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american express有几种级别

你好,很高兴为你解答american express词典美国捷运网络美国运通; 美国运通卡; 美国运通公司希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

请问在中国哪个银行可以办AMERICAN EXPRESS的信用卡啊





信用卡刷卡不成功的第一大原因便是额度不足,外出刷卡消费前应查询信用卡可用额度,做到心里有数,有备无患。关注所在银行信用卡官方微信或拨打信用卡客服电话皆可查询。第二个原因可能是商户限额,信用卡额度明明够用,但却被提示超过当日消费限额/当日交易次数?根据监管部门要求,信用卡不得用于非消费领域,外管局也明确规定了境外特定商户类型的交易限额。因此,为保障持卡人的用卡安全,合规用卡,银行会根据不同商户类型对交易金额和交易次数进行限制。此外,一些网上商户单笔或日累计限额1000 元,具体以商户公告为准。如果长期未还款、欺诈风险等原因可能会导致卡片被锁定;磁条卡常与手机等电子产品放置在一起可能会导致消磁,类似情况都有可能使卡片状态不正常,导致交易失败。持卡人应按时还款,即使不能全额还款,也要还足最低还款额。保管好自己的信用卡和卡片信息;避免将信用卡与尖锐物品、电子产品等放置同处,持卡人可考虑申请IC芯片信用卡。


信用卡刷卡不成功的第一大原因便是额度不足,外出刷卡消费前应查询信用卡可用额度,做到心里有数,有备无患。关注所在银行信用卡官方微信或拨打信用卡客服电话皆可查询。第二个原因可能是商户限额,信用卡额度明明够用,但却被提示超过当日消费限额/当日交易次数?根据监管部门要求,信用卡不得用于非消费领域,外管局也明确规定了境外特定商户类型的交易限额。因此,为保障持卡人的用卡安全,合规用卡,银行会根据不同商户类型对交易金额和交易次数进行限制。此外,一些网上商户单笔或日累计限额1000 元,具体以商户公告为准。如果长期未还款、欺诈风险等原因可能会导致卡片被锁定;磁条卡常与手机等电子产品放置在一起可能会导致消磁,类似情况都有可能使卡片状态不正常,导致交易失败。持卡人应按时还款,即使不能全额还款,也要还足最低还款额。保管好自己的信用卡和卡片信息;避免将信用卡与尖锐物品、电子产品等放置同处,持卡人可考虑申请IC芯片信用卡。

AMERICAN EXPRESS CORPORATE CARD 是什么 国外客人想用这个卡付款 收款人会有风险吗 需要什么设备收款吗

是美国运通公司(American Express Company) 的一种签帐卡不会有风险,跟一般的VISA , MASTER卡一样。



办理american express要什么条件


american express 信用卡过期在中国怎么申请

american express 信用卡过期在中国应该无法申请信用卡逾期的解决方法:1.作为信用卡持卡人,一旦因为失业、疾病或是其他意外事故导致无力按时还款时,在最后还款期到来之前,持卡人最好跟银行信用卡中心主动打电话联系,陈述自己的经济状况,申明自己并非恶意欠款,并申请延迟还款和利息优惠。2.银行鉴于持卡人的主动表现以及之前的良好信用记录,往往会同意延期还款,并会同持卡人商定双方能接受的还款计划,延迟期限、利息折扣、每月还款额等。这样主动联系银行,并经过银行同意延期还款的情况下,就不会被记不良记录,但需要注意的是,以后保证要按约定还款。

目前American Express相比其他信用卡有什么优势

1、American express 贵宾卡(如黑卡)在旅游类商户消费比其他卡要有优势,比如航班延误,行李延误等都能直接获得赔偿。普通通Amex会员是需要额外付费的。目前免费使用的只用两种卡,一种是Amex黑卡(这个一般人没有),另一种铂金卡也要300美金的年费。其实也是等于变相购买了机场休息室的会员。 2、还有美国的AE卡在超市消费返现超级高,据我所知有一种AE卡在美国消费是6%cash back(blue cash preferred) 你可以在超市购买giftcard,这样你在很多商户都能有6%cashback了,而一般普通的visa master卡cashback只有1%~2%。”3、比较灵活性:任何时候,若你要超出额度购买东西了,只要一个电话就行。我说的我曾经装修房屋,那个月购买很多材料,最后请人上门换车库门,换地板,厨房装修什么的,超支了,就一个电话过去,说我装修房屋,这个月要多用钱。回答是,好,没问题。结果那个月多刷了,超出信用2万多美元,信用卡照样没有爆,只是每次大单时候,那边信任卡的人立即电话打过来问我确认,是不是要付。他们是为了防止别人盗用而已。其它信用卡没这个服务,直接就拒绝付款。 4、用AE卡购买的货物有额外的保险服务,免费的;其它信用卡根本就不可能有。比如说,购买的电脑笔记本,你若是在普通店购买,包换通常不超过一个月。短的甚至只有15天。这里说的是无条件包换(不一定是质量出问题,就是你不喜欢了就可以换)。大多数商店的对这类产品的保修也只有半年到一年。除非你花钱买更长的包换包修期。但是使用AE卡在CostCo买笔记本,电脑等等,有两年的保修保质期。两年,恐怕一个电脑都差不多已经落后了,那时候若你的硬盘坏了,就可以兴高采烈地跑去商店换一台新的或换一个新硬盘了。我换过一个电视机,那个是荧光屏显示器电视机,一年半后突然不亮了,就送回去换了个新的。当时店里都没有那个型号了,但给我抱回来一台同样牌子但更大屏幕的彩电。5、American Express的服务是最好的!这是其它任何信用卡公司都无法相比的。对用户很偏袒。还是用实际例子说吧:如果对某项付费的服务,比如有线电视服务,网络服务等不满意,可以给AE(我觉得AE写的很简单,好用,就是American Express的缩写,用这个替代吧,反正大家都懂)打电话,他们会毫不犹豫地拒绝这些服务公司从你帐号上取钱。曾经一次订购某公司的服务,第一个月免费,但是订了后几乎没去使用,一个月后完全忘记了取消服务,那个公司就在那里每个月收费了。半年下来才注意到,一个电话给AE,说我这半年根本没有用这服务,他们还收费。二话没说,在下个月的账单上,不但那个公司无法从未账户取钱,还将半年每月收取的费用统统给追回来了。这是其它信用卡做不到的。AE有针对每个客户的商家黑名单。没客户列入黑名单的商家,从此不可能从该客户帐号中取钱。那个服务公司就是被列入我的AE帐号黑名单。 6、劣势:American Express 则是自己发卡,自己跟客户及商家打交道。商户向 American Express 支付的费用较高,因此支持范围比其他两家更小。很少会有商家只支持 Visa 但不支持 MasterCard,反之亦然;但不支持运通的商户在欧洲比比皆是。

如何申请American Express 卡?对申请者有什么要求?

美国运通公司是国际上最大的旅游服务及综合性财务、金融投资及信息处理的环球公司,在信用卡、旅行支票、旅游、财务计划及国际银行业占领先地位,是在反映美国经济的道琼斯工业指数三十家公司中唯一的服务性公司。可通过客户服务及后台支持部门为客户电话服务中心提供后台业务支持,同时可以接收和处理持卡人以邮寄或传真方式传来的各种服务申请(如修改对账单地址等)。以拒付及争议处理为例,一般流程为: *电话中心接到客户电话以后,如果需要后台进一步调查才能解决,则通过案件系统自动转给后台支持部门,同时要求客户将必要的书面文件(如签购单等)以传真或邮寄方式传给后台支持部门。 *后台支持部门的影像化小组首先对客户提供的书面资料进行前期的影像化处理,然后放在可共享的影像化平台上(以互联网为基础)。之后有关问题按地区来源的不同,自动进入相应的争议解决小组的工作队列中。如问题来自香港客户,则自动进入香港争议解决小组的工作队列中。 *问题解决后,工作队列中的该问题将处于关闭状态。一线电话服务人员通过共享系统,可以随时看到问题解决的记录,并将每笔业务的处理过程和结果准确而及时地回复给客户。美国运通公司网站:http://www.americanexpress.com/ 英文

在SASA莎莎网买东西付款,用的是澳洲信用卡American Express,一直显示“付款确认中。到底要等多久?


汇款到American Express Bank-New York手续费问题


信用卡visa,mastercard,American express,discover。招商银行


那个银行能办理American Express or Mastercard?

中国银行 国际卡

客户要用 american express 信用卡付款,怎么操作


American Express

在中国的STARWOOD旗下的酒店和RITZ CARLTON还有大多外行的ATM都可以用的。AE在上海是很早的事情了,早在10年前CITI在外滩的ATM就可以用AE了。上海市区的百货公司和饭店一般都可以刷,不过没有VISA/MASTERCARD普及,沪上星级酒店一般也都可以使用 感觉在酒店普遍受AE,商店在全国来讲,很难使用,现ICBC与AE联合发有银联卡,不知是否兼容,你可以致电银联. 最好还是用VISA和MASTERCARD



american express 信用卡过期在中国怎么申请

american express 信用卡过期在中国应该无法申请信用卡逾期的解决方法:1.作为信用卡持卡人,一旦因为失业、疾病或是其他意外事故导致无力按时还款时,在最后还款期到来之前,持卡人最好跟银行信用卡中心主动打电话联系,陈述自己的经济状况,申明自己并非恶意欠款,并申请延迟还款和利息优惠。2.银行鉴于持卡人的主动表现以及之前的良好信用记录,往往会同意延期还款,并会同持卡人商定双方能接受的还款计划,延迟期限、利息折扣、每月还款额等。这样主动联系银行,并经过银行同意延期还款的情况下,就不会被记不良记录,但需要注意的是,以后保证要按约定还款。

什么银行可以办理AE卡,就是American Express的信用卡。




Greek America是什么意思


《American Pie》的歌词

American Pie Don McleanA long, long time agoI can still remember How that music used to make me smileAnd I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And, maybe, they"d be happy for a while. But February made me shiverWith every paper I"d deliver. Bad news on the doorstepI couldn"t take one more step. I can"t remember if I criedWhen I read about his widowed bride but something touched me deep inside the day the music died. So bye-bye, miss American pie.Drove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry.And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing, this"ll be the day that I diethis"ll be the day that I die this"llDid you write the book of loveAnd do you have faith in God above if the Bible tells you so?Do you believe in rock n roll, Can music save your mortal souland can you teach me how to dance real slowly? Well, I know that you"re in love with him`cause I saw you dancing in the gymYou both kicked off your shoesMan, I dig those rhythm and bluesI was a lonely teenage bronzing buckWith a pink carnation and a pickup truckBut I knew I was out of luck The day the music diedI started singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the levee, But the levee was dryThem good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I die This"ll be the day that I die this"llNow for ten years we"ve been on our ownAnd moss grows fat on a Rollin stoneBut that"s not how it used to beWhen the jester sang for the king and queenIn a coat he borrowed from James deanAnd a voice that came from you and meOh, and while the king was looking down , The jester stole his thorny crownThe courtroom was adjourned No verdict was returned. And while Lennon read a book of Marx The quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the darkThe day the music diedWe were singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I dieThis"ll be the day that I die this"ll Helter swelter in a summer swelter The birds flew off with a fallout shelter Eight miles high and falling fastIt landed foul on the grass The players tried for a forward passWith the jester on the sidelines in a cast.. Now the half-time air was sweet perfume While the sergeants played a marching tune We all got up to danceOh, but we never got the chance!`cause the players tried to take the fieldThe marching band refused to yieldDo you recall what was revealedThe day the music diedWe startsinging Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I dieThis"ll be the day that I die this"ll Oh, and there we were all in one placeA generation lost in spaceWith no time left to start again So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quickJack flash sat on a candlestickCause fire is the devils only friend.. Oh, and as I watched him on the stage My hands were clenched in fists of rageNo angel born in hellCould break that satins spell.And as the flames climbed high into the night To light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight The day the music died He was singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I dieThis"ll be the day that I die this"ll I met a girl who sang the blues And I asked her for some happy news But she just smiled and turned awayI went down to the sacred store Where Id heard the music years beforeBut the man there said the music wouldn"t play And in the streets: the children screamedThe lovers cried, and the poets dreamedBut not a word was spokenThe church bells all were broken And the three men I admire most: The father, son, and the holy ghostThey caught the last train for the coast The day the music died And they were singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I dieThis"ll be the day that I die this"ll He was singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this"ll be the day that I dieThis"ll be the day that I die this"ll

American Pie 歌词

歌曲名:American Pie歌手:Mott The Hoople专辑:The Ballad Of Mott: A Retrospective纪念离开的那个春天a long long time ago. 很久很久以前i can sitll remember. 我依然记得how that music used to make me smile. 那首让我心旷神怡的歌and i knew that if i had my chance.我知道当时我若有机会i could make those people dance.就会让所有人跟着我跳舞and maybe they"d be happy for a while.也许他们能快乐一会儿did you write the book of love? 你写了关于爱的书了吗?and do you have faith in god above.你是否对上帝虔诚if the bible tells you so? 如果bible告诉你这些?now do you believe in rock and roll? 那你现在相信摇滚了吗?can music save your mortal soul? 音乐能否挽救你的灵魂?and can you teach me? 你可以教我吗?how to dance real slowly?怎样才可慢慢的跳舞?well, i know that you are in love with him.我知道你与他相爱"cause i saw you dancing in the gym. 因为我见到你们在练身房里跳舞you both kicked off your shoes. 你们都踢掉脚上的鞋子man,i dig those rhythm and blues. 而我则在批剔着那种r b的音乐i was a lonely teenage broncing buck. 我只是一个寂寞年轻且野性难驯的家伙with a pink carnation a pickup truck. 手头只有一束粉色康乃馨和一辆捡到的卡车but i knew that i was out of luck. 但我知道我没有什么运气the day the music died. 音乐完蛋的那天i started singing! 我开始唱到bye,bye miss american pie.再见美国派小姐drove my chivy to the levee. 你曾让我追逐到那大坝but the levee was dry. 但大坝却是干涸的then goo dole boys 于是那些伤心的男孩们were drinking whiskey and rye.喝着威士忌和大麦酒singing this"ll be the day that i die.唱着我那天会死掉this"ll be the day that i die. 我那天会死掉i met a girl who sang the blues.我遇见一个唱布鲁斯的女孩and i asked her for some happy news. 我向她打听一些令人愉快的消息but she just smiled turned away.而她只是笑笑就走开了then i went down to the sacred store.于是我沿着楼梯走下秘密通道where i"d heard the music years before.去到我多年前听到这首歌的地方but the man there said. 但那里的管理员却说the music wouldn"t play.不会再放这首歌了well now in the streets the children screamed.孩子们在大街上尖叫the lovers cried and the poets dreamed.情人们在哭泣而诗人们在作梦but not a word was spoken. 但却没有人肯对我说句话the church bells all were broken.教堂的钟都坏了and the three men i"m admire most 我最羡慕的三种人是the father,son, the holy ghost. 父亲,儿子和万圣节的怪物they caught the last train for the coast.他们都赶上了最后一趟去海湾的火车the day the music died.音乐完蛋的那天we started singing. 我们开始唱bye,bye miss american pie. 再见美国派小姐drove my chivy to the levee.你曾让我追逐到那大坝but the levee was dry.但大坝却是干涸的then goo dole boys.于是那些伤心的男孩们were drinking whiskey and rye.喝着威士忌和大麦酒singing this"ll be the day that i die.唱着我那天会死掉this"ll be the day that i die.我那天会死掉bye,bye miss american pie.再见美国派小姐drove my chivy to the levee. 你曾让我追逐到那大坝but the levee was dry. 但大坝却是干涸的then goo dole boys.于是那些伤心的男孩们were drinking whiskey and rye.喝着威士忌和大麦酒singing this"ll be the day that i die.唱着我那天会死掉this"ll be the day that i die.我那天会死掉we started singing. 我们开始唱we started singing. 我们开始唱we started singing. 我们开始唱we started singing. 我们开始唱http://music.baidu.com/song/8875987


America[u0259"meriku0259]n.美洲、美国(是名词)特指国家American[u0259"meriku0259n]adj.美洲的; 美国的(是形容词);有时候也可以做名词,与an连用,一个美国人:an American She is (an )AmericanShe is an (American)girl .

rose is an american girl.her family moved to sha


last of the american girl 歌词


求Carrie Underwoo的All-american gril的歌词

Carrie Underwoo:she was driving last friday on her way to cincinnation a snow white christmas evegoing home to see her mama and her daddy with the baby in the backseatfifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasolineit would been a long hard yearshe had a lot on her mind and she didn"t pay attentionshe was going way to fastbefore she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glassshe saw both their lives flash before her eyesshe didn"t even have time to cryshe was sooo scaredshe threw her hands up in the airjesus take the wheeltake it from my handscause i can"t do this all on my owni"m letting goso give me one more chanceto save me from this road i"m onjesus take the wheelit was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulderand the car came to a stopshe cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rockand for the first time in a long timeshe bowed her head to prayshe said i"m sorry for the wayi"ve been living my lifei know i"ve got to changeso from now on tonightAll-american gril:Since the day they got marriedHe"d been praying for a little babyOhSomeone he could take fishingThrow the football and be his pride in joyHe could already see him holding that trophyTaking his team to stateBut when the nurse came in with a little pink blanketAll those big dreams changedAnd now, he"s wrapped around her fingerShe"s the center of his whole worldAnd his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectAll American girlSixteen short years laterShe was falling for the senior football starBefore you knew it he was dropping passesSkipping practice just to spend more time with herThe coach said, hey son what is your problemTell me have you lost your mindDaddy said you"ll lose your free ride to collegeBoy, you better tell her goodbyeBut now, he"s wrapped around her fingerShe"s the center of his whole worldAnd his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectAll AmericanAnd when they got married and decided to have one of their ownShe said, be honest, tell me what you wantAnd he said, honey you outta knowA sweet, little, beautiful one just like youI want a beautiful, wonderful, perfect All AmericanNow, he"s wrapped around her fingerShe"s the center of his whole worldAnd his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderfulAll American girlAll American girl

all american girl歌词的中文翻译


Kate is an American girl,中间为什么用An?

因为girl是单数可数名词,前面要加 不定冠词American是元音开头,所以用an


she is an American girl。改为复数形式是Them are American girls。她们是美国女孩。

跪求American girl中文歌词

since the day they got marriedhe"d been praying for a little babyohsomeone he could take fishingthrow the football and be his pride in joyhe could already see him holding that trophytaking his team to statebut when the nurse came in with a little pink blanketall those big dreams changedand now, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectall american girlsixteen short years latershe was falling for the senior football starbefore you knew it he was dropping passesskipping practice just to spend more time with herthe coach said, hey son what is your problemtell me have you lost your minddaddy said you"ll lose your free ride to collegeboy, you better tell her goodbyebut now, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectall americanand when they got married and decided to have one of their ownshe said, be honest, tell me what you wantand he said, honey you outta knowa sweet, little, beautiful one just like youi want a beautiful, wonderful, perfect all americannow, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderfulall american girlall american girl下面是翻译从他们结婚他的 天为一个小婴孩oh 祈祷 他可能采取渔投掷 橄榄球的人,并且是他的自豪感在喜悦 他可能已经看他藏品把 他的队带的战利品对状态 ,但,当护士用一条小的桃红色毯子进来了 被改变的所有那些大梦想 和现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙,完善 所有美国 女孩十六短的年后 她为资深橄榄球明星跌倒 ,在您知道之前它他投下跳 实践的通行证花费更多时间与 教练说的她,嘿儿子什么是您的问题 告诉我有您失去您的头脑 爸爸说您将丢失您的不劳而获对 男子大学生,您更好告诉她再见 ,但现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙,完善 美国的所有 ,并且,当他们结了婚并且决定有一个他们自己 她说,是诚实的,告诉我什么您想要 ,并且他说,蜂蜜您outta知道 甜,一点,美丽一个象我 想要美丽的您,美妙,完善美国的所有 现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙 所有美国女孩 所有美国女孩

This is an girl(America)这题怎么做?

This is an American girl.这是一个美国女孩。形容词作定语

An American girl,Rose,is going to visit Chinau3002Please write an e-mail to her

我的这个是老师上课写出来的范文Dear Rose, I an glad to hear that you will visit China. I would like to tell you something about eating habits in China.In the southern part,people eat rice a lot,while in the north,they often eat noodles and dumpings.All Chinese people eat with chapstichs. There are many kind of delicious food in China.I believe you will enjoy then very much.We should eat bread,meet,fish,milk and lors of fruit and vegetable.But we should eat less junk food.Tf we eat regulary.We can keep healthy. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please give my best wishes to your parents!Hope to see you. Sincerely Xi Zai

the 22-year-old American girl may now go into the French

B 主动表示,用ing。 被动用 ed

american girlfirends 歌词翻译

好,那你采纳我哦英文: since the day they got married he"d been praying for a little babyohsomeone he could take fishingthrow the football and be his pride in joyhe could already see him holding that trophytaking his team to statebut when the nurse came in with a little pink blanketall those big dreams changedand now, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectall american girlsixteen short years latershe was falling for the senior football starbefore you knew it he was dropping passesskipping practice just to spend more time with herthe coach said, hey son what is your problemtell me have you lost your minddaddy said you"ll lose your free ride to collegeboy, you better tell her goodbyebut now, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfectall americanand when they got married and decided to have one of their ownshe said, be honest, tell me what you wantand he said, honey you outta knowa sweet, little, beautiful one just like youi want a beautiful, wonderful, perfect all americannow, he"s wrapped around her fingershe"s the center of his whole worldand his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderfulall american girlall american girl 中文:从他们结婚他的 天为一个小婴孩oh 祈祷 他可能采取渔投掷 橄榄球的人,并且是他的自豪感在喜悦 他可能已经看他藏品把 他的队带的战利品对状态 ,但,当护士用一条小的桃红色毯子进来了 被改变的所有那些大梦想 和现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙,完善 所有美国 女孩十六短的年后 她为资深橄榄球明星跌倒 ,在您知道之前它他投下跳 实践的通行证花费更多时间与 教练说的她,嘿儿子什么是您的问题 告诉我有您失去您的头脑 爸爸说您将丢失您的不劳而获对 男子大学生,您更好告诉她再见 ,但现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙,完善 美国的所有 ,并且,当他们结了婚并且决定有一个他们自己 她说,是诚实的,告诉我什么您想要 ,并且他说,蜂蜜您outta知道 甜,一点,美丽一个象我 想要美丽的您,美妙,完善美国的所有 现在,他在她是他的 全世界的中心的她的手指附近包裹了 ,并且他的心脏,少许,属于那甜美丽,美妙 所有美国女孩 所有美国女孩 对不起,没法对照,请原谅,实在做不成。



Lucy is an American girl 哪个是主语,哪个是谓语,哪个是表语,哪个是宾语?

不是应该讲 主系表结构吗?am is are这些都是

为什么是She is a American、而She is an American girl 。这两句子有什么不同,为什么一个用a一个用an

您好! She is a American 是错的不论 She is an American 她是个美国人 还是 She is an American girl 她是个美国女孩放在 American 前面的不定冠词都要用 an 而不能用 a因为 American 这个单词以元音发音开头,必须用an 若有帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

American Girl 歌词

歌曲名:American Girl歌手:Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers专辑:Anthology: Through The YearsTaylor Swift - American GirlWell she was an American girlRaised on promisesShe couldnt help thinkin that thereWas a little more to lifeSomewhere elseAfter all it was a great big worldWith lots of places to run toYeah, and if she had to dieTryin she had one little promiseShe was gonna keepOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightShe was an American girlIt was kind of cold that nightShe stood alone on her balconyShe could the cars roll byOut on 441Like waves crashin in the beachAnd for one desperate moment thereHe crept back in her memoryGod its so painfulSomething thats so closeAnd still so far out of reachOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightShe was an American girlOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyOh, take it easy nowOh yeah, all rightShe was an American girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8033726

American Girl 歌词

歌曲名:American Girl歌手:Brooke Valentine专辑:Chain LetterTaylor Swift - American GirlWell she was an American girlRaised on promisesShe couldnt help thinkin that thereWas a little more to lifeSomewhere elseAfter all it was a great big worldWith lots of places to run toYeah, and if she had to dieTryin she had one little promiseShe was gonna keepOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightShe was an American girlIt was kind of cold that nightShe stood alone on her balconyShe could the cars roll byOut on 441Like waves crashin in the beachAnd for one desperate moment thereHe crept back in her memoryGod its so painfulSomething thats so closeAnd still so far out of reachOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightShe was an American girlOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyMake it last all nightOh yeah, all rightTake it easy babyOh, take it easy nowOh yeah, all rightShe was an American girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3487638

A king in Africa had a close friend that helped him grow up. The friend had a habit of looking ...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:短文大意:非洲的一个国王有一个帮助他成长的亲密朋友。朋友有个习惯,看到他的生活中有积极的事发生说说:“这是好的”。小题1:细节理解题。根据文章第二句话The friend had a habit of looking at everything positively(肯定)that happened in his life and saying “This is good”.可知选C小题2:细节理解题。根据they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. They never ate anyone who was less than whole, so they sent the king back.可知选D。小题3:标题归纳题。读短文可知本文是在说一切都会好的,所以选D。

puerto rican是什么意思?

波多黎各(Puerto Rico)吧??波多黎各(Puerto Rico)是美国在加勒比海地区的一个自治领地,正式名称是波多黎各自由邦(英语: The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 西班牙语: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico),圣胡安为其首府。 波多黎各是大安的列斯群岛四个大岛中最小的一个岛,位于多米尼加共和国东面,在小安的列斯群岛西北。它包含一个主岛和若干小岛。整个地区分为78个市级行政区。 在西班牙语里,波多黎各的意思是“富裕之港”。


interracial 英[u02ccu026antu0259u02c8reu026au0283l] 美[u02ccu026antu025au02c8reu0283u0259l] adj. 人种间的,人种混合的; [网络] 跨种族; 同种族; 不同种族间的; [例句]Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family.跨种族婚姻能引起许多问题的家庭。

The education in America的文章

Matt McGrath & Suzanne Cryer (Photo: Joan Marcus) The somewhat mysterious sounding title clarifies Chrisopher Shinn"s intent to have you learn about a group of characters learning about each other but without a neatly tied up ending. Despite alcohol induced confrontations and revelations, the six year apart gatherings at an upstate cottage do little to alleviate the personal and professional struggles of the colleagues, lovers and friends thrown together in this seemingly idyllic setting far from the New York rat race. As he did in his last and justly admired Four, Shinn once again proves himself to be a writer who knows how to elevate seemingly familiar types into strong characters who talk in the vernacular of real people. Structurally, What Didn"t Happen i has all the elements of a drawing room or country house drama: a diverse cast of characters interacting with each other with a mix of poignancy, cruelty and humor. In this case the drawing room is replaced by a front porch and yard. The country cottage, of whose interior we only catch a glimpse, is owned in 1993 by Dave (Stephen Skybell), a middle-aged writer in emotional and professional crisis, and six years later by his protege Scott (Matt McGrath), who is equally conflicted. As Four examined love and American mores by cutting back and forth between two couples on Fourth of July dates, What Didn"t Happen jumps between what did and didn"t happen in 1993 that adds up to the unfulfilled dreams of these people (and lots of others) in the Clinton era. It begins on an evening in 1999, and flashes back to the earlier events which, as in Four, feature that most American of customs, a barbecue. Reading a plot summary doesn"t begin to do justice to the nuances that make Shinn such a welcome addition to the ranks young American playwrights (interestingly, this is first play not to be launched in London). The 1999 opening scene is marked by the arrival of Emily (Suzanne Cryer), Scott"s colleague of the television show on which he"s a producer. There"s clearly also a personal relationship which seems to have been side-tracked by his retreating to the cabin where six years earlier he worked for his professor and mentor. With him, but never seen, is his catatonic eleven-year-old daughter (a younger symbolic counterpart of the wife and mother in Four). To echo his younger self, there"s around the house helper Jeff (Matt Cowel an eighth grader making an auspicious Off-Broadway debut), another local boy eager to make something of his life. In the longer Clinton impeachment era segments, it"s Steve"s lover Elaine (Annalee Jefferies), who arrives at the cottage where Steve has been holed up in order to finish his novel without distractions. As Elaine quickly notes, Dave has not been too distracted to get involved in a mentoring friendship (with some unexpressed sexual tensions) with one of his Columbia students who, along with his artist wife and toddler, is spending the summer in his family"s nearby house. What should be a romantic reunion, turns into a barbecue to which Steven has invited another Columbia professor and neighbor, Alan (Robert Hogan). Add to this Peter (Chris Noth), an old friend and rival who didn"t have to go far out of the way to his own country house to give Elaine a ride, and you"ve got enough frustrations, differences of opinion and opportunities for these people to wound each other to ignite the charcoal briquettes.The play is not without soft spots; notably, some over earnest talkiness, especially by Dave, and the unseen child as an all too obvious symbol of the isolation and shakiness of the state of the American value system. On the whole though the play commands your interest and it is well served by the actors. The men have the juiciest parts. That does not prevent Annalee Jefferies from having some very fine moments as an actress mature enough to do her best work but too old for a theatrical market place that puts a premium on youth -- and to get exacerbated enough to betray Steve. Matt McGrath is terrific as the at once vulnerable and manipulatively needy as Scott. Chris Noth lights up the stage as the character for whom the playwright has written some of the funniest bits of business and the most irreverent observations (e.g. "What I don"t understand about the theater is why people don"t walk out" and a typical men-at-the-urinal scene with McGrath, in this case out in the woods). For all the joking around he reveals himself as haunted by regrets and insecurities as everyone else in a wonderful monologue about a book tour taken to cities where he"s less likely to be embarrassed by his compromises. Robert Hogan"s Alan, is the last but by no means least audience satisfying guest to arrive at the picnic. His diatribe against students who don"t read the assigned books and "fiddle with their little bottles of water" and come alive only when they have a computer mouse in their hands, is an amusing take on dumbed down students. (The pills he gives to the depressed Dave add another of those soft spots -- something of a gun that doesn"t go off). Michael Wilson directs the excellent cast fluently. Jeff Cowie has created the perfect cottage in the woods which Howell Binkley illuminates beautifully. John Gromada"s sound design (we hear enough cars being revved up by people heavily under the influence to make us fear for a car crash climax) and incidental music add to the excellent production values.Christopher Shinn seems to have steered clear of the crippling and compromising career choices of his characters. Since he"s still three years shy of age thirty, it"s exciting to be watching a writer to whom, to quote a character from a much older American playwright "attention must be paid."

电脑开机出现:American Megatrends AMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends,Inc. 08.00.15.具体如图示:

屏幕显示从下往下第9行:pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T.........第一主启动盘(硬盘):S.M.A.R.T S.M.A.R.T(自监测、分析、报告技术),状态:损坏,备份并更换 按F2继续,按F1进入配置。从启动屏幕提示来看,你的硬盘出故障了。你可以按F1进入BIOS设置,关闭S.M.A.R.T.后试试(如果有此选项的话),如果能进入系统,赶紧备份硬盘数据,更换硬盘。不行的话,只能换硬盘了。

America的《Mad Dog》 歌词

歌曲名:Mad Dog歌手:America专辑:HolidayThrough the darkness i see you againWatch my temperature riseCan"t believe my eyes, don"t tell meI"ve had way too much tonightDrank the potion stronger than meGot me all confusedAmericaWhy you so amused, don"t tell meYou"ve had way too much tonightPlease don"t tell me noGod, i miss you soOne thing you should knowGod, i love you so, ohHad way too much tonightI"m a mad dog at times like theseAin"t the time to learn my lessonI"ve had way too much tonightAin"t the time to learn my lessonI"ve had way too much to-Really too much to-I"ve had way too much tonightAlrightI"ve had way too much to-Really too much to-I"ve had way too much tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/54442249

electrical diagram是什么意思

electrical diagram 电气图网络释义 专业释义 线路图 电工图 电气图 典型电气图短语Unit electrical schematic diagram 机组电气原理图electrical circuit diagram 电气原理图 ; 电路示意图 ; 电气线路图 ; 电原理图main electrical wiring diagram 电气主接线图

if you listen to american music,开头的英语文章

All you sinners drop everything Everything Let the melody and the harmony ring Let it ring Lift arms up to Heaven and sing Ring-a-ding Sing you sinners woncha sway n" swing What a thing Start with clappin" y"hands all about All about Don"t be silent - Let the Lord hear y"shout Shout it out And jus" let the music come out Of yr snout Sing you sinners woncha sway n" swing Check it out (Dig the drift of what I mean) In a world where there"s no music (Old Scratch) Satan gets his kicks (He"s up to his tricks) He"ll be laughing up and down the banks (Hee,hee,hee) Of that river Styx You"re so wicked baby,and you"re depraved You can rave It"s apparent that you have misbehaved To your grave But if you should wanna be saved Jus" behave Take a listen now to the bird... Stop all that chewin" yer cud - and all that standin" in the mud there Swing people!Swing every chortle from yer mortal portal I dig that everyone believes that all cattle prodigies Are like a sneeze Hard blowin"-missin one lick of blowin" talent to show (If y"sing - y" gotta swing!) But remember that the day will come when you Will be just steak on a plate (Folks,y"know it"s fate) So dig the music of the swing-o-sphere - (before your swing arrives too late) That"s a little too dark Still,it"s true - we"ve got breath for such a limited time What are ya,stupid,ya cows?- you"d think to sing was a crime In defense now; hence now; Here"s comes Adele McCluck: Mrs.Mockingbird,I must say you haven"t heard The friendly bellowing swing of our friends the cows - As they shed their way from Teagarden to Fuller Instead of spendin" ev"ry day jus" sneakin" around To life another lick - These cats work on their cow-tone,so when they get up to blow They blow a fatter bone-tone into the ozone (And furthermore...) You tweety-birds are always singin" away Never givin" up thought of what you say We cows do - shedding takes up most of our day So when we start and settle in to play - we can say A moo is an array of what we"ve always known to be The best and only way to play (What we mean to say is...) Before the band will letcha sing (Sing with Fletcher Henderson) You"ve got to get y"self to swing (Like the Bean or Satch) So your horn can blow - a single note or two Of deeper thinking (That"s the way to swing) So set your mind upon a tone (When you"re shedding all alone) And you will have a cornerstone (Like the bass trombone) Blow your horn and take a bow So that you"re swinging like the cows Pythagoras would be so proud of us


industrial: adj. 工业的,产业的;从事工业的..Industrical waste工业污水industrical chemicals化工原料Industrical economics产业经济学industrial [in"du028cstriu0259l]adj. 工业的,产业的;从事工业的;供工业用的;来自勤劳的n. 工业股票;工业工人


industrialadj. 工业的,产业的; 从事工业的; 供工业用的; 来自勤劳的n. 工业股票; 工业工人没有industrical这个词。



Rock You Like A Hurricane 歌词

歌曲名:Rock You Like A Hurricane歌手:Scorpions专辑:Bad For Good: The Very Best Of ScorpionsRock You Like A HurricaneScorpionsIt"s early morningThe sun comes outLast night was shakingAnd pretty loudMy cat is purringAnd scratches my skinSo what is wrongWith another sinThe bitch is hungryShe needs to tellSo give her inchesAnd feed her wellMore days to comeNew places to goI"ve got to leaveIt"s time for a showHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneMy body is burningIt starts to shoutDesire is comingIt breaks out loudLust is in cagesTill storm breaks looseJust have to make itWith someone I chooseThe night is callingI have to goThe wolf is hungryHe runs the showHe"s licking his lipsHe"s ready to winOn the hunt tonightFor love at first stingHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneIt"s early morningThe sun comes outLast night was shakingAnd pretty loudMy cat is purringAnd scratches my skinSo what is wrongWith another sinThe night is callingI have to goThe wolf is hungryHe runs the showHe"s licking his lipsHe"s ready to winOn the hunt tonightFor love at first stingHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricaneHere I am, rock you like a hurricanehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2215163

SCORPIONS -Rock you like a hurricane中文歌词谁有 谢了


The historical events of that period are arranged ()A.in alphabetical order Bin an alphabetical

51.The historical events of that period are arranged ()A.in alphabetical order 52.They like to take a vacation ()C.once a year 53.”What is Todger?” “He is () .”A.a poet and novelist 54.”How did you pay the workers ?” “As a rule , they are paid () “B.by the hour 55.”The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers ()A.from east to west

美国传承中学American Heritage和美国高中Pine Crest School哪个更好?要原创,最好有亲身经历,多方面


mark twain mirror of america是一篇小说吗


Mark Twain was an American writer.One day he went


America laughed with Mark Twain这句话怎么理解?


Why Mark Twain is a Mirror of America?

you can find the answer in his works. His works represented lots of social phenomenas at the specail time in America.Such as the relationship between people and society,between people themselves, especailly between the Laws and the society.

mark twain-mirror of america翻译

mark twain-mirror of america翻译:马克吐温美国之镜。Mirror是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“镜子;真实的写照;榜样”,作及物动词时意思是“反射;反映”。短语搭配mirror dory雨印鲷 ; 亚海鲂Mirror butterflyfish镜斑蝴蝶鱼mirror test镜子测试双语例句1、He then read them in a mirror.然后他再用镜子来阅读它们。2、If your mirror steams up do you doodle on it - and if so what?如果乃的镜子上有了一层蒸汽乃会在上面涂鸦么---又会涂些什么???3、You have heard me say before that everyone we meet is our mirror.你们以前都听我说过我们遇到的每个人都是我们的镜子。



判断正误 mark twain was an American writer


香港Stamford American School学校怎么样?

1.香港Stamford American School成立于2017年9月,是香港的一所国际私立学校,专为5-18岁的学生提供美式课程。学校自五岁班起引入STEMinn 课程(结合科学、科技、工程、数学、创新)为主要学科之一,学校同时提供体育、艺术、每日世界语言(中文及西班牙文)或中/英文双语课程(只限小学)等多元化课程。2.教学环境香港斯坦福美国学校校舍位于香港九龙何文田文福道25号。本校配备各的设施,其中包括: Stamford体育馆25米室内温水游泳池创新中心Innovation CentreSTEMinn实验室Cognita iLearn 演讲厅美术室戏剧室私人音乐室3.学制香港斯坦福美国学校是一所K-12学校,在同一校园内设有学前、小学(1-5年级)、中学(6-8年级)和高中(9-12年级)。 4.管理团队学校由Cognita国际教育团体拥有和运营,香港Stamford American School是第二所斯坦福美国学校,也是Cognita教育团体学校在亚洲11所学校之一。学校总校长Ms. Karrie Dietz女士和中学校长Ms. Teresa Foard女士是经验丰富的国际文凭大学预科课程(International Baccalaureate,简称IB课程)的教育家。

mark twain, the famous american是哪篇英语文章里的

马克吐温的很多介绍里都有啊。A Famous Story of Mark Twain里有。原文如下: Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He wrote many stories and many of them were funny stories. These stories are still read by many people all over the world. Besides writing, he also liked hunting and fishing very much, so one year he went to Maine for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the woods there. When he had to go back home, he drove to the station with his baggage. There he asked a porter to put it into the train. Then he got into the smoking car and sat down in one of the comfortable seats there. The car was empty when he got in, but a few minutes later, another man got in and sat down on the seat opposite his. Mark Twain looked at the man and thought that this man looked quite unpleasant. However, it would be impolite to say nothing in that situation, so he said good morning to the man, and they began to talk. First they talked about the weather and then they talked about Maine. The stranger said, "We have some beautiful woods in Maine. It would be a pity to come to Maine without spending some time there. I suppose you have been in our woods, haven"t you?" "Yes, I have," answered Mark Twain. "I"ve just spent three weeks there and I had a very good time, too. And let me tell you something. Although fishing isn"t allowed in Maine at this season, I"ve got two hundred pounds of beautiful fish with my baggage in this train. I like to eat fish, so I packed it in ice to take it home with me. May I ask who you are, sir?" The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several seconds and then answered, "I"m a police officer. My job is to catch people who hunt and fish during the wrong seasons. And who are you?" Mark Twain was surprised and frightened when he heard this. He thought quickly and then answered, "Well, I"ll tell you, sir. I"m the man who tells the biggest lies in America."

香港Stamford American School有何特色?

1.香港Stamford American School是香港仅有的几所提供美国教育的国际学校之一。提供以标准为基础,以探究为主导的美国课程,学生於学期间需作定期评估,以确保学生达到标准。学校特别强调学生的读写能力,数理知识,希望学生能找到自己的强项和兴趣。2.创新STEMinn 动手做汲取跨学科知识香港Stamford开办「一条龙」学校,配合「创新」(Innovation)元素而独创「STEMinn」课程。STEMinn是科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)及创新(Innovation)的英文简称。3.培育国际视野 交流合作学做世界公民希望学生能意识到自己作为世界公民的身份,培养他们的国际视野。由于Stamford属于一个国际教育机构,分校遍布世界各地,学生有机会与不同文化背景的同学交流合作,其中包括70间位于不同地方的学校。4.课程特色摘要:学校为所有学生安排评估。其中一项评估名为MAP?,用以测试同学数学、语文及科学能力。学校为学生提供多元化课外活动,如运动、音乐及艺术活动,鼓励学生放学后于校舍内参与。

求一首歌 歌词的第一句好像是 you are my Africa King(queen?)

shakira的waka waka?

Butterflies And Hurricanes 歌词

歌曲名:Butterflies And Hurricanes歌手:MUSE专辑:Butterflies And Hurricaneschange,everything you areand everything you wereyour number has been calledfights, battles have begunrevenge will surely comeyour hard times are aheadbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowchange,everything you areand everything you wereyour number has been calledfights and battles have begunrevenge will surely comeyour hard times are aheadbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowdon"t,let yourself downdon"t let yourself goyour last chance has arrivedbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7868026

Hurricanes are always a concern,为什么有a?


he is typically American句中典型的为什么用副词?


“他是一个美国人”可不可以说成“He is an American.”?

He is an American意思是他是一个美国人(作名词) He is American 意思是他是美国的(作形容词) 例如American English 美式英语 American作名词时表示美国人 作形容词是美国的



《Native American Wisdom》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Native American Wisdom》(Kristen Maree Cleary (Editor))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17tfbs2MhqZ84kqa_fZozjg 提取码: 43r2书名:Native American Wisdom作者:Kristen Maree Cleary (Editor)出版社:Barnes & Noble Books出版年份:1996页数:63

Suddenly,the Native American said,"I hear a cricket."为什么用 hear ?


什么是native american reservation



American [u0259"meriku0259n]adj.美洲的(不计南极在内)西半球的美国的;美国人的美洲印第安人的在美洲土生土长的,原产于美洲的n.美洲印第安人美洲人,美洲公民;出生(或定居)于美洲的人;尤指词组:south american 南美洲的;南美洲人的american culture 美国文化american english 美式英语native american 印第安人;美洲原住民latin american 拉丁美洲的american dream 美国梦chinese american 美籍华人;华裔美国人african american 非裔美国人(指美国黑人);非裔美籍(等于African American)american idol 美国偶像(美国真人秀电视节目)american express 美国运通(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国)american revolution 美国独立战争american indian 美洲印第安人american football 美式橄榄球all american 全美国的american airlines 美国航空公司

How is the life of the Native Americans today?急需英文的答案哦,谢谢!

这是开放性问题吧?囧 Native American life is different today than it was centuries ago, but there is still a great degree of pride and independence in Native American life. Pride in one"s tribe, care of the land and respect for nature characterize native American life, and many Native Americans share these principles today. Although the history of American Indians on the continent has in later years has included many sad events, Native American pride still remains and Native American life is ideally filled with pride for one"s roots and love of nature. Many Native Americans today live on reservations, but in generations past, they spanned the continent and their lifestyles and traditions varied from tribe to tribe as they do today. Some Native Americans survived by hunting and gathering and lived in tents, while others lived in complex longhouses and had a very organized and complex political system. Before white settlers came to the continent, Native American life was free of European influences, and Native Americans lived simply off the land. They were not yet acquainted with the serious diseases that would later claim many lives, as Europeans brought smallpox against which Native American populations lacked resistance. Although there was often cooperation between tribes regarding farming and trade, other tribes were continuously at war with each other, such as the Algonquin and the Iroquois. However, the Iroquois would often incorporated conquered tribes into their sophisticated political system and thus enlarge their nation. Many of these alliances and rivalries were exploited when white settlers landed on the American continent, and some tribes were pitted against others to serve the colonist"s designs. Native American life also included a unique view of spirituality and health. The American Indians knew what we are discovering today, the mind and the spirit play a critical role in physical illness and healing. Native American life also was characterized by love of nature, and today"s concern about conservation and environmentalism are inspired by views which were and still are the hallmarks of Native American life.

Where do Native Americans come from

Native means they are the owners of the land. The American indians have lived there for thousands of years.

. With the arrival of the Europeans, there were many battles over land ,and the Native American


谁能告诉我奥巴马的上任演讲《Change has come to the America》的原文和翻译

Hello,芝加哥。美国是一个一切皆有可能的地方,如果还有人对这一点心存怀疑,如果还有人怀疑美国奠基者的梦想在我们时代是否还有活力,还有人怀疑我们民主制度的力量,那么,你们今晚正是对那些疑问作出了回答。在学校和教堂周围所出现的前所未有的长队是答案,这个国家从未见过这么多的人前来投票,人们排三个、四个小时的队来进行有生以来的第一次投票,因为他们相信这一次将会不同,他们发出的声音可能就是那个差别。这是一个年轻人和年老人、富人和穷人、民主党人和共和党人、黑人、白人、西班牙裔人、亚裔、印第安人、同性恋和异性恋、残障人士和健全人士所作出的回答。美国人向世界发出一个信息:我们从不只是一些个人的累加或者“红色州”和“蓝色州”的累加。我们是,我们永远是美利坚合众国。这是一个引导人们的答案,太多的人在很长的时间内给他们说这个答案,以至于他们对此持愤世疾俗的态度,对我们是否可以再一次把握历史的希望感到担心和怀疑。已经过去了很长时间,但是今晚,由于我们今天在这场选举所采取的行动,在这个决定性的时候,变革来到了美国。今晚早些时候,我接到来自参议员麦凯恩的一个特别有风度的电话。麦凯恩在这场选战中进行了长期和艰苦的努力,他为这个他所爱的国家战斗了更长的时间,作出了更艰苦的努力。他为美国承受了我们中的大多数人无法想像的牺牲。由于这位勇敢和无私领导人的服务,我们的生活变得更好。我向他表示祝贺,我向佩林州长表示祝贺,向他们所取得的成果表示祝贺,我盼望与他们共事以继续这个国家在未来岁月的承诺。我想感谢我在竞选旅程的伙伴,一位用心竞选的男士,一位为和他一起在斯克兰顿街头一同长大的男人和女子代言、经常坐火车回特拉华州的男士,美国当选副总统拜登。如果没有我过去16年最好的朋友、我们家庭的中坚、我生命中的挚爱,我今天晚上不可能站在这里,美国下一位第一夫人米歇尔-奥巴马。萨沙和马莉娅,我爱你们,我对你们的爱超出了你们的想象。你们已赢得了新的宠物狗,它将和我们一起前往新的白宫。尽管她没能和我们在一起,但我知道,我的祖母和养大我的家人在看着我,我今晚很想念他们,我知道我欠他们的东西是无法计量的。我的妹妹马娅、我的姐姐奥玛,我其他的兄弟和姐妹,非常感谢你们对我的支持,我感谢他们。我的竞选经理大卫-普劳夫,这位竞选活动的无名英雄,他进行了最好的政治竞选活动,我认为这是美国历史上最棒的。我的首席策略师大卫-艾克斯罗德,他一直是追随我的伙伴。你们组建了政治史上最好的竞选团队,是你们成就了今天,我永远感谢你们为此所作出的牺牲。但最重要的是,我永远不会忘记这场胜利真正属于谁,它属于你们,它属于你们。 Hello, Chicago.您好,芝加哥。If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.如果还有人仍在怀疑美国是否是一个一切皆有可能的国度的话,如果还有人仍在疑虑我们美国的缔造者的梦想是否还存在于我们这个时代的话,如果还有人仍在质疑我们民主的力量的话,今晚你就可以得到答案。It"s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.它的答案告诉延伸线,围绕学校和教堂的人数这个民族从未见过的,等待三个小时,四个小时的人们,许多第一次在他们的生活,因为他们认为,这次一定是不同的,他们的声音可能是不同的。It"s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.不管你是年轻人还是老年人,是富人还是穷人,是民主党人还是共和党人,是黑人还是白人,也不管你是拉丁美洲人或亚洲人还是本土美国人,更无论你是否为同性变者、是否是残疾人,这是美国人共同的答案。美国人向全世界传递一个声音,那就是我们的选举从不分红州或蓝州。We are, and always will be, the United States of America.我们属于,而且永远只属于美利坚合众国。It"s the answer that led those who"ve been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.它的答案,导致这些谁一直在说这么长时间这么多的是玩世不恭和恐惧和怀疑是我们能够实现把他们手中的弧的历史和弯曲再次向希望一个更美好的一天。It"s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.虽然等待了很长时间,但在今晚的这一决定性时刻,由于我们在这次选举中的努力,美国终于迎来了变革。A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.今天傍晚稍早的时候,我接到麦凯恩参议员一个特别亲切的电话。Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he"s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.在竞选过程中,他坚持不懈,努力了很长时间,而且他还会为他所热爱的国家继续更加努力。他已经为美国奉献了太多,以到于我们许多人都无法想象。我们必须要更好地服务于我们的祖国,以补偿这位勇敢而无私的领导人。I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they"ve achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation"s promise in the months ahead.我祝贺他以及佩林此前取得的所有成绩,而且我希望能够与他们合作,重申数月前我们对国家所做的承诺。
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