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曼陀罗唱诵【EkOngKarSatNam】创造者创造2016-04-23 00:18阅读:877Ek Ong Kaar - Sat Naam Siree - Wah hay Guroo Long Ek Ong Kar。我发现每个恐惧,每个情绪,每个身体的不适都可以被导入Long Ek Ong Kar。脊椎伸直,收住下颚,完全的呼吸,我很快发觉这个曼陀罗(mantra)可以清理任何东西。它振动中脉,清理中脉,连接所有的气轮。 这个曼陀罗启动昆达理尼能量,让我们的灵魂与宇宙灵魂链接起来。它能打开所有的脉轮。切记锁住颈锁以允许昆达理尼能量上升。 Ek Ong Kaar 创造者创造 Sat Naam 真实就是他的身份 Siri Wahe Guru 他无限的智慧难以言喻 唱诵长Ek Ong Kaar时,让它运行于气轮中,你是否曾经听到过这个技术,想了解如何做吗?我教授长唱诵很多年了,在教师培训课程中,Naad 瑜伽工作坊或学生私教课中。经常有人会问如何配合气轮唱诵?是否应该配合气轮?Yogi Bhajan是这样教的吗?我几年前已听到了这个技术,但是我始终未能找到任何文献记录,关于Yogi Bhajan告诉我们用这种方式唱诵。实在地说,我认为这是有人编造的。但是这个夏天,我真地发现了一份资料,Yogi Bhajan描述如何运行能量通过气轮。在发现这个资料前,我给学生们的回答是无论使用哪种观想,只要正确地运用身体锁,能量就会通过气轮运行。(我们在冥想时,会变得太用脑,而不是尽管让曼陀罗和技术发挥作用。)即使有了这个新的资料,我仍相信这是对的。你可以就是简单地唱诵曼陀罗,而不需要观想。就是说,我开始运用这个技术唱诵,在一个本身很强大的曼陀罗中,享受能量的运行。 “从丹田发出唱诵,以2 1/2的呼吸循环。Ek Ong Kaar - Sat Naam Siree - Wah hay Guroo. 每个声音在磁场内振动整合一个特定的气轮。Ek很短,当我们分裂原子时,第一个气轮会释放巨大的能量,Ong从第二个气轮发出振动,通过鼻腔共鸣,感受象海螺般的第三眼。Kaar 从丹田发出振动。再深吸一口气,唱Sat Naam Siree。Sat短,快速地发自丹田,向上收横膈膜。Naam很长,通过心轮共鸣。Siree在所有力量中最强,是Shakti,使用最后一点气息。从丹田出向上拉到脖子锁。然后很短地吸一口气,唱Wah-hay Guroo。Wah-hay和Guroo通过头顶释放出去。 通过这个冥想,你可以驾驭普拉那(生命之气)的力量,pavan Siddhi, 直到生活的呼吸变成你的。它会带给你Vac Siddhi的力量,话语的力量。无论你说什么带着这个呼吸,它就会发生。这是个艰苦的劳动。唱诵它,不断地重复唱诵,完成一天1/10的时间,即2.5小时。你的脸会发光,漂亮,你可以搞定你认识的每一个人。” Yogi Bhajan, 与大师一起的一年,2000年7月20日,第63页。 另外,你可以随时唱诵长唱诵。它被叫做“叫早”,因为它是 Yogi Bhajan 交给我们的第一个早课,因此我们早晨唱诵它。但是它可以在任何时候唱,没有限制。


ENDLESS LOVE?没听过x-japan有这歌 只听过 <ENDLESS RAIN>和<forever love>我还是先介绍一下Endless Rain 词/曲: YOSHIKI 单曲介绍: 作为一首连YOSHIKI自己都没有办法再超越的作品,听似平实的旋律带给人的却是挥之不去的伤感及回忆;作品不是为雨而作,感觉却是雨为之而下。 曲中升调时是感情宣泄的最高峰, 演奏中鼓的表现相当突出,吉他的solo似是回忆思绪交织紊乱之时精神状态。唯一的遗憾??没有办法到现场去体会那无尽之雨…… 1989年12月1日发售,最高第3位。 Forever Love 词/曲:YOSHIKI 单曲介绍: 每次Forever Love在耳边缓缓响起,便又一次深深的被感动了,这份永恒的感动正如这首《永恒的爱》,每个热爱X-Japan的人,听到Forever Love,总是会心潮澎湃。不只是因为它是X-Japan的超成名曲,不只是因为它是96颇有名气剧场版动画「X战记」的主题曲,我们不会忘记的是在X-Japan告别演唱会“最后の夜”中的TOSHI泣不成声的演唱,看到TOSHI和YOSHIKI拥抱时,斑竹哭了,X-Japan将失去的就是这永恒的爱啊!失去Hide的时候,追悼会中队员们纪念他的也是它,我们只是希望你永远留在身边啊,谁よりも...这首曲子实在是留给我们太多太多的感伤了…… 鼓声的加入震撼人心。YOSHIKI在其中念的诗“独自一人无法行走”有其特殊含义,反映了YOSHIKI当时的状态。 用心去体会…每一句话……令人伤感的只是歌词吗…………? Forever X-Japan, Forever Love!!(Forever love这是YOSHIKI为了超越「Endless Rain」而创作的歌曲,然而YOSHIKI又说他自己也无法超越「Endless Rain」了) 1996年7月8日发售 最高第一位 Tears 词:白鸟瞳 曲:YOSHIKI 单曲介绍: Tears真正精彩的部分应该不在它的高潮,总觉得X要表达的、所追求的应该就是想tears这样的旋律与配乐……从YOSHIKI独白的部分来看,很明显这首歌是YOSHIKI着送给在他幼年时自杀的父亲,而「白鸟瞳」这个名字大家也许即熟悉又陌生:其实「白鸟瞳」就是YOSHIKI作词时用的变名,拿「X」和「オルガスム」这两首曲子来举例,写狂热或是破坏性的词就用这个变名,YOSHIKI用了“临时身份”来代替自己,「人是脆弱的,而强烈的部分就用白鸟瞳来描绘。」在使用临时身份时,恶意怨恨是白鸟瞳,作为人失责的是YOSHIKI??可以这么理解吧。英语歌词是回忆过去的部分,其中「you」解释为YOSHIKI父亲的意见比较多,应该说「TEARS」的词是白鸟瞳和YOSHIKI共同作的词的。后来hide死的时候, YOSHIKI也把这歌送给了他。

In former times, only property owners could be registered as a voter


set voters=new HashSet什么意思

同楼上...补充下...那个叫泛型..是JDK1.5之后出现的.对程序的安全性起很大作用.且会加快 容器类的运行速度

怎样成为imdb的regular voters

简单的说,你的票不是没有算数,而是算了数但所占比重太低所以几乎不影响什么。IMDB的不同会员的票是不等值的~imdb内部有一个选择系统~貌似没公布过标准。据外界猜测,你所问的所谓真正的有效投票者,只出于长期参与投票会员,经确认的一些社会人士(相关专业背景),一般投票者的票在加权统计后,对分值影响很低的。身在中国的普通影迷是不可能成为这种正规投票者的,真想那么成为这种身份,你至少要把自身提升到业内人士的水平才行。复杂地解释:IMDB的分数的计算方法不是就做一下平均就ok了,在它的网页上也提到了它的计算方法是保密的。不过imdb top 250用的是贝叶斯统计的算法得出的加权分(Weighted Rank-WR),公式如下:weighted rank (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C其中:R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating) (是用普通的方法计算出的平均分)v = number of votes for the movie = (votes) (投票人数,需要注意的是,只有经常投票者才会被计算在内,这个下面详细解释)m = minimum votes required to be listed in the top 250 (currently 1250) (进入imdb top 250需要的最小票数,只有三两个人投票的电影就算得满分也没用的)C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.9) (目前所有电影的平均得分)另外重点来了,根据这个注释:note: for this top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.只有"regular voters"的投票才会被计算在IMDB top 250之内,这就是IMDB防御因为某种电影的fans拉票而影响top 250结果,把top 250尽量限制在资深影迷投票范围内的主要方法。regular voter的标准不详,估计至少是“投票电影超过xxx部以上"这样的水平,搞不好还会加上投票的时间分布,为支持自己的心爱电影一天内给N百部电影投票估计也不行。因此,细心的人可以注意到,列入IMDB top 250的电影,其主页面上的分数与250列表中的分数是不同的。以魔戒1为例,它在自己的页面 中的分数是8.8,而列表中是8.7。一般250表中的得分都会低于自己页面中的得分,越是娱乐片差距越大。这大概是因为regular voter对于电影的要求通常较高的关系。)而IMDB的过人之处不仅仅在于这儿,它除了给出分数,还给了一个更详细的投票人的列表根据年龄、性别、国别等不同的情况,列出了不同的分数chart。而且你点击每个选项,图上都会出现一个不同的chart。这个其实是比较有用的。比如你在要选择动画片的时候,就应该点选一下小于18岁,或者30-44岁这个选项看看他们的评分,因为他们才是这部电影的最大观众群,其他人的分数都是仅供参考的。碟报员或者我们在选择影片的时候,可以不仅仅看个总得分,多花一点时间,看看影片各个年龄段的得分会更有帮助的。有些影片我们觉得不好看,但是分数很高,你也可以参照一下,“us users"和“non-us users"这部分的数据,如果美国投票用户远远大于海外用户,那说明此片的确是有相当重的美国文化底蕴的,不觉得好看也是正常。相反的,如果我们觉得不错,但是IMDB的分数很低,这也许是老美的评分人数多,打的分低,就把总分给拉下来了。

Narsha Radio star中文歌词多多支持娜莎哈~

courseigotacrushonyou是啥歌。《Crush On You》是泰国女歌手Tata Young于2004年推出的专辑《I Believe》中的一首歌曲。 《Crush On You》由泰国人气歌手Tata Young演唱。

以“my flowers grow”写一篇作文,不少于50词。


以“my flowers grow”写一篇作文,不少于50词.

I sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer,and watered them everyday.I really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting.But,be that as it may,they jus...

RS 是韩国什么综艺的简称 ?

radio star

ThinkPad开机显示gnu grub version 2.02如何去除?

我的电脑是Thinkpad X301,装有XP和LIUNX双系统,开始分区为3个区,大小为c:30,d:30,40,有20G没有分,是留出来安装LINUX的安装LIUNX后发现硬盘空间不够,就进入XP删掉最后个分区40G,安装LIUNX。安装好LINUX后 发现XP2个盘不好管理,把D盘又进行了删除分区 分出DEF来,使用XP和LIUNX一直都正常,在使用过程中发现XP硬盘不够了,LIUNX也不需要了,就对硬盘重新分为4个区。问题:隐藏分区未被破坏,开机进入系统就显示 GNU GRUB version 0.97(619K lower/3036804K upper memory)Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TABlists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possiblecompletions of a device/filename.] grub>一直这样提示着.用PM PQ 进行分区后启动还是出现这样的问题, 用系统碟安装复制信息过程中就出现蓝屏幕.用光盘带的PE系统启动后能发现分区硬盘. 进入界面后就用GOST 克隆了个XP系统.但还是上面英文提示.用网上搜索的grub>root (hd0,0) 回车(你WINDOW不会装在其它分区吧?)grub>rootnoverify(hd0,0)回车grub>chainloader +1回车boot (hd0,0) 回车(从此分区启动)这里直接输入boot也行 有进DOS修改MBR上面两种方法都不行.请问我该如何安重新装操作系统我呀近电脑都毛病我电脑模0 标准像gnu grub version2.00

GRUB version 0.97是什么东西?重赏!!!



区别在于:strata指的是地层;地层;岩层( stratum的名词复数 );社会阶层。clusters指的是簇;(果实、花等的)串( cluster的名词复数 );(人、物等的)群;组。例句辨析:strata1、Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago. 岩层中有证据表明,该地区在15,000年前曾经非常干旱。2、This is a problem that cuts across all strata of society. 这是一个影响到一切社会阶层的问题。3、Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetricalridges known as cuestas. 轻微倾斜地层的侵蚀通常造成非对称的山脊,称为单面山。clusters1、It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer. 初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。2、Sometimes several clusters of white clouds drift across the blue sky. 蔚蓝色的天空中,时而飘过几朵白云。3、Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters.墓碑三三两两地竖立在地面上。

10 years old 与10-year-old的区别



亲你说的应该是2012MAMA颁奖典礼SJ表演前的VCR,神童吃出的字条是superjunior head in hongkong附上地址你看是不是请采纳!

superjunior supershow6内地场都有哪几场?时间?

名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/02/18地点:新加坡室内体育馆※官方已公布名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/02/19地点:新加坡室内体育馆※官方已公布名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/03/10地点:中国澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆※香港因场地问题改在澳门举行名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/03/16地点:泰国名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/03/17地点:泰国名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/03/18地点:泰国名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/04/14地点:中国上海名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/04/28地点:印度尼西亚鹰眼国际体育馆名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/04/29地点:印度尼西亚鹰眼国际体育馆名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/05/12地点:日本东京巨蛋※特哥亲口说了名称:Super Show 4日期:2012/05/13地点:日本东京巨蛋※特哥亲口说了

purpose of paymentpersonal use

为您解答支付目的: 个人使用

onedrive personal是什么意思


anything too personal是什么意思



personal 英[u02c8pu025c:su0259nl] 美[u02c8pu025c:rsu0259nl] adj. 个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的; n. (报刊上的) 人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯; [例句]He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。[其他] 复数:personals


这个网站的服务器应该被封杀了 或者服务器暂停了 导致不能访问

Personal Keywords 什么意思



personal造句如下:I have something personal to discuss with you.我有点私事和你商量。I need your advice on a personal matter, but it"s not about me.有一件私事我想听听你的建议,但不是我的事。It is my own, growing out of my personal concern.是我自己提出的,完全出于我个人的关切。Within two hours, I got my personal statement done.仅花了两个小时,我就把个人陈述写好了。Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。personal解析如下:一、读音英式发音:/ˈpɜːsənəl/美式发音:/ˈpɜːrsənəl/二、释义n. 个人,私人adj. 个人的,私人的,个别的三、词形变化复数:personals四、常用短语personal information - 个人信息personal belongings - 个人物品personal hygiene - 个人卫生五、用法personal的基本意思是“私人的,个人的”,指涉及一个人或许多人中间的每一个人的,不属于公众或一般人的; 也可作“本人的,亲自的”解,指仅仅亲自做的或是两人之间发生的; 还可作“关于个人的,人身攻击的”解。当personal指与人或身体有关的事时,可作“人体的,外貌的”解。 personal用作法律用语,意为“属于个人的,可动的”。 personal还可用作语法术语,意为“人称的”。 personal在句中可用作定语或表语。六、例句Congress has got no right to interfere with a fellow"s personal liberty.国会无权干涉个人自由。We do nothing without personal liberty.没有人身自由,我们什么也做不成。This is a personal inquiry.这是一次私人问话。I"d like to speak to Mr. Davis about a personal matter.我想和戴维斯先生谈一件私事。He wanted to have a personal visit to that factory.他想亲自去参观那家工厂。


personal所有形式如下:personal的名词形式是:person。n.人;人称;位;人们;法人;身体;人身;本人;自然人;自己。词形变化:复数: people、persons。短语搭配:in person,亲自business person,商人famous person,名人;知名人士;有名的人average person,普通人young person,未成年人in one"s own person,本人;亲自be one"s own person,做自己喜欢的事;保持自己的喜好;依个人的性子做;保持自己的个性The guilt of a person on trial must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.受审者的犯罪证据必须确凿。The winner is the person who can get there quickest with the mostest.带着最多东西最快到达那里的人就是获胜者。A person dying in a fire — doesn"t it make your skin crawl?一个在火中垂死挣扎的人——难道那不让你毛骨悚然吗?The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.言外之意就是,没有任何在那银行的人是有责任的。personal adj.个人的;私人的;涉及私人的;涉及隐私的;人身的;身体的;人称的;有人性的;人身攻击的n.私人信息发布;私人广告复数: personals短语搭配:personal space,私人空间;个人空间;私人场所;个人时间;私人时间personal life,个人生活;个人生命;私人生活personal experience,个人经验;个人体验;个人经历personal information,个人信息;个人资料;个人资讯personal statement,个人声明;个人陈述;个人说明personal responsibility,个人责任;人事责任personal characteristics,个人特征personal fulfillment,自我实现;个人成就personal computer,个人计算机The company struck out the first time it tried to manufacture personal computers.该公司初次尝试生产个人电脑时就失败了。Customers prefer to write the messages themselves for more of a personal touch.顾客们喜欢自己写留言以增添点个人色彩。







什么是SRS CS headphone???

简单说SRS CS Headphone是环绕音效SRS CS Headphone 技术是SRS Labs 则是推出,能够将双声道的音乐,透过一个叫做 Circle Surround 编码器,将该音源升级成 5.1 声道、高准确率的环绕音源。

The yellow picture is mine.(改为同义句。) Are these all ours?(改为单数形式。

its my yellow pictureis this mine?that picture of beijing is not beautifulit is hisis there a picture of shanghai?小盆友,加油!

论文里头的all errors are mine 如何翻译?


请翻译Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furnitu


The Most Beautiful Girl (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Most Beautiful Girl (Album Version)歌手:South 65专辑:Dream LargeNu Flavor - The Most Beautiful GirlOoo girl I"d walk a hundred milesTo see your pretty face each time you smileThere is no distance for me, long as I can believeI"ll see you tonightSimply no distance for me, girl you gotta believeI need you tonightI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would dieYou were my lovely day, took my breath awayNow I"m walking with my head to the skyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineI just can"t find the words to sayThis kind of feeling don"t come every dayIt feels like heaven to me, love has given me wingsGirl you light up my lifeYou feel like heaven to me, every day"s like a dreamHaving you by my sideI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would cryIt was my lucky day, when you came my way"N I"m still walking with my head to the SkyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineOh girlThe sun and the moon, the starrs in the skiesThey don"t shine as bright as the light in your eyesAnd it brightens my day, when I realizeIn just a few hours I"ll be holding you tightYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mine……

My house is your house and yours is mine


Thunderstone的《Spire》 歌词

歌曲名:Spire歌手:Thunderstone专辑:The Burning-Avalon Japan标题:Spire艺术家:ThunderstoneLying on the floor, I feel nothingTrying to rememberEverything"s a haze, yesterday is goneFeels like I"ve been hypnotizedWill this be the last time?I wonder will I ever learn?Still searching for the rhymeMaybe now it"s time for me to turnI rise, I fallI always stand before I crawlI smile, I ruleBut who am I really trying to fool?I"m on the spireReaching up to the sky, high aboveAnd it"s on fire, I"m going down belowAnother day, another yearAnd the wheel keeps on spinningAnother joy, another fearI believe some day I"ll be winningEvery time I swear this will be the last timeEvery time I crash to the groundEvery time I"m standing on the spireI fall, but come around-solo-Spire...金属梦:66032164

The room measures 2 meters arcoss.为什么measure不用被动语态

没错,楼主正解!如:The room measures 6 meters long.这个房间六米长。

reverse transcriptase是什么意思

  reverse transcriptase的意思是::逆转录酶;反转录酶  双语例句:  1.Recent Developments of Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors  非核苷逆转录酶抑制剂新进展  2.Detection and identification of plasmodia by mean of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction  逆转录聚合酶链反应检测和鉴定疟原虫的研究  3.Heaven with Him: Yes, a new reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and dual role ofdeoxycytidine similar, can increase the CD4 cell count.  同他天定:是一种新的逆转录酶抑制剂,作用与双脱氧胞苷相似,能增加cd4细胞数。  4.Establishment of anti-HBV reverse transcriptase  antibody producinghybridoma cell lines and characterization of their monoclonal antibodies  抗HBV逆转录酶杂交瘤细胞系的建立及其单克隆抗体鉴定

standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering是什么意思


PHP提示 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected "}" 语法错误,估计是大括号不配对。

Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version)歌手:Raphi专辑:Cali QuakeWiggle ItRicki-LeeRicki-Lee - Wiggle Itby: mioimThe floor is calling but I can"t do it on my ownI need someone who is willing,to get down with me all nightBoy are you that somebody?I wanna rock this partyWe"ll keep it moving all night longI need you to work with me a little bit,work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitOh I"m looking for somebody who can go all night with meSo baby do your thing and show me what you got for meCos I dont" even really wanna waste my time on someone full of shhhhSo baby, why don"t you show meI need you to work with me a little bit, work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitrappingBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bit



英语wiggle your ears怎么翻译?

wiggle your ears 扭动你的耳朵

需Bruno Mars 的《marry you》的英文歌词!~谢~~

Marry URAP:Love oh baby my girl uadf8ub304 ub098uc758 uc804ubd80Love oh baby my girl ke dai na ye chao buub208ubd80uc2dcuac8c uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub098uc758 uc2e0ubd80 uc2e0uc774 uc8fcuc2e0 uc120ubb3c Nuen bu xi gai a lenm da won na ye xin bu xin ni chu xin sao mu-erud589ubcf5ud55cuac00uc694 uadf8ub300uc758 uae4cub9cc ub208uc5d0uc11c ub208ubb3cuc774 ud750ub974uc8e0Han bu ka ga you ke dai ye ka man nu nai sao muen mu li he lao jiuuae4cub9cc uba38ub9ac ud30cubfccub9ac ub420 ub54cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4 Ka man mao li pa bu li tuai dai ga ji duub098uc758 uc0acub791 ub098uc758 uadf8ub300 uc0acub791ud560 uac83uc744Na ye sa sang na ye ke dai sa lang ha gao sierub098 ub9f9uc138ud560uac8cuc694 Na ming sai ha gai youVOCAL:uadf8ub300ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0 (uc0acub791ud574)Ke dai ler na lang han da nen ma (sa lang hai)ud3c9uc0dd ub9e4uc77c ud574uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Piang sai mai yi lai ju gu xi paoWould you marry me ub110 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc544ub07cuba70 Would you marry me nao-er sa lang ha gu a ki miaouc0b4uc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Sa la ka gu xi paouadf8ub300uac00 uc7a0uc774 ub4e4 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 (uc0acub791ud574)Ke dai ga qiang mi der dai ma da (sa lang hai)ub0b4 ud314uc5d0 uc7acuc6ccuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Nai pa lai qiai wo ju gu xi paoWould you marry me uc774ub7f0 ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74c ud5c8ub77dud574uc904ub798Would you marry me yi laon na ye ma em hao lao kai ju-er lai ud3c9uc0dd uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Piang sai giao tai yi sier gai (I do) (sa lang hai)ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uac78 (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Nao-er sa lang ha nen gao-er (I do) (yao-er sai miang)ub208uacfc ube44uac00 uc640ub3c4 uc544uaef4uc8fcuba74uc11c (I do) Nuen gua pi ga wa du a giao ju miao sao (I do) ub108ub97c uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c (My love) Nao ler qi kiao ju gai (my love)RAP:ud558uc580 ub4dcub808uc2a4ub97c uc785uc740 uadf8ub300 Ha yang de lai si ler yi ben ke daiud131uc2dcub3c4ub97c uc785uc740 ub098uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 Tao xi tu ler yi ben na ye mo si-bubc1cuac78uc74cuc744 ub9deucd94uba70 uac77ub294 uc6b0ub9ac Pa-er gao lin mer ma chu miao gao nen wu liuc800 ub2ecub2d8uacfc ubcc4uc5d0 I swear Chao ta lin ga piao lai I swearuac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc2ebuc5b4 uc758uc2ecuc2ebuc5b4 Kao ji ma xi lao e xin mi xi laouc0acub791ud558ub294 ub098uc758 uacf5uc8fc Stay with me Sa lang ha nen na ye gong zhu Stay with meVOCAL:uc6b0ub9acuac00 ub098uc774ub97c uba39uc5b4ub3c4 (uc0acub791ud574)Wu li ga na yi ler mao gao du (sa lang hai)uc6c3uc73cuba70 uc0b4uc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Wu si miao sa la ga gu xi pao Would you marry me ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 ub0a0uc744 ud568uaed8 ud574uc904ub798Would you marry me na ye mo fu na ler han gai hai ju lai ud798ub4e4uace0 uc5b4ub824uc6ccub3c4 (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) (sa lang hai)ub298 ub0b4uac00 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) (yao-er sai miang)uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8ud558ub294 ub9ceuc740 ub0a0 ub3d9uc548 (I do) Wu li hanm gai ha nen ma nen na-er dong an (I do) ub9e4uc77c uac10uc0acud560uac8c (My love) Mai yi-er kang sa ha gai (My love)uc624ub798 uc804ubd80ud130 ub108ub97c uc704ud574 uc900ube44ud55c Wu lai jiao pu tao nao ler wei hai chun bi hanub0b4 uc190uc5d0 ube5bub098ub294 ubc18uc9c0ub97c ubc1buc544uc918 Nai sun ai pi na nen pan ji ler pa da jiuuc624ub298uacfc uac19uc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c Wu ner gua ka ten ma mer luuc9c0uae08uc758 uc57duc18d uae30uc5b5ud560uac8c Qi gen mi ya su ki yao ka gai Would you marry meWould you marru meud3c9uc0dd uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) (sa lang hai)ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uac78 (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) (yao-er sai miang) ub208uacfc ube44uac00 uc640ub3c4 uc544uaef4uc8fcuba74uc11c (I do) Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) ub108ub97c uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c (My love) Nao ler qi kiao ju gai (my love)ud798ub4e4uace0 uc5b4ub824uc6ccub3c4 (I do) Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) ub298 ub0b4uac00 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8ud558ub294 ub9ceuc740 ub0a0 ub3d9uc548 (I do) Wu li hanm gai ha nen ma nen na-er dong an (I do) ub9e4uc77c uac10uc0acud560uac8c (My love) Mai yi-er kang sa ha gai (My love)RAP:ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ub4dcub9b4 uac83uc740 uc0acub791ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc8e0 Na ga ke dai ai gai te lin gao sier sa lang ba kai ao-b jiuuadf8uc800 uadf8ubfd0uc778uac78 ubcf4uc798uac83uc5c6uc8e0 Ke jiao ke bu nin gao bu qia gao ao-b jiuuc11cud234ub7ecubcf4uc774uace0 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 Sao yu lao bu yi gu ma ni bu ju hai duub098uc758 uc0acub791 ub098uc758 uadf8ub300 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8cuc694 Na ye sa lang na ye ke dai qi kiao ju gai youud55cuac00uc9c0ub9cc uc57duc18dud574uc904ub798 Han ga ji man ya su kai ju lai ubb34uc2a8uc77c uc788uc5b4ub3c4 uc6b0ub9ac Mu sun yi li sao du wu liuc11cub85c uc0acub791ud558uae30ub85c uadf8ubfd0uc774uc57c Sao lu sa lang ha ki lu ke bu ni-aub098uc640 uacb0ud63cud574uc904ub798 I doNa wa kiao long hai ju lai I do 中文音译版【恩赫RAP】 Love~ oh baby my girl~ 库dei那也/抢不/动不 惜给/啊录/(大屋)(那也)/心不 惜你就心/桑木 【希澈RAP】 很博看嘎/有库(dei也)嘎/满 努内搜nun/木里呼里/出 嘎/满莫/里怕不里/tei dei/嘎几兜 那也撒郎/那也库dei/撒郎哈够/苏 那/门sei/哈(给有) 【晟敏】 库dei路/撒郎按/大/嫩买 piong /森没/一累就够/惜泼 【丽旭】 Would you marry me? no/撒郎啊(够啊)/gi缪/撒拉嘎够/惜泼 【强仁】 库dei嘎/恰米读给/麻大 内怕累/切哇就/够/惜泼 【韩庚】 Would you marry me? 一咯(那也)嘛舞/后拉K就类 【圭贤】 piong森/Q dei一苏给 I do no/撒郎哈嫩够 I do nun 挂皮嘎/哇兜/啊giu就/缪搜 I do no路起Q/就给my love 【小海RAP】 哈呀/读类苏努/里盆库dei 投惜/豆/一盆/那也某苏 怕够录木/嘛出有/口努努里 求/塔林挂/piu类 I swear 够几嘛/惜楼 Wi(惜木)/惜楼 撒郎哈nun/那也/共就stay/ with me 【始源】 屋里嘎/那一录/莫够豆 舞素缪/撒拉嘎/够惜破 【李特】 Would you marry me? 那也/摸等那路 很给/嘿就类 【丽旭】 (hi木)dei/够啊/留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 【艺声】 屋里/喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 【圭贤】 欧/类窘不投 no路/wi嘿/君比按 内/搜内比/那nun办/及路/怕大就 【艺声】 偶努挂/卡图嘛木楼 起古没雅/搜gi/有嘎类 Would you marry me? 【晟敏】 piong森/giu tei一苏给 I do no/撒郎/哈嫩够 I do nun 挂/皮嘎哇兜/啊giu /就缪搜 I do no路/几Q就给(I do) 【恩赫Rap 】 内/卡/ 库dei也给/ 读里够孙/ 撒郎怕给/(哦不)就 库求/库盆您够/博恰/嘎投就 搜/涂楼/博一够 嘛/你不/就K豆 那也撒郎/那也库dei/几Q/就给有 【神童Rap】 喊嘎及慢/有苏给/就类 木苏/你一/搜豆 屋里/撒楼撒郎/哈gi楼…. 库普(你雅) 【与RAP同步】 (hi木)读/够啊留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 屋里喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 【丽旭】 那哇/Q楼内就类 I do~~~

亚当莱文的歌第一句是just shoot tor the stars是什么歌

第一句歌词是:Just you shoot for the stars歌名:Moves Like Jagger演唱:Maroon 5(主唱:亚当·莱文 Adam Levine)Just you shoot for the starsIf it feels rightAnd in for my heartIf you feel likeCan take me awayAnd make it okayI swear i"ll behaveYou wanted controlSure we waitedI put on a showNow I make itYou say i"m a kidMy ego is bigI don"t give a sh*tAnd it goes like thisTake me by the tongueAnd i"ll know youKiss til you"re drunkAnd i"ll show youWant the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jaggerI don"t even try to control youLook into my eyes and i"ll own youWith the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jaggerBaby it"s hardAnd it feel like you"re broken in scarNothing feels rightBut when you"re with meI make you believeThat i"ve got the keySo get in the carWe can ride itWherever you wantGet inside itAnd you want to stirBut i"m shifting gearsI"ll take it from hereAnd it goes like thisTake me by the tongueAnd i"ll know youKiss til you"re drunkAnd i"ll show youWant the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jaggerI don"t even try to control youLook into my eyes and i"ll own youWith the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jaggerYou want to know how to make me smileTake control, own me just for the nightBut if I share my secretYou gonna have to keep itNobody else can see thisSo watch and learnI won"t show you twiceHead to toe, ooh baby, roll me rightBut if I share my secretYou gonna have to keep itNobody else can see thisAnd it goes like thisTake me by the tongueAnd i"ll know youKiss til you"re drunkAnd i"ll show youWant the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jaggerI don"t even try to control youLook into my eyes and i"ll own youWith the moves like jaggerI got the moves like jaggerI got the mooooooves like jagger

format code appears twice.该怎么处理

方法如下:  1. Formatter设置  Menu: SuiteCloudIDE -> Preferences... -> JavaScript -> Code Style -> Formatter  快捷键:Command + ,  Active profile中显示的是当前正在使用的代码自动格式化配置。点击“Export All...”按钮可以导出Eclipse中的代码自动格式化配置,点击“Import...”按钮可以导入本地已有的配置文件,导入和导出的文件都是xml格式。可以点击“New...”按钮,在Eclipse中的一个已有配置基础上,新建一个自己的配置。  进行Formatter设置后,你就可以使用Option + Command + F或者右键菜单Source -> Format格式化选择的代码。(Mac快捷键)  2. Save Actions设置  选择“Perform the selected actions on save”以及下面的三个复选框,其中“Format source code”就是根据前面设置的Formatter对Save文件中的代码进行自动格式化,整个JS文件都会被Format。

travel to all corners of the world gets easier这篇短文


Suspicious Minds (Live Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Minds (Live Album Version)歌手:Dwight Yoakam专辑:Dwight LiveElvis Presley - Suspicious MindsWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?But here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m crying(Yes I"m crying)We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeah

radio personality是什么意思

radio personality 网络 广播人物;[例句]It seems there"s a small-town radio personality called.好像在一个小镇有个个人电台名人叫。

Give some helpful tips for overseas business travel.

Traveling abroad for business on a tight schedule and only for a short period of time can be hectic. However, if you can follow my helpful tips for oversears business travel, you would not be feeling so tired nervous.First, bring with you enough clothes. It is better to check the weather in advance and wear appropriate clothes. You may also want to consider to take one to two business suits and shoes with you since you are on a business trip. Second, get enough business cards and other business essentials. Since you are going to meet a lot of people on your trip, you need to hand out your cards and maybe even a booklet about your company and business. Third, always have a suit, underwear, and your personal hygiene products with you. Don"t check these things with your luggage on an airplane. If you lost your luggage, you don"t have to fumble over buying a lot of things that may not even fit, and these things would come in handy.Fourth, Get all you travel documents and IDs together, put them in a waterproof document folder.


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英语air-conditioned shelters怎么翻译?

翻译“ 空调住所”如果有需要翻译的英文。你可以打开微信扫码翻译。这样你就方便了呢







Believe Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Believe Yourself歌手:GILLE专辑:GILLEsound Vol.1Believe YourselfGILLE作词:GILLE作曲:GILLE, Red-TTime思うよりずっと早く过ぎてくDays足りないToo fastPastでもね、二度と戻らない时间ってI know知ってる头の中と今の自分惨めで耻ずかしくなったり迷ったことも 悔しいことも明日につながってるからBelieve yourself 君だけのゴールへ(You know what should do)谁かに言われたからじゃない (Go on! baby)Believe you 君の力信じて(You can change yourself)君の歩んだ足あと わかるのは君だけGoing超えたい想い 焦りすぎてWhy?进めない时も YeahDon"t look back何か本気でやり続ける大切さってI know知ってる変わらない现状 本当イヤになるここから逃げ出したくなっても目の前の道 どんな道でも歩くのは一人だからBelieve yourself 君を待つゴールへ(You know what should do)谁かに言われたからじゃない (Go on! baby)Believe you 君の力信じて(You can change yourself)君の歩んだ足あと わかるのは君だけ自分で描くMy story全てに意味があるからこれでいいかなんて振り返ってる时间ないけど君だけの It"s your lifeねぇ、闻いて谁も君の代わりになんてなれないNo noBelieve yourself 君だけのゴールへ(You know what should do)谁かに言われたからじゃない (Go on! baby)Believe you 君の力信じて(You can change yourself)君の歩んだ足あと わかるのは君だけBelieve yourself and don"t look backBelieve yourself...


//解析XPATH指定的结点 DOMXPathNSResolver* resolver = xml_doc->createNSResolver(xml_root); DOMXPathResult* result = xml_doc->evaluate( X(xpath.c_str()), xml_root, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL); XMLSize_t nLength = result->getSnapshotLength(); temp = ""; if (nLength > 0) { result->snapshotItem(0); DOMNode* curentNode = result->getNodeValue(); if (*config[i][2].c_str() == "@") //代表要取相应结点的属性 { DOMNamedNodeMap* attrs = curentNode->getAttributes(); DOMAttr* attr = (DOMAttr*)attrs->getNamedItem(X("id")); if (NULL != attr) { char* to_char = XMLString::transcode(attr->getValue()); temp = to_char; free(to_char); } } else if(config[i][2] == "value") //代表要取相应结点的cdata { char* to_char = XMLString::transcode(curentNode->getTextContent()); temp = to_char; free(to_char);

典范英语“Noisy neighbours” 概括

一个刻薄吝啬的的人,他有两个吵闹的邻居,一个是音乐教师,一个是汽车修理工,这个人不堪其扰,使了很多诡计,最后两个邻居终于要搬家了,结果却是这两个邻居互换了房子 ,英语的话你先用中文写,在用翻译器,在修改一下语病就行了


memeber,n.成员;分子;身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿);构件,部件。membership, n.会员资格;会员身份;会员全体。区别在于读法不同,member意在身体的各个部分(尤指胳膊或腿),membership意在会员资格,与身体无关系,偏向社会关系。

the personality potion 性格魔水 故事简介 最好是英文的

The Personality Potion The story mainly tells us that a shy boy called Danniel didn"t like his personality and always didn"t have much confidence in himself to do things he wanted.So he asked his uncle who was a scientist for help.Uncle gave him a bottle of personality potion.He said it would find out his good personalities inside his heart.Of course,Danniel believed it completely,after he tried that,he found himself changed into another person.The potion really worked!A several days later,he went to see Uncle.Uncle told Danniel the truth was that the potion was a trick.You believed yourself instead of believing the potion.

Members 怎么读




members是什么意思 英语members是什么意思

1、members 英[u02c8mu025bmbu0259z]美[u02c8mu025bmbu0259rz],n.成员; 分子; 会员; 身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿);member的复数。 2、[例句]We have 10 000 members spread all over the country.我们有1万名成员分布在全国各地。

The person I most admire (150字

The person I admire most is Lee Lai Shan who is the first windsurfer from Hong Kong winning an Olympic gold medal. I admire her because she has proved that Hong Kong could also produce outstanding athletes like other countries. When she was young she lived on the island of Cheung Chau where she entered the world of windsurfing under the guidance of her uncle. She practised windsurfing everyday very hard even on the days with bad weather. The main thing I admire about is her persistence. It is very difficult to keep practising daily because there are so many distractions that tempt you to give up your practice. However she had a strong determination and great enthusia *** in windsurfing that had allowed her overe the distractions which eventually earned her the gold medal. I would like to have such persistence as her which would surely be helpful to my studies. Another thing I like about her is that she was still very nice and humble to the others after she won the gold medal in 1996. She continued to practise hard as before and did many things to encourage the development of local sports. It appealed to me a lot. I am also very impressed that she was still as determined as before after winning the medal. Winning many other races thereafter she is absolutely an outstanding athlete! Finally I must take my hat off to Li Lai Shan whom I have much to learn from. 希望帮到你。 2013-08-20 22:22:25 补充: 我们名字的第二个字都是「月」呢 2013-08-21 00:34:06 补充: 最尾是 Lee Lai Shan 参考: 自己



lt,s teachers day什么意思


A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded ________ becoming a dancer. A、in B、




急!letters from you(Maximilian Hecker)歌词

john michael montgomery 专辑:letters from home My dearest son it抯 almost JuneI hope this letter catches up with youAnd finds you wellIt抯 been dry but they抮e callin?for rainAnd everything抯 the same ol?same In JohnsonvilleYour stubborn old daddy ain抰 said too muchBut I抦 sure you know he sends his loveAnd she goes on in a letter from homeI hold it up and show my buddiesLike we ain抰 scared and our boots ain抰 muddyAnd they all laugh like there抯 something?funny 慴out the way I talkWhen I say mama sends her best y抋llJohn Michael MontgomeryI fold it up and put it in my shirtPick up my gun and get back to workAnd it keeps me drivin?onWaitin?on letters from homeMy dearest love it抯 almost dawnI抳e been lyin?here all night longWonderin?where you might beI saw your mama and I showed her the ringMan on the television said somethingSo I couldn抰 sleepBut I抣l be alright I抦 just missin?youAnd this is me kissin?youX抯 and O抯 in a letter from homeI hold it up and show my buddiesLike we ain抰 scared and our boots ain抰 muddyBut they take it hard 庆ause I don抰 read the good partsI fold it up and put it in my shirtPick up my gun and get back to workAnd it keeps me drivin?onWaitin?on letters from homeDear son I know I ain抰 writtenSittin?here tonight alone in the kitchen it occurs to meI might not have said it so I抣l say it nowSon you make me proudI hold it up and show my buddiesLike we ain抰 scared and our boots ain抰 muddyBut no one laughs 庆ause there ain抰 nothin?nothing funny when a soldier criesAnd I just wipe my eyesI fold it up and put it in my shirt Pick up my gun and get back to workAnd it keeps me drivin?onWaitin?on letters from home







when is teachers day一般怎么回答

when is teachers day意思是教师节是什么时候。 回答是: Its on September 10th. 九月十日。 扩展资料   When is this fighting going to stop?   这场战斗要打到什么时候?   When is the final date for the submission of proposals?   呈交提案的最后日期是什么时候?   When is your next appointment?   你下一次预约时间是什么时候?   When is Nanny coming to stay?   奶奶什么时候来住?   When is the press conference?   记者招待会何时举行?

请问教师节用英语,the Teachers’ Day


Teachers Day是哪种说法?


Teachers Day的答案是什么?



It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don't want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time.' I will be a teacher when I grow up. 九月十日是教师节。我认为教师是世界上最伟大的人,因为他们教会我们读书写字,更重要的是他们教会我们如何做人。他们对每个学生都很好,不想让任何一个人掉队。他们和学生们关系融洽。他们是我们的好朋友。当学生有困难时,他们会及时帮助学生。等我长大了,我也要当一名教师。 Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man. Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too. 每年的九月十日是教师节。在那天,我们通常送卡片采表示我们对老师的谢意。我感谢他们在我困难的时候帮助我,我感谢他们教会我怎样做人。 当然他们对所有的学生都很关心,他们与学生的关系非常融洽。他们不仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的朋友。他们十分爱我们,而我们也非常敬爱他们。 National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher. I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine ang smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our buliding. Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she aslo told me that"s very common like many yong people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat ems and made some phone call.I just can"t remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!!! Another teacher"s day,to all the teachers,to our parents.Teachers" Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.  Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.教师节是每年9月日。在那天,我们通常送卡片表示我们对老师的谢意。我感谢他们在我困难的时候帮助我,我感谢他们教我如何成为一个真正的人。    当然,他们对每一个人非常友好。他们与我们相处得很好。他们不仅是我们的老师而且我们的朋友。他们爱我们,我们也爱他们


应该分开写Teachers" Day专有名词:教师节。所以是两个词。

请问教师节用英语,the Teachers’ Day


teachers day是几月几日

teachers" day是指教师节,教师节是在每年的九月十号,这一天是所以老师的节日。

teachers day是几月几日

Teachers Day is on September 10th。9月10日教师节。 teacher:n.教师;教员;老师;先生 扩展资料   How well does the teacher structure the lessons?   老师对课程组织安排得如何?   The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.   老师给每个儿童布置的作业都不相同。   Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher.   耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。


教师节Teacher"s Day
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