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Conditioned Head-Turn Procedure (HT)是什么?请略作解释。


direct labor cost中文翻译

Direct labor cost 直接劳动成本 The average direct labor cost occupies less than 10 % of the total cost while logistical expenses occupies 30 - 40 % of the total cost 产品平均直接劳动成本所占比例不到总成本的10 % ,而物流费用占总成本的比重约为30 % - 40 % 。 Analyze the direct labor cost , including measure the work hours , stipulate the standard work hours , maintain and readjust the standard work hours 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时 We are addressing the issues pro - actively and aggressively with the pursuit of value engineering throughout our new product design and development process to keep material and direct labor cost down by maximizing material consumption and utipzation . 集团已透过积极主动革新新产品设计和开发流程,尽量降低物料和劳工成本,为生产工程增值。

system structure是什么意思

system structure[英][u02c8sistu0259m u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259][美][u02c8su026astu0259m u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a][经] 体制结构; 例句:1.The design and implementation of its system structure,digitalization scheme and each function module areemphatically introduced. 重点介绍了感应测井仪的系统结构、数字化方案设计及各功能模块的设计与实现。2.System structure of virtual product design in collaborativeenvironment is put forward. 提出了协同环境下虚拟产品设计系统的体系结构。



Rebel Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Rebel Heart歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Vagabond Heart [Expanded Edition]I picked her up about a quarter to nineMy brother told me I was wasting my timeA woman like that"ll only cause you confusionbut go ahead you may find it amusingShe came to the door wearing a suit and tieher hair cropped short I couldn"t figure out whyRebel heart don"t be a lonerRebel heart I"m your loverRebel heart I wanna discoverwhere you from and where you belongand everything that turns you onI wanted to dance but she flatly refusedI told her jokes but she was not amusedTried to kiss her but she wouldn"t stand stillStarted thinking this was overkillNext thing I know I was flyin" for coverit was her steady girlfriend and a live-in loverRebel heart why don"t you try itRebel heart you can"t deny itRebel heart you may like itI"ll change your mind if you"ll give me timeabout everything that"s on your mindI stayed awake all last night fantasizing about you babyYou know I"d walk a million miles across broken glassor a red hot Arabian desertif I could just have one night in your long brass bedEvening wound up on a very sad noteI drove her home and then she went for my throatShe said, "it"s fairly obvious I ain"t attracted to youYou bore me to tears honest you doAnd by the way I can"t stand your British"I said, "don"t start something, honey, you know you can"t finish"Rebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart I"m glad I met yaRebel heart give me an answerwhere you"re from and where you belongand everything that turns you onYou came, you saw, you conquered meWhen you did that to me I knew that it had to beI"d lift you up with my own arms honeyI can"t get enoughI"d walk down Fifth Avenue entirely nakedI promise I won"t drink, swear, womanizeI"d go to church every Sundayfor just one night with youRebel heart I"m your loverRebel heart I wanna discoverOh yeahOh yeahRebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart I"m glad I met yaRebel heart give me an answerOh yeah oh yeahRebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart give me an answerOh yeah oh yeah

streaming video是什么意思

Live streaming视频直播;实时流; 直播; 现场直播;[例句]Livestreaming audio of every NBA Finals 2008 game with NBA Audio League Pass.生活流式音频的每一个NBA总决赛2008年游戏与NBA联赛的音频通过。

手机connector reset是怎么回事?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。

急求关于green energy的短文

ENERGY FROM WINDWind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth抯 surface by the sun. Since the earth抯 surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun抯 heat at different rates. During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises, and the heavier, cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating winds. At night, the winds are reversed because the air cools more rapidly over land than over water. In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth"s equator is heated more by the sun than the land near the North and South Poles. Today, wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. Wind is called a renewable energy source because the wind will blow as long as the sun shines.The History of WindSince ancient times, people have harnessed the winds energy. Over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River. Later, people built windmills to grind wheat and other grains. The earliest known windmills were in Persia (Iran). These early windmills looked like large paddle wheels. Centuries later, the people of Holland improved the basic design of the windmill. They gave it propeller-type blades, still made with sails. Holland is famous for its windmills. American colonists used windmills to grind wheat and corn, to pump water, and to cut wood at sawmills. As late as the 1920s, Americans used small windmills to generate electricity in rural areas without electric service. When power lines began to transport electricity to rural areas in the 1930s, local windmills were used less and less, though they can still be seen on some Western ranches. The oil shortages of the 1970s changed the energy picture for the country and the world. It created an interest in alternative energy sources, paving the way for the re-entry of the windmill to generate electricity. In the early 1980s wind energy really took off in California, partly because of state policies that encouraged renewable energy sources. Support for wind development has since spread to other states, but California still produces more than twice as much wind energy as any other state. The first offshore wind park in the United States is planned for an area off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (read an article about the Cape Cod Wind Project). HOW WIND MACHINES WORKLike old fashioned windmills, today抯 wind machines use blades to collect the wind抯 kinetic energy. Windmills work because they slow down the speed of the wind. The wind flows over the airfoil shaped blades causing lift, like the effect on airplane wings, causing them to turn. The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator to produce electricity. With the new wind machines, there is still the problem of what to do when the wind isn抰 blowing. At those times, other types of power plants must be used to make electricity.TYPES OF WIND MACHINESThere are two types of wind machines (turbines) used today based on the direction of the rotating shaft (axis): horizontal朼xis wind machines and vertical-axis wind machines. The size of wind machines varies widely. Small turbines used to power a single home or business may have a capacity of less than 100 kilowatts. Some large commercial sized turbines may have a capacity of 5 million watts, or 5 megawatts. Larger turbines are often grouped together into wind farms that provide power to the electrical grid. Horizontal-axis Most wind machines being used today are the horizontal-axis type. Horizontal-axis wind machines have blades like airplane propellers. A typical horizontal wind machine stands as tall as a 20-story building and has three blades that span 200 feet across. The largest wind machines in the world have blades longer than a football field! Wind machines stand tall and wide to capture more wind.Vertical-axisVertical–axis wind machines have blades that go from top to bottom and the most common type (Darrieus wind turbine) looks like a giant two-bladed egg beaters. The type of vertical wind machine typically stands 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide. Vertical-axis wind machines make up only a very small percent of the wind machines used today.The Wind Amplified Rotor Platform (WARP) is a different kind of wind system that is designed to be more efficient and use less land than wind machines in use today. The WARP does not use large blades; instead, it looks like a stack of wheel rims. Each module has a pair of small, high capacity turbines mounted to both of its concave wind amplifier module channel surfaces. The concave surfaces channel wind toward the turbines, amplifying wind speeds by 50 percent or more. Eneco, the company that designed WARP, plans to market the technology to power offshore oil platforms and wireless telecommunications systems. WIND POWER PLANTSWind power plants, or wind farms as they are sometimes called, are clusters of wind machines used to produce electricity. A wind farm usually has dozens of wind machines scattered over a large area. The world"s largest wind farm, the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Texas, has 421 wind turbines that generate enough electricity to power 230,000 homes per year. Unlike power plants, many wind plants are not owned by public utility companies. Instead they are owned and operated by business people who sell the electricity produced on the wind farm to electric utilities. These private companies are known as Independent Power Producers. Operating a wind power plant is not as simple as just building a windmill in a windy place. Wind plant owners must carefully plan where to locate their machines. One important thing to consider is how fast and how much the wind blows. As a rule, wind speed increases with altitude and over open areas with no windbreaks. Good sites for wind plants are the tops of smooth, rounded hills, open plains or shorelines, and mountain gaps that produce wind funneling. Wind speed varies throughout the country. It also varies from season to season. In Tehachapi, California, the wind blows more from April through October than it does in the winter. This is because of the extreme heating of the Mojave Desert during the summer months. The hot air over the desert rises, and the cooler, denser air above the Pacific Ocean rushes through the Tehachapi mountain pass to take its place. In a state like Montana, on the other hand, the wind blows more during the winter. Fortunately, these seasonal variations are a good match for the electricity demands of the regions. In California, people use more electricity during the summer for air conditioners. In Montana, people use more electricity during the winter months for heating. WIND PRODUCTIONIn 2005, wind machines in the United States generated a total of 17.8 billion kWh per year of electricity, enough to serve more than 1.6 million households. This is enough electricity to power a city the size of Chicago, but it is only a small fraction of the nation"s total electricity production, about 0.4 percent. The amount of electricity generated from wind has been growing fast in recent years, tripling since 1998. New technologies have decreased the cost of producing electricity from wind, and growth in wind power has been encouraged by tax breaks for renewable energy and green pricing programs. Many utilities around the country offer green pricing options that allow customers the choice to pay more for electricity that comes from renewable sources. Wind machines generate electricity in 25 different states in 2005. The states with the most wind production are California, Texas, Iowa, Minnesota, and Oklahoma. The United States ranks third in the world in wind power capacity, behind Germany and Spain and before India. Denmark ranks number five in the world in wind power capacity but generates 20 percent of its electricity from wind. Most of the wind power plants in the world are located in Europe and in the United States where government programs have helped support wind power development. WIND AND THE ENVIRONMENT In the 1970s, oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources. In the 1990s, the push came from a renewed concern for the environment in response to scientific studies indicating potential changes to the global climate if the use of fossil fuels continues to increase. Wind energy is an economical power resource in many areas of the country. Wind is a clean fuel; wind farms produce no air or water pollution because no fuel is burned. Growing concern about emissions from fossil fuel generation, increased government support, and higher costs for fossil fuels (especially natural gas and coal) have helped wind power capacity in the United States grow substantially over the last 10 years. The most serious environmental drawbacks to wind machines may be their negative effect on wild bird populations and the visual impact on the landscape. To some, the glistening blades of windmills on the horizon are an eyesore; to others, they抮e a beautiful alternative to conventional power plants.

超磐手 SUPoX RS780G Series能否使用 蓝宝石(Sapphire)HD6750


Win7封装失败 sysprep无法初始化 有人知道原因吗

已在VM创建了还原点 通过SCVMM 或 hyper-v 管理器建立了VM的还原点后,再使用 sysprep 建立模板时可能出现错误。 解决方法:删除还原点后,重启2次 VM后,再使用命令 %windir%system32sysprepsysperp.exe 建立模板3、windows update 被意外终止,导致升级失败或中断 对于windows 系统,若已经打开了windows update,更新时发生系统错误或意外终止,导致update 失败,使用 sysprep 时可能出现错误 解决方法:使用 windows system update readiness tool 修复更新错误




可以直接参考很太吧小游戏网:下面提供一下很太吧小游戏网上面的一些经典游戏: 1 射击不知火舞,经典不知火舞 (643) 2 射击不知火舞,经典不知火舞 (498) 3 美女pk精子3无敌版,美女被虐 (201) 4 很太吧地铁笨蛋1/hentai8地铁 (178) 5 动漫女孩被虐/hentai8动漫游 (71) 6 女生地铁笨蛋2傻子hentai8.o (52) 7 海贼王hentai game3 海贼王娜 (46) 8 凌虐海贼王娜米123/海贼王娜 (44) 9 火影hentai games/火影henta (43) 10 动作单机拳皇wing1.5/拳皇秘 (41) 11 海贼王hentai game3 海贼王娜 (40) 12 新版日本调教女佣/女仆很太g (30) 13 很太吧地铁笨蛋1/hentai8地铁 (30) 14 炎龙传说三度冲击/炎龙传说2 (20) 15 与女友一起来练习劲舞 (16) 16 日本最新女仆教室/美女女仆教 (13) 从开始的BT下载转换成在线播放,此举虽然加大了很太吧服务的承受度,却给普通用户极大的方便,不会造成下载了半天发现是个不喜欢的资源,很太吧创建之初,站长,承诺过不在页面上方广告,以免给用户造成视觉障碍,此举极大的讨好了网站用户,却也将很太吧逼进了死胡同里,由于方便预览 所以用户增长很快 但是用户增加越高很太吧的服务器负担越重,后来很太吧断断续续经常打不开,很太吧就拒绝了搜索引擎的收录,拒绝新的用户加入,此举造成了很多用户直接找不到很太吧的网站,也因此出现了很多冒充很太吧的游戏网站,不过不管怎么冒充,很太吧的精神冒充不了,那种无广告,无病毒的免费分享精神冒充不了。

connector wire是什么意思

connector wire连接线; 双语例句1Electric components: This series include various kinds of terminal, fuse box, connector, wire bundle connection cables cigarette plug and socket for automobile, etc.电子元件:生产各种系列的接线柱、险丝座、插件、频连接线、车点烟插头及插座等。2Repair connector terminal or wire splice.维修接头端子或电线熔接处。

wire connector是什么意思

wire connector [词典] 接线器; [例句]If equipped, disconnect mirror harness wire connector.如果配备,断开镜子线束接头。

手机connector reset什么意思?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。

apple software update是什么?

apple software update意思是:苹果软件更新。重点词汇:update英[u028cp'deu026at]释义:v.为……增加最新信息,更新;使现代化;向……提供最新信息。n.最新报道,最新消息;(计算机软件的)更新;新型,新版。[复数:updates;第三人称单数:updates;现在分词:updating;过去式:updated;过去分词:updated]短语:System Update系统升级;系统更新;自动系统更新;系统晋级。例句:用作动词(v)The data should be updated once a week.这些数据应该每星期更新一次。The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program.计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。

处理器 英特尔 Core i3-2100 @ 3.10GHz 主板 超磐手 SUPoX Intel H61 Series (英特尔 H61 芯片组) 内存 4 G


电脑型号 磐正 SUPoX AMD 760G Series 台式电脑 操作系统 Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )


at the sales conference , the sales manager put forward a practical plan_______on


电脑型号 超磐手 SUPoX AMD 760G Series 台式电脑 操作系统 Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )




coreldraw pagemaker 分别是什么?


想听一下类似于I see fire或safeandsound的外国民谣

20 Years - The Civil WarsKingdom Come - The Civil WarsTip of My Tongue - The Civil WarsGold - Wake! OwlI Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For CutieLet Her Go - PassengerWings - BirdyThe Mortal Boy King - The Paper KitesOld Pine - Ben HowardKing and Lionheart - Of Monsters and MenThrow Me a Line - Al LewisWhite Winter Hymnal - Fleet FoxesDuet - Rachael YamagataSimple As This - Jake BuggThe Cave - Mumford & SonsAnother Love - Tom OdellHo Hey - The LumineersBig Parade - The Lumineers5 Years Time - Noah and the Whale

Janet has been in this large company for more than twelve yearsuff0c___________ as a salesmanageruff0e



《Pretenders》歌词: My world has turned upside down You almost invade my heart I"m jealous of your talent, glamour… and so on Unclear sky spread above us Then there"s not a ray of hope I"ve gone astray somewhere While my sight"s been shut out And if I never met you I don"t have to face to myself I"d never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear?Don"t force your excessive thoughts on me Don"t pretend as LOVE Turn back the…Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody"s smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now"s the time to act, what are you waiting for?Now we"ve had enough, won"t contend no more I don"t wanna think at all So don"t let me avenge back again My world has turned upside down Since I had worked with your heart Whole things that are pleasing you hurt you on and on Foul mire spread below us Thrills my body just like dope I"ve straightened across the border Someone"s warned me, yet And if I never met you I don"t have to face to myself I"d never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear?Don"t force your excessive thoughts on me Don"t pretend as LOVE Turn back the…Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody"s smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now"s the time to act, what are you waiting for?Now we"ve had enough, won"t contend no more I don"t wanna think at all So don"t let me avenge back again Ti-time… Time won"t rewind back C-crime… Crime, can"t get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh Turn back the…Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody"s smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now"s the time to act, what are you waiting for?Now we"ve had enough, won"t contend no more I don"t wanna think at all So don"t let me avenge back again Ti-time… Time won"t rewind back C-crime… Crime, can"t get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh

电脑型号 超磐手 SUPoX Intel H61 Series 台式电脑 操作系统 Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )




32.The sales manager had his secretary ____ a press conference for their new products.

sorry.i do not know.

Club 8的《Breakdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakdown歌手:Club 8专辑:欧美流行摇滚合辑 1Breakdowni didn"t hear you sayingit was overso i was quite surprisedto see you with a new best friendi should have seen i comingbut sometimes i"m so confusednow my head is full of nothingchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crysummer by the seain sadnessseashells stay the samewithout the beauty they had in your handyou never gave me a signin the way i thought you wouldnow i feel so left downchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and cryi"m thinking of the summers spent with youall those things we used to doif i had the chance to be differenti would be differentchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crynouvelle | lyrics indexShe never calls methere"s a girl i knowshe used to love me very muchnow i"m not so sureshe"s going out with her boyfriendi always dream of her at night(woh-ow-woh-ow-woh-ow-woh)i want her to notice me again(won"t you look at me)i know that you would like toso now i ask you please dochorustell me the truth nowis it going to be you and metell me the truth nowwould you like to go to the seathere"s a girl i knowshe never calld me anymoreshe is much cooler nowshe"s going out with all the right friendsdo you ever think of me(woh-ow-woh-ow-woh-ow-woh)i can hardly wait to seeyou againchorustell me the truth nowis it going to be you and metell me the truth nowwould you like to go to the seanouvelle | lyrics index

一首歌 歌词we are safe and sound

Safe And Sound

National sales director和national sales head的区别

sales head就差不多相当于是sales mangersales director 要高于sales managersales director 是销售部的总监,是销售部里最高的职务。sales director营业副经理,销售处[科]长The paper "s editor , publisher , general manager , sales director , and leading columnist all resigned.报纸的编辑、出版商、总经理、销售总监和主要专栏作家集体提出了辞职。sales manager销售经理sales manager的用法和样例:"As expected, the sales manager gave in his notice at work today."不出所料销售部经理今天提出了辞职要求。The sales manager wants to open up new markets in the Far East.销售经理想在远东开辟新市场。

mac os x system preferences 在哪

点击左上角苹果图标,你会找到系统偏好设置(System Preferences)

we got here safe and sound 语法问题?

safe and sound应该是形容词啊

mixture 和 compound的区别


sales director和sales manager的区别

sales manager销售经理sales director 要高于sales managersales director 是销售部的总监,是销售部里最高的职务。



请问在科学中element,compound 和 mixture 有什么区别? (不要只写词义)


Deep (Breath Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Deep (Breath Mix)歌手:East 17专辑:The Platinum CollectionBlackstreet - DeepLet me go deep, deep, deep, deep (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)Wanna go deep, deep, deep, deep (Let me go deep, girl, oh)Let me go deep (Deep), deep (Oh), deep (Yeah), deep(Oh, yeah, baby, feels so good)"Cause I"m goin" deep (Deep), deep, deep (Oh), deep(Wanna go deep, Teddy sing)Don"t you know sky is the limitI"mma keep on reachin"So much love to giveSo won"t you come and get itBring your body, undressed and yearnin"Got the candles burnin", baby, I"m determinedLet me go downtown, damn, I wanna have itTickle, ride and pat it, your goodness and your savvyYou know I"m gonna answer your requestI"m the one you would finesse till the mornin"Let me go deep, deep (Deep), deep, deepI wanna break you down all night (Break it down, go)Wanna go deep (Deep), deep (Deep), deep (Oh, yeah), deepLet me make your body feel just right (Just right)Let me go deep, deep (Oh), deep (Yeah), deepJust tell me how you like this time (Tell me how you like it)"Cause I"m goin" deep (Deep), deep (Deep), deep (Deep, deep, deep, deep, yeah)Inside your body, your body (Oh)We"ll do it in the shower (Yeah) for about an hour (Oh)Move over to the counter and bring you out (Scream my name)We"re not close to endin" (No), it is just beginnin" (Oh, yeah)We"re stretchin" out the episode (Oh), let me do it one more timeDowntown, even lower, pick you up over my shouldersRide you in a rollercoaster, ooh, you"re so wetThat just made me more excited, girl, you got my fire lightedSince you tried it, I"m gonna shock you, goLet me go deep, deep, deep, deepI"m gonna break you down all nightWanna go deep (Deep), deep (So deep), deep (Oh), deepMake your body feel just right (Just right)Let me go deep, deep (Deep), deep (Deep), deep (Yeah, yeah)Tell me how you it done (Tell me how you like it)"Cause I"m goin" deep (Deep), deep (Deep), deep (Ooh), deepTell me how you like itSky is the limit (Oh), I don"t wanna end it (No)I just wanna go on (On and on and on, yeah)You got my head spinnin" (Spinnin"), the way my body"s twistin" (Twistin")Give in to me, baby boy, oh...Let me go deep, deep {Deep}, deep {Oh...}, deepJust give it to me, girl, give it to me, girlWanna go deep, deep, deep, deepI"m gonna make your body quiver just rightLet me go deep, deep, deep {So deep}, deep (So deep, oh...)Tell me how you like, tell me how you like"Cause I"m goin" deep, deep, deep (Oh...oh...), deep (Oh)So baby, baby, baby, come onDeep (Come on), deep {Come on}, deep (Come on), deep {Come on}(Come on) {Come on} (Come on) {Come on}Wanna go deep, deep, deep, deepI"m comin", baby, oh...ho...Let me go deep (Come on), deep {Come on}, deep (Come on), deep {Come on}(Come on) {Come on} (Oh...ho....ho...ho...)"Cause I"m goin" deep, deep, deep, deepOh, baby, baby {Oh, baby, baby} (I like that)


computer不能加er。computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n. (电子) 计算机,电脑;

Slapshock的《Direction》 歌词

歌曲名:Direction歌手:Slapshock专辑:DirectionDirectionsLostprophetsSo pick me up off the floor,You will not see the town like me,I wont ask you again if this is real cosI"m walking out that door, I"ll leave,Always behind the war I know,Cos decisions have never been my strong point,But I don"t know what I want,Still the road is dark.In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes.Is it starting again,In every town its the same (all these stories),Runs like a clock and around we golike some twisted carnival ringmasterpointing at me,Telling me that I"ll never make it,But how the hell would he know whenhe dresses like a tramp and looks like shit,When alls been said and done,I"ll still be hear having no fun.In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes.Oh tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.So who"s idea was this? You knowI don"t like really like the dark that much,Its insane, the more, take the blame,Admit defeat and swallow your pride,Take a ride to the dark side.I don"t know what you say andI don"t mean to sound blas?In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those...In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes

after shock really shock me.

after shock可能是指余震即地震发生后的出现的较轻微地震但通常的写法是 aftershock要是余震原文可译为余震真叫我吃惊

there were on computer

there be 句型的意思是 有……,不是什么都要用there be 句型的.例如: There is an apple on the table. There are some apples on the table. There will be a party tonight. There was a party last night. There were some apples on the table.

I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall



research研究,调查,探究,着重探究,一般比较高深看解释:research----advanced study of a subject,so as to learn new facts or scientific lawsdo some research on diseases of the blood/in ancient historyMy researches were directed towards finding a cure for headaches.study研究,课题,研究事项,值得研究之物,一般用词study----a thorough enquiry into,esp.including a piece of writing on,a particular subjectmake a study of Shakespeare"s plays亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

Cumulative Preferred Shares


A comparative study on food culture between China and America

A comparative study on food culture between China and AmericaAs we know, the people regard food as of fundamental importance. Every country has their own food culture. So this thesis mainly introduces the differences between China and Western culture from culture and differences.The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, you will be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests. If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish. Traditionally speaking, there are many prohibitions at Chinese tables, but these days not many people pay attention to them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, especially if you are a guest at a private home. But you"d better remember these things:1) Don"t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table! 2) Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table. 3) Don"t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, in a restaurant, if the food is coming too slow people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone"s home, it is like insulting the cook.

分区助手重启进入preos模式 preOS模式是什么

1、在使用分区助手软件执行分区操作中,目标磁盘将解除占用,分区会被覆盖或者删除。此软件需重启系统,然后进入PreOS模式进行操作。 2、preOS模式是重启模式,用户在进行修改系统分区,或者修改到系统关键文件操作涉及到操作系统或涉及到被占用的资源,当前的PE模式无法完成。重启进入preOS模式将不会启动现在的操作系统,分区操作才能得以进行。执行修改操作可能导致无法正常开机启动。 3、使用分区助手软件进入PreOS模式,数据迁移完成后,新硬盘中的数据与旧硬盘中的数据相比,基本上是一模一样的。二者之间的容量也完全一样。这是因为在PreOS模式下,进行操作时,能最大程度的减少系统干扰。

you were shock me这样说对吗,说过去的事情的时候

All the above are correct.

请问统计学中的cumulative frequency怎样做?


Fare Thee Well 歌词

歌曲名:Fare Thee Well歌手:Odetta专辑:Livin With The BluesHold on steady and strong,Here"s the dawn coming on won"t be long,Then the sun will come shining through,To show me the place I once new.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.The old man"s here and he"s fine,He has come here from years down the line,He has come to bring peace to all times for the few,He has come to bring life to the new.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Hold on steady and strong,Here"s the dawn coming on won"t be long,Oh its easy to stand in the light with pain,In the light I will ever remain.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.Fare thee well,Fare thee well and adieu,Fare thee well,With this song I"ll be gone,Fare thee well.

Nobody Knows You When You Re Down And Out 歌词

歌曲名:Nobody Knows You When You Re Down And Out歌手:Odetta专辑:Best Of The Vanguard YearsNobody Knows You When You"re DownEric ClaptonMTV UnpluggedOnce i lived the life of a millionaire,Spent all my money, didn"t have any care.Took all my friends out for a mighty good time,We bought bootleg liquor, champagne and wine.Then i began to fall so low,Lost all my good friends,had nowhere to go.If I get my hands on a dollar again,I"ll gonna hang on to it till that old eagle grins.Because no, no, nobody knows youWhen you"re down and out.In your pocket, not one penny,And as for friends, you don"t have any.When you get back on your feet again,Everybody wants to be your old long-lost friend.I"ll set it strange, without any doubt,Nobody knows you when you"re down and out.(guitar solo)十分迷恋这首曲子网上却几乎没有相关介绍 整理的十分辛苦希望能帮助曾像我一样苦苦寻觅歌词的朋友(piano solo)Oh,nobody knows youWhen you"re down and out.In your pocket, not one penny,And as for friends, you don"t have any.When you get back on your feet again,Everybody wants to be your old long-lost friend.I"ll set it strange, without any doubt,Nobody knowsNobody knows youNobody knows youWhen you"re down and out.

cumulative score是什么意思

累计得分 累计得分 累计得分

cumulative frequency distribution是什么意思

cumulative frequency distribution[英][u02c8kju:mjulu0259tiv u02c8fri:kwu0259nsi u02ccdistriu02c8bju:u0283u0259n][美][u02c8kjumju0259u02ccletu026av u02c8frikwu0259nsi u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n]累积频数分布,累积频数分配;

一首国语歌歌词有girl you are the cover


英语介词study on/of/for;research on/of/for

我觉得study应该看用的地方,study for English就是对的。。。。。。。。research 就是加 on的...................

cumulative pore volume是什么意思

cumulative pore volume 累积孔体积cumulative 英[u02c8kju:mju0259lu0259tu026av] 美[u02c8kju:mju0259leu026atu026av] adj. 累积的; 渐增的; 追加的; (判刑等) 加重的; [例句]It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulativeeffect on our mood一些简单的娱乐,譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步,就能使我们的心情更愉快。

这句意大利语是什么意思:ti amo per sempre,posso

ti:你 amo:我爱 (per) sempre:永远 posso:我可以 posso?:我可以吗? 我永远爱你,我可以 但是应该是 ti amero" per sempre 就是 我(未来)会永远爱你,我可以



这句意大利语是什么意思:ti amo per sempre,posso

ti: 你 amo: 我爱 (per) sempre: 永远 posso: 我可以 posso?: 我可以吗? 我永远爱你,我可以 但是应该是 ti amero" per sempre 就是 我(未来)会永远爱你, 我可以



The Amerocan gun lobby thinks children should be taught to use guns


NAU是什么组织的缩写,Amero Currency是什么意思?

南京审计学院Nanjing Audit University

高中英语作文:信用卡的使用 The Use of Credit Card

Nowadays, with the development of Internet, it is much easier to make the deal. People don"t have to carry the paper money, instead, they can use the cards, and then click on the computer, the deal is finished. Credit card is very popular, many people choose to use it. But we need to take care. 如今,随着网络的发展,交易变得容易多了。人们不需要带着现金,他们可以使用卡,然后在电脑上面点击一下,交易就完成了。信用卡是很受欢迎的,很多人选择使用。但是我们需要当心。 On the one hand, credit card gives people a large amount of money to spend ahead. When people have a lot of money at hand, they will have the strong desire to spend and buy what they want. Some people can"t control themselves. Credit card brings people the sense of satisfaction. 一方面,信用卡给人们提供了很大一笔提前预支的钱。当人们有了大笔钱在手,他们会有很强烈的愿望去消费,买自己想买的。一些人无法控制自己。信用卡给人们带来了满足感。 On the other hand, credit card makes people burden a lot of money. When people spend the money ahead, it means that they need to return it. Some people become the slave of credit card, they need to pay off part of the money every month. They don"t earn much, but they need to take out some part of the salary to pay off the debt. 另一方面,信用卡使得人们背负着很大的债。当人们提前花钱,意味着他们需要还。一些人成为卡奴,需要每个月偿还部分钱。他们本来就没有多少收入,但是还要拿出一部分薪水去还债。 Every coin has two sides. Credit card brings people pleasure, at the same time, if people use it in the improper way, they can be the slave. 凡事都有两面。信用卡给人们带来了快乐,同时,如果人们不正确使用信用卡,就会成为奴隶。



take care of是动词词组吗?如果是的话,其过去式是什么


Care about与take care of用法?


take care of和take charge of是什么意思?


care for 和 take care of 到底有什么区别

care for指的是把某人某物放在心上take care of指的是义务照顾某人,例如i take care of my soni take for my son我照顾我的儿子都是照顾,第二个却有引申为把儿子放在心上,更为感性。



take care of的同义词是什么?

同义词:look after,意思是:照顾。重点词汇:look after英[lu028ak'ɑ:ftu0259]释义:v.照料;看管;目送;关注;找,寻求look after的例句:用作动词(v.)He has many affairs to look after.他有许多事务要照料。词语辨析:look,see,watch,observe,witness这些动词均有“看”之意。1、look侧重“看”的动作。2、see指看见。3、watch指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。4、observe侧重以客观的态度进行观察。5、witness指当场看见,亲眼看见。

be care for和take care of

care for ,关心...可加人或物take care of照顾后加人或物 care about 关心,在意be care of小心.其实意思明白了,就可以区分了.


you should take-care-of yourself

take care of造句

take care of造句如下:1、The underlying provider will take care of all necessary password hashing or decryption.翻译:底层的提供者会处理好必要的密码散列或解密。2、I will take care of him.翻译:我会照顾他的。3、I was put on the spot when Kenny wanted me to take care of his dog for a few days. I hate dogs.翻译:肯尼想要我帮他照顾他的狗几天,这使我很尴尬,因为我讨厌狗。4、If you are incapacitated for life, I take care of you a lifetime.翻译:如果你丧失了生活能力,我照顾你一辈子。5、She used to take care of me when I was a baby.翻译:她曾在我还是婴儿的时候照看过我。

safety use fire这句话对不对?

It should be that "use fire safely"(safely 做副词,safety 是名词)


你好!解答:more safely 和safer 两个都是比较级,更安全;区别:more safely 是副词比较级,修饰动词;safer是形容词比较级,作表语或宾补。如:Wearing masks while going out makes us safer . The new plane landed more safely than the old one .希望可以帮到你!答题不易,满意请采纳!祝学习进步,笑口常开!

care of 和 care for

第一个可以表示关心某人或某事,后面可接sb或者sth第二个是在乎的意思不过应该还有关心的意思~ 希望可以帮到你

take care与care of与take care of区别

take care 意为小心,等于be careful和look out care of 由…转交 He wrote me in care of a friend of mine. 他写的信由我的朋友转交给我 take care of ,照顾照料,等于look after ,


  take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after,如:  ① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.  相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的。  ② The boy is very young. He can"t take care of himself.   这男孩很小,不可以照顾自己。  take care of作“保管、保护”解,如:  ① The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.  老师告知学生要保护好新书。  ② Can you take care of your thing?  你会保管你的物品吗?  take care of与look after都能作“照顾、照料”解,可以互相替换,但look after没有“保管、保护”的意思,如:  ① She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.  =She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.  昨天她呆在家里照料她母亲了。  ② Who is going go take care of the wounded person in the hospital?  =Who is going to look after the wounded person in the hospital?  谁去医院照料那个受伤的人?  ③ Children must take good care of their eyes.  ≠Children must look after their eyes well.  孩子们要好好保护眼睛。  take good care of和look after…well意义相同,都是“好好照料、好好照顾”的意思,但要注意,take care of用的是good一词,而look after则用well,如:  ① Don"t worry. I can take good care of your pet while you are away.  =Don"t worry. I can look after your pet well while you are away.  放心,你不在时,我会照料好你的宠物的.  ② The nurses took good care of the children.  =The nurses looked after the children well.  保育员把孩子照料得很好。

take care of 和look after 到底有什么区别

take care of 和look after一般是可以互换的。 1)take care of 有两个意思: 1. 照顾 Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you? 请替我照顾一下这孩子,好吗? 2. 处理 Better devices are needed in many countries to take care of the waste from factories. 很多国家需要更先进的装置来处理工业废物。 而look after只有一个意思: 1. 照顾 Who will look after your children while you go out to work? 你上班时谁来照料你的孩子?look after就是行为上比较具体的照顾,比如说The mother is looking after her sicky son.就不能翻译成 is taking care of……因为take care of是比较广义的照顾,一般都用来嘱咐说,照顾好自己或是自己的东西,比如Take good care of your handbag!而care of则更多的表示操心、关心之类的意思。且在这里care是动词,再take care of里,care 是名词。

take care of 是什么意思

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