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Priscilla Renea的《City Love》 歌词

歌曲名:City Love歌手:Priscilla Renea专辑:JukeboxPriscilla Renea - City LoveWanted to be where you wereNew to the town, this little country girlPacked her bagsShe up and wentSo she could be where her heart livedShe aint know no betterThought that it would last foreverBut she ended up getting hurtRegretted leaving homeWished that she had knownAs soon as she got thereHe would be long goneBut she saidIt"s too late to turn back noI don"t wanna go home nowBut this city loveGoes way too fast for meSo baby can you slow it downPlease pump the brakes, don"t speedI"ve got miles and miles of loveAint no need to try or rushWe gon" get there just the sameWhy don"t we map out the way?Living in this city loveThis city love, city loveToo fast for the countryOhhh la la la la la laConvinced herself not to cryIt"s not her fault they don"t see eye to eyeShe can"t turn backPlus they all thinkShe should"ve stayed homeFrom the beginningShe"s gonna" prove ‘em wrongEven if it take her too longTo find herself a new loveFar away from homeThe moment she got thereShe didn"t know what to doShe had nothing left to loseShe was lost, so confusedOut of her element, so heartbrokenDecided to let it goKnowing she could turn to nowhere else to goNowhere to pull throughNothing to hold toWhere else could she beWhat else could she do?She saidSo baby wont you slow it downWe gon get there just the sameYou aint in the city love

一道英文会计题。。corrected trial balance。谢谢大家



The psychiatrist corrected him gently . 精神病医师彬彬有礼地纠正他。 Mistakes were corrected and gaps filled . 错误改正了,缺点也弥补了。 She assisted him in correcting the proof . 她帮助他做改校样的工作。 She set to work to correct all her defects . 她开始努力弥补这些不足。 Put everything away in its correct place . 把东西放到该放的地方去。 Correct ideas e from social practice . 正确的思想来自社会实践。 Only the correct key will move bolt . 只有钥匙对头,才能转动锁眼。 My original concept was proving correct . 我原先的设想被证明是正确的。 Such a view is not the least bit correct . 这种见解半点也不正确。 I hope this estimate of you is correct . 我希望对您的这种评价是正确的。 It does show that such opinion is not correct ... 足见这种意见是不对的。 She assisted him to correct the proof . 她帮助他做改校样的工作。 The dutch asked in round, correct engpsh . 那个荷兰人操著纯正的英语问道。 Your asses *** ent is substantially correct . 你的估计基本正确。 Correct decisions stem from correct judgments . 正确的决心来自于正确的判断。 Please correct any errors that you find . 若有差错,请斧正。 I do n"t question but you are correct . 我不怀疑你是正确的。 Splenectomy will usually correct the cytopenias . 脾切除通常将纠正细胞减少。 Correct ideas are not innate in the mind . 人的正确思想不是自己头脑中固有的。 "the counting rule" gives the correct result . “统计法则”能给出正确的结果。 "it"s mr. wyburg", she corrected herself . “那是威伯格先生,”她自己改口说。 What she said is proved to be correct . 她说的话果然灵验。 He has really corrected his mistakes . 他确有改过表现。 I think my first impression was probably correct . 我想我的第一印象大概是不错的。 Hitler quickly tried to correct any such impression . 希特勒连忙想到纠正这种印象。 Let correct ideology guide practical work . 以虚带实。 Add salt to correct the seasoning . 加点盐把味道调好。 It was the deficiency we were struggpng to correct . 此一缺点我们正在努力改进中。 My intuitions proved correct . 我的直觉确实是正确的。 Next week, she intended to correct that omission . 她决意要在下个星期弥补这个过失。 We must heed the correct views , and act upon them . 对正确的意见必须听,并且照它做。 The best way to correct mistakes is to avoid them . 改正错误的最好方法就是避免犯错误。 She was icily correct this time . 她这次倒很冷静。 Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are discovered . 错误一经发觉,就应改正。 Such a statement is n"t correct . 这种说法不对头。 The correct answer to the query is "nothing" . 对这种寒暄应该回答说“没有什么需要了”。 Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are detected . 错误一经发现,就应立即纠正。 I stand to be corrected . 我讲得不对,请予修正。 The results show clearly that this procedure is correct . 事实充分说明这种做法是正确的。 It would not have been correct . 那样有失端庄。 That"s a hundred percent correct . 那完全正确。 The correct solution must satisfy the patibipty equation . 正确的解必须满足协调方程。 It is clear that the chosen pattern is not the correct one . 显然,所选择的图式是错误的。 Excess acidity is corrected in the slurry storage tanks . 过量的酸在料浆贮槽中进一步中和。 That "s the correct thing to do . 这才是正路。 that"s absolutely correct . 那是完全对的呀! Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path . 我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。 We must carry forward our achievements and correct our mistakes . 我们要发扬成绩,纠正错误。 A few brave ones try to correct the worst hardships . 有少数英勇的人想法制止最最残酷的虐待。

验光纸上写的 V/A corrected什么意思? 两个眼睛的数据都是 20/20


I Stand Corrected是什么意思

  I stand corrected 中文译作:我承认我错了。这是美国俚语,等于I admit that I was wrong。例如:I stand corrected - the company was established in 1927,not 1926,as I had mistakenly thought.原句中stand为动词,意思是:站立,起立; 竖直放置; 保持看法;例如:  1. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.  你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。  2. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office.  他在美国运通公司办公大楼外经营一家报摊。

Bad links in lost chain at cluster ...corrected 是什么意思啊?

数据丢失,找不到XXX模块。 具体出了什么问题你要问行家的

corrected course中文翻译

By measuring the angles beeen the stars and the missile, instruments at all times determine the correct course . 通过测定恒星与导弹之间的夹角这种方法,这些装置随时在确定著正确的航线。 Can you hear me ? i m correcting course . now 你们听得到吗?我正在更改航道 The correct course of action when seriapzing a 时的正确操作过程是调用 I " m correcting course . now 我在改正航程 I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand , we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity 本人希望,只要我们大家认准了方向,大家携手合作,就一定能够推动两地的经济关系走向新的境界,促进两地共同繁荣。 The paper is intended to *** yze o of the translation - theories , explore their corresponding advantages and . disadvantages from a dialectical perspective , together with the approaches of universal connection , development and contradiction thereby , it holds that they also have theoretical bias / prejudice and pmitation , besides reasonable interpretation therefore , it is the correct course to pursue translation studies from an ontological and dialectical perspective 摘要从辩证思辨的视角,运用联系、发展、矛盾的观点,文章对目前译界两种众说纷纭的理论流派逐一透视,并分析其利弊得失,认为各种理论都有其合理性和阐释力,同时也存在理论偏向(见)和理论缺陷。



they are corrected

1.有人会定期修理它. 2.他已经被定期修理过了. 3.有人会定期更正他们. 4.他们已经被定期更正过了. 5.今天早上有人再车站遇见他了. 6.有人把这个窗户关上了吗?


"Correct" 是英文中一个形容词,意思是正确的、准确的、恰当的。它也可以作为一个动词,意思是改正、纠正错误。例句:Please ensure the information is correct.(请确保信息是准确的。)The teacher corrected my mistake.(老师纠正了我的错误。)I have used the correct password.(我已经使用了正确的密码。)此外,“Correct”还可以作为名词用来描述人或事物是正确的或准确的状态。例如,在进行科学实验的时候,好的实验结果显然比误差大的实验结果要更加正确。因此,科学实验通常需要精密操作和正确计算,以确保实验结果的准确性。总之,“Correct”这个词在英文中是一个非常常用的词汇,可以用来描述各种情况中的正确性、准确性和恰当性等。

Excel 2007中如何设置条件格式?如图,要求C选择Corrected时,这一横行的所有表格都显示绿色。

楼上正解 VBA可以解决


correct的读音是:英[k?"rekt]。correct的读音是:英[k?"rekt]。correct的例句是用作形容词(adj.)Your answer to the question is correct.你对这个问题的回答是正确的。correct【近义词】accurate。一、详尽释义点此查看correct的详细内容adj.(形容词)正确的,不错的,对的恰当的,合适的,适合,符合(公认准则)的,得体的,端庄的,有礼貌端正的确有其事一本正经的,道貌岸然有礼貌准确无误的,精确的v.(动词)修正,改正,纠正,更正,订正,补正,修改校正,校准,校订,使符合标准矫正惩治,惩罚,训斥,责备调整制止使中和解(毒),消解改(错),纠正错误修理精确扭转弥补批改指出错误,找出差错抵制,克服医治,治愈(疾病)n.(名词)遮瑕膏二、英英释义Adjective:free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth;"the correct answer""the correct version""the right answer""took the right road""the right decision"socially right or correct;"it isn"t right to leave the party without saying goodbye""correct behavior"in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure;"what"s the right word for this?""the right way to open oysters"correct in opinion or judgment;"time proved him right"Verb:make right or correct;"Correct the mistakes""rectify the calculation"make reparations or amends for;"right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"censure severely;"She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"adjust for;"engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience;"The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"go down in value;"the stock market corrected""prices slumped"alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;"Adjust the clock, please""correct the alignment of the front wheels"treat a defect;"The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"三、网络解释1.correct:corr; 抵消四、例句Your answer to the question is correct.你对这个问题的回答是正确的。So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.到目前为止,还没有得出任何正确的结论。Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿。Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.如果下列句子中有错,请改正。She criticizes him. She is trying to correct his bad habits.她批评他,想纠正他的坏习惯。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)correct to (v.+prep.)把…改成… change sth into sthcorrect sth to sthPlease correct a to the .请把a改成the。You should correct the small letter i to capital letter I .你应该把小写的i改为大写的I。六、经典引文Mr. Hunt is..quite correct in saying that [etc.]出自:Ld MacaulayTrying to open a safe without knowing the correct combination.出自:. G. GordonHaving made a mistake..he went back and corrected it.出自:W. S. Churchill七、词源解说☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的corrigere:cor (强调) + regere (规则),意为改进,使符合规则。correct的相关近义词accurate、exact、proper、right、true、precise、chasten、chastise、rebuke、rectify、remedy、reprove、set rightcorrect的相关反义词incorrect、inexact、wrong、imprecisecorrect的相关临近词correction、corral、corrected、corrector、correctly、Correct.、correct to、correctant、correct for、correctness、correct use、correct oil点此查看更多关于correct的详细信息


释义:adj. 正确的,无误的;恰当的,合适的;(行为)合乎礼节的,得体的;(行为)被人认可的,赞许的v. 改正,纠正;批改;指出错误;(医疗)矫正词组短语:correct operation正确动作correct time正确时间correct pronunciation正音;正确发音correct errors改正错误politically correct政治上的正确(立场)stand corrected认错quite correct完全正确correct exposure正确曝光;适度曝光例句:If these scientists are correct, we may soon be on our way to Mars in a spaceship powered by water.如果这些科学家是正确的,我们可能很快就可以乘坐由水驱动的宇宙飞船飞往火星。Only one of the answers is correct.这些答案中只有一个是正确的。Put the following into correct order according to the passage.根据短文把下列内容按正确的顺序排列。



text replacemene什么意思

text replacement文本替换例句if you want to replace the text, enter the replacement text in the replace with box.如果要替换该文字,请在“替换为”框中输入替换文字。

Melope 的《I Adore You》中英歌词

i adore you—melpo mene 歌词:Lost in a daydream of blue I feel so free And then it"s like I fall from the sky Everything that I see is you And you should know that I"m thinking about what you said When you held my hand Oh, I adore you Now we are older and things disappeared somehow And I was thinking that Maybe we"d stand better chance if we met today I find myself Talking to sharks On my way to an island, and still I adore you I was young, I was old And we were in, we were out I wanna see, I wanna see it all I wanna die, I wanna die Sweetheart, sweetheart I thought I saw I thought I saw a light I see it now, I see it now

[20]best of three & best three

best of three = 3 个中最好那个 (1 个是最好) best three = 最好3 个 (3个都是最好) 2014-07-15 07:30:50 补充: best of (the) three = 3 个中最好那个 (一个是最好) best of three 不是解 three of the best best three = 最好的 3 个 (3个都是最好) 如果想讲最好3个 These three are the best. = 这三个是最好的 参考: “He is among the best of our workers. 他是我们工作人员中最好的一个” ~ from Oxford Advanced Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary “She is the best of the new young writers.” ~ from Longman Advanced American Dictionary 备注:- 不是 all the new young writers 是最好. “Of all trips this one has been the best” ~ from Collins Gage Paperback Dictionary Special meaning: (play) the best of three = play(ing) up to three games the winner being the person who wins the most of them. 三局两胜 2014-07-15 19:33:19 补充: 谢谢意I思A ( 知识长) I couldn"t agree more. 一班学生考试 其中三个一百分. (满分) 或者三个分数一样 (say 95%) 是班中最好 the best 有三个. They are the three best ones. Best 不限于一个 英语有个 phrase 是 one of the best 2014-07-16 03:21:08 补充: 考头三名的学生(各自不同分数) Say David 100% Peter 99% John 98% 我会说是 the top three students in the class. best 含有 better than anyone else 意思 Peter 不会是 one of the best students 原因 David 高分过他 2014-07-17 01:31:19 补充: 知足常乐 ( 知识长): 愚见是中文和英文的意思少少不同 不过现在 Best is loosely used. 早已应用在强调”好” 方面 Best is the superlative of “good” Best = better than anything/anyone else in quality skill ..e 因为人 事物很多的东西 不能像考试分数去 quantify 要看个人主观 Phrases 有 the very best best of the best best days of my life Best wishes 2014-07-17 02:01:43 补充: 以前 "best friend" definition: Best friend = the one most liked trusted and confided in more than anyone else You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your best friend who is worthy of your sacrifice. 是否老土? 字跟随年代变了 最近我听九十后年青人说 She is my very best girlfriend (为何不加上 for the time being?). 参考: Oxford Advanced Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary The best of three =三个中最好的the best three=最好的三个 They are the best three. They are the three best ones. 2014-07-15 17:42:27 补充: best three = 最好的头3 个 three equal best =3个一样最好 其实 best three 是否应指 「最好的 3 个」? 即未必是3个都是最好,最好的可能仍只有一个,例如考头三名的学生可以是 the best three students in the class。 2014-07-16 16:24:20 补充: 如果是这样理解的话,可能中文和英文的意思会有不同? 我明白 Godfrey 的解释。 如果在中文说,成绩最好的三位同学将会代表我们班出外交流。 那只能译作 top three,不能译作 best three。 但中文仍是用「最好」? 还是中文也有别的词语? 2014-07-17 16:15:46 补充: 谢谢 Godfrey~ 这个讨论很实用和有趣~ 我也同意中文和英文的意思有少少不同~ 若果查 top 和 best 的中解释也会译作最佳,但细看本帖的严格定义可知其不同之处。 ヾ(u25d5u203fu25d5)ノ 这三个是最好的==The three are the best. 最好的三个==These are the best of three. 参考: Myself

we are the best的the可以省略吗

best这里是副词,不是形容词,副词最高级可以省略,并且一般情况下都省略如:he runs the fastest一般都说出:he runs fastest不需要加定冠词the ,我们是最好的朋友,best 是做形容词最好的,来修饰名词friends,而不是用在特指比较上,所以不需要加。加冠词的情况1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物Open the door, please.请把门打开。3. 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”)Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。4. 用在序数词和形容词最高级前January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

“烹饪特征”整体作名词,其英文是cooking features,问cooking在这作什么词性?


At the fancy-dress party,jack( )like an animal.(dress/is)


有首歌的开头是I say happy birthday to you,you make your dream come true,happy birthday 男女合唱的

歌名:Happy Birthday To You 歌手:DJ Bobo歌词:We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday)(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday, celebration,Party night, feel the vibrations,Lighs a-bright, we"re feelin" all right,We"re dancin" till the morning light,Happy birthday, celebration,Everybody get the temptation,Once again, this is your night,And everyone feels right...We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday)(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!It"s a perfect multiplation,Feel the vibe, enjoy the fascination,All your friends are here tonight,Happy anniversary we hold you tight,It"s a perfect situation,Hale and hardy, what a combination,Once again this is your night,And everyone feels right...We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday),Happy birthday we sing to you,May your dreams come always true (Happy Happy Birthday)Happy birthday we sing to you,For ever and ever,(Happy Birthday),We sing happy birthday to you,May all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday),Happy birthday we sing to you,For ever and ever...(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday, To You)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you!

when __ you have a school trip中用do还是用are,理由?




parents book怎么读音

parents book 的读音parents 音标:英["peu0259ru0259nts] 美["peu0259ru0259nts]book 音标:英[bu028ak] 美[bu028ak]



and in the darke dark room there is a dark dark cupboard是什么意思


dark end of the street歌词的中文翻译

On Butler Street out in the dark 在巴勒街外的黑暗之中 Remember when we lost the keys 还记得当时我们遗失了钥匙 And you lost more than that in my backseat 而你,在我的后座失去了更多 Remembe...



有谁能帮我找找gareth gates-with you all the time的歌词呢?感激不尽啊...

Gareth Gates >> What My Heart Want To Say >> With You All The Time I live beneath the heartI watch you from the darkI"m every breath I"m every dreamI"ve known you foreverI"ve followed you everywhereI"m every scar I"m who you arewhen you think you"re alonewhen you cry cos someone"s unfairyou can rest assured I"m always thereeven when you feel like you don"t belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timeI"m walking round the roomI"m laughing when you smileand when you cry I cry tooI made you a promisethat I shall forever beyou"re on your own but not alonewhen you"re down and you"re rifeand the world tells you no-one caresyou can rest assured im always thereeven when you feel like you dont belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timesave a little love for meyou"ll seesave a little love for meyou"ll seesave a little love for meyou"ll seeand you"ll seeeven when you feel like you dont belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift aparknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timeyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that im with youknow that im with youwith you all the time

为什么支付时会出现"You are not authorized to view this pag

浏览该网站需要授权 ,交易还没有进行?


a school picture 对吗

a picture of school


  1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。   2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部;   3、例句   Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony.   我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。


1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。 2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部; 3、例句 Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony. 我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。


n.父亲; 母亲; 养父; 养母; 家长; 母公司; 亲本; 总公司; 起源; 亲代v.做…的父亲


parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的意思是n.父母;根源;v.抚养;产生。parent名词:parenthood;过去式:parented;过去分词:parented;现在分词:parenting;第三人称单数:parents。一、详尽释义点此查看parent的详细内容n.(名词)亲本,亲代母体,母亲,母本父亲,父本母公司根源,本源,起源双亲,家长原因祖先保护者总部创始机构,创始公司v.(动词)养育(子女),抚养做...的父母亲产生,引发adj.(形容词)起始的母体的作为渊源的二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]父亲,母亲; 家长 father or mother三、词典解释1.父母Yourparents are your mother and father.parent的反义词e.g. Children need their parents...孩子们需要父母。e.g. This is where a lot of parents go wrong...这正是很多父母犯错的地方。2.创始的;母公司的;总公司的An organization"sparent organization is the organization that created it and usually still controls it.e.g. Each unit including theparent company has its own, local management.包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。e.g. ...the zoo"sparent body, the Zoological Society of London.该动物园的创始组织,伦敦动物学会3.(动物、植物或有机体)亲本的,亲代的Theparent animal, plant, or organism of a particular animal, plant or organism is the one that it comes from or is produced by.e.g. Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。四、例句My parents have gone to Hangzhou for holiday.我父母已经去杭州度假了。Being a parent can be hard work.当父母可是件辛苦的事。Ignorance is the parent of many evils.无知是许多罪恶的根源。Greed is the parent of many evils.贪婪是万恶之根源。We should parent children with both love and discipline.我们应该用爱和管教来抚养孩子。True albinos occur in about one in 10,000 births, after inheriting a rare and recessive albino gene from each parent.在遗传了各别父母既稀少的又隐性的白子基因后,真实的白子以在一万胎之中大约一只来产生。Prime Creator lets its creations be and learns about its own potential by watching what it has birthed, just as a wise parent learns from its children.最初的创造者通过观察造物的产生来让他的造物具有和学习他自己的潜力,正如一位聪明的父亲学习它的孩子。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)My parents forbid me from having wine and cigarettes.我父母不许我抽烟喝酒。My parents have consented.我父母已经同意了。My parents often stopped me doing things I liked.父母时常制止我做我所喜欢做的事情。Both of her parents teach at a middle school.她的父母都在一个中学任教。Her parents brought her up to be polite.她的父母把她培养成有礼貌的人。That girl"s health concerned her parents.那个女孩的身体状况令她的父母担忧。She spent three years at college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.她靠父母的津贴勉勉强强地在大学里度过了三年。She still lives on her parents.她仍依靠父母生活。His parents don"t allow him out on Sunday.他父母不许他星期天外出。He was always a burden to his parents.他一直是父母的沉重负担。His unkind behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.他不厚道的行为令他的父母极度痛苦。The student"s failing grades troubled his parents deeply.这个学生考试常不及格,使他的家长深为忧虑。He welcomed us and explained where his parents had gone.他对我们表示欢迎,并告诉我们他父母到哪里去了。As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。The parents were happy at the happy marriage of their daughter.父母为女儿美满的婚姻而感到愉快。Pride is the parent of all evils.骄傲乃万恶之源。Our club is the parent association and there are now four others like it.我们的俱乐部是始创协会,现在又有四个类似的俱乐部。六、经典引文Most of her childhood meals were eaten with Granny and not with her parents.出自:C. Tomalin七、常见错误n.(名词)他父母住在香港。误 His parent live in Hong Kong.正 His parents live in Hong Kong.析 parent作为单数名词,只指父母中的一个,当表示“双亲”时,要用parents。我们的老师对我们像父母一样慈爱。误 Our teachers treat us parently.正 Our teachers treat us as kindly as our parents.析 有少数名词可以加-ly构成形容词,如 friendly, fatherly, motherly, comradely等,但parently不能这样用。parent的相关临近词parentage、pare、Parenta、Parente、Parenti、parents、Parenty、parentis、Parentes、Parentela、Parenthou、parenting点此查看更多关于parent的详细信息

In The Dark (1995 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Dark (1995 Digital Remaster)歌手:Billy Squier专辑:The Best Of Billy Squier/16 StrokesFlyleaf - In The DarkI"ve written songs (in the dark)I"ve felt inspired (in the dark)I hide myself (in the dark)Used to be afraid (of the dark)Those in the light know we die (in the dark)There"s only artificial light hereMy flaws hide well hereI used to be afraid of cluttered noisesNow I"m afraid of silenceFill this space, idle wordsI"m scared to death of light and silenceJesus kill me inside thisRaise me up to live againLike you did, like you didNow I"m mute, despite myselfAll of them are goneThe silence overtakes meThe idle words forsake meAnd I am left to face meI"m held accountable for every idle wordCurse the idle wordsI"m scared to death of light and silenceJesus kill me inside thisRaise me up to live againLike you did, like you didGlory shows up, exposes usI"m naked here, forsaken hereBy the dark, by the darkI"m scared to death of light and silenceJesus kill me inside thisRaise me up to live againLike you did, like you did


great a school,伟大的学校


And in the dark



Secret Message的剧情简介

网络剧《Secret Message》讲述了活在不同世界的韩国男子“宇铉”和日本女子“はるか”之间克服初恋的疼痛寻找新的爱情的过程 。

parent 是什么意思?怎么读?不明白的单词 可以去查查

secret message怎么读




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Secret MessengerApp是一款帮助你进行加密社交的应用工具。可以说你去使用这款app的时候,就能让你以后去聊天的时候都是非常舒适而觉得安全的,而且在这就能看见了很丰富的功能都在这,让你的聊天信息得到了很好的保护,不会向别人泄露任何的东西,让你聊天变得更加的安全。应用小巧,里面的应用都是很小巧的,而且安装包都是很小的,能提供的功能也是很多的。

secret message软件安全吗

secret message软件安全。secret messenger是一款主打私密聊天的软件,用户双方发送的所有信息全部采用加密传输,且云端不会缓存备份。


父母的英语应该这样读:英/" pearants /" 美/" perants /其意思是:n. 父母;双亲(parent 的复数)v. 教养;引起(parent 的三单形式)n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗 家长;双亲专业 亲本 [农业科学];父母 [心理学];父母 [医药科学]原形 parent英语学习主要在于积累,日复一日的积累和平常英语语法的学习,如果英语学习没有得到明显的进步的话不用慌,因为,英语学习是一门语言科目的学习,主要在于平常的积累,英语讲究循序渐进,积硅步方能致千里,积小流方能成江海,祝大家英语学习越来越有兴趣,越来越好,听说读写都有大的进步。

parents英语怎么读 parents英语解释

1、parents,读音:美/peru0259nt/;英/peu0259ru0259nts/。 2、释义:n.父母;双亲(parent的复数)。v.教养;引起(parent的三单形式)。n.(Parents)人名;(法)帕朗。 3、例句:My parents are home.我父母在家。


parents的英语读音为:英[u02c8peu0259ru0259nts]、美[u02c8peru0259nts]。父母即爸爸和妈妈。动物界,一个雌雄相异的物种里,将一个生命带到这个世界的两个个体,就被称作父母。他们是这个新生命的父母,并且永远拥有这父母的身份。对人类而言,父母包含了更多的含义。将一个人带到这个世界上的两个人,是他或她的亲生父母,养育这个人的可能是其他人,被称作养父母。当然养父母不局限于两个人,也没有性别的限制。绝大多数情况下,父母是唯一可以不顾一切帮助儿女的人。因为父母的爱是世界上最无私的爱。父母和儿女之间的关系可能会很僵,甚至会出现十分极端的状况。但是亲情在生命诞生的那一刻,已经把父母和儿女牢牢的缠在一起。双语例句:1、To say that the child has got the father"s nose fetches the parents.说孩子的鼻子长得像他父亲准会使做父母的感到高兴。2、It is not acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.父母把那种年龄的孩子丢下不管令人无法接受。3、The lack of one or both parents" affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled.没有父母双方或其中一方鼓励性的肯定会使得一些孩子在情感上发育不健全。4、Parents get a bit worried if you don"t front up now and then.如果你们不偶尔露露面的话,家长们就有点担心了。5、A microchip that will allow parents to block reception of violent programmes.使父母能够阻止暴力节目接收的微芯片。6、The amount they spend on clothes would appal their parents and stupefy their grandparents.他们买衣服花的钱会吓住父母,吓傻祖父母。7、Her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom.她的父母从来没想干涉她的自由。8、I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把对家长们的访谈结果作为专业判断的对比。9、Sons wont to nurse their Parents in old age.儿子们习惯于在父母年老的时候照顾他们。10、The damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children.父母与子女分离可能产生的伤害。



你只属于我是 。。you are only belongs to me还是you only belongs to me?急急急!

you are the one and only for me

You are belong me翻译过来是什么意思

纯粹的中式英语,要表达的意思是“你属于我”,应该是You belong to me 记得采纳啊

Gine are the days 中的语法。。?

gone are the days ...倒装句,表语+系+主语,......的日子一去不复返了

龟兔赛跑英文版译中文One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slo?

一天,兔子嘲笑乌龟的脚短和速度很慢.乌龟回答说:你可能跑得和风一样快 ,但我会在一场比赛中打败你 !兔子认为这种想法是不可能 ,就同意这项建议.因此双方要狐狸决定路程和终点.在这场比赛,乌龟和兔子一起起跑.乌龟不停缓慢但稳步的走,当路程快要结束.兔子跑得很快 ,停下来躺下休息.但兔子不小心睡了.最终,他一觉醒来,快步跑去终点.但他到达终点时看见乌龟已经在那里,在兔子舒适睡眠时乌龟努力的爬过了终点. ( 由於中英文文法问题 ,我加了一些字令文章看起来不会怪怪的 ),3,一天,兔子嘲笑乌龟的脚短和速度很慢。 乌龟回答说: 你可能跑得和风一样快 , 但我会在一场比赛中打败你 ! 兔子认为这种想法是不可能 , 就同意这项建议。 因此双方要狐狸决定路程和终点。 在这场比赛,乌龟和兔子一起起跑。 乌龟不停缓慢但稳步的走,当路程快要结束。 兔子跑得很快 , 停下来躺下休息。 但兔子不小心睡了。 最终,他一觉醒来,快步跑去终点。 但他到达终点时看见乌龟已经在那里,在兔子舒适睡...,1,One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise. The Tortoise replied: "You may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in a race!" The Hare thought this idea w...,1,龟兔赛跑英文版译中文 One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise.The Tortoise replied: "You may be as fast as the wind,but I will beat you in a race!" The Hare thought this idea was impossible and he agreed to the proposal.It was agreed that the Fox should choose the course and decide the end. The day for the race came,and the Tortoise and Hare started together. The Tortoise never stopped for a moment,walking slowly but steadily,right to the end of the course.The Hare ran fast and stopped to lie down for a rest.But he fell fast asleep.Eventually,he woke up and ran as fast as he could.But when he reached the end,he saw the Tortoise there already,sleeping fortably after her effort. 最迟今晚!

求解you are belong to me

应该是You belong to me

请教“You belong to me”和“You are mine”之间的些微差别

You belong to me 中的You更像是一种玩物。You are mine中You更像是一种precious。

do you still remember the days

你把先行词 the day 放到定语从句中,we spent 【the day】,做定语从句的宾语,因此用关系代词that 或which 换一个句子,I still remember the day ____ I joined the army. the day 做I joined the army 【on the day】的状语,就用关系副词when 欢迎追问.

刀剑神域短篇《 the day before》《the day after》温泉篇以及《天青色的妖精》这些篇的txt,云盘可保存

刀剑神域BD短篇Thedayafter.txt等_免费高速下载|百度云网盘-分享无限制 望采纳

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. 翻译

  一个年轻人正准备从大学毕业。而几个月前,他就看上了在汽车商展示间里的一辆漂亮的跑车。他知道他的父亲可以买得起这么一辆车的,于是他就告诉他父亲说他想要这辆车。当毕业典礼越来越近,这个年轻人也期待着他父亲把车买回来的迹象。终于,在他毕业的那天早上,他的爸爸把他叫到书房,对他说能有他这样出色的儿子而感到自豪,并非常爱他。随后,他父亲给了他一个漂亮的包装好的礼物盒。年轻人很好奇,也有点失望,他打开了盒子,发现了一个精致的,皮制封面的圣经,上面饰有由黄金组成的年轻人名字作为金色浮饰。  他很生气,提高声调对他爸爸说“你有那么多钱,就给我买本圣经?”,随后年轻人扔下圣经,愤怒地甩门而去。许多年过去了,年轻人成为成功的商人。他有一个美丽的家和一个美满的家庭。但意识到他父亲现在年事已高,自己也应该回去看看他了。而自从他那次毕业后,就再也没有见过他父亲。在他可以安排这次见面之前,他收到了一份电报,上面说他的父亲已经过世了,并且遗嘱是将所有财产赠与他,他需要立刻回去处理这些事情。当他到达他父亲的住处那一刻,他的心被悲伤和后悔所淹没了。他开始整理他父亲的重要文件,这是他发现了那本圣经,那本圣经依然和当时一样新。带着泪水,他打开圣经翻了起来。当他在读这本圣经的时候,一个车钥匙从圣经底部掉了出来。上面有标签标有汽车商的名字,就是曾经他想买的车的那个汽车商!在标签上,有他毕业的时间,还有几个字。。。“全额付款”。 有问题请追加~

A young man and a young woman were sitting behind?

应该有上下文吧?were sitting是过去进行时

花样男子中的插曲one more time的吉他谱

Girl you"ve been gone so long noone knows where and you say that you still love me then show me you care cause you"ve got what it takes sweet mama to make a man feel fine so i"ll take the word of a liar one more time one more time

assume跟presume 在用法上有什么不同

assume as.sume[u0259`sum, u0259`sjum; u0259ˋsju:m, u0259ˋsu:m]《源自拉丁文“采取… (态度) ”的意思》及物动词1 (虽无确定之根据) 假定 [认] 为事实a. 认…为当然,认为; 假定,想像,以为You ~ his innocence.你以为他是清白的b. [据…] 认为当然,认定,假定; 推测想像[from]You ~ that he is innocent.你以为他是清白的We ~d that the train would be on time.我们 (自) 以为火车会准时到站c. 认为…<是…>,假定,认定,断定You ~ him (to be) innocent.你认为他是清白的I ~d her (to be) able to speak English.我以为她会说英语2 [常 assuming]a. 假定… (的话)Assuming that it is true, what should we do now?.假定那是真的,我们现在该怎么办?b. 假定…<是…> (的话)Assuming it to be true, what should we do now?.假定这是真的,我们现在该怎么办?3 承担,担任,担负 <职责、任务、责任等>~ office就任~ the presidency就任总统You must also ~ your share of the responsibility.你也必须承担你的一份责任4a. <人>摆出 <某种态度> ,采取~ the offensive采取攻势~ a friendly attitude采取友善的态度b. <物>带有 <某种性质、外观等> ,呈现,现出Things have ~d a new aspect.事态已呈现一个新的局面His face ~d a look of anger.他的脸上带有怒气5 假装,佯作~ an air of cheerfulness假装高兴的样子6 僭取,擅用,霸占,篡夺,揽<权利等>~ power to oneself僭取权力 [揽权]presume pre.sume[prI`zum, -`zjum; priˋzju:m]《源自拉丁文“预取”的意思》及物动词1 假定,推测a. 推测,假定~ her death推测她的死亡(cf. 1 b,1 c)b. 推定,推测I ~ (that) she is dead.我推测她已死(cf. 1 a,1 c)c. 推定…<为…>They ~d her (to be) dead.他们推定她已死亡(cf. 1 a,1 b)2 (口语)a. 认为,想I ~ (that) this is true.我想这是真的(cf. 2 b)b. 认为…<是…>I ~ this (to be) true.我想这是真的(cf. 2 a)不及物动词1 推测,假定Mr. Smith, I ~?. (古) (对不起) 我想,你是史密斯先生吧?(对初见面人讲的极为拘泥的说法)2 a. (古)多管闲事,越分You ~.你真冒昧 [厚脸皮]b. 竟敢,胆敢I won"t ~ to trouble you.我不敢麻烦你May I ~ to ask you a question?.我可以冒昧地问你一个问题吗?3 (文语)(不正当地) 利用[…]<做…> [upon,on]He ~d upon er kindness to borrow some money.他利用她的仁慈向她借了一些钱


you jomo bile free 你该无胆汁

如何区别“assume” 和“presume”?

在一般的使用中,"assume "和"presume" 都可以表示“假设”(suppose),并且在这个意义上两者通常是可互换的。然而,严格来说,两者之间存在微妙的差异,“presume" 是“以在概率为基础的情况下进行假定”。,Example:,例子:,Two of the journalists went missing and are presumed dead.,两名记者失踪了,并且被推定已经死亡。,"Assume "on the other hand is “to suppose without proof”.,"Assume"则是“在没有证据的情况之下假定”。,Example:,例子:,I just assumed it to be the case.,我只是认为是这样。,Both words also share other meanings that can be summarized as "to take on oneself" this sense "assume" is generally used to describe taking on a role.,这两个词也有其他相同的意思,可以归结为“独自承担”。 在这个意义上,"assume" 通常用来描述扮演一个角色。,Example:,例子:,I assumed the role of the aggressor in the conversation.,我在这此谈话中承担了侵略者的角色。,Whereas "presume" is generally used when taking on an attitude.,而"presume" 通常用于表示采取的态度。,Example:,例子:,He had presumed too great a level of familiarity.,他对于他熟练程度的设定值太高了。

「假设、假定」英文是assume 还是 presume ?中文意思差在哪?

「假设」的英文是assume 还是 presume ?assume跟presume是英文易混淆字,这两个英文单字都有「假设」的意思,但是他们的意思有一些些差别喔,如果你还不知道这两个英文单字的差别,那就赶快来搞懂吧! 下面教学assume跟presume的中文意思差别。 1.assume 假设 Assume 是指你主观而且没有事实根据所做的推测,也就是没有任何证据的假设。 例: I can only assume that it was a mistake. 我只能假定那是个错误。 例: We can"t just assume her guilt. 我们不能假设她有罪。 2.presume 假定、假设 Presume 中文意思上跟assume 最大的差别是,presume 是根据过去经验或是一些证据所出的合理推测或是假定,但是assume 通常是没有任何证据的假设。 例: I presume that you"re here on business. 我想你是来这里做生意的。 例: You are Dr Strange, I presume? 我想你是奇异博士吧? assume, assume 中文, assume 意思, presume, presume 中文, presume 意思, 假定 英文, 假设 英文, 推测 英文

She returned the following day

Bthe following day 隔日,第二天,接下来的一天the day next 很少见这种说法,有 the next day 为第二天the day after 指 后来,之后的一天,第二天

assume present均有呈现之意求区别

最主要的差别还是一个是动词一个是名词。Assume 作为 呈现;露出 是后面可搭用 importance (重要性) 和 expression (表情);是个动词就Expression 来起一个例句: Oliver (人名) assumed (露出) an expression of penitence.这里assume 几乎是和 show 一个意思。翻译: Oliver 露出忏悔的表情。Present 是个形容词,所以意思其实是 存在的;在场的。 用法u2b07ufe0fu2b07ufe0fAll those present。 在场所有人。 这里也就是所有人都是 存在的;在场的。

youjo mobile free什么意思

your mobile free你的手机免费


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语We cannot presume theexistence of life on other planets.我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。I assumed that he wouldnot come to attend the funeral.我猜想他不会来参加葬礼。Supposehe is absent, what shall we do?假设缺席了,我们该怎么办?


presume和assume的区别是:中文意思不同、用法不同。1、中文意思不同presume的意思有假设、推定、设定等,assume的意思有认为、承担、取得、呈现等。2、用法不同presume通常用于强调基于证据或可能性而得出的看法;assume通常指在毫无依据的情况下作出的假设。例句:1、They are very expensive, I presume?我想这些东西很贵吧?2、We must presume innocence until we have proof of guilt.在证实一个人有罪之前,我们必须假定其无辜。3、The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.这门课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提的。4、I wouldn"t presume to tell you how to run your own business.我无意告诉你如何经营你自己的事业。


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的 presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想 suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理 presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语


presume和assume区别:一、presume :指根据过去的经验或某些现实的感觉把某事认为事实,虽然还没有确定的证据。可作不及物动词,后接名词、代词、不定式或that+从句;也可用作不及物动词,常与on, upon连用。如:I presume you"re tired after the long ride. 长途旅行后我想你肯定累了。From the way they talked, I presumed them to be father and son. 从他们的谈吐中,我推测他们是父子。作为 假设/认为 的意思, 一般情况下两者可以通用而两者的区别是assume是主动性的,有目的的,是要用assume的东西来得出别的结论pressume是被动性的,被presumed的本身是要得出的结果,是在缺少足够信息的情况下presumed.这个主动被动不是说语法上的主动被动,而只是说语气。比如let us assume that he is not coming, and so we will not prepare for didn"t tell me anything, so i presumed that you are not didn"t tell me anything, so i assume/presumed that you are not coming and didn"t prepare for you.二、assume:指把一件尚未证实的事作为事实或真相,含有较强的武断成分。如:I assume you always get up at the same time.我想你总是在同一个时间起床。Assume this to be true.假定这是真的。







A young man and an old man are walking in the park. The old man is behind the young man. There is




assume presume assumption presumption 用法及区别?!

assume, presume这两个动词均含为“假设,猜想,推测”之意。assume:指有很少或完全无根据的武断推测或不合逻辑的推理。presume:侧重以过去经验或根据现实的某些感觉把某事认定为是事实。Don"t assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she"s fretful. 不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。 I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother. 我不会擅自批评奥斯本恨他妈妈这件事。assumption, presumption这两个名词均有“假设,假想”之意。assumption: 侧重主观推测或主观设想。presumption: 着重指以可能性为依据的假设。We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion. 我们假设这是一场燃气爆炸事故。 I don"t think that"s a false presumption. 我认为那并不是错误的推测.


The day after Thursday is Friday and before Wednesday is Tuesday.星期四之后的那天是星期五,星期三前的那天是星期二。


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