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Real Gone Kid 歌词

歌曲名:Real Gone Kid歌手:Deacon Blue专辑:Raintown/When The World Knows Your NameBilly Ray Cyrus - Real GoneI"m American made but I like ChevroletMy momma taught me wrong from right.I was born in the SouthSometimes I have a big mouthWhen I see something that I don"t likeI gotta say it.Well, we"ve been driving this road for a mighty long timePaying no mind to the signsWell, this neighborhood"s changedIt"s all been rearrangedWe left that dream somewhere behind.Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out babe, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneReal gone.Real gone.But there"s a new cat in townHe"s got high-faded friendsThinks he"s gonna change historyYou think you know him so wellYeah you think he"s so swellBut he"s just perpetuatin" prophecy(oh, come on)Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a wayTo get real goneReal gone.Real gone.Real gone.WhaoooWell you can say what you wantBut you can"t say it "round here"Cause they"ll catch you and give you a whippin"Well, I believe I was right when I said you were wrongYou didn"t like the sound of thatNow, did ya?Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneWell here I come and I"m so not scared,Got my pedal to the metal, got my hands in the airLook out, you take your blinders offEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneReal gone.Real gone.Ooh.Real gone.Real gone.


To do动词不定式的一般式 表示 的动作或状态 与句子中的谓语动词所表示的动作或状态 是同时发生或 在之后发生 To have done动词不定式的完成式 表示发生在谓语之前的动作 to be doing动词不定式的进行式 表示在谓语动作 发生时 正在进行的动作 to have been doing 是 不定式的完成进行式 表示发生过的一直持续到 谓语动词发生时的动作现在分词,过去分词 以后再讲 To do 具有 将来性 阶段性 特定性


To do 是去做什么事,表主动To be done 什么事情已经做完了,表被动

英国女模特Keeley Hazell个人写真集 U R not alone 在哪可以买得到




to do 与to be done 分别在什么时候使用

关于第四点的说明,用这个句子怎么理解。The story is hard to under-stand .story 就是understand的逻辑宾语,为什么不用被动。


1、一个例子:iPhone4s跟也是iPhone4s,同时都打开了蓝牙,结果互相都搜索不到。索爱w595能搜到苹果4s了,配对好了,点连接,就说不支持的。2、因为苹果公司对版权的注重,苹果产品的蓝牙一般只能连接外设,不能蓝牙连接其他手机和传文件。3、如果需要传送资料,同ID可以用 iCloud ;不同账号,照片可以用共享流,其他的可以下载第三方云服务,例如百度云,微云等,不限制设备。4、如果非要连接的话,也可以通过越狱,下载第三方软件实现连接蓝牙。已越狱iPhone的蓝牙功能就完全破解了,甚至集成到系统UI中。通过Cydia安装插件,可以轻松实现和任意蓝牙设备的配对,结合iFile等越狱应用来传输任何iPhone上的文件。下载Celeste 2(IOS 6.x),ibluever,AirBlue Sharing等软件可以让苹果产品跟别的手机连接。


Aux 辅助。Auxiliary的缩写;对于额外线路的指定,通常用于传送信号到效果器,耳机,音箱和其他设备。Phone是耳机,MIC是话筒 一般插头和插孔的颜色是一样的,也有小图标或者文字标志



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Dr Jones怎么读?

Doctor Jones琼斯博士


dad this is my jones

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green琼斯先生这是格林小姐这个英语怎么读啊?

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green。从事新先生,这是格林小姐谐音读作米四它 周日,rei四 一日 米四 个润



mrjones怎么读 英语mrjones怎么读

1、Mr jones 的音标是[mu026astu0259(r) du0292u0259unz] 。意思是琼斯先生。 2、例句:Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。

mrjones怎么读英语 关于mrjones的读音

1、mrjones读音:[u02c8mu026astu0259(r) du0292u0259unz],释义:琼斯先生。 2、示例:A red-faced Mr Jones was led away by police。一位涨红了脸的琼斯先生被警察带走了。

mrjones英语怎么读 mrjones的意思

1、Mr Jones,英式音标:[u02c8mu026astu0259(r)du0292u0259unz],美式音标:[u02c8mu026astu0259r du0292onz]。 2、Mr在这里是mister(先生)的缩写。音标:英[mu026astu0259(r)],美[mu026astu0259r]。 3、Jones是外国姓氏,一般翻译为“琼斯”。音标:英[du0292u0259unz]美[du0292onz]。 4、注意:mr jones的正确写法应为Mr Jones,首字母都需要大写。

mr jones怎么读 mr jones的读法

1、Mr Jones:英式音标:[u02c8mu026astu0259(r) du0292u0259unz];美式音标:[u02c8mu026astu0259r du0292onz] 2、谐音:咪斯特交恩斯 3、Mr在这里是mister(先生)的缩写。音标:英[mu026astu0259(r)];美[mu026astu0259r] 4、Jones是外国姓氏,一般翻译为“琼斯”。音标:英[du0292u0259unz];美[du0292onz] 5、注意:mr jones的正确写法应为Mr Jones,首字母都需要大写。

Dαd,thⅰs ⅰsMrJones。怎么读?



MrJOneS?用英语读音:[?m?st?(r) d??unz] 释义:琼斯先生。但是想要英语学的更好,建议你可以学习在线外教培训班提高英语水平,跟着外教读英语,这个价格不贵,一节课不超过20元,或者先领取免费试听课看看外教是怎样上课的。领取免费试听课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!阿卡索是外教一对一授课的,在线学习打破时间空间限制,利用Pad、手机、笔记本可以随时随地在线上课,每天25分钟,有效利用碎片化时间,学员自主家长放心,课程均价不到20元。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。



mr jones怎么读在线是听三年级上册


单词 mr jones 的读音


Mr Jones是什么意思,要中文发音哦?






KINGMAX出品 iPhone 3GS备用电池试用

  【IT168 手机评测】苹果iPhone系列无疑是目前全触屏手机市场上最受瞩目的产品之一,特别是随着第四代iPhone的呼之欲出,该机的种种话题再次成为了互联网热炒的焦点。不过作为一款明星机型,前三代iPhone也有着自己的软肋,那就是待机时间过短。众所周知,苹果iPhone/iPhone 3G/iPhone 3GS都采用了内置电池设计,因此除去拆机外是无法更换电池的,这对于长期出差或在外工作的用户来说很是不便。针对这一客观情况,目前市场上推出了各种配套备用电池,虽然并非苹果原厂出品,但合适的价格还是让不少消费者忍不住入手体验。今天,笔者为大家介绍的是一款由KINGMAX出品的型号为JP1500的iPhone备电,如果你正在使用iPhone,那么不妨来了解一下这款产品的特性吧!图为苹果备电产品---KINGMAX JP1500  KINGMAX JP1500采用的是类似于手机保护壳样式的外形设计,尽管并非苹果原装产品,但做工工艺上还是相当考究,笔者拿到的是陶瓷白版本,颜色方面与正在使用的iPhone 3GS白色版相差无几,不会让人感觉色差上的不适。值得一提的是,为了尽量保证使用时的手感,JP1500整体采用了光滑的工程塑料材质,不仅与目前市面上主打的iPhone 3G /3GS的背部面板手感相近,而且还最小程度避免了插拔时对手机的磨损。两款产品的颜色几乎完全一致  由于所有的iPhone备电都采用了外置设计,所以在使用过程中必然会带来重量的增加,KINGMAX JP1500本身的体重在72g左右,加上本身的135g重量,两款产品拿在手上的总重就达到了207g,相当于一般轻薄手机的两倍,不过为了延长iPhone的续航时间,也是完全可以接受的。“指托儿”部位加入点状颗粒设计  设计细节方面,KINGMAX JP1500在力求简洁的同时也体现出了人性化的一面。比如该机在产品左右两侧设置了两个手指肚大小的“指托儿”,上面加入了点状颗粒设计,用户在拿捏时不仅手感舒适,拔取过程中也不会出现打滑的状况。细节设计:LED指示灯+MIniUSB充电接口  KINGMAX JP1500在机身背部设置了4颗LED指示灯,其用途是显示当前备用电池的储存电量,而在机身左下角,该机还特别设计了一颗圆形按钮,手指按击过后即可点亮4颗LED指示灯中的其中几盏,当然倘若备电电量为0,4颗指示灯会全部熄灭,以提示用户尽快充电。蓝色LED指示灯呈现跳动式闪烁  为了方便用户,KINGMAX还为JP1500设置了一个MiniUSB接口,该接口位于产品底部,通用性较高。而为了避免灰尘的进入,该机还贴心的增加了一个白色橡胶软赛,由于质地相当柔软,所以用户在开启或闭合软赛时不会有任何生涩的感觉,这一点笔者很是喜欢。机身左下角的按钮---电量提示机身底部的MiniUSB充电接口  客观的说,KINGMAX JP1500在外观上体现出了一定水准的工业设计,颜色搭配过渡自然,使用手感较为舒适。但稍有不爽的是,在装载iPhone充电时,手机的厚度明显增加,对于一款轻薄的时尚手机来说多少造成了便携性的下降,不过对于那些不太爱惜手机的用户来说,KINGMAX JP1500在充电的同时还起到了手机保护壳的作用,正所谓鱼和熊掌不可兼得,是否符合大家的审美还有待市场的进一步检测。充电测试:USB比电源还靠谱儿?iPhone充电过程中备电不会有任何发热状况,值得称赞  对于一款手机备电来说,外形再酷也只是锦上添花,充电能力的高低才最终决定着产品的成功与否。从实际测试情况来看,该机通过MiniUSB数据线链接PC时所需时间为3小时20分钟左右,为了测试准确,笔者选择了在iPhone剩余2%电量以及完全关机两种状态下进行充电,测试次数3次。KINGMAX备电大小基本合适,只是厚度增加了不少  结果发现在剩余2%电量的情况下,iPhone完成充电所需时间为2小时10分钟,可100%充满;而在关机状态下,iPhone完成充电所需时间同为2小时10分钟,但只能充入80%-90%的电量,由此可见用户在使用时最好在手机完全关机前进行充电,以保证电量100%回复!由于没有提供适配器,因此笔者选择了非原厂电源进行测试,充电速度要比USB线快不少。备电下方印有KINGMAX标识KINGMAX备电侧边特写  小结:有关KINGMAX JP1500备电的测试还在进行当中,作为一款常规备电,该产品基本可以满足用户的使用需求,特别是在非关机状态下100%满电的充电结果还是令人相当满意的。目前,iPhone备电主要分为后盖式和底座式两种,价格在几十元到几百元之间,在这里笔者推荐大家使用信誉有保证的品牌产品,以避免充电器充电过饱甚至爆炸的危险。





amy diamond的takes one to know one歌词及翻译

[ti:takes one to know one][ar:amy diamond][al:music in motion][by:594-king]amy diamond ★ takes one to know one〖 music 〗could"ve been so easycould"ve been a friendle phaseyeah it could"ve been simplecould have, it should havebut that"s not the casetell me who are youto be calling me names?you"re making yourself the foolain"t that a shameyou can call me a liar, cheater, losertakes one to know oneyou can say i"m bitter, call me quittertakes one to know oneand i know you"re poiting fingers...and...the point is lost on medo you hate to se me happy?does it fill you with jealousy?what" cha trying to proveby putting me down?sorry the joke"s on youlike tears of a clown...yeahyou can call me a liar, cheater, losertakes one to know oneyou can say i"m bitter, call me quittertakes one to know oneyeah it takes one to know one (repeat)and i know you...could"ve been so easy...that was not the case【...end...】


这名字是想取 kids one(儿童第一) 和kid zion(儿童地带)的中间体吧

请问refrain oneself to do sth是什么意思啊?

refrain to do我还没有见过这样的用法,我查了林格斯,牛津都没有这样的用法。我估计你是在读文章的时候看到的,我认为有些是作者的笔误,或用法的不准确。这在英语写作中比较常见,中文写作也有。

请问选哪个,为什么?Tom ______into the house when no one ______a.slipp?

选A. slip into 溜进来,动作瞬间完成,不能用过去完成时或过去进行时. when no one was looking用进行时态 表示溜进来时正好没人看到,4,b.had slipped ,look 因为Tom进房在前,别人看见是在后,2,选a,这是发生在过去的一个动作,所以是sliped。滑进去又不是一直持续的,所以had slipped 和was slipping不对。然后when是表示一个时间点,没有人看到,用was looking. 求采纳。,1,选A,slip是个短暂性动词,代表一个时间点发生的动作,look可以表示一段时间内发生的动作,这句话的意思是:tom 在没人注意的时候溜进了屋子。,1,选 A slipped, was looking,0,选d,这里用的过去进行时,表示tom正在进行的动作,0,请问选哪个,为什么? Tom ______into the house when no one ______ a.slipped,was looking b.had slipped ,looked c.slipped ,had looked d was slipping ,looked





one to the other 和to one another 区别

还要看语境,但如果只是辨析的话,两者意义如下:1. 从一个到另一个2. 彼此;相互

one to one是几点


为什么一场一对一的游戏用a one to one不用an呢

因为one的发音是w开头,o是元音字母里面特殊的一个,它的单词发音以w开头的时候前面用a不用an,只有当发音以其它元音开头的时候才用an,比如 an orange

lonestar 演唱的 making memories 和goodbye is goodbye歌词

已发送请查收 建议:以后要查找欧美音乐歌词到google搜吧格式如下:歌曲名+歌手+LYRICS

in surprise与to one's surprise的区别


Lonestar Rising 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar Rising歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:RudeboxRobbie Williams - Lonestar Rising.Bah-umBah-umBah-umBah-umBah-um.Sun is shiningSo why am I feeling the cold?Bah-umBah-um.Not surprisingSomething has fallen from the foldBah-umBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingGod only knows where I""ll goBah-umBah-um.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-um.Every others passed to remind of the timeAll the loversLiving in limbo divineBah-umBah-umBah-um.Every reasonHas every reason to goBah-umBah-um.All the seasons melt into one like the snowBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sun.Bah-umNo sensationNot even tears rolling downBah-um.ConversationEchoes like ghosts on the townBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingBah-umGod only knows where I""ll go.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-umBah-um

Lonestar Rising 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar Rising歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: The Greatest Hits 1990 -2010Robbie Williams - Lonestar Rising.Bah-umBah-umBah-umBah-umBah-um.Sun is shiningSo why am I feeling the cold?Bah-umBah-um.Not surprisingSomething has fallen from the foldBah-umBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingGod only knows where I""ll goBah-umBah-um.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-um.Every others passed to remind of the timeAll the loversLiving in limbo divineBah-umBah-umBah-um.Every reasonHas every reason to goBah-umBah-um.All the seasons melt into one like the snowBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sun.Bah-umNo sensationNot even tears rolling downBah-um.ConversationEchoes like ghosts on the townBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingBah-umGod only knows where I""ll go.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-umBah-um

Lonestar Rising 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar Rising歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: Greatest Hits 1990 - 2010Robbie Williams - Lonestar Rising.Bah-umBah-umBah-umBah-umBah-um.Sun is shiningSo why am I feeling the cold?Bah-umBah-um.Not surprisingSomething has fallen from the foldBah-umBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingGod only knows where I""ll goBah-umBah-um.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-um.Every others passed to remind of the timeAll the loversLiving in limbo divineBah-umBah-umBah-um.Every reasonHas every reason to goBah-umBah-um.All the seasons melt into one like the snowBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sun.Bah-umNo sensationNot even tears rolling downBah-um.ConversationEchoes like ghosts on the townBah-umBah-um.Lonestar risingBah-umGod only knows where I""ll go.Oh what timingAnd how blue is the toneBah-umBah-um.Seems like I was always drunkI lost myself in someone""s songAnd when all is said and doneI only wanna feel the sunBah-umBah-um

Lonestar Rag (Deep In The Heart Of Texas Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar Rag (Deep In The Heart Of Texas Album Version)歌手:Craig Duncan专辑:Deep In The Heart Of TexasNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign

线性代数里 one-to-one什么意思?

one-to-one,injective onto,surjective 1-1 correspondence,bijection

Lonestar的《Smile》 歌词

歌曲名:Smile歌手:Lonestar专辑:Lonely GrillSmile---Super junior(

林俊杰哪首歌里有一句:“One to one”

林俊杰 - Always Online 联想 IdeaPad S9,S10广告歌准备好了 three two onei"m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河开始倒数 three two one渗出我的孤单more and more既是深刻爱亮了爱笑了i"m always online

one to one和one on one都是一对一的意思吗

对的,one to one和one on one都有用,后者多见于对决里使用。

Lonestar的《Amie》 歌词

歌曲名:Amie歌手:Lonestar专辑:Crazy NightsAmie Damien RiceNothing unusual, nothing strangeClose to nothing at allThe same old scenario, the same old rainAnd there"s no explosions hereThen something unusual, something strangeComes from nothing at allI saw a spaceship fly by your windowDid you see it disappear?Amie come sit on my wallAnd read me the story of OAnd tell it like you still believeThat the end of the centuryBrings a change for you and meNothing unusual, nothing"s changedJust a little older that"s allYou know when you"ve found it,There"s something I"ve learned"Cause you feel it when they take it awaySomething unusual, something strangeComes from nothing at allBut I"m not a miracleAnd you"re not a saintJust another soldierOn the road to nowhereAmie come sit on my wallAnd read me the story of OAnd tell it like you still believeThat the end of the centuryBrings a change for you and meAnd Amie come sit on my wallAnd read me the story of OAnd tell it like you still believeThat the end of the centuryBrings a change for you and me

Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:The Greatest HitsSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love her

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:Pure... AmericaEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《I Pray》 歌词

歌曲名:I Pray歌手:Lonestar专辑:The Greatest HitsI can"t quote the BibleI skipped Sunday schoolAnd I can"t count the times I fell and broken the golden ruleSo I don"t know if He listensSometimes I wonder if He caresMaybe I"m just wishin""Cause I can"t even prove he"s thereBut I prayHe"ll watch over my childernI prayJust to be a better manTo find the strength to rise aboveTo be there for the ones I loveTo forgive and be forgiven some sweet dayI prayNow I confess I don"t bow my head as often as I shouldMostly just when times are bad, rarely when they"re goodAnd I don"t hold with too much preachin"But I was raised up to believeThat a man can"t ever stand as tallAs when he gets down on his kneesSo I prayHe"ll watch over my childernI prayJust to be a better manTo find the strength to rise aboveTo be there for the ones I loveTo forgive and be forgiven some sweet dayI praySo I prayFor a world that"s gone half crazyI prayFor every woman child and manTo find the strength to rise aboveTo teach each other how to loveTo forgive and be forgiven some sweet dayI prayI pray

Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:Lonely GrillSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love her

a quarter to one的中文意思是


Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:Lonely GrillEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:Country LoveEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:A Song For YouEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:Always & ForeverEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:Amazed - The Best OfEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开



Lonestar的《Mr. Mom》 歌词

歌曲名:Mr. Mom歌手:Lonestar专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of LonestarArtist: Lonestar LyricsSong: Mr. Mom LyricsLost my job, came home madGot a hug and kiss and that"s too badShe said I can go to work until you find another jobI thought I like the sound of thatWatch TV and take long napsGo from a hand working dad to being Mr. MomWellPampers melt in a Maytag dryerCrayons go up one drawer higherRewind Barney for the fifteenth timeBreakfast, six naps at nineThere"s bubble gum in the baby"s hairSweet potatoes in my lazy chairBeen crazy all day long and it"s only MondayMr. MomFootball, soccer and balletSqueeze in Scouts and PTAAnd there"s that shopping list she leftThat"s seven pages longHow much smoke can one stove makeThe kids won"t eat my charcoal cakeIt"s more than any maid can takeBeing Mr. MomWellPampers melt in a Maytag dryerCrayons go up one drawer higherRewind Barney for the sixteenth timeBreakfast, six naps at nineThere"s bubble gum in the baby"s hairSweet potatoes in my lazy chairBeen crazy all day long and it"s only MondayMr.MomBefore I fall in bed tonightIf the dog didn"t eat the classifiedsI"m gonna look just one more time"CausePampers melt in a Maytag dryerCrayons go up one drawer higherRewind Barney for the eighteenth timeBreakfast, six naps at nineThere"s bubble gum in the baby"s hairSweet potatoes in my lazy chairBeen crazy all day longOh been crazy all day long and it"s only MondayMr.MomBalancin" checkbooks, juggling billsThought there was nothing to itBaby, now I know how you feelWhat I don"t know is how you do it

pacific club lonestar是什么意思


Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:This Is LoveEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Lonestar的《summertime》 歌词

歌曲名:summertime歌手:Lonestar专辑:let"s be us againProducer:51lrc ★ Prince WilliamAlbum:Let"s Be Us AgainLonestar-Summertime(Dean Sams/Rivers Rutherford/Tom Shapiro)I like your look in that sweaterAll warm and bundled up tightBut I keep picturing somethinga little different tonightI see you in a bikiniOne lazy toe in the poolLayed back and sippin" onsomething long, tall and coolYeah, I can"t wait for a warm breeze blowin"Green grass growin" and the bright sunshineShort sundress with your long legs showin"I can"t wait for the summertimeOh the summertimeI"m gonna find us some ticketsTo a tropical isleYou just see if your mamacan keep the kids for awhileWe"ll take our drinks with umbrellasWe"ll take a room with a viewI"m gonna take my sweet timemakin" love to youThat"s what I"m gonna doI can"t wait for a warm breeze blowin"Green grass growin" and the bright sunshineShort sundress with your long legs showin"I can"t wait for the summertimeFeel your body next to mineIn the summertimeYeah, I can"t wait for a warm breeze blowin"Green grass growin" and the bright sunshineShort sundress with your long legs showin"I can"t wait for the summertimeOh I can"t wait for a warm breeze blowin"Green grass growin" and the bright sunshineShort sundress with your long legs showin"I can"t wait for the summertimeFeel your body next to mineIn the summertimeSummertime Summertime...In the summertime

Lonestar的《Amazed》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazed歌手:Lonestar专辑:First DanceEvery time our eyes meetThis feeling inside meIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch meI can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me awayI"ve never been this close to anyone or anythingI can hear your thoughtsI can see your dreamsI don"t know how you do what you doI"m so in love with youIt just keeps getting betterI want to spend the rest of my lifeWith you by my sideForever and everEvery little thing that you doBaby, I"m amazed by you雷健昌, 我爱你喔..The smell of your skinThe taste of your kissThe way you whisper in the darkYour hair all around meBaby you surround meYou touch every place in my heartOh, it feels like the first time, every timeI want to spend the whole night in your eyes没有你..不懂怎样过呢,小猪..请不要离开

Norah Jones的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Don T Know WhyNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign

Norah Jones的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Lucca Summer FestivalNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign

Norah Jones的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Come Away With MeNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign

Dan Seals的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Dan Seals专辑:On ArrivalNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign

Bleach的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Bleach专辑:StaticNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of sign


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tell her lonestar中文歌词对照


Lonestar的《Tell Her》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Her歌手:Lonestar专辑:Simply The HitsSo you say your love′s about to endYou say you can′t take no moreShe′s out the doorAnd your looking for a friendWho am I to tell you whyBut I′m just curious, were you furiousOr did you swallow your prideAnd look her in the eye andTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herBrother I′ve been right where you are nowAnd my heart was broke′Cause I never spokeThose healing words out loudBut I′ve learned my lesson wellAnd now every nightBefore I close my eyesI look at my woman andI ask myself did youTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you love herTell her that you need herTell her that you want her to stayReassure her with a kissShe may never know unless youShow her what your feelingTell her you′re believingEven though it′s hard to say′Cause she needs to know you′re thinking of herSo open up and tell her that you love herTell her that you love her


Two off-duty sergeants from an Army post near the Texas border town of Frontera find skeletal remains and a rusty sheriff"s badge on an abandoned rifle range. Frontera"s current sheriff, Sam Deeds, son of the late legendary lawman Buddy Deeds, begins an investigation. Sam quickly learns that the bones are those of the corrupt sheriff his father was reputed to have run out of town, Charley Wade. Sam"s hostile relationship with his father had driven him out of Frontera and only since the old man"s death has he returned. Now that Mayor Hollis Pogue and the city council plan to name the new courthouse after Buddy Deeds, Sam"s old feelings about his father resurface. In the border towns that bridge the Rio Grande, against a tapestry of historical, familial and individual passions, promises and deceptions, Lone Star unfolds.

Lonestar的《Mountains》 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains歌手:Lonestar专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of LonestarMountainGood CharlotteAll these dreams and all these plansI built them all with these two handsEverything I"ve realized my dreamsThe city lights shine downAnd they blind me sometimesBut through it allI was lost but I found my wayTell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get it.I"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t care it wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my life"s been wastedChasing shallow dreamsHere we are, let me lift you upAnd show you this world over meAnd all these dreams, and what I"ve gainedAnd what I"ve savedCan"t compare to the loveThat you could give to meSo,Tell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get itI"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t careIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsYears go by and nothing"s slowing down the timeYears go by and then they"re wastedAll this time, I thought that I gave everythingBut you"re not mine, and I"m so emptyIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came, when it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsSo please come back to meI"ve been waitingSo please come back to me...

Lonestar的《Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Now歌手:Lonestar专辑:let"s be us againProducer:51lrc ★ Prince WilliamAlbum:Let"s Be Us AgainLonestar-Now(Steve Robson/Jeffrey Steele)Who knows where this road will endWhat you"re gonna missLife"s not long enoughTo spend it on regretsAll I knowis what I"m seein" in your eyesHold me closebefore the moment passes byIf ever there was a nightIf ever the time was rightIt"s nowNothing else mattersIf ever a meant to beTruly was meant to beIt"s usRight here, right nowSay a million other dreamsHaunt you in your sleepIt"s hard to know which onesAre the ones that you should keepBut look aroundDon"t get caught up in the pastPut your faithin the ones you think will lastIf ever there was a nightIf ever the time was rightIt"s nowNothing else mattersIf ever a meant to beTruly was meant to beIt"s usRight here, right nowIf ever there was a nightIf ever the time was rightIt"s nowNothing else mattersIf ever there was a nightIf ever the time was rightIt"s nowNothing else mattersIf ever a meant to beTruly was meant to beIt"s usRight here, right nowRight nowNow


Lonestar乐队  角色名字英文名生日出生地在队时间键盘,和声  迪恩·萨姆斯Dean Sams3 August 1966加尔兰(德克萨斯)1992至今主音吉他,和声麦克·布雷特Michael Britt15 June 1966沃斯堡(德克萨斯)1992至今主唱,节奏吉他里奇·麦克唐纳Richie McDonald6 February 1962拉伯克(德克萨斯)1992-2007;2011至今 鼓手吉奇·林沃特Keech Rainwater24 January 1963布拉诺(德克萨斯)1992至今贝斯约翰·里奇John Rich7 January 1974阿马里洛(德克萨斯)1992-1998主唱科迪·柯林斯Cody Collins1 June 1984佩斯(佛罗里达)2008-2011
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