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where are the restroom ?疑问句,问厕所在哪里。

responsibility obligation区别

obligation duty responsibility 都含“义务”、“责任”的意思。 obligation指“一个人在特定时间内必须尽的义务或责任”, 如: To pay taxes is anobligation. 纳税是一种义务。 duty 指“按道德、法律、社会习惯或良心应尽的本分、义务和责任”,着重“自觉”,如: Don"t forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母的责任。 responsibility 指“由于法律、职业或道德等方面的要求, 而应尽的责任或义务”, 着重“必须对后果负责”, 如: accept full responsibility for one"s error 对自己的错误负完全责任。 liability 十分类似于responsibility,时常是难以区分使用,主要是侧重于责任义务的合法性,多用于money相关话题。 如, Tenants have leagal liability for any damage they cause.


obligation duty responsibility 都含“义务”、“责任”的意思. obligation指“一个人在特定时间内必须尽的义务或责任”, 如: To pay taxes is anobligation. 纳税是一种义务. duty 指“按道德、法律、社会习惯或良心应尽的本分、义务和责任”,着重“自觉”,如: Don"t forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母的责任. responsibility 指“由于法律、职业或道德等方面的要求, 而应尽的责任或义务”, 着重“必须对后果负责”, 如: accept full responsibility for one"s error 对自己的错误负完全责任. liability 十分类似于responsibility,时常是难以区分使用,主要是侧重于责任义务的合法性,多用于money相关话题. 如, Tenants have leagal liability for any damage they cause.


duty, obligation, responsibility, function这些名词都有“义务”或“职责”之意。duty: 指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。obligation: 指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。responsibility: 指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所应尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。function: 指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。liability: liability n. 责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, 负债, 与assets相对

Where is the restroom 和where the restroom is两句有什么

前一句是疑问句后一句跟could u tell me 吧 cutm后跟陈述句语序

responsibility, duty,obligation的区别

是名词:责任,职责 例如:1、The state, quality, or fact of being responsible. 负责任:负责任的状态、品质或事实。 2、Something for which one is responsible; a duty, an obligation, or a burden. 责任:一个人应对之负责的事情;职责、义务或负担



—How deep is the hole?      —It is _____.      A. four metre deep  B. four metres deep





bathroom更好些! PONE中心

Excuse me where are restrooms为什么加s?




bedroom是读白瞩目还是白的入目 还有restroom怎么读



latrine 作成沟形或坑形的厕所,公共厕所;如:坑厕。(尤指野营地或军事设施内的)厕所toilet 厕所,洗手间,卫生间。泛指 public toilets 公共厕所restroom 公共厕所[美国英语] 公共场所内附设洗手间的 / (商场、戏院、公司等公共建筑物内的)公用厕所,舆洗室lavatory 厕所,盥洗室 [主要用于英国英语] (有抽水马桶的)厕所

上厕所有很多种表达方式,wc restroom toilet分别有什么区别?


responsibility、obligation、 responsibility三者的区别?

responsibility多强调责任,感情上必须做的事,如果不做,就感觉不好意思,丢面子,或者被人职责。多有情感纽带。比如家庭责任,长辈责任,老师责任,兄长责任等等。 obligation多指义务,不管你什么感情,你什么想法,你不做就要挂的那种事情。比如你捡到钱包,你不想给,但一旦被人发现查到,那就不管你什么面子,情感了,你百口难辨了。你有义务上交有关部门。或者直接联系受害者。再比如你和你老婆离婚了,孩子判给了女方,你很不高兴,但法院规定男方还必须每月给孩子提供一定的经济支持,这时候你就是再不愿意给,那也得给,因为这是义务,不是情感的事情。虽然也有点责任,但更多的是义务,是obligation. 中国人学外语学到一定层次难以进步的原因就是对英文单词之间那些细微的差别搞的不清,学的不精,因而要想学好英语,就得多积累词汇,并多比较,多领会。


Some students say they should not clean the restroom by following reasons. Firstly, the work is dirty and may cause students get sick. Secondly, cleaning restroom is not a duty for students. Thirdly, the duty of cleaning classroom is enough for students. But some students disagree with three reasons as well. To begin with, they state that most students in the school are the only kid in their family and knows nothing about the housework. They also say that this is a great opportunity for student to learn the heavy-duty work. Lastly, they add that cleaning restroom will teach the students a lesson about understanding, appreciating and respcting the work of cleaner. With so many different oponions from students, I believe that a vote should take place to make the final decision.


基本上只有 liability 是副面的责任 liability 在 会计 是 还没还清的。。其它基本上都是通用的 it"s the duty of parents to take good care of their childrenit"s the responsiblity of parents"s the obligation of parents ..但不可说it"s the liability to parents .. 因为意思不一样了



bathroom 、restroom 、toilet 区别是什么?分别怎么使用?

唯一区别是英美区域差异性不一样:在北美国家,人们在询问公共厕所在哪里的时候会用单词 “bathroom” 或 “restroom”,但在英国人眼中的 “bathroom” 指的其实是自家的 “浴室、洗澡间”。在英国, “toilet” 可以指 “卫生间”,也还有 “马桶” 的意思;只有用其复数形式 “toilets” 的时候才可以表示 “由多个卫生间组成的公共厕所”。bathroom,英语单词,名词,意思是“浴室;厕所;盥洗室”。bathroom双语例句:1、I left them in the bathroom. 我把它们留在厕所了。2、The one in the bathroom. 在浴室里的边一个。3、I like my bathroom. 我喜欢我的浴室。

toilet和 restroom和 washroom有什么不同

TOILET卫生间,设有标准的马桶设备WASHROOM,洗浴间,设有洗澡设备,有没有TOILET功能敢肯定,一般都是含有的,不排除另有单独的TOILET,那就叫奢华RESTROOM,起居室,有的含有WASHROOMtoilet来自中古法语toilette,原义是理发、刮脸用的罩布<toile布厕所,卫生间,洗手间Where is the toilet, please? 请问卫生间在哪儿?rest room 公共卫生间,公共厕所washroom洗手间,卫生间toilet本来是“梳妆,打扮”的意思;随着英语语言的发展,用这个词表示“厕所”、“盥洗室”的用法逐渐被人们所接受,用起来还显得有些文雅。lavatory一词也有同样的特点。W.C.是water closet的缩写,指有抽水马桶的厕所。“上厕所”的表示方法主要有:⑴go to the toilet/lavatory (去卫生间)⑵go to the ladies (去女厕所)⑶go to the gents (去男厕所)⑷May I be excused? 我可以方便一下吗?⑸wash one"s hands (解手)Where can I wash my hands? 请问厕所在哪儿? 按照英文的解读,WC的全称Water Closet,词义本身与Toilet区别不大,且有“免费”(without charge)的意思,但给人的印象是简陋、不太卫生;而Toilet则不仅让人有洁净、舒适的感觉,而且还可以在里面梳妆打扮一番。既然上海的公共厕所已经达到“Toilet”的标准,如再继续沿用“WC”就有点“自贬身价”了。由此可见,“WC”与“Toilet”显然不在同一个档次上,若不加以区分,不但与身份不符,很可能还会闹笑话。曾让佛山人引以为豪的“佛山公厕”,这几十年来一直以整洁著称,且深受外地游客的赞许;但人们在此却很难找到“Toilet”的标识,举目了望满街还是“WC”的居多,这也许是佛山人“多干少说”的“美德”使然吧。但在下以为,在加入WTO后的今天,在对外交流早已深入到社会生活每一个层面的佛山,在这样一座拥有“国家卫生城市”、“国家历史文化名城”和“优秀旅游城市”等多项荣誉称号的城市里,我们应当毫不谦逊地将街头上的那些“WC”,改造成“Toilet”。当然,仅仅把“WC”涂掉,再重新填上“Toilet”是很方便的,但我们绝不应干那种挂着“Toilet”的招牌,但实际上停留在“WC”层次的事。 告别简陋,享受舒适,是每个人的正当要求。让我们这里的公共厕所都“Toilet”起来吧,这至少会受到女士们的欢迎;因为据说Toilet这个词来源于法语,就连法语“香水”一词(l'eaudutoilet)也和Toilet有关,可见这里有多高雅。参考资料:;




restroom 英[u02c8restru:m] 美[u02c8ru025bstu02ccrum, -u02ccru028am] n. <美>公用厕所,盥洗室,卫生间; [网络] 卫生间; 休息室; 厕所; [例句]Have you been crying in the restroom?你躲到洗手间里哭了?美式的望采纳,谢谢!


restroom 基本解释:公用厕所,盥洗室,卫生间;restroom 网络解释:1. restroom1. 休息室:美国人习惯把厕所称为休息室(restroom)或者洗手间、化妆间(men-sroom和women-sroom),很少有人直接说厕所的,至于在中国流行的关于厕所的英文Toliet和WC,在美国则被认为是很粗俗的说法,因为这两个英文单词如果被翻译成中文其意思为:座便器和厕位,2. 厕所:没错. 美国的饮水机(drinking fountain)没有热水. 几乎所有的饮水机都设在厕所大门口. 要找饮水机又不知道英文怎麼讲?问人家厕所(restroom)在哪就对了.3. 洗手间:Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司 | Restroom 洗手间 | Mens 男洗手间restroom 双语例句:1. I`m going to the restroom.我要去拉屎了。2. restroom的解释2. We did it in there|in the ladies restroom.我们在女洗手间里做3. But the Americans seem to prefer 12 to use bathroom or washroom or even restroom.嗯,但是美国人似乎倾向于使用浴室洗涤间或是休息室。4. restroom是什么意思4. Wash hands before using restroom facilities.上厕所前要先洗手。5. restroom的反义词5. This room below is with stairs, but without indoor restroom.记不记得我说过的,有些房间是没有卫生间的。6. The clean restroom is the light blue transparent solution generally only, the principal constituent is the acids surface active agent and the disinfectant.洁厕净一般为浅蓝色透明溶液,主要成分为为酸类表面活性剂和消毒剂。


1、restroom英[?restru?m]美[?restru?m]n.(公共场所的)盥洗室,洗手间; 公共厕所。2、[例句]I got up to go to the restroom to wash my hands.我起身去盥洗室洗手。


英 ["restruːm]     美 ["restruːm]    


您好,我是杭州精锐教育庆春路中心的王老师。restroom是指厕所、洗手间。Where is the Restroom?是指: 请问洗手间在哪儿?希望对你有帮助!


toilet washroom

toilet 和 restroom 的区别? 谢谢大家。



因为toilet 专指马桶,restroom就是兼具马桶,洗手池,化妆室等功能为一身的


restroom 可数名词 厕所(复数)restrooms

restroom 有几种用法?




restroom, rest-room和rest room三者有什么区别?

都是厕所。 restroom restroom D.J.[04rest05ru:m, -05r03m] K.K.[04r07st05rum, -05r03m] n. <美>公用厕所;盥洗室;卫生间 Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里? The restroom is at the end of the hallway to the right. 洗手间在走廊尽头右转的地方。 rest room rest room n. (公共建筑物内的)公用厕所,洗手间,休息室满意请采纳




“WC”和“restroom”在本质上没有太大区别,都是具有厕所的含义,只不过WC偏向口语化,而restroom更为正式一些。WC 是厕所的含义更为大多数人所熟知,但是有些人觉得在正式场合说WC不够庄重,所以经常用比如 washroom.(wash:洗),lavatory(盥洗室)或者bathroom、restroom代替WC。


“WC”和“restroom”在本质上没有太大区别,都是具有厕所的含义,只不过WC偏向口语化,而restroom更为正式一些。WC 是厕所的含义更为大多数人所熟知,但是有些人觉得在正式场合说WC不够庄重,所以经常用比如 washroom.(wash:洗),lavatory(盥洗室)或者bathroom、restroom代替WC。


WC 是wafter-closet (抽水马桶)的缩写,其中closet一字本作“小室”解。《二十世纪辞典》对water-closet的解释是:一间用作储藏的小室,“排出物”是用水冲走的。WC 的意思易明,所以曾被广泛采用。但是由于人人皆知WC所指为何,因此有些人认为不雅,便以其他较含蓄的字眼来替代. 在英国,一般用 toliet (冲洗式马桶) 或者 washroom. (wash: 洗),lavatory. 在美国,并不使用 WC 这个缩写, 厕所一般称为 bathroom, restroom. (bath: 洗澡, rest: 休息, room: 房间)


rest room 公共卫生间,公共厕所washroom洗手间,卫生间来是“梳妆,打扮”的意思;随着英语语言的发展,   用这个词表示“厕所”、“盥洗室”的用法逐渐被人们所接受,   用起来还显得有些文雅

restroom 什么意思


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有些知名端口,如果你的通讯使用了这些端口,就会显示,你重新decode as成udp就可以了。


唯一区别是英美区域差异性不一样:在北美国家,人们在询问公共厕所在哪里的时候会用单词 “bathroom” 或 “restroom”,但在英国人眼中的 “bathroom” 指的其实是自家的 “浴室、洗澡间”。在英国, “toilet” 可以指 “卫生间”,也还有 “马桶” 的意思;只有用其复数形式 “toilets” 的时候才可以表示 “由多个卫生间组成的公共厕所”。



Restroom - 美国的公共厕所

在来美国之前,从来没有见过restroom这个词。不过字面意思很好理解吗,rest休息的意思,room是房间的意思。合在一起,那肯定是休息室了。 于是有一天,我在lobby被一个老美问到:Excuse me, where is the restroom? 我懵逼了,这里不是有沙发吗,又没有人,你去坐啊,问我做什么 (≧▽≦)/ 于是我很天真的回了一句:You may rest here... 然后,我看到他一脸懵逼的去问别人了 笑哭。。 那么restroom到底是什么意思呢?其实在美国,公共厕所被称为restroom。天啊,我闹了多大的一个笑话啊。 restroom指的是公共厕所,而bathroom则通常指家里的厕所。 另外,restroom只有在美国使用,欧洲甚至加拿大都不用的哦。欧洲用toilet,加拿大一般用washroom。


1、toilet:专指厕所,抽水马桶、便池。Have you flushed the toilet?你冲厕所了吗?2、restroom:指带有休息室的洗手间,与washroom意义相近,在美语中常用。Just go to the restroom, ok? 你就上厕所呆着好了。 扩展资料 1、toilet常指大小便的.地方,如抽水马桶、便池。Have you flushed the toilet?你冲厕所了吗?He made his way to the nearest toilet and locked himself in a cubicle. 他走到最近的卫生间,进了一个小隔间后把门反锁上。2、restroom:指带有休息室的洗手间,与washroom意义相近,在美语中常用。Just go to the restroom, ok? 你就上厕所呆着好了。Daniel: Because I need to use the restroom. 丹尼尔:因为我要上厕所。


有。但是restroom主要意思是公用厕所,盥洗室,卫生间,洗手间。美国人一般会称家里的卫生间为 the bathroom,公共厕所则为the restroom。在公共场合,则会用 ladies" room 表示女厕, men"s room 表示男厕。 restroom例句 Where"s the restroom? 厕所在哪里? Why do you keep coming to the women"s restroom? 为何到女休息室来? Daniel: Because I need to use the restroom. 丹尼尔:因为我要上厕所。 Is there time to use the restroom before takeoff? 在起飞前还能用卫生间吗? I didn"t want to spend the whole day sitting in the restroom. 我不想一整天坐在洗手间里。 Excuse me. I"d like to go to the restroom for a moment. 不好意思,我现在想要去洗手间。 There you find nice and clean restroom. 那里有好而清洁的厕所。 The bus is equipped with a restroom for your convenience. 为了您的方便,车上备有洗手间。


restroom 基本解释:公用厕所,盥洗室,卫生间;restroom 网络解释:1. restroom1. 休息室:美国人习惯把厕所称为休息室(restroom)或者洗手间、化妆间(men-sroom和women-sroom),很少有人直接说厕所的,至于在中国流行的关于厕所的英文Toliet和WC,在美国则被认为是很粗俗的说法,因为这两个英文单词如果被翻译成中文其意思为:座便器和厕位,2. 厕所:没错. 美国的饮水机(drinking fountain)没有热水. 几乎所有的饮水机都设在厕所大门口. 要找饮水机又不知道英文怎麼讲?问人家厕所(restroom)在哪就对了.3. 洗手间:Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司 | Restroom 洗手间 | Mens 男洗手间restroom 双语例句:1. I`m going to the restroom.我要去拉屎了。2. restroom的解释2. We did it in there|in the ladies restroom.我们在女洗手间里做3. But the Americans seem to prefer 12 to use bathroom or washroom or even restroom.嗯,但是美国人似乎倾向于使用浴室洗涤间或是休息室。4. restroom是什么意思4. Wash hands before using restroom facilities.上厕所前要先洗手。5. restroom的反义词5. This room below is with stairs, but without indoor restroom.记不记得我说过的,有些房间是没有卫生间的。6. The clean restroom is the light blue transparent solution generally only, the principal constituent is the acids surface active agent and the disinfectant.洁厕净一般为浅蓝色透明溶液,主要成分为为酸类表面活性剂和消毒剂。

restroom怎么读 英语restroom怎么读

1、restroom英[u02c8restruu02d0m]美[u02c8restruu02d0m]n.(公共场所的)盥洗室,洗手间; 公共厕所。 2、[例句]I got up to go to the restroom to wash my hands.我起身去盥洗室洗手。


restroom 卫生间


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我没太看懂你这段代码的意思1.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode); 应该是当前Activity(A)调至下一个Activity(B)时使用的2.onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) 是Activity(B)跳回Activity(A)调用的3.还有一个setResult(resultCode, intent);这个是Activity(B)finish之前使用的,目的是告诉Activity(A)调用onActivityResult你这段代码里没有setResult(resultCode, intent);,所以我就不太清楚你的这两部分代码分别是哪里的

optical glow和optical flares的区别?

Optical Glow和Optical Flares都是由插件开发商Video Copilot开发的After Effects插件,它们的作用是在视频中添加光晕和镜头光晕效果。它们的区别如下:1. Optical Glow:Optical Glow是一种插件,可以在After Effects中添加光晕效果。它可以创建柔和、自然的光晕效果,使图像看起来更加柔和和自然。Optical Glow可以控制光晕的大小、形状、颜色和强度等参数,使用户可以根据需要自定义光晕效果。2. Optical Flares:Optical Flares是一种插件,可以在After Effects中添加镜头光晕效果。它可以创建逼真的镜头光晕效果,使视频看起来更加生动和逼真。Optical Flares可以控制光晕的位置、大小、形状、颜色和强度等参数,使用户可以根据需要自定义镜头光晕效果。总之,Optical Glow和Optical Flares都是After Effects插件,它们的作用是在视频中添加光晕和镜头光晕效果。Optical Glow主要用于添加柔和、自然的光晕效果,而Optical Flares主要用于添加逼真的镜头光晕效果。它们都可以根据需要自定义光晕效果的参数,使用户可以创建自己想要的效果。

Normalize.css 和 Reset CSS 有什么本质区别没

主要区别Normalize.css保留同浏览器同标签相同默认值重置同默认式差异说css reset高级版相于普通css resetNormalize浏览器兼容性更毕竟专业士经同版本浏览器测试打造css文件看看兼容性知道强悍:支持浏览器:Google Chrome (latest)Mozilla Firefox (latest)Mozilla Firefox ESROpera (latest)Apple Safari 6+Internet Explorer 8+

AE安装optical flares提示不能使用,如何破解?

Optical Flares插件没安装好,卸载,重新安装Optical Flares安装步骤1、“Optical_Flares_1.0.108_Crack_Spider”解压文件。2、拷贝Optica lFlares_win文件夹里的Optical Flares文件夹到AE的插件目录中。3、启动AE,调出Optical Flares,,提示有机器的序号,拷贝此号。(在特效控制面板中,点击Optica lFlares的“选项”,也可弹出)。关闭AE。4、在OpticalFlares_win文件夹里运行OpticalFlaresCrack(Spider),填入刚才拷贝的机器的序号,点击下方的按纽,保存在AE的插件目录中Optical Flares文件夹内。Optical Flares文件夹内就多了一个许可文件OpticalFlaresLicense.lic,大小46KB。5、将OF AE Presets文件夹拷贝到AE的 PRESET预置文件夹中, 像我是32位 Windows 7 就是这个路径:C:Program Files AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresets6、运行AE加载插件,点击“选项”,可以打开外挂控制面板。点击“动画预置”,弹出预置面板。在After Effects 2019中正常使用。


freshandpeaceful用来做做信号可以?1我的口语段子-Task2部分在准备report 的时候,有人喜欢上网查资料,有人喜欢用printed materials.Which do you prefer and why?1.major in computer science,a lot of skills in search on the internet,effective way for me.Sites Download e-books free.2.I can save the file in my computer,so modify according to my need,print it as many as I want.3.huge amount of data on the internet,much more than in the books.use google,provide hundreds of relevant pages ,always find what I need some think cell phone should be prohibited in certain conditionssome think one can use cell phone anytime1.It is public"s perception that computer cannot be used in a certain places,like the airport,affect the navigation system.Also the gas station,it can lead to a serious accident such as fire blaze.2.some other occasions,student should not to use …in the classroom when the lecture is in the hospital,it will exert bad influences to the and power 是success 的证明吗1.For some teachers and professors,they don"t earn much,but they contribute a lot to the society.They teach and educate many people,some of which has become first-rate scholars.2.For some policemen,both the lives of themselves and their relatives are often in danger,but they struggle with the criminals,maintain the quiet and peace of our society.3.both of them I think are very successful,if a person contribute all his capacity to the society,they should be defined as success.白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好I prefer to work at day and study at night.1.working need more energy,spend the most of time in in day time save me a lot of trouble,sometimes I need to discuss with somebody,at night I hesitate if I interrupt his rest.I need to make phonecall to other companies,but at night they all live the require a quiet and peaceful environment,night can provide me this.I can concentrate more to the materials.No one will interrupt me.在暑假期间(?反正是summer 什么的)有些学生愿意take courses,有些学生愿意take off or summer job ,问你prefer 哪种?I prefer to do some summer job1.I have taken courses for a whole semester,I want to make some change on the atmosphere and environment.I wish to let my mind relax.2.I can apply my knowledge to the reality.The most valuable knowledge is gained from the society,experience and practice.This will deepen my the knowledge learned from the text book.3.I can learn how to deal with the people in the society.I can gain the experience of cooperating with others.This is also very important for my career in the future.(expand my horizon)喜欢户外还是室内活动,why1.go to mountains for hiking.Attracted by the unpolluted natural environment,temperature, breathes with odor,pure water.Roaming here Respite from daily concern.2.I love playing Ping-Pang.Good for my healthy keep my body fit.Strength,also Train my agility and flexibility.A good sweat can make people feel comfortable.3.make friends.Share our feeling talk about our life expand my horizonmodern technology makes the life simple or present,We don"t need to worry about if there is enough food to eat.But now the food becomes more and more unhealthy.Some of them even cause damage to our body.Like the powdered milk incident in china last year,it includes some noxious chemical renders many children dead or damaged.2.using the fossil fuel.It supply us convenience in transport and production.However,the factory expel a large amount of CO2to the atmosphere.We now suffer from the eccentric climate changes.The sea level is ascending year by year.It threaten the many lives and city.如果你有一笔钱,你会攒起来还是会花掉?为什么?I will spend it.1.I want to spend part of it on my parents.I live in a family with ordinary financial condition.My parents don"t earn very much.They live a frugal existence.From my childhood to now,they always give the best to me,while leave the inferior to themselves.I want to spend the money on their clothing and diet,also replacing their old TV,washing machine,furniture.2.I want to donate the other part to Chinese Hoping Project.A lot of schools in the distant areas in china is bitterly aching for repair.There is no good teacher.Many children are forced to quit school because their bad financial conditions.I want to give them a hand.印象最深的照片或者一幅画a photo of Kobe Bryant struggling in the court.He teaches a lot in my life.你会在不同时期换工作还是一辈子只有一份工作只有一份工作1.I can concentrate on my work.I can become more and more proficient in my field.It will help to secure my employment in the company.2.I can develop more relationship with staff.Longtime collaboration can make us more familiarwith each other,we don"t need to adapt to each other.We can achieve our goal with better team work.3.That will benefit my family.Changing work sometime means leaving for other city.My children can"t not get a stable education.Living in one city,I can have more chance to take care of my old parents.agree or disagree名人:运动员,歌星或影星,用来做榜样agree.Like Kobe Bryant.是问电视节目娱乐的和教育的你喜欢哪一个Education kind1.It is an enjoyment to watch this kind of tv show.Become more and more attractive,tell a story of the wild animal,or show the evolution of our universe with aid of computer.I am greatly attracted by teaches me lot.Like the interview with a big scientist.It gives me some guidance in my daily life.…(broaden,deepen)3.It is very popular to watch the famous TV program“Lecture Room”on CCTV.many people love it.Share feelings and thoughts...飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing,1.spend on my in a family ordinary financial condition.Don"t earn much.lead a frugal life.Best to me,inferior themselves....2.Chinese Hoping Project.Aching for repair.No good teacher.Forced to quit school poor.Compared with science and math study,the study of art and literature is not very important.Do y ou agree or disagree?I don"t agree with that.1.They are equally important.In Recent years,people have gradually realized that science can"t be separated with art.Some great scientists are also very proficient at art.Einstein was very skilled in playing violin.And they say that without art they cannot achieve so great accomplishment.2.Art and literature contributes a lot to the science research.Art can expand people"s imagination.It can inspire people"s scientific thoughts.To organize and express thoughts in science or math,people should be trained in literatures.有些人喜欢去以前去过的地方,有些人喜欢没去过的地方,你更喜欢哪个,为什么?Places that I have not gone before.1.It can expand my horizon.I can communicate with different people.I can know more about their culture.I can learn their skills and way of thinking.For example,I dream going to France.I will see the excellent oil paintings and sculptures;they are full of imagination and creation.I can feel the romanticism of the French people in their daily life.2.I can see more gorgeous landscape.I can enjoy a wider range of food.I have never been to the forest.I dream that I can breathe the fresh air mixed with the odor of grass and soil.I can enjoy the tasty food.Such as roast pheasant and rabbit.u prefer to be a leader or support member in a group project领导随从I prefer to be a leader in a group/project.1.improve personality.A leader should have determination....should be non-complacent…should be perseverant...2.learn skills.I have to take more responsibility.It will encourage me to work better.I have to try my best to organize and make plan.Train My ability to think over a matter as a whole.Deal with many interpersonal problems.Improve my sociability.你是否认为长大的孩子应该帮助家里干家务活Advocate this/agree with that.1.train themselves and learn basic skills in daily life.Know how to cook a meal.How to wash their cloth.To foster their awareness to keep the house clean.Helpful,When they become independent,university,2.this is a kind of relaxation.Many students play Computer Games for their spare time.They easily get is not good for their physical and mental health.Realize that do some household work is a very good way to relax.是否做自己喜欢做的工作重要I agree with the statement.1.I won"t feel boring or tired about the job.I can get interest from my job.Wipe up the weariness. Make work more efficient.Work in a delightful atmosphere.2.I can devote myself to the job.For example,I like my major.Thus I am willing to read many books and do lot of practice on it.Sometimes.For fixing a small bug,lead to a better achievement.你喜欢有几年经验的老师教你,还是刚刚培训完的新老师教New1.bring the new method new idea to the classroom.they are not confined by antiquated way of thinking.I love to try something new.For example,the new ways to learn English,to speak to write more.Old teacher often pay too much attention to the grammar.2.They are very vigorous and exuberant.supplement the delightful atmosphere to the classroom.I love the enjoyable environment.We don"t have deep gulf.We are both the young generation.We have more common language.I will feel at easy to talk with the new teacher.你是闲着的时候随波逐流还是有计划Organized.Have the spare time fully used.1.mountain for hiking.Temperature is moderate.Breath grass soil.Taste pure water.2.playing pingpang3.listen to peaceful music.学生不能带手机进教室,同意还是不同意do you agree or disagree with the following statement:student should not be allowed tobring cellphone into the class.disagree.1.Some people argue that it will distract other students and professor"s concentration.However, If they set their cell phones to the silence mode,it wouldn"t affect other students and professor,2.Sometimes there will be an emergency.For example,their roommate is hit by a car in an accident.They should be informed as quickly as possible.3.If there is sudden earthquake.It will supply the last hope for them.Like the wenchuan earthquake last year.Many people survived by using their phone to send signals to the rescue team.高中要不要开艺术和音乐课Should school ask students learn music and art.I think they should learn some music and art.1.I think art and music are as important as math and other sciences.It is an necessary part in forming an integral consciousness of a person.If a person cannot get enough input of music and art,he will become disabled in the mental health.2.learning some art and music can enrich people"s mind.It can provide us a sense of beauty and delight.It will inspire our imagination and creation.It can give us a respite from our daily concern. Recent research has implied that art and music can be separated with science and math.They are equivalent in many aspects.Einstein is very proficient at playing....Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a personI agree with that.1.It is good for one"s health.Recent research has largely demonstrated that many illnesses arise from the increasing pace of life,especially some mental problem as well as the cancel.A hurried life brings about less time for rest and less moment for communication with our inner feeling and our friends and relatives.They are all negative factor to our health.2.We should control our pace of development of society and economics.The nature environment is deteriorating.We should avoid the unmeaningful competition between us.If we don"t act in time,we"ll pay much more for what we have done.2.We can slow down and have a look on our surroundings.We will see many precious things.We should spend more time with our family,After the wenchuan earthquake last year,I came to realize that...Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truthI disagree with that.1.not always a good choice.To tell a truth to a patient sometimes will ruin his confidence to beat the illness.We should give prize to a child even if he is not doing very well.This can boost his interest to what he is doing.2.Some people have poor consciousness.To tell the truth will ruin the whole thing.3.Sometimes truth is related to one"s privacy or a company"s secret.If we are asked to talk about something concerning to that,we should consider it carefully.People say that childhood is the best time in one person"s life.Do you agree or disagree?

Fernando Express的《Solo Tu》 歌词

歌曲名:Solo Tu歌手:Fernando Express专辑:Sei Du Meine InselSolo tumusic... 制莋:⑧零後尛煜-QQ(76668676)Nanana, nanana...Solo tuLadies "n gentlemenLady Scar reprenting Solo tuSolo tuBello sai solo tucon i tuoi occhi belli bluBello sai solo tuvoli con me lassúBello sai solo tufai amare me di piúSai amore solo tuwhen I step on the sceneyou treat me like a queenall day, everydayI like your wayLet"s get it physicalYou know I tell no spelllike true voodooWant only youOra guardo a teé impossibileTi amo tanto...guanto sogno, sogno insieme a teIl cuore sale sunon si puó dar di piúTi amo tanto...guanto sogno, ci se solo tuBello sai solo tucon i tuoi occhi belli bluBello sai solo tuvoli con me lassúBello sai solo tufai amare me di piúSolo tuNanana, nanana...Sai amore solo tuNo diamond and no pearlto get into my worldJust trust in usyou won"t be lostYou listen p.y.t.Your magic"s gettin" melike true voodooWant only youOra guardo a teé impossibileTi amo tanto...guanto sogno, sogno insieme a teIl cuore sale sunon si puó dar di piúTi amo tanto...guanto sogno, ci sei solo tuSolo tuBello sai solo tucon i tuoi occhi belli bluBello sai solo tuvoli con me lassúBello sai solo tufai amare me di piúSai amore solo tuSolo tuSolo tuSolo tuBello sai solo tucon i tuoi occhi belli bluBello sai solo tuvoli con me lassúBello sai solo tufai amare me di piúSolo tuNanana, nanana...Solo tuNanana, nanana...Sai amore solo tuHa, solo tuSolo tu

at the moment 能用于现在进行式和过去式吗 那at that time 和at present能吗?



在菜单栏中点击Capture菜单中的Options菜单项,打开Wireshark Capture Interface窗口 会将路由器的mac地址转换成HuaWeiDe_xxxxxx名称 勾选后:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to

复杂的sql语句,楼主是高手啊。1 问题原因:看了一下这个sql语句问题可能存在这里:最后出现两个where。where条件之后已经加了order by 条件了,理论上不能再加where条件了,如果要加的话 应该用and条件和前面的1=1连接起来。2 报错分析:仔细看mysql的报错,near "where id in ("0","9","2")" at line 1,意思是错误出现在"where id in ("0","9","2")" 附近,所以错误应该就在这里了。讲到这里相信楼主就可以解决了,不是不会 而是没仔细检查sql


tremolo ["trěm-l] (TREM-mo-low) 追问: 不应该是trillo吗? 回答: trill 跟 tremolo 是两样不同的符号 - - 追问: 我问的是音乐术语颤音tremolo是什么意思? 回答: 两个都是颤音(tremolo有的时候也叫震音)。Tremolo在SATB那种合唱的谱子上出现得比较多。Trill则是在钢琴或其他乐器的谱子上常用。追问: 好吧,我说的是小提琴的打指那就应该是trillo了 回答: 是trill.. 不要叫"o" 追问: 可是我的意大利语入门书里就写的是trillo呀 回答: 意...意大利文... 我以为是世界通用的英文~ 追问: 拜托我问的是音乐术语,音乐术语难道是英语吗? 回答: ^ ^ RCM(北美)的书里面音乐术语都是原文, 但是像这种装饰音的名称当然就用英文咯 追问: 可是我的谱子上的音乐术语都是意大利语,我也没见过哪个音乐术语不是意大利语 回答: 装饰音是符号, 不是术语。 对于符号的名称有不同语言的。 很多国家 (像澳大利亚, 加拿大, 和美国) 都用英文。 但如果你的谱子的出版是决定用不同语言的, 我也无能为力~ 追问: 我想可能是因为你没学过小提琴所以才对这个不了解吧 回答: 我什么时候说过我学过小提琴 Trill不是直用在小提琴上的, 而你提问题的时候又没有指明说是小提琴。我学的是钢琴。


应该是 revised吧修改过的/校对过的应该是 all rights reserved版权所有

with respective to是什么意思

英语with respective to中文与相应的

in respective of是什么意思

英文:in respective of中文:在各自的可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的结果不是很流畅也许是翻译水平有限,请见谅很高兴为您解答您的采纳是我答题的动力祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问手机用户点击右上角的【满意】如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:prespective展望望采纳 谢谢

they are respectful

答案:C解析: respectable“体面的;值得尊敬的”;respectful“表示敬意的;尊敬的”;respective “各自的;分别的”;respect“尊敬;尊重”。句子的意思是:他们在各自的领域都被视为专家。


是 respective(各自的,值得尊敬的) respiration(呼吸,生物的氧化作用) respondent(应答者,被告,反响) 的缩写形式


respectively :按指定出的或提及的顺序逐一地,例如: I"m referring to each of you respectively. 我将逐个提到你们中的每一个人。separately:作为一个独立的个体存在状态那样分别地,例如: China and the United States are separately the third and the fourth largest country in size in the world. 中国和美国(作为一个独立的个体国家)分别是世界上国土面积第三位和第四位的大国”。

英语这里respective disciplines什么意思?


a highly___(respect)scientistuff1f


respect 有几个形容词

respectable 值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的respectful 恭敬的;有礼貌的

respect 有几个形容词

respectable 值得尊敬的;体面地 respective 分别的,个别的 respectful 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的

英语each respective site’s web pages怎么翻译?

each respective site"s web pages每个网站的网页


1.respect:既可以做动词也可以做名词.respect someone/ one"s respect. 2.respected:respect的过去式(例如,He was respected.);也可以做形容词,表示受尊重的.(例如,The respected leaders.) respected ideas 公认理论;权威理论 be respected as 被尊为... 3.respectful:形容词,形容某件事,或者某人的行为恭敬的,有礼貌的(例如,respectful behavior)其副词形式:respectfully.(例如,she said respectfully.) 4.respectable:既可以做名词,意为:值得尊重的人或事物(例如,Most Respectable最尊敬的人).也可以做形容词,形容某些人或事物值得尊敬(例如,respectable parents);某些人人格高尚的(The leader is so respectable.);或者人、事物相当数量的(respectable amount). 5.respective:形容词,意思:分别的,各自的(例如respective error个别误差).(Everything in the world hasitsrespectiverulesand regulations)

respect 形容词和名词

名词respecter [ri"spektu0259] n. 尊敬的人;势利的人


respectable 意为“可敬的;应受尊敬的;体面的;正派的;达到一定标准或规模的”,respectful 意为“恭敬的;表示尊敬的”respective 意为“各自的.;分别的”,其后常用复数名词。respecting 为介词,意为“关于;在…方面”。


respectable adj. 值得尊敬的指因品质、行为等高尚而应该得到他人尊敬的。respectable motives 高尚的动机According to his students, he is a hard-working and respectable teacher. 在学生眼里,他是一位勤勉可敬的老师。respected adj. 受尊敬的指因取得的成就而受人敬重的。



Respected respective respectable respectful的区别和例句

respected:受尊敬的 例:They want to feel respected.respective:各自的,分别的 例:They went into their respective bedrooms to pack. respectable: ①值得尊敬的 例:He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community. ②可观的,相当大的,体面的 例:At last I have something respectable to wear!respectful: 有礼貌的;恭敬的 例:The children in our family are always respectful to their elders.


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