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on an errand什么意思

on an errand一个差事on an errand一个差事

而后面的on an invented errand中的on是不是表达"忙于某事"的含义呢?

on an errand是短语。send out打发出去。

要不这样吧,我给您跑一趟。 可以说 how about letting me run an errand for you。 可以吗

errand, 意思是“差事”,常常与动词run 连用,表示出去办些小差事,说得不好听一点就是“替人跑腿建议这样说:How about you let me run errand for you.

errand boy是什么意思


errand是什么意思及用法 翻译errand的意思

英音 ["erənd] ;,美音 ["erənd] ;,名词 差使,差事,跑腿,当差,a short trip that is taken in the performance of a necessary task or mission,on an errand 办事,当差,跑腿 ,errand of mercy n. 仁慈行为 ,make an errand 找借口外出,特地跑一段路程 ,do an errand 办事,当差 ,go on an errand 办事,当差,跑腿 ,run an errand to make a short trip for a particular purpose. I"ve got to run a few errands and then stop by my mo ,errand boy 商店跑差, 供差遣的仆人 ,secret errand 【法】 密使 ,go on a sleeveless errand 白白受累, 无谓奔走 ,dispatch *** on an errand 差遣某人 ,errand n. 差使,差事,跑腿,当差,errand boy n. 役童,errand girl 供差遣的女童仆


errands的意思是.差使;差事;errand的复数;1.Before Family Days, our weekends were filled with soccer games, errands, and many family parties.  以前没有家庭日的时候,我们的周末都被足球比赛,差使和许多家庭聚会所占据。2.In response to telephone calls received at their basement headquarters, messengers ran errands, delivered packages, and carried notes, baggage, and trays of food from restaurants. 在收到基地总部的电话之后,作为响应,信使开始跑差使,递送包裹、便条、行李以及餐馆的食物。大部分递送均为步行,稍远的行程则骑自行车。3.Her boss sent her on an errand into town.  老板派她进城办事去了。She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother  她总是在为她不方便外出的祖母跑前跑后。4.He often runs errands for his grandmother.  他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。She had a more urgent errand.  她有一个更加紧急的差事要办。5.He sent me on a fool"s errand.  他派我去干白费力的事。She went off on some errand  她办事去了。6.They are expected to babysit, run errands, and help serve at cocktail parties.  要求他们做的事情有:看孩子、跑腿儿、在鸡尾酒会上帮忙招待。7.Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.  弗兰克开始为当地一个下流的恶人跑腿做坏事。

