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建筑中fabrication 什么意思

Fabrication:1.制造 覆盖主题包括 :冶炼抽取,融化及制模,制造 ( Fabrication),表面处理,连接,冶炼粉化,物理冶炼,属性,侵蚀氧化,铜之组成 (Composites),铜之合成物,超导体,竞争材料,应用,绝缘,...2.装配 英文词汇-建筑词汇表(6) ...fabricated soil 混合土fabrication 制造;建造;装配fabrication of steel pipe specials [public works category] 特别钢管的制造〔公共工程类别〕 ...3.建造 英文词汇-建筑词汇表(6) ...fabricated soil 混合土fabrication 制造;建造;装配fabrication of steel pipe specials [public works category] 特别钢管的制造〔公共工程类别〕 ...Manufacture:1.制造 擎茂微电子有限公司兼特色发展(Development)、制造(Manufacture)、服务(Service)的企业精神,融合自俄罗斯、中国、台湾的技术背景共同打造新一代电源管理芯片的技术平台,为迎接绿色能源时代的...2.制造,制品 社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻译[5] ...manpower resource 人力资源Manufacture 制造,制品Manufactured 已加工好的,已制成的 ...3.生产 22、生产(Manufacture):指生产或制造一种化学物质、混合物的活动.23、加工(Process):指在一种化学物质被生产出来后,为了商业销售而进行的制备,...根据以上释义,我们就可以确定应该用第一个了.manufacture.

fabricated structure什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 装配式建筑物,装配式结构英语句子This improves the strength and structural integrity of the finished needle punched fabric.这样对针刺织物的强度及结构整体性会有所改善。Needle punched fabrics can be made, however, that resemble loop - pile, velour and velveteen structures.但是针刺非织造布的表面可以仿效毛圈绒头、绒织物及平绒的结构特点。A special steel spreader beam was used to erect the fabricated cage in its proper position in the roadway structure使用一个特制的钢托架来安装预制的锚固横梁的钢筋骨架,使其就位于上部结构内预定的位置上。

The United Negro College Fund has been reminding Americans that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to ...

句子成分分析:The United Negro College Fund主语 has been reminding谓语 Americans间接宾语 that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,”直接宾语(为从句) since 1972时间状语. UNCF主语 has raised谓语 over $1.4 billion宾语, and helped谓语 more than 300,000 minority students宾语 graduate from college宾语补足语(第二句中,1、graduate from college为动词不定式短语,因为前面有help,help sb do sth为固定用法,动词前的to省略了;2、has raised over $1.4 billion与helped more than 300,000 minority students graduate from college并列)。翻译:自1972年以来,联合黑人学院基金一直在提醒美国人“浪费头脑是一件恐怖的事情”,联合黑人学院基金已经募集了14亿美金,并且已经帮助超过30万个少数民族学生从大学毕业。

THE USA,US和the united state of america的区别



1、意思不同United States (US)是对美国最传统和正式的说法。America原指美洲,但因为美国的迅速发展,现在专指美国,更偏向地理概念,表示美国这片土地。2、使用场合不同在相对正式的场合和书面用语中,特别是涉及到政治和外交领域时,一般使用United States/U.S.;同时在民间和非正式场合也被广泛使用。在赞美国家(及其人民丶精神等)的时候,或者一些涉及到宗教的场合,常用America。3、侧重点不同United States偏向于表明美国的政体,美国是一个联邦制国家。America更侧重于地理概念,表示美国这片土地。

美国到底是“ US”还是“ USA”还是“ America”

美国到底是“US”还是“USA”还是“America”?一、基础资料:1、US是United States“合众国”的缩写。2、USA是United States of America“美利坚合众国”的缩写。是美利坚合众国最完整的说法。3、America原意是美洲,因为美国的迅速发展,现在专指美国。二、关于正确书写:1、United States正确书写应该是the United States,正确缩写是the US或the U.S.。一定要注意,这两者前一般要加定冠词the。2、United States of America正确书写应该是the United States of America正确缩写是the USA或the U.S.A.。一定要注意,这两者前一般要加定冠词the。3、America不需要变化。三、关于前面要不要加the问题:1、以单词(单个的词语)形式出现国家名称当然不需要家the。如:China中国,America美国。2、如果是词组(若干个单词组合而成的形式)式的全称,就要加the了。如:The People"s Republic Of China中华人民共和国。United States of America(=the USA)美利坚合众国,简称美国。3、国名是复数的要the,如:the Bahamas 巴哈马国,由700座岛屿和珊瑚礁组成。四、关于缩写加“.”符号问题:是the US对,还是the U.S.加“.”对?是the USA对还是,the U.S.A. 加“.”对?答案:加不加“.”都行。因为:1、过去的缩略词都要加点,现在普遍省略了。2、要不要加点及在什么情况下加点,在美国也没有形成统一的看法。五、US、USA、America用法有什么不同?1、US、USA和America都是美国,正常情况下,三者意思完全互通。但在不同的场合和语境,三者有一些区别。2、US比USA使用更广泛。US正式的官方场合或书面用语中使用。同时在民间非正式场合也被广泛使用。USA使用最多的地方就是在世界体育比赛上,运动服上会印USA,在电视上显示参赛选手时, 国旗下方也会标USA,为美国队加油也会齐声高喊“U~S~A~”,类似于“中国加油”。3、US和USA都指美国,但如果要放在名词前,只能用US。如:US army: 美国军队4、America常用于口语中。在赞美国家或者涉及宗教的场合,常用America。更能接地气。例如:My fellow American... 我的美国同胞们...

一美国大学专业是electrical and electronic engineering,不知详细点说是学的什么

这个的简称是DOUBLE E, 中文是电子工程专业,http://baike.baidu.com/view/191980.htm 在美就业特别容易,是为数不多的好专业之一。当然读起来也不是那么容易

American text book reading适合多大的孩子

American text book reading课程是美国小学二年级学生的社会科学课。 本系列课程可以帮助学生发展他们的词汇和阅读理解技巧。适合小学生读的英文读物1、My First Reading Library 《第一图书馆》My Frist Reading Library 是来自英国著名童书出版社 Usborne的分级读本,进入中国时间不长,就迅速吸引了一大批粉丝。这个系列最大的特色,就是做到了把易读的语言(easy reading text)和优秀的故事(good stories)美妙结合。而且插图漂亮,制作精美,让孩子读起来很享受其中,不知不觉中把英语一点点学上去。2、I Can Read - The Biscuit 《饼干狗》I Can Read 系列是美国市场占有率第一的分级阅读品牌,来自著名的哈珀科林斯出版集团(Harper Collins),出版几十年来畅销全球,其中多本书获得过世界大奖。 其中,“饼干狗”应该是I Can Read 系列很多读者熟悉的动物形象了,作品面世近20年来,屡获大奖,全球已经有超过2000万个家庭拥有它。这是一套被媒体和家长们公认的亲子阅读佳作,被读者评为亚马逊网站的五星级图书。 这套书是美国当代最受欢迎的儿童作家艾丽莎.凯普茜丽的代表作品,文字不多,句型重复。妙就妙在一点不觉得啰嗦,反而在这样的韵律中充满画面感。



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尊敬的消费者: 您好。 由于季节等因素影响,导致原料的溶解性有些差异,所以在冲调过程中可能会发现有少量不溶解颗粒粘壁或沉淀的现象。这些不溶解颗粒都是正常的奶粉颗粒,使用以下恰当的方式,最后都是可以溶解的,不影响正常的营养成分和食用。冲调时应注意方法,影响奶粉溶解的因素有: 1) 冲调顺序:冲调奶粉时,一定要先放开水,再放奶粉。 2) 水温:需要40摄氏度左右的开水,水温太低或太高,将影响溶解。 3) 冲调方法:粉放入后静置少许时间,粉沉入水中后,用手腕旋转奶瓶,注意请勿长时间静置,造成奶粉贴壁,影响溶解。也可用小勺搅拌充分溶解。 4) 摇晃时间长一些,充分摇晃:旋转奶瓶至完全溶解为止。 只要您确认是在官方指定正规销售渠道购买到的,开罐前密封性良好,都是可以放心使用的。 非常感谢您的支持与关注,如有其他疑问欢迎您随时拨打我们的消费者关爱热线进行咨询,谢谢。



karicare羊奶粉 一勺多少克



尊敬的消费者: 您好。 Karicare可瑞康产品本身并没有设防伪标识,所以我们对销售渠道有着严格的把控,只要您通过官方正规授权渠道购买到的产品,罐体是贴有中文标签的并且罐底的生产日期是以年月日的形式标注的。都是可以给到您正品的品质保证的。 非常感谢您的支持与关注,如有其他疑问欢迎您随时拨打我们的消费者关爱热线进行咨询,谢谢。






由于婴儿有牛奶蛋白过敏的问题,家长不得不给他选择羊奶粉,在对比多个品牌后,家长发现可瑞康生产的羊奶粉性价比很高,那karicare可瑞康的羊奶粉怎么样?可瑞康羊奶粉系列很全,只是它可以长期喝吗?karicare可瑞康羊奶粉是直接用鲜羊奶打造,它采取了新西兰当地优质的奶源,在新西兰自有工厂打造,新鲜程度比较高。羊奶粉中只有牛磺酸、胆碱这两种常规强化配方,没有添加DHA、ARA、核苷酸、益生元这几个常规强化配方,也没有加任何的特色强化配方。从营养成分上来看,karicare可瑞康羊奶粉是比较少,婴儿无法从中吸取到对身体有益的成分。 不建议婴儿长期喝karicare可瑞康羊奶粉,前面也介绍到该款羊奶粉中的营养成分缺少,没有DHA对于婴儿大脑成长有影响,ARA缺失影响视力发育.,婴儿在长期缺失各种营养成分的情况下,也很容易给他的健康造成非常多的问题。所以,就算karicare可瑞康羊奶粉有其它的优点,父母在给孩子选购这款奶粉之前,也要清楚它的优点。




Karicare是可瑞康牌奶粉。可瑞康是全球婴幼儿营养领域专家NUTRICIA旗下的品牌奶粉,发源于新西兰,经过百年的发展,已成为新西兰行业市场内的国民品牌。可瑞康旗下有四条产品线,为牛奶粉、山羊奶粉、绵羊奶粉及豆奶。100%珍稀南十字星绵羊奶源是可瑞康最为骄傲的品牌特色之一,同时其秉持“最好的营养源于天然纯净”的初心,致力研发出满足新西兰国家品质的婴幼儿奶粉产品。 Karicare是可瑞康牌奶粉。可瑞康是全球婴幼儿营养领域专家NUTRICIA旗下的品牌奶粉,发源于新西兰,经过百年的发展,已成为新西兰行业市场内的国民品牌。可瑞康旗下有四条产品线,为牛奶粉、山羊奶粉、绵羊奶粉及豆奶。100%珍稀南十字星绵羊奶源是可瑞康最为骄傲的品牌特色之一,同时其秉持“最好的营养源于天然纯净的初心,致力研发出满足新西兰国家品质的婴幼儿奶粉产品。

the first distinctly American written in English

distinctly 修饰written,这个句子应该不完整吧?这样很难翻译 我想是这样的,第一个用英文清楚写的美国 他的在16世纪早期发表的《探索报告》被描述为第一个用英文写的美国文学作品

electrical / electronic 有何差别?

electrical[I5lektrIk(E)l]adj与电有关的The cooker isn"t working because of an electrical fault. 这个炊具不能用了,因为出了电气方面的故障。 用电的electrical apparatus 电器electronicAHD:[?l他-tr糿摴k, 稊l他-]D.J.:[ilek6tr%nik, 7i8lek-]K.K.:[!lWk6tr$n!k, 7ilWk-] adj.Of or relating to electrons. 电子的电子的或关于电子的Of, relating to, based on, operated by, or otherwise involving the controlled conduction of electrons or other charge carriers, especially in a vacuum, gas, or semiconducting material. 电传导的电子或其它载流子的受控传导的,关于这种传导的,建立于此种传导之上的,以这种传导操作的或涉及这种传导的,尤指在空间,气体或半导体材料中的Of or relating to electronics. 电子学的电子学的或关于电子学的electronicallyelectronicelectron + -ic …的[Ilek5trRnIk]adj电子的 电子仪器的electronic[I9lZk5trBnIk;i9lek5trCnik]【修】电子的Pertaining to that branch of science dealing with the motion, emission, and behavior of currents of free electrons, especially in vacuum, gas, or phototubes and special conductors or semiconductors. This is contrasted with electric, which pertains to the flow of large currents in metal conductors.用于修饰或说明一科学分支中的概念,其中涉及到自由电子流的运动、发射和性能等,特别是在真空、气体或光电管和特定的导体或半导体中电子的运动。“电子的”和“电气的”不同,后者涉及金属导体中大电流的流动。

When the first settlers came to North America they had to ___ the forest and found a way out.

C. cut through 。 cut through the forest : 从森林中开辟出一条道路cut down forest 砍伐森林

empirical relationship是什么意思

empirical relationship[英][emu02c8piriku0259l riu02c8leiu0283u0259nu0283ip][美][u025bmu02c8pu026aru026aku0259l ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap][计] 经验关系; 例句:1.Empirical analysis on relationship between irreversible investment anduncertainty. 不可回复之投资与风险的关系之实证研究。2.And the empirical result on the relationship between top managementteam"s characteristics and performance, indicate that age heterogeneity ispositively associated with diversity. 而在高阶管理团队特质与多角化程度之关系上,发现,集团企业内高阶管理团队的年龄异质性与多角化程度之间呈现显著的正向关系。

用英文简述America Government

Description of the ExaminationThe American Government examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in American government and politics at the college level. The scope and emphasis of the exam reflect what is most commonly taught in introductory American Government courses that emphasize national government. The exam covers topics such as the institutions and policy processes of the federal government, the federal courts and civil liberties, political parties and interest groups, political beliefs and behavior, and the content and history of the Constitution.The examination contains 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. Any time candidates spend on tutorials and providing personal information is in addition to the actual testing time.Knowledge and Skills RequiredQuestions on the American Government examination require candidates to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities in the approximate proportions indicated: * Knowledge of American government and politics (about 55–60% of the exam) * Understanding of typical patterns of political processes and behavior (including the components of the behavioral situation of a political actor), the principles used to explain or justify various governmental structures and procedures (about 30–35% of the exam) * Analysis and interpretation of simple data that are relevant to American government and politics (10–15% of the exam)The subject matter of the American Government examination is drawn from the following topics. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentages of exam questions on those topics.Approximate Percent of Examination30-35% Institutions and policy processes: presidency, bureaucracy, and congress * The major formal and informal institutional arrangements and powers * Structure, policy processes, and outputs * Relationships among these three institutions and links between them and political parties, interest groups, the media, and public opinion15-20% Federal courts, civil liberties, and civil rights * Structure and processes of the judicial system with emphasis on the role and influence of the Supreme Court * The development of civil rights and civil liberties by judicial interpretation * The Bill of Rights * Incorporation of the Bill of Rights * Equal protection and due process15-20% Political parties and interest groups * Political parties (including their function, organization, mobilization, historical development, and effects on the political process) * Interest groups (including the variety of activities they typically undertake and their effects on the political process) * Elections (including the electoral process)10-15% Political beliefs and behavior * Processes by which citizens learn about politics * Political participation (including voting behavior) * Public opinion * Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders * Political culture (the variety of factors that predispose citizens to differ from one another in terms of their political perceptions, values, attitudes, and activities) * The influence of public opinion on political leaders15-20% Constitutional underpinnings of American democracyThe development of concepts such as: * Federalism (with attention to intergovernmental relations) * Separation of powers * Checks and balances * Majority rule * Minority rights * Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption of the Constitution * Theories of democracy

united state和america的区别是什么?

united state和America的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、来源不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.united state释义:United States缩写为US,意思是“合众国”,指的是美利坚合众国的英语United States of America的简称。2.America释义:America指的是美国、美洲、或英语人名时,另外还有亚美利加合唱团等意思。二、用法不同1.united state用法:United State较为口语化,使用频率较高,美国说常说The States。2.America用法:America比较官方,用来代指具体国家时使用较少。三、来源不同1.united state解析:United State是因为美国是一个联邦制国家,主体位于北美洲中部。2.America解析:America 单词来自一个人的名字,意大利的商人和制图师 “Amerigo Vespucci“探索了南美洲的东海岸和加勒比海地区,他最早绘制了新大陆的地图。四、侧重点不同1.united state解析:United States偏向于表明美国的政体,美国是一个联邦制国家。2.America解析:America更侧重于地理概念,表示美国这片土地。

美国的“united state”和“America”有什么区别?

1、意思不同United States (US)是对美国最传统和正式的说法。America原指美洲,但因为美国的迅速发展,现在专指美国,更偏向地理概念,表示美国这片土地。2、使用场合不同在相对正式的场合和书面用语中,特别是涉及到政治和外交领域时,一般使用United States/U.S.;同时在民间和非正式场合也被广泛使用。在赞美国家(及其人民丶精神等)的时候,或者一些涉及到宗教的场合,常用America。




electric, electrical的区别 1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。如: electric light, electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell。又如: Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。 With this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷 爷就不觉得冷了。 2. electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。 如:electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering。又如: All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 electronic是电子的,和电子有关的。 这个区别有的字典说得不是很清楚。 另外,金山词霸采用的字典的解释有时是不准确的。 比如combustible是可燃,inflammable是易燃,两个不同的概念,但词霸把它们意思对调了。Electric: 带电的;通常用于形容带电的能量。e.g. electric power-电源Electrical: 带电的,跟Electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。e.g.electrical appliances- 家用电器Electronic: 电子的;用于形容通过电的e.g. electronic equipment- 电子设备


一、指代不同1、electric:电的。2、electrical:用电的。二、侧重点不同1、electric:Electric 的意思为“导电的、电动的、发电的”,由电驱动的机器、用品或能发电的东西都用electric。2、electrical:Electrical 的意思是“同电有关的,电气科学的”。这一点与electric不同。三、引证用法不同1、electric:electric的基本意思是“电动的”“电的”,指以电作动力、由电产生、产生电的、使用电的或用于导电的,作此解时,只用作定语。2、electrical:electrical的主要意思是“与电有关的”,如关于电的知识或电的研究内容等。


1. electric 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等。如:an electric fan 电扇an electric bell 电铃an electric lamp 电灯an electric stove 电炉an electric iron 电熨斗an electric plug 电插头an electric motor 电动机an electric generator 发电机There"s an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有个电暖器。A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. 电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。2. electrical 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。如:electrical work 与电有关的工作an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical experiments 电气实验electrical equipment 电气器械an electrical fault 电气故障An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。As you"ve probably guessed, the problem was electrical. 你们可能已经猜测出来了,这个问题与电有关。The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault. 飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。


electric表示“电力的,以电为动力的”,而electrical表示“与电有关的”,“电气科学的”。例如: The boy is playing an electric train.那个孩子正在玩电动火车。 Now every room has an electric light.现在每间屋子都有电灯。 Our classroom are now equipped with electric fans. 我们教室现在装上了电扇。 My brother studies electrical engineering. 我兄弟学习电机工程学。 electricity 是名词,意思是:电。

electric electrical用法区别

electrical, electric的用法区别electric指“与电有关的”,即“电产生的”“电带动的”“带电的”;而electrical指“与电学有关的”。如an electrical engineer电机〔气〕工程师; an electrical fault电力故障



8. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _______ for American people.

modified genetic food转基因食品 有规定的表达方法

土耳其的saricam / adana是偏远地区吗


The famous reporter, who is said to go back to America next month, _____in China for almost twe...

C 试题分析:句意:这位著名的记者在中国已经居住了大约二十年,据说他下个月要回美国。根据定语从句的时态可知他仍然在中国居住,所以是到现在为止住了二十年,用现在完成时,答案选C。

防弹少年团american house life9,11期公演结束后唱的only you是什么歌

是 《踢被子》 http://music.163.com/#/song?id=28959196【歌词】One two three fourub098 uac00uc9c0uac00uc9c0 ud558ub2e4 ub098ubb34 ub418uaca0uc5b4我做了各种事情,像会变成树木uc65c uc790uafb8 uc774uc0c1ud574uc9c8uae4c ud56duc0c1 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc120为什么在你面前总是变得越来越奇怪ub09c uc720uce58uc6d0uc0ddub3c4 uc544ub2ccub370我不是幼稚园生ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c ub2e4 uc720uce58ud574但我所有的一切都很幼稚uc0acuc2e4 ub0b4uac00 ubc29uae08 uce5c ub9d0uc7a5ub09cubcf4ub2e4其实我比刚刚玩的文字游戏uc880 ub354 uc720uce58ud574更加幼稚Look at my eyesub0b4 uc9d3uad82uc740 ub9d0uc740 uc9c4uc2ecuc774 uc544ub0d0我那些讨厌的言辞并非出至真心uc774 ud55c ub9c8ub514uac00 uac81ub098 uc5b4ub835ub354ub77c这句话真的好难说出来uc544 uad00uc2ec uc788ub2e4uace0啊 我对你有兴趣ub124uac8c ud574uac00 ub418uae30 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc对你温暖实在令我难为情ucc28uac00uc6b4 ub2ecuc774 ub410uc9c0ub9cc而成为了冰冷的月亮uadf8 ud6c4ub85c uc790uafb8 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4之后总是在床的大海上uce68ub300 ubc14ub2e4 uc704 uc774ubd88 ud30cub3c4掀起一波波棉被的浪ucca0uc369 ucca0uc369 ubbf8uce5cub188ucc98ub7fc ud384uca4d啪嗒 啪嗒 神经病一样乱跳ub6f0ub2e4 ucc59ud53cud568uc744 UFCub85c uc2b9ud654uc2dcud0a8 uac8c用跳跃把丢脸升华为UFC就是ub0b4 uc5c5uc801我的业绩ud558uc774ud0a5ub3c4 ub0a0ub838ub2e4uac00 uc7bd ud6c5uc73cub85c ub9c9High Kick 之后以手肘刺拳ucce4ub2e4uac00乱击ud30cuc6b4ub529ud588ub2e4uac00 uc774ubd88 uc950uc5b4ub72fuace0攻击之后撕破棉被ub9c9 ub610 ud558uc18cuc5f0ud558ub2e4uac00又在瞎埋怨Oh gimme ub2e4ub9acubbf8 ub0b4 uc190ubc1c ud3b4uc904Oh gimme 个熨斗展平我的手脚Oh uc774ubbf8 ub108uc758 uc758ubbf8ub294Oh 你对我的意义ub0b4uac8c uac00uc0ac uba87 uc904几行歌词uadf8 uc774uc0c1uc774uc57c已超过uadfcub370 ub0b4 uc774ubd88uc740 ubb34uc2a8 uc8c4uc57c ubb3cuc5b4ub0b4不过我的被子有什么罪啊我问我自己uadf8ub0e5 ub2c8uac00 uc788uc5c8uc73cuba74 ud574我只是希望能拥有你Only you only youub09c ub610 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c我又在你面前uc774uc0c1ud55c uc9d3ub9cc uace8ub77cud558uac8c ub3fc做了奇怪的行为uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0真的好漂亮 漂亮 漂亮Oh ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub7acub294uc9c0Oh 我为什么会这样uc790ub2e4 uc774ubd88ud0a5 ub0a0ub9acuaca0uc5b4睡觉时又把被子踢开Only you woo woo woo woo woo youYou woo woo woo woo woo youuc65c uadf8ub7acuc744uae4c uba38ub9acub294 ube59ube59怎么会这样? 脑袋晕乎乎uc8c4 uc5c6ub294 uc774ubd88ub9cc ucc28 ud0a5ud0a5只踢着没有罪的被子 Kick KickOh uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0Oh 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮Oh uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0Oh 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮ub098uc5d0uac90 Only You对我而言 Only YouOnly Youub108uc758 ub208 ucf54 uc785 ub530ub77cuc11c你的双眼、鼻子与嘴唇uc2dcuc120uc774 uc774ub3d9ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc81cubc1c uc624ud574ub294ub9d0uc544uc918我的视线游移着 但请不要误会ub110 ubcf4uba74 uc8fcuccb4ub97c ubabbud574 uc774uac70 ucc38看见你的话便难以控制自己,有点愚笨uc8fcucc45uc778 uac74ub370有点愚笨ub9c8ub978uce68 uafc0uaebd uc0bcud0a4uba70 ub9d0ud558uc9c0吞了已干的口水ubb3c ub300uc2e0 uac74ubc30并说用干杯来代替水ucde8ud558uc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub294ub370明明没有醉却装醉了ucde8ud55c ucc99 uad1cuc2dcub9ac uc560uad50还无理由地撤娇uc5f0ud544ub3c4 uc544ub2ccub370我不是铅笔uc790uafb8 ub124uac8c ud751uc2ecuc774 uc0dduaca8但总是对你起了黑心uc774ub7f0 uc2dcucee4uba3c ub9c8uc74c ud639uc2dc ub208uce58ucc58uc744uae4c也许你会察觉到这副黑心肠ubcf8uc2ecuc744 uc228uae30ub824 ud574ub3c4 uc548 ub3fc就连想把真心藏起来也做不到ub9c8ub978 uc138uc218ub9cc uc5b4ub290uc0c8不知不觉地在干搓手uc2dcuac04uc740 tik tok ud758ub7ecuac00uc11c时间慢慢 tik tok 流逝着ub2c8 uc9d1 uc55euc5d0 ub2e4ub2e4ub790uc744 ub54c到达了你家门前时uad1cud788 ub354 ubd84uc704uae30 uc7a1uace0忽然变得更有气氛了uc774ubc88uc5d4 uc9c4uc9dc ubbf8uce5c ucc99ud558uace0这次装真的疯了吧ucc10ud55c ud0a4uc2a4ub098 ud55cubc88 ud574 ubcfcuae4c ud558uba70要不要试着来一次深吻?uc5b4uae68ub97c uc7a1uc5b4我抓着你的肩膀uadfcub370 ub54cub9c8uce68 uc6b8ub9b0 ud55c ud1b5uc758 uc804ud654但突来的电话铃声响起uc5b8uc81c ub4e4uc5b4uc624ub0d0ub294 ub108uc758 uc544ubc84ub2d8uc758 uc131ud654什么时侯回来啊? 你父亲大人的焦急Oh my god ubd84uc704uae30 uc88buc558ub294ub370Oh my god 偏偏在气氛正好的时候uc790uae30 uc804 uad1cud788 uc774ubd88uc5d0 ud654ud480uc774睡觉前无缘无故地对着被子发泄出气uc88buc558ub294ub370气氛 正好呢Only you only youub09c ub610 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c我又在你面前uc774uc0c1ud55c uc9d3ub9cc uace8ub77c ud558uac8c ub3fc做了奇怪的行为uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0真的好漂亮 漂亮 漂亮Oh ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub7acub294uc9c0Oh 我为什么会这样uc790ub2e4 uc774ubd88ud0a5 ub0a0ub9acuaca0uc5b4睡觉时又把被子踢开uac08uae4c ub9d0uae4c ud558ub2e4uac00 ub2e4uac00uac14uc9c0去吗 不去吗 最后还是去了ud560uae4c ub9d0uae4c ud558ub2e4uac00 ud574ubc84ub838uc9c0做吗 不做吗 最后还是做了uc57cuc2ecucc2c uac1cuadf8uc640 uc7a5ub09c我那些充满野心的笑话和玩笑uc2a4ud0a8uc27duacfc ub610 uc559ud0c8还有skinship与瞎忙uadfcub370 ub0b4 ud654uc0b4uc740 ub108ub780 uacfcub141uc744但是我的箭总脱靶uc790uafb8 ud53cud574uac00uae30ub9cc ud574没有打中你这个目标uc5b4ub51cuae4c ub2c8 ub9d8uc740 uac70uae38uae4c在哪呢 你的心在这里吗uc544 ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub54c uadf8ub7acuc744uae4c啊 我当时为什么会这样呢uc624ub298ub3c4 uc7a0 ubabb ub4dcub294 ubc24今晚又是一晚失眠夜uce68ub300 uc704 uc774ubd88uc740 ub0b4 uc0ccub4dcubc31床上的被子是我的沙袋Kick kick kickOnly You only Youub09c ub610 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc11c我又在你面前uc774uc0c1ud55c uc9d3ub9cc uace8ub77c ud558uac8c ub3fc做了奇怪的行为uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0真的好漂亮 漂亮 漂亮Oh ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub7acub294uc9c0Oh 我为什么会这样uc790ub2e4 uc774ubd88ud0a5 ub0a0ub9acuaca0uc5b4睡觉时又把被子踢开Only you woo woo woo woo woo youYou woo woo woo woo woo youuc65c uadf8ub7acuc744uae4c uba38ub9b0 ube59ube59怎么会这样? 脑袋晕乎乎uc8c4 uc5c6ub294 uc774ubd88ub9cc ucc28 ud0a5ud0a5只踢着没有罪的被子 Kick KickOh uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0Oh 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮Oh uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0Oh 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮 漂亮ub098uc5d0uac90 Only you对我而言 Only YouOnly You

有Impressions of America这篇文章的中文翻译么

我想我不能把美国比作是完全的极乐世界。或许,从旧有的观念来看,我并不了解美国,我不能说去它的经纬度,我不能估算出它所有的纺织品的价值,而且,我对美国的政策不是很了解。这些事情或许引不起你的关注,它们当然也不值得我关注。我选择定居到美国的第一个原因不是因为美国人是否是世界上穿着最体面的人,而是他们是穿着最舒适的人。这的男人都带着很糟糕的烟囱管帽子,而且很少有不戴帽子的人;他们都穿着惊人的燕尾服,很少有人不穿外套。这个城市到处充满着舒适的气息,而与我们看到的完全相反;这里,经常看到大家穿着破旧舒适的衣服。我关注的第二件事就是这里的人总是在匆匆忙忙的赶火车。这不是一件诗意又浪漫的事。难道罗密欧与朱丽叶也经常在焦虑的等着火车,还要一直担心着返回的火车票么,莎士比亚是不可能在充满诗意凄婉的美丽的阳台景色里提到这些的。美国是最嘈杂的城市。每天早晨不是在夜莺的叫声中醒来,而是被汽笛的鸣笛声吵醒。美国人的听力敏感度在这样嘈杂的环境中竟没有降低,这是件令人吃惊的事情。每一项艺术都是依靠敏锐而娇弱的天赋而发展的,而这些悦人的天赋最终一定会在这样不间断的骚乱中覆灭的。美国并没有许多美丽的地方,像牛津、剑桥、索尔兹伯里和曼彻斯特这种有着多年历史而美丽的地方;但是也还是时不时的能见到一些漂亮的地方,只是这些并非美国可以去制造的。美国如果尝试着去制造美景,那必定会失败。 美国人最非凡的特性就是专心于科学事业成功的使美国的生活现代化。


american fomer presidents美国前总统的意思

including six of the American Presidents, 为什么不能用six American Presidents呢?这两者有什么区别


热水器上有electrical water heater 字样的是什么牌子的热水器啊


Now that has changed as Mandiant, an American cyber-security firm, released a detailed 。。。。

这句话的上文应该说了一个现象或者事实, 这句话的now that has changed as,是一个转折,后面是说,美国网络安全公司Mandiant,二月19日公布了黑客活动的详细的报告。~~~~如若满意,望采纳~~~~~



Nowhere else in colonial America was so much


Many everyday American expressions are based on colors. Red is a hot color. Americans often us...


Best Day Of My Life American Authors 中英歌词

这首歌好励志~~"Best Day Of My Life"American AuthorsI had a dream so big and loud I jumped so high I touched the clouds Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]I stretched my hands out to the sky We danced with monsters through the night Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]I"m never gonna look back Woah, never gonna give it up No, please don"t wake me now Oo-o-o-o-oo This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife Oo-o-o-o-oo This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife I howled at the moon with friends And then the sun came crashing in Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]But all the possibilities No limits just epiphanies Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]I"m never gonna look back Woah, never gonna give it up No, just don"t wake me now Oo-o-o-o-oo This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife Oo-o-o-o-oo This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife I hear it calling outside my window I feel it in my soul (soul) The stars were burning so bright The sun was out "til midnight I say we lose control (control) This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife Oo-o-o-o-o This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife This is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gonna be The best day of my life Everything is looking up, everybody up now This is gonna be the best day of my li-ife My li-i-i-i-i-ife

numerical 和digital有什么区别

先各举两个例子CNC(Computer Numerical Control) machine tools数控机床:用于机械加工Numerical analysis数值分析:如获取方程 x^3=2的具体数值解的方法 digital curcuit数字电路:又称逻辑门电路,可用于逻辑判断和离散的数学运算,CPU、GPU属于数字电路digital analysis 数字分析:这是比较新的概念,相对于Numerical analysis,其更重视对抽象数据本身的统计价值的挖掘,而不是如何计算出和现实直接关联的数值以用于工程控制Numerical 以连续、现实、数量化的视角看待和处理事物digital 以离散、抽象、逻辑化的视角看待和处理事物在电子控制领域,数字逻辑控制和离散数学计算一般用digital,像数控机床里的计算本质上也是用离散的方式近似实际值,所以必然会有微小误差,由于其所控制的是电机动作,并作用于现实中的模具,所以将其认为是Numerical Control——对现实连续数值量的控制

digital 与numerical 的差别


Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)

南部非洲发展共同体(即:Southern African Development Community,简称SADC)。该组织的前身是成立于1980年4月的南部非洲发展协调会议,在1992年8月,正式转变为共同体。SADC目前有成员国14个,他们是:安哥拉、博茨瓦纳、民主刚果、莱索托、马拉维、毛里求斯、莫桑比克、纳米比亚、塞舌尔、南非、斯威士兰、坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、和津巴布韦,总人口1.95亿、总面积928万平方公里,GDP总值1819亿美元(1999年数字)。 值得一提的是,由于南非的综合国力在南部非洲独树一帜,因此下面将南非与SADC的主要统计指标对比一下。南非有人口4305万,占SADC的22%;面积122万平方公里,占SADC的13%;GDP总值为1310亿美元(1999年数字),占SADC的72%。 SADC的目标有以下几点: (1) 实现发展和经济增长,减轻贫困,提高南部非洲人民的生活水平和质量,通过区域一体化支持贫困人口; (2) 发展共同的政治价值观、体系和机构; (3) 促进并维护和平与安全; (4) 基于联合自立和成员国的相互依托,促进自身的可持续发展; (5) 实现国家和地区在发展战略和规划上的互补; (6) 促进及优化生产力及本地区资源的利用; (7) 实现对自然资源的可持续利用以及有效的保护环境; (8) 巩固本地区人民长久以来在历史、社会和文化上的密切联系; SADC目前正在进行机构改革,新的机构设置可以概括为:首脑峰会、SADC主席国三驾马车、SADC政治/防务/安全特设机构、部长委员会(通常指外交部长或财政部长)、部长集成委员会(针对不同行业间的政策指导和协调)、SADC法庭(政策解释和争议解决)、SADC国家委员会(在成员国层面上提出建议和意见,支持并监督本国SADC发展计划的实施)、高级官员常务委员会、以及秘书处。秘书处是SADC的首要执行机构,位于博茨瓦纳首都哈伯罗内。 SADC秘书处的联系方法如下: 机构名称:SADC Secretariat 地址:Government Enclave, Gaborone, Botswana 邮政地址:Private Bag 0095, Government Enclave, Gaborone, Botswana 传真:00267-372848, 581070;电话:00267-351863 通用电子信箱:registry@sadc.int 网址:http://www.sadc.int SADC自成立以来取得的重要成就可以概括为: (1) 表现出地区合作不但是必需的,而且是可能的; (2) 培养一种地区归属感,以及培养了南部非洲各国政府和人民之间相互咨询的传统; (3) 实施覆盖诸多经济领域的SADC行动计划; (4) 在SADC行动计划项下,一些基础设施项目得以执行,包括修复道路、铁路和港口,以及培育出一系列农作物良种以适应SADC地区不同的气候条件。 在SADC的一揽子协定中,贸易协定(Protocol on Trade)占据重要的地位。SADC的地区贸易发展以该协定为蓝图。该贸易协定于1996年8月由SADC各国首脑签署,被2/3的成员国批准以后,在2000年1月正式生效。在2000年9月,SADC贸易协定正式进入实施阶段,其远景目标是到2008年,建立SADC自由贸易区。 在2000年8月的SADC首脑峰会上,通过了SADC贸易协定修订版(The Amendment Protocol on Trade)。修订版新容纳了三个板块的内容,即针对纺织品/服装/食糖的特殊市场准入安排(主要是解决马拉维/莫桑比克/坦桑尼亚/赞比亚四国的纺织品和服装进入南非市场的问题)、产品特定化的原产地规则、和争议解决机制。 SADC贸易协定从总体上看是一个通用型的、框架化的协定。例如在优惠贸易待遇方面,该协定没有新的总体承诺,核心内容是“各成员国可以保持现有的与其他国家的优惠贸易安排”,“各成员国之间可以建立新的优惠贸易安排”,以及“各成员国之间在贸易方面互相给予最惠国待遇”。另外在反对不公平贸易领域,SADC贸易协定的阐述可以简要概括为:在符合WTO规定的情况下,各成员国可以采取反倾销/反补贴/保障措施等行动。 SADC贸易协定中有关原产地规则的判据是:如果货物从某一成员国直接发货到另一成员国,并且满足--- a) 货物完全产自成员国(即矿产品从成员国的土地或海床上开采、农作物从成员国的土地上收获、制成品在成员国的工厂里生产/并且所有材料从成员国区域内获得、……等等,译者略);或者 b) 货物在成员国区域内生产,其所用材料全部或部分从成员国以外进口,该生产过程能够实质性地转变原材料,即须符合下述情形: (i) 从成员国以外进口原材料的CIF价值不超过生产该产品所需总材料成本的60%;或者 (ii) 生产过程中新增加的价值至少占该产品出厂价的35%;或者 c) 对进口原材料加工生产以后,其最终产品的税则编码标头与进口原材料的标头不同。 出口商需为其出口产品办理原产地证明。 所谓产品特定化的原产地规则(Product Specific Rules of Origin),是指SADC各成员国在部分商品的原产地规则上还存在分歧,包括小麦粉、机动车、塑料、电气和光学产品等,这方面的谈判还在继续。


我们使用电脑一段时间之后,就会发现电脑的开机时间慢慢变长了。其实这也是一种很正常的现象。很多因素都会造成电脑开机时间变长。只要我们稍微注意一下下面几个方面。基本上,我们电脑的开机时间不至于很慢,但是也不可能恢复到刚开始使用那时候那么快的速度。但是,回到正常的速度就可以了。方法/步骤1/5 分步阅读电脑系统垃圾过多,或者存在无用的注册表等都会导致电脑开机速度变慢。所以我们最好不定期地对电脑系统垃圾和一些注册信息进行清理。2/5由于电脑安装过多的软件,并且这些软件设置了随开机启动。这就很容易造成开机时间不断延长。我们可以关闭这些开机启动项。3/5如果电脑受到木马病毒入侵,系统遭到破坏和修改,也会导致程序运行缓慢。我们可以使用腾讯电脑管家进行检测和查杀病毒。4/5电脑使用时间长了之后,电脑内部机箱存在灰尘。这时候我们可以到维修店,请专业维修人员打开机箱进行灰尘清理。5/5如果是电脑硬件配置落后导致的开机慢。我们可以更新电脑的硬件,例如换一个较新的硬盘,换一个较大的内存条等等。

American football 和 rugby 有什么区别 在游戏规则上的区别

the same

american video是什么


-What do you think of the World Cup in South Africa? -Wonderful!All the players have never played__


Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa. A.to be invited B.invited .

B 试题分析:考查分词做定语。本题中的名词artist与动词invite之间构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词的形式做定语,修饰名词就相当于定语从句who were invited to the party。句意:被邀请来参加会议的大多数艺术家都是来自于南非。故B正确。考点:考查分词做定语点评:当名词与动词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语;如果二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做定语。

Lions are from South Africa.(改为同义句)Lions _____ _____ from South Africa.

应该是一条横线吧Lions come from South Africa.

There are from South Africa,一等于什么?

They are from South Africa.等于They come from South Africa.


  southafrica是南非South Africa葡萄酒.  South Africa 南非目前是世界上6大有名的葡萄产区之一,它所产的葡萄酒产量占世界总产量的3%。它的主要葡萄酒生产区分布在开普地区。开普地区处于非洲顶端地带.  .  南非South Africa葡萄酒具体品牌不同价格也会不同,从几十元到数百元的都有.这里因度娘敏感,怕被当广告和斜就不提供价格截图了.  .  如对你有帮助.请及时选为【满意回答】

Simon & Garfunkel的《America》 歌词

歌曲名:America歌手:Simon & Garfunkel专辑:America: The Simon & Garfunkel Collection"Let us be lovers we"ll marry our fortunes together""I"ve got some real estate here in my bag"So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner piesAnd we walked off to look for America"Kathy," I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh"Michigan seems like a dream to me now"It took me four days to hitchhike from SaginawI"ve gone to look for AmericaLaughing on the busPlaying games with the facesShe said the man in the gabardine suit was a spyI said "Be careful his bowtie is really a camera""Toss me a cigarette, I think there"s one in my raincoat""We smoked the last one an hour ago"So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazineAnd the moon rose over an open field"Kathy, I"m lost," I said, though I knew she was sleepingI"m empty and aching and I don"t know whyCounting the cars on the New Jersey TurnpikeThey"ve all gone to look for AmericaAll gone to look for AmericaAll gone to look for Americaby eric 2002http://music.baidu.com/song/8248573

American authors的go big or go home的歌词翻译

Go Big Or Go Home - American Authors去大或回家-美国作家Don"t feel like going home不想回家But all my cash is gone但我所有的现金都不见了Yeah I got nothing to do tonight是的,我今晚没有什么事I"m passed out on the floor我昏倒在地上Up in the hotel bar在巴尔酒店But it don"t matter cause I"m feeling fine但这并不重要,因为我感觉很好I"m thinking life"s too short it"s passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if I"m gonna go at all所以如果我要去Go big or go (go, go)去大或去(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家I gave the dice a roll我给掷骰子And then we lost control然后我们失去了控制You know we"re lucky that we survived你知道我们是幸运的,我们幸存Cause when we jump the ship因为当我们跳船Oh, man, that boat, it flipped哦,人,那条船,它翻转But we should do it all again tonight但今晚我们应该再做一遍I"m thinking life"s too short its passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if were gonna go at all因此,如果要去的所有Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家Giving my body all the things I need让我的身体所有我需要的东西Whisking me with a little whiskey挥动我一点威士忌Staying out, don"t need no sleep不需要睡眠,不需要睡眠I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I guess I"m going home, cause all my cash is gone我想我要回家了,因为我所有的钱都不见了I spent it all trying to feel alive我花了所有的努力去感受活着Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家It"s getting crazy它变得疯狂We"re gonna do some things that we won"t forget我们会做一些我们不会忘记的事情Go big or go home去大或回家I"m going crazy我要疯了Gonna live my life, I got no regrets我要过我的生活,我没有遗憾Go big or go home去大或回家

谁有2pac的 2 of Americaz most wanted 中文歌词?

歌词全文翻译 by邪恶少年eb 《全美两大头号通缉犯》 Snoop) Up out of there(Tupac) *chuckles*Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta party(Snoop) Pump that up G(Tupac) Ahh shit, you done fucked up now -- Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyYou done put two of America"smost wanted in the samemotherfuckin place at the same Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partymotherfuckin time, hahahahahY"all niggaz about to feel this Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyBreak out the champagne glassesand them motherfuckin condomsHave one on us aight?? Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyVerse One: 2Pac, SnoopPicture perfect, I paint a perfect pictureBomb the hoochies with precision my intention"s to get richerWith the S-N double-O-P, Dogg my fuckin homeyYouse a cold ass nigga on them hogsSho nuff, I keep my hand on my gun, cuz they got me on the runNow I"m back in the courtroom waitin on the outcomeFree Tupac, is all that"s on a niggaz mindBut at the same time it seem they tryin to take mineSo I"ma get smart, and get defensive and shitAnd put together a million march, for some gangsta shitSo now they got us lacedTwo multimillionare motherfuckers catchin cases (mmm)Bitches get ready for the throwdown, the shit"s about to go downUhh, me and Snoop about to clownI"m Losin My Religion, I"m vicious on these stool pigeonsYou might be deep in this game, but you got the grooves missinNiggaz be actin like they savage, they out to get the cabbageI got, nuthin but love, for my niggaz livin lavishI got a pit named P, she niggarinoI got a house out in the hills right next to Chinoand I, think I got a black Beamerbut my dream is to own a fly casinolike Bugsy Seagel, and do it all legaland get scooped up, by the little homie in the RegalMmm, it feel good to you baby bubbaYa see, this is for the G"s and the keys motherfuckerNow follow as we riiiiideMotherfuck the rest, two of the best from the West sideAnd I can make you famousNiggaz been dying for years, so how could they blame usI live in fear of a felonyI never stop bailin these, motherfuckin G"sIf ya got it better flaunt it, another warrant2 of Amerikaz Most WantedChorus:Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyAin"t nuttin but a gangsta party(Tupac) Nuthin but a gangsta party... Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyNuthin but a gangsta partyit ain"t nuthin but amotherfuckin gangsta party Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta party Nuthin but a gangsta partyit ain"t nuthin but amotherfuckin gangsta party Ain"t nuttin but a gangsta partyVerse Two: 2Pac, SnoopNow give me fifty feetDefeat is not my destiny, release me to the streetsAnd keep whatever"s left of meJealousy is misery, suffering is griefBetter be prepared when you try to fuck wit meI bust a flea, these niggaz must be crazy what??There ain"t no mercy motherfuckers who can fade the Thugs(hahah right) You thought it was but it wasn"t, now dissapearBow down in the presence of a boss playerIt"s like cuz, blood, gangbangingEverybody in the party doing dope slanginYou got to have papers in this worldYou might get your first snatch, before your eyes swerlYa doing ya job, every dayAnd then you work so hard till ya hair turn grayLet me tell you about life, and bout the way it isYou see we live by the gun, so we die by the gun"s kidsThey tell me not to roll with my glockSo now I gotta throat of rageFloatin in the black Benz, tryin to do a show a dayThey wonder how I live, with five shotsNiggaz is hard to kill, on my blockKeep a promise see if you"re relatedAffiliated with the hustlers, so we made itNo answers to questions, try to get up on itMy nigga Dogg with me, eternally the most wantedChorus前奏: (2pac) 在这里,只有黑帮派对, 喂,开得再响点。 靠,这才够爽。 这里只有黑帮派对。 你把美国最大的两号通缉犯他妈的放在了一块儿。 这里只有黑帮派对, 你们这帮兄弟很快就会玩得很爽, 这里只有黑帮派对。 打爆香槟的杯子,打爆保险套, 来爽一把怎么样? 这里只有黑帮派对! 第一段: (2pac) 想象一个完美世界,我来勾勒完美画面。 小心翼翼地贩卖私酒,是为了更加有钱。 我和snoop dogg是同伙, 对付那群贪心的小子,他绝对是个冷血动物。 (snoop dogg) 一点没错,我枪不离手,是因为他们四处通缉着我。 现在我回到审判庭等候最终结果。 我头脑中想的全是让他们放了2pac, 但与此同时,他们好象企图夺走我的自由。 所以我得灵活机敏,提高警惕。 因为我的帮匪行径,我被他们押进牢房。 (2pac) 他们把我们绑起来, 两个百万富翁来应付诉讼来了。 婊子们你们就准备好失败吧,你们就快完了。 我和snoop要拿你们开涮了, 我就要开戒了,对这群密探我绝不留情。 或许你知道很多,但你坏了规矩。 那群黑哥们就像野人一样, 我热爱我那群生活奢靡放荡的哥们 (snoop) 我有一个小赌场, 在紧靠着chino(加州一地区)我有座山上的房子 我有一辆黑色宝马车, 但我的梦想是拥有一座超炫的赌场, 就好象bugsy seagel(历史上著名的黑帮老大, 他被认为是在幕后推动拉斯维加斯的发展的重要人物)一样, 做的全是合法的黑生意。 在赌场里头被马仔们簇拥着,感觉够爽。 你看,我就是追求穷奢极欲。 (2pac) 我们爽的时候你要跟上, 别他妈休息,我们是西海岸最牛b的两个人, 老子可以让你出名。 年复一年,总有黑哥们死掉,又怎么能怪到我们头上呢。 我的生活(早就)被笼罩在对(被判)重罪的恐惧之下, 我一刻不停地把这些帮匪们保释出狱。 你觉得你更牛,来呀,再出示一张逮捕令呀! 我们是全美最大的两号通缉犯! 高潮部分(反复) 这里只有黑帮的派对 第二段 (2pac) 给我一点空间,我不会败诉。 把我放回街头,原来是我的现在还是我的。 嫉恨是场灾难,折磨让人忧伤。 你们这帮懦夫跟我作对时最好当心一点。 我嘲笑着你们,你们就说我们发疯了是吗? 我他妈的绝不同情你们,谁能回避(我们这些)暴徒? 事情可不是你想的那样,现在你给我滚, 在帮派老大面前你得放恭敬点。 (snoop) 瘸子帮,喋血帮(根植加州,遍布全美的两大超级黑帮), 所有的帮派分子都在这(派对)里用黑话交头接耳。 在这个世界,没有钱可不行。 来不及眨眼的功夫,可能你就有了人生第一次被逮捕的经历。 每一天,你都本分地干活, 然后你就努力地干吧,一直到头发都花白了。 小子,我来跟你分享点人生体验吧,告诉你人生是怎么回事-- 我们因枪而生,因枪而死。 (2pac) 他们告诉我,别沾上枪支。 所以我现在把枪扔一边, 开着我的奔驰,天天做着表演。 他们想知道我吃了五发枪子怎么都没死, 哼,在我的地盘,想杀我可没那么容易。 我们时刻谋划着如何赚钱,跟帮派们关系紧密, 所以你看我们出人头地。 你的问题我拒绝回答,我要赢得这场官司。 我的同党snoop dogg跟我一起,我们永远是头号通缉犯。 [chorus:](反复) 这里只有黑帮的派对===========如若满意,请点击右侧【采纳答案】,如若还有问题,请点击【追问】希望我的回答对您有所帮助,望采纳!

American Depository Share (ADS) 代表什么意思??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  American Depository Share (ADS)的翻译是美国存托股份,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:根据存托协议发行的股份,代表发行企业在本土上市的股票。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Chew Lips的《Hurricane》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane歌手:Chew Lips专辑:HurricaneEric Benet - HurricaneStanding here in disarrayA calm serenityThe winds of change can devastateAnd it took this much for meWith nowhere to run and no reason left to hideGonna hold onAll the walls around are broken downNow I can hear the rising sunSurrounded by everything I wantBut nothing that I needI was blinded by the absurdityLosing all identitySometimes what you fear the most is what you needTo find that roadRight around that curve a lesson learnedNow that I have the eyes to seeA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only way to wash away the painA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only thing that brings you back againWith poison toys I"d isolateBut the wind was strong and trueBut now I see where the treause is"Cause they only blocked my viewI"m spiraling down but so obliviousGot to find my way homeThere"s a heart that bleeds trapped in meBut how do I break this shell of stoneA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only way to wash away the painA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only thing that brings you back againSometimes I cried, the tears wouldn"t fallAnd sometimes I tried to break those wallsAnd feel your loveBut I came alive insideWhen I finally found my wayA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only way to wash away the painA hurricane, a hurricaneIs sometimes the only thing that brings you back againA hurricane....http://music.baidu.com/song/24394273




8个。latino america拉丁美洲


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: sardonic,sarcastic,satirical,ironical的区别 解析: Sarcastic 表示苟刻伤人的讽刺和嘲笑: e.g. a deserved reputation for sarcastic, acerbic and uninhibited polemics 他的臭名应该得到极为讽刺的、尖酸的和无限制的攻击 Sardonic 是与蔑视、嘲笑和讽刺相连的,也经常与愤世嫉俗相连 e.g. He was proud, sardonic, harsh to inferiority of every description 他对各种描写的低劣性都抱以傲慢、讽刺和毫不保留爱憎分明的态度 Satirical 含有暴露某种东西,尤其是邪恶或愚蠢的讽刺之意 e.g. on the surface a satirical look at mercial radio, but also a study of the misuse of telemunications 表面上这是一种对商业广播的讥刺,其实也是一种对滥用电信传播的研究 Ironic 意味着一种微妙的间接表达出来的讽刺: e.g. a man of eccentric charm, ironic humor, and—above all—profound literary genius 一个具有奇妙魔力、讽刺性幽默以及—特别是—高深的文学天份的人

Peter Tosh的《African》 歌词

歌曲名:African歌手:Peter Tosh专辑:Equal Rights (Legacy Edition)Karl Wolf - AfricaIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never hadAnd as I"m walking through the subwayAll I feel is everybody"s piercing eyes (piercing eyes)I"m following the footsteps all I can imagine is that I"m a guyYou never know maybe she"s afraidAnd everything around her is so damn fakeI feel like that we"ve met beforeHurry boy she"s waitingIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never hadThe sun is rising on east side and every former life is waking upThe feeling of seclusion makes you wanna dream away and fall in loveShe drags you in, not afraidEverything feels like fateWhat wrong with you, don"t let her goHurry boy it"s waitingIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never had(ScattingInstrumental Break)Hurry boy it"s waiting there for you(Down in A....)It"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you (ohh... )There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do (no... oh...)I bless the rains down in Africa (rains down in Africa...)I bless the rains down in Africa (oh bless the rains...)I bless the rains down in Africa (down in A...frica)I bless the rains down in Africa (down in A...frica)Gonna take some time to do the things we never hadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7293376


in 加 大地点,at 加小地点。In America 在美国At the train station of America 在美国的火车站



急需关于basketball in America的文章要英文的,哪位好心人有啊?



A+musician+made+it+in+america+in+1960改为被动语态It was made by a musician in America in 1960.

peple say that the modern car was made in America

People say the Americans imade the modern car.

不知道有没有人发过Beyonce-Made In America


Made In America 歌词

歌曲名:Made In America歌手:Toby Keith专辑:Clancy

美国制造的东西,是Made In USA还是Made In American? 或者是Made In U.

Made In USA USA [简明英汉词典] abbr.美国(美利坚合众国) usa [英汉地质大词典] n.紫外光谱分析 USA [航空英语缩写词典] United States Of America 美利坚合众国 U.S.AIR 美国航空公司 American [简明英汉词典]这个是形容词 n.美国人, 美洲人 adj.美国的, 美洲的 American [英汉航空大词典] n.美国的,美国人的 American [英汉海运大词典] 美国的 American [英汉计算机大词典] n.美国的(美洲的,美国人 american [英汉机械大词典] n.美国的,美洲的 American [英汉建筑大词典] n.美国的 american [英汉中医大词典] n.美国的,美洲的,美国人

people from great britain brought the english language to north amarica in the 全文

这是世纪金榜上一道完形题啊.......我给你完形题目和答案吧,不好意思,我有点懒,你把正确答案填进去就是完整的了......People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the _21__300 years, there were so many 22 in both places that now people can easily _23__ an English person from an American in the _24_ he or she talks. Many old words _25__ in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they _26__ either a “faucet”, “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are _27_heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still _28_in England. Americans often make _29__ new words or change old ones. “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and _30__ in England. Also, over the last three centuries the English language has _31__ thousands of new words for things that weren"t _32__ before. And often, American and English people used two _33__ names for them. A tin can is called “tin” for short in English, but a “can” in American. The word “radio” is _34__ all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything _35__ something to do with cars, railroads, etc. has different _36__ in Britain and American English. But now American and British English may be _37__ closer together. One thing is that _38__ people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in __39_ , on television, or from travelers. Because of this, Americans _40__ to be influencing(影响)the British more and more. So some day, English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic. 21. A. past B. oldest C. recent D. modern 22 A. citizens B. inventions C. changes D. differences 23. A. pick B. tell C. take D. judge 24. A. voice B. place C. language D. way 25. A. disappeared B. stayed C. returned D. formed 26. A. said B. talked C. spoke D. called 27. A. then B. hardly C. clearly D. still 28. A. polite B. native C. common D. lively 29. A. of B. into C. up D. out 30. A. another B. the other C. none D. something 31. A. discovered B. added C. improved D. learned 32. A. accepted B. known C. introduced D. understood 33. A. new B. short C. different D. standard 34. A. ruled B. made C. developed D. used 35. A. having B. bringing C. getting D. making 36. A. types B. names C. degrees D. parts 37. A. putting B. staying C. living D. growing 38. A. British B. American C. educated D. ordinary 39. A. families B. buses C. movies D. newspapers 40. A. need B. expect C. seem D. happen21-25 ACBDA 26-30 DDCCA 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 BDACC 还有.....那个.....能不能多给点分......谢谢啦......

The cars made in china are much cheaper than__made in america.

those=the ones

The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than ____ made in America.横线上填that还是those啊?

The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than those made in America.those指代the cars。that指代the car。
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