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with genuine interest是什么意思

2023-07-12 17:20:03




真心的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere2. genuineness真诚:1. sincere; honest; frank; genuine真爱:习惯上是 pure love 你用 true love也可以。
2023-07-12 09:08:271


genuine adj.真诚的;真的 (genuineness n.名副其实)integrity n.诚实,正直;完整obliging adj.恳切的,热心助人的rectitude n.诚实,正直sincere adj.诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的veracious adj.诚实的,说真话的ve...
2023-07-12 09:08:411


2023-07-12 09:08:502


2023-07-12 09:08:585

真诚 真挚 英文怎么说

2023-07-12 09:09:212


我在悉尼,我对待他人是真诚和诚实的。我富于同情体恤,关心他人,我也爱儿童。最重要的是我发现有些人喜欢同他人共同增长生活经验,并且愿意建立忠诚的人际关系,在生命中快乐地期望与尝试冒险同行,并且认定:无论如何,上帝给予的是最好的! 虽然生活中充满挑战,当我们把生活当作是乐趣的时候你会觉得生活是如此快乐!
2023-07-12 09:09:362


  价值中立:  一,一旦科学家根据自己的价值观念选定了研究课题,他就必须停止使用自己或他人的价值观,而遵循他所发现的资料的引导。无论研究的结果对他或对其他什么人是否有利,他都不能将自己的价值观念强加于资料。从这个意义上说,从事科学研究的人,作为科学家应该受科学精神的支配。  二,既然事实世界和价值世界是两回事,你就不能从实然的判断推导出应然的判断。  价值中立,最早源于英国哲学家大卫·休谟(David Hume)提出的“是”与“应该”的划分,他认为事实判断与价值判断之间有着不可逾越的鸿沟,因而我们并不能简单地从“是”与“不是”推论出“应该”与“不应该”。  价值中立也是社会学、人类学等社会科学研究过程中特别要注意的问题,在社会学的参与观察和人类学的田野调查过程中,研究者必须经历一个“融进去”再“跳出来”的过程,即先和被研究对象打成一片,再从被研究对象群体中的一员的角色转换为研究者角色,必须保持价值中立、价值无涉。
2023-07-12 09:10:002


在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which thelaw in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance。”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (邀约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(目标的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with “contract”,agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact. “协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。
2023-07-12 09:10:081

英语颜色形容词与心理情绪(不要那些普通的颜色的 如 红 橙 黄 绿 ....... 这些普通颜色的都不要发来

色彩与心理Do different colors affect your mood? by David Johnson Color Blindness Academic Colors Kandinsky, Wassily Color Printing Astronomical Color Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. And even in Western societies, the meanings of various colors have changed over the years. But today in the U.S., researchers have generally found the following to be accurate. Black Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility. Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors. Colors of the Flag In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Red represents valor and hardiness, while blue signifies justice, perseverance, and vigilance. The stars represent the heavens and all the good that people strive for, while the stripes emulate the sun"s rays. Food for Thought While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite. Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant
2023-07-12 09:10:252


甚么是NLP? NLP 全名是 Neuro Linguistic Programming 内容包括一系列从模仿卓越人士得来的思想及行为模式,可以带来快速而有效的转变。 NLP 有甚么用处? NLP 的应用范围很广泛,包括行政管理、销售、教育、心理治疗、个人突破等各方面。 NLP 是否可以用来控制别人的思想? 在进行NLP的时候,当事人是处于清醒状态,也可以接受或拒绝执行师的提议。因此,NLP 可用以加强说服力,但绝不能控制别人的思想。 NLP跟催眠有甚么关系? NLP 的其中一部分是模仿自催眠大师 Milton Erickson。因此,很多NLP技巧其实可以说是快速催眠。当然,除了催眠外,NLP 也包含了许多其他技巧,如语言的运用,改变行为策略,和用心锚控制状态等等。 修读 NLP有甚么途径?要修读多久? 每个 NLP 培训中心都有不同的修读方法及时间。 NLP是伪科学,不可信 导 师 卞 伟 东 先 生 师 承 NLP 始 创 大 师 Richard Bandler 博 士 及 E Q 大 师 Anabel Jensen 博 士 , 是 香 港 少 数 能 与 Dr Richard Bandler 共 同 签 发 “The Society of NLP?” 执 行 师 及 高 级 执 行 师 证 书 之 培 训 导 师 。更 为 : u2022 全港首位华人被委任为国际激励大师 Anthony Robbins 课程传译 u2022 首位世界贸易组织(WTO)部长级会议指定NLP培训导师 u2022 全港最大旅游机构指定NLP培训导师 卞 伟 东 先 生 (Mr Danny Pin) 毕 业 于 香 港 中 文 大 学 , 之 后 并 取 得 英 国 University of Strathclyde 之 工 商 管 理 硕 士 。 卞 先 生 曾 在 Fortune 500 公 司 担 任 销 售 及 业 务 发 展 要 职 。 在 创 立 自 己 的 培 训 及 顾 问 公 司 前 , 卞 先 生 在 一 著 名 国 际 软 体 公 司 换 任 大 中 华 及 韩 国 区 域 总 监 并 曾 获 不 少 奖 项 及 殊 荣 。 卞 先 生 曾 在 不 同 行 业 包 括 各 大 上 市 公 司 、 商 业 机 构 、 国 际 保 险 公 司 及 各 政 府 部 门 等 提 供 专 业 培 训 及 发 展 活 动 内 容 及 大 型 讲 座 , 内 容 包 括 身 心 语 言 程 式 学 、 性 格 型 态 学 、 情 绪 智 慧 、 企 业 管 理 、 改 革 管 理 等 大 型 讲 座 , 更 是 亚 洲 首 位 能 把 EQ & NLP 两 类 科 学 综 合 的 导 师 。 籍 其 多 年 管 理 及 欧 美 式 培 训 经 验 , 在 课 程 中 强 调 以 实 用 为 主 及 能 应 用 于 日 常 沟 通 、 管 理 、 激 励 及 领 导 团 队 之 中 。 Students Feedback ( 学 员 心 声 ) : u2022 Agnes Chiu Directo Danny it has been quite amazing how well you have orchestrated the workshop. It was extremely interactive. You put together in such a simple way for us to prehend. I can imagine the effort you have put into for our training you did so well to simplify that so we can digest I greatly appreciated. You have extracted the essential information for us not with technical terminology or overload us with power point but totally capture our attention with your humorous (but effective) demonstration and our involvement and participation having us sitting through the long hours and enjoying at the same time but most important getting something out of it – Our awareness!!! Congratulations! I believe you have already led us to step out from our fort zone. Having the courage to be open and honest express ourselves in front of each other but able to leave our classroom that evening all FEELING GOOD. Bravo! I think you are brilliant! Our family does feel more connected and closer at hearts with each other !!! NLP tool has revolutionize our relationships. I am also very impressed how you guide each of us to a self discovery and invite us to challenge ourselves to step into our trial zone…. I see your genuineness and eagerness to coach us I guarantee you get a candid response from me so there is no doubt we can build a very strong rapport. Once again THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!! 参考: synergytc/course_ch
2023-07-12 09:10:321


我觉得仔细擦一下就OK吧 因为好羽绒服都是有压缩羽绒技术在里面的 我们普通的羽绒服不太脏擦一下就好了呢 不然可以去卖处或者咨询一下喽……
2023-07-12 09:10:526


2023-07-12 09:11:102


我是做外贸的,你们是第一次合作把。个人感觉 应该是1 银行保函 或者信用证 就是要银行来担保供应商的信用情况2 海关注册登记证 工商局还有国家证明你有出口权利的个人觉得最好把公司的三证都给他,现在很多国外客户怕遇到皮包公司都会要求的, 包括海关注册登记证,公司营业执照,还有组织机构代码证 。3 形式发票
2023-07-12 09:11:531


MSN (social network) is a classic Web2.0, interpersonal communication, is the main mode of transmission. In the development process, MSN MSN system of network spread more real interpersonal communications, broke the virtual network. Study the real-name system MSN, can from the propagation characteristics of the largest web system with everyone net MSN. To everyone, from network communication and media content analysis, system identification, MSN with respect and protect the privacy, content, genuineness show life of high, medium and rich diversity of selective spread characteristics. According to these characteristics, can grasp the future development trend of the system, the MSN system to expand user groups MSN, protect the privacy, perfecting the community function etc.
2023-07-12 09:12:013


2023-07-12 09:12:114


GRE类比分类大全(下)   19.词与词的正/反面关系   (1)两个形容词的反面关系,如:invincible和subdued,impervious和damaged,wary和gulled,untenable和defended,invulnerable和injured,inscrutable和understood,incorrigible和reformed。   (2)两个形容词的同义关系,如:martial和military,mysterious和runic,aphoristic和terse,hyperbolic和exaggerated。   (3)形容词和名词的正/反面关系,此时可加入一个人或物把两者连接起来,即具备了这一形容词所修饰的特点的人或物与另一名词的关系。正面如:headstrong和willfulness,fawning和subservience,lavish和extravagance,generous和liberality,endemic利region,inborn和individua1,pertinent和relevance,redundant和superfluity,chary和caution,imperturbable和composure,despotic和tyranny。反面如:audacious和trepidation,laconic和vo1ubility,exorbitant和moderation,i11usory和reality,perfidious和loyalty,offensive和tact,paradigmatic和anomaly,superfluous和terseness,1egitimated和claim,confirmed和hypothesis,maladroit和skil1,glib和profundity,bound1ess和limit,impeccable和flaw,specious和genuineness,truculent和gentleness,unregenerate和remorse,frank和secretiveness,callow和maturity。   (4)形容词与动同的正/反面关系   正面如:simultaneous和coincide,1avish和squander,didactic和instruct,comic和amuse,indistinct和mutter,rnonotonous和drone,contiguous和abut。   反面如:reticent和speak,parsimonious和spend,flip和respect,foo1proof和fai1,airtight和leak,fearless和daunt,articulate和unclear,elaborate和sketchy,nonchalant和concern,taciturn和chatter,magnanimous和begrudge。   (5)副词和名词的反面关系   如:indolent1y和veneration,perfunctorily和inspiration。   (6)动词的反面关系   如:waft和plummet,meander和dash,disperse和reconvene,dismiss和reinstate   (7)副词对动词的正面修饰   如:articu1ate和clearly,shout和loudly。   (8)同义词的褒贬类比   如:interest和inveig1e,p1an和scheme。   20.人和其经常使用的工具的关系   如果一道题中有几个选项都具备这种关系的话,就需考虑具体工具自身的性质、用途等特点的上下对照。   如:carpenter和saw,surgeon和scalpel,tailor和scissors,bricklayer和trowel,astronomer和telescope,butcher和knife,referee和whistle,judge和gavel。   21.文体及其作用的关系   如:panegyric和eulogize,1ampoon和satirize,tirade和criticize,hymn和praise,dirge和grief,eulogy和admiration,elegy和sorrow/1ament,autobiography和reminisce,anecdote和amusement,1ecture和instruction。   22.违反关系   一个单词所表示的行为违反了另一单词所表示的规定。如:overdose和prescription,   indiscretion和convention,transgression和morality,presumption和propriety。   23.组合工具关系   如hammer和anvil,pestle和mortar,bit和dril1,blade和razor。   24.物与物的关系   (1)物与其皮的关系。如:apple和skin,melon和rind,conifer和back,pecan和shell,wheat和chaff,mammal和epidermis,seed和hull,cell和membrane。   (2)同类物质大小关系(与名词程度类比第一种同)   (3)物质及其碎屑的关系。如:crumb和bread,shard和pottery,shaving/splinter和wood,filing和rneta1,fragment和bone。   (4)种属关系(与9重)   (5)阻断关系。如:tourniquet和b1ood,dam和water。   (6)盛放关系。如:envelope和letter,crate和produce,1arder和food,armory和munitions,hamper和laundry,bookcase和books,wardrobe和c1othes。   (7)消除关系。如:antidote和poison,tonic和lethargy。   (8)支撑关系。如:strut和wing,buttress和wal1,bone和body,guy和py1on,framing和building,girder和skyscraper,skeleton和anima1。   (9)前是后者中的异常部位。如:p1aque和artery,si1t和channe1,g1ade和forest,oasis和desert。   (10)稳固关系。如:pe1destal和statue,foundation和house。   (11)防止关系。如:amu1et和evi1,he1met和injury,1aw和crimina1ity,lesson和fa1sehood。   (12)边缘关系。如:margin和page,outskirts和town,f1ange和whee1,shoulder和roadway。   (13)遮蔽关系。如:tablecloth和table,sheet和mattress,veil和face,curtain和stage,muff1er和neck,mitten和hand,mask和face,pseudonym和name。   (14)位置关系。如:palate和mouth,ceiling和room。   (15)场所关系,此项须区分被加工物是原料还是成品。如:mill和grain,forge和meta1,concert和symphony,exhibition和painting,host和parasite,medium和bacterium。 ”   (16)老式和新式关系。如:daguerreotype和photograph,musket和firearm。   (17)新与老的关系。如:cookie和professiona1,recruit和cookie。   (18)防止关系。如:raincoat和rain,insurance和1oss,antibiotic和infection,coagulant和b1eeding。   与动作及其防止对象的关系区分,如:disguise和identification,lubricate和abrasion,camouflage和detection。   (19)长短关系。如:ditty和oratorio,anecdote和nove1,skit和play。   (20)前是后的依据。如:script和play,score和symphony。   (21)前是后的一种规范。如:grammar和language,protocol和conduct。   (22)装饰关系。如:frieze和building,i11umination和manuscript,molding和cabinet,rutt1e和shirt。   (23)捕捉关系。如:net和fish,snare和anima1。   (24)生殖关系。如:egg和chicken,roe和sa1mon。   (25)前是对后的记录。如:photograph和light,recording和sound,minutes和meeting,deed和sale。   (26)生长环境的关系:plant和soi1,organism和medium,infant和incubator,flower和greenhouse,fruit和orchard。   (27)真与假的关系。如:denture和teeth,toupee和hair。   (28)同类的人或物正常与非正常的关系。如:listener和eavesdropper,observer和spy。   25.同种动作之间的关系   (1)动作快慢的关系。如:lope和run,drawl和speak,grow和burgeon,beat和pa1pitate,craw1和proceed,dwindle和decrease。   (2)非正常动作和正常动作。如:babble和talk,scribble和write,simper和smi1e,1urk和wait,abscond和depart,secret和store,pirate和take,slur和speech,smudge和writing,prate和speak,saunter和walk,infiltrate和enter对立insinuate和say。   (3)突然性动作和一般性动作。如:contract和implode,fall和p1ummet,turn和swerve。   (4)强制性动作和一般性动作。如:supplant和replace,snatch和take,importune和request,pry和inquire,coercion和persuade,exile和emigrate,command和request,conscript和enlist。   (5)真和假的关系。如:malinger和ai1,flatter和appreciate。   26.作用关系   其中一个词所表示的物体可以起到另一个词所表示的作用。如:ba11ast和stabilize,astringent和pucker,spark和ignition,bacteria和decomposition,yeast和fermentation,stockade和enclosure,sedative和pacify,antiseptic和sterilize,emollient和soothe,dynamo和generate,epithet和disparage,alias和mislead,desiccant和dry,caustic和eat away,food和nourish,antibodies和protect,frieze和ornament,pillar和support,sponge和absorb,guillotine和execute,analgesic和deaden,pillory和ridicule。   27.前是对后的预先安排   仅三对:agenda和meeting,itinerary和trip,syllabus和course。   28.物体及其形状的关系   如:scoop和concave,spatu1a和f1at,skewer和tined。   29.缺乏关系   如:interregnum和government,hibernation和activity,flag和vigor,lassitude和energy,amorphousness和definition,equivocate和directness,lumber和grace,doldrums和energy,depravity和virtue。   30.伪科学和真科学的关系   如:alchemy和chemistry,astrology和astronomy,nostrum和remedy。   31.总体名词与表示个体的名词的复数形式构成同义关系   如:people和persons,staff和workers,faculty和teachers,portfolio和securities,dossier和report,clientele和customers。   32.学科及其研究对象或内容。   (1)内容:sermon和homiletics, reasoning/argument和logic,teaching和pedagogy。   (2)对象:aesthetics和beauty,ethics和moral/behavior,epistemology和knowledge,pediatrics和children,pharmacology和medicine,dermatology和skin,meteorology和weather,pathology和disease。   33.具体实物及其象征意义   如:cornucopia和abundance,mace和authority,trademark和company,ensign和country,sacrifice和worship,augury和prediction。   34.语言符号及其所包涵的意义   如:parenthesis和explanation,ellipsis和omission,asterisk和annotation,caret和insert,comma和pause/separate,bracket和enclose,hyphen和join,period和over,colon和emphasis/attention,underscore和emphasis。   35.计量单位及其测量对象   如:decibel和sound,gallon和liquid,lumen和light,lightyear和distance,hour和time,calories和heat,volt和electricity。   36.植物及其叶子关系   如:leaf和oak,need1e和pine,frond和fern。   37.容易/不容易实现   一个adj和一个v在一起,具备adj所表示的特点的东西容易或不容易实现后面的动作,但并不必然。   如:pliant和yield,具备pliant这一特点的东西容易yield,但并不一定会做出yield这类动作。 ”   常见的有:(1)容易实现:evanescent和disappear,fragile和break,flammable和burn,volatile和evaporate,soluble和dissolve,authoritative和acceptance,conspicuous和attention,friable和crumble,malleable和alter。(2)不容易实现:prohibitive和purchase,peremptory和dispute,boyant和sink。   38.载体关系   根据运载的方式不同可分为三种:   (1)被运载物通过自身在介质中或管道系统中的运动,达到运输的目的。如:sound和air,e1ectricity和copper,blood和vesse1,gas和pipeline,water和aqueduct,blood和artery。   (2)被运载物位于载体上两者一起运动。如:oil和tanker,cargo和ship。   (3)牵引关系。如:automobile和flatcar,tugboat和barge。   39.部分和整体的关系   (1)部分本身没有任何特点,几个部分可组成整体。如:stanza和poem,act和opera。   (2)部分是整体的一个有特色的部分,如开头、结尾等,此时对应选项中的部分应与题   干中的部分有相应的特点。如:credit和movie对应byline和article。其它如preamble和statute,overture和opera,prologue和play,prelude和music,coda和sonata。   40.人及其活动场所的关系   此时应考虑人在该活动场所从事活动的特点,如lawyer和courtroom只能对应gladiator和arena而不能对应actor和theatre。常见的有:worker和factory,blacksmith和forge,referee和field对应judge和courtroom。   41.其中一种现象的出现标志着另一种现象的结束   如:latency和response,incubation和disease。   42.形成关系   根据形成方式不同可分成两种:(1)river和gorge,wind和dune;(2)cloud和rain,lava和island。   43.事物及其研究场所的关系   如:observatory和astronomy,conservatory和music。   44.过分关系   (1)人及其所拥有的过分的特点。如:gourmand和appetite,miser和thrifty,chauvinist和patriotism,prudish和propriety。   (2)具备该形容词特点人或物与动作之过分关系。如:queru1ous和comp1ain,prodigal和spend。   (3)同种动作的过分关系。如:exploit和utilize,milk和extract。   (4)人或事物及其所追求的过分的目标。如:usury和interest,gouging和price,finicky和quality。   45.逃避关系   如:escape和capture,dodge和b1ow,disguise和recognition,prevarication和statement,malingerer和duty,recluse和humanity。   46.对象关系   (1)偏离对象。如:astray和group,digress和subject。   (2)adj及其修饰的对象。如:mercurial和mood,fickle和affection。   (3)动词及其作用的对象。如:enunciate和words,hear和sound,quarry和stone,fell和timber,apprise和information,admonish和warning,stoke和fue1,irrigate和water。   (4)人及其管理的对象。如:curator和art对应archivist和document,conductor和symphony对应director和film。   (5)动作及其去除的对象。如:purification和dross,desalinization和salt。   (6)抽象名词及其修饰对象。如:verbosity和words,floridness和embellishments。   (7)动词及其获得的对象。如:preempt和precedence,acquire和possession。   (8)事物及其奖励的对象。如:trophy和contestant,honors和student。   (9)人及其讨厌或喜欢的对象。如:misanthrope和people,xenophobe和stranger。   (10)工具及其作用对象。如:microscope和smal1,telescope和distant。   (11)人及其逃避的对象。如:smuggler和tariff,stowaway和fare。   (12)感观及其感知的对象。如:olfaction和odor,vision和object,gustation和flavor。   (13)人及其经营的对象。如:impresario和entertainment,broker和trade。   (14)人及其研究对象。如:astronomer和star,spelunker和cavern。   (15)工具及其测量对象。如:thermometer和temperature,compass和direction。   (16)动作及其剥夺的对象。如:suffocute和oxygen,imprison和freedom。   47.文艺作品的相互组成关系   如诗的line组成stanza,stanza组成poem。交响乐的最基本单位是本句phrase,几个ph   rase组成一个旋律melody,几个melody组成一个乐章movement,几个movement组成一个   交响乐symphony。戏剧的最基本单位是scene(场),几个scene组成act(幕),几个act可组成opera。
2023-07-12 09:12:171


1. 以真诚为话题的作文 衷心希望对你有帮助 感受真诚 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美。清晨,微风拂过那枝头的点点茸茸绿色,淡淡的笑靥。与墙头上的夹竹桃一起,似唱响生命中最明快的乐章——真诚。这便是大自然毫不虚假的美,是质朴、真实的本质。这“美”便在于“真诚”。 拥挤的公共汽车上,经常可以听到这样的对话:“哎,真对不起!踩着您了!”“没关系,没关系!”被踩着了是常有的事,有时还挺疼,但这不打紧,因为有那句悦耳的“对不起”。也许这是一句很轻很轻的话语,可分量却是沉甸甸的,你会感到对方发自内心的真正歉意和诚挚的问候,心里仅存的怨气便宛如云烟散去。听,“对不起!”,“没关系!”这就好象灵魂的自白,除尘起般扫去心灵上不纯洁的灰尘,让人变得水晶般剔透、无暇。 有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。一个眼神、一分微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。 那天体育课,当蒋禾扶起我并掰开我的手时,那从手指里涌出来的鲜血染红了地面,样子真是可怕极了。 在医务室里,我害怕的放声哭了,蒋禾不顾一切的用手巾帮我擦血,一面说着安慰我的话。在上药时,她怕我疼,就紧紧地抓住我的手……出了医务室我才知道,蒋禾的衣服已经变成红布条了。第二天早上,我在蒋禾面前放下了一张洁白的卡片,上面用黑笔赫然写道:“在最困难的时候,你不顾一切,地帮助了我,真诚就是你的全部。”蒋禾看着,一脸灿烂。她的笑容似乎在说:“友谊、欣喜和真诚,便是你我。”友谊像是一朵娇嫩、易碎的花,需要我们用热情培育,用真诚来浇灌,才能长久地、美丽的开放下去。 友谊的花,她的名字固然叫真诚。而在日常学习与生活中,真实的面对别人,才能有所收获。试想,如果学习中有了害怕对方超过自己的思想,那真诚将不复存在。我和蒋禾之间从不隐瞒什么,总能想着能为对方做些什么。我们并不互相迁就,只是在学习上加紧了竞争,为一个问题争论得脸红脖子粗,为对方的进步欣喜,为自己股足劲儿……我们是学习中的竞争对手,生活中的知心朋友,以坦诚相对,以真实的自我来对待对方。我们在感受真诚的同时,也可以好好地自我反省。 现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望! 来吧,以真诚对待你身边的每一个人,每一件事,打开心窗,感受真诚! 真诚是绝对的吗 真诚也就是真心诚恳,不说谎,表里如一的意思。人人都喜欢真诚的人,而讨厌虚伪的人,我也不例外。但有人认为真诚是绝对的,不管对谁,不管在什么情况下都要做到百分之百的真诚。这个观点,粗一看,有道理,细一琢磨,有问题。 你想呀,当年日本鬼子大举侵犯我国的时候,如果所有的中国人都坚守真诚待人的原则,死守着“别人对我不仁,可我不能对他不义”的古训,那么还会有我们今天的幸福生活吗?所以说真诚不是绝对的,其码对敌人就不能真诚,而应该以牙还牙,以血还血。 也许有人会说,对敌人是不能真诚,那么对朋友呢,总应该是绝对的真诚吧!依我看,也不尽然,那得看情况。如果您的朋友得了不治之症,您真诚地对他说明了实情,会怎么样呢?也许会加快他的死亡,这是您愿意看到的结局吗? 也许又有人会说,对朋友也不能做到百分之百的真诚,那么对自己的亲人呢,这总应该做到百分之百的真诚吧!依我看,也不尽然。请您想一想,诸葛亮的亲哥哥诸葛瑾代表东吴向刘备讨还荆州的时候,诸葛亮是怎么做的?他先让刘备拒绝,然后自己代兄哭求,刘备才假装答应先还给东吴三郡,并让诸葛瑾带着书信去找关羽,而关羽明白刘备及军师的用意,说什么将在外军令有所不授,硬是不给,弄得诸葛瑾空手而归。诸葛亮对刘备是真诚的,可对他的亲哥哥就不够真诚了。这也无可厚非,各为其主吗!由此可见,真诚不是绝对的,而是相对的,在亲人的利益与集体、国家的利益发生冲突的时候,则应该选择对集体和国家真诚。 再者说了,你自己就没有一点隐私?你希望他或她百分之百的了解您?在任何人面前都做个透明人?你愿意把您以前所做的各种傻事去到处传播吗?所以说,绝对的真诚是没有的,如果有的话,你也就不存在了。 总而言之,真诚是相对的,待人真诚要看对象,还要看情况。 2. 以“真诚”为话题的作文 真诚 冰雪覆盖的时候,我们需要一团火来取暖;暗夜无边的时候,我们需要点点星光来取暖;前途茫茫时,我们需要一盏航灯来取暖……四季轮回,心里滤不去的是烦恼和忧愁,脚下略不去的是艰辛和伤痛。寒天冷日,让我们用什么来温暖迎风而立的自己?留些真诚给自己取暖吧! 真诚,看似简单的两个字,却蕴涵了中国上下五千年的道德精髓。然而,如今的炎黄子孙又有多少人能理直气壮地站出来说:我这一生从未背叛过“真诚”二字,在人生的波折中,我的心从未脱离过真诚的圈地。 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美,生命中最明快的乐章莫过于——真诚。有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。 一个眼神、一份微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望!真诚,真诚地对待自己、对待别人,会使自己感到快乐。当别人处于危难之中时,你用自己的一丝丝真诚的帮助,可能会化解他人心中的三尺之冻。当别人处于幸福之中、快乐之时,你用自己真诚的祝福祝贺他时,那生活就是蜂蜜加糖,充满了甜蜜。真诚,是你的心与别人的心沟通的纽带,是你用来化解与朋友的过结的最锋利的武器,比你的唇枪舌剑要锋利得多。我想鱼儿离不开水 ,就是因为两颗心靠得很近,各自都真诚的对待朋友,把自己的心底都亮与了对方,所以才会相互依赖。整个社会是一潭深水,我情愿做一条小鱼,愿用我的“真诚”这味强力粘合剂,弥补你、我、他之间的心灵上的空缺,消除这世上一切的虚伪和丑恶。真诚的心,在黑夜中发出耀眼的光,是一颗无与伦比的夜明珠;在滔滔激流中,是坚定的,毫不动摇的岩石;在天地间屹立着,顶天憾地的巍巍高山。.. 对自己也应该真诚,因为内在的气质是最宝贵的。一个真正懂得与他人相处的人,绝不会因场合或对象的变化而放弃自己的内在气质,不会盲目地迎合、随从别人,这样的人也具备一定的魅力。你说对吗? 真诚是一首清新的小诗,百读不厌;真诚是夏日里的一丝清风,凉爽怡人;真诚是冬天里的一把火,融化人们心灵的坚冰……真诚,一首永恒的歌!有了真诚,我们会获得更多的成功。有了真诚,我们也会获得更多的爱与美好。我们的生活将会有更多的芬芳与绿意! 3. 以真诚为主题写一篇作文难忘的一件事 在人与人的交往中,必不可少的也就是真诚了,所以,凭着我的信念,我一直觉得信任是相互的,你真诚的对待他,他就会真诚的对待你。可经过了一件特别事,从此改变了的看法。 那是在假期的时候,我带了一本书,去托管班,同大家分享。一个跟我关系挺好的小孩悄悄对我说:“你能借我一下你的书吗?明天就还你,我只是要告诉妈妈,我喜欢这本书,让妈妈也给我买一本,求求你了!……”我觉得知识是大家分享的,所以我立刻答应了。 可到了第二天,她却没还我。我以为是她妈妈没有买到,就这样,一天一天的过去了,眼看就要开学了,这才恍过神来。按正常,没买到,应该说一声,怎么能像没事人似的呢? 又过了一天,我刚要问她,这一打听她已不在这个托管班啦!哎,一切都晚了! 看来,我的信念不是对每个人都成立的。这让我知道了世界的另一种人——不守信用的人。这样的人,不值得我们信任,更不值得我们尊敬。 4. 以真诚为话题的作文600字左右 今天就要 谢谢啦 真诚有是智慧,介是它常常放射出比智慧更诱人的光泽.有许多凭智慧千方百计也得不到的东西,真诚,却轻而易用举就得到了. 以真诚待人,并不是为了别人也以真诚回报.如果动机是以自己的真诚挽回别人的真诚,这本身已不够呛真诚,真诚是晶莹透明的,它不应该含有任何杂质.不错,真诚也是一种高尚. 真诚的反面为虚伪. 真诚,有时会使你的利益受到损害,即使如此,你的心灵深入会是宁静的;虚伪,有时会使你占到便宜,即便如此,你的心灵深处会是不安的. 真诚不与人言. 如果别人理解你那份真诚,你不说别人也知道;如果别人不理解你那份真诚,表白往往会把事情弄得更糟. 有时,我们受到了别人的欺骗,这是生活在告诉我们:什么是不真诚,并不是在告诉我们:应该放弃真诚. 首先是不支骗子人,其次是不受人骗,把握住这两点,我们大到就可以堂堂正正地做人了. 永恒的真诚,换回的只会是短暂的虚伪;永恒的虚伪,换回的只会是短暂的真诚. 成为一个真诚 的人,你会感到身心都不得很轻松.而一个虚伪 者,他常常会感到精神的疲惫. 轻松下去你会不断地为愉悦的氛围所包裹;疲惫下去你将被不断袭来的沮丧情绪所笼罩. 真诚犹如一潭幽雅的湖水,宁静,淡泊,美丽.它有时也会遭到泥块和沙石的袭击,但是,它凭借着自身的净化作用,很快会使污秽沉淀,但仍旧不改自己光彩的容颜. 让我们永远保持和爱护这么美好的真诚! 5. 以真诚为话题写一篇作文 真诚奉献(Genuineness and cordiality are rewarding) As is vividly depicted in the picture, a young man with a suitcase under his arm is stretches his hand to greet himself reflected in the mirror. The most striking feature is his image in the mirror is *** iling at him sincerely. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration. As is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that his *** ile can be reflected as tenderly as his real *** ile profoundly indicates that genuineness and cordiality are momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. It is corporation with the team with great zeal that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty and discouragement, that makes us still full of energy to face the ing challenges and petition and that offers us the foundation for the ing success. Unless we are genuine to others, we will not be acknowledged, appreciated and respected by the others No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below. Many capable people who always care about his way of thinking will be living a dull, depressing life.Only by being genuine to others can they win other people"s trust and can they reward the support, sympathy . From what have been discussed above, It admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or *** all there are more or less difficulties, it is much better for one to cooperate with others with great zeal It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make it work. On the one hand, we should be sensible to encourage ourselves to imagine everyone to be our friends not enemies. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to examine our behaviors to make sure they will not hurt others. However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or later。 6. 以真诚为题写一篇作文四年级400字 《 真诚,我所向往的那一种品格 》 天太黑,没有一点儿光明,我完全看不见前方的路,只能够用手一点点的摸索而慢慢地前行,没有光明的世界令人窒息。 不断的寻问,有你的世界在哪里?黑暗使我内心深处的灵魂因感受不到光明的存在而感到无限的恐惧。 金钱驱使人们成为他的奴隶,而那薄纱般的真诚已被人们从眼前擦拭而去。 真诚的心伴随在我的身旁,为我驱赶哪些诱惑我的恶魔,使我小小的年纪能够笑看红尘,抛弃了时间的浮华,离弃了灯红酒绿的天地。 我走在真诚的路上,在探寻,在追求,终于,文天祥的诗句“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”屈原的《离骚》“长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰”及岳飞背上刻着的的精忠报国。 他们告诉了我他们的真诚,是多么令人崇敬。 而现在面对社会的压力与家庭负担,好多好心人因受骗而心寒,一次偶然的机会,我在马路上看见一位年轻人主动扶老奶奶过马路,他们之间擦出真诚火花让我感受到了真诚的存在。 我明白了,时代的变迁,并不是所有人都忘记了真诚的存在,仍有多数人拥有一颗真诚的心,赤诚的心,坦然的心。 曾经的苦寻,已成为未然,顿刻曾经心中的黑暗已瞬息万变显露出一片光明,原来有你的世间就在人间,就在我们人与人之间,我相信在真诚的这一条路上不仅仅只有我也有你,对吧?。 7. 以真诚为话题写作文 假如生活是船,那么真诚就是船上的帆;假如生活是无垠的天空,那么真诚就是雨后的彩虹;假如把生活比作钟表,那么真诚就如钟表上不可缺少的时针,指引你生活的方向;假如生活是一台机器,真诚就是机器上的发动机,是你生活前进的动力。 真诚有“听君一席话,胜读十年书。”的作用,就像汪洋中有一艘轮船。 真诚也有使一株枯草起死回生的作用,就像黑暗中有束阳光,生活中有个向导。无论在何时何地,我们都应该拥有真诚。 用真诚的阳光支起一片丽日晴空。每个人的一生即有喜悦,欢乐与追求,也有忧愁寂寞与失落,然而,我们不能只享受晴空丽日的温暖而忘了乌云翻滚的寒流,即使虎啸雷鸣,沧海横流,大地颤抖也不必就失去生活的信心,因为人生有真诚相伴,人生有真诚相陪。 当越来越多的高楼大厦,钢筋围墙将人们隔开后,当越来越多的名利占据了人们的整个身心后,当我们不断的发觉梦和现实不协调之后,当我们那份如清水的学子心境再也不能清如往昔的时候,我们不得不感叹,这个世界越来越需要真诚。广场上林立的广告牌下依然进行着人们热衷的讨价还价,小贩们的吆喝声在竭力掩盖着部分假冒伪劣产品,读到的文章只不过 是表皮的宣泄,而根本无内在的真诚,诸如此类现象更是激发我们渴望真诚呼唤真诚。 我们每个人都同样呼唤真诚,向往真诚,崇拜真诚。摘掉虚伪的面具,换上真诚面孔即发现真诚就在身边,让我们携手去珍惜真诚,同时把真诚的阳光洒遍人间。 8. 以真诚为话题写作文 真诚的感谢钢琴老师 每当我听到优美的钢琴声,我都会想起那一句句赞美,那一张灿烂的笑脸…… 在我十岁时,我无意中看到冯心怡弹琴,她专注地望着琴谱,手指不停地在黑白键间跳跃。看见她优美的神情,我心里波涛汹涌:我也要学弹琴!我把想法告诉冯心怡,冯心怡雀跃欢呼,抱住我:“我有伴了!”看见她如此开心,我也笑了。接着,我花尽甜言蜜语哄福爷爷交钱。 星期一晚上,我硬是被冯心怡拉到琴行…… 我的心提到了嗓子眼,“老师亲切吗?”“老师是男是女?”冯心怡打断了我说话,说:“快进去啦!”我小心翼翼地来到训练室,第一次看到钢琴老师:长长的头发扎成一条马尾,黑宝石般的眼睛,脸上洋溢着舒心的笑容看着我,竟奇迹般的使我的紧张感减轻了。 “咚”一声下去,声音完全挨不着边。我怀里像是揣着一只兔子,怦怦直跳,额头上直冒汗。我紧张地转过头去望着老师,老师明亮的眼睛望向我,不动声色地说:“下一个音。” “叮”又一音下去,我的手被汗水弄得湿了,我低着头等着您的教训,眼泪却不听使唤地往下掉,滴在手上。这时,您用您那柔和的声音对我说:“不要哭,你的手法做得很好,加油!”我诧异地抬起头,正好对上老师如星辰般的眼睛,老师的眼中闪烁着真诚的光,使我紧弦的心放下来了,接着,老师半开玩笑地说:“快做好练琴,想当骆驼吗?”听到这话,我破涕为笑,大胆地去试下一个音…… 老师不仅耐心,还教会我许多书本上没有的道理。记得有一次,我考试考的不好,心高气傲的我,弹琴弹的心不在焉,你担心地问我怎么了?我一五一十地说了出来,你温柔地对我说:“学习就像学琴一样,不能太心急,只要多训练,一定会掌握自如!”你的眼睛直视我,令我心中泛起波涟…… 老师,你让我明白许多道理,你真诚的目光至今仍照耀着我。 9. 以‘真诚"为话题写作文 我懂得了珍惜友爱 爱,有许多种,如:母亲和儿女之间的爱称为“伟大的母爱”、父亲和儿女之间的爱称为“父爱”、老师和学生的爱称为“师生爱”、同学之间的爱称为“友爱”······人世间到处充满爱,我们每一个人都在爱的搀扶下生活,在爱的拥护下成长。在众多的爱当中,世界上最伟大的爱是——母爱,但我认为最贴心的爱是经常爱被我们忽视的、也是最纯洁的——“友爱”。 珍惜人与人之间的相互情忘、善待生活,就会感到生活的充实,就会笑傲人生。 在我的日常生活中,曾经发生过这样一件事,让我久久难以忘怀。 那是去年的事了。那时我还读着小学五年级,在那时我还是一个即天真又有些幼稚气的女学生,记得有一个星期四白天放学后,可能是出去玩耍而着了凉;也可能是晚上睡觉蹬掉了被子,早上醒来,头昏沉沉的,像打了苒似的,一点精神也没有,浑身上下感到不舒服,闹钟响了好几遍我还躺在床上不愿起来,妈妈做好了饭,走进我的屋,一摸我的额头烫烫的,惊讶地说,孩子,额头怎么这么热,是不是发烧了?随后妈妈拿来体温表,给我测体温。五分钟过去了,妈妈拿出体温表一看,呀,发了高烧三十九度六,妈妈与我商量,今天就不上学了吧!我无奈地点点头,随后妈妈给我向老师请了假,便带我上了医院。 经医生诊断,我得了严重性感冒,所以才才引起扁桃体发炎。为我买了吊瓶和一大包药,看来这两天就要在病床上度过了。 两天过后,在妈妈和医生精心照顾下,我的病情有了很大的好转,星期日的上午,我正和妈妈在家里说话,并为落下的课发愁呢!妈妈打开了门,看到老师带了三个要好的女同学来到我家,为我补课,并安慰我,祝我早日康复,有位同学还从家里带来了许多好吃的零食呢!看这着位同学,一股暖流拥上我的心头,眼里闪动着激动的泪花。一时不知说什么好。妈妈也抢着给同学拿水果,到茶水,这种乐融融的气氛,似乎一下子把我的病魔仓促除掉了,浑身上下感到前所未有的清爽。这也许就是我们时常说的同学之间的互相帮助、相互扶持、团结奋进、共同进步、的纯洁而质朴的友爱。 而后,当三位同学利用晚上的时间来为我补课,使我不因为生病而落下功课,耽误学习。现在这件事已经过去快一年多的时间了,我也已经读初一下半学期了,我和那有些同学已不在一起上学了,我们各自都找到了一所自己认为满意的中学,开始了我们的紧张学习生涯。但我和那些同学的友爱之情却永远不会随着时间的流逝而被改变、而被遗忘。 它已经珍藏入了我的内心深处,无法把它狠心地抹掉;在我的小小的心灵里烙上了深深的印记。同时爱是相互的付出,是要人人都付出一点爱,世界将变成美好人间! 友爱是指我们同学之间的爱,是一种贴心的、不可怀疑的爱,它是纯洁的、是高尚的,是值得我们珍惜的,它的力量是不可低估的 10. 以真诚为话题写一篇文章 轻轻的一道泪痕,轻轻的洒落,重重的划破夜空的寂寥……勾勒出那模糊的轮廓,一种忧伤,弥漫心扉。 阔别了,阔别了。 幼年时,光着两只小脚丫,裤脚高高抡起着,手中拿一束路边的小野花,嘴里念着刚学的童谣,漫步在离家不远的田野中。 那时没有许多小伙伴们的陪同,可我却不曾感到孤单。 渐渐地,渐渐地近了。 当我再长大一点,开始寻找新的伙伴,三五成群地嬉戏,玩耍。夏天时,一起在池塘里摸鱼,泼水打闹,不时传来一阵阵童真的笑声;冬天时,一起堆雪人,冻成酱紫色的小手相互揉搓在一起,哈气取暖。 要是伙伴们其中一人犯了错误,大家不会掩饰,而是大方站出来,一起分担惩罚。我喜欢这种真实的世界,不加修饰,简明直白。 我沉浸,我陶醉…… 来临了,来临了。 我终将要踏上成长的道路,那是绝对不能回避的了,逃避也只是一种徒劳,无济于事。 我来到了大人的世界,那是小时候向往的神圣领域,可我最终没有开心起来,因为这里不再有童真的笑脸,人与人之间也好似有一层薄薄的雾。雾虽薄,可却是如此的坚固,每个人都生活在这层雾的保护之下。 没错,把自己封闭起来,的确可以减少受伤,可是,却同时失去了与人交往的最重要的工具——心灵。我喜欢面对面,敞开心扉,阔谈彼此心得,可是现实的世界却不得不逼迫着我,逼迫着我把自己封闭起来,一个人独流在心灵的小黑屋里。 其实,心灵犹如刚出土的青花瓷,是美丽的,但同时也是脆缉发光菏叱孤癸酞含喀弱的…… 我喜欢交流,喜欢人与人之间的坦诚,喜欢心灵不再有薄雾的笼罩。 轻轻的一道泪痕,响彻天际,划破夜空,将所有心灵的恐惧与黑暗带走,唯有留下一片坦然的真诚。
2023-07-12 09:12:241


AChristmasGift圣诞礼物AChristmasGift圣诞礼物Shop-assistant : May I help you, sir?Mr. Yung : Er…I wart to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don"t know what she would like.Shop- assistant : How about an evening gown? These are all from Paris.Mr. Yung : No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don"t want to take the risk.Shop- assistant : What do you have in mind then?Mr. Yung : I"m thinking about jewelry or something valuable and won"t be out of fashion.Shop- assistant : We"ve got beautiful jewelry here. Not much, but each one is unique. If you"re interested, I can show you.Mr. Yung : Do you give guarantees of their genuineness?Shop- assistant : Yes, we do. (He leads Mr. Yung to another counter.) Here we are. Well, what do you think?Mr. Yung : They are lovely, I must say....Can I take a look at that necklace?Shop- assistant : Which one? This one?Mr. Yung : No, no....The third one from the left....Yeah, that"s the one. (Shop assistant gives him the necklace.) Is this ruby genuine?Shop- assistant : We don"t sell fakes here, sir. This one is a masterpiece, and I"m sure your wife will love it. You can"t find a second one in New York, and it only costs you three thousand six hundred dollars. You can pay by cheque if you like.Mr. Yung : Three thousand six hundred? .... OK, I"ll take it....Here is the cheque. Oh, please gift-wrap it.Vocabulary注释1.Unique adi.独一无二的2.Genuineness n.真品3.Fake n.膺品、伪造品叔叔 Why can"t you celebrate the Spring Festival at home? 你为什么不能在家过年啊? 张婷 Because I"m going to take a tour group to the south. 因为我要带团去南方。 叔叔 You don"t have a holiday even during the Spring Festival, do you? 过年你们都不放假吗? 张婷 No, we don"t. Business is very good during this time of the year. 嗯,因为每年这个时候我们的生意都特别好。 叔叔 Do many people go traveling during the festival? 过年的时候还有很多人去旅行吗? 张婷 Yes, more and more people go traveling during the Spring Festival. 对啊,春节出去旅行的人越来越多了。 you: hey (your friend"s name),tomorrow"s new year"s eve,what are you going to do? friend: i"m going to spend it with my family,it"s going to be so much fun, i haven"t see my cusins for like ever! how are you going to spend you night? you: I"m going to LA to see my family there and then go to Disneyland and Hollywood Universal Studio,i can"t wait! friend: oh my god! you"re so lucky! i haven"t been to LA for a long time! you: i know! i haven"t been there in a long time either, all my family memmbers are going there together, it"s going to be fun! friend:well, i hope you have fun there! you: yeah thanks, i hope you have fun with your cusins and other family members as well! 懒的给你翻译,够简单的了,不知道够不够3分钟,绝对美式英文不信你K我 A:Hi,Jim! B:Hi,Kate!Where"re you going? A:I"m going home.My mother is making dumplings at home,and I"ll help her. B:Great.Will you play firecrackers at evening? A:Sure.My father bought lots of firecrackers.All of them are very beautiful,I believe. B:That"s cool.My father bought many firecrackers too. A:This evening we"ll have a wonderful dinner,and many of my relatives will come. B:Great.The table of my house is full of dishes,too. A:I think I"ll spend a very happy Spring Festival. B:Me too.See you. A:See you.呵呵,够了吗
2023-07-12 09:12:441

attest 和 prove 有什么区别

attest at.test[u0259`tZst; u0259ˋtu0454st]及物动词(文语)1 a. 证明,证实,为…作证~ the truth of it证明这件事的真实性b. 证明 [证实] <…事>,为<…事>作证~ that it is true证明这件事是真实的c. 证明 [证实] <…何…> ,为 <…何…> 作证~ where the accident took place证明该事故在何处发生2 为…之证据The boy"s good health ~s his mother"s care.这个男孩的良好健康是他母亲悉心照料的明证3‘法律"a. (藉发誓等) 证明…为真实~ a signature证明署名为真实b. (在法庭等) 使<人>发誓不及物动词1 [为…]作证; 证明,证实[to]The handwriting expert ~ed to the genuineness of the signature.笔迹专家证实该签名为真迹无讹2 为[…之]证据[to]The boy"s good health ~s to his mother"s care.这个男孩的良好健康就是他母亲细心照顾的明证prove prove[pruv; pru:v)《源自拉丁文“试一试”的意思》(~d; ~d,(美.英古)prov.u0454n[`pruv~n; "pru:v~n]]及物动词1 (以证据、举证等) 证明a. 证明,证实~ an alibi证明当时不在场I"m innocent; I can ~ it.我是无辜的,我可以证明这一点These papers will ~ his innocence.这些文件将证明他的清白(cf. 1b,1c)b. 证明<…事>These papers will ~ that he is innocent.这些文件将证明他是清白的(cf.1a,1c)c. 证明…<是…>These papers will ~ him (to be) innocent.这些文件将证明他是清白的(cf. 1a,1b)He ~d himself (to be) a capable businessman.他证明他自己是一个能干的实业家d. 证明I can ~ where I was yesterday afternoon.我可以证明我昨天下午在哪里2 试…的性质 [正确性 (等) ]3 ‘法律"认证 <遗嘱>不及物动词1 (事后、结果) 证实,显示, (结果) 成为<…> (turn out)He ~d to be the author of the book.结果证实他是那本书的作者Her fear was proving completely wrong.她的恐惧经证实纯属无稽2 <面包、糕饼> 膨胀到适当松软程度
2023-07-12 09:12:521


  love大家都知道是爱的意思,那么你知道love的过去式是什么吗?下面我为大家带来love的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   love的过去式和其他时态   过去式: loved   过去分词: loved   现在分词: loving   love的用法   love的用法1:love的基本意思是“爱恋,热爱,喜欢”,指某人特别喜爱某人、某物或做某件事情。   love的用法2:还可引申表示对某人、某物的敬拜或以仁爱之心对待某事。不仅表示强烈的喜欢,而且表示炽热的依恋。用于能激起高尚情感的人或事。love有时也用于不太重要的事物,是like的强势语。   love的用法3:love可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作简单宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   love的用法4:love表示某种感情色彩时,可以用于进行体。   love的过去式例句   1. She loved it, this was just up her street.   她喜欢这个,这正中她的意。   2. She was devoted to him, but she no longer loved him madly.   她一心一意地爱他,但是这份爱不再疯狂。   3. She loved him so much: it was a fairytale romance.   她深深爱着他:这是个童话般的浪漫 故事 。   4. She loved her own children, almost smothering them with love.   她十分疼爱自己的孩子,几乎到了溺爱的程度。   5. We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes.   我们很喜欢这些食物,尤其是鱼。   6. She loved the scent in the house of wax polish.   她喜欢房子里打过蜡的味道。   7. I saw him do his one-man show in London, which I loved.   我在伦敦看过他的独角戏,非常喜欢。   8. She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility.   她本想有一份报酬更高、职权更大的工作。   9. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12.   她从小就喜欢 唱歌 ,12岁开始了声乐训练。   10. The young girl loved to play with her playmates.   这个小女孩喜欢和她的伙伴一起玩。   11. She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.   她需要并想要被爱的滔滔激情和倾慕所包围。   12. Their books are loved by young readers the world over.   他们的书得到了全世界年轻读者的喜爱。   13. Because he once loved her, she still has a hold on him.   因为他曾经爱过她,她现在仍能对他产生影响。   14. My own family I loved with all my heart.   我真心实意地爱我全家人。   15. Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public?   你认为自己深受民众喜爱吗?   关于love 的英文阅读:What is Love?爱是什么?   What is Love? The eternal question we all carry around deep within our heart. Love is the eternal search. Love is eternal when we find it. But do we really ever find it ? When we define it do we negate it? When we set limits on what we believe to be love do we begin to destroy it by hoping to understand or own it for ourselves? We offer it through all of our relationship we vary our giving, often by what we hope to receive in return. But is this really love?   爱是什么?这是所有人心底一个永恒的问题。爱,是永恒的寻觅。爱一旦被找到,它也将变为永恒。但是我们真的找到过爱吗?当我们定义爱的同时,是否也在否定爱呢?在给我们所认为的爱加种种限制的同时,我们试图按自己的方式理解它,或想将其据为己有时,我们是否也在破坏它呢?我们将爱施与周围的所有人,而如何给予是由期望的回报来决定的。但这是真正的爱   I recently overheard someone say in a conversation that there is no such thing as “ unconditional love .” I would have to agree, although for different reasons. Love within itself is unconditional. Anything else is only an attempt to love, a learning to get us nearer to the one true knowing of love. It may be honorable, well-intentioned, passionate and desiring, courageous and pure. It may be felt as temporary, but if lost easily it may not have been love at all. Love cannot be thwarted and often fall short of what we hope love will be. This is where we learn we are human.   最近,我无意间听别人说,世上没有所谓的“无条件的爱”。在此,我不得不表示同意这一论断,尽管理由不尽相同,但爱本身确是无条件的。其他一切都仅仅是爱的一种尝试,通过它们去逐渐地理解爱的真谛。爱可能是高贵善意的,是充满热情和渴望的,是勇敢和纯洁的;爱是势不可挡的,而且,常常达不到我们的期望值。由此我们可以透察人性。   Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry. Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song, uplifting and generous to the wanting ear. Love has been experienced as the final act of giving oneu2019s life for another in battle. Love has been experienced as an endless passionate over flow of emotion in the arms of waiting lover.   爱的经历就像一首鲜活灵动的诗;爱的经历就像一个个美妙动听的音符,让企盼的双耳得到振奋、满足;爱的经历就像战场上舍己救人的一幕;爱的经历就像赋予人新生的选择;爱的经历就像依偎在期盼已久的爱人臂弯时所流露出的无尽爱意。   What do you do with the love granted to you each day? How many times do we deny its expression for others because we fear what our own expressions will bring? Are we not denying our creator every time we deny the expression of love?   你是怎样对待每天给予你的爱的呢?有多少次由于害怕被拒绝,我们未能向他人表达爱意?在每次拒绝爱的表白之时,难道我们不是拒绝造物主的恩赐吗?   Lost, empty, alone and searching. As individuals who have experienced separation or divorce, or even the loss of a loved one to death, the separation can be the most traumatic experience we live through. The heart-wrenching pain that seems to never really go away, the enormous waves that hit us daily, the times we hit the wall right after a strong and uplifting experience reminds us that we are learning. We are learning about strength, passion for our own life, about our own sincerity in our beliefs, about our loyalty to who we are, and certainly about our own genuineness. We search for that day when love will come again. We search everywhere, everyday, almost every hour.   迷茫、空虚、孤独、寻觅。对于那些经历过分别、离异,甚至失去过爱人的人来说,这样的离别乃是生命中最大的伤痕。揪心的伤痛永无此境;生活中的挫折和磨难无时无刻不在提醒我们:我们正处于认知的过程中。我们正在认识自己生命的力量和激情,认识对信仰的虔诚,认识对自的忠贞,认识自己的本性。我们期待真爱重回的那一天,我们每时每刻都在每个角落寻觅。   It has been said for centuries that “ love is where the eyes meet with passion, for the eyes cannot hide what the heart feels.” So we have learned to look outward for this eternal love that will fulfill us, forgetting that it must first fill our own hearts. Perhaps that is why we fall into such pain and agony and sorrow when a love affair fails. It is at that moment that we realize we did not fail the other person we expressed love to , but we have somehow not fulfilled ourselves once again. We combat failure with a misunderstood unfulfilled promise. We lade it, not knowing if we will ever find it again. The emotion tides life and fall ,crash and settle, then lift again.   几个世纪以来,我们一直说:“爱就是充满激情的目光相遇,因为眼睛掩饰不住内心的真实感受”。因此,我们都学会了向外看,去寻找那份永恒的能使自己充实起来的爱,却忽略了它首先应占据我们自己心灵的领地。或许,这就是当一段恋情受挫时,我们会如此地痛苦和悲伤的原因所在。此时,我们才意识到,我们并未负于曾向我们示爱的那个人,只是我们认为它没能让我们充实、完整。我们用误解且无法兑现的承诺来抑制失败。我们失去了爱,不知是否能再次找回它。感情的潮水起伏不定,时而汹涌,时而平和,继而会再次澎湃。   No one else, no matter how much we talk or cry, can pull us through the anxious hours of soul repair and growth. It is our own fire within that needs rekindling, guarding against the winds that would blow it out and leave us dark, cold and helpless. It is at this time that we find the lobe that binds us together with every other being that surrounds us on the planet. Eventually we find the sun still rises to meet in the morning and the stars continue to show us the way each night. The rivers still flow downstream into oceans that will never turn them away. The trees still reach upward every day praising the God that made them. We stand up straight and take a lesson from it all.   无论我们说了多少话,流了多少泪,无人能帮助我们过心灵修复的阴霾与成长过程中的绵绵阴雨。我们的心灵为火需要再燃,需要呵护,不致让风将其吹灭,不致让自己被黑暗、阴冷和无助所包围。此时,我们便找到把我们与周围的每一个生命维系在一起的那份爱。我们终会发现,太阳依然长期升起,来迎接黎明的到来;星光依然闪烁,来指引我们夜行的方向;江河依然流向下游,归入广纳百川的大海;树木依然日日向上生长,歌颂赋予其生命的上苍。我们挺直身躯,从这一切中汲取教训。   What if you woke up one morning and realized that you were the only person left on the face of the earth? Who would you love? Why do we wait so long to start the journey that begins in the same place that it ends?Love, in all its endlessness, unboundedness and failed definitions is this experience.   如果某天早上,当你醒来,发觉这个世界只剩下你一人,你当如何应对?你去爱谁?我们为何要等如此长的时间,才在终点重新形开始新的旅程?这是一次无边无尽、无从定义的爱之旅。   Love doesnu2019t ask why. It doesnu2019t come. It doesnu2019t go. It just is. It is not only in our hands, it is our hands. It isnu2019t only in our heart, it is what makes our heart beat every beat. It wraps itself around us so securely that all we need to do to survive against all odds is to recognize it as the very breath we just drew, and the last breath we just let go.   爱不问理由。它不会走近你,也不会远离你。爱始终存在着。它就是我们的手中,在我们的心里,确切地说就是我们的双手,就是我们每一次心跳的动力。爱将我们安全地包围着,我们把它当成每一次真切的呼吸,时刻与爱同在,是我们克服一切困难有秘诀。 猜你喜欢: 1. arrange的过去式和用法例句 2. submit的过去式和用法例句 3. exhibit的过去式和用法例句 4. promote的过去式和用法例句
2023-07-12 09:12:591

美国人肢体语言的分类 PPT

美国人的肢体语言(2009-07-23 09:07:48)转载标签: 肢体语言口语英语美语教育 分类: 英语学习 在日常生活交流过程中,在许多场合下,身势语言(body language),即各种手势、姿势和身势(signs, signals and gestures)也是人们常用的交流工具。你知道美国人常用的身势语有哪些吗?下面就以身体部分为单元,把美国人生活交际中经常使用的手势、姿势和身势介绍给大家。    手The hand  1. wring one"s hands 扭着手,搓着手  wring one"s hands是指一个人squeeze and rub one hand with the other。当一个人对某人或某事担心、焦虑或感到失望、悲观的时候,他做出的表示就是紧握双手,互相搓摩,不知所措,只有无可奈何地等待事情的发展。    2. give someone some skin 热烈欢迎  这是指两手同时与对方的手相接触,可以是一人的两手掌与另一人的两手掌拍在一起,也可以是两人的双手同时握在一起,上下、左右都行,以表示特别欢迎。当有人这样说的时候,近似于一种要求或命令。如:Bob hadn"t seen John for a long time, he said to John:“Hey John, give me some skin!”    3. slap someone on the back 拍某人的后背  熟悉的朋友特别是年轻的男性朋友见面时,一个人会用手掌拍另一个人的后背。通常是表示亲切、友好。有时人们互拍后背表示祝贺。比如,球场上,一个队员得了分,其他队员可以拍他的后背。有时两人手掌碰拍一下,表示祝贺和鼓励。如:I slapped Jack on the back after he kicked a goal in the match.    4. I am very full. 我吃饱了。   美国人的做法是把一只手放到喉头,手心向下,手指伸开。有时还会说:“到这儿了。”(I am full up to here.)中国人一般是用一只手或两只手轻拍自己的肚子。    手指 The fingers  1. shake one"s finger at someone 朝某人晃手指  当不喜欢别人正在做的事或说的话,可以冲他晃你的手指,意思是不要再做下去。常带有责备或警告的意味。例如,在会场上,告诉别人不要讲话。如果一个人对某个人的作为很不满意,在批评、责备那个人的时候,有时会气愤地冲他点手指头。这样的情况下是前后或上下晃手指。    2. cross one"s fingers 手指交叉  意味着希望交好运。当然人们并不真相信这能为自己带来好运,只不过是告诉他人希望万事如意、心想事成的一种方式。如:你在找工作时,可以对家人或朋友说:“Keep your fingers crossed for me!”    3. give the OK sign 作OK的手势  表示“好、行、对”等意思。有时可以把一只手的食指和拇指放在一起,形成一个O形,其他三指伸开,告诉别人一切顺利。如:You give the OK sign to signal that everything is very good or all right.    4. thumb one"s nose / make a long nose / bite one"s thumb 藐视  把拇指搁在鼻端,其余四指伸开,有时也可扇动拇指,表示藐视、挑战的意思。如对一个人的话不以为然,或对某人的做法不屑一顾。bite one"s thumb表示藐视的时候,用at someone or something。    头 The head  1. scratch one"s head 搔头  当对某事感到困惑或者尽力要回忆起某人某事的时候,会有这种动作。当人们在处理问题要做出决定的时候,常做的动作也是搔头。当你不知如何回答别人的提问时,也可搔头,表示:给我点时间,让我想一想,考虑一下。    2. nod 点头  表示同意、赞成、打招呼。表示acknowledge,尤其是在双方交谈的时候,表示“我在听你说”“我同意”“请讲下去”等意思。有时还可以用点头的方式示意他人回来,不要走,常与手势move one"s hand 同时使用。    3. heads up 当心,留神  当你觉得有什么悬乎的事情要发生或有什么危险的情况,希望别人留神的时候,喊一声“Heads up!”他们自然会抬起头看看你或周围的情况。    眼睛 The eyes  1. look someone in the eye 直视某人  说话的时候,任何听话人应该看着对方的眼睛。但如果一直盯着对方会使对方感到不舒服。有时,有的人在谈话时会一直看着对方。往往是老板在给下属布置任务,家长在教训孩子等。    2. raise an eyebrow 扬眉毛  当某人感到惊讶、怀疑、不悦、不满的时候,可以用这种方式来表示。    3. not bat an eyelid 不动声色  bat在这里是to blink, to open and close the eyes的意思。当人们对某种意想不到的事或情况泰然处之,不露惊愕之色,连眼睛也不眨的时候,我们就说They don"t even bat an eyelid.    手臂和肩 The arms and shoulders  1. wave one"s arms 挥舞手臂  表示希望引起他人的注意。人们将挥舞手臂看成这样的信息:“我在这里”“快来帮忙”“救命!”等。运动员取得冠军,人们在比赛中取得胜利也常用挥舞双臂的方式表示胜利和欢乐。    2. with folded arms 两臂交叉于胸前  表示出一种不在乎、无所谓,不关心、不屑一顾的态度。也指对某人、某事持袖手旁观的态度,拒绝采取行动。如:There was a car accident. He just looked on with folded arms.    3. with open arms 张开双臂欢迎,热情地  意思是to stretch out one"s arms in a warm and friendly way, eagerly,表示对某人的欢迎。如:He welcomed me with open arms.    嘴 The mouth  1. mouth the words 不出声地说  用嘴做出说每个字的动作,但不发出声音。说话人是想告诉听话人某件事,但又不希望其他人听见。有时人们常用mouth the words表示某人的话不可信,如:John says he"ll come, but he"s just mouthing the words.    2. make a mouth 做鬼脸  表示厌恶、轻蔑、嘲笑、不同意或痛苦等心情时,用面部故意做出来的滑稽的表情。如:  The child made a mouth when he was told to take the medicine.    3. bite one"s lip 咬嘴唇  当某人为了掩饰自己愤怒或不悦的心情,强忍怒气,不愿表达出来的时候,通常的表示就是咬嘴唇。如:When he heard the rumor美国人的肢体语言  The boy and girl glance around the crowded room. Their eyes meet. Embarrassed, they look away. Nervously, they steal glances at each other, averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back. The boy acts cool, crossing his legs and affecting a casual air-even though his heart is beating wildly. The girl, obviously smitten herself, is afraid the boy will see her looking at him. A few seconds pass. He looks at her again. She starts to blush. He nervously looks at the ceiling and whistles softly to himself. They continue their cat-and-mouse game for a seemingly inter-minable period of time. Will they ever talk to each other?  那个男孩和女孩瞥视那拥挤的屋内。他们的视线相遇了。不好意思,又把视线挪开。惴惴不安地,他们互相偷看着,当发现对方也在回望自己时,又转移视线。男孩表现得很酷,交叉着双腿,装着一副漫不经心的样子--虽然他的心正狂野地跳动着;女孩,显然地已坠入情网,很怕男孩看到自己在看他。几秒钟过去了,他再度看她;她的脸红了起来。他紧张地看着天花板,自己轻吹着口哨。他们似乎没完没了地玩着这个猫捉老鼠的游戏。他们到底会不会交谈呢?  The fact is, they have already communicated a lot, without ever saying anything. Nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange. Some people would say it"s the most important part. According to one study, words convey only 7 percent of a person"s message. Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent. That means people pick up more from nonverbal communication than from the words a person says. When studying about a foreign culture then, it just makes sense to pay attention to how people use nonverbal cues.  事实上,他们没说一句就已经沟通过了。非语言之要素在任何形式的双向沟通中占了很重要的一部份。有些人会认为那是最重要的一部份。根据一项研究,言语只传达了百分之七的讯息。语调及音色传达了百分之三十八,而非语言的暗示传递了极大的百分之五十五。这就表示了人们从非语言沟通中领悟到的比从说出来的话语中的还多。所以,在研习一个外国文化时,注意人们如何使用非语言暗示是很有道理的。  Gestures comprise a major form of nonverbal communication. In contrast to sign language, used by deaf people to communicate elaborate messages, gestures function as visual icons which represent a single idea. But often these gestures are embarrassingly culture-bound. For example, when the Maoris of New Zealand stick out their tongue at someone, it is a sign of respect. When American schoolchildren make the same gesture, it means just the opposite. Also, Americans often indicate "OK" with their thumb and forefinger touching to form a circle. The same gesture means "money" to the Japanese, "zero" to the French and a vulgarity to Brazilians. For that reason, people in a foreign culture must use gestures with caution.  手势是非语言传达中很重要的一环。与聋人用来沟通复杂讯息所使用的手语不同的是,手势的功能就像是视觉上的图像,它代表的是单一的意念。而往往这些手势极受文化限制,甚至造成尴尬的误解。例如,当纽西兰的毛利人对某人伸舌头,这是尊敬的表象。当美国学童作同样的动作时,它表达的意思正好相反。还有,美国人通常用大拇指及食指环绕起一个圆圈表示「没问题」。同样的手势对日本人是「钱」的意思,对法国人是「零」的意思,对巴西人是极低俗的手势。因此,处在外国文化中的人必须小心地使用手势。  Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about: space. Every person perceives himself to have a sort of invisible shield surrounding his physical body. When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable. When he bumps into someone, he feels obligated to apologize. But the size of a person"s "comfort zone" varies, depending on his cultural or ethnic origin. For example, in casual conversation, many Americans stand about four feet apart. In other words, they like to keep each other "at arm"s length." People in Latin or Arab cultures, in contrast, stand very close to each other, and touch each other often. If someone from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in conversation, the American may feel uncomfortable and back away.  另一个非语言沟通的文化层面可能是你不会想到的东西:空间距离。每一个人都会假想在自己身体四周有一种隐形的盾牌。当有人太靠近时,他会觉得不舒服。而当他不小心撞到别人时,他会觉得非道歉不可。但是每个人的「舒服区」的大小各有不同,这与其文化或种族有关。例如,在闲谈时,许多美国人维持着大约四呎远的距离。也就是说,他们喜欢让彼此保持一只手臂的距离。而相反的,拉丁或是阿拉伯文化的人,彼此站得很近,他常互相碰触。假如一个来自于这些文化的人在谈话时站得太靠近美国人,那个美国人会觉得不舒服,而退后一步。  When Americans are talking, they expect others to respond to what they are saying. To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expression_r_rs of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness. People with a "poker face," whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression_r_r, are looked upon with suspicion. Americans also indicate their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows, nodding, smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact. Whereas some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening, Americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty. If a person doesn"t look you in the eye, Americans might say you should question his motives-or assume that he doesn"t like you. Yet with all the concern for eye contact, Americans still consider staring-especially at strangers-to be rude.  当美国人在谈话时,他们期望别人对其所讲的有所响应。对他们来说,有礼貌的谈话者应该靠着表示出惊喜、讨厌、吃惊或悲哀的表情来与别人心领神会。那种带着一张「扑克脸孔」的人,他的情绪隐藏于毫无表情的面容下,会被别人以怀疑的眼光看待。美国人在谈话中也会以扬眉、点头、有礼貌的微笑以及保持适度的目光接触来表示他们的注意。然而某些文化的人认为直接的凝视是不礼貌而具有威胁感的;美国人认为这是一个真挚诚恳的表征。假如一个人不用正眼看你,美国人可能会觉得,你应该要对他的动机起疑,或者假设他不喜欢你。即使目光接触有其利害关系,美国人也是认为瞪着眼睛看人--特别是对陌生人--是不礼貌的。  Considering the influence of nonverbal communication, we never really stop communicating. How we walk, how we stand, how we use our hands, how we position our bodies, how we show emotions-all send a message to others. That"s why it"s possible, as the saying goes, to "read someone like a book." And if you read the person right, as the boy and girl in the crowded room later discovered, it just might turn into a love story.  想到非语言沟通的影响范围,我们其实从未真的停止沟通过。我们如何走路、站立、如何用双手、如何举手投足、如何表现情绪,都发送出一个讯息。这也就是为什么可以做到像俗语所说的:「看一个人像读一本书一样。」假如你看懂了一个人,就像在那拥挤房间中的男孩及女孩后来发现的一样,也许就会变成一个爱的故事。
2023-07-12 09:13:071


看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译   看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译,生活中越来越多人喜欢通过朋友圈来宣泄自己的情绪,调节心情或分享自己的奇闻趣事,不同的句子所表达的情感也不同,以下分享看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译。   看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译1   1、I don‘t know if we each have a destiny, or if we"re all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze。 ---我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。   2、Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened。 ---不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。   3、Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting。---永远都不要说再见,因为说再见意味着离开,离开意味着遗忘。   4、You are the reason why I became stronger。But still,you are my weakness。---因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。   5、A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference。---多给别人一些体谅,多为别人考虑一点,那将让一切截然不同。   6、Life is too short to wake up with regrets。 So love the people who treat you right。 Forget about the one"s who don"t。---生命太短暂,不够时间来遗憾。所以,爱那些正确对待你的人,忘掉那些没做到的。   7、Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them。 There are deep wells of strength that are never used。-----能够在一生中把自己的所有才智发挥殆尽的人可谓少之又少。许许多多的潜能是我们从来没使用过的。   8、Don"t forget the things you once you owned。 Treasure the things youcan"t get。 Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory。 —— 曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。   9、Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end 。 If not always in the way we expect… ---失去的东西总会回到我们身边,虽然有时并不是以我们希望的方式。   10、The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don‘t have。 ---欣赏和喜欢你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西,你才能快乐。   11、I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming。 ---我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开。   12、I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun。 ---当我发现自己爱上你的时候,我已经无法自拔。   13、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for。----有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。   14、More and more, I believe, to create the good price is: hard work, disappointment, and perseverance。 ----我越来越相信,创造美好的代价是:努力、失望以及毅力。首先是疼痛,然后才是欢乐。   15、C"est une grande habileté que de savoir cacher son habileté。----深藏不露是一种卓越的才能。   16、ou don"t care, but it was the best moment of my life。---你毫不在意,但那却是我人生中最美好的时光。   17、The saddest part of a broken heart, Isn"t the ending so much as the start。 The tragedy starts from the very first spark, Losing your mind for the sake of your heart。----心碎最痛苦的,不是事情的悲伤结局变成了另一个开始,而是从这个悲剧一开始,你就迷失自己了。   18、Move on doesn"t mean you"ll forget all the memories。 You"ll still remember it, but it doesn"t affect you anymore。----前进,不代表要抹掉所有回忆,你会一直记得,只不过已不再是乱你心者。   19、Don t set your goals by what other people deem important。 Only you know what is best for you。---别人认为重要的,并不就是你的追求。只有自己才知道什么最适合自己。   20、Everyone of the people who says she or he does not want to be in love。 There must be someone without possibility in their hearts。--每个嘴里说不想恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。   21、The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever。---真相会让我们痛一阵,但谎言令我们痛一生。   22、Good day gives you joy while bad day gives you experience。 So never regret every single day of your life!----美好的日子给你带来快乐,阴暗的日子给你带来经验。所以,不要对生命中的任何一天怀有遗憾。   23、There are moments in my life that I"ll always remember, not because they were important, but because they were with you。---生命中有些时刻我是不会忘记的,不是因为他们很重要,而是因为那都是有你在的时光。   24、Sometimes it"s better to push someone away, not because you stopped loving that someone, but because you have to shield yourself from pain。---有时候把某人推开更好,不是因为不爱他了,而是因为要保护自己不再受伤。   25、Move on doesn"t mean you"ll forget all the memories。 You"ll still remember it, but it doesn"t affect you anymore。---前进,不代表要抹掉所有回忆,你会一直记得,只不过已不再是乱你心者。   26、Love, straight from the heart shows how sincere you are。 It reflects your genuineness and dedication towards the relationship。 There is no place for pretension in love。---爱,由衷而生,表达真意。它体现了你在一段感情里的真心和奉献。爱容不下虚伪矫饰。   27、The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter, it will go away when you learn to accept your fortune with good grace。---痛苦不会因为发泄愤怒或者怨恨不平而消失,让它消失的方法是,学会优雅的接纳你的命运。   看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译2   1、对曾经说一句抱歉,让你看透了那么多人经历那么多事。   2、难受过,痛苦过,直到最后失去所有,才看透。   3、看透的时候,假装没看透。   4、现在你的一切我都已经慢慢的看透了。但愿你会变。   5、怎么是好朋友呢?就是说我把你看透了,我还喜欢你,这就叫做好朋友。   6、感谢负心人,让你早早看透一个人,一颗心。   7、早该看透,早该明白,早该知趣的趁早走开。   8、时间终能看透人心,回忆永远都那么可怕。   9、看淡是人生的最高境界,是看透了而不脱俗,看穿了而不消极,看破了而不遁世的表现。   10、我的一点一滴,就连小朋友都看透了。   11、曾经约定好的,等到风景看透,陪着你们看细水长流。   12、我不说,只是怕被你们看透,那些不该有的脆弱。   13、时间让我们看透什么时候该收,什么时候该走。   14、早在落魄的时候你就看透了所有人,只是你没有说。   15、正是因为我们看透了这个社会,才开始获得不正经起来。   16、有些事务我不看透,不是我太笨,只是我太善良。   17、孤独独处的人会习惯思考,有的变成疯狂的疯子,而有的则看透了人生变得睿智,而我则是疯子。   18、总是在懵懵懂懂中,明白看透很多太过苍白的事物。   19、总之,你们一个个的嘴脸、我算是看透了看清楚了、   20、如果我早该看透一切,那么你是不是会一直爱我。   21、真正关心我的朋友,没有几个。在我难过的时候,我看透了你们对我的敷衍。   22、没有看透世间百态却已然对青春失去了狂热的对待。   23、青春无法拾取,请不要忘了记忆永不凋零。哀歌虽有,请不要忘了繁华还在。左眼看透这人世间,右眼倒转这斑易碎的流年。   24、感谢那些看透了我,却还一直陪在我身边的人。最好的.感觉,是有人懂你的欲言又止。   25、看透了,看开了,原来所有感情都那么脆弱,经不起触碰。   26、真正的优秀是能收服人心再不济是能看透人心。   27、有些爱,由于堕泪太多,沉没了端倪,看透了懦弱。   28、愿有人看透你的逞强后,给你一个最温暖的怀抱。   29、真正的朋友是什么真正的的朋友是把你看透了,还喜欢你、愿意和你成为朋友的人。   30、但若干年后,当你认清生活,看透悲伤,你便会懂得。   31、天知道我是多么迷失在渴望之中,就算早已知道,早已看透还是缺少抑制年轻的冲动。   32、我走,在有笑容的时候,请把我表情看透。   33、不主动会失去,太主动他不珍惜,世界上有两种东西不可直视,一是太阳,二就是人心。   34、人的眼睛有5、76亿像素,但却终究看不懂人心。   35、回忆不过是孟婆素手熬制的一碗汤,那穿肠而过的新痕旧伤,可曾痛断了谁人的肝肠?   看透人心的悲凉英文句子带翻译3   1、得不到回报的付出,要懂得适可而止。否则,打扰了别人伤了自己。   2、当女人不再对你流泪,她已经心寒了。当女人不再对你撒娇,她已经没热情了。   3、先追我的人是你,后来在一起爱上你的是我,开始冷漠的是你,最后不舍的是我。   4、自己喜欢的东西,又何必问别人好不好。   5、人,总要寒心一次,寒心过后,愿你学会为自己而活。   6、不开心就憋着别让别人也难过。   7、我对感情最大的误解就是,以为只要有付出就会得到回报。   8、好像只是偶尔被需要,从未很重要。   9、越来越任性是因为爱得太深。越来越沉默是因为伤得太痛。越来越礼貌是因为失望透顶。   10、人和人太熟,就知道刀子往哪里捅最痛。   11、朝花夕拾,捡的尽是枯萎。   12、爱情就是一场戏,演好了就是一辈子,演不好就是一阵子。   13、有时,不是世界太虚伪。只是,我们太天真。   14、比失去你更令我伤心的是,你都没有为了跟我在一起而努力过。   15、喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。   16、次次心寒,勿怪他人。要怪只能怪心,不够静,妄念多。   17、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。   18、任何一个人离开你,都并非突然作的决定。人心是慢慢变冷,树叶是渐渐变黄,故事是缓缓写到结局。   19、你突然点醒了我,我们的相识能够以年计算了,你找到你爱的,而我,还在原地徘徊着。   20、人,总要寒心一次,才知道人生并非只有喜乐,有些烦恼只能自己消化。
2023-07-12 09:13:141

问两个英语单词的意思和区别certifycertificatecertificationcertified certif?

certify to testify usually formally and in writing to the truth or genuineness of sth. 强调验证某个事物的真实性,比如验证学历是不是真的 certificate to testify to or authorize by a certificate 强调验证某事物是不是符合某种要求,比如这个奶粉的质量是不是符合国家标准. certification the act of certifying; a certified statement 证明符合XXX的凭证 certificate a document containing a certified statement,especially as to the truth of sth,especially a document ceritifying that one has fulfulled the requirements of 凭证,特别是证明某事物能够达到特定要求的凭证 也可指产权证明,债务证明 certified having earned cerfication,genuine 真的,品质真实 certificated officially documented 官方认证过的,9,问两个英语单词的意思和区别 certify certificate certification certified certificated 这几个词分别是什么意思. 特别是certify 与certificate 两个作动词的区别 特别是certification 与 certificate 两个作名词的区别 还有就是certified 与 certificated 两个作形容词的区别
2023-07-12 09:13:211


genuineness 名词sincere 形容词
2023-07-12 09:13:481


问题一:我是真心的 英语怎么说? I"m sincere I"m serious 问题二:我对你是真心的,用英语怎么说? I love you from the bottom of my heart 问题三:我是真心的。用英语怎么翻译 i am true to you 问题四:"你是真心的吗?”用英文怎么说? are you sincere?你是真心的吗? do you really mean it?你说的是真的吗? are you serious?你是认真的吗? 因为在不同语境会需要不同的回答,所以多举了两个 问题五:我已付出真心,英语怎么说 I have dedicated all my heart.我已付出真心, 没人说pay all my heart. 问题六:"真心"的英文是什么? 最好不要直接翻译,不然很容易被理解为真正的心脏..另外真心是名词,最好也不要用形容词翻译.. 用sincerity这个单词就可以.. 问题七:真诚,真心,真爱用英文怎么说? 真心的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere2. genuineness真诚:1. sincere; honest; frank; genuine真爱:习惯上是 pure love 你用 true love也可以。 问题八:我是真心的 英语怎么说? I"m sincere I"m serious 问题九:"真心"的英文是什么? 最好不要直接翻译,不然很容易被理解为真正的心脏..另外真心是名词,最好也不要用形容词翻译.. 用sincerity这个单词就可以.. 问题十:我对你是真心的,用英语怎么说? I love you from the bottom of my heart
2023-07-12 09:13:551


If you dream / will it, you will make it!
2023-07-12 09:14:052


  1.assurance n.确信;保险;担保   【商务英语】life assurance 人寿保险   assurance company 保险公司   assurance law 保险法   assurance coefficient 保险系数   【例句】He gave me a definite assurance that the repairs would be finished tomorrow.   他向我明确保证,修理将于明日完工。   2.attest vt.证明 vi.证实   【例句】The handwritting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.   笔迹专家作证该签名无讹。 n.律师,代理人   【商务用语】letter of attorney 委任状   prosecuting attorney 检察官   power of attorney 委托权;委任书   4.attribute n.属性,品质   【商务英语】attribute value 属性值   attribute list 属性表   attribute testing 质量分类试验,特性试验   file attribute 文件属性   5.attrition n.磨损;减员;产品耗损   【商务用语】attrition value 磨损值   6.assessment n.估价;被估定的金额   【商务用语】staff assessment 工作人员薪资税   assessment of offers and tenders 报盘与投标的估定   assessment share 有票面外责任的股票   assessments contingency 资产估价中的意外损失   7.assignment n.分配;委派   【商务用语】assignment of policy 保险单转让   assignment clause 转让条款   assignment charge 转让费   assignment of interest 保险权益转让   【例句】He has got a new assignment.   他得到一项新任命。   8.associate vt.使发生联系 vi.结交 n.合作人 adj.副的   【商务用语】associate charge 附加费   associate participant 非金额参与人   associate menber (协会)准会员   associate professor <美>副教授   【例句】We associate China with the Great Wall.   我们想起中国,就联想到长城。   9.association n.协会;联合;友谊,伙伴关系   【商务用语】protection and indemnity association 保护与赔偿保险协会   public insurance association 公共保险协会   sale association 销售合作   trade association 同业公会   【例句】I benefited much from my association with him.   我和他结交受益匪浅。   10.assortment n.分类   【商务用语】assortment charge 分类费用   11.arrangement n.安排;布置   【商务用语】come to an arrangement 达成协议   【例句】Tell me the arrangement of time and place for the meeting.   告诉我会议时间和地点的安排。   12.arrears n.到期末付款,欠账   【商务英语】in arrears 欠债   13.assay vt.分析;验定;尝试 vi.经检验证明内含成分 n.鉴定   【商务用语】assay certificate 鉴定证明书   assay a situation 衡量情况   【例句】The ore assays high in gold.   这矿石经检验证明含金量很高。   14.assertive adj.断定的,过分自信的   【例句】He is an assertive boy,always insisting on his own rights and opinions.   他是个固执的孩子,总是坚持自己的权利和主意。   15.assess vt.估定,确定数额;征收;评估   【商务英语】assess a tax on one"s property 对某人的财产征税   【例句】Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.   损失估计达1,000元人民币。   16.approximate vt.使接近;约计 vi.近于 adj.近于准确的;近似的   【商务用语】approximate cost 预计成本   approximate market 市价概算额   approximate price 估价,近似价   approximate value 近似值,概算价值   【例句】His income approximated ten thousand dollars a year.   他的年收入近1万美元。   17.approximation n.接近;近似值   【相关词组】approximation curve 近似曲线   approximation on the average 平均近似   18.arbitrage n.仲裁;套汇,套利交易   【商务用语】commodity arbitrage 商品套利;套购商品   currency arbitrage 通货套汇   exchange arbitrage 套汇,市场间套利   simple arbitrage 单一仲裁   19.arbitrate vt.仲裁;公断 vi.进行仲裁   【商务用语】arbitrate a dispute 仲裁一项争端   arbitrated house 套利公司   arbitrated par 股票交易比例平价   arbitrated par of exchange 裁定外汇平价   20.arbitration n.仲裁,公断   【商务用语】commercial arbitration 商务仲裁   refer to arbitration 交付公断   exchange arbitration 汇兑仲裁   industrial arbitration 劳资仲裁
2023-07-12 09:14:191


1This movie is about a girl that thought she was going to propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend Warner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents to except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide comments from other students. 2Ditsy but kind Elle Woods (Witherspoon) lives in a practically perfect life, surrrounded by frivolous and sweet girls, hair and nail salons, and above all pink, pink and more pink. She is convinced that her boyfriend Warner (Davis,) will propose to her that night at dinner. Instead he dumps her, saying that he needs someone more serious if he"s going to go to Harvard law school, and be a senater by the time he"s thirty. Heartbroken, Elle decides the only way she can win him back is to go to Harvard as well. The first few classes don"t go very well, but she trys hard to prove she can be a serious and intelligent law student. But the challenge to get Warner back just got bigger. He"s proposed to another more serious law student named Vivian (Blair) who as well as Elle and Warner gets into a law internship. 3Breezy blonde Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is about to graduate from a small California college and fully expects her boyfriend Warner Huntington III (Davis) to propose marriage before he takes off to Harvard Law School. But citing his ambitions in law and politics, and saying he needs a more "serious" partner, Warner dumps her. Plucky Elle decides to follow him to Harvard (she manages to get herself admitted after majoring in fashion), and win her man back. Eventually, she finds herself a law firm intern on a heavy murder case, still hoping to win her guy back from snooty Eastern preppie gal Vivian Kensington (Blair). This fluffy comedy is rather obvious, silly, implausible, not that funny, and has a weak ending -- but it"s a wonderfully charming piece of work anyway, mostly due to Witherspoon"s terrific performance and a couple of mildly surprising plot turns. Raquel Welch has a cute cameo as the murdered man"s ex-wife. 4At one point of time or another we all have faced stereotypyed prejudices in our daily lives.This is the story of a leggy blonde who decides to take on the world & show that blondes do have more fun,but they can also prove their smarts in any field they desire.How is it different from any other movie?The blonde does this in a non-sensical & comical way.Elle Woods(Reese Witherspoon) has it all-loving parents,cool friends,a rich lifestyle,pink stuff,a fashion designing degree,immense popularity,oggling guys everywhere she goes & a fashion conscious chihuahua.She"s madly in love with her boyfriend,Warner(Matthew Davis) & is waiting eagerly for him to propose.On her "special night" he ends breaking up with her.He explains to Elle that he still does love & care for her a lot.But since he"s got ambitions to join Harvard Law school & later on take up a career in politics,he tells Elle that he would need a smarter life partner.Heartbroken,Elle decides to win Warner back.She studies day & night to end up with an excellent LSAT score & enrolls herself at Harvard Law school.But this is just the beginning for poor Elle as she finds out that Warner has proposed to their Harvard Law classmate,Vivian(Selma Blair).From then on Elle has to constantly struggle to prove herself to her classmates,professors & the general public.At first,Elle & Vivian are totally vicious to each other.But as time goes on & they begin to warm up to each other,Elle realises that she & Vivian would be great friends if it were not for the issue of Warner.Emmett Richmond(Luke Wilson) is one of Elle"s professors who keeps supporting her,no matter what.He"s genuinely impressed by her colourful character who"s got an attitude to succeed & win people"s hearts.The movie is light & funny.The cast are very definite in their roles,as tiny & comical as it may be.Reese Witherspoon stands out in playing the dumb blonde who wants to be taken seriously.This is a totally girly film which would be nice for a girl"s night out.Don"t even make the mistake of taking a guy for this movie.Go out there & embrace your feminine power!5Have you heard the one about the blonde that goes to Harvard Law School? She gets to the top of her class, is put in charge of a high-profile murder trial during her first year, and graduates with honors. No, really. This, in a nutshell, is the premise of Legally Blonde, the new film starring blonde-au-natural Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a So Cal sorority girl who follows her one-and-only, an East Coast blue blood by the name of Warner Huntington III (Matt Davis), to Harvard Law in order to win back his affections after he royally dumps her, citing that he needs someone more upscale on his arm, "a Jackie, not a Marilyn." The resulting film is cute and charming, but also diabetically sweet and with a plot that is as implausible as Dude, Where"s My Car? picking up an Oscar for Best Picture. Natural comparisons would be to Amy Heckerling"s Clueless, though Legally Blonde lacks the sharp satire that made that film as clever as it was. In its place are loud stereotypes and completely over-the-top sets and costumes. Regardless, the film does work, and that"s due almost entirely to its star, Reese Witherspoon. Witherspoon plays Elle with such consistent perkiness that the audience can"t help but play along and get swept up into her ice-cream-and-candy world. She adds just enough parody to her character to give us the feeling that it"s ok to get lost in the fluffiness of the film, and not to take it too literally. Elle Woods is an interesting creature to behold. She"s a Hawaiian Tropics girl, head of her sorority, has a perfect GPA in Fashion Merchandising, and she wears an awful lot of pink. She"s the kind of girl who probably dots her I"s with little hearts and practices smiling in front of the mirror. But balancing these blonde-girl stereotypes are Elle"s feistiness and her genuineness. She is genuinely ditzy, for sure, but also genuinely charming and good-humored. Witherspoon embodies these characteristics perfectly, and is lovable and believable, blonde head to pink manicured toe. The screenplay, co-written by Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith and based on the Amanda Brown"s book of the same name, is pure cotton candy – delicious from start to finish, but not really satisfying or fulfilling. That"s okay, since the purpose of the film isn"t to give you an intellectual headache, but rather lightly jab at some typical youth stereotypes and immerse them in comedy and charm. Supporting characters are also vivid and commendable. Selma Blair is appropriately cast as a prep-school snob, Jackie O to Witherspoon"s Marilyn, and balances Elle"s syrupy disposition with a personality made of vinegar. Matt Davis, as Warner Huntington III, and Luke Wilson, as a partner at the law firm for which Elle works, are interesting enough as Witherspoon"s two love interests, though their combined screen presence is somewhat limited and their characters are displayed more as subjects of conversation and lament between Elle and her girlfriends. They do make their time on screen count, though, with strong performances and looks that would melt the hearts of the film"s target female audience. Jennifer Coolidge and Oz Perkins also stand out as Elle"s Boston buddies, the former a manicurist at a local beauty parlor and the latter as one of Elle"s classmates. Coolidge, whom you may remember as the MILF from American Pie, is especially endearing as a fashion-challenged dishwater blonde whom Elle takes under her wing. In the end, Legally Blonde is little more than Clueless Goes to College, but Witherspoon and her supporting cast of oddballs and stereotypes make this film stand out as a fun and cheery summer flick worthy of more than a few laughs.7Theatre of the Stars has outdone themselves, with the opening night of Legally Blonde at the Fox. It was the best judicial performance I"ve reviewed there, thus far. I was tickled pink, that the courting theme for the night was, apparently, pink and blonde. Just wondering, who sent out that memo? There was a house full of blondes from all ages, and I was overwhelmed at the sight of how many of them, despite the age, wore the Elle Woods signature pink. From the stage view, the audience may have looked like the cast, providing a mirage of pink in all shades. The audience weren"t the only ones with flare to offer. From start to finish the entire set was embellished with a brilliancy. Using the appropriate pastels against the bland backdrops, of a law school or court room, provided the perfect combination of consistency and allurement. This astonishingly vivid display was best noticed during each song and dance number, whenever the charactered lawyers were portrayed as lifeless the Delta Nu girls brought the pizazz and added some funk with an upbeat tempo and a little rump shaking. The choreography was contemporary, there was more booty shaking then I thought there would be, which, for me, was a pleasant surprise at the Fox. Not to mention, Miss Woods wardrobe was, "Omigod, you guys!" Especially the hot pink get up she wore the first day of class at Harvard Law. I must say, if law students really looked like that, I think every legality would be neglected, the prosecutor may be heavily scrutinized and justice just might prevail!
2023-07-12 09:14:271


【内容提要】从来访者中心疗法“价值中立”的理论基础和实践来源来看,“价值中立”与来访者中心疗法理论的人性观、人格理论和治疗条件密切相关。它既是来访者中心疗法的核心思想,也是来访者中心疗法的操作技巧,贯穿于来访者中心疗法的始终。通过理解“价值中立”的来源和深刻含义,把握其精神实质,为我们更好地理解和运用来访者中心疗法的理论和操作技巧提供条件。【关键词】来访者中心疗法/价值中立/咨询者/来访者visitor-oriented therapy/value free/advice-seeker/visitor【正 文】近年来,罗杰斯的来访者中心疗法在我国的心理咨询实践中的运用越来越广泛,得到了许多心理咨询工作者的认同,在心理咨询实践中也收到了较好的效果,但是,由于来访者中心疗法的理论背景是西方人本主义哲学,强调个人存在的意义高于一切,主张个人奋斗、个人表现、个人完善,与中国传统文化中的集体主义精神和主张人际合作有相悖之处,尤其是来访者中心疗法坚持的对来访者“不判断、不指导、不主动”的原则(我们把它理解为“价值中立”),在心理咨询实践中与我国强调价值引导发生了冲突,许多心理咨询工作者对此提出了质疑,甚至受到许多学者的批评。为了更好地吸纳来访者中心疗法的精华,使之本土化,本文就来访者中心疗法的理论基础和实践来源进行探讨,以便更好地理解“价值中立”在个人中心疗法中所起的作用,更客观地看待价值中立的原则。一、来访者中心疗法的“价值中立”实践概略来访者中心疗法,是由罗杰斯于20世纪40年代首创的一种心理治疗与咨询方法,他的主要观点是任何人都有着积极的、奋发向上的、自我肯定的、无限成长的潜力。如果个体的某些经验与其自我结构出现不和谐,即个体对自己经验的知觉出现歪曲或否认,使人的成长潜力受到削弱或者阻碍,那么,就会表现出心理病态或适应困难。他认为只要给来访者提供适当的心理环境和气氛,给来访者无条件积极关注,他们自己就能产生自我理解,改变对自己和他人的看法,产生自我导向的行为,并最终成为完善功能的人。他强调来访者与咨询者之间的人际关系,因此,来访者中心疗法的创建被人们认为是一次心理疗法的革命――从技术性的治疗转到注重人际关系。在咨询实践中,他强调对来访者的非指导性,要求咨询者对来访者提出的疑问,坚持中立,不给予直接回答,也不给予任何规劝,而是让来访者自主决策。他主张将最基本的责任放在来访者身上,而咨询者处于被动境地,只作为跟随者。用罗杰斯自己的话说:“我是跟着他的思路而不是我的思路走。我仅仅在听,而不是诱导他去接受我的先入之见。”[1](p121)这就是来访者中心疗法的主旨所在。在他后来的研究中又完成了心理疗法从技术到人际关系的转变。在“来访者中心疗法”中,罗杰斯不再将前来咨询的人看做患者,即拥有病态心理的人,而是将其视为与我们没有什么区别的活生生的个体。因此,咨询者与来访者的关系就是纯正的人与人的关系,互相尊重、互相交流,从而让来访者在与人的相处中寻求到心理的最佳状态,体会生命的意义。这种疗法与其说是一种方法,不如说是一种人际关系哲学。正如罗杰斯自己所言:“我开创的不是一种新的方法论,而是关于生活和人与人关系的一套独特的哲学观。”[1](p123)。他认为人都有能力发现自己的缺陷和不足,并加以改进,心理咨询的目的,不在于操纵一个人的外界环境或其消极被动的人格,而在于协助来访者自省自悟,充分发挥其潜能,最终达到自我实现;来访者中心疗法强调建立具有治疗作用的咨询关系,以真诚、尊重和理解为基本条件。罗杰斯认为,当这种关系存在时,个人对自我的治疗就会发生作用,而其在行为和人格上的积极变化也会随之出现。所以,咨询者应该与来访者建立平等、相互尊重的关系。这样可以使来访者处于主动地位,学会独立决策;在操作技巧上,来访者中心疗法反对操纵或支配来访者,主张在谈话中采取不指责、不评价、不干涉的方式,鼓励来访者言尽其意,直抒己见,以创造一种充满真诚、温暖和信任的气氛,使来访者无忧无虑地开放自我。因此,罗杰斯所倡导的来访者中心疗法本质上是一种非指导性心理咨询模式。二、来访者中心疗法“价值中立”的思想基础罗杰斯的“来访者中心疗法”概括起来主要包括三大部分:人性观、人格理论和治疗条件。而价值中立的原则与这三部分密切相关。(一)来访者中心疗法的“人性观”与“价值中立”来访者中心疗法,强调在咨询过程中不判断、不指示、不主动,来源于罗杰斯的“人性观”。在“人性观”上,罗杰斯认为人的天性是积极的、建设性的、向善的。它假设一个重要动机,被称之为“实现趋向”(actualizing tendency)。罗杰斯认为,人类,也包括一切其他有生命的有机体,都具有求生、发展和增强自身的天赋需要。实现趋向是存在于每个人生命中的驱动力量,它使个体变得更具差异性、更独特、更有社会责任。他强调指出:“我不赞同那种认为人是非理性的动物,对他的各种动力,如果不控制,就会导致自身和他人毁灭的普遍流行的观点。人的行为是一种理性很强的、敏锐的、有条不紊,而又具有复杂性,并推动了它的机体奋力获取目的的活动”[2](p404)。他相信人是向善的,所以不需要控制。人类个体对自己的体验或者经验,有一种天生、内在的机制或者手段,罗杰斯把这种手段称为“机体评估过程”(organism valuing process),机体评估过程作为一种反馈系统,它使个体能调节自己的经验,朝向实现化倾向,达到维持、增长、完善和发挥生命潜力的目的。个体的发展,不必向外求诸权威、规范等等。如果个体依据“机体评估过程”对经验进行处理,并以此来引导自己的行为,这些行为就是亲社会的、建设性的而不是相反。在他看来,“来访者中心疗法”所接触到的人群也具有这种人类的本性。他说:“我觉得我的工作中最有意义和最受鼓舞的部分之一,就是研究这类人,发现那种与我们所有人一样埋藏在内心深处的、强有力的、积极向上的倾向。”[3](p27)罗杰斯也注意到个体有时会按照不适当的方式去行动。但是,他认为,这些行动是不符合人性的,是由于对个体受到过多的限制而导致恐惧和防御引起的。“由于恐怖和防御,个体可能或者必定出现难以置信的残酷、令人毛骨悚然的毁灭、不成熟的、攻击的、反社会的和危害极大的方式来行动。”[3](p49)他认为如果解除了对个体的各种限制和压抑,给予无条件的积极关注,个体有能力使自己调整并恢复到协调状态。从此出发,来访者中心疗法的“价值中立”就不言而喻了。(二)来访者中心疗法的“人格理论”与“价值中立”罗杰斯的人格理论的核心是经验(experience)和自我构造(self-structure),即自我概念。而心理失调产生的根源也就是自我概念与实际上的经验的分歧,而分歧的产生是源于价值条件的建立,他认为价值条件是一切人出现适应不良问题的中心。罗杰斯认为,在婴儿的发展过程中,其心理世界(他称为现象场)中有一部分关于自己的内容逐渐分化出来,成为自我。随着自我的形成,产生了关怀的需要,“关怀就是指受到那些对我们来说最重要的人的赞扬所产生的一种情感”[2](p408)。为了获得关怀,他们逐渐体验到获得关怀是有条件的,这种条件被罗杰斯称之为“价值条件”(conditions of worth),只有个体的行为令“重要的人”满意时才会被关怀,而不能够令“重要的人”满意时将得不到关怀。通过反复体验这些价值条件,儿童把它们加以内化,从而把它们变成他们的自我结构中的一部分。一旦被内化,它们就成为指导儿童行为的“良心”和“超我”。不幸的是,当价值条件建立起来后,儿童对他们自身作出肯定的评估的惟一形式是按照他所内化的那些“重要的人”的价值观来行动。这时,儿童的行为不再受机体评估过程的指导,而是受他们环境中同关怀有关的各种条件的指导。罗杰斯指出:“在他的行为中逐渐地起指导作用的不是一种经验的保持或者增强有机体的程度,而是获得关怀的可能性。为了获得关怀,儿童内摄的那些他还不曾真正感知但却被当作自己的认识和价值观。然后他拒绝了解与这些内摄物相反的机体经验物。因而,他的自我概念就渗透了许多并非建立在他的经验中的真实自我基础上的虚伪的要素。”[4]每当在儿童的生活中存在着各种价值条件时,他们就可能被迫否认他们自己的经验评价而赞成某人的经验评价,最初的自我与机体经验的一致性被打破,导致了自我与经验之间的异化,心理失调就产生了。罗杰斯认为心理失调的产生根源,就是因为个体为了获得他人的关怀,必须根据他人的意愿行动,并用他人的价值观来评价自己,被迫否认自己的经验系统,从而导致自我与经验发生强烈冲突,使之失却了真实的自我。从这种观点出发,在心理咨询中坚守价值中立,将避免给来访者带来新的自我与经验之间的冲突,以维护来访者的心理健康。(三)来访者中心疗法的“治疗条件”与“价值中立”来访者中心疗法的“治疗条件”既是坚守“价值中立”的理论表述,也是在咨询中坚守“价值中立”的操作原则。它是建构在“人性观”和“人格理论”基础之上的,由于罗杰斯相信人有理解自己、不断趋向成熟、产生积极的建设性变化的巨大潜在能力,即个体的实现趋向。即使个体有自我概念与现实经验不一致而导致适应困难,也有能力自我调整并且恢复一致或者协调状态。罗杰斯认为个人中心疗法的目标在于启发和鼓励个体潜在能力的发挥,促进其成熟过程,心理咨询的过程就是要使他们“变成自己”,“从面具后面走出来”。罗杰斯把咨询效果表述为:“他将以更为完整的形式在机体上还其原貌,这似乎就是治疗的实质。”[5]在心理咨询中来访者“开始剥下他们应付生活的各种虚伪的外表、假面具和各种角色。他仿佛在努力发现一些更基本的东西,一些对他自身更真实的东西。”[3](p109)罗杰斯认为要实现这个目标的治疗条件是坦诚(genuineness)、无条件关怀(unconditional positive regard)以及情感移入地理解(empathic understanding)。在治疗条件中,无条件关怀是“价值中立”的直接体现,是心理治疗的一个基本的有机构成部分。它意味着在咨询的每一个时刻,咨询者都需要乐意接受来访者可能会有的混乱、恐惧、愤怒、蔑视、痛苦以及其他各种各样的情感,即对来访者的积极态度。这种关注没有任何先决条件,而且也不管来访者的情感正确与否和合适与否。这种态度向来访者传达的信息是,咨询者乐于接受他们此时此地的真实自我,“如果个体体验的只是无条件关怀,那么就不会形成价值条件,自尊将也是无条件的,关怀的需要和自尊的需要是不会同机体评估过程相矛盾的,因而个体就不断获得心理上的调节,成为完善功能的人。”[6]因此,来访者中心疗法在操作方法上,它基本上否定了咨询者的权威与主导作用,当然也否定了对来访者的价值引导,要求咨询者给来访者极大限度地提供自由表现自己的态度、情感的宽容的气氛,充分尊重来访者的个性与自主能力,让个体自由地按照他们自己的情感和感觉来行动,以最大的限度克制使用提问、诊断、批评、解释、忠告、暗示、规劝、说服等手段,对来访者提出的疑问坚守中立,不予直接回答。鼓励来访者独立地、自发地认识其当前的心理困惑与烦恼,并寻求自救良方,“当来访者按照他们机体评估过程而不是按照价值条件评价他们的体验时,治疗就获得成功。”[2](p417)因此,治疗条件只有通过“价值中立”才能够得以实现。由此可见,价值中立既是来访者中心疗法的指导思想,也是来访者中心疗法的操作技法,它贯穿于咨询过程的始终,是来访者中心疗法的核心。在咨询实践中,运用“价值中立”对增强来访者的个人责任意识,增强自信心,提高自我价值感,减少对咨询者的依赖是有积极作用的;对于那些存在各种价值条件冲突,背负着沉重价值道德包袱,远离了自己的本性,迷失了自我的个体,使他们在没有价值判断的条件下“忠实于自己”,尽可能地减少因防御和恐惧带来的心理压力,重新体现内心的自由与和谐,恢复心理健康,效果良好。但是,来访者中心疗法价值中立的原则也有其局限性。尤其在我国,由于文化的差异,来访者有很强的受暗示性,对咨询者的互动性期望很高,希望咨询者作为权威或者专家的角色出现,期待咨询者是生活的指导者、困难的帮助者、情感的同情者、问题的决策者。希望咨询者在谈话中采取主动的姿态并积极、明确地表达自己的意见,快捷地解决自己的问题。尽管如此,来访者中心疗法在咨询实践中的有效性是毋庸置疑的。正如赫根汉(B.R.Hergenhahn)所评论的:“自弗洛伊德以来,没有一个人比罗杰斯对心理治疗产生过更大的影响。他那积极的、人本主义的心理咨询和治疗方法,在教育、宗教和商业等领域中广泛应用。它的广泛流传似乎有三种原因:(1)它的有效性;(2)掌握这种方法并不需要精神分析那样乏味的训练;(3)它对人生抱着积极的和乐观的态度。”[2](p430)笔者认为,要真正理解和运用来访者中心疗法,就必须承认并掌握“价值中立”的原则和技巧,否则,就不可能对来访者中心疗法很好地实施。
2023-07-12 09:14:461


genuineness is taken and regret is left
2023-07-12 09:14:544


在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which thelaw in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance。”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (邀约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(目标的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with “contract”,agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact. “协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。
2023-07-12 09:15:011


在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which thelaw in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance。”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (邀约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(目标的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with “contract”,agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact. “协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。
2023-07-12 09:15:081


问题一:你对我真诚,我也会对你真诚。用英语怎么讲? You tell me sincerely, I will for you in good faith 问题二:我很诚实用英语怎么说 其实只要“I am honest.”就可以了 例如: 我很诚实而且外向。 I am honest and outgoing. 问题三:我很诚实也很忠诚用英文怎么说 I"m honest and loyal. 问题四:“真诚的说我非常不喜欢用英语”这句话用英文怎么说? 30分 truthfully,I don"t like to speak it in English very much 问题五:真诚,真心,真爱用英文怎么说? 真心的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere2. genuineness真诚:1. sincere; honest; frank; genuine真爱:习惯上是 pure love 你用 true love也可以。 问题六:我们应该学会真诚待人英语怎么说 We should learn how to treat people sincerely. We should sincerely courteous. 希望对你有帮助哦~
2023-07-12 09:15:271


2023-07-12 09:15:351

真心待你 用英文怎么说?

treat you heart and soul
2023-07-12 09:15:554

英文合同中,最后签字的地方:By: Name: Title: Date: 四者都什么意思啊?在线等、准确点

2023-07-12 09:16:064


经典英文自我介绍 篇1   Making a self-introduction 作自我介绍   1. May I introduce myself?   2. Hello, I"m Hanson Smith.   3. Excuse me; I don"t think we"ve met. My name"s Hanson Smith.   4. How do you do? I"m Hanson Smith.   5. I"m David Anderson. I don"t believe I"ve had the pleasure.   6. First let me introduce myself. I"m Peter White, production manager.   7. My name is David. I work in the marketing department. 经典英文自我介绍 篇2   Good morning. My name is xxx .It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself,and I hope I can make a good performance today.   早上好。我的名字是某某某。非常荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我希望今天我能有个好的表现。   Now I will introduce myself briefly ,I am 23 years old,born in wenling, the capital of Zhejiang Province. I graduated from the The Chinese people"s armed police force academy department of Frontier command in July, 20xx. 现在我将简单介绍一下我自己,我今年23岁,出生在温岭市,是浙江省的省会。我毕业于中国人民武装警察部队学院前沿指挥部门,20xx年6月。   During the four years in university, I spend most of my time on study, I have   passed CET4 and I have acquired basic knowledge of Frontier command. Besides, with my efforts and cheerful personality,I received a scholarship and outstanding student awarded. Generally speaking, I am a hard worker especially do the thing I am interested in. I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is Basketball, swimming or surf online.Through college life,I learn how to balance between study and entertainment.   在四年的大学,我把大部分时间花在学习上,我已经通过国家基本知识,我已经获得了国境的命令。同时,我的努力和性格开朗,我收到了奖学金和优秀学生奖励。一般来说,我是个很勤奋的工人特别是做我感兴趣的东西。我喜欢跟我的同学,几乎谈一切,我最喜欢的消遣是打篮球、游泳或者网上冲浪。通过大学生活,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐之间。   And now,I am a inspector. I am well aware that the Inspector"s job is to complete the ship"s exit-entry frontier inspection procedure, so I"ll use my efforts to be an excellent border inspectors. In my spare time, I will learn more about inspectors professional knowledge, constantly improve my own. Whatever difficulties I encountered will not give up, this is a four-year university taught me. I love my job and like to work together with like-minded people. I believe that through continuous efforts, I will realize my dream and to be a good, serve the people of border inspectors That is all, thank you!   早上好。我的名字是某某某。非常荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我希望今天我能有个好的表现。   现在我将简单介绍一下我自己,我今年23岁,出生在温岭市,是浙江省的省会。我毕业于中国人民武装警察部队学院前沿指挥部门,20xx年6月。   在四年的大学,我把大部分时间花在学习上,我已经通过国家基本知识,我已经获得了国境的命令。同时,我的努力和性格开朗,我收到了奖学金和优秀学生奖励。一般来说,我是个很勤奋的工人特别是做我感兴趣的东西。我喜欢跟我的同学,几乎谈一切,我最喜欢的消遣是打篮球、游泳或者网上冲浪。通过大学生活,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐之间。   而现在,我是一个官员。我深知检查员的.工作是完整的船的出入境边防检查手续,所以我会用我的努力成为一个优秀的边境的核查。在我的业余时间,我将学习更多关于核查人员的专业知识,不断提高我自己。无论遇到什么困难,我遇到过不会放弃,这是一个四年大学教过我。我爱我的工作,也喜欢和志趣相投的人一起工作。我相信,通过我们的不懈努力,我要实现我的梦想,要成为   一名优秀的、为人民服务的边境的核查 “这就是全部了,谢谢! 经典英文自我介绍 篇3   my name is xxx, this year 27 years old. july 1997 me from * * normal school art teacher art professional inside the plan at graduation. from 1997 to within country no longer zifeisheng bag distributive, that i should go up with the sun most glary vocation over. fortunately, tattenai machang small teachers is insufficient, the people in this small introduction, i served as a year of   temporary substitute teacher.   recall that time which was both sweet and good, although   substitute a low salary, but listen students around the side teacher and teacher growled and looked at the pairs of eyes, the full trust every childishness little face, all the unpleasant life all suddenly vanished. i wanted to, even if it does not become a full member, as long as the school needs, is when the lifetime class teacher i also willingly. and behold, since 1998 countries began to repel temporary and class teacher, received the school verbally notify after, i was reluctant to part with the mood, quietly left school.   today, i want to pass the exam again on the rostrum desire is so urgent! my family has three sisters, two sisters working outside, in order to take care of elderly parents already, i always stay in their side. i have open shop, first business handicraft, again after   business clothing. but no matter how business handy, when a glorious people"s teacher has always been my dream of fundamentality and wish to their life work to pursue career. i have participated in the exam, but are due to various reasons and failed to realize the dream, but i decided, as long as the opportunity, i have been exam go on until the ideal realization so far.   now of i, after the test of life than my rival in age i no longer have an advantage, but i had a more than they are in children"s love, patience and responsibility, a more mature and self-confident.   the teachers in this profession is sacred and great, he asked the teacher not only need have a wealth of knowledge, also have a lofty sentiment. therefore, reading normal, i pay great attention to their all-round development, extensive training their hobbies, and learning has the specialty, accomplish except the good at painting and   calligraphy outside, still can sing, can speak, speak. learning for division, high only body sudoku for fan in knowledge-based learning at the same time, i pay attention to cultivating their own noble moral sentiment, consciously bound, observe social ethics, no bad habits and behavior. i think these are an education workers should have the least knowledge.   if, i passed the interview, become numerous teachers team members, i will continue to study hard and work hard, for the hometown of education and contribute their efforts, disappoints engineers of human souls this glorious title. 经典英文自我介绍 篇4   I am very gald to introduce myself .I am from Liaoning Province. I graduated from Shandong University and majored in Microbiology. I love music and looking books, especially the history books.   I am honor that I have the opportunity to take part in the interview. Of course,I hope I can joy in our company,Please give me the chance. Thanks very much.   我非常开心可以在这里做自我极少,我来自辽宁,毕业于山东大学的微生物专业,我很喜欢音乐和看书,尤其是历史类的书籍。很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。   能够来参加贵公司的面试我感到很荣幸,当然我也希望可以加入贵公司,为贵公司服务实现我的理想。请贵公司给我这个机会,万分感激。    经典英文自我介绍 篇5   Hello,everyone!   My name is xxxx is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i"m arecommended student from ccfls,in which i have studied for six years.during thetime i stayed there,i"ve learned a lot from the teachers who i must thanksincerely.another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in ahappy family.i was treated as the apple of my family members" eyes sincechildhood.genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement arethe characters my family gives,but for their support,i would not bethis confident.many thanks to my family.i love them all.   I"m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amountof hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.what deserves to beintroduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of"s without muchgaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.the websiteaddress is here.your prensence and guidance are requested.   Unlike many other girls,i"m quite gooatsports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due tothis,i"m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member ofthe female volleyball team in our addition,i"m fond of playingchess.i"ve got a silver medal when i was a child.futhermore,i"m a very versatilegirl.piano and clarinet are my forte.they all get the ninth level.besides,i"m agood organizer and leader in the school activities.i organized many englishspeech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.especially,idirected an english play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeoussuccess,so that every audience spoke highly of it.i"m very proud of that.   To conclude,i"m sure i won"t let you down.i hope that you can give me achance to study in x   Iamen university,which is the shrine in my mind, and i"llgive you much glory in return.   That"s all.thank you for your attention. 经典英文自我介绍 篇6   Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is Dongzhanji,I am twenty-five years old. I come from zibo city of Shan dong Province. I graduated from Shandong university of technology in July, 20xx. In the past one year I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I"ve been working in a paint factory as Research and Development person. And the 2 years of work experience let me know that I need to promote myself by the Stage of postgraduate study. Beijing Institute of Technology is my first choice.Like most of the Shandongpeople,I am a straightforward person. In my spare time, I like reading books and playing basketball. I am a diligent student during my college studying ,and In my college, I actively response to the call of the college, take part in all kinds of useful activities and get scholarships for many times.   I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance for advanced studies in this famous University, I will stare to effort to master a good command of advance my capability. 经典英文自我介绍 篇7   年轻是吃苦受累的季节,只有通过自己富有激情、积极主动的努力实现自身价值并在工作中做出最大的贡献:   作为一个初学者,我具备出色的学习能力并且乐于学习、敢于创新,不断追求卓越;在多年的学校教育里,我不断实践课本上的知识,最大限度的把理论知识结合到实际中.我拥有较为全面的专业知识和一定的实践经验,具有较强的沟通和组织能力,为人正直、能吃苦耐劳、爱好广泛,有极强的责任心和集体荣誉感;四年的大学生生活造就了我——钢铁航海人!我愿用自己的双手与您共同打造.....美好的未来。   通过对贵公司的一些初步了解,本人很希望能成为贵公司的一员,为公司的发展贡献自己的力量。我自信我的能力和热情能使我为贵公司的建设和发展做出一定的贡献。在此,衷心的祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上! 如能有幸进入贵公司,必将努力工作,为公司的发展尽心尽力。
2023-07-12 09:16:221


示样4.1.1-1 开证申请书 Irrevocable Documentary Credit Application(正面) Applicant: 申请人 Issuing Bank: 开证行 Date of Application: 申请开证日期 Expiry date and Place for Presentation of documents Expiry Date: 到期日 Place for Presentation:到期地点 Issue by (air) mail with brief advice by teletransmission 开证形式(see UCP 500 Article 11) Issue by teletransmission(see UCP 500 Article 11) Transferable Credit-As per UCP 500 Article 48 Beneficiary: 受益人 Confirmation of the Credit 是否需保兑 not requested requested authorised if requested by Beneficiary Amount in figures and words(please use ISO Currency Codes):金额 Partial shipments allowed not allowed 分运 Credit available with Nominated Bank: 付款方式
2023-07-12 09:16:443

请问英文歌里常有这句话"check it out"是什么意思啊?

2023-07-12 09:16:5310


你好!我的真心被狗吃了My heart was eaten by the dog
2023-07-12 09:17:142


Contract与Agreement的区别和用法 在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。 何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in t his Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is ,between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种,违反可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。 何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方京某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation.根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (要约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(标的物的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with "contract", agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact." 即“协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏合同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。 1999中国《合同法》第十二条规定了八项一般条款,分别是: 1. title or name and domicile of the parities(当事人的名称或姓名和住址) 2. contract object(标的) 3. quantity(数量) 4. quality(质量) 5. price or remuneration(价款或者报酬) 6. time limit, place and method of performance (履行期限、地点和方式) 7. liability for breach of contract(违约责任) 8. methods to settle disputes (解决争议的方法) 上述解释说明,contract(合同)和agreement(协议)的概念虽然接近,但使用范围不同,不能互换使用。合同是协议的重要组成部分,所有合同一定是协议,而协议不见得都是合同。可以说具备合同成立要求的具有强制执行力的协议才是合同。 结构特点 合同类法律文件用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。合同英语行文慎密而准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 中文的合同开头一般先罗列当事人的名称、姓名、住所或营业场所,然后是合同正文,结尾是当事人印章、授权代表签字、职务及签字日期。而英语合同一般以下面这类句式为开头: This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ____ day of _____(month), _______ (year) by and between Party A (hereinafter called " Party A ")and Party B(hereinafter called " Party B ") 然后是开始陈述: WHEREAS...THEREFORE … It is hereby agreed as follows: 或以: WITNESSETH, WHEREAS… NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 接着是正文,最后是证明部分,: IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written. 随后还包括当事人和见证人的签字。签字日期一般在英文合同最搬弄是非是找不到的。 下面列出新加坡、美国、香港和日本的合同格式。 A. 新加坡 Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is made the 9th day of August, 2001 between LUCKY INTERNATIONAL LTD, a company incorporated in Singapore and having its registered office at Telek Blongar Rise, Singapore 19569 (hereinfater called "The Company") of the part and JACK Wong (NRIC No._________ /A) of 108 Orchar Road, Singapore 01688 (hereinfater called "The Mangager") of the other part. WHEREAS: 1. The company is engaged in IT business and requires a person with the necessary qualifications and experience to manage its business. 2. …. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: 1. The company shall employ the Manager and the Manager shall serve the Company as manager of the Company"s IT business for a period of two years commencing on 1st day of September 2. …. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand the day and year first above written. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO Duties of Manger 1. To manage, maintain and promote the business of the Company. SIGNED by Roger Tan For and on behalf of LUCKY INTERANTIONAL LTD In the presence of SIGNED by TERESA WONG In the presence of 新加坡的通用合同分五部分: 第一部分:称为parties,主要介绍合同各方的姓名或名称,注册地国及地址、邮编及各自在合同的简称。开头框架一般为: THIS AGREEMENT is made the ---------__________ day of _____ (month),____ (year) between A _______ (hereinafter called "The Company") of the part and B______, (hereinafter called "The Manager") of the other part. 句子开头THIS AGREEMENT 或CONTRACT和当事人的姓名和名称,都应大写。当事人是自然人的,用“of”和其后的住址相连;是法人或非法人单位的,用“having its registered office at”和其后注册地址相连。 第二部分:称为recital。以WHEREAS开头,进入叙述部分,用陈述正式说明当事人订立合同的原因。 第三部分:称为habendum 具体约定当事人的权利和义务。正文部分的结束段为: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand the day and year first above written. 这段作用相当于中文合同的“双方签字盖章,特此为证”。 第四部分:称为schedule或addendum,附录。是对前述合同部分条款的必要补充。不是所有合同都有这一项。 第五部分:称为attestation,证明部分。当事人如果自然人,用“SIGNED by __” ;连接后填写见证姓名的表达部分“In the presence of ____”;当事人是法人或非法人单位时,授权代表后接的是“SIGNED for and on behalf _____ of____”,然后才是In the presence of _______。与中文合同的显著不同是签章处除当事人外,多了一个In the presence of _______供证人签字之处。另一不同的是合同订立日期没有放在合同最后,而是出现在开头段的当事人介绍部分。 第五部分在新加坡还有另一种表达 As Witness our Hands this _____day of _____,in the year of our Lord Tow Thousand and One. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above named In the presence of Signature Address Occupation 上述合同的格式很有代表性,其它英文格式与之相比大同大异,有的合同中不含附录。
2023-07-12 09:17:221


by: 代表“被”,by后接句中谓语动词动作的发出人。如:This was done by me。这件事情是我做的。by :您的亲笔签名。print name : 机打签名。title :您的职位头衔。date : 签订日期。
2023-07-12 09:17:335


2023-07-12 09:18:233


大学英语自我介绍的小作文 Hello everybody. My name is Wang Yan, I e from Zhengzhou, Henan Zhongyuan Institute of clothing line is a freshman, likes to paint listening to music, my dream is to be a fashion designer 大学英语自我介绍的作文 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls.Now ,It"s my turn.My name is Edgar,a high school student.I am very honored to be here to give you a speech.Also it"s a good chance for me to improve my English.I hope I can make a good performance today.The ic of my speech is "After studying here". Before I came here,I can never imagine that I can learn so much knowledge about other countries,which can"t be got from my books in school.Three months ago,I took my first class.Unfortunately,I felt so embarrassed,because I even can"t speak any words,though I know I really love English . After that,I took some of my tutor"s advice and previewed the lesson that I"ll learn.What"s more,In every class,I JUST try my best to say as much as possible.Now,I can only remember It"s a really hard time.What"s worse,I had to go to my high school and went there at the same time. After several weeks,I began to get used to the atmosphere in web .At least I"m not afraid to speak in front of my tutor and foreign teachers. During web"s period,I found I had improved a lot,both physically and mentally.For example,how to be a confident person,how to plan for my future.And the most important is that I have learnt how to municate with others,which is a necessary skill.Nowadays studying is not the only thing that we high school students should do,there are some more important things we have ignored. First,I am grateful for my parents.They have spent so much money for me,but never ask for anything in return.I really know how hard it is to work on such living conditions. Now It"s time to introduce my tutor sally.It was she that led me to the right studying here.It was she that helped me deal with all kinds of annoying things.Also there are some other teachers that I appreciate,especially Laura and Anita.Of course,I like to take foreign teachers" classes.Anyway,thanks all of you! I know I am young; there is a long way in my life.I have to face the difficulties and solve them by myself.But i know i must keep on my dream,I agree that If you put your mind to,you can acplish anything. I know i"m not the best ,but i"m the most diligent one.I hope you can remember me ,an ordinary boy. 自我介绍的大学英语作文 “孤独是困苦的;但可不要变得庸俗;因为这样,你就会发现到处都是一片沙漠.” 这是一本当代华语戏剧名家谈艺录,由作者近年来的亲身采访与相关艺术家、知名演员提供的资料组成,主要记叙了当代较有影响力与最具潜力的20余位华人艺术家的不为人知的从艺生涯,以及他们心中对世界、人生、社会的看法. 全书共分26个章节,汇集众多一手材料,配以大量独家图片,内容真实可信,情感真挚感人,全面展现了当代华人艺术名家的风采神韵,为读者了解明星生活、经历、人生追求打开了另一扇窗. 书中所涉及人物均为知名人士,其中包括濮存昕、杨立新、袁泉、冯远征、陈建斌等热心公益的演员,具有广泛的业内好评度和社会影响力.作为华语艺术舞台的创造者、继承者、发扬者,这些典型人物的艺术人生不仅反映了其个人的成长历程,同时也折射出华语艺术发展至今所经历的艰辛与坎坷、辉煌与成就. 大学英语作文 自我介绍 首先你应该告诉我们你是什么专业的,爱好特长是可以随便写的。我是汉语言文学专业的,我写完了你直接写下来,你们老师岂不会骂死你? hello,everyone! my name is xxxx is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i"m a remended student from fls,in which i have studied for six years.during the time i stayed there,i"ve learned a lot from the teachers who i must thank sincerely.another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.i was treated as the apple of my family members" eyes since childhood.genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives,but for their support,i would not be this confident.many thanks to my family.i love them all. i"m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.what deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of"s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.the website address is here.your prensence and guidance are requested. unlike many other girls,i"m quite good at sports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due to this,i"m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our addition,i"m fond of playing chess.i"ve got a silver medal when i was a child.futhermore,i"m a very versatile girl.piano and clari are my forte.they all get the ninth level.besides,i"m a good anizer and leader in the school activities.i anized many english speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.especially,i directed an english play called“the sound of music”,which is a geous suess,so that every audience spoke highly of it.i"m very proud of that. to conclude,i"m sure i won"t let you down.i hope that you can give me a chance to study in xiamen university,which is the shrine in my mind, and i"ll give you much glory in return. that"s all.thank you for your attention. 自我介绍的小学英语作文 Hello!My name is ... ,I have long/short curly/straight biack hair.I have big eyes and *** all nose.I am mediun heigh and medium burid.I am strait and a little bit quiet.I like piaying sports and reading.On weedend,I often visit my grangpartens and watch TV.I an friendly to my friends. This is me! 一篇自我介绍的英语小作文 Hello! The boy/girl who is cute and friendly is me. My name is xxx. I"m thin and tall. I don"t like playing sports. And my favorite subject is English. I think English is exciting and interesting. The English teacher is funny. I like her class. In her class, I can learn some knowledge and have lots of fun. So I"m good at English. I can help my clas *** ates when they can"t answer the questions. My hobby is playing chess. I can play well. I"m a chess fan. I entered a chess petition last year. And I won a cup.Do you think I am a good boy/girl? 大学英语自我介绍 ladies and gentlemen, I"m a 20-old boy,I call myself a boy just because I have a naivety mind. I"m a man who are going to be *** , I call myself a man just because I have everything that being a man required. Ah! At fact ,I don"t know so much about myself. I always show you a happy appearance but it isn"t always true to my inside. that is,I have worried too much, bothered too much, concerned too much,tired too much, sometimes I even want to give up my mind for good hope! In my opinion,one can feel the happiness only when he just went through the hard times .Misery in the pastbrings the happiness at the present. Maybe one"s life can be divided into several periods: infancy ,childhood, the early youth, youth, the *** , the middle age and the old age. I"m in the period of youth,which is the bridge beeen the early youth and the *** . I erish the early youth for it brings me a lot of happiness.I look foraward the *** for I can do what l want without the restrictions and preventions from others. one will always grow with gaining many lessons and I suppose I"v got a lot of precious experiences. thank you ! 第一次翻译 楼主多多鼓励吧 my name is某某某,i~m from 某地,i`m very glad to e to 某某 university and i am also very happy to see all of you .i want to make friends with you all.
2023-07-12 09:18:461


合同翻译是一种专业的翻译,翻译的时候一定要慎重,很多细节需要注意一下.你可以找专业的合同翻译公司---语美多翻译公司,帮助你翻译这些合同文件.一下是翻译英文合同注意的一些事项,你可以看下.在英文合同翻译中,前提条件是弄懂合同的定义,包括合同中应有的基本要素.第一,英文合同的定义   1.在英文中,合同一般称为Contract或者Agreement.   1999年中国《合同法》第二条将contract定义为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”.根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议.   Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“Contract is a promise,or a set of promises,for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看作是一种补偿.   2. 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素.   它们(要约和承诺构成的)由协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成.   L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到:“Contract generally involves”   1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (要约和绝对接受)   2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds)   3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿)   4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性)   5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力)   6. legality of object(标的物的合法性)   7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性)   8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性)   9. valuable consideration(等价有偿)
2023-07-12 09:19:071


Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms?Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. And even in Western societies, the meanings of various colors have changed over the years. But today in the U.S., researchers have generally found the following to be accurate.BlackBlack is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black.WhiteBrides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.RedThe most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.BlueThe color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.GreenCurrently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.YellowCheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.PurpleThe color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.BrownSolid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors.
2023-07-12 09:19:161


1. 以《真诚》为题目写800字作文 我以前是个不爱说话的女孩子,如今我到了小荷变的热情真诚。我在小荷认识了很多的朋友,这让我感到真的好开心,好快乐。我想用世界是最完美的词语来形容小荷。 我最好的朋友是蓝小默,我的妹妹珍妮公主,我的老乡花梦甜,善良可爱的小娃,可爱淘气的徒弟飞翔在天空,如今我在小荷还认识个师父+朋友葬爱之心。 蓝小默是我见过最好的人,认识小默这个人真高兴。她写的作文十分的好。我应该向默默学习。学习她写作文默默无闻的精神。她在她的作文里这样的写到:香月儿的热情助人我是看在眼里,敬佩在心里。一个女孩紫用真诚的热情去帮助小荷里一切面对疑问的朋友们,真的挺感动的。不是光小月儿帮助过我,而是她那份诚挚待人让我觉得非常的可爱。也更值得我们去学习。尽管默默无闻的付出不知要熬到何时才是尽头。但我相信月儿以后的生活会更好。因为她有一颗善良的心。月儿好好干啊!姐姐支持你!姐姐向你学习!真诚的祝福你!默默妹妹也真诚的祝福你!月月为姐姐加油!希望姐姐能成为作家!姐姐只要去拼搏去努力我相信姐姐一定能成功你的作文看了之后使我非常的感动!姐姐你我是最好的朋友。不论姐姐遇到什么困难与挫折妹妹永远帮助你! 我的妹妹是珍妮公主,我来小荷她是我的第一个妹妹也是第一个朋友,珍妮公主是个很可爱的小女孩。她那好奇心和热心使我恨感动。 我的徒弟是飞翔在天空,飞这个徒弟上会初次见面就是他吧我最好的朋友给惹了,和她比上刷屏了。他没有一次让我省心的时候。我徒弟是个充满阳光活力的男孩子. 葬爱之心,也是我的朋友。是我最信任的朋友。他也是我的师父,他教我学习电脑的奥秘。我谢谢他。 2. 以真诚为话题写一篇作文 真诚奉献(Genuineness and cordiality are rewarding) As is vividly depicted in the picture, a young man with a suitcase under his arm is stretches his hand to greet himself reflected in the mirror. The most striking feature is his image in the mirror is *** iling at him sincerely. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration. As is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that his *** ile can be reflected as tenderly as his real *** ile profoundly indicates that genuineness and cordiality are momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. It is corporation with the team with great zeal that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty and discouragement, that makes us still full of energy to face the ing challenges and petition and that offers us the foundation for the ing success. Unless we are genuine to others, we will not be acknowledged, appreciated and respected by the others No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below. Many capable people who always care about his way of thinking will be living a dull, depressing life.Only by being genuine to others can they win other people"s trust and can they reward the support, sympathy . From what have been discussed above, It admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or *** all there are more or less difficulties, it is much better for one to cooperate with others with great zeal It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make it work. On the one hand, we should be sensible to encourage ourselves to imagine everyone to be our friends not enemies. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to examine our behaviors to make sure they will not hurt others. However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or later。 3. 以‘真诚"为话题写作文 我懂得了珍惜友爱 爱,有许多种,如:母亲和儿女之间的爱称为“伟大的母爱”、父亲和儿女之间的爱称为“父爱”、老师和学生的爱称为“师生爱”、同学之间的爱称为“友爱”······人世间到处充满爱,我们每一个人都在爱的搀扶下生活,在爱的拥护下成长。在众多的爱当中,世界上最伟大的爱是——母爱,但我认为最贴心的爱是经常爱被我们忽视的、也是最纯洁的——“友爱”。 珍惜人与人之间的相互情忘、善待生活,就会感到生活的充实,就会笑傲人生。 在我的日常生活中,曾经发生过这样一件事,让我久久难以忘怀。 那是去年的事了。那时我还读着小学五年级,在那时我还是一个即天真又有些幼稚气的女学生,记得有一个星期四白天放学后,可能是出去玩耍而着了凉;也可能是晚上睡觉蹬掉了被子,早上醒来,头昏沉沉的,像打了苒似的,一点精神也没有,浑身上下感到不舒服,闹钟响了好几遍我还躺在床上不愿起来,妈妈做好了饭,走进我的屋,一摸我的额头烫烫的,惊讶地说,孩子,额头怎么这么热,是不是发烧了?随后妈妈拿来体温表,给我测体温。五分钟过去了,妈妈拿出体温表一看,呀,发了高烧三十九度六,妈妈与我商量,今天就不上学了吧!我无奈地点点头,随后妈妈给我向老师请了假,便带我上了医院。 经医生诊断,我得了严重性感冒,所以才才引起扁桃体发炎。为我买了吊瓶和一大包药,看来这两天就要在病床上度过了。 两天过后,在妈妈和医生精心照顾下,我的病情有了很大的好转,星期日的上午,我正和妈妈在家里说话,并为落下的课发愁呢!妈妈打开了门,看到老师带了三个要好的女同学来到我家,为我补课,并安慰我,祝我早日康复,有位同学还从家里带来了许多好吃的零食呢!看这着位同学,一股暖流拥上我的心头,眼里闪动着激动的泪花。一时不知说什么好。妈妈也抢着给同学拿水果,到茶水,这种乐融融的气氛,似乎一下子把我的病魔仓促除掉了,浑身上下感到前所未有的清爽。这也许就是我们时常说的同学之间的互相帮助、相互扶持、团结奋进、共同进步、的纯洁而质朴的友爱。 而后,当三位同学利用晚上的时间来为我补课,使我不因为生病而落下功课,耽误学习。现在这件事已经过去快一年多的时间了,我也已经读初一下半学期了,我和那有些同学已不在一起上学了,我们各自都找到了一所自己认为满意的中学,开始了我们的紧张学习生涯。但我和那些同学的友爱之情却永远不会随着时间的流逝而被改变、而被遗忘。 它已经珍藏入了我的内心深处,无法把它狠心地抹掉;在我的小小的心灵里烙上了深深的印记。同时爱是相互的付出,是要人人都付出一点爱,世界将变成美好人间! 友爱是指我们同学之间的爱,是一种贴心的、不可怀疑的爱,它是纯洁的、是高尚的,是值得我们珍惜的,它的力量是不可低估的 4. 以真诚为话题写作文 假如生活是船,那么真诚就是船上的帆;假如生活是无垠的天空,那么真诚就是雨后的彩虹;假如把生活比作钟表,那么真诚就如钟表上不可缺少的时针,指引你生活的方向;假如生活是一台机器,真诚就是机器上的发动机,是你生活前进的动力。 真诚有“听君一席话,胜读十年书。”的作用,就像汪洋中有一艘轮船。 真诚也有使一株枯草起死回生的作用,就像黑暗中有束阳光,生活中有个向导。无论在何时何地,我们都应该拥有真诚。 用真诚的阳光支起一片丽日晴空。每个人的一生即有喜悦,欢乐与追求,也有忧愁寂寞与失落,然而,我们不能只享受晴空丽日的温暖而忘了乌云翻滚的寒流,即使虎啸雷鸣,沧海横流,大地颤抖也不必就失去生活的信心,因为人生有真诚相伴,人生有真诚相陪。 当越来越多的高楼大厦,钢筋围墙将人们隔开后,当越来越多的名利占据了人们的整个身心后,当我们不断的发觉梦和现实不协调之后,当我们那份如清水的学子心境再也不能清如往昔的时候,我们不得不感叹,这个世界越来越需要真诚。广场上林立的广告牌下依然进行着人们热衷的讨价还价,小贩们的吆喝声在竭力掩盖着部分假冒伪劣产品,读到的文章只不过 是表皮的宣泄,而根本无内在的真诚,诸如此类现象更是激发我们渴望真诚呼唤真诚。 我们每个人都同样呼唤真诚,向往真诚,崇拜真诚。摘掉虚伪的面具,换上真诚面孔即发现真诚就在身边,让我们携手去珍惜真诚,同时把真诚的阳光洒遍人间。 5. 以真诚为话题的作文的题目 真诚 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美。清晨,微风拂过那枝头的点点茸茸绿色,淡淡的笑靥。与墙头上的夹竹桃一起,似唱响生命中最明快的乐章——真诚。这便是大自然毫不虚假的美,是质朴、真实的本质。这“美”便在于“真诚”。拥挤的公共汽车上,经常可以听到这样的对话:“哎,真对不起!踩着您了!”“没关系,没关系!”被踩着了是常有的事,有时还挺疼,但这不打紧,因为有那句悦耳的“对不起”。也许这是一句很轻很轻的话语,可分量却是沉甸甸的,你会感到对方发自内心的真正歉意和诚挚的问候,心里仅存的怨气便宛如云烟散去。听,“对不起!”,“没关系!”这就好象灵魂的自白,除尘起般扫去心灵上不纯洁的灰尘,让人变得水晶般剔透、无暇。有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。一个眼神、一分微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。那天体育课,当蒋禾扶起我并掰开我的手时,那从手指里涌出来的鲜血染红了地面,样子真是可怕极了。 在医务室里,我害怕的放声哭了,蒋禾不顾一切的用手巾帮我擦血,一面说着安慰我的话。在上药时,她怕我疼,就紧紧地抓住我的手……出了医务室我才知道,蒋禾的衣服已经变成红布条了。第二天早上,我在蒋禾面前放下了一张洁白的卡片,上面用黑笔赫然写道:“在最困难的时候,你不顾一切,地帮助了我,真诚就是你的全部。”蒋禾看着,一脸灿烂。她的笑容似乎在说:“友谊、欣喜和真诚,便是你我。”友谊像是一朵娇嫩、易碎的花,需要我们用热情培育,用真诚来浇灌,才能长久地、美丽的开放下去。友谊的花,她的名字固然叫真诚。而在日常学习与生活中,真实的面对别人,才能有所收获。试想,如果学习中有了害怕对方超过自己的思想,那真诚将不复存在。我和蒋禾之间从不隐瞒什么,总能想着能为对方做些什么。我们并不互相迁就,只是在学习上加紧了竞争,为一个问题争论得脸红脖子粗,为对方的进步欣喜,为自己股足劲儿……我们是学习中的竞争对手,生活中的知心朋友,以坦诚相对,以真实的自我来对待对方。我们在感受真诚的同时,也可以好好地自我反省。现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望!来吧,以真诚对待你身边的每一个人,每一件事,打开心窗,感受真诚! 6. 以""真诚""为题目,写一篇100字作文 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美。清晨,微风拂过那枝头的点点茸茸绿色,淡淡的笑靥。与墙头上 的夹竹桃一起,似唱响生命中最明快的乐章——真诚。这便是大自然毫不虚假的美,是质朴、真实的本质。这“美”便在于“真诚”。 拥挤的公共汽车上,经常可以听到这样的对话:“哎,真对不起!踩着您了!”“没关系,没关系!”被踩着了是常有的事,有时还挺疼,但这不打紧,因为有那句 悦耳的“对不起”。也许这是一句很轻很轻的话语,可分量却是沉甸甸的,你会感到对方发自内心的真正歉意和诚挚的问候,心里仅存的怨气便宛如云烟散去。听, “对不起!”,“没关系!”这就好象灵魂的自白,除尘起般扫去心灵上不纯洁的灰尘,让人变得水晶般剔透、无暇。 有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。一个眼神、一分微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为 那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。 那天体育课,当蒋禾扶起我并掰开我的手时,那从手指里涌出来的鲜血染红了地面,样子真是可怕极了。 在医务室里,我害怕的放声哭了,蒋禾不顾一切的用手巾帮我擦血,一面说着安慰我的话。在上药时,她怕我疼,就紧紧地抓住我的手……出了医务室我才知道,蒋 禾的衣服已经变成红布条了。第二天早上,我在蒋禾面前放下了一张洁白的卡片,上面用黑笔赫然写道:“在最困难的时候,你不顾一切,地帮助了我,真诚就是你 的全部。”蒋禾看着,一脸灿烂。她的笑容似乎在说:“友谊、欣喜和真诚,便是你我。”友谊像是一朵娇嫩、易碎的花,需要我们用热情培育,用真诚来浇灌,才 能长久地、美丽的开放下去。 友谊的花,她的名字固然叫真诚。而在日常学习与生活中,真实的面对别人,才能有所收获。试想,如果学习中有了害怕对方超过自己的思想,那真诚将不复存在。 我和蒋禾之间从不隐瞒什么,总能想着能为对方做些什么。我们并不互相迁就,只是在学习上加紧了竞争,为一个问题争论得脸红脖子粗,为对方的进步欣喜,为自 己股足劲儿……我们是学习中的竞争对手,生活中的知心朋友,以坦诚相对,以真实的自我来对待对方。我们在感受真诚的同时,也可以好好地自我反省。 现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的 钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望! 来吧,以真诚对待你身边的每一个人,每一件事,打开心窗,感受真诚! 7. 以真诚的人,为题目写一篇作文 曾子也是个非常诚实守信的人。 曾参杀猪的故事。曾参,春秋末期鲁国有名的思想家、懦学家,是孔子门生中七十二贤之一。 他博学多才,且十分注重修身养性,德行高尚。一次,他的妻子要到集市上办事,年幼的孩子吵着要去。 曾参的妻子不愿带孩子去,便对他说:“你在家好好玩,等妈妈回来,将家里的猪杀了煮肉给你吃。”孩子听了,非常高兴,不再吵着要去集市了。 这话本是哄孩子说着玩的,过后,曾参的妻子便忘了。不料,曾参却真的把家里的一头猪杀了。 妻子看到曾参把猪杀了,就说,“我是为了让孩子安心地在家里等着,才说等赶集回来把猪杀了烧肉给他吃的,你怎么当真呢。”曾参说:“孩子是不能欺骗的。 孩子年纪小,不懂世事,只得学习别人的样子,尤其是以父母作为生活的榜样。今天你欺骗了孩子,玷污了他的心灵,明天孩子就会欺骗你、欺骗别人;今天你在孩子面前言而无信,明天孩子就会不再信任你,你看这危害有多大呀。” 曾子不欺骗孩子,也培养了孩子讲信用的品德。 8. 以“真诚”为话题的作文 真诚 冰雪覆盖的时候,我们需要一团火来取暖;暗夜无边的时候,我们需要点点星光来取暖;前途茫茫时,我们需要一盏航灯来取暖……四季轮回,心里滤不去的是烦恼和忧愁,脚下略不去的是艰辛和伤痛。寒天冷日,让我们用什么来温暖迎风而立的自己?留些真诚给自己取暖吧! 真诚,看似简单的两个字,却蕴涵了中国上下五千年的道德精髓。然而,如今的炎黄子孙又有多少人能理直气壮地站出来说:我这一生从未背叛过“真诚”二字,在人生的波折中,我的心从未脱离过真诚的圈地。 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美,生命中最明快的乐章莫过于——真诚。有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。 一个眼神、一份微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望!真诚,真诚地对待自己、对待别人,会使自己感到快乐。当别人处于危难之中时,你用自己的一丝丝真诚的帮助,可能会化解他人心中的三尺之冻。当别人处于幸福之中、快乐之时,你用自己真诚的祝福祝贺他时,那生活就是蜂蜜加糖,充满了甜蜜。真诚,是你的心与别人的心沟通的纽带,是你用来化解与朋友的过结的最锋利的武器,比你的唇枪舌剑要锋利得多。我想鱼儿离不开水 ,就是因为两颗心靠得很近,各自都真诚的对待朋友,把自己的心底都亮与了对方,所以才会相互依赖。整个社会是一潭深水,我情愿做一条小鱼,愿用我的“真诚”这味强力粘合剂,弥补你、我、他之间的心灵上的空缺,消除这世上一切的虚伪和丑恶。真诚的心,在黑夜中发出耀眼的光,是一颗无与伦比的夜明珠;在滔滔激流中,是坚定的,毫不动摇的岩石;在天地间屹立着,顶天憾地的巍巍高山。.. 对自己也应该真诚,因为内在的气质是最宝贵的。一个真正懂得与他人相处的人,绝不会因场合或对象的变化而放弃自己的内在气质,不会盲目地迎合、随从别人,这样的人也具备一定的魅力。你说对吗? 真诚是一首清新的小诗,百读不厌;真诚是夏日里的一丝清风,凉爽怡人;真诚是冬天里的一把火,融化人们心灵的坚冰……真诚,一首永恒的歌!有了真诚,我们会获得更多的成功。有了真诚,我们也会获得更多的爱与美好。我们的生活将会有更多的芬芳与绿意! 9. 以“真诚”为话题的作文 真诚 冰雪覆盖的时候,我们需要一团火来取暖;暗夜无边的时候,我们需要点点星光来取暖;前途茫茫时,我们需要一盏航灯来取暖……四季轮回,心里滤不去的是烦恼和忧愁,脚下略不去的是艰辛和伤痛。 寒天冷日,让我们用什么来温暖迎风而立的自己?留些真诚给自己取暖吧! 真诚,看似简单的两个字,却蕴涵了中国上下五千年的道德精髓。然而,如今的炎黄子孙又有多少人能理直气壮地站出来说:我这一生从未背叛过“真诚”二字,在人生的波折中,我的心从未脱离过真诚的圈地。 你发现了吗?在这大千世界里,任何生灵都可以让你感受到它的真、它的善和它的美,生命中最明快的乐章莫过于——真诚。有人说,人与人之间的真诚好说难觅。 其实最常见的真诚便是在和朋友们相处的日子里。 一个眼神、一份微笑,甚至是一张小小的字条,都可以让人无比欣喜,因为那里面包含了太多的坦诚与希望。 现在很多人与人之间的冷漠,都是因为没有真正以灵魂对待对方,对待生活。真诚是什么?如果把人与人之间的关系比成一堵厚墙的话,那么,真诚便是打开窗户的钥匙,耀眼而珍贵。 真诚是什么?是美好,是欣喜,是希望!真诚,真诚地对待自己、对待别人,会使自己感到快乐。当别人处于危难之中时,你用自己的一丝丝真诚的帮助,可能会化解他人心中的三尺之冻。 当别人处于幸福之中、快乐之时,你用自己真诚的祝福祝贺他时,那生活就是蜂蜜加糖,充满了甜蜜。真诚,是你的心与别人的心沟通的纽带,是你用来化解与朋友的过结的最锋利的武器,比你的唇枪舌剑要锋利得多。 我想鱼儿离不开水 ,就是因为两颗心靠得很近,各自都真诚的对待朋友,把自己的心底都亮与了对方,所以才会相互依赖。整个社会是一潭深水,我情愿做一条小鱼,愿用我的“真诚”这味强力粘合剂,弥补你、我、他之间的心灵上的空缺,消除这世上一切的虚伪和丑恶。 真诚的心,在黑夜中发出耀眼的光,是一颗无与伦比的夜明珠;在滔滔激流中,是坚定的,毫不动摇的岩石;在天地间屹立着,顶天憾地的巍巍高山。.. 对自己也应该真诚,因为内在的气质是最宝贵的。 一个真正懂得与他人相处的人,绝不会因场合或对象的变化而放弃自己的内在气质,不会盲目地迎合、随从别人,这样的人也具备一定的魅力。你说对吗? 真诚是一首清新的小诗,百读不厌;真诚是夏日里的一丝清风,凉爽怡人;真诚是冬天里的一把火,融化人们心灵的坚冰……真诚,一首永恒的歌!有了真诚,我们会获得更多的成功。 有了真诚,我们也会获得更多的爱与美好。我们的生活将会有更多的芬芳与绿意。 10. 以“真诚”为话题写作文,文体不限 真诚浇开友谊花 庄稼需要雨露滋润,友谊需用真诚浇灌。 ——题记 相遇 和她相遇是在一个星期天的中午,那天我在***店里帮忙。她刚从这买了两袋盐,可不一会儿,她又回来了,还大声嚷嚷着:“找错了,找错了!”我心想,找错了活该,谁叫你刚才不数的。 虽然我强忍着没说出来,但我的脸色一定很难看。只见她把钱放在柜台上说:“两袋盐是一元六角,我总共才给了你五元钱,可你却找了我八元四角。 要都向你这样做生意,不就亏大了。” 啊!原来是这样,我多找了她五元钱,她竟然是来退钱的。 我为自己刚才的想法感到羞愧,便真诚地说了句谢谢。她说,没什么好谢的,做人最重要的就是要诚实,不能贪小便宜。 在和她的闲聊中,我知道她和我在同一所学校,同一个年级,只是不同班而已。望着她渐渐远去的背影,我知道有一粒种子已悄然落进了我的心田。 相处 初二分班时,我俩分到了同一个班级。有一次上体育课,我不小心把胳膊摔折了,医生建议卧床休息,这怎么行呢?落下功课怎么办?一向争强好胜的我坚决不同意。 这时,她走来了,主动承包了我所有的活计:买水买饭、涮碗洗碟、铺床叠被,上课还帮我记笔记,俨然成了我的保姆,把我照顾得无微不至。那段时间,妈妈忙着做生意,没有时间给我做好吃的,她就经常给我带蒸饺,肉馅的,特好吃。 如果没有她真诚的帮助,我真不知道该怎么办才好。和她相处,所有的烦恼都会随风而去,感觉特别轻松愉快。 我知道,那粒种子已经开始生根、发芽了。 相知 从那以后,我们就成了无话不谈的好朋友。 有了烦恼我们会找对方倾诉;遇到难题我们会共同解决;获得成功我们会让对方分享。我们成天形影不离,好得就像亲姐妹一样,同学们都戏称我们俩是“连体人”。 可进入初三以后,我发现她的话少了,精神也不怎么好,学习成绩直线下降。问她原因,她也不说。 经过一段时间的观察,我才知道,她和一男生暗暗好上了,可最近,那男生又喜欢上了另一个女孩。我真想把那男生痛打一顿,可理智告诉我:不能鲁莽行事。 我必须多陪伴她,多安慰她,尽早把她从那泥潭中拉出来。我对她说:“这样一个薄情寡义的人有什么好留恋的,为他浪费那么多时间简直太可惜了。 要是换了我,早就把他忘得一干二净了,我可不愿做傻瓜。”“什么,你说我是傻瓜?”“对,你就是个十足的大傻瓜!”盯着她的眼睛,我一字一顿的说。 真是一语惊醒梦中人,她一改往日的萎靡不振,重又变得爱说爱笑,爱唱爱跳了。看着她活泼开朗的样子,我知道我们俩用真诚浇灌的友谊之花终于开放了。
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2023-07-12 09:19:355


英语一分钟大学生自我介绍(通用8篇)   当我们在一个陌生场合中,时常要进行自我介绍,自我介绍是人与人进行沟通的.出发点.那么什么样的自我介绍才合适呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英语一分钟大学生自我介绍(通用8篇),欢迎大家分享.   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍1   How are you, I call XX.This year is 22 years old.Graduate from XX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍2   Good morning,my dear classmates and teacher.Its my great honor to introduce myself to you here.My name is XX,Im from No.X middle school.Im a XX-year-old boy/girl.Generally speaking, I am a hard working student do the thing (that)Im interested in.In my spare time,I often read books.I like watching movies and listening to music when Im free.I pride myself on my drawing.Well,Im an easy-going person.But Im also a lazy boy that I dont like doing some sports.So,I want to erase myself.Now we are face to face,I want to face myself to start of something new,I will show you something new to see.Well,I just want to share with you,and Im looking forward to making friends with you.So,lets be good friends!In the end,thank you for giving me the chance to introduce myself.Thats all,thank you!   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍3   Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. I"m and I have been working as a at for ... years since my graduation from University. During my undergraduate years, I developed an interest in . Then I took several selective courses on and read a lot of literature in this field. However, it is one thing to study theory in university, but another to put theory into practice. That"s why I decide to be a to enrich both my knowledge and practical experiences.!   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍4   good morning, teachers and my fellow students. my name is paul. ive always been very interested in journalism, and have worked very hard at studying throughout my four years of college. unfortunately, the more ive learned, the more i began to realize that i still dont know enough to do research by myself. i think i still need a lot more practical experience to make what i ve learned in the classroom more realistic. so i decided to pursue advanced study at the columbia university, which i believe is the idea place for me to get what i need. i hope that i can do a good job in my pursuits.   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍5   My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.   I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.   Hello ladies and gentlemen. Hello my classmates. I am so glad to see you guys today.   My name is Jiani Wang. I am a native of Dalian, the beautiful sea-side city.   I feel happy and lucky to know you guys and study together. I hope that we can learn from each other, support each other and fight for our goals together.   I also hope that we can become life-time friends here in Ningxia   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍6   Hello,everyone.My name is...I am ...yeas old.I come from ...province.I am hard-working and interested in all the subjests we learn at school.I am good at English and maths.I am kind and friendly.I am always ready to help others so I can get on well with my classmates and friends.I am outgoing and I enjoy taking part in all kinds of school activities.I enjoy playing table tennis and drawing.I often join in competitions and have won many prizes.Whats more ,I also like reading because I can get a lot from books and I think books are my best friend.   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍7   I am Xiao Xiao. I recently graduated from ** University with a bachelor degree in Business Accounting. My GPA was among the top 3 in my class. I passed CET6. Besides studying I was very active on campus. I participated in volunteer activities whenever I had time. I became the Chairman for the Student Union during my senior year.   I also worked with Baidu as a Social Media Intern for a semester. I learned a lot about content curation and using social media tools. I could speak (pretty) good English and Im fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I am highly proficient with Office. I have great munication skills. I am an outgoing person. I am very responsible and hardworking. I believe Im a good fit for the Department Assistant position. Thank you for the opportunity.   英语一分钟大学生自我介绍8   hello,everyone!   my name is is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i"m a recommended student from ccfls,in which i have studied for six years.during the time i stayed there,i"ve learned a lot from the teachers who i must thank sincerely.another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.   i was treated as the apple of my family members" eyes since childhood.genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives,but for their support,i would not be this confident.many thanks to my family.i love them all.   i"m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.what deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of"s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.the website address is here.your prensence and guidance are requested. ;
2023-07-12 09:19:531


AChristmasGift圣诞礼物AChristmasGift圣诞礼物Shop-assistant : May I help you, sir?Mr. Yung : Er…I wart to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don"t know what she would like.Shop- assistant : How about an evening gown? These are all from Paris.Mr. Yung : No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don"t want to take the risk.Shop- assistant : What do you have in mind then?Mr. Yung : I"m thinking about jewelry or something valuable and won"t be out of fashion.Shop- assistant : We"ve got beautiful jewelry here. Not much, but each one is unique. If you"re interested, I can show you.Mr. Yung : Do you give guarantees of their genuineness?Shop- assistant : Yes, we do. (He leads Mr. Yung to another counter.) Here we are. Well, what do you think?Mr. Yung : They are lovely, I must say....Can I take a look at that necklace?Shop- assistant : Which one? This one?Mr. Yung : No, no....The third one from the left....Yeah, that"s the one. (Shop assistant gives him the necklace.) Is this ruby genuine?Shop- assistant : We don"t sell fakes here, sir. This one is a masterpiece, and I"m sure your wife will love it. You can"t find a second one in New York, and it only costs you three thousand six hundred dollars. You can pay by cheque if you like.Mr. Yung : Three thousand six hundred? .... OK, I"ll take it....Here is the cheque. Oh, please gift-wrap it.Vocabulary注释1.Unique adi.独一无二的2.Genuineness n.真品3.Fake n.膺品、伪造品叔叔 Why can"t you celebrate the Spring Festival at home? 你为什么不能在家过年啊? 张婷 Because I"m going to take a tour group to the south. 因为我要带团去南方。 叔叔 You don"t have a holiday even during the Spring Festival, do you? 过年你们都不放假吗? 张婷 No, we don"t. Business is very good during this time of the year. 嗯,因为每年这个时候我们的生意都特别好。 叔叔 Do many people go traveling during the festival? 过年的时候还有很多人去旅行吗? 张婷 Yes, more and more people go traveling during the Spring Festival. 对啊,春节出去旅行的人越来越多了。 you: hey (your friend"s name),tomorrow"s new year"s eve,what are you going to do? friend: i"m going to spend it with my family,it"s going to be so much fun, i haven"t see my cusins for like ever! how are you going to spend you night? you: I"m going to LA to see my family there and then go to Disneyland and Hollywood Universal Studio,i can"t wait! friend: oh my god! you"re so lucky! i haven"t been to LA for a long time! you: i know! i haven"t been there in a long time either, all my family memmbers are going there together, it"s going to be fun! friend:well, i hope you have fun there! you: yeah thanks, i hope you have fun with your cusins and other family members as well! 懒的给你翻译,够简单的了,不知道够不够3分钟,绝对美式英文不信你K我 A:Hi,Jim! B:Hi,Kate!Where"re you going? A:I"m going home.My mother is making dumplings at home,and I"ll help her. B:Great.Will you play firecrackers at evening? A:Sure.My father bought lots of firecrackers.All of them are very beautiful,I believe. B:That"s cool.My father bought many firecrackers too. A:This evening we"ll have a wonderful dinner,and many of my relatives will come. B:Great.The table of my house is full of dishes,too. A:I think I"ll spend a very happy Spring Festival. B:Me too.See you. A:See you.呵呵,够了吗评论(0)140漫步云端 的感言: 非常感谢你的帮助 2008-12-16其他回答(1)⊙_⌒暄逸-S 6级 2008-12-16A:Do you think Internet is good? B:Of course! Internet can help us learn more things.We can find imformations we need.And..... A:Wait, some people would agree with you.But I don"t think so.Because there are many sudents fall in to the Internet can"t get out.And their grades come down really quickly. B:But everyone needs relax. Of course they relaxed a lot.But we can"t think Internet is bad.It can help us in many ways.We can visit the school website and learn things we don"t know very much,because we are all students.Don"t you think so?We can use it in many ways,although some is bad,but not all ways are bad.And we can help others such as by using Zhidao of baidu.I think you have used it before. A:Yeah.It"s true.But there is many unhealthy imformations.Such as the eroticism things.You know. B:But there are still many useful imformations.Why do you only can see the bad things of Internet. A:Maybe you are right. Xiao Hua: Hi! Lingling, how are you doing? Lingling: fine. Thanks. Thank god it is Friday. Xiao Hua :Yeah. What do you usually do on the weekend? I feel so bored on the weekend. Lingling: Why don"t you surf on net?There are so many fun things out there. Xiao Hua :Well, My mom won"t let me get on line. She said that there are so many traps on the internet.She is aftraid that I might get bad influence. like those pornographic sites. Lingling: She only looks at the negative side of the internet. Actually there are far more positive impacts. Xiao Hua: Give me some examples, please. Lingling: Simply by clicking internet button,you can get information about all kinds of topics. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time Xiao Hua: Tell me some more, please Lingling: You can socialize with people. I find that I could find better friends on net than in the real world. Xiao Hua: Really? Sounds interesting. Lingling: There are social communities on the internet., like English Corners. I often go there to practice my oral English. I don"t feel shy there which I normally do. Now I find that I have made great progress in my oral and written English due to the internet. Xiao Hua: That"s great. I have been looking for a place to practice my English. I think I will persuade my mom to let me get on line. Lingling: another big advantage of the internet is the easy access to information and it is very cheap. For example, you may download songs, reading novels, play games. There are many web sites that offer free stuff. Xiao Hua:I enjoy reading novels, especially those adventures.but my mom said that a lot of children get sick after playing on the computer all day long. Lingling: She is right. We can"t glue to it all day. It is not good for our eyes. It is not good for our body.We need to go out to inhale fresh air. We need to keep fit in the park.. We need to socialize with real people . Xiao Hua :Can I voice chat with you tonight? I want you to tell me more about internet. Sure. I use QQ. You may download one. Xiao Hua: Ok. See u in QQ then. Lingling: See you.
2023-07-12 09:20:081