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persistence是一个传输entity bean状态信息的协议,在entity bean的实例变量和下面的数据库之间。有的文件夹是系统程序文件加,不能删除,删除了会导致系统程序运行时的不正常。要全部删除一个文件夹里的文件,方法很简单,进入那个文件夹,然后用Ctrl+A全选,或者在空白的地方点鼠标右键,然后全选然后删除就可以了,如果你还要保留少量的文件,在全选操作以后按住Ctrl,点你需要保留的文件。


persistent [per"sist·ent || pu0259r"su026astu0259nt /pu0259-]adj. 固执的, 持续的, 坚持的


persistence_p_"sist_ns]_? 释义_. 固执, 坚持不懈, 持续(性), 存留(状态)_电] 持久_ the property of a continuous and connected period of time_ persistent determination_ the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior.

matlab中 persistent variables怎么用

persistent (表面意思是 持续的,连续的)Define persistent variable %%声明静态变量Syntax %% 语法persistent X Y Z %%定义局部变量 X Y Z



android persistent 属性有什么用

Android中,persistent 于preferencescreen中对布局界面的可控和高效有帮助,具体体现在:1、在Android系统源码中,绝大多数应用程序的UI布局采用了Preference的布局结构,而不是平时在模拟器中构建应用程序时使用的View布局结构,例如,Setting模块中布局2、FMRadio应用程序中则使用了View布局结构(可能是该应用程序。归根到底,Preference布局结构和View的布局结构本质上还是大同小异;3、Preference的优点在于布局界面的可控性和高效率以及可存储值的简洁性(每个PreferenPreferencece存储在相对应下的SharedPreference文件夹下)。


Lesson 68 第68课 Persistent 纠缠不休 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why did Elizabeth tell Nigel that she was going to the dentist? 为什么伊丽莎白告诉奈杰尔她去看了牙医? I crossed the street to avoid meeting him but he saw me and came running towards me. 我穿过马路以便避开他,但他看到我并朝我跑过来。 It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. 若再装作没看见他已是没有用了,我只好向他招手。 I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. 我就怕遇到奈杰尔.戴克斯。 He never has anything to do. 他从来都是无事可做, No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. 不管你多忙,他总是坚持要跟你去。 I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning. 我得想办法不让他整个上午缠着我。 Hello, Nigel," I said "Fancy meeting you here!" “你好,奈杰尔,想不到在这儿见到你。”我说。 Hi, Elizabeth," Nigel answered. "I was just wondering how to spend the morning--until I saw you.You"re not busy doing anything, are you?" “你好,伊丽莎白,”奈杰尔回答说,“我正不知道怎么消磨这一上午呢,正好见到好。你不忙,是吗?” No, not at all," I answered. "I"m going to..." “不,不忙,我打算去......”我回答。 Would you mind my coming with you?" he asked, before I had finished speaking. “我跟你一道去行吗?”没等我说完话他就问道。 Not at all," I lied, "but I"m going to the dentist." “没关系,但我准备去牙医那里。”我说了个谎。 Then I"ll come with you," he answered. “那我也跟你去, There"s always plenty to read in the waiting room!" 候诊室里总有很多东西可供阅读!”他回答。











persistent 可以设置service吗

方法:  对于一个service,可以首先把它设为在前台运行:  publicvoidMyService.onCreate(){  super.onCreate();  Notificationnotification=newNotification(android.R.drawable.my_service_icon,  "my_service_name",  System.currentTimeMillis());  PendingIntentp_intent=PendingIntent.getActivity(this,0,  newIntent(this,MyMainActivity.class),0);  notification.setLatestEventInfo(this,"MyServiceNotification,"MyServiceNotificationisRunning!",p_intent);  Log.d(TAG,String.format("notification=%s",notification));  startForeground(0x1982,notification);//notificationID:0x1982,youcannameitasyouwill.  }  -------------------------------  相较于/data/app下的应用,放在/system/app下的应用享受的特权,比如若在其Manifest.xml文件中设置persistent属性为true,则可使其免受out-of-memorykiller的影响。如应用程序"Phone"的AndroidManifest.xml文件:        设置后app提升为系统核心级别,任何情况下不会被kill掉,settings->applications里面也会屏蔽掉stop操作。  这样设置前的log:Proc#19:adj=svc/  #cat/proc/255/oom_adj  4  设置后的log:PERS#19:adj=core/  #cat/proc/155/oom_adj  -12#这是CORE_SERVER_ADJ  注:init进程的oom_adj为-16(即SYSTEM_ADJ):cat/proc/1/oom_adj

persistence 什么意思

persistence 坚持




在 MATLAB 中,如果一个变量被声明为 persistent,它将被存储在函数的工作空间中,并保留其值。当该函数再次调用时,该变量的值将保持不变。因此,persistent 变量的值将在函数调用之间保持不变。在 MATLAB 中,persistent 变量在命令窗口中的显示会有两种颜色。变量名的颜色通常为绿色,而变量值的颜色则为蓝色。这是为了提醒用户该变量是一个 persistent 变量,其值将在函数调用之间保持不变。这样的颜色区分在编写代码时可以帮助用户更好地识别哪些变量是 persistent 变量,并避免意外修改它们的值。需要注意的是,persistent 变量只有在其所在的函数中才是可见的。如果尝试在函数之外的命令窗口或其他函数中访问 persistent 变量,将会得到一个错误提示。

如何杀掉 persistent进程

右键任务栏——任务管理器,选择结束任务或结束进程一般都可以达到目的。而用taskkill/pid命令可以结束绝大多数进程。具体方法:1、右键任务栏——任务管理器——查看——选择列,然后把pid钩上, 在进程列表里就能看到PID值(是一个数字)。2、在开始菜单——运行,输入cmd,在打开的窗口输入taskkill/pid,空一个空格,输入上面的pid值,回车。

求用persistent 造句~ 并带中文翻译

持久的,稳定的The computer has a persistent connection to the internet.这台计算机有一个持久稳定的因特网连接。

perseverant persistent区别?

perseverant: [ .pə:si"viərənt ] a. 能坚持的persevering: [ .pə:si"viəriŋ ] a. 坚忍不拔的前者是指品质或者能力后者是指表现出来的一种精神




continuous: 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断persistent: 普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物

Android:persistent 于preferencescreen中有什么用?

是否要将preference存储到shared preferences中去






sustainable ,durative,lasting,unremiting,standing


consistentadj.1. 一致的,协调的,相容的,不矛盾的; 首尾一贯的 We can use the principle of virtual power to establish consistent boundary conditions.我们可以采用虚功率原理建立相容的边界条件.2. 一致的,一贯,前后一致,始终如一的;统一的 This conclusion is consistent with the idea that all atomic nuclear are built wholly of neutrons and protons.这个结论与如下的思想是一致的:所有的原子核全部由中子和质子组成.3. 言行一致的;坚定的,有操守的4. 符合,合乎,相符的 This low time constant is consistent with the stability requirements of close-loop control systems.这低时间常数是符合闭回路控制系统中稳定性的要求的.5. 可靠,稳定的persistentadj.1. 持续的,持续性;长期,持久,永久性的 It depicts the persistent underlying stability in economic relations or business activity over a period of years.它描述了一定年份期间经济关系或商业活动中持续的潜在稳定性.2. 持续存在,久久不散的,经久不散 If the American Civil War had not occurred, would slavery have been persistent for the rest of the century?如果美国不发生南北战争,奴隶制是否会持续存在到那个世纪末?3. 坚持的,百折不挠的;顽固的;持久不变的 He is often less persistent in verifying his experience than he would normally be.他常常不象在正常情况那么坚持检验自己的经验.4. 持久的5. 坚持的;固执的


persist 坚持




persistent 英[pu0259u02c8su026astu0259nt] 美[pu025au02c8su026astu0259nt, -u02c8zu026as-] adj. 持续的;坚持不懈的;持久的;坚持不渝 [例句]A persistent shortfall in demand will weigh on supply.持续的需求不足将对供给造成压力。***************************************************************^__^祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************


Persistent1. 坚持的,百折不挠的;顽固的;持久不变的2. 持续性的;【植】宿存的;【动】持续生存的 短语Persistent Pain顽痛;持续性痛;持续性疼痛;持续痛persistent infection持续性感染;持续感染persistent connection持久连接;持续连接 All of us admire their persistent efforts.我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。


adj.持续的; 坚持不懈的; 持久的; 坚持不渝;


persistent英 [pu0259u02c8su026astu0259nt] 美 [pu0259ru02c8su026astu0259nt]adj.持续的; 坚持不懈的; 持久的; 坚持不渝持久;坚持的;持续的;固执的派生词:persistently双语例句1. Shoppers picked their way through puddles caused by persistent rain. 购物的人们小心翼翼地择路避开由于连续下雨形成的水坑。2. His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped. 他咳嗽持续的时间越来越长,直到咳个不停。3. Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness. 反复受伤或治疗不当可导致长期跛足。4. Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers. 约翰尼是追她的人中最痴心、最没有心机的一个。5. His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored. 他一再试图向上级投诉,但都被挡了回来并置之不理。

1. the vizitors are (mainly) students 为什么不用main 2 mainly about是一个固定搭配, 这个mainly是修饰“be about” 的,也就是说对“关于”整体进行修饰,意思是“主要是关于”。2.有一个句型是it"s adj of sthto do sth =adj to do sth of it,这两个句型可以互换,都是对某人来说是怎样的。

英语题目!!Last month, Mr.and Mrs. Brown 1 to a big city for a day rest(休息). They 2 to go to the


中文啥意思:"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde


Timberwolves at New Jersey 歌词

歌曲名:Timberwolves at New Jersey歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Tell All Your FriendsTimberwolves At New JerseyGet up, get upCome on, come on, lets goThere"s just a few thingsI think that you should knowThose words at bestwere worse than teenage poetryFragment ideasand too many pronounsStop it, come onYou"re not making sense nowYou can"t make them want youThey"re all just laughingLiterate and stylish (literate and stylish)Kissable and quiet (kissable and quiet)Well that"s what girls dreams are made ofAnd that"s all you need to know(and that"s all you need to know)You have it or you don"t (you have it or you)You have it or you (don"t)You have it or youYou see how much time you"re wastin?You"re coward of seperatinStop it, come onyou know I can"t help itI got the micand you got the mosh pitWhat will it taketo make you admit that you were wrong?Was his demise so carefully constructed?Well let"s just say I got what I wantedCause in the end it"s always the same(you"re still gone)Lets goLiterate and stylish(literate and Stylish)Kissable and quiet (kissable and quiet)Well that"s what girls dreams are made ofAnd that"s all you need to know(and that"s all you need to know)You have it or you don"t(you have it or you)You have it or you (don"t) don"tThis is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye through the scopedown the barrel of a gun (gun,gun)Remind me not to ever act this way againThis is you trying hard tomake sure that you"re seenWith a girl on your armand your heart on your sleeveRemind me not toever think of you againThis is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye through the scopedown the barrel of a gunRemind me notto ever act this way again (again)again (again)This is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye on the scopedown the barrel of a gunI"ll never act this way againRest the weight(I know somethin that you don"t know)you"ve had your chance and foldedDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worseRest the weight(I know somethin that you don"t know)you"ve had your chance and foldedDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worse(I know somethin that you don"t know)This is me with the words(I know somethin that you don"t know)And you sure don"tHold your, hold your breath(I know somethin that you don"t know)Because you"ll only make things worseHold your breathBecause you"ll only make things worseHold your breath(I know somethin that you don"t know)because you"ll only make things worseDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worse!

How do you understand “Love Without Limitations”?是个简答题,几句话就可以,本周内都可以,谢谢!

There are many kind of love in the world, the love of family, the love of friends or the love of lover. The love from different people, but there all love, whatever you rich or poor, whatever you beautiful or ugly, whatever which ethnicity you from, whatever which language you speak, they still love you. That is what we called LOVE. You can give him your last bread or you can save his life when he"s in trouble, cuz we love them. Love is unrequited whatever hom much you pay.



护照里的endorsements and limitations什么意思



MYM直接按英文顺序读:Meet Your Makers。Meet Your Makers的真正意思是“见鬼去吧”,因此这个战队也被外界戏称为小恶魔。MYM很早之前就注册成为一家专业的游戏公司。MYM现在已经发展为一支世界闻名的专业电子竞技俱乐部,拥有世界各地的的顶级竞技选手。

MYM 全写是meet your makers 是什么意思


Butterfly (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly (Album Version)歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.Jason Mraz - ButterflyI"m taking a moment just imaginin" that I"m dancin" with youI"m your pole and all you"re wearing is your shoesYou got soul, you know what to do to turn me onuntil I write a song about youAnd you have your own engaging styleAnd you"ve got the knack to vivifyAnd you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if you likeThat"s if you crash and spend the nightBut you don"t fold, you don"t fadeYou"ve got everything you need, especially meSister you"ve got it allYou make the call to make my dayIn your message say my nameYour talk is all the talk, sister you"ve got it allCurl your upper lip up and let me look aroundRide your tongue along your bottom lip and bite downAnd bend your back and ask those hips if I can touchBecause they"re the perfect jumping off point of getting closer to yourButterflyWell you float on byOh kiss me with your eyelashes tonightOr Eskimo your nose real close to mineAnd let"s mood the lights and finally make it rightBut you don"t fold, you don"t fade, you"ve got everything you needEspecially meSister you"ve got it allYou make the call to make my dayIn you message say my nameYour talk is all the talk sister you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it allDoll I need to see you pull your knee socks upLet me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over hereClimb in my mouth now childButterfly, well you landed on my mindDammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled insideNow I see you perfectly behind closed eyesI wanna fly with you and I don"t wanna lie to youCause I, cause I can"t recall a better daysI"m coming to shine on the occasionYou"re an open minded ladyYou"ve got it allAnd I never forget a faceIf I"m making my ownI have my daysLet"s face the fact here, it"s you that"s got it allYou know that fortune favors the braveWell let me get paid while I make you breakfastThe rest is up to you, you make the callYou make the call to make my dayIn your message say my nameYour talk is all the talk, sister you"ve got it allCause I can"t recall a better dayI"m coming to shine on the occasionYou"re a sophisticated lady, oh you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all….Butterfly, baby, well you"ve got it allKevin Boul, share with you!





on Thursday afternoon ,Mrs Clarke locked the dioe


完形填空 On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the d

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the door星期四下午,克拉克夫人锁的门。

china has been developing rapidly these years 语法吗


uiextendedgraycolorspace 1 1 什么色

olor是UIKit中存储颜色信息的一个重要的类,一个UIColor对象包含了颜色和透明度的值,它的颜色空间已经针对IOS进行了优化。UIColor包含了一些类方法用于创建一些最常见的颜色,如白色,黑色,红色,透明色等,这些颜色的色彩空间也不尽相同(白色和黑色是kCGColorSpaceDeviceGray,红色的色彩空间是kCGColorSpaceDeviceRGB)。  此外UIColor还有两个重要的属性:一个是CGColor,一个是CIColor(5.0之后添加)。这两个属性就可以把UIColor,CGColor,CIColor三个对象联系起来了,后面会详细介绍这三者之间的转换。二、CGColor  CGColor主要用于CoreGaphics框架之中,CGColor其实是个结构体,而我们通常在使用的CGColor的时候使用的是它的引用类型CGColorRef。CGColor主要由CGColorSapce和Color Components两个部分组成,同样的颜色组成,如果颜色空间不同的话,解析出来的结果可能会有所不同。这就像我们在处理图片数据的时候,如果把RGBA格式当成BGRA格式处理的结果可想而知。在Quartz 2D中CGColor常用来设置context的填充颜色,设置透明度等。1、如何创建一个CGColor,最常用的函数



Adjectives of personality

A: arrogant傲慢的 aggressive好斗的 有干劲的 anti-social反社会的 不合幝 B; brave勇敢的 belligerent好战的 bossy专横的 爱指挥他人的 C: cunning狡猾的 cruel残忍的 considerate体贴的 D: dishonest不诚实的 demanding高要求的 diplomatic说话得体的; 圆滑的 E: easy-going随和的 earnest诚挚的 eccentric古怪的 反常的 F: friendly友好的 faithful忠诚的 fearless无畏的 G: generous慷慨的 gentle温和的; 和善的 genuine真诚的; 不造作的 H: honest诚实的 helpful有帮助的 happy快乐的 I: immoral不道德的 immature未成熟的 impatient不耐烦的 J: jealous妒忌的 joyful充满喜悦的 just正义的 K: kind和蔼的 knowledgeable博学的 keen敏锐的 敏捷的 L: liberal开明的 lonely孤独的 lively精力充沛的 活泼的 M: mature成熟的 materialistic物质化的 唯物论的 mean吝啬的 小气的 N neurotic神经过敏的 naive天真的 纯真的 nervous紧张不安的 O: open-minded心胸宽的 能接受新思想的 obnoxious讨厌的 optimistic乐观的 P: polite有礼貌的 pessimistic悲观的 patient有耐心的 R: reliable可信赖的; 可靠的 rude粗鲁的 无礼的 ruthless无情的 S: shy怕羞的 sociable好交际的 sympathetic有同情心的 T: trusorthy值得信赖的 可靠的 timid胆小的 talkative喜欢说话的 U: unfaithful不忠实的 unfriendly uptight烦躁的 V: vivacious活泼的 vicious品性不端的 virtuous有品德的 W: withdrawn离群的 wicked邪恶的 warm热情的 X Y: youthful朝气蓬勃的 yielding听从的; 柔顺的 [ young 不是 describe personality] Z: zealous热心的; 热情的 zestful风趣的; 热心的 参考: Yahoo Dictionary



wedding anniversary是什么意思



thursday是星期四。复数形式:ThursdaysThursday用法:Thursday可以用作名词。Thursday的意思是“星期四,礼拜四”,指一周的第五天。Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。扩展资料:相关短语:lastthurs day上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四Thursday y星期四;周四;赖床大作战其他星期的表示:星期一,Monday,缩写:Mon.星期二,Tuesday,缩写:Tues.星期三,Wednesday,缩写:Wed.星期五,Friday,缩写:Fri.星期六,Saturday,缩写:Sat.星期日,Sunday,缩写:Sun.

求 sebastian forslund的《 just a spark》的歌词

这是中文原版的[00:00.00]My Prayer 祈祷 (中文版)[00:13.00]BoA [00:27.11]每个夜晚 [00:30.79]在我入睡/之前 [00:35.88]像/往常般/都会祈祷 [00:42.77]祈求/希望/可以拥有那机会 [00:50.02]好把你/从记忆中/抹去[00:57.06]本想要放你/看你 [00:59.17]中途要放弃 [01:00.63]受伤的心/再不会/带给别人伤害[01:04.69]曾经/那么/打动的你 [01:07.14]想要原谅你/请给我勇气[01:11.56]我虽然/软弱 [01:12.95]还/一直幻想 [01:15.25]但/请你在我耳边/轻轻的告诉我[01:19.29](Just let it go)终于听到了[01:24.99]It\"s alright,It\"s ok[01:29.30]伤痛会消失/哪怕它/可能/是暂时[01:40.22]我的心/中 [01:44.84]悲伤往事/总有一天 [01:51.59]都会变成/美好/的记忆[02:02.58]每当孤独时 [02:03.90]疲惫时/想要放弃时[02:06.18]尤其祝福安慰和鼓励我的人们[02:10.13]请给予那些吧[02:13.23]默默/分开的人们 [02:16.57]自信吧~WO~~YEAH[02:26.15](Just let it go)终于听到了[02:31.01]It\"s alright ,It\"s ok[02:34.97]伤痛/会消失[02:38.66]哪怕它/可能/是暂时[02:46.07]我的心/中/悲伤往事 [02:53.57]总有一天/都会变成 [02:58.54]美好/的记忆/想忘记你 [03:04.13]祈祷/都是因为你[03:07.73]并不是/我不爱你 [03:11.25]只害怕/一/旦自己爱上你 [03:19.25]痛就不会结束[03:23.11]I can\"t let it go[03:29.84]It\" alright~~[03:33.39]就算会/离去/你会和/别人在一起[03:44.04]我的心/中/悲伤往事[03:52.92]希望你/找到新的归宿[03:58.77]This is my prayer

internal error:cannot find utCompiledCode record for this wersion of the nuinstaller

朋友你的是不是 抄写错误了 应该是这样的:intenal error: cannot find ut compiledcode record for this version of the uninstaller.如果是这样的话 翻译就是:内部错误: 找不到这个版本的 ut 编译代码卸载记录

Cannot find utCompiledCode record for this version of the uninstaller是什么意思?






Ship Lost At Sea (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Lost At Sea (Album Version)歌手:Phantom Planet专辑:Raise The DeadRaise The DeadPhantom PlanetShip Lost At SeaHey!Arms of the ocean reach out for you!Rusty pipesCan"t help calling for you too!The brine is finer than wine,But be careful not to drink too much,"Cause there are remains on the bottom of that cup.If you fear you"ve had enoughOf that salty stuff,I"m on the beachReading a book.Lost in a page.Lost for an age.I could be your bonfireAnd you could be my ship out at seaLook,I"m not after your charityAnd My Dear, I don"t want you pleased with yourself .What is that feeling of pride -When you throw your coin in a beggar"s cap?Selfless acts are quite selfishwhen you think about "em like that!But I"ve been thinking of youAnd how to improve."Cause I"m in a fixAnd your heart is tool.Help someone who"s close!Could be me, right?Who knows?You could be my handout,And I"d be your good deed for the dayI want a puzzle I don"t have to beatA watch I don"t have to windI really want to find your missing pieceAnd make itMine all mine all mine!So If you"re hopeless and beat,Lower than your feet,Or up to your neck,Or down on your knees,In way to deep,And out of ideasI can be your brainchild,If you promise to take care of me.Whoa.I could be your bonfireAnd you could be my ship out at sea!One More TimeI can be your boyfriendAnd you can pretend not to know me!


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Walk Away (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away (Album Version)歌手:No Address专辑:Time Doesn"T NoticeChristina Milian - Walk Away (Paula DeAnda Demo)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI"ll admit that I was impressedI guess I"d call it show of affectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn"t be concernedIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes she rub your feetWhen you"ve had a long dayAnd scratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know you like to play PS2"Til 6 in the morning like I doI can"t explain this feeling (yeah)I think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved on (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayIt feels like my life from day to dayHoping maybe you"ll come backI know I tell myself not to be afraid to move onBut it seems I can"tThough my new man is giving me attentionBut it ain"t the same as your affectionI know that I should be contentIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes he kiss me on my foreheadBefore we layShow up on my doorstepWith a bouquetDoes he feel me in the middle of the dayJust to say baby I love you like you used toI can"t explain this feeling (I can"t explain) (yeah)I think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on) (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayIt"s so hard to express these feelings"Cause nobody compares to youAnd you know that she"ll never love you like I do(Yeah) I can"t explain this feeling (uh huh)I think about it everyday (everyday) (yeah)And even though we"ve moved on (yeah)It gets so hard to walk awayI can"t forget how we used to beI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on)It gets so hard to walk awayMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

J.J. Liefers的《Oblivion》 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivion歌手:J.J. Liefers专辑:OblivionLacuna Coil - OblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayKnow that that the road is lonelyI will need some helpKnow that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionOn the side of meOn the edge of agonyNothing left for me that I can fakeYou know that the road is lonelyI will need some helpYou know that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayAnd I... I keep wondering awayI"m so deep in disarrayI keep wonderingThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free, set me freeI keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free.Come set me free, set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Come set me free from this)



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Get Ready For This (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Get Ready For This (Album Version)歌手:2 unlimited专辑:Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters UnleashedGet Ready For This2 UnlimitedR- Ray A- Anitafanyutyler制作Ya"ll ready for this?R: Get down with the sound, house on the groundFreeze when I squeeze, drop to your kneesYou must of bet, I"m in here to stayReady to take you around the waySo get ready for this, mind your own biz"Cause I am bad, yeah the microphone wizNo need to sit, cause we"re 2 UnlimitedReady, ready, ready for this!R: Feel the base, you just get closerBe impressed by the words I chose ofOnce again kickin" it liveDoin" everything yo just to survive Above the law, I take our standBeing on stage with a mic in my handBustin" it loud to the crowdThe age is 20, I"m from the southA: Be a part, break my heartGet ready for this, mind your own bizPeople in the front, show me what you wantAnd I won"t give it in... get ready for this!We"re 2 Unlimited, so people won"t you sing?Movin" up and down, dancin" on the groundFeelin" kinda free; securityHow"s this sound, that moves you from the ground.R: House on the ground, bass in your faceRacin" the place, no time to wasteBeing hypnotised, I can see it in your eyesFeelin" kinda better, put on your sweaterFeelin" like a white, I think it doesn"t matterSuper, dope, def, and even outrageousIf I was an animal, they"d "ve kept me in cagesSo get ready for this!Ya"ll ready for this?A: Be a part, break my heartGet ready for this, mind your own bizPeople in the front, show me what you wantAnd I won"t give it in... get ready for this!We"re 2 Unlimited, so people won"t you sing?Movin" up and down, dancin" on the groundFeelin" kinda free; securityHow"s this sound, that moves you from the ground(Rap On The Rap Mix Of 1994 Edit)






1、首先韩国universe切换中文去微软官网上下载一个Win7版本的Windows 多国语言包。2、其次注意一定要有简体中文语种喽。3、最后安装后在“区域和语言”窗口设置为简体中文即可。

Gretchen Peters的《Idlewild》 歌词

歌曲名:Idlewild歌手:Gretchen Peters专辑:Hello Cruel WorldGretchen Peters - Idlewild..They""re in the front seat,he""s got the radio lowAnd the moon hangs over idlewildas the planes touch downHe is talking but she""s not listeningShe is thinking of her father,who died when she was young.I""m in the back seat,they think I""m sleepingBut I am listening for the cracksbetween their voices in the darkWe are a family, we are a shipwreckAnd we""re picking up my grandmawho is getting very old.And they think she""s dyingBut I think she""s laughingI think she""s riding Halley""sComet from fort Lauderdale to hereBut when I see herI""ll keep her secretWe all have our secretsthat we keep inside ourselves.They built this airport but in a few yearsThey""ll name it after Kennedy, the one who died todayAnd he will leave her, and she will sufferAnd they will never really know each other at all.They think we""re drivingBut I know we""re driftingThey think we""re off on some adventurewhere the hero saves the dayWe think we""re specialWe think we""re goldenWe think we""re walking on the moonbut we are dancing in the dark.We shoot our rockets,we shoot our presidentsWe shoot the commiesand the niggers and the VietcongEverything changes,everything stays the sameAnd the moon hangs over idlewildas the planes touch down….


moon<planet<star<galaxy<universe 月球是卫星,当然小于行星,星星是恒星,大于行星,星系包括多个恒星系,当然包括了恒星,宇宙由无数的星系组成,最大.</planet<star<galaxy<universe

universal; universe; dawn 这英语怎么读?

universal【油腻沃收】英 [u02ccjuu02d0nu026au02c8vu025cu02d0sl] universe【优尼沃斯】英 [u02c8juu02d0nu026avu025cu02d0s] dawn【道恩】英 [du0254u02d0n]










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