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福克纳诺贝尔奖致辞(William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech)

不管在什么地方,只要谈到美国文学,人们都认为威廉·福克纳是二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。他是美国“南方文学”派的创始人,也是整个西方最有影响的现代派小说家之一。他的代表作品有《喧哗与骚动》、《八月之光》等等。 福克纳从小生长在美国南方,年轻时曾在当地邮政局做过一阵不太负责任的局长,后因玩忽职守而被辞退。他游历过许多地方,但最终依然回到美国南方,并且所有的作品都以南方为背景。1949年,因为“他对当代美国小说作出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献”,福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖。 本片演讲的内容,是福克纳在一九四九年度诺贝尔文学奖获奖时所作的答辞。这是一篇脍炙人口的演讲词。然而,由于福克纳本人对语言运用的独特性和精深性。对初学者来说,这篇美文也许颇有些难度。 I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life"s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. 我感觉,这个奖不是授予我这个人,而是授予我的工作,它是对我呕心沥血、毕生从事的人类精神探索的工作的肯定。我的这项工作不为名,更不图利,而是要从人类精神的原始素材里创造出前所未有的东西。 演讲全文:Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech / William Faulkner I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life"s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it mensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail among whom is already that one who will some day stand here where I am standing. Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this the young man or woman writing today has fotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about worth the agony and the sweat. He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and teaching himself that fet it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed -- love and honor and pity and pride and passion and sacrifice. Until he does so he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value of victories without hope and worst of all without pity or passion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands. Until he relearns these things he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice but because he has a soul a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet"s the writer"s duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and passion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet"s voice need not merely be the record of man it can be one of the props the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

英语中表示 接待游客 的接待应该用accept还是receive?急!!!!!!!

  接待是receive(reception也可以表示接待,但是是名词)  满意请采纳,谢谢

socket 编程中 accept 函数返回

嗯 你的理解是对的

It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child his first years largely


新版UpLoad 控件,中的AcceptFileTypes属性应该怎么设置

AcceptFileTypes=".jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png,.bmp,.xls"显示为自定义文件protected readonly static List<string> VALID_FILE_TYPES = new List<string> { "jpg", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "png" };


例:上传图片 accept:表示可以选择的文件MIME类型,多个MIME类型用英文逗号分开,常用的MIME类型见下表。


A Specimen Letter Dear Sirs: We are glad to know from your letter of May 15th that you have ac-cepted our offer dated May 4th. In reply, we confirm having sold to you 10,000 metric tons of small red beans on the following terms and conditions: Price: at U.S. $400 per metric ton C.F.R. Vancouver. Packaging: in gunny bags of about 50 kilograms net each Quality: FAQ 2001 Shipment: to be effected from New York to Vancouver during Jan u ary 2001. Payment: by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of cred it in our favor, pay able by draft at sight. We are pleased to have transacted this first business with you and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit. 先生: 我们很高兴从贵方五月十五日的来信中得知,你们已接受我方五月四日的报盘。 对此,我方确认按下列条款售给你方一万公吨小红豆: 价格:每公吨成本加运费四百美元 目的港:温哥华 包装:麻袋,每袋净重五十公斤 品质:2001年产大路货 装运:2001年1月船期,从纽约至温哥华 支付:以我方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。 非常高兴此次与你们达成第一笔交易,盼望以后能进一步发展双方互利的贸易。Substitution Drills 1 The gap between your price and mine is still great. the quantities the prices 你我之间的 价格差异 仍然很大。 数量差异 价格差异 2 will lead to the change of our trade policy in the future. The execution of the contract The falling of the price The absence of the tariffs The coming of the financial reforms 合同的执行 将会导致我们未来贸易政策的变化。 价格的下调 关税的免除 即将到来的财政改革 3 We can assure that everything is in order. Thank you for your sincere cooperation. you they"ll be safe that your goods will be safe and sound 我们可以保证 事情都会有条不紊的。 谢谢您的真诚合作。 他们将会很安全。 你的货物将会完好无损。 4 You mean we should meet each other half way? choose the minimum? accept the adjustable price? 你的意思是说我们应该 各让一半吗? 选择最小量吗? 接受可调节价格吗? 5 Mr. Green, do you think it"s time to sign the contract? discuss the terms of payment? start working? 格林先生,你认为是该 签协议了吗? 讨论付款条件了吗? 开始工作了吗? 转








receive和accept的区别:Accept是指主观上自愿主动去接受、接纳,也可以说是思考过某人或某物在某方面足够好、满足自己的期望而接受。Receive是指客观上的接受、接受这种行为和动作,并不涉及主观意愿。Receive和Accept的区别:性质不同。receive表示客观的,accept表示主观的。感情色彩不同。receive表达的情绪比较中立;accept具有明显的主观色彩,不仅客观上“接”,而且更主要的是主观上的“受”。词性不同。receive可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词;accept主要用作及物动词。Receive用法1、receive通常指被动地“收到”或“接到”,而accept则指主动地“接受”。如:We haven"t received his letter for a long time.我们很久没有收到他的来信了。注意:有时用词要视语言习惯而定,而不能简单地认为receive=收到,accept=接受。如“接受礼物”说成英语是accept a gift,而“接受教育”却是receive an education。2、表示“接见”、“接待”时,要用receive而不用accept。

Inquiry Counter-offer Offer Acceptance

【答案】:Inquiry$Offer$Counter-offer$Accep tance

an accepted counter offer 和a firm offer的区别?贸易方面

counter offer还盘接盘人对所接发盘表示接受,但对其内容提出更改的行为。还盘实质上构成对原发盘的某种程度的拒绝,也是接盘人以发盘人地位所提出的新发盘。因此 ,一经还盘,原发盘即失效,新发盘取代它成为交易谈判的基础。如果另一方对还盘内容不同意,还可以进行反还盘(或称再还盘)。还盘可以在双方之间反复进行,还盘的内容通常仅陈述需变更或增添的条件,对双方同意的交易条件毋需重复。在国际贸易中,往往经过多次的还盘、反还盘,才最终达成协议。受盘人在接到发盘后,不能完全同意发盘的内容,为了进一步磋商交易,对发盘提出修改意见,用口头或书面形式表示出来,就构成还盘。firm offer实盘有约束力的发盘。表明发盘人有肯定订立合同的意图。在法律上,实盘属于一项要约,一经发出,在有效期内,发盘人不得随意变更内容或撤销。如果受盘人在有效期内无条件地接受,就可以达成交易,成为对买卖双方都有约束力的合同。实盘必须同时具备三个条件才能成立:内容必须是完整和明确的;内容必须是肯定的,无保留条件的;实盘必须规定有效期限。其内容包括货物品名、品质规格、包装、数量、价格等。

an accepted counter offer 和a firm offer的区别?贸易方面

Firm offer 是:实盘、肯定报价 的意思 offer 是:还盘、还价 的意思,例如,你提出成交价为5元每斤,对方提出4元一斤,此处的4元一斤为还价及counter offer。如果你接受了对方提出的还价,这个还价便成为 an accepted counter offer.以下是一些有关offer的解释:offer 报盘,报价 to offer for 对……报价 to make an offer for 对……报盘(报价) firm offer 实盘 non-firm offer 虚盘 to forward an offer (or to send an offer) 寄送报盘 to get an offer(or to obtain an offer) 获得……报盘 to cable an offer (or to telegraph an offer) 电报(进行)报价 offer and acceptance by post 通过邮政报价及接受 to accept an offer 接受报盘 to entertain an offer 考虑报盘 to give an offer 给...报盘 to submit an offer 提交报盘 official offer 正式报价(报盘) 回答补充:an accepted counter offer 是对方提出了还价后才接受的报价。a firm offer 是指最初提出的报价,还没经过对方的还价,也没有被对方接受。

counter offer和acceptance的区别

Counter offer的意思是还盘,Acceptance的意思是接受。还盘:是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人在发盘中提出的条件,并提出对发盘的修改意见,而进一步与发盘人协商的行为,还盘又称还价,在法律上称为反要约。可以说还盘是对发盘条件进行添加修改或其他变更的答复。接受:在法律上称为承诺,是指交易的一方在发盘的规定期限内无条件地完全同意发盘中所提出的交易条件,并同意按发盘条件订立合同的一种表示。接受的实质是对发盘表示同意,这种同意发盘的意旨必须以某种方式表示出来。

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.

The villagers have told him that they would not accept the pub even if he gives it away.也可以这样写。will 是将要,而would 是will 的过去式。

The villagers have told hime that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.


某些设计模式会引入总是被用作参数的对象(  )对象是一个多态accept方法的参数。


请问:“接受治疗”的译文是用accept treatment还是receive treatment,哪个更为地道呢?

accept 和receive都可以,要看语境是怎样的,accept适合的语境是表示着个人本不愿意接受,后来经过劝说,他思考后接受了,而receive表示得到,它适合的语境更常见,我的回答,您满意吗?

英文 accept

accept vt. 1. 接受 领受;答应 同意 He has accepted our invitation. 他已经接受了我们的邀请。 2. 承认 认可[(+as)][O2][+that] The astronaut accepts danger as being part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含着危险。 3. 相信[+that] He wouldn"t accept that *** oking was detrimental to health. 他不相信吸烟有害健康。 I don"t accept that the firm will go bankrupt. 我不相信公司会破产。 4. 承担(责任) 5. 【商】承兑 acceptance n.[U][C] 1. 接受;领受 blind acceptance of dogma 对信条的盲目接受 2. 欢迎;赞同 His plan met with universal acceptance. 他的计划受到普遍欢迎。 3. 相信;承认 4. 【商】(票据等的)承兑 认付 acceptance bill 承兑票据 5. 【律】(契约义务等的)承担 承诺 acceptability n. 1. 可受性 可容许性 acceptable a. 1. 可以接受的;值得接受的 Your apology is acceptable. 你的道歉可以接受。 2. 令人满意的 Compliments are always acceptable. 恭维话总是受欢迎的。 3. 可忍受的;承受得住的 4. 差强人意的 This work is acceptable but it"s not your best. 这次做的作业还可以 但不是你的最佳水平。 accepted a. 1. 公认的 acceptably ad. 1. 可欣然接受地 2. 合意地 点用呢~当然系睇词性la,咁应该唔驶多讲a ma 参考: yahoo字典 accept (v) I accept this colour. 我接受这颜色 acceptance (n) This colour gained my acceptance. 这颜色得到我的接受 acceptable (adj) This is an acceptable colour. 这是可接受的颜色 acceptability (n) The acceptability of this colour is good. 这颜色的接受程度很好 acceptably (adv) This colour is acceptably bright. 这颜色是可以接受的鲜艳 ac.cept [常用字] 及物动词 1 受 接受 收礼 accept his suggestion 接受他的建议 accept things as they are 无奈地接受事实 2 承担 应聘 3 女方同意婚事 Helen did not accept his hand in marriage.海伦不答应和他结婚 4 承认 被接受 This theory is widely accepted.这个理论得到广泛的接受 5 以为 认定为 Mr. White accepts his explanation as true.怀特先生认定他的解释是真的 6 认为 相信 The judge didn`t accept that the evidence was satisfactory.法官同意 证据并不充分 7 理解 解释 an accepted custom 公认的惯例 7『商业』承兑 认付 (票据) 不及物动词 接受招待 接受提议 ac.cep.tance 名词 1 接受 受理 赞成 答应 find general acceptance 广获接纳 2『商业』票据、汇票的承兑 ac.cept.a.bil.i.ty 名词 可受性 可以承诺或接受的程度 ac.cept.a.ble [次常用字] 形容词 (more acceptable; most acceptable) 1 可接受的; 合意的 令人满意的 2 可容忍的 His performance was ~. 他的表演差强人意 副词 (ac.cept.a.bly) ac.cept.ed 形容词 公认的 可接纳的 副词 ( accept(adv) acceptance(n) acceptability(n) acceptable(adj) accepted(adj) acceptably(adv) I just know this I hope I can help you

收到英文怎么说 分别说一下received accepted get的用法

receive表示“接收、收到”,表示主观,比如“我收到一封信”,就是:I receive a letter. accept表示“接受、收受”,表示客观,比如说“你能接受我的邀请吗”,就是:Could you accept my invitation? get表示“得到”,表示主观,比如说“我终于得到了这部自行车”:I finally get the bike.

in amount and quantity is acceptable

这个是信用证条款,很简单啊: 5%的溢短装条款是允许的. 提供的交单文件有不符点时,每个不符点扣5000欧元,或直接在付给受益人的款项中扣除.此项费用总是由受益人承担. 如需提供多套单据,所产生的费用由受益人承担.

Spark on Yarn资源分配实验,解决长期Accepted问题

如前文,为了彻底解决Yarn提交任务之后停留在ACCEPTED的问题,我们对Yarn的资源分配做了多组实验,过程及结果如下。 调度方式:FairScheduler 节点配置信息: Spark on Yarn实验: client模式和cluster模式差距不大,统一用client运行一个资源消耗比较大的连表Spark SQL查询并输出。 实验结果: 成功运行 Driver:1核3g excutor:1核3g executor数量:6个 实验结果: 成功运行: Driver:1核3G Executor:1核3G Executor个数:2个 实验结论1:在Fair模式下,不指定Executor数量,则会尽量多的配置,结果不固定;指定数量的话,按照指定的来配置。 实验结果: 成功运行: Driver:1核5G Executor:2核5G Executor个数:2个 实验结果: 成功运行 Driver:1核5G Executor:2核5G Executor个数:2个 Driver: 2核4g executor:3核8g executor/container数量:未指定 实验结果: 在Spark端就挂掉了 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Required executor memory (8192), overhead (819 MB), and PySpark memory (0 MB) is above the max threshold (6144 MB) of this cluster! Please check the values of "yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb" and/or "yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb". 这个主要是因为我们设置了单个应用最大申请的资源为3核6g,超过的拒绝接受,发token。 实验结果: Driver:1核5g(不知道为什么CPU核被削减了) Exexutor:3核6g executor/container数量:2个 实验结果: 运行成功 Driver:1核5g Exexutor:3核6g executor/container数量:未指定 综上来看,对每个任务进行资源限制,是非常重要的!! 接下来我们测试多任务在Fair Scheduler的调度情况。 我们统一设置为一个队列。 任务2资源申请同任务1 实验结果: 任务1运行成功,任务2ACCEPTED。 任务1运行结束,任务2RUNNING。 任务2资源申请同任务1 实验结果: 任务1运行成功,分配了4个Executor 任务2Accepted了.. 在任务1运行结束后,任务2长时间ACCEPTED了。。。 原来是同事把主机名给改了,看了日志才知道,Yarn不认识,一直在发请求,重新实验。 同时RUNNING起来了。 经验教训:多读日志!


received英 [ru026au02c8si:vd] 美 [ru026au02c8sivd] adj. 被一般承认的,被认为标准的v. 接到;接待;收到( receive的过去式和过去分词 );接纳

学术期刊里的论文开头的部分 Received 日期;Accepted 日期分别是指什么?




ZK currentEpoch&acceptedEpoch

在做多机房kafka切ZK演练时发现,当原集群的zk节点加入新集群时,出现报错 Leaders epoch, 6 is less than accepted epoch, 9 查看/data/zookeeper/data/version-2目录下确实有2个文件,分别是 acceptedEpoch、currentEpoch,这2个文件里的值都是9 这是为什么呢?这两个文件是做什么的? 这两个文件分别反映了指定的server进程已经看到的和参与的epoch number。尽管这些文件不包含任何应用级别的数据,但他们对于数据一致性来说很重要,决定了集群的选主能否成功. 这两个变量主要是为了解决集群失败恢复的场景 As mentioned, the implementation up to version 3.3.3 has not included epoch variables acceptedEpoch and currentEpoch. This omission has generated problems [5] (issue ZOOKEEPER-335 in Apache"s issue tracking system) in a production version and was noticed by many ZooKeeper clients. The origin of this problem is at the beginning of Recovery Phase (Algorithm 4 line 2), when the leader increments its epoch (contained in lastZxid) even before acquiring a quorum of successfully connected followers (such leader is called false leader ). Since a follower goes back to FLE if its epoch is larger than the leader"s epoch (line 25), when a false leader drops leadership and becomes a follower of a leader from a previous epoch, it finds a smaller epoch (line 简单来说就是: 以前是不区分acceptedEpoch 和 currentEpoch的,以前epoch是直接从zxid中前32位里提取的。但这会导致一个问题:假设有三个服务器s1, s2, s3. 集群s1和s2取得联系,且s1为leader,s3为LOOKING: s2重启,加上s3的选票,将s3选为leader s3把自己当做leader,且epoch+1,但无法与其它server取得联系。此时s1还是认为自己是leader(后文会问为什么)。 s2无法与s3取得联系,同时收到s1的LEADING信息,便回到s1的旧集群里 s3无法与他人取得联系,退出leadership,回到FLE,并收到旧集群leader s1的消息,便作为follower也回到旧集群里 s3作为follower发现自己的epoch比旧leader的epoch还大,便又回到FLE 之后s3就不断在4和5之间徘徊,不断在FLE阶段和RECOVER阶段循环。 至于为什么s1自认为自己是leader, 是因为leader有一个缓存时间导致leader不会因为某些瞬时故障而结束自己的任期. 这个缓存时间的原理是:心跳包 在心跳包以内leader1检测不到leader2和leader3的learnHandler线程死亡,因而leader状态保持有效,仅仅是状态表示标识,不会影响写操作,因为写操作会要求半数以上节点响应,而这个时间端这个要求是不满足的. 那么acceptedEpoch和currentEpoch是怎么解决故障恢复问题的呢? if (newEpoch > self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { wrappedEpochBytes.putInt((int) self.getCurrentEpoch()); self.setAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch); } else if (newEpoch == self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { // since we have already acked an epoch equal to the leaders, we cannot ack // again, but we still need to send our lastZxid to the leader so that we can // sync with it if it does assume leadership of the epoch. // the -1 indicates that this reply should not count as an ack for the new epoch wrappedEpochBytes.putInt(-1); } else { throw new IOException("Leaders epoch, " + newEpoch + " is less than accepted epoch, " + self.getAcceptedEpoch()); 直接报错,强制不允许大于leader的epoch的节点加入集群

RSC中的accept manuscript 和 advance articles的区别

advance articles是指accept manuscript 后进入排版程序,做多相隔一期就publish online了。这个就是一个先后顺序的问题。

life is limited,just accept it什么意思

翻译: 生命有限,只能接受它吧。

有没有conditionally accepted 后被拒掉的悲剧

是的。。恭喜恭喜~~~。。我的状态是 accepted conditionally。。呵呵。。

论文发表处于conditionally accept 状态是什么意思

就是你在正式录取之前,还需要考试,如果通过。状态会变成without qualification

论文发表处于conditionally accept 状态是什么意思

"Conditionally Accepted"表示有条件地被接受,: 意即需要小幅度改变, 譬如增加参考文献、扩充结论、或提供相关名词定义等,但文章已被接受。编辑可能会提到这篇论文不需要第二次评审审查,直接由编辑做最后的确认即可。

flexible 与 acceptable 的区别

例句与用法:1.The solution to this problem is acceptable.这个问题的解决方案是可接受的。 2.Do you think the proposal is acceptable?你认为这个建议,

she is in doubt whether she accepts your advice. 请问这句是什么从句。




provisional accept是什么意思

provisional accept的中文翻译provisional accept 临时接受

警告: RMI TCP Accept-1099: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por t=0,localport

ServerSocket 不能打开远程的Socket服务端接口 select failed 选择失败

accept的《hellhammer》 歌词

歌曲名:hellhammer歌手:accept专辑:eat the heatBlame it n your passionplayBut i know it"s just a gameWhy don"t we fight the fightEvil it"s not here to stayBroken words are broken waysI can see it in your eyesYou love the masqueradeAnd you don"t seem to careHellhammer - hell - hellhammerLiving out your fantasy, yeahAcceptNever evr sell your soulDon"t surrender your controlNo tenderhearted fools, yeahHellhammer - hell - hellhammerIn your lap of luxuryHellhammer - hell - hellhammerSpread your wings and you"ll be freeHellhammer - hell - hellhammerLiving on the edge won"t save yaHellhammer - hell - hellhammerHellhammerHold on - on your pwnAll for one - together we make itOne for all - in the name of loveOnly we can change the worldMake your dreams realityOne foe all - it"s the human keyDon"t lose control -Don"t lose your soulStop living out you destiny, yeahHellhammer - hell - hellhammerLiving out your fantasy, yeahHellhammer - hell - hellhammerIt"s making too long the time has comeHellhammer ...Hellhammer ...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahStop losing control without no freedomHellhammer ...




forwarder B/L是货代单,就是货代公司签发给出口企业的提单。liner B/L是班轮提单,班轮就是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。一般都是船公司签发的提单。信用证上的那一句,就是说货代公司的提单不能提货,不要给买方货代单,只有班轮提单才可以议付,提货。

generally accepted是什么意思

generally accepted普遍接受的双语对照词典结果:generally accepted[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259li u0259ku02c8septu026ad][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259li u0259ku02c8septu026ad][经] 一般公认; 例句:1.The plan has been generally accepted. 这个计划被普遍地接受了。2.The generally accepted question now is when default and restructuring will come, not if. 现在普遍问的问题不是债务违约和重组会不会发生,而是何时发生

国际会议论文的acceptance notifications只发给通讯作者吗


The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 60000 ms




我知道UAT是user accept test用户接收测试 。UVT 是什么?大家来填词User 【?】test

User Verification Testing发生在项目部署以后

surrendered b/l is not acceptable 不可接受电放提单

提单是物权凭证,客户只有拿到提单正本才能在目的港清关提货。电放提单意味着你放弃正本提单(original BOL),客户只要有电放提单的复印件或传真件就可以提货。一般货物运输时间比较短的会采用电放提单。比如到日本的货。但是你要有把握把货款收回来,否则客户提了货不付款你就亏了。如果需要做电放,你要向货代出具一份电放保函,意思就是我司同意电放某笔提单,一切后果自己承担之类的,加盖公司公章。你需要的话,我可以提供你一个样本。货代拿到你的保函后会把提单电放掉,电放掉的提单上会有个章“SURRENDERD”或"TELE-RELEASE",所以电放提单叫surrendered BOL 或tele-released BOL.


1.recognition英 [?rek?g?n??n],美 [?r?k?ɡ?n???n];n.认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳例句:His government did not receive full?recognition?by Britain until July.?他的政府直到7月份才得到英国的正式承认。2.recognization ?英 [rek?ɡna?"ze??n] ?,美 [rek?ɡna?"ze??n] ;【医】识别,是recognize的名词形式例句:The judgement criterion of the capability is the ability for?recognization.?自然人民事责任能力的判断标准是识别能力,是意思归责的当然结果.

what is accepted as ture often is relatively ,and not absolutely ,ture。问题一as是介词吗?

as 在这应该是作为,当作的意思是介词 呈前省略,前面不是有is 了吗这是两个句用了and 连接用逗号隔开作为正确的被接受应该是修饰作用吧




receipt 接收Accept 接受

i have read and i accept the terms of service and privacy policy,什么意思

i have read and i accept the terms of service and privacy policy我已阅读并接受服务条款和隐私政策

____ the punishment was unjust,Henry accepted it without complaint.

C. even though


怎么样判断socket双方是否断开连接 我在Server端new了一个socket,然后bind,开双方发送心跳信号就好了,空闲下来就发送,成功代表还在连接中,连续几个心跳w

all accepted papers will be published by lncs proceedings,什么意思

所有采纳的稿件将会发表在《计算机科学丛书》学报上。Lncs=Lecture Notes in Computer Science计算机科学丛书希望以上回答能对您有所帮助!


total acceptance完全接受双语例句1It all starts with total acceptance of where you are today.From there, start training.首先就是完全接受今天的样子。从这里开始训练。2The absorption, the digestion, the transformation is not total acceptance, the copy.吸收、消化、转化不是全盘接受、照搬。

accept的《Revolution》 歌词

歌曲名:Revolution歌手:accept专辑:Stalingrad群66032164:木偶Inflation, starvation,I need another occupationEverybody"s got a hand out now ....”hard luck"Hey buddy can you spare a dimeCan"t take any more frustration,Every day there"s a new temptationI gotta find a way to live ....."hard luck"Why is it such a crimeWe all need a little compensationAll I want is a real vacationNo money gotta pay the rent ......"hard luck""The check is in the mailBut YOU get your tax deductionOutsourcing mass productionNo work it"s no surprise ..... "hard luck"It"s all gone to hellThey wanna bleed us dryI think we"ve had enoughStand Up ..........Join the RevolutionDon"t take it anymoreStand Up .......... Join the RevolutionRight now ..........Join the RevolutionWhat"s wrong, with this pictureThe poor get poorer and the rich get richerBanks ready to foreclose ..... "hard luck”Occupy the streetsGet up, take action, be a link in the chain reactionIt"s time to unify ..... "stand up"Get up on your feetThey"re trying to bleed us dryI think we"ve had enoughStand Up .......... Join the RevolutionDon"t take it anymoreStand Up .......... Join the RevolutionRight now .........Join the RevolutionStand Up ..........Join the RevolutionDon"t take it anymoreStand Up ..........Join the RevolutionRight now ..........Join the RevolutionGet Up .......... .. Join the RevolutionDon"t take it anymoreStand Up ..........Join the RevolutionRight now ........Join the Revolution !!!珞珈山梦境联盟

emirates nbd bank pjsc will not accept or negotiate any 是什么意思

emirates nbd bank pjsc will not accept or negotiate any 全部释义和例句>>Emirates NBD PJSC不承兑或议付银行的任何emirates nbd bank pjsc will not accept or negotiate any 全部释义和例句>>Emirates NBD PJSC不承兑或议付银行的任何emirates nbd bank pjsc will not accept or negotiate any 全部释义和例句>>Emirates NBD PJSC不承兑或议付银行的任何emirates nbd bank pjsc will not accept or negotiate any 全部释义和例句>>Emirates NBD PJSC不承兑或议付银行的任何


呵呵,这是问题了。散货只能HOUSE BILL OF LADING. 让对方改吧。

acceptance for honor是什么意思

acceptance for honor承兑汇票acceptance for honor承兑汇票

语法分析 accept the obligation of revealing the course of reasoning

accepttheobligation是动宾结构,即“承担这个职责”ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning是修饰obligation的定语,即“(承担)这次论证过程的职责”。具体结构如下:及物动词:accept宾语:theobligationofrevealingthecourseofreasoning 其中——  【宾语核心名词】theobligation  【介词+动名词构成的后置定语】ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning(其中的thecourseofreasoning是动名词revealing的宾语;而介词短语ofreasoning又是thecourse的后置定语)

美国大学的Conditional Acceptance是不是就表示已经被录取,但要完成他的要求?

对滴。。。比如你还没正式毕业,在大四申请,准备毕业去上研究生。 学校录取你了,就会给你Conditional Acceptance , 等你毕业了 要提交正式的毕业证,学位证, 就可以换unConditional 了。。。也有conditional offer 的情况是语言成绩不足,其他条件可以 会发这个给你滴 在签证前达到了相应的语言成绩去换unconditional offer 这个在英国很常见。。。

partial accepted在oj上是啥意思?

part,部分、局部。ial,常见的形容词后缀,更多例子还有:trial, colonial, editorial, etc.partial,部分的、不完全的、偏心的、偏向一方的、偏爱……的(此意跟在动词后,然而已过时,是一种正式说法)。其实意思很好理解对不对?学单词,只记住意思可不行,会用才行,小伙伴们可以在评论区造句,我们一起学习哦!我先来:造句:My stepmother was partial to her biological son.Partial的英文解释:not completeinfluenced by the fact that you personally prefer or approve of something, so that you do not judge fairlyhaving a liking for something

翻译If you precise destruction,in the public interest,I am willing to accept death.

If you precise destruction,in the public interest,I am willing to accept death. 如果能确切的让你毁灭,为了公众的利益,我很乐意接受死亡。 —— 出自《福尔摩斯探案全集》中的《最后一案》,福尔摩斯对莫里亚帝说的话。可谓是经典名句




reception:n. 接待,招待会,接收,欢迎,接受acceptance:n. 接受,容纳,承诺,验证



_____________ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. A.There...

D 主要测试主语从句。此题是测试的形式主语it。例如:It is a fact that the gire has left home。女孩子已经离家是个事实。译文:英语被接受为一门国际性语言是个事实。

accept with mandatory changes什么意思

accept with mandatory changes接受强制性的改变accept with mandatory changes接受强制性的改变



tomcat配置的 最大连接数maxProcessors和acceptCount 有什么用,我配置成3,但是第四个用户依然可以访问系

进程数 是个范围 不很准确的

Have you ever accepted a leap year proposal?这句话什么意思?


Acceptance of Purchase Order部分一段话翻译


磁盘的unacceptable space如何恢复


take on 和accept的区别

take on承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任)accept承认,承担(责任等)

take on和accept的区别

虽然两个词的意思都是“接受”但是区别很大,我们查一下柯林斯词典:1,When you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.2,If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it。所以很明显receive仅仅表示你得到了别人给你的东西,而accept表示你不仅得到了,而且主观上已经接受了。


BY NEGOTIATION 和BY PAYMENT的区别在于二者受益人得到的付款是否有追索权——前者叫做“议付”,即议付行在收到受益人提交的复合信用证规定的单据后,先于开证行垫款给受益人,并扣除自垫款之日起,到预计收到开证行付款之日止的利息和费用。因为这是议付行的垫款,所以,当日后议付行没有如期得到开证行的付款,那么,议付行有向受益人追索之前所垫付的价款的权利。而后者是即期付款,即付款后在收到受益人提交符合心意规定的单据之后用,代开证行直接向受益人支付价款,且这种付款是没有追索权的——这是二者的根本区别。

30 days net at acceptance test or at latest 30 days after shipment. 如何翻译?谢谢


accept this certificate permanently是什么意思

accept this certificate permanently 永久接受此证书

“we accept the love we think we deserve ”什么意思?


Provisional Acceptance被拒绝的概率大吗

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