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depression 短语

以下是几个常用的有关“depression”的短语:Clinical depression:指临床上确认的重度抑郁症,需要医生进行诊断和治疗。Major depression:也称为“unipolar depression”,是严重的抑郁症状,常常对患者的生活和工作造成严重影响。Postpartum depression:产后抑郁症,是女性在生育后出现的一种抑郁症状,通常在分娩后的几个月内出现。Seasonal affective disorder (SAD):季节性情感障碍,通常在冬季出现,与光照不足有关。Bipolar disorder:双相情感障碍,是一种严重的心境障碍,患者会经历情绪高涨和情绪低落两个极端。这些短语描述了不同类型的“depression”,不同类型的抑郁症状有不同的病因、症状和治疗方法,因此需要精确地进行诊断和治疗。同时,对于患者来说,了解不同类型的抑郁症状,可以更好地了解自己的情况,接受正确的治疗和管理。

什么是抑郁症?What is depression?

This topic covers depression in adults. For information on depression in young people, see the topic Depression in Childhood and Adolescence. For information on depression following childbirth, see the topic Postpartum Depression.本文探讨的主要关于成年人的抑郁症。若需查询关于末成人的抑郁症,请查看“儿童和青年人的抑郁症。产后抑郁症请查看”产后抑郁“。   What is depression?   什么是抑郁症?   Depression is a mood disorder that causes you to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. More than just a bout of "the blues" or temporary feelings of grief or low energy, depression can have a significant impact on your enjoyment of life, your work, your health, and the people you care about.抑郁是在一段时间内持续的一种精神絮乱,它让人感觉悲伤,对生活失去希望。不止发作一次的悲伤心情,或没有精力,抑郁对人们的生活,工作,健康,甚至对周围的人们都会产生很大的影响。   Depression affects people differently. Some feel down for extended periods of time; for others the feelings of depression come and go. If you have short episodes of mild depression, you may be able to continue to work and take care of daily activities. However, if you do not seek some form of treatment for your depression, you are at risk for getting more depressed or becoming physically ill. In severe cases, depression can cause people to become incapable of communicating, unable to do routine activities, or suicidal. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention.抑郁对人们的影响是不同的。有些人经常情绪失落,而有些人只是偶尔有这种情绪。如果你偶尔有这轻微的抑郁,可能你能继续工作,应付日常工作。但,如果不对你的抑郁寻求一些治疗,你可能就会变得更加抑郁,或生病的风险。严重抑郁会导致人无法正常交流,不能进行日常的活动,甚至自杀。在这种情况下,寻求药物治疗就非常重要。   People with depression may be reluctant to seek help because they feel that it is a sign of personal weakness or a character flaw or that they should be able to "pull out of it" on their own. We now know that depression, like other medical conditions, has a chemical and biological basis. Treatment for depression is safe and usually effective even for severely depressed people.患抑郁的人通常认为它是个人性格上的弱点,或是性格上的缺陷,他们认为能够通过自身的努力消除,从而他们不愿意寻求帮助。我们知道,抑郁和其它的疾病一样,都有生物和化学基础。治疗是安全的,对于患有严重抑郁的人,它通常是非常有效的。   If you think you may have depression, take a short quiz to evaluate your symptoms:如果你认为你可能有抑郁的话,填写一份简短的测试问卷来分析你的症状。   Are you depressed?   你抑郁吗?   What causes depression?   什么引起抑郁?   Depression may be triggered by stressful life events, other illnesses, certain drugs or medications, or inherited traits. Although causes of depression are not entirely understood, we know it is linked to an imbalance in brain chemistry. Once the imbalance is corrected, symptoms of depression generally improve.过高压力的生活事件,其它疾病,一些药物或治疗,或遗传因素等都有有可能引发抑郁。虽然抑郁的起因不能完全搞清楚,但我们知道它和大脑内某种化学物质的失衡有联系。一旦这种失衡被纠正之后,抑郁就会大大的改善。   What are the symptoms?   抑郁有哪些症状?   Depression is more than just the normal, temporary feelings of sadness and hopelessness associated with difficult life events. Common symptoms include:抑郁是一种和困难生活事件相关的,自然的,临时性的,伤心,失望的一种感受。一般的症状包括:Depressed mood.情绪抑郁。   Inability to enjoy activities.不能享受运动。   Problems concentrating.注意力无法集中。   Poor memory.记忆力差。   Difficulty making decisions.很难做决定。   Changes in eating habits.饮食习惯改变。   Weight gain or weight loss.体重增加或减少。   Changes in sleeping habits.睡眠习惯改变。   Difficulty going to work or taking care of your daily responsibilities.无法正常地进行日常工作和生活。   Feelings of guilt and hopelessness; wondering if life is worth living (common)。   有罪恶感,感觉没有希望;怀疑生命存在的价值(普遍现象)   Slowed thoughts and speech.思考缓慢,表达缓慢。   Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide.常常想到死亡,或自杀。   Complaints that have no physical cause (somatic complaints) such as headache and stomachache.抱怨不存在的身体病痛,例如,头痛,胃痛。   All of these symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. Even if you don"t have major depression, if you have experienced a few of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks you may have a less severe form of depression that still requires treatment.所有的这些病症都会影响生活质量。即使没有这些主要的症状,如有这其中这些部分现象持续超过二周时间的,可能就患有轻度的抑郁,仍然需要治疗。   How is it treated?   如何治疗?   Depression is usually treated successfully with professional counseling or antidepressant medication. Often a combination of the two is most effective. People with depression usually can be treated as outpatients, but in severe cases a period of hospitalization may be necessary.通过专业的开导或服用抗抑郁药物,都可能成功的治疗抑郁。通常将二者结合治疗效果更佳。通常抑郁患者不需住院治疗,但情况严重的,需要住院一段时间。   If you have mild or moderate depression, you may be diagnosed and treated by your family health professional and a therapist or psychologist. If you have severe depression or other psychological disorders or do not respond to treatment, a psychiatrist, a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems, may be helpful.如果患有轻微或中度的抑郁,可以通进家庭医生或临床医师或心理专家进行诊断和治疗。严重的抑郁,或其它的精神絮乱,或治疗无效的,精神健康专业医生可能会提供帮助。   Let your health professional know if you suspect that you have depression, because it is often overlooked. If you are diagnosed with depression, you and your health professional can decide on the best treatment. The earlier you are treated, the more quickly you will recover. 1   如果你怀疑自已有抑郁,一定要让你的健康医生知道,因为它通常会被忽略。如果你被诊断患有抑郁,一起和你的健康医生决定治疗方案。越早治疗,越早恢复。   How common is depression?   抑郁普遍吗?   If you have symptoms of depression, you are not alone. In the United States, an estimated 15% of people will have depression at some point in life, and chances of becoming depressed are even higher for certain people. For example:如果你有抑郁的症状的话,你并不孤单。在美国,预计15%的人都有抑郁,某些有患抑郁的有可能性还要高些。例如:Women experience depression twice as often as men, although men are more likely to commit suicide as a result of depression.女性患抑郁的可能性是男性的两倍,虽然,男性在患抑郁之后比女性更易自杀。


在谈到一个国家的经济时,常会用到“繁荣”或“萧条”这样的字眼。下面我们将通过2个例句掌握Boom和Depression这2个商务词汇: Boom n. 高涨;繁荣、兴旺 例:Our company is enjoying a sales boom at the moment. 我们公司目前的销售额大增。 Depression n. 萧条,不景气 例:Begger-my-neibour policy is a policy adopted by many countries during the great depression of the 1930s. 以邻为壑的政策是30年代经济大萧条时期许多国家所采取的政策。

oppression, depression, repression区别

oppression压迫,苦恼, depression沮丧,意气消沉,抑郁, repression 压制,镇压。oppression强调的是压迫和被压迫,depression强调的是内心主观上的压抑,repression是指来自外界的压制镇压。有时候英语单词要靠自己的感受来理解。下面是具体的释义:oppression名词 n. 1.压迫,压制[U][C]the social, economic and religious oppressions 社会的、经济的和宗教的压迫2.压抑;沉闷[U]depression名词 n. 1.沮丧,意气消沉[C][U]The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression. 到海边旅行使她不再抑郁。2.不景气,萧条(期)[C]He lost his job during the great depression. 他在大萧条时期失业了。3.凹地,洼地[C]Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑里积满了水。4.【气】低气压[C]A depression usually brings bad weather. 低气压往往带来坏天气。5.压低;降低,下沉[U][C]repression名词 n. [U]1.抑制,压制;镇压;制止They wanted to fight all forms of injustice and repression. 他们要与各种形式的不公正和压制行为作斗争。2.【心】压抑

pending result什么意思

pending result等待结果请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

behavioral brain research录用后多久见刊

期刊名字 BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCHBEHAV BRAIN RES 偏重的研究方向 生命科学 神经科学、认知科学与心理学 期刊ISSN 0166-4328 2013-2014最新影响因子 3.391 期刊官方网站 期刊投稿网址 通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 涉及的研究方向 医学-行为科学 出版国家 NETHERLANDS 出版周期 Semimonthly 出版年份 1980 年文章数 708 见刊一般都是网络发表,接受后1个月左右吧虽然这个杂志水平不算高,但中国人的稿子不太好发。因为行为学的研究主观性太强,数据造假太容易了,所以这个杂志对中国人的稿子十分挑剔。 技术审查就特别严,语言差的话,一般还会快速拒稿。

我跟闺蜜说不喜欢跟同事一起做事,感觉讨厌同事,闺蜜就给我一段英语,求翻译一下:The presentation?

The presentation of that person has been recognized by you. First of all, you don"t hate him (if you hate him, it"s not entangled). Your relationship may have an impact on your luck. This person needs you to think about who he is. It"s like not having a fortune teller. One is to forgive the fortune teller"s secret that cannot be revealed. The other is to live a good life, try my best to do things, and get along with others with sincere and long-term vision. Besides, sir suanmianzhun com is usually different from ordinary people in appearance or life habits. There is another kind of ordinary people who forget his appearance and only remember that someone said. In today"s society, sometimes there must be something in life, and don"t force it all the time. " It seems a little biased. I want to try to force what I want to do. No matter success or failure, life will not regret. Recognize it, calculate it when you meet it, and suggest not to be too frequent, which can only increase our confusion. It is the task of our current destiny to live each day in good health, happiness and contentment.那个人的介绍已经被你认可了。首先,你不讨厌他(如果你讨厌他,那不是纠缠)。你的关系可能会影响你的运气。这个人需要你想想他是谁。就像没有算命先生一样。一是原谅算命先生不能透露的秘密。二是要过上好日子,尽自己最大的努力做事,以真诚和长远的眼光与人相处。此外,算面准先生通常在外表或生活习惯上与普通人不同。还有一种常人,忘记了他的相貌,只记得有人说过。当今社会,有时候生活中总要有一些东西,不要一直强求。 ” 好像有点偏颇,想把自己想做的事强加于人,无论成功或失败,人生都不会后悔。认识它,遇到它就计算它,建议不要太频繁,这样可以只会增加我们的困惑。健康、快乐和满足地过好每一天是我们当前命运的任务。

whores in this house是什么意思?

《WAP》Frank Ski------------------------------------------Whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseCardi B:I said certified freak seven days a weekWet-ass pussy make that pullout game weakAhYeah yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyCardi B:Beat it up nigga catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this pussy right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top I wanna rideI do a kegel while its insideSpit in my mouth look in my eyesThis pussy is wet come take a diveTie me up like Im surprisedLets roleplay Ill wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream make me screamOut in public make a sceneI dont cook I dont cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ringMegan Thee Stallion:Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of meQuick jump out fore you let you get inside of meYeahI tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to beIll run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin meTalk your shit bite your lipAsk for a car while you ride that dickWhile you ride that dickYou really aint never gotta fuck him for a thangHe already made his mind up fore he cameAyy uhNow get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussyHe bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussyClick clickPay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussyNow make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussyCardi B:Look I need a hard hitter need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker need a weed smokerNot a garter snake I need a king cobraWith a hook in it hope it lean overHe got some money then thats where Im headedPussy A1 just like his creditHe got a beard well Im tryna wet itI let him taste it now he diabeticI dont wanna spit I wanna gulpI wanna gag I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil dangly thingThat swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire punani DasaniIts goin in dry and its comin out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind meI spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me wooMegan Thee Stallion:Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashesSwitch my wig make him feel like he cheatinPut him on his knees give him somethin to believe inNever lost a fight but Im looking for a beatingIn the food chain Im the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass hes a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it dont hang then he cant bangYou cant hurt my feelings but I like painIf he fuck me and ask Whose is itWhen I ride the dick Ima spell my name ahCardi B:Yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyNow from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussyNow get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussyIm talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussyMacaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huhFrank Ski:Theres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this house

What is the largest freshwater lake?急!!!!!

BunnyWunnyz"s answer is right,I think.

take a good rest和have

休息用have a rest或者take a rest所以多休息可以用take a good rest或者have a good rest.也可以have enough rest或者take enough rest。

take a good rest意思


take a good rest的意思


take a good rest的音标是什么


fresh extract是什么意思呀?



teika ,ea是一部分,d与r是另一部分。特诶卡,古拽斯特。

pictures in my head 翻译


wireshark计算ping命令的round trip time (RTT)

Mean Deviation 算术平均偏差发送了五个数据包,接受到五个,没有丢失。发送的总时间4004ms。rtt是传输的时间延迟Round-Trip Time。最小/最大/平均/算术平均差。呵呵,这个主要是看网络状况,也就是延迟时间。linux下很牛的网络命令!!

英语I’d like to reserve a round trip怎么翻译?




请问decrese、decline、、 reduce、 fall、 drop都有下降、减少、下跌的意思,有什么区别?

decrease 通常加 by再加百分比,decrease by 15%decline 强调变弱,变小,衰退reduce 减少,减低,减缩(数量,价钱,尺寸等)fall 温度下降(价值,数量等的减少)drop 价格,温度降低一般情况是通用


express与mean、denote这些词都有“表示”的意思phrases是phrase的复数形式,其它无区别 phrase 英 [ fre_z ] 美 [ frez ] n. <语>短语; 成语; 说法; 乐句

华为路由器上查询arp显示mac-address一列为 incomplete

ip 没有对应的mac就是到这个IP不通,检查接线及从这台设备是否工作。

Linux网络配置好后,可以ping,但通一会就断了,arp显示HWaddress incomplete,求大神指教


gartner 的research 和 analysis 什么意思

Gartner[人名] 加特纳; research:n.研究,追究; 探讨,探测; 调查; 探索; vi.做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果; vt.从事…的研究,为…而做研究; analysis:n.分析,分解; 梗概,要略; [数]解析; 验定;


take 乘公共汽车 draw 画图 water 浇花






Pictures就是相册的英文,完全没有问题啊。扩展pictures 英[ˈpɪktʃəz]美[ˈpɪktʃərz]n. 图画; 绘画; 相片; 照片; 电视图像;v. 想象; 设想; 忆起; 描述; 描写; 显示在照片上; 用图片显示;[词典] picture的第三人称单数和复数;[例句]The pictures, too, were absent from the walls那些画也不在墙上了。






picture是单数pictures是复数,如:我有一张图翻译成英语:I have a picture.


pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z] [美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z] 生词本简明释义n.<非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业;影片( picture的名词复数 );情况;图画;(生动的)描述v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 );描绘;想像;设想以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT图画;绘画;图片A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene.A picture of Rory O"Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.用彩色粉笔画一张小画


pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z][美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z]n.图画; <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业; 影片( picture的名词复数 ); 情况; (生动的)描述; v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ); 描绘; 想像; 设想; 例句:1.Can I see those pictures again? 我能再看看那些照片吗?


pictures是手机的照片文件夹,打开文件夹,可以看到照片以日期形式排列,长按文件夹,可以进行删除操作。 手机使用技巧:1、以一加7Pro为例,打开手机的文件管理页面,点击放大镜图标,搜索pictures即可找到该文件夹。 2、在一加7Pro的文件管理页面点击“u30fbu30fbu30fb”,点击新建文件夹,可以创建一个文件夹,点击设置按钮,可以“显示隐藏文件”。 3、打开一加7Pro的相册页面,选择一张照片,点击照片页面右上角的“i”,可以查看照片位于哪个文件夹,可以查看曝光等参数。 4、打开一加7Pro的文件管理页面,可以按照分类查看文件,分为文档、最近文件、图片、音频、视频等类型。 资料拓展:为了提升手机的游戏体验,一加7Pro内置强大的游戏模式,除了具有来电免打扰、快速回复等功能,还支持游戏画面增强和振动反馈增强功能,可以增强游戏画面中明暗部分的细节表现。在振动模式下,手机会增强触觉反馈。手机内置Fnatic电竞模式,支持深度免打扰、性能增强、网络增强等功能,手机还加入了智能电池管理功能。




图片 照片



什么是interest rate differential(利率差额)

A differential measuring the gap in interest rates between two similar interest-bearing assets. Traders in the foreign exchange market use interest rate differentials (IRD) when pricing forward exchange rates. Based on the interest rate parity, a trader can create an expectation of the future exchange rate between two currencies and set the premium (or discount) on the current market exchange rate futures contracts.

pictures怎么读 pictures英文解释

1、pictures 读音:美/pu026aktu0283u025az/;英/pu026aktu0283u0259z/。 2、释义:n.图片;绘画作品(picture的复数);电影院。v.画;设想;用图表示(picture的第三人称单数)。 3、例句:Why do people paint pictures?为什么人们要画画?






some. a lot of many




"pictures" 的音标为 /u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259rz/。"pictures" 是源自拉丁语的单词 "pictura",意为 "画",在中世纪后期,它被引入英语,并开始用于描述画作或绘画艺术品。随着摄影术的发展,"pictures" 的使用逐渐扩展到描述照片或任何可视艺术品。在现代英语中,"pictures" 是一个非常常用的词,可以用于表示任何类型的图像或视觉媒体。"pictures" 通常用作名词,在句子中作主语、宾语或定语。例如:I like to look at pictures of animals.(我喜欢看动物的图片。)She took some pictures of the sunset.(她拍了一些日落的照片。)The museum has a collection of ancient Greek pictures.(博物馆有古希腊绘画作品的收藏。)此外,"pictures" 还可以作为动词使用,意为 "描述" 或 "描绘"。例如:The author vividly pictures the scenery in her book.(作者在她的书中生动地描绘了风景。)He pictures himself as a successful businessman.(他将自己描绘成一名成功的商人。)总的来说,"pictures" 是一个通用的单词,用于描述各种类型的图像和视觉媒体,并且在日常生活和文学作品中广泛使用。


picture 这个是图片文件夹 不知道是哪里的,不建议删除~!












pictures 英 [u02c8piktu0283u0259z]n.<非正>①(过时)电影院②电影业,影片( picture的名词复数 ),情况,图画,(生动的)描述v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ),描绘,想像,设想[例句]She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。


pIctures生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 ["pu026aktu0283u0259z] 美 ["pu026aktu0283u0259z] n. <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业;影片( picture的名词复数 );情况;图画;(生动的)描述 v. 绘画( picture的第三人称单数 );描绘;想像;设想 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词图画;绘画;图片 A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene. A picture of Rory O"Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan. 一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks. 用彩色粉笔画一张小画2. N-COUNT 可数名词照片 A picture is a photograph. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other... 游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street. 《观察家报》在头版刊登了一张暴乱者聚集在满是垃圾的街头的大幅照片。3. N-COUNT 可数名词(电视)图像,画面 Television pictures are the scenes which you see on a television screen. 【搭配模式】:usu pl...heartrending television pictures of human suffering. 令人心碎的人类遭受苦难的电视画面




pictures[英]["pu026aktu0283u0259z][美]["pu026aktu0283u0259z]n.图画; <非正>(过时)电影院; 电影业; 影片( picture的名词复数 ); 情况; (生动的)描述; v.绘画( picture的第三人称单数 ); 描绘; 想像; 设想; 例句:1.Can I see those pictures again? 我能再看看那些照片吗?2.Why did you change your pictures? 为什么要换你画的画?


["piktʃəz] 是正规音标。

discount rate 和interest rate的区别是什么

discount rate[英][u02c8diskaunt reit][美][u02c8du026asu02cckau028ant ret]n.贴现率; 1.The interest rate is the discount rate, currently 0.25% above the fed funds rate. 利息率和再贴现率一样,目前是比联邦基金率高0.25%。2.Friday"s tinkering with the discount rate instead almost irrelevant these days suggests thefed is relaxed about inflation. 相反,美联储上周五上调了目前几乎是无关紧要的贴现率,表明它对通胀相当放心。interest rate[英][u02c8intrist reit][美][u02c8u026antru026ast ret]n.利率; 1.Financial services perform best in low interest rate environments. 在利率水平较低的情况下金融服务表现最佳。2.Widening interest rate differentials with developed economies will only encouragespeculative flows. 与发达经济体之间息差的扩大,只会鼓励投机性资金流动

how can i address you?这句是在正式场合说的话吗?是不是比较有礼貌?


which is the time it takes a wave crest to travel one wave length

it 指代是the time.说明这个时间就是波峰走过一个波长的时间。如果it指代的是不定式:to travel one wave length, 那么还原整句是:To travel one wave length takes a wave crest,本句句意变为“移动一个波长的距离要一个波峰”,而解释不通。

people tend to underestimate the time that it takes to travel a familiar route.

人们易于低估行进一条熟悉的路线所花费的时间。后面的that从句还原出来是这样的,it takes time to travel a familiar route

玩圣安地列斯出现grand theft auto sa requires at least directx version 9.0

即安装DirectX 9.0,10.0不可以。


应该是该论文的财务支助方面的情况,比如什么基金支持啊什么的,应该作为一个独立部分,写在正文中,参考文献前面。作者简介也要作为一个独立部分,在文章里面体现哦。高兴为您解答希望对你有帮助 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

第15题,places不是表地点吗为什么不能用where?是因为the most interest

financial disclosures是什么意思

financial disclosures 网络 财务公开 disclosures n. 透露; 公开( disclosure的名词复数 ); 被公开的事情; 被披露的秘闻; [例句]Today"s council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.今天的理事会会议已经过精心安排,以避免爆出令人难堪的讯息或显示出内部不和的迹象。[其他] 原型: disclosure

如何关联create session request和response

ASP内置对象 Active Server Pages 提供内建对象,这些对象使用户更容易收集通过浏览器请 求发送的信息、响应浏览器以及存储用户信息(如用户首选项)。 Application 对象 可以使用 Application 对象使给定应用程序的所有用户共享信息。public class ServletDemo extends HttpServlet { public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("accountname", accountname);//创建session值 req.setAttribute("accountname", account);//返回参数值 RequestDispatcher rd = req .getRequestDispatcher(url);//跳转到url rd.forward(req, resp);}

PS4 真三国无双7猛战传双人模式 打开之后要press pad button 按了第二个手柄

1,首先副手柄注册一个账号2 登陆游戏之后副手柄切换主界面 打开猛将传3 副手柄按中间面板。主手柄蓝色,副手柄红色 就可以选择了 主要是注册副手柄账号 同时使用我也是打客服电话才会的啊 还不会再追问我 亲

I am what I call a picture person。If theres a picture oppertunity I use it是什么意思


ps4显示press pad touch button


Life magazine chose Oprah____the wife of the president as “America’s Most Powerful woman”.

【答案】:B本题考查介词用法辨析。题目意为:“《生活》杂志选择奥普拉,而不是总统夫人作为全美最具影响力的女性。”固定搭配choose A over B 选择…而舍弃…。  


一个是硅胶翻模,一个是钢模 一个是冷成型,一个是热流道成型 一个成本在材料,一个成本在磨具 一个小批量,一个大批量


Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I"m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. First I want to ask you some questions: 1、Do you know what is youth? 2、How do you master your youth? Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there"s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. Thank you!

谁能帮我写一份关于大学生英语三分钟的演讲稿啊,谢谢.题目是 the responsibility of our college students

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I"m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. First I want to ask you some questions: 1、 Do you know what is youth? 2、 How do you master your youth? Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often existsin a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul .Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there"s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. Thank you! 大学生英语演讲稿八译文 青春 青春不是指岁月,而是指心态。粉嫩的脸,红润的唇,矫健的膝并不是青春。青春表现在意志的坚强与懦弱。想象的丰富与苍白、情感的充沛与贫乏等方面。青春是生命深处清泉的喷涌。 青春是追求。只有当勇气盖过怯弱、进取压倒苟安之时,青春才存在。果如此,则60见之长者比20岁之少年更具青春活力。仅仅岁月的流逝并不能使他们衰老。而一旦抛弃理想和信念,则垂垂老也。 岁月只能使皮肤起皱。而一旦丧失生活的激情,则连灵魂枯老,使人生枯如死水,毫无活力。 60岁长者也好,16岁少年也罢,每个人的内心深处都渴望奇迹,都如孩子一般眨着期待的双眼,期待着下一次,期待着生活的情趣,你我灵魂深处都有一座无线电中转站------只有你我年轻,则总能听到希望的呼唤,总能发出喜悦的欢呼,总能传达勇气的讯号,总能表现出青春的活力……… 一旦青春的天线倒下,你的灵魂即为玩世不恭之雪、悲观厌世之冰覆盖;即使你年方20.其实你已垂垂老也。而只要你青春的天线高高耸起,就可以随时接收到乐观的电波-----即使你年过八旬,行将就木,而你却仍然拥有青春,你仍然年轻。 谢谢!

英语Rescource Scheduler怎么翻译?

Rescource Scheduler它的中文意思就是:上的调度器

Tyrese Featuring Method Man的《Get It In》 歌词

歌曲名:Get It In歌手:Tyrese Featuring Method Man专辑:Alter Ego50 Cent - Get It InYeahNa-na-na-naYeahNa-na-na-naNow me i"m the life of the partyA little bit of juice little bit of the ginA little bit of Mo et play bottles of the RoseFeel a little buzz then i"m gettin" it in..Now me I get it in, I get it in..Me i get it in, I get it in..Now me I get it in, I get it in..Me i get it in, I get it in..Look as soon as i step in the clubi swear my nigga you can feel the attention shiftStarted around twelve ended up around twoi better leave with more hoes than i came here withI can"t be responsible for what i say or i do when i talk intoxicatedShorty say i told her i love her i put her out the next mornin"sayin" bitch i must have been fadedI don"t know what you heard about mebut the word about me that i"m no trick i"m no sucker i"m no chumpI be in the VIP with my niggaz "round me sayin" y"all can have whatever you want..Me i get it inSunday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayThat"s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday we get it in..I need a drink, give me a drinkI need a drink, shawty give me a drinkI need a drink, give me a drinkI need a drink, shawty give me a drinkI hate to say i told you so, but i told you so, i go hard when it"s time to playShorty get to droppin" it low, like the dancers do, in the Go-Go in front of meShe know i like to see her danceshe get to breakin" it down we get the bouncin" outta controlBecause i got a hell of a flow we got paper to blow mywhole clique pop bottles galoreIt"s no secret the hood done peeped itwhen we come through son we look like breadMy ‘89 grind make my old nine shine like we been movin"bricks "round this bitch for yearsI say i get it in it"s because i get it in,now shorty there a eight but her friend near a tenI finna spend my G she fuck with me i"m into win,i"m cooler than her ma then we do this shit againMe i get it inSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayThat"s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday we get it inI need a drink, give me a drinkI need a drink, shawty give me a drinkI need a drink, give me a drinkI need a drink, shawty give me a drinkNa-na-na-na-Now me i"m the life of the partyA little bit of juice little bit of the ginA little bit of Mo et play bottles of the RoseFeel a little buzz then i"m gettin" it inNow me I get it in, I get it inMe i get it in, I get it inNow me I get it in, I get it inMe i get it in, I get it in

popular press是什么意思




求tyrese的gotta get you歌词翻译

苍白,安静和疲倦,尝试着浅忆不快的往事picking at a worried seam通过电话,我想让你为我疯狂面红耳赤,激情似火,我被儿时的歌谣带走我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你长路慢慢变冷今天里的六月感觉不到春天的气息我就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡哦这样的首席女角为我自己难过但是绿色,这也是夏天我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的臂弯再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你莫失莫忘.我穿越时空看到这一切吉他衣箱还有温暖的外套躺在蓝色的小船上,轻轻的哼唱humming a tune...再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你我必须拥有你必需拥有你我必须拥有你

Tyrese的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoLet me start by sayin" that your the oneCause" this the first time I felt like this players done (ohh)Your the only number that I dial (from other chicks)Your the only sex im gettin" now (ain"t that a trip)But it don"t matter (cause" your in it)And it don"t matter (but then I get it)Cause" your the only oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneAin"t nothing gonna stop me from lovin" youAnd wife"in youSpendin" all my life with youBabyIm so commitedThis one on one im with itIts so damn goodAll the sex you want without no hat (imagine that)Got a real nigga thats gon" have your back (imagine that)Thats just the way it isAnd thats just how its gon" goAnd you gon" be that oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneGirl I ain"t gonna front about it down and tell the truth about it (way gone)Way goneAin"t nothin I wont give up just to make you that oneBaby that one girlOne stepOne breathOne loveOne nameSo its one meOne ringOne churchAnd one preacherOne choirTwo little wordsI doImma" be good with just one girlJust oneOne girlOne girlOne girlThats all I needBaby all I need is one (all i need is one)Imma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsOne girl (one)Cause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is one..

Jewel tyrese 中英文歌词

歌手名:tyrese歌曲名:make it lastTyrese feat. Jewel - Make It Last (Prod. by Babyface)There"s not a day i don"t wake upThinking about the one i loveNow that you"re here i don"t know whatAlmost afraid to even touch youCos my heart is bleeding so fast i can barely breatheIf this is real then why am i dreaming now(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)And i know, i know if we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)There"s not a night i don"t think boutThe way i feel when you"re aroundAnd i can"t believe it"s going downGod knows my head is spinning roundAnd round and in and outMy soul is lifting off the groundIf this is real then why am i dreaming now(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)And i know, i know if we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)Lets freeze this moment, lets stop time(we can make this)Forever yours, forever mineAnd i know that we can make it last (yeah)(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong (we can just hold on baby)(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(we can make it last) (yeah yeah yeah)(all we gotta do is stay here)And i know if we keep this thing together babyWe can so make this moment go forever babyIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)(oh oh oh)(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)(oh oh oh)And i know we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)Make it last (oh oh)Make it last, lastMake it last

Tyrese的《for always》 歌词

歌曲名:for always歌手:Tyrese专辑:2000 WattsSomething about the way, words to describe who I cannnot say,I"m going outta my mind thinking of you at times,Cause you make me feel so wonderful.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.You were made for my touch,TyreseNo one but you ever loved me this much.You are one of a kind, someone I"m truly blessed to find.So much happiness I found with you.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.Baby you, have taken your love and made a dream come true.I find it in you.Promise me, you"ll stay with me, ever and always.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.Don"t you take your love away.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.(To do whatever it takes to keep you, baby)(I"ll be there for you, always baby)I"ll love you for always.

谁有gotta get you的歌词(中英文对照) Tyrese唱的。

Tyrese从14岁开始在洛杉矶市Watts区(他的家乡附近)的明星秀中表演。他人生中最大的转折点是为可口可乐公司拍的广告,之后,在1998年,由RCA公司出版了他的第一张由自己创作的同名专辑《Tyrese》。 十几年来,Tyrese Gibson不折不扣地捣腾着他的多才多艺。这家伙不唱歌,就做模特,不做模特,就演戏,不演戏,做个主持也算过把瘾。最近,在出演好莱坞大片(其中包括 Michael Bay Transformers的宽银幕版本—明年夏天公演)的间隙,他又忙里偷闲,在他的音乐目录里添加了个新专辑,Alter Ego(改变自我),算得上是他最显耀和很娴熟的作品,该专辑由2张CD组成,一张由他演唱,另一张则是Black-Ty的说唱。 不知道粉丝们会对自己的演唱作何反应,Tyrese精心策划了一个大胆的举措,制作了一个被人们津津乐道的混制录音:Black-Ty,并放在网上供免费下载。Tyrese和Headquarter Entertainment公司他的合作者们真的是精通舍不得孩子套不着狼的经商之道,他们知道这样的吊胃口一定会让他们挣得个盆满钵盈。 这场血本还真值了,领衔单曲One在它11月的始发周内就在全美的电台里频频亮相,二重唱单曲(来自专辑hip-hop的CD)Get In It则以Method Man和由Scott Storch制作来吸引眼球。那么,Tyrese的说唱强于他的歌唱吗?West Coast native Bishop Lamont认为是这样的,“Tyrese也许会说他的说唱和他的歌唱一样好。然而事实是,这家伙,牛!” 在被"s DJ “Z,”的采访中,Tyrese解释了他为什么一直等到他的第四张专辑发行后才放出他的alter ego,他怎么能长期以来用悠闲放松去调整他忙碌的时间表,以及什么样的合作者帮助Black-Ty找到了西岸的真感觉。 ti:Gotta Get You] [ar:Tyrese] [al:Alter Ego] [by:快乐重生] [00:01.89]Tyrese - Gotta Get You [00:05.89](lyrics by 快乐重生@终极R&B) [00:10.89]「终极R&B」- Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music! [00:15.57] [00:32.00]I got something to tell you [00:33.93]Listen... [00:35.04] [00:35.26]You know that I like it baby [00:36.83]I don"t try to hide it baby [00:38.79]You be tryna fight it baby [00:40.75]But wassup wassup [00:42.58]Its so hard to take it baby [00:44.63]You say it"s the matrix baby [00:46.53]Why we gotta fake it baby [00:48.50]Oh... wassup wassup [00:50.12] [00:50.32]You let the little things [00:51.60]Like the fact that I make mistakes [00:53.57]Get in all between [00:55.19]What I wanna do with ya [00:56.67]Where I wanna take ya, baby [00:58.62]You say that im pressed [00:59.90]And that I"ve had my chance [01:02.19]I say it"s comeback [01:04.03]That"s how I know I gotta get it [01:06.21] [01:06.42]I gotta get it [01:07.47]I gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [01:11.22]And girl I should be your man [01:12.97]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [01:16.80]And I"d go that extra mile [01:18.86]Just to put you down [01:20.76]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [01:22.76]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winnin) [01:26.76]If you get on my team [01:28.72]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change [01:32.51]Till I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [01:36.30] [01:36.50]Now when we talk (it never fails) [01:38.42]You always wanna talk about how I got a girl [01:40.33]How I be here and there [01:41.94]We always going round and round [01:43.89]But if you gonna talk [01:45.25]Let"s talk about how when you need me I"m always around [01:47.88]How it ain"t nothing for me to say yes to you [01:49.63]Play games like the rest of these niggas do [01:52.09]Baby all im tryna say to you is [01:55.28]I adore everything about you please believe me [01:59.32]You say that im pressed [02:01.88]And that I"ve had my chance [02:04.25]I say it"s come back [02:05.79]That"s how I know I gotta get it [02:08.29] [02:08.48]I gotta get it [02:09.40]I gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [02:13.25]And baby i should be your man [02:15.04]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [02:18.63]And I"d go that extra mile (girl I go that extra mile) [02:22.99]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [02:24.73]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning) [02:28.59]If you get on my team [02:30.61]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change [02:34.35]Til I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [02:38.97] [02:39.26]Theres no need for trippen [02:40.54]How can it be wrong [02:42.39]To make the right decision [02:44.40]Its clear where you belong [02:46.13]Right here where you"re treated like the best thing ever [02:49.62]And you never have to worry [02:53.31] [02:53.56]Think out yourself [02:55.90]Im right here beside you [02:58.21]Girl I want what"s best [02:59.82]I"m around to guide you [03:02.13]Guide you where you need to be....yeahhhh [03:05.33] [03:05.87]Ohhhhh....I gotta get it (I gotta get it) [03:11.18]Gotta make ya understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [03:15.04]That i wanna be your man [03:17.37]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [03:20.81]And I"d go that extra mile [03:22.87]Just to put you down [03:24.69]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [03:26.66]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning) [03:30.55]If you get on my team [03:32.60]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change (gonna change baby) [03:36.61]Til I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [03:40.21] [03:40.51]Bababababa Bababababa [03:49.32] [03:57.42]Babababa Babababa [04:04.22] [04:04.97]You gotta gotta get it gotta get it gotta get it...yeah [04:11.86] [04:13.00]I gotta get it, ya know [04:18.38]I mean I"d do whatever it takes. 中文的,我还是没找到。找到了我再给你发。
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