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其实这个词很少有明确的让你说是可数不可数的。可以看成是可数名词,但只用单数形式,例如 have a rest, take a rest(休息一下)也可以看成是不可数名词,例如 have some rest, take some rest (休息一下)还有一个短语是 the rest 表示“剩下的人或东西”,这里一般不分可不可数。


当名词的话,休息have a rest当动词 he rests his arm on his wrist.放置,放

英语单词辨析 rest; sleep 这两个单词有何区别?该怎么用?

意思完全没关系的吧 rest做动词是休息的意思 常用搭配 have a rest=have a break 做形容词是剩余的意思 常用the rest表剩下的东西 sleep动词和名词都有睡眠之类的意思 常用搭配 sound sleep安然入睡

the rest of 是什么

the rest of: 其余的,剩余部分的,其余的人 例句与用法: 1. While we play tennis what will the rest of you do? 我们打网球, 你们其余的人做什麽呢? 2. The chairman want home, but the rest of the director stayed in the boardroom. 董事长回家了,而其余的董事留在董事会会议室里. 3. Pay me 50 down and the rest at the end of the month. 先付给我50英镑定金, 余款要月底付清. 4. John is English and the rest of us are Welsh. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人. 5. Where is the rest room, please? 请问洗手间在哪儿? 6. He never fully recovered, and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid. 他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一名残疾者度过余生. 7. We"ll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast. 我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃. 8. The cold weather will persist for the rest of the week. 这种寒冷的天气将持续到本周末.


break和rest的区别介绍:1、名词的区别:break,指紧急中止木某项事情,而rest指休息行为。2、不及物动词的区别:break,突破。rest,休息;3、作及物动词的区别:break,(使)破;打破(纪录)。rest则使休息。 扩展资料 break和rest是初二英语课程中较为重要的词汇,也是难点之一。break和rest的区别详细内容介绍:1、作为名词的区别:break,非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。例句:There is a 10-minute break between two classes.(两堂课之间有10分钟休息时间。)rest, 休息,歇息,泛指放松、休息。例句:Let"s take a rest.(让我们休息一下。)2、作为不及物动词的区别break,突破;(嗓音)突变;破晓;(价格)突然下跌。例句:They broke for lunch. (他们停下来吃午饭。)rest,休息;静止;停止;安心例句:It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while.(坐下来休息一会儿是很好的.。)3、作为及物动词的区别:break,(使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始。例句:If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit .(如果你还在吸烟的话,就尽量戒除这个习惯吧。)rest,使休息;使轻松;使长眠;使依赖例句:Rest the ladder against the wall.(把梯子靠在墙上吧。)

the rest of 和the rest 的区别

the rest of加名词 剩下的…e.g the rest of my life我的余生the rest 用于一类不可数事物中 剩余的其他的

英语have a break和have rest区别是什么?

have a break指短暂休息,片刻休息。而have a rest指较长时的休息。

having a break和having a rest的区别



可以 看在我也喜欢金馆长的份上给我好评吧

怎么说“休息”?(注意是过去时) 是“had rest”还是“have rested”

have a rest 此处rest为名词因此前必须加定冠词(你要表示过去时的话就:had a rest)此处的have/had是实意动词,下面的是助动词 没有have rested 的说法 have a rest是休息的固定词组 撇开这里 楼主似乎对have与 had的用法不太清楚哦... have+done是现在完成时态 强调某个动作对现在的影响 had+done是过去完成事态 强调某个动作对过去的影响 呵呵...不知道我解释的清不清楚

have a resl是什么意思?

have a rest表示精疲力尽的时候好好地休息一下

请教Therm-A-Rest Neoair All Season垫子问题


therm-a-rest neoair all season tar野户外露营睡垫充气垫防潮垫胀了怎么洗


research specialist什么意思


wofk in pairs and discuss ways to reduce depression什么意思

wofk in pairs and discuss ways to reduce depression在对工作和讨论减少抑郁的方法wofk in pairs and discuss ways to reduce depression在对工作和讨论减少抑郁的方法

executive vice-president是什么意思

executive vice-president执行副总裁executive vice-president执行副总裁; 例句:1.He went from grunt to senior executive vice-president in less than five years. 不到五年他便从一名普通工作人员升至高级执行副总裁。

do something interesting 什么意思 这句话涉及到那些语法


是Standing Vice President 还是 Executive Vice President

Standing Vice President 常务副总裁executive vice president 英[iɡu02c8zekjutiv vais u02c8prezidu0259nt] 美[u026aɡu02c8zu025bkju0259tu026av vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt] n. 执行副总裁; [例句]Currently, Dawson is Chancellor"s top advisor as the Comets Executive VicePresident of Basketball.最近,作为彗星队篮球事务执行副总裁的道森又成为了钱斯勒的高级顾问。

senior vice-president中文是什么意思


为什么副总统是vice president?vice不是罪恶的意思吗?

vice在职位前表示“副”的意思. 再问: 没内情了? 再答: 没了。 再问: 那么从什么时候vice开始表示副的意思呢,起源是什么? 再答: sorry, I don"t know.



Assistant Vice-President是什么意思

vice-president 副总裁 双语对照 词典结果: vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt] n.副总裁,副校长; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. Becoming vice-president might not best serve that ...



DVP是什么职位?VP是Vice President副总裁

Divisional Vice President 分区副总裁


restaurant he owned:简单来说,restaurant作为核心词,从句he owned作为restaurant的定语用。restaurant:餐厅he owned:他拥有的因此,这个表达的意思是:他所拥有的餐厅

投资银行里,Vice President 是什么职位,具体做什么工作?

理财顾问 一般职位

associate/vice president是什么意思


vice president(academic) and dean怎么翻译

A dean is an important official at a university or college. (大学的) 学院院长; 系主任Vice president:an officer ranking immediately below a president and serving as his deputy. A vice president takes the president"s place during his absence or incapacity, after his death, and in certain other circumstances 副总统;副主席;副总裁 ;副校长意思是:学校里面主管学术类的副校长,兼任某学院的院长。


vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Becoming vice-president might not best serve that ambition. 应该说当副总统或许不是满足她野心的最佳方式。


vice-president副总裁双语对照词典结果:vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Becoming vice-president might not best serve that ambition. 应该说当副总统或许不是满足她野心的最佳方式。2.His vice-president is temporarily in charge. 副总统临时接任了他的职务。3.He went from grunt to senior executive vice-president in less than five years. 不到五年他便从一名普通工作人员升至高级执行副总裁。




vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 相关单词:Vice-President双语例句1Mr Mubarak has not put an end to speculation of a dynastic succession by naming an alternative as vice-president.穆巴拉克并没有通过指定其他人担任副总统的方式,来结束子承父业的猜测。Then comes news that Apple has hired fashion Executive Paul deneve as a vice-president working on special projects as well as Hulu executive Pete distad to craft content deals.后来又有消息称,苹果聘用前时装品牌高管保罗u2022蒂尼维为公司副总裁,负责特别项目,还招募了Hulu公司高管彼得u2022迪赛德,协助公司进行内容谈判。

vice president是什么意思

vice president英 [vais u02c8prezidu0259nt] 美 [vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt] n.副总统(或大学副校长等)

vice president是什么意思

vice president 英 [,vais"prezidu0259nt] 美 全球发音 跟读 口语练习副总统;副主席双语例句1.The part of the greatest value of this book is the account of the indictment of the vice president and his unpersoning. 这本书中最有价值的部分就是那段叙述副总统控告以及他因政治上失宠而遭清洗的故事。2."And the fact that I am asking my vice president to personally lead this effort shows how important it is for our country and our future to get this right," he said. 他说:“我请求我的副总统亲自领导这个工作,这件事本身就说明:把这个工作做好,对于我们的国家和我们的未来来讲,是多么的重要。”

vice president是什么意思

vice president英[vais u02c8prezidu0259nt]美[vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt]n.副总统(或大学副校长等)网络副总; 副院长; 副总裁双语例句His vice president also had to resign in disgrace.他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。

interest的用法你会不会的 。。,?

interest的用法如下: 1)interest(使...感兴趣)是完全及物动词。如: English interests him a lot. 英文使他很感兴趣。 2)sb be interested in sth.如: I am interested in finding the truth of the story. 我对寻找这个故事的真实性很感兴趣。 3)interest是名词,有复数形式,可以表示为: sth be one""s interest.如: Music and dancing are his interests. 音乐和跳舞是他的兴趣。 You may borrow any book_________? A.that you interest. B.which you are interested C.that interests you. D.which interest you. 解答:C。 在四个选项中A,的表述是错误的;B缺少介词in;定语从句的先行词是any book,谓语动词应该为单数,只有选项C正确。如果还有什么问题的话,可以去小马过河问问那里专业的英语老师,谢谢!

you do the best god will do the rest

字面意思 你尽自己的全力,剩下的就交给上帝了.为每个人祈祷 可以意译成 谋事在人,成事在天



with genuine interest是什么意思


cultivate interest是什么意思

cultivate interest培养兴趣例句:1.First they broaden the students knowledge horizon and cultivate interest in differentfields. 首先,他们扩阔学生的知识视野,并培养不同领域的兴趣。2.For reducing negative transfer it is necessary to cultivate interest in english learning,overcome set thinking, acquaint english culture. 欲减少英语学习中的负迁移,有必要培养学英语的兴趣,克服思维定势,了解英语文化背景。

Research 和taught Postgraduate Programmes之间的区别

research postgraduate programmes 是研究型的,有奖学金master 2年, phd 4年taught postgraduate programmes是授课型的,全部自费master 只要一年


Gen:general 普通模式Pen:penetration 高穿透模式Res:resolution 高分辨力模式

How to Deal with the Exam Stress Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can b


英语utilization threshold怎么翻译?

utilization threshold利用率阈值

end up 和result in的区别

  前者侧重方式,如:  He ended up his speech with the word"Thank you"  他以“谢谢”这句话结束了他的演讲  后者侧重结果, 如:in."以.形式结束(告终)”  His efforts resulted in failure.  他的努力以失败而告终


此处做 热情地,欢快地 讲spirit 本意就有情绪的意思,with spirit 可翻译为热情高涨地,音乐术语就是上面的了。


shoe -> shoescoat -> coatssock -> socksshort -> shortsdress -> dressesscarf -> scarves (或 scarfs)


eclipse配置resin方法1.打开“window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables”,添加classpath variables,将其配置到Resin的安装目录。如:Resin_2.1.16 -D:/Program/JavaSoft/resin-2.1.16。最好同时配置一个JDK_TOOLS,指定到java_home下的lib/tools.jar文件上,否则可能会在控制台输出时中文显示成乱码。2.运行菜单“Run->Run...”,在弹出的窗口中添加一个Java Application的运行项目。项目名称随便添写,只要能区分出不同的应用就可以了。如:resin_2.1.16。在Project一项置为空,如果已经有内容了则将其删除,这要才能保证在每个项目中都可以运行。3.设置项目的启动类(Main Class),Resin2.x为com.caucho.server.http.HttpServer,Resin3.x为com.caucho.server.http.ResinServer,Resin4.x为com.caucho.server.resin.Resin。4.配置Arguments,在Program arguments中填写-conf"${project_loc} esin.conf",(如果配置Resin3.x则填写-conf"${project_loc} esin30.conf")(如果配置Resin4.x则填入-conf "E:CVSROOTHelpDesk esin40.xml")。5.在VM arguments中为空(如果是Resin3.x则填写-Djava.util.logging.manager=com.caucho.log.LogManagerImpl)(如果配置Resin4.x则填入-Dresin.home="D: esin esin-4.0.4"-Djava.util.logging.manager=com.caucho.log.LogManagerImpl-server -Xmx256m -Xms80m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m)6.指定Working directory为resin的安装目录7.配置JRE,保持默认配置即可,如果是resin3.x版本可能需要jre5.0。8.配置classpath,选择Bootstrap Entries,点击Advanced,选择Add ClasspathVariables,选择Resin_2.1.16,点击Extend,将lib目录下的所有jar文件选中,添加到启动项目中,然后将JDK_TOOLS也加到启动项目中。如果是4,选择Bootstrap Entries,点击Advanced,选择Add Liberty,选择User Liberty,点击next,点击User Liberty,new一个lib目录resin4.0确认,加载resin4下所有jar包。点击Ok,选择创建的包next9.保证配置。在项目的根目录下放置resin.conf,在eclipse的Run菜单中将Resin_2.1.16加入到收藏中,选择项目或是项目中的某个文件,然后运行Resin_2.1.16即可。

"错误 109 (net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE)"怎么办?


No reservation 美味情缘里的一首歌

1. Truffles and Quail - Conrad Pope [1:34] 2. Sway - Michael Buble [3:10] 3. Celesta Aida - Luciano Pavarotti [3:32] 4. O Mio Babbino Caro - Renata Tebaldi [2:13] 5. Zoe & Kate Watch Video - Philip Glass [2:11] 6. Libiamo ne Liete Calici - Joan Sutherland/Carlo Bergonzi [3:04] 7. Via Con Me - Paolo Conte [2:32] 8. La Donna e Mobile - Joseph Calleja [2:13] 9. Un Bel Di - Renata Tebaldi [4:56] 10. Zoe Goes to the Restaurant - Philip Glass [1:32] 11. Cielo e Mar - Luciano Pavarotti [5:02] 12. Mambo Gelato - Ray Gelato [2:58] 13. Nessun Dorma - Luciano Pavarotti [2:57] 14. Count on My Love - Liz Phair [3:40] 30s试听 "Le Festin" by Camille

Since you are a little tired,you had better__________a rest.

【答案】:B本题考查不定式和动名词作宾补的区别。hadbetter后面接不带to的不定式,即动词原形;stop todo sth.指“停下来开始做(另一件事)…”;stop doing sth.指“停下来(不再做某事)”。

result in,result from的意思分别是什么,有什么用法


result of和result from的区别是什么

as a result of 由于的意思He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了result from 结果来自、由...引起if something results from something else,it is caused by it例句:We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.没什么明显区别啊

as a result of,result from,result in的区别

result in 结果为to make something happen例句:an accident that resulted in the death of two passengersresult from 结果来自、由...引起if something results from something else,it is caused by it例句:We...

result from与contribute to有什么区别

contribute to 表示导致,有助于 后面加结果result from 表示由。。引起的。。后面加原因这个句子的意思是吃太多脂肪容易导致心脏病和高血压。这个句子很明显要填导致的意思。

result from和lead to 和led to 是不是一个意思?

result from something.因为某事而导致,something是原因 lead to something 导致某事的发生,something是结果 led to 是lead to 的过去式.

result from有被动语态吗

没有的!Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的。Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated.由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。result in 后面加的是导致的结果result from 后面加的是导致的原因

用result from和result in造句


result from通常用主动还是被动?

be resulted from 通常是用被动

result from ,result of,as a result of,due to, because of


as a result of , result in ,result from 的含义




caused by 与result from 有何如别?

(be) caused by(由)......引起的(被动语态)result from 产生于…, 由…引起(主动语态)

result from与as a result of的区别

result from...= be caused by...由…产生的/导致的/引起的,是谓语动词词组;as a result of...是介词短语,作状语,表达结果。The mistake resulted from his carelessness.= The mistake was caused by his carelessness.= As a result of his carelessness, he made the mistake.

result from后面可以跟句子吗

可以跟从句:The emergence and development of imputation theory result from that in manycases causal theory can not be given for the results attributable to the fullargument. 客观归责包括意志归责和规范归责两个方面,该理论的产生和发展是缘于因果关系理论在许多案件中不能对于结果归责给出充分的论证。

be becaused by / result from /arise from有什么区别?

你是否想问be caused by/result from/arise from 的区别?(be) caused by(由)......引起的(被动语态)Global warming per se is not really the problem; the catastrophic climate changes which might be caused by it are.全球变暖本身并不是真正的问题;可能由它引发的灾害性天气变化才是问题所在。result from 产生于…, 由…引起(主动语态)Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。arise from 由......引起Her illness arise from lack of rest . 她的病是缺乏专休息引属起的。

result from有没有被动语态

么有被动语态A results from B 意思是 B是A的原因,A来源于B,A可被归因为B

originate from 与 result from的却别

originate from “源于”,也可引申出“因……而产生”的意思1)The argument between Peter and David proved to originate from misunderstanding. 彼得和大卫之间的争论证明是由误解造成的。 2)The English language boom originates from a variety of sources: world trade, diplomacy, pop culture, science and so on. 英语语言的繁荣源于多种渠道,有世界贸易、外交、流行文化、科学等。result from侧重指某结果是由于某原因所致,强调直接原因1)His deafness resulted from the fall he had during his infancy. 他的耳聋是因小时候跌跤所致。 2)The northern lights result from an unusual weather phenomenon that creates bright colors in the night sky. 北极光由一种不寻常的天气现象所形成,使黑夜的空中出现明亮的色彩。 3)Tachycardia may result from pain, apprehension, hypoventilation, or hypovolemia. 心动过速可由于疼痛、恐惧、通气不足或低血容量引起。 4)The constant troubles between the two men result from their disagreeable personalities. 这二人之间的纠纷不断是由于他们性格不和造成的。

as a result和as a resulto of和result from和result in的区别

as a result副词短语as a result of介词短语result from后接原因result in后接结果

result from和lead to 和led to 是不是一个意思?


result of与 result from的区别

resultfrom由于;由…造成;因…而产生: 例句:Herblindnessofbotheyesresultedfromatrafficaccident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的。 resultof 导致怎么样的结果herearetheresultsofthestudentactivitysurvey意思是"一项学生活动调查的结果如下."

as a result of 和 result from的区别?

嗯个人理解如下:as a result of sth. 是作为补充的吧。以He was injured as a result of boiler explosion.为例,He was injured已经可以作为完整的句子,as a result of boiler explosion补充说明了原因。但是result from这里的result直接作为句子中的谓语,上句应可改为His injury resulted from boiler explosion.意思相近,但用法有些不同。

make for和result to的区别

make for和result in是两个常见的英语短语,它们的意思和用法不同,区别如下:1. 意思不同:make for通常表示“有利于、导致、直接通往、朝...方向前进”,而result in则表示“导致、结果是”。2. 用法不同:make for通常后跟名词或代词作宾语,也可以后跟动词的-ing形式作宾语,表示“向...前进、有助于...”,而result in通常后跟名词短语或事件作宾语,表示“导致...结果”。例如:The sunny weather will make for a great day at the beach.(晴朗的天气将会使海滩度过愉快的一天。)The shorter path will make for a quicker journey.(较短的路线会导致旅途更快。)His bad temper resulted in a lot of arguments with his colleagues.(他的坏脾气导致了许多与同事之间的争端。)The new policy resulted in a significant increase in productivity.(新政策导致生产力显著提高。)

due to和result from

如果用result from,前面就不能有 was 。result from是个动词短语。

result v.用法 介词加 from 还是in 还是to

result in=lead to 导致 His carelessness ~his failure. result from是什么意思呢?result from的意思是由...产生下面是一个例句,通过这个例句我们就可以很清楚的明白result from的用法.Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作.result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的

result from和result in有什么区别吗?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result from 和 resulted from

result from 后面加的是导致的原因 resulted from是上面短语的过去形式 例如:His blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident. 他双目失明源自于一场严重的交通事故.

result in和result from的区别是什么?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。

result in和result from的区别是什么?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result of和result from分别是什么意思?

第一个是指of 后面的结果。the result of playing is that you will fail in the exam.而result from 是指从from 后面得到的结果the result from playing is that you failed in the exam.
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