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新加坡ION Orchard的中文是什么

2023-05-30 10:52:57
TAG: on cha or ar orchard

没有中文名。 是新鸿基地产(新地)在新加坡的合资项目Orchard Turn中的国际级顶尖商场,处于新加坡乌节路的核心地带。


ION Orchard是亚洲第一个主题商场,分解开看,就是I ON ORCHARD,也就是I"M ON ORCHARD ROAD,中文意思是“我在乌节路”。





orchardn. 果园;果树林n. (Orchard)人名;(英、西)奥查德·         助记提示·         1、late Old English orceard "fruit garden," earlier ortgeard, perhaps reduced from wortgeard, from wort "vegetable, plant root" + geard "garden, yard" (the word also meant "vegetable garden" until 15c.).2、First element influenced in Middle English by Latin hortus (in Late Latin ortus) "garden".3、由此不难区别这两个单词:orchard, orchid.4、具有同源性的单词:orchard, garden, yard.·         中文词源·         orchard 果园·         来自古英语ortgeard,果园,来自ort-,缩写自拉丁语hortus,花园,词源同horticulture,geard,庭院,院子,词源同garden.·         英文词源请点击输入图片描述·         双语例句·         1. Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard.·         每座竹楼周围都是茂密的果园.·         2. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.·         她受雇于一个苹果园主.·         3. My orchard is bearing well this year.·         今年我的果园果实累累.·         4. Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.·         到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。·         5. A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard.·         100英亩土地改为种桃和梨的果园.请点击输入图片描述
2023-05-30 08:58:011


orchard的读法是:/ˈɔːtʃəd/。一、释义n.果园。二、短语搭配1.orchard grass 鸭茅 orchard 苹果园;苹果果园;苹果园地3.peach orchard 桃园;桃林 orchard 计算机监控的果园三、例句1.Our orchard yields apples and pears.我们的果园出产苹果和梨。2.Do you have a tree of this variety in your garden or orchard?在你的花园或者果园是否有这种树?3.The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower.这所房子后面果园里的桃树正开满桃花。4.Woods on a slope below an orchard may retard movement of cold air downward.如坡地果园的下方有森林容易阻碍冷空气向下排出。
2023-05-30 08:58:291


汉语翻译:n. 果园, 果树林例句:He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers.他去樱桃园看花。I have a car, a house and an orchard and you may have whatever you like best.我有一辆车,一栋房子和一座果园,你可以挑一样你最喜欢的。She ran hither and thither in the orchard.她在果园里到处跑。My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。请点击输入图片描述
2023-05-30 08:58:571

orchard soil field哪个不同类?

2023-05-30 08:59:172


garden 是侧重于庭院花园等,而orchard是果园,侧重于生产果实的,有时可用farm替用
2023-05-30 08:59:262

orchard 怎么记

2023-05-30 08:59:342


orchardorchard garden
2023-05-30 08:59:429


The orchard单个单词以后主句可以网上查的
2023-05-30 08:59:574


2023-05-30 09:00:041


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2023-05-30 09:00:313


American Embassy Singapore 美国(驻新加坡)大使馆 地址:新加坡-中心区 Central Area-乌节路 Orchard Rd.-27 Napier Road 如何去:174号巴士
2023-05-30 09:00:401


2023-05-30 09:00:471


Orchard 不仅仅是内容管理系统!Orchard 更是一个功能强大的 Web 开发框架,其热拔插模块架构让你可以开发任意 Web 应用。不用从零开始!Orchard 丰富的内置及第三方模块将大大减少你的工作量。
2023-05-30 09:00:541


Orchard road orchard是果园的意思Raffles place Raffles是人名
2023-05-30 09:01:042


orchard 英 ["ɔːtʃəd] 美 ["ɔrtʃɚd] n.果园[例句]He operated an enormous pear orchard.他经营一个大型梨园。
2023-05-30 09:01:112


乌节路(Orchard Road)新加坡著名的旅游购物街,时尚潮流的集结地!不同于新加坡的其他街道,乌节路并不是因为某位特别的人物而命名的。它的名字来自于19世纪40年代沿街道种植的肉豆蔻和辣椒。乌节路英文名为Orchard Road,意为“果园路”。殖民地时代,这里确实是成片的果园。不过,这些果园既不是苹果园也不是香蕉园,而是豆蔻园。豆蔻曾是风靡一时的经济作物。西洋人用作食物的香料,马来人则入药。十九世纪末的一场虫害摧毁了豆蔻的种植。时至今日,只留下了一条路名。与乌节路相交的几条支路则是当年豆蔻园主的大名,如史各特路、卡佩芝路、经禧路、欧思礼路等。它位于新加坡的中心位置,在中心商业区上方。乌节路以前的终结点是DHOBY GHAUT地区,现在它的范围已从唐林路一直延伸到BRAS BASAH路。乌节路的名字并不是因为某位特别的人物而命名的。相反,它的名字来自于19世纪40年代沿街道种植的肉豆蔻和辣椒。
2023-05-30 09:01:192


  乌节路(Orchard Road)新加坡著名的旅游购物街,时尚潮流的集结地!  它位于新加坡的中心位置,在中心商业区上方。乌节路以前的终结点是DHOBY GHAUT地区,现在它的范围已从唐林路一直延伸到BRAS BASAH路。 乌节路的名字并不是因为某位特别的人物而命名的。相反,它的名字来自于19世纪40年代沿街道种植的肉豆蔻和辣椒。在ION Orchard门口有一个巨大的豆蔻雕塑,象征着乌节路名字的由来。
2023-05-30 09:01:281


<Gearge Washington and His Hatchet>When George Washington was quite a little boy ,his father gave him a hatchet. It was bright and new,and George took great delight in going about and chopping things with it .He ran into the garden,and there he saw a tree which seemed to say to him,”Come and cut me down !”George had often seen his father"s men chop down the great trees in the forest ,and he thought that it would be fine sport to see this tree fall with a crash to the ground,So he set to work with the little hatchet ,and as the tree was a very small one ,it did not fake long lay it low.Soon after that,his father came home .“Who has been cutting my fine young cherry tree?”He cried .”it was the only tree of this kind in this country ,and it cost me a great deal of money.”He was very angry when he came into the house .“If only I knew who killed that cherry tree,”he cried,”I would—yes ,I would –”.“Father!”cried little George,I an glad that you told me about it .I am glad that you told me about it .i would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should tell one falsehood.”华盛顿感樱桃树的故事,跟诚实有关的一个故事。
2023-05-30 09:01:373

现在的Orchard CMS系统是个什么状态

2023-05-30 09:01:551

orchard park 是哪里

Orchard Park释义[地名] [美国] 奥查德帕克双语例句 Joe Cal, a retired gas-utility manager from Orchard Park, N.Y., recently stopped in with his wife.纽约州奥查德帕克(Orchard Park)一个已经退休的煤气公司经理卡尔(Joe Cal)最近和妻子逛了这家商场。
2023-05-30 09:02:021

OrchardCore 模板安装使用

可以使用dotnet的命令行安装OrchardCore的开发模板,在命令行输入: dotnet new -i OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.0.0 可以安装OrchardCore的开发模板,这些模板包括: Orchard Core Cms Module ocmodulecms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Cms Web App occms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Theme octheme [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Mvc Module ocmodulemvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc Orchard Core Mvc Web App ocmvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc 模板安装后,在Visual Studio 2019 中就可以创建相关的项目。如果希望创建CMS网站,可以选择Orchard Core Cms Web App,如果创建基于Orchard的MVC web应用,可以选择Orchard Core Mvc Web App。其它项目是模块和界面样式的开发。
2023-05-30 09:02:091

stay in an orchard和live in an orchard有区别吗?

其实就是stay 和live 的区别stay 是短时间的居住,比如住宾馆stay at hotellive 是长时间的稳定的居住,比如,live in beijing 因此,你这个得根据语境
2023-05-30 09:02:172


This topic targets, and was tested with, the Orchard 1.8 release. Orchard是用来管理你的网站的,可以用它来改变你网站的外观,增加内容,和启用Orchard features。当你登陆后,你可以在home page上通过点击 Dashboard 链接来登陆 dashboard。 当你打开dashboard,你将在页面的左侧看到一列应用程序特性和设置。 下表将以一句话的形式给出我对dashboard中每块的理解。(自己的理解,非翻译原文内容) 翻译仅供学习之用,如有缺漏请不吝指正。鉴于能力有限定有诸多曲解或不完整的地方,请海涵。 个人blog地址:
2023-05-30 09:02:241


芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场(O"Hare International Airport, IATA: ORD, ICAO: KORD)是世界上唯一的双中枢机场。世界上最大的两家航空公司——联合航空公司和美利坚航空公司,都在奥黑尔机场建立了自己的中枢。2001 年,旅客吞吐量6745万,仅次于亚特兰大机场,是世界上最繁忙的机场之一。机场概况机场是美国伊利诺州芝加哥市的主要机场,位于市中心西北27公里,占地面积31 平方公里,拥有9条跑道、4个航站楼。自1960年代扩建完成直到1998年,奥黑尔机场一直是世界上客流量最大的机场。奥黑尔机场是美国第四大国际航空枢纽,排在甘乃迪国际机场,洛杉矶国际机场和迈阿密国际机场之后。位于美国芝加哥的奥黑尔国际机场是全球最繁忙的机场。这里每天要起降两千七百次航班,每年大约有7200多万名乘客经该机场来往穿梭于世界各地。奥黑尔国际机场是全美最大两家航空公司的主要中心机场,在这里工作的员工共有五万多人。这座世界一流的机场位于芝加哥市区外,占地达7700英亩,拥有七条跑道和一个庞大的候机楼。机场历史芝加哥奥黑尔机场建设于公元1942-1943年,因为邻近市区与运输中心,所以二次大战期间,选择在此制造生产道格拉斯C-54。本地是全美第二大城,故得以规划出200万平方英尺(18万平方公尺)的区域作为厂房, 同时也有足够的空间建构联外铁路。 本区之前已有Orchard Place,战争期间机场别名就是Orchard Place机场或是道格拉斯区,所以简称ORD。此处也是空军803特别维修厂,停放许多稀有或是有作战经验的飞机,包括掳获的敌机。 这些有历史意义的军机将移交国家空军博物馆,作为史密森尼天先象博物馆之收藏。道格拉斯飞机制造公司的契约于1945年中止,本区计画建造商用机场,该公司完全专注于往西岸发展。随着道格拉斯公司离开,机场更名为Orchard Field。1945年,芝加哥市从留下来的物件选择符合未来航空需求的设施。尽管IATA的三位代码ORD依然反映出机场早期定义,1949 年以Lt. Cmdr重新命名。Edward "Butch" O"Hare是二次大战中的飞行高手,曾获颁荣誉勋章。1950年代初期,从1931年起即为芝加哥机场的芝加哥中途国际机场小又拥挤,除了扩张之外,已无法因应第一个飞行世代。芝加哥市和联邦航空管制局开始打造奥黑尔成为芝加哥未来的主要机场。1955年奥黑尔首班商业班机启航,1958年国际线航厦落成。直到1962年,国内线才完全从中途机场移转至奥黑尔。接收中途机场原本的流量後,aoheier立刻成为世上最繁忙的机场,每年服务千万旅客。两年内这个数字立即倍数成长,一年内更多旅客途经奥黑尔,更胜于耶利思岛至今累计数。1997年,每年旅客数高达7000万人次,现在已接近8000万。奥黑尔机场隶属芝加哥市管辖,两者之间仅以沿着德斯普兰河、约200英尺宽的狭长佛斯特街相连。佛斯特街于1950年列入芝加哥市,以确保该市对机场的控制权。这片狭长土地北连Rosemont,南接席勒公园 。捷运1984年已延伸至机场。更多关于标书代写制作,提升中标率,点击底部客服免费咨询。
2023-05-30 09:02:311


  有不少朋友都会经常看一些励志英文简短故事,这样挺好的,骑马可以提高自己的阅读理解能力,那么励志英文简短故事都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。   励志英文简短故事:鹏程万里   A Roc"s flight of ten thousand li-A bright future   In the Chinese classic 《Chuangtze》, there is a legend like this:   Once upon a time, a gigantic fish named Kun lived in the northern sea. No one knew how large it actually was. This fish could change itself into the enormous bird called Peng (roc), measuring thousands of kilometers in length. When the bird was spreading its wings, it looked like huge clouds in the sky. It could, in one stretch, fly from the northern sea to the southern sea on the other side of the globe and soaring up to 90000 li (45000 kilometers) in the heaven.   the bird can surely fly over a long distance without stop. Now people use this idiom to with others have a long career or a bright future.   鹏程万里   在《庄子》一书中有这样一个故事:   很久很久以前,北海里住着一条巨大的鱼,名字叫鲲 (K%n)。没有人知道它到底有多大。这条鱼能够变成鹏(P0ng),一种庞大的鸟,有几百万米长。鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。它能一口气从北海飞到地球另一边的南海。当它展翅高飞的时候,它可以冲上90000哩(45000公里)的高空。   毫无疑问,这种鸟一次能飞过很长的距离。人们用鹏程万里这个成语来祝愿别人事业顺利,前途光明。   励志英文简短故事:投鼠忌器   Do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse   there is a story in "Hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. One night he noticed a mouse passing near the precious vase. The mouse jumped into the vase and was trying to eat some food which the man had carelessly left there. The sigh infuriated the man and in a fit of rage he threw a stone at the mouse. For sure, the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also. The loss of the vase pained the man GREatly and he deeply regretted his own thoughtlessness, which bought him this unrecoverable loss. He now realized that any one, who cares for the present and overlooks consequences is apt to bring disasters upon himself. So he exclaimed to warn people by saying do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse.   投鼠忌器   《汉书》中有这么个故事:有个富人,很喜欢古董并收藏了很多。其中有一件稀有的玉盂,工艺精湛,具有很高的历史价值,深受这个富人的喜爱。一天晚上,一只老鼠跳进了这个玉盂,想去吃里边的一些剩菜,正巧被这个富人看到了。他非常恼火,盛怒之下,他拿了块石头砸向老鼠。当然,老鼠是被砸死了,可是那个珍贵的玉盂也被打破了。这件事使富人非常难过,他深深后悔自己的鲁莽带来的不可挽回的损失。他认识到只考虑眼前,而忽视后果,将给自己带来灾难。他向世人发出警告,不要为了除掉一只老鼠而烧毁自己的房子。   励志英文简短故事:隐藏的金子   The hidden gold 隐藏的金子   There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.   When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.   After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.   They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering(漫游,闲逛) in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.   The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.   And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。他非常勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。   这个农民上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。”   儿子们想让父亲告诉他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。   那个农民死后,三个儿子就开始挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一致同意排成一行从果园的一头开始挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.   他们挖啊挖,从果园的一头一直挖到了另一头,果树周围和果树之间也都挖到了,可还是没有找到那罐金子。看来一定是有人已经把那罐金子头走了,要么就是他们的父亲一直在异想天开。三个儿子对他们白干了一场,感到大失所望。   到了第二年的橄榄季节,果园里的橄榄树接出的果子比以往的都多;卖完果子后,三个儿子赚了整整一罐金子。
2023-05-30 09:02:371

Zcash NU5 升级

Zcash 计划于 2021 年 10 月 1 日发布 迭代产品套件 Halo Arc,包括对 Zcashd (Zcash 共识节点)、ECC Reference Wallet 应用以及 ECC 钱包 SDK 的更新,并将涵盖 Zcash 即将进行的两项改进,包括 Zcash 网络升级 5 (NU5,预计激活日期也为 2021 年 10 月 1 日)和统一地址(unified addresses),其中,Zcash 网络升级 5 实现Orchard匿名协议,将 Zcash 从 zk-SNARKs 迁移到免除信任初始设置的 Halo 2证明系统中;统一地址是一项补充功能,引入了一种优先采取屏蔽模式(shielded adoption)的未来证明(future-proof)地址格式。 Orchard匿名协议用新的密钥和地址定义新的匿名池(shielded pool),方便实现未来的规模性提升。 Zcash目前存在两个匿名协议和匿名池。 但这个两个协议依然存在两个问题: Orchard协议使用椭圆曲线对,采用Halo2证明系统实现递归,并且不需要可信设置。 曲线 Orchard协议使用 Pallas/Vesta 椭圆曲线对,代替 BLS12-381 和 Jubjub 曲线。 Pallas 为应用层曲线, Vesta 曲线为电路曲线,即 Vesta 标量域为 Pallas 基域。 将采用 simplified SWU 算法定义 GroupHash 实现,代替原先易错的 BLAKE2s 机制 。 证明系统 Orchard使用Halo 2证明系统,采用UPA(UltraPlonk)算术化过程,代替Groth16和R1CS。 Orchard协议尚未使用Halo 2递归证明,将在未来的协议升级中利用。 电路 Orchard使用一个电路实现所有的输入(spends)和输出 (outputs)。单个 action 包括一个花掉的note和一个新建的note。 一个Orchard交易可以打包多个 actions , 采用一个halo2 证明。 承诺 Orchard协议采用 UPA 高效的 Sinsemilla 代替原先的非同态承诺。 承诺树 Orchard采用和sapling类似的承诺树,只是采用 Sinsemilla 代替原先的 Pedersen hash 。 密钥和地址 密钥和地址和 Sapling 类似,有如下改动: 密钥和地址采用 Bech32 编码,主网上的地址带有前缀 zo (Sprout地址前缀为 zc , Sapling 地址前缀为 zs )。 Orchard密钥采用分层派生(HD)的方式。 Note Note 结构为 , 用于生成nullifier, 和 由随机种子派生。 Nullifier Nullifier 计算方式为: 采用Poseiden 哈希函数, 为固定的基点。 签名 Orchard使用 RedPallas 代替原先的 RedJubjub 方案。 统一地址(unified address, UA)是未来证明(future-proof)的地址格式,可以提升可用性,互操作性,默认支持匿名。 背景 由于Zcash协议一直在迭代升级,出现多种地址类型。采用UA可以提升用户体验,支持自动匿名化。 UA也可促进Zcash网络的迭代升级,推进Layer 2, Defi应用的互操作性。 UA 统一地址由多个Zcash地址类型生成( transparent , Sapling , Orchard ), 可以方便用户将资金移到最新的匿名池中,实现自动迁移和自动匿名。 统一地址兼容Zcash所有的资金池(transparent和shielded),当从透明地址转入的时候,能自动转入匿名池中。
2023-05-30 09:02:501


2023-05-30 09:03:003


噶 发包呀
2023-05-30 09:03:093


  秋天是最可爱的。在秋高气爽的日子里,白天晴空万里,入夜银河璀璨,实在令人不得不喜欢。下面是我爱秋天的英语作文,欢迎阅读:   【我爱秋天的英语作文1】   I love autumn, why? In my eyes, autumn is a colorful season, is the harvest season.   I love the fall of the ripe. There was a golden scene in the field, and the heavy rice laughed and bent over, as if to the people, "I can not hold it anymore! I can not hold it!" The white cotton bloomed on the cotton swabs. Blowing, dancing with it, gently touch it, soft, very comfortable!   I love the colorful colors of autumn. The sky is blue and blue, people"s autumn is colorful, the road on the vehicle is colorful, everything surprising; roadside trees grow taller, the leaves of the green gradually faded, began to yellow, autumn Blowing, falling leaves, falling leaves it!   I love the fragrance of autumn. District, the park"s fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus blowing, I could not help but approached the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the smell is getting thicker, really refreshing! Chrysanthemum is not absent, it is also the protagonist of the fall. They scrambling to show their own: white, yellow, purple ... ... layers of layers, gradually start, people relaxed and happy!   I love the Smart of the fall. The geese are flying at high altitudes, and are they going to the south for the winter? They are sometimes in a zigzag, sometimes in a zombie, like a soldier in a squad! The park is full of children. In the skating, some in the bike ride, and some in the chase play. Look, the sky is still flying all kinds of kites it ... ...   What a charming autumn!    【我爱秋天的英语作文2】   I love the golden wind to send cool autumn.   The golden autumn wind to the hot summer away, with the little hand stroking the tree, the tree shake, as if to say: "Thank you, autumn girl." Autumn girl shyly said: "Do not thank "The tree mother also let his children red leaves and yellow leaves dance for the autumn girl.   Autumn to the fruit of the orchard, that big and red apples, heavy hanging in the branches, a string of purple grapes like pearl jade, crystal translucent. Huang Cheng"s pear like a small light bulb, in the green leaves against the background is particularly clear. Hawthorn trees encrusted with a red agate like fruit. One big pomegranate grilled his mouth, revealing a pair of ruby-like teeth.   Autumn to the fields of rice mature, a golden, like to the earth covered with a layer of golden blanket, very beautiful, peasant uncle also laughed, rushed out of harvest, laughing even the mouth are not together.   Autumn to the park in a cluster of chrysanthemums Zhengyan Dou Li, white, red, dark green, large and small, colorful. After several bursts of autumn baptism, the more and more show that his strong vitality.   Autumn is the most beautiful, autumn is the most beautiful, I love autumn.   【我爱秋天的英语作文3】   Autumn is the harvest season, the farmers uncle to the grain of a bucket of barrels, a bag of pick picked to the door of their own homes, if you look down on the roof, wow! Montreal is the yellow "Can".   Today, I will help the grandmother to receive "gold", eat breakfast, and my grandmother and take a sickle and sacks to the ground to cut beans, came to the ground, I saw other people have cut a few heap, and we have not started, I My heart a little urgent, grandmother saw my mind, said to me: "a bean can not be impatient, must first bend over, feet apart, left hand holding bean sprouts, right hand sickle, and then forced the sickle to the bean sprouts cut Go on, so that the bean seedlings will be smooth from the ground. "I follow the grandmother"s words try to cut a few," Oh! "Too tired, hand pain, waist also back pain, this time father Mother and grandpa also came, I shouted: "Come ah! Help us a bean," I took the opportunity to slip away. Sitting on the grass to think; really "Who knows the Chinese grain particles are hard ah." I must cherish the food. Suddenly the grandmother told me to send them some water, I quickly took the kettle ran, less than a moment, they cut more than half, all tired and sweating, his face was filled with the joy of harvest.   I love the beautiful autumn, but also love the harvest season more love in the field of hard-working farmers.   【我爱秋天的英语作文4】   Autumn is so beautiful, the autumn wind blowing slightly, issued a small voice, like a little girl in the piano.   Autumn is a bumper season. Fields, corn and wheat are usually put on the usual reluctant to wear "gold clothes", bent down to meet the "autumn girl". In the orchard, the pomegranate cracked his mouth and smiled at the fruit.   Children in the countryside eat sweet and delicious rice and fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking hot chicken soup, heart happy. They finished the meal, happily ran to the mountains, to the mountain picking maple leaves, tree maple leaves like butterflies, moths as "fly" down. The small squirrels are pine cones in the trees and are prepared for winter. Dayan also lined up to fly to the south.   I love about a few good friends to Zhongshan Park put "paper kite". We stood, while the "paper kite" refueling, because we are in the game who put high. The autumn wind blows our "paper kite" high and far away. See the air flying around the colorful "paper kite", like a bird, my heart like filling the honey as sweet. In the park big flower beds, a blossoming blooming chrysanthemum exudes a refreshing aroma, and some like a soft cloud, mix and match; some like butterflies of the golden wings, thin, beautiful and beautiful; there are like colorful fireworks.   This is my favorite, beautiful autumn, bring us all the "gift". I love you, fall.   【我爱秋天的英语作文5】   I like you in the fall, because you put a lot of harvest fruit are put on a new dress, because you let the world is full of laughter, because you make the world become colorful.   Field, the rice is laughing waist, a golden corn round like a fat doll, waiting for the farmer uncle to take me home.   Orchard, one of the oranges are bowed his head and said; "farmers uncle, why do not you pick me, is not I am not good ah, chestnut are people holding a stick to fight down, and some people brought stew The   The woods, ginkgo trees and plane trees have fallen leaves, flying in the air, as if a girl dancing in the beautiful dance.   Garden, full of sweet-scented osmanthus exudes fragrance, chrysanthemum, sweet-scented osmanthus are open colorful, mix, the garden suddenly became a flower ocean.   Some students in the throwing shot, and some in the rope skipping, and some students in the running it cheerleaders are also cheering for the students, some write the name of the students; some of the students in the school, the school is holding the game Write a class of refueling. The campus is so hot
2023-05-30 09:03:391


There are many grape orchard
2023-05-30 09:03:495


香蕉园和香蕉基地虽然在字面上有所相似,但它们实际上是两个不同的概念。这里为您解释它们之间的区别:香蕉园(Banana Orchard):香蕉园通常是指种植香蕉的土地,香蕉是主要的农作物。香蕉园可能由一个农民或一个家庭拥有和管理,也可能由多个农民共同拥有和管理。在香蕉园中,农民们种植香蕉树,并对香蕉树进行日常管理,如施肥、浇水、除草等。香蕉园的规模和种植面积可能因个人或企业的经济实力和需求而有所不同。香蕉基地(Banana Base):香蕉基地通常是指一个专门用于香蕉种植、加工、储存、运输等相关产业链的区域。香蕉基地可能包括多个香蕉园,以及与香蕉产业相关的基础设施,如仓库、加工厂、运输车辆等。香蕉基地通常由一个或多个企业或组织拥有和管理,这些企业或组织可能负责整个香蕉产业链的各个环节,如种植、加工、销售等。总的来说,香蕉园是一个狭义的概念,专指种植香蕉的土地;而香蕉基地是一个广义的概念,包括了与香蕉产业相关的所有土地、设施和企业。这两者之间的区别主要在于管理主体、规模和产业链的覆盖范围。
2023-05-30 09:04:021


大概范围,南北走向从 Madison St 到 Delancy St,东西从 Essex St 到 Layfayett St。中心范围,E Broadway 到 Grand St,Allen St 到 Bowery St。亚伦街(Allen Street)摆也街(Bayard Street)百老汇大道(Broadway)坚尼街(Canal Street)中央街(Centre Street)地兰西街(Delancey Street)宰也街(Doyer Street)亚治烈街(Eldridge Street)亚瑟斯街(Essex Street)格兰街(Grand Street)喜士打街(Hester Street)拉菲尔街(Lafayette Street)麦迪臣街(Madison Street)茂比利街(Mulberry Street)果园街(Orchard Street)派克街(Pike Street)窝扶街(Worth Street)巴士打街(Baxter Street)包厘街(Bowery)布隆街(Broome Street)嘉芙莲街(Catherine Street)基丝汀街(Chrystie Street)迪威臣街(Division Street)东百老汇大道(East Broadway)伊利沙伯街(Elizabeth Street)科西街(Forsyth Street)亨利街(Henry Street)肯莫街(Kenmare Street)律路街(Ludlow Street)市场街(Market Street)勿街(Mott Street)披露街(Pell Street)获嘉街(Walker Street)上面的街道中文名是维基的资料,主要街道的中文名可以保证没错,那些次要的就从来没注意过中文名,也不知道是不是官方的翻译。
2023-05-30 09:04:101


centre 一般指市中心west 西部环线 jurong - clementi - boonlay....east 东部环线 tempines- pasir ris, 机场等等
2023-05-30 09:04:212


1 一位垂死的老人派人叫他的两个儿子到他身边,因为他有话要对他们说。2 当他们进来,这位老人从枕头上起来,指向窗外他的果园3 然后他看着儿子们的手,看见他们的指甲很光亮而且手指与保养得很好的女人的手指一样白。4 几年后它结出了最好的果实,金黄色的桔子,红色的苹果和比红宝石更大更亮的樱桃!5 甚至是操场上最慢的人通过学习和练习跑步技巧后,也能变成一名跑得很快的人。
2023-05-30 09:04:291


整理一些平时收藏和应用的开源代码,方便自己学习和查阅 1.应用 nopcommerce ,开源电商网站,开发环境 mvc(未支持.net core),使用技术(autofac,ef,页面插件等) OrchardCMS ,内容管理网站版本) core版本) ABP(aspnetboilerplate) ,提供一系列工具用于web应用创建,支持 ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC & Web API,也提供了web应用的模板 core 版本,tag分支有支持.net版本的) IdentityServer ,用户授权网站(支持openid和OAuth 2.0),可用于单点登录和第三方授权等版本) core版本) eShopOnContainers 微软提供的微服务实例 PetShop 三层架构经典例子,用于新手学习,不过aspx有点过时了 BlogEngine.NET 博客网站,也是aspx 2.组件 Lucene.Net 全文检索开发组件 ServiceStack 半开源,用于创建web服务 MassTransit 可用于创建基于消息的服务和应用,依赖于RabbitMQ stateless 简单的工作流开发组件,不支持在线定制工作流 Hangfire 任务调度开发利器 Jwt.Net 用于生成JWT (JSON Web Token) 和JWT校验 npoi 支持office文件的读写 StackExchange.Redis Redis的.net客户端 CacheManager 用于缓存的管理,支持Redis.Memcached,couchbase等 Autofac Ioc组件,用于依赖注入 LightGBM 用于机器学习 3.框架 mvc Nancy 类似 mvc,web开发框架 4.其他 dotnet core 主页 ,提供dotnet core相关知识的索引和例子,方便快速入门 .net源码
2023-05-30 09:04:361


《KilmenyoftheOrchard》 (L.M. Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: uveg    书名:KilmenyoftheOrchard作者: L.M. Montgomery出版社: Starfire出版年: September 1, 1989页数: 144 pages内容简介 When twenty-four-year-old Eric Marshall arrives on Prince Edward Island to become a substitute schoolmaster, he has a bright future in his wealthy family"s business. Eric has taken the two-month teaching post only as a favor to a friend -- but fate throws in his path a beautiful, mysterious girl named Kilmeny Gordon. With jet black hair and sea blue eyes, Kilmeny immediately captures Eric"s heart. But Kilmeny cannot speak, and Eric is concerned for and bewitched by this shy, sensitive mute girl. For the first time in his life Eric must work hard for something he wants badly. And there is nothing he wants more than for Kilmeny to return his love.作者简介露西•莫德•蒙哥马利(1874年11月30日-1942年4月24日),出生于新伦敦,毕业于夏洛特敦威尔斯亲王大学,加拿大女作家。她的代表作品为《绿山墙的安妮》,被誉为“世界上最甜蜜的少女成长故事”。马克·吐温评价道“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝之后最令人感动和喜爱的形象”。
2023-05-30 09:04:431


问题一:果园用英语怎么说呢? orchard; garden 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快 问题二:果园用英语怎么说? qacde 问题三:果园丰收啦 用英语怎么说? The fruit farm has a big harvest. 问题四:百果园 英语怎么说 15分 100 orc定ard/gardens with hundreds of fruits 要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!祝你进步! 问题五:果园里有几种水果英语怎么说 答:There are several fruits in the orchard. 问题六:果园的英文怎么写 fruit garden 问题七:果园的英文怎么写? orchard
2023-05-30 09:05:121


果园的英文怎么写? orchard “四季果园”英文缩写怎么写,求解! four seasonal orchard 果园用英语怎么说? 果园: orchardfruitery fruit garden the orchard orchard field orcha棱ds fruit orchard orchard soil dry orchard 果园的英文怎么写 fruit garden 农场果园英文是什么? 一般来说直接用 Orchard 就可以了 英音:["ɔ:tʃəd]美音:["ɔrtʃɚd] 名词 n. 1.果树园,果树林[C] My orchard is bearing well this year. 我的果园今年果实累累。 一般没有人会说 Farm orchard 或者 Orchard farm 的 这是Chinese English 秋天我能在果园吃水果用英语怎么写 In autumn,i can eat fruits in a fruit farm. 百果园 英语怎么说 15分 100 orc定ard/gardens with hundreds of fruits 要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!祝你进步! 果园用英语怎么说呢? orchard; garden 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快 出境水果果园注册号用英语怎么简写 from the dream that had awoken her
2023-05-30 09:05:181


2023-05-30 09:05:252

orchard 和 grove 有什么区别

2023-05-30 09:05:331

orchard road是什么意思

2023-05-30 09:05:412


Farm orchard
2023-05-30 09:06:012

请问去 新加坡 住边间酒店交通最方便及近市中心?

You may find all Singapore Hotel information from the Singapore official website visitsingapore Actualling Singapore is not a big city. Most Hotel is very convenience. Such in China Town River Side Marina Area Orchild Road City Hall e It costs from HKD300 to HKD2000 per room. I"ve reserved a hotel - Swissohotel Merchant Court beside Chake Quary (MRT Chake Quary Station) at Chinese New Year Holiday (2 nights) with HKD2100. Please be noted that 15% Tax & Surchange would apply on general price list of hotels. I"ve one from my travel agent can be sending to you for ref. Best regards 参考: visitsingapore 住乌节路ORCHARD ROAD一带的酒店 如mandarin oriental south tower / park hotel orchard (formerly crown hotel at orchard) / meritus negara / MARRIORT; 事关乌节路有MRT 搭的士或坐巴士都方便; 除左乌节路 住CHINA TOWN唐人街的FURAMA CITY CENTRE都不错 价钱比上述平一点; 酒店新CHINA TOWN MRT STATION 或去牛车水 食D特色小吃如咖椰多士及肉骨茶都不错! 可以考虑乌节路(Orchard Road)沿线的酒店. 晚上的Orchard Road仿似中国香港的弥敦道 挺热闹的. 五星级的Mandarin Oriental是其中一个选择 但房租都几贵. 另可选择Orchard Road前端的四星级酒店. 虽然远少少 但距离最近的地铁站(MRT Station)只有约五分钟的步程. 笔者曾经入住Orchard Hotel及Orchard Parade Hotel. 感觉都不错. Orchard Hotel较光鲜 浴室可以收听电台电视节目. Orchard Parade Hotel房间空间较大. 以上只是自己的经验 另可参考其他意见 例如Asia Rooms 希望可以帮到你! 参考: 笔者新加坡旅游的经验. Mandarin Oriental Singapore is convenient and 最方便及近市中心
2023-05-30 09:06:091


【 #英语资源# 导语】美丽的秋天是一个五彩缤纷的世界。 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Autumn is the season of harvest, as well as the season of withering flowers and withering trees. Many people praise spring, because everything in spring recovers; Some people praise summer, because in summer trees are flourishing and flowers are blooming; Some people praise winter, because the snow is floating in winter; However, I love the beautiful autumn more.   The blue sky in autumn seems to have been washed by the autumn rain. A group of wild geese fly under the white clouds. They turn into a "V" shape, a "man" shape, and then a "one" shape. They roam in the sky as if they were saying to us, "Autumn is coming. Put on more clothes and don"t catch cold!"   In the orchard, melons and fruits are fragrant, red apples are like children"s faces, yellow pears are like little yellow lanterns, clusters of grapes are dressed in purple clothes, oranges and persimmons are squeezed by each other, striving for people to pick them!   In the vegetable garden, cucumbers are dressed in green clothes, white scarves are wrapped around white wax gourds, purple robes are worn on eggplants, and red tomatoes have a red smile.   In the field, the rice bent over with laughter, the sorghum raised the burning torch, the snow-white cotton flew in the wind, and the full soybean bellied up mischievously.   In the woods, the leaves of ginkgo trees are like small fans, which fan takes away the summer heat. The red maple leaves are like stamps, which send cool autumn.   Ah! How beautiful autumn is! I love the beautiful autumn! 2.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   The lovely summer is full of trees, and the beautiful autumn fruits and melons are fragrant. All are beautiful seasons, but I always think autumn is more beautiful than spring, summer and winter.   You see, autumn has brought us a big surprise. It has brought a box of colorful paints. First, it gives the apricot yellow to the ginkgo tree. The yellow leaves are like a small fan, fanning back and forth, and finally the summer heat is gone. It also gave red to the maple tree. The red leaves fluttered in the air like stamps, like beautiful red butterflies, flying to the ground and stepping on it like stepping on the bed. The fields turned into golden waves, and sorghum held up a burning torch. Pomegranate saw that he had no color at all, and "wow" had to cry, while paddy "laughed", bending his waist, and the pomegranate immediately blushed. There are also chrysanthemums. Sister Qiu looked left and right. She gave them all her colors. Wow! The chrysanthemum fairy is really beautiful. There are snow-white, apricot yellow, purple...... Beautiful chrysanthemums nodded frequently in the autumn rain, as if to say: "Thank you, Sister Qiu." In addition to these, there are some small animals. The little magpie comes to build a house with branches. The little frog speeds up digging holes to get ready for a comfortable sleep. They are all preparing for winter.   Autumn is beautiful and short. 3.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   I like the warmth of spring, the heat of summer, and the snow in winter; However, I prefer cool and beautiful autumn.   Autumn is the harvest season. Look! Red apples, yellow pears and golden rice are all ripe. Red apples are like smiling faces. They look at this beautiful autumn and feel proud! So they laughed happily. They laughed and laughed all autumn. The yellow pear trees are like little lanterns. They shake on the trees and light up the whole autumn.   Autumn is also beautiful. Look! Chrysanthemum, rose, osmanthus, lily and a bunch of red flowers are in full bloom! They look more brilliant and beautiful in the embrace of autumn. I like the colorful chrysanthemums best! Standing far away, you can smell the fragrant smell of chrysanthemums. The color of chrysanthemums is also very special. There are purple, white, light yellow... The beautiful chrysanthemums nod frequently in the autumn rain. I also like beautiful roses. The smell of roses is very nice and fragrant. When I smell it, I really want to swallow it.   Autumn is cool, autumn is fruity, autumn is beautiful, I love beautiful autumn! 4.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Autumn comes to you quietly and quietly, with colorful colors.   Look, the fiery maple leaves are floating like lovely little butterflies. The golden gingko leaves are like beautiful little fans, which fan away the hot summer.   The golden rice in the field smiled and bent, as if bowing to thank farmer Bo for his hard training. And the flaming sorghum is like flaming flames.   On the hillside, the fruit dolls are jostling for people to pick them. Look, the apple looks like a blushing, shy little girl; Bananas are like small curved moons; Clusters of purple grapes are like beautiful pearls, glittering.   In autumn, some people play in parks, some harvest in fields, and some exercise in parks.   In autumn, the animals are not idle. The little squirrels are jumping up and down the trees, busy transporting the pinecones home! Snakes slowly climbed back to their caves to prepare for hibernation. The geese formed groups of "human" shapes in the air and flew to the warm south, as if to tell people that winter is coming!   In autumn, some flowers are withering, while others are in full bloom. Those flowers are colorful chrysanthemums, beautiful hibiscus, red Fusang, etc. 5.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Autumn is coming. My mother and I go to the countryside to look for the footprints of autumn.   When I got to Grandma"s house, I couldn"t wait to run to the fields to find the footprints of autumn. After looking for a long time, "I found it! I found it!" I shouted loudly. Look, red apples are like red faces. Isn"t this the footprint of autumn? The yellow Sydney is like pieces of shining gold; Grapes are hung on the high shelf in large clusters, including red, white, dark red, purple and green. They are colorful and beautiful. Looking at these grapes, my mouth watering. I really want to eat! (The dialect should be changed into Putonghua)   Finally, I said to Grandma, "Grandma, I want to eat braised sweet potato. Let"s go and dig it." Grandma smiled and said, "Go, go." We walked for 10 minutes and started digging. Grandma dug east and west, and soon caught "little naughty". I followed my grandmother"s example and soon dug one. Then we took the sweet potato home and put it in the ashes of the stove where the firewood was burned. After an hour, the sweet and delicious braised sweet potato appeared, and the taste was really unforgettable!   This trip to the countryside made me understand that, indeed, autumn brings a harvest song to the earth and a happy song to the children. I love autumn and the beauty of autumn. 6.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Who is "chirp", "chirp"? Oh, it"s the little magpie. Eh, the rabbits and dogs are also here. What are they doing here? Oh, they are coming to report good news. They loudly said to me, "Autumn is coming."   Yes, the hot summer is over, and the beautiful autumn girl comes to the beautiful world again with light steps.   As soon as I entered the campus full of autumn atmosphere, I felt warm. When I entered the school, I first saw two round gardens, all of which were beautiful flowers. They showed people their beautiful and charming charm. And the five-star red flag was flying in the air.   There are rows of small trees in the playground. Their leaves have turned pale yellow. When a breeze blows, the leaves rush down like yellow butterflies dancing. Golden leaves covered the playground, and the playground suddenly became a golden "ocean". I didn"t expect our playground to be so beautiful.   Autumn made the farmer uncle"s deep face smile. Facing the ripe fruit in front of him, the farmer uncle said to himself: "This year is another harvest year", and his hard work was not in vain. It was the farmers who brought us sweet fruits, delicious rice and so on with their hard work.   Autumn, everywhere is the same color - golden yellow.   In autumn, there are ripe fruits everywhere, such as apples, bananas, peaches, pears, etc; Vegetables include tomatoes, cantaloupes, eggplants, etc.   In short, autumn is a beautiful and harvest season. 7.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Compared with spring, hot summer and cold winter, I prefer autumn with rich fruits.   Don"t believe it. Look carefully. There are many fruits on the tree! The apple laughed so hard that it bent the branches; Pomegranate was singing in the tree. It was full of breath and flushed; The persimmon blushed and hid behind the leaves; The grapes seem to be drunk, swaying with the wind... The orchard is full of fruits.   The red maple leaves are like stamps, they are fluttering in the air with the wind. The golden field is like a dancer, who listens to the conductor"s command and constantly jumps and spins in the field. The farmers happily picked the fruits on the trees. The fruits in the orchard seemed to be having a party. From afar, they seemed to say, "Autumn is coming! Autumn is coming! The harvest season is coming again..." The white clouds in the sky were in thousands of shapes, constantly changing the noodles, sometimes like a white dragon, sometimes like strings of cotton candy, sometimes like a big pencil... Beautiful!   I like this beautiful autumn, do you like it? 8.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   Autumn is a harvest season. Let"s go into autumn after the harvest. Let"s have a look at autumn.   Walking into the autumn orchard, the pear trees are covered with yellow pears, just like lovely "tumblers". A closer look shows that the "tumblers" have small spots on their faces. The apple trees are full of red apples, just like little lanterns. A closer look shows that the heavy fruit bends the branches like willows.   Walking into the autumn field, golden rice is dancing in the field like naughty children shaking their heads. The flaming sorghum is like a winner holding a burning torch, guiding the direction of autumn.   The chrysanthemums in the wild are even more beautiful. They are as red as fire, as pink as rosy clouds, and as white as snow. They are so beautiful... The maple trees on the lawn begin to fall several yellow and red leaves, which are like birds flying and butterflies dancing. Ah, it was the autumn wind that made the fallen leaves grow wings. 9.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   With the cool autumn wind, Miss Qiu came to the world quietly.   Miss Qiu came to the field quietly. Look, the golden rice is swayed by the autumn wind, like layers of golden waves rolling. Maize seems to be wearing a golden pearl dress and is going to participate in a clothing competition. The sorghum is also mature, like a mighty soldier guarding the harvest field.   Miss Qiu came to the orchard quietly. Look, the pomegranate dolls grinned happily, some even broke their bellies. The golden oranges hung on the branches like little lanterns. Apple girl is dressing up, like a shy little girl blushing. Yali girl loved beauty so much that she sprayed a little perfume, which immediately overflowed with fruit fragrance.   Miss Qiu came to the park quietly. The chrysanthemums in the park are in bloom. They are as white as snow, red as fire, and pink as rosy clouds. From time to time, the fragrance of flowers wafts. It"s very comfortable.   Ah, how beautiful autumn is! 10.美丽的秋天英语作文范文   The hot summer is over, and we welcome the cool autumn.   In the fields of autumn, a bumper harvest is in sight. The golden rice looks like a big carpet on the ground. The snow-white cotton opens its mouth and spits out marshmallows... The farmer"s uncle stoops to harvest the rice. Although he is sweating, he is very happy.   The orchard is full of fruits in autumn. The red apple is red and big, like a little girl"s blushing face. Yellow pears hang on the branches like gourds, and clusters of grapes are crystal clear. There are purple, red and green, which makes my mouth water.   The park is colorful in autumn. Colorful chrysanthemums are blooming in the sun. They are as red as fire, as white as snow, and as pink as rosy clouds. They are really colorful and beautiful! The fragrance of these chrysanthemums attracted a large number of tourists.   How beautiful autumn is! I love autumn.
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There was once a farmer who had a fine orchard (果园). He worked very hard all his life and the o.

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《97 Orchard》(Ziegelman, Jane)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:ur8i书名:97 Orchard作者:Ziegelman, Jane出版年份:2010-6页数:272内容简介:In 97 Orchard , Jane Ziegelman explores the culinary life that was the heart and soul of New York"s Lower East Side around the turn of the twentieth century—a city within a city, where Germans, Irish, Italians, and Eastern European Jews attempted to forge a new life. Through the experiences of five families, all of them residents of 97 Orchard Street, she takes readers on a vivid and unforgettable tour, from impossibly cramped tenement apartments down dimly lit stairwells where children played and neighbors socialized, beyond the front stoops where immigrant housewives found respite and company, and out into the hubbub of the dirty, teeming streets. Ziegelman shows how immigrant cooks brought their ingenuity to the daily task of feeding their families, preserving traditions from home but always ready to improvise. While health officials worried that pushcarts were unsanitary and that pickles made immigrants too excitable to be good citizens, a culinary revolution was taking place in the streets of what had been culturally an English city. Along the East River, German immigrants founded breweries, dispensing their beloved lager in the dozens of beer gardens that opened along the Bowery. Russian Jews opened tea parlors serving blintzes and strudel next door to Romanian nightclubs that specialized in goose pastrami. On the streets, Italian peddlers hawked the cheese-and-tomato pies known as pizzarelli , while Jews sold knishes and squares of halvah. Gradually, as Americans began to explore the immigrant ghetto, they uncovered the array of comestible enticements of their foreign-born neighbors. 97 Orchard charts this exciting process of discovery as it lays bare the roots of our collective culinary heritage.
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