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I Love You Mais Encore 歌词

歌曲名:I Love You Mais Encore歌手:Starliners专辑:HelloDion CelineLive A ParisPour Que Tu Maimes EncoreJean-Jacques GoldmanFor you to still love me.Jai compris tous les mots, jai bien compris, merciRaisonnable et nouveau, cest ainsi par iciQue les choses ont chang?que les fleurs ont fan?R> Que le temps davant, c?it le temps davantQue si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passentI understood all the words, I well understood, thanksReasonable and new, thats the way hereThings have changed, that flowers get fadeThat the time before, was the time beforeIf all zap and tire, loves also go byIl faut que tu sachesYou must knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to still love meFallait pas commencer mattirer me toucherFallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouerOn me dit quaujourdhui, on me dit que les autres font ainsiJe ne suis pas les autresAvant que lon sattache, avant que lon se g?eShouldnt begin tease me touch meShouldnt give so much I dont know how to playThey say that today, they say others do soIm not the othersBefore we attach to the other, before we spoil each otherJe veux que tu sachesI want you to knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to to still love meJe trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louangesJe ferai nos bagages pour dinfinies vendangesLes formules magiques des marabouts dAfriqueJles dirai sans remords pour que tu maimes encoreIll find languages to sing your praisesIll make my luggages for infinite vintagesMagic spells from African priestsIll say them without remorse for you to still love meJe minventerai reine pour que tu me retiennesJe me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenneJe deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisirVos jeux seront les n?s si tel est ton d?rPlus brillante plus belle pour une autre ?ncelle

Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ________ fresh for several days.



fresh[英][freu0283] [美][fru025bu0283] 生词本简明释义adj.新鲜的;淡水的;新的;无经验的adv.刚;最新的n.开始;新生;泛滥;淡水流比较级:fresher最高级:freshest易混淆的单词:Fresh以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ新的;替代的;另外的;外加的A fresh thing or amount replaces or is added to a previous thing or amount. He asked Strathclyde police, which carried out the original investigation, to make fresh inquiries...他要求原来负责案子的斯特拉斯克莱德警方展开新一轮的调查。I need a new challenge and a fresh start somewhere else.我需要一个新的挑战,换个地方重新开始。

谁有SamTsui串烧的的LoveTheWayYouLie&TeenageDream&Danymite的歌词和它的旋律的下载地址 Justgonnastandthereandwatchmeburn Butthat"salright BecauseIlikethewayithurts Justgonnastandthereandhearmecry Butthat"salright BecauseIlovethewayyoulie Ilovethewayyoulie Icametodance,dance,dance,dance Ihitthefloorcausethatsmy,plans,plans,plans,plans Imwearingallmyfavoritebrands,brands,brands,brands Givemespaceforbothmyhands,hands,hands,hands Causeitgoesonandonandon Anditgoesonandonandon Ithrowmyhandsupintheairsometimes SayingAYOGottaletgo Iwannacelebrateandlivemylife SayingAYOBaby,letsgo Justgonnastandthereandwatchmeburn Butthat"salright BecauseIlikethewayithurts Justgonnastandthereandhearmecry Butthat"salright BecauseIlovethewayyoulie Ilovethewayyoulie Icametomove,move,move,move Getoutthewaymeandmycrew,crew,crew,crew I"mintheclubsoImgonnado,do,do,do Justdropthephone,cametodo,do,do,doYeah,yeah Causeitgoesonandonandon Anditgoesonandonandon Ithrowmyhandsupintheairsometimes SayingAYOGottaletgo Iwannacelebrateandlivemylife SayingAYOBaby,letsgo Justgonnastandthereandwatchmeburn Butthat"salright BecauseIlikethewayithurts Justgonnastandthereandhearmecry Butthat"salright BecauseIlovethewayyoulie Ilovethewayyoulie I"mgonnatakeitall,I I"mgonnabethelastonestanding Higheroverall,I I"mgonnabethelastonelanding ‘CauseI,I,I,believeit AndI,I,I,Ijustwantitall Ijustwantitall Soputyourhandsintheair Youmakeme Feellike I"mlivingaTeenageDream Andwhenyouturniton Ican"tsleep Let"srunaway Anddon"teverlookback Don"teverlookback Myheartstops Whenyoulookatme Justonetouch NowbabyIbelieve Thisisreal Sotakeachance Anddon"teverlookback Don"teverlookback Justgonnastandthereandwatchmeburn(YoumakemeFeellikeI"mlivinga) Butthat"salright BecauseIlikethewayithurts(TeenageDreamAndwhenyouturniton) Justgonnastandthereandhearmecry(Causeitgoesonandonandon) Butthat"salright BecauseIlovethewayyoulie(Anditgoesonandonandon) Ilovethewayyoulie Ithrowmyhandsupintheairsometimes SayingAYOGottaletgo Iwannacelebrateandlivemylife(Justgonnastandthereandwatchmeburn) SayingAYOBaby,letsgo(BecauseIlikethewayithurts) Causewegon"rockthisclub Wegon"goallnight Wegon"lightitup Likeit"sdynamite

assured ,confirm的区别


make sure 和confirm的区别

我感觉make sure是确保,保证。。而confirm更偏向确认。。比如 Make sure you call to confirm you room is not adjacent to a stairwell or your better off on the street.确保你已经打电话确认你的房间不和楼梯井相邻,或者远离街道。。。额。。我感觉看例子更好理解。希望对你有所帮助。。。

屠夫放大的"ah…fresh meat"的声音在魔兽争霸正规对抗图中是哪个怪物发出...


Confirm sure区别不是都是表示确定吗,什么区别?

有区别,先说两者词义。sure这个词带有确信的;可靠的;必定的的意思。If you are sure that something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are not sure about something, you do not know for certain what the true situation is.confirm这个词确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固的意思。If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true.而且sure是形容词,副词,但是confirm是动词,两者词性不同。confirm有反复确认的感觉,比如填表时都会用“confirm”而不是“sure”。sure更偏向确信,比如“I am sure this will happen"--我确信这将会发生。因此两者还是有一定区别的-纯手打,希望可以帮助到你-


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fresh meat 这句话是出自什么电影啊?不要告诉我是dota上屠夫的声音,我知道!


Saint Laurent最著名的经典套装叫什么?

Le smoking的西装,非常的潇洒帅气,而且令人难以抗拒。


saintlaurent和ysl的没区别,两个是同一个牌子。圣罗兰是品牌名称,杨树林并不是它的名称,杨树林是大众取的称呼,因为圣罗兰品牌的英文缩写是ysl,与杨树林的中文首字母都是一样的,所以很多女性都称作圣罗兰这个品牌为杨树林。圣罗兰品牌的英文全称是yves saint laurent,简称为ysl,是在1962年的法国创立的,主要经营的产品包括配饰,护肤品,化妆品,香水儿,时装,箱包等多个领域。YSL(Yves Saint laurent)的简称,中文译名圣罗兰,是法国著名奢侈品牌,由1936年8月1日出生于法属北非阿尔及利亚的伊夫圣罗兰先生创立。圣罗兰产品特点圣罗兰包包它所表现出的风格,是轻灵,这样的一个风格同样也是表现出一种美,但是和整个主流的市场,却又形成了很好的对比。所以到在有很多女性,也正是因为ysl包包有这方面的特点,所以才会选择使用它的,因为当整个市场上面也都表现出一种主色调的时候,自己仍然在使用,那么也就不能表现出自己的特点来。而当自己没有特点的时候,自然也就不能让自己的个性得到很好的表现。ysl包包在做工上面有着自己的不同,或者说,整个奢侈品也都在做工上面达到了很好的要求,但是对于ysl包包来说,它不但做工好,同时它是和其他的产品在做工上面有区别。

saintlaurent是什么品牌 saintlaurent是什么

1、伊夫·圣罗兰(法语:Yves Saint Laurent,缩写YSL,现时名为Saint Laurent Paris)是奢侈的时装品牌,由设计师伊夫·圣罗兰及其伴侣贝尔杰所创立。 2、风格精致高雅,之前的主要设计师为Hedi Slimane,目前已离开。最初的女装风格曾从男装中大量借鉴物件,如西服裤、运动夹克等等,使得品牌知名度提升。YSL也经营香水等化妆品。 2018年,Saint Laurent表示将暂时脱离巴黎时装周日程,并于同年6月6日在纽约举办时装展。 3、同年9月,Saint Laurent自2017年后,再次于巴黎铁塔下举行时装展。 1978年,圣罗兰先生本人曾经在纽约举办过一场盛大派对发布经典的鸦片香水Opium。 4、而40年后的2018年,现任总监Anthony Vaccarello为了向圣罗兰致意,在Liberty Park 举办了2019春夏男装展。


desire n. 渴望;愿望 undesired adj. 不想要的;不受欢迎的 desirous adj. 渴望的 desirable adj. 合意的;理想的;可取的;动人的 desirability n. 愿望;有利条件;希求;合意 undesirable adj. 不合意的;有害的 one"s heart"s desire 心往下沉 desire to 希望;愿望 desire for 渴望;渴求;希望

ensure 和 confirm 有什么区别?

confirm主要是确认,证实His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。ensure 主要是保证I can ensure you that he will be here on time.我可以想你保证他会及时到这儿的。

confirm ensure区别

confirm主要是确认,证实ensure 主要是保证 上面说得对,我再举个例子:His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。His letter ensured everything.他的信保证了一切。(某高级领导批的条子可以保证一路绿灯)

can you point out ____ two radios are the best




saint laurent 是什么品牌

圣罗兰 法国牌子。主要有时装,护肤品,香水,箱包,配饰。



Fly Me To The Moon (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Duke Ellington Orch.专辑:Duke Ellington: The Reprise Studio RecordingsFLY ME TO THE MOONAya Bossa Techno VersionFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!

They are much bigger than is desirable中than引导定语从句


圣·爱莲(Saint Irene)是谁?


saint laurent是什么牌子

主要男装 hedi slimane 主导的牌子 之前dior的老大 设计的东西偏摇滚 酷酷的感觉 如果你喜欢黑白搭配的 比较低沉的风格 这家是最好的 如果香水什么的话 其实每个牌子没什么风格 只有香奈儿的香水无论的是男香还是女香都透出一股暧昧的氛围 试几款就有很深的体会 希望你帮到你。


Saint Laurent属于奢侈品档次。Saint Laurent圣罗兰是法国著名的奢侈品品牌,一线品牌,产品涵盖时装、香水、护肤品、箱包等,不同系列产品在各自领域都非常有名。 Saint Laurent圣罗兰1962年在法国巴黎创立,简称YSL。圣罗兰的时装、彩妆、配饰、皮具都非常有名。实际上从一开始圣罗兰就是专注做女装的,没有涉及男装领域,一直到2004年圣罗兰才开始推出男装系列,而一经上市,就收获众多时尚人士的追捧。 如果你资金充足,男士可以入手一件圣罗兰的经典款皮衣,就和哈雷机车一样,这是梦想一般的存在,有钱当然就该去圆梦。瘦高的男士可以尝试圣罗兰的长款风衣,和Burberry的正儿八百路线不同,圣罗兰的风衣是完全可以撩妹的,站在那里就是男一号的气质。这几年比较火的棒球衫和T恤也是值得入手的单品。 除此以外,YSL的男士香水也很优秀。1964年YSL先生就推出了第一款香水,1977年更是推出了声名大噪的鸦片系列,鼻烟壶的造型和琥珀、雪松等香调都蕴含着神秘的东方色彩,当然也有男士款的!只是鸦片香水虽然被认为完美的男香,但气味稍有点偏辛辣浓烈。

desired和 desirab有什么区别

首先,后面那个单词是desirable desirable称心如意的,常用来形容事物令人满足. desired渴望的,形容人对事物的欲望.

saint laurent是什么牌子

saintlaurent是圣罗兰品牌。YvesSaintLaurent是世界知名服装设计师伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)创立的同名服装品牌。2012年,艾迪·斯理曼(HediSlimane)成为品牌创意总监,伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)成衣线更名为圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)。圣罗兰品牌特点圣罗兰 (Saint Laurent) 服装品牌设计的整体形象是一致的,尽管大师的思路敏捷、题材广泛,但却始终保持法国时装的优雅感。圣罗兰 (Saint Laurent) 女装的常见款式,像吸烟装、吸烟裤,厚质面料的挺括与造型设计的雅致恰好相得益彰。若用柔软质料的设计,不管是修长的连衣裙,或正式的套裙,圣罗兰 (Saint Laurent) 都会处理得十分舒爽和柔美。Saint Laurent属于奢侈品档次。Saint Laurent圣罗兰是法国著名的奢侈品品牌,一线品牌,产品涵盖时装、香水、护肤品、箱包等,不同系列产品在各自领域都非常有名。

make sure 和confirm的区别

make sure 动词+形容词后面可以接:1.that 从句2.of + 名词或者相当于名词的词confirm 及物动词 可以直接跟宾语。

ensure 和 confirm 有什么区别? 这两个单词有什么区别?

confirm主要是确认,证实 His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切. ensure 主要是保证 I can ensure you that he will be here on time.我可以想你保证他会及时到这儿的.



saint laurent怎么读

YSL全名:Yves Saint Lauret中文名:【伊夫圣罗兰】港台也有译为:伊夫圣洛朗。Yves Saint Lauret是法语,其正确发音:【Eve Sonn Lo"re-en】执服装界牛耳的 Yves Saint Laurent,用巴黎左岸创新、时尚的独特风情开创了色彩缤纷、浪漫高雅的 Saint Laurent 时代。自1964年推出第一个彩妆系列起,Yves Saint Laurent 品牌始终传达着高雅、神秘以及热情的 Saint Laurent 精神。

make sure 和confirm的区别

make sure 动词+形容词 后面可以接: 1.that 从句 2.of + 名词或者相当于名词的词 confirm 及物动词 可以直接跟宾语. 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^



desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

1 adj. 形容词渴望的;想要的2 n. 欲望v. 请求,想要,渴望(desire的ing形式)3 v. 渴望,要求(desire的过去分词形式)adj. 渴望的;想得到的4 n. 合意的人或事物adj. 令人满意的;值得要的

desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

desirous 通常加 of 表示 人 渴望的,盼望的,以人为主语 desiring 是 强调 物 体 令人 渴望的 desired 是强调 人 对某物的渴望 desirable 表示 物体 本身 值得要的,合意的,以事为主语

请问point out和figure out可以同义替换吗

point out 指出; 把注意力引向… 例句: This guide book points out the main facts of early American history. 这本导游手册讲述了美洲早期的重要史实。 figure out 与work out 同义,与point out不同义1. 计算出; 解决 例句: The purchase price figures out at about two million dollars. 交易的价格计算在200万美元左右。 2. 弄明白 例句: I just can"t figure him out. 我简直摸不透他。

It must be great fun to fly to the moon in a spaceship 这个不定式是做什么的?

本句句意:乘坐宇宙飞船飞向月球,这肯定是一件非常有趣的事情。本句真正的主语: to fly to the Moon It 只是形式主语为了避免主语冗长

desirable feature是什么意思

可取的特点例句Given the millions of people who use google every day, it"s obvious why this is a desirable feature.考虑到每天数以百万计的谷歌用户,这个特性显然值得赞赏。It was the vintage that marked the beginning of the modern era in bordeaux, when ripe fruit was first accepted as fine bordeaux"s most desirable feature.它标志着波尔多葡萄酒现代时期的开始,那一年,成熟的葡萄被首次视为上乘葡萄酒最必需的要素。






towards [tə"wɔːdz],prep. 朝,向;对于;有助于towards强调方向,有径直面对的意思。例句:She extended her right hand towards me.她向我伸出了右手。in the direction是指在某个方向上.there"s an car accident in the direction of our school.在我们学校的方向上,发生了一起交通事故.in the eastern direction,在东面的方向上.direction是一个名次

desirable,undesirable.underiables,desired 的词根,词干,词基分别是什么?

词根都是desire. 词干分别为desirable,undesirable,undesirable,desire. 词基:desire是desirable的词基,desirable是undesirable的词基.


前者是 渴望的 的意思,后者是 令人满意的,,,

英语I ran for Congress怎么翻译?

回答如下:run for...竞选;Congress国会 I ran for Congress. 我竞选国会议员;我参加国会竞选;我参加国会议员竞选。

几个关于穿的动词的区别 put on wear dress have on take on

put on 强调动作 wear 强调状态 dress 强调状态 have on 强调状态 take on强调动作




区别如下:(一个通常指英国的,一个是美国的)Parliament 议会两院:尤指英国由上议院和下议院构成的国家立法机关congress国会:美国的立法机构,包括参议院和众议院






区别如下:(一个通常指英国的,一个是美国的)Parliament 议会两院:尤指英国由上议院和下议院构成的国家立法机关congress国会:美国的立法机构,包括参议院和众议院


congress (n.):国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(Congress)它的复数形式是:congresses.第三人称单数形式是:congresses.现在分词形式是:congressing.过去式是:congressed.过去分词是:congressed.词组短语有:national people"s congress(全国人民代表大会)、library of congress美国国会图书馆)、congress party(国大党)、act of congress(国会法)、member of congress(国会议员)等。近义词有:session/conversation/meeting/parlimant同根词有:congressional(adj.)国会的;会议的;议会的congressman/congresswonman(n.)国会议员;众议院议员n. 国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;vi. 开会,集合;[其他] 第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed


parliament(议会、国会): 指英国或加拿大等国的议会,通常用大写形式。congress(代表大会、国会、议会): 指美国等国的国会,也可指代表大会。

Chinese Idioms Congress是什么意思

  Chinese Idioms Congress的中文翻译  Chinese Idioms Congress  中国成语大会  --  congress英 [u02c8ku0252u014bgres] 美 [u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]  n.国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;  vi.开会,集合;  [网络]美国国会; 国大党; 大会;  [例句]A lot has changed after the party congress.  党代会后发生了很多变化。  [其他]第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed 形近词: digress egress progress

house senate,congress






Congress 是什么意思



congress 英[u02c8ku0252u014bgres]美[u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]n. 国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;vi. 开会,集合;[其他] 第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed


congress (n.):国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(Congress)它的复数形式是:congresses.第三人称单数形式是:congresses.现在分词形式是:congressing.过去式是:congressed.过去分词是:congressed.词组短语有:national people"s congress(全国人民代表大会)、library of congress美国国会图书馆)、congress party(国大党)、act of congress(国会法)、member of congress(国会议员)等。近义词有:session/conversation/meeting/parlimant同根词有:congressional(adj.)国会的;会议的;议会的congressman/congresswonman(n.)国会议员;众议院议员


如下:n.国会;代表大会;(美国及其他一些国家的)议会;(用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会。vi.开会;集合。读音:英 [u02c8ku0252u014bɡres]、美 [u02c8kɑu02d0u014bɡru0259s]。第三人称单数: congresses。复数: congresses。现在分词: congressing。过去式: congressed。过去分词: congressed。短语搭配:Gutian Congress 古田会议。Continental Congress 大陆会议 ; 大陆国会。congress woman 美国国会女众议员 ; 女国会议员。Hotel Congress 议会酒店 ; 会议酒店 ; 团伙所住的国会饭店 ; 国会大酒店。双语例句:Neither have some in Congress.在国会中也有不少。And it should mean something to every member of Congress and every citizen.它应该对国会每一个成员和每一个市民都有意义。We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress.我们既想与政府合作,也想与国会合作。


Riverside_Agnes Obel

reserved consent是什么意思

reserved consent有保留的同意希望能帮到你如有疑问,可追问~

英语consent和a gree区别是什么?

你好,consent 和agree 都是同意的意思。他们的区别是前者是名词,后者是动词。这样用,You accept me and ask for my consent.(你采纳我要征求我的同意)或者You agree to adopt me.(你同意采纳我)

Janet Jackson的《Take Care》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Care歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:20 Y.O.Drake - Take Care (Feat. Rihanna)Album:《Take Care》Know you"ve been hurtBy someone elseI can tell by the wayYou carry yourselfIf you let meHere"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostI"ve asked about you and they"ve told me things but my mind didn"t changeI still feel the same a life with no fun, please don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours we both knowWe know, they don"t get you like I will my only wish is I die realCause that truth hurts, and those lies healAnd you can"t sleep thinking that he lies stillSo you cry still, tears all in the pillow caseBig girls all get a little tastePushing me away so I give her spaceFeeling with a heart that I didn"t breakI"ll be there for you, I will care for youI keep thanking you, just don"t knowTry to run from that, say you"re done with that on your face girlIt just don"t showWhen you"re ready, just say you"re readyWhen all the baggage just ain"t as heavyAnd the parties over, just don"t forget meWe"ll change the pace we"ll just go slowYou won"t never have to worryYou won"t never have to hideIf you"ve seen all my mistakesSo look me in my eyesCause if you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostIt"s my birthday, I get high if I want toCan"t deny that I want to, but I lie if I have toCause you don"t say you love meTo your friend when they ask youEven though we both know that you do you doOne time, been in love one timeYou and all your girls in the club one timeAll so convinced that you"re following your heartCause your mind don"t control what it does sometimesWe all have our nights though, don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours, we both knowWe knowYou hate being aloneYou ain"t the only oneYou hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you oneYou love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin"To save youKnow you"ve been hurt by someone elseI can tell by the way you carry yourselfIf you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lost

求Drake ft Rihanna的take care的歌词,中英对照那种。

I"ve asked about you and they"ve told me things我曾问过你的过往 他们告诉了我你的不堪But my mind didn"t change, I still the feel the same但我的心依旧恒定 对你的感觉依旧如初What"s a life with no fun? please don"t be so ashamed人生得意须尽欢 所以不用感到羞愧I"ve had mine, you"ve had yours, we both know我们有各自不堪的人生 你我都心知肚明We know, they don"t get you like I will他们不像我那么理解你My only wish is I die real我只希望我死的堂堂正正Cause that truth hurts, and those lies heal因为实话往往揭开人的伤疤 谎言反而是疗伤的良药And you can"t sleep thinking that he lies still你彻夜难眠 想着他在撒谎So you cry still, tears all in the pillow case所以你潸然泪下 泪水沾湿了枕头Big girls all get a little taste坚强的女孩也需要发泄Pushing me away so I give her space把我推开 给你缓冲的空间Dealing with a heart that I didn"t break抚慰着他人损坏的心灵I"ll be there for you, I will care for you我会在你身边不离不弃 我会在你身边抚慰你I keep thinking you, just don"t know我一直想念你 只是你不知道Try to run from that, say you"re done with that你在试图挣扎出旧情的泥潭 嘴上说 往事已矣On your face girl, it just don"t show可你脸上 还留有旧情的阴影When you"re ready, just say you"re ready当你准备接受别人时 请说你已准备好When all the baggage just ain"t as heavy当旧情的包裹不在沉重And the parties over, just don"t forget me当PARTY结束后 请别忘记我We"ll change the pace and we"ll just go slow我们改变节奏 我们慢慢来Won"t ever have to worry,你不用再担忧You won"t ever have to hide你不必再去隐藏If you"ve seen all my mistakes我的缺点在你眼里一览无余So look me in my eyes所以和我面对面注视吧[Rihanna]"Cause if you let me, here"s what I"ll do如果你愿意的话 我会这样做I"ll take care of you (I"ll take, I"ll take, I"ll take)我会抚慰你I"ve loved and i"ve lost.我曾爱过 也曾迷失过[Drake: verse 2]It"s my birthday, I"ll get high if I want to这是我的生日 想怎么玩嗨就怎样玩can"t deny that I want you, but I"ll lie if have to无法掩饰我的爱意 但必要时我还得撒谎掩饰cause you don"t say you love me 因为你不说你爱我to your friends when they ask you 当你的朋友问起时even though we both know that you do (you do). 虽然我们都知道你的心意 你是爱我的One time, been in love one time 一次 我又坠入爱河you and all your girls in the club one time 那次你和闺蜜们在吧里玩乐all so convinced that you"re following your heart 大家都很相信你在随你的心cause your mind don"t control what it does sometimes. 因为当爱情来临时 你的思想很难掩饰We all have our nights though, don"t be so ashamed 我们都有难以启齿的过去 所以别自我批判I"ve had mine, you"ve had yours, we both know, we know. 我们都有各自不堪的人生 你我都心知肚明 我们都知道You hate being alone you ain"t the only one 你讨厌在热闹里独处的滋味 you hate the fact that you bought the dream 你讨厌当年轻信于and they sold you one 他们兜售的乌托邦爱情you love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin",to save you 你爱你的朋友 可他们应该有人来抚慰你的心灵 来保护你instead he said;可他们只会冷言冷语don"t a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 别tell me a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 跟我说I don"t care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 我不关心If you"re hurt a-ha-ha-ha-ha. 你受不受伤I won"t a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 我不会tell you a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 告诉你you don"t care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 反正你不在乎if you"re true a-ha-ha-ha-ha,如果你真的在乎don"t a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 别tell me a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 告诉我I don"t care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 我不在乎If you"re hurt a-ha-ha-ha-ha. 如果你受伤I won"t a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 我不会tell you a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 告诉你you don"t care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 反正你不会关心if you"re true a-ha-ha-ha-ha, 如果你真的在乎[Rihanna]I know you"ve been hurt by someone else 我知道 你的心深受情伤所累I can tell by the way you carry yourself 你的一举一动 都流露出悲伤if you let me, here"s what I"ll do 如果你愿意的话 我会这样做I"ll take care of you (I"ll take, I"ll take, I"ll take) 我要抚慰你的心伤I"ve loved and I"ve lost.我曾爱过 也曾失去过

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罗氏活力机器中出现 E-9 检测时试纸弯曲或移动。使用一张新的试纸,重复检测。 您未正确及完全地插入试纸。握住试纸,使试纸上箭头及橙色区方向向上。不要弯曲试纸,轻轻按照箭头的方向将试纸推至试纸插槽上,直至您感觉试纸已经锁定到位 ,把以上都排除后再试一下。希望我的回答可以帮到你哈。

Big Star的《Take Care》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Care歌手:Big Star专辑:Keep An Eye On The SkyDrake - Take Care (Feat. Rihanna)Album:《Take Care》Know you"ve been hurtBy someone elseI can tell by the wayYou carry yourselfIf you let meHere"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostI"ve asked about you and they"ve told me things but my mind didn"t changeI still feel the same a life with no fun, please don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours we both knowWe know, they don"t get you like I will my only wish is I die realCause that truth hurts, and those lies healAnd you can"t sleep thinking that he lies stillSo you cry still, tears all in the pillow caseBig girls all get a little tastePushing me away so I give her spaceFeeling with a heart that I didn"t breakI"ll be there for you, I will care for youI keep thanking you, just don"t knowTry to run from that, say you"re done with that on your face girlIt just don"t showWhen you"re ready, just say you"re readyWhen all the baggage just ain"t as heavyAnd the parties over, just don"t forget meWe"ll change the pace we"ll just go slowYou won"t never have to worryYou won"t never have to hideIf you"ve seen all my mistakesSo look me in my eyesCause if you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostIt"s my birthday, I get high if I want toCan"t deny that I want to, but I lie if I have toCause you don"t say you love meTo your friend when they ask youEven though we both know that you do you doOne time, been in love one timeYou and all your girls in the club one timeAll so convinced that you"re following your heartCause your mind don"t control what it does sometimesWe all have our nights though, don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours, we both knowWe knowYou hate being aloneYou ain"t the only oneYou hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you oneYou love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin"To save youKnow you"ve been hurt by someone elseI can tell by the way you carry yourselfIf you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lost

consent 和agree 的区别

区别如下:consent指同意;应允;允许.语气较轻,一般强调得到口头应允.I had to get my mother"s consent before I went.我走之前需征得母亲同意.gree 指原来有过分歧,经协商后“达到意见一致”,使用范围较广,既可包括书面同意也可包括口头同意如:The views of the two leaders agree.两位领导的意见取得一致.

consent 和agree 的区别?

agree 指原来有过分歧, 经协商后“达到意见一致”, 使用范围较广,既可包括书面同意也可包括口头同意如:The views of the two leaders agree.两位领导的意见取得一致。consent指同意;应允;允许.语气较轻,一般强调得到口头应允.I had to get my mother"s consent before I went. 我走之前需征得母亲同意。

cash sale和credit sale有啥区别?(现贷和赊卖)

一、意思不同cash sale是现金销售,当销售订单安排后,客户收到货品并支付货品的款项。credit sale信用买卖,赊售,又称“赊欠买卖”,商品流通的信用形式。二、用法不同credit sales "信用销售,赊销"是名词用法,可作主语,宾语等。例如:Credit sales compared to other methods of clearing.sell(sold) goods on credit “以赊账方式卖东西”,属于行为方式,可作谓语部分等。例如:Heretofore the merchant has sold goods on credit, but from this time he will sell only for cash.三、形式不同credit sale信用买卖, 赊售,又称“赊欠买卖”商品流通的信用形式,包括一次收回欠款和分期收回欠款2种形式。通常用于扩大商品,处理积压商品以及推销高中档耐用消费品。


consent 用作名词时的意思是“赞成”,只用作不可数名词,可接动词不定式或介词to引导的短语。 agree 基本含义是“承认”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意;也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。 扩展资料   Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment.   16岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。   At no time did I give my consent to the plan.   我从未同意过这项计划。   The great majority of people seem to agree with this view.   大多数人似乎都同意这种观点。   When he said that, I had to agree.   他说了那话,我只好同意。


i_e这个读音不完全按照规则,注意记忆。如live就有两种读音,意思就不同。还有一般重读音节发/ai/,而非重读音节发/i/slice薄片, quite十分读/ai/而active, practice中读/i/


我有歌词:SNOW DREAM--SMTOWN (Hero) 在早晨的阳光中睁开眼 窗外的世界变成了雪白的宫殿 (BoA) 知道吗? 在你睡着的时候 精灵们送来了冬天白色的梦 (始源) 你啊 到我身边来吧 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (希澈) 在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 (All) Snow dream under the sky (KangTa) 像我小时候做的白色圣诞树一样 (Lena) 你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (姜仁+韩庚) 我们冬天的故事 (Sunday) 下起白雪的话 我们就去旅行 (Sunday+东海) 在滑轮旅行箱中装满碧绿的梦 (Micky)打开心窗 试着呼喊的话 (Micky+Jinyeoung)和今天第一次见面的她 也能成为好朋友吧 (U-know+Somin) 你啊 到我身边来吧 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (Dana)在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 (All) Snow dream under the sky (Xiah)像我小时候做的白色圣诞树一样 (奎贤)你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (贤珍) 我们冬天的故事 (Stephani) 为了你而准备了一年的 (only for you) (Typhoon)那样的冬天回来了 (力尹) It"s a snow factory (All) 看看外面吧 白雪落下了 展开双臂拥抱天空 (Stephani rap) 和你一起度过的去年冬天, 歪歪地加上眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴的雪人 (在元 rap)在白色的雪上 所有的回忆 (Stephani rap) My heart melt down again (银赫 rap)我爱你 (神童 rap)我爱你 (银赫 rap) 在今年的圣诞节 (神童 rap) 握着你的手一起度过时对你说 (银赫 rap) 在你的眼睛,脸颊和美丽的嘴唇上 (神童 rap)轻吻着 向你告白说我爱你 (All) 你到我身边来吧 (丽旭)在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 ((Xiah)I"ll be there) (All) Snow dream under the sky((奎贤)Under the sky) (李特+艺声)就像跟当作礼物送给你的我的心相似的树一样 (Max) 你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (晟民) 我们冬天的故事 (Hero) 在早晨的阳光中睁开眼 窗外的世界变成了雪白的宫殿 (BoA) 知道吗? 在你睡着的时候 精灵们送来了冬天白色的梦 (始源) 你啊 到我身边来吧 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (希澈) 在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 (All) Snow dream under the sky (KangTa) 像我小时候做的白色圣诞树一样 (Lena) 你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (姜仁+韩庚) 我们冬天的故事 (Sunday) 下起白雪的话 我们就去旅行 (Sunday+东海) 在滑轮旅行箱中装满碧绿的梦 (Micky)打开心窗 试着呼喊的话 (Micky+Jinyeoung)和今天第一次见面的她 也能成为好朋友吧 (U-know+Somin) 你啊 到我身边来吧 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (Dana)在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 (All) Snow dream under the sky (Xiah)像我小时候做的白色圣诞树一样 (奎贤)你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (贤珍) 我们冬天的故事 (Stephani) 为了你而准备了一年的 (only for you) (Typhoon)那样的冬天回来了 (力尹) It"s a snow factory (All) 看看外面吧 白雪落下了 展开双臂拥抱天空 (Stephani rap) 和你一起度过的去年冬天, 歪歪地加上眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴的雪人 (在元 rap)在白色的雪上 所有的回忆 (Stephani rap) My heart melt down again (银赫 rap)我爱你 (神童 rap)我爱你 (银赫 rap) 在今年的圣诞节 (神童 rap) 握着你的手一起度过时对你说 (银赫 rap) 在你的眼睛,脸颊和美丽的嘴唇上 (神童 rap)轻吻着 向你告白说我爱你 (All) 你到我身边来吧 (丽旭)在我绯红的耳际掠过的微风细语 ((Xiah)I"ll be there) (All) Snow dream under the sky((奎贤)Under the sky) (李特+艺声)就像跟当作礼物送给你的我的心相似的树一样 (Max) 你握住我的手 飞向白色的天空 (All) I"ll be there, Snow dream under the sky (晟民) 我们冬天的故事

《Snow Dream 》的歌词

合:看窗外,下着白雪~U-KNOW:看,下雪了,看看那些雪花,朋友们与我们遗忘的回忆交流的时间到了来,REDSUNMICKY:IT IS BRIGHT SNOW FALLING,THAT I"LL BE TAKING IT,JUST MORE THAN REFLECTION ON OF DISASTERHOWEVER WE ARE THE MASTER OF WHAT WE SING,WE ARE SM TOWN.HERO:伴着晨光睁开双眼,窗外变成了白色宫殿BOA:在你睡着的时候,精灵们为你准备了白色的梦境崔始源:请你到我身边来合:I"LL BE THERE SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY金希澈:风儿的轻声细语在我泛红的耳边吹过合:SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKYKANG TA:就像我儿时做过的白色圣诞树天上智喜:请你抓住我的手,一起飞上白色天空合:I"LL BE THERE SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY强仁:我们的冬日故事天上智喜&东海:下雪的时候我们去旅行,我们在旅行包里装满梦想MICKY:如果敞开心扉大声呼喊,也可以与今天初次见面的她成为很好的朋友U-KONW:请你到我身边来合:I"LL BE THERE SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY天上智喜:风儿的轻声细语在我泛红的耳边吹过合:SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKYXIAH:就像我儿时做过的白色圣诞树奎贤:请你抓住我的手,一起飞上白色天空合:I"LL BE THERE SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY我们的冬日故事天上智喜:为你准备了一年(ONLY FOR YOU)???:那样的冬天来了张力尹:IT"S A SNOW FACTORY!合:看窗外,下着白雪~,展开双臂,拥抱天空RAP:去年和你一起度过的冬天,眼睛、鼻子、嘴都弄歪了的雪人我们所有的回忆都在白雪上,MY HEART MELT DOWN AGAIN我爱你,我爱你,我想这次牵着你的手,一起度过圣诞节,亲吻你的眼睛、脸蛋和可爱的嘴唇,对你说我爱你合:请你到我身边来丽旭:风儿的轻声细语在我泛红的耳边吹过合:SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY李特&艺声:就像把我的心装在圣诞树里昌珉:请你抓住我的手,一起飞上白色天空合:I"LL BE THERE SNOW DREAM UNDER THE SKY晟民:我们的冬日故事

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The Take Over, The Break S Over 歌词

歌曲名:The Take Over, The Break S Over歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Cem主流音乐月刊 Vol.6 2007Fall Out Boy - The take over,The breaks overbaby seasons change but people don"t andI"ll always be waiting in the back roomI"m boringbut overcompensate with headlines and flash photographydon"t pretend you ever forgot about medon"t pretend you ever forgot about mewould"t you rather be awidow than a divorcesstyle your wake for fashion magazineswidow than a divorcesdon"t pretend don"t pretendwe don"t fihgt fairthey say your head can be a prisonthen these are just conjugal vistspeople will dissect us "til this doesn"t mean a thing anymoredon"t pretend you ever forgot about medon"t pretend you ever forgot about mewould"t you rather be awidow than a divorcesstyle your wake for fashion magazineswidow than a divorcesdon"t pretend don"t pretendwe do it in the darkwith smiles on our faceswe"re dropped and well cincealedin secret placeswe do it in the darkwith smiles on our faceswe"re dropped and well cincealedin secret placeswe don"t fihgt fairwe do it in the darkwith smiles on our faceswe"re dropped and well cincealedin secret placeswe do it in the darkwith smiles on our faceswe"re dropped and well cincealedin secret placeswe don"t fihgt fairwith smiles on our faceswe"re dropped and well cincealedin secret placeswe don"t fihgt fair

如何使用NSString在 drawInRect中居中

1. 纵你必须做你自己(的观点+字符串)/ 2的高度(高度)。卧式您可以这样做: NSMutableParagraphStyle *style = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy]; [style setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment]; NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:style forKey:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName]; [myString drawInRect:someRect withAttributes:attr]; 2. 这适用于水平 [textX drawInRect:theRect withFont:font lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip alignment:UITextAlignmentCenter]; 3. 马丁斯答案是相当接近的,但它有一些小错误。试试这个: NSMutableParagraphStyle* style = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init]; [style setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment]; NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:style forKey:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName]; [myString drawInRect:someRect withAttributes:attr]; [style release]; 你必须创建一个新的NSMutableParagraphStyle(而不是默认的段落样式马丁建议)[NSMutableParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]返回NSParagraphStyle,它不具有另外,你不需要在字符串@"NSParagraphStyleAttributeName"-刚NSParagraphStyleAttributeName。 4. 此作品 CGRect viewRect = CGRectMake(x, y, w, h); UIFont* font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15]; CGSize size = [nsText sizeWithFont:font constrainedToSize:viewRect.size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakModeWordWrap)]; float x_pos = (viewRect.size.width - size.width) / 2; float y_pos = (viewRect.size.height - size.height) /2; [someText drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(viewRect.origin.x + x_pos, viewRect.origin.y + y_pos) withFont:font]; 5. 正确的答案是:-drawInRect:withFont:lineBreakMode:alignment:我还创建了一个小类别垂直如果你喜欢它,继续前进:) // NSString+NSVerticalAlign.h typedef enum { NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop, NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle, NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom } NSVerticalTextAlignment; @interface NSString (VerticalAlign) - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; @end // NSString+NSVerticalAlign.m #import "NSString+NSVerticalAlign.h" @implementation NSString (VerticalAlign) - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font]; } - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode]; } - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:alignment]; } @end 6. 嗯,drawInRect是唯一的好基本的文本绘制(换句话说,系统决定在何处放置您的文字)-常画你想要的文字定位是简单地计算出你想要它什么指向的NSString的drawAtPoint的唯一途径:withAttributes :。 此外,的NSString的sizeWithAttributes是你最终不得不做drawAtPoint任何定位的数学。 祝你好运! 7. [NSMutableParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]不会[NSMutableParagraphStyle new]同时,它只会出现水平适用于drawInRect,不drawAtPoint(我怎么知道:-) 8. 下面的代码段用于绘制文本居中的注释自定义图像作为参考: CustomAnnotation.h @interface CustomAnnotation : MKAnnotationView [...] CustomAnnotation.m [...] - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { ClusterAnnotation *associatedAnnotation = (CustomAnnotation *)self.annotation; if (associatedAnnotation != nil) { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); NSString *imageName = @"custom_image.png"; CGRect contextRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 42.0, 42.0); CGFloat fontSize = 14.0; [[UIImage imageNamed:imageName] drawInRect:contextRect]; NSInteger myIntegerValue = [associatedAnnotation.dataObject.myIntegerValue integerValue]; NSString *myStringText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", myIntegerValue]; UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize]; CGSize fontWidth = [myStringText sizeWithFont:font]; CGFloat yOffset = (contextRect.size.height - fontWidth.height) / 2.0; CGFloat xOffset = (contextRect.size.width - fontWidth.width) / 2.0; CGPoint textPoint = CGPointMake(contextRect.origin.x + xOffset, contextRect.origin.y + yOffset); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextStroke); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, fontSize/10); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]); [myStringText drawAtPoint:textPoint withFont:font]; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextFill); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]); [myStringText drawAtPoint:textPoint withFont:font]; } }

take three days on、up 、over、 off都是什么意思

take inv.接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗take downv.拿下, 记下, 拆卸, 病倒take overv.把...从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管take onv.披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行take offv.拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制take upv.拿起, 开始从事, 继续, 吸收, 责备, 拘留, 占据, 认购take tov.开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向, 照料, 求助于, 适应take awayv.取走至于three days 翻译时加上去就好了
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