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要快乐,很简单,试驾马自达手动MX-5 RS

在现今全球车市面临加速转型电动化的浪潮中,似乎也象征手动车的末日逐渐逼近,对于传统派手动换档的爱好者而言,或许还能找到些许手动车款的现在,将会成为未来怀念的美好时光。细数市场车款,手动已趋少数,马自达 MX-5 便是其中之一, 肩负了 Roadster 精神继往开来的重责大任。MX-5 RS 配置蓝色顶篷,与「跃雪白」车色很般配面对创下全球最畅销双门敞篷传奇的 MX-5 车系,让笔者庆幸当年 19 岁考驾照时,有逼自己努力一把拿到了手动驾照,也因此现今才有机会一圆我的敞篷跑车梦。新年款 MX-5 车系列,将原有 Red Top 车型被 MX-5 RS 取代,此次提供试驾为 MX-5 RS 车型,采用知名避震器大厂 Bilstein 倍适登所合作开发的运动化悬挂系统,另外增列包含引擎室强化拉杆、Recaro 跑车座椅以及蓝色顶篷。车身长宽高: 3,915x1,735x1,230mm,依旧维持紧致匀称车身比例从外观来看,马自达 MX-5 RS 与标准车型并没有大差异,依旧维持相当紧致匀称的车身比例,车身长宽高分别为 3,915x1,735x1,230mm、轴距为 2,310mm。不过,RS 车型增列的蓝色软顶篷是其一大亮点,配上此次试驾车辆采用「跃雪白」车色,令笔者想到在 2021 年 10 月亮相的 MX-5 990S 日本专属车,其主打仅有 990 公斤车重,外观同样配置海军蓝色软顶篷,而此次 MX-5 RS 车型仍是维持 1,060 公斤的车重。笔者个人认为,这偏向海军蓝色软顶篷搭上「跃雪白」车色,真的是颇般配,如蓝色顶篷配上魂动红等其他较突出色系,恐怕反而会抢过蓝色软顶篷的风采。RS 车型配置 Recaro 跑车座椅,腿部空间稍微拘谨些在内饰部分,此次 RS 车型配置 Recaro 跑车座椅是亮点之一,笔者身高 167 公分、体重 68 公斤,体型仍算苗条,实际入座后可感受到,其坐姿果然很低,整体来说包覆性增强,其泡棉支撑设计让驾驶不会久坐时有腰痠感,只不过其腿部两侧有凸起设计,对于习惯放松坐姿的驾驶来说,在腿部空间应会感受有些紧促。尽管其车室铺陈设计十分简单明了, 也并未提供大量置物空间,毫无疑问,MX-5 就是要让你纯粹享受驾驶乐趣,其采用 3 环式仪表板由左至右分别为行车信息、转速表以及时速表,方向盘同样采用三辐式设计,佐以大量的金属材质点缀。MX-5 对于不熟手动者依旧好上手,档位明确清晰坐进 MX-5 的驾驶座,对于不常开手动车的笔者来说,试驾前心理一定忐忑不安,但拿到试驾车后可发现,MX-5 很快就能上手,且在驾驶中可感受到,其离合器踏板的换档接合点亦不会过高,其档位明确,仪表显示亦适时建议驾驶可更换的档位,整体来说,熟悉过后就能快速利落的入档。也因为 MX-5 的好上手,此次试驾途中有行经市区、高速公路、部分山路路段,对于笔者来说,其实此次试驾一整天下来,仍是十分轻松的感受,没有传统印象中手动车很费力的感觉,相信即便其整体空间较为紧凑,但对于不管是下班后要赶往约会、或是纯粹享受驾驶乐趣的消费者们,将其列入平日通勤考量,相信行驶在热闹的都会区,亦能接受到路人投射羡慕眼光。其实,此次试驾日期延后了两次,前面很不幸皆遇上大雨天,此次终于让笔者等到了晴天出现,为的就是能打开顶蓬,在山路上享受 MX-5 RS 纯粹驾驭的乐趣,以开篷状态行驶,瞬间能感受其魅力所在,头部空间瞬间豁然开朗,尽管其配置 Bose 环绕音响系统,在路途中完全不会想要打开音乐,引擎声浪加上山中的环境音,就是最好的听觉飨宴,完全能放松且专注在路况上。RS 车型采用 Bilstein 倍适登避震器,行路感受适中在动力部分,RS 车型延续采用 2.0 升直 4 自然吸气引擎,提供最大马力 184 匹、最大扭矩205牛.米,小巧的车身依旧配置前双 A 臂、后多连杆的运动化设定,RS 车型亮点之一为配置 Bilstein 倍适登避震器运动化悬挂,引擎室中增加强化拉杆来提升弯道稳定性。此次试驾新年款 RS 车型,原本心理预期其行路感受也许会过于硬朗,但在行路过程中,整体感受仍算适中,行经部分小坑洞路段,整体车身仍是稳定,不会接收到过度直接的路面感受,其低趴车身所带来的视野,也比一般轿车更具速度感。其实,对于笔者而言,拿到像 MX-5 这样的 Fun Car,我反而格外珍惜与其相处时光,而 MX-5 所带给我的驾驭乐趣并非快,而是其整体搭配会令你感受在弯中的车身动态相当好掌握,想要在山路「杀弯」也可说是一气呵成般畅快,能感受到其稳定反馈,让我也能越有信心来享受驾驭乐趣,总体来说,其好上手、加上小巧的车身,其实对于身材娇小、想要尝试手动车乐趣的朋友们,也不妨是个好选择。【本文来自易车号作者UCAR汽车网站,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】


Oxford University牛津大学双语对照词典结果:Oxford Universityn.牛津大学; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Paul collier, the director of the centre for the study of african economies at oxford university, has devoted three decades to the study of african economics. 保罗柯里尔,牛津大学非洲经济研究中心(centre for the study of african economies at oxford university)主任,对非洲经济进行了长达30年的研究。


被遗忘的小钢炮雷诺Megane RS RB8提到钢炮你第一个会想到的名字会是谁呢?大众高尔夫GTi、大众R20还是奔驰AMG的45系列呢?作为国内车迷,我相信大家对于雷诺这个名字都会感到些许陌生,因为“水土不服”来自法国的雷诺现在近乎已经退出了中国大陆市场。在街头我们很难看到雷诺汽车的踪迹,此前雷诺曾在大陆市场推出过轿车、MPV、SUV很多款车型,也曾推出过钢炮车型Megane RS,中文也被称之为“梅甘娜”,最近在我闲暇时通过互联网看见了一辆特别的汽车销售信息,这是一辆雷诺Megane RS RB8,是当时仅在欧美市场推出的红牛比赛限量版车型。这辆车的故事源自2012年,当时为了庆祝2012年Red Bull Racing(红牛车队)在车手Sebastian Vettel的效力下,获得年度车手总冠军与车队冠军的殊荣。身为F1赛车发动机供货商的雷诺,推出了雷诺Megane RS Red Bull RB7限量版。在Sebastian Vettel于印度站提前拿下2013年度车手冠军与车队冠军,雷诺汽车再次推出了雷诺Megane RS 265 RedBull RB8限量版。看到这里你需要知道这辆车的全名,雷诺Megane RS Red Bull Racing 265 RB8,RS则为Renault SPORT的缩写,是雷诺旗下的高性能车型。而265则代表这辆车的最大功率为265马力。这款车全球限量生产250辆,据了解它们当中只有30辆进入英国市场。而照片里这一辆的代号为133。所有这些车辆的外观都使用了独特的暮光蓝金属车漆,和当时F1赛车上使用的颜色完全一样,车身上点缀着红牛品牌的特殊标识,这样人们可以轻易的通过外观知道,这不是普通的雷诺Megane RS。除此之外,外观还使用了一套19英寸的Steev车轮和红色的Brembo刹车卡钳。内饰方面,和普通版雷诺Megane RS并无任何区别,不过要实在想找寻特殊之处。那么座椅头枕上方的复杂而独特的标识,肯定会让很多人觉得不一般!另外拥有特殊标识的脚垫还可以表明其特殊的限量版车型,不过,脚垫可能让你自己和乘车朋友们观赏起来有点费劲。另外车辆座椅使用的是Recaro运动赛车座椅并配有红色缝线,整体内饰运动气息浓郁。雷诺还对动力进行了提升,并设计了更加适合赛道驾驶的赛道模式,以及配备了限滑差速器。动力方面搭载2.0升涡轮增压发动机,最大功率265 马力,传动系统匹配六速手动变速箱,驱动形式为前轮驱动。目前销售的这辆车,外观上除了保险杠的剐蹭进行过一些补漆以外,整体大部分都是原车漆,并且得到了很好的养护。其实如果你喜欢原汁原味,那么你可要注意了,这辆车的车轮,车主自己进行了重新喷漆,让它变成了深色,而且轮毂有很多磕碰痕迹,销售信息中明确的表示,车轮的状态很不好。这辆车已经拥有14年的车龄了,表现总行驶里程为89,308英里,车的各项内部配置状况很好,而且在机械方面也是相当完美的。这辆车更换了新的机油和机油滤清器,还有一个新的前球头、车轮轴承和传动轴。据了解,这辆车是当时雷诺官方在英国的官方试驾车,它的身影此前出现在很多英国知名汽车杂志和网站上。现任车主是2018年购买的这辆车,截至目前可以提供自2018年以来的所有保养维护票据,以及相关文件。在写这篇文章时,这辆车的出价为7,000英镑(约合6.2万元人民币)。拍卖还将持续六天。作为参考年份近似的普通版车辆,价格通常会在8000-10000英镑。这样的限量版车型,你认为最终的成交价格会是多少呢?






power supply 英文开关电源的意思,和品牌没有任何关系,我们生产的开关电源,外箱都有这个标志

【英语】【翻译】这里的first class是什么意思?

您好,他过去是在海军•水手的头等舱中。first class:first class头等座位; 第一类邮件; 乘坐头等座位; 按最快投递邮件; 按第一类邮件


服务器中的电源供应器出现故障。服务器管理口出现power supply failure可能是由于长时间使用、环境温度高、电源负载过高等原因导致电源故障,就会导致服务器无法正常运行。出现这种情况需要尽快更换电源供应器以恢复服务器的功效。 当检测到主板有电压跌落,或异常掉电时,也可能会产生power supply failure告警,此时服务器自动关机,导致操作系统业务中断。

michael kors 怎么读

Michael: ["mau026aku0259l],kors读音:["kaorous]Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。目前Michael Kors在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店,同时分销到全球顶级百货和全球专卖店。扩展资料:1959年,Michael Kors出生于纽约长岛的一个犹太家庭。原名叫Karl Anderson JR,其母亲 Joan Hamburger Anderson KorsKrystosek年轻时是一位模特儿。他五岁的时候,母亲改嫁给了Bill Kors,并将他的名字改为Michael Kors。此时的他已经凭着他可爱的小脸为一些公司做起了广告,他的母亲因此盼望儿子能够有个光明的表演未来。可是儿子在同妈妈经常购物的过程中发现了对服装的热爱。10岁的时候,他便在地下室的专卖店“Iron Butterfly”开始出售自制的蜡防印花T恤衫以及皮背心。1978年,他开始在FIT(纽约时装技术学院)学习。离开那里以后,他在Lothar"s处谋到一个设计师兼销售的工作,在那里他开始磨练与上流人物的交际能力,比如歌星Diana Ross和Barbra Streisand。在此他也学到哪些服装是女人最想要的。参考资料来源:百度百科-Michael Kors

brain teasers怎么读

brain 英[breu026an] 美[bren] n. 脑; 智慧; 聪明的人; (群体中) 最聪明的人; vt. 打破…的脑袋; 打…的头部; teasers n. 戏弄者,喜欢戏弄别人的人( teaser的名词复数 ); teaser 英[u02c8ti:zu0259(r)] 美[u02c8tizu025a]

Fool For You [Early Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You [Early Version]歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:A Night On The Town [Deluxe Edition]Duffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

Fool For You (This Mystery Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You (This Mystery Album Version)歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:This MysteryDuffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

Fool For You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You (Album Version)歌手:The Impressions专辑:A Tribute To Curtis MayfieldDuffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

Fool For You (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You (Lp Version)歌手:Rude Boys专辑:Rude AwakeningDuffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

Fool For You (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You (Lp Version)歌手:James Taylor专辑:One Man DogDuffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

should the human faculties that once led us to see ourselves as ontologically special- our capac

should the human faculties that once led us to see ourselves as ontologically special- our capacity for moral conduct, our ability to make choices on the basis of reasons- be understood instead as marking the far end of a continuous spectrum of animal behavior, all of which can be explained in light of DNA and the evolutionary history that shaped it。。 应该曾经带领我们看到我们自己的本体论意义上的特殊的道德行为能力的人的能力,我们作出选择的原因的基础上,而不是被理解为标志的一个连续的动物的行为谱的尽头的能力,所有这些都可以在DNA和进化的历史解释,形它..重点词汇释义ontologically存在论地;本体论地capacity for…的能力moral conduct德行on the basis of根据; 依据; 以…为基础; 按照far end远端continuous spectrum连续光谱animal behavior家畜行为all of实足,不少于in light of按照,根据evolutionary history进化历史

SD卡 miniSD卡 TF(microSD)卡 MMC卡 RS-MMS卡 MSD记忆棒分别是什么意思?



马斯特模具(Mold-Masters)成立于 1963 年,是全球首家专门制造热流道的公司。目前在全世界45个国家有自己的分公司或代表处,其中在加拿大、美国、德国、巴西、日本、印度与中国建有自己的生产基地与工厂。作为业内知名的热流道 / 控制器技术供应商,马斯特模具拥有超过 900 项国际专利。马斯特模具的相关数字:150,000+ 不同的注塑应用500+ 每天生产的喷嘴数量。1,600+ 当前员工总数。900+ 正在申请和已经获得的热流道技术的专利数。70+ 生产、出产以及合作的国家(地区)总数。50+ 近50 年来,Mold-Masters一直致力于通过创新的注塑流程降低塑料原料的浪费。2013年4月,马斯特模具与米拉克龙有限公司合并成功,合并后的米拉克龙由5大业务单元组成,包括米拉克龙塑料机械(注塑、挤出和吹塑)、马斯特模具(热流道)、DME公司(模具技术)、售后市场(零部件和售后服务)以及CIMCOOL流体技术(金属加工液和服务)。合并后,包括马斯特模具在内的公司各个业务单元的管理层架构将保持不变。

seniors是什么意思 seniors的中文翻译、读音、例句?

seniors的意思是”资历较深的人、的复数形式”,在日常中也代表”老年人”的意思,发音是[u02c8si:nu026au0259rz],seniors来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到66个与seniors相关的同义词和例句seniors的中文翻译1.资历较深的人例句:Seniors don"t notice the merits of the juniors翻译:长辈哪有空留意后辈那么多事自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

少年进化论中《up juniors》的歌词

《Up Juniors》  朱元冰:一直想找另一个自己,当最好的知己  他活在另一段时间里,遥远不可及  左溢: 一直想当混搭的自己,调制全新配比  历史里的奇遇 我 都要亲身经历 oh,yeah  叶子淳:1767 2011  朱元冰:间隔两世纪  徐浩: 长安之北,江户以西  左溢: 相望千万里  全体: ohla! Get together keep growing up  Dream up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  ohla! Get together keep growing up  Day day up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  叶子淳:一直想约另一个自己,来我的片断里  也好想到他的经纬度,一起游学去  徐浩: 爱加一点奇迹,oh 也许还要一句咒语  书里的大事件,我,想参与就参与oh,yeah  刘俊麟: 1107 1881  徐浩: 八百年距离  左溢: 香榭丽舍 辛辛那提  叶子淳:隔着 Pacific  全体: ohla! Get together keep growing up  Dream up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  ohla! Get together keep growing up  Day day up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  徐浩: 阴阳界玄奇千年后也会惊叹  平安时代俊美少年和天书奇谭  左溢: 驾着战机挥洒热血和忠心赤胆  只因家园不堪命运无常的摧残  叶子淳:万有引力 质能方程 真相的呼唤  木星轨道 红色巨星 演绎银河璀璨  朱元冰:朝服一派荣光 沉吟龙的图案  刘俊麟:我听见时间的轻抚和赞叹  叶子淳:Yes good!  全体: ohla! Get together keep growing up  Dream up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  ohla! Get together keep growing up  Day day up juniors  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  We believe in we believe in Fantacy  Oh yeah~

go-to person是什么意思?


a person和a people的区别?

“一个人”用英语表示为“a person”,people 作为“人,人们”是集体名词,所以不能用a/one.person 英[u02c8pu025c:sn] 美[u02c8pu025c:rsn] n. 人; (语法) 人称; 身体; 容貌; 组词Contact Person 联系人 ; 联络人 ; 联系人员 ; 联络人姓名missing person 失踪者 ; 寻人 ; 第一集 ; 寻人启示Reasonable person 理性自然人 ; 理性人 ; 合理人 ; 理性的人Good Person 好人 ; 好人专辑 ; 我爱 ; 好的人mononymous person 简称例句1、What can you do with a person like that? 碰上这么一个人,你有什么办法?2、Mary was the first person to think of the idea. 玛丽是第一个想到这个主意的人。3、The age of a person is usually reckoned from his or her date of birth. 一个人的年龄一般是从他的或她的出生日期算起。4、She is an attractive person. 她是个吸引男人的人。5、He was a person out of the ordinary. 他是一个不同凡响的人物。



zhongshan like lighting technology co., ltd , What is the contact person and telephone number?

zhongshan like lighting technology co., ltd , What is the contact person and telephone number??中山市力威照明科技有限公司的联系人和电话是多少?


错误的。person是个英语单词,作为名词使用,中文翻译的意思是:“人;身体;容貌,外表;人称”。person的基本意思是相对于animal或thing而言的“人”。用来表示具有某种个性或特性的人时,是可数名词,其复数形式为people; 也可指已知的或非特指的人; 还可指少量的人或具体人数,主要作法律用语,此时其复数形式为persons。person作“容貌,身体”解时,一般用单数形式; person还可作“合适人选”解。person还有“家伙”的意思,含有贬义或不尊重之义。在语法术语中, person作“人称”解。person, people这两个词都可表示“人”,在正式用语中persons常用来代替people。其区别是:people指的是广义上的,指世间的人,大数目或数目不确定的人; person往往指的是狭义上的,指个别的人,小数目或数目确定的人。Contact Person联系人 ; 联络人 ; 联系人员;missing person失踪者 ; 寻人 ; 第一集 ; 寻人启示;I thought she sounded a genuinely caring and helpful person.我觉得她听起来像是一个真心真意地关爱和帮助别人的人。I"m not the kind of person to get married我不是那种适合结婚的人。Good Person好人 ; 好人专辑 ; 我爱 ; 好的人。

To the wor ld you may be one person,but to me,you are the world


EDI contact person 什么意思


Emergency Contact Person是什么意思

紧急联系人例句:1.He"s your emergency contact person. 他是你紧急事件联络人哦。2.Unless I designated an emergency contact person. 除非我可以提供一个突发事件联络人

海马翻译 email address, contact person




我要申请美国的过境签证,那DS-160里面的CONTACT PERSON该如何填


美国签证 contact person问题

这个Contact Person栏要求填写的是“联系人”。 在颁发签证的过程中,各国政府都有责任了解该旅客入境后的联系方式。这不仅对于国家的安全有意义,更是出于对旅客安全和周全服务的考量。一旦紧急时刻出现,政府有关部门可以立刻从联系人处查到谁可以提供第一信息。有时一个简单的电话能够省去对方海量的工作和宝贵时间。特别是在该旅客无法与他人联系或失去知觉无法表达自己时,这种信息通常是生死攸关的。 提供的“联系人”可以是:亲友家人,就读学校,工作单位,旅行团/社有关人员,旅馆酒店名址,对方邀请单位/个人,等等。只要是了解该旅客本次行程的人都可以作为联系人,了解得越多越好,而且最好是处于目的国的人或单位。实在没有,填上中国方面的联系人也是于己于人负责任的做法。从这一点来看如果在美国有亲戚,而且该亲戚知道你的细节更多一点,就填亲戚(即使不是探亲);如果一直住在一个固定的酒店,在那里对方能更容易与你联系上,就填酒店。这需要具体情况具体分析。

contact与contact person有什么区别?


contact person是什么意思


Mrs Black writes ____ ,if not better than,he


What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?Colors are...


帮忙看这个句子那力挫了,谢谢。My baby sister is one years old.

我觉得应该有两处错吧:第一,想要表达<小妹妹>应该是My little sister,而不是....吧第二,<一岁>应该是one year old吧,不应该有s!(个人答案,仅供参考)

baby sister nurse哪个不是同类词


关于《可爱的骨头》中西尔莎·罗南Saoirse Ronan的一切!

2007 - Atonement 赎罪 - Briony Tallis

在英语中,dark blue jeans和 dark blue trousers有什么区别?



meters应该就是米吧miles 是里

我想在加拿大温哥华当健身教练(PERSONAL TRAINER),应必须具有什么条件?


Cliff Auerswald的《Miles》 歌词

歌曲名:Miles歌手:Cliff Auerswald专辑:Cliff Auerswald500 miles 打印此页When I wake up yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who wakes up next to youWhen I go out yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who goes along with youIf I get drunk yes I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who gets drunk next to youAnd if I haver yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who"s havering to youBut I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walked 1000 milesTo fall down at your doorWhen I"m working yes I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who"s working hard for youAnd when the money comes in for the work I"ll doI"ll pass almost every penny on to youWhen I come home yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who comes back home to youAnd if I grow old well I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who"s growing old with youBut I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walked 1000 milesTo fall down at your doorWhen I"m lonely yes I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man whose lonely without youWhen I"m dreaming yes I know I"m gonna dreamDream about the time when I"m with youWhen I go out yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who goes along with youWhen I come home yeah I know I"m gonna beI"m gonna be the man who comes back home to youI"m gonna be the man who comes back home to youBut I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walked 1000 milesTo fall down at your doorBut I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walked 1000 milesTo fall down at your door

some experienced ringing in their ears or moise

some experienced ringing in their ears or moise一些经验回响在他们的耳朵或噪响

破产姐妹Beth behrs在人民选择奖上唱了什么歌?

好像是3首吧wrecking ballbefore he cheatsbaby got back

《美国派7索爱天书》中的女主Beth Behrs是现在很红的美剧演员,主演的美剧出到第几季了?

你是说《Broke Girls》破 产姐 妹吗目前已经到 第四季第7集了,回答希望有帮到你

求《生命要继续》英语完整版歌词,PS:知道是《lose yourself》,但是最后一段歌词是什么

stephanie 这是 witness 我从来没有机会和你说再见所以这首歌我献给你i know you"re in heaven right now probably watching down on me 我希望你能听见我的声音 this one right here goes out to you girl当我走在这条街一直想 what"s in my head"从来没想到我会变成这样子给我一面镜子让我看我自己我看到的不是witness who is this 终于走到医院看着我的stephanie 我叫她不要害怕叫她不要担心她病的不轻可是上帝一定会把撒旦赶回去他一定会赢now she"s gone 她还是走了 tell me now 为什么我失去我的天使我藉酒来逃避现实一杯接一杯来麻痹自己这一杯来怀念你 stephanie i miss you girl can you hear me 听我说这一句再见stephanie祝福你 can you feel me现在我站在十字路口问我自己生命要不要继续下去*life goes on (生命要不要继续)every time you close your eyes know i"llbe there (让我问我自己)拿著有翅膀的笔(tell me tell me你怎么离我而去)写封信(生命要不要继续)寄到梦里给你(让我问我自己)i"ll spread my wings when you need me (tell me tell me what"s it gonna be)*人都会死可是你不得不比我先走一步让我那么孤单让我那么痛苦幸亏我有好的兄弟因为没有他们我一定死定我的目的麻痹心灵灌醉自己 playin" girlies 每天跟着大马戏团一起 party 大支想要我麻痹自己给我 trippys 准备东西给我吸 thanks g 但是这不是长久之计清醒后我们心痛还在那里 baby hip-hop 习惯是把酒洒在地上表示对死着追忆这一瓶倒掉为了你rest in peace 你是否听见(i hear you )我的声音(that"s right)在你沉睡的梦里no doubt 镜子中是 witness and i " ve come tothis i" ll be with you you" ll be with me 请你放心我不会再把头垂的那么低爱惜自己尊重自己没有一个担子那么重我不能提oh my knees 我的祷告都是为了你 beggin" the lord please 照顾我的 stephy 保护我的 stephy i believe 生命要继续要继续我知道生命要继续下去虽然我想念你我知道你在天堂很开心跟你的妈妈妈在一起我也知道上帝会照顾你所以你不必担心i see you when i get there till then life goes on

Simple (Acappella Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Simple (Acappella Version)歌手:Kreesha Turner专辑:SimpleTaj Jackson - Simple (Prod. by Stargate)Seems so hard to get outta bedI"d rather not see the light of dayBut i can"t sleep and my eyes are redNever thought i would be going through this kind of painOk i give up, please come back nowIts been too long and i"m starting to break down (oh oh)Since you left there"s a hole in what use to be my heartWe were so inseparable don"t know why we fell apartGirl your love was all that i had and now my life"s outta controlSo how, how do i get back to when things were simpleCheck my messages cos you never knowYou might call and say you wanna come homePeople telling me that i should let you goDon"t try to call cos you changed the number to your phoneGirl i"m so confused (i"m so confused) it"s so hard to like you (yeah)Don"t make me say good-bye just tell me whyBaby where did you go (ooh)I think i have a right to knowSince you left there"s a hole in what use to be my heart (use to be my heart)We were so inseparable don"t know why we fell apart (why we fell apart)Girl your love was all that i had and now my life"s outta controlSo how, how do i get back to when things were simpleSo is this how it endsWe can"t even be friendsNo starting over againIt"s not the way it"s suppose to beGirl it"s too hard for me knowing you"re the one i needAnd i don"t wanna think that you can live without meSince you left there"s a hole in what use to be my heartWe were so inseparable don"t know why we fell apartGirl your love was all that i had and now my life"s outta controlSo how, how do i get back to when things were simpleSince you left there"s a hole in what use to be my heartWe were so inseparable don"t know why we fell apartGirl your love was all that i had and now my life"s outta controlSo how, how do i get backTell me how, how do i get back to when things were simple



谁能给个Bright College Years(耶鲁大学校歌)的歌词?

Yale Songs Bright College Years - " Neath the Elms - Eli Yale - Football Medley Bright College Years (our alma mater!)H.S. Durand, "81Carl Wilhelm Bright College years, with pleasure rife,The shortest, gladdest years of life;How swiftly are ye gliding by!Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?The seasons come, the seasons go,The earth is green or white with snow,But time and change shall naught availTo break the friendships formed at Yale.In after years, should troubles riseTo cloud the blue of sunny skies,How bright will seem, through mem"ry"s hazeThose happy, golden, bygone days!Oh, let us strive that ever weMay let these words our watch-cry be,Where"er upon life"s sea we sail:"For God, for Country and for Yale!"Back to top"Neath the ElmsH. Baldwin, "71 Winds of night around us sighing,In the elm trees murmur low,In the elm trees murmur low,Let no ruder sounds replyingBreak our happy voices" flow,Tra la la la!"Tis a jolly life we lead,Care and trouble we defy;Let the short-lived hours speed,Running smoothly, quickly by;Till the darkness fades a-way,And the morning light we hail,We will sing with cheerful heartsSongs of home, and of Yale, and of dear old Yale,Tra la la la!Stars of night in silence yearning,Pure and soft as maiden"s eyes,Pure and soft as maiden"s eyes,Sweet the hour when your returningBids our merry songs arise,Tra la la la!"Tis a jolly life we lead,Care and trouble we defy;Let the short-lived hours speed,Running smoothly, quickly by;Till the darkness fades a-way,And the morning light we hail,We will sing with cheerful heartsSongs of home, and of Yale, and of dear old Yale,Tra la la la!Listen! faintly chiming,O"er the river placid preast,Evening bells are ringing,Calling us to rest,Calling us to rest.See the full moon, rising, weavesRobes of light o"er tow"r and hall,Through the slowly lifting leavesSilver lances flash and fall.Louder yet the chorus raise,Friendship lasts when youth must fail;Jolly jolly are the days"Neath the elms,"Neath the elms of dear old Yale,Of dear old Yale,Of dear old Yale.Back to top Eli Yale (original version) As Freshmen first we came to Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Examinations made us pale.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:Eli Eli Eli Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Eli Eli Eli Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!As Sophomores we have a task;Fol de rol de rol rol rol!"Tis best performed by torch and mask.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:In Junior year we take our ease,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!We smoke our pipes and sing our glees.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:In Senior year we act our partsFol de rol de rol rol rol!In making love and winning hearts.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!ChorusAnd then into the world we come,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!We"ve made good friends, and studied -- some.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:The saddest tale we have to tell,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Is when we bid old Yale farewell.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!ChorusRepeat Chorus Molto AllegroBack to top The Football Medley With Crimson in triumph flashingMid the strains of victoryPoor Eli"s hopes we are dashingInto blue obscurityResistless our team sweeps onwardWith the fury of the blastWe"ll fight for the name of Harvard"Till the last white line is pastAnd then we"ll crash through that line of blueAnd send the backs on round the end (around the end).Fight! Fight for ev"ry yardPrinceton"s honor to defend,Rah! Rah! Rah! (or: Raw! Raw! Raw!)Tiger sis boom bah (or: shish kebab)And locomotives by the score (oh by the score),For we"ll fight with a vim that is dead sure to win For old NassauOh Lord Jeffery Amherst was a soldier of the king,And he came from across the sea.To the Frenchmen and the Indians he didn"t do a thing in the wilds of this wild countryIn the wilds of this wild country.And for his royal majesty he fought with all his might, For he was a soldier loyal and true.And he conquered all the enemies (or: animals) that came within his sight, And he looked around for more when he was through.Oh Amherst, brave Amherst, "twas the name known to fame in days of yoreMay it ever be glorious "til the sun shall climb the heav"ns no more.Oh!More work for the undertaker,"Nother little job for the casket makerIn the local cemetary they areVery very busy with a brand new grave:No hope for Harvard,No hope for Harvard!Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,When we "rough house" poor old Harvard, They will holler Boola boo.Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale!Fight, fight for YaleThe sons of Eli are out for glory.On to the fray,We"ll tell to Harvard the same old story,The cry is on, on they comeWe"ll raise the slogan of Yale triumphant.Smash, bang, we"ll rip poor HarvardWhoop it up for Yale today!Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,That"s the lingoEli is bound to winThere"s to be a victory, so watch the team begin!Bingo, Bingo, Harvard"s team cannot prevailFight! Fight! Fight with all your mightFor Bingo Bingo Eli YaleGood night, poor Harvard,Harvard, good night.Oh we"ve got your numberYou"re high as a kite.Oh, Good night, poor Harvard,You"re tucked in tightWhen the big blue team gets after you,Harvard, Harvard, Good night.March, march on down the field,Fighting for Eli.Break through that crimson line, their strength to defy.We"ll give a long cheer for Eli"s menWe"re here to win again.Harvard"s team may fight to the end but Yale will win. Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Eli Yale,Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Our team can never fail,When the son"s of Eli break through the line (bow wow wow)That is the sign we hail!Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Eli Yale, Eli Yale!

A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the 以提供翻译+讲解

ops这个abandon by不会是个倒装吧a person who serves as mediator abandon the right by agreeing....




Great Balls Of Fire (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Great Balls Of Fire (Lp Version)歌手:Jo Mama专辑:Jo MamaGreat Balls Of FireJerry Lee LewisRock"n"rollYou shake my nerves and you rattle my brainToo much love drives a man insaneYou broke my will, but what a thrillGoodness, gracious, great balls of fireI laughed at love "cause I thought it was funnyYou came along and moved me honeyI"ve changed my mind, this love is fineGoodness, gracious, great balls of fireKiss me baby, woo feels goodHold me baby, I want to love you like a lover shouldYour fine, so kindI want to tell this world that your mine mine mine mineI chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbsI"m real nervous, but it sure is funCome on baby, drive my crazyGoodness, gracious, great balls of fire!!Kiss me baby, woo feels goodHold me baby, I want to love you like a lover shouldYour fine, so kindI want to tell this world that your mine mine mine mineI chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbsI"m real nervous, but it sure is funCome on baby, drive my crazyGoodness, gracious, great balls of fire!!


so far so good到现在为止,一直都还不错。So far, so good到目前为止, 一切顺利。



interest is payable quarterly in arrears.是什么意思

interest is payable quarterly in arrears拖欠季度支付利息

The Leadership Quarterly这个刊物好吗


爵士舞的种类有哪几种。例如may j lee的superstar. worth it是属于什么。还

属于new jazz西安北郊未央区盛龙广场泷舞舞蹈零基础培训学校告诉大家爵士舞大略分为以下几种:  1.classical jazz 传统的爵士舞,在歌舞剧里面常见。(很难用言语形容!)  2. ballet jazz 就是融合芭蕾舞。但是这种爵士,并不是由爵士乐来的,而是因舞蹈潮流而结合在一起。因爵士舞本身较芭蕾有爆发性,像是pose的定格,跳跃,踢腿等,是芭蕾所没有的。 jazz 就是现在我们一般在跳的爵士,pose点比较多,以前可能是有了舞蹈,再找音乐,但是新潮爵士则是有音乐,再配合去编舞,像各式音乐MTV。NEW JAZZ早期是在美国纽约由芭蕾所演化过来,但是它是透过JANET JAKCSON的「IF」MTV中,才逐渐让人发现芭蕾融合HIP-HOP的街舞魅力。NEW JAZZ的特色可以说是JAZZ加上HIP-HOP的一种舞蹈,可是NEW JAZZ并不归类于HIP-HOP里的其中一门。 它的特色是:身体的延展。NEW JAZZ的每个动作都有固定的角度跟摆的方式,当你在作手的动作时会有无限延伸的感觉,这种感觉就像是有人正在拉你的手一样。目前我们国内的jazz dancer多是女生, 跟舞者在跳NEW JAZZ的妩媚感觉可以说有很大的关系。但是实际上在国外是没有这样子分的,我们在很多音乐录像带里头都可以见到跳new jazz的男舞者。舞蹈本来就没有性别之分,没有什么舞蹈是专门给一个性别跳的,所以大家学舞的时候不要设限喔!  4.funky jazz 这种据说是融合了有氧舞蹈的一种。是介于hip-hop及jazz之间,有hip-hop的感觉但却缺少了它的律动吧.....  5.hip hop jazz 这不用说啦,当然是有hiphop律动在里头的爵士舞。 jazz 我想是beat比较重,动作大而比较俐落,追求力道的美感吧。通常会有甩头的动作。  7.Latin jazz 其实这个流派是分的很不明显的,但是拉丁爵士,一开始是跟国际标准舞有关,像是森巴什么的。不管男生女生,跳起来都有一种热情奔放,充满诱惑的感觉。  8.Be-bop house和jazz结合的一种舞风。BE-BOP这种舞风它算是HOUSE跟NEW JAZZ的混合体,因为它跟HOUSE一样充满了许多脚步的动作,但是在做动作的同时还必须将身体做出跟NEW JAZZ一样的延伸的感觉,所以也有所谓的BE-BOP JAZZ. 在台湾几乎没有一个专攻BE-BOP的DANCER  一点一点从基本练起,爵士舞的种类也有不少,尤其是在美国舞蹈圈的种类就更繁多。主流可分为:踢躂舞 Tap Dance,舞台式爵士舞 Theatrical Jazz Dance,现代爵士舞Modern Jazz Dance,街头爵士舞Street Jazz Dance。





Britney Spears的《Baby Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Boy歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Brand New Brit (Bootleg)Everyday, I"m in a dazeLooking for that someoneAnd everyday, I sit and kneel and prayOh, sweet love, can I get some?So why do you desert me, baby boy?I need your love right now!And if you desert me, baby boyDon"t you leave me in your crowdTalkingHey baby, what time you gonna get home?Oh, really?Alright, well, I"ll see you later, thenOh, waitWould you mind getting some...Yeah, when you come homeYeah, that"s itI love you tooByeSome day when you see my faceYou will think that you have wonAnd some day when it"s all awayOur love just begunSo why did you desert me, baby boy?I thought that you, you were the oneSo if you preferred the other oneShe won"t bring you the sun(son)摇滚小丸子365199733

Pale (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pale (Album Version)歌手:Within Temptation专辑:The Silent ForceWithin TemptationPaleThe world seems not the same,though I know nothing has changed.It"s all my state of mind,I can"t leave it all behind.I have stand up to be stronger.I have to try to break freefrom the thoughts in my mind.Use the time that I have,I can"t say goodbye,have to make it right.Have to fight, cause I knowin the end it"s worthwhile,that the pain that I feel slowly fades away.It will be alright.I know, should realisetime is precious, it is worthwhileDespite how I feel inside,have to trust it will be alright.Have to stand up to be stronger.Oh, this night is too long.I have no strength to go on.No more pain, I"m floating away.Through the mist I see the faceof an angel, who calls my name.I remember you"re the reason I have to stay.I have to try to break freefrom the thoughts in my mind.Use the time that I have,I can"t say goodbye,have to make it right.Have to fight, cause I knowin the end it"s worthwhile,that the pain that I feel slowly fades away.It will be alright.

you have someone else, i no longer is yours.


trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are什么意思


someone else和others都可以表示其他人么?有什么不同点?

someone else就是别人的意思others 要加the 才表示别人

成长的烦恼 电影版2000:The Growing Pains Movie    电影版2004:西佛归来(Return of the Seavers)


What A Shame ( Lp Version ) 歌词

歌曲名:What A Shame ( Lp Version )歌手:Foghat专辑:Rock & RollShinedown - What A ShameTwo packs of cigarettes a dayThe strongest whiskeyKentucky can makeThat"s a recipe to put a vagabondOn his hands and kneesI watched it all up close,I knew him more than mostI saw a side of him he never showedFull of sympathy for a world thatWouldn"t let him beThat"s the man he was,Have you heard enough?What a shame, what a shame,To judge a life that you can"t changeThe choir sings, the church bells ringSo, won"t you give this man his wings?What a shame to have to beg you toSee we"re not all the sameWhat a shameThere"s a hard life for every silver spoonThere"s a touch of grey for every shadeOf blueThat"s the way that I see lifeIf there was nothing wrong,Then there"d be nothing rightAnd for this working man they say couldBarely standThere"s gotta be a better place to landSome kind of remedy for a world thatWouldn"t let him beThat"s the man he was,Have you heard enough?What a shame, what a shame,To judge a life that you can"t changeThe choir sings, the church bells ringSo, won"t you give this man his wings?What a shame to have to beg you toSee we"re not all the sameWhat a shameGod forgive the hands that laid you downThey never knew how, but your brokenHeart can break the soundAnd change the seasonNow the leaves are falling faster,Happily ever afterYou gave me hope through your endeavorsAnd now you will live foreverWhat a shame, what a shame,To judge a life that you can"t changeThe choir sings, the church bells ringSo, won"t you give this man his wings?What a shame to have to beg you toSee we"re not all the sameWhat a shame, what a shame"Cause we"re not all the sameWhat a shame, what a shame"Cause we"re not all the same

Mighty Mo Rodgers的《Shame!》 歌词

歌曲名:Shame!歌手:Mighty Mo Rodgers专辑:Blues Is My Wailin" WallRobbie Williams Ft.Gary Barlow - ShameWell there"s three versions of this story mine, yours and then the truthAnd we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood, then our youthOut of some sentimental gain I wanted you to feel my pain,but it came back return to senderI read your mind and tried to call, my tears could fill the Albert Hall,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shameSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsI wrote a letter in my mind, but the words were so unkind,about a man I can"t rememberI don"t recall the reasons why, I must have meant them at the time,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayOh what a shame.Words come easy, when they"re trueWords come easy, when they"re trueSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsNow we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood then our youth.What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shame,what a shameSuch a shame, what a shame

圣诞快乐用英语是Marry Charstmas ,谁知道为什么要用Marry 来修饰,而不用Happy....



SolrServer实例化类型有httpClient,和本地化,如果Solr服务器不在本地就用httpClient,在本地就用EmbeddedSolrServerSolrServer可以操作索引,包括更新删除查询等操作以下是httpClient实例化方式,需要tomcat运行Solr服务1、ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer实例化SolrServer,该类实例化多用于更新删除索引操作ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer(String solrServerUrl, int queueSize, int threadCount)solrServerUrl是Solr服务器的地址,queueSize缓冲区大小threadCount 后台线程数<br><br>2、HttpSolrServer 实例化SolrServer,该类实例化多用于查询操作HttpSolrServer(String baseURL)baseURL是Solr的服务器地址3、LBHttpSolrServer实例化SolrServer,用于有多个Solr服务器,负载均衡LBHttpSolrServer(String... solrServerUrls)  solrServerUrls是多个Solr的服务器地址,用,号分隔以下是本地实例化,即项目包含Solr服务,不需要tomcat运行Solr服务EmbeddedSolrServerprivate static CoreContainer.Initializer initializer = null; private static CoreContainer coreContainer = null; private static EmbeddedSolrServer server = null; static { try { System.setProperty("solr.solr.home", "D://test//solrcore//core0"); initializer = new CoreContainer.Initializer(); coreContainer = initializer.initialize(); server = new EmbeddedSolrServer(coreContainer, ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }



Tell Me Where It Hurts [Bonus Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Me Where It Hurts [Bonus Version]歌手:Halestorm专辑:Halestorm [Deluxe]Why is that sad look in your eyesWhy are you cryingTell me now, tell me nowTell me, why you"re feelin" this wayI hate to see you so down, oh babyIs it your heartOh, that"s breakin" all in piecesMakin" you cryMakin" you feel blueIs there anything that I can doWhy don"t you tell me where it hurts now, babyAnd I"ll do my best to make it betterYes, I"ll do my best to make those tears all go awayJust tell me where it hurts now, tell meAnd I love you with a love so tenderOh and if you let me stayI"ll love all of the hurt awayWhere are all those tears coming fromWhy are they fallingSomebody, somebody, somebody left your heart in the coldYou just need somebody to hold on, babyGive me a chance to put back all the piecesTake your broken heartMake it just like newThere"s so many things that I can doWhy don"t you tell me where it hurts now, babyAnd I"ll do my best to make it betterYes, I"ll do my best to make those tears all go awayJust tell me where it hurts now, tell meAnd I love you with a love so tenderOh and if you let me stayI"ll love all of the hurt away(Instrumental)Oh I"m gonna take it all away, babyIs it your heartOh, that"s breakin" all in piecesMakin" you cryMakin" you feel blueIs there anything that I can doWhy don"t you tell me where it hurts now, babyAnd I"ll do my best to make it betterYes, I"ll do my best to make those tears all go awayJust tell me where it hurts now, tell meAnd I love you with a love so tenderOh and if you let me stayI"ll love all of the hurt awayTell me, babyTell me, oh yeaIs there anything I can do, babyJust tell me where it hurts now, tell meAnd I love you with a love so tenderOh and if you let me stayI"ll love all of the hurt away

1.在空格内填上a或an 1. _____ear 2.______actor 3. _____hen 4. ______toy 5. ______university

1. an ear2. an actor3. a hen4. a toy5. a university6. an elephant7. a hat8. an umbrella9. a rabbit10. an idea11. an hour12. a honest boy13. an interesting book14. an easy question15. an orange dress16. an apple pie17. a X-ray machine18. an ice cream

求smoke and mirrors(imagine dragons唱的)歌词和翻译

WOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrors tonight!There you go, face deep in the camera, microphone in your hand.What you"re mad about no-one knows and no-one cares.You think everyones a fan.(Laugh)But everybody sees, the futures here in me,they watch the wheels go "round. THEY TRY TO TAKE "EM DOWN!WOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrors tonight!Less is more, everybody says so. Even less is way too much.What comes out of your mouth, no-one knows and no-one cares.(HA)But everybody sees, the futures here in me,they watch the wheels go "round. THEY TRY TO TAKE "EM DOWN!WOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrors to me!(Indistinct singing & Guitar Solo)WOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrorsWOAH! You"re only smoke and mirrors tonight!There you go, face deep in the camera, microphone in your hand.What you"re mad about no-one knows and no-one cares.You think everyones a fan.哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花今晚!你去那里,面对深的摄像头,麦克风在手上。什么你生气,没有人知道,也没有人关心。你以为每个人的粉丝。(笑)但大家都认为,期货在这里我,他们看车轮去"轮。他们试图采取“EM下来!哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花今晚!少即是多,大家都这么说。更不是太多。什么出来你的嘴,没有人知道,也没有人关心。(HA)但大家都认为,期货在这里我,他们看车轮去"轮。他们试图采取“EM下来!哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花给我!(模糊的歌声和吉他独奏)哇!你只能雾里看花哇!你只能雾里看花今晚!你去那里,面对深的摄像头,麦克风在手上。什么你生气,没有人知道,也没有人关心。你以为每个人的粉丝。

Look into the mirror and what do you see? You see yourself. But when you move. you do everythin...

小题1:B小题1:A小题1:A小题1:D 文章讲的是镜子的产生及其它发展的过程,并讲到了镜子的作用。1. B 从you do everything backward(相反地)in the mirror可知你做的动作与你的镜子里看到是相反的,所以你wave your right hand看到的就是your left hand wave,选B。2. A 细节题的考查。从Mirrors have been used for thousands of years可知镜子很久前就出现了,选A。从The earliest were round pieces of shiny metal可知B答案错误,不是开始时镜子就是玻璃做的;C答案也错误,现在流行的镜子是玻璃做的;而从They did not understand how it worked知道古代人们并不知道镜子如何发生作用,故D也错,选A。3. A 我们可以定位到第二段,从下面They thought they saw their spirits in a mirror可知这就是他们认为的原因,故选A。4. D 首先找到这个单词的位置在最后一段,再看后面make people seem short and round or tall and tin可知让高的变成矮的,故是弯曲变形的意思,选D。

smoke and mirrors是什么意思


the mirrors 小故事镜子王后


House Of Mirrors 歌词

歌曲名:House Of Mirrors歌手:David McCallum专辑:Halloween"s Gravest Hits (Expanded Version)Tenth Avenue North - House Of MirrorsYou can"t seem to see past your own reflectionCaught up in the halls of your introspectionAnd you"re staring at your mirror on the wallAsking “who is the fairest of them all?”‘Cause Lord I know, it"s not meIf only you could seeThat you"ve already been set freeWell come on, come onLet"s throw our mirrors downYeah come on, come onLet"s shatter the glass on the groundWell you say “hold on, if I could just try this one thing.Well I know I can change and that would change everything”But a house made of mirrors never helped you see any clearerIt"s yourself you can"t see pastAnd Lord, isn"t that just like me?If only we could see, that He"s already set us freeWell come on, come onLet"s throw our mirrors downYeah come on, come onLet"s shatter the glass on the groundOh, ohFreedom"s waiting for you nowSo come on, come onAnd throw your mirrors downCome on, if you"re tired take a step outsideYou might find that you can forget about yourself tonightOh, come on if you"re tired of failed attempts to tryFreedom"s waiting when you look outsideCome on, if you"re tired take a step outsideYou might find you can forget about yourself tonightYeah, come if you"re tired of your failed attempts to tryFreedom is waiting when you look outsideWell come on, come onLet"s throw our mirrors downYeah come on, come onLet"s shatter the glass on the groundFreedom"s waiting for you nowSo come on, come on and throw your mirrors down
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