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Role- play the conversation什么意思?

Role-play the conversation. 角色扮演对话。Anna:Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell mell me how?安娜:山姆,我想为星期六的聚会做俄罗斯汤。你能告诉我怎么做吗?Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage,four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables.山姆:当然。首先,买一些牛肉,一个卷心菜,四个胡萝卜,三个土豆,五个西红柿和一个洋葱。然后,把蔬菜切碎。Anna: What"s next?安娜:接下来是什么?Sam:Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.山姆:接下来,把牛肉,胡萝卜和土豆放进锅里,加一些水。然后,煮30分钟。然后,加入卷心菜,西红柿和洋葱,再煮10分钟。Anna: OK,that"s it?安娜:好的,就这样吗?Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, don"t forget to add some salt.山姆:不,还有一件事。最后,别忘了加点盐。

申博奖学金里面university fee是指什么

应该是减免读博时候的大学学费。助学金是一种金额最高、但竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用(Personal Expenses)。助学金在申请过程中竞争尤其激烈,一般除了要求较高的TOEFL、GRE或GMAT成绩外,还要有较好的国内学校成绩单、GPA、推荐信和读书计划(Personal statement),这些材料的准备要十分注意技巧,做到与众不同,才能顺利地拿到全额奖学金。奖学金的形式可以是规定一定的金额数量,作为某种奖学金形式(如Economic Scholarship, Graduate Scholarship等)颁发给成绩优异的学生,也可以是一种学费或杂费的全免(Tuition Scholarship 或 Tuition & Fees Scholarship)。此种奖学金的具体金额,随学院规定的学杂费金额高低而不同。奖学金不像助学金一样只有一种形式,它在同一所大学可能设置几种甚至十几种不同形式的奖学金,一个学生可以有资格同时申请两种以上的奖学金。通常来说,获得Scholarship的机率要比获得Fellowship的机率大一些,但Scholarship的金额比Fellowship要少一些。

Thorsten Pattberg的哲学属于西方哲学的哪一流派?或者是儒教?

1、Thorsten Pattberg只是一个德国学者。严格说来,他根本不是哲学家,不属于任何一个哲学流派。具体说来,Thorsten Pattberg是一个学者以及作家,他的主要著述范围为:文化批评以及中国文化与西方文化的对比研究。他出生于1977年6月20日;他会说汉语、英语以及德语;他治学的思想领域有:梵语与印度教,道教,中国和日本佛教,等;他的博士论文是关于儒教的。2、比较具体的关于Thorsten Pattberg的介绍,参见以下文字:Thorsten Pattberg (Dr. Pattberg ) is a German writer and cultural critic and an expert in Chinese-Western Comparative Studies. He is fluent in Chinese, English, and German, knowledgeable in Sanskrit and Hinduism, Taoism, and Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, and he wrote his doctoral thesis on the first European encounter with Confucianism. He is the author of "The East-West dichotomy", "Shengren", and "Inside Peking University", and has published articles in Asia Times, Global Times, China Daily, China Today, Shanghai Daily, Die Zeit (German Times), Korea Herald, and The Japan Times. He has given public lectures, and he is a member of several academic associations like the International Association of Comparative Mythology (IACM), the German East Asiatic Society (OAG), and the International Association for Comparative Study of China and The West (IACSCW). Dr. Pattberg is also an alumnus of The University of Edinburgh, Harvard University, The University of Tokyo, and Peking University.

问 关于scholarship和 scholar的区别


role-play是动词吗?我们老师说是名词,但是为什么后面又接了the conversation


ROLE-PLay the conversation.翻译





scholarshipIf you get a schorlarship to a school or university,your study are paid for by the school or university or by some other orgnization. eg. He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.bursaryA bursary is sum of money which is given to someone to allow them to study in a college or university.


一、助学金(Fellowship) 助学金是一种金额最高、但竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,一般情况下如果获得一所学 院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外 ,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用(Personal Expenses)。助学金在申请过 程中竞争尤其激烈,一般除了要求较高的TOEFL、GRE或GMAT成绩外,还要有较好的国内 学校成绩单、GPA、推荐信和读书计划(Personal statement),这些材料的准备要十分 注意技巧,做到与众不同,才能顺利地拿到全额奖学金。 二、奖学金(Scholarship) 奖学金的形式可以是规定一定的金额数量,作为某种奖学金形式(如Economic Scholar ship , Graduate Scholarship, etc.) 颂发给成绩优异的学生,也可以是一种学费或杂 费的全免(Tuition Scholarship 或 Tuition & Fees Scholarship),此种奖学金的具体 金额,随学院规定的学杂费金额高低而不同。奖学金不象助学金一样只有一种形式,它 在同一所大学可能设置几种甚至十几种不同形式的奖学金,一个学生可以有资格同时申 请两种以上的奖学金。通常来说,获得Scholarship的机率要比获得Fellowship的机率大 些,但Scholarship的金额比Fellowship要少一些。


fellowshipa feeling of friendship between people who do things together or share an interest 伙伴关系;友谊;交情 an award of money to a graduate student to allow them to continue their studies or to do research 研究生奖学金 an amount of money given to sb by an organization to help pay for their education 奖学金 Fellowship是竞争最激烈的一种奖学金,但是你一旦拿到了fellowship,就意味着拿到的是全奖,除了能够免除学费、保险费、书本费等费用外,还可以每个月领导一定金额的生活费。Scholarship的形式就比较丰富了,金额也不一定,学校可以定义不同主题和不同名称的scholarship,有些是merit based的部分奖学金,有些是因为在某方面表现特别出色而获得的专题奖学金。对于PhD申请者来说,你拿到的可能是Fellowship,也可能是Scholarship,有时候有些scholarship也会包含生活费,金额会和fellowship差不多,具体就要看学校和实验室的funding情况了。总体而言,fellowship的申请难度比scholarship要高,尤其是跟一些我们所说的“半奖”比起来。申请者需要在各方面都具有一定的竞争力,才有可能获得fellowship。


美国的全奖分为:RA (Research Assistantship)、TA (Teaching Assistantship) 和Fellowship。绝大部分中国留学生拿到的是RA (Research Assistantship)和TA (Teaching Assistantship)。  还有很少一部分人拿到Fellowship。RA,TA和Fellowship都能够满足学生在学校一年所需的各种费用,包括学费tuition和生活费living expenses。  全奖奖学金与Scholarship相区别  Scholarship的数量和金额相对很少,并因学校而异。单独的Scholarship一般都无法达到学生在学校一年所需的各种费用(学费tuition和生活费living expenses),所以,如果只拿到有限金额的Scholarship是不能叫做全奖的,通常Scholarship只有几千块钱,连交学费都不够。当然,也有个别资助,虽然叫Scholarship,但和Fellowship的性质是一样的。

fellowship 和 scholarship有什么不一样吗

fellowshipKK: []DJ: []n.1. 伙伴关系,交情,友谊[U]I bear the banker fellowship.我与那位银行家有交情。2. 共同参与,合伙关系[U]We appreciate fellowship in prosperity and adversity.我们赞赏甘苦与共的精神。3. 团体;团契;协会;联谊会[C]4. (给研究生等的)奖学金;讲学基金[C]I am applying for a fellowship.我在申请研究生奖学金。5. (大学中的)研究员职位,研究员薪金[C]He went abroad on a fellowship.他在研究员基金资助下出了国。6. (某些大学的)董事职位,评议员职位[C]scholarshipKK: []DJ: []n.1. 学问,学识;学术成就[U]The book is a fine piece of scholarship.这部书是一件优秀的学术成果。2. 奖学金[C][(+to)]He won a scholarship to Harvard.他获得奖学金去哈佛读书。


scholarship是可以有复数形式的。比方说我现在同时在申请两个不同的奖学金,就可以说:I am applying for two different scholarships at the same time. 一般复数情况多用来表示各种奖学金。比如某个大学所提供的各种奖学金,可以叫作College Scholarships.






scholarship奖学金双语对照词典结果:scholarship[英][ sk l p][美][ skɑ:l r p]n.奖学金; 学术; 学识; 复数:scholarships以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He created a scholarship program for brazilian kids. 他为巴西的孩子们创造了一个奖学金计划。



Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for twenty years before one da...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:C 试题分析:文章讲述了Mr. Brown去伦敦办事帮家人买雨伞的故事。小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第一句Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town.他在一家工厂上班说明他是一名工人,故B正确。小题2:C 上下文串联。根据he drew an umbrella on his hand. To his regret, he lost it at the station.说明C正确。小题3:A 推理题。根据第二段2,3,4行The woman"s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it.说明他非常喜欢这把雨伞,一直想买这样的雨伞,而忘记了这是别人的。故A正确。小题4:C 推理题。根据文章最后一句Looking at the four umbrellas, the old woman was satisfied with herself. “It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.” She thought.说明题认为有另外4个人的雨伞被他拿走,而她却没有,所以为自己感到幸运。故C正确。点评:故事类短文要注意细节的理解。把握文章的故事发展的过程,注意时间,地点,人物。

Your password must be 8-16 characters long , and includeat least onenumber and capital letter


that small town was ___the capital of the country,用one 的适当形,填the first好像不通顺啊,用once?


In every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. .

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A 本文分析了生活中的一种随主流的现象,并指出了其危害,劝人们凡事应自己作主。小题1:主旨题。根据文章最后一段第1句Develop your own standards and your own judgment及其全文内容可推知此题答案为C。小题2:细节题。根据文章第2段第1句on some people bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming可推知此题答案为C。小题3:推断题。根据文章第3段第1句中的后半部分chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong可推知此题答案为A。

leased vehicles、Rental cars、Taxi之间有什么区别?求详细解答。

leased vehicles 这个是长租Rental cars 是短租。长租和短租的价钱不同。这就跟日租房和长租房差不多吧。lease 和rent都只租车,不带司机。一般租车的人自驾Taxi是出租车给你这篇文章参考一下

以The real enemy of life is ourselves为主题 写一篇英文演讲稿

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Today is a good day, and now is special occasion. Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful opportunity.I consider it a great honor to stand here to give a little speech.My tile is the real enemy in our life is ourselves.In our China, there goes a saying that if someone can"t swep a house by himself, then he can"t conquer the word.What a great truth! We want to be successful, so we work hard and crack many difficult questions.But we never think to conquer ourselves! Maybe that is the real reason that we have to face all kinds of failure.Maybe that is the real we hesitate to enter a contest even we have the special willing to do it.In fact, the questions we are facing are not the most difficult, the nost difficult question is ourselves.Our laziness, our lack of confident, our lack of single-mainded determination.We fear to fail, we fear to be looked down upon, we fear to be laughted at, and so on. All of these are the real enemy in our life.We must wake up. We must have the courage to breakthrough and conquer ourselves.We are always stonger than we think, but because of lacking of confidence, we dare not to achieve our dreams. We should remember to stand tall and never lose confidence. Because I kown, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. If you are donging your best, there is absolutely no need to worry about failure.

如何区分top和first ,前三名如何用英语讲?

前三名 top three [in the championship]

英语"当然"有几种说法.除了of course sure



rsa是一种加密算法RSA公钥加密算法是1977年由罗纳德·李维斯特(Ron Rivest)、阿迪·萨莫尔(Adi Shamir)和伦纳德·阿德曼(Leonard Adleman)一起提出的。1987年首次公布,当时他们三人都在麻省理工学院工作。RSA就是他们三人姓氏开头字母拼在一起组成的。

Concentric Cylindrical Conducting Shells/ Capacitors

infiinitely长固体导电圆柱壳半径为= 3.5厘米,厚度是可以忽略不计的定位与对称轴沿z轴如图所示。外壳带电时,有一个线性电荷密度λinner = -0.42μC / m。同心壳是另一个圆柱进行外壳的内半径b = 14.4厘米,和外半径c = 18.4厘米。这种导电外壳线性电荷密度λ外= 0.42μc / m。1。什么是V(c)V(a),这两个圆柱壳之间的电位差?2。的电容C,1米长度的导体系统?3。电荷密度的大小对内部和外部贝壳现在改变(保持λinner = -λouter),由此产生的电位差双打(Vca、新= 2 Vca、初始)。Cnew如何,1米长度的电容电荷密度时导体系统的改变,与C的初始电容1米长度的导体体系吗?4。λouter,新的吗?不会我只能帮你到这了


无论是做下载盘还是仓库盘,对于性能的要求都远低于系统盘的要求,所以功耗应该是主要考虑的对象。WD10EARS属于西数的绿盘系列,缓存是64M,其读/写功耗为5.30 瓦,闲置功耗为3.30 瓦,而st31000524as属于希捷的Barracuda 7200.12系列,缓存32M,其读/写功耗为



first time中英对照歌词

For The First Time(爱无止境)——中英文歌词For The First Time(爱无止境)Singer:Rod StewardAre those your eyes那是你的双眼Is that your smile那是你的笑容I"ve been looking at you forever我已凝望了你一生Yet I never saw you before却又好像从来没见过你Are these your hands holding mine握着我的是你的手吗Now I wonder how I could have been so blind我惊讶自己怎会如此沉迷And for the first time I am looking in your eyes第一次,我凝视着你的眼睛For the first time I"m seeing who you are第一次, 我把你看仔细I can"t believe how much I see我无法确信自己看见了多少When you"re looking back at me当你回望着我Now I understand what love is, love is那一刻,我明白了爱是什么For the first time这是第一次Can this be real这是现实的吗Can this be true这是真实的吗Am I the person I was this morning我就是早上的那个人吗And are you the same you你还是同一个你吗It"s all so strange所有的一切都如此奇妙How can it be怎么会是这样All along this love was right in front of me这份爱,就这样一直在我的面前And for the first time I am looking in your eyes第一次, 我凝视着你的眼睛For the first time I"m seeing who you are第一次, 我清楚的把你看仔细I can"t believe how much I see我无法确信自己看见了多少When you"re looking back at me当你回望着我Now I understand what love is, love is那一刻,我明白了爱是什么For the first time这是第一次Um ...嗯…Such a long time ago I had given up很久很久以前我早已放弃On finding this emotion寻找这份情感Ever again再一次But you"re here with me now你又与我同在Yes I found you somehow没错,我终究又找到你And I"ve never been so sure我从来没有如此的自信For the first time I am looking in your eyes第一次, 我凝视着你的眼睛For the first time I"m seeing who you are第一次, 我把你看仔细Can"t believe how much I see我无法确信自己看见了多少When you"re looking back at me当你回望着我Now I understand what love is, love is那一刻,我明白了爱是什么For the first time这是第一次For the first time这是第一次经典英文歌曲推荐:Que Sera, Sera(该怎样就怎样)El Condor Pasa(秃鹰飞去了)Yesterday Once More(昔日重来)Take Me Home, Country Roads(乡村路,带我回家)Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮)Say You, Say Me(说你,说我)Right Here Waiting(此情可待)The Sound Of Silence(沉默之声)My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒)Donna, Donna(多纳,多纳)Careless Whisper(无心快语)Yankee Doodle(扬基歌)All Out Of Love(失去的爱)Live To Tell(倾诉)La Isla Bonita(美丽海岛)I Will Always Love You(我将永远爱你)Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长)Do You Love Me Or Not(爱不爱我)My Love(我的爱)More Than I Can Say(爱你在心口难开)Days On My Past(童年)Rhythm Of The Rain(雨的旋律)Once Upon A Dream(曾经在梦里)30 Minutes(三十分钟)Happy Song(快乐歌)Heal The World(拯救世界)Earth Song(地球之歌)Ring My Bells(敲响我的铃铛)Hello(哈罗)As Long As You Love Me(只要你爱我)A Song For Mama(献给妈妈的歌)Frozen(夜幕下的精灵)Baby(宝贝)Fairy Tale(传奇)Take Me To Your Heart(带我走进你的心)Scarborough Fair(斯卡布罗集市)River Of Babylon(巴比伦河)Forever Young(永远年轻)For The First Time(爱无止境)I Walk This Road Alone(我要一直走下去)This Love(这份爱)I Need You(我需要你)Seasons In The Sun(阳光季节)



Dive (Acoustic Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dive (Acoustic Version)歌手:Ironica专辑:DiveArtist: Sarah BrightmanAlbum: DiveTitle: DiveFrom space,the planet is blueFrom space,the planet is the territoryNot of humans,but of the whale

Monsieur,il y a une personne___vous attend dans votre bureau.这里横线上填que还是qui

que.Monsieur,il y a une personne que vous attend dans votre bureau.

horse whisperer是什么意思

horse whisperer 轻声细语;马语者;情深说话未曾讲(电影)例句筛选1.I learnt to ride for The Horse Whisperer.为了演《马语者》,我学会了骑马。2.Forget "The horse whisperer" . Some people call this man the lion whisperer.忘了马语者吧。有些人称他为狮语者。3.Her debut single, "A Soft Place To Fall, " was featured in the film The HorseWhisperer .她的首支单曲,“温柔的坠落”成为了《马语者》的主题曲。

论文查重那个PaperSS和Paper PP、PaperYY都有什么区别?


Norah Jones的Covers专辑~ 谢谢!

全集种子 请查收 可以单选你要的专辑下载 2012年那张就是了 记得采纳 谢谢

kyiv taras shevchenko national university什么大学

Taras Shevchenko University or officially the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, colloquially known in Ukrainian as KNU is located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. KNU is ranked within top 500 Universities in the world founded in 1834. It is the third oldest university in Ukraine after the University of Lviv and University of Kharkiv. Currently, its structure consists of fifteen faculties (academic departments) and five institutes. It was founded in 1834 as the Kiev Imperial University of Saint Vladimir, and since then it has changed its name several times.

My ears are or-ange.是什么意思?


crossing my fingers是什么意思


cross my fingers.是什么意思


first fingers什么意思


I will cross my fingers是什么含义


cross my fingers是什么意思

cross one"s fingers或keep one"s fingers crossed。Cross one"s fingers. 即把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状。十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross one"s fingers有‘祝福"、‘祈求好运"的意思,例如:I am crossing my fingers that nothing untoward will happen to him.(我祈求不幸的事不会降临他身上)。Keep your fingers crossed for him. 即‘为他祝福吧"

cross our fingers是什么意思

cross our fingers 手指交叉

cross your fingers 是什么意思

cross your fingers交叉手指祈祷好运

请问 I will keep my fingers crossed for you! 是什么意思?先谢谢了哈!


Let's keep our fingers crossed

"Keep Fingers Crossed" 系一句西方谚语/俗语或一种民间嘅迷信文化 系有"Good Luck" 嘅意思. 手势系将中指叠过食指上面. 例句: "I wonder the project we submitted to the teacher will get an A-grade" "Let"s keep our fingers crossed." meltmagazine/15_2002/page4 图片参考:thm-a01.yimg/nimage/830437209a233404 fingers crossed me good luck so it me wish you good luck or wish yourself luck 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! ]Let"s keep our fingers crossed] me: Let"s wait and hope for good oute. *KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED -- From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman: "Hope for success. The saying derives from the superstition that bad luck may be averted by making the sign of the cross. Originated in the 1920s." 参考: Random House Dictionary

in a wayward course 翻译成中文是什么 意思?


英语in a wayward course怎么翻译?


fingers crossed简写

FCfinger crossed表示两指交叉这个手势,good luck的意思。特别表示祈求上帝的庇护时常常使用。 两指交叉实际上是十字架的形状,表示祷告,祈求上帝的庇护和自己的好运。一些运动员(比如球员)就常常用到。 也是人们常说的“祝你好运,祝你成功“。例句:Keep your fingers crossed that I get the job. 祝愿我找到那项工作吧。单词解析:1、finger 读音:英 [u02c8fu026au014bgu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a] n.手指;指状物;指针vt.伸出;告发;用手指触摸vi.用手指触摸;拨弄第三人称单数: fingers 复数: fingers 现在分词: fingering 过去式: fingered 过去分词: fingered2、crossed 读音

keep your fingers crossed的另外意思

意思是 为他祝福吧

keep my fingers crossed to 是什么意思

keep my fingers crossed to sth表示“双手合十期盼。。”如:“i keep my fingers crossed to an A in next exam,我双手合十期盼能够在接下来的考试中得到A

cross fingers什么意思

cross our fingers 的意思是“我们祝福(某人)”。这是英语中一个常用的祝福表达方式,也作 keep our fingers crossed。在不同的语境中也可表达“祝走运”、“祝成功”、“祝顺利”等等。Crossed fingers(语言表达为 to cross one"s fingers)最早是带有宗教意味的一个手势:将中指与食指交叉,食指在前中指在后,所表达的意思是 May God bless。16世纪时,英国人中间开始流传用这个手势来阻止邪恶的出现以保护自己。后来在别人打喷嚏、咳嗽时也用这个手势,意思是“上帝保佑”、“百病不侵”。现在,这个手势和语言形式延用到上述祝福性的表达。其它原始的语义也仍在使用。

keep my fingers crossed是什么意思


什么意思:keep your fingers crossed


cross our fingers是什么意思?


fingers crossed回答

fingers 是复数,最少2只以上. 这句话的翻译: 1、十指紧扣! 2、让我们保持手指紧扣.

fingers crossed什么意思

fingers crossedn.乞求好运网络祈愿

attending the course

这道题的意思是上课是非常有意义的,比如说我学会了在公共场合的举止,为演讲做准备还有与他人交流. 首先看这道题答案是考时态的题 behave in public prepare speechs communicates with others这三个短语用逗号和and连接,说明是并列关系,behave communicates 都是用的一般现在时,所以prepare也是现在时.

attending college or university是什么意思


there were over 2000students and teachers attend it.为什么要把attend改为attending?

非谓语动词作定语;在attend前加who 构成定语从句也可以。



谢谢你的帮忙....想问你Nursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム【恋之童谣】这个游戏有没有汉化版的?


5. The little horse looks like a mule.(改为一般疑问句)?

Does the little horse look like a mule?

耐克 nike solarsoft mule可以踩水吗

耐克 nike solarsoft mule是大面积网布料,可以踩水。但不建议一直湿水,不然面料容易损坏!

《Nursery rhyme》是什么故事?传说?电影?




wake me up when septembers ends歌词中文意思谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 The innocent can never last 那份纯真永远不会持久 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 like my fathers come to pass 就像父辈们来到这个世上是为了离开 seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 here comes the rain again 这里又下雨了 falling from the stars 从星星缓缓落下 drenched in my pain again 痛苦被浸湿了 becoming who we are 成为了真正的我们 as my memory rests 但是即使随着记忆停歇 but never forgets what I lost 我也永远不会忘记我所失去的 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 the innocent can never last 那份纯真永远不会持久 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 ring out the bells again 再次鸣响宣布离去的钟声 like we did when spring began 就像我们在春天开始时所做的那样 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 here comes the rain again 这里又下雨了 falling from the stars 从星星缓缓落下 drenched in my pain again 痛苦被浸湿了 becoming who we are 成为了真正的我们 as my memory rests 但是即使随着记忆停歇 but never forgets what I lost 我也永远不会忘记我所失去的 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 The innocent can never last 那份纯真永远不会持久 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 like my father"s come to pass 就像我的父亲来到这个世上并离开 twenty years has gone so fast 二十年时间过的如此之快 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我

var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; 这句话什么意思啊

var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; navigator.appVersion //获取浏览器版本navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") //indexOf 方法返回一个整数值,指出 String 对象内子字符串的开始位置。如果没有找到子字符串,则返回 -1。 后面的 ? true : false 意思就是如果前面的条件为真,也就是说找了MSIE的字符串,那就说明浏览器是MSIE的, 那么结果就是为true , 否则就是为false下面是简单例子:5 > 4 ? true : false结果就是为true 因为5确实是大于4的, 也就是说条件成立,最终的结果就是 问号后面的值, 如果条件为假那么结果就是 冒号后面的.

Fernando Saunders的《Jesus》 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus歌手:Fernando Saunders专辑:Plant A SeedJesus/Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C伤ついた抜け壳をただ 抱きしめていた【拥抱著受伤的躯壳】降り注ぐ雨は静かな 君の涙【雨静静地落下 如同你的眼泪】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から 【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 教えてくれ Maria..【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我 Maria..】「杀して..」と微笑みながら頬に触れた【一边微笑著说「杀了我」一边触碰著脸颊】见えない目に涙を溜めて消えて逝く【盈满泪水的眼睛已经什麼也看不见并逐渐消失 】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】God said when you die,【上帝说在你死之前,】Your life will pass before your eyes.【你的眼睛会在生命之前消失】If you want to feel it right now,【如果你想感受一下就现在】Just do it.. do it.. do it..【大胆的试一下.. 试一下.. 试一下..】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream?教えてくれ【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream?【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】Jesus/Gackt



Ice (Feat. Paul Wall) (Explicit Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ice (Feat. Paul Wall) (Explicit Album Version)歌手:Cadillac Don & J-Money专辑:Look At MeSarah McLachlan - IceThe ice is thin come on dive inunderneath my lucid skinthe cold is lost, forgottenHours pass days pass time stands stilllight gets dark and darkness fillsmy secret heart forbidden...I think you worried for me thenthe subtle ways that I"d give in but I knowyou liked the showtied down to this bed of shameyou tried to move around the pain but ohyour soul is anchoredThe only comfort is the moving of the riverYou enter into me, a lie upon your lipsoffer what you can, I"ll take all that I can getonly a fool"s here...I don"t like your tragic sighsas if your god has passed you by well hey foolthat"s your deceptionyour angels speak with jilted tonguesthe serpent"s tale has come undone you have nostrength to squanderThe only comfort is the moving of the riverYou enter into me, a lie upon your lipsoffer what you can, I"ll take all that I can getonly a fool"s here to stayonly a fool"s here to stayonly a fool"s here.

Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 如何设置成中文界面?


Eclipse(All Yours)暮光之城 求中文歌词!大神们帮帮忙

Eclipse(All Yours)暮光之城 中文歌词 All the lives always tempted to trade 所有生活都被诱惑着去做交易 Will they hate me for all the choices I"ve made 人们会因为我所做的选择而恨我吗 Will they stop when they see me again? 人们会对我望而却步吗? I can"t stop now I know who I am 我无法停止 现在我明白我所做的了 Now I"m all yours, I"m not afraid 现在我是你的了,我不怕 I"m yours always, say what they may 我将一直属于你,让他们说去吧 And all your love I"ll take to a grave 并且我将把你所有的爱带到坟墓中 And all my life starts now 而后我的生命现在便开始了 Tear me down they can take you out of my thoughts 当他们能够把你从我的思绪中抹去时我会哭泣 Under every scar there"s a battle I"ve lost 在每一条疤痕后面都有一场我输掉的战争 Will they stop when they see us again? 当他们看到我们在一起的时候会停止吗? I can"t stop now I know who I am 我无法停止 现在我明白我所做的了 Now I"m all yours, I"m not afraid I"m yours always, say what they may And all your love I"ll take to a grave And all my life starts (同上) Now I"m all yours, I"m not afraid I"m yours always say what they may And all your love I"ll take to a grave And all my life starts now



Eclipse java mars 怎么汉化

方法一:自动检索1打开浏览器,浏览“参考资料”内给出的“eclipse语言包下载”地址,在博客新页面找到地址链接,如图所示。“Babel Language...”开头的一栏下面就是各个eclise版本的语言包,此处以Indigo版为例。2目标锁定“Babel Language Pack Update Site for Indigo”行,将下面对应的网址复制到剪贴板。3打开eclipse,依次选择菜单栏“Help - Install New Software...”,如图所示,在打开的新窗口中点击“Add”按钮,然后在“location”文本框中输入刚刚复制的网址,点击“OK”按钮即可。4此时看到“Pending...”即正在等待中,用户等待片刻便会看到软件检索到的语言包列表,下拉垂直滚动条,选择“for eclipse”下的Chinese Simplified(简体中文)包,点击“next”按钮进入下一步。5过几秒中便跳到如下界面,仍然点击“next”按钮进入下一页面,勾选第一个“I accept...”单选框,点击“Finish”按钮完成设置。6之后,弹出“正在安装”窗体,用户等待片刻后,在弹出的“Security Warning”窗体中点击“OK”按钮,之后在弹出的又一窗体“Software Updates”中点击“Restart Now”按钮完成语言包的安装并重启eclipse。7重启eclipse后,便会看到汉化后的eclipse界面,汉化包在eclipse安装目录下。可以看到,汉化的不彻底,但不影响使用,有些地方必须要用英文形式。END方法二:link连接1仍然打开【参考资料】内给出的语言包下载地址,在页面中点击“Indigo”进入详细语言包下载页面,其他版本请点击旁边两个“Juno”、“helios”。2在Simplified Chinese(简体中文)列表下点击eclipse3.7版链接,如下图所示,在新页面中点击“[China]University of...”进行下载,悬在任意下载目录即可。3进入eclipse安装目录(例如桌面、D:program fileseclipse等),在安装目录内新建“language”文件夹(与eclipse.exe处于同一个文件夹内)。将下载的语言包解压后会有eclipse文件夹,eclipse文件夹下有两个文件夹“features”、“plugins”,若没有eclipse文件夹,则新建eclipse文件夹后将这两个文件夹放在eclipse文件夹内,然后将eclipse文件夹剪切到新建的“language”文件夹下。4在eclipse安装目录的根目录下新建links文件夹(和language文件夹在同一文件夹下)并打开此文件夹,然后在此文件夹下新建文本文档,并将文本文档的名称连同扩展名一同修改为“”文件名,如图所示。5修改好文件名后,打开此文件,点击“从已安装程序列表选择”、“确定”,选择以记事本方式打开。6以记事本打开后,在记事本中编辑刚刚在eclipselanguage下放入的语言包的地址,并且用“\”表示路径,如图所示,不要将文件夹language下的eclipse文件夹加到里面。7保存以上记事本中编辑的内容并关闭记事本,重启eclipse,一个中文版的界面便出现在你面前。

I suggested the person _____ to be put into priso

suggest表建议时,宾语从句要用虚拟语气the person (should) be put into prison,其中should可被省略,refered to是过去分词作the person的定语

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers怎么汉化

汉化包安装步骤:1、解压汉化语言包中的两个文件夹至Eclipse文件夹的dropins文件夹中。2、安装:方法一:使用命令行加参数启动Eclipse:Eclipse.exe -nl zh,可以创建一个快捷方式,然后附加以上参数,这样双击即可启动Eclipse简体中文版。方法二:打开Eclipse.ini,在最后面一行加上-nl zh推荐使用方法二,操作比较简单。汉化包下载地址:提示:官方汉化也不算完全汉化,因此有些地方仍是英文,且部分术语汉化得并不太准。比较推荐使用英文版Eclipse,养成使用英文软件进行开发的习惯。还有问题继续追问,可提供远程协助。

作为漫威系列的电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(Avengers: Endgame)这部影视作品怎么样?


retro reflectors是什么意思

retro reflectors反射器retron.(老式服装、音乐等的)重新流行,复旧,怀旧。例句与用法1. I mean . - to do then now would be retro-我是说-你现在要是这样,那就是怀旧了。 2. I mean . . . . - to do then now would be retro我是说… … -你现在要是这样,那就是怀旧了。 3. You " re like some kinda retro brady buncher就算火箭看到你,也会立即减速4. - i mean . . . . - to do then now would be retro-我是说… … -你现在要是这样,那就是怀旧了。 5. Angular diameter of the retro - reflecting device回复反射装置的角直径6. Ok , thank you . - look . this is so retro ,好的,谢谢你-瞧,这很老套7. - ok , thank you . - look . this is so retro ,-好的,谢谢你-瞧,这很老套8. Retro - reflective registration plates for motor vehicles and trailers汽车及挂车后向反射标牌9. Retro - reflective sheeting for road traffic signs公路交通标志反光膜10. Warning retro reflectors for defective automobiles故障车警告标志牌
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