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american theft 80s prologue怎么调成中文



通常情况下,这三者的意思是完全互通的,也就是说,当你跟一个美国人聊天时,这3个词混用并不会导致对方不能理解或者误解你的意思。但是实际上,在相对正式和严肃的场合,这3个词的有着一定程度习惯上的区别。1.USUS,是United States的缩写,直接翻译为“合众国”。世界上有两个合众国:美利坚合众国和墨西哥合众国,但是一般情况下,“合众国”这个词特指美利坚合众国,在文章中要写作the United States或者the US/the U.S.,注意要加the表示特指。严格意义上,United States(US)才是对美国最符合传统最为正式的称呼。包括联合国在内的所有国际机构的美国代表席位,均使用这个称呼。在正式的官方场合,国家机构需要提到美利坚合众国时,一般均使用United States,缩写为US。2.USAUSA才是最标准的美利坚合众国(United States of America)全称的缩写,但有意思的是,它的应用度远没有US广泛。USA使用最多的地方就是在体育赛事上。包括国际奥委会在内的几乎所有国际体育赛事管理机构有严格规定,国家简写必须使用ISO标准。就是我们经常能看到的,在电视上显示参赛选手国家的国旗下方相对应的国际三位拉丁字母代码。比如:美国(USA)中国(CHN)这些三位码是国际标准化组织(ISO)严格制定的,任何国家和组织都不得随意更改。所以,无论是美国国家足球队、篮球队等团体项目的运动员还是个人项目的运动员,其运动服上印有的字样全部都是“USA”。美国的观众无论在现场还是电视机前观看体育赛事时,激动了,要为祖国加油,会齐声高喊“U~S~A~”,类似“中国加油”。3.America这个词原意是美洲,但是因为美国在几百年中迅速崛起变得过于IMBA,这个词开始专指美国。而提到美洲时,通常会前面加上“North”“South”“Latin”等表示美洲的各部分。在日常生活和口语中,America被经常使用。但是这个词在有的时候也有突出使用的地方。相比U.S.或者USA这个叫法偏向抽象意义和政治上的美国,America则偏向地理概念,表示美国这片土地。在赞美国家(及其人民、精神等)的时候,或者一些涉及到宗教的场合,常用America。

American slavery

American slavery was finally abolished by Abraham Lincoln and The Emancipation Proclamation

谁知道有关于America的歌词 是个男的唱的

艾米纳姆的 white America?是不是说唱?

who is the poet of American revolution?

Philip Morin Freneau (January 2, 1752 – December 18, 1832)(sometimes spelled Phillip Frenau) was an American poet and newspaper editor.He is often called the "Poet of the American Revolution".菲利普·莫林·福瑞诺,美国革命诗人

_____ good news! The World Cup will be held in South Africa.



These shirts are made of cotton in America.这些衬衫是用棉花在美国制造的。对你有帮助的话,请及时采纳喔!


American读音:[英][u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n][美][u0259u02c8mu025bru026aku0259n]。American是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为美国人、美洲人,等等。例句1.American manufacturing boomed during the expansion.美国制造业在经济扩张时经历过飞速发展。2.Indian american "likely returning to upenn"这位印度裔美国人“有可能重返宾夕法尼亚大学”3.I grew up around native american culture.我成长在美洲本土文化氛围里。4.And the american economy is tottering.美国的经济正在蹒跚前行。5.The american ambassador to pakistan apologised.美驻巴基斯坦大使对此深表歉意。

It is the day when people in America remember soldiers killed in war。


谁知道有关【美国航运局】(American Bureauof Shipping)的资料,主要包括它的发展历史和优势,急用 ,谢了

自己能力有限,查的外文资料,望能有所帮助历史ABS was first chartered in the state of New York in 1862, to certify ship captains. It has been involved in the development and improvement of safety standards. Born out of a need for industry self-regulation, ABS published its first technical standards, Rules for Survey and Classing Wooden Vessels, in 1870. When the era of wooden ships gave way to iron, ABS established standards for these structures, published as Rules for Survey and Classing of Iron Vessels. Similarly, when iron gave way to steel, ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels were established and published in 1890. These Steel Vessel Rules continue to be revised and published annually.ABS的首次在纽约州特许在1862年,以证明船长。它已涉及安全标准的发展和改善。出生需要行业自律,ABS公布了其第一个技术标准,为调查和分级木船,在1870年的规则。当木船时代让路铁,ABS的铁容器的调查和分档规则公布这些结构,建立标准。同样,当铁让路钢,建设和分级铁壳船ABS的规则,建立,并在1890年出版。这些钢船规则继续每年进行修订并公布。它的优势也就在于它的服务项目Services[edit] ClassificationThe responsibility of the classification society is to verify that merchant ships and marine structures presented to it comply with Rules that the society has established for design, construction and periodic survey. Classification itself does not judge the economic viability of a vessel. Neither is the society in a position to judge whether a vessel is ultimately employed according to the stated intended purpose for which it was classed. The classification society records, reports and recommends in accordance with what it has seen at the time of a vessel"s construction and subsequent surveys. If a vessel is found not to comply with the Rules, and the recommendations of ABS are not followed, then the society will suspend or cancel classification.Rules are derived from principles of naval architecture, marine engineering and associated disciplines. A new Rule, or a proposed change to an existing Rule, originates with one of the ABS technical committees, from in-service experience, from a new IACS Unified Requirement or from the ongoing research conducted by the technology staff at ABS. Research projects are conducted either directly by ABS or are undertaken jointly with industry, with academic and governmental organizations or with other appropriate partners to best draw on the most qualified sources available.When an owner first requests that a vessel or structure be classed, the shipyard or design agent presents drawings and calculations to ABS for a systematic detailed review for compliance with the Rules. ABS engineers review the plans to verify that the structural and mechanical details conform to the Rule requirements.After a design has been approved by ABS engineers, ABS field surveyors attend the vessel at the shipyard from keel laying to delivery.The surveyors verify that the approved plans are followed and the Rules are adhered to. During the construction of a vessel built to ABS class, surveyors witness, at the place of manufacture or fabrication, the tests of materials for the hull and certain items of machinery as required by the Rules. They also survey the building, installation and testing of the structural and principal mechanical and electrical systems.When completed, a vessel undergoes sea trials attended by an ABS field surveyor. The vessel is then presented to the ABS Classification Committee which assesses the vessel"s compliance with the Rules based on the collective experience of the Committee members and recommendations from the ABS staff. The Classification Committee is composed of ABS Members drawn from the maritime industry, United States Coast Guard and ABS officers. When accepted by the Committee, formal certification is issued to the vessel. The vessel"s classification information, characteristics and other particulars are then entered into the ABS Record – the electronic register of vessels classed by ABS maintained and updated on the ABS web site.ABS Rules require that every classed vessel be subject to periodic surveys to determine whether it is maintained in accordance with classification standards. Surveys are based on a five-year cycle of Annual Surveys, an Intermediate Survey to be completed between the second and third years of the five-year period, and a comprehensive Special Survey including dry docking at each fifth anniversary from the time of the vessel"s delivery.Plimsoll line of ABS[edit] CertificationABS also offers certification to specified standards. Whereas classification requires periodic surveys of the classed vessel or offshore unit throughout its life, certification verifies that the item conforms to designated standards at a specified time. Certification can establish compliance with ABS, national, international, industry or other standards.[edit] Offshore & Energy ServicesABS also develops standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of offshore drilling and production units and for gas carriers of all types. These standards cover mobile offshore drilling units (such as jackup rigs, semisubmersible rigs, and drill ships), floating offshore production installations (spars, tension leg platforms, semisubmersibles and FPSOs/FSOs), fixed offshore installations, pipelines, risers, and single point moorings.[edit] Statutory ServicesABS also acts as a Recognized Organization on behalf of more than 100 governments. A Recognized Organization is authorized by a flag State to conduct plan review and statutory surveys on ships registered under that flag on behalf of the nation"s maritime administration. Typical regulations include the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), SOLAS, MARPOL regulations, and the Load Line Convention. In addition to the national or international tonnage certificates, Panama and Suez Canal tonnage certificates can be issued by ABS on behalf of those authorities.[edit] Naval Vessel StandardsThe ABS Rules for Building and Classing Naval Vessels are developed for naval vessels. The standards address the bulk of hull, mechanical, electrical, environmental and safety related criteria for the vessels.The Naval Vessel Rules have restricted distribution, unlike the other ABS Rules and Guides which are available for download or hardcopy purchase.[edit] Rapid Response Damage Assessment (RRDA) ProgramDecisions made within the first few hours following a maritime casualty can determine the outcome, i.e. whether or not the vessel will remain intact and the potential environmental impact. The RRDA program provides an organized team of engineers and naval architects during emergency situations.Since 1993, RRDA engineers have contracted HECSALV software to model more than 2,000 vessels including floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units, tankers, bulk carriers, gas carriers, semisubmersibles and spars classed by the major classification societies. Teams have responded to more than 180 worldwide incidents ranging from tank explosions, groundings, collisions and fires to minor structural damage, flooding, trimming to replace stern seals, emergency drydockings and structural evaluation with missing structure in repair situations.The principal role of the RRDA team is to assist the Master and owner"s technical personnel. With the ability to quickly calculate the effect of damage to hull structure and free-flooding of internal spaces, we help the owner/operator minimize further stressing of the hull, loss of the vessel due to inadequate stability or spilling harmful fuel and cargo into the environment. The RRDA team can also interface with the vessel"s class society and flag or port State officials to provide technical documentation to support proposed temporary repairs, operations, single voyage requests or other related requirements.服务ClassificationThe船级社的责任,以验证商船和海洋结构向它提出的符合社会既定规则的设计,施工和定期调查。分类本身并不判断船只的经济活力。既不是社会中的位置来判断是否最终聘用,按照既定的预期目的,它被归类船只。船级社记录,报告和建议按照什么,它已经在一艘船的建设和后续调查时看到的。如果船只被发现不遵守规则,不遵守ABS的建议,那么社会将暂停或取消分类。来自造船,海洋工程及相关学科的原则规则。一个新规则,或建议改变现有规则,起源与服务经验,ABS技术委员会之一,从一个新的国际船级社协会统一要求,从正在进行的研究,在ABS的技术人员进行。研究项目直接进行ABS或与产业界共同承担,学术和政府机构或其他合适的合作伙伴,最好画上最合格的来源获得。当雇主首先要求的船只或结构被归类,船厂或设计代理系统化遵守规则的详细审查图纸和计算的ABS。 ABS的工程师审查核实,符合规则要求的结构和机械的细节计划。ABS实地调查设计已通过ABS工程师批准后,参加在从龙骨,敷设delivery.The验船师验证,批准的计划遵循的规则是坚持的造船厂的船只。在建ABS类,验船师见证,在生产或制造地方的船只建设,船体材料和机械的某些项目的测试要求的规则。他们还调查的结构和主要的机械和电气系统的建设,安装和测试。完成时,一艘船经过试航ABS场验船师参加。的船只,然后提交给评估船只遵守规则的基础上,委员会成员和来自ABS的工作人员的建议集体经验的ABS分类委员会。分类委员会由来自航运业,美国海岸警卫队和ABS人员的ABS的成员。当委员会所接受,正式认证的船只发出。船只的分类信息,特点及其他详情,然后进入ABS的记录 - 电子寄存器级船只通过ABS ABS网站维护和更新。ABS的规则规定,每类船只须定期调查,以确定它是否是按照分类标准保持。调查是根据按年统计调查的五年周期,1中级调查五年期的第二和第三年之间完成,1全面的特别调查,包括在每十五周年从船的时间干坞交货。ABS [编辑普利姆索尔]行CertificationABS也提供认证规定的标准。而分类级的船只或境外单位在其整个生命周期调查,认证验证,该项目符合在指定的时间指定的标准。认证可以建立符合ABS,国家,国际,行业或其他标准。[编辑]海洋能源ServicesABS还开发海上钻井和生产经营单位的设计,施工和运营维护标准和所有类型的气体运输船。这些标准涵盖了移动式近海钻井装置(如自升式钻井平台,半潜式钻井平台,钻井船),海上浮动生产装置(梁,张力腿平台,的semisubmersibles的FPSO / FSOs),固定式近海装置,管道,立管,单点系泊。 法定ServicesABS还充当上100多个国家的政府代表的认可组织。船旗国认可组织授权,代表国家海事管理机构根据该标志注册的船舶上进行计划,审查和法定检验。典型的法规,包括美国联邦法规法典(CFR),国际海上人命安全公约“,”防污公约“的规定,船舶载重线公约”。除了国家或国际吨位证书,巴拿马和苏伊士运河吨位证书可以由ABS发出这些机构的代表。 海军舰艇StandardsThe ABS建设和分级舰艇规则制定的海军舰艇。标准解决大部分船体,船只的机械,电气,环境和安全相关的标准。海军舰艇规则限制分布,不像其他的ABS可下载或购买印刷版的规则和指南。最初的几个小时内作出快速反应的损害评估(RRDA)ProgramDecisions后,海事伤亡事故的,可以决定胜负,即不论该船只将保持不变,对环境的潜在影响。 RRDA计划在紧急情况下提供了一个有组织的团队工程师和海军建筑师。自1993年以来,RRDA工程师承包HECSALV软件模拟2000余艘,其中包括浮式生产储油和卸油(FPSO)为单位,油轮,散装船,液化气船,semisubmersibles和主要船级社级的梁。队已经回答了180多个全球范围从油箱爆炸,搁浅,碰撞和火灾轻微的结构性破坏事件,洪水,修剪,以取代失踪结构修理情况船尾密封,紧急drydockings和结构评价。的RRDA队的主要作用是协助主及业主的技术人员。我们有能力快速计算损害船体结构和内部空间的自由泛滥的影响,帮助进一步强调的船体,船只不够稳定造成的损失或蔓延到有害的燃料和货物的所有者/经营者减少环境。 RRDA的团队还可以与接口类船只的社会和标志或港口国官员提供的技术文件,以支持所提出的临时修理,操作,单航次的请求或其他相关的要求。

Jensen is one of the Chinese experts who___in America. A.works B.is working C.are working 说明下

A works强调状态 is working强调动作或现在正在... ...

He _______(survive) until his son came from America.

didn"t survive not until


adj.球形的,球面的;天体的,天空的;英英释义:spherical[ "sferiku0259l, "sfiu0259- ]adj.of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere"spherical geometry"having the shape of a sphere or ball"a spherical object"同义词:ball-shapedglobalgloboseglobularorbicularspheric

I was born in Quincy,a town on the east coast of America...的英语课文翻译


I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. 求全文通顺翻译 速度速度


Will Mexican Americans/Americans date native Chinese? 能简单说一下里面的语法和意思吗?还有,为什么

翻译:美籍墨西哥人或美国人愿意与华人约会(搞对象)吗?语法:will 是情态动词,表示“愿意”,(不是“将要”!)放在句首是为了构成疑问句。date 是动词作谓语,意为约会,尤指与异性交往、搞对象。native Chinese 是指旅居国外的中国人,华人。“为什么用两个美国”---Americans 是美国人,而 Mexican Americans 是指已经加入美国籍的墨西哥人(同样,Chinese Americans 是美籍华人)。这里谈及两种情况,所以出现两次 Americans。

Mexican American什么意思?




关于perpetual american option的自由边界

现代金融中数学问题文件格式:PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML版其美式版本是二维(或更高维自由边界问题 回望期权的结果已相当完整 Dai (2001), A closed form solution to perpetual American floating strike lookback option, Journal of Computational Finance, 4(2):63-68 Dai, Wong and Kwok ... bbs.cenet.org.cn/UploadImages/20056101513 ... 351K 2005-6-11

Thomas Alva Edison (爱迪生)was awarded more patents(专利) on inventions than any other American.

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:D小题4:C 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲了美国人纪念爱迪生去世的方法——关灯一会。人们建议关灯一会,以纪念爱迪生。小题1:C细节题。根据文章第一行Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American说明爱迪生的发明专利比任何一个美国人都多,故C正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第二行When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.说明D正确。小题3:D 细节题。根据文章3,4行One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories.说明人们建议关灯一会,以纪念爱迪生。小题4:细节题:根据Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion(混乱).可知这项计划从来没有被执行是因为电能对这个国家太重要了,故选C。


electric electrical和electronic的区别1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电,通常用于形容带电的能量。如: 发电的:an electric generator 发电机由电产生的:electric current电流electric power-电源用于导电的:an electric socket, plug, flex 电源插头、插座、皮线Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。使用电力的:electric appliance电器electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell, an electric cooker, iron, light 电炉、电熨斗、电灯With this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。the electric chair (美国)电椅(以电刑来处死罪犯的椅子)electric eye (infml 口)=photoelectric cell 光电管;电眼=photocell=electric eyeelectric field 电场 electric razor= (electronic) shaver 电动剃刀2.electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。跟electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。如: electrical appliances- 家用电器electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering电机工程又如:All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。The machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。3. electronic是电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;和电子有关的,用于形容通过电的electronic equipment- 电子设备 an electronic calculator 电子计算器This dictionary is available in electronic edition. 这部词典有电子版本。electronic music 电子音乐 electronic engineer 电子工程师electronic mailbox(email,e-mail) 电子邮递(用计算机网络发送电文、图像等) electronic mailbox 接受、储存电子邮递的装置

xyl唱的america 是什么意思

America英 [ə"merɪkə] 美 [əˈmɛrɪkə] n. 美洲;美国;[电影]亚美利加

superb ;kindness;lyrical 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法~

superb 谐音 苏 pe 博kindness 谐音 刊德尼斯lyrical 谐音 哩蕊括尔

The Hurricane Gilbert Group的《Violence》 歌词

歌曲名:Violence歌手:The Hurricane Gilbert Group专辑:Taking America By StormDope - ViolenceBreak it down like you know it"s loadedI got it cocked and loadedI got a sickness to feedSo break it down like you"re undevotedDon"t need a fucking motiveI hope you"re ready to bleedEverybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI ain"t messing around motherfucker, nowEverybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI want your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence (violence)Give me your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence YEAH!Break it down now the blood is flowingThe body count is growingI love the sound of the screamsSo break it down with the system blowingAnd feel the sickness growingIt"s like a fucking diseaseEverybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI ain"t messing around motherfucker, nowEverybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI want your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence (violence)Give me your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence YEAH!So break it down!Motherfucker break it down!Motherfucker break it down!Motherfucker break it down!Everybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI ain"t messing around motherfucker, nowEverybody down on the motherfucking floor right nowI want your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence (violence)Give me your violenceMotherfucker show me your violence YEAH!So break it down!Motherfucker break it down!Motherfucker break it down!Motherfucker break it down!http://music.baidu.com/song/15289589

(英语)电灯,电扇等具体的用电器该用什么 electric,electrical还是electricity?

用 electric . 推荐这样记忆:除了 electrical appliance(电器的泛指) 中用 electrical ,对于其他任何具体电器都用 electric, 例如 electric fan, electric light 等等.

latin america north是什么意思

latin america north拉丁美洲的美国北双语对照例句:People who often deal in latin america and north america often will return to you a smile, and will remember your time requirements. 那些常和北美人打交道的拉美人常常也会回你一个微笑,并会记住你对时间的要求。

latin america north是哪个国家

“latin america north”是错误的拼法,世界上没有这个国家。英文名称最接近的是拉丁美洲,拉丁美洲的英文应该是“Latin America”,但拉丁美洲并不是一个国家,拉丁美洲,是指美国以南的美洲地区,也就是地处北纬32°42′和南纬56°54′之间的大陆,包括中美洲、西印度群岛和南美洲。包含国家:拉丁美洲是指从墨西哥起的西半球南部的整个地区。拉丁美洲共有三十三个国家和若干未独立地区:墨西哥、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马、古巴、海地、多米尼克、牙买加、特立尼达和多巴哥。巴巴多斯、格林纳达、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、巴哈马、圭亚那、法属圭亚那、苏里南、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、巴西、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、圣基茨和尼维斯。玻利维亚、智利、阿根廷、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、伯利兹、安提瓜和巴布达。还有仍处于美国、英国、法国、荷兰统治下的十多个殖民地。






symmetrical名词是symmetry。symmetry释义:n.对称(性),对称美;整齐;对称的安排;调和;对等,相等;相似,相仿。symmetry短语搭配:1、bilateral symmetry两面对称,两侧对称;2、axial symmetry轴向对称性,轴对称;3、full symmetry完全对称;4、macroscopic symmetry宏观对称性;5、symmetry point对称点;6、circular symmetry圆对称;7、binary symmetry二元对称现象;8、symmetry plane对称平面;9、symmetry element对称要素;10、mirror symmetry镜像对称。symmetry例句:1、These values constitute the symmetry waveform.有这些数据来构成对称波形。2、Many stems and roots show radial symmetry.很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。3、His teeth spoiled the symmetry of his face.他的牙齿破坏了他的面部匀称。4、This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the layout.这么一加,会破坏整个布局的匀称。5、I loved the house because it had perfect symmetry.我喜欢这所房子,因为它非常对称。6、There is supposed to be a deep symmetry between them.应该说它们两者之间有着深刻的对称性。7、Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance.真正的古典舞蹈要求对称与平衡。8、The butterfly is an example of symmetry.蝴蝶是结构完全对称的一个例子。

美国幼儿园课本American textbook?

本书内容涵盖语言、数学、地理、历史、社会科学、自然科学、音乐艺术等丰富学科,场景与英语信号直接对应,直接用英语表达、思考、行动。例如,当孩子看到苹果时,他的第一反应是“This is an apple! ”。 这就是英语的思考。如果他的反应是“这是苹果,用英语说就是‘this is an apple"! ”那样的话。 这就是中国式思维。这本教科书分为两个阶段,pre-K和k阶段,每一阶段有4本教科书,每一阶段教材包含4本原版教科书,包含4本同步练习本。前k阶段适合3岁以上儿童,k阶段知识较深,适合5岁以上儿童。资深教师写作,真实再现美国课程这个《美国幼儿园课本》来源于原汁原味的美国幼儿园课程。全套教材由美国资深教育专家迈克尔帕崔克( Michael A. Putlack )根据美国学前和幼儿园的课程内容和进度编写,分为PreK和k两个阶段。预- k阶段的各门课程根据单词学习、学科知识学习、课文学习、课后练习的教学结构进行编制,完全还原美国课程的教学过程。k阶段的各门课分为学习目标、单词学习、词汇家属、课文学习、课后练习五部分。除了Pre-K系列这样的学习方法外,k阶段还增加了词汇家族的设计环节,让孩子可以用一个单词扩展n以上的单词。例如在学习蜜蜂的同时,也学会了蜂王、工蜂等。照片还清晰地显示了蜂后、工蜂等各种蜂种的外貌差异,这部分自然常识正在普及。培养英语思维,用英语思考,行动通过感觉和英语直接一致,孩子将英语内化为表达、思考和行动的工具。例如,Science这个主题在pre-K1中包括四个部分:学习内容的教科书带着孩子们进行简单的单词认知,学习了很多植物、动物、昆虫的分类,认识了五感和五感感知的词汇。在A World of Plants中,教科书对植物进行分类,植物分为grass (草)、Trees (树)、Flowers (花)和Vegetables (蔬菜)。在这个环节中,父母不是先教孩子单词的意思,而是通过照片对应单词,让孩子找到单词的意思,这是本来的英语思维方式。植物分类单词下有句子,包含常用句型,可以重新熟悉上面的单词,也可以学习比较复杂的句型。以上重点词汇在grass、trees、flowers、vegetables下的重点句型是There are……和扩展词汇的big,small的使用内容寥寥无几,包含了词、句、句型、自然科学分类的各种信息。八大学科,让孩子接受系统的美国教育这个《美国幼儿园课本》的课程设计,可以让孩子在只有英语的环境中学习语言、数学、自然科学、社会科学、历史、地理、音乐、艺术等学科。各阶段教科书的大类为上述三个部分。在每个大主题下,都涵盖了很多小主题。从社会科学、地理、自然科学到语言、数学、艺术、音乐,无不涉及到内容的广度,基本涵盖了贴近生活和孩子年龄认知的各种常识。内容系统、完整,教学过程连贯《美国幼儿园课本》每台4册,每册有12个单元,每个单元都有相对独立的主题,而后一册12个单元的内容是对前一册相应单元的深化或细化,pre-k和k 8册图书共同构成了不断温故知新的体系例如,在pre-K1的“从1数到10”中,pre-K2会将这部分升级为跳数。复习完前面1-10的数字后,我教孩子们跳“1、3、5、7和2、4、6、8”数数。之后继续学习数到20,引入了鞋一双、手一双等“双”的概念。k阶段的教科书内容除了复习pre-K阶段学习的词汇和句子外,还将加大短文的学习比重。短文故事性强,句子连贯,孩子掌握了这样的小短文后,用英语写小作文,出口对话也没问题。学习k阶段的中国孩子,可以达到小学三年级的水平。交替使用游戏、插图和真实图像互动游戏和图片是孩子将场景和英语信号对应起来的有效方法。例如,当他们看到这张照片时,没有英语思维的孩子对“雨”有反应,而有英语思维的孩子大脑直接对“It"s raining”有反应。《美国幼儿园课本》的插图风格非常幽默,表情夸张,这种风格很符合3-6岁儿童的心理特点。学习pull这个词的时候,书里有很大的萝卜。 农民的叔叔婶婶汗流浃背地憋着脸,没有把萝卜抽出来。这些有趣的设计遍布书的各个角落。除了漫画中可爱的俏皮话外,还使用了大量逼真的图片,帮助孩子了解书中单词所描写内容的真实面貌。pre-K2的Frogs Grow and Change通过大量的真实图像展示了蝌蚪的样子、青蛙的样子,以及从蝌蚪到青蛙的一步一步变化过程。《美国幼儿园课本》为每个教科书准备了单独的练习本。每个练习本包含“每天练习”、“参考手册”两部分。“每天练习”帮助孩子巩固每天学到的东西。《参考手册》提供教科书整体的中文翻译和单元测试答案。如果你也觉得这个资源很棒的话,就留言关注接收吧!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/

american textbook 好吗

american textbook比较不错。介绍:1、American textbook reading美国小学教科书阅读4个级别中的第1级别(科学1+社会学1)。2、尺寸:20.4*26.9厘米,封面250g铜版纸,覆膜,内页100g道林纸(米白),环保大豆油油墨印刷,锁线胶装(练习册骑马订)。扫码听书+点读(支持小达人、爸妈网、卡米等点读笔,点读方式为官方有音频部分整篇点读)。3、这套教学视频采用的课本来自美国,书名叫做美国教科书阅读,分为科学与社会学两个系列。对于非母语的基础比较扎实的孩子来说,内容非常合适。学习方法:1、课后来个单词默写比赛。有个方法教给大家,画井字格,参赛双方依次按序在井字格里默写单词,谁最先三点(横向、纵向、斜向)连成一条直线,谁就赢得比赛。2、默单词的过程也是内容回顾的过程,可以适当提升难度,每默完一个单词,用该单词造个句。可以根据比赛结果,适当予以一些奖励。推荐原因:1、内容好:科普与社会学是我们的英语教学中比较少接触的,这套教程对我们现有的知识体系是一个很好的补充。2、全美语教学,语速适中,对培养孩子的英语思维很有帮助。3、很容易上手,视频内容简直就是掰开了揉碎了讲给你。连续看两个视频,看完之后完全不用复习,那些内容自然而然地在脑子里了。这里缘于它的内容设置,从词汇到句子、练习以及阅读,内容循序渐进,课程重点在一个视频里反复提到,看完之后就达到过目不忘了。这个教学质量:原版教材+专业外教,绝对抵得上顶级的培训机构。

sword and cross in hand, the Europeans fell upon the American

Sword and cross in hand, the Europeans fell upon the Americans.一手持剑,一手拿着十字架,欧洲人向美洲人进攻了。(说明:sword “剑",代表武力,cross “十字架”,代表基督教,the Americans 不宜译为“美国人”,因为当白人开始侵占美洲时,那儿的人是美洲印第安人,而不是现在意义的“美国人”。)

用英文赏析德莱赛的美国悲剧 An American Tragedy

Raised by poor and devoutly religious parents, who force him to participate in their street missionary work, the ambitious but immature Clyde is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clyde"s life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he"s traveling kills a young child. Clyde flees Kansas City, and after a brief stay in Chicago, he reestablishes himself as a foreman at the collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York, who meets Clyde through a stroke of fortune. The uncle does his best to help Clyde and advances him to a position of relative importance within the factory.Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden, a poor and very innocent farm girl working under him at the factory. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship (forbidden by factory rules) and virtually coerces Roberta into sex, but his ambition forces him to realize that he could never marry her. He dreams of the elegant Sondra Finchley, the daughter of a wealthy Lycurgus man and a family friend of his uncle"s. As developments between him and Sondra begin to look promising, Roberta discovers that she is pregnant.Having unsuccessfully attempted to procure an abortion for Roberta, who expects him to marry her, Clyde procrastinates while his relationship with Sondra continues to mature. When he realizes that he has a genuine chance to marry Sondra, and after Roberta threatens to reveal their relationship unless he marries her, Clyde hatches a plan to murder Roberta in a fashion that will seem accidental.Clyde takes Roberta for a canoe ride on Big Bittern Lake in upstate New York and rows to a remote area. As he speaks to her regarding the end of their relationship, Roberta moves towards him, and he strikes her in the face with his camera, stunning her and capsizing the boat. Unable to swim, Roberta drowns while Clyde, who is unwilling to save her, swims to shore. The narrative is deliberately unclear as to whether he acted with malice and intent to murder, or if he struck her merely instinctively. However, the trail of circumstantial evidence points to murder, and the local authorities are only too eager to convict Clyde, to the point of manufacturing additional evidence against him. Following a sensational trial before an unsympathetic audience, and despite a vigorous defense mounted by two lawyers hired by his uncle, Clyde is convicted, sentenced to death, and executed. The jailhouse scenes and the correspondence between Clyde and his mother stand out as exemplars of pathos in modern literature.

America firms did not have to tell anyone是什么意思?


美国式的悲剧(An American Tragedy)

这是美国悲剧,不是美国式的悲剧。是 德莱塞的作品。小说通过 贫民出身的布莱克由堕落到犯罪到毁灭的过程,揭示了美国“文明”的实质,控诉了其价值观对青年人的毒害。也就是一般意义的美国梦的破灭。

英语:完形填空Tropical rain forests(热带雨林) are found in Asia,Africa,?

half any cloud heat only,2,half all cloud health only,3,half,any,cold,heat,?.,0,英语:完形填空 Tropical rain forests(热带雨林) are found in Asia,Africa,South America,Central America,and many other islands.Almost h______of the total area of the world"s rain forests is in Brazil.(巴西) Tropical rain forests got at least 70 inches of rain every year and have more kinds of plants and animals than a______ other kind of forest.There are a lot of plants in a tropical rain forest.They absorb(吸收) water in the air.With the help of the sunlight,the water is brought to the sky and bee c_______.Then the water fall down to the ground.It is rain. The tropical rain forest is a place of h_______ and water.So it is the perfect home for more than 15 million types of plants and animals.Some of the animals can live o_______ in the tropical rain forest.

global market , major in asia pacific and africa

你好!global market , major in asia pacific and africa全球市场,主要在亚太和非洲



american teenager怎么读

american teenage读作:[u0259"meriku0259n "ti:neidu0292]american teenage音标:[u0259"meriku0259n "ti:neidu0292]中文谐音:额迈瑞肯 踢内脂翻译:美国青少年双语例句:Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question" what is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager? 所以,如果我们开始了,例如,回答问题:"周期的快餐消费对于美国青少年健康有什么影响?"


几乎没什么区别。lube,lubricant都表示润滑剂 润滑油唯一的差别可能就在于lubricant比lube更正式一点,经常会出现在产品介绍或产品包装上。


国籍:American 国家:America

英语“国籍”,复数时哪些加s 那些不加,例如American 变Americans,French不变,写一些一般会考的

表示“某国人”的名词的但、复数形式因习惯不同而各异。1、a Chinese -two Chinese 或 a Japanese-two Japanese 单复数同行这类词包括所有的以-ese(或-ss)结尾的民族名称,如Vietnamese,Portuguese,Swiss等。2、a German-two Germans 或an American-two Americans 词尾加s这类词还有African.Asian ,Australian,Canadian,Italian.Belgian ,European,Greek,Hungarian ,Swede.Arab等。3、an Englishman-two Englishmen或a Dutchman-two Dutchmen 变-man为-men这类词还有Frenchman.Irishman等。



高职国际英语is volvo swedish,american or chinese?课文里的被

Volvo is a swedish car make. 沃尔沃是瑞典的汽车品牌。

electrical riser 是什么?翻译过来怎么讲?


chinese american和american chinese 哪一个是美籍华人,哪一个是华籍美人啊? 不懂不要猜,要准确的

american chinese 因为前一个是定语,后一个是被限定的,因此美国的、中国人->美籍华人

American pie 中的pie是什么意思



Adjective: Categorical1.without exceptions or conditions,absolute,unqualified and unconditional:a categorical denial.2.Logic. A.(Of a proposition)analyzable into a subject and an attribute related by a copula,as in the proposition "All humans are mortal."B.(Of a syllogism)having categorical propositions as premises.3.Of pertaining to, or in a category.4.Numerical(表示数值的形容词)

Mama Africa 歌词

歌曲名:Mama Africa歌手:Akon专辑:Mama AfricaAkon - Mama AfricaSo much so much loveSo muchSo tell me can you feel itSo much so much yeahYa knowMake that visitSo much so much loveSo muchSynagogue can you feel itSo much so much yeahSo muchSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaHas so much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againA This is for all the loveAnd the life took awayF Don"t forget we were born in tradeR ripped from the land and shipped awayI Is the inspiration we used to surviveC Have to see it with your own criesA Don"t playAdd it up and alrightStill ya don"t knowLand is so gold and greenThe place is so fresh and cleanAnd everyday I water my gardenTell me if you feel it deep in your heart andThe space is so cool and niceVisit once, guaranteed to visit twiceAnd if you just believe in the most highI know you"ll be alrightMama AfricaSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveAnd let them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaHas so much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againA That"s my favorite place when I need to get awayF Must forget but we can"t forget to prayR Like Lance ridin" on the runwayI In my homeland and I"m feelin" so aliveC Hear me chant Africa uniteA Gonna accept mass alrightStill ya don"t knowSkin is so dark and brownShe lifts me right off the groundBut no ya not gonna see it on ya tvSo just listen up and believe meHer trees have the only cureHer love is so and pureHad to kiss them troubles goodbye byeNo I don"t have to like mama Africa, uniteSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaSo much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessBe thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againSo much so much loveSo tell me can you feel itSo much so muchMake that visitSo much so much loveSynagogue can you feel itSo much so muchOw!So much love to shareI just can"t see how we livin" without itSo much love to giveDon"t miss don"t miss one moment about itSo much love to shareResist this missI really doubt itSo much love so much love to shareOh yeahPure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outFeelin" it all the timeSo much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outSing againEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7379076

Mama Africa 歌词

歌曲名:Mama Africa歌手:Sizzla专辑:Coolie DanceAkon - Mama AfricaSo much so much loveSo muchSo tell me can you feel itSo much so much yeahYa knowMake that visitSo much so much loveSo muchSynagogue can you feel itSo much so much yeahSo muchSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaHas so much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againA This is for all the loveAnd the life took awayF Don"t forget we were born in tradeR ripped from the land and shipped awayI Is the inspiration we used to surviveC Have to see it with your own criesA Don"t playAdd it up and alrightStill ya don"t knowLand is so gold and greenThe place is so fresh and cleanAnd everyday I water my gardenTell me if you feel it deep in your heart andThe space is so cool and niceVisit once, guaranteed to visit twiceAnd if you just believe in the most highI know you"ll be alrightMama AfricaSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveAnd let them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaHas so much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againA That"s my favorite place when I need to get awayF Must forget but we can"t forget to prayR Like Lance ridin" on the runwayI In my homeland and I"m feelin" so aliveC Hear me chant Africa uniteA Gonna accept mass alrightStill ya don"t knowSkin is so dark and brownShe lifts me right off the groundBut no ya not gonna see it on ya tvSo just listen up and believe meHer trees have the only cureHer love is so and pureHad to kiss them troubles goodbye byeNo I don"t have to like mama Africa, uniteSo much love to sharePure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outMama AfricaSo much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessBe thereSo much love to giveLet them know they missin" outSing againSo much so much loveSo tell me can you feel itSo much so muchMake that visitSo much so much loveSynagogue can you feel itSo much so muchOw!So much love to shareI just can"t see how we livin" without itSo much love to giveDon"t miss don"t miss one moment about itSo much love to shareResist this missI really doubt itSo much love so much love to shareOh yeahPure blackness, oneness so rareSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outFeelin" it all the timeSo much love to shareSweet blackness, onenessMeet me thereSo much love to giveLet them know they"re missin" outSing againEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7436445

《Americans Without Law》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Americans Without Law》(Mark S. Weiner)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kiQp28BMiIaXzsE47HYbfg 提取码: dqn4书名:Americans Without Law作者:Mark S. Weiner出版社:NYU Press出版年份:2006-6-1页数:208内容简介:"Americans Without Law" shows how the racial boundaries of civic life are based on widespread perceptions about the relative capacity of minority groups for legal behavior, which Mark S. Weiner calls "juridical racialism." The book follows the history of this civic discourse by examining the legal status of four minority groups in four successive historical periods: American Indians in the 1880s, Filipinos after the Spanish-American War, Japanese immigrants in the 1920s, and African Americans in the 1940s and 1950s. Weiner reveals the significance of juridical racialism for each group - and, in turn, Americans as a whole - by examining the work of anthropological social scientists who developed distinctive ways of understanding racial and legal identity, and through decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court that put these ethno-legal views into practice. Combining history, anthropology, and legal analysis, the book argues that the story of juridical racialism shows how race and citizenship served as a nexus for the professionalization of the social sciences, the growth of national state power, economic modernization, and modern practices of the self.

categorical imperative是什么意思


categorical imperative是什么意思

categorical imperative 是指:绝对命令(康德的伦理学原则)如:1.Explain the categorical imperative. What is the meaning of categorical?解释绝对命令. 这里“绝对”有什么意义?2.There is, therefore, only one categorical imperative.因此, 只有一个至上命令.3.Good will, categorical imperative and will self - discipline construct the main contents of Kantian ethics.善良意志 、 绝对命令、意志 自律 构成康德伦理学的主要内容.

任务型阅读for several years ,americans

  For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shopfor clothes, jewelry, food, toys, and many other things.  Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden, for example. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries, and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels.  In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more telepshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things.  Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving thei***omes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities, this is an important reason. But at the same time, other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping. They call teleshopping “junk(垃圾)on the air”. Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them, and they believe they cannot be sure about the quailty of the things on TV.  The need fo***igh quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.  1. Teleshopping is _____ in Europe.  A.not popular B.growing  C.not possible D.cheap  2. People like teleshopping because it is_____.  A. American B. cheaper  C. easier D. more popular  3. Some Europeans don‘t like teleshopping because they _____ .  A.don"t like to buy things  B.don‘t watch TV  C.believe the things sold on TV are expensive  D.think the things sold on TV are bad quality  4. In Germany, teleshopping may_____ .  A.help businessmen get more money  B.keep the shops open longer  C.have fewer buyers  D.bring better TV programmes  5. The best title of this passage is _____ .  A. American Teleshopping  B.Teleshopping Companies  C.Teleshopping in Europe  D.Teleshopping — Junk on the Air 二、阅读理解  1. B 解析:从第二段第一句可以看出,teleshopping正在变流行,所以应该是growing,正在成长。  2. C 解析:从第四段第一行可以看出答案,喜欢电视购物是因为可以不出门就买到东西,比较方便。  3. D 解析:从第四段第四行可以看出,人们担心电视上卖的商品的质量。  4. A 解析:从第三段最后一行可以得出答案。  5. C 解析:本文先讲到电视购物在美国流行了很久,然后介绍了其在欧洲的发展。包括在各国的发展情况以及顾客的担心等。

Many Europeans ________ the continent of Africa in the 19th century.


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Why say Moby Dick is the first American Epic?

Overview "As a revelation of human destiny it is too deep even for sorrow", was how D.H. Lawrence characterized MOBY-DICK. Published in the same five-year span as The Scarlet Letter, Walden, and Leaves of Grass, this great adventure of the sea and the life of the soul is the ultimate achievement of that stunning period in American letters. ..




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Among the most well-known加名词复数形式,在那些最众所周知的...中。三者或超过三者用among 。It is generally agreed that 加从句 ,这是被认同的。。。 With the arrival of the Europeans 随着欧洲人的到来 began to be understood 开始被理解,懂得

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2.动名词(短语)作宾语1)I enjoy living here.我很享受住在这里。解析:动名词”living” 作谓语动词enjoy的宾语,此动作与谓语动词同时发生,且与其逻辑主语I为主动关系。



John Barlow Jarvis的《Lyrica》 歌词

歌曲名:Lyrica歌手:John Barlow Jarvis专辑:Balancing ActAlbum:Mary Star Of The SeaTitle:Lyrichere comes my faith to carry me ona faith not of gradei fight to to stay strong so istand accused of playing numbi know it is wrongfor i give my strengthi give my hearttake these chainsand hold them as oursfor i must shineand i will a starin a season all minea lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without enda lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without endso here is the viewi cast abouti"m leaving no roomfor you to get outyou"ll never get outDove, can"t you crywithout and asideof need. i want new vibesi need you as my wayacross my lifeto spend these yearscreate a new thoughtfor i give you strengthand offer my hearttake these chainsand hold them as oursfor i"m a starand i will shinein a season all minea lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without enda lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without enda lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without enda lyric, a time, a crusade, a lineone minute, a friend, a road without enda road without endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2750048



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