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求look after,take care of和care about的区别

Look after 是"关照"的层级, 不是随时随地的照顾. 比如, 你请你的朋友关照一下你儿子, 可能他能够帮助你儿子找个工作. 就可以是请他 look after your son in terms of job search.take care of 是”直接照顾“的等级。比如一件事需要做,一个病人需要照顾,这个时候使用take care of 就很恰当Care about 是"在乎“的等级。比如你对我们国家的经济政治情况很在乎,就可以说 you care about our economic and political situations.

下面这句英语要怎么分析?为什么它的had been与are now放在后面,这个句子的谓语是什么?

主句是:They are better educated。比较状语从句:than their mothers and grandmothers had been - or than their young counterparts are now.

take care of和什么是近义词

look after

take care of等于什么

take care of 1.take charge of;look after 照顾;照看*The nurse takes good care of the baby.保姆把婴儿照顾得很好。*“Don"t worry about me while you"re away;I"ll be taken good care of by our neighbo...

take care of和 take care的区别和用法

1. 把某个东西放在心上,引申为“喜欢”,如: I didn"t care for the movie I saw yesterday. 我不喜欢昨天看的那个电影。 I don"t care for music. 我不爱好音乐。 2. 把某个人放在心上引申为“关心、关怀、照顾”,如: He cares for no one. 他不关心别人。 3. 把某件事情放在心上引申为“介意、在乎” 二、take care of 中的 care 是名词,表示“承担对...的责任”,其引申义如下: 1. 承担对人的责任引申为“照料,赡养,关怀”,如: My mother is ill. I must ask for a leave to take care of her. 我母亲病了,我必须请假照顾她。 It is your duty to take care of your aged parents. 赡养年迈的双亲是你的义务。 2. 承担对物的责任引申为“看管,维护,保养”,如: There was something wrong with the machine and the manager asked him to take care of it. 那台机器有点毛病,经理让他维护。 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. [谚]节约每一个铜板, 财富自然会积累起来。 三、care for my son 和 take care of my son 的区别: 1. care for my son 着重于把儿子放在心上,从问寒问暖、关注成长的角度对儿子给予照顾、呵护;

kotoko的《RETRIEVE》 歌词

歌曲名:RETRIEVE歌手:kotoko专辑:硝子の靡风KOTOKO - RETRIEVE作词:KOTOKO作曲:高瀬一矢编曲:高瀬一矢深く暗く落ちてく棕榈(しゅろ)の海醒めてどこを目指すの? 涡の真ん中で苛立つような音 もうやめて逆さまの世界で今、何を见るの?信じれば波の奥に探してた场所が现われる?もがく指からこぼれて空(くう)を彷徨う真実はたった一つと远くから记忆が叫んでるもがき疲れた手足が覚えている眠る森の匂いおいで何も怖くはないからとあちら こちら どこから诱い惑わすの?知らない方が まだ幸せ惯れすぎた世界は身を壊してゆくのまれた波の奥で见つけた幻想の花の群れそこに混じって咲くのもいいと迷ったそっとただ待っているのは変わらぬ故郷の青い空まだ间に合うと浊った水を蹴ったいつか还る场所へ信じれば波の奥に永远の揺りかご现われる泳ぎ疲れて求めた爱の偶像真実はたった一つと远くから记忆が叫んでる失うのなら思いをそっと休めて再び飞び立つ日まで…おわり

take care of什么时候翻译成对付;处理?












take care of 是什么意思?

take care of英[teik ku025bu0259 u0254v]美[tek ku025br u028cv]释义照顾; 杀掉; 对付; 抵消双语例句1See that you take care of him.一定要照顾好他。

take care of与taking care of的区别?



take care of [英][teik ku025bu0259 u0254v][美][tek ku025br u028cv]翻译:照顾; 杀掉; 对付; 抵消; So take care of yourself. 那你好好照顾自己 I know that if anything bad were to happen, the corporation would take care of me.我知道,如果形势不妙,公司会照顾我的。

take care of后面可以不加名词吗?



—走的时候谁关门? —我来. 句中的take care of sth.是“负责做某事”的意思. 此外,它还可以表示“照料某人/物”的意思. 如: The kitten is sick.Betty will take care of it. 小猫咪病了,贝蒂会照料它的.

take care of=


put break turn take有哪些短语(全点)

put put sth. about 散布 谣传put sth. aside 忽视 储存put sb. away 送某人进监狱put stn away 把...收好, 攒钱,猛吃猛喝put sth. back 把...放回原处,推迟,把钟往后拨put sth. before/above sth. 把...看的比...重要put sth. behind you 把...放之脑后put sth. by 攒钱(put sth. aside)put sown降落put sb. down使某人出丑put sth. down放下put sb. down as ...把某人看做put sb. down for ath.登记put sth.down to sth. 归功于put sb. forward 推荐put sth. forward 提前put sb. in 选举某人执政put sth. in 安装,添加,插话put into 进港,入港put in for sth. 申请put sb. off 撤销,疏远put sth. off 推迟put sb. on 让某人听电话put sth. on穿上,涂 发动put sth. onto 举报put sb. out 惹恼put sth. forth 长出put sth.through 成功put up住宿put together 合计,加起来breakbreak away 逃脱,逃离break down坏掉,垮掉break in强行闯入break off折断,停顿break out爆发。突然开始break out of 逃离break through取得突破break up结束,解散,关闭,绝交,分手break with sth.破除turnturn out 结果是turn around转身,好转turn against敌对turn..away拒之门外turn back返回turn down关小,拒绝tuen in朝内,内八字turn into变成turn off拐弯,关闭turn on打开,突然攻击turn over翻身turn to向。。。求助turn up出现,开大taketake after像,追赶 take against与。。。反目take apart把。。。打得一败涂地take away带走,消除take back收回,退回take down记录,拆除,拉低take in收留,包含,理解take off起飞,脱下,休假,带走,拆除take on雇佣,反抗take out带某人出去,杀死take over占上风,取代,接管take to对。。产生好感take up继续,占据take control of 控制

KOTOKO的《siren》 歌词

歌曲名:siren歌手:KOTOKO专辑:リアル鬼ごっこsiren作曲/编曲:高瀬一矢作词:KOTOKO呗:KOTOKO収録元:映画「リアル鬼ごっこ」 c/w注音:I"ve sound 音乐联盟谁(だれ)が与(あた)えた 儚(はかな)き生命(いのち)よ真夜中(まよなか)过(す)ぎまで光(ひか)る箱(はこ)の电子音(でんしおん)に悩(なや)まされて结末(けつまつ)见(み)ぬまま 远(とお)き国(くに)のpain火(ひ)の粉(こ)は闇(やみ)の彼方(かなた)で瞬(またた)く无数(むすう)の星(ほし)と 観赏(かんしょう)に耽(ふけ)た鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで か弱(よわ)き者(もの)の抗(あらが)う声(こえ)叩(たた)く痛(いた)みを擦(さす)り付(つ)けては また息吹(いきふ)き返(かえ)す行(ゆ)く先(さき)を悟(さと)らず形(かたち)なき神(かみ)に委(ゆだ)ねて名(な)も无(な)き者(もの)の言叶(ことば)が重(かさ)なる本当(ほんとう)か嘘(うそ)かはどうでもいい満(み)たしきれず壁(かべ)を汚(よご)す魔力(まりょく)を失(うしな)って舍(す)てるはずのpen心(こころ)に×(ばつ)を书(か)くには あまりに细(ほそ)くて上手(うま)くは握(にぎ)れなかった耳(みみ)をふさぐ…今日(きょう)も何処(どこ)かで悲(かな)しい雫(しずく)の砕(くだ)ける音(おと)梦(ゆめ)を见(み)るほど子供(こども)じゃないと笑颜(えがお)歪(ゆが)めて束(つか)の间(ま)の休心(きゅうしん)に触(さわ)らない神(かみ)を探(さが)した【神(かみ)を探(さが)した...】鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで忘(わす)れ去(さ)られた真実(しんじつ)の声(こえ)果(は)ての断崖(だんがい)へ向(む)かう仆(ぼく)らに最後(さいご)の警告(けいこく)常闇(とこやみ)に光(ひかり)を…守(まも)るべき天(てん)はその手(て)に【天(てん)はその手(て)に...】


你好,本来程序数据库用的是mysql,后来转为sql server2005,其中一个sql为:select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like concat(b.sort_no,"%") and b.dept_code ="37010001")程序报错:说concat函数不是内置的函数,原来是sql server没有concat这个函数,把代码做了一下修改代替了concat函数,希望对大家有所帮助:select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like b.sort_no + ""+"%" and b.dept_code ="37010001")在oracle里的用法(没有测试):select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like b.sort_no || ""|| "%" and b.dept_code ="37010001"

求高中阶段与put take have go come break give有关的比较重要的高考需要的短语。

最新高考动词短语汇总l.动词+about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走,使入迷 clear away 清除掉,消散 die away 逐渐消失,减弱 pass away 去世 wash away 冲走 take away 拿走,使消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来 give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送 wear away 磨掉,消耗 break away 摆脱 send away 让走开 turn away 把……打发走3.动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住 look back(on) 回顾 hold back 控制住 give back 归还 call back 回电话 take back 拿回,收回4.动词+for run for 竞选 ask for 要求得到 wait for 等候 stand for 代表,表示 long for 渴望 hope/wish for 希望得到 care for 关心,喜欢 beg for 乞求 search for 查找 look for 寻找 call for 需要,要求 hunt for 寻找 change…for 用……换 charge…for 收费,要价 apply for 申请 take…for 误以为……是 seek for 寻找 come for 来拿,来取5.动词+down burn down 烧毁 break down 坏了,垮了,分解 take down 记下,记录 turn down 调小,拒绝 cut down 削减,砍倒 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来 put down 记下,写下,镇压 calm down 平静下来 bring down 使……降低,使倒下 settle down 安家 come down 下落,传下 tear down 拆毁,拆除6.动词+at come at 向……袭击 shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 run at 冲向,向……攻击 work at 干……活动(研究) tear at 用力撕 look at 看,注视 stare at 凝视 glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥 laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲(门、窗等) point at 指向 smile at 冲(某人)笑 strike at 向……打击 aim at 向……瞄准 shoot at 向……射击 wonder at 惊讶 call at 拜访(地点)7.动词+from differ from 与……不同 suffer from 受……苦 hear from 收到……来信 die from 因……而死 keep/stop/prevent…from阻止…… learn from 向……学习 result from 由于 date from 始于……时期 separate…from 把……分离开8.动词+of think of 想到 dream of 梦到 consist of 由……组成 speak of 谈到 approve of 赞成 die of 死于 talk of 谈到 hear of 听说 complain of 抱怨 become of 发生……情况,怎么啦9.动词+off start off 出发 set off 出发 leave off 中断 show off 炫耀 get off 下车 take off 脱下,起飞 see off 送行 ring off 挂断电话 put off 延期,推迟 come off 脱落,褪色 cut off 切断,断绝 fall off 跌落,掉下 keep off 避开,勿走近 go off 消失;坏了,爆炸,不喜欢 knock…off 把……撞落 break off 打断 pay off 还清 carry off 携走带走,赢得 get off 脱下(衣服等) give off 散发出 turn(switch) off 关掉10.动词+on depend on 依靠 rely on 依靠 insist on 坚持 carry on 继续,进行 keep/go on 继续 spend…on 在……花钱 put on 穿上,戴上,上演 call on 拜访 move on 继续移动,往前走 live on 以……为生 feed on 以……为生 bring on 使……发展 take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿 have on 穿着 pass on 传授,传递 look on 旁观 turn(switch) on 打开11.动词+out break out 爆发 point out 指出 pick out 选出 figure out 算出,理解 burst out 进发 bring out 阐明,使表现出 carry out 执行,进行 help out 救助 hold out 坚持下去 set out 出发,着手,摆放 wear out 穿破,使……疲劳 turn out 结果是,生产,培养 make out 理解,看清楚 come out 出版,出来 cross out 划掉 leave out 省略,删掉 keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住 work out 算出,想出办法等 find out 查出,弄明白 give out 散发,分发,用完 try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防 put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出 hand out 散发 send out 发出,派遣 run out 用完 go out 熄灭 let out 泄漏,发出(声音),出租 die out 灭绝12.动词十in give in 让步 hand in 上交 bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访result in 导致 succeed in 在……获成功 join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小 get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话 fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访 cut in 插入 persist in 坚持 look in 来访,参观13.动词十into look into 研究,调查 turn into 变成 burst into 闯入,进发 divide…into 把……分成 change…into 把……变成 put/translate…into 把……译成 run into碰到 send sb to/into sleep 使进入状态14.动词+over turn over 翻倒,细想 think over 仔细考虑 go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查 get over 克服 run over 压死,看一遍 take over 接管,接替 watch over 看守,照看 fall over 跌倒,摔倒 roll over 翻滚15.动词十to belong to 属于 object to 反对 refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅 point to 指向 turn to 向……求助,查阅 stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于 see to 处理,料理 come to 共计,苏醒 reply to 答复 get to 到达 bring to 使苏醒把……比作 compare…to 与…相比;把…比作 agree to 同意 write to 写信给 supply…to 为……提供 lead to 导致,通向 add to 增添 attend to 处理,专心,照料 devote…to 贡献给16.动词+up grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出 build up 建立 set up 架起、建立 put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起 do up 整理,包装,打扮 go up 增长,上涨get up 起床,站起 pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到 bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出 出现 turn up 开大(音量等),出席 stay up 挺住,熬夜 take up 开始学,从事,占据sit up 熬夜 eat up 吃完 use up 用完 tear up 撕碎 lay up 储存 make up构成,组成 编造 弥补 cut up 切碎 join up 联结起来,参军 end up 总结 come up 上来,长出,出现 speed up 加快速度 throw up 呕吐 clear up 整理,收拾,放晴 look up 查找,找出 burn up 烧毁 catch up 赶上 hurry up 赶快 fix up 修理,安排,装置 keep up 保持 hold up 耽搁,使停顿 send up 发射 ring up 打电话 open up 开创,开辟 divide up 分配 break up 分解17.动词十through get through 通过,干完,接通电话 look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看 go through 审阅,检查,学习 put…through 接通电话 see through 识破 check through 核对 pull through 渡过危机,康复18.动词+with deal with 处理,对付 do with 处理,需要 meet with 遇到,遭受 talk with 同……交谈 agree with 同意,与……一致 compare with 与……相比 combine with 与……相联合 equip…with 以……装备 cover…with 用……覆盖 begin with 以……开始 end up with 以……结束 supply…with 以……供给 provide…with 以……供给 play with 玩,玩弄19.三词以上的短语动词 add up to 总计 break away from 摆脱 keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除 look down on 轻视 look up to 仰望,尊敬 put up with 忍受 catch up with 赶上 keep up with 赶上 run out of 用完 make up for 弥补 go on with 继续 get on(along) with 和……相处 look forward to 盼望 get close to 接近 take hold of 握住 get out of 逃避,避免 get down to 认真开始 set fire to 放火烧 pay attention to 注意 take notice of 注意 set an example to 为……榜样 do well in 在……干得好 pay a visit to 访问 take a photo of 拍……照片 take the place of 取代

英语翻译 我已经了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的.(make sure,base on)

我已经了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的 I have made sure that her conclusion is based on facts.

real exchange rate怎么计算

实际汇率:经过通胀率调整后的两国货币的汇率。两种货币的购买力具有相互关系。当两种汇率在外汇市场上有某个汇率时,并不意味着一种货币所购买的产品和服务等于(相应汇率的)另一种货币所能够购买的产品和服务。这是两种货币的不同的通货膨胀率造成的。所以,实际汇率是名义汇率经过不同通货膨胀率的调整后的汇率。参见:购买力平价。"...have been adjusted for the inflation differential"用的是完成时,也就是“经过通胀率调整后的”,而不是你说的“要考虑到通货膨胀的因素”。一定注意完成时态的用法。

currency option是什么意思

currency option 货币期权 货币选择权;外币期权;外币期权交易  外汇期权(foreign exchange options)也称为货币期权,指合约购买方在向出售方支付一定期权费后,所获得的在未来约定日期或一定时间内,按照规定汇率买进或者卖出一定数量外汇资产的选择权。 外汇期权是期权的一种,相对于股票期权、指数期权等其他种类的期权来说,外汇期权买卖的是外汇,即期权买方在向期权卖方支付相应期权费后获得一项权利,即期权买方在支付一定数额的期权费后,有权在约定的到期日按照双方事先约定的协定汇率和金额同期权卖方买卖约定的货币,同时权利的买方也有权不执行上述买卖合约。例句筛选1.First of all, what is a currency option anyway, what are we talking about?首先,我们谈的货币期权到底是什么呢?2.Hedging Exchange Rate Risk by Applying Currency Option运用外汇期权规避汇率风险


concept输入模板参数,输出一个bool类型字面量。 例如: 输出: concept最后输出的结果的值类型是个纯右值,也就是个 字面量。 我们可以将concept的结果当成字面量使用,也可以用字面量替代concept的结果,在requires中使用。 例如,输入输出: 输出: 输出: requires分两种,一种是在template下面的,用来判断concept是否满足的,例如下面的例子: 一种是带表达式的,和一个函数形式类似,例如: 输出: 其中: 并不实际求值,只是判断{}内的表达式能否运行。再看个例子: 输出: 所以,对于requires(...){}来说,只要{}中的表达式能运行,就会返回真。 输出: requires(...){}主要用来判断表达式能否运行,返回一个bool字面量 当然,也可以直接在template中运用 输出: requires表达式中还可以再嵌套第一种requires 如果直接使用,会报错: 输出: 还可以这样用 这样用: 用来约束lambda表达式

currency exchange rate中文翻译

Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation 货币兑换率是经常变的 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation 货币兑换率是经常变的 Gain from fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rate 凡因外币汇率变动所获得之利益皆属之。 Loss from fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate 凡因外币汇率变动而发生之损失皆属之。 Maintain foreign currency exchange rate on quarterly basis in qad 每个季度在qad中维护外汇兑换比率。 Do have an electronic currency exchange rate indicator at your front desk 在前台设置电子的外币兑换牌。 Foreign currency exchange rate 外币兑换率 Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate 投资者或需承受有关结算货币兑换率波动的风险 Treasury cites progress on chinese currency exchange rate issue , 992004 美国财政部表示中国汇率问题取得进展, 2004年9月9日 Probe into popcy coordination of currency exchange rates in the east asian region 东亚区域经济体货币汇率政策协调的理论探讨 Foreign currency risk is to show an economy substance or individual are in activity of economy of concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals , because of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuant , make its produce inaccuracy to be changed surely with the asset of foreign currency valuation or indebted value , make thereby the possibipty of possessory incur pecuniary loss 外汇风险是指一个经济实体或个人在涉外经济活动中,因外汇汇率的变动,使其以外币计价的资产或负债价值发生不确定改变,从而使所有者蒙受经济损失的可能性。

Thomas A. Pugel: Understanding Foreign Exchange

【The Foreign Exchange Market】 It introduces the real-world institutions of currency trading. Much of the study of exchange rates is like a trip to another planet. It is a strange land, far removed from the economics of an ordinary household. It also happens that competition prevails in most international financial markets despite a folklore full of tales about how wealthy speculators manage to corner those markets. Monopoly(垄断/专利) and oligopoly(卖方市场) are evident in much of the direct investment activity as well as in the cartels. Ordinary demand and supply curves would not do justice to the facts in those areas. Foreign exchange is the act of trading different nation`s moneys.The moneys take the same forms as money within a country. An exchange rate is the price of one nation s money in terms of another nation s money. The spot exchange rate is the price for "immediate" exchange. The forward exchange rate is the price set now for an exchange that will take place sometimes in the future. The foreign exchange market is not a single gathering place where traders shout buy and sell orders at each other. Rather, banks and the traders who work at banks are at the center of the foreign exchange market. These banks and their traders use computers and telephones to conduct foreign exchange trades with their customers and with each other. The trading done with customers is called the retail part of the market. Some of this is trading with individuals in small amounts. Most of the retail part of the market involves nonfinancial companies, financial institutions, and other organizations that undertake large trades as the customers of the banks that actively deal in the market. The trading done between the banks active in the market is called the interbank part of the market. Yet the number of people employed as foreign exchange traders in banks in this industry is several thousand for the world as a whole. -- Using the Foreign Exchange Market: Spot foreign exchange serves a clearing function, permitting payments to be made between entities who want to hold or use different currencies. The exchange rate is determined by supply and demand, within any constraints imposed by the governmental choice of an exchange-rate system or regime. In the customer or retail part of the spot foreign exchange market, individuals, businesses, and other organizations can acquire foreign moneys to make payments, or they can sell foreign moneys that they have received in payments. The spot foreign exchange market thus provides clearing services that permit payments to flow between individuals, businesses, and other organizations that prefer to use different moneys. These payments are for all of the types of items included in the balance-of-payments accounts, including payments for exports and imports of goods and services and payments for purchases and sales of foreign assets. As with most payments that are purely domestic, demand deposits are used in this foreign exchange trade and in completing the international payment for the airplane. The British firm uses the pounds in its demand deposit account to acquire the dollars needed. The U.S. producer uses its demand deposit in its correspondent bank in New York for two purposes: (1) as the dollars that it sells to its customer in the foreign transaction and (2) as the same dollars that are then transferred to the U.S. producer as payment. -- Interbank Foreign Exchange Trading: Most interbank trading occurs through electronic brokering systems, with only a small remaining role for voice brokers who function by telephone. The use of brokers provides anonymity to the traders until an exchange rate is agreed on for a trade. A small amount of interbank trading involves traders at different banks in direct contact to negotiate the exchange rate and to book the transaction. A little less than 40 percent of foreign exchange trading is trading among the banks themselves in the interbank part of the foreign exchange market. What`s being traded is still the same - demand deposits denominated in different currencies. But each deal is between one foreign exchange trader and another trader, not an "outside" customer. Interbank trading allows a bank to readjust its own position quickly and at low cost when it separately conducts a large trade with a customer. For instance, if Citigroup may be unwilling to continue holding the yen. Citigroup then can sell the yen to another bank to speculate on exchange-rate movements in the near future. Such speculative positions are usually held only for a short time, typically being closed out by the end of the day. To understand what makes the exchange-rate value of a country"s currency rise and fall, you should proceed through the same steps used to analyze any competitive market. First, portray the interaction of demand and supply as determinants of the equilibrium price and quantity, and then explore what forces lie behind the demand and supply curves. U.S. exports of goods and services create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for U.S. dollars to the extent that foreign buyers have their own currencies to offer and U.S. exporters prefer to end up holding U.S. dollars and not some other currency. Importing goods and services correspondingly tends to cause the home currency to be sold in order to buy foreign currency. U.S. imports goods and services create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to offer and foreign exporters prefer to end up holding their own currencies. U.S. capital outflows create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to the extent that the investors begin with dollars and a desire to invest in foreign financial assets that must be paid for in foreign currencies. U.S. capital inflows create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for dollars to the extent that investors begin with foreign currency and desire to invest in U.S. financial assets that must be paid for in $. -- Floating Exchange Rates The simplest system is the floating exchange-rate system without intervention by governments or central bankers. The spot price of foreign currency is market-driven, determined by the interaction of private demand and supply for that currency. The market clears itself through the price mechanism. To see the likelihood of the downward slope, imagine that exchange rate has just shifted from a larger number to a less one. The demand curve for foreign exchange can be shifted to the right or raised by either of the following changes related to balance of payments. (A shift of U.S. demand toward the goods and services of other countries; A rise in U.S. willingness to lend money to or invest in other countries. ) If the demand curve shifts to the right, then the market equilibrium exchange-rate value of the pound rises. -- Fixed Exchange Rates Officials strive to keep the exchange rate virtually fixed or pegged even if the rate they choose differs from the current equilibrium rate. Their usual procedure is to declare a narrow "band" of exchange rates within which the rate is allowed to vary. Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a depreciation of that currency; a rise is an appreciation. We refer to a discrete official reduction of otherwise fixed par value of a currency as a devaluation; revaluation is the antonym describing a discrete raising of the official par. Devaluation and revaluations are the main ways of changing exchange rates in a nearly fixed-rate system, a system where the rate is usually, but not always, fixed. -- Current Arrangements Here is an overview, without getting into everything now. First, most major currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, the British pound, the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the Swedish krona, have floating exchange rates relative to each other. Second, the governments of a large number of other countries sat they have floating exchange rates, though many use some amount of official exchange market intervention to "manage" the float. Third, some countries/regions have fixed exchange rates between their currencies and the U.S. dollar. The urban includes HONG KONG and Saudi Arabia. Fourth, some countries, including Denmark, Bulgaria, and former French colonies in Africa, fix the exchange-rate value of their currencies to the euro. Yet we have also noted that trading occurs in different locations around the world. For instance, for a period of time each day, trading is occurring in both New York and London as well as in other money centers in Europe. Arbitrage, the process of buying and selling to make a nearly riskless pure profit, ensures that rates in different locations are essentially the same, and that rates and cross-rates are related and consistent among themselves. Although it is more subtle, there is also an opportunity to make a riskless profit by arbitraging through the three rates-a process called triangular arbitrage. To see this, start with some number of dollars, say 150 buys 300 francs (100/0.50). Use these francs to buy pounds at the cross-rate, and you have 100 pounds (300/3). Convert these pounds back into dollars and you end up with 10 profit for each $150 you started with. This profit occurs almost instantly and with essentially no risk if you establish all three spot trades at the same time.

求罪恶王冠my dearest完整版的中文翻译歌词

歌名:My Dearest原唱:Supercell作词:ryo作曲:ryo歌曲时长:5分38秒发行时间:2011/11/23音乐风格:POP歌词:那么,将我的生命铸造得如此完美的一切此刻全都献给你我属于你呐,如此开心的欢笑有生以来初次体会到想必我一定是为了这一天才在遍布错误的路上走到如今一直孤身一人无论多么遥远的远方只要能永远和你手牵着手就能够去往任何地方你说你再也不会让我孤独再次对我微笑当你面对应该守护的重要事物却无能为力只能久久伫立之时当你失去了选择被黑暗所笼罩当你就快被绝望所吞噬的时候我愿化作为你照亮前路的光芒即便世界之王也无法将我掩盖那么,将我的生命铸造得如此完美的一切此刻全都献给你我属于你呐,在这个广阔的世界有着许许多多的幸福我们俩人也总有一天即使有人认为你说的全是谎言即使他们用残忍的话语将你伤害即使全世界都不相信你的真心即使他们要给你戴上荆棘之冠我也愿站在你的身边将你庇护你的孤独与痛苦我感同身受那么,将我的生命铸造得如此完美的一切此刻全都献给你我属于你若有一天你终于明白我的心意我必定会在那个地方将你守候即使那里连希望的碎片都已消失即使我变成了世所不容的存在我相信你也永远不会将我忘记我比任何人都要明白这一点所以我愿为你而将自己的一切此刻全都献给你

求罪恶王冠的OP My dearest(完整版) 的日文、中文、分开的罗马音 非常感谢

so, everything that makes me whole /所以我愿将造就我生命的一切,今君に捧げよう /此刻全都献给你.ima kimi ni sasageyouI"m Yours /我属于你.「My Dearest」Lyrics,Music & Arrangement: ryoSound Produced by ryo编译:Reincarnatioねぇ こんなに笑えたこと /呐,如此开心的欢笑,nee konna ni waraeta koto生まれて初めてだよ /有生以来初次体会到.umarete hajimete da yoきっと私ね /想必我一定,kitto watashi wa neこの日のために间违いだらけの /是为了这一天才在遍布错误的路上,kono hi no tame ni machigai darake no道を歩いてきたんだ /走到如今.michi wo aruite kitandaずっと一人で /孤身一人.zutto hitori de远く远くどこまでも远く /无论多么遥远的远方,tooku tooku doko made mo tooku君と二人手を取って永远に /只要能永远和你手牵着手,kimi to futari te wo totte eien niどこまでだって行けるはず /就能够去往任何地方.doko made datte ikeru hazuもう一人じゃないと君はそう言い /你说你再也不会让我孤独,"mou hitori jaa nai" to kimi wa sou iiまた笑う /再次对我微笑.mata warau守るべき大事なものが今あって /当你面对应该守护的重要事物,mamoru beki daiji na mono ga ima atteだけど成すすべもなく立ち尽くす时は /却无能为力只能久久伫立之时;dakedo nasu sube mo naku tachi tsukusu toki ha可能性を失って暗闇が君を覆い隠し /当你失去了选择被黑暗所笼罩,kanousei wo ushinatte kurayami ga kimi wo oikakushi绝望に饮みこまれそうな时は /当你就快被绝望所吞噬的时候zetsubou ni nomi komaresou na toki ha私が君を照らす明かりになるから /我愿化作为你照亮前路的光芒,watashi ga kimi wo terasu akari ni naru karaたとえこの世界の王にだって消せはしない /即便世界之王也无法将我掩盖.tatoe kono Sekai no ou ni datte kese wa shinaiso, everything that makes me whole /所以我愿将造就我生命的一切,今君に捧げよう /此刻全都献给你,ima kimi ni sasageyouI"m Yours /我属于你.ねぇこの世界にはたくさんの /呐,在这个广阔的世界,nee kono Sekai ni wa takusan no幸せがあるんだね /有着许许多多的幸福,shiawase ga arunda neいつか二人なら /我们俩人也总有一天itsuka futari nara谁かが君のことを嘘つきと呼んで /即使有人认为你说的全是谎言,dareka ga kimi no koto wo usotsuki to yonde心无い言叶で伤つけようとしても /即使他们用残忍的话语将你伤害;kokoronai kotoba de kizutsuke you toshite mo世界が君のことを信じようともせずに /即使全世界都不相信你的真心,Sekai ga kimi no koto wo shinjiyou to sezuni荆の冠を被せようとしても /即使他们要给你戴上荆棘之冠..ibara no kanmuri wo kabuseyou toshite mo私は君だけの味方になれるよ /我也愿站在你的身边将你庇护,watashi wa kimi dake no mikata ni nareru yoその孤独 痛みを私は知っている /你的孤独与痛苦我感同身受.sono kodoku itami wo watashi wa shitteiruso, everything that makes me whole /所以我愿将造就我生命的一切,今君に捧げよう /此刻全都献给你,ma kimi ni sasageyouI"m Yours /我属于你.いつか私を知ることができたら /若有一天你终于明白我的心意,itsuka watashi wo shiru koto ga dekita nara必ずその场所に私はいるから /我必定会在那个地方将你守候.kanarazu sono basho ni watashi wa iru karaそこに希望の欠片すらなかったとしても /即使那里连希望的碎片都已消失,soko ni kibou no kakera suranakatta toshite mo私が在ってはならないものであっても /即使我变成了世所不容的存在..watashi ga atte wa naranai mono deatte mo君は忘れないでいてくれることを /我相信你也永远不会将我忘记,kimi wa wasurenai deite kureru koto wo谁よりも私がそのことを知っている /我比任何人都要明白这一点.dare yori mo watashi ga sono koto wo shitteruだから私は君のために全てを /所以我愿为你而将自己的一切,dakara watashi wa kimi no tame ni subete wo今捧ごう /此刻全都献给你.ima sasagou-终わり-

due to,base on,result in的区别

result in





My school trip was great改为一般疑问句

how was your trip?

here from是什么意思


Pure Love= arash的空间链接。谢谢。要有用的。



CREME VISAGE是法语“面霜”的意思。

求这个百度云 [PSP][Maho.sub][Queen Bee]纯爱まにあっく 1 ~Pure


---How was your school trip, Yang?--- It was ________. We had a great fun visiting the art muse...

A 试题分析:句意:--阳,你的学校旅行怎样?—它非常好。我们在参观艺术博物馆的过程中玩得开心。A. excellent很好; B. terrible可恶的; C. OK好,可以。根据We had a great fun visiting the art museum可知玩的开心,说明旅行很好。故选A。

hear from, receive a letter from, get a letter from什么意思?

hear from, receive a letter from, get a letter from收到一封来信,收到一封来信

hear from和receive a letter from的区别,别说没区别

Hear from 口语Receive a letter from 正式,书面语

recevie和hear from的区别

搭配不一样 receive a letter from sb 等于 hear from sb收到某人的来信

艾薇儿的you were mine 歌词翻译!!!


为什么是How was your last school trip而不是How were your last school

这里问的不是you 而是your last school trip,是单数,所以当然要用was 啊

hear from和recive在现在完成时中用哪个


conduct research是什么意思

conduct research行为研究

pure sweet love 每个字母分别是什么意思

LL是说每个单词的意思吧?pure:纯的,纯洁的,无瑕的sweet:甜美的,美丽的,讨人喜欢的love:爱,爱情puresweetlove可以译成“纯洁甜蜜的爱情 。”满意请选为最佳~

We are one in Jesus翻译成中文是什么意思




请问instruct,conduct,guide,lead,command,direct 在表示指挥,带领的意思时的区别?



这俩个意思完全不一样啊research是调查研究的意思conduct是领导或者进行某种行为倒是可以连在一起比如conduct a research 领导一项实验研究

请教 Lapierre Tecnic 700 这车架如何啊

雪山孤影 发表于 2011-1-9 16:27 潜水一段时间,深受BIKETO毒害。现在要装一部车车,主要为日常休闲锻炼,和不久的长途用。看到TB上这车 ...LP车架的特点是轻。不过正统的LP都应该是2000以上的价位了。PRO车架虽然烂大街,但是性价比和性能其实还是蛮好的,相对LP也不会重到哪去,再说你用430套件,本身肯定就不能考虑太多重量的问题了。另外,430套件我真不推荐你使用,要么410,要么590以上430就是鸡肋。410不论是强度还是精准还是性价比,都还是不错的,缺点就是8速和重量。但是你一个新手,用9速我觉得心理作用大一点。架子JBC的可以考虑,有1000价位的,涂装好看,当然这是个人眼光了。至于EPICON气叉,没必要。说白了,都是三拓的产品,XCR和EPICON本身都没太多的技术含量,而且区别只是重量上面的,价格却差了五百。你用XCR省下来可以升级好点的轮组。假如真想上气叉,那也最起码上到R7。EPICON我用过,反正觉得不耐CAO。

翻译英语We are pride for you my motherland

We are pride for you my motherland的意思是我们为你骄傲我的祖国To us because of you (mother) proud的意思是因为你(母亲),我们感到自豪



Breathe和take in的区别是什么?

breathe 呼吸,动词take in 主要是(接受、理解、拘留、欺骗、让……进入、改短) 的意思


1、Config的作用Config文件是Creo的系统配置文件,它几乎可以满足你对Creo的所有要求。包括系统的精度、显示设置、单位、打印机的设置、快捷键的设置、输入输出设置等。通过这些设置你可以把Creo的工作环境按您的需要定制。这样可以在Creo启动之后就实现参数配置的个性化,而无需每次都进行设置。2、Config文件的位置右击Creo的快捷方式,选择“属性”,在属性窗口中可以看到Creo的启动目录,如未设置,一般会在“我的文档”中。Creo在打开时默认会加载“起始位置”目录中的Config文件。3、Config的修改方法Config文件可以用文本编辑软件直接打开,进行修改。如果知道参数的具体参数值,即可以直接添加参数或更改参数的值。参数行中,以英文字符 “!”开头的参数为没有启用的参数,或者是注释性语句。对于不熟悉参数值的参数,可以通过菜单文件 – 选项,打开Creo Parametric对话框。在配置编辑器中可以看到我们已经定义的参数,同样我们在这里可以添加、修改、删除系统参数,并可以对已经设置的参数进行排序。在添加对话框下,自己输入某个参数,系统会自动匹配相应的参数全名。在查找对话框下,输入相应的参数,系统会给出符合条件的全部参数,用户可以根据提示选择自己需要的参数和参数值,通过 “添加/更改”按钮来添加和修改参数。


随着论文抄袭现在越来越严重,我们使用查重软件的频率也越高了,在使用中会出现这样和那样的问题,我列举了几个网友经常提出的问题为大家一一解答:    1.论文为什么提交失败?    第一可能是因为提交论文时选择的复制粘贴并且字数过多导致提交失败。    第二网速较慢导致论文已经提交但是提交人这边查看不到。    第三没有使用PC段提交而是使用手机端。    第四网站登录错误没有登录正确的Paperera网站。    2.怎么领取免费论文字数?    免费领取字数体验检测:注册登录——免费检测——参与免费字数领取登录网页——粘贴文档——提交检测——等待检测成功。    3.为什么查重报告消失了?    我们查重报告保留的有限时间为十天,十天之内都可以在官网查重报告当中找到相对应的报告。    4.用软件查询会不会泄露我的论文信息? 选择查重工具需要避免这些坑    Paperera承诺不会泄露用户提交的论文。如果Paperera泄露了用户的论文,将承担法律责任,用户有权利追究。    5.论文重复率很高选择哪种降重办法更好?    我们推荐机器降重。降重是指:文章原意不变、文章框架结构不变、专有名词不变、字数不减少、语句通顺无错别字。只修改重复句子的表述方式,从而达到降重的目的。

三拓的epicon前避震和RockShox Recon tk哪个适合我?

RockShox Recon tk性价比较高,强度也够,性能绝对在r7之上如果楼主有想RockShox Recon tk的叉子,那么epicon基本就可以不用考虑了如果楼主有财力,那么建议直接上fox的f100,对微震反应非常灵敏,而且内管上是卡玛斯涂层,让叉子更耐用,整体循迹性更好祝你开心每一天


我用tkinter来举个例子。在处理label标签的文本修改时候经常用到label.config(text="XXX")。在eclipse中计入config方法。会发现有这么一句话“config = configure”。说明config和configure其实都是同一个方法。label是一个对象。而"对象[XX]"的形式 会自动调用__getitem__方法。"对象[XX]=XX"的形式会自动去调用__setitem__方法。 而setitem方法如下:其实也是调用configure方法。def __setitem__(self, key, value):self.configure({key: value})

2010世界杯主题曲歌词,翻译(要give me freedom开头的)

2010年世界杯主题曲《飘扬的旗帜(Wavin"Flag)》歌词及翻译: Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher 给我自由,给我激情,给我个理由,让我飞得更高 See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud 向着冠军,现在就上场吧,你让我明确,让我们自豪 In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition, 在街道上,exaliftin,当我们失去了束缚 Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us 在我们身边庆祝吧,每个国家,在我们身边 Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun 歌唱永远的年轻,在太阳下歌唱 Lets rejoice in the beautiful game. 让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧 And together at the end of the day. 相聚在这天的到结束 WE ALL SAY 我们一起说 复制回答者死 T16探长制 When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强 They"ll call me freedom Just like a wavin" flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬 And then it goes back 一切都回归 And then it goes back 一切都回归 And then it goes back 一切都回归

Oregon的《Sail》 歌词

歌曲名:Sail歌手:Oregon专辑:Music Of Another Present EraIt"s just something to sayKeep going round inside my headI"m gonna save my soulBefore things get impossibleI should have seen the signsThey were right before my eyesHe could have saved my soulI"m falling over cross the bayI think the sun sailed awayNot like those beforeI"m just another body washed up on the shoreThe curse on my bonesHe made a pact rum on the stormsHe could have saved my soulHe could have saved my soulTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsDo you recall the timeI think you just must have lost your mindAffected by the sunAnother heaven"s lined up as we made our runLet"s stay in the lanesAnd I can barely feel the painI love you so much moreI love you so much moreTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsIt"s all done by the painfull skyDenims hung out to dryHow many hours to goBefore the next I say self...Sandstorm remainsI see your angels cross the planeThey never save my soulThey never save my soulTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soul

Luvsic remix的歌词以及翻译

““Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity 为情所困让人直觉变的像狗一样敏锐 Developing this new theory of relativity 细细体会我们的关系 Connecting our souls resting in captivity 发现彼此的灵魂都被禁锢着无法相连 Positive life sacrifice what it is to me 我确信对我来说(要解除它)意味着生命中的一些献祭 Our history, only a quarter of a century 我们相遇的时光,只不过是世纪中的一刻 Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry 却在现实中深深的彼此吸引 See ain"t no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free 即便看似乎毫无神秘可言,我们混合的色彩却能解放心智! Let the blind see beyond harmony! 让被蒙蔽者感受我们的和谐! Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt 往毫无生气可言的空间里注入我们鲜活的生命吹走疑云 New territory we determine to be Everything a safe heaven is supposed to be 我们决意打造出一片极乐净土! Now it might seem distant but the time is near 虽然目标看似遥远但大时已至 When our thoughts take off and split the atmosphere Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus I"ll see you there utmost definitely 当我们拿掉顾虑,纯净的天籁之音就会划破天际并且,我们注定会在那里相遇 " cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently 因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently 因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation 神啊,每一件已知的事情都会有始必有终 God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice For some words that have waited for way too long 神,请保佑我能为自己压抑已久的心声找到适合倾吐的机会 Low wages, Small tips on the avenue 低微的薪酬,大街上的小广告 Haven"t you heard the news lately? 你有听到什么最近(应聘)的消息吗 Seems we"ve been living for sometimes in a purgatory 看起来我们不得不暂时过段苦境中的日子了 But yo, I thought I knew what a love song sound like 但是你知道吗,我想我知道一首爱情歌曲听起来是什么感觉 But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight 那是阳光中一种温暖的频率 I could still hear it in the room past midnight 在房间里我仍然能听到过去午夜里那电台的声音 Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light 必须动身了,展开一段月光下的独自漫游 Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead 有时我时常忘记减缓我们生活的节奏 If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold 如果我们能学会如何面对不能忘却的感情做到释然 Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow 回归我们的灵魂,我们就能感受到心灵的律动 So you see, upon everyday faces there"s a million shades to Express definition of grace 现在你明白了,为什么优雅如此难以展现(因为每日面具下都有百万计的顾虑束缚着你的心灵) But the method I choose me perrogative 但是我必须用自己的方式去表达 There"s so much love in me I got to give. 因为我内心的大爱必须给予 (chorus) (合唱) "cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently 因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel 噢 我多么希望能就你给我的感觉写一本书 But how about this song that I wrote for you? (可惜我不能)但是我为你写的这首歌曲如何? What I feel like...I wanna put my trusts in these simple words 我感觉像...我想把我的信任通过这些简单的词藻和盘托出来让你感受到我想倾吐的思绪,你感受到了吗? For you to feel what I"m saying, what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together 追忆记忆里我们共享时光那段日子里的那些小插曲 Remember the time that you told me 还记得那次你告诉我 I n the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight 在那个寒夜,你紧紧拥抱着我告诉我放松 Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and Realizes that you was my ace? 还记得那次我对满屋子的人群宣称你就是我的至爱 I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove 所有眼神仿佛都在嘲笑我是舞台上那哼着蓝调的滑稽小丑 But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like 唯有你,我所发掘的闪耀的宝石 But I felf a sharper love in the limelite From the queen of hearts watching me quitely in the upper deck balcony 我从高台上那静静望着我的红心女皇的心中感受到了清晰无限的爱 Sometimes I do suspect, I"m a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the feeling lost 有时当我回顾时光镜子冰冷的碎片,试图找回那失落的冰封记忆时真的相当怀疑 我是一出神赐完美的喜剧脚本里的主角 Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for For you to know that the music held us carry on Like you say a new day will bring us tomorrow... 言归正传,我为你写下这封欣的动机是让你理解伴随我们的音乐的意味如同你所说的 明天一定会更好 "cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently” 因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 找到了啊~~lz谢谢我吧~~嘿嘿 我也很爱听这歌、、现在是空间背景音乐呢 参考资料:



Take Me There 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me There歌手:Grover Washington. Jr.专辑:WinelightTake me thereRascal Flattslyrics By ShiningboyThere"s a place in your heart, nobody"s been,Take me there.Things nobody knows,Not even your friends,Take me there.Tell me bout your momma, your daddy, your hometown,Show me around,I want to see it all, don"t leave anything outI want to know, everything about you then.And I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams, and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare,Take me there.Your first real kiss, your first true love,You were scared.Show me where,You learned about life, spent your summer nights, without a care.I want to roll down main street, the back roads,Like you did when you were a kid,What made you who you are,Tell me what your story is.I want to know, everything about you.And I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams, and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stareTake me there.I want to know, everything about you.Yeah, everything about you baby.I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare.Take me, take me, take me there.Take me there.

Oregon的《Sail》 歌词

歌曲名:Sail歌手:Oregon专辑:The EssentialIt"s just something to sayKeep going round inside my headI"m gonna save my soulBefore things get impossibleI should have seen the signsThey were right before my eyesHe could have saved my soulI"m falling over cross the bayI think the sun sailed awayNot like those beforeI"m just another body washed up on the shoreThe curse on my bonesHe made a pact rum on the stormsHe could have saved my soulHe could have saved my soulTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsDo you recall the timeI think you just must have lost your mindAffected by the sunAnother heaven"s lined up as we made our runLet"s stay in the lanesAnd I can barely feel the painI love you so much moreI love you so much moreTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsIt"s all done by the painfull skyDenims hung out to dryHow many hours to goBefore the next I say self...Sandstorm remainsI see your angels cross the planeThey never save my soulThey never save my soulTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsTake me in your armsPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soulPactrum on the stormsSave my soul

take me there是什么意思


luvsic remix 歌词以及中文意思 跪求!!!!!!!!

““Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity  为情所困让人直觉变的像狗一样敏锐  Developing this new theory of relativity  细细体会我们的关系  Connecting our souls resting in captivity  发现彼此的灵魂都被禁锢着无法相连  Positive life sacrifice what it is to me  我确信对我来说(要解除它)意味着生命中的一些献祭  Our history, only a quarter of a century  我们相遇的时光,只不过是世纪中的一刻  Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry  却在现实中深深的彼此吸引  See ain"t no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free 即便看似乎毫无神秘可言,我们混合的色彩却能解放心智!  Let the blind see beyond harmony!  让被蒙蔽者感受我们的和谐!  Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt  往毫无生气可言的空间里注入我们鲜活的生命吹走疑云  New territory we determine to be Everything a safe heaven is supposed to be  我们决意打造出一片极乐净土!  Now it might seem distant but the time is near  虽然目标看似遥远但大时已至  When our thoughts take offand split the atmosphere Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus I"ll see you there utmost definitely  当我们拿掉顾虑,纯净的天籁之音就会划破天际并且,我们注定会在那里相遇 "  cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation  神啊,每一件已知的事情都会有始必有终  God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice For some words that have waited for way too long  神,请保佑我能为自己压抑已久的心声找到适合倾吐的机会  Low wages, Small tips on the avenue  低微的薪酬,大街上的小广告  Haven"t you heard the news lately?  你有听到什么最近(应聘)的消息吗  Seems we"ve been living for sometimes in a purgatory  看起来我们不得不暂时过段苦境中的日子了  But yo, I thought I knew what a love songsound like  但是你知道吗,我想我知道一首爱情歌曲听起来是什么感觉  But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight  那是阳光中一种温暖的频率  I could still hear it in the room past midnight  在房间里我仍然能听到过去午夜里那电台的声音  Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light  必须动身了,展开一段月光下的独自漫游  Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead  有时我时常忘记减缓我们生活的节奏  If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold  如果我们能学会如何面对不能忘却的感情做到释然  Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow  回归我们的灵魂,我们就能感受到心灵的律动  So you see, upon everyday faces there"s a million shades to Express definition of grace  现在你明白了,为什么优雅如此难以展现(因为每日面具下都有百万计的顾虑束缚着你的心灵)  But the method I choose me perrogative  但是我必须用自己的方式去表达  There"s so much love in me I got to give.  因为我内心的大爱必须给予  (chorus)  (合唱)  "cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱  Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel  噢 我多么希望能就你给我的感觉写一本书  But how about this song that I wrote for you?  (可惜我不能)但是我为你写的这首歌曲如何?  What I feel like...I wanna put my trusts in these simple words  我感觉像...我想把我的信任通过这些简单的词藻和盘托出来让你感受到我想倾吐的思绪,你感受到了吗? For you to feel what I"m saying, what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together  追忆记忆里我们共享时光那段日子里的那些小插曲  Remember the time that you told me  还记得那次你告诉我 I  n the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight  在那个寒夜,你紧紧拥抱着我告诉我放松  Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and Realizes that you was my ace?  还记得那次我对满屋子的人群宣称你就是我的至爱  I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove  所有眼神仿佛都在嘲笑我是舞台上那哼着蓝调的滑稽小丑  But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like  唯有你,我所发掘的闪耀的宝石  But I felf a sharper love in the limelite From the queen of hearts watching me quitely in the upper deck balcony  我从高台上那静静望着我的红心女皇的心中感受到了清晰无限的爱  Sometimes I do suspect, I"m a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the feeling lost  有时当我回顾时光镜子冰冷的碎片,试图找回那失落的冰封记忆时真的相当怀疑 我是一出神赐完美的喜剧脚本里的主角  Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for For you to know that the music held us carry onLike you say a new day will bring us tomorrow...  言归正传,我为你写下这封欣的动机是让你理解伴随我们的音乐的意味如同你所说的 明天一定会更好  "cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently”  因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱


I want to buy some fresh meat.我想买些新鲜的肉。Fresh vegetable is good for health.新鲜的蔬菜有利于健康。He has a fresh mind about the room.他对这间房间很有新鲜感。


fresh 英[freu0283] 美[fru025bu0283] adj. 新鲜的; 新的; 淡水的; 无经验的; adv. 刚; 最新的; n. 开始; 新生; 泛滥; 淡水流; [例句]He asked Strathclyde police, which carried out the original investigation, to makefresh inquiries他要求原来负责案子的斯特拉斯克莱德警方展开新一轮的调查。[其他] 比较级:fresher 最高级:freshest


论文资料查询网站免费1.OALib 免费论文搜索引擎(一个学术论文存储量超过420W篇的网站)2.HighWire 斯坦福学术文献电子期刊(号称是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商)3.ZLibrary(是一个免费电子书籍搜索下载网站,号称世界最大的免费电子图书馆。拥有513万多书籍和7751万多文献下载。)4.Intute 学术资源搜索工具(是一个专注于教学、研究方面且免费、专业、强劲的学术搜索工具,在论文质量上是绝对具有权威性的)5.Sci-hub(一个免费下载外文的网站,可以说是家喻户晓,但有时候会打不开)6.中国知网(号称全国资源总库,以收录核心期刊和专业期刊为主,权威、检索效果好,覆盖范围广)7.万方(内容一科技信息为主,兼顾人文,适合工科或理工科院校,收录文献质量高)8.维普(内容以自然科学和工程技术为主,几乎涵盖了全国的国内中文出版物)9.seek68文献馆(内容包含海量中外文献资源全文下载、论文查重、解决疑难文献,覆盖各科领域,写论文用比较省时省力)10.国家哲学社会科学文献中学(有中文文献,还有古籍,哲学、社会科学等相关专业必备)




请问有谁听说这个名字。知道的话请告诉我它的中文什么意思 保鲜格 保鲜盒吧

DOTA杀人音效 要全的 有TF的ah~~FRESHMEAT 双杀 三沙 等等


求dota杀人音效,和屠夫的“ah~~~fresh meat~~~”

第一滴血 first blood 大杀特杀killing spree 主宰比赛domanating杀人如麻 mega kill 无人能挡unstoppable变态杀戮wicked sick 妖怪般的杀戮monster kill 如同神一般 god like 超越神的杀戮holy shit

fresh 和 handsome 的区别?

fresha.1. 新鲜的;未经加工处理过的They buy fresh meat.他们买新鲜肉。2. (水等)淡的[Z][B]This kind of fish lives in fresh water.这种鱼生活在淡水中。3. 新的;新到的;刚发生的[Z][(+from)]She is fresh from university.她刚从大学毕业。4. 另外的;新颖的[Z][B]He lit a fresh cigarette.他点燃了另一支烟。5. 精力充沛的[F]We all felt fresh after the vacation.假期过后我们都感到精力充沛。6. 气色好的[B]7. (空气)清新的;凉爽的[B]He opened the window to let in some fresh air.他打开窗户放进一些清新的空气。8. (风)强劲的9. 【口】(天气)凛冽的[F]10. 无经验的,不老练的She is quite fresh to office work.她对办公室工作毫无经验。11. 【口】(对异性)无礼的,厚颜的[F][(+with)]He started getting fresh with the new secretary.他开始对新来的秘书放肆起来。ad.1. 刚,才The store was fresh out of eggs.该店的蛋刚脱销。n.1. 一日(年)之初2. (河水)暴涨,泛滥3. 【口】(大学)新生4. 淡水池handsomea.1. (男子)英俊的;(女子)端庄健美的He looked handsome and healthy.他看上去英俊而健康。2. 相当大的;可观的The waitress received a handsome tip.女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。3. 慷慨的;大方的4. 堂皇的;美观的What a handsome room!多漂亮的房间!


serendipity浪漫解释缘分天注定。serendipity的寓意:意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气。erendipity这个单词的本身意思是指巧事;机缘凑巧,后来延伸为男女之间的情缘,有一种很浪漫的翻译是你是我不期而遇的美好,指男女之间的缘分是天注定的。正是因为serendipity有这么一个浪漫的意思,很多网友都将其用作自己的网名,而且serendipity还有一个配套的情侣网名,这个配套网名就是Destiny Plays意味命运游戏,仔细想想男女之间的相遇、相知到相爱确实是一场命运的游戏啊,先遇上的不一定是对的,后遇上的可能是合适的,就是这么不讲规律。看到这里是不是觉得这个英语单词很浪漫呢?心动的话快点换上当做自己的网名吧。情侣英文网名Oxygen(氧气)| Anoxia(缺氧)idiot(笨蛋)|Afool(傻瓜)Pugss失魂人|Monee控魂者North harbor(北港)|South Bay(南湾)Always in his heart(久居他心)| Settle in her heart(定居她心)关于爱情的英文单词lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language,so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。


freshKK: []DJ: []a.1. 新鲜的;未经加工处理过的They buy fresh meat.他们买新鲜肉。2. (水等)淡的[Z][B]This kind of fish lives in fresh water.这种鱼生活在淡水中。3. 新的;新到的;刚发生的[Z][(+from)]She is fresh from university.她刚从大学毕业。4. 另外的;新颖的[Z][B]He lit a fresh cigarette.他点燃了另一支烟。5. 精力充沛的[F]We all felt fresh after the vacation.假期过后我们都感到精力充沛。6. 气色好的[B]7. (空气)清新的;凉爽的[B]He opened the window to let in some fresh air.他打开窗户放进一些清新的空气。8. (风)强劲的9. 【口】(天气)凛冽的[F]10. 无经验的,不老练的She is quite fresh to office work.她对办公室工作毫无经验。11. 【口】(对异性)无礼的,厚颜的[F][(+with)]He started getting fresh with the new secretary.他开始对新来的秘书放肆起来。ad.1. 刚,才The store was fresh out of eggs.该店的蛋刚脱销。n.1. 一日(年)之初2. (河水)暴涨,泛滥3. 【口】(大学)新生4. 淡水池

一首英文音乐!one two three four



[英] [freʃ][美] [frɛʃ]

luvsic remix歌词

  《luvsic remix》  歌手: Shing02  所属专辑:《悠然的风中》  歌曲语种:英文  歌曲时长:03:39  具体歌词:  Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity  Developing this new theory of relativity  Connecting our souls resting in captivity  Positive life sacrifice what it is to me  Our history, only a quarter of a century  Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry  See ain"t no mystery,  the colours that we mix will set the mind free  Let the blind see beyond harmony!  Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt  New territory we determine to be Everything  a safe heaven is supposed to be  Now it might seem distant but the time is near  When our thoughts take off and split the atmosphere  Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus  I"ll see you there utmost definitely  cause the beat plus the melody  Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently  so evidently  cause the beat plus the melody  Makes me speak of L.O.V.E  eloquently so evidently  Good gracious,  every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation  God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice  For some words that have waited for way too long  Low wages, Small tips on the avenue  Haven"t you heard the news lately?  Seems we"ve been living for sometimes in a purgatory  But yo, I thought I knew what a love song sound like  But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight  I could still hear it in the room past midnight  Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light  Sometimes I do forget,  Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead  If we learn to let go,  the reins that we hold  Return to our souls,  and the spirit let flow  So you see, upon everyday faces  there"s a million shades to Express definition of grace  But the method I choose me perrogative  There"s so much love in me I got to give.  "cause the beat plus the melody  Makes me speak of L.O.V.E  eloquently so evidently  Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel  But how about this song that I wrote for you?  What I feel like...  I wanna put my trusts in these simple words  For you to feel what I"m saying,  what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes  that we shared together  Remember the time that you told me  In the cold night,  to relax when all I knew was to hold tight  Remember the time that I spoke to  the crowd in a full house and Realizes  that you was my ace?  I was the joker on the stage singing the blues  All eyes on me and had nothing to prove  But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like  But I felf a sharper love in the limelite  From the queen of hearts watching me quitely  in the upper deck balcony  Sometimes I do suspect,  I"m a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy  When I look back at the frozen slice of time  and try to defrost the feeling lost  Now enough with the metaphors,  the motivation that I wrote this letter for  For you to know that the music held us carry on  Like you say a new day will bring us tomorrow...
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