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荣获建筑设计大奖,位于乌节路黄金地段,纯粹的生活品牌,独创的零售理念,丰富的艺术节目都在ion orchard。购物狂的幻想Ion orchard以新兴品牌、全球旗舰店、新概念店和游记新进入市场,重新定义了当地零售地标。这些时尚品牌包括bally,bebe,博柏利,Calvin klein jeans,Franck muller,Herve leger,Kiehls,Mango,Marc jacobs,Massimo dutti,Miu miu,Omega,Rolex,Samantha thavasa,Swarvoski,Tag heuer,Twg tea salon boutique,Witchery等众多品牌。占据两层的旗舰店,如卡地亚、迪奥、杜嘉班纳、乔治阿玛尼、路易威登、普拉达、Topshop/topman、优衣库和zara,也是购物者的最爱。此外,还有新兴品牌如bimba lola、Boss selection、Boucheron、Car shoe、Chaumet、Christian audigier、Churchs、Dsquared2、Diane von furstenberg、Harry winston、Hom、Iwc schaffhausen、Korres、Marc jacobs、百达翡丽、Paule ka、Vivienne tam和7 for all humans。这里还有丝芙兰在亚洲最大的商店和许多本土品牌,如alldressedup、Charles keith、Pedro和子宫等。时尚达人的美食天地八层楼上到处都是精致的餐厅、休闲餐厅和小吃店。离子美食馆包含全球各类菜品、美食、小吃80余种美食选择,各类美食满足所有顾客口味。如果你想去餐厅和咖啡馆,这些地方绝对能满足你的味蕾:来自首尔的canton-i,alfresco gusto意大利小酒馆,来自香港的时尚日本料理itacho sushi,以及广受欢迎的日本料理Watami。充满活力的建筑离子果园旨在为顾客提供全方位、多感官的生活体验。它开创了离子艺术计划,并非常重视新兴的多媒体艺术。游客的特权新加坡旅游局游客中心位于ion orchard购物中心1楼。其他服务包括音乐会或演出的门票销售,旅游巴士的上下车区,中国银联卡也可以。奥查德70%的店铺支持中国银联卡,并为中国银联卡会员提供部分专属优惠。更多信息请咨询礼宾部。所有游客都将有机会获得Ion orchard指定品牌的旅行钱包。只要去离子果园1楼的新加坡游客中心,向礼宾部出示护照就可以拿到了。如果您在ion ochard消费,豪华轿车将为您提供机场班车服务。请登录了解详情,了解更多适用的条款和条件。新加坡果园街2号离子果园,邮政编码:238801电话:65 6238 8228



新加坡ION Orchard的中文是什么


spray the orchard什么意思?



Yes, there are many other fruits that can be found in an orchard, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and many more depending on the location and climate.中文意思是:是的,在果园中还可以找到许多其他水果,例如苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃、李子、杏子、橙子、柠檬、葡萄柚等等,具体取决于地理位置和气候条件。

orchard tower怎么玩

“第一次到Orchard Tower”我觉得这里不错,我之前从书本上对这里有了些了解,因此知道该期待什么。就是要机灵一点,他们会试图让你进入所谓的酒吧,但其实不过就是些裁缝店,按摩院,甚至是餐馆。女生/女孩?会来和你聊天,爱抚你和在您耳边轻语,但我只是笑笑,并开些无关紧要的玩笑

英语文章:the treasure in the orchard 内容概括也寓意




There was once a farmer who had a fine orchard (果园). He worked very hard all his life and the o.



《97 Orchard》(Ziegelman, Jane)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1enLG2oDtbqci9zWYUDZrYQ 密码:ur8i书名:97 Orchard作者:Ziegelman, Jane出版年份:2010-6页数:272内容简介:In 97 Orchard , Jane Ziegelman explores the culinary life that was the heart and soul of New York"s Lower East Side around the turn of the twentieth century—a city within a city, where Germans, Irish, Italians, and Eastern European Jews attempted to forge a new life. Through the experiences of five families, all of them residents of 97 Orchard Street, she takes readers on a vivid and unforgettable tour, from impossibly cramped tenement apartments down dimly lit stairwells where children played and neighbors socialized, beyond the front stoops where immigrant housewives found respite and company, and out into the hubbub of the dirty, teeming streets. Ziegelman shows how immigrant cooks brought their ingenuity to the daily task of feeding their families, preserving traditions from home but always ready to improvise. While health officials worried that pushcarts were unsanitary and that pickles made immigrants too excitable to be good citizens, a culinary revolution was taking place in the streets of what had been culturally an English city. Along the East River, German immigrants founded breweries, dispensing their beloved lager in the dozens of beer gardens that opened along the Bowery. Russian Jews opened tea parlors serving blintzes and strudel next door to Romanian nightclubs that specialized in goose pastrami. On the streets, Italian peddlers hawked the cheese-and-tomato pies known as pizzarelli , while Jews sold knishes and squares of halvah. Gradually, as Americans began to explore the immigrant ghetto, they uncovered the array of comestible enticements of their foreign-born neighbors. 97 Orchard charts this exciting process of discovery as it lays bare the roots of our collective culinary heritage.

orchard 和 grove 有什么区别


orchard road是什么意思



《KilmenyoftheOrchard》 (L.M. Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1w4M2prYTDJ_pEp2n5lXUZQ 提取码: uveg    书名:KilmenyoftheOrchard作者: L.M. Montgomery出版社: Starfire出版年: September 1, 1989页数: 144 pages内容简介 When twenty-four-year-old Eric Marshall arrives on Prince Edward Island to become a substitute schoolmaster, he has a bright future in his wealthy family"s business. Eric has taken the two-month teaching post only as a favor to a friend -- but fate throws in his path a beautiful, mysterious girl named Kilmeny Gordon. With jet black hair and sea blue eyes, Kilmeny immediately captures Eric"s heart. But Kilmeny cannot speak, and Eric is concerned for and bewitched by this shy, sensitive mute girl. For the first time in his life Eric must work hard for something he wants badly. And there is nothing he wants more than for Kilmeny to return his love.作者简介露西•莫德•蒙哥马利(1874年11月30日-1942年4月24日),出生于新伦敦,毕业于夏洛特敦威尔斯亲王大学,加拿大女作家。她的代表作品为《绿山墙的安妮》,被誉为“世界上最甜蜜的少女成长故事”。马克·吐温评价道“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝之后最令人感动和喜爱的形象”。

现在的Orchard CMS系统是个什么状态


orchard park 是哪里

Orchard Park释义[地名] [美国] 奥查德帕克双语例句 Joe Cal, a retired gas-utility manager from Orchard Park, N.Y., recently stopped in with his wife.纽约州奥查德帕克(Orchard Park)一个已经退休的煤气公司经理卡尔(Joe Cal)最近和妻子逛了这家商场。

OrchardCore 模板安装使用

可以使用dotnet的命令行安装OrchardCore的开发模板,在命令行输入: dotnet new -i OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.0.0 可以安装OrchardCore的开发模板,这些模板包括: Orchard Core Cms Module ocmodulecms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Cms Web App occms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Theme octheme [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Mvc Module ocmodulemvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc Orchard Core Mvc Web App ocmvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc 模板安装后,在Visual Studio 2019 中就可以创建相关的项目。如果希望创建CMS网站,可以选择Orchard Core Cms Web App,如果创建基于Orchard的MVC web应用,可以选择Orchard Core Mvc Web App。其它项目是模块和界面样式的开发。

stay in an orchard和live in an orchard有区别吗?

其实就是stay 和live 的区别stay 是短时间的居住,比如住宾馆stay at hotellive 是长时间的稳定的居住,比如,live in beijing 因此,你这个得根据语境


American Embassy Singapore 美国(驻新加坡)大使馆 地址:新加坡-中心区 Central Area-乌节路 Orchard Rd.-27 Napier Road 如何去:174号巴士


Orchard 不仅仅是内容管理系统!Orchard 更是一个功能强大的 Web 开发框架,其热拔插模块架构让你可以开发任意 Web 应用。不用从零开始!Orchard 丰富的内置及第三方模块将大大减少你的工作量。




汉语翻译:n. 果园, 果树林例句:He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers.他去樱桃园看花。I have a car, a house and an orchard and you may have whatever you like best.我有一辆车,一栋房子和一座果园,你可以挑一样你最喜欢的。She ran hither and thither in the orchard.她在果园里到处跑。My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。请点击输入图片描述

orchard soil field哪个不同类?



garden 是侧重于庭院花园等,而orchard是果园,侧重于生产果实的,有时可用farm替用

orchard 怎么记



orchardn. 果园;果树林n. (Orchard)人名;(英、西)奥查德·         助记提示·         1、late Old English orceard "fruit garden," earlier ortgeard, perhaps reduced from wortgeard, from wort "vegetable, plant root" + geard "garden, yard" (the word also meant "vegetable garden" until 15c.).2、First element influenced in Middle English by Latin hortus (in Late Latin ortus) "garden".3、由此不难区别这两个单词:orchard, orchid.4、具有同源性的单词:orchard, garden, yard.·         中文词源·         orchard 果园·         来自古英语ortgeard,果园,来自ort-,缩写自拉丁语hortus,花园,词源同horticulture,geard,庭院,院子,词源同garden.·         英文词源请点击输入图片描述·         双语例句·         1. Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard.·         每座竹楼周围都是茂密的果园.·         2. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.·         她受雇于一个苹果园主.·         3. My orchard is bearing well this year.·         今年我的果园果实累累.·         4. Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.·         到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。·         5. A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard.·         100英亩土地改为种桃和梨的果园.请点击输入图片描述


orchard的读法是:/ˈɔːtʃəd/。一、释义n.果园。二、短语搭配1.orchard grass 鸭茅2.apple orchard 苹果园;苹果果园;苹果园地3.peach orchard 桃园;桃林4.computer-monitored orchard 计算机监控的果园三、例句1.Our orchard yields apples and pears.我们的果园出产苹果和梨。2.Do you have a tree of this variety in your garden or orchard?在你的花园或者果园是否有这种树?3.The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower.这所房子后面果园里的桃树正开满桃花。4.Woods on a slope below an orchard may retard movement of cold air downward.如坡地果园的下方有森林容易阻碍冷空气向下排出。