不断地向堕落和冲突迈进,如诗中写到:“如今两种文化都已湮。"弗罗斯特面对如此混乱的“现在”(now)的状况并没有逃避,而是凭着对上帝的崇拜信念,建议道:“若你因舍弃得够多而获得了自我。”接着给读者展示了一幅美好未来的蓝图:   Your destination and you destiny&rsquo;s   你的终点和你的命运是一条小溪   A brook that was the water of the house,   小溪就发源于那座房子里的水   Cold as a spring as yet so near its source,   像一股清冽的泉水刚刚冒出泉眼   Too lofty and o}ginal to rage.   那么高洁原始以致不汹涌   诗人在诗中运用了《圣经》思想的失与得的关系,即耶稣叮嘱他的门徒说:“凡是要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的,必救了生命。”想要在尘世中拯救自己、首先得行善弃恶,“因为恶人看不见那个有魔力的圣杯;因此恶人像圣马可所言不可能得救”。然后诗人指引道:“这儿就是你的泉水和引水之处,喝下去你就便可超越混乱重获新生。”诗人采用象征手法表达了对神性的向往,借助神性的力量指引人们超越棍乱而重新获得秩序。   西方文明的救赎文化思想在这首诗里得到了充分的诊释,从混乱的&lsquo;现在&rsquo;(now)让人想到了纯洁的过去,再通过喝下用圣杯盛装的高洁原始的泉水而重新获得新生。在19、20世纪的西方世界,许多哲学家倾注了巨大的精力为迷乱的现代人寻找终极的意义,寻找可以寄生的家。同样,在诗的海洋里,弗罗斯特一直在寻找人的自身价值,寻找理想的精神家园。通过这首诗,读者感受到弗罗斯特的良苦用心,他告诉人们:人要有责任在善与恶之间作出抉择;在黑暗之中得有光明磊落的行为;在人的生命中要设定有意义的人生目标,从而最后走向神性的光环。该诗是对人类行为终极意义的诊释:为了我们今天的棍乱所承受的教训,或为了美好的未来,一个人必须得付出光明磊落的行为。弗罗斯特就是在这样的信念中在诗歌里找到了释放情感的机会,重新感受到了稳定和秩序。我们不得不佩服弗罗斯特的勇气和决心,他并没有被混乱的、异化的现实世界打败,而是勇敢地积极面对。   同样类似的姿态还出现在《白桦树》(Birches)里,尘世中的操劳就是为了获救的思想也体现在这首诗里。诗中这样写道:   So was I once myself a swinger of birches.   我曾经就是这样一个荡树的孩子   And so I dream of going back to be   做梦都想回到少年时代   I&rsquo;d like to get away from earth awhile,   真想离开这人世一小段时间   And then come back to it and begin over   然后再回到这里重新开始   May no fate willfully misunderstand me   但愿命运别存心误解我的意思   And half grant what I wish and snatch me away   Not to return. Earth&rsquo;s the right place for love   只成全我心愿的一半,把我攫去而不送回。人世是适合爱的地方   “我”在厌倦了思考的时候想回到纯洁的少年时代,想离开这人世一小段时间。其实诗人即使想短暂的逃避也是有必要的,是为了再回到这里重新开始生活,人世才是适合爱的地方。“我”在自然美景中的矛盾心境隐含了诗人对人的生存问题的思索;现实的和想象的交替出现,反映了在现代文明社会中人的矛盾冲突和本能的压抑,充分体现了诗人对现实世界的敏锐感受,正如他的座右铭:“我与这个世界有着情人般的争吵”。诗人在浪漫情调的自然诗中表达了对精神家园的揭望。他在散文《致<白桦树>》里这样写到:“(年迈的知晓者):邪恶之水会涌来。你的方舟就要起航,在最后一刻你允许我留一 种植 物于方舟传种。&hellip;&hellip;好吧,就留一种树&mdash;白桦树。&hellip;&hellip;我选它是因为它的清晰和隐秘。”如爱默生所说:“每一自然现象都是某些精神现象的表征。”在弗罗斯特的眼里,白桦树是上帝的选民,是黑暗中的强者,它正是代表了诗人的精神,哪怕在风霜雪雨中、在混乱的邪恶世界里也是压不跨的,因为“还有好多诺言要履行,安歇前还须走漫长的路程(I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep)”。弗罗斯特的一生就是怀着如此的信念在“棍乱的”现实世界不断地寻找人的价值、寻找艺术的真谛。   四、结语   总的来说,弗罗斯特诗歌表现了一种积极的现代性反思。怀着对上帝的信仰,诗人对现实的批判或揭露不只是悲痛,而是已上升到一种“立”的精神,为当时仿徨迷惘的人们寻找理想的精神家园,这就是弗氏诗歌最本质的东西。

robert frost的一首诗歌,求高手翻译

我真想暂时离开人世一会儿,   然后再回来,重新干它一番。可是,   别来个命运之神,故意曲解我,   只成全我愿望的一半,把我卷了走,   一去不返。你要爱,就扔不开人世。   我想不出还有哪儿是更好的去处。   我真想去爬白桦树,沿着雪白的树干   爬上乌黑的树枝,爬向那天心,   直到树身再支撑不住,树梢碰着地,   把我放下来。去去又回来,那该有多好   比“荡桦树”更没有意思的事.可有的是。 罗伯特·弗罗斯特。 ps:这应该不是那首诗的完整版


无 英语资源频道为大家整理的关于母亲节英语作文:母亲节活动英语诗歌,供大家阅读参考。 妈妈呀,我拿什么来报答你?母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌 Mom, what can I do to repay you? Mother"s Day Mother"s Day poetry praise poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise mother day Poetry   夜,寂寂。疲劳了一天的我,静静的躺在床上,却怎么也睡不着。冥冥之中有一种莫名的力量在牵引着我的神经。燃起灯,随手扯过一本杂志,漫无目的的翻动。“母亲的心”,我不禁心中一颤,细细读去,一则故事便跃然眼前了。 Silent night. Fatigue of the day, I, quietly lying on the bed, but how also can"t sleep. Somewhere there is an inexplicable force in pulling my nerve. Lit the lamp, he pulled a magazine, aimless. "The mother"s heart", I can not help heart one Zhan, fine fine read, a story ran in front.   故事是这样说的,一个年纪幼小的孩子,不幸的得了一种奇怪的病,求了无数次的医,却始终没有治好。一天,孩子在山中的一个木屋里,遇到了一个巫医,巫医说:“我能治好你的病,但是治这病必需有一味药做引子。”“太好了!”孩子高兴的问:“您要用什么做药引呢?”“这种病很难治,必须要用你母亲的心做药引才行。”孩子听到后,便急匆匆的向家跑去。天黑时,孩子到了家中,“妈妈!我的病能治了!”“是吗?太好了!”“但是,巫师说必须要用母亲的心做药引。”母亲听了后楞了一下,亲亲了孩子的额头,转身走进了屋子。片刻,孩子听到了母亲微弱的声音,“孩子,进来吧!”孩子走进房间。“拿好,这是妈妈的心,你拿去治病吧。”孩子双手捧过那颗鲜红的心,转身向巫师处跑去。但,夜太黑了,孩子在山林里转呀、转呀,却怎么也找不到巫师的住处。一着急,孩子便被一根树枝绊倒了,孩子嘤嘤的哭了起来。这时,母亲的心说话了:“孩子,你摔疼了吗?”…… The story is that, a young child, unfortunately got a strange disease, and numerous medicine, but no cure. One day, the child in a log cabin in the mountains, met a shaman, witch doctor said: "I can cure you of the disease, but to treat this disease must have a medicine do primers." "Too good!" The child asked: "what do you want to use drugs?" "The disease is difficult to treat, you must use your mother"s heart for medicine." The child heard, then hurriedly run toward the house. When it was dark, the child in the home, "my mom! I can cure disease!" "Is? Too good!" "However, the wizard said must have the heart of a mother for medicine." Mother after listening to Leng, kiss the child"s forehead, turned and walked into the room. For a moment, the child heard her feeble voice, "child, come in!" The child entered the room. "Take a good, this is my mother"s heart, you to cure." The child hands over the red heart, turned around and ran to the wizard. But, the night is too dark, the children turn, turn in the mountains ah, but how also can not find the wizard. In a hurry, the child will be a branch tripped, children were crying. At this time, the heart of a mother said: "the children, you feel pain?"......   读着读着,我的泪便潸然而下了,我被一种巨大的母爱力量包围着,不能自已。恍惚中,我想起了母亲,在我蹒跚走步时关爱的眼神;想起了在每一个上学、放学时母亲风雨中的身影;想起了我每一次生病时,病床旁那憔悴面容母亲;想起在每一次挫折后,母亲那关爱的话语;想起了每一次远行归来时,母亲那欣悦的笑容与鬓边的平添的白发。当我一天天长大,步入工作岗位,而母亲的心却始终伴随着我,在生活中每一次跌倒时,好像都能听到母亲的声音:“孩子,摔痛了吗?”。 Reading reading, my tears was flowing down, I was surrounded by a great love of power, lose self-control. Trance, I think of my mother, love on my toddler"s eyes; think of the mother in the rain shadow after school, each school; think of me every time when ill, bedside gaunt face mother; in every setback, a mother"s loving words; think of every trip, smile and temples that happy mother side added white hair. When I grow up day by day, into the work, and the heart of a mother is always with me, in the life each time tumbles, seem to hear her mother"s voice: "child, hurt?".   今天当我的事业逐步发展、生活日见稳定,并开始有了自己的家庭。然而,每次回家母亲的皱纹却都在增长,面对日益苍老的母亲我除了偶尔回家看看她,陪她聊聊天,给她一些生活费外,我又做过些什么呢?母亲的记忆慢慢衰退了,身体越来越差,每当换季时疾病总是在侵袭着她。然而面对这一切,我是否也会像爱护自己的身体一样爱护过她呢? Today when my career development, life became more and more stable, and began to have a family of my own. However, each home to mother"s wrinkles are in growth, facing the old mother I occasionally go home have a look her, chat with her, give her the living expenses, and I do anything? Mother"s memory began to decline, the body is getting worse, every time when seasonal diseases are always hit her. However, in the face of all this, I would also like to take care of their bodies and cared for her?   是呀!我蓦然一惊,今年春节没回家,母亲身体还好吗?我匆匆抓起电话,夜更深了,但电话只响了两声,话筒中便传来母亲那苍老而亲切的声音,心情激荡,话梗在了嗓中,这时话筒那边传来母亲柔柔的带着爱意的声音“孩子,是你吗?”。 You are right. I suddenly a surprised, the Spring Festival this year did not go home, mother"s body? I rushed to grab the phone, deeper night, but the phone just rang twice, microphone in came the mother of the old kind voice, mood, word stems in the throat, when Mike came over the white mother with love sound "child, are you?".   喜悦与泪水同时在我脸上漾开…… Joy and tears in my face Yang kai......   妈妈呀,我拿什么来报答你? Mom, what can I do to repay you?


lun yu


The wheelson the bus goround and round,round and round,round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,all through the town.(Roll hands around each other)The wiperson the bus goSwish, swish, swish;Swish, swish, swish;Swish, swish, swish.The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,all through the town.("Swish" hands in front of you like windshield wipers)The hornon the bus goesBeep, beep, beep;Beep, beep, beep;Beep, beep, beep.The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,all through the town.(Slap palm in front of you like honking a horn)The doors on the bus goopen and shut;Open and shut;Open and shut.The doors on the bus go open and shut;all through the town.(Push hands back and forth in front of you)The gason the bus goes"Glug, glug, glugGlug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug"The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug"All through the town.(Pretend to fill tank using pointer finger as gas nozzle)The moneyon the bus goes"Clink, clink, clink,Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink"The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"All through the town.(Pretend to put money in cash box on bus)The signalson the bus goes"blink blink blinkblink blink blink blink blink blinkThe signals on the bus goes "blink blinkAll through the town.The motoron the bus goes vroom vroom vroomvroom vroom vroom vroom vroom vroomThe motor on the bus goes vroom vroom vroomAll through the town.The Driveron the bus says"Move on back,move on back, move on back;"The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",all through the town.

泰戈尔 诗歌《弱小的我》

Little Of Me BY Rabindranath Tagore Let only that little be left of mewhereby I may name thee my all.Let only that little be left of my willwhereby I may feel thee on every side,and come to thee in everything,and offer to thee my love every moment.Let only that little be left of mewhereby I may never hide thee.Let only that little of my fetters be leftwhereby I am bound with thy will,and thy purpose is carried out in my life—-and that is the fetter of thy love.

求普希金诗歌英文版 My River。

世界上最遥远的距离不是树与树的距离而是同根生长的树枝却无法在风中相依世界上最远的距离不是树枝无法相依而是相互了望的星星却没有交汇的轨迹世界上最遥远的距离不是星星之间的轨迹而是纵然轨迹交汇却在转瞬间无处寻觅世界上最遥远的距离不是瞬间便无处寻觅而是尚未相遇便注定无法相聚世界上最遥远的距离是鱼与飞鸟的距离一个在天一个却深潜海底世界上最遥远的距离不是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你而是我就站在你面前你却听不到我说我爱你世界上最遥远的距离不是你听不到我的倾诉我爱你而是我永远都没有机会对你倾诉附6the furthest distance in the worldis not between life and deathbut when I stand in front of you yet you don"t know that I love youthe furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of youyet you can"t see my lovebut when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be togetherthe furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being inlovebut when painly can not resist the yearning yet prending you have neverbeen in my heartthe furthest distance in world is not...but using one"s different heart to dig an uncrossable river for the onewho loves you1夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fallthere with a sign.2世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.3世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.5无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away.6如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么?The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancingwater. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?8她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.9有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。Once we dreamt that we were strangers.We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.10忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.11有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着潺(氵爰)的乐声。Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples.12“海水呀,你说的是什么?”“是永恒的疑问。”“天空呀,你回答的话是什么?”“是永恒的沉默。”What language is thine, O sea?The language of eternal question.What language is thy answer, O sky?The language of eternal silence.13静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makeslove to you.14创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗--是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.15不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.16我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stopsfor a moment, nods to me and goes.17这些微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have theirwhisper of joy in my mind.18你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.19神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master.Let me but listen.20我不能选择那最好的。是那最好的选择我。I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.21那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern ontheir back.22我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.23“我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?”“我不过是一朵花。”We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms,but who are you so silent?"I am a mere flower.24休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系。Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.25人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.


在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都接触过很多优秀的诗歌吧,诗歌是一种抒情言志的文学体裁。那么什么样的诗歌才更具感染力呢?下面是我为大家整理的西方经典爱情诗歌英文版,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 《生活之中不要等》 Dont wait for a smile to be nice. 不要等到了一个笑容,才表现出友善 Dont wait to be loved, to love. 不要等被爱之后,才去爱 Dont wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend. 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值 Dont wait for the best job, to begin to work. 不要非等到一份最好的工作,才开始工作 Dont wait to have a lot, to share a bit. 不要等得到了很多,才开始分享 Dont wait for the fall, to remember the advice. 不要等到失败后,才想起别人的忠告 Dont wait for pain, to believe in prayer. 不要等到受伤了,才愿意祈祷 Dont wait to have time, to be able to serve. 不要等到有时间,才去付出 Dont wait for anybody else to have pain, to ask for apologies... 不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅 Don"t wait until you break up, to be a good person. 不要等分手了,才想要成为更好的人 Dont wait... Because you dont know how long it will take. 不要等待,因为你不知道需要等待多长时间。 Love and Friendship by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose briar. Friendship like the holly tree. 爱情就像野玫瑰,友情却如冬青树。 The holly is dark when the rose briar blooms. But which will bloom most constantly? 玫瑰开花时冬青黯无光,但究竟谁能坚持更久长? The wild rose briar is sweet in the spring. Its summer blossoms scent the art; 春天野玫瑰灿烂开放,夏日里玫瑰把风儿薰香。 Yet wait till winter comes again. And who will call the wild-briar fair? 但当严冬再次来临之时,谁还会赞美野玫瑰的美丽? Then scorn the silly rose wreath now. And deck thee with the hollys sheen. 那时你不屑于枯萎的玫瑰,而用冬青的光彩将你装扮。 That when December blights thy brow. He may still leave thy garland green. 当十二月的严寒袭上你的眉头,你的冬青花环依旧绿意盎然。 On Love 纪伯伦/著 冰心/译 Then said Almtra, "Speak to us of Love." 于是爱尔美差说:先知,请给我们谈爱。 And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said: 他举头望着民众,他们一时静默了。他用洪亮的声音说: When love beckons to you follow him, 当爱向你们召唤的时候,跟随着他, Though his ways are hard and steep. 虽然他的路程艰险而陡峻。 And when his wings enfold you yield to him, 当他的"翅翼围卷你们的时候,屈服于他, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. 虽然那藏在羽翮中间的剑刃许会伤毁你们。 And when he speaks to you believe in him, 当他对你们说话的时候,信从他, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. 虽然他的声音也许会把你们的梦魂击碎,如同北风吹荒了林园。 For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. 爱虽给你加冠,他也要将你钉在十字架上。他虽栽培你,他也刈剪你。 Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, 他虽升到你的最高处,抚惜你在日中颤动的枝叶, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. 他也要降到你的根下,摇动你的根柢的一切关节,使之归土。 Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. 如同一捆稻粟,他把你束聚起来。 He threshes you to make you naked. 他舂打你使你赤裸。 He sifts you to free you from your husks. 他筛分你使你脱壳。 He grinds you to whiteness. 他磨碾你直至洁白。 He kneads you until you are pliant; 他揉搓你直至柔韧; And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods sacred feast. 然后他送你到他的圣火上去,使你成为上帝圣筵上的圣饼。 All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Lifes heart. 这些都是爱要给你们做的事情,使你知道自己心中的秘密,在这知识中你便成了“生命”心中的一屑。 But if in your fear you would seek only loves peace and loves pleasure, 假如你在你的疑惧中,只寻求爱的和平与逸乐, Then is is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of loves threshing-floor, 那不如掩盖你的裸露,而躲过爱的筛打, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. 而走入那没有季候的世界,在那里你将欢笑,却不是尽情的笑悦;你将哭泣,却没有流干了眼泪。 Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. 爱除自身外无施与,除自身外无接受。 Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; 爱不占有,也不被占有。 For love is sufficient unto love. 因为爱在爱中满足了。 When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God." 当你爱的时候,你不要说,“上帝在我的心中”,却要说,“我在上帝的心里。” And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. 不要想你能导引爱的路程,因为若是他觉得你配,他就导引你。 Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. 爱没有别的愿望,只要成全自己。 But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: 但若是你爱,而且需求愿望,就让以下的做你的愿望吧: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. 溶化了你自己,像溪流般对清夜吟唱着歌曲。 To know the pain of too much tenderness. 要知道过度温存的痛苦。 To be wounded by your own understanding of love; 让你对爱的了解毁伤了你自己; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. 而且甘愿地喜乐地流血。 To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; 清晨醒起,以喜飏的心来致谢这爱的又一日; To rest at the noon hour and meditate loves ecstasy; 日中静息,默念爱的浓欢; To return home at eventide with gratitude; 晚潮退时,感谢地回家; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips. 然后在睡时祈祷,因为有被爱者在你的心中,有赞美之歌在你的唇上。


  爱情的诗句,表达着对于爱情的理解和感受。下面是英文经典爱情诗歌,希望对你有帮助。   英文经典爱情诗歌一:   Love is like the wild rose-briar;   Friendship like the holly-tree*.   The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms*,   But which will bloom most constantly?   *The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,   Its summer blossoms scent the air;   Yet wait till winter comes again,   And who will call the wild-bria* **ir? *   Then, scorn the silly rose-wreath now,   And deck thee with hollys sheen,   That, when December blights thy brow,   He still may leave thy garland green.*   *爱情像野玫瑰,友情像冬青。   当玫瑰开花的时候,冬青却墨绿着,表示爱情激烈而友情则平淡。   哪种能保持盛开的状态,答案当然是后者。   *野玫瑰在春天和夏天开花,花香四溢。   但是到了冬天,谁会说它漂亮呢?   表示爱情之花盛开的时候十分甜蜜,但过了高潮,就不再值得称道了。   *冬青在平时不很惹眼,甚至遭人唾弃,但当冬天来临,万物皆枯萎的时候,   花园里的它还充满生机和活力。   表示友情平时可能不为人所重视或注意,但在人们遇到困难,没有其他出路   的时候,它可能成为你的希望所在。   英文经典爱情诗歌二:   Love is more thicker than forget   More thinner than recall   More seldom than a wave is wet   More frequent than to fail   It is most mad and moonly   And less it shall unbe   Than all the sea which only   Is deeper than the sea   Love is less always than to win   Less never than alive   Less bigger than the least begin   Less littler than forgive   It is most sane and sunly   And more it cannot die   Than all the sky which only   Is higher than the sky   爱情比忘却厚   爱情比忘却厚   比回忆薄   比潮湿的"波浪少   比失败多   它最痴癫最疯狂   但比起所有   比海洋更深的海洋   它更为长久   爱情总比胜利少见   却比活着多些   不大于无法开始   不小于谅解   他最明朗最清晰   而比起所有   比天空更高的天空   他更为不朽   英文经典爱情诗歌三:   If you were a teardrop;In my eye,   For fear of losing you,I would never cry   And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,   Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright   译文:   如果你是我眼里的;   一滴泪;为了不失去你;   我将永不哭泣;如果金色的阳光;   停止了它耀眼的光芒;你的一个微笑;   将照亮我的整个世界。


A Teacher for All Seasons老师如一年中的四季A teacher is like Spring,Who nurtures new green sprouts,Encourages and leads them,Whenever they have doubts.老师就象春天,滋养着新生的小苗,在他们困惑的时候,引导并鼓励着他们。A teacher is like Summer,Whose sunny temperamentMakes studying a pleasure,Preventing discontent.老师就象夏天,用那阳光般的情绪让学习变成一种乐趣,同时让不快从此消失。A teacher is like Fall,With methods crisp and clear,Lessons of bright colorsAnd a happy atmosphere.老师就象秋天用干净利落的方式让课程变得富有色彩让气氛变得快乐A teacher is like Winter,While it"s snowing hard outside,Keeping students comfortable,As a warm and helpful guide.老师就象冬天,尽管外面大雪纷纷还让学生们保持着一份舒适就象一位温暖有效的引导者Teacher, you do all these things,With a pleasant attitude;You"re a teacher for all seasons,And you have my gratitude!老师,你的所作所为都是那么善意您如一年中的四季您让我心存感激!By Joanna Fuchs




布兰诗歌」赖伟峰 古典音乐中著名的合唱段落不少,如贝多芬第九交响曲的终乐章、莫札特C调弥撒、布拉姆斯德意志安魂曲、威尔第歌剧阿伊达里的「凯旋进行曲」、普契尼歌剧蝴蝶夫人中的「哼声合唱」等等,都是脍炙人口的佳作。但是如果要找出最受发烧友的青睐、而且最容易让现代人接受且产生共鸣的合唱作品,我想非卡尔奥夫(Carl Orff)的清唱剧「布兰诗歌(Carmina Burana)」莫属。 创作背景 奥夫在多数人的印象中,似乎是位只写过「布兰诗歌」一部作品的一曲作曲家,因为在印象中除了「布兰诗歌」外,好像举不出他的「第二首作品」了!其实奥夫还写过包含「伊底帕斯王」、「聪明姑娘」、「月亮」在内的六部歌剧、三首协奏曲、三首供合唱与乐团用的组曲、教学作品以及数百首儿童歌曲。只不是世人最熟悉的还是他「胜利三部曲」里的第一部「布兰诗歌」。 奥夫1895年7月10日生於巴伐利亚,一个相当接近慕尼黑的小镇班奈狄克波恩(Benediktbeuren),他的家境优渥、十分具有文化。虽然奥夫从小缺乏专业训练,但十五岁时就已经有作品出版,而且是采用不同过去的新式观点所写成。一直到19岁高中毕业后,才进入慕尼黑音乐院接受正统音乐教育。毕业后曾在慕尼黑戏剧院、曼海姆歌剧院、达姆斯达特歌剧院等地担任合唱指挥,进而对创作戏剧音乐产生极大兴趣。 1924年奥夫与舞蹈家Dorothee Gunther创办Guntherschule学校,此举是奥夫事业的转捩点。Guntherschule是一所具有崭新创意的音乐教育学校,奥夫主张音乐必须结合律动,律动必须结合音乐。透过歌唱、律动与简单的打击乐器使用,奥夫建立了知名的「卡尔奥夫音乐教育体系」。 而「布兰诗歌」是他1935-36年开始写作的作品,他自认为是个人音乐观念成熟思考后的第一首作品,当41岁(1936年)完成布兰诗歌创作后,也就是奥夫创作品圆熟期的到来。完成此曲后他曾说:「这才算是我的第一首作品,过去所写的作品全部可以毁弃了!」他将自己崭新的音乐理念,成功地融入音乐中,写下了这阙一共二十五段包含独唱、合唱以及整个管弦乐团的经典之作。 创作素材、技法 「布兰诗歌」歌词选用的素材,并非奥夫自行撰写而是颇有一番渊源典故。原来在奥夫家乡班奈狄克波恩山上,一座西元740年建立的古老修道院中,保存著中世纪的布兰诗歌抄本。一直到1803年才被人发现,到了1847年巴伐利亚学者舒麦勒从修道院保存的诗中整理两百多首诗出版。奥夫本人则一直到1935年,才首度有机会翻阅到布兰诗歌这套十二世纪的诗集的德国译本。 为何我们要将Carmina Burana这个名字翻译成「布兰诗歌」呢?多数唱片封面上所写的Carmina Burana其实是拉丁文,翻译成英文应该是Songs of Beuren,而Beuren(音译布兰)此乃古地名,发烧友如雷贯耳的「布兰诗歌」就是由英文翻译而得名。 这套诗集广泛的内容以及充满生命力的描绘,诱发了奥夫的遐思、激起他的创作动力,他马上意识到自己新的音乐观念可以在这套诗上作个尝试。奥夫利用两年的时间厘清自己的想法,决定以scenic cantata的形式著手创作,编制采用:女高音、男高音、男中音三位独唱,加上合唱团、管弦乐团、庞大打击群、两部钢琴、五个定音鼓的超大演奏阵容,用以展现音乐的气魄。全曲二十五段歌词分三大部份:「春天」、「在酒馆里」、「爱之官」,另外加上开头的「命运,世界的女王」序奏、以及第二十四段「女英雄与海伦」、第二十五段「命运,世界的女王」结束,总合而成。 在这首作品里,奥夫可以说是融合了古代希腊戏剧、中世纪神秘剧本、巴伐利亚民谣戏剧,透过怀旧的素材却创作出语汇新颖的乐章。在创作的技法上,奥夫运用最简单的旋律素材、强烈吃重的节奏,将没有任何发展与变形的乐句大量的反覆,在看似单调乏味的手法上,营造出源源不绝的能量,挑动现代听众的情绪。布兰诗歌的和声是那样朴素简单,对位法虽受到限制、声部运用多而不杂,音乐情绪随著不同歌词与演唱编制变动,音乐呈「块状」进行,力度从极弱到极强是那样率性,往往没有渐强渐弱的缓冲,不过却隐约有股强烈的内在的逻辑性。 这种scenic cantata的形式可以说是结合了戏剧、音乐与宗教的清唱剧,在布兰诗歌成功之后,奥夫又分别在1942年完成「卡图利诗歌」、1951年完成「胜利女神」,三首作品统称为「胜利三部曲」,是为他最后欢迎的曲子。 录音版本比较 「布兰诗歌」的首演於1937年6月8日在法兰克福举行,此曲在首演后的五年内,都只在德语区流行,一直到1942年在义大利米兰史卡拉歌剧院的成功演出,才让它踏出国际化的脚步。由於此曲受到发烧友欢迎,因此录音相形之下也不少。 在录音中,发烧友最在乎的TAS榜单有两张「布兰诗歌」。罗伯萧/亚特兰大交响1980在Telarc的录音荣获TAS上榜殊荣,是超级发烧友流口水的烧碟,罗伯萧对合唱作品的自在与自信,加上超级男中音Hagegard(他也曾在马塔版中担纲)精准的表现,让这首作品呈现完整的面貌。制作人Robert Woods、录音师Jack Renner、录音地点是亚特兰大交响乐团的艺术中心。另外一版TAS名盘,是史托考夫斯基/休斯顿交响在Capital(EMI)的录音,有兴趣的朋友不妨自行找来听听。 而这样经典的曲目,普烈文与小泽征尔都录过不只一版。普烈文录过两版,一版与伦敦交响在EMI是 1974年的类比录音,由Christopher Bishop制作、Christopher Parker操刀录音、录音地点是鼎鼎有名的Kingsway Hall。此版也是发烧友公认的必备版,音质厚实、表情端正、堂音丰富自然,此版同时获得企鹅三星、留声机「优良CD指南」杰出演奏评价,男高音English、男中音Allen的表现都相当精采,整体音乐的生动性、细节感可说更胜小泽的Philips版。另一版则与维也纳爱乐1993年在DG的4D新录音,女高音独唱Barbara Bonney表现杰出,录音师Jobst Eberhardt、Jurgen Bulgrin、制作人Christopher Alder。显然的普烈文在此突显了维也纳爱乐优雅的音色,在4D录音下更显丰润自然,不过由於本版是新发行,各方评语尚未明确。 小泽征尔也严格来说录过三版,与柏林爱乐1989年在Philips的录音(女高音葛贝洛娃),获得企鹅三星、留声机「优良CD指南」杰出演奏、录音评价(与布隆史泰特相当),这张数位录音的效果远超越之前他与波士顿1969年的RCA版。另外小泽还在Philips发行过影碟,乐团依然是柏林爱乐,不过女高音换成凯萨琳芭托。 对於较注重音乐性的人来说,企鹅三星带花以及日本名曲名盘300首选岂可错过!奥曼第/费城CBS/Sony版以中价位与企鹅三星带花,在市场极具竞争力。奥曼第以极慢的开端诠释此曲,乍听之下或许没什麼味道,但是音乐随著歌词变化渐入佳境,独唱者没有明星却与合唱团达成很好的平衡,「费城之音」在这里追求的也不是极美的音色,而是心灵的洗涤与音乐交融的和谐感,这是很不一样的诠释,应该一听。 约夫姆/柏林德意志歌剧院1988年在DG的录音已经成为中价版,获企鹅三星、留声机「优良CD指南」杰出演奏,日本唱片艺术名曲名盘300首选等佳评,可以说是音乐迷的最爱版本,即使重发的大花版效果依然相当好。合唱团的咬字与律动力度可说无人能比,独唱者更是黄金卡司:女高音雅诺维兹、男中音费雪迪斯考,正确无误地传达神剧该有的表情。制作人Hans Hirsch、录音师Klaus Scheibe。 古典大厂EMI展现了对这个曲目的极高兴趣,前前后后共有八个版本问世。慕提/爱乐管弦EMI版,获得留声机「优良CD指南」的杰出演奏评价,在「命运,世界的女神」第一声鼓声憾人的敲动之后,慕提以较慢的速度慢慢酝酿,不将情绪一次宣泄,掌控合唱的能力过人。敲击组尤其是钹的表现相当抢眼,更突显「布兰诗歌」的节奏性,更何况有作曲家的亲自指点,权威感无庸置疑,是极具潜力的一个版本。女高音奥格的质感较轻,但还不致被乐团盖过,录音师是Peter Bown,根据资料本版在1980年就录好,却迟至1990/91才发行问世,不知是资料引用错误还是其他原因造成发行进度迟缓。 魏塞莫斯特/伦敦爱乐EMI版是相当新的录音,录音师John Kurlander、录音地点在Abbey Road第一录音室,同时也是最新的一套「胜利三部曲」录音,其中「卡图利诗歌」还获得企鹅三星带花。魏塞莫斯特以简洁的表情、活跃的律动加以诠释,合唱部分显得相自由,没有过去版本的沉重感。女高音韩翠克丝过去就曾在马塔RCA版中担纲,如今唱来更加熟稔练达。 法国指挥普拉颂/杜鲁斯市立管弦乐团在EMI的录音,大概是此曲最新的录音具有崭新的封面设计,获企鹅三星。 打开企鹅评鉴可以发现三星评价的版本不少,其中较受瞩目的有:布隆史泰特/旧金山交响1991年在Decca的录音获得企鹅三星、留声机「优良CD指南」杰出演奏、录音的高度评价,属於充满细腻感的现代诠释。已过世指挥马塔1980年在RCA的数位录音是超低价版,企鹅给予三星评价,主唱阵容不弱韩翠克丝、Hagegard赫然在列。希考克斯/伦敦交响的Carlton(IMP)版与普烈文第一次录音相同乐团,企鹅三星评价。另外还有史拉特金/圣路易RCA版,也是企鹅三星。梅塔/伦敦爱乐在Teldec的录音,找来当今最具前途的的花腔女高音周淑美(Sumi Jo),也获企鹅三星。 而企鹅两星的有两版:杜拉第/皇家爱乐1976年Decca版,虽然在Kingsway Hall的录音,但再版(Phase 4)效果不佳只得企鹅两星。冈森豪斯(Gunzenhauser)指挥捷克广播交响的Naxos超低价版,由於纵情欢愉的感觉不足,因此也只有企鹅两星。而李汶/芝加哥交响DG版曾获得葛莱美奖最佳合唱奖。 另外有三个特殊版值得一提:舒密特-伊瑟利斯这位日本名曲名盘300贝八首选的指挥,竟然与斯德哥尔摩爱乐在BIS有录音,真想听看看。另外,E. Chumachenko的钢琴改编版(1992录音,Wergo)以及R. De Cormier的电子合成乐版(1989,Newport)都各具特色。而hm曾发行过中世纪的布兰诗歌原典考古版,以五张LP问世,不知道CD出了没? 布兰诗歌录音一览表 马塔/伦敦交响RCA(女高音韩翠克丝、男中音Hagegard) 泰颂汤马斯/克里夫兰管弦CBS SK 76372(33172) 舒密特-伊瑟利斯/斯德哥尔摩爱乐BIS CD421 小泽征尔/柏林爱乐Philips 070 131-1-5(影碟)芭托 Smetacek/捷克爱乐Supraphone 11 0321(1988/11)2SUP0025 奥曼第/费城Sony 47668-2 Heritier/日内瓦敲击合奏团CASC VEL 1009 Stupel/鲁宾斯坦爱乐DANA DACOCD400 布隆史泰特/旧金山Decca 430 509-2 小泽征尔/柏林爱乐Philips 422 363-2(葛贝洛娃) Leitner/科龙广播交响ACAN 44 2086 E. Chumachenko钢琴改编版(1992录音)Wergo WER6217 小泽征尔/波士顿交响(1969)RCA 07863-56533-2 罗伯萧/亚特兰大交响(1983/12)Telarc CD 80056 夏伊/柏林广播交响(1984/10)Decca 411 702-2 慕提/爱乐管弦EMI CDC 7 47100-2 李汶/芝加哥交响(1985/11)DG 415 136-2 普烈文/伦敦交响(1986/12)EMI CDC 7 47411-2 杜拉第/皇家爱乐管弦(1987/7)Decca 417 714-2 Hickox/伦敦交响(1987/7)Pickwick PCD855 Handford/哈雷管弦(1987/11)EMI CFP CD-CFP9005(CDB 762005-2) 约夫姆/柏林德意志歌剧院(1988/11)DG 423 886-2 Gunzenhauser/巴伐利亚广播交响(1990/10)Naxos 8.550196 魏瑟莫斯特/伦敦爱乐(1990/11)EMI CDC 7 54054-2 de Burgos/新爱乐管弦(1992/11)EMI CDM7 64328-2(女高音/L. Popp) 普拉颂/杜鲁斯市立管弦乐团(1994)EMI CDC5 55392-2 G. Robev/Sofia爱乐管弦Forlane UCD-16556 R. De Cormier/电子合成乐(1989)Newport Classic NCD-60052 史托考夫斯基/休斯顿交响Capital(EMI)? P. Urbanek/布拉格节庆管弦Laser Light14020 普烈文/维也纳爱乐(1993)DG 439 950-2 梅塔/伦敦爱乐Teldec 9031-74886-2(女高音/周淑美、男中音/Skovhus) 沙瓦利许/柯隆广播交响EMI CDM 764237-2


1.Extols motherland the motherland, the motherland, you use that surely just now, lets me know you Guang Hao. you use that flowers and plants trees, to let me know your beauty. you use that ten thousand buildings, to let me know your majestic. how is called me to be able not to love you? 赞颂祖国 祖国啊,祖国, 你用那千万顷地, 让我知道你的广浩。 你用那花草树木, 让我知道你的美丽。 你用那万幢大厦, 让我知道你的雄壮。 叫我怎能不爱你? 2.My motherland, I am in love deeply motherland. you are hold up the head Gao Keng the rooster-----Awakens before dawn silence, you are the big dragon which soars to the heavens soaring-----Scolds zha the time wind and cloud, you are the powerful male lion-----Waves the divine land the strong wind, you are the human brain origin-----Ignition civilization spark. you have a sacred name, that are China! that is China, my motherland. I am in love deeply motherland. I love my motherland deeply, the putsation heart beat five millennium pulses, I am loving my motherland deeply, the blood which surges am galloping the Yangtze River Yellow River"s wave, I am loving my motherland deeply, the yellow skin am printing the color which the ancestor stays behind, I am loving my motherland deeply, the black eye am revealing the humble dimple, I am loving my motherland deeply, the strong disposition am being tall and straight Taishan the breadth of spirit, I love deeplyMy motherland, the vast coastal territory has been packing my all reposing. my motherland, the lovable China, you created the magnificent history, you have raised the great nationality. I am proud you the glory, a several thousand year crazy breeze blow do not fold your tall and straight back, I am proud you the strength, resist the internal disorder and foreign invasion to rush to the years to waste time. I am proud you the light, the Chinese nation grasp firmly my destiny, I am proud you the spirit, the reform march forward courageously open with overpowering momentum. lovable motherland, , regardless of I arrive at there, I pull your strength the arm arm, , regardless of where I do live, you are warming my pit of the stomach. the lovable motherland, you hold on to the new century navigation rudder, you use the speed, you use the strength, the creation world-shaking miracle. you use industriously, you used the wisdom, to carry on once again a more magnificent development! the motherland, the motherland, you are forever hopful, the motherland, the motherland, you are forever full of vigor and vitality! 我的祖国,我深深爱恋的祖国。你是昂首高吭的雄鸡-----唤醒拂晓的沉默,你是冲天腾飞的巨龙-----叱咤时代的风云,你是威风凛凛的雄狮-----舞动神州的雄风,你是人类智慧的起源-----点燃文明的星火。你有一个神圣的名字,那就是中国!那就是中国啊,我的祖国。我深深爱恋的祖国。我深深地爱着我的祖国,搏动的心脏跳动着五千年的脉搏,我深深地爱着我的祖国,涌动的血液奔腾着长江黄河的浪波,我深深地爱着我的祖国,黄色的皮肤印着祖先留下的颜色,我深深地爱着我的祖国,黑色的眼睛流露着谦逊的笑窝,我深深地爱着我的祖国,坚强的性格挺拔起泰山的气魄,我深深地爱着我的祖国,辽阔的海疆装满了我所有的寄托。我的祖国,可爱的中国,你创造了辉煌的历史,你养育了伟大的民族。我自豪你的悠久,数千年的狂风吹不折你挺拔的脊背,我自豪你的坚强,抵住内忧外患闯过岁月蹉跎。我自豪你的光明,中华民族把自己的命运牢牢掌握,我自豪你的精神,改革勇往直前开放气势磅礴。可爱的祖国啊,无论我走到那里,我都挽住你力量的臂膊,无论我身居何方,你都温暖着我的心窝。可爱的祖国啊,你把住新世纪的航舵,你用速度,你用实力,创造震惊世界的奇迹。你用勤劳,你用智慧,进行了又一次更加辉煌的开拓!祖国啊,祖国,你永远充满希望,祖国啊,祖国,你永远朝气蓬勃!

求My motherland英文诗歌

Motherland, You come from the world, You from the art world came in newborn To this moment, With the name of your neighbors to lend a helping hand, You pull one, Because you are homologous, So they are willing to pay. So, you stand in the corner of the world. Developing world inscribed the history of this era. In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down. Hundreds of millions of people you let you see the pace of progress, Loess you let your ancestors saw in the efforts, and You let people around the world to see your miracle of the East. Floods, SARS, snow, earthquake, economic crisis These stories allow them to see, to see you the ability to deal with the situation. Spacecraft, the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Olympic Games, These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power. Motherland, ah, motherland, You use your age young cock fighting in the territory, You use your body Qiao standing on the ground in the loess You use one of your great country in his capacity as the forefront of the world, Motherland, You come from the past, Is to go into the future!


【英文版本】[编辑本段]Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I leavedAs quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart. The floatingheart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! That pool under the shade of elm trees Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky; Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream To where the green grass is more verdant; Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight. But I can"t sing aloud Quietness is my farewell music; Even summer insects heap silence for me Silent is Cambridge tonight! Very quietly I leaved As quietly as I came here; Gently I flick my sleeves Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away November 6,1928

英文诗歌:下雨天The Rainy Day

无 为大家收集整理了《英文诗歌:下雨天The Rainy Day》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!! The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁, But at every gust the dead leaves fall. 每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷, And the day is dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 My life is cold and dark and dreary; 我的生活寒冷、阴郁、沉闷; It rains and the wind is never weary; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; My though still cling to the moldering past, 我的思想还纠缠着消逝的往事, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, 大风里,我的青春希望相继熄灭, And the days are dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 Be still, sad heart!And cease repining; 安静吧,忧伤的心!别再悔恨; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 乌云后面太阳依然辉煌灿烂; Thy fate is the common fate of all, 你命运和大家的一样, Into each life some rain must fall, 每个人一生都得逢上阴雨, Some days must be dark and dreary. 有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。


我用残损的手掌 摸索这广大的土地: 这一角已变成灰烬, 那一角只是血和泥; 这一片湖该是我的家乡, (春天,堤上繁花如锦障, 嫩柳枝折断有奇异的芬芳,) 我触到荇藻和水的微凉; 这长白山的雪峰冷到彻骨, 这黄河的水夹泥沙在指间滑出; 江南的水田,那么软……现在只有蓬蒿; 岭南的荔枝花寂寞地憔悴, 尽那边,我蘸着南海没有渔船的苦水…… 无形的手掌掠过无恨的江山, 手指沾了血和灰,手掌沾了阴暗, 只有那辽远的一角依然完整, 温暖,明朗,坚固而蓬勃生春。 在那上面,我用残损的手掌轻抚, 像恋人的柔发,婴孩手中乳。 我把全部的力量运在手掌 贴在上面,寄与爱和一切希望, 因为只有那里是太阳,是春, 将驱逐阴暗,带来苏生, 因为只有那里我们不像牲口一样活, 蝼蚁一样死……那里,永恒的中国!



英语诗歌阅读翻译:下雨天The Rainy Day

以下是 考 网英语资源频道为大家整理的《英语诗歌阅读翻译:下雨天The Rainy Day》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 英语资源 频道。 The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁, But at every gust the dead leaves fall. 每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷, And the day is dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 My life is cold and dark and dreary; 我的生活寒冷、阴郁、沉闷; It rains and the wind is never weary; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; My though still cling to the moldering past, 我的思想还纠缠着消逝的往事, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, 大风里,我的青春希望相继熄灭, And the days are dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 Be still, sad heart!And cease repining; 安静吧,忧伤的心!别再悔恨; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 乌云后面太阳依然辉煌灿烂; Thy fate is the common fate of all, 你命运和大家的一样, Into each life some rain must fall, 每个人一生都得逢上阴雨, Some days must be dark and dreary. 有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。
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