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my dress tore when it caught on the nail. 这里怎么主动表被动是怎么理解的?

主动形式、被动意义的表达,你说的这个句子在第4点,主被动两用动词1 作系动词使用的感官动词  这类动作包括:feel感觉;look看上去;smell闻起来;sound听上去;taste吃起来等。  [例句]  The evening air feels cold.  夜晚的空气感觉很冷。  He looks to be an honest man.  他看上去是个老实人。  That story of yours doesn"t sound very likely.  你说的话听起来不大可信。2 表示事物自身性质或特征的动词  这类词包括:clean被弄干净;iron熨烫;photograph在照片上显得;play播放;prove被证明是;read读起来;sell出售;wash洗起来;wear穿起来等。  [例句]  The tape recorder won"t play.  这台录音机放出声音。  A rumor does not always prove to be a fact.  传闻不一定证明是事实。  This kind of shirt washes well.  这种衬衣耐洗。3 特定用法的动词  这类动词要求去后作宾语的动词可以使用动名词的主动形式,而表达的却是被动意义,这类词包括: bear经得起,值得,需要;demand需要;deserve\worth值得;need、require需要;等等。  [例句]  This job wants doing at once.  这工作需要马上就做。(相当于This job wants to be done at once.)  The boys deserves praising.  这个男孩值得表扬。(相当于The boy deserves to be praised.)  The matter demands looking into.  这件事学要调查。(相当于The matter demands to be looked into.)4 主被动两用动词  这类动词包括:blow被吹走,被吹响;hang被绞死;let、rent被出租;train结受训练,被培养;tear被撕裂;等等。  [例句]  If we don"t hang together, we will hang separately.  如果我们不团结在一起,我们就会被分别处死。  Whistle blew, and the train started.  汽笛鸣响,火车开动了。  My dress tore when it caught on the nail.  我的衣服钩在钉子上,被撕破了。5 用于”sth. to do ”的表达  [例句]  Man still has a lot to learn about the brain.  关于大脑,我们还有许多东西要了解。  Could you get me something to read? I have nothing to do.  你能给我点东西读吗?我无事可做。6 用于“to blame”表达  表示“该受责备”  [例句]  The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.  天气不好是庄家歉收的部分原因。  I thought the technician was to blame for the blowing of the fuse.  我以为保险丝的断裂是技术员的责任。7 用于“sth. is +形容词+不定式”句型  [例句]  The water is not clean enough to drink.  这水不够干净,不能喝。(习惯上不说The water is not clean enough to be drunk.)  If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to learn as you think.  如果你多付出一些努力,这门语言并没有你认为的那样难学。(习惯上不说If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to be learned as you think.)8 主动形式、被动意义的动词短语  这类词包括:catch on受欢迎,被接受,受雇于;come home to被完全领会,被清除的理解;dawn on 被想到;get across被理解,被接受;occur to 被想到;pass for 被错误的看作;run out被用完,被耗尽;sink in 被理解;turn up 被找到,被发现;等等  [例句]  The player caught on with a big team last year.  这名球员去年受雇于一个大球队。  It suddenly dawned on me that I"d caught the wrong train.  我突然发现自己乘错火车了。  Your advice didn"t quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again.  你的建议他没有听进去。你或许得再和他谈谈。


【 #英语资源# 导语】report有报告;传闻;成绩单;爆炸声等意思,那么你知道report的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】report的用法大全   report的用法1:report用作名词的基本意思是“报告,报道”,表示通过调查作出的官方或正式的说明,通常含有对情况的分析判断,尤指下级对上级或委托机关的报告,在英式英语里也可指学生的“成绩报告单”或雇员的“工作鉴定书”,是可数名词。   report的用法2:report也可作“传闻,谣言”解,是不可数名词,但其前可用不定冠词a修饰。reports有“流言蜚语,道听途说”的意思。   report的用法3:report还可作“名声,名誉”解,是不可数名词。   report的用法4:report还可用于指“(似枪炮声的)爆炸声”,是可数名词。   report的用法5:report的基本意思是“报告”,指用口头或书面的形式把事情或意见正式告诉上级或群众。引申可表示“告发”“举报”“公布,宣布,宣告”“当记者”“报道”“据说”“报到”等。   report的用法6:report用作及物动词时其后可接名词、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) n./adj./adv. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与for, to, on等介词连用。   report的用法7:be reported其后可接形容词、现在分词、动词不定式、过去分词或as短语、介词短语充当宾语补足语。   report的用法8:“It is/was reported that-clause”的意思是“据报道”“有消息说”。   report的用法9:report可用于引出直接引语。 【篇二】report的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   report back (v.+adv.)   report for (v.+prep.)   report of (v.+prep.)   report on (v.+prep.)   report out (v.+adv.)   report to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】report的用法例句   1. I"ll report back the moment I have located him.   我一找到他就马上汇报。   2. Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.   该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。   3. Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.   政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。   4. I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge.   据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官。   5. Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.   部长们再次使用拖延战术来推后报告的时间。   6. He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.   他急忙向我保证没有什么不快的事情要说。   7. I was so thrilled to get a good report from him.   收到他的好消息让我欣喜若狂。   8. The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics.   这份报告表明,同一趋势也在影响着政治。   9. The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.   报告最后认为我的行为既没有欺骗性也没有任何不妥。   10. The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government.   报告将政府置于窘境。   11. The report mentions the death of 18 people in suspicious circumstances.   那份报告提到18人死亡情况可疑。   12. The report had not been received with undiluted enthusiasm.   这份报告并未收到热烈的反响。   13. This week, the company mailed out its annual report.   本周该公司群发了其年度报告。   14. The report outlined possible uses for the new weapon.   该报告概述了这种新式武器的可能用途。   15. He wrote up his visit in a report of over 600 pages.   他将自己的访问整理成了一份600多页的报告。

如何在MacBOOK上安装统计软件 R,可以直接从App store 下载到吗

打开app store在右上角输入统计软件名称,按回车键搜索,如果能搜索到可以直接下载安装,如果是收费软件则要你先付款;或者你打开该软件的官网,一般会提供下载的,看有没有专门的mac版本,有就下载安装;或者你直接百度如下内容“统计软件名称 for mac”,如果该软件有mac版本就会显示出来,你在搜索结果里面找个好的来使用。如果该统计软件没有专门mac版本,说明在Mac系统下无法使用,你可以安装windows双系统,在windows下使用该软件。希望对你有帮助

如何在annual report中找cost of good sold

Cost of goods sold 销货成本在年报annual report中属于Income statement 损益表的出项即减项,销货收入sales revenue的减项.

办理美国特拉华年审Annual Report内容都是什么?

1、特拉华公司注册证书的续签;  2、特拉华公司股东董事基本信息的确认以及公司各管理职位基本信息确认;  3、公司秘书的续期;  4、公司注册地址的续期;  5、公司税务相关的会计申报和缴纳;

an annual report 和10-k report的区别是什么

10-k 是适用于美国上市的,向SEC递交。内容比较简明,包括公司历史、结构、股票状况及盈利等情况。annual report 是在股东大会上递交给股东看的。内容丰富,除了10-k的内容外还包括企业的战略、治理、规划等,在其中起到宣传与体现企业文化的作用。

annual report and financial report 的区别

annual report:年度报告financial report 财务报告

ogygiocarella debuchii怎么翻译(化石上面的名字)

就搜到了这个相关的回答。英文资料里,把它列在三叶虫 Trilobites纲里面。学名 (Binomial Nomenclature) Ogygiocarella debuchii界 (Kingdom) 动物界 Animalia门 (Phylum) 节肢动物门 Arthropoda纲 (Class) 三叶虫纲 Trilobita目 (Order) 栉虫目 Asaphida亚目 (Suborder) 栉虫亚目 Asaphina总科 (Superfamily) 栉虫总科 Asaphoidea科 (Family) 栉虫科 Asaphidae属 (Genus) 龙王盾壳虫属 Ogygiocarella种 (Species) 德氏种 debuchii年代 古生代奥陶纪中期 Paleozoic Middle Ordovician (Llandeilo Series) (471.8 - 468.1百万年)产地 英国英格兰西部什罗浦夏郡南方 South Shropshire,UK尺寸 化石长约 36 mm 宽约 25 mm德氏龙王盾壳虫是具有历史意义的三叶虫品种,1679 年英国教士爱德华路伊德(Edward Lhwyd) 博士,在写给好友马丁李斯特 (Martin Lister) 博士的信中提到,他在南威尔斯的兰代洛镇 (Llandeilo) 附近石灰岩中发现了比目鱼或某种不知名的扁平鱼类的遗迹,路伊德博士绘制了草图并且在该年於英国皇家学院会报 (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society) 发表。当时并没有人知道这个状似比目鱼的石头是一种已灭绝的海洋生物,直到 1771 年西方动物学界才判定三叶虫是一种新的物种。 左图就是当时刊载在英国皇家学院会报上的草图,现今学者认为这张草图所描绘的便是德氏龙王盾壳虫。德氏龙王盾壳虫除了在南威尔斯的兰代洛镇被发现外,也常发现於英格兰西部什罗浦夏郡,英国地质学家在 1839 年时便知道以德氏龙王盾壳虫来判断两地的地层序列,我这个化石标本正是出自於什罗浦夏郡。

Felling Head Terminology and Nomenclature是什么意思


什么是no hair theorem?


请教mercosur Common Nomenclature

mercosur Common Nomenclature南方共同市场通用名称

Combined Nomenclature是什么意思



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什么是 Combined Nomenclature

英语词组Combined Nomenclature的中文意思是:综合税则目录。


真三国无双8卡在emotionsfeature1、使用多国语言切换工具直接放到游戏目录下就可以启动。2、出现此问题可以把语言工具直接放到SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dynasty Warriors 9的游戏目录下就好。3、注意游戏目录不要有中文或过长。

vmware 对于虚拟机的磁盘 compact 是什么功能?


latex中 omenclature怎么在外部加框


在税法中什么是black hole expenditure

是“Blackhole expenditure”,黑洞支出。税法上指没有确认或没有被正确确认的商业费用,比如有些国家的税法中规定5年内certain business capital expenditure可以税前扣除,但是如果超过5年,税法规定就不能扣除了,但是这部分费用又确实是真实存在的。这个就叫做黑洞支出啦~^ ______ ^ ee


您好,很高兴为您解答。 我的经验: 用pdf latex,figure换成pdf 看它的latex编译信息里有什么提示。 我的是需要算法包。 另外,bst文件需要上传,其他的库不要上传。 elsevier的cls文件不要上传。

latex 在文章前nomenclature怎么插入

用float宏包的H选项;用centering,不要用center环境。修改如下,前两行要加到导言区。后面的图片放到要加入位置即可。usepackage{float}usepackage{graphix}egin {figure}[H]centeringincludegraphics[width=7cm]{endpoint.eps}caption{Endpoint detection}end {figure}

nomenclature 和 abbreviations 有区别吗

有区别,区别是:nomenclature指的是系统命名法;命名(过程);(某一学科的)术语;专门名称。abbreviations 指的是缩写词;略语;缩写。例句:nomenclature1、A craze for classification and nomenclature superceded the ingenious or fanciful systems. 对分类和命名法的狂热取代了虚幻的系统。2、It reviewed recent enhancements and changes in both nomenclature and substance. 回顾了专门术语和实质内容方面的新增强和变化。3、I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature. 我已经说明了一些迂回路线,我们已经采取措施来达成我们目前的凯门鳄命名。abbreviations1、What these abbreviations and notations mean. 这些缩写和记号是什么意思。2、This document uses the following terms and abbreviations. 这个文档使用到以下的术语和缩写。3、The following tables contain the definitions of those terms, abbreviations and acronyms that are used in this document. 以下表格包含对本文件中使用的术语、缩写词和首字母缩写词的定义。


nomenclature英 [nu0259u02c8menklu0259tu0283u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nomu0259nu02cckletu0283u025a, nou02c8mu025bnklu0259-] n. 系统命名法;命名(过程);(某一学科的)术语;专门名称



Mariah Carey的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:#1"SYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveI feel goodI feel niceI"ve never felt soSatisfiedI"m in loveI"m aliveIntoxicatedFlying highIt feel like a dreamWhen you touch me tenderlyI don"t know if it"s realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveIn the morningWhen I riseYou are the first thingOn my mindAnd in the middleOf the nightI feel your heartbeatnext to mineIt feels like a dreamWhen you love me tenderlyI don"t know if you"re for realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou know the way to make me lose controlWhen you"re looking into my eyesYou make me feel so HighYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotions[Higher than the heavens aboveAh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You make me feel so High

Mariah Carey的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Greatest HitsYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveI feel goodI feel niceI"ve never felt soSatisfiedI"m in loveI"m aliveIntoxicatedFlying highIt feel like a dreamWhen you touch me tenderlyI don"t know if it"s realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveIn the morningWhen I riseYou are the first thingOn my mindAnd in the middleOf the nightI feel your heartbeatnext to mineIt feels like a dreamWhen you love me tenderlyI don"t know if you"re for realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou know the way to make me lose controlWhen you"re looking into my eyesYou make me feel so HighYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotions[Higher than the heavens aboveAh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You make me feel so High

Brenda Lee的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Brenda Lee专辑:The Definitive CollectionIt"s over and donebut the heartache lives on insideAnd who"s the one you"re clinging toinstead of me tonight?And where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightDont cha know there"s nobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightI"m there at your side,I"m part of all the things you areBut you"ve got a part of someone elseYou"ve got to find your shining starAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingNobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnight

Heartbreak, U.S.A. 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak, U.S.A.歌手:Kitty Wells专辑:Country Music Hall of Fame SeriesMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRap

Greeting Song 歌词

歌曲名:Greeting Song歌手:My Aunt Mary专辑:My Aunt MaryThis thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)

Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌手:Eminem发行时间:2004-10-01所属专辑:《Off The Wall》流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Look inside看看Look inside看看吧Your tiny mind看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心.让人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour全都是罪恶So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已过时Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们言语不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘的思想里走出来You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样His approval your after那就是你为了做的得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这这种充满仇恨的人生嘛Cos there"s a hole where your soul因为应该有属于你灵魂的地方Should be you"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那可真的不妙Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你的言行And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you去你的Fuck you very very much这是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late这只是浪费时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck youFuck youFuck youYou say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为想你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解放No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos we hate what you doAnd we hate your whole crewSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos your words don"t translateAnd it"s getting quite lateSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you

谁给我翻译98 degrees 的 Stay thr night谢谢谢


sci nomenclature表怎么做


compact treaty agreement contract的区别

contract 世界通用的正式合同


treaty 指国家之间经外交谈判后依照国际法签订的正式条约。 convention比treaty更专门化,但不及treaty正式。也可指国家之间就有关事情签订的条约。compact是契约的意思。 agreement普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。 contract 侧重指双方或多方订立的具有法律效力的正式的书面合同或契约。 bargain 通常指商业交往中的购销合同。 understanding 指不具约束力的非正式的协议。 accord 多指国际间的非正式协议。

Olivier Renoir的《Mong Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Mong Song歌手:Olivier Renoir专辑:Six SensesThis thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)



双名法 binomial nomenclature


Nomenclature 在论文中应该放在什么地方

用float宏包的H选项;用centering,不要用center环境。修改如下,前两行要加到导言区。后面的图片放到要加入位置即可。usepackage{float}usepackage{graphix}egin {figure}[H]centeringincludegraphics[width=7cm]{endpoint.eps}caption{Endpoint detection}end {figure}


Baekelund established a valuable nomenclature.巴克伦建立了很有价值的命名法。Therefore, the regulations and criterions for the mineral nomenclature receive more and more attentions.因此,矿物命名的标准和规则问题也越来越为矿物学家所重视。

Dr. Dre的《Fuck You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You歌手:Dr. Dre专辑:2001Fuck You{answering machine girl}Hi babyI know your under a lot of pressure at your work and allAnd I do understandYou have no idea how much I understandBut you also don"t have any idea how much I love youI love you so muchI think about you I feel you in my armsI miss you.. I miss you terriblyI"ve just always wanted someone like you in my lifeI love you so much; that I"d do anythingI"d do anythingI"ll be your perfect woman for you{Dr. Dre}I just wanna fuck bad bitchesAll them nights I never had bitchesNow I"m all up in that ass bitchesMad at "cha boyfriend, aint "cha?You"se a bad girl, gotta spank yaGotta thank ya for that head clinicExplicit, hella photogenicAnd tell your friends where the dick"s atWhere they can get hit and won"t get back to they soulmateBefore you kiss "em use Colgate"She Swallowed It!" Yeah the bitch took the whole eightand ran with it, then let Mel-Man hit itand Hit the Man hit it; damn bitchesMan, this is what I"m talkin aboutChicken-head, chicken-fed, with a dick in your mouthOut and about with your nigga like it never took place(Airtouched) Next time you need a tasteChorus:I just wanna fuuuuuck youNo touchin and rubbin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..Don"t need you all in mineI just wanna fuuuuuck youWe can"t be kissin and huggin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..You need to give him your quality time{Devin the Dude}You got the number, it"s on you to make the callYou know I cum quick; help you re-decorate your wallsCut your backyard, don"t have to act hard to get the cockAnd if I"m goin too far, I take it out and wipe it offand put it back up, and keep goingYou tryin to hide it from your husband but I know he be knowinthat your pussy"s been tampered withThen you show him the new trick of how you can lick it, smoke a cancer stickYou be workin it like a dancer bitch, it"s hard on meNot to give you all of my time, that you wantedYou can give me some head, but keep the breakfast in bedI"d rather spend my mornin diggin through some records insteadBut, tonight, I guess it"d be aight if we can touch basesHookup somewhere and exchange some "Fuck Faces"I know your man"s lookin for ya, he"s always tryin to run yaDon"t worry bout me handcuffin gul cause I just wanna fuck witchu{Snoop Dogg}.. fuck witchuOn the sneak tip, on some creep shitSo whatcha gon" do, ya freak bitch?You, actin, like you, don"t, do, dicksThat"s the kinda bitch I hate fuckin witBaby was a virgin, that"s what she saidSo I gave her some Hennesey, she gave me some headI fucked her on the flo", so I wouldn"t mess up my bedThen Lil" 1/2 Dead put his dick on her headTake that bitch home, and give her a boneAnd give her the number to my cellular phoneMan, she blowin up my pager, the shit"s gettin majorA favor for a favor, this dick is what I gave herSomethin to go by, and bitches know whyStuff dick in they mouth, and then I"m out (see-ya!)Twenty-fo" seven, Dre, Snoop, and DevinWe servin" these hoes, and never lovin these hoes, beotch!Chorus:I just wanna fuuuuuck youNo touchin and rubbin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..Don"t need you all in mineI just wanna fuuuuuck youWe can"t be kissin and huggin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..You need to give him your quality time






nomenclature[英][nu0259u02c8menklu0259tu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8nomu0259nu02cckletu0283u025a, nou02c8mu025bnklu0259-]n.系统命名法; 命名(过程); (某一学科的)术语; 专门名称; Mistakes arising from ignorance of the nomenclature of woody plants因不了解木本植物命名法而产生的错误

有首歌歌词有一句only stay for one more night

One More Night 这就是歌名

in great excitement是什么意思

in great excitement很兴奋双语对照词典结果:in great excitement慌作一团; 例句:1.Further to the boat trip, my friend Rebecca rang in great excitement

Is there excitement in their voice为什么用excitement?

Is there excitement in their voice?他们的声音里有兴奋吗?there be句型,后面接不可数或者单数名词。

he ran out in great ________(兴奋)?

He ran out in great excitement.他极其兴奋的跑出去了。望采纳

Future Funk 歌词

歌曲名:Future Funk歌手:United专辑:Best Of 1999-2010FUTURE FUNKMISIAASCENSIONまるてTVのように 退屈にすすむ STORYIt"s not for me,ain"t nuff for me そんなんじゃ盛り上がれないプライドなんて舍てて すべて见せ付けてごらん come on nowThe way you are まだまだもの足りないからLet"s get funky 动き出せ もっととびきりのずっと胸うずく そんな热いメッセージDon"t be late もう扉あけ 一歩踏み出して本気のあなたを见せて刺激的なエクスタシーStep by step to get the FUTURE FUNK奇迹的なビートをプリーズStep by step,let"s do the FUTURE FUNKいつの间にかどこかで 置き忘れてきたのYour dreams?It"s not for you,ain"t nuff for you 振り向いてばかりでからっぽになった心 开いて话してみて Come on girlLife is too short そろそろ素颜见せてよLet"s get funky 騒ぎ出せ もっとスキル上げずっと胸跃るような 热いバッションDon"t cry no more 颜あげて Smileそう取り戻して本当のあなたを见せて刺激的なエクスタシーStep by step to get the FUTURE FUNK奇迹的なグルーヴフォーミーStep by step,let"s do the FUTURE FUNKLet"s get funky 騒ぎ出せ もっとスキル上げずっと胸跃るような 热いバッションDon"t cry no more 颜あげて Smileそう取り戻して本当のあなたを见せて刺激的なエクスタシーStep by step to get the FUTURE FUNK奇迹的なグルーヴフォーミーStep by step,let"s do the FUTURE FUNK

give a report是什么意思

give a report 网络解释1. 做报告 / have a speech听演讲 | give a report做报告 | / have a report听报告2. 举行一场报告

rely on与cling to的区别

cling to 英[kliŋ tu:] 美[klɪŋ tu] [词典] 坚持; 紧抓; 保留; 挨着; rely on 英[riˈlai ɔn] 美[rɪˈlaɪ ɑn] [词典] 依靠; 依赖; 信赖; 信任;

英语look like和resemble区别是什么?

一、意思不同1、look like:看起来与(某人或某物)相像或相似,很可能出现或引起(某事、做某事)。2、resemble:看起来像,显得像,像。二、用法不同1、look like:like用作形容词时,其意思是“相似的,相同的”,指两个或两个以上的人或物具有某些类似之处,以至区别不开,但并非同一个人或物。like多用来修饰外貌、性质专等抽象的事物,有时也可修饰具体事物。2、resemble:resemble意为“类似”,着重强调视觉上感觉相像。三、侧重点不同1、look like:更倾向于指人的相似。2、resemble:更倾向于指事物的相似。


试试这个:str.replace(str.begin(), str.end(), str.rbegin(), str.rend());

"one two step three four step oh...step by step"这是一首韩国歌,是女唱的,请问知道这歌叫什么吗??

东方神起step by stepub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30 - Step By Step ub3d9ubc29)Step by step, woo baby, gonna get to you, girl ub3d9ubc29)Step by step, uc720ucc9c)woo baby, woo baby, gonna get to you, girl ub3d9ubc29)Step by step ucc3dubbfc) woo baby, really want you in my world ub3d9ubc29)Step! Step! Step! uc900uc218) oh nono~baby ub3d9ubc29)Step by step! ub3d9ubc29)Step one! uc724ud638) We can have lots of fun ub3d9ubc29)Step two! uc900uc218)There"s so much we can do ub3d9ubc29)Step three! ucc3dubbfc) It"s just you and me ub3d9ubc29)Step four! uc720ucc9c) I can give you more ub3d9ubc29)Step five! uc7acuc911)Don"t you know that the time is right. ub3d9ubc29)Huh! ub3d9ubc29)Step by step uc900uc218)Step by step girl uc720ucc9c)woo baby, ub3d9ubc29)gonna get to you, girl uc900uc218)to you girl ub3d9ubc29)Step by step ucc3dubbfc)woo baby, uc7acuc911)I want you, I need you ub3d9ubc29)really want you in my world uc7acuc911)I want you in my world ub3d9ubc29)Step by step uc7acuc911)woo~~ ub3d9ubc29) gonna get to you, girl ub3d9ubc29)Step by step, uc720ucc9c)only girl, ub3d9ubc29)really want you in my world Step by step

Step By Step (O God You Are My God) 歌词

歌曲名:Step By Step (O God You Are My God)歌手:Jacque Deshetler专辑:Beautiful Worship作词:阿久津健太郎 & KATSU作曲:笹本安词4MCで制すエース级の头文字はLと书くまず続くE,A,D震源地!跳ね上がるヴィンテージ并のモチベーション上げ 起こす奇迹さあ!この场から始まりかッ飞びの葛藤し日々Get it! 右手に 掴みとる证はVICTORY oneステップ踏み出しHighセンス放ちGo ahead果てしない道のり 筑き上げるヒストリー进むべき明日へと この手を掲げて行けいつだって 感じてる 热い情热を胸に荒れ果てた大地の上駆け抜けてゆく Step by Step揺るぎない真実が いつもここにあるのなら信じ続けるから空に向かって舞い上がるよ次世代へのFlight未知の蜃気楼 どんな神秘も行き先に光照らし どんなピンチも阴と阳のようなヒントを手にしても 想いは揺らされて 震度5!戻れない道のり リセットできないストーリーあきらめの悪い奴らが すべてをものにできるいつだって 迷わずに 自分达のSpeedで数々の障害さえチャンスに変えて Step by Step暗闇も突き抜けて 光あびたいよ きっと残した足迹は 梦に向かって桥を架ける次世代へのClimb最上阶目指し上に行こうよ年中无休 So ready go here we go鼓动のエンジン音响かせてもっとアクセル踏んだもん胜ちだいつだって 感じてる 热い情热を胸に荒れ果てた大地の上駆け抜けてゆく Step by Step揺るぎない真実が いつもここにあるのなら信じ続けるから 空に向かって舞い上がるよ次世代へのFlightさあ 手を振りかざし天をつきさし 定め行き先 升って行こうさあ 生きてる证その目を覚まし 形现し 走り抜こうStep by Step!!全快で!!终わり



commercially reasonable efforts是什么意思

commercially reasonable efforts商业上合理的努力双语例句1The concept should therefore be interpreted as meaning that the secured creditor obtained a price by making commercially reasonable efforts to dispose of the encumbered asset. 因此,这一概念可被解释为是指有担保债权人为了获得某种价格,在处分担保资产上作出了在商业上合理的努力。

Don T Worry Baby (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry Baby (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:These Foolish Thingsti:- Don"t Worry Babyar:- Beach Boysby:- SpencerWell its been building up inside of meFor oh i don"t know how longI don"t know whyBut i keep thinkingSomething"s bound to go wrongBut she looks in my eyesAnd makes me realizeAnd she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)I guess i should"ve kept my mouth shutWhen i started to brag about my carBut i can"t back down nowI pushed the other guys too farShe makes me come aliveAnd makes me wanna driveWhen she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)She told me "baby, when you race todayJust take along my love with youAnd if you know how much i loved youBaby nothing could go wrong with you"Oh what she does to meWhen she makes love to meAnd she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby

求blue的<<breathe easy‖>>歌词

你说的可能是BREATHE EASY (Remix) 是快歌...挺好听的,有男友女的..Cruel to the eyeI see the way he makes you smileCruel to the eyeWatching him hold what used to be mineWhy did I lie?What did I walk away to findOoohhh - why.....oooh - why....I.........can"t breathe easyCan"t sleep at nightTill you"re by my sideNo I............can"t breathe easyI can"t dream yet another dreamWithout you lying next to meThere"s no airCurse me insideFor every word that caused you to cryCurse me insideI won"t forget, no i won"t baby,I don"t know why (don"t know why)I left the one I was looking to findOoh - why....ooooh, why - whyyy....WhyI.........can"t breathe easyCan"t sleep at nightTill you"re by my sideNo I............can"t breathe easyI can"t dream yet another dreamWithout you lying next to meThere"s no airNo I............can"t breathe easyI can"t dream yet another dreamWithout you lying next to meThere"s no airOut of my mindNothing makes sense anymoreI want you back in my lifeThat"s all I"m breathing forOoooooohhhhh - tell me whyOh won"t you tell me whyI can"t dream yet another dreamWithout you lying next to meThere"s no airNo, no, noI.........can"t breathe easyCan"t sleep at nightTill you"re by my sideNo I............can"t breathe easyI can"t dream yet another dreamWithout you lying next to meThere"s no airThere"s no airBREATHE EASY (Remix)

FreeRTOS 的编译器是否可以使用gcc++, 是否支持C++11?

# rpm -qa|grep gccgcc-c++-3.4.6-3compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3libgcc-3.4.6-3gcc-3.4.6-3gcc-g77-3.4.6-3compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3...用命令 rpm -qa | grep gcc查看。然后用gcc -v 查看版本号,便可知道是否已经安装。

Linux red hat 9 RPM 安装问题

能上到网么?如果不能上到网在linux下安装软件可是很恐怖的。你这两个文件一个新一个旧,同一个东西......如果你能上网,输入 yum install compat-db 那就什么都解决了,要是你如我所想的用的是某个系统的话......


Ryan Seacrest,1974年12月24日生于美国乔治亚州,美国知名主持人,主持风格风趣幽默,广受欢迎,多次艾美奖最佳真人秀主持人得主。除了主持著名真人秀节目《美国偶像》,他同时还是广播电台主持人/制作人和电视制片人。 中文名:瑞安·西克莱斯特外文名:Ryan Seacrest别名:Ryan John Seacrest国籍:美国出生地:美国,乔治亚州,亚特兰大出生日期:1974-12-24职业:主持人,电视/广播制片人代表作品:美国偶像主要成就:艾美奖基本信息Ryan Seacrest少年时在学校即是广播播音员,16岁通过实习机会进入亚特兰大的广播电台WSTR FM,迅速得到老板赏识而得到了正式的工作。1992年从Dunwoody高中毕业,进入乔治亚大学学习新闻学,并在Athens的当地电台继续做广播。为了他在广播事业上的雄心,19岁时,Ryan离开乔治亚大学前往好莱坞。Ryan在2001年主持了TNN一个真人秀电视节目,叫Ultimate Revenge。2002年,Ryan接受Fox的选秀节目《美国偶像》的主持人一职,随着这个节目获得极大成功,Ryan Seacrest名声大噪。美国偶像成为美国收视率第一的王牌节目,而Ryan也成为了身价最高的真人秀电视节目主持人。同时,2004年Ryan已经是美国TOP40的广播节目主持人,他主持了洛杉矶广播电台的早间节目,这个节目被称为On Air With Ryan Seacrest。

Perfect Future Juice 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect Future Juice歌手:张黎雯专辑:东乐园Perfect Future Juice - 张黎雯It"s a girly walking in BeijingI can make you satisfiedand I heard the music playing in my headif you surely reach out all my feelingsit sounds great to meand I"ll never mind boy all the words you saymusic all this wayha-lalalala I"ll playperfect future smiling sparkles shining on your wayoh perfect you and Iha-lalala don"t be afraidout of darkness,you see, I"ll be braveabove the thousands of ceilings in beijing,take you into blue blue skythen you say you love thiswonderful moonlightif you surely reach out all my feelingsit sounds great to meand you say you love wonderful in lifemusic all this wayha-lalalala I"ll playperfect future smiling sparkles shining on your wayoh perfect you and Iha-lalala don"t be afraidout of darkness,you see, I"ll be bravemusic all this wayha-lalalala I"ll playperfect future smiling sparkles shining on your wayoh perfect you and Iha-lalala don"t be afraidout of darkness,you see, I"ll be braveIt"s a girly walking in BeijingI can make you satisfiedand you say you love wonderful in life

and lii book a meeting room beforehand什么意思

and lii book a meeting room beforehand莉莉事先预定会议室双语对照例句:1.The technique is a simple illusion: simply book a meeting room and spread a print-out ofthe gossip email all over the table. 一个简单的方法就是制造假象:预约一个会议室,在桌上铺开一张打印好的明星八卦邮件

Blue (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Blue (Remix)歌手:A Perfect Circle专辑:Blue (Remix)A Perfect Circle - BlueI didn"t want to knowI just didn"t want to knowBest to keep things in the shallow endCause I never quite learned how to swimI just didn"t want to knowDidn"t want, didn"t wantClose my eyes just to look at youTaken by the seamless visionI close my eyesIgnore the smokeIgnore the smoke,Ignore the smokeCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueSuch a lovely color for youCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueWhile I just sit and stare at youBecause I don"t want to knowI didn"t want to knowI just didn"t want to knowI just didn"t wantMistook their nods for an approvalJust ignore the smoke and smileCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueSuch a lovely color for youCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueSuch a perfect color for your eyesCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueSuch a lovely color for youCall it aftermath, she"s turning blueWhile I just sit and stare at youThe EndThank You

U.S. POLO ASSN、圣大保罗和Polo Ralph Lauren有什么区别?哪个好?

不知道就不要乱说。只有POLO RALPH LAUREN是国际一流品牌,其它的POLO都是借用POLO这个名字,其产品无论是质量还是价格都无法与POLO RALPH LAUREN相比。

以“Blue Sky Restaurant”为题的英文作文?

Blue Sky RestaurantWelcome to Blue Sky Restaurant!Blue Sky Restaurant is a perfect choice for families and those who wish a quiet, traditional Greek environment to have a good meal or dinner. We have a variety of menu.Let people full of fresh things in eyes.And the taste of food is deliciousuff01Blue sky restaurant named for the blue sky.White clouds, blue sky.Let people automatically associate carefree feeling. The inside of the environment is very comfortable too.You must come and have a try .Welcome to Blue Sky Restaurant again !

公司需要做门牌,会议室门牌英文用conference rooms,那洽谈室门牌用什么

小会议室:meeting room洽谈会议室:conference roomboard room:董事会会议室assembly hall:大会堂council-chamber 议事厅


修改compat_kernel.h使其与compat_kernel.h与内核兼容就可以了。  首先备份原始文件,然后解压vmmon.tar:  cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/sourcesudo cp vmmon.tar vmmon.tar.oldsudo tar xvf vmmon.tarsudo gedit vmmon-only/include/compat_kernel.h  将21行:  static inline _syscall1(int, compat_exit, int, exit_code);  替换为:  #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE   然后重新打包vmmon.tar:  tar cvf vmmon.tar vmmon-onlyrm -rf vmmon-only  继续编译,vmmon模块是编译通过了,可是vmnet模块又出现了如下的错误:make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-5-generic" CC [M] /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/driver.o CC [M] /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/hub.o CC [M] /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.o/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.c:In function ‘VNetCopyDatagramToUser":/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.c:629: error: ‘CHECKSUM_HW" undeclared (first use in this function)/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.c:629: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.c:629:error: for each function it appears in.)make[2]:*** [/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.o] 错误 1make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only] 错误 2make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-5-generic"make: *** [vmnet.ko] 错误 2make: Leaving directory`/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only"Unable to build the vmnet module.  现在是vmnet的问题,同样的我们要修改不兼容的代码,然后重新编译。  首先备份原始的vmnet.tar,并解压:  cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/sourcesudo cp vmnet.tar vmnet.tar.oldsudo tar xvf vmnet.tarsudo gedit vmnet-only/userif.c和bridge.c  将其中的CHECKSUM_HW替换成CHECKSUM_COMPLETE。  然后重新打包:  tar cvf vmnet.tar vmmon-onlyrm -rf vmnet-only

小说Breaking Down的结局

"That"s probably a good idea," he agreed quickly. "I"m sure she didn"t sleep soundly last night, what with all the snoring." He grinned at Jacob. Jacob rolled his eyes and then yawned. "It"s been a while since I slept in a bed. I bet my dad would get a kick out of having me under his roof again." I touched his cheek. "Thank you, Jacob." "Anytime, Bella. But you already know that." He got up, stretched, kissed the top of Nessie"s head, and then the top of mine. Finally, he punched Edward"s shoulder. "See you guys tomorrow. I guess things are going to be kind of boring now, aren"t they?" "I fervently hope so," Edward said. We got up when he was gone; I shifted my weight carefully so that Nessie was never jostled. I was deeply grateful to see her getting a sound sleep. So much weight had been on her tiny shoulders. It was time she got to be a child again—protected and secure. A few more years of childhood. The idea of peace and security reminded me of someone who didn"t have those feelings all the time. "Oh, Jasper?" I asked as we turned for the door. Jasper was sandwiched tight in between Alice and Esme, somehow seeming more central to the family picture than usual. "Yes, Bella?" Tm curious—why is J. Jenks scared stiff by just the sound of your name?" Jasper chuckled."It"s just been my experience that some kinds of working relationships are better motivated by fear than by monetary gain." I frowned, promising myself that I would take over that working relationship from now on and spare J the heart attack that was surely on the way. We were kissed and hugged and wished a good night to our family. The only off note was Nahuel again, who looked intently after us, as if he wished he could follow. Once we were across the river, we walked barely faster than human speed, in no hurry, holding hands. I was sick of being under a deadline, and I just wanted to take my time. Edward must have felt the same. "I have to say, I"m thoroughly impressed with Jacob right now," Edward told me. "Thewolves make quite an impact, don"t they?" "That"s not what I mean. Not once today did he think about the fact that, according to Nahuel,Nessie will befully matured in just six and a half years." I considered that for a minute. "He doesn"t see her that way. He"s not in a hurry for her to grow up.He just wants her to be happy." "I know. Like I said, impressive. It goes against the grain to say so, but she could do worse." I frowned. "I"m not going to think about that for approximately six and a half more years." Edward laughed and then sighed. "Of course, itlooks like he"ll have some competition to worry about when the time comes." My frown deepened. "I noticed. I"m grateful to Nahuel for today, but all the staring was a little weird. I don"t care if she is the only half-vampire he"s not related to." "Oh, he wasn"t staring at her—he was staring at you." That"s what it had seemed like... but that didn"t make any sense. "Why would he do that?" "Because you"re alive," he said quietly. "You lost me." "All his life," he explained,"—and he"s fifty years older than I am—" "Decrepit," I interjected. Heignored me. "He"s always thought of himself as an evil creation, a murderer by nature. His sistersall killed their mothers as well, but they thought nothing of it. Joham raised them to think of the humans as animals, while they were gods. But Nahuel was taught by Huilen, and Huilen loved her sister more than anyone else. It shaped his whole perspective. And, in some ways, he truly hated himself." "That"sso sad,"I murmured. "And then he saw the three of us—and realized for the first time that just because he ishalf immortal, it doesn"t mean he is inherently evil. He looks at me and sees... what his father should have been." "You are fairly ideal in every way," I agreed. He snorted and then was serious again. "He looks at you and sees the life his mother should have had." "Poor Nahuel," Imurmured, and then sighed because I knew I would never be able to think badly of him after this, no matter how uncomfortable his stare made me. "Don"t be sad for him. He"s happy now. Today, he"s finally begun to forgive himself." I smiled for Nahuel"s happiness and then thought that today belonged to happiness. Though Irina"s sacrifice wasa dark shadow against the white light, keeping the moment from perfection, the joy was impossible to deny. The life I"d fought for was safe again. My family was reunited. My daughter had a beautiful future stretching out endlessly in front of her. Tomorrow I would go see my father; he would see that the fear in my eyes had been replaced with joy, and he would be happy, too. Suddenly, I was sure that I wouldn"t find him there alone. I hadn"t been as observant as I might have been in the last few weeks, but in this moment it was like I"d known all along. Sue would be with Charlie—thewerewolves" mom with the vampire"s dad—and he wouldn"t be alone anymore. I smiled widely at this new insight. But most significant in this tidal wave of happiness was the surest fact ofall: I was with Edward. Forever. Not that I"d want to repeat the last several weeks, but I had to admit they"d made me appreciate what I had more than ever. The cottage was a place of perfect peace in the silver-blue night. We carried Nessie to her bed and gently tucked her in. She smiled as she slept. I took Aro"s gift from around my neck and tossed it lightly into the corner of her room. She could play with it if she wished; she liked sparkly things. Edward and I walked slowly to our room, swinging our arms between us. "A night for celebrations," he murmured, and he put his hand under my chin to lift my lips to his. "Wait," I hesitated, pulling away. He looked at me in confusion. As a general rule, I didn"t pull away. Okay, it was more than a general rule. This was a first. "I want to try something," I informed him, smiling slightly at his bewildered expression. I put my hands on both sides of his face and closed my eyes in concentration. I hadn"t done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but I knew my shield better now. I understood the part that fought against separation from me, the automatic instinct to preserve self aboveall else. Itstill wasn"t anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with myself. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from me; it took all of my focus. "Bella!" Edward whispered in shock. I knew it was working then, so I concentrated even harder, dredging up the specific memories I"d saved for this moment, letting them flood my mind, and hopefully his as well. Some of the memories were not clear—dim human memories, seen through weak eyes and heard through weak ears: the first time I"d seen his face... the way it felt when he"d held me in the meadow... the sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he"d saved me from James... his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me... every precious moment from the island... his cold hands touching our baby through my skin... And the sharp memories, perfectly recalled: his face when I"d opened my eyes to my new life, to the endless dawn of immortality... that first kiss... that first night... His lips, suddenly fierce against mine, broke my concentration. With a gasp, I lost my grip on the struggling weight I was holding away from myself. It snapped back like stressed elastic, protecting my thoughts once again. "Oops, lost it!" I sighed. "I heard you," he breathed. "How? How did you do that?" "Zafrina"s idea. We practiced with it a few times." He was dazed. He blinked twice and shook his head. "Now you know," I said lightly, and shrugged. "No one"s ever loved anyone as much as I love you." "You"re almost right." He smiled, his eyes still a little wider than usual. "I know of just one exception." "Liar." He started to kiss me again, but then stopped abruptly. "Can you do it again?" he wondered. I grimaced. "It"s very difficult." He waited, his expression eager. "I can"t keep it up if I"m even the slightest bit distracted," I warned him. "I"ll be good," he promised. I pursed my lips, my eyes narrowing. Then I smiled. I pressed my hands to his face again, hefted the shield right out of my mind, and then started in where I"d left off—with the crystal-clear memory of the first night of my new life... lingering on the details. I laughed breathlessly when his urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again. "Damn it," he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw. "We have plenty of time to work on it," I reminded him. "Forever and forever and forever," he murmured. "That sounds exactly right to me." And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever. the end

board room和 conference room的有什么区别

board room是寄宿的房间,第二个是会议房

optimist 乐观主义者 pessimist 悲观主义者 depressing令人忧郁的怎么读?谐音和音标。

optimist / "08pt01m01st / 噢(普)提米(斯特)pessimist / "pes01m01st / 配希米(斯特)depressing / d01"pres0107 / 底(普)瑞醒

The meet room are on the ground floor 翻译

应该是The meeting rooms are on the ground floor.ground floor是一楼的意思


compareTo()是Comparable接口中的方法,compareTo()就是比较两个值,如果前者大于后者,返回1,等于返回0,小于返回-1,int型可以直接比较,可以不用compareTo比较,如果声明的是Date、String、Integer或者其他的,可以直接使用compareTo比较。示例代码:public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {String str1 = "1";String str2 = "2";System.out.println(compareTo(str1,str2));}public static int compareTo(String str1,String str2) { return str1.compareTo(str2);}}注意事项: 1、模型必须实现Comparable<T>接口 2、compateTo方法内必须做非空判断(规范问题),当然int类型就不用了。



U.S. POLO ASSN、圣大保罗和Polo Ralph Lauren有什么区别?哪个好


meeting room 和 conference room 在用法上有什么区别

conference room 大型、正式会议室meeting room 小型会议室

meeting room 和 conference room 在用法上有什么区别?



1.在用SecureCRT登陆linux终端. 2.选中要放置上传文件的路径,在目录下然后输入rz命令,SecureCRT会弹出文件选择对话框,在查找范围中找到你要上传的文件,按Add按钮。 然后OK就可以把文件上传到linux上了。 或者在Transfer->Zmodem Upoad list弹出文件选择对话框,选好文件后按Add按钮。然后OK窗口自动关闭。 然后在linux下选中存放文件的目录,输入rz命令。

Linux中使用rz命令出现乱码waiting to receive

我们在虚拟机Linux终端中输入rz命令没有出现本地窗口,而是打印出waiting to receive.和一串不明其意的字符。这是因为rz命令需要终端的支持(即rz命令是在客户端里面执行的),比如终端就是你用来连接远程服务器的客户端,像是 XShell、rxvt、putty、SecureCRT。解决方法: 本地系统中安装Xshell,用Xshell连接虚拟机Linux,在Xshell中输入命令rz即可上传文件。

POLO by ralph lauren衬衫与POLO villae衬衫有什么区别, 哪个好些?

POLO villae跟那些什么panabody啊,香港子鳄鱼啊,aquansicatan啊之类的是一路货。POLO by RL是正统的美国设计师品牌,你觉得哪个好些?
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