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朗读可以用recite, 具体的某首诗歌要用poem, 而poetry是集合名词,是诗歌的总称。比如:He was very fond of writing and reciting poetry. 他很喜欢写诗、背诗。 “朗诵一首英文诗歌”是朗诵一首具体的诗歌,所以可以翻译成:recite an English poem, 而不是recite an English poetry.




您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:诗歌翻译:poetry; poesy;song诗歌海Poemsea诗歌朗诵Poetry Reading;Poemreading;the declamation of poetry诗歌号MSC Poesia;Poesia新诗歌NEW POETRY诗歌创作poetry composition;poetic creation诗歌集chapbook;Poems;Buch der Lieder;Rime诗歌技艺craft of poetry诗歌评论Poetry Review;Theory英文诗歌English Poetry;Poeticpoetry creation 诗歌文本 lyric poetry 抒情诗 epic poetry 史诗 poetry reading 诗歌朗诵 misty poetry 朦胧诗 n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术poem, verse词根:poeticadj.poetic 诗的,诗歌的;诗意的;诗人的adv.poetically 用韵文;有诗意地n.poetic 诗学,诗论poetics 诗学;诗论;诗情vi.poetize 作诗vt.poetize 作诗;有诗意地描写misty poetry朦胧诗;昏黄诗;模糊诗Garden Poetry园林诗话;园林对话;下载园林诗话Fragrance Poetry香城诗句Classical Poetry古典诗词;旧诗;古典诗歌;古典诗词曲ancient poetry古诗集;古诗;古韵诗词;古代诗歌poetry composition诗歌创作American Poetry第二部分;美国诗歌;米文学思潮研究第二poetry therapy诗文治疗法;诗歌疗法pastural poetry庄园诗百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。


  诗歌作为一种特殊的文学体裁,有其独特的诗学和翻译原则。下面是我带来的优美英语 散文 诗歌,欢迎阅读!  优美 英语散文 诗歌精选   Flute in Rain   This is the sound of a flute   In waves of twilight rain   Days beyond our sight   The autumn speaks again   To a young man   Distant and strange   The past   Is clearer than any book describes   Yellow leaves blew   Over the campus   In a season clear and high   Drawing that wonderful cool sense of emptiness   Yellow leaves always   But that pure flute fills the way   Like wandering a July plateau   Boundless grass in rolling hills   Hooves in the midnight clay   Yet I still hear the past   Old autumn"s footfalls   Outside this high window   Pigeons flashed at dusk   On whose balcony do they now roost?   The sound of a flute drifts loosely,   drifts into distant space   雨中长笛   林莽   这是长笛的声音   黄昏的雨飘个不停   (可以把音量放得小一点)   那些日子已经远得看不见了   秋天在和一个少年的心灵对话   既遥远又陌生   那些逝去的日子   比书中描写得更确切   校园里的树叶黄了   飘了一地   心中的秋天更高远   高得让人发空   落叶在风中滚动   长笛却很纯净   纯净得有如漫步于高原的七月   草场无垠   马群在月光下漫游   而我还听到了那逝去的   深秋里的脚步声   就在这高高的楼窗前   夕阳里闪动的鸽群   现在不知在哪个阳台上躲雨   长笛的声音在飘   飘得很远   优美英语散文诗歌阅读   Thirst   tonight all the light is shining for you   tonight you are a small colony   that remains for a long time, melancholy seeping   from your body, with exquisite drops of water   the moon is like a clean, fragrant body   sound asleep, it gives off a seductive smell   a night is pressed on either side by two days   between them all, the dark circles around your eyes   stay joyful   what kind of clamour is piled up into your body?   inconsolable, one feels some substance taking shape   the walls in dreams blacken   so that you see traces of triangular overflow   the pores of the whole body open   ungraspable meaning   stars in the night sky shine with inhuman shine   while your eyes are loaded with   the sadness and content of remote antiquity   and with them the agony of satisfaction   as you look on gracefully, the power of a demon   makes of this moment an indelible memory   渴望   今晚所有的光只为你照亮   今晚你是一小块殖民地   久久停留,忧郁从你身体内   渗出,带着细腻的水滴   月亮像一团光洁芬芳的肉体   酣睡,发出诱人的气息   两个白昼夹着一个夜晚   在它们之间,你黑色眼圈   保持着欣喜   怎样的喧嚣堆积成我的身体   无法安慰,感到有某种物体将形成   梦中的墙壁发黑   使你看见三角形泛滥的影子   全身每个毛孔都张开   不可捉摸的意义   星星在夜空毫无人性地闪耀   而你的眼睛装满   来自远古的悲哀和快意   带着心满意足的创痛   你优美的注视中,有着恶魔的力量   使这一刻,成为无法抹掉的记忆   优美英语散文诗歌学习   Song of the True Self   By Walt Whitman   (originally in English)   Swiftly arose and spread around me the peace and knowledge   that pass all the art and argument of the earth,   And I know that the hand of God is the elder hand of my own,   And I know that the spirit of God is the eldest brother of my own,   And that all the men ever born are also my brothers   .....and the women my sisters and lovers,   And that a kelson* of the creation is love.   And limitless are leaves stiff or drooping in the fields,   And brown ants in the little wells beneath them,   And mossy scabs of the worm fence, and heap"d stones, and elder,   and mullein and poke-weed.   真我之歌   祥和与了悟迅即充溢我的四周   超越世间所有的技巧与争辩   我明白上帝的手就是我亘古的手   上帝的圣灵就是我的长兄   世间的男子也全是我的弟兄   世间的女子都是我的姊妹与爱人   造化的精髓就是爱   在田野里硬挺或下垂的叶子上   在叶下小洞的棕色蚂蚁群里   在篱笆上的苔痕、石堆、接骨木、毛蕊花和商陆草中   我看到无限   No American writer has had as powerful an influence in as many parts of the world and on asmany creative fields as the   renowned nineteenth-century poet, essayist, journalist and mystic Walt Whitman(1819-1892).His profound impact on   countless authors, artists and social thinkers stems from the spiritual insights and universalthemes expressed in his works, which resonate with the message of all the great Masters ofEast and West throughout the ages.   华特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)是美国十九世纪著名的诗人、散文家、记者兼神 主义者,他对世界许多层面及不同创作领域所带来的影响既深且广,全美作家中无人能出其右。他的作品所蕴涵的灵性洞察力和宇宙观,对无数的作家、艺术家和社会思想家造成深远的影响,而且也与历年来东西方的大师们所传达的讯息相呼应.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Declan"s Prayer) - Declan Galbraith Twinkle inkle little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Star light, Star bright, The first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight, Twinkle inkle little star, How I wonder what you are, I have so many wishes to make, But most of all is what I state, So just wonder, That I"ve been dreaming of, I wish that I can have owe her enough, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the dream I dream tonight, 【译文】 小星星,   我想知道你是什么,   高高挂在天空中,   好像一颗钻石在天空,   星光呀!   明亮的星光呀!   今晚我看见的第一颗星星,   我希望我可以,我希望我可以,   我今晚的愿望,   小星星,   我想知道你是什么,   我有那么多的愿望,   但最重要的是我的状态,   所以就想知道,   我一直梦想的,   我希望我能   My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. by William Wordsworth, 1770-1850 我怦然心动 凝望天边的彩虹; 会让我怦然心动; 我生命之初如此; 而今成人仍如此; 我老了亦当如此; 否则我i宁可死去! 赤子是成人之父; 愿天生的虔敬心; 相系我的一天天. _____ 威廉.华兹华斯   恩~不能是爱情的吧~偶查了很久,基本都是一分钟不到就能读完的。 下面这篇偶认为很不错,恩··不短!很符合~~然后就是翻译,偶自己翻的~呵呵~翻得不好之处体谅哈~ angelsarealwaysthere 天使一直在那里守候着你 surroundingyouareangels, 你的周围围绕着许多天使, theyaretheretoguideyourpath, 他们一直在哪里指引着你前进的道路, ifweaknessoveresyou, 当你被软弱包围的时候, they"llgiveyoustrengthifyouwillask. 如果你向他们要求,他们会给你力量。 theyareyourprotection 他们是你的屏障 whenlifeseemstoohardtobear, 当生活好像难以忍受, andthoughyoufeelaloneattimes, 当你感觉生活总是孤单寂寞, theangels...theyarethere. 天使们···他们在那里。 theirface *** aybehidden 他们可能掩藏面容 andtheirvoicesyoumightnothear, 他们的声音你可能听不见, buttheyarealwayswithyou, 但是他们一直在你身边, throughyourlaughteroryourtears. 融入你的欢笑与泪水。 they"llwalkalongbesideyou, 他们会走在你的旁边, they"llguideyourstepsalongtheway, 他们会指导你人生路上的每一步, they"llfortyouandholdyou, 他们会支持你使你安心舒适, protectyounightandday. 他们日夜都会保护你。 they"llholdtoyourhandtightly, 他们会牢牢的抓着你的手, they"llnoteverletitgo, 一刻都不会甩开它 andthey"llgentlyleadyouforward, 他们会轻柔的指引你前进, takingeachstepveryslow. 慢慢的走好每一步。 forevenasyouslumber, 甚至当你睡着时, theywatchcloselyoveryou; 他们会非常近距离的注视你; theyaretherebesideyou 他们一直在你旁边 ineachandeverythingyoudo. 每时每刻你做每件事。 whenlifeisoverwhelming, 当你被生活压垮, andyourspirithasgrowntired, 你的精神愈发疲惫, knowthey"llbethereforyou, 知道他们一直会为你存在, toupliftandtoinspire. 让你振奋,让你激进。 andwhenyou"retornandlonely, andyouseenohopeahead, knowthattheywillnourishyou, yourspiriillbefed. andifthereesatimeinlife thatyourheartha *** eenbroken, hearthewords,"i"mhere,mychild," andknowyourangelhasspoken. foreveninthedarkesthour, whenallofhopeseemsgone, they"llgiveyoustrengthtoliveyourlife, anddesiretogoon. andifyourfaithinheaven, shouldeverfadeaway, they"llhelprenewyourspirit, andhelpyoufindyourway. eventhoughyou"reeverfilledwithdoubt, aboutthelifeyoulive, knowthattheyaretheretogiveyou allthattheycangive. foryousee,thefathersentthem, becausetohim,youmeansomuch, thathesentthem"justforyou,"myfriend, andyourlife,theywilltouch. theywillalway *** ehere, theywill"never"leaveyourside; andupontheirstrengthandguidance, youalway *** ayrely. takefortintheirguidance, drawstrengthfromupabove, andknowthattheirsweetpresence, isgod"spreciousgiftoflove. 差不多这个意思,我想睡了~先走了   1. I"m happy today and I think I will be happy everyday during the summer camp of the English studies. 今天我很高兴,我想我会每天都很快乐在夏令营的英语学习。 2. Today is very hot, and I feel a little nervous. But our classes were very interesting. Our teacher help us to make some nice names, and now each of us has a good English name. 今天是很热,我有点儿紧张。但是我们的课程是很有趣的。我们的老师帮助我们做出一些不错的名字,现在我们每个人都有一个良好的英文名字。 3. I have many good friends at school, but my best friend is Yang Yiting. We have been clas *** ates for many years. We are really very lucky to be together for such a long time. 我有很多好朋友在学校,但我最好的朋友是阳Yiting。同学们,我们已经很多年了。我们真的很幸运的在一起了这么长时间。 4. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. 她是一个好学生。她擅长英语。她喜欢说英语。她总报告新闻用英语在她的学校 5. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 她说我们是好朋友。我们经常送电子邮件互相每天。我非常喜欢她。


给外教Mr.Smith的email:Dear Mr Smith,I am very pleased to let you know that I have been recommended as a candidate for our school to participate the English Poem Reading Contest in our city. I would like to ask you to give me advice how to make the reading beautiful .Please let me know if you have time to do so.All the best, Lihua.


Alwayshaveadream【ByKaiser3344】  Forgetaboutthedayswhenit"sbeencloudy.Butdon"tforgetyourhoursinthesun.Forgetaboutthetimesyouhavebeendefeated.Butdon"tforgetthevictoriesyouhavewon.Forgetaboutthemisfortunesyouhaveencountered.Butdon"tforgetthetimesyourluckhasturned.Forgetaboutthedayswhenyouhavebeenlonely.Butdon"tforgetthefriendlysmilesyouhaveseen.Forgetabouttheplansthatdidn"tseemtoworkoutright.Butdon"tforgettoalwayshaveadream.【翻译】永不放弃梦想  忘掉你失意的日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。忘掉你遭遇的不幸,但不要忘记你的时来运转。忘掉你的孤独日子,但不要忘记你得到的友善微笑。忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。【楼主】此篇文稿符合您当前英语水平,本人手写加翻译,若您觉得满意,望多多支持哈!!!


这场比赛要求我们必须选用两首英文诗歌,英文翻译:We are required to choose two English poems for the competition


我将为大家朗诵一首英语诗歌的I will recite an English poem for everyone




English poetry


英语诗歌london解析如下:《伦敦》出自William Blake的《经验之歌》。本诗创作于1794年,正值英国第一次工业革命期间的经济飞速上升阶段。但是繁荣的背后却是工业污染和阶级压迫。此诗淋淋尽致地描述了当时经济繁荣与精神压抑并存的状态。我们可以通过对诗歌的结构分析得出诗歌主题。"London" from "Songs of Experience" by William Blake。 This poem was written in 1794, at a time of rapid economic growth during Britain"s first industrial revolution. But behind the prosperity lies industrial pollution and class oppression。This poem perfectly describes the coexistence of economic prosperity and spiritual depression at that time。 We can derive the theme of the poem by analyzing the structure of the poem。


野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 白居易 《赋得古原草送别》Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows. Bai juyi fu have to GuYuan grass send-off " 夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。 白居易 《观刈麦》Tis night south wind up, two yellow with wheat. Bai juyi the view to mow wheat " 动枝生乱影,吹花送远香。 虞世南 《咏风》Dynamic branch of uproar, blow to spend send far sweet. YuShiNa "to sing the wind" 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 李 白 《清平调》Cloud want to want to let the clothes flower, spring breeze blows LouHuaNong trap. Lee white the qingping tone " 生无桃李春风面,名在山林处士家。 杨万里 《兰花》Born without plum spring breeze face, and the name ChuShi home in mountain forest. Reaction to the orchid " 只道花无十日红,此花无日不春风。 杨万里 《腊前月季》Only ten days red flower no way, this year.but spend the spring breeze. Reaction to the wax before Chinese rose " 爱惜芳心莫轻吐,且教桃李闹春风。 元好问《 同儿辈赋未开海棠》Spare the heart not light vomit, and teach it to escape the spring breeze. YuanHaoWen "did not start with ErBei fu hitom" 知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 贺知章 《咏柳》Know fine leaf who cut out, February the spring breeze like scissors. HeZhiZhang "to sing liu" 沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风。 志 南 《绝句》Touch the wet clothes to XingHuaYu, blow cold noodles don"t YangLiuFeng. Volunteers the rhyme of the south 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暧入屠苏。 王安石 《元日》A SuiChu fireworks, the spring breeze send into TuSu warms. Wang anshi "YuanRi" 青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。 张志和 《渔歌子》Green RuoLi, green hemp fiber, XieFengXiYu need not be. In the YuGe child " 春风桃李花开日,秋雨梧桐叶落时。 白居易 《长恨歌》Peach blossom spring day, when both the wutong leaves fall. Bai juyi changhen ge 天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。 乐 府 《敕勒歌》Days old, wild boundless, the wind blow grass low see cattle and sheep. Le fu "ChiLeGe" 潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。 王 湾 《次北固山下》Tidal flat cross-strait broadly, the wind is clients.owing suspended. The king bay the time north solid mountain "


小狗节在这个镇的所有都还在睡觉, 当太阳升起来了留言和一个飞跃。 在孤独的人看不见的街道, 小狗跳舞。而一天开始了。 他一生他一直很好,据他, 而可怜的小兽做了一切,他应该。 但今天早上,他发誓,由奥丁和托尔而犬瓦尔哈拉,he"d受不了了! 因此,他在祈祷他得到批准,这样做只是他想要的东西, 阻止没有,在一天的空间。 “果酱incipiebo,sedere facebo” 在狗拉他quoth,“Euge!Sophos的!欢呼!” 他打了他的狗,并在她眨眨眼睛,狗, 一个从未听说过以前的事。 “为暴食耻辱,我小心不要一个按钮!”他哭了,他可以吃所有的吞咽和更多。

关于the wind英语诗歌赏析

  诗歌是一种典型的文学形式,它既属于文学,又是一种艺术。古今中外,对于诗歌的研究从未间断,我们在研究的过程中发现诗歌的美,同时又在前人研究的基础上创造出更好的诗歌作品。我精心收集了关于the wind 英语诗歌 ,供大家欣赏学习!   关于the wind英语诗歌:THE WIND 风   (Part I)   Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌?   Neither I nor you;谁也没见过,不论你或我;   But when the leaves hang trembling,但在树叶震动之际,   The wind is passing through.风正从那里吹过。   (Part II)   Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?   Neither you nor I;谁也没见过,不论你或我;   But when the trees bow down their heads,但在树梢低垂之际,   The wind is passing by.风正从那里经过。   ~by C. G. Rossetti   另一首诗人的风之歌   O wind , why do you never rest,风啊!为何你永不休止   Wandering, whistling to and fro,来来回回的漂泊,呼啸   Bring rain out of the west,从西方带来了雨   From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。   相关 文章 拓展阅读:Ezra Pound - Canto XIII   Kung walked   by the dynastic temple   and into the cedar grove,   and then out by the lower river,   And with him Khieu Tchi   and Tian the low speaking   And "we are unknown," said Kung,   "You will take up charioteering?   "Then you will become known,   "Or perhaps I should take up charioterring, or archery?   "Or the practice of public speaking?"   And Tseu-lou said, "I would put the defences in order,"   And Khieu said, "If I were lord of a province   "I would put it in better order than this is."   And Tchi said, "I would prefer a small mountain temple,   "With order in the observances,   with a suitable performance of the ritual,"   And Tian said, with his hand on the strings of his lute   The low sounds continuing   after his hand left the strings,   And the sound went up like smoke, under the leaves,   And he looked after the sound:   "The old swimming hole,   "And the boys flopping off the planks,   "Or sitting in the underbrush playing mandolins."   And Kung smiled upon all of them equally.   And Thseng-sie desired to know:   "Which had answered correctly?"   And Kung said, "They have all answered correctly,   "That is to say, each in his nature."   And Kung raised his cane against Yuan Jang,   Yuan Jang being his elder,   or Yuan Jang sat by the roadside pretending to   be receiving wisdom.   And Kung said   "You old fool, come out of it,   "Get up and do something useful."   And Kung said   "Respect a child"s faculties   "From the moment it inhales the clear air,   "But a man of fifty who knows nothing   Is worthy of no respect."   And "When the prince has gathered about him   "All the savants and artists, his riches will be fully employed."   And Kung said, and wrote on the bo leaves:   If a man have not order within him   He can not spread order about him;   And if a man have not order within him   His family will not act with due order;   And if the prince have not order within him   He can not put order in his dominions.   And Kung gave the words "order"   and "brotherly deference"   And said nothing of the "life after death."   And he said   "Anyone can run to excesses,   "It is easy to shoot past the mark,   "It is hard to stand firm in the middle."   And they said: If a man commit murder   Should his father protect him, and hide him?   And Kung said:   He should hide him.   And Kung gave his daughter to Kong-Tchang   Although Kong-Tchang was in prison.   And he gave his niece to Nan-Young   although Nan-Young was out of office.   And Kung said "Wan ruled with moderation,   "In his day the State was well kept,   "And even I can remember   "A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,   "I mean, for things they didn"t know,   "But that time seems to be passing.   A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,   But that time seems to be passing."   And Kung said, "Without character you will   "be unable to play on that instrument   "Or to execute the music fit for the Odes.   "The blossoms of the apricot   "blow from the east to the west,   "And I have tried to keep them from falling."


吴丝蜀桐制成精美的箜篌,奏出的乐声飘荡在睛朗的深秋。 听到美妙的乐声,天空的白云凝聚,不再飘游; 那湘娥把点点泪珠洒满斑竹,九天上素女也牵动满腔忧愁。 这高妙的乐声从哪儿传出?那是李凭在国都把箜篌弹奏。 像昆仑美玉碰击声声清脆,像凤凰那激昂嘹亮的歌喉; 像芙蓉在露水中唏嘘饮泣,象兰花迎风开放笑语轻柔。 整个长安城的大街小巷,如同沉浸在一片寒光中那样清幽。 二十三根弦丝高弹轻拨,天神的心弦也被乐声吸引。 高亢的乐声直冲云霄,把女娲炼石补天的天幕震颤。 好似天被惊震石震破,引出漫天秋雨声湫湫。 夜深沉,乐声把人们带进梦境,梦见李凭把技艺向神女传授; 湖里老鱼也奋起在波中跳跃,潭中的瘦蛟龙翩翩起舞乐悠悠 。 月宫中吴刚被乐声深深吸引,彻夜不眠在桂花树下徘徊逗留。 桂树下的兔子也伫立聆听,不顾露珠儿斜飞寒飕飕!


《假如生活欺骗了你》~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著 假如生活欺骗了你 不要犹豫 不要低头 坚强的向前走 假如生活欺骗了你 不要悲伤 不要哭泣 要给自己更大的勇气 假如生活欺骗了你 不要绝望 不要着急 坚定的相信未来 因为羽毛是灰色的 心不要再灰色了 选自love北极君诗歌《灰色的羽毛》

有关亲情的英文诗歌欣赏 关于亲情的英文诗歌

  亲情像春日微风,轻柔不张扬;亲情像夏日小雨,丝丝添凉爽;亲情像秋日枫叶,红火满心房;亲情像冬日暖阳,温暖散光芒。我整理了有关亲情的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   有关亲情的英文诗歌篇一   On Children Kahlil Gibran   中英对照:   Your children are not your children.   They are the sons and daughters of Life"s longing for itself.   They come through you but not from you,   And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.   你的儿女,其实不是你的儿女   他们是生命对于自身渴望而诞生的孩子   他们借助你来到这世界,却非因你而来   他们在你身旁,却并不属于你   You may give them your love but not your thoughts,   For they have their own thoughts.   You may house their bodies but not their souls,   For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,   which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.   You may strive to be like them,   but seek not to make them like you.   For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.   你可以给予他们的是你的爱   却不是你的想法   因为他们有自己的思想   你可以庇护的是他们的身体,却不是他们的灵魂   因为他们的灵魂属于明天,属于你做梦也无法到达的明天   你可以拼尽全力,变得像他们一样   却不要让他们变得和你一样   因为生命不会后退,也不在过去停留   You are the bows from which your children   as living arrows are sent forth.   The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,   and He bends you with His might   that His arrows may go swift and far.   Let your bending in the archer"s hand be for gladness;   For even as He loves the arrow that flies,   so He loves also the bow that is stable.   你是弓,儿女是从你那里射出的箭   弓箭手望着未来之路上的箭靶   他用尽力气将你拉开,使他的箭射得又快又远   怀着快乐的心情,在弓箭手的手中弯曲吧   因为他爱一路飞翔的箭,也爱无比稳定的弓   有关亲情的英文诗歌篇二   Super Mom   Mom, you"re a wonderful mother,   So gentle, yet so strong.   The many ways you show you care   Always make me feel I belong.   You"re patient when I"m foolish;   You give guidance when I ask;   It seems you can do most anything;   You"re the master of every task.   You"re a dependable source of comfort;   You"re my cushion when I fall.   You help in times of trouble;   You support me whenever I call.   I love you more than you know;   You have my total respect.   If I had my choice of mothers,   You"d be the one I"d select!   有关亲情的英文诗歌篇三   母亲之歌   the song of the mother----yeats   i rise in the dawn, kneel and blow,   till the seed of fire flicker and glow.   and then i must scrub and blake and sweep,   till stars are beginning to blink and peep.   and the young lie long and dream in their bed   of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head.   and their day goes over idleness,   and they sigh if the wind but lift the tress.   while i must work, because i am old,   and the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.   我在清晨起床,跪在火炉旁用力吹着炉膛   直到点点火星燃起,摇曳着红光。   然后,擦洗器具,烘烤食物,打扫庭院   直到群星满布,在天空眨眼窥探。   孩子们睡到很晚,沉迷梦乡   为美丽的人儿整理华装。   他们的日子在虚空中流淌,   只为那风吹散的长发留一声喟叹。   而我必须要劳作,因为我老了,   那燃烧的火种也渐渐微弱,冷却了。



I love you(诗歌摘抄译文)

我爱你,不光因为你的样子, 还因为和你在一起时, 我的样子。 我爱你, 不光因为 你如何看待自己, 还因为 你如何看待我。 我爱你, 因为你能唤出 我最真的那部分; 我爱你, 因为你的手 抚慰我苍老的心, 不计较我 所有的傻气和弱点 尽管你会时不时地 隐约注意到这些, 而你引出, 并照亮 我心里美丽的地方 别人都不曾费心找寻, 所以没人发现过我的美丽, 我爱你 因为你将我的生活 化腐朽为神奇。 你没有把我 当做路上的客栈, 而是虔诚的圣殿; 对于我的工作, 我的每一天, 你不是去责备, 而是为我倾唱。 你给予我的 比任何的恩惠给的还要, 能让我的幸福。 你给了我这么多, 没有一次接触, 没有一句话语, 没有一个暗示。 你给了我这么多, 仅仅因为你就是你。 也许, 这才是作为朋友 最终的真谛。




原唱 第372首 是因着爱It is Because of Love 杨伯伦作词作曲 是因着爱,牧人听见天使歌声;是因着爱,圣婴安静地诞生在马棚; 是因着爱,神竟赏赐独生子给世人


When You are Old WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true; But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face. And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.当你老了—— 袁可嘉译 当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉, 炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌, 慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和, 回想它们昔日浓重的阴影; 多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心, 只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂, 爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹; 垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁, 凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝, 在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子, 在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。


母亲节英语诗歌一: 母亲啲爱 Mother"s Love There is no love like a mother"s love no stronger bond on earth... like the precious bond that es from God to a mother when she gives birth. A mother"s love is forever strong never changing for all time... and when her children need her most a mother"s love will shine. God bless these special mothers God bless them every one... for all the tears and heartache and for the special work they"ve done. When her days on earth are over a mother"s love lives on... through many generations with God"s blessings on each one. Be thankful for our mothers for they love with a higher love... from the power God has given and the strength from up above. ----by Jill Lemming 母亲节英语诗歌二:Mother Machree There"s a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There"s a depth in my soul never sounded or known; There"s a place in my memory my life that you fill; No other can take it no one ever will; Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by; Was made bright by the light of the *** ile in your eye; Like a candle that"s set in a window at night; Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right; Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair; And the brow that"s all furrowed and wrinkled with care; I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me; Oh! God bless you and keep you mother machree! 《慈母颂》 在我啲心灵之中 有个地方 深不可测 其境从未与闻 哪个少女也难问津; 在我啲记忆之中 我啲生命布满你啲身影 谁也不能取代 永远无人有此真情; 珍贵时光悠悠逝去 辛劳烦扰却永不消停 你眼中啲微笑 其光彩 使烦劳转为光明; 宛如点燃啲烛光 深夜透窗棂 你深情啲爱激励我 引领我一直前进; 是啲 我爱你如银啲发丝 闪烁着深情啲光线 我爱你额上道道皱纹 岁月刻满沧桑 我吻你勤劳啲手指 双手柔情暖和我心房; 啊 慈母在我心 苍天保佑 福寿永绵长! 女性成就啲辉煌生命 每一刻都惊心动魄 每一分钟都同呼吸共命运 每一秒都是千钧一发 生死攸关 情融骨肉心连血脉 在时间里波澜壮阔 分秒必争之中 时间漫长如刀山火海 浴血奋战啲拼博 咬牙切齿啲尖叫 嚎啕大哭地狂呼 声嘶力竭地奋斗 叫苦不迭地急盼 心惊肉痛地苦苦挣扎 挣扎 血流如注地英勇冲击 冲击 生与死啲激烈竞争 竞争 死去活来啲伟大奇迹 奇迹 这一刻 这一分钟这一秒 一个生命在母亲啲身体里分离 剧烈巨痛在排山倒海 气势磅礴啲汹涌澎湃着 一阵阵势不可挡铺天盖地 遍体地汗血 极度地精皮力尽 在度秒如年之中煎熬 是母亲给新生命啲开始 顽强地搏击战胜强痛啲苦难 终于在撕心裂肺中诞生 在巨痛震股中啼哭...... 向宇宙天地神人公布: 我来到了这个崭新啲世界 那"哇哇"啲哭声那么响亮清脆 划破黑夜飞跃光明! 从此_______ 生命就开始了今生今世啲故事 这就是古今中外啲人类历史 生命演绎啲风尘万象 浩瀚辽阔亿年万代


以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《精美诗歌阅读英汉互译:失去的爱》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 The Lost Love William Wordsworth She dwelt among the untrodden ways beside the springs of dove. A maid whom there were none to praise, and very few to love. A violet by a mossy stone, half hidden from the eye! Fair as a star, when only one is shining in the sky. She lived unknown, and few could know, when lucy ceased to be. But she is in her grave, and oh, the difference to me! 失去的爱 【英】威廉·华兹华斯 她居住在白鸽泉水的旁边,无人来往的路径通往四面。 一位姑娘未曾获得称赞,也很少有人爱怜。 苔藓石旁的一株紫罗兰,半藏着逃离人们的视线! 美丽得如同天上的孤星,一颗的星清辉闪闪。 她生无人知,死也无人唁,不知她何时离了人间。 但她安睡在墓中,哦,可怜,对于我意义全然不同。


  英语诗歌是英美文学中的珍宝。在英美文学中,尤其是早期作品中,如史诗及戏剧都是以诗歌的形式出现。我精心收集了歌颂女性的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   歌颂女性的英文诗歌1   a ma do you remember 妈妈你可曾记得   the old straw hat you gave to me 你送给我那草帽   i lost that hat long ago 很久以前失落了   flew to the foggy canyon 它飘向浓雾的山岙   yeh ma ma i wonder 耶哎妈妈那顶草帽   what happened to that old straw hat 它在何方你可知道   falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳   out of my reach like your heart 就像你的心儿我再也得不到   歌颂女性的英文诗歌2   Super Mom   Mom, you"re a wonderful mother,   So gentle, yet so strong.   The many ways you show you care   Always make me feel I belong.   You"re patient when I"m foolish;   You give guidance when I ask;   It seems you can do most anything;   You"re the master of every task.   You"re a dependable source of fort;   You"re my cushion when I fall.   You help in times of trouble;   You support me whenever I call.   I love you more than you know;   You have my total respect.   If I had my choice of mothers,   You"d be the one I"d select!   歌颂女性的英文诗歌3   Mother"s Love   There is no love, like a mother"s love,   no stronger bond on earth...   like the precious bond that es from God,   to a mother, when she gives birth.   A mother"s love is forever strong,   never changing for all time...   and when her children need her most,   a mother"s love will shine.   God bless these special mothers,   God bless them every one...   for all the tears and heartache,   and for the special work they"ve done.   When her days on earth are over,   a mother"s love lives on...   through many generations,   with God"s blessings on each one.   Be thankful for our mothers,   for they love with a higher love...   from the power God has given,   and the strength from up above.   ----by Jill Lemming   



求翻译英文诗歌Fathers‘ love

Fathers seldom say "I love you" 父亲们很少说"我爱你" Though the feeling"s always there, 虽然那份感觉一直都在那 But somehow those three little words 但不知道为什么这小小的三个字 Are the hardest ones to share. 却最难与人分享 And fathers say "I love you" 而父亲说"我爱你" In ways that words can"t match-- 用言语没法比拟的方式 With tender bed time stories 或是温和地在床头讲故事 Or a friendly game of catch! 或是一场友好的捉迷藏游戏 You can see the words "I love you" 你可以看到"我爱你"这些字 In a father"s boyish eyes 从父亲孩子气的眼睛里 When he runs home,all excited, 当他兴奋地跑回家 With a poorly wrapped surprise. 脸上带着难以掩饰的惊喜 A father says "I love you" 父亲说"我爱你" With his strong helping hands 用他强有力的援助之手 He speaks his love unselfishly 他无私地表达他的爱 By giving all he can 付出他的全部 A father"s seldom-spoken love 父亲很少说出口的爱 Sounds clearly through the years-- 随着光阴流逝变得清晰 Sometimes in peals of laughter, 有时在响亮的笑声中 Sometimes through happy tears. 有时在欢乐的泪水中 Perhaps they have to speak their love 可能他们表达他们的爱 In a fashion all their own. 只能用自己的方式 Because the love that fathers feel 因为父亲的爱 Is too big for words alone! 绝非言语所能诠释


He likes poetry, especially the tang poetry


  纪伯伦(kahlil gibran)是黎巴嫩阿拉伯诗人、作家、画家。被称为“艺术天才”、“黎巴嫩文坛骄子”,是阿拉伯现代小说、艺术和散文的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一。   纪伯伦英文爱情诗歌一:   Seven times have I despised my soul:   The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.   The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled.   The third time when she was given to choose between the hard and the easy, and she chose the easy.   The fourth time when she committed a wrong, and comforted herself that others also commit wrong.   The fifth time when she forbore for weakness, and attributed her patience to strength.   The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.   And the seventh time when she sang a song of praise, and deemed it a virtue.   我曾七次鄙视自己的灵魂。   第一次是看见她在可以升华时却故作谦卑。   第二次是看见她在跛子前瘸着腿走。   第三次是在当她在难和易之间选择了易。   第四次是当她犯了过失,却以别人也有过失来自慰。   第五次是当她容忍软弱,并将忍耐视为坚强。   第六次是当她鄙视一张丑脸,却不知那正是她自己的面具之一。   第七次是当她唱起赞歌,还以美德自诩。   纪伯伦英文爱情诗歌二:   We are all climbing toward the summit of our hearts" desire. Should the other climber steal your sack and your purse and wax fat on the one and heavy on the other, you should pity him;   The climbing will be harder for his flesh, and the burden will make his way longer.   And should you in your leanness see his flesh puffing upward, help him a step; it will add to your swiftness.   我们都在攀登理想的顶峰。如果别的攀登者偷了你的背包、钱袋,装满他自己的背包,加重他自己的钱袋,你应该可怜他;   攀登对他的`肉体来说将更为困难,负担会使他的路程更漫长。   轻装的你若看见他的肉体气喘吁吁地往上爬,拉他一把,这会加快你的速度。   纪伯伦英文爱情诗歌三:   on marriage - kahlil gibran   论婚姻 - 纪伯伦   you were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.   you shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.   aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of god.   你们一同出生,而且永远相伴。   当死亡白色的羽翼掠过你们的生命时,你们也应在一起。   是的,即使在神静默的记忆中,你们也将始终相守。   but let there be spaces in your togetherness,   and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.   love one another but make not a bond of love:   let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.   请在你们彼此的世界中保留一些空间,   好让空中的风在你们之间舞蹈。   彼此相爱,但不要让爱成为束缚。   让爱成为奔流于你们灵魂海岸线间的大海。


  《白色情人节》  ~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著  1.白色青春  青春的脚步  应有花的伴舞  我在有风的季节里  把心情  妆扮的洁白  像云在晴朗的天空上流浪  我用尽所有的力量  为思念出行  不辜负  此次纯真的爱情  我流尽今日的眼泪  把昨天灌醉  来安慰  曾经清晰的心碎  ~~~love北极君诗歌集《白色情人节》  2.等爱的天使  ~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著  每个人都是等爱的天使  在等待爱的降临  这个情人节  没收到玫瑰  突然发现  往事已不能追回  北极君诗歌《白色情人节》  3.春天里没有雨季  ~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著  春天里没有雨季  我找不到角落哭泣  背着重  重的痛  询问  夏天在哪里  想找到深深的夏天  在暴雨中  哭个彻底  北极君诗歌《白色情人节》  4.一朵白玫瑰  ~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著  一朵白色的玫瑰  欲打开爱的心扉  相信洁白的  会拥有  更纯洁的期待  北极君诗歌《白色情人节》  5.白色情人节  ~~~~じ☆ve~北极君著  三月  已开满鲜花世界  爱情  也许有更美好的期待  红玫瑰你收到了吗  2.14那个难忘日子  没有在老地方等到你  3月14日来了  在这个白色情人节里  我许下n多心愿  想在春光灿烂的时刻实现  北极君诗歌《白色情人节》


5.让时间证明 -我老了 可时光并没有老 洁白的月色 依旧 在你的身边照耀 我醉了 心并没有醉 我依旧知道 我爱的是谁 我睡了 思念并没有睡 我的身影 依然 在梦中和你面对 风匆匆 流水也匆匆 我爱你有多久 让时间证明 北极君诗歌6.无花果春夏秋冬 我一直怀念你 离别的脚步 走的匆匆 我愿意等 重逢的喜悦 没有相约的收获 现在或未来风雨雪霜 我一直接纳你 相聚的时间 来的缓缓 我愿意让 思念开花 芬芳内心的感觉 痛苦及快乐 -----------北极君诗歌7.思 往事愈远 你的记忆犹新 还是暗淡于 又一场相遇 我在干枯的岁月里 依旧做着繁华的梦 在美丽的雪夜 与你相逢 在寂寞的枕畔 搂住你的笑容 --------北极君诗歌8.过往 命运在岁月里穿梭 时光染白了寂寞 揭去花的颜色 年轻的脚步去而不返 醉人的心跳留不住故事 回忆总离不开从前 朦胧的已无法再清晰 白天 就能听到梦碎的声音 理清负担 原是那几缕放不下的思念 弄清负担 却没有勇气面对 黑夜 又会看到放大画面北极君诗歌9.记忆的窗 请在笑容里焉一个酒窝 泛红那美丽的脸颊 羞透的记忆 牵到寒气风迷的冬季 我的手慢慢暖温 她灵敏即触即动的指尖 当寒风再起 当笑容再展 我还会把怦动的心情 收藏 慢慢的静静的 当岁月再没有青春颜色 当思念再没有最初的力量 我依旧打开那扇记忆的窗 北极君诗歌10.幸运石祝福像被流星雨淋着抓住天边一颗粉红的流星放在发烫手心在蓝色早晨偷偷打开时已变成紫色幸运石北极君11.满天星 让青春盛开鲜花的期待 让好梦长满祝福的未来 蔚蓝的天空 不论黑夜白昼 有我的星座为我 启明 所有的季节 不论晴雪雨发 有我洒落芬芳的关怀北极君诗歌12.玫瑰心语心中的语言让玫瑰传递把爱神唤醒让平凡的生活发生奇迹北极君诗歌《在下一个情人节等你》13.离别是两地而已思念没有分别情感没有分别遥望远方是否知道自己与自己离别,听脚步已经离开不想离开的地方.心却在旧地方相逢.北极君诗歌14.【风铃】思念的心语 在有风的夜为你挂出 风中没有承诺 只有零乱的回答 风越大 寂寞说出清脆的痛 声音淹没迷途的梦 如果有风没承诺 如果无风有寂寞 只有在风中后悔 只有在风中心碎 再快的脚步不能追回 再响的声音不能唤回 留住心跳的眼神 如果有风没承诺 如果无风有寂寞 心,也在悲声中沉默 ~北极君诗歌15.白心草想说的 全说给了你 每一句都来自 洁白的心底 我的思念里 长满了白心草 每一棵都是 简单的秘密 但愿我种植的心花 能开放在你的梦中 因为我睡觉的时候 一直念着你的名字 北极君短诗《赤兔2009》16.星星心语 许一个心愿 把想说的话 告诉给黑天 不要怕 梦想能否实现 因为所有的星星 都守候的天边 北极君短诗《赤兔2009》17.回梦时光机驾驶今天的时间 给明天做嫁衣 时光像一台织布机器 穿梭过去未来里 织来织去 织出人生的秘密 非要等到未来能解开 看清晰在每个有星的夜里 偷偷开着回梦时光机 翻开所有过去 想在发现一丝甜蜜 看到一段段痛苦 销声匿迹 所有记忆都织成 美好心翼 飞翔在温暖的梦乡里北极君诗歌18.把你放在心灵最容易快乐与伤痛的位置看著你我犹然喜悦 这时 我还不敢大笑 怕打乱我 看你永不厌倦的平静想著你我隐约伤痛 那时 我还不敢哭泣 怕弄醒我 恰恰温暖的梦北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》19.1米万次方1米的距离远吗 好近呀 可以看清你 浅浅的忧郁 淡淡的笑1米的距离远吗 好远呀 远的要让我用1万次方计算 远的好像整个世界都停电 没有太阳 没有星星和月亮 害怕突然看不见你了在这样黑的夜 一直点着泪光 想照亮 寻找你的方向 北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》20.日日秒秒你在银河南,我在银河北。遥遥五万里,相看不知归。天上无红楼,河中无水流。眼前常潆潆,怎晓天黑黑。耐过寒雪飘,又随春风醉。等过清雨铭,才到秋风睿。一年有一日,日日有思念。今朝喜相逢,秒秒如金贵。北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》21.仲昭奕奕仲昭奕奕,纤星眺眺。天有织女,在河淘淘。綄衣无缝,洁白如雪。朝洗晚结,夜织晨缴。心仪倦倦,眼驰人间。世有牛郎,放牛耕田。情伊翩翩,思亦娇娇。两翼镶愿,牵牛迢迢.北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》22.我怀里的秋天青雁向南白云向北落叶敲痛雁的背落叶削碎云的泪我离别的情人往事在东时光在西谁会在故事里停留谁会在未来里相守北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》23.我心畔的银河从地球到银河夜有多遥远星星就有多孤单虽然走到你面前需要十万光年感觉你就在我身边你把身体交给了时间我把你倒进了思念你知道我一个凡人怎么飞翔吗你知道我变成一只蝴蝶需要多少次试飞吗你知道我甩开地球的引力需要放弃多少盔甲吗我努力的去飞本知真爱归谁因为朝着你的方向银河就在我的心畔你就在我的心尖北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》24.需要十万光年牛郎织女的故事还一直在剧中我和你的爱情还一直童话里这个传说从开始到现在牛郎还未走到织女的身边因为从这里到银河需要十万光年这个童话从开始到现在还装在秋天的书页里怕是一打开风会摘下满天的落叶北极君诗歌《思念里不会发生奇迹》25.银 河 思念很容易受伤 血液痛苦的流淌 澄清的心情 是我想你的宁静 月儿弯了 云彩淡了 星星亮了 让思念流过时间的河 可是在黑夜里闪烁 北极君诗歌26.云之恋 天空是多么的蔚蓝 我最眷恋 在雪之后雨之前 你来到 我的窗畔 向你吐露甜蜜的话语 你给我一朵朵纯洁的诗篇 云再飞也飞不出 天空的怀抱 紫色的早晨 我独自行走在 无云的天边北极君诗歌27.有星的夜 天边星光几点 静静赶着时间 空虚的脸 藏住思念的双眼 幽蓝幽蓝的记忆 又在星空出现 美丽的脸 露出纯真的双眼 今夜灿烂 没有留住梦中的画面北极君诗歌28.黑色一场寂寞的故事在上演 忧伤的主角 在长夜里闪光 如果 在这种颜色中把满天星星数完 也数不尽对她的思念 沉重的心情 一直没离开故事的开端 许多年以后 愿望一直没变 只不过心中有了一盏明灯


middle ┆ agedcouple ┆ playingten ┆ niswhen ┆ thegame ┆ endsand ┆ theygo ┆ homethe ┆ netwill ┆ stillbe ┆ between ┆ them四十岁的爱情中年夫妇打完网球后回家,球场依旧把人分左右。


  Carelessly utter"d, die as soon as born,  And in one instant give both Hope and Fear:  Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind    According to the Caprice of the Mind.  But Billetdoux are constant Witnesses,  Substantial Records to Eternity;     Just Evidences,who the Truth confess,  On which the Lover safely may rely;  They"re serious Thoughts,digested and resolv"d;  And last,when Words are into Clouds devolv"d.  Love.Is.Thicker.Than.Forget  Love is more thicker than forget  More thinner than recall  More seldom than a wave is wet  More frequent than to fail  It is most mad and moonly  And less it shall unbe  Than all the sea which only  Is deeper than the sea  Love is less always than to win  Less never than alive  Less bigger than the least begin  Less littler than forgive  It is most sane and sunly  And more it cannot die  Than all the sky which only  Is higher than the sky


  Love  She wept with pity and delight,  She blush"d with love and virgin shame;  And, like the murmur of a dream,  I heard her breathe my name.  爱  情窦初开羞答答,  怜爱欣喜落泪花;  犹如梦呓低声语,  红云满面呼唤他。  塞缪尔u2022泰勒u2022科尔里奇(Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1722—1834)英国诗人 原诗为四行民谣体爱情叙事诗,仅二、四行押韵。这里仅译出其中最为精彩的一节。这位情窦初开的少女堕入情网时的意态被描摹得细致入微。  LOVE  申轶云  Love is another  Beautiful scenery  Without saying a word  But dear  My love for you  Is spring  All hope and  Solution  (爱是另一种  美丽得无法言喻的  风景  然而 亲爱的  我对你的爱  就是 春天  所有的盼望和  答案)


关于爱情的英文诗歌如下:1、Love never dies.2、Life is the flower for which love is the honey.3、lf you were a teardrop;ln my eye, For fear of losing you,l would never cry And if thegolden sun,Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you,Would make my wholeworld bright.4、Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it is just a matter oftime.Wondering... will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams, night... and sometimes... day.Thethoughts seem to never fade away. Corwin Corey Amber.5、Without you?l"d be a soul without a purpose. Without you?l"d be an emotion withouta heart I"m a face without expression,A heart with no beat. Without you by my side,l"m just aflame without the.6、She who has never loved,has never lived.7、With your sweet and gently way.8、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love.


  英语诗歌因其节奏、思想意义及艺术价值,在英语教学中占有一席之地。我分享关于爱的英语诗歌,希望可以帮助大家!   关于爱的英语诗歌:Love   She wept with pity and delight,   She blush"d with love and virgin shame;   And, like the murmur of a dream,   I heard her breathe my name.   爱   情窦初开羞答答,   怜爱欣喜落泪花;   犹如梦呓低声语,   红云满面呼唤他。   关于爱的英语诗歌:为爱感动   Touched by Love   I knew I had been touched   by love...   the first time I saw you   and I felt your warmth   and heard your laughter.   I knew I had been touched   by love...   when I was hurting from   something that happened,   and you came alone   and made the hurt go away.   I knew I had been touched   by love...   when I quit making plans   with my friends   and started dreaming dreams   with you.   I knew I had been touched   by love...   when I stopped thinking in   terms of "me"   and started thinking in   terms of "we".   I knew I had been touched   by love...   when suddenly I couldn"t make   decisions by myself anymore,   and I had this strong desire   to share everything with you.   I knew I had been touched   by love...   the first time we spent   alone together   and I knew I wanted to stay   with you forever...   because I had never felt   this touched by love.   关于爱的英语诗歌:FALLING IN LOVE WITH LOVE   爱上爱   “You"re my love, sweat love, my darling—”   Love refers to people or things   Love implies bliss and joys   The love for mountains and rivers, for flowers and plants   The love for a colony of ants on the roadside   The love for the floating dusk particles in the morning sun   The love for friends and for those hostile to you   When love is not merely a heartbeat   When love walks out of a gloomy room   When love bees perspective you look at the world in   When love is not merely an endearment   When love bees your idea of this world and behaviour   You say, “I"ve fallen in love with love”   “你是我的爱,心爱,最爱——”   爱字代称的是人或事物   爱字后面隐藏着幸福和快乐   爱山爱水,爱花爱草   爱路上的一簇小蚂蚁   爱晨光中的浮尘   爱朋友也爱对你深怀敌意的人   当爱不仅仅是一次心跳   当爱走出暗室   当爱变成你看世界的眼光   当爱不仅仅是一个称呼   当爱变成你对世界的想法和动作   你说:“我爱上了爱”   


  其实爱情的疗法就和牙痛一样,只有两种:不留着,就拔掉。我精心收集了关于love的双语英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!  关于love的双语英文诗歌篇1   致克恩 To A.P. Kern   I remember a wonderful moment   我记得那美妙的瞬间:   As before my eyes you appeared,   你就在我的眼前降临,   Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,   如同昙花一现的梦幻,   Like a spirit of the purest beauty.   如同纯真之美的化身。   In the torture of hopeless melancholy,   我为绝望的悲痛所折磨,   In the bustle of the world"s noisy hours,   我因纷乱的忙碌而不安,   That voice rang out so tenderly,   一个温柔的声音总响在耳边,   I dreamed of that lovely face of yours.   妩媚的身影总在我梦中盘旋。   The years flew quickly. The storm"s blast   岁月流逝。一阵阵迷离的冲动   Scattered the dreams of former times,   象风暴把往日的幻想吹散,   And I forgot your tender voice,   我忘却了你那温柔的声音,   And the features of your heavenly face.   也忘却了你天仙般的容颜。   In remoteness, in gloomy isolation,   在荒凉的乡间,在囚禁的黑暗中,   My days dragged quietly, nothing was new,   我的时光在静静地延伸,   No godlike face, no inspiration,   没有崇敬的神明,没有灵感,   No tears, no life, no love, no you.   没有泪水,没有生命,没有爱情。   Then to my soul an awakening came,   我的心终于重又觉醒,   And there again your face appeared,   你又在我眼前降临,   Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,   如同昙花一现的梦幻,   Like a spirit of the purest beauty.   如同纯真之美的化身。   And my heart beat with a rapture new,   心儿在狂喜中萌动,   And for its sake arose again   一切又为它萌生:   A godlike face, an inspiration,   有崇敬的神明,有灵感,   And life, and tears, and love, and you   有泪水,有生命、也有爱情。   关于love的双语英文诗歌篇2   Amoretti Lxx   Fresh Spring, the herald of love"s mighty king,   新春乃爱情君王的喝道人,   In whose cote-armour richly are displayed   他的纹章上绣满了花,   All sorts of flowers, the which on earth do spring,   大地在这个时节才苏生,   In goodly colours gloriously arrayed -   各色的鲜花开成一片云霞。   Goe to my love, where she is carelesse layd,   去吧,去到我爱人的家,   Yet in her winter"s bowre not well awake;   她还懒懒地躺床冬眠,   Tell her the joyous time will not be staid,   告诉她欢乐的时间不会停下,   Unlesse she doe him by the forelock take;   要抓住辰光赶紧向前,   Bid her therefore her selfe soone ready make,   嘱咐她立刻梳头洗脸,   To wayt on Love amongst his lovely crew;   列身在姑娘队里把爱情迎候,   Where every one, that misseth then her make,   不论谁只要错过她的所恋,   Shall be by him amearst with penance dew.   就要把应得的惩罚承受。   Make hast, therefore, sweet love, whilest it is prime;   所以趁早吧,亲爱的,春光正好,   For none can call againe the passed time.   消失了就再也不能找到。   关于love的双语英文诗歌篇3   Fair Is My Love   Fair is my love, when her hair golden hairs   我的爱人如此唯美,蓦然回首   With the loose wind ye waving chance to mark;   她散开的金发在风中飞舞;   Fair when the rose in red cheeks appears,   我的爱人如此唯美,当她红润的脸颊玫瑰红萦绕,   Or in her eyes the fire of love does spark.   或是当她双目中闪过爱的火花;   Fair when her breast like a rich laden bark,   我的爱人如此唯美,当她挺起胸乳   With precious merchandise she forth doth lay,   像载满奇珍异宝的航船;   Fair when that cloud of pride, which oft doth dark   我的爱人如此唯美,当她用微笑驱散开   Her goodly light with smiles she dries away.   那遮掩她柔媚光辉的傲世云团。   But fairest she, when so she doth display   而她最绚美的时候是当她轻轻叩响   The gate with pearls and rubies richly dight   装饰满红宝石与白珍珠的大门   Through which her words so wise do make their way   吐出无尽的华丽之辞,   To bear the message of her gentle sprite   渗透着优雅温柔、透着一丝调皮的情意   The rest be works of natureu2019s wonderment   剩下的尽是大自然的鬼斧神工,   But this the work of heartu2019s astonishment   而这却是心中电击般的震撼。


  下面是我为大家带来欧美经典爱情诗歌欣赏,希望大家喜欢!    欧美经典爱情诗歌欣赏:爱人如此唯美   Fair is my love, when her hair golden hairs   我的爱人如此唯美,蓦然回首   With the loose wind ye waving chance to mark;   她散开的金发在风中飞舞;   Fair when the rose in red cheeks appears,   我的爱人如此唯美,当她红润的脸颊玫瑰红萦绕,   Or in her eyes the fire of love does spark.   或是当她双目中闪过爱的火花;   Fair when her breast like a rich laden bark,   我的爱人如此唯美,当她挺起胸乳   With precious merchandise she forth doth lay,   像载满奇珍异宝的航船;   Fair when that cloud of pride, which oft doth dark   我的爱人如此唯美,当她用微笑驱散开   Her goodly light with smiles she dries away.   那遮掩她柔媚光辉的傲世云团。   But fairest she, when so she doth display   而她最绚美的时候是当她轻轻叩响   The gate with pearls and rubies richly dight   装饰满红宝石与白珍珠的大门   Through which her words so wise do make their way   吐出无尽的华丽之辞,   To bear the message of her gentle sprite   渗透着优雅温柔、透着一丝调皮的情意   The rest be works of natureu2019s wonderment   剩下的尽是大自然的鬼斧神工,   But this the work of heartu2019s astonishment   而这却是心中电击般的震撼。   欧美经典爱情诗歌欣赏:爱情小唱   Fresh Spring, the herald of love"s mighty king,   新春乃爱情君王的喝道人,   In whose cote-armour richly are displayed   他的纹章上绣满了花,   All sorts of flowers, the which on earth do spring,   大地在这个时节才苏生,   In goodly colours gloriously arrayed -   各色的鲜花开成一片云霞。   Goe to my love, where she is carelesse layd,   去吧,去到我爱人的家,   Yet in her winter"s bowre not well awake;   她还懒懒地躺床冬眠,   Tell her the joyous time will not be staid,   告诉她欢乐的时间不会停下,   Unlesse she doe him by the forelock take;   要抓住辰光赶紧向前,   Bid her therefore her selfe soone ready make,   嘱咐她立刻梳头洗脸,   To wayt on Love amongst his lovely crew;   列身在姑娘队里把爱情迎候,   Where every one, that misseth then her make,   不论谁只要错过她的所恋,   Shall be by him amearst with penance dew.   就要把应得的惩罚承受。   Make hast, therefore, sweet love, whilest it is prime;   所以趁早吧,亲爱的,春光正好,   For none can call againe the passed time.   消失了就再也不能找到。




  爱情只是一种感觉,而这感觉会随时日、心境而改变。如果你的所谓最爱离开你,请你耐心地等候一下,让时日慢慢冲洗,让心灵慢慢沉淀,你的苦就会慢慢淡化。我整理了有关love英文诗歌带翻译,欢迎阅读!  有关love英文诗歌带翻译篇一   情人之无限 Lovers" Infiniteness   IF yet I have not all thy love,   如果我还不曾得到你的全部的爱,   Dear, I shall never have it all ;   这全部我将永远无法获取;   I cannot breathe one other sigh, to move,   我不能吐出另一声动人的磋叹,   Nor can intreat one other tear to fall ;   也不能让另外一滴眼泪滚落,   And all my treasure, which should purchase thee,   叹息,眼泪,誓辞,一封封情书,   Sighs, tears, and oaths, and letters I have spent ;   这些原应换取你的珍宝已是白费,   Yet no more can be due to me,   而假如你的爱不肯全部付出,   Than at the bargain made was meant.   只是按照交易定下的份额分配,   If then thy gift of love were partial,   既分给我一些,又匀给别人一些,   That some to me, some should to others fall,   你的这份爱的礼物碎损残缺,   Dear, I shall never have thee all.   亲爱的,我永远无法全部获得。   Or if then thou gavest me all,   而你如果把全部的爱赐与了我,   All was but all, which thou hadst then ;   那也不过是从前的全部爱,   But if in thy heart since there be or shall   假如有别的男子向你的芳心潜入,   New love created be by other men,   让你现在或将来产生新的爱,   Which have their stocks entire, and can in tears,   他们的资本齐全,更能在眼泪,叹息   In sighs, in oaths, and letters, outbid me,   誓辞,和情书上满足你的虚荣,   This new love may beget new fears,   那新的爱会导致新的惊悸,   For this love was not vow"d by thee.   因为这种爱背离了你的初衷。   And yet it was, thy gift being general ;   既然如此,你的礼物对众人广施,   The ground, thy heart, is mine ; what ever shall   你的芳心属我,无论这土地上生长什么,   Grow there, dear, I should have it all.   我都应该拥有那全部。   Yet I would not have all yet.   但就此得到全部井非我之所愿,   He that hath all can have no more ;   因为一经获取便不再会增添,   And since my love doth every day admit   既然我的爱每天都有新的进展,   New growth, thou shouldst have new rewards in store ;   你也得为此准备下新的酬谢,   Thou canst not every day give me thy heart,   你不能每天都交给我一颗心,   If thou canst give it, then thou never gavest it ;   倘若说能给出,便意味前此的不是。   Love"s riddles are, that though thy heart depart,   爱情真是个谜团,尽管你的已出门,   It stays at home, and thou with losing savest it ;   却依然在家,拣回也就是丢失;   But we will have a way more liberal,   可是我们的办法却更为变通,   Than changing hearts, to join them ; so we shall   无须换心,只要将两颗心儿合拢,   Be one, and one another"s all.   便能将对方的全部拥入怀中。   有关love英文诗歌带翻译篇二   影子的一课,教你理解爱情   STAND still, and I will read to thee   请站一下,听我给你讲一课,   A lecture, Love, in Love"s philosophy.   亲爱的,讲讲爱的哲学。   These three hours that we have spent,   我们在此散步已经三个小时,   Walking here, two shadows went   陪伴我们的是两个影子,   Along with us, which we ourselves produced.   这影子本产自我们自己;   But, now the sun is just above our head,   而现在太阳已恰好照着头顶,   We do those shadows tread,   我们踩着自己的影,   And to brave clearness all things are reduced.   一切东西都显得美丽、清晰。   So whilst our infant loves did grow,   我们的爱苗也这样成长,   Disguises did, and shadows, flow   我们的遮盖掩饰也这样   From us and our cares ; but now "tis not so.   渐渐消逝。但如今不再这样。   That love hath not attain"d the highest degree,   那种爱情还未升上最高点,   Which is still diligent lest others see.   当它还在竭力躲避旁人的眼。   Except our loves at this noon stay,   除非我们的爱停在午时,   We shall new shadows make the other way.   我们会在另一面造出新的影子。   As the first were made to blind   起初的影子用来骗旁人,   Others, these which come behind   后来的影子用来骗我们——   Will work upon ourselves, and blind our eyes.   对付自己,蒙骗自己的双眼。   If our loves faint, and westerwardly decline,   假如我们的爱情渐渐削弱,   To me thou, falsely, thine   就会我对你、你对我   And I to thee mine actions shall disguise.   把各自的行为遮遮掩掩。   The morning shadows wear away,   上午的影子浙渐耗完,   But these grow longer all the day ;   下午的影子却不断发展.   But O ! love"s day is short, if love decay.   一旦爱情衰退.它的来日苦短!   Love is a growing, or full constant light,   爱以饱满不移的光照临世界,   And his short minute, after noon, is night.   但它正午若过,下一分钟就是夜。   有关love英文诗歌带翻译篇三   我曾经爱过你 I Loved You   I loved you; and perhaps I love you still,   我曾经爱过你;爱情,也许,   The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet   在我的心灵里还没有完全消失;   It burns so quietly within my soul,   但愿它不会再去打扰你;   No longer should you feel distressed by it.   我也不想再使你难过悲伤。   Silently and hopelessly I loved you,   我曾经默默无语地,毫无指望的爱过你,   At times too jealous and at times too shy;   我既忍着羞怯,又忍受着妒忌的折磨;   God grant you find another who will love you   我曾经那样真诚,那样温柔的爱过你   As tenderly and truthfully as I.   但愿上帝保佑你,另一个人也会像我一样爱你。

关于 爱与希望 适合朗诵的英文诗歌 三分钟左右 急求

英文诗歌的韵律美,格式美,意境美,会给我们带来新奇异样的享受和冲击。这是第2批英文诗歌。 希望孩子们大胆尝试,都来读这些经典、流传久远的国际化作品。




  英文诗歌有着丰厚的文化底蕴和历史文化渊源,读起来朗朗上口,且韵律优美,便于记忆。我整理了有关于love的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   有关于love的英文诗歌篇一   blank joy 空白的欢乐   by rainer maria rike   he who did not come, wasn"t he determined   nonetheless to prganize and decorate my heart?   if we had to exist to become the one we love,   what would the heart have to create?   他没有来,难道他没有下定决心   去掌管和装饰我的心房?   假如我们必须存在成为我们爱得那人,   那么还有什么不得不用心去创?   lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are   the center of all my labors and my loves.   if i"ve wept for you so much, it"s because   i prefered you among so many outlined joys.   可爱的欢乐留下了空白,也许你是   我所有努力和爱的核心。   如果我总是为你哭泣,那是因为   我宁愿你在这么多被勾画出的欢乐之中。   有关于love的英文诗歌篇二   FALLING IN LOVE WITH LOVE   爱上爱   “Youu2019re my love, sweat love, my darling—”   Love refers to people or things   Love implies bliss and joys   The love for mountains and rivers, for flowers and plants   The love for a colony of ants on the roadside   The love for the floating dusk particles in the morning sun   The love for friends and for those hostile to you   When love is not merely a heartbeat   When love walks out of a gloomy room   When love becomes perspective you look at the world in   When love is not merely an endearment   When love becomes your idea of this world and behaviour   You say, “Iu2019ve fallen in love with love”   “你是我的爱,心爱,最爱——”   爱字代称的是人或事物   爱字後面隐藏著幸福和快乐   爱山爱水,爱花爱草   爱路上的一簇小蚂蚁   爱晨光中的浮尘   爱朋友也爱对你深怀敌意的人   当爱不仅仅是一次心跳   当爱走出暗室   当爱变成你看世界的眼光   当爱不仅仅是一个称呼   当爱变成你对世界的想法和动作   你说:“我爱上了爱”   有关于love的英文诗歌篇三   Sea Fever海之恋   John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译   I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,   And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,   And the wheel"s kick and the wind"s song and the white sail"s shaking,   And a gray mist on the sea"s face, and a gray dawn breaking.   我多想再次回到大海,   回到那寂寥的海天相连   我只想独自驾驶那高大的帆船,看浪花和白帆在风的歌唱中飞舞   雾雨弥漫在海面,透出曙色一线   I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide   Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;   And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,   And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.   我多想再次回到大海   倾听那奔越的潮汐的呐喊   那野性的呼唤如此清晰使我无法拒绝   风舞云飞,浪花涌溅,还有那海鸥的哭啼,是我唯一的惦念   I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,   To the gull"s way and the whale"s way, where the wind"s like a whetted knife;   And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,   And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick"s over.我一定要再次回到大海   似吉普赛人浪迹天边   像海鸥,像鲸鱼,咧咧的风像一把锋利的刀   我只想似流浪者笑对如戏人生,让欺诈在静谧、甜美的梦中消散


诗的名字就叫《LOVE》I love you, Not only for what you are, But for what I am When I am with you...........--罗伊.克里夫特(爱尔兰)爱 LOVE 罗伊克里夫特(爱尔兰) Roy Croft 我爱你, I love you, 不光因为你的样子, Not only for what you are, 还因为, But for what I am 和你在一起时,我的样子。 when I am with you. 我爱你, I love you, 不光因为你为我而做的事, Not only for what You have made of yourself, 还因为, But for 为了你,我能做成的事。 what you are making of me. 我爱你, I love you, 不光因为你的样子, Not only for what you are, 还因为, But for what I am 和你在一起时,我的样子。 when I am with you. 我爱你, I love you, 不光因为你为我而做的事, Not only for what you have made of yourself 还因为, But for what 为了你,我能做成的事。 you are making of me. 我爱你, I love you 因为你能唤出, For the part of me 我最真的那部分。 that you bring out; 我爱你, I love you 因为你穿越我心灵的旷野, For putting your hand Into my heaped-up heart 如同阳光穿越水晶般容易。 And passing over 我的傻气,我的弱点, All the foolish, weak things 在你的目光里几乎不存在。 That you can"t help 而我心里最美丽的地方, dimly seeing there, 却被你的光芒照得通亮。 and for drawing out 别人都不曾费心走那么远, Into the light 别人都觉得寻找太麻烦, all the beautiful belongings 所以没人发现过我的美丽, That no one else had looked 所以没人到过这里。 quite far enough to find. 我爱你 I love you 因为你帮着我去理解 because you are helping me to 那生活的不堪 make of the lumber of my life 你没有把我 Not 当做你路上的客栈 a tavern 而是内心深处虔诚的圣殿; But a temple; 对于我的工作 Out of the works 还有我琐碎的每一天 of my every day 你不是去责备 Not a reproach 而是为我倾唱。 But a song. 我爱你 I love you 因为你给予我的 Because you have done 远甚于任何山盟海誓 More than any creed 都是为了我好 Could have done 你给予我的 To make me good 比任何的恩惠还要多 And more than any fate 也都是为了我的幸福。 could have done to make me happy. 你给了我这许多 You have done it 没有一次接触, Without a touch, 没有一句话语, Without a word, 没有一个暗示。 Without a sign. 你给了我这许多 You have done it 仅仅是因为你就是你。 By being yourself. 也许这才是作为朋友 Perhaps that is what being a friend means, 最终的真谛。 After all.



背景音乐适合《my soul》的诗歌或散文有哪些

席慕容姐姐的一首诗泪·月华 忘不了的 是你眼中的泪映影着云间的月华昨夜 下了雨雨丝侵入远山的荒冢 那小小的相思木的树林遮盖在你坟山的是青色的荫今晨 天晴了 地萝爬上远山的荒冢那轻轻的山谷里的野风佛拭在你坟上的是白头的草黄昏时谁会到坟间去辨认残破的墓碑已经忘了埋葬时的方位只记得哭的时候是朝着斜阳随便吧选一座青草最多的放下一束风信子我本不该流泪明知地下长眠的不一定是你又何必效世俗人的啼泣是几百年了啊这悠长的梦 还没有醒但愿现实变成古老的童话你只是长睡一百年 我也陪你让野蔷薇在我们身上开花让红胸鸟在我们发间做巢让落叶在我们衣褶里安息转瞬间就过了一个世纪 但是 这只是梦而已远山的山影吞没了你也吞没了我忧郁的心回去了 穿过那松林林中有模糊的鹿影幽径上开的是什么花为什么夜夜总是带泪的月华

背景音乐适合《my soul》的诗歌或散文有哪些?



  篇一:THE VALUE OF TIME   Katharine Sun   To realize the value of one year:   Ask a student who has failed a final exam.   To realize the value of one month:   Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.   To realize the value of one week:   Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.   To realize the value of one hour:   Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.   To realize the value of one minute:   Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.   To realize the value of one second:   Ask a person who has survived an accident.   To realaize the value of one millisecond:   Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.   Time waits for no one.   Treasure every moment you have.   翻译:   时间的价值   凯瑟琳·桑陈采霞译   要想知道一年的价值,   那就去问期末考试不及格的学生。   要想知道一个月的价值,   那就去问生了早产儿的母亲。   要想知道一周的价值,   那就去问周报的编辑。   要想知道一小时的价值,   那就去问等待见面的恋人。   要想知道一分钟的价值,   那就去问误了火车、汽车或者飞机的人。   要想知道一秒钟的价值,   那就去问大难不死的人。   要想知道一毫秒的价值,   那就去问奥运会获得银牌的人。   时间不等人,   你拥有的每一刻都要珍惜。   篇二:TODAY IS A NEW DAY   Donna Levine   Your tomorrows are as bright   as you want to make them.   There is no reason to carry   the darkness of the past   with you into today.   Today is a wonderful new experience,   full of every possibility to make   your life exactly what you want it to be.   Today is the beginning of new happiness,   new directions and new relationships.   Today is the day to remind yourself   that you posses the power   and strength you need   to bring contentment, love and joy into your life.   Today is the day to understand yourself   and to give yourself the love   and the patience that you need.   Today is the day to move forward   towards your bright tomorrow.   翻译:   今天是新的一天   唐那·莱文陈采霞译   你的明天充满阳光,   如你心中所想。   你没有理由,   把昨天的黑暗,   带到今天。   今天是美妙的全新体验,   有那么多种可能,   使你的`生活如你所愿。   今天开始有新的幸福,   新的方向和新的伙伴。   今天你要提醒自己,   你有足够的能力和力量,   把满意、爱情和欢乐带进你的生活。   今天你要了解自己,   给自己足够的爱心和耐心。   今天你会勇往直前,   奔向那灿烂的明天。   篇三:DREAMS   Langston Hughes   Hold fast to dreams   For if dreams die   Life is a brokenwinged bird   That cannot fly.   Hold fast to dreams   For when dreams go   Life is a barren field   Frozen with snow.   翻译:   梦想   兰斯顿·休斯陈采霞译   紧紧抓住梦想,   因为一旦梦想消亡,   生活就象折断翅膀的小鸟,   无法自由翱翔。   紧紧抓住梦想,   因为一旦梦想离开,   生活就会变成贫瘠荒芜的土地,   只有冰雪覆盖。   篇四:THE ROAD NOT TAKEN   Robert Frost   Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,   And sorry I could not travel both   And be one traveler, long I stood   And looked down one as far as I could   To where it bent in the undergrowth;   Then took the other, as just as fair,   And having perhaps the better claim,   Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   Though as for that the passing there   Had worn them really about the same,   And both that morning equally lay   In leaves no step had trodden black.   Oh, I kept the first for another day!   Yet knowing how way leads on to way,   I doubted if I should ever come back.   I shall be telling this with a sigh   Somewhere ages and ages hence:   Two roads diverged in a wood, and I   I took the one less traveled by,   And that has made all the difference.   翻译:   没有走过的路   罗伯特·弗罗斯特陈采霞译   金色的树林路分两条,   遗憾不能两条都到。   孤独的我长久亻宁立,   极日眺望其中一条,   直到它在灌丛中淹没掉。   然后我公平地选择了另外一条,   或许理由更加充分,   因为它草深需要有人上去走走。   说到有多少人从上面走过   两条路磨损得还真是差不多。   而且那天早晨两条路都静静地躺着,   覆盖在上面的树叶都没有被踩黑,   噢,我把第一条路留给了下一次!   但我知道前方的路变幻莫测,   我怀疑我是否应该回来……   多年以后在某个地方,   我将叹息着讲述这件事:   树林里路分两条,而我——   选择了行人较少的那条,   就这样一切便发生了改变。   篇五:WHAT IS SUCCESS   Ralph Waldo Emerson   What is success?   To laugh often and love much;   To win the respect of intelligent people   And the affection of children;   To earn the approbation of honest critics   And endure the betrayal of false friends;   To appreciate beauty;   To find the best in others;   To give ones self;   To leave the world a little better,   Whether by a healthy child,   A garden patch,   Or a redeemed social condition;   To have played and laughed with enthusiasm   And sung with exultation;   To know even one life has breathed easier,   Because you have lived...   This is to have succeeded.   翻译:成功的内涵   拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生陈采霞译   成功是什么?   笑口常开,爱心永在,   赢得智者的尊重,   孩子们的爱戴;   博得真诚的认可,   容忍损友的背叛;   欣赏美好的东西,   发现别人的可爱。   学会无私地奉献,   给世界增添光彩:   要么培育出健康的孩子,   要么留下花园一块,   亦或是改善社会条件;   尽情娱乐、笑得畅快,   把欢乐的歌唱起来;   甚至知道一个生命活得自在,   因为你的一路走来……   这就是成功的内涵。



求 描写 冬天 的英文诗歌

Winter Flat in the number of strokes in Was 11 I tried to write Write at the time of the smooth When the casualty list disappeared I doubt if the two winter Bright eyes Winter I forget the fairy tale The Snowman Forgotten at the time of her mother describe tone Those who have forgotten some of the protagonists of the When out Grass is no longer screaming Flowers into the sleep World of ice and snow The beginning of the song in January heavy travel I do not know if the winter is a laugh or cry Standing on the stage of winter Under the protagonist"s clothes In addition I love the Or love冬天  平躺在娟秀的笔画里  被我努力地一一书写  提笔时的顺畅  在落笔时消失得无影无踪  我的疑惑如冬天里的两只  明亮的眼睛     冬天  我忘记了雪人的童话  忘记了妈妈述说时的口吻  忘记了那些本该有的主角  何时出场     草根不再尖叫  花朵走入睡眠  冰天雪地  一月的歌开始厚重的旅行     我不知道冬天是笑了还是哭了  站在冬天的舞台  披着主角的衣裳  我除了爱了  还是爱


赠王徽伯东游 近现代:陈独秀闻君将发扶桑渡,已识相逢又一秋。宝剑莫弹知己泪,诸天终古美人愁。东航触我追前梦,南国依然困楚囚。近别元离同一散,我心恻恻没来由。夜梦亡友何梅士觉而赋此 近现代:陈独秀故人一别流水东,我悲朝露齐翁童。理为万劫不复值,胡意梦中忽一蓬。谈笑颜色一如昨,我亦知尔为鬼雄。自言回航为迹西方之彼美,相援忽堕沧海中。舟师大呼急相救,已果鱼腹难为功。感君悲念特一致,告以友谊自此终。我闻尔死死于东京脚气病,警疑欲问词复穷。此时相见不忍别,坐对唯有明双瞳。促膝犹在东大陆书局之楼上,撒手刹那千界空。迩今书局已迁徙,我亦长辞故地毋乃与尔同。神州事变日益急,方以病亡为尔惜。今知拯弱横葬沧海东,男儿壮举何悲泣。况复捐躯从知己,同种同心此爱一。我惊此梦百感来,灯火不温人语寂。吁嗟呼,众生九道相轮移,动植沙石流转何离奇。与尔有缘得再随,不知尔为何物,我为何物在何时。


Health is importantEat properly can help you live longerApple is the best fruit everLet us throw away all the junk foodTell the people around youHealth is everything


  艾米·洛威尔,美国诗人,她的第一部诗集是《多彩玻璃顶》。1913年她在实验性的意象派运动中脱颖而出,并继埃兹拉·庞德之后而成为该运动的领袖人物。她运用“自由韵律散文”和自由诗的形式进行创作,被称为“无韵之韵”。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家阅读!    经典洛威尔经典诗歌:The Pleiades   By day you cannot see the sky   For it is up so very high.   You look and look, but it"s so blue   That you can never see right through.   But when night es it is quite plain,   And all the stars are there again.   They seem just like old friends to me,   I"ve known them all my life you see.   There is the dipper first, and there   Is Cassiopeia in her chair,   Orion"s belt, the Milky Way,   And lots I know but cannot say.   One group looks like a swarm of bees,   Papa says they"re the Pleiades;   But I think they must be the toy   Of some nice little angel boy.   Perhaps his jackstones which to-day   He has forgot to put away,   And left them lying on the sky   Where he will find them bye and bye.   I wish he"d e and play with me.   We"d have such fun, for it would be   A most unusual thing for boys   To feel that they had stars for toys!    :The Fruit Shop   Cross-ribboned shoes; a muslin gown,   High-waisted, girdled with bright blue;   A straw poke bonnet which hid the frown   She pluckered her little brows into   As she picked her dainty passage through   The dusty street. "Ah, Mademoiselle,   A dirty pathway, we need rain,   My poor fruits suffer, and the shell   Of this nut"s too big for its kernel, lain   Here in the sun it has shrunk again.   The baker down at the corner says   We need a battle to shake the clouds;   But I am a man of peace, my ways   Don"t look to the killing of men in crowds.   Poor fellows with guns and bayonets for shrouds!   Pray, Mademoiselle, e out of the sun.   Let me dust off that wicker chair. It"s cool   In here, for the green leaves I have run   In a curtain over the door, make a pool   Of shade. You see the pears on that stool --   The shadow keeps them plump and fair."   Over the fruiterer"s door, the leaves   Held back the sun, a greenish flare   Quivered and sparked the shop, the sheaves   Of sunbeams, glanced from the sign on the eaves,   Shot from the golden letters, broke   And splintered to little scattered lights.   Jeanne Tourmont entered the shop, her poke   Bonnet tilted itself to rights,   And her face looked out like the moon on nights   Of flickering clouds. "Monsieur Popain, I   Want gooseberries, an apple or two,   Or excellent plums, but not if they"re high;   Haven"t you some which a strong wind blew?   I"ve only a couple of francs for you."   Monsieur Popain shrugged and rubbed his hands.   What could he do, the times were sad.   A couple of francs and such demands!   And asking for fruits a little bad.   Wind-blown indeed! He never had   Anything else than the very best.   He pointed to baskets of blunted pears   With the thin skin tight like a bursting vest,   All yellow, and red, and brown, in *** ears.   Monsieur Popain"s voice denoted tears.   He took up a pear with tender care,   And pressed it with his hardened thumb.   "Smell it, Mademoiselle, the perfume there   Is like lavender, and sweet thoughts e   Only from having a dish at home.   And those grapes! They melt in the mouth like wine,   Just a click of the tongue, and they burst to honey.   They"re only this morning off the vine,   And I paid for them down in silver money.   The Corporal"s widow is witness, her pony   Brought them in at sunrise to-day.   Those oranges -- Gold! They"re almost red.   They seem little chips just broken away   From the sun itself. Or perhaps instead   You"d like a pomegranate, they"re rarely gay,   When you split them the seeds are like crimson spray.   Yes, they"re high, they"re high, and those Turkey figs,   They all e from the South, and Nelson"s ships   Make it a little hard for our rigs.   They must be forever giving the slips   To the cursed English, and when men clips   Through powder to bring them, why dainties mounts   A bit in price. Those almonds now,   I"ll strip off that husk, when one discounts   A life or two in a nigger row   With the man who grew them, it does seem how   They would e dear; and then the fight   At sea perhaps, our boats have heels   And mostly they sail along at night,   But once in a way they"re caught; one feels   Ivory"s not better nor finer -- why peels   From an almond kernel are worth two sous.   It"s hard to sell them now," he sighed.   "Purses are tight, but I shall not lose.   There"s plenty of cheaper things to choose."   He picked some currants out of a wide   Earthen bowl. "They make the tongue   Almost fly out to suck them, bride   Currants they are, they were planted long   Ago for some new Marquise, among   Other great beauties, before the Chateau   Was left to rot. Now the Gardener"s wife,   He that marched off to his death at Marengo,   Sells them to me; she keeps her life   From snuffing out, with her pruning knife.   She"s a poor old thing, but she learnt the trade   When her man was young, and the young Marquis   Couldn"t have enough garden. The flowers he made   All new! And the fruits! But "twas said that   he   Was no friend to the people, and so they laid   Some charge against him, a cavalcade   Of citizens took him away; they meant   Well, but I think there was some mistake.   He just pottered round in his garden, bent   On growing things; we were so awake   In those days for the New Republic"s sake.   He"s gone, and the garden is all that"s left   Not in ruin, but the currants and apricots,   And peaches, furred and sweet, with a cleft   Full of morning dew, in those green-glazed pots,   Why, Mademoiselle, there is never an eft   Or worm among them, and as for theft,   How the old woman keeps them I cannot say,   But they"re finer than any grown this way."   Jeanne Tourmont drew back the filigree ring   Of her striped silk purse, tipped it upside down   And shook it, two coins fell with a ding   Of striking silver, beneath her gown   One rolled, the other lay, a thing   Sparked white and sharply glistening,   In a drop of sunlight between two shades.   She jerked the purse, took its empty ends   And crumpled them toward the centre braids.   The whole collapsed to a mass of blends   Of colours and stripes. "Monsieur Popain, friends   We have always been. In the days before   The Great Revolution my aunt was kind   When you needed help. You need no more;   "Tis we now who must beg at your door,   And will you refuse?" The little man   Bustled, denied, his heart was good,   But times were hard. He went to a pan   And poured upon the counter a flood   Of pungent raspberries, tanged like wood.   He took a melon with rough green rind   And rubbed it well with his apron tip.   Then he hunted over the shop to find   Some walnuts cracking at the lip,   And added to these a barberry slip   Whose acrid, oval berries hung   Like fringe and trembled. He reached a round   Basket, with handles, from where it swung   Against the wall, laid it on the ground   And filled it, then he searched and found   The francs Jeanne Tourmont had let fall.   "You"ll return the basket, Mademoiselle?"   She *** iled, "The next time that I call,   Monsieur. You know that very well."   "Twas lightly said, but meant to tell.   Monsieur Popain bowed, somewhat abashed.   She took her basket and stepped out.   The sunlight was so bright it flashed   Her eyes to blindness, and the rout   Of the little street was all about.   Through glare and noise she stumbled, dazed.   The heavy basket was a care.   She heard a shout and almost grazed   The panels of a chaise and pair.   The postboy yelled, and an amazed   Face from the carriage window gazed.   She jumped back just in time, her heart   Beating with fear. Through whirling light   The chaise departed, but her *** art   Was keen and bitter. In the white   Dust of the street she saw a bright   Streak of colours, wet and gay,   Red like blood. Crushed but fair,   Her fruit stained the cobbles of the way.   Monsieur Popain joined her there.   "Tiens, Mademoiselle,   c"est le General Bonaparte,   partant pour la Guerre!"




一、THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE Robert H. Schuller Failure doesn t mean you are a failure, It does mean you haven t succeeded yet. Failure doesn t mean you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn t mean you have been a fool, It does mean you had a lot of faith. Failure doesn t mean you ve been disgraced, It does mean you were willing to try. Failure doesn t mean you don t have it, It does mean you have to do something in a different way. Failure doesn t mean you are inferior, It does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn t mean you ve wasted your life, It does mean you have a reason to start afresh. Failure doesn t mean you should give up, It does mean you must try harder. Failure doesn t mean you ll never make it, It does mean it will take a little longer. Failure doesn t mean God has abandoned you, It does mean God has a better idea. 十大策略 失败的意义 罗伯特u2022Hu2022舒勒 失败并不代表你是个失败者, 它只表明你尚未成功。 失败并不代表你一无所获, 它只表明你吸取了一次教训。 失败并不代表你很愚蠢, 它只表明你信心百倍。 失败并不代表你无脸见人, 它只表明你百折不回。 失败并不代表你工夫白费, 它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。 失败并不代表你低人一等。 它只表明你并非完人。 失败并不代表你浪费生命, 它只表明你有理由重新开始。 失败并不代表你应该放弃, 它只表明你要加倍努力。 失败并不代表成功永不属于你, 它只表明你要付出更多的时间。 失败并不代表上帝已经抛弃你, 它只表明上帝还有更好的主意。二、FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSE Neil Simon Don t listen to those who say, “It s not done that way.” Maybe it s not, but maybe you will. Don t listen to those who say, “You re taking too big a chance.” Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor, and it would surely be rubbed out by today. Most importantly, don t listen When the little voice of fear inside of you rear its ugly head and says, “They re all smarter than you out there. They re more talented, They re taller, blonder, prettier, luckier and have connections...” I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you, Not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperation with others, But with the strength of conviction That you can move others by your own efforts, And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live, The chances are you ll be a person worthy of your own respect. 走自己的路 尼尔u2022西蒙 别听那些人的话, “这事不能那么做。” 也许是不能那么做,可是也许你就会那么做。 别听那些人的话, “你这个险冒得太大了。” 米开朗琪罗可能在西斯廷教堂的地板上作过画, 到今天肯定已经被抹掉了。 最重要的是, 当你心中恐惧的声音, 抬起它丑陋的头说, “那边那些人都比你聪明, 他们更有才华, 他们更高大、皮肤更白、更漂亮、更幸运, 并且认识各种各样的人…” 你可千万别理会。 我坚信只要选择一条你感兴趣的路, 不排除爱情、敏锐以及与别人的合作, 而是坚定地认为, 通过你自身的努力能够感动他人, 不把成功或者失败作为你生活的标准, 那么你就可能成为值得自己敬佩的人。 三、FAITH Napolean Hill Faith is the “eternal elixir” Which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought! Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches! Faith is the basis of all “miracles”, And all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science! Faith is the only known antidote for failure! Faith is the element, the “chemical” which, When mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of man, into the spiritual equivalent. Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man. 信念 拿破仑u2022希尔 信念是“永恒的万应灵药”, 它赋予突发奇想以生命、力量和行动! 信念是所有财富积累的起点! 信念是一切“奇迹” 以及所有科学法则无法分析的奥秘的根基! 信念是惟一已知失败之解药! 信念是重要元素、“化学物质”, 一旦与祈祷结合便会使你与上帝直接沟通。 人类的智慧固然有限, 普通的灵感闪现一经信念指点, 便会转换成精神震撼。 信念是惟一的中介,通过它 上帝的宇宙力会成为人类开发和利用的资源。 四、ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳u2022邓莱普 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。 五、RESULTS AND ROSES Edgar Albert Guest The man who wants a garden fair, Or small or very big, With flowers growing here and there, Must bend his back and dig. The things are mighty few on earth, That wishes can attain, Whatever we want of any worth, We ve got to work to gain. It matters not what goal you seek, Its secret here reposes: You ve got to dig from week to week, To get results or roses. 硕果和玫瑰 埃德加u2022阿尔贝特u2022格斯特 要想有个美丽花园, 面积大小姑且不管, 只要园中长满鲜花, 就必须把汗水挥洒。 有愿望就能实现, 这样的事还真是少见,只要想要的东西有价值, 就得靠努力去创造。 目标是什么并不重要, 秘诀终归只有一条: 周复一周不怕劳累, 才能收获硕果或者玫瑰。李阳的励志名言(中英文对照) Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。 I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。 Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。 Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 (凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!) 打击我吧! 伤害我吧! 折磨我吧! 侮辱我吧! 冤枉我吧! 迫害我吧! Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me! 让暴风雨都来吧!让我付出代价! 让我心态归零! 你使我兴奋! 你使我斗志昂扬! 你使我咬牙切齿! Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth! 你使我百折不挠! 你使我脱胎换骨!你使我变得更坚强! 你使我成为真正的人! 你是我最幸福的回忆! 你是我终生感激的恩人! 我不是人,我要重塑人的尊严! You make me determined! You make my completely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I owe you all my life! I"m not human. I want to rebuild my dignity and honor. I want to reshape my life. Great oaks from little acorns grow.合抱之木始于毫末 Rome was not built in a day.伟业非一日之功 Every little makes.积少成多 Drops of water outwear the stone.滴水穿石 God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助 No pains,no gains.没有付出就没有收获 In our routine life and work, we will meet with insurmountable difficulties. Occasionally we do feel helpless and fall in desperate situation. In this case, to be or not to be depends on whether we have enough courage to struggle.在日常生活中,我们将遇到无法克服的困难。有时我们感到无助并陷入绝望的境地。在这种情况下,何去何从取决于我们是否拥有足够的勇于拼搏的精神。 Never give up Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You"ll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain 永 不 放 弃 , 永 不 心 灰 意 冷 。 永 存 信 念 , 它 会 使 你 应 付 自 如 。 难 捱 的 时 光 终 将 过 去 , 一 如 既 往 。 只 要 有 耐 心 , 梦 想 就 会 成 真 。 露 出 微 笑 , 你 会 走 出 痛 苦 。 相 信 苦 难 定 会 过 去 , 你 将 重 获 力 量 。 Suck out all the marrow of life! 我来到这个世界, 因为我希望生活得有意义, 我希望活得充实, 汲取生命中所有的精华, 把非生命的一切都击溃, 以免让我在生命终结时, 发现自己从来没有活过。 I came to this world because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Count Your Garden Count your gardens By the flowers…… Never by the leaves that fall Count your days By golden hours…… Don"t remember clouds at all. Count your nights by stars…… Not shadows. Count your years with smiles…… Not tears. Count your blessings…… Not your troubles. Count your age by friends…… Not years.




 英诗的欣赏:诗的格律、诗的押韵、诗的体式、诗的评判。诗以高度凝结的语言表达着人们的喜怒哀乐,用其特有的节奏与方式影响着人们的精神世界。诗讲究联想,运用象征、比喻、拟人等各种修辞手法,形成了独特的语言艺术。   一、 诗的格律 “格律是指可以用脚打拍子的节奏”,是每个音步轻重音节排列的格式,也是朗读时轻重音的依据。而音步是由重读音节和非重读音节构成的诗的分析单位。重读音节为扬(重),在音节上用“-”或“?”标示,非重读音节为抑(轻),在音节上用“?”标示,音步之间可用“/”隔开。以下是五种常见格式:   1. 抑扬格(轻重格)Iambus:是最常见的一种格式,每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。   As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass,   So deep / in luve / am I :   And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear, Till a` / the seas / gang dry:   Robert Burns(1759-1796): My Luve Is like a Red, Red Rose   注;art=are luve=love bonnie=beautiful a`=all gang=go   上例中为四音步与三音步交叉,可标示为:?-/?-/?-/(?-)   2.扬抑格(重轻格)Trochee:每个音步由一个重读音节加一个非重读音节构成。   下例中为四音步扬抑格(少一个轻音节),可标示为:-?/-?/-?/-   Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / bright   In the / forests / of the / night   William Blake: The Tyger   3. 抑抑扬格(轻轻重格)Anapaestic foot: 每个音步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。如:三音步抑抑扬格??-/??-/??-   Like a child / from the womb,   Like a ghost / from the tomb,   I arise / and unbuild / it again.   4. 扬抑抑格(重轻轻格)Dactylic foot: 每个音步由一个重读音节加两个非重读音节构成。如:两音步扬抑抑格-??/-??   ?Touch her not / ?scornfully,   ?Think of her / ?mournfully.   - Thomas Hood   5. 抑扬抑格(轻重轻格)Amphibrach:每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节再加一个非重读音节构成。如:三音步抑扬抑格?-?/?-?/?-?下例中最后一个音步为抑扬格。   O ?hush thee / my ?babie / thy ?sire was / a knight.   在同一首诗中常会出现不同的格律,格律解析对朗读诗歌有一定参考价值。现代诗中常不遵守规范的格律。   二、 诗的押韵   押韵是指通过重复元音或辅音以达到一定音韵效果的诗歌写作手法。   1. 尾韵:最常见,最重要的押韵方式。   1) 联韵:aabb型。   I shot an arrow into the air,   It fell to earth, I knew not where;   For, so swiftly it flew, the sight   Could not follow it in its flight.   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Arrow and the Song   2) 交叉韵:abab型。   Sunset and evening star,   And one clear call for me!   And may there be no moaning of the bar,   When I put out to sea,   Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892): Crossing the Bar   3) 同韵:有的诗押韵,一韵到底,大多是在同一节诗中共用一个韵脚。   如下例就共用/i:p/为韵脚。   The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   But I have promises to keep,   And miles to go before I sleep,   And miles to go before I sleep.   Robert Frost (1874-1963): Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening   2. 头韵:是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。下例中运用/f/、/b/与/s/头韵生动写出了船在海上轻快航行的景象。   The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,   The furrow followed free,   We were the first that ever burst   Into that silent sea.   T.S. Coleridge: Rime of the Acient Mariner   3.内韵(同元音):指词与词之间原因的重复形成的内部押韵。   下面一节诗中/i/及/iη/重复照应,呈现出一派欢乐祥和的气氛。   Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‘s pleasant king;   Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,   Cold dath not sting, the pretty birds do sing:   Cuckoo,jug-jug,pu-we,to-witta-woo!   Thomas Nashe(1567-1601): Spring, the Sweet Spring   三、 诗的体式   有的诗分成几节(stanza),每节由若干诗行组成(每行诗均以大写字母开头);有的诗则不分节。目前我们常见的诗体有:   1. 十四行诗(Sonnet),源于中世纪民间抒情短诗,十三、十四世纪流行于意大利,意大利彼特拉克(Petrarch)为代表人物,每行十一个音节,全诗一节八行,加一节六行,韵脚用abba, abba, cdcdcd (cdecde)。前八行提问,后六行回答。   后来,怀亚特(ThomasWyatt,1503-1542)将十四行诗引人英国,五音步抑扬格,全诗三个四行一个二行,前三节提问,后二句结论。斯宾塞(EdmundSpenser,1552-1599)用韵脚 abab, bcbc,cdcd,ee.莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare,1564-1616)用韵脚abab,cdcd,dfdf,gg,称英国式或莎士比亚式。举例见本文第四部分。   2. 打油诗(Limericks):通常是小笑话甚至是胡诌,一般没有标题也无作者姓名,含有幽默讽刺性,常运用双关,内韵等手法。每首诗五个诗行,押韵为aabba,格律以抑扬格和抑抑扬格为主。   1) There was a young lady of Nigger   Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;   They returned from the ride   With the lady inside,   And the smile on the face of the tiger.   2) A tutor who taught on the flute   Tried to teach two tooters to toot,   “Is it harder to toot, or   Said the two to the tutor,   To tutor two tooters to toot?“   3. 无韵体(Blank Verse):五音步抑扬格,不押韵诗体。   Across the watery bale , and shout again,   Responsive to his call, - with quivering peals,   And long halloos, and screams, and echoes loud.   Redoubled and redoubled:concourse wild   Of jocund din!…   William Wordsworth: There Was a Boy   4. 自由诗(FreeVerse):现代诗中常见的体式,长短不同的诗行存在于同一首诗中,不讲究押韵与格律,只注重诗歌所表达的意象和传递的情感。美国诗人WaltWhitman的>(Leaves of Grass)中,就采用此格式。例子见第四部分。   四、 诗的评判   对一首诗,个人的感受会有不同。节奏流畅,语言精炼,联想新颖的诗可算是好诗。堆砌词藻,一味抒发感情而无实际内容的诗,只能是下乘的诗。   二十世纪英美诗歌大量采用自由诗体,接近口语,可谓大胆创新,大概也是诗歌发展的大势所趋吧。以下通过三首诗的分析看诗的评判。   1. That Time of Year   That time of year thou may‘st in me behold   When yellow leaves,or none,or few, do hang   Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,   Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang,   In me thou see‘st the twilight of such day   As after sunset fadeth in the west,   When by and by black night doth take away,   Death‘s second self, that seals up all in rest.   In me thou see‘st the glowing of such fire,   That on the ashes of his youth doth lie.   As the deathbed whereon it must expire,   Consumed with that which it was nourished by.   This you perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,   To love that well which thou must leave ere long.   Notes:may‘st:may behold:see late:no long ago thou:you see"st:see   fadeth:fades doth:does seals up all at rest:彻底埋葬   thy:your perceivest: perceive ere long: before long   此诗是莎士比亚(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616)的一首十四行诗。作为英国文学巨匠,他以37部剧作和154首十四行诗屹立于世界文坛。   此诗为五音步抑扬格,每个诗行格律为:?-/?-/?-/?-/?-/。   全诗涉及衰老、死亡及爱情问题。前十二行:通过描写深秋的树枝黄叶凋零,曾是百鸟争鸣的歌坛,联想到自身青春会如夕阳消逝在远方,被黑夜吞没;自身的青春会如将尽的柴火奄奄一息,被曾滋养过它的火焰焚化。其中choirs(歌坛),deathbed(灵床)使用暗喻手法,同时又用夕阳和柴火象征人的衰老死亡。最后两行:点题,人们对即将永别的东西会更珍惜。本文动词变化具有明显的伊利沙白时代的特点。   2. The Daffodils   I wandered lonely as a cloud   That floats on high o‘er vales and hills,   When all at once I saw a crowd,   A host of golden daffodils;   Beside the lake, beneath the trees,   Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.   Continuous as the stars that shine   And twinkle on the Milky Way,   They stretched in never-ending line   Along the margin of a bay:   Ten thousand saw I at a glance,   Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.   The waves beside them danced; but they   Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:   A poet could not but be gay,   In such a jocund company:   I gazed - and gazed - but little thought   What wealth the show to me had brought:   For oft, when on my couch I lie   In vacant or in pensive mood,   They flash upon that inward eye   Which is the bliss of solitude;   Ans then my heart with pleasure fills,   And dances with the daffodils.   Notes: a crowd, a host of: many sprightly:happy glee:joy   jocund:happy bliss:complete happiness pensive:sadly thoughtful   华兹华斯(WilliamWordsworth,1770-1850),十九世纪初英格兰北部湖区三大“湖畔派诗人”(浪漫主义)之一。此诗向我们描绘了一幅美好的自然景象,同时抒发作者对自然美景的喜欢。黄水仙据说是威尔士国花(1282年,威尔士归顺英格兰,被封公国),在英国广泛栽种,春季开花,花期不长。有许多关于黄水仙的诗歌,这首诗无疑是脱颖而出的。   全诗语言精炼,通俗易懂,四音步抑扬格,分四节(stanza),每节6行,每节押韵均为ababcc.第一节写诗人孤寂时外出散步,偶遇水仙;第二节写水仙争相开放,千姿百态;第三节,诗人看到这景象感到欣喜异常;第四节写诗人在日后忧郁时,回想当时情景,又让他心中充满了欢乐,随着水仙跳起舞来。   3. Song of Myself   I celebrate myself, and sing myself,   And what I assume you shall assume,   For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.   I loafe and invite my soul,   I learn and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.   My tongue, every atom of my blood, form‘d from this soil, this air,   Born ere of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same,   I, now thirty seven years old in perfect health begin,   Hoping to cease not till death.   Creeds and schools in abeyance,   Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten.   I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard.   Nature without check with original energy.   Notes: a spear of: a piece of school:学说,流派 hazard:chance   abeyance: the condition of not being in use for a certain time   惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819-1892),美国诗人。此诗选自其巨著。本文是Song of Myself 一诗的第一部分,采用自由诗体,语言接近当时的美国口语。   文中I指作者,you指读者,这种写法使读者身临其境,进入作者描写的世界。作者在文中表明人的价值是平等的,同时他把自己融入到自然带给他的启发思考中。   从上看出,诗歌的欣赏评判并非可望而不可及,关键要抓住诗中的意象,了解其语义,以便把握诗的大意。纵然每个人的读后感会有不同,但每个人都会在阅读过程中感受到诗歌带来的美和精神上的共鸣。


The family is shaping excellent


电影《洞穴》?我现在再看 正好也在查


Had I heavensu2019embroidered clothsuff0c Enwrought with golden and silver light. The blue and the dim and the dark clothsuff0c Of night and light and the half light. I would spread the cloths under your feet, But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


  少年儿童好比园中的花朵,人民教师好比辛勤的园丁。我精心收集了关于儿童英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   关于儿童英文诗歌篇1   At The Seaside   When I was down beside the sea   当我到海边时   A wooden spade they gave to me   他们给了我一把木铲   To dig the sandy shore.   好去挖掘沙滩。   The holes were empty like a cup   挖成像杯状般的空洞   In every hole the sea camp up,   让每个洞中的海水涌现   Till it could e no more.   直到它不能再涌现。   by R. L. Stevenson   关于儿童英文诗歌篇2   The Cuckoo   In April,   四月里,   e he will,   它就来了,   In May,   五月里,   Sing all day,   整天吟唱多逍遥,   In June,   六月里,   Change his tune,   它在改变曲调,   In July,   七月里,   Prepare to fly,   准备飞翔,   In August,   八月里,   Go he must!   它就得离去了   关于儿童英文诗歌篇3   Christmas Dinner   Fruitcake.   水果蛋糕。   Candied yams.   糖果山药。   Mincemeat.   苹果甜馅。   Roasted hams.   烤火腿。   Eggnog.   蛋酒。   Turkey legs.   火鸡腿。   Aspic.   花色肉冻。   Deviled eggs.   魔鬼鸡蛋沙拉。   Gravy.   肉汁。   Dinner rolls.   晚餐卷。   Take some.   品尝一些。   Pass the bowls.   递个碗。   Jell-o.   果冻。   Christmas punch.   圣诞节冲床。   Cookies.   饼干。   Munch, munch, munch.   不停地嚼啊嚼,   Stuffing.   塞满了嘴。   Gingerbread.   姜饼。   Whoops, I"m   overfed!   哎呀,我吃的太饱了!   After   such a load,   吃了这么多的东西,   feel like   I"ll explode.   感觉我的肚子快要爆炸。   Guess I"m   gonna die,   我可不想就这么撑死,   so please   pass the pie.   所以,请大家一起来吃。   


不许你注定一人播放歌手:Dear Jane语言:粤语所属专辑:不许你注定一人发行时间:2013-10-19




加勒比海盗星际大战 燃情岁月 勇闯夺命岛 空中监狱 纳粹军歌




  幼儿 教育 是所有教育中的基础教育,幼儿作为新时代的生力军,对民族的崛起,社会的发展具有重要的意义。幼儿体育作为幼儿教育的一个重要内容,大到国家,小到家庭都应视它为一个重要环节予以关注。下面是我带来的简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵,欢迎阅读!  简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵篇一   When I was down beside the sea   当我到海边时   A wooden spade they gave to me   他们给了我一把木铲   To dig the sandy shore.   好去挖掘沙滩。   The holes were empty like a cup   挖成像杯状般的空洞   In every hole the sea camp up,   让每个洞中的海水涌现   Till it could come no more.   直到它不能再涌现。   by R. L. Stevenson   简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵篇二   What does Little Birdie Say?   (1)   What does little birdie say,   小鸟说些什么呢?   In her nest at peep of day?   在这黎明初晓的小巢中?   Let me fly, says little birdie,   小鸟说,让我飞,   Mother, let me fly away,   妈妈,让我飞走吧。   Birdie, rest a little longer,   宝贝,稍留久一会儿,   Till the little wings are stronger.   等到那对小翅膀再长硬些儿。   So she rests a little longer,   因此它又多留了一会儿,   Then she flies away.   然而它还是飞走了。   (2)   What does little baby say,   婴儿说些什么,   In her bed at peep of day?   在破晓时分的床上?   Baby says, like little birdie,   婴儿像小鸟那样说,   Let me rise and fly away.   让我起来飞走吧。   Baby, sleep a little longer,   乖乖,稍微多睡一会儿,   Till the little limbs are stronger.   等你的四肢再长硬点儿。   If she sleeps a little longer,   如果   她再多睡一会儿,   Baby too shall fly away.   婴儿必然也会像鸟儿一样地飞走。   by Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892   简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵篇三   A House of Cards   (1)   A house of cards   纸牌堆成的房子   Is neat and small;   洁净及小巧   Shake the table,   摇摇桌子   It must fall.   它一定会倒   (2)   Find the court cards   找出绘有人像的纸牌   One by one;   一张一张地竖起   Raise it, roof it,   再加上顶盖   Now it"s done;   现在房子已经盖好   Shake the table!   摇摇桌子   That"s the fun.   那就是它的乐趣   by C. G. Rossetti   简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵篇四   In April,   四月里,   Come he will,   它就来了,   In May,   五月里,   Sing all day,   整天吟唱多逍遥,   In June,   六月里,   Change his tune,   它在改变曲调,   In July,   七月里,   Prepare to fly,   准备飞翔,   In August,   八月里,   Go he must!   它就得离去了   ~by Mother Goose"s Nursery Rhyme   简单的幼儿英文诗歌朗诵篇五   Cuckoo, Cuckoo   布谷鸟,布谷鸟   Welcome your song.   欢迎你给大家来歌唱   Winter is going,   冬天已经离去   soft breezes are blowing.   微风徐徐   spring time, spring time,   春天,春天   soon will be here.   就要来到   Cuckoo, Cuckoo   布谷鸟,布谷鸟   warble away.    唱歌 远去   Bring the sweet flowers   带来美丽的花朵   sunshine and shower.   灿烂的阳光和阵阵细雨   spring time, spring time,   春天,春天   so not delay   你要珍惜


  英语诗歌是英美文学中的珍宝。在英美文学中,尤其是早期作品中,如史诗及戏剧都是以诗歌的形式出现。我整理了拜伦经典英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   拜伦经典英文诗歌篇一   To M. S. G.给M. S. G.   When I dream that you love me, you"ll surely forgive;   要是我梦见你爱我,你休怪,   Extend not your anger to sleep;   休要迁怒于睡眠;   For in visions alone your affection can live,—   你的爱只在梦乡存在,——   I rise, and it leaves me to weep.   醒来,我空余泪眼。   Then, Morpheus! envelope my faculties fast,   睡神!快封闭我的神志,   Shed o"er me your languor benign;   让昏倦流布我周身;   Should the dream of to-night but resemble the last,   愿今宵好梦与昨夜相似:   What rapture celestial is mine!   像仙境一样销魂!   They tell us that slumber, the sister of death,   听说,睡眠——死亡的姊妹,   Mortality"s emblem is given;   也是死亡的样品;   To fate how I long to resign my frail breath,   天国倘若是这般滋味,   If this be a foretaste of heaven!   愿死神早早降临!   Ah! frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow,   舒眉展眼吧,美人,且息怒,   Nor deem me too happy in this;   我何曾心花怒放;   If I sin in my dream, I atone for it now,   梦中的罪孽要清算:幸福   Thus doom"d but to gaze upon bliss.   只许我凝眸痴望。   Though in visions, sweet lady, perhaps you may smile,   梦中,也许你笑口微开,   Oh! think not my penance deficient!   莫说我受罚还不够!   When dreams of your presence my slumbers beguile,   入睡,被美梦欺哄;醒来,   To awake will be torture sufficient.   这苦刑怎生忍受!   拜伦经典英文诗歌篇二   Lachin y Gair 勒钦伊盖   Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses!   去吧,浓艳的景色,玫瑰的园圃!   In you let the minions of luxury rove;   让富贵宠儿在你们那里遨游;   Restore me the rocks, where the snow-flake reposes,   还给我巉岩峻岭——白雪的住处,   Though still they are sacred to freedom and love:   尽管它 们已许身于爱和自由;   Yet, Caledonia, beloved are thy mountains,   喀利多尼亚!我爱慕你的山岳,   Round their white summits though elements war;   尽管皑皑的峰顶风雨交加,   Though cataracts foam "stead of smooth-flowing fountains,   不见泉水徐流,见瀑布飞泻,   I sigh for the valley of dark Loch na Garr.   我还是眷念幽暗的洛赫纳佳!   Ah! there my young footsteps in infancy wander"d;   啊!我幼时常常在那儿来往,   My cap was the bonner, my cloak was the plaid;   头戴软帽,身披格子呢外衣;   On chieftains long perish"d my memory ponder"d,   缅怀着那些亡故多年的酋长,   As daily I strode through the pine-cover"d glade.   我天天踱过松柯掩映的林地。   I sought not my home till the day"s dying glory   直到白昼收尽了暗淡余光,   Gave place to the rays of the bright polar star;   北极星当空闪耀,我才回家;   For fancy was cheer"d by traditional story,   流传的故事勾起迷人的遐想,   Disclosed by the natives of dark Loch na Garr.   是山民传述的——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。   "Shades of the dead! have I not heard your voices   “逝者的亡灵!难道我没有听到   Rise on the night-rolling breath of the gale?u2032   席卷暗夜的怒风里,你们在喧呼?”   Surely the soul of the hero rejoices,   英雄的精魂定然会开颜欢笑,   And rides on the wind, o"er his own Highland vale.   驾御天风驰骋于故乡的山谷。   Round Loch na Garr while the stormy mist gathers,   当风雪迷雰在洛赫纳佳聚拢,   Winter presides in his cold icy car:   冬之神驱着冰车君临天下,   Clouds there encircle the forms of my fathers;   云霾围裹着我们祖先的身影,   They dwell in the tempests of dark Loch na Garr.   在那风暴里——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。   Ill-starru2032d, though brave, did no visions foreboding   “不幸的勇士们!竟没有什么异象   Tell you that fate had forsaken your cause?u2032   预示命运遗弃了你们的事业?"   Ah! were you destined to die at Culloden,   你们注定了要在卡洛登阵亡,   Victory crown"d not your fall with applause:   哪会有胜利的欢呼将你们酬谢!   Still were you happy in death"s earthy slumber,   总算有幸,和你们部族一起,   You rest with your clan in the caves of Braemar;   在勃瑞玛岩穴,你们长眠地下;   The pibroch resounds to the piper"s loud number,   高亢风笛传扬着你们的事迹,   Your deeds on the echoes of dark Loch na Garr.   峰峦回应着——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。   Years have roll"d on, Loch na Garr, since I left you,   洛赫纳佳呵,别后已多少光阴!   Years must elapse ere I tread you again:   再与你相逢,还要过多少岁月!   Nature of verdure and flow"rs has bereft you,   造化虽不曾给你繁花和绿荫,   Yet still are you dearer than Albion"s plain.   你却比艾尔宾原野更为亲切。   England! thy beauties are tame and domestic   从远方山岳归来的游子眼中,   To one who has roved on the mountains afar:   英格兰!你的美过于驯良温雅;   Oh for the crags that are wild and majestic!   我多么眷念那粗犷雄峻的岩峰!   The steep frowning glories of dark Loch na Garr!   那含怒的奇景,那幽暗的洛赫纳佳!   拜伦经典英文诗歌篇三   If Sometimes in the Haunts of Men倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境   If sometimes in the haunts of men   倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境,   Thine image from my breast may fade,   你音容暂从我心头隐退,   The lonely hour presents again   不久,你温柔娴静的幽影   The semblance of thy gentle shade:   又在我孤寂的时刻重回;   And now that sad and silent hour   如今,那黯然无语的时刻   Thus much of thee can still restore,   还能唤回你前尘历历,   And sorrow unobserved may pour   无人察见的哀思会诉说   The plaint she dare not speak before.   以前未敢倾吐的悲戚。   Oh, pardon that in crowds awhile   恕我有时也不免虚耗   I waste one thought I owe to thee,   那本应专注于你的心意,   And self-condemn"d, appear to smile,   我责怪自己强颜欢笑,   Unfaithful to thy memory!   未能尽忠于对你的思忆。   Nor deem that memory less dear,   似乎我不曾哀恸,那决非   That then I seem not to repine;   对往事旧情不知珍惜;   I would not fools should overhear   我不愿愚夫们听到我伤悲:   One sigh that should be wholly thine.   向你,只向你吞声饮泣!   If not the goblet pass unquaff"d,   传杯把盏,我并不拒绝,   It is not drain"d to banish care;   却不是以此排遣忧伤;   The cup must hold a deadlier draught,   杯中的毒素要更加酷烈,   That brings a Lethe for despair.   才能忘却心中的绝望。   And could Oblivion set my soul   “遗忘”或能把我的灵魂   From all her troubled visions free,   从种种骚乱烦扰中解脱;   I"d dash to earth the sweetest bowl   它若敢淹没对你的思忖,   That drown"d a single thought of thee.   我就要把那金杯摔破!   For wert thou vanish"d from my mind,   倘若你从我心头消失,   Where could my vacant bosom turn?   这空白心灵又转向何处?   And who would then remain behind   那时有谁留下来坚持   To honour thine abandon"d Urn?   祭扫你被人离弃的坟墓?   No, no—it is my sorrow"s pride   我悲怆的心情以此自豪——   That last dear duty to fulfil;   履行这最终的高贵职责;   Though all the world forget beside,   哪怕全世界都把你忘掉,   "Tis meet that I remember still.   只要有我在,我终久记得!   For well I know, that such had been   因为我深知,在悠悠往昔,   Thy gentle care for him, who now   你对他何等亲切温存;   Unmourn"d shall quit this mortal scene,   今后他死去再无人悼惜,   Where none regarded him, but thou:   眷念过他的只有你一人;   And, oh! I feel in that was given   我从你那儿蒙受的恩幸   A blessing never meant for me;   决不是理应归我所有;   Thou wert too like a dream of Heaven.   你宛如一场天国绮梦,   For earthly Love to merit thee.   尘世爱情不配去攀求。


When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

顾城英语句子 错过顾城诗歌鉴赏

顾城门前这首诗的英语版,谁能帮我翻译一下,谢谢。 门前 in front of the door 我多么希望,有一个门口 早晨,阳光照在草上 how I wish, to have a door in the morning, the sunlights shine on the grasses 我们站着 扶着自己的门扇 门很低,但太阳是明亮的 we stand upon the door low the door is, but the sun shines 草在结它的种子 风在摇它的叶子 我们站着,不说话 就十分美好 the grass is seeding the wind is waving its leaves we just stand, without saying anything everything is fine 有门,不用开开 是我们的,就十分美好 having a door, don"t need to open it it belongs to us everything is fine 早晨,黑夜还要流浪 我们把六弦琴交给他 我们不走了 in the morning, the dark keeps on travelling we send him the guitar we stop moving 我们需要土地 需要永不毁灭的土地 我们要乘着它 度过一生 we need a land an indestructible landwe need to board on itspending our lifetime 土地是粗糙的,有时狭隘 然而,它有历史 有一份天空,一份月亮 一份露水和早晨 the land is rough, sometimes narrowbut, it has a historya sky, a moona dewdrop, as well as a morning 我们爱土地 我们站着 用木鞋挖着泥土 门也晒热了 我们轻轻靠着,十分美好 we love the landwe standdigging the earth with the sabotsthe door is warmed up by the sunwe lie on each other slightlyeverything is fine 墙后的草 不会再长大了,它只用指 尖,触了触阳光the grass behind the wallhas stopped growing up,touching the sunlightwith its fingertip 求顾城《世界和我》英文版 你/一会看我/一会看云//我觉得/你看我时很远/看云时很近 You see me/for a moment while/watching the clouds / / I think/you see me far/watch clouds are very close 谁有顾城《一代人》的全文 英文对照版 1.汉语原文 一代人 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛, 我却用它寻找光明。 2.英语译本 在互联网上可以找到如下英译本: 2.1 William Tay (1985) One Generation The black night has given me black eyes, Yet I use them to search for light 2.2 Gordon T. Osing and De-An Wu Swihart (1998) This Generation The dark nights gave me my dark eyes; I, however, use them to look for light. 2.3 Sam Hamill (?) A Generation The pitch black night gave me two black eyes with which to search for light. 3.个人译法 A Generation The dark nights have given me the dark eyes, Yet I use them to seek light. 一代人 那些黑夜给了我这双黑眼睛, 我却用它们去寻找光明。




  诗歌是人类的语言瑰宝,可以提高人的精神修养、艺术修养和语言修养。我精心收集了有关于唯美的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   有关于唯美的英文诗歌篇1   The Oxen   by Thomas Hardy   Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.   "Now they are all on their knees,"   An elder said as we sat in a flock   By the embers in hearthside ease.   We pictured the meek mild creatures where   They dwelt in their strawy pen,   Nor did it occur to one of us there   To doubt they were kneeling then.   So fair a fancy few would weave   In these years! Yet, I feel,   If someone said on Christmas Eve,   "e; see the oxen kneel,   "In the lonely barton by yonder coomb   Our childhood used to know,"   I should go with him in the gloom,   Hoping it might be so.   有关于唯美的英文诗歌篇2   The Painted Bed   by Donald Hall   "Even when I danced erect   by the Nile"s garden   I constructed Necropolis.   Ten million fellaheen cells   of my body floated stones   to establish a white museum."   Grisly, foul, and terrific   is the speech of bones,   thighs and arms slackened   into desiccated sacs of flesh   hanging from an armature   where muscle was, and fat.   "I lie on the painted bed   diminishing, concentrated   on the journey I undertake   to repose without pain   in the palace of darkness,   my body beside your body."   有关于唯美的英文诗歌篇3   Caribbean Marsh   by Muna Lee   Acres of mangrove, crowding the sea-streaked marsh,   Acres of mangrove, wading toward the beaches,   And here and there a milky-white bloom tossed   On fragile boughs above the flooded reaches.   Mangrove thrusts deep in salty mud,   Balances uneasily upon its three-pronged roots,   Huddles from wind in its dissonance of leaves.   Tempest and drought it has withstood,   This straggling orchard that bears no fruits,   This field where none will garner sheaves.   Sucking life up from the acrid marsh,   Drawing life down from the burning sun,   All the year offers of crude and harsh   There between sea and shore it has known.   Wave and glare, sea-urge, sea-drift,   It has been their victim, proved their power,   Persisting bleakly for one end alone-   Through an unheeded hour   Briefly, awkwardly, to lift   This frail, inconsequent flower.   有关于唯美的英文诗歌篇4   Carmel Point   by Robinson Jeffers   The extraordinary patience of things!   This beautiful place defaced with a crop of surburban houses-   How beautiful when we first beheld it,   Unbroken field of poppy and lupin walled with clean cliffs;   No intrusion but two or three horses pasturing,   Or a few milch cows rubbing their flanks on the outcrop rockheads-   Now the spoiler has e: does it care?   Not faintly. It has all time. It knows the people are a tide   That swells and in time will ebb, and all   Their works dissolve. Meanwhile the image of the pristine beauty   Lives in the very grain of the granite,   Safe as the endless ocean that climbs our cliff.-As for us:   We must uncenter our minds from ourselves;   We must unhumanize our views a little, and bee confident   As the rock and ocean that we were made from.   有关于唯美的英文诗歌篇5   The Paper Nautilus   by Marianne Moore   For authorities whose hopes   are shaped by mercenaries?   Writers entrapped by   teatime fame and by   muters" forts? Not for these   the paper nautilus   constructs her thin glass shell.   Giving her perishable   souvenir of hope, a dull   white outside and *** ooth-   edged inner surface   glossy as the sea, the watchful   maker of it guards it   day and night; she scarcely   eats until the eggs are hatched.   Buried eight-fold in her eight   arms, for she is in   a sense a devil-   fish, her glass ram"shorn-cradled freight   is hid but is not crushed;   as Hercules, bitten   by a crab loyal to the hydra,   was hindered to succeed,   the intensively   watched eggs ing from   the shell free it when they are freed,——   leaving its wasp-nest flaws   of white on white, and close-   laid Ionic chiton-folds   like the lines in the mane of   a Parthenon horse,   round which the arms had   wound themselves as if they knew love   is the only fortress   strong enough to trust to.   


I wandered lonely as a cloud(我像一朵孤云)by William WordsworthI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o"er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way,That stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed--and gazed--but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.---------------------我像一朵孤云梁实秋译在群山万壑之上飘飞,忽然看到一大群,好大一堆;在湖边,在树下荫处,於微风中翩翩起舞。像银河中繁星一般不断的闪耀发光,它们沿著水湾的边缘伸展成为无穷尽的一行:我一眼望到花儿千万朵,欢蹦乱跳的把头摇著。它们旁边的湖水也在舞动;可是花比闪亮的水更活泼:有如此欢愉的环境,一个诗人怎能不快乐。我凝视--凝视--并未省悟这景象给我带来何等的财富:因为时常我卧在榻上茫茫然陷入沉思状态,它们会在我内心闪亮,这是寂寞中无上的愉快;那时节我的心充满快乐,和水仙一同起舞婆娑。


  我们希望,通过这些从世界各地搜集到的 散文 、诗歌、宗教、神话、艺术、哲学和历史等各个方面的文献,让人们在人类本性上加深对同性爱的了解。我分享关于经典 英语诗歌 ,希望可以帮助大家!  关于经典英语诗歌:The Bight   At low tide like this how sheer the water is.   White, crumbling ribs of marl protrude and glare   and the boats are dry, the pilings dry as matches,   Absorbing, rather than being absorbed,   the water in the bight doesn"t wet anything,   the color of the gas flame turned as low as possible.   One can smell it turning to gas; if one were Baudelaire   one could probably hear it turning to marimba music.   The little ocher dredge at work off the end of the dock   already plays the dry perfectly off-beat claves.   The birds are outsize. Pelicans crash   into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.   it seems to me, like pickaxes,   rarely coming up with anything to show for it,   and going off with humorous elbowings,   Black-and-white man-of-war birds soar   on impalpable drafts   and open their tails like scissors on the curves   or tense them like wishbones, till they tremble.   The frowsy sponge boats keep coming in   with the obliging air of retrievers,   bristling with jackstraw gaffs and hooks   and decorated with bobbles of sponges.   There is a fence of chicken wire along the dock   where, glinting like little plowshares,   the blue-gray shark tails are hung up to dry   for the Chinese-restaurant trade.   Some of the little white boats are still piled up   against each other, or lie on their sides, stove in,   and not yet salvaged, if they ever will be, from the last bad storm.   like torn-open, unanswered letters.   the bight is littered with old correspondences.   Click. Click. Goes the dredge,   and brings up a dripping jawful of marl.   All the untidy activity continues,   awful but cheerful.   海潮退到这样的时候,水便分外清澈了。   白色的石灰泥滩,层层露出水来,浪纹斑驳,闪耀亮眼。   条条小船,晒得干干的;根根木桩,则干得像火柴棒。   吸收而非被吸收,   海湾里的水弄不湿任何东西,   而且呈现出一种瓦斯火开至最低时的颜色。   你可以闻到那海水正转化成瓦斯;假如你是波特莱尔的话   你说不定可以听到那海水正转化成马林巴木琴的声音。   而码头尾端,一个褐色小型捞网正在那里捞着   一直在那里以绝对冷硬的调子,打着双节棒,伴奏着。   水鸟都是特大号的。鹈鹕哗啦冲   入这一泓奇异的瓦斯之中,真是小题大作,   这景象对我来说,有点像鹤嘴锄,   一锄下去,拉回来看看,什么也没有,   于是只好游到一边,样子滑稽的挤入鹈鹕堆里去了。   黑白相间的军舰鸟翱翔在   捉摸不定的气流里   尾巴张开,如剪刀弯弯裁过   尾巴紧绷,如叉骨绷然颤动。   腥臭的海绵船不断的开了进来   以一种猎狗衔回东西般的殷勤姿态,   上面竖立着稻草人般的鱼叉鱼钩   装饰着垂悬吊幌的海绵。   沿着码头,有一排方格铁丝网墙   上面,挂着闪闪发光犁刀般   灰蓝鲨的尾巴,一条条的,在那里风干,   准备卖给中国餐馆。   一些白色的小船,仍然相互靠在一起   堆着放,或侧着放,船身破裂,   还没修好(要是将来真还会去修的话),都是上回暴风弄坏的,   像一封封拆开而没有回复的信。   这小海湾内到处都丢着废弃的信件。   卡啦卡啦,捞网上下捞着,   捞上来滴滴答答一大堆石灰泥。   所有乱七八糟的事都在进行着,糟是糟透了,不过却满愉快的。   关于经典英语诗歌:The Music Within   Life...What is it?   See it in the colors of autumn,   A gentle snowfall in winter,   A sudden shower in spring,   The radiance of a summer day.   Behold it in the laughter Of the young and the old.   Know of it in a surge of hope,   The blessings that are bountiful.   What is life?   It is joy,awareness,   And the music within.   [Frow New Voice in American Poetry]   心灵深处的音乐   生命是什么?   它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,   飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中,   在阵阵春雨里,   在绚丽夏日中。   它包含在老人爽朗的笑声里,   也隐匿在孩子们天真的嬉戏中。   它汹涌在人们的希望里,   它荡漾在美好的祝福中,   生命是什么?   是欢乐,是领悟,   是心灵深处的音乐。   关于经典英语诗歌:The Star   (1)   Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星!   How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,   Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中,   Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的钻石。   (2)   When the blazing sun is gone, 灿烂太阳已西沉,   When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照万物,   Then you show your little light, 你就显露些微光,   Twinkle, twinkle all the night. 整个晚上眨眼睛。   (3)   The dark blue sky you keep 留恋漆黑的天空   And often thro" my curtains peep, 穿过窗帘向我望,   For you never shut your eye 永不闭上你眼睛   Till the sun is in the sky. 直到太阳又现形。   (4)   "Tis your bright and tiny spark 你这微亮的火星,   Lights the traveler in the dark; 黑夜照耀着游人,   Though I know not what you are 虽我不知你身形,   Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星!   by Jane Taylor, 1783-1824


the furthest distance in the world the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when i stand in front of you yet you don"t know that i love you the furthest distance in the world is not when i stand in font of you yet you can"t see my love but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be togehter the furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love but when plainly can not resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my heart the furthest distance in the world is not but using one"s indifferent heart to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you The farthest distance in the world Is not we cannot be together when we love each other But we pretend caring nothing even we know love is unconquerable The farthest distance in the world Is not the distance between two trees But the branches cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root The farthest distance in the world Is not the braches cannot depend on each other But two stars cannot meet even they watch each other The farthest distance in the world Is not the track between two stars But nowhere to search in a tick after two tracks join The farthest distance in the world Is not nowhere to search in a tick But doomed not to be together before they meet The farthest distance in the world Is the distance between fish and bird One is in the sky, another is in the sea uff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1duff1d


10首简单押韵的英语小诗如下:1、The Swing 秋千How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜欢荡一趟秋千,Up in the air so blue? 置身于蓝蓝的晴空吗?Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 啊,我认为这是小孩所能做到的Ever a child can do. 最愉快的玩耍。Up in the air and over the wall, 越过墙外高踞天空,Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望见如此广大的世界,River and trees and cattle and all 河流、树木、牛群,Over the countryside---- 还有整个的乡村。Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰着翠绿的花园Down on the roof so brown---- 以及棕色的屋顶Up in the air I go flying again 我又飞上天去,Up in the air and down! 在天地间上下穿梭!2、Rain雨Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落,It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢,It rains on the umbrella here,它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。


这是一个真空心在我的脑海中 我告诉观众一边 由于酷暑和潮湿 让我失去了我的心 这是一个失去鹿在安德伍德 我告诉观众一边 因为旋转 不,她找到出口It"s a vacuum mind in my headI tell the audiences asideBecause the swelter and the wetMake me lose my heartIt"s a losing deer in the underwoodI tell the audiences asideBecause around and aroundCan"t she find the exitIt"s only sad sadder saddestI tell the audiences asideBecause around and aroundIt"s dark darker darkestIt"s just what pastI tell the audiences asideBecause all the world is changedSince you appear 这是一个真空心在我的脑海中 我告诉观众一边 由于酷暑和潮湿 让我失去了我的心 这是一个失去鹿在安德伍德 我告诉观众一边 因为旋转 不,她找到出口 这只是伤心的悲伤悲哀 我告诉观众一边 因为旋转 它是最黑暗的深色 这正是我过去 我告诉观众一边 因为整个世界都在改变 既然你出现

初一 英语 英语诗歌。。。 请详细解答,谢谢! (31 10:41:18)

一.spring goeth all in whiterobert bridges 春之女神着素装罗伯特·布里季 spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o"er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around. 二.Rain雨Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处洒落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它又落在这边的雨伞上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在那边航行在海上的船只上。 --- by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 三.Dreams 梦想 ----by Langston Hughes ----作者:兰司敦·修司 Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For if dreams die 如果梦想消失Life is a broken-winged bird 生命将是折翼之鸟 That cannot fly 无法飞行Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For when dreams go 如果梦想逝去Life is a barren field 生命将是一片荒原 Frozen with snow 大雪冰封 四.Her Playnate Is The Sea ———by LeonnaI watch her from the doorAs she plays along the shoreShe digs her toes into the sandBuilds a castle from the landA wave sweeps past her kneesShe giggles, as if to teaseA bucket, shovel, sand and waterEasily occupy my daughterShe has a smile, when she looks up at me My child so happy by the seaShe is alone, but not lonelyHer playmate is the sea. 五.EagleBY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (1809~1892) He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.


其一:Someday when the hearts can fly......., 总有一天,当我的心能够飞翔——someday when my eyes can see clearer,有一天,当我眼睛能看得更加清晰,over the stormy sea, and the dark nights,越过风大浪急的海面,越过漆黑的夜晚。Someday if my heat can fly,总有一天,如果我的心能够飞翔,to your city of eternal spring,到你永远春天的城市,will I live forever?假如我的生命能够永恒?will my eyes be full of your beuty?假如我的眼中充满了你的美丽?will you still rememember me......then, when the hearts can fly.假如你仍然记得我——那时候,我的心能够飞翔。其二:Love is a light that never dims爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯The darkness is no darkness with thee 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗The road to a lover"s house is never long通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长Distance makes the hearts grow fonder 距离使两颗心靠得更近Every day without you is like a book without pages没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。To the world you may be just one person 对于世界,你可能只是一个人To the peson you may be the world 但对于某个人,你却是整个世界Life is the flower for which love is the honey生命如花,爱情是蜜。楼主,满意不?找了半个多小时,累死我了~~~~~~~~


10首简单押韵的英语小诗如下:1、The Swing 秋千How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜欢荡一趟秋千,Up in the air so blue? 置身于蓝蓝的晴空吗?Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 啊,我认为这是小孩所能做到的Ever a child can do. 最愉快的玩耍。Up in the air and over the wall, 越过墙外高踞天空,Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望见如此广大的世界,River and trees and cattle and all 河流、树木、牛群,Over the countryside---- 还有整个的乡村。Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰着翠绿的花园Down on the roof so brown---- 以及棕色的屋顶Up in the air I go flying again 我又飞上天去,Up in the air and down! 在天地间上下穿梭!2、Rain雨Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落,It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢,It rains on the umbrella here,它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。
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