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result in和result from有什么区别?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。

result in和result from区别是什么?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result from和result for和result of的区别 最好有例句

1,result from 由于;由…造成;因…而产生:例句:Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的.2,the result for 的意思是the results for "watch tv" are interesting意思是" "看电视"这一项的结果十分有趣." 区别应该是其中包含了一种由somebody主动去做something而导致了这个result的意味,强调了这个result是watch tv而引发的 3,the result of 的意思是在文中的意思是"...的结果是..." here are the results of the student activity survey意思是"一项学生活动调查的结果如下." (词义:干了什么之后的结果)

result in与result from的区别有哪些?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。









result from 什么意思?怎么用?

因……导致而来result from sth.result from doing sth.

关于result from 与result in 的问题,等高人解答(求理解性的语法解释)


result from


Results from和results of区别


arise from result from 区别

arise from起于,由...出身例句Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。Arise or originate from sth由某事物引起;源於某事物Accidents can arise from carelessness.疏忽能引起事故。Mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding.出自于基本上是误解的错误Many great men have arise from humble beginnings.好汉不怕出身低。result fromv.由...产生例句Two things result from this fact.从这一事实中可以得出两个结论:This result is far from our satisfacmon.这一结果远不能令我们满意。We desperately need a result from this match.这场比赛我们务必获胜。The increase in debt result from the expansion programme.由于扩建计划造成债务的增加。They are hoping for a positive result from the experiment他们希望从实验中获得阳性结果

result from的近义词是什么?!


result from和result for和result of的区别


result v. 用法 介词加 from 还是in 还是to

result in=lead to 导致 His carelessness ~his failure. result from是什么意思呢?result from的意思是由...产生下面是一个例句,通过这个例句我们就可以很清楚的明白result from的用法。Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作。result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的

result from用法例句

Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作。result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food.他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的。

as a result of 和 result from的区别

as a result of 由于的意思result from 结果来自、由...引起



result from是什么意思

原由 基本解释缘由;来由

result from什么意思

result from[英][riu02c8zu028clt fru0254m][美][ru026au02c8zu028clt fru028cm]产生于…, 由…引起; 双语例句1Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。2Once driverless cars are used in great number, many engineers believe, accidents that result from driver error will decline sharply, occurring only under extreme or unusual circumstances.很多工程师相信,一旦无人驾驶汽车大量上路,由驾驶者导致的事故数量将大幅下降,只有极端情况下才会发生事故。

result from是什么意思

产生于…, 由…引起 [例句]Nothing has resulted from my efforts .我的努力毫无结果。



大学英语精读第一册第三课The Present

大学英语精读第一册第三课The Present   导语:生日那天我们都会收到亲朋好友送的生日礼物,下面我分享一篇有关礼物的英语课文,欢迎大家前来学习!   UNIT three: The Present   TEXT   They say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. Everyone was so kind to the old lady on her birthday. Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort to please he?   The Present   It was the old lady"s birthday.   She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street, and the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came.   Today she was sure the would be something. Myra wouldn"t forget her mother"s birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy. Her husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work the aged.   The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved. Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner.   One evening, however, Enid said, "I"ve arranged for Mrs. Morrison to look after you for a few days, Mother. Tomorrow I have to go into hospital--just a minor operation, I"ll soon be home."   In the morning she went, but never came back--she died on the operating table. Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.   Two years ago that was, and since then Myra had been to see her mother three times, but her husband never.   The old lady was eight today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps--perhaps Myra might come. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lined or endured just as you chose to look at it.   Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited--like a child. She would enjoy her day.   Yesterday Mrs. Morrison had given the flat an extra clean, and today she had brought a card and a bunch of marigolds when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake, and in the afternoon she was going down there to tea. The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a packet of mints, and said he wouldn"t go out to play until the post had come.   "I guess you"ll get lots and lots of presents," he said, "I did last were when I was six."   What would she like? A pair of slippers perhaps. Or a new cardigan. A cardigan would be lovely. Blue"s such a pretty colour. Jim had always liked her in blue. Or a table lamp. Or a book, a travel book, with pictures, or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things.   She stood by the window, watching. The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat fast. Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.   Then clatter, clatter up the stairs. Johnnie knocked at her door.   "Granny, granny," he shouted, "I"ve got your post."   He gave her four envelopes. Three were unsealed cards from old friends. The fourth was sealed, in Myra"s writing. The old lady felt a pang of disappointment.   "No parcel, Johnnie?"   "No, granny."   Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post. That was it. It would come later by parcel post. She must be patient.   Almost reluctantly she tore the envelope open. Folded in the card was a piece of paper. Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday -- Buy yourself something nice with the cheque, Myra and Harold.   The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.   NEW WORDS   relative   n. 亲属,亲戚   present   n. gift 礼物,赠品   postman   n. 邮递员   rare   a. not happening often 罕见的;不常发生的   occasion   n. special time; time when sth. happens 时刻,时机;场合   mayor   n. chief official of a city or town 市长   medal   n. 奖章   aged   a. old   content   a. satisfied; pleased 满意的";高兴的   primary   a. first; earliest 首要的;最初的   arrange   vi. make preparations; plan 作安排,筹划   minor   a. not serious or important 较小的;次要的   operate   vi. cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part 开刀,动手术   operating table   n. a special table in a hospital, where operations are done 手术台   funeral   n. 葬礼   efficient   a. able to plan and work well 效率高的   decade   n. ten years   endure   vt. bear (pain, suffering, etc.) 忍受,忍耐   spot   n. a round area that is different from the main surface 点,斑点   brighten   vt. make bright or brighter 使发光;使发亮   cheek   n. either side of the face below the eye 面颊   extra   a. additional 额加的,外加的   clean   n. cleaning   bunch   n. things of the same kind that are tied together (一)束,(一)串   marigold   n. 万寿菊(花)   packet   n. small parcel box 小包(裹)   mint   n. 薄荷糖   slipper   n. 拖鞋   cardigan   n. (羊毛)开衫   clatter   n. a number of rapid short knocking sounds 咔嗒声   granny   n. (colloq. for)grandmother   envelope   n. a paper cover for a letter 信封   unsealed   a. 未密封的   seal   vt.   sealed   a. 密封的   writing   n. handwriting 书法;笔迹   pang   n. sudden, sharp pain 剧痛   disappointment   n. sadness because one does not get what one hopes for 失望   disappoint   vt.   parcel   n. 包裹   reluctantly   ad. unwillingly 不情愿地,勉强地   reluctant   a.   fold   vt. bend into two or more parts 折叠   cheque   n. 支票   flutter   vt. move quickly to and fro in the air 飘动   stoop   vi. bend the body forwards and downwards 弯腰   tremble   vi. shake uncontrollably with quick short movements 颤抖   PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS   at other times   on other occasions 在别的时候;平时   round / around the corner   very near in distance or time 在附近;即将来临   after all   in spite of everything; it must be remembered 毕竟;终究   be sure of   对...有把握,确信   pick up   take hold of and lift up from a surface 拿起,捡起   PROPER NAMES   Myra   迈拉(女子名)   Enid   伊妮德(女子名)   Morrison   莫里森(姓氏)   Grant   格兰特(姓氏及男子名)   Johnnie   约翰尼(John的昵称)   Jim   吉姆(James的昵称)   Harold ;

represented as 后面可以加句子吗

虽然大多数情况下,后面直接接名词.但是有时也可以接句子.例如:He is represented as a headless body holding its decapitated in its hands.(人们把她描绘成手持自己首级的无头之躯。)


ZYXEL华勒合勤642端口映射Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile Rem Node Name= ChangeMe Route= IPActive= Yes Bridge= NoEncapsulation= PPPoE Edit PPP Options= NoMultiplexing= LLC-based Rem IP Addr= Edit IP/IPX/Bridge= NoRem Login=Rem Password= ********Outgoing: Session Options:My Login= czz7205800@adsl Edit Filter Sets= NoMy Password= ******** PPPoE Idle Timeout(sec)= 0Authen= CHAP/PAP PPPoE Service Name=Schedule Sets=Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:注意在 Edit Filter Sets= No 空格键改为YES后,进入以下菜单:Menu 11.5 - Remote Node FilterInput Filter Sets:protocol filters=6device filters=Output Filter Sets:protocol filters=device filters=Call Filter Sets:protocol filters=device filters=Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:将出现的 6 空格键去掉后回车存盘返回后 Edit Filter Sets= No 不要管它,回车存盘后设置15进15之后选2进去之后再选1Menu 15.2.1 - NAT Server Setup (Used for SUA Only)Rule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. 21 21 4661 4669上面的例子1是把21端口映射到192.168.1.10例子2是把4661到4669的端口全部映射到192.168.1.10Rule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. Default Default这个是把所有端口全部都映射到192.168.1.10我的例子:Menu 15.2 - NAT Server SetupRule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. Default Default 21 21 80 80 2300 2400 47624 47624 4661 4661 4662 4662 6881 6999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:我的IP是192.168.1.5


figure,作名词时意为“数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。读音:英[u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)],美[u02c8fu026aɡju0259r]。释义:n. 图形;(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;(远处人的)轮廓;身材;人,动物;(人、动物的)雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;花样。v. 是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本)。例句:A cube is a solid figure.立方体是一种立体图形。变形:第三人称单数figures,复数figures,现在分词figuring,过去式figured,过去分词figured。短语:precise figure准确的数字official figure官方数字figure up计算,把…加起来figure on把…估计在内figure expense 计算开支figure的用法figure用作名词时,可表示“轮廓”,由此转化为动词,意为“出现”,常与介词in连用,强调“引人注目”“占据重要位置”。也可表示对某事的预测,即“估计,有可能”。在美国口语中,figure可表示“计算在内”,含有计算工作艰苦,负担很重的意味。这时常与介词in连用。figure out和figure up意思相近,在美国英语中解释为“计算”或“估计”。figure on在美国英语中则解释为“估计到”或“指望”。

用这些词汇写一篇小短文:an interesting dream, had a race, tripped and fell, drank some water

Many years ago, I had an interesting dream. The dream was to beat my friend in racing. I never knew that this dream could have ever come true until what happened last week. I had a race with my friend. However, the result was not the way as I wanted to be. During the last 10 meter dash run, I did not notice a rock that was in front of me as I was only concentrating about winning the race. I tripped and fell. The even that irritated me more was that there was a ponding right where I fell. As expect, I drank some water from the ponding and watched my friend finished the race in front of me.


The turbine engine has a pressor which turns at high speed . 涡轮发动机有一个高度旋转的压气机。 High pressure was used to drive pressors and other equipment . 高压蒸汽用来驱动压缩机或其他设备。 With this arrangement, the turbine drives the pressor . 根据这种联锁装置,涡轮驱动压气机进行工作。 Compressor may be reciprocating positive displacement or centrifugal . 压缩机可以是活塞式、螺杆式或离心式。 Oil-free pressors of course, are the logical choice for instrument-air supppes . 自然,无油压缩机必然被选择为仪用空气供给者。 Uncontaminated water is normally used as seal water for vacuum pumps and for pressor coopng as well as for sanitary use . 未污染的水通常用作真空泵的密封水和压缩机的冷却水以及供保健用。 Study on coopng system of reciprocation pressors 往复式压缩机冷却系统的研究 Massage apppances and digital pressor for home use 家用信息装置和数字压缩机 Glossary of terms for fans , blowers and pressors 风扇鼓风机和压缩机术语汇编 Specification for lubricants for refrigerant pressors 制冷压缩机用润滑油规范 Air - cooled spding vane air pressor for tank trucks 罐车用风冷滑片空气压缩机 The natural gas pressor for the vehicle gas station 汽车加气站用天然气压缩机 Performance test code - pressors and exhausters 性能测试规范.压缩机及排气机 Displacement pressors . methods for model designation 容积式压缩机.型号编制方法 Testing methods for turbo blowers and pressors 涡轮式鼓风机和压缩机的检验方法 Oil flooded spding vane air pressor for general use 一般用喷油滑片空气压缩机 Valve spring pressor kit valve spring pressor 单人操作拆装气门弹簧工具组 Good at pressor maintenance install turbine 擅长大型压缩机透平安装检修。 Marine reciprocating air pressor for high pressure 船用高压活塞式空气压缩机 Reciprocating piston air pressors - basic parameters 往复活塞空气压缩机基本参数 How to select the pressor which should be turned on 怎样选择要启用的压缩机? Allows full manual control of the air pressors 也可在远处全人工控制空压机 Fini pressors - expert on - pne 风力空压机专家在线fini pressors - building Performance test code on pressors and exhausters 压缩机和排气器的性能测试规范 Marine reciprocating air pressor for medium pressure 船用中压活塞式空气压缩机 Introduction of ksc *** all pact screw pressors 研发试产ksc小型螺杆式空压机 Methods of flow measurement for displacement pressor 容积式压缩机流量测量方法 High efficiency pressor , energy saving and durable 高效率压缩机、省电耐用 Compressor running pressor startup delay protection 压缩机开机延时保护状态 Safety standard for pressors for process industries 加工工业压缩机安全标准 Safety standard for pressors for process industries 制造工业用压缩机的安全标准 Marine reciprocating air pressor for low pressure 船用低压活塞式空气压缩机 The advanced technology of digital scroll pressor 先进的数码涡旋制冷压缩机技术 Fini pressors - the group 风力空压机集团组织成员fini pressors - building Fini pressors - pany info 风力空压机公司信息fini pressors - building Design and study of a reciprocating hepum pressor 大功率活塞式氦气压缩机的研制 Lessens the labor burden to operate a centac pressor 减轻操作空压机的体力负担 Check it out , though , i need a - - i need a pressor . . 瞧,我需要一个压缩机 Fini pressors - news pany 风力空压机公司新闻fini pressors - building Apppcation of 10kv sopd - state soft starter to air pressors 电机软启动器的应用 Fini pressors - map pany 风力空压机公司地图fini pressors - building Apppcation of frequency control in air pressor 变频控制在空压机中的应用 C , pressor runs , then the temperature lower than 20 C时启动制冷,一直到温度低于 Noise testing and *** yzing of the rotary pressor 滚动转子压缩机的噪声测试和分析 Compressor running pressor start delay protection 压缩机开机延时保护状态 Refrigerating pressor k - 5222 crank shaft repairing technology 5222曲轴的修复技术 Technology reform of air pressor renew mine 矿井空气压缩机更新的技术改造

What is your first impression of your college?怎么回答

What is your first impression of your college?回答如下:School is the place where we grow up and make friends。The first step we take into school is often accompanied by our parents。The impression is often excited and we hope to have new growth here。回答的翻译如下:学校是我们成长的地方,是我们交友的地方,我们进学校的第一步,往往是家长陪着我们,印象往往是激动,希望自己在这里有新的成长。问题的翻译如下:你对学校的第一印象是什么的呢。

Relaxing at restaurants dining out with friends is great way to socialize .O

CRelaxing at restaurants dining out with friends is A great way tosocialize .Obviously ,looking THE menu is THE first step at A restaurant. a way 一种方式,the menu餐厅里的那个菜单,要特指the first step 第一步,a restaurant 一间餐饮,不用特指翻译:和朋友去餐厅吃饭是社交的一种方式。非常明显,在餐厅该做的第一件事就是看菜单。希望能帮到你,祝你学习进步!


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My dress. (中翻英!!)

I have a beautiful dress. It is pink, above is a flower made of lace and shirt rim is also made of lace, behind is gallus. Very beautiful! I like my dress!








CV和resume都是简历,区别在哪 CV是履历,Resume是简历。 Resume,简述于求职相关的教育背景和工作经历,其目的在于说服用人单位雇用自己; CV,Curriculum Vitae事集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。 CV的完整形式是拉丁文Curriculum Vitae,在美国,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。CV的长度由其内容确定,有时可长达十页,年轻专业人的履历一般长度都在2—4页,而老资历的通常也在6—8页。应包括:姓名、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;文化程度;受何奖励和大学奖学金;教学经历相关经历;有何论著发表;语言或其它技能,课外活动及个人爱好。 Resume,大多只需一页大小,而有两页的对具有广泛的工作经验的人才有典型性。应包括:姓名、地址、电子信箱(可选)和电话号码(当地和固定的);工作岗位(可选) ;教育;获何荣誉奖励;有关功课(可选);经历,列出组织、地址、日期、工作名称、成绩和职责简述。 resume和cv都是指简历,有什么区别吗?急~ CV是更正式的称法 美国研究生简历CV和Resume的区别 在美国,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。现在常常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,其实精确而言,CV应该是“履历”,Resume才是简历。要记住,Resume概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。 看cv和resume之间的区别就上乔布简历简历内容 CV的完整形式是拉丁文Curriculum Vitae,在美国,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。现在常常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,其实精确而言,CV应该是“履历”,Resume才是简历。要记住,Resume概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。 CV比较正式一点 Currculum Vitae 翻译叫做履历Resume是一般的简历..要是申请工作的话 CV会比较好。 求职简历和通用型简历有何区别吗?区别在哪? 尽量不要用通用型海投,还是根据打算应聘的职位特色给每个公司内容不太一样的简历好,你可以去领贤网看看 简历到底是resume还是CV? 两个都对,CV严格来讲,是比简历更能体现你的人生成绩的一个东西,CV比Resume略为严格一些,更要突出一下本人的专业背景和实力curriculum vitaecurriculum vitae这个名称其实有点文绉绉的味道,难怪很多人把它当成了“成绩单”,如果我们把它理解为“人生的成绩单”就比较确切了,有人比喻说:“CV是一份按年代顺序排列成的购物单,上面列出了这些年来你究竟买到手了哪些东西,而不是单单是描述一下你这些年来你买东西的历史”。 国内外英文简历区别在哪 有不少同学好奇国外的英文简历与国内版的有何不同,今天就为大家解答这个问题:国外英文简历与国内 英文简历相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以国外英文简历 有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。首先是国外简历一般都尽量不写性别、年龄和种族等涉嫌个人隐私的信息,因为从法律佣工角度,这些信息是涉嫌用工歧视的, 招聘 单位一旦被诉在 招聘 中涉及性别歧视、年龄歧视或种族歧视等有违法律条款的行为,是要付出巨额赔偿的,因为外国人认为一个应聘人是否符合某个 招聘 岗位的要求,是取决于应聘人的职业背景和职业技能水准,而不是上述信息。但是对在国内的外企,你还是把上述信息、包括你的户口所在地,都老老实实地加在 英文简历 上吧。咱们不认为这是歧视。其次是国外的英文简历一般只写职责,不写业绩,这一点与国内的英文简历有本质的区别。如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是 面试 时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。第三点是国外的英文简历(以下内容略去xx字,谈的是国外的英文简历中应该去掉的内容。)继续阅读:两种英文简历的区别 CV和Resume什么区别 国际上,当你申请工作时,特别是科研教育学术研究方面的位子(比如留学欧洲或申请奖学金),你需要提供CV。和resume相比较,CV通常更加的详细(一般都要两页纸或以上),涵盖更加全面。 CV的完整形式是拉丁文Curriculum Vitae,在美国,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。 我们现在常常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,其实精确而言,CV应该是“履历”,Resume才是简历。要记住,Resume概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。 CV的长度由其内容确定,有时可长达十页,年轻专业人的履历一般长度都在2—4页,而老资历的通常也在6—8页。应包括:姓名、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;文化程度;受何奖励和大学奖学金;教学经历相关经历;有何论著发表;语言或其它技能,课外活动及个人爱好。 Resume,大多只需一页大小,而有两页的对具有广泛的工作经验的人才有典型性。应包括:姓名、地址、电子信箱(可选)和电话号码(当地和固定的);工作岗位(可选) ;教育;获何荣誉奖励;有关功课(可选);经历,列出组织、地址、日期、工作名称、成绩和职责简述。 CV是Curriculum vitae的简称,也有的人叫Curriculum vita。有人解释说,curriculum vitae就是course of life,用“人生的过程”来解释比较恰当,汉语把它翻译成“简历”,但是,也有不同的地方。关于CV的写法,是个非常有争议的话题。如果问两个人:“什么样的CV才更完美?”,专家总是用“DO”或者“DON"T”以及一大堆的“常见错误”让我们觉得这些东西更加神秘和可畏。不要指望有一份完美而且权威的CV,如果我们把它理解为“人生的成绩单” 就比较确切了,有人比喻说:“CV是一份按年代顺序排列成的购物单,上面列出了这些年来你究竟买到手了哪些东西,而不是单单是描述一下你这些年来你买东西的历史”。 在欧洲,除了英国以外,虽然每个国家对CV的格式和内容等方面的要求各不相同,但是,即使是仅仅找工作,所有的国家要求的也都是CV,而不是那种随意的Resume,而在美国, 似乎只有申请大学的时候才需要CV,这也许是欧美文化方面的小小不同。普遍的意见认为,如果找工作,CV一般写成大约两篇左右的样子(A4),这样的篇幅已经很多了,除非您的专业经验非常丰富,才可以写更多。如果申请大学,要看具体的要求,也就是说要看火候,有的时候也不是多多益善。


resume的由来:resume一词来自于法语“résumé”,意为总结、概述。它通常指个人简历,是一份列举个人教育、工作、技能等相关信息的文档。Resume这个词根来自于拉丁语“resumere”,意为再次拿起、恢复,它具有总结、概述和回顾的含义。在职场中,编写一份清晰、准确的Resume对于找工作至关重要,它可以让雇主更好地了解候选人的背景和能力,从而决定是否邀请面试。扩展:1. resume含义:英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“(文章、讲话等的)梗概,摘要,个人简历,履历”,作动词时意为”(中断后)重新开始,继续;重新回到,恢复(席位,地位或职位);(停顿或被打断后)继续说;重选,重穿,重新占用“。2. resume双语例句:(1)The point: If hiring managers had considered only Priestley"s lackluster resume, he"d never have gotten a foot in the door.重点在于:如果招聘经理只关注普利斯特里平淡无奇的简历,他恐怕永远也没有机会迈入Facebook的大门。(2)Immersing themselves in the shoot also meant that it was difficult to get out of their characters and resume normalcy.把自己完全沉浸在戏中同样地表示说他们很难从角色中走出来,并很快恢复到正常状态。(3)Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other applicants. . . but your Trump hair put you over the top.坦率的说,你的简历和其他申请人的没有差别。。。但是喇叭发型让你鹤立鸡群!

光之美少女fresh you make me happy 歌词 中文,日文,罗马文都要。(最好是分开的)

中文:YouMakeMeHappy~今天你感觉如何?无论你我他都一起来做个LovelyFighter!YouMakeMeLucky 跟著幸福Let"sGo~维护幸福正义来准备战斗 一起屈机!再要惊 没有Action 时间就要马上快逝去把内心 锻练勇敢 大声说出ILoveYou你和我一起前行 未来变得更清新ICanDo(爱☆感Do)~YouCanDo(勇☆敢Do)~MoreLet"sGo(猛☆烈Go)!Forever→一起去 DoMyBest一切也有命运的决定一起去 ChangeOurChance让那欢笑充满这世界Motto→梦想 StepByStepDreamAndSmile。是紧要的尽力去! 未来充满希望盛放光辉的幸福之花我相信→必定会 DreamComeTrue感谢你 令我踏向梦想JumpJump!永恒Let"sFresh得到幸福! 罗马文:you make me happyきぶんはいかが?kibunhaikaga ?おんなのこはだれだってonnanokohadaredatteLovely FighterLovely FighterYou make me lucky!You make me lucky!ついておいでよtsuiteoideyoまいにちはたからさがしmainichihatakarasagashiAre you OK?Are you OK?ビビってまよってbibi ttemayotteモジモジしてるよりmojimoji shiteruyoriハートを みがいてha^to wo migaite「すき」ってゆおう!( suki ) tteyuou !ガンバリしだいでganbari shidaideみらいはかわるからmiraihakawarukaraあい☆かん do!(I can do!)ai kan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かんdo!(You can do!)yuu kan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおち込こんじゃいらんないochi komi konjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariso many shining!so many shining!ナイスなキャラでnaisu na kyara deこころストレッチしてねkokoro sutorecchi shitenePretty DreamerPretty DreamerSo many smiling!So many smiling!メゲちゃダメだよmege cha dame dayoななころびやおきでまたnanakorobiyaokidemataドンマイ!ドンマイ!donmai ! donmai !ドジって へこんでdoji tte hekondeメソメソしたときはmesomeso shitatokihaミンナと ハシャイでminna to hashai deハジケてみようhajike temiyouきづけば ナミダはkidukeba namida haすっかりかわくからsukkarikawakukaraみ☆らい cool(Miracle)mi rai cool ( Miracle )ゆう☆あい feel(You I feel)yuu ai feel ( You I feel )かつ!all right! (Gut"s all right)だって→まずはLOVE&PEACE!datte mazuha LOVE&PEACE!いましかないんですimashikanaindesuマジじゃん! マジカルスィッチmaji jan ! majikarusuicchiそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshiteitsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomoriさがしてみつけてsagashitemitsuketeワクワクするようなwakuwaku suruyounaスペシャルしようのsupesharu shiyounoじぶんになろうjibunninarouときめくかずだけtokimekukazudake世界は光るからsekaiha hikarukaraあい☆かんdo!(I can do!)aikan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かん do!(You can do!)yuukan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおちこんじゃいらんないochikonjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshite itsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomori

什么是Non-progressive passive

后两个过去完成时,前两个是一般现在时,第三个是一般过去时,was locked两个过去时重复,最后一段填空是什么

We have to rest from time to time.意思

我们必须偶尔休息from time to time:偶尔


responded意思是口头或书面回答,回应。一、responded词性与用法1、responded作动词,意思是作出反应、响应、反应灵敏、作出正确反应。2、respond的过去分词和过去式是responded。3、responded原型是respond。二、responded短语搭配1、responded quickly - 快速回应。2、responded positively - 积极回应。3、responded appropriately - 适当回应。4、responded with enthusiasm - 热情回应。5、responded in kind - 奉承回应。6、responded to feedback - 对反馈做出回应。7、responded in agreement - 意见一致回应。responded例句:1、When the customer submitted an issue to the support team, the leader responded quickly and professionally, providing a solution to the problem within just a few hours.当客户提交问题给支持团队时,领导快速并专业地回复了,仅仅几个小时内提供了问题的解决方案。2、The government responded positively to the public"s outcry for more access to affordable housing, implementing new policies and initiatives to help achieve this goal.政府对公众要求更多可负担房源的呼吁做出了积极回应,实施了新的政策和计划以帮助实现这一目标。3、After receiving some constructive feedback from John"s colleagues on John"s presentation skills, John responded to the feedback by taking a public speaking course and enlisting the help of a mentor to improve these skills.在同事们对演讲技巧提出建设性反馈后,约翰通过上公开演讲课程并宣布自己寻求导师的帮助来回应反馈并改进这些技能。

以"How to dress properly"为题的英语作文.要有中文意思.

How to dress properlyWear clothes,but also should pay attention to,such as color,style and so on,I"ll tell you about it!First of all,in fact,the first is the right size clothes,wearing a neat,or no ma...

Cypress Hill的《Get Higher》 歌词

Get High词曲:F.I.R.演唱:F.I.R.支持飞儿乐团 支持正版音像让我们Get High 用双手把天撑开Oh……Get High 要所有人都明白泪水都不应该 因为我有你的爱Baby you are always on my mind也许明天不知该往哪里去也许不再有如此美的风景但是总会有一段旋律在我心里反覆唱著浪漫美丽(男)有一个梦在遥远深海 (女)在遥远深海(男)幸福的路陪你去等待 (女)美丽的等待(女)总会有一天 能看见未来(合)我的爱 为你在让我们Get High 用双手把天撑开Oh……Get High 要所有人都明白泪水都不应该 因为我有你的爱baby you are always on my mind曾经害怕不知该往哪里去曾经和寂寞相处已有默契但是总会有一道阳光在我心底给我力量 坚持到底(男)有一个梦在遥远深海 (女)在遥远深海(男)幸福的路陪你去等待 (女)美丽的等待(女)总会有一天 能看见未来(合)我的爱 为你在让我们Get High 用双手把天撑开Oh……Get High 要所有人都明白泪水都不应该 因为我有你的爱baby you are Always on my mind让我们Get High 用双手把天撑开Oh……Get High 要所有人都明白泪水都不应该 因为我有你的爱baby you are always on my mind

slime creatures from outer space 歌词

slime creatures from outer space 歌词 歌曲名:slime creatures from outer space 歌手:Weird Al Yankovic 专辑:dare to be stupid Things just haven"t been the same, Since the flying saucer came. Now the aliens are on the loose. Well, we tried to hold "em back, Tried to ward off their attack, But our atom bombs were just no use. They were ugly, they were mean, Biggest heads I ever seen. They made everybody scream and shout. First they leveled Tokyo, Then New York was next to go. Boy, I really wish they"d cut it out! They wasted everybody on my block. There goes the neighborhood. They"ll zap you with their death-ray eyes, And blow you up real good. Run for your lives! (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re not very nice to the human race. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) There"s more in" every day, And they just won"t go away. Now they"re reproducing in the sewers. They got slimy lizard skin, And an evil-lookin" grin, And they sure could use some manicures. They got hands all covered with fungus. They got eyes like some kinda bug. I sure hope they don"t e in here, I just shampooed the rug. Run for your lives! (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re really makin" a mess of this place. (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"ll rip your head off just for fun. They"ll paralyze your mind. They"re wearin" out their wele. I don"t think I like their kind. They"ll suck your brain out through a straw. You just can"t trust those guys. So hide the children, lock the doors, And always watch the skies. Look out! Here e the... (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re an intergalactic disgrace. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) I wish they"d just get outta my face. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re makin" a big, fat mess of this place. (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures.) Where did they e from? What do they want from us? Who do they think they are? (Slime Creatures. Slime Creatures.) Why don"t they leave me alone? (Slime Creatures. Slime Creatures.) They"re really getting on my nerves. must,they,from,outer,be,creatures,space 连词成句 They must be creatures from outer space . Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space 歌词 歌曲名:Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space 歌手:Every Time I Die 专辑:Ex Lives Every Time I Die - Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space I want to be dead with my friends, I want to be dead with my friends. Wide-eyed, brilliant, tie them in rags. I want to be dead with my friends. I want to be dead with my friends. When the iron sharpens the iron. When the iron sharpens the iron. When the iron sharpens the iron, sharpens the iron. I want to be dead with my friends I want to be dead with my friends Throw the load, unfettable end I want to be dead with my friends. Let boredom cease the beating of our purple hearts, Against this, even gods fight violently in vain, What chance could we have stood? We"re the last of the lost, But now we are the first of the fashionably late. Loved ones depose, You"ll dance around their bones Most of us are holy ghosts All of us are holy ghosts We made the scene when we made a scene And though it was brief, it meant everything. Oh what a pity, now they"re bound to make us saints. Oh what a pity, now they"re bound to make us saints. Against this, even boys fight violently in vain, What chance could we have stood? We"re the last of the lost, But now we are the first of the fashionably late. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. You were all there with me. You were all there with me. You were all there with me. we came from outer space 歌词 歌曲名:we came from outer space 歌手:Pet Shop Boys 专辑:relentless Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Very plicated with the With the police? Yes, all We"re, we"re just here What is this? What is that? Complication high of it! You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to To our parents parents, ... parents Parents? Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Very plicated with the You know the difference beeen the o genders? What is this? What is that? No. We came from outer space to You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) Pet Shop Boys It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live Look from heaven We"re crawling through the munication on the air Black rain Something"s not right, I can"t make it out Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Nice place, nice place, nice place, nice place) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Nice place, nice place, nice place, nice place) Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No, this will e aha Female or male? He Is "he" female or male? Male Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Hello, they have sent us from outer space Somebody from California said something about men and women, Do you know of he don"t know us? Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No. Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No. Don"t leave me, don"t leave me Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, don"t leave me (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, don"t leave me (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry) Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to (Aah, cry) Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Co *** os (Outer Space) 歌词 Co *** os(Outer Space) 演唱:t.A.T.u. t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) Games we don"t want to play Same winner everyday Kill for the second best Feel no more, feel no less We have our minutes cut We lose our feelings but That"s what the movies show This is where stories go Stars we don"t want to reach Scars we don"t want to stitch Go where we haven"t been Fly away, time machine Cloud we will chase him out Crowds, we will face them down This is our secret place Outer space, outer space Our home forever is outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer space, outer space t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) Ground we don"t want to feel Found what they didn"t steal Time, we were really lost Bridges burnt, fingers crossed We, shall we ever be free With no guarantee Life on another plane Same before, same again Go where you want to go So no one ever knows Only what we decide Is it gone Has it died Dry every tear in my eye You can tell me why This is our secret place Outer space, outer space Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space Outer space is where we get together And this place we"re meant to be Stars are dancing and the time is fading Dead forever, You and me, You and me Racing stars and mon moons are plas In the co *** os, we are free There"s no atmosphere And no obsessions It"ll always be It"ll always be Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) 求outer space-we are the plantes歌词 We Are the Plas STORYBOT 1 We can see the whole Solar System from here. STORYBOT 2 I think we can hear it from here too. ALL PLANETS (CHORUS) We are the plas of the Solar System Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun SUN Here es the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginning I"m the center of the solar system, plas be spinning Around me, so hot, I"m roasting, ya see? Now I pass the mic to the pla closest to me MERCURY Mercury! The *** allest pla, *** all as Earth"s moon (MOON: "Yo!") I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow VENUS I"m Venus! I"ve got mountains and volcanoes that spray I"m the same size as Earth but spin the opposite way EARTH Yeah, I"m Earth, I"m the home to every boy and girl (Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful world MARS I"m Mars, the red pla, I"ve got deserts and ice And I"ve got o moons - nice - that"s like one moon, ice! JUPITER I"m Jupiter! the biggest pla, I"m humungous, gargantuan I spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I"m handsome, BAM SON! SATURN Oh please, I"m Saturn, check out my beautiful rings Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things URANUS I"m Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied I"m embarrassed "cause I"m the only pla lying on its side (Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune) NEPTUNE I"m Neptune, I"m cold, dark, windy and mysterious I"m very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I"m serious ALL PLANETS (CHORUS) We"re the plas in the Solar System Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun STORYBOT 1 Well, we are done exploring the Solar System. STORYBOT 2 I am thirsty. Let"s explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy. Nobody knows whether there are any living creatures ___ in outer space.A.exist B.existedC.existing C 宾语从句是 there are any living creatures ___in outer space,这句因为是there be句型,已经有了are这个系动词,后面再出现动词属于非谓语,只能选择现在分词或过去分词的一种,直接排除A与D。然后分析前面 living creatures 与 exist 之间属于主动关系,因此选择表示主动的现在分词C。 Have you ever seen a c_____ from outer space? creature 生物 希望对你有帮助,有不明白的地方再问哟! (*^__^*)


英文原文:fresh est英式音标:[freu0283] [u02cciu02d0esu02c8tiu02d0] 美式音标:[fru025bu0283] [u02cciu02d0esu02c8tiu02d0]

curtain trashbin fresh mirror是什么意思

curtain trashbin fresh mirror窗帘垃圾桶新鲜的镜子curtain trashbin fresh mirror窗帘垃圾桶新鲜的镜子

PCI Express x16和x4怎么分?有什么区别吗




什么是pci express x4插槽

pci express x1到x16,实际上是接口长度和总线带宽的差距每x1就是250MB每秒的带宽对于大带宽要求的设备(例如显卡)请尽量使用x16插槽

PCI Express

PCI Express 2x 4x 8x 指的是现在新型号主板的显卡接口。也就是现在说的PCIE显卡接口。后面的数字家乘号表示显卡插槽速率,数字越大,那么传输的数据量就越大。如果主板上有该接口,那么就要买具有该接口的显卡,现在很多显卡厂商都有PCIE接口的显卡卖……,一般,PCIE接口的显卡要比AGP接口的贵一点。具体可以根据实际情况询问商家(比如能够承受的价位、要达到的显示效果,具体要玩什么类型的游戏,电脑本身的配置等)。

pci expresse有什么用


高级电源选项PCI Express链接状态电源管理具体起什么作用

您好! 根据我的研究,中等电源节省是指:一段时间内不使用,自动关闭PCIE设备。属于节能和性能兼备。最大电源节省量是指:根据你的PCIE设备使用情况,实时的调整设备带宽、频率等。属于倾向于节能,设备性能会有所影响。关闭是指:设备一直处于开启状态,并且一直是全功率运行,属于最好性能状态。希望我的回答对您有所帮助,如果有不清楚的地方,请告诉我。

请问笔记本电脑里的PCI express卡插槽是做什么用的

主板_PCI Express插槽   PCI-Express是最新的总线和接口标准,它原来的名称为“3GIO”,是由英特尔提出的,很明显英特尔的意思是它代表着下一代I/O接口标准。交由PCI-SIG(PCI特殊兴趣组织)认证发布后才改名为“PCI-Express”。这个新标准将全面取代现行的PCI和AGP,最终实现总线标准的统一。它的主要优势就是数据传输速率高,目前最高可达到10GB/s以上,而且还有相当大的发展潜力。PCI Express也有多种规格,从PCI Express 1X到PCI Express 16X,能满足现在和将来一定时间内出现的低速设备和高速设备的需求。能支持PCI Express的主要是英特尔的i915和i925系列芯片组。当然要实现全面取代PCI和AGP也需要一个相当长的过程,就象当初PCI取代ISA一样,都会有个过渡的过程。PCI Express(以下简称PCI-E)采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率,达到PCI所不能提供的高带宽。相对于传统PCI总线在单一时间周期内只能实现单向传输,PCI-E的双单工连接能提供更高的传输速率和质量,它们之间的差异跟半双工和全双工类似。  PCI-E的接口根据总线位宽不同而有所差异,包括X1、X4、X8以及X16,而X2模式将用于内部接口而非插槽模式。PCI-E规格从1条通道连接到32条通道连接,有非常强的伸缩性,以满足不同系统设备对数据传输带宽不同的需求。此外,较短的PCI-E卡可以插入较长的PCI-E插槽中使用,PCI-E接口还能够支持热拔插,这也是个不小的飞跃。PCI-E X1的250MB/秒传输速度已经可以满足主流声效芯片、网卡芯片和存储设备对数据传输带宽的需求,但是远远无法满足图形芯片对数据传输带宽的需求。 因此,用于取代AGP接口的PCI-E接口位宽为X16,能够提供5GB/s的带宽,即便有编码上的损耗但仍能够提供约为4GB/s左右的实际带宽,远远超过AGP 8X的2.1GB/s的带宽。尽管PCI-E技术规格允许实现X1(250MB/秒),X2,X4,X8,X12,X16和X32通道规格,但是依目前形式来看,PCI-E X1和PCI-E X16已成为PCI-E主流规格,同时很多芯片组厂商在南桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X1的支持,在北桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X16的支持。除去提供极高数据传输带宽之外,PCI-E因为采用串行数据包方式传递数据,所以PCI-E接口每个针脚可以获得比传统I/O标准更多的带宽,这样就可以降低PCI-E设备生产成本和体积。另外,PCI-E也支持高阶电源管理,支持热插拔,支持数据同步传输,为优先传输数据进行带宽优化。



PCI-Express X16和PCI-Express x8插槽在外观上有区别吗?

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 硬件 问题描述: 想买个主板怕被奸商吭了 先了解下PCI-Express x16和x8在外观上的区别 解析: 外观没任何区别,叫法一样叫做PCI-Ex16插槽,但速度上有区别.PCI-Ex8通常出现在除P915P和915G的其他915系列,还有威盛(VIA)的PT880系列.后来出的主板一般都是PCI-EX16的,如NF4、NF5系列,I945、VIA PT890......以上的主板都可以放心买。

电源线上有个pci express 的接口是插显卡的吗?


请问笔记本电脑里的PCI express卡插槽是做什么用的

PCI插槽可插接声卡、网卡、内置Modem、内置ADSL Modem、USB2.0卡、IEEE1394卡、IDE接口卡、RAID卡、电视卡、视频采集卡以及其它种类繁多的扩展卡,是基于PCI局部总线(Peripheral Component Interconnection,周边元件扩展接口)的扩展插槽。扩展资料PCI Express是新一代的总线接口。早在2001年的春季,英特尔公司就提出了要用新一代的技术取代PCI总线和多种芯片的内部连接,并称之为第三代I/O总线技术。随后在2001年底,包括Intel、AMD、DELL、IBM在内的20多家业界主导公司开始起草新技术的规范,并在2002年完成,对其正式命名为PCI Express。它采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率。参考资料:百度百科-pci Express

PCI Express的作用是什么啊?

PCI-Express是最新的总线和接口标准,它原来的名称为“3GIO”,是由英特尔提出的,很明显英特尔的意思是它代表着下一代I/O接口标准。交由PCI-SIG(PCI特殊兴趣组织)认证发布后才改名为“PCI-Express”。这个新标准将全面取代现行的PCI和AGP,最终实现总线标准的统一。它的主要优势就是数据传输速率高,目前最高可达到10GB/s以上,而且还有相当大的发展潜力。PCI Express也有多种规格,从PCI Express 1X到PCI Express 16X,能满足现在和将来一定时间内出现的低速设备和高速设备的需求。能支持PCI Express的主要是英特尔的i915和i925系列芯片组。当然要实现全面取代PCI和AGP也需要一个相当长的过程,就象当初PCI取代ISA一样,都会有个过渡的过程。PCI Express(以下简称PCI-E)采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率,达到PCI所不能提供的高带宽。相对于传统PCI总线在单一时间周期内只能实现单向传输,PCI-E的双单工连接能提供更高的传输速率和质量,它们之间的差异跟半双工和全双工类似。 PCI-E的接口根据总线位宽不同而有所差异,包括X1、X4、X8以及X16,而X2模式将用于内部接口而非插槽模式。PCI-E规格从1条通道连接到32条通道连接,有非常强的伸缩性,以满足不同系统设备对数据传输带宽不同的需求。此外,较短的PCI-E卡可以插入较长的PCI-E插槽中使用,PCI-E接口还能够支持热拔插,这也是个不小的飞跃。PCI-E X1的250MB/秒传输速度已经可以满足主流声效芯片、网卡芯片和存储设备对数据传输带宽的需求,但是远远无法满足图形芯片对数据传输带宽的需求。 因此,用于取代AGP接口的PCI-E接口位宽为X16,能够提供5GB/s的带宽,即便有编码上的损耗但仍能够提供约为4GB/s左右的实际带宽,远远超过AGP 8X的2.1GB/s的带宽。 尽管PCI-E技术规格允许实现X1(250MB/秒),X2,X4,X8,X12,X16和X32通道规格,但是依目前形式来看,PCI-E X1和PCI-E X16已成为PCI-E主流规格,同时很多芯片组厂商在南桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X1的支持,在北桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X16的支持。除去提供极高数据传输带宽之外,PCI-E因为采用串行数据包方式传递数据,所以PCI-E接口每个针脚可以获得比传统I/O标准更多的带宽,这样就可以降低PCI-E设备生产成本和体积。另外,PCI-E也支持高阶电源管理,支持热插拔,支持数据同步传输,为优先传输数据进行带宽优化。你的网卡 ...擦在那

组件:PCI-Express 终结点是什么意思

PCI-Express的系统中分为Root complex,Switch,PCIe brige ,Endpoint四大类设备。Root complex是根复合体,就是PCIe根控制器,多由CPU集成。Switch是指交换器,可以扩展PCIe总线。PCIe brige 是桥接,负责PCIe和其他总线转换。Endpoint是终结点,端点设备。如一般的PCIe接口网卡设备,串口卡设备,存储卡设备。


PCI、AGP、PCI Express浅析篇PCI总线属于并行总线( ),总线带宽为133MB/s,连接在PCI总线内的所有设备共享该总线的133MB/s带宽。这种总线状态应付原先的声卡、10/100M网卡以及USB 1.1还不成问题,但是随着人们对传输速率要求的提高,IEEE 1394和USB 2.0设备以及1000M网卡的普及,使PCI总线的133MB/s带宽无力应付高速设备,PCI总线已经成为系统的性能瓶颈。PCI Express与PCI总线不同,它总线属于串行总线,点对点传输,每个传输通道独享带宽。特别值得一提的是,PCI Express总线还支持双向传输模式和数据分路传输模式。其中数据分路传输模式即PCI Express总线的X1、X2、X4、X8、X12、X16和X32多通道连接,X1单向传输带宽即可达到250MB/s,双向传输带宽更可实现夸张的500MB/s,绝非PCI总线可比。925X和915系列芯片组支持4组PCI Express X1通道,同时应付USB 2.0、IEEE 1394以及1000M网络设备绝对不成问题,系统延迟已成为历史。AGP总线实际上也是由PCI总线发展而来,虽然目前已经达到8X接口,带宽也提升至较高的2.1GB/s,但实际它依然无法满足顶级3D核心的带宽需求,不可避免地成为下一代高性能3D核心的性能瓶颈。因此,Intel925X和915彻底抛弃了AGP总线,转为使用全新的PCI Express X16接口,单向传输带宽可达4GB/s,而双向带宽更高达惊人的8GB/s。就目前的应用来看,PCI Express X16有助于促使显卡具备更好的高分辨率视频编辑和大纹理处理能力,如果再将目光放地长远一些,PCI Express X16的高带宽将把高清晰视频娱乐真正普及到PC中来。总之,PCI Express X16是趋势,是潮流。

PCI Express x16和PCI Express x1区别



尊敬的联想用户您好!solution center 也许会出现测试失败的项目,但是并不影响无线网卡的正常使用.因此并不以此测试结果来说明无线网卡有故障.如果能正常使用 即可。更多问题您可以咨询idea论坛论坛联想乐社区:期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!

支持显卡标准:PCI Express 16X是什么意思?

PCI Express(以下简称PCI-E)采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率,达到PCI所不能提供的高带宽。相对于传统PCI总线在单一时间周期内只能实现单向传输,PCI-E的双单工连接能提供更高的传输速率和质量,它们之间的差异跟半双工和全双工类似。 PCI-E的接口根据总线位宽不同而有所差异,包括X1、X4、X8以及X16,而X2模式将用于内部接口而非插槽模式。PCI-E规格从1条通道连接到32条通道连接,有非常强的伸缩性,以满足不同系统设备对数据传输带宽不同的需求。此外,较短的PCI-E卡可以插入较长的PCI-E插槽中使用,PCI-E接口还能够支持热拔插,这也是个不小的飞跃。PCI-E X1的250MB/秒传输速度已经可以满足主流声效芯片、网卡芯片和存储设备对数据传输带宽的需求,但是远远无法满足图形芯片对数据传输带宽的需求。 因此,用于取代AGP接口的PCI-E接口位宽为X16,能够提供5GB/s的带宽,即便有编码上的损耗但仍能够提供约为4GB/s左右的实际带宽,远远超过AGP 8X的2.1GB/s的带宽。

什么是PCI Express

PCI Express 2.0和PCI Express 3.0之间的最大区别就是数据吞吐量有显著增加。PCI Express 2.0中的信号强度为5GT/s,从而实现了500MB/s的数据吞吐能力。由此一个lane数据通路,被定义为x1,它的数据传输能力即是500MB/s。因此,具备PCI Express 2.0 x16的规格,意思是它有配备16条lane数据通路,它可以实现8GB/s的数据吞吐能力。而PCI Express 3.0中,这些数据传输能力被再次加强了一倍。PCI Express 3.0的信号强度为8GT/s,可以实现1GB/s的数据吞吐能力。貌似华擎费特拉提 Gen 3是目第一块支持PCIE 3.0的主板,你可以去看看那块主板方面的资料,希望对你有帮助。

PCI-E x 16 和 PCI express 3.0有什么区别?


请问笔记本电脑里的PCI express卡插槽是做什么用的

主板_PCI Express插槽   PCI-Express是最新的总线和接口标准,它原来的名称为“3GIO”,是由英特尔提出的,很明显英特尔的意思是它代表着下一代I/O接口标准。交由PCI-SIG(PCI特殊兴趣组织)认证发布后才改名为“PCI-Express”。这个新标准将全面取代现行的PCI和AGP,最终实现总线标准的统一。它的主要优势就是数据传输速率高,目前最高可达到10GB/s以上,而且还有相当大的发展潜力。PCI Express也有多种规格,从PCI Express 1X到PCI Express 16X,能满足现在和将来一定时间内出现的低速设备和高速设备的需求。能支持PCI Express的主要是英特尔的i915和i925系列芯片组。当然要实现全面取代PCI和AGP也需要一个相当长的过程,就象当初PCI取代ISA一样,都会有个过渡的过程。PCI Express(以下简称PCI-E)采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率,达到PCI所不能提供的高带宽。相对于传统PCI总线在单一时间周期内只能实现单向传输,PCI-E的双单工连接能提供更高的传输速率和质量,它们之间的差异跟半双工和全双工类似。  PCI-E的接口根据总线位宽不同而有所差异,包括X1、X4、X8以及X16,而X2模式将用于内部接口而非插槽模式。PCI-E规格从1条通道连接到32条通道连接,有非常强的伸缩性,以满足不同系统设备对数据传输带宽不同的需求。此外,较短的PCI-E卡可以插入较长的PCI-E插槽中使用,PCI-E接口还能够支持热拔插,这也是个不小的飞跃。PCI-E X1的250MB/秒传输速度已经可以满足主流声效芯片、网卡芯片和存储设备对数据传输带宽的需求,但是远远无法满足图形芯片对数据传输带宽的需求。 因此,用于取代AGP接口的PCI-E接口位宽为X16,能够提供5GB/s的带宽,即便有编码上的损耗但仍能够提供约为4GB/s左右的实际带宽,远远超过AGP 8X的2.1GB/s的带宽。尽管PCI-E技术规格允许实现X1(250MB/秒),X2,X4,X8,X12,X16和X32通道规格,但是依目前形式来看,PCI-E X1和PCI-E X16已成为PCI-E主流规格,同时很多芯片组厂商在南桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X1的支持,在北桥芯片当中添加对PCI-E X16的支持。除去提供极高数据传输带宽之外,PCI-E因为采用串行数据包方式传递数据,所以PCI-E接口每个针脚可以获得比传统I/O标准更多的带宽,这样就可以降低PCI-E设备生产成本和体积。另外,PCI-E也支持高阶电源管理,支持热插拔,支持数据同步传输,为优先传输数据进行带宽优化。

显卡接口类型:PCI Express 3.0 16X 和主板显卡插槽:PCI-E 3.0标准能完全兼容吗?

PCI Express 3.0 16X 和主板显卡插槽:PCI-E 3.0标准能够兼容的,没有问题。PCI-E3.0是向下兼容的。也就是说不管是2.0还是1.0的,都能够在3.0的插槽上使用。主板PCI-E插槽:2×PCI-E X16显卡插槽意思是,PCI-E的插槽都是16X的,这是PCI-E插槽的一个标准。16X的意思是PCI-E插槽的数据带宽传输速度传输量都是AGP的两倍。而2×PCI-E,说明这个主板应该是有两个PCI-E插槽的。现在主板上有两个或者三个PCI-E插槽的情况已经越来越多。七彩虹iGame660 烈焰战神X D5 2048M能和七彩虹战斧C.H87K V20 良好兼容。因为显卡如果支持3.0,也能够用在2.0或者1.0的插槽上,没有任何问题的,也不会引起什么不良反应。扩展资料显卡接口3.0向下兼容2.0的,严格上来说两个是通用的 ,单卡基本上所有显卡单卡2.0都可以轻松满足3.0,主要是为了双卡以上连接用的。现在PCI-E3.0只出现在了intel的7系主板上,如果不是双卡用户没必要考虑3.0。PCI Express 3.0 16X 和主板显卡插槽:PCI-E 3.0标准接口是支持PCI-E 3.0接口的显卡的,性能上会有一点点影响,不过问题不大,可以放心的装上用。PCI-E包括X1、X4、X8以及X16,规格从1条通道连接到32通道,较短的PCI-E卡可以插入较长的PCI-E插槽中使用,但不同的规格提供的带宽也不一样。

pci express要不要开

打开, SR-IOV(单根 I/O 虚拟化)接口是 PCI express (PCIe) 规范的扩展。它允许 BIOS 为 PCIe 设备分配更多 PCI 资源。对于支持 SR-IOV 的 PCIe 设备或操作系统启用该选项。使用虚拟机监控程序时,使其保持启用状态

电脑上 pcl EXPRESS X1 是什么意思

PCL Express是一种新的总线接口标准,将是AGP和PCL总线标准的继承者。 PCI Express有x1 / x2 / x 3 / x4 / x16等不同的格式,对应不同的带宽,以适用于不同的带宽需要。PCI Express x1是有一个通道,一个通道有两条数据输通道,单向最大带宽为250MB/s,双向最大带宽为500MB/s。PCI Express有x1 / x2 / x 3 / x4 / x16等不同的格式,对应不同的带宽,以适用于不同的带宽需要。PCI Express x16则单向最大带宽为4000MB/s,双向最大带宽为8000MB/s。 x1通常就是和PCI-E显卡接口外观一样,但短很多的那个接口。虽然只有X1的带宽,仍然比传统的PCI高了不多,目前用于安装千兆网卡

PCI Express X16是什么意思?

是显卡~~像以前的显卡型号还有AGP 8X/4XAGP 8X可以提供两倍于AGP 4X的带宽,PCI-E是新出现的接口标准,其中PCI-E X16可以提供四倍于AGP 8X的带宽,现在PCI-E大有取代AGP 8X的趋势,


为了节能,pciexpress开启。PCI Express,技术上地快速的外围组件互连( Peripheral Component Interconnect Express),但通常被缩写为PCIe或PCI-E,是计算机内部设备的一种标准类型的连接。一般中等电源节省设置,也就是说在一段时间内,如果不用电脑的话,就会自动关闭PCI-E设置,这种设置是节能和性能同时具备的。通常情况下,最大电源节省设置,就是说,依据你的电脑的PCI-E的使用情况,实时地进行调整设备带宽,以及频率等。在上面这两种节省设置中,第二种算是更加偏向于节能,但是在设备性能方面就做的并不如第一种。一般所说的关闭状态就是指,我们的电脑始终处在开启状态,而且几乎处在全功率运行的情况中,一般这种状态是我们的电脑所能够处的最好的状态。PCI-E是串行总线,它的主要优势就是数据传输速率高。

什么叫做 PCI Express

分类: 教育/科学 >> 科学技术 >> 工程技术科学 问题描述: 请说明它的基本概念,以及用途.还有在哪些书上可以找到相关的知识.不用多,也不用深.入门就可以了.最好有网沾地址. 解析: PCI Express是新一代能够提供大量带宽和丰富功能以实现令人激动的新式图形应用的全新架构。PCI Express可以为带宽渴求型应用分配相应的带宽,大幅提高中央处理器(CPU)和图形处理器(GPU)之间的带宽。对最终用户而言,他们可以感受影院级图象效果,并获得无缝多媒体体验。 PCI Express采用串行方式传输Data。它和原有的ISA、PCI和AGP总线不同。这种传输方式,不必因为某个硬件的频率而影响到整个系统性能的发挥。当然了,整个系统依然是一个整体,但是我们可以方便的提高某一频率低的硬件的频率,以便系统在没有瓶颈的环境下使用。以串行方式提升频率增进效能,关键的限制在于采用什么样的物理传输介质。目前人们普遍采用铜线路,而理论上铜这个材质可以提供的传输极限是10 Gbps。这也就是为什么PCI Express的极限传输速度的答案。 因为PCI Express工作模式是一种称之为“电压差式传输”的方式。两条铜线,通过相互间的电压差来表示逻辑符号0和1。以这种方式进行资料传输,可以支持极高的运行频率。所以在速度达到10Gbps后,只需换用光纤(Fibre Channel)就可以使之效能倍增。PCI Express是下一阶段的主要传输总线带宽技术。然而,GPU对总线带宽的需求是子系统中最高的,显而易见的是,视频在PCI Express应占有一定的分量。虽然,PCI Express的提出,并非是总线形式的一个结束。恰恰相反,其技术的成熟仍旧需要这个时间。当然了,趁这个时间,那些芯片、主板、视频等厂家是否能出来支持是PCI Express发展的关键。

请问笔记本电脑里的PCI express卡插槽是做什么用的

PCI插槽可插接声卡、网卡、内置Modem、内置ADSL Modem、USB2.0卡、IEEE1394卡、IDE接口卡、RAID卡、电视卡、视频采集卡以及其它种类繁多的扩展卡,是基于PCI局部总线(Peripheral Component Interconnection,周边元件扩展接口)的扩展插槽。扩展资料PCI Express是新一代的总线接口。早在2001年的春季,英特尔公司就提出了要用新一代的技术取代PCI总线和多种芯片的内部连接,并称之为第三代I/O总线技术。随后在2001年底,包括Intel、AMD、DELL、IBM在内的20多家业界主导公司开始起草新技术的规范,并在2002年完成,对其正式命名为PCI Express。它采用了目前业内流行的点对点串行连接,比起PCI以及更早期的计算机总线的共享并行架构,每个设备都有自己的专用连接,不需要向整个总线请求带宽,而且可以把数据传输率提高到一个很高的频率。参考资料:百度百科-pci Express

电源线上有个pci express 的接口是插显卡的吗?

pci express 的接口这是电脑主板的上的扩展插槽,简称2113PCI-E接口,这就是为了装独立显卡的。扩展插槽的种类主要有ISA,PCI,AGP,CNR,AMR,ACR和比较少见的WI-FI,VXB,以及笔记本电脑专用的PCMCIA等等。历史上出现过,早已经被淘汰掉的还有MCA插槽,EISA插槽以及VESA插槽等等。未来的主流扩展插槽是PCI Express插槽。扩展资料:在选购主板产品时,扩展插槽的种类和数量的多少是决定购买的一个重要指标。有多种类型和足够数量的扩展插槽就意味着今后有足够的可升级性和设备扩展性,反之则会在今后的升级和设备扩展方面碰到巨大的障碍。这点对初学者尤其重要。例如不满意整合主板的游戏性能想升级为独立显卡却发现主板上没有AGP插槽;想添加一块视频采集卡却发现使用的PCI插槽都已插满等等。但扩展插槽也并非越多越好,过多的插槽会导致主板成本上升从而加大用户的购买成本,而且过多的插槽对许多用户而言并没有作用,例如一台只需要做文本处理和上网的办公电脑却配有6个PCI插槽而且配有独立显卡,就是一种典型的资源浪费,这种类型的电脑只用整合型的Micro ATX主板就能完全满足使用要求。所以在具体产品的选购上要根据自己的需要来选购,符合自己的才是最好的。


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 硬件 问题描述: 应该和电脑硬件有关吧 解析: PCI Express接口模式 通常用于显卡 网卡等,主板类接口卡. 满足条件: 主板必须有PCI Express专用插槽。优势与性能介绍: -与PCI和AGP插槽相比,PCI-Express更具有潜在的生产价值。 -比PCI总线具有更高的可测量性。 -就目前而言,能够满足硬盘控制器,千兆网卡以及其他一些对带宽需求较大的外设对于带宽的需求。 -不能够象AGP 4x以及8x一样提供给今后游戏中需要的图形升级所需要的大量带宽,不过这种现状,有望在2006年左右由PCI-Express x16改变 -就目前而言,除非你安装了千兆网卡或是其他对带宽需求较大的外设,否则PCI Express技术并非唯一的选择,因为PCI以及AGP技术依旧可以满足中端电脑对于带宽的需求。 -PCI-Express技术,版本以及驱动仍然处于初级阶段,会定期升级,换言之就是说这项技术的上升空间还是很大的。 如果想要升级你的电脑系统,PCI Express技术无疑应该被列入考虑范围之内。但如果你需要的只是顶级的图形视觉效果的话,那么现在还没有必要去用一块拥有PCI Express的主板去取代拥有AGP 4x或者AGP 8x技术的主板,因为后者就目前而言还是有足够的能力去提供象现在主流的DOOM 3这样的游戏所需要的带宽的。就现在而言,PCI和AGP技术还是足以满足广大电脑用户需要的。 不过长江后浪推前浪,新的PCI Express技术必然会在未来的电脑领域逐步取代目前所使用的这两项技术。

PCI Express和PCI的区别是什么?

区别就是技术上的更新;是PCI更高的发展。一、PCI是Peripheral Component Interconnect(外设部件互连标准)的缩写,它是个人电脑中使用最为广泛的接口,几乎所有的主板产品上都带有这种插槽。PCI插槽也是主板带有最多数量的插槽类型,在目前流行的台式机主板上,ATX结构的主板一般带有5~6个PCI插槽,而小一点的MATX主板也都带有2~3个PCI插槽,可见其应用的广泛性。二、PCI-Express是最新的总线和接口标准,它原来的名称为“3GIO”,是由INTEL提出的,很明显INTEL的意思是它代表着下一代I/O接口标准。交由PCI-SIG(PCI特殊兴趣组织)认证发布后才改名为“PCI-Express”。这个新标准将全面取代现行的PCI和AGP,最终实现总线标准的统一。三、PCI-Express它的主要优势就是数据传输速率高,目前最高可达到10GB/s以上,而且还有相当大的发展潜力。PCI Express也有多种规格,从PCI Express 1X到PCI Express 16X,能满足现在和将来一定时间内出现的低速设备和高速设备的需求。能支持PCI Express的主要是INTEL的i915和i925系列芯片组。扩展资料一、PCI总线的主要特点1、具有与处理器和存储器子系统完全并行操作的能力2、具有隐含的中央仲裁系统3、采用多路复用方式(地址线和数据线)减少了引脚数4、完全的多总线主控能力5、提供地址和数据的奇偶校验6、可以转换5V和3.3V的信号环境二、PCI Express结构介绍在概念上,PCI Express总线是较旧的PCI/ PCI-X总线的高速串行替换。PCI Express总线与旧PCI之间的主要区别之一是总线拓扑。 PCI使用共享并行总线架构,其中PCI主机和所有设备共享一组通用的地址,数据和控制线。相比之下,PCI Express基于点到点拓扑,单独的串行链路将每个设备连接到根系统(主机)。 由于其共享总线拓扑,可以对单个方向上的PCI总线进行仲裁(在多个主机的情况下),并且一次限制为一个主机。此外,旧的PCI时钟方案将总线时钟限制在总线上最慢的外设(不管总线事务中涉及的设备如何)。 相比之下,PCI Express总线链路支持任何两个端点之间的全双工通信,同时跨多个端点的并发访问没有固有的限制。参考资料:百度百科-pci Express百度百科-PCI总线

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电脑主板上的pci express插槽是干什么用的


Heresy (Live From Monsters In Moscow Festival, 1991) 歌词

歌曲名:Heresy (Live From Monsters In Moscow Festival, 1991)歌手:Pantera专辑:Cowboys From HellheresyNine Inch NailsThe Downward Spiral he sewed his eyes shut because he was afraid to seehe tries to tell me what i pit inside of mehe"s got the answers to ease my curiosityhe dreamed a god up and called it christianityyou god is dead and no one caresif there is a hell i will see you therehe flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in linehe made a virus that would kill off all the swinehis perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and paindemands devotion atrocities done in his nameyou gos is dead and no one caresand if there is a hell i will see you thereyou gos is dead and no one caresand if there is a hell i will see you there
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