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Personal Keywords 什么意思

2023-07-16 02:16:51
Personal Keywords



英 [u02c8pu025c:su0259nl] 美 [u02c8pu025c:rsu0259nl]
adj.个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的
n.(报刊上的)人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯
复数: personals


英 ["ki:u02ccwu025c:ds] 美 ["ki:u02ccwu025c:ds]


Search tool makes searching all your personal news items for specific keywords a breeze.






2023-07-15 23:15:114


2023-07-15 23:15:332


personal[英] [ˈpɜ:sənl][美] [ˈpɜ:rsənl]adj.个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的;n.(报刊上的)人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯;[例句]He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。[复数]personals
2023-07-15 23:15:491


personal所有形式如下:personal的名词形式是:person。n.人;人称;位;人们;法人;身体;人身;本人;自然人;自己。词形变化:复数: people、persons。短语搭配:in person,亲自business person,商人famous person,名人;知名人士;有名的人average person,普通人young person,未成年人in one"s own person,本人;亲自be one"s own person,做自己喜欢的事;保持自己的喜好;依个人的性子做;保持自己的个性The guilt of a person on trial must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.受审者的犯罪证据必须确凿。The winner is the person who can get there quickest with the mostest.带着最多东西最快到达那里的人就是获胜者。A person dying in a fire — doesn"t it make your skin crawl?一个在火中垂死挣扎的人——难道那不让你毛骨悚然吗?The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.言外之意就是,没有任何在那银行的人是有责任的。personal adj.个人的;私人的;涉及私人的;涉及隐私的;人身的;身体的;人称的;有人性的;人身攻击的n.私人信息发布;私人广告复数: personals短语搭配:personal space,私人空间;个人空间;私人场所;个人时间;私人时间personal life,个人生活;个人生命;私人生活personal experience,个人经验;个人体验;个人经历personal information,个人信息;个人资料;个人资讯personal statement,个人声明;个人陈述;个人说明personal responsibility,个人责任;人事责任personal characteristics,个人特征personal fulfillment,自我实现;个人成就personal computer,个人计算机The company struck out the first time it tried to manufacture personal computers.该公司初次尝试生产个人电脑时就失败了。Customers prefer to write the messages themselves for more of a personal touch.顾客们喜欢自己写留言以增添点个人色彩。
2023-07-15 23:15:561


personal造句如下:I have something personal to discuss with you.我有点私事和你商量。I need your advice on a personal matter, but it"s not about me.有一件私事我想听听你的建议,但不是我的事。It is my own, growing out of my personal concern.是我自己提出的,完全出于我个人的关切。Within two hours, I got my personal statement done.仅花了两个小时,我就把个人陈述写好了。Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。personal解析如下:一、读音英式发音:/ˈpɜːsənəl/美式发音:/ˈpɜːrsənəl/二、释义n. 个人,私人adj. 个人的,私人的,个别的三、词形变化复数:personals四、常用短语personal information - 个人信息personal belongings - 个人物品personal hygiene - 个人卫生五、用法personal的基本意思是“私人的,个人的”,指涉及一个人或许多人中间的每一个人的,不属于公众或一般人的; 也可作“本人的,亲自的”解,指仅仅亲自做的或是两人之间发生的; 还可作“关于个人的,人身攻击的”解。当personal指与人或身体有关的事时,可作“人体的,外貌的”解。 personal用作法律用语,意为“属于个人的,可动的”。 personal还可用作语法术语,意为“人称的”。 personal在句中可用作定语或表语。六、例句Congress has got no right to interfere with a fellow"s personal liberty.国会无权干涉个人自由。We do nothing without personal liberty.没有人身自由,我们什么也做不成。This is a personal inquiry.这是一次私人问话。I"d like to speak to Mr. Davis about a personal matter.我想和戴维斯先生谈一件私事。He wanted to have a personal visit to that factory.他想亲自去参观那家工厂。
2023-07-15 23:16:182

英语翻译-“出席人士”可以翻译成presented personal吗?

personaladj. 个人的;身体的;亲自的n. 人事消息栏;人称代名词出席人士people present-----------------------------------7×24小时在线为您解答!满意点【采纳】,不满点【追问】,再问点【求助知友】
2023-07-15 23:16:552


【 #英语资源# 导语】友情是人最保贵的财富,无论你走到哪,身处何方,都会有一段温馨的回忆伴随着你。友情是金子,友情不像铁,越练,越氧化,最后化成一缕轻烟。它像块金子,越练,越纯,永远闪烁着金色的光芒。友情是一瓶很纯的葡萄酒。越陈,就越醇,也越甜。友情是一缕很淡的花香。越淡,是人越依恋,也越能持久,越沁人心脾。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】关于大学生友谊的英语演讲稿   Friedship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. Poeple who have close fireds naturally enjoy their company. Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with frieds intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. Moreover, we may even get some practical suggestions for solving a particular problem.   Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial. In the former stage, older people are upset by feelings of uselessness and insignificance. In both instances, friends can make a dramatic difference. With close friends in their lives, people develop courage and positive attitudes. Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality; the elderly apporoach their advaanced years with optimism and an interest in life. These positive outlooks are vital to cope successfully with the crises inherent in these two stages of life.   Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support, and help. Almost everyone has a "network" of friends: co-workers, neighbors, and schoolmates. While both men and women have such friends, evidence is accumulating that indicates men rarely make close friends. Men are sociable and frequently have numerous business acquaintances, golfbuddies, and so on. However, firendship does not merely involve a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very personal level. Customatily, men have shied froem close relationships in which they confide in others. By bottling up their emotions, men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negativete feeling.   People choose some friends because thy are fun to be with; they "Meke things happen". Likewise, common intersts appear to be a significant factor in selecting friends. Families with children, for instance, tend to gravitate tovard families with children. It is normal to befriend people who have similar lifestyles, and organizations such as Parents without Partners have appeared on opportunity to socialize, make new acquaintance and friends, obtain helpful advice in adapting smoothly to a new lifesyle. Other groups focus on specific interst such as caming or politics. It is perfectly acceptable to select friends for special qualities as long as there is a balanced giving and taking that is mutually satisfying.   Very cloes and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed or derided, and their confidences will be bonored. Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friedship.   As friendships solidify, ties strengthen. Intimate relationships enrich people"life. Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness, and some common intersts.   Circumstance and people are constantly changing. Some friedships last "forever"; others do not. Nerertheless, friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 【篇二】关于大学生友谊的英语演讲稿   every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. my friends will listen to me when i want to speak, will wipe my eyes when i cry, will take care of me when i am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.   as students, we could share more time with our friends. the friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. i often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. especially when i had justin as one of my best friends. justin was my english teacher from the usa. i met him in 1996 when i was a student who could only speak very little english. justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. he taught us english by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. i could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on christmas eve. it was so interesting and unforgettable. justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study english well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others" lives. i know there was friendship and pure love in our hearts. facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. justin is the best friend i have ever had, and i know i will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.   friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. it is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it is also like a cup of tea. when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.   however, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. they work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. of course, we don"t deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. all of us have to spare some time for personal lives. we have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. when staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. we can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. i should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.   as we know, we would feel lonely if we didn"t even have a friend. but it doesn"t mean we could depend on our friends all the time. there is a famous motto saying that “a friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” it is really true. we have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. when we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can. 【篇三】关于大学生友谊的英语演讲稿   For interpersonal relationships, I gradually summed up one of the most in line with the principle of my nature, that is, mutual respect and affinity. I believe that all good friendship is formed naturally and not deliberately obtained. I also think that no matter how good of friends should have a distance, the friendship is too often crowded empty.   Get along with others, especially if you are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lessons learned, I bet you, you must have encountered the same, even if you are engaged in different occupations.   Philosophers, poets, musicians, artists have their own jargon. Sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. Sometimes, speaking with a different meaning of jargon.   but can not climb the hills, the gap between the soul of it is insurmountable. Peer jargon we say, spit out the voice of a friend.   Among the most profound distinction is not professional, and in the soul.   Professor of Communication to see the bookstore to sell the success of surgery patients like best-selling book, I feel funny. A person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, or interested in something, try to do it successfully, it would have been natural. Do not memorize the main points on the cross can not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual cause, we can see how the lack of real emotion really interested. However, there is no real emotion, how it will be true friends? Not really interested in, how will it really cause? That being the case, why should diligently and success in communication? That of course there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortcut to the crowd and affairs. I do not know how, only know that if this kind of communication at home, I approached him, I will definitely be more lonely, if such a successful stand in front of me, I will definitely be even more boring.   Study, such as making friends, but at least one exception is the time to teach the kind of book arts friends.   Personals surgery hing real friends perish.   Friendship is tolerance. For this reason, a friend once enemies, it is often irreversible, the differences that they must be very serious, and has reached the point where can not be condoned.   Only between good friends can be such a thing occurred in Dear John, in the past between the more difficult, more difficult to repair the cracks now, and seems to maintain an acquaintance too unnatural. As for those who have only acquaintance, handed over the case of non-payment of the two may be, it is not a Dear John.   Extraversion personality people easy access to many of my friends, but always a few true friends. Introversion are lonely, once friends, often is true.
2023-07-15 23:17:031


陈国富,人名。在中国较为普遍,如浙江省林业厅副厅长陈国富;又如台湾著名导演、监制陈国富,代表作为《征婚启事》与《双瞳》。 导演陈富国,至2011年,他监制的电影已创造了近30亿元的票房成绩,其间更是为华语电影市场挖掘并扶植了诸多主流商业电影导演,包括: 魏德圣(《双瞳》,2002)、苏照斌(《爱情灵药》,2002)、 陆川(《可可西里》,2004)、滕华涛(《心中有鬼》,2006)、纽承泽(《情非得已之生存之道》,2006)、曹保平(《李米的猜想》,2007)、高群书(《风声》,2009)、杜家毅(《转山》,2011)、 林书宇(《星空》,2011)、乌尔善(《画皮2》,2012)与冯德伦(《太极》,2012)等
2023-07-15 23:17:112

谁能帮我翻译一下这篇 德语 急急 急 在线等

2023-07-15 23:17:302


2023-07-15 23:17:485


这个网站的服务器应该被封杀了 或者服务器暂停了 导致不能访问
2023-07-15 23:18:041

sex pistols有壹首谁知道歌词

是不是这个In the closed down market Kicking up the papers with his worn out shoes In his eyes you see no pride Hands held loosely at his side Yesterday"s paper, telling yesterday"s news So how can you tell me you"re lonely And say for you that the sun don"t shine Let me take you by the hand And lead you through the streets of London I"ll show you something To make you change your mind Have you seen the old girl Who walks the streets of London Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags She"s no time for talking She just keeps right on walking Carrying her home in two carrier bags In the old night cafe at a quarter past eleven The same old man sitting there on his own Looking at the world over the rim of his teacup Each tea lasts an hour, and he wanders home alone Have you seen the old man Outside the seaman"s mission Memory fading with the minor ribands that he wears In our winter city the rain cries little pity For one more forgotten hero And a world which doesn"t care
2023-07-15 23:18:125

求Rupert Holmes的Escape (The Pina Colada Song)带时间的歌词

会用吗?把下面歌词复制到文本文档,把后缀名 .TXT改成 .LRC 即可。操作过程:桌面上点鼠标右键--新建文本文档--重新命名--把 文本文档 。TXT 改成 文本文档。LRC 再把歌词跟歌曲名字一样即可后缀名就是 “文本文档。TXT ” 中的 “。txt “ 假如你的电脑显示的是文本文档,后面没有显示“。txt ”的话那么打开 我的电脑--工具--文件夹选项--查看--隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名(打勾去掉)--确定OK,现在可以看到后缀名了 先操作一遍吧,很简单的,不懂再继续追问,留下你的邮箱。在我上线时候,直接发文件给你。[ar:rupert holmes][ti:escape][00:14.51]I was tired of my lady, we"d been together too long.[00:19.41]Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song.[00:28.49]So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed.[00:35.50]And in the personals column, there was this letter I read:[00:42.37]If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[00:49.59]If you"re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.[00:53.90]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[01:03.31]I"m the lady you"ve looked for, write to me, and escape.[01:23.87]I didn"t think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean.[01:30.85]But me and my old lady, had fallen into the same old dull routine.[01:37.98]So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad.[01:42.10]And though I"m nobody"s poet, I thought it wasn"t half-bad.[01:49.17]Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[01:58.38]I"m not much into health food, I am into champagne.[02:05.26]I"ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape.[02:12.39]At a bar called O"Malley"s, where we"ll plan our escape.[02:32.94]So I waited with high hopes, then she walked in the place.[02:39.89]I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face.[02:46.77]It was my own lovely lady, and she said, "Oh, it"s you."[02:51.64]And we laughed for a moment, and I said, I never knew...[03:00.58]That you liked Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[03:07.72]And the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne.[03:14.41]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[03:21.42]You"re the love that I"ve looked for, come with me, and escape.[03:41.99]If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[03:48.86]If you"re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.[03:53.55]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[04:02.74]You"re the love that I"ve looked for, come with me, and escape
2023-07-15 23:18:272


2023-07-15 23:18:341

假设你是李华 暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职 已写好申请书和个人简历,给

2023-07-15 23:18:433

这个视频没有字幕能帮我列出来吗?? 感谢!!!!!!

Grass is gramen or herba. 草是“GRAMEN” 或“HERBA” Lapis is stone. “LAPIS”是石头 The entire building is aedificium 整栋建筑物是 “AEDIFICIUM” Sit. 坐 l"ll be teaching this class through exams. 这堂课由我教到学期终了 We"ll find a permanent English teacher during the break. 我们会在假期中找到 一位永久的英文教师 Who will tell me where you are in the Pritchard textbook? 谁告诉我,你们普利察 那本教科书上到哪里? 安德森先生 Mr. Anderson. 在普利… - Uh, in the, in the Pr-- - l can"t hear you, Mr. Anderson. 我听不见,安德森先生 在普利察课本里 ln the, in the, in the Pritchard? Kindly inform me, Mr. Cameron. 请告诉我,卡麦隆先生 We skipped around a lot, sir. We covered the Romantics and some of the chapters on Post Civil War literature. 我们多半是跳着上的 我们上过浪漫主义和一些 内战后文学的章节 What about the Realists? 现实主义呢? l believe we skipped most of that, sir. 我想多半都没上到 All right then, we"ll start over. 好,那我们从头来 什么是诗? What is poetry? 进来 Come. 对不起 Excuse me. l came for my personals. Should l come back after class? 我来拿私人物品 我该下课后过来吗? Get them now, Mr. Keating. 现在就拿,基廷先生 Gentlemen, turn to page 21 of the introduction. 各位,翻到序言21页 Mr. Cameron... 卡麦隆先生 大声念出普利察博士所着 “了解诗”这篇出色的短论 read aloud the excellent essay by Dr. Pritchard... on 11Understanding Poetry.11 That page has been ripped out, sir. 那页被撕掉了 Well, borrow somebody else"s book. 那就借别人的书 都被撕掉了 - They"re all ripped out, sir. - What do you mean, they"re all ripped out? 都被撕掉了,什么意思? - Sir, we, uh-- - Never mind. 老师,我们… 算了 念 Read! 了解诗,作者普利察博士 11Understanding Poetry by Dr. J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D. To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent with its meter, rhyme and figures of speech. 为充分了解诗 首先语法在韵律、押韵 和修饰上必须流畅 然后问两个问题 Then ask two questions: One, how artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered? 一,诗篇的目的 表现得多么技巧? 二,上述目的有多么重要 And two... how important is that objective? Question one rates the poem"s perfection. Question two rates its importance. 问题一评价诗的完美性 问题二评价其重要性 这两个问题得到答案后 And once these questions have been answered, determining the poem"s greatness... 决定一首诗伟大与否 即将成为一件相当简单的事 becomes a relatively simple matter. 如果诗在完美上的分数 以座标水平方向表示… lf the poem"s score for perfection is plotted on the horizontal of a graph--"" - Mr. Keating! They made everybody sign it. - Quiet, Mr. Anderson. 基廷先生,他们逼大家签字 安静点,安德森先生 请你一定要相信我 - You gotta believe me. lt"s true. - l do believe you, Todd. 我相信你,陶德 离开,基廷先生 - Leave, Mr. Keating. - But it wasn"t his fault! 可是不是他的错 坐下,安德森先生 Sit down, Mr. Anderson! One more outburst from you or anyone else... 你或其他人如果再爆发 你们都将被本校退学 离开,基廷先生 and you"re out of this school! Leave, Mr. Keating. l said leave, Mr. Keating. 我叫你离开,基廷先生 O Captain, my Captain! 船长!我的船长! Sit down, Mr. Anderson! 坐下,安德森先生 Do you hear me? Sit down! 听到我的话没?坐下 Sit down! 坐下 这是我最后一次警告你 安德森 This is your final warning, Anderson. 你真大胆 How dare you? 听到我的话没? Do you hear me? O Captain, my Captain. 船长!我的船长! 奥佛史区先生 我警告你,坐下 Mr. Overstreet, l warn you! Sit down! Sit down! 坐下 Sit down. All of you. 你们都坐下,我叫你们坐下 l want you seated. Sit down. 坐下 离开,基廷先生 Leave, Mr. Keating. 所有人坐下 我叫你们坐下,听见没? All of you, down. l want you seated. Do you hear me? 坐下 Sit down! 谢谢你们,同学们 Thank you, boys. Thank you. 谢谢你们 参照《死亡诗社》原剧本
2023-07-15 23:19:092


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本名:周咏轩 似乎是台南人(不确定),之前在加拿大温哥华念书 2005年初回台湾休假,帮朋友走秀时,认识了现在的经纪人 他的经纪公司叫 CASTEMARK 卡司盟 生日:不确定年 约1976~1978 3/2 双鱼座 身高:178 体重:62 (他说后来有健身 应该有比较重了) 以上,都是根据我在他以前玩交友的地方找到的资料 这是他参与的奇摩家族 但是不管是家族还是交友都停了 man"s uno 2005.11有他的专访 他最早接触的杂志就是man"s uno(似乎是2005.4开始) 其他陆续比较有看到他出现的便是M"S了 拍摄作品如下 《Slap The Monkey 两千三百万种死法》wasir & 许玮伦 第一个MV 陈绮贞《旅行的意义》在冲绳拍摄 其他如下 孙燕姿《第一天》 蔡诗芸《一脸清秀》 阿杜 《I do》 王心凌 《睫毛弯弯》 张惠妹 《不要乱说》 蔡依林 《开场白》 苏慧伦 《轮廓》? 广告有 中华电信 3G DISCOVERY篇 MAZDA3 m&m"s巧克力 以上是我所知道的 参考资料 自己(wasir的fans) * 2006-06-15 09:26:16 补充 他不是混血儿...是道地的台湾人 周咏轩 英文名: Wasir 身 高: 178cm 生 日: 3月2日 星 座: 双鱼座 语 言: 中文、台语、英文 演出经历 【Short film】 二千三百万种死法【With 许玮伦】、抢来的人生【With 李康宜】 【TV commercial】 中华电信、Microsoft、Mazda 3/2.0s、Moto Razr V3x (HK) 1day acuvue(HK)、Delifrance (HK)、Pringles (HK)、SK 3G Telecom ( Korea)、Franch Coffee(Korea)【Print】 Moto、Converse、Big Train Jeans、In Homme、Blueway Jeans、恒生银行(HK) 【Book】 女人都爱花(Writer by 小米) 【MV】 孙燕姿「第一天」、陈绮贞「旅行的意义」、阿杜「I do」、王心凌「睫毛弯弯」、张惠妹「不要乱说」、苏慧伦「轮廓」、Jolin「开场白」蔡诗芸《一脸清秀》
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personal 英[u02c8pu025c:su0259nl] 美[u02c8pu025c:rsu0259nl] adj. 个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的; n. (报刊上的) 人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯; [例句]He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。[其他] 复数:personals
2023-07-15 23:20:571

anything too personal是什么意思

2023-07-15 23:21:053

onedrive personal是什么意思

2023-07-15 23:21:132


1.星光大道:华谊兄弟电影工坊、华谊兄弟电影学院、杜克弗莱明小火车。2.非诚勿扰专区:爱飞360度球幕飞行影院、机场观光车、吻党碰碰车、轻舞飞扬跳伞塔、冰天使旋转木马。3.集结区:温河窑厂保卫战VR赛道骑行、室内互动射击游戏。4.羊城宝贝现场:Pawa Rorty小升降跳跃者、李大侠秋千、蟹哥哥和妈妈看车、Elizabe升降舞者、莲花精灵水平旋转自控飞机、鱼大家族过山车。5.太极区:天威易过山车、特洛伊环境特效剧场、摇滚朋克双臂摆锤、蒸汽怪车转杯、英雄路XD互动影院、武术俱乐部大型互动游戏、郅都姬神营地赛道式互动射击项目。6.田童帝国区:红色火焰甲虫大型旋转滑轮游乐设备、沈坤中式“海盗船”、凤武九天飞椅游乐设备。7.华谊兄弟电影世界的各种演出,如《怪咖破天》、《盛世大游行》、《惊天大案》、《Roi personals》、《我是大明星》等。
2023-07-15 23:22:251

世界上最长的英文句子是哪句? (单词要最多,是比较自然的句子,不是人工故意制作出的句子)

这就是世界上最长的英文句子,一本英文合同解读的书,书里为了论述英文法律中的句子是多么地冗长和繁琐,列举了以下的例句 In the event that the Purchaser defaults in the payment of any installment of purchase price, taxes, insurance, interest, or the annual charge described elsewhere herein, or shall default in the performance of any other obligations set forth in this Contract, the Seller may: at his option: (a) Declare immediately due and payable the entire unpaid balance of purchase price, with accrued interest, taxes and annual charge, and demand full payment thereof, and enforce conveyance of the land by termination of the contract or according to the terms hereof, in which case the Purchaser shall also be liable to the Seller for reasonable attorney"s fees for services rendered by any attorney on behalf of the Seller, or (b) sell said land and premises or any part thereof at public auction, in such manner, at such time and place, upon such terms and conditions, and upon such public notice as the Seller may deem best for the interest of all concerned, consisting of advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city in which the security property is located at least once a week for Three successive weeks of for such period as applicable law may require and, in case of default of any purchase, to re-sell with such postponement of sale or resale and upon such public notice thereof as the Seller may determine, and upon compliance by the Purchaser with the terms of sale, and upon judicial approval as may be required by law, convey said land and premises in fee simple to and at the cost of the Purchaser, who shall not be liable to see to the application of the purchase money; and from the proceeds of the sale: FIRST, to pay all proper costs and charges, including but not limited to court costs, advertising expenses, auctioneer"a allowance, the expenses, if any required to correct an irregularity in the title, premium for Seller"s bond, auditor"s fee, and all other expense of sale occurred in and about the protection and execution of this contract, and all moneys advanced for taxes, assessment, insurance, and with interest thereon as provided herein, and all taxes due upon said land and premises at time of sale, and to retain as compensation a commission of five percent (5%) on the amount of said sale or said sales; SECOND, to pay the whole amount then remaining unpaid of the principal of said contract, and interest thereon to date of payment, whether the same shall be due or not, it being understood and agreed that upon such sale before maturity of the contract the balance thereof shall be immediately due and payable; THIRD, to pay liens f record against the security property according to there priority of lien and to the extent that funds remaining in the hands of the Seller are available; and LAST, to pay the remainder of said proceeds, if any , to the vendor, his heirs, personals representatives, successors of assigns upon the delivery and surrender to the vendee of possession of the land and premises, less costs and excess of obtaining possession. 这个句子,仅一个句号,共计515个单词。希望能帮到你
2023-07-15 23:22:321


  高考有哪些优秀的满分作文,可以给我们写作的时候提供一些帮助的?下面是我给大家整理的高考英语写作范文,供大家参阅!   高考英语写作范文1   假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:   1.表示歉意;   2.说明原因;   3.另约时间。   注意:   1.词数100左右;   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。   范文:   Dear Bob,   I"m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.   Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we"ll have more time to read and select books. If it"s convenient for you, let"s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.   Yours,   Li Hua   译文:   很抱歉,我不能和你一起去书店星期五下午。我刚刚发现我要参加一个下午的重要的课堂。我希望这个变化不会给你带来太大的麻烦。   我们星期六上午去好吗?我们可以早出发,以便我们有更多的时间来阅读和选择书。如果方便的话,我们8:30在校门口见面。如果没有,让我知道什么时候最适合你。我应该在放学后的任何时间都在学校。   高考英语写作范文2   假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司 *** ,已写好申请书和个人简历resume。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式format   注意:   1. 词数100左右;   2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。   范文:   Dear Ms Jenkins,   I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the ing summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor.   In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital pany. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don"t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I"m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me.   Looking forward to your reply. And I"d be really thankful.   Yours,   Li Hua   译文:   我是李华,我写信告诉你我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。   为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做 *** 工作。我已经完成了我的工作申请和个人简历。但这是我写的申请和个人简历的第一时间,我甚至不知道有什么要注意。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。   期待你的回复。我真的很感激。   高考英语写作范文3   假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部photography club将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:   1.主题:环境保护;   2.展览时间;   3.投稿邮箱:[email protected]   注意:   1.词数100左右;   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。   范文:   Dear Peter,   Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in wele to participate. I know you take good pictures and you"ve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that themethe last time you visitedour school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, youcan send your photos to .   Hope to hear from you soon.   Yours   Lihua   译文:   我们学校摄影俱乐部将举办国际高中学生摄影展。主题的展示是环保。它将从6月15日开始,持续三周。有兴趣的学生参加。我知道你拍了好的照片,你总是想做一些环保的事。我记得你告诉我,你上一次主题的一些照片visitedour学校。这无疑是一个很好的机会让更多的人看到他们。如果你想加入,你可以传送你的照片。   希望不久能收到你的来信。    看过高考英语写作范文的人还:
2023-07-15 23:22:381


  关于友谊的英语演讲稿有哪些?我为大家整理了关于友谊的初中英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。   篇1   Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.   Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.   Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.   篇2   For interpersonal relationships, I gradually summed up one of the most in line with the principle of my nature, that is, mutual respect and affinity. I believe that all good friendship is formed naturally and not deliberately obtained. I also think that no matter how good of friends should have a distance, the friendship is too often crowded empty.   Get along with others, especially if you are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lessons learned, I bet you, you must have encountered the same, even if you are engaged in different occupations.   Philosophers, poets, musicians, artists have their own jargon. Sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. Sometimes, speaking with a different meaning of jargon.   but can not climb the hills, the gap between the soul of it is insurmountable. Peer jargon we say, spit out the voice of a friend.   Among the most profound distinction is not professional, and in the soul.   Professor of munication to see the bookstore to sell the success of surgery patients like best-selling book, I feel funny. A person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, or interested in something, try to do it successfully, it would have been natural. Do not memorize the main points on the cross can not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual cause, we can see how the lack of real emotion really interested. However, there is no real emotion, how it will be true friends? Not really interested in, how will it really cause? That being the case, why should diligently and success in munication? That of course there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortcut to the crowd and affairs. I do not know how, only know that if this kind of munication at home, I approached him, I will definitely be more lonely, if such a successful stand in front of me, I will definitely be even more boring.   Study, such as making friends, but at least one exception is the time to teach the kind of book arts friends.   Personals surgery hing real friends perish.   Friendship is tolerance. For this reason, a friend once enemies, it is often irreversible, the differences that they must be very serious, and has reached the point where can not be condoned.   Only between good friends can be such a thing occurred in Dear John, in the past between the more difficult, more difficult to repair the cracks now, and seems to maintain an acquaintance too unnatural. As for those who have only acquaintance, handed over the case of non-payment of the two may be, it is not a Dear John.Extraversion personality people easy access to many of my friends, but always a few true friends. Introversion are lonely, once friends, often is true.   篇3   Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.   As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends. Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in 1996 when I was a student who could only speak very little English. Justin was a vivid young man with a bright *** ile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve. It was so interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to studyEnglish well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others" lives. I know there was friend   ship and pure love in our hearts. Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.   Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.   However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. Of course, we don"t deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves pletely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.   As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn"t even have a friend. But it doesn"t mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.   Finally, let"s pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let"s pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts.   看完“”的人 1.3篇 2.关于友谊的英语演讲稿 3.关于友谊的英文演讲稿 4.初中英语1分钟演讲稿4篇 5.初中英语课前演讲稿3篇
2023-07-15 23:22:461

personal address什么意思

2023-07-15 23:22:554

water based gel personal lubricant是什么意思

2023-07-15 23:23:024

purpose of paymentpersonal use

为您解答支付目的: 个人使用
2023-07-15 23:23:184

刘若英 英文介绍

2023-07-15 23:23:262


Transcript of Commencement Speech at Stanford given by Steve JobsSlashDot ^ | 6/14/2005 | Steve JobsThank you. I"m honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college and this is the closest I"ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That"s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months but then stayed around as a drop-in for another eighteen months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife, except that when I popped out, they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, "We"ve got an unexpected baby boy. Do you want him?" They said, "Of course." My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start in my life. And seventeen years later, I did go to college, but I na07vely chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents" savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn"t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and no idea of how college was going to help me figure it out, and here I was, spending all the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out, I could stop taking the required classes that didn"t interest me and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting. It wasn"t all romantic. I didn"t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends" rooms. I returned Coke bottles for the five-cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example. Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer was beautifully hand-calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn"t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans-serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can"t capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me, and we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts, and since Windows just copied the Mac, it"s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on that calligraphy class and personals computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college, but it was very, very clear looking backwards 10 years later. Again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever--because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.
2023-07-15 23:23:451

single is simple,double is trouble.

single is simple 一个是简单double is trouble 两个是麻烦这里意思是说,单身很简单,两个人(结了婚)很麻烦。通常是拿来讽刺婚姻的if you want sth, please work for it如果你要什么,请你努力争取
2023-07-15 23:23:543


2023-07-15 23:24:212

oa equipment中文翻译

3 . appped in home electronic apppances , munitcaiton system , illumination , oa equipment , satelpte tv receiving system , miptary fields and so on 3适用于家电通讯照明办公自动化卫星电视接收系统军品等领域。 In addition , we have built up a sopd reputation in the oa equipment field by supplying stable , high - quapty products thanks to the pne automation of our inspection equipment 再则,检查机器流水线化,用高品质来供应稳定的产品,而且在oa机器领域也得到了好评。 Electronic equipment such as audiovisual equipment and white goods , and oa equipment , in which a reduction in power consumption is required during standby , as well as a range of electronic equipment including control power supppes for security and industrial equipment Av家电白物家电oa机器等时消费电力低减必要电子机器机器?业机器制御电源等各种电子机器。 《 office equipment technology and information 》 is the only authoritative technicapty magazine about reprography industry in china . the magazine could be used by all corporations and personals taking on office - auto . equipment and consumable technology developing , research , using , serving and selpng . its contents include direction , extending production , technology munion , experience of serving , testing and managing , knowledge popularization about oa equipment 该期刊从1979年创刊至今已整整26年,其前身是《复印》 , 2000年更名为《办公设备技术与信息》 ,在国内外享有一定知名度,深得从事办公自动化行业各界同仁的厚爱。
2023-07-15 23:24:281


What qualities are most important to you in a partner?For example,intelligence,sense of humor,money. Would you like to have a boyfriend or girlfriend who was a lot more attractive than you?What about a husband or wife? If you cheated on your partner,would you tell him or her?Why or why not? Would you move to a place far from your family and friends to be with the person you loved?Why or why not? Describe a perfect romantic evening. Is it common for couples to live together before marriage in your country?Would you want to live with someone before marriage?Why or why not? How old were you when you went on your first date?Who was it with?Where did you go and what did you do? Would you continue to date someone you really liked if your parents did not like this person?Why or why not? Would you ever consider using the personals to find a date?Why or why not? Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage?Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than those that are arranged? Have you or anyone you"ve known ever met someone over the Internet? Do you think that these types of relationships can be successful?Why or why not? (TO A GIRL) Would you ask a man out?Why or why not? (TO A GUY) Would you like it if a woman asked you out?Why or why not? Do women usually work after getting married in your country?Why or why not? More than half of American marriages end in divorce.What do you think are some of the reasons for this?
2023-07-15 23:24:371

“一个人表演的时间” 用英语怎么说拜托

time for solo performance
2023-07-15 23:24:583


be yourself
2023-07-15 23:25:067

Escape - The Pina Colada Song中文歌词是什么?

2023-07-15 23:25:282


  演讲稿具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点。在快速变化和不断变革的新时代,演讲稿的使用越来越广泛,怎么写演讲稿才能避免踩雷呢?以下是我为大家收集的初中英语演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 初中英语演讲稿1   For interpersonal relationships, I gradually summed up one of the most in line with the principle of my nature, that is, mutual respect and affinity.   I believe that all good friendship is formed naturally and not deliberately obtained.   I also think that no matter how good of friends should have a distance, the friendship is too often crowded empty.   Get along with others, especially if you are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lessons learned, I bet you, you must have encountered the same, even if you are engaged in different occupations.   Philosophers, poets, musicians, artists have their own jargon.   Sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said.   Sometimes, speaking with a different meaning of jargon.   but can not climb the hills, the gap between the soul of it is insurmountable.   Peer jargon we say, spit out the voice of a friend.   Among the most profound distinction is not professional, and in the soul.   Professor of Communication to see the bookstore to sell the success of surgery patients like best-selling book, I feel funny.   A person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, or interested in something, try to do it successfully, it would have been natural.   Do not memorize the main points on the cross can not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual cause, we can see how the lack of real emotion really interested.   However, there is no real emotion, how it will be true friends? Not really interested in, how will it really cause?   That being the case, why should diligently and success in communication? That of course there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortcut to the crowd and affairs.   I do not know how, only know that if this kind of communication at home, I approached him, I will definitely be more lonely, if such a successful stand in front of me, I will definitely be even more boring.   Study, such as making friends, but at least one exception is the time to teach the kind of book arts friends.   Personals surgery hing real friends perish.   Friendship is tolerance.   For this reason, a friend once enemies, it is often irreversible, the differences that they must be very serious, and has reached the point where can not be condoned.   Only between good friends can be such a thing occurred in Dear John, in the past between the more difficult, more difficult to repair the cracks now, and seems to maintain an acquaintance too unnatural.   As for those who have only acquaintance, handed over the case of non-payment of the two may be, it is not a Dear John.   Extraversion personality people easy access to many of my friends, but always a few true friends.   Introversion are lonely, once friends, often is true. 初中英语演讲稿2 女士们,先生们:   下午好!我的演讲题目是沙尘暴。   沙尘暴是我国北方地区春季日益频繁发生的一种恶劣天气。虽然我才13岁,但也经历过多次了。   我想大家对上月发生的沙尘暴记忆犹新,它席卷了11个省,给我国造成了很大的损失。   正如您从电视上看到的,沙尘暴所到之处,狂风卷着黄沙和尘土肆劣横行,有时候一些大树都被从中间吹倒了。鸟儿失去他们的家园,孩子们也找不到回家的路,就像到了世界末日。   当沙尘暴发生时,我们的教室也充满了沙尘。可怜的老师,尽管已饱受粉笔灰之苦,现在又不得不待在灰尘中。可怜的"同学们,他们告诉我简直都要窒息了!   我们热爱美丽的春天,我们珍爱明媚的阳光。但是沙尘暴给这些蒙上了阴影,我们知道,沙尘暴是大自然母亲对我们破坏生态劣行的惩罚。要重新看到蔚蓝的天空和明媚的春光,我们必须绿化山川,保护环境。如果我们现在就开始,还不晚。   虽然这是一项艰巨的任务,但是我们必须勇敢地面对,因为这是一场我们必须获胜的战斗!
2023-07-15 23:25:381


2023-07-15 23:25:592


went for two weeks last summer I stay with to grandfather my
2023-07-15 23:26:222


2023-07-15 23:26:316


  有一种感情叫友情,有一种缘分叫友谊!朋友之谊,请好好珍惜!下面是由我精心为大家整理的“英语演讲稿友谊”,更多优秀的文章尽在,欢迎大家阅读,内容仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助!   英语演讲稿友谊【一】   There is an umbrella support for a long time, the rain stopped but also would not take; There is a bunch of flowers has smelled for a long time, wither would not lose; there is a hope to the permanent friendship, even if the black hair become gray hair, but also deep in my heart reserved. When reading this short message Meaningful, my heart always filled with bursts of warm.   What is friendship? Friendship is an in-depth relationship. Friendship is comfortable and relaxed. Building a friendship from casual friends. Building friendships takes time. Friendships require self-disclosure so any friendship has risks, Talking and listening builds friendships. Friendships require equality and loyalty from friends. Maintenance of friendships is crucial. Friendships can"t be neglected.   One-on-one contact is a prerequisite of friendships. Friends must be flexible. Between the friends has the conflict to solve can maintain the friendship.   He is my friend, not sweet, pleasant, there are real actions; without the mask of hypocrisy, there is a real blessing. He is my friend, when I frustrated, dispirited when his coaching my heart, give me courage and confidence to overcome difficulties; when I caught in distress, hardship and unbearable when he rushed to me to lend a helping hand. He is my friend, when I was in trouble, he gave me the bright moonlight garden. He is my friend, when I gratefully thanked him, he disappeared in the crowd. Friendship is inportant,a good friend is the most inportant in our life.We need a good friend!   as we know, we would feel lonely if we didn"t even have a friend. but it doesn"t mean we could reply on our friends all the time. there is a famous motto saying that “a friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” it is really true. we have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. when we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.   Finally, let"s pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. let"s pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts.   英语演讲稿友谊【二】   Dear friends, hello everyone!   Friendship is a lamp in life. Today, I would like to talk to you about the topic of " friendship".   Friendship is the most daily, the most natural, the most simple, is also the most need in the spiritual life of people; But it is the ideal of art, the feelings of poetry, the most affected by the spirit of the times. None of us in this world is isolated, we need not only affection, more need friendship. Friendship is a precious wealth that we have never found in our lives. the greatest pleasure in the world is friendship, mutual care and help, wisdom and friendship. they are the only light that illuminates our darkness. In the noisy world, can talk with his confidante is a great pleasure for life.   What is true friendship? Ancient Rome"s pilatus once said: " friendship forged in adversity is the most precious thing in the world. " I believe you must have seen the film Madagascar, smart and lovely zebra Marty, heavy feeling heavy righteousness lion Alex, funny giraffe melman, and pregnant hippo gloria mistakenly crashed into Madagascar island, they help each other, improve the friendship between each other. What moved me was that when the zebra disappeared, the partners did not abandon it and ran out of the zoo at the risk of a wide range of search. In the lion helpless, pain, loneliness, partners and gave it sincere love, let delicate and charming friendship flowers bloom in everyone"s heart, on them, flashing dazzling light of life. Four animals are surrounded by the warm light of love and friendship, touched by sincerity between each other, they are the happiest.   Let"s talk about our this session, we are already a sixth grade students, more than half a year, everyone will say goodbye to his alma mater each rush things. In the last time, whether we use a tolerant, kind heart to treat students, the bad words and waving fists should also convergence? Hurt students once made can not be recovered, rather than lifelong regret as from now on, cherish friendship.   Friendship is a wealth that needs to be carefully saved and preserved. Friendship needs trust. trust is a bridge to build in the heart, a link to communicate the soul, and a string to vibrate the waves of emotion. Friendship needs tolerance, tolerance is the most attractive adhesive in interpersonal relationships, lubricant, it is like a flower, return you is so beautiful, is double happiness. Friendship is the rain of spring, the wind of summer, the fruit of autumn, the sun of winter, no one can measure the friendship at the foot of the road how long, friendship in the heart of the sea how deep, it is invisible, but gave birth to an amazing great.   Friendship between people is a panacea for the sick. Friendship, the mysterious union of the soul! The beautification of life, the consolidation of society!   Let us feel the society, feel life, feel the world, feel friendship   英语演讲稿友谊【三】 For interpersonal relationships, I gradually summed up one of the most in line with the principle of my nature, that is, mutual respect and affinity. I believe that all good friendship is formed naturally and not deliberately obtained. I also think that no matter how good of friends should have a distance, the friendship is too often crowded empty.Get along with others, especially if you are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lessons learned, I bet you, you must have encountered the same, even if you are engaged in different occupations. Philosophers, poets, musicians, artists have their own jargon. Sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. Sometimes, speaking with a different meaning of jargon. but can not climb the hills, the gap between the soul of it is insurmountable. Peer jargon we say, spit out the voice of a friend. Among the most profound distinction is not professional, and in the soul. Professor of Communication to see the bookstore to sell the success of surgery patients like best-selling book, I feel funny. A person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, or interested in something, try to do it successfully, it would have been natural. Do not memorize the main points on the cross can not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual cause, we can see how the lack of real emotion really interested. However, there is no real emotion, how it will be true friends? Not really interested in, how will it really cause? That being the case, why should diligently and success in communication? That of course there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortcut to the crowd and affairs. I do not know how, only know that if this kind of communication at home, I approached him, I will definitely be more lonely, if such a successful stand in front of me, I will definitely be even more boring. Study, such as making friends, but at least one exception is the time to teach the kind of book arts friends. Personals surgery hing real friends perish. Friendship is tolerance. For this reason, a friend once enemies, it is often irreversible, the differences that they must be very serious, and has reached the point where can not be condoned. Only between good friends can be such a thing occurred in Dear John, in the past between the more difficult, more difficult to repair the cracks now, and seems to maintain an acquaintance too unnatural. As for those who have only acquaintance, handed over the case of non-payment of the two may be, it is not a Dear John. Extraversion personality people easy access to many of my friends, but always a few true friends. Introversion are lonely, once friends, often is true.
2023-07-15 23:27:331


找了几近2小时!!!! 听歌词是if you like me...get car on the street 但是没找到歌啊!!忘高人指点
2023-07-15 23:27:415

rupert holmes - the pina colada song 求这首歌的中文歌词

2023-07-15 23:27:552


理论上是无限个,比如the cat in the hat do the dancing to the music from the radio on the bench near the bed in the corner of the room on the third floor of the mansion to the west of the city........应该够多了吧
2023-07-15 23:28:064


又是时候约会了 任何人都很难在约会中找到正确的立足点,但是对于那些HIV阳性的人尤其如此。与艾滋病病毒约会需要对一个困难的话题完全诚实。在进行任何性行为之前,需要进行一定程度的披露。 幸运的是,有多种资源致力于帮助艾滋病毒呈阳性的人找到最合适的伴侣。单击幻灯片以查看一些顶级HIV约会网站的摘要。 Poz.com致力于帮助艾滋病毒呈阳性的人。除了提供社区论坛,指南和医疗信息外,Poz.com还拥有自己的约会社区。 基本的POZ交友会员资格是免费的,您可以查看其他会员的个人资料,最多共享五张照片,并跟踪谁查看了您的个人资料。付费高级会员资格将您的个人资料放在其他匹配项的顶部,并允许您保存自己喜欢的搜索。 POZ Personals经常在约会的各个阶段向会员提供建议。 PozMatch成立于1988年,由HIV阳性个体拥有和经营,并向所有感染HIV的人开放。 基本会员资格是免费的,包括个人资料,五张照片,浏览,搜索和即时消息以及其他功能。高级会员资格包括所有这些功能,以及私人电子邮件,网络摄像头以及视频和支持服务。 PozMatch不仅适合浪漫关系。它还有助于联系寻求友谊的人。 HIV and Single提供论坛和资源,以跟上最新的HIV研究和治疗。它的任务是帮助艾滋病毒抗体阳性的人无需判断就能找到爱。 作为标准会员,您可以创建个人资料,添加无限数量的照片以及上传视频和音频剪辑。高级会员资格使您可以联系其他会员,发送和接收短信以及参加社区论坛。 该网站还为不熟悉在线约会或担心在线约会的人们提供约会安全提示。 Volttage.com是第一个专门为HIV阳性或HIV友好的同性恋者和双性恋成年男子创建的网站。模特,“ Project Runway”选手和艾滋病活动家Jack Mackenroth创建了一个无污渍的网站。 Volttage不仅是一个约会网站,还是一个完整的社交网络,可提供与HIV相关的新闻,健康信息以及一个名为Volttage Buzz的互补博客。 “ Positive”是专门为HIV,HPV,疱疹和其他性传播疾病(STD)患者设计的网站。自2001年以来一直在建立联系。在此网站上,您可以从60,000多个成功的约会案例中学习一些故事。 功能还包括现场约会顾问和在线聊天室。免费的应用程序是您查找潜在匹配并访问私人相册的另一种方法。 Hzone是针对HIV单身人士的第一大HIV约会应用程序。它使用基于位置的技术来查找您所在区域的匹配项。通过简单的滑动,您就可以匿名喜欢(或传递)潜在的匹配并发送直接消息。 并且由于受密码保护,您知道您是唯一访问您的个人数据的人。 HIV Passions是一个用于约会和寻找伴侣或情感支持的网站。这是一个针对HIV阳性单身人士的免费在线约会和社交网站。您可以创建一个新的个人资料或在Facebook上注册以开始查找和访问您的热门比赛。 除了匹配的单身人士外,该网站还包括聊天室,论坛和博客,视频频道和书评。 艾滋病患者会意识到,拥有性病并不意味着您可以或不应该找到爱。这个免费的交友网站可以让您在类似的情况下找到其他单身人士。 通过加入HIV People Meet,您可以使用实时约会顾问和其他支持服务。该网站还提供有关本地支持活动的信息,并提供成功约会的技巧。 如果您担心隐私并在线共享您的个人信息,那么Positives Dating可能是您的理想选择。每个配置文件均受到严格监控,该站点保证您的信息不会泄露或与其他组织共享。 这里有两件事要牢记: 披露您的身份。 如果您的伴侣不知道,您可能想在第一次约会时透露此信息。或者,您可能要等到知道这种关系有潜力为止。无论哪种方式,请务必在性接触之前告诉他们。 进行安全的性爱。 即使您和您的伴侣都是艾滋病毒阳性,使用保护也是必不可少的。这样做可以保护您免受性传播疾病的侵害,从而减少CD4的数量并引起其他并发症。同样,无保护的性行为也使您有患另一种艾滋病毒的危险。 由于在病毒治疗方面取得了巨大进展,十年前,艾滋病不再是死刑。确诊后,许多患有这种疾病的人可以与他人保持正常健康的生活。
2023-07-15 23:28:131

release order是什么意思

release order释放指令; 例句:1.All I saw was a release order from the client. 我只看到一张客户写的指示书。2.A prisoner who is released under a conditional release order must complywith the conditions of the order. 根据有条件释放令获释的囚犯必须遵守该命令的条件。
2023-07-15 23:28:202