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用英文赏析德莱赛的美国悲剧 An American Tragedy

2023-08-20 21:45:22

An American Tragedy has been adapted into opera, at the hands of composer Tobias Picker. It premiered at the Metropolitan Opera starring Nathan Gunn in New York on December 2, 2005. The well-known Paramount Pictures film A Place in the Sun (1951) is also based on An American Tragedy. Dreiser strongly disapproved of a 1931 film version directed by Josef von Sternberg and also released by Paramount. Sergei Eisenstein prepared a screenplay in the late 1920s which he hoped to have produced by Paramount or by Charlie Chaplin during Eisenstein"s stay in Hollywood in 1930. Many critics and commentators have also compared elements of Woody Allen"s film, Match Point (2005) to the central plot of An American Tragedy.

The novel inspired an episode of the award-winning old-time radio show Our Miss Brooks, an episode known as "Weekend at Crystal Lake" and sometimes known as "An American Tragedy". The episode revolved around the characters" misinterpreting the intentions of biology teacher Philip Boyton (played by Jeff Chandler), Connie Brooks"s (Eve Arden) high school colleague and love interest. The characters fear that Boynton plans to kill Miss Brooks during a leisurely weekend at their boss"s lakeside retreat. The episode was broadcast twice, on September 19, 1948, and — with very minor changes — on August 21, 1949. The episode was also repeated in 1955, at a time the show was a hit on both radio and television.[2]


Raised by poor and devoutly religious parents, who force him to participate in their street missionary work, the ambitious but immature Clyde is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clyde"s life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he"s traveling kills a young child. Clyde flees Kansas City, and after a brief stay in Chicago, he reestablishes himself as a foreman at the collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York, who meets Clyde through a stroke of fortune. The uncle does his best to help Clyde and advances him to a position of relative importance within the factory.

Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden, a poor and very innocent farm girl working under him at the factory. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship (forbidden by factory rules) and virtually coerces Roberta into sex, but his ambition forces him to realize that he could never marry her. He dreams of the elegant Sondra Finchley, the daughter of a wealthy Lycurgus man and a family friend of his uncle"s. As developments between him and Sondra begin to look promising, Roberta discovers that she is pregnant.

Having unsuccessfully attempted to procure an abortion for Roberta, who expects him to marry her, Clyde procrastinates while his relationship with Sondra continues to mature. When he realizes that he has a genuine chance to marry Sondra, and after Roberta threatens to reveal their relationship unless he marries her, Clyde hatches a plan to murder Roberta in a fashion that will seem accidental.

Clyde takes Roberta for a canoe ride on Big Bittern Lake in upstate New York and rows to a remote area. As he speaks to her regarding the end of their relationship, Roberta moves towards him, and he strikes her in the face with his camera, stunning her and capsizing the boat. Unable to swim, Roberta drowns while Clyde, who is unwilling to save her, swims to shore. The narrative is deliberately unclear as to whether he acted with malice and intent to murder, or if he struck her merely instinctively. However, the trail of circumstantial evidence points to murder, and the local authorities are only too eager to convict Clyde, to the point of manufacturing additional evidence against him. Following a sensational trial before an unsympathetic audience, and despite a vigorous defense mounted by two lawyers hired by his uncle, Clyde is convicted, sentenced to death, and executed. The jailhouse scenes and the correspondence between Clyde and his mother stand out as exemplars of pathos in modern literature.



n.悲剧,惨剧; 悲剧文学; 悲剧理论,悲剧表演艺术; 悲剧式作品; 复数:tragedies例句:1.Religion has brought great tragedy to europe.宗教给欧洲带来了巨大悲剧。2.How"s that for a tragedy?那是怎样的一种悲哀?3.You really think that I would use a kid"s tragedy as my own personal gain?你真的认为我会利用一个孩子的伤心事来达成我个人目的?4.That abortion is a tragedy.我会说堕胎是一个悲剧.5.Absolute passion is a tragedy.无限制的激情是一个悲剧。
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tragedy是可数名词,表示悲剧的时候可以用复数tragedies. 例句: The tragedies begin to interlock. 这些悲剧开始互相关联。 Peter had seen many tragedies, but he had forgotten them all. 彼得见过许多悲剧,但他都忘记了。 扩展资料   Tragedies, like poetry and music, were staged religious events.   像诗歌和音乐一样,悲剧是宗教活动的舞台。   That is 1.6 million personal and family tragedies.   这就给160万人带来了个人和家庭灾难。   The classic Greek tragedies of the fifth century B.C. were primarily celebrations of gods.   公元前5世纪的经典希腊悲剧主要是记录对神的庆祝。   Some respond to new historical tragedies.   其中一些作品甚至反映了新的历史悲剧。   Time can turn out tragedies, but wonders more so.   时间会酿造悲剧,更能培育奇迹。
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2023-08-11 23:24:164

tragedy 怎么记忆这个单词啊

2023-08-11 23:24:244

tragedy 是悲剧;灾难的意思 有好的记忆方法吗

tra ge dy
2023-08-11 23:24:405

悲剧就是把美好的东西毁灭给人看 萧伯纳的 英文原句

2023-08-11 23:24:554

翻译 重复的悲剧再次上演

Reduplicative tragedy showed again.过去时There is showing a reduplicative tragedy again.现在进行时There have showed a reduplicative tragedy again.现在完成时呵呵 能力有限 也不清楚你想要什么样的表达方式 所以写了几个时态的 仅作参考吧 希望能有所帮助 补:实在抱歉刚看到你的消息,你补充的那个是对的我觉得,Reduplicative tragedy 是一件事情 是要用单数的
2023-08-11 23:25:321


希腊悲剧的特征,不是一个准确的问法。”特征“是在对比下才能谈的,希腊”悲剧“与希腊”喜剧“、satyr play 相比的特征,和希腊”悲剧“在整个西方悲剧传统里显露的特征,肯定不是一回事。不过我就当题主问的是第二个了, 因为第一道题我不会答 ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 回答这个问题, 我想先引用我古典文学教授讲授古典悲剧时的话:“我们对古典悲剧的误解,往往源于我们对整个古典文学的误解。然而这种误解已经根植于文化当中。我们再不能将这些误解赋予的含义,从tragedy 这个词中剥离出来,回归到tragedy的本来含义。”教授提到这种对“悲剧”的根固的误解,不仅存在在英语中,也存在在我们的语言中。正如西方人提到“tragedy”,总是将其等同于"sorrow play", 我们提到悲剧,也总是假设它有一系列的特征:它一定有令人悲痛的结局,往往是生离死别;他一定讲的是一个无辜的人,一个道德完善的英雄,遭受了不幸。我们认为悲剧是把美的东西撕给人看,我们认为tragedy is all about undeserved suffering. 然而问题是,如果我们带着这种对“悲剧”的概念,我们根本无法理解我们称之为“古典悲剧”(古希腊、古罗马“悲剧”)的东西。古希腊的 tragoidía, 和悲伤、苦痛、不幸没有任何关系 。 它并不是想讲一个无辜的人遭受苦难的故事,它甚至不一定有一个看似悲伤的结局,甚至可以是(表面上)大团圆结尾(e.g. Alcestis, Eumanides, Helen, Andromaches, etc)。 所谓underserved suffering 是后世西方人对“悲剧”的理解,不是古希腊人对tragoidía的理解。如果我们带着这种理解去阅读古希腊“悲剧”,去在里面苦苦寻找符合我们对“悲剧”定义的东西,我们会遇到举步维艰:在古希腊“悲剧”里找不到我们想要的那种“无辜却遭受苦难的道德英雄”。相反,更常见的是“英雄”因为自己的智商和德性上问题,自己制造了自己的苦难。 这正是古希腊“悲剧”死掉后、无法理解古典的思考方式的西方读者遇到的困难。于是他们只好去“创造”一个这样的道德英雄——俄狄浦斯。他们把一个“被恐惧所控制,听信了陌生醉汉、别有用心且自相矛盾的科林斯人、明显不曾“目击”任何事的“目击证人”,以为养育自己的父母不是亲生父母,而真正的父母已被自己无意间杀死,母亲成了自己的妻子 (尽管他实际上确实仇视父亲爱慕母亲),无法承受自戳双目的蠢货”, 解读成一个“既不想弑父也不想娶母却在命运的安排下无意之间酿成大错的道德模范英雄”。有兴趣可参考我的另一个回答,尽管还没有填完坑QAQ:俄狄浦斯王在不知情的情况下娶母弑父应该受到惩罚吗? - 云豆卷的回答 或者阅读古典学家Friedrick Ahl 的著作 Two faces of Oedupus. 所以读者想要理解希腊“悲剧”,这一点是读者最需要理解的特征:古希腊的tragoidía并不是我们意义上的悲剧!tragoidía 并不是sorrow play! tragoidía 并不是sorrow play! tragoidía 并不是sorrow play! 重要的事说三遍!与现代“悲剧”相比,古希腊的tragoidía另一个明显特征是:古希腊人为tragoidía 有一个功用/目的/使命——它有一个telos. 不像今天我们认为文学作品是作者个人情感、思想的表达,或是认为戏剧是一种(高雅的?)娱乐方式,古希腊人认为 tragoidía是公民的道德教育的重要环节,剧场是道德教育的课堂。 tragoidía 应该教育公民去追求美德。 这不仅是社会对戏剧和诗人的要求, 也是诗人自己对自己的职责的认识。所以在戏剧节后,雅典人将优胜者的名字刻在石碑上时,他们会刻“某年月日,Euripides 教授了某剧”。 在古希腊社会,诗人是教授公民美德的教师。 而三大“悲剧”诗人,确实是在兢兢业业地履行他们教育同胞邦民的职责。tragoidía 尽管表面上在谈论神话中事,实际上确实在积极地——无论是直接地还是隐晦地——探讨时事,指出当下雅典人忽略的问题。比如Aeschylus 的Persians 上演时,正值雅典人打算放逐Themistocoles——领导雅典在Salamis 海战中战胜了横扫希腊的波斯人的将军。 此剧写了波斯国王Xerxes战败回国,哀悼死在雅典的波斯战士,并声称自己还会卷土重来。 诗人掐着这个时间上演这部剧,明显意在提醒雅典人:战争刚结束就要迫害解救了城邦的将军,兔死狗烹是否应当?敌人威胁尚在,放逐将军是否审慎? 在比如411年雅典人刚刚经历了西西里远征的惨败,数万青壮葬身海底时,Euripides 就在当年的戏剧节上上演了Helen:一个同样是关于“无意义的远征”的故事。剧中说Helen 并未和Paris 私奔,而是被神偷走放在了埃及;十年特洛伊战争争夺的,不过是赫拉用云朵制造的具有Helen形貌的幻影。 再比如Eumanides 中,诗人借Apollo 口中看似荒唐的辩护,试图指出当时雅典人道德观念中的问题:复仇女神声称Clytemnestra 杀死丈夫无罪,因为夫妻之间无血缘;她的儿子为父报仇杀死她却是犯了最恐怖的罪行,因为她是他的血亲。可是难道只有杀害血亲算罪行么? 在剧中攻击有问题的传统观念这点,Euripides 其实做得尤其多。攻击传统观念,有时也包括着“打破”传统的、大众熟悉的神话版本。观众走进剧院,以为自己知道将发生什么;诗人却啪啪啪打他们的脸,告诉他们:你想错了。比如刚刚说的,观众以为特洛伊的故事是希腊人为了被拐走的Helen 而发动战争,Euripides 却说,Helen 根本没有去特洛伊,她一直在埃及。 再比如特洛伊王子赫克托尔是神话传统中的模范好丈夫,他和Andromaches 是模范夫妻,都对彼此忠贞无二。Euripide 却在Andromaches 里借Andromaches 之口,说赫克托尔不仅对妻子不忠,养情妇,还搞出了好几个私生子。所以说古希腊诗人并不是在无趣地重复那些大家早就知道地神话故事:相反,他们是在改写、创造,和颠覆。诗人还经常做的,是为社会中没有话语权的弱者发声。或许很难说诗人的思想觉悟非常高,都是女权斗士支持性别平等,但我们可以说的是,他们确实在有意识地表达女性的声音,表达她们面临社会施加的压迫、面临当权者施加的苦难时想说的话。最典型的应该是Iphigenia at Aulis. Iphigenia 是公主,她的母亲Clytemnestra 是王后,但是当男人们想要杀死Iphegenia 时她们却无能为力。母女二人完全是男人们的罪恶的牺牲品——为了能征讨特洛伊、享受作为“万王之王”的荣誉,不惜杀死亲生女儿的Agamemnon;为了讨回海伦一心想置侄女于死地的Menelaus; 为了自己能去打仗毫不在意牺牲个无辜少女,却为了“荣誉”只好不情不愿地去保护Iphegenia 的Achilles, 还有本剧中没有出场,却隐藏在暗处谋划一切的奥德修斯和祭司Calchas. 这是一部关于人可以有多邪恶的剧,一部讲述有权力的人如何摧毁了弱者的故事。Clytemnestra机警聪明强势,能言善辩,但即使这样她也没能解救自己的女儿。 在剧中Euripides 为这对母女设计惊心动魄的台词。比如Clytemnestra请求Agamemnon放过他们的女儿时,她说:“当时你闯入我的宫殿,杀死我的丈夫和我初生的儿子。我的兄长准备杀死你时,你却抱着我老父的腿苦苦哀求。于是他们放过了你,还把我嫁给了你。我接受了命运的安排。嫁给你后一直努力去做个好妻子。我给你生了孩子,你却要杀死他们中的一个。当孩子们长大了,当他们问你‘父亲,为什么你要杀死姐姐",你要怎么回答呢?你是否想过,当你远征多年,留着我日日夜夜对着女儿空荡荡的座椅和她空荡荡的房间,我的心会如何抽搐呢?你总有一天要回来,到时候你想让我,让孩子们,让这个家,带着怎样的心去欢迎你?我会给你恶人应受的。不要逼我做个坏女人。”Iphegenia恳求父亲放过她性命时说的话也特别震撼力. 她说:“我是你生命中的第一个孩子。是我叫你第一声‘父亲",是我第一个享有你的父爱,是我第一个在你膝上玩耍。你可还记得,那时候你说:‘我何时才能见到你出嫁,和丈夫幸福地生活在一起?"我抚摸着你的脸说:‘那到时候你是否会常来看我,让我对你尽孝呢?"我还记得这些话,但你却忘了,你却忘了。你现在想杀死我。”(书不在手边并非quote 的原文,但几乎就是这个意思,强烈建议阅读原文)。所以阅读古希腊戏剧需要注意的第二个特征,就是戏剧的教育性质。阅读时需要思考诗人想教给观众的是什么,想让他们看到的是什么。古希腊tragoidía 第三点与现代话剧不同的特征是:它是戏剧,不是剧本。不像易卜生那种剧作家,创作的是剧本,这些剧本发表后或有机会得到上演;Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides 这些人,创作的产品是“戏剧”,是表演出来的戏剧:他们的作品第一次问世是在舞台上,演出之后才有总结出来的剧本。古希腊诗人的戏剧创作中,剧本包括的对白只是一部分:诗人不仅是写对白的人,也是导演、作曲家和编舞者。不幸的是这些舞蹈、乐谱几乎是都荡然无存,就连剧本都十不存一。 所以我们阅读tragoidía时,必须要把它当作一场舞台上的表演来理解。这需要注重几点:Chorus: Chorus是tragoidía的重要部分。音乐是古希腊“悲剧”的重要部分,对古希腊观众而言没有音乐简直不能称悲剧,瓦格纳的作品都莎士比亚的作品更像是tragoidía. Chorus是一个载歌载舞的歌乐团。有时候Character也会和他们对唱,或者对白。古希腊悲剧的曲谱几乎没有留存,我们不知道他们怎么唱的。但是我们知道哪句话是唱的哪句话是说的。一般而言,短句、人物陷入情感时的台词,是唱出来的;而长句、复杂句、表现人物理性思考的台词,一半是靠说的。Chorus 一旦上台,就不再下台。他们见证了一切,知道一切阴谋算计,但有时候却好像又忘了他们见到的东西。 Chorus 用单人称主语自称,但很多时候他们之中有分裂出不同的identity, 彼此有意见分歧和争吵。Seven against Thebes 结尾处 Antigone 就策反了半个Chorus, 浩浩荡荡地去埋她哥哥了。Character: 古希腊悲剧发展的方向就是character较Chorus的比重越来越大。 所有character 都是由2-3名演员表演的(现存剧目一半是3名,早期Aeschylus是两名。) 30%以上的剧目中主角都是女性,但所有演员都是男性。演员上场时戴着面具。一名演员常常分别饰演多名角色。当一名演员需要以角色A出现在场上却没有台词,而他此时又要扮演角色B 时,一个无声演员会穿上角色A的服饰代替他上场。与现在不同的是,最主要的演员不是饰演主角的那位,而是饰演最困难的一组角色的演员。角色的组合并非是任意的;一般由一人饰演的角色,都存在一种“竞争”关系——或者用我们的话说,对立统一。比如在Agamemnon中,Agamemnon 和 谋划杀死他的Aegisthus 是由一名演员扮演的,而他们在“邪恶”这一点却是统一的audience: 现在我们认为观看悲剧是一件严肃的事——观众不说要穿着体面,至少要穿着齐整,该鼓掌时才许鼓掌,其余时候必须保持肃静。我要是穿着脏兮兮的背心拖鞋,或在演出中叫好或喝倒彩,一定会被剧场保安请出去。但是古希腊观众可没现代观众那么守纪律:他们极!其!不!礼!貌!非!常!不!配!合! 他们会想喝彩时就喝彩,想鼓掌就鼓掌,想站起来就站起来,想笑就笑,想喊就喊,看得不爽还会大吵大闹地喝倒彩!据记载,苏格拉底自己观看Euripides 的 Orestes时,就曾站起来为Electra 的开场白鼓掌。 这是一个任何一个导演都会痛恨的观众群体:随便哪个煞笔在不该笑的时候笑了你的表演就毁了好么!所以古希腊诗人比现在的的戏剧家更注重预测和控制观众的反应。有些台词是对着观众说的,有些地方是故意留给观众笑的。比如在Oedipus Tyrannus 中,俄狄浦斯自戳双目后上场,大家惊问他:谁刺瞎了你的眼睛。俄狄浦斯回答:nobody, nobody blinded me. 这里用的是古希腊观众熟悉的Cyclops 的梗:奥德修斯对独眼巨人Cyclops 自称自己叫“nobody”。当他刺瞎了Cyclops 的眼睛时,Cyclops 的同伴问它谁弄瞎了它的眼,Cyclops 说的正是这句:“Nobody blinded me”. 这个梗是故意留给观众让他们笑的。但这个黑色幽默中其实暗含了诗人的恶意:当你笑了,你就背叛了自己——你大笑半晌才反应过来,这是一场可怕的自残,不是什么好笑的事,而你却毫无怜悯心地嘲笑这个自残的人。俄狄浦斯这个例子也表明了古希腊戏剧的另外一个特点,虽然不算是重要特征,但却很有意思。古希腊戏剧的观众是几乎全体公民,甚至有很可能包括女性。而即使雅典男性公民,识字率都不算高。所以这个观众群体不是一群训练有素、知道“该鼓掌时才鼓掌不该你反应时你就闭嘴”这项现代观剧礼仪的绅士贵族,而更多的是穷人、农民、文盲,观剧时总是特别任性特别无理取闹地用喝彩、笑声、倒彩、吼叫打断演出。参加过舞台演出的朋友一定心有戚戚:这种观众最讨厌了。古希腊诗人大概也这么想。不像现在的话剧演出,谢幕时导演总是要感谢观众,古希腊诗人大概在某种意义上恨透了他们的观众,再加上他们的戏剧表演都有政府财政支持,观众又不是衣食父母,他们完全不介意在演出中让观众出糗、尴尬,或感到不适。 Sophocles 用Cyclops 这个梗引观众发笑,让他们暴露自己对别人苦难的冷漠,反应过来后感到羞愧,就是一个例子。再比如在Euripides的 Orestes 中有一段Orestes 和看不见的复仇女神搏斗。据记载,演到这段时台上的Orestes 拉弓搭箭对着观众比来比去,雅典观众都吓尿了甚至有哭着逃命的。 有些剧(如Agamemnon, Orestes)中还有台词是直接侮辱观众的。不过提到直言侮辱观众,三大悲剧家里就算是嘴最毒的Euripides也没有Aristophanes 做得过。 Aristophanes几乎每部剧中必须要来上这么一段,让某个角色直指着观众骂他们是小偷、罪犯、恶棍、鸡奸犯。总结一下,我理解的古希腊tragoidía的大致特征是:1) tragoidía 是一种包含了chorus, 和通常由2-3名男性演员表演的、通常以对神话的改变、再创作为内容的戏剧;它不一定是悲伤的;2)tragoidía 是政治的,它的telos是教育公民,帮助他们培养美德,令他们成为更好的人;3) tragoidía本身是一种舞台表演形式,而不是文学创作形式,她原本生在舞台上,而不是文字中;现存的tragoidía 以文字为载体是因为歌舞都散失了我们只剩下剧本了(甚至连剧本都没剩下多少
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2023-08-11 23:26:014

日语tragedy night用罗马音怎么念

2023-08-11 23:26:193


人工AbstractJiaohongji by late-Ming novolist, Mengchengshun,buried long in oblivion, was once more in the spotlight, with waves of compliments. Taking a retrospective look at previous research results, this article explores furthermore into the tragedy of this story. It is more a personality tragedy than a social tragedy. The voluptuousness, indecisivenss and irresponsibility of the hero, Shenchun, is the key factor leading to this tragedy. It is rather a personality tragedy because these qualities of his contribute to a large extent to the friction of this novel and hence the tragic end.
2023-08-11 23:26:393

直到世界的尽头 日文+罗马音+中文歌词

以自己的理解做了一份音译歌词,希望能帮到大家。大都会(だいとかい)に 仆(ぼく)はもう一人(ひとり)で代都(dou)凯衣尼 bou库哇牟hi头粒嘚(dei)投(な)げ舍(す)てられた 空(あき)カンのようだ哪该丝忒喇~嘞哒 阿ki看嗯no哟哦达互(たが)いのすべてを 知(し)りつくすまでが 他噶衣no丝呗忒喔 西粒次酷丝麻嘚牟爱(あい)ならば いっそ永久(とわ)に眠(ねむ)ろうか…爱衣娜拉吧 一搜多哇尼馁mu漏噶世界(せかい)が终(お)わるまでは 离(はな)れる事(こと)もないsei噶衣噶哦哇路麻嘚哇 哈那来路_沟豆牟nai(二声)そう愿(ねが)っていた 几千(いくせん)の夜(よる)と搜~馁噶嘚衣哒 一酷三嗯no哟路都(dou)戾(もど)らない时(とき)だけが 何故(なぜ)辉(かがや)いては牟都(dou)喇那衣都ki哒凯噶 哪贼卡噶呀衣嘚哇やつれ切(き)った 心(こころ)までも 坏(こわ)す…呀粗嘞ki~哒 扣扣楼麻嘚牟 扣哇丝(发音略偏向“苏”)はかなき想(おも)い… このTragedy Night哈卡呐ki哦牟衣… 扣no Tragedy Nightそして人(ひと)は 答(こた)えを求(もと)めて搜西嘚hi头哇 扣哒唉哦牟都迈嘚かけがえのない 何(なに)かを失(うしな)う卡凯噶唉no耐 纳尼噶哦呜西呐呜~欲望(よくぼう)だらけの 街(まち)じゃ 夜空(よぞら)の哟酷bou哒啦~凯no 马骑嫁哟邹啦no星屑(ほしくず)も 仆(ぼく)らを 灯(とも)せない猴西裤子牟 bou酷啦喔都牟sei耐~世界(せかい)が终(お)わる前(まえ)に 闻(き)かせておくれよsei噶衣噶哦哇路卖唉尼 ki噶sei嘚哦酷嘞哟满开(まんかい)の花(はな)が 似合(にあ)いのCatastrophe满嗯凯衣no哈那噶 尼阿衣no卡他丝偷楼fi(日式英语发音)谁(だれ)もが望(のぞ)みながら 永远(えいえん)を信(しん)じない哒嘞牟噶no邹米那噶啦 诶衣安喔_信~鸡耐…なのに きっと 明日(あした)を梦见(ゆめみ)てる哪no尼 ki~都 阿西哒喔优美米嘚~路はかなき日々(ひび) と このTragedy Night哈卡呐ki hi比都 扣no Tragedy Night世界(せかい)が终(お)わるまでは 离(はな)れる事(こと)もないsei噶衣噶哦哇路麻嘚哇 哈那来路_沟豆牟nai(二声)そう愿(ねが)っていた 几千(いくせん)の夜(よる)と搜~馁噶嘚衣哒 一酷三嗯no哟路都(dou)戾(もど)らない时(とき)だけが 何故(なぜ)辉(かがや)いては牟都(dou)喇那衣都ki哒凯噶 哪贼卡噶呀衣嘚哇やつれ切(き)った 心(こころ)までも 坏(こわ)す…呀粗嘞ki~哒 扣扣楼麻嘚牟 扣哇丝(发音略偏向“苏”)はかなき想(おも)い… このTragedy Night哈卡呐ki哦牟衣… 扣no Tragedy NightこのTragedy Night扣no Tragedy Night备注:_ 表示断一拍,短暂停顿一下~ 表示长音,前面的字读音拉长(每句末尾是否拉长音没有统计)拼音 除“no”按英文读音,其余按拼音拼法读
2023-08-11 23:26:495

turning what tragedy into a blessing这个what是什么意思

turning what he had felt was a tragedy into a blessing.这是一个动名词短语。其中 what was a tragedy 是宾语从句,作动名词的宾语。what是从句中的主语,he had felt是插入语(可以去掉)。into a blessing.可以看作是状语 也可以看作是宾补。本短语的字面意思是 把他原来认为的是悲剧的东西 变成了一种好运。可以翻译成:因祸得福。
2023-08-11 23:27:101

美国式的悲剧(An American Tragedy)

这是美国悲剧,不是美国式的悲剧。是 德莱塞的作品。小说通过 贫民出身的布莱克由堕落到犯罪到毁灭的过程,揭示了美国“文明”的实质,控诉了其价值观对青年人的毒害。也就是一般意义的美国梦的破灭。
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2023-08-11 23:27:251

以Is life a tragedy or comedy?为题作文,可以只写一个方面。120左右!

楼上的是抄袭鲁迅的悲剧与喜剧的。百度上的 我郁闷
2023-08-11 23:27:332


2023-08-11 23:28:141


tragic:adj.悲惨的;悲痛的;可悲的;悲剧的; tragically :adv.悲惨地 扩展资料   The cost of delay is even more lives tragically lost.   拖延造成的代价是,会有更多人不幸地失去生命。   You only live once, and life is tragically short.   你只能活一次,人生却悲剧般短暂。   He drove too fast with tragic consequences.   他开车太快,结果酿成惨剧。
2023-08-11 23:28:211


Tragedy 还是本身Tragedy,英文单词,常作名词,译为“悲剧;灾难;惨案”。
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tragedy的形容词形式tragic; tragic:adj.悲惨的;悲痛的;可悲的;悲剧的 扩展资料   He drove too fast with tragic consequences.   他开车太快,结果酿成惨剧。   She met a tragic and untimely death at 25.   她于25岁时不幸猝然辞世。   The play is both comic and tragic.   这部剧既滑稽又悲惨。
2023-08-11 23:28:361

Argent的《Tragedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy歌手:Argent专辑:Greatest Hits: SinglesChristina Perri - Tragedy克里斯蒂娜·派莉 - 悲剧Written by Drew C. Lawence; Christina J. Perri; Barrett N. Yeretsian作词作曲:德鲁·劳文斯,克里斯蒂娜·派莉,巴雷特·叶莱兹恩If you could envision / 你若能用想像The meaning of a tragedy / 勾画出悲剧的意义Oh, you might be / 喔... 你也许Surprised to hear it"s you and me / 会惊讶地听到:那正是我和你But when it comes down to it / 可是说到我和你You never made the most of it / 你从不曾倍加珍惜Oh, so I cried cried cried / 喔... 我就哭啊哭啊哭And now I say goodbye / 现在,我说“白白”I won"t be made a fool of / 我不会任你盅惑Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱When did you decide / 你何时竟认定That I didn"t have enough to buy? / 我吃百豆也不嫌腥?Forgive and forget you a thousand times / 原谅你、忘掉你有千万回For the fire and the sleepless nights / 为激情、为夜不成寐I won"t be made a fool of / 我不会任你盅惑Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la love / 啊-啊-啊-爱Why did you feel the need / 为何你竟感到To prove that everybody else was right? / 有必要证明其他人都没错?No, I won"t fight / 不,我不反驳Oh you"re my tragedy, tragedy / 噢,你是我的悲剧,悲剧You"re my tragedy / 你是我的悲剧Oh this is oh no no no / 噢,这绝非... 噢,不不不La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la love / 啊-啊-爱La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la love / 啊-啊-啊-爱LRC translated into Chinese by Tony from LK Lyrics Group
2023-08-11 23:28:541

Tragedy (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy (Album Version)歌手:Fiona专辑:Beyond The PaleChristina Perri - Tragedy克里斯蒂娜·派莉 - 悲剧Written by Drew C. Lawence; Christina J. Perri; Barrett N. Yeretsian作词作曲:德鲁·劳文斯,克里斯蒂娜·派莉,巴雷特·叶莱兹恩If you could envision / 你若能用想像The meaning of a tragedy / 勾画出悲剧的意义Oh, you might be / 喔... 你也许Surprised to hear it"s you and me / 会惊讶地听到:那正是我和你But when it comes down to it / 可是说到我和你You never made the most of it / 你从不曾倍加珍惜Oh, so I cried cried cried / 喔... 我就哭啊哭啊哭And now I say goodbye / 现在,我说“白白”I won"t be made a fool of / 我不会任你盅惑Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱When did you decide / 你何时竟认定That I didn"t have enough to buy? / 我吃百豆也不嫌腥?Forgive and forget you a thousand times / 原谅你、忘掉你有千万回For the fire and the sleepless nights / 为激情、为夜不成寐I won"t be made a fool of / 我不会任你盅惑Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱Don"t call this love / 别称之为爱La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la love / 啊-啊-啊-爱Why did you feel the need / 为何你竟感到To prove that everybody else was right? / 有必要证明其他人都没错?No, I won"t fight / 不,我不反驳Oh you"re my tragedy, tragedy / 噢,你是我的悲剧,悲剧You"re my tragedy / 你是我的悲剧Oh this is oh no no no / 噢,这绝非... 噢,不不不La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la love / 啊-啊-爱La la la la la la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la la la love / 啊-啊-啊-啊-啊-爱La la la love / 啊-啊-啊-爱LRC translated into Chinese by Tony from LK Lyrics Group
2023-08-11 23:29:011

Bee Gees的《Tragedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy歌手:Bee Gees专辑:Their Greatest Hits: The RecordTragedyHere I liein a lost and lonely part of townHeld in timeIn a world of tears I slowly drownGoin"homeI just can"t make it all aloneI really should be holding youHolding youLoving you loving youWhen the feeling"s gone and you can"t go onIt"s tragedyWhen the morning cries and you don"t know whyIt"s hard to bearWith no-one to love you you"regoin" nowhereWhen you lose control and you got no soulWith no-one beside you you"reNight and daythere"s a burning down inside of meBurning loveWith a yearning that won"t let me beDown I goand I just can"t take it all aloneLoving you lovingTragedy etc.
2023-08-11 23:29:161

群星的《Tragedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy歌手:群星专辑:20th Century Rocks 60"s RockHarris EmmylouTragedySome say it"s destinyWhether triumph or tragedyBut I believe we cast our nets out on the seaAnd nothing we gatherComes for freeI would have paid down through the yearsA price beyong rubies beyond tearsTo keep you safe with meBut your suspicion and your fearYour vow to let nobody nearwas your trinitySuch a tragedyI drew the best hand you"d ever holdThen cashed my winnings in long agoSettled for silver how could I knowYou were waiting with the goldI could have caused your heart to yieldBut I was only a disturbance in the fieldOf your dreamsAnd I will never see you cryYou won"t be with me when I dieA waste of you and meA tragedyWe took the wrong train toKingdom come nowNo more damageCan be done babyIt"s just what the world don"t needIt"s another stinkin tragedyThat"s how the story goesOur chapter"s coming to a closeWe are historyBut I will always think of youEvery day until my days are throughYou made me believeIn tragedyOu
2023-08-11 23:29:231

求:Christina Perri的Tragedy歌词中英翻译·

Tragedy 悲剧If you could envision 如果你能想象The meaning of a tragedy...oooh 悲剧的意义 呜You might be 你可能Surprised to hear it"s you and me 惊讶于悲剧就是你和我When it comes down to it 归根结底You never made the most of it...oooh 你从来没有尽力 呜So I cried, cried, cried 所以我不停地哭泣And now I say goodbye 现在,我只能说再见And I won"t be made a fool of... 我再不会自取其辱Don"t call this love 不要说这就是爱情When did you decide 你是什么时候确定That I didn"t have enough to buy? 我不够让你动心Forgive and forget you a thousand times 千百次和你尽释前嫌For the fire and the sleepless nights 却让自己经历那无数烦躁无眠的长夜And I won"t be made a fool of... 我再不会自取其辱Don"t call this love 不要说这就是爱情Don"t call this love 不要说这是爱情La la la la la la love 啦啦啦啦 爱情La la la la la la love 啦啦啦啦 爱情Why did you feel the need to prove that everybody else was right? 你为什么就觉得需要证明其他人是对的No, I won"t fight 算了, 我不会争了Oh you"re my tragedy... tragedy 哦, 你就是我的悲剧。。。悲剧Oh you"re my tragedy, 哦, 你就是我的悲剧。。。Oh, this is ooh no no no 哦, 这是呜~~~~错错错La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情
2023-08-11 23:29:331

Bee Gees的《Tragedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy歌手:Bee Gees专辑:The Very Best Of Bee GeesTragedyHere I liein a lost and lonely part of townHeld in timeIn a world of tears I slowly drownGoin"homeI just can"t make it all aloneI really should be holding youHolding youLoving you loving youWhen the feeling"s gone and you can"t go onIt"s tragedyWhen the morning cries and you don"t know whyIt"s hard to bearWith no-one to love you you"regoin" nowhereWhen you lose control and you got no soulWith no-one beside you you"reNight and daythere"s a burning down inside of meBurning loveWith a yearning that won"t let me beDown I goand I just can"t take it all aloneLoving you lovingTragedy etc.
2023-08-11 23:29:401

Marc Anthony的《Tragedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Tragedy歌手:Marc Anthony专辑:MendedMARC ANTHONY : Tragedy(R. Thomas/M. Anthony/C. Rooney)Time after time you turned from what I thought was goodAnd leave me behindYou should"ve loved me like I knew that you couldBut oh, noThis won"t be no hard goodbyeNo, ohYou can"t hurt me this timeShe doesn"t love meOh my LordIt doesn"t mean it"s a tragedy, tragedyShe doesn"t mean itSay that she don"tThis doesn"t have to be a tragedy, tragedyOh, noThis doesn"t have to be a tragedyAll of my lifeI was searching for the love that we hadWithout knowing whyYou turned around and treat me so badBut oh, noI"ll just hold my tears insideOh, noMaybe you"ll find another lover who will cryOn the phone for hoursBut we had very little conversationWe spoke of words with no meaningWe spoke of love with no endI tell myself again
2023-08-11 23:29:491

拉丁舞曲 --tragedy 的歌词

Tragedy a boy-a girl and a summer where it all began we lived on love and saltwater kisses in the rain came fallin down on us we never saw the sun again she was my 17 tragedy more than bittersweet summerdream tell me destiny could it be that everybody needs a little 17 tragedy we drove all night knowin"it would never be the same goodbye in your eyes still wish I could see them smile again since you left I can"t forget those days were never gone with 17 in love you are so close,so near and much too far wanna stay forever in my heart 17 how I wish our time could come back how I wish we didn"t ens so sad how I wish we"d wish together those days back here forever come and get here next to me and say you still wanna be 17
2023-08-11 23:29:561

directory ;exhibition ; tragedy 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法。。

picturesque [ u02ccpikCHu0259u02c8resk]【谐音:陪车热瑟克】意思:如画(一般形容景色)Tragedy [ u02c8traju0259dē] 【谐音:车这迪】意思:悲剧;例:the four great tragedy 四大悲剧Courageous [ku0259u02c8rāju0259s] 【谐音:口瑞泽斯】意思:英勇的,勇敢的
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2023-08-11 23:30:233

求: KAT-TUN - TRAGEDY的罗马音或平假名歌词

Tragedy - Kat-Tun 词:FOREST YOUNG 曲:Shunsuke Harada&TKMZ 伝(つた)ういつしかの音色(おと) 足掻(あが)くほど络(から)む傀儡(マリオネット)繋(つな)ぐいくつかの伏线(いと) 既视感(きしかん)で染(そ)まった悪梦(あくむう)のようきっと 今日(きょう)も はじまり告(つ)げてくTRAGEDY こころに迫(せま)る未来(みらい)の空(そら)から 今(いま) こぼれる涙(なみだ) 爱(いと)しい过去(かこ)のすべてを ただ渗(にじ)ます前(まえ)に曝(さら)せ HIDEAWAY 时(とき)へ GETAWAY 突(つ)き进(すす)むチカラ 胸(むね)深(ふか)く 焚(た)きつける贯(つらぬ)け 誓(ちか)いを愿(ねが)えば 空(そら)高(たか)く 散(ち)りゆく花(はな)びら この手(て)をすり抜(ぬ)けても君(きみ)だけ信(しん)じてくれたら 何(なに)も畏(おそ)れはしない 限(かぎ)りなく艶(あで)やかな冲动(しょうどう)の波(なみ)となって舞(ま)うDOUBT (解(と)き明(あ)かしてくA to Z)いつの日(ひ)か再会(さいかい)の花(はな)が咲(さ)くように (仆(ぼく)も君(きみ)を信(しん)じて)何(なに)を失(うしな)ったとしたって 想(おも)いを伪(いつわ)るな そう 最後(さいご)の最後(さいご)で すべて辉(かがや)くから触(ふ)れる途端(とたん)远(とお)のく 蜃気楼(しんきろう)が嘲笑(わら)う不调和(アシンメトリ)揺(ゆ)れる予感(よかん)惑(まど)わす 赝物(フェイク)の光景(こうけい) 眺(なが)めてた何度(なんど) 今日(きょう)の 过(あやま)ち犯(おか)せばTRAGEDY 越(こ)えられるだろう忧(うれ)いの窓(まど)から 今(いま) 飞(と)び立(た)つ翼(つばさ) 见(み)え隠(がく)れしてる真実(しんじつ) 明日(あす)へ导(みちび)く暴(あば)け そのDAZE 荒(あ)らせ このMAZE 希望(きぼう)なら ひと握(にぎ)り以外(いがい) もう要(い)らない伤(きず)から伝(つた)わる爱(いと)しさ 抱(だ)き寄(よ)せて 生命(いのち)の强(つよ)さと儚(はか)さ 思(おも)い知(し)るよ仆(ぼく)らが出逢(であ)えたあの日(ひ)を 後悔(こうかい)させはしない この先(さき)も丽(うら)らかな静寂(せいじゃく)の夜(よる)に鸣(な)ったTHIS VERSE (时计仕挂(とけいじかけ)のSTORY LINE)残酷(ざんこく)な运命(うんめい)を変(か)えられるのなら (仆(ぼく)が仆(ぼく)を信(しん)じて)何(なに)が待(ま)ち受(う)けていようとも 鼓动(こどう)を裏切(うらぎ)るな そう 最初(さいしょ)で最後(さいご)のPROMISEI NEVER HURT MYSELFYOU"LL NEVER FEEL DESPAIR共(とも)に生(い)き抜(ぬ)く ただこの瞬间(しゅんかん)终(お)わった季节(きせつ)のなか闭(と)じ込(こ)めた 冻(こお)らせた一页(いちページ)に「サヨウナラ」二度(にど)と哀(かな)しみに流(なが)す涙(なみだ)なんて 仆(ぼく)らに要(い)らない悲剧(ひげき)を 今(いま) 越(こ)えてく贯(つらぬ)け 誓(ちか)いを愿(ねが)えば 空(そら)高(たか)く 散(ち)りゆく花(はな)びら この手(て)をすり抜(ぬ)けても君(きみ)だけ信(しん)じてくれたら 何(なに)も畏(おそ)れはしない 限(かぎ)りなく艶(あで)やかな冲动(しょうどう)の波(なみ)となって舞(ま)うDOUBT (解(と)き明(あ)かしてくA to Z)いつの日(ひ)か再会(さいかい)の花(はな)が咲(さ)くように (仆(ぼく)も君(きみ)を信(しん)じて)何(なに)を失(うしな)ったとしたって 想(おも)いを伪(いつわ)るな そう 最後(さいご)の最後(さいご)で すべて辉(かがや)くから
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2023-08-11 23:30:391

certain tragedy 歌词

歌曲名:certain tragedy歌手:Saves The Day专辑:stay what you areAnd now I finally see that the further we gowe"re only treading ground that we already know.I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trashand buy a bucket full of diamonds buteven the most beautiful of all roses must someday crumble to dustand fade away.Saves The DayIt"s a certain tragedy.So it"s on into the lonely nights and all the rest of it.The empty space between me and the sunken wallsand feeling someone"s hand around my neckchoking away the life that i have left.And I can finally see that the further I go I"m only treading groundthat I don"t wanna know.I"ll probably hang upside-down from wooden rafters in my homeand look at old photos of you.The empty space between me and the sunken wallsand feeling someone"s hand around my neckchoking away the life that i have left.I miss the warmth of the summer when we were on our own,but now it"s winter and my bones are cold.And now I finally see that the further we go we"re only treading groundthat we already know.I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trashand buy a bucket full of diamonds buteven the most beautiful of all roses must someday crumble to dustand fade away.It"s a certain tragedy.
2023-08-11 23:31:191

Fatal Tragedy (live) 歌词

歌曲名:Fatal Tragedy (live)歌手:dream theater专辑:Live Metropolis, Pt. 2Fatal TragedyDream TheaterMetropolis Pt 2: Scenes From a MemoryMusic by Dream TheaterNicholas:Alone at nightI feel so strangeI need to findAll the answers to my dreamsWhen I sleep at nightI hear the criesWhat does this mean?I shut the door and traveled to another homeI met an older man, he seemed to be aloneI felt that I could trust himHe talked to me that night:Lad did you know a girl was murdered here?This fatal tragedy was talked about for yearsVictorias gone foreverOnly memories remainShe passed awayShe was so youngWithout loveWithout truthThere can be no turning backWithout faithWithout hopeThere can be no peace of mindAs the night went onI started to find my wayI learned about a tragedyA mystery still todayI tried to get more answersBut he said, youre on your ownThen he turned away and left meAs I stand there all aloneHe said, you"ll know the truthAs you future days unfoldWithout loveWithout truthThere can be no turning backWithout faithWithout hopeThere can be no peace of mindHypnotherapist:Now it is time to see how you diedRemember that death is not the endbut only a transition
2023-08-11 23:31:301

pretty tragedy 的歌词

Nikki Flores - Pretty TragedyYou think Iu2019m always out of line Iu2019m too fast or falling way behind Mistakes are made the fault is mine Iu2019m screwed up but hey, this is my life [Bridge] Can you take me as I am Cause I donu2019t see the point in explaining if you Just donu2019t understand Cause I can only be what is truly me [Chorus] So what if Iu2019m not your version of perfect Iu2019m sorry that wrong just feels so right I wouldnu2019t change a thing about me Cause I know who I am inside Whoa, whoa, whoa Iu2019m a pretty tragedy, Iu2019m a pretty tragedy Whoa, whoa, whoa I donu2019t know always look before I step, oh Iu2019m just an extraordinary mess, yeah [Bridge] Can you take me as I am Cause I donu2019t see the point in explaining if you Just donu2019t understand Cause I can only be what is truly me [Chorus] So what if Iu2019m not your version of perfect Iu2019m sorry that wrong just feels so right I wouldnu2019t change a thing about me Cause I know who I am inside Whoa, whoa, whoa Iu2019m a pretty tragedy, Iu2019m a pretty tragedy Whoa, whoa, whoa For the sake of sanity I just need some room to breathe So excuse my apathy Iu2019m a pretty tragedy! [Chorus] So what if Iu2019m not your version of perfect Iu2019m sorry that wrong just feels so right I wouldnu2019t change a thing about me Cause I know who I am inside Whoa, whoa, whoa Iu2019m a pretty tragedy, Iu2019m a pretty tragedy Whoa, whoa, whoa.
2023-08-11 23:31:541

人生近看是悲剧 远看则是喜剧 卓别林的这句名言 英文怎么说

Life is a tragedy seen close, while a drama seen remotely.
2023-08-11 23:32:022

senseless tragedy是什么意思

CET6senseless生词本去背诵英 [u02c8senslu0259s] 美 [u02c8su025bnslu026as]adj.无知的; 愚蠢的; 无意义的; 无感觉的网 络无知觉的;无意义的;无感觉的;无谓比较级: more senseless 最高级: most senseless派生词:senselessly senselessness双语例句词根词缀同反义词1. His death was a senseless waste of life. 他白浪费了性命,死得毫无意义。
2023-08-11 23:32:201

紧急!求siren theatre of tragedy 的歌词!

Theatre Of Tragedy Siren lyrics Haste not thine wisdom, for the hollow is ta"en - By whom, know I not; "lack! am I of twain - And as a crux - cede I my words - Fro my heart wilt thou ne"er Have I been "sooth sinsyne. Be left without - come! Thine voice is oh so sweet, I speer thine pine, Ryking for me: Ryking for thee; List and heed, thou say"st Wistful, whistful - Chancing to lure. Chancing to lure, Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown "tis - Dodge na "way herefro, do come here in eath! Mayhap lured by the scent of lote - "Od! - the foetid - eft hie back I mote; For what I did my soul atrounced, How I wish for thee again, O! do believe me, "twasn"t a frounce. Will I give thee it: Troth. Thine voice is oh so sweet, I speer thine pine, Ryking for me: Ryking for thee; List and heed, thou say"st Wistful, whistful - Chancing to lure. Chancing to lure, Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown "tis - Dodge na "way herefro, do come here in eath!求采纳
2023-08-11 23:32:281

英语人才 谁能帮帮我 把下面的一段中文摘要翻译成英文啊!时间很急 大家帮帮忙

2023-08-11 23:32:375

Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes 歌词

歌曲名:Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Folie à DeuxFall Out Boy - Disloyal Order Of Water BuffaloesI"m coming apart at the seams.Pitching myself into other people"s dreams.Like buzz, buzz, buzz.Doc, there"s a hole where something was.Doc, there"s a hole where something was.Fell out of bed.Butterfly bandage,But don"t worry.You"ll never remember,Your head is far too blurry.Put him in the back of a squad carRestrain that manHe needs his head put through a cat scan.Hey editor, I"m undeniableHey Doctor, I"m certifiableI"m a loose bolt of a complete machineWhat a match:I"m half doomed and you"re silly sweetSo boycott loveDetox just to retoxAnd I"d promise you anything for another shot at lifeImperfect boysWith their perfect ploysNobody wants to hear you sing about tragedyLittle girlYou got my staring eyeOr was it just a telescopic camera liePretty dolls in the highwayTruck stop stallsLock-less jails to deny my rulesSo rookies leave your badge and your gun on the desk when you leave the roomI"m a loose bolt of a complete machineWhat a match:I"m half doomed and you"re silly sweetBoycott loveDetox just to retoxAnd I"d promise you anything for another shot at lifeImperfect boysWith their perfect ploysNobody wants to hear you sing about tragedyDetox just to retoxDetox just to retoxDetox just to retoxDetox just to retoxBoycott loveDetox just to retoxBoycott loveBoycott loveDetox just to retoxAnd I"d promise you anything for another shot at lifeImperfect boysWith their perfect ploysNobody wants to hear you sing about tragedyNobody wants to hear you sing about tragedyWants to hear you sing about tragedy
2023-08-11 23:32:521

时间将会倒流,历史也更着重演,悲剧将会重新上演 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译下

直译为:Time will go back, history will be repeated and tragedy will be showed again.
2023-08-11 23:33:003

Mr Clark thanked God for saving their lives and turning _____he felt was a tragedy into a bless...

B 试题分析:考查宾语从句。本题中的what he felt was a tragedy是动词turn的宾语,句中的he felt可以省略,句子缺少的是主语,用what引导起这个宾语从句,并在句中做主语。句意:Clark先生感谢上帝救了他的命。并把他认为是悲剧的事情变成了一个开心的事情。故B正确。点评:名词性从句的考查集中在引导词的选择上,连接词that, whether, if在句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用;连接代词who(ever), which(ever), whom(ever),whose(ever),what(ever)在句中做主语,宾语,表语和定语;连接副词when, why, where, how,在句中做状语。应从上下句的句法关系着手分析,切不可‘望句形生答案"总的来说,考生在解答此类型时,可用排除法或造句法,造句法就是仿造原句的语法功能仿造出一个易懂易理解的句子,帮助判断。
2023-08-11 23:33:181


世界が终わるまでは作词:上杉升作曲.织田哲郎编曲:叶山たけし歌手:WANDS主唱:上杉升大都会に 仆はもう一人で投げ舍てられた 空カンのようだ互いのすべてを知りつくすまでが 爱ならばいっそ 永久に眠ろうか…世界が终わるまでは离れる事もないそう愿っていた 几千の夜と戾らない时だけが何故辉いてはやつれ切った心までも 坏す…はかなき想い…このTragedy Nightそして人は形(こたえ)を求めてかけがえのない 何かを失う欲望だらけの 街じゃ 夜空の星屑も 仆らを 灯せない世界が终わる前に闻かせておくれよ满开の花が似合いのCatastrophe谁もが望みながら永远を信じない…なのに きっと明日を梦见てるはかなき日 とこのTragedy Night世界が终わるまでは离れる事もないそう愿っていた 几千の夜と戾らない时だけが何故辉いてはやつれ切った心までも 坏す…はかなき想い…このTragedy NightこのTragedy Night直到世界终结大都会中 独自一人像空罐一样被遗弃了虽然已清楚地了解对方但若我们间存有爱倒不如永远长眠吧当世界终结时我们便不会分开在几千个晚上我总是这样地想但最终却只剩下不再复返时间而连光辉也变得暗淡内心也被破损....无限的思念...这个伤郁的晚上接著人们在这寻找答案究竟是遗失了甚麼不可代替的这个充满欱望的街道夜空的星屑也不再照耀我们在世界终结之前请听我说啊盛放的花跟这个悲惨的结局非常相衬谁亦在一边期望同时不相信未来然而到明天他们也会一直追寻梦想无限的日子言个悲伤的晚上当世界终结时我们便不会分开在几千个晚上 我总是这样地想但最终却只剩下不再复返时间而连光辉也变得暗淡内心也被破损....无限的思念...这个伤郁的晚上这个伤郁的晚上Sekai ga owaru made wadaitokai ni boku wa mo hitori denagesuterareta akikan no you daotagai no subete wo shiritsukusu made gaai naraba isso towa ni nemurouka ...sekai ga owaru made wa hanareru koto mo naisou negatteita ikusen no yoru tomodoranai toki dake ga naze kagayaite wayatsure kitta kokoro made kowasu...hakanaki omoi... kono tragedy nightsoshite hito wa kotae wo motometekakegae no nai nanika wo ushinauyokubou darake no machi ja yozoranohoshikuzu mo bokura wo tousenaisekai ga owaru mae ni kikasete okure yomankai no hana ga niai no catastrophedaremo ga nozominagara eien wo shinjinai...nanoni kitto ashita wo yume miteruhakanaki hibi to kono tragedy nightsekai ga owaru made wa hanareru koto mo naisou negatteita ikusen no yoru tomodaranai toki dake ga naze kagayaite wayatsure kitta kokoro made mo kowasu...hakanaki omoi... kono tragedy night
2023-08-11 23:33:392


公地悲剧(Tragedy of the commons),也译为公共地悲剧、共同悲剧 1968年英国加勒特·哈丁教授(Garrett Hardin)在《The tragedy of the commons》一文中首先提出“公地悲剧”理论模型。 他说,作为 理性人 ,每个牧羊者都希望自己的 收益 最大化。 在公共草地上,每增加一只羊会有两种结果: 一是获得增加一只羊的收入;二是加重草地的负担, 并有可能使草地过度放牧。经过思考, 牧羊者决定不顾草地的承受能力而增加羊群数量。 于是他便会因羊只的增加而收益增多。看到有利可图。 许多牧羊者也纷纷加入这一行列。由于羊群的进入不受限制, 所以牧场被过度使用,草地状况迅速恶化,悲剧就这样发生了。希望采纳
2023-08-11 23:33:561

推荐几首Theatre Of Tragedy的歌嘛,

2023-08-11 23:34:152

Kyd had written a tragedy that crowded the pit.

Kyd had written a tragedy (that crowded the pit)that引导定语从句,因为that在从句中作主语。如果是同位语,that是个连词,不做成分。
2023-08-11 23:34:251

theatre of tragedy的《Aoede》 歌词

歌曲名:Aoede歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:AegisAoede - Theatre of TragedyParch"d of words, parch"d of lauds,Lorn and tyned fro my wame -"Seech I more perforce indeed:Lap I of thee: Thou art want.With dulcet gust thine floret,Which I yet would not do -Pray I thee for thine avail -Lave me in it; I want more!For my loe, not be adust.Come see as the wind: Chant -I let thee come in -Come see as the wind, Aoede.As of lote - upon thee dote,Lowing "tis, true forsooth,Tisn"t a tongue, nay merely mote,Thou art grandly mae than couth":Eft and e"er doth it eke -I am what I do behold.For my loe, not be adust.Come see as the wind: Chant -I let thee come in -Come see as the wind, Aoede.
2023-08-11 23:34:331

A Distance There Is... Theatre Of Tragedy 中文

在走出来的雨水你sayest - 但你没出息step"st撤销; 我trapp"d,我trapp"d 阿距离有... 无,拯救我和锥子 - 拍挞拍挞屋顶上的行话: 看哪! - 又叫不下雨,从那里我却是 - 我不会喝醇酒你,我亲爱的; 你已经heed"d,我是无辜的,但你进入危险let"st你的姑娘 你let"st我是燥; 我的心,我的心,我的心, 我的心,我的心,我的心, 我的心是脆弱的,我的苍白的皮肤是斑驳陆离绫。 你当你的眼泪之余,亦以隐藏的,“回来!”,你sayest - 在那里,我很快我是 - ,但我应该如何运行时,我的骨头,我的心! 你已经剥夺了我! - 但是,你sayest运行,我来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 和那里,然后我看哪一个时间,当我再次来到死会。 你tell"st我立即离开 - 我离开 我离开 我离开... 我离开我的锥子和我的手我的眼泪; 罗! - 阴影,天空 - 降; 因此,由重击我步态我运行和事故,与黄昏一起融化力。 在我的脑海中,是这一事件, 但是,好像化为乌有是要改变呢?! 毕竟这些年来,你left"st我来,在情感深处 - 暗淡的浸泡丝绒,悬垂性,是挂在我, 谈到自己的感受,谈到自己的感受离我们太无知了世界: 所有共享的美好时刻,故意push"d一边 - 毕竟这些年来,你left"st我来,在情感深处 - 暗淡的浸泡丝绒,悬垂性,是挂在我, 谈到自己的感受离我们太无知了世界: 所有共享的美好时刻,故意push"d一边 - 阿距离有... 阿距离有...
2023-08-11 23:34:402