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universe和co *** os的区别?

分类: 外语/出国 解析: co *** os n. (被视作和谐体系的)宇宙 名词复数 co *** os, co *** oses universe n. 宇宙,万物,世界 (1)n.宇宙 the whole system of suns,plas.eexisting in their places Do you know Einstein"s theory about the universe? 你知道爱因斯坦关于宇宙的理论吗? No one knows for universe extension. 谁也不知道宇宙的范围有多大。 (2)n.宇宙万物 the whole system of created things viewed as a whole (3)n.全世界 the world 在西方,宇宙这个词在英语中叫co *** os,在俄语中叫кocMoc ,在德语中叫ko *** os ,在法语中叫co *** os。它们都源自希腊语的κoσμoζ,古希腊人认为宇宙的创生乃是从浑沌中产生出秩序来,κoσμoζ其原意就是秩序。但在英语中更经常用来表示“宇宙”的词是universe。此词与universitas有关。在中世纪,人们把沿着同一方向朝同一目标共同行动的一群人称为universitas。在最广泛的意义上,universitas 又指一切现成的东西所构成的统一整体,那就是universe,即宇宙。universe和co *** os常常表示相同的意义,所不同的是,前者强调的是物质现象的总和,而后者则强调整体宇宙的结构或构造。




The word "university" is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars."From Wikipediauniversity来自拉丁语universitas (意为a whole,全体), 原意为教师和学者的团体.




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universe英 [ ˈju:nɪvɜ:s ]美 [ ˈju:nɪvɜ:rs ]n. 宇宙;天地万物; 经验领域;universal英 [ ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sl ]美 [ ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:rsl ]adj. 普遍的,一般的;通用的,万能的;全世界的;宇宙的;n. [逻辑学]全称命题;[哲学]一般概念;一般性;(希望对你有帮助)


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world世界 universe宇宙


1. the universe作文80词左右 Universe Where do we e from? How did the universe begin?Why is the universe the way it is? How will it end? All my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us, and have tried to find scientific answers to them.If, like me, you have looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of what you see, you too have started to wonder what makes the universe exist. The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach. Until now.宇宙 我们来自何方?宇宙如何开始?为什么宇宙是这样的?它将如何结束? 我一生都迷恋于我们所面临的这些大问题并试图找到他们科学的答案。 如果你曾像我一样观察过星星,想了解你看见的东西,你也已经对宇宙的起源产生了好奇。这些问题很清楚,其简单却是假象。 问题的答案总是遥不可及。直到现在。 2. the universe作文80词左右 Universe Where do we e from? How did the universe begin?Why is the universe the way it is? How will it end? All my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us, and have tried to find scientific answers to them.If, like me, you have looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of what you see, you too have started to wonder what makes the universe exist. The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach. Until now. 宇宙 我们来自何方?宇宙如何开始?为什么宇宙是这样的?它将如何结束? 我一生都迷恋于我们所面临的这些大问题并试图找到他们科学的答案。如果你曾像我一样观察过星星,想了解你看见的东西,你也已经对宇宙的起源产生了好奇。这些问题很清楚,其简单却是假象。问题的答案总是遥不可及。直到现在。 3. 求一篇英语作文what in the universe 您好:In order to make our city a better place to live in,we had an activity Let"s Act to Protect Our Environment last Saturday.our class"s task that day was to clean up bus station.we set off at half past thirty on foot.we got there.rubbish was picked up and ground was cleaned,and spam was cleaned off.what is more,we handed out leaflets that told people the importance of protecting the environment.times flies.when all things were done,we felt so tired but happy because the bus station is so clean now.and i am sure If everyone takes an active part in the environment protecing ,we will live in a clean and clear world. 希望对您的学习有帮助 【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~ 祝学习进步~ 4. the universe began with a Big Bang哪位大哥大姐帮忙用英文写一段关 Big Bang theory of the main opinion is that our universe had a period from hot to cold evolutionary history. During this period, the universe is not a static system, but are constantly expanding, so that the density of matter from the dense to dilute to evolve. This from hot to cold, from dense to dilute the process as the outbreak of an enormous scale. According to Big Bang co *** ology opinion, the big bang the whole process are: early in the universe, the temperature is extremely high at 10 billion degrees. Material density is likely to be considerable, the whole system of the universe balanced. The universe only neutrons, protons and electrons, photons and neutrinos and other elementary particles form the material. However, because the whole system continues to expand, the results of the temperature dropped quickly. When the temperature dropped to around one billion degrees, neutrons begin to lose the freedom of the conditions exist, it either happened decay, or with protons into deuterium, helium and other elements; chemical element is formed from the beginning of this period. Temperature further dropped to one million degrees, the early formation of chemical elements in the process of The End (see element synthesis theory). The universe"s material is mainly of protons and electrons, photons, and some of the more lighter nuclei. When the temperature is reduced to several thousand degrees, the radiation diminishes, the universe is mainly gaseous material, the gas gradually unite into a gas cloud further the formation of various star systems, to bee the universe we see today. Gamow in 1948 from the hot set up since the concept of the Big Bang, through decades of efforts, the universe, scientists outline for us the history of such a universe: Big Bang beginning about 137 million years ago, a very *** all volume, high density, high temperature. Big Bang 10 ~ 43 seconds ago the universe emerged from the quantum background. Big Bang the first 10 ~ 35 seconds with a broken down into strong, weak electric and gravitational force. Big Bang 10 ~ 5 second 10 trillion degrees, the formation of protons and neutrons. 0.01 seconds after the Big Bang one hundred billion degrees, photon, electron, neutrino mainly accounted for only 10 billionths of a proton neutron, thermal equilibrium state, the rapid expansion of the system, temperature and density continues to drop. 0.1 seconds after the Big Bang 30 billion later, the neutron proton ratio dropped to 0.61 from 1.0. One second after the Big Bang 10 billion later, the neutrinos escape ouard, electron-positron annihilation reaction, nuclear power is still less than the neutron and proton bound. 13.8 seconds after the Big Bang 30 billion kwh, deuterium, helium nuclei stability category (chemical element) form. 35 minutes after the Big Bang, after three hundred million degrees, nuclear process to stop, can not form a neutral atom. Big Bang 30 years after 3000, the chemical bination of the role of neutral atoms so that the formation of the universe, the main ponents of gaseous substances, and gradually the gravitational effect of self-cohesion, high-density gas into the clouds, until the stars and stellar systems. According to the Hubble constant can be estimated around 150 million years ago, the universe began in a singular point. Wenger. Wave Miao said: "The explosion 1 / 100 second when the temperature was 100 billion degrees Celsius, the universe at its most simple state of thermal equilibrium. From a purely energy generated by the photon and electron-positron blend together, even the mirage-like micro - This son also soak in hot soup pots (what we call soup of elementary particles) Lane. photon and proton ratio of 10 to 1. exploded one second after the temperature has dropped to 10 billion degrees Celsius, neutrinos begin to escape from the heat balance extricate . 3 minutes is a epoch-making time, the temperature has dropped to one billion degrees Celsius, electron-positron annihilation finish. the universe, mainly by light, positive and negative ponent neutrino, nuclear particles represents a very *** all share of one of the ratio of hydrogen and helium for 73 : 27. The other is by the annihilation of many particles with the same nuclear electron scarce. since there is no major event happened 70 million years, until the temperature has dropped to 3000 degrees Celsius, the free electron gradually have their own owners, and nuclear form of hydrogen and helium, material was hot out of radiation balance, beginning the universe transparent.。 5. 写宇宙的英语作文带翻译的 my dream英语作文第一篇 I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don"t have to worry about the old age during which I even can"t take care of myself. I know that my dream will not e true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well. my dream英语作文第二篇 我的梦想 我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生。 因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。 同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生。 My dream I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.。 6. 宇宙行星英语作文 宇宙,是我们所在的空间,“宇”字的本义就是指“上下四方”。球是我们的家园;而地球仅是太阳系的第三颗行星;而太阳系又仅仅定居于银河系巨大旋臂的一侧;而银河系,在宇宙所有星系中,也许很不起眼…… 这一切,组成了我们的宇宙: 宇宙,是所有天体共同的家园。宇宙,又是我们所在的时间,“宙”的本意就是指“古往今来”。因为,我们的宇宙不是从来就有的,它也有着诞生和成长的过程。现代科学发现,我们的宇宙大概形成于二百亿年以前。在一次无比壮观的大爆炸中,我们的宇宙诞生了!(这就是著名的“大爆炸”理论。)宇宙一经形成,就在不停地运动着。科学家发现,宇宙正在膨胀着,星体之间的距离越来越大。 宇宙的明天会怎样?许多的科学家正为此辛勤工作着。这也许永远是一个谜,一个令人无限神往的谜 加上这些 太阳离我们究竟有多远?宇宙到底有多大?外星人真的光临过地球吗?……面对广阔,美丽而又神秘的宇宙空间,我带着好奇的渴望,提出了一个又一个被我困扰已久的问题。 自从读了这本《千万个为什么》以后,我的脑海里失去了许多问号。书中的知识都是我最想知道的。每读一个故事,我都陶醉在其中,就好像在太空中飘浮,感受着宇航员的生活。 ,你也可以投稿 外星人是否存在?是我觉得最有趣儿的问题,现在,这个迷团终于解开了。答案是:外星人存在。因为,银河系中有那么多星体,而科学家发现,在银河系里,有一半的星体是存在生命的,所以外星人一定存在。但外星人有没有光临过地球,到现在还是一个未解之迷。 其实,宇宙并不像我们想象的那样神秘,它现在还是一个未解之迷,但我坚信,总有一天,它会变成一个被人们了解地非常清楚的宇宙。我眼中的世界处处新奇,时时新鲜,无数奇奇怪怪的“为什么”伴随着我进入更多未知世界!虽然仍有很多问号,但我渐渐地提高了理解力,思维力和创造力,我也会把剩下的问号变成句号 7. 写一篇英语作文 Recently,our class had a discussion about whether the space exploration is worthwhile. Now I"d like to give a brief summary about it. About 30% of the students are against the exploration. There are several reasons accounting for this. First,they think the universe do not deserve our exploration. Second,they think the universe is so far from our daily life ,so there is no need exploring it. Third,space exploration is a waste of moeny.In their opinion,we should use these money to solve problems such as starvation and pollution on earth. However,the rest of the class are for the space exploration. They think the universe is a fantasyland which deserves our exploration. Besides, we have already been using the satellites for munication and weather forecasting. What"s more, the population problem and energy shortage may be solved through the exploration. 8. 写一篇介绍宇宙的英语作文60字左右 提示语:Iarge ,universe,pla, the universe is quiet large and contains many systems.In our solar system, nine plas circle around our Sun. The Sun sits in themiddle while the plas travel in circular paths (called orbits) around it.scientists always try to explore the space by spacecrafts and during the discovery, we learn more knowledge and feel very excited。 9. 写一篇英语作文 Last week my class to visit the Science Museum,I understand that China"s Shenzhou spacecraft, astronauts,Visited a number of significant inventions and scientists in pictures. Some students were interested in cloning technology Some students on the alien knowledge of the universe might be interested. Watch the movie SPACEWALK. Am excited, excited, Of science and technology be proud of. Determined to study hard and master the basic skills of science. 10. 用英语写一篇立德树人的作文 It is clear that the assumption that the universe in any direction is the same is actually wrong.. For example, as we have seen, the other stars in our galaxy formed across the night sky, called the Milky Way Department of light. But if you see farther, the number of galaxies is more or less the same. So it is assumed that we observe the distance beeen the galaxies and the distance of the galaxies, regardless of the differences in the *** all scale, the universe is indeed in all directio。



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yo universe意思是:悠悠宇宙重点词汇:universe英['ju:nu026avu025c:s]释义:n.宇宙;世界;领域[复数:universes]短语:Miss Universe环球小姐;环球小姐大赛;宇宙小姐;举世蜜斯









shoot for the stars是什么意思

shoot for the stars追求卓越例句:If you shoot for the stars, you"ll at least hit the moon. 如果你射向星星,至少你会命中月亮。Many people, when the begin running, shoot for the stars. I was one of those.许多人,刚开始跑步就想迅速达到很高的水平,我一开始跑步的时候也是如此。Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars! Just believeyourself! 上天揽月吧!即使失败,你也会跌入繁星之中!相信自己!

universe 和space 有什么区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 两个都有宇宙,太空之意, 解析: 楼主你好!universe 和space 有这样一层密不可分的所属关系,那就是: The universe exists in space. 宇宙存在于太空。那么,什么是宇宙呢? 宇宙有限而无界,只不过比地球多了几维。比如,我们的地球就是有限而无界的。在地球上,无论从南极走到北极,还是从北极走到南极,你始终不可能找到地球的边界,但你不能由此认为地球是无限的。实际上,我们都知道地球是有限的。地球如此,宇宙亦是如此。 而“太空”主要就是指“外层空间” 就是空气空间以外的整个空间。 比如说: Our earth moves through space. 我们的地球在太空中运行 由此可见,宇宙是可以引申为其他含义,比如:我们都有自己的“小宇宙”(能量场),但是space就无法做这样的延伸了。 OK,希望对你有帮助,如果对此还有疑惑,请你提出,呵呵,再会!


cosmos n. (被视作和谐体系的)宇宙 名词复数 cosmos, cosmoses universe n. 宇宙,万物,世界 (1)n.宇宙 the whole system of suns,planets.etc.existing in their places Do you know Einstein"s theory about the universe? 你知道爱因斯坦关于宇宙的理论吗? No one knows for universe extension. 谁也不知道宇宙的范围有多大。 (2)n.宇宙万物 the whole system of created things viewed as a whole (3)n.全世界 the world在西方,宇宙这个词在英语中叫cosmos,在俄语中叫кocMoc ,在德语中叫kosmos ,在法语中叫cosmos。它们都源自希腊语的κoσμoζ,古希腊人认为宇宙的创生乃是从浑沌中产生出秩序来,κoσμoζ其原意就是秩序。但在英语中更经常用来表示“宇宙”的词是universe。此词与universitas有关。在中世纪,人们把沿着同一方向朝同一目标共同行动的一群人称为universitas。在最广泛的意义上,universitas 又指一切现成的东西所构成的统一整体,那就是universe,即宇宙。universe和cosmos常常表示相同的意义,所不同的是,前者强调的是物质现象的总和,而后者则强调整体宇宙的结构或构造。

shoot for the moon ,even if you will land along the stars


universe. universal. university三个单词的区别?



"universe"是一个英语名词,指的是宇宙,即包括所有物质、能量、空间和时间的无限空间。宇宙包括了所有的星系、行星、恒星、行星系统、星云、黑洞、暗物质等等。它的大小和形状至今仍然是科学家们在研究和探索的对象。在日常用语中,"universe"也可以用来表示某个范围内的所有事物,例如:The fashion universe is constantly changing.(时尚界不断变化。)The universe of social media is vast and complex.(社交媒体的世界广阔而复杂。)The universe of possibilities is endless.(可能性的世界是无限的。)"universe"这个词来自拉丁语"universum",意思是"全部、整体"。它是一个广泛使用的词汇,用于描述我们所生存在的宏伟而神秘的宇宙。



universal \ universe这英语怎么念?

油内我扫 油内我思




麻恩(m)挂办带咯 啊喷马力那哇闹了林(m)的(r)给黑东 那读内噶银(m)等够(r)他进(m)挂他了给 那阿金给哦(b)搜呢(r)西(r)忙哈给黑东 那都胡为哈嫩够(r)一几(r)苏哦(m)丝(r)够噶他怕拉米掐噶我几米昂一gii么(r)不咯搜 苏(m)giao了(m)慢几东帮喊啵卡怒森(m)搜立咯剖个你个咯啊呢秒票比巧老(m)比那(r) 内一了(r)古(m)古东帮I"ll search the universe闹(r)塔西掐泽(r)带噶几闹七啊呢(r)够呀 提个(r)噶疼gii有都尅叫了(r)sei giao进 屋里也出我跟大西秒蹦你古读拉哇 闹(r)不了(r)太你噶无森(m)挂怒(n)木立 桑巧哇七有噶几(r)木(n)噶还大(b)的立 你啊内大一嫩够(r)那也sei桑呢(r)噶几 那也恰个怒句噶搜秒(r)哈嫩孙感 那读撒拉几给几I"ll search the universe闹(r)塔西掐泽(r)带噶几闹七啊呢(r)够呀 提个(r)噶疼gii有都尅叫累sei giao进 屋里也出我跟大西秒蹦你古读拉哇 闹(r)不了(r)太你噶Kii有个弄接那 怒(n)木了(r)太撩哇他西搜嫩加立也 woo baby闹哈那慢难(m)giao多谈哈路诶 谈喊蹦内个闹内(r)苏一嫩 麻额(m)米呀你蓝够(r)啊喷都咯 呢gii掐那可哦地拉古黑多 闹也给卡嫩那I"ll search the universe闹(r)塔西掐泽(r)带噶几闹七啊呢(r)够呀 提个(r)噶疼gii有都尅叫累sei giao进 屋里也出我跟大西Kii有以读拉哇 闹(r)掐泽(r)太你噶可给撒浪一你噶撒浪一你噶


金廷祐、 李泰容 ,郑在玹、李马克,徐英浩 ,这些人都是有可能回归的,目前回归的人数已经非常多了。



boa universe 歌词

UNIVERSEfeat.CrystalKay克莉丝朵.凯儿&VERBAL小姐said[YOU饶舌很不错嘛]是阿..因为我是饶舌界的JAWS说真的超火热跟那些只会模仿的家伙完全不同每次FIRE一拿到麦克风就会发生火灾理所当然的爱的排行榜有希望的DNALifeissurviverace西元前to现在都一样端正的Lookin也是轻快愉快的回应这样可不行NoNoNoNoYouknow?BrandnewfeelOnlyoneyourfeel即将前往新时代Strong坚强的英雄WewantWeneedlead进化成无国界的世界ThekeypersonStrongWegetitonhigh,Wemakeitclap新世界到来DanceDJpaly也是DigiStyleCanyoufollow?Dancein未来系1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong拼法isB,C,V想碰的话BeStrong1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrongIt"sBrandNew!!Click按键做好觉悟碰壁的话说Idon"tknow可是行不通的Justlikea云霄飞车逐渐被吸引这段音乐WaitminuteNoNoYouknow?brandnewbeatOnlySpecialBeatWhatdoyoufeel?超越萤幕的真实Many夸张的情报的Rain不被牵著鼻子走的坚强就在这里StrongWegetitonhigh,Wemakeitclap新世界PumpitupListen,You的favorifeSoundCanyoufollow?DancinginyourBest1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong拼法isB,C,V想选的话BeStrong1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong1、2、1、2、1、2、1、2、1、2、1、2、1、2 BeStrongEverytimeIlookintoyoureyesIseethefuture超认真音量是最小声的话一定会缩短距离LIGHTSOUT!即将开始些什麼彼此说些小小的玩笑不知不觉间肉欲的非抒情的不需要言语的HIGHVIBES起了超化学作用TIMEOUT!超有情境不好意思我这麼帅、不客气YUP!ITS…我的出场时後ANYTHINGGOESwhenwegetLOUD一直都是WILD!!!一直都是“WOW!!!”脚下踏著L.V.STEVENSSPROUSEWEINTHEV.I.P跳进沙发UP&DOWN两手拿著保特瓶MAKEYALLBOUNCEIloveyou Iwantyou ItsBorderlessMusicisplayinintheair,LikethatHowyourfeelingbaby?Shallwedance?那儿的SoundisgoodYes,ItsoundsrealgoodWegetitonhigh,Wemakeitclap新世界到来DanceDJpaly也是DigiStyleCanyoufollow?Dancein未来系1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong拼法isB,C,V想碰的话BeStrong1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrongWegetitonhigh,Wemakeitclap新世界PumpitupListen,You的favorifeSoundCanyoufollow?DancinginyourBest1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong拼法isB,C,V想选的话BeStrong1,2,1,2,1,2BeStrong




1300年University一词中的“universe”并不是我们所知道的宇宙这个词,虽然 university是由我们的 universe这个词的前身派生而来的。这一前身,即拉丁文中的 universus是由表示“一”的 unus和表示“沿着某一特定的方向”的 versus构成的。 Universus字面上的意思因此就是“沿着一个特定的方向”, 但它实际的意思却是“整个、全部”和“被视为一个整体的,被视为一个群体的”。 Universum,是 universus的中性单数形式,用作名词时指“宇宙”, 同样派生词 universitas也指“一群个人的联合体,社团”。 在中世纪,拉丁文继续在诸如政府、宗教和教育等领域得到使用, universitas这个词被用来指由教师和学生所构成的新联合体,比如在萨勒诺、巴黎和牛津出现的这种联合体,而这类联合体即是我们今天的大学的最初形式。我们今天的 university这个词可以上溯到拉丁词,它首次被记录下来是在大约1300年,当时就是用来指这种联合体


没有关系,但是词源上是有关系的.universe不仅有宇宙的关系,还有“普遍” “所有”的概念在里面,最初大学建立的初衷就是为了让学生们可以得到非常全面的教育而设立的(和现在的大学不一样,如今侧重专业学习).所以说university和universe的词干是想通的.



universe 和space 有什么区别?




英语中“宇宙”为universe, 大学为“university",两者有何关系?

从词的构造来讲 没有什么关系






A.space因为space代表宇宙,就是包括了太阳地球月亮的词,有具体的东西。而 universe表达的意思则比较广泛,宇宙,天地万物,全世界,全人类,这些意思都有。这道题是讲“火箭能把我们带到宇宙。”,则应该选 A 了。呵呵,希望能帮到你。

Maria (Single/Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Maria (Single/Lp Version)歌手:Slide Hampton Octet专辑:Explosion! The Sound Of Slide HamptonUS 5 - Marialyric edit by huayilMa Ma Maria, I wanna see yaCan you feel it, too?Yeeaahh Ohhhooohhh Oooohhhoohhohh YeeaahhShe"s the kind of girl, makes you look twiceMakes the fellas nod their headsSo fine, that every man would wanna hold her handIt"s crazy (oh yeah)Lookin so good to me, she was so tightSimple words just can"t describeShe was something like a beauty queen from a fashion magazine(oh maria)Deep inside, girl I can"t deny itWhat I feel, I can"t really hide itMi amor, girl my heart is true for youI need you MariaMa-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaComo estas my sweet senoritaLookin so good I would like to me ya (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaI get a chill whenever I see yaShorty I like the way that your booty rolls (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma Ma Maria, I wanna see yaCan you feel it, too?She"s a perfect ten and she knows itFrom her head down to her toesThe kind that makes you want to settle downAnd just get married (oh yea)I would do anything to be near herGive her all I have and moreBaby girl you are the one for meYou"re my pin-up fantasy (oh Maria)Deep inside, girl I can"t deny itWhat I feel, I can"t really hide itMi amor, girl my heart is true for youI need you MariaMa-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaComo estas my sweet senoritaLookin so good I would like to me ya (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaI get a chill whenever I see yaShorty I like the way that your booty rolls (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Baby I need you endlesslyCause with you is where I wanna be (ohooh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaComo estas my sweet senoritaLookin so good I would like to me ya (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaI get a chill whenever I see yaShorty I like the way that your booty rolls (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaComo estas my sweet senoritaLookin so good I would like to me ya (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-MariaI get a chill whenever I see yaShorty I like the way that your booty rolls (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)Ma Ma Maria, I wanna see yaCan you feel it, too?Ma Ma Maria

universe 有复数吗



它的形容词是universal。al是常用形容词词尾。同类的还有musical, mental,general等。

Universe是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

Universe音标:[ynivεr]词义:1. 全球,全世界,世界,天下2. 世人,全世界的人,天下人3. <转>天地,世界,领域4. 宇宙,天地万物






Universe意思是“宇宙,世界,领域”。单词发音:英[u02c8juu02d0nu026avu025cu02d0s],美[u02c8juu02d0nu026avu025cu02d0rs]。短语搭配:Stargate Universe 星际之门宇宙,星际之门,星际之门宇宙,星际之门太空。observable universe 可观测宇宙,可观察宇宙,可宇宙。fictional universe 架空世界,蜀山。双语例句:1、No one creates this universe but you.没有一个人创造这个宇宙而是你。2、And not from your life outside of that universe.而不是来自你的生命外的那宇宙。



Jonas Brothers的《Hey You》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey You歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:Jonas L.A.Jonas Brothers - Hey YouMic checkCan you hear me?Gotta know if I"m coming in clearlyStatic through the speakersIn a second, your heart will feel thisTaken for grantedRight now, you can"t stand itBreak downIt"s a show downGot to scream it outloud"Cause I"m not fakingGirl, I"m just sayingHey you, hey youNow we"re into something newHey you, hey youNow you"re feeling like I doCome on, shout itLet"s leave the past behind usCome on, shout it outHey youI"m open to suggestionsI"m dreaming of you and me dancingNo one"s interferin"Gotta do it ourselvesWe don"t need ‘emLong as we"re togetherWe won"t want anybody else, babyTell me if you"re ready"Cause tonight you will seeThat I"m not fakin"Girl, I"m just sayin"Hey you, hey youNow we"re into something newHey you, hey youNow you"re feeling like I doCome on, shout itLet"s leave the past behind usCome on, shout it outHey youYou doubted meAnd you trusted meAnd I made you seeHow to find your reliefI don"t know what to sayGet on your wayI gotta hear you screamHey you, hey youNow we"re into something newHey you, hey youNow you"re feeling like I doCome on, shout itLet"s leave the past behind usCome on, shout it outHey youHey you, hey youNow we"re into something newHey you, hey youNow you"re feeling like I doCome on, shout itLet"s leave the past behind usCome on, shout it outHey you


Supersonic中文歌词 Wikipedia,自由的百科全书 收录专辑:DefinitelyMaybe Supersonic超音速 Ineedtobemyself 我要做自己 Ican"tbenooneelse 我不要像其他人一样 I"mfeelingsupersonic 我正享受著超音速 Givemeginandtonic 请给我一杯ginandtonic Youcanhaveitallbuthowmuchdoyouwantit? 你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够 Youmakemelaugh 你让我大笑 Givemeyourautograph 请给我你的签名 CanIridewithyouinyourBMW? 我可以坐上你的BMW一起兜风吗? Youcansailwithmeinmyyellowsubmarine 还是你可以坐上我的黄色潜水艇一同共游(注1) Youneedtofindout 你得好好思索 "Cosnoone"sgonnatellyouwhatI"monabout 因为不会有人告诉你我所言为何 Youneedtofindawayforwhatyouwanttosay 你得想办法让自己畅其所言 Butbeforetomorrow 但得在天亮之前 "Cosmyfriendsaidhe"dtakeyouhome 因为我的朋友说他会带你回家 Hesitsinacornerallalone 他坐在角落独自一个人 Helivesunderawaterfall 他住在瀑布底下 Nobodycanseehim 别人见不到他 Nobodycaneverhearhimcall 也听不到他的呼唤 Youneedtobeyourself 你得做你自己 Youcan"tbenooneelse 不要像其他人一样 IknowagirlcalledElsa 我认识个叫做Elsa的女孩 She"sintoAlkaSeltzer 她对AlkaSeltzer很著迷(注2) Shesniffsitthroughacaneonasupersonictrain 她在超音速火车里用根管子吸食它 Shemademelaugh 她曾让我大笑 Igotherautograph 我也拿过她的签名 Shedoneitwithadoctoronahelicopter 她曾在直升机里和一位医生搞过 She"ssniffininhertissue 而如今她却拿卫生纸直打喷嚏 Sellin"theBigIssue 在大街上叫卖杂志(注3) AndShefindsout 而现在她终於了解 noone"sgonnatellherwhatI"monabout 没有人要告诉她我所言为何 Youneedtofindawayforwhatshewantstosay 你得想办法听懂她要讲什麼 Butbeforetomorrow 但得在天亮之前 "Cosmyfriendsaidhe"dtakeyouhome 因为我的朋友说他会带你回家 Hesitsinacornerallalone 他坐在角落独自一个人 Helivesunderawaterfall 他住在瀑布底下 Nobodycanseehim 别人见不到他 Nobodycaneverhearhimcall 也听不到他的呼唤

barely legal all stars 8什么时意思

barely legal 是刚过十八岁的女孩(刚好合法),他们拍的XX片的系列名all star 就是全明星(演员,里面最好看的女孩)8 系列第八集。。。。自己连起来

Flying The Flag [For You] [Spanish Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Flying The Flag [For You] [Spanish Version]歌手:Scooch专辑:Flying The Flag [For You]his is your captain speakingI"d like to welcome you aboard this Eurovision flightThe duration will be 3 minutes exactlynow sit back, relax and enjoy the flightBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daDuty free madam?Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daWe"re flying the flag all over the worldFlying the flag for youFlying the flag for youLondon to BerlinAll the way from Paris to TallinnHelsinki on to PragueDon"t matter where we areyeah yeah ye-ahFlying high in AmsterdamWhy don"t you catch us if you canNow we"re cruising in the skyAnd we"re singing it for youBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daSome salted nuts sir?Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daWe"re flying the flag all over the worldFlying the flag for youWould you like a complimentary drink with your meal sir?We"re flying the flag all over the worldFlying the flag for you…Ladies and Gentlemenyour exits are located here, here and hereTo fasten your seatbelt insert the fittingTo use the life vest, slip it over your headPull firmly on the red cord and blow into the mouthpieceBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahBa-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-daWe"re flying the flag all over the worldFlying the flag for youWe"re flying the flag (yes we"re flying)all over the world(take you all around the world)Flying the flag for youWould you like something to suck on for landing sir?We"re flying the flag (yes we"re flying)all over the world(take you all around the world)Flying the flag for you…We"d like to thank you for flying with us today

Shake It (Eurovision Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shake It (Eurovision Version)歌手:Sakis Rouvas专辑:Shake It (Eurovision Version)作词:HI-D作曲:HI-D歌词:仄暗いlightに 踊る烟 怪しいフロアすくむ足で踏み込む 怖い だけど 思いは止まらない细くしなやかな 指が织り成す苦くセクシーな マティーニのようにためらう気持ちも shakeされたなら勇気を奋えるかな心夺われた その瞳に わたしだけを映したい见た目から入る出逢いでも 运命だって信じてる友达に连れられ あの日あなたに 酔いはじめてからドラマティックな展开 いつもいつも 梦见てしまうの细くしなやかな 指に触れたくてコースターの裏 书いたアドレス早くしないと 渗んでいく文字グラス倾け 饮み干したふわふわと揺れる あなたは ほら 笑颜で手を差し伸べてるわたしはその気になって 差し出す 丸いlove letter耻ずかしさ溢れ 逃げるように 夜のタクシー飞び乗って浮かんでは消えるwindowに 映るわたし 昙り颜鸣らない电话眺め 问い合わせては ため息小刻みに 増えるメーターの数字は あなたとの距离终わり

could you understand what i have done?my heart w


求歌名,有一句歌词是course I need you baby

i miss you 。这个是抒情版本的。如果是这个的话去songtaste 下吧。。百度好像不好找这首歌

farmers market是什么意思

农贸市场The local farmers market might be the perfect place to translate that into some pocket cash. 跟读当地的农贸市场可能是将你的爱好转化为赚取零用钱的最好的地方。

strike up a conversation是什么意思

strike up a conversation译为搭讪strike up a conversation[英][straik u028cp u0259 u02ccku0254nvu0259u02c8seiu0283u0259n][美][strau026ak u028cp e u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n]后接with sb, 搭讪,攀谈; 例句:双语英语1.Later in the evening, richard kampman, a truck driver who was laid off in 2010, said bernanke approached him in the men"s restroom and attempted to strike up a conversation about various factors contributing to the current financial crisis. 当晚晚些时候,在2010年被炒鱿鱼的卡车司机理查德坎普曼(richardkampman)表示,伯南克在男厕所向他走近,试图搭讪,和他探讨有关促成目前金融危机的各种因素。=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================

Topi Sorsakoski的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:Topi Sorsakoski专辑:Muistojen Peili 2Mona Lisa---关正杰---如何能令你知谁人为你写过诗多少的心早已经倾倒了 心仰慕 心也痴神情如是有所思微微在笑为何事好一对清秀的眼睛多可爱 多美丽 在凝视Mona Lisa Mona Lisa听那韵乐 奏着永不止Mona Lisa Mona Lisa这个就是最美丽名字Music......---End---

请问misinterpret 和 misunderstand有什么区别



folders的读音是:。folders的读音是:。folders的例句是用作名词(n.)Displayfilesaswellasfolders.显示文件和文件夹。folders的意思是n.文件夹。一、网络释义点此查看folders的详细内容 文件夹文件夹(Folders):苹果iPhone4.0的又一大革新,使用过苹果的人一定会为你的iPhone安装大量的软件,而当你面对9屏软件的时候,会不会经常束... 折页我的团队助理负责管理一堆标记杂乱的文档(files)、定点(bins)和折页(folders),工作很出色,但是我一看到它们就害怕!Q:最后问一个问题,您对新入行的剪辑师有什么建议吗? 资料夹...次建立多份文件Method44EnterpriseAdoption选择文件建立位置建立文件选择产品(Product)及资料夹(Folders)一份产品开发相关文件,通常都需要进行公司内部的标准签核流程才能够正式发行,则此时应将该份文件放置在产品下的资料夹中。 目录...fok=前桅下帆folders=目录folders=赠送品...二、例句Displayfilesaswellasfolders.显示文件和文件夹。Clickonfolderstoopenandclosethem.在文件夹上单击可以打开或关闭它。folders的相关临近词folder、foldergluer、folderwindow、foldermember、folderfilter、folderdetails、folderofrock、foldersecurity、foldermetaphor、folderhierarchy、folderdirectory点此查看更多关于folders的详细信息


Mars就是指火星,就好像earth一样。martian [英]u02c8mɑ:u0283n [美]u02c8mɑ:ru0283n n. 火星人 adj. 火星的

carpentersville 是哪里






mars 前面要不要加the?





"Mars"和"GS"都是居家养老服务机器人,但是它们之间的区别有以下几点:1. 外形和尺寸:Mars的外形设计比较具有未来感,类似于机器人模样,而GS更像一台普通的音响,外观更为简约。尺寸方面,Mars要稍微大一些。2. 功能:Mars是集智能语音助手、智能家居控制等在内的一款多功能机器人,能够完成听音乐、讲故事、提供天气等生活娱乐类的基本功能,也能连接智能家居设备控制窗帘、灯光、空调等家居电器。而GS主要具备音箱、电视遥控、新闻、天气等生活娱乐方面的智能语音交互功能,化繁为简,更符合老年人的使用习惯。3. 价格:Mars的售价要略高于GS,因为它在功能和设计上都做了更多的投入和创新。综上所述,作为居家养老服务机器人,虽然Mars和GS都有各自的产品优势,但从使用体验、实用性、价值性等方面考虑,最终购买哪一款还需要用户根据个人需求和预算做出权衡和选择。




火星Mars并不是来自词根mar, Mars本身是一个罗马神话里的战神,因为火星看起来红红的对应了战神给人的印象,于是当时罗马人就将其命名为Mars。mar词根对应的单词比如marine,就是和海有关的。


是mars bar的mars么?是的话请见下连接

Mars 在欧美乐坛的地位有多高

Bruno Mars现在应该是欧美男歌手里排得上前五的当红了,五首Billboard冠军单曲,第一张专辑在全球范围内卖出了近六百万张,在现在市场疯狂颓废的欧美乐坛中是非常impressive的。有关他的地位,就是没有站住脚的前五,而Unorthodox Jukebox应该也无法奠定他的市场地位。因为欧美乐坛有个现象,只有一个歌手的第三张专辑能够大卖的时候,他的市场地位才能够被真正奠定,例如Taylor Swift。所以还是要看他下一张专辑的表现。从目前的市场销量来看,Unorthodox Jukebox一年之中四百万张的销量依然出色,实现了单曲和专辑的双收。有关专辑质量,我没有听过全张专辑,但是单曲的部分还不错,他唱的一般都是情歌,这张专辑的内容其实和上一张的本质上差不多。从媒体评价上,UJ是综合评价70分,比D-W&H的61分高了一些。还有,我就是因为UJ的封面才从路人转黑的...

怎样用 Mars 造句?

当作个地点状语随便用呗~~Have human beings ever been to Mars?
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