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想找一份满意的工作吗? 面试中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问, 有没有觉得心慌意乱、无所适从?求职过程中面试尤为重要,回答问题,如果能简明扼要,真诚中肯,合乎老外口味,那么录取机会必定大大增加。当然,有的问题,也要轻描淡写,以免言多必失。一线口语摘录了若干面试中出现频率较高的问题及精彩回答,希望能在您求职路上助您一臂之力。面试英语口语:Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。)对目前工作能概括说明:Q:Give me a summary of your current job des cription. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。)A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.(我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。)为什么离职呢?Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住)A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即没有升迁机会。)如何评估自己?Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well. (依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。)价值及贡献Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在 这份工作上。)Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)胜任这份工作Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position? (你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)关于工作压力Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?) or Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)A:Yes, I think so.A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。)个性特点:Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)别人如何形容你Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)A: (pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。)A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)你欣赏哪种性格的人?Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。)A: (I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. (有"实际行动"的人。)


  英语面试的时候,大多是以一对一的对话形式展开的,当然也会有小组型别的面试。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   1   a: hello!   b: hello! glad to meet you.   a: tell me something about yourself, please.   b: my name is wan mei and i live inguangzhou. i was born in 1978. i am a student of jinan university. i havemajored in public administration. i like travelling very much and enjoy sports.i am in the tennis club at my university.   a: your application form says you were outof school for half a year during high school. what was the reason? were you ill?   b: oh, no. my father"s job took him toamerica for six months then, and he decided to take the whole family along.   a: so during that time you went to highschool in the united states?   b: yes, it was just for a few months, butattended johnson high school in chicago.   a: there was a year between the time yougraduated from high school and entered the university. what were you doingduring that time?   b: i spent a year doing things a persondoesn"t have time for. i traveled several countries.   a: do you think you are more outward-lookingor more inward-looking?   b: well, something i want to be by myself,but most of the time i prefer being with a group of people, so i guess you"dmay i am rather outgoing. i was really very active in my university club.   a: what would you say are some of yourstrong and weak points?   b: well, i suppose a strong point of mine isthat i like developing new things and ideas. but i am afraid i am a poor talkerand that isn"t very good, so i"ve been studying how to speak in public.   a: do you have any people you"d call reallyclose friends?   b: not too many, but not too few, either, isuppose. there are six people that i see quite often now. they"re all my goodfriends.   a: what kind of sports do you like? and do you watch or play?   b: i like both watching and playing. and ienjoy almost all sports, but i especially like tennis. i was in the tennis cluball through high school, so particularly in the case of tennis i prefer doingto watching.   a: what kind of books do you like?   b: i like biographics. it"s intersting toread about the backgrounds of people who have bee famous, and see what i canlearn from their lives.   a: who is your favorite writer?   b: i like the novels of charles dickens verymuch. i"ve read almost all of them in the original.   a: can you name one person that you respectvery much?   b: my english teacher at college. he has somuch humour and vitality, and i am very impressed with his tactfulness. he canmake a person see the contradictions in his thinking without making him feelfoolish. i"ve learned a lot from watching the way he applies himself to histeaching, and how he leads people to seeing things.   a:what basic principles do you apply to your life?   b: not toput off till tomorrow what you can do today. i feel that time gives away veryeasily —— you think you have it, and it is gone quickly! putting things off just makes it worse later. so even if it is hardat the time, i try to get things done that day and not leave them till the nextday.   2   A:I have e here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you.   我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你.   B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.   我也是,请坐。   B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.   我也是,请坐。   A:Thank you!   谢谢   B: I: What is your name, please?   请问,你叫什么名字?   A: My name is Zhanghang.   我叫张航   B:what is your strongest traits?   你个性上最大的特点是什么?   A:Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don"t like to leave things half-done.I"m very organized and extremely capable.   嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。   B: Tell me about the courses of your major in university.   你大学主修课程有哪些?   A: I major in Business administration.I have taken more than 50 courses in university, including Management, Human resources management, Marking,and so on.   大学期间我修了50多门课程,包括管理学、人力资源管理、市场营销学等。   B: What subject did you major in?   你辅修过什么专业吗?   A: I minor in Accountancy.I have learned Accounting principle,Financial management,Economics, audit,tax law and so on.   会计学 会计基础 财务管理 经济学 审计 税法   B:Why did you choose this corporation?   你为什么选择本公司?   A:It was well known for its great culture of keeping improving. I think this point is very important in the intense market petition. It is the infinite force to make the staff and the pany move forward.   公司文化、公司发展前景等贵公司素有精益求精的企业文化,我觉得这一点在现代激烈的市场竞争中尤为难得,它将是员工和公司前进的不竭动力。   B: What are your salary expectations?   你期望的薪资水平是什么样的?   A:I am sure you will make me a fair offer.   我相信你会给我一个公平的薪资。   B: Do you have any questions you want to ask?   你还有什么疑问吗?   A: I wonder when will I know your decision?   我何时能知道你的最终决定?   B: We will get in touch with you by the end of next week.   我们将于下周末之前联络你。   A: Great. I"m looking forward to hearing from you. I am very interested in this position.   太好了,我期待你的好讯息。我真的对这个职位很感兴趣。   B: Thank you for your interest in our pany. Goodbye.   感谢你如此感兴我们公司,再见。   A: Goodbye.   再见。


说到求职换工作,就不得不谈面试这一个不容忽视的环节。对于求职者来说,面试永远是一个需要认真并且严肃的事情,下面是面试英语口语情景对话,一起来了解下吧:【面试英语口语情景对话】AB------------interviewer C D E-------------------candidateC: 敲门C : Can I come in?E : Ok. please come inC : Hello, nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你们。A : nice to meet you. Too 我也很高兴见到你。A: Your name is liumiaomiao? Really nice name! 你叫XX吗?蛮好听的名字哦C: thank you 谢谢B. I"ve seen your resume, I would like to learn more about your situation. First, you can simply talk about yourself?我看过你的简历,我想更多了解你的情况。首先你能简单谈一下你自己吗?C: Thank you for your concern for me, I am 20 years old, Wuhan Engineering Institute graduates. I majored in computer networks.I want to apply for your flange, water treatment equipment co., LTD., the job of a network engineer谢谢你对我的关注,我今年20岁,是武汉工程职业技术学院的毕业生。我的专业是计算机网络。我想应聘的是你们法兰尼净水器设备有限公司网络工程师这一职位E: Do you think you are qualified for this job你觉得你能胜任这工作吗C: Of course, I believe that with my efforts and enthusiasm for work will do it best当然,我相信凭借我的努力和对工作的热情一定会将它做到最好A : In college you attended any events yet? What did you learn?在大学里你参加了什么活动了吗?从中到了什么呢?C : At the school. I attended the English Association and the Students" Union. Also a class group secretary.In them. I learned to be strong and stick在学校。我参加了英语协会和学生会。也是班上的团支书。在其中。让我学会了坚强和坚持。B : Why did you come to apply for this job? 你为什么来应聘这个工作?D: I applied because I believe they can contribute to the company, I have much experience in this field, but enthusiasm is high. And my ability to adapt convinced me that I could bring a new level responsibilities. " 我来应聘是因为我相信自己能为公司作出贡献,我在这个领域的经验不多,但是热情很高。而且我的适应能力使我确信我能把职责带上一个新的台阶。A : What is your greatest strengths and weaknesses ?你最大的长处和弱点分别是什么?C : From the strengths, I believe that my biggest advantage is that I have a highly rational mind, to sort out the clue from chaos to. My biggest weakness is that for people who do not have a sense of order, may lack enough patience. I believe my organizational skills can help companies achieve goals more quickly. 从长处来说,我相信我最大的优点是我有一个高度理性的头脑,能够从混乱中整理出头绪来。我最大的弱点是,对那些没有秩序感的人,可能缺乏足够的耐心。我相信我的组织才能可以帮助企业更快地实现目标。A: A rational organization ability shows that you have a clear mind and a certain ability to work, if you are hired, the characteristics of u please, we will find you more idiosyncratic有理性有组织能力说明你有清晰的头脑和一定的工作能力,如果你被录用了,请好好发挥你的特点,我们将会发掘你更多的特质C :Thank you, I sure willE: So .What work experience do you have? 你有什么工作经验吗?C: I did part-time summer vacation. Usually did the weekend promotion. Last year, a few months internship in IT companies寒暑假我做过兼职。平时双休也做过促销。去年在IT公司实习过几个月B :We will give you an answer as soon as possible. 我们将尽快给你答复C : Good thank you, goodbye 好的 谢谢,再见ABE: goodbye 再见A :The girl"s whole condition is good, can consider more.这个女生整体看来还不错,可以多考虑一下B: Well, really good, let"s look at a恩,确实不错,一起看下一位吧A : ok 好的【关于面试的英语对话】A: I have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你.B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.我也是,请坐。A: Thank you!谢谢B: What is your name, please?请问,你叫什么名字?A: My name is Zhanghang.我叫张航B: What is your strongest trait(s)?你个性上最大的特点是什么?A: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don"t like to leave things half-done.I"m very organized and extremely capable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。B: Tell me about the courses of your major in university.你大学主修课程有哪些?A: I major in Business administration.I have taken more than 50 courses in university, including Management, Human resources management, Marking,and so on.大学期间我修了50多门课程,包括管理学、人力资源管理、市场营销学等。B: What subject did you major in?你辅修过什么专业吗?A: I minor in Accountancy.I have learned Accounting principle,Financial management,Economics, audit,tax law and so on.会计学 会计基础 财务管理 经济学 审计 税法B: Why did you choose this corporation?你为什么选择本公司?A:It was well known for its great culture of keeping improving. I think this point is very important in the intense market competition. It is the infinite force to make the staff and the company move forward.公司文化、公司发展前景等贵公司素有精益求精的企业文化,我觉得这一点在现代激烈的市场竞争中尤为难得,它将是员工和公司前进的不竭动力。B: What are your salary expectations?你期望的薪资水平是什么样的?A: I am sure you will make me a fair offer.我相信你会给我一个公平的薪资。B: Do you have any questions you want to ask?你还有什么疑问吗?A: I wonder when will I know your decision?我何时能知道你的最终决定?B: We will get in touch with you by the end of next week.我们将于下周末之前联系你。A: Great. I"m looking forward to hearing from you. I am very interested in this position.太好了,我期待你的好消息。我真的对这个职位很感兴趣。B: Thank you for your interest in our company. Goodbye.感谢你如此感兴我们公司,再见。A: Goodbye.再见。【面试关于工作经验英语对话】A:What kind of jobs have you had?你曾经做过什么工作?B:I worked as a personnel manager in a state-owned company, and then I transferred to joint venture as a sales manager. So I am familiar with the food market in China.我在一家国有公司里做过人事经理, 接着转到一家私有企业做销售经理。 因此我对中国的食品市场很熟悉。A:How did your previous employers treat you?你以前的雇主对你怎么样?B:They treated me very well. We cooperated harmoniously and respected each other.他们都对我很好。我们合作得很和谐,互相尊重对方。A:What have you learned from the jobs your have had?从你以前的工作中,你学到了什么?B:I have learned some skills about how to deal with clients and how to behave myself as a personnel manager.我学到了一些和顾客相处的技巧, 到了作为一名人事部经理的适当行为举止。A:When you worked in your previous company, which did you prefer, working with other people or by yourself?你在以前公司工作的时候,你喜欢和其他人一起工作还是你自己单独工作?B:I preferred working with other colleagues when I worked in my previous company. I think teamwork and cooperation are very important. No matter how competent he or she is in a company, he canu2019t do without them.我更喜欢和其他同事在一起工作。我 认为团结合作是非常重要的。不管他或她多有能力,都离不开大家的团结与合作。【面试关于离职原因的英语对话】A:Where are you employed?你在哪里工作?B:I have been employed as a secretary at a trading company.在一家贸易公司做秘书。A:What do you think of your present job?对你目前的工作有什么看法?B:I find it interesting.我觉得它挺有趣。A:How do you get to office?你是怎么去办公室的?B:I go to the office by bus every day.每天坐公交车。A:What does your work consist of exactly?确切地讲,你的工作都涉及什么内容?B:My main responsibility is trouble-shooting between top management and the general employees.主要任务是处理高层管理与一般雇员间的矛盾。A:Would you mind working overtime at night?加夜班你介意吗?B:No, often my boss requires overtime work.不介意,我的老板经常要求我加班。A:How much money are you making a month?你的月工资是多少?B:5,000 yuan a month.5000 元。A:Why do you plan to change your job?你为什么要换工作?B:I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one. Besides, I would like to practise my English in my work. As my present employer deals with China trade towards China only, there isnu2019t much chance to speak English.因为我希望找到一份较有活力的工作。 此外,我想在工作上多用英语。但我现 时的雇主只从事对中国的贸易,所以很少使用英语。


面试英语口语 面试英语口语1   口语测试都是老套路,不管是用人单位还是猎头,问你的都是常规问题,比如自我介绍,比如个性,比如职业规划,比如你的收获和体会。很多人可能会对口语测试紧张,不知道说什么,其实就象中文面试一样,你只要事先做个准备就好了。   比如自我介绍,这个是基本都会问的,但是也不要随便回答。自己事先写好,背熟,面试时候自然一点流利地讲出来,至少可以留下一半的好印象。   对于平时不用英语的人来说,如果有机会去外企面试,至少前一天要把自己的英文简历阅读几遍,找找感觉,象自我介绍这样的准备材料,也要熟读。不然真正面试的时候,一张嘴结结巴巴,单词发音也不准,句子也不连贯,那就功亏一篑了。   这里想说的是,除非你应聘翻译,或者一些中高层职位需要和外国人做工作交流的,一般的英语口语测试都很容易通过,不用紧张。不过HR都不喜欢这样的人:简历上写的是“英语听说读写流利”,结果面试的时候结结巴巴说不出来的。还有一些人一个劲强调,自己大学英语很不错,就是工作了没机会接触,现在生疏了,只有给自己一段时间,英语一定没问题。   与其说这些话的,早干什么了?早做准备,面试的时候才会一鼓作气、一气呵成,求职应聘好公司好职位的人多了,凭什么就给你锻炼的.机会呢?   所以,不要奢望狗屎运经常会降临,要真想实现自己的目标,必要的付出还是要做的。英语口语,不是非要参加什么培训班或者背诵多少新概念才行,要应付外企的面试,有本不错的《面试英语》,其实也足够了。   另外有一个快速提高面试口语的办法,就是请留意那些外企招聘广告里,关于该职位的英语描述和任职资格要求。   这些也就是所谓很多人头疼和陌生的专业词汇,你只要多收集几家就会发现,大同小异,个别词换种表达,内容都差不多。你的英文简历也可以参照这个要求去写,把相关经验和工作业绩补充进去就很完美了,面试时候再按照这个说出来,把握更大。   基本上,外资公司在招聘广告里,用中文刊登的职位对英语要求都不高,反之则需要英语水平稍高。对于那些自己感兴趣的公司和职位,多收集一些英文的招聘要求,对提高应聘英语水平帮助很大。 面试英语口语2   What"s your name? May I have your name?   您贵姓? 请问您贵姓大名?   Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea?   您要喝茶吗? 请问您想喝茶吗?   Over here, please. Could you come this way please?   这边请。 请您往这边走好吗? 面试英语口语3   Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is zhang hongna ,I am 22 years old and I come from Jingning---a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in Shandong Normol University in july ,20xx;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to the further study.   Generally speaking ,I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore,I found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,I am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.   well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying.   ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.   if luckily I got the chance to learn environment engineering in tongji university, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge,constucting a solid base for my future work; second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor ang classmate .and through this ,i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks. i believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true..   Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:   First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens" thoughts. What"s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. I am fascinated by the great masters" refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.   Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it"s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.   Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.   That"s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.


【 #英语口语# 导语】学习英语口语的主要目的就是为了应用,而想要在求职中顺利通过,流利的口语是很有必要的。以下是 无 整理的面试英语口语的常用句子,欢迎阅读! 1.面试英语口语的常用句子   1.很荣幸能有这次机会参加面试。   It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview。   2 .我期待自己表现良好。我也对面试成功很有信心。   I hope i can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.   3.因为我有能力胜任要求更高的工作,所以我决定换工作。   Because I‘m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.   4. I think I"m a good team player and I"m a person of great honesty to others.   我爱好团队协作,同时也诚实可靠。   5. I am able to work under great pressure.   我能在高压环境下工作。   6.I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a ...   我相信这对我来说是一个挑战,同时也是一次机会。   7.I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance.   我会努力掌握先进的知识。   8.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.   这就是我能够胜任此岗位的原因。   9.God helps those who help themselves.   天助自助者。   10. Thank you for giving me the chance.   谢谢你们给我这次机会。 2.面试英语口语的常用句子   1.I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.   本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。   2.I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.   本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。   3.I have had five years" experience with a company as a salesman.   本人曾在某一公司担任推销员,前后有五年之久。   4.For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant.   本人曾经在兄弟贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作,现仍在职中。   5.I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office.   我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。   6.I am 25 years of age, and have had two years" experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.   我今年25岁,已在目前的职位工作两年,兹为寻找更上一层楼,准备离开此职位。   7.I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years" experience in a company"s delivery office.   我今年19岁,女性。曾在某家公司担任收发工作两年。   8.I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.   本人18岁,不久即可毕业。   9.I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work.   本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。   10.Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I have been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.   两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。 3.面试英语口语的常用句子   1.I am the one who can …   我是一个......   2.I can adapt to any situation and adjust to the changes in the environment. I thrive in a fluctuating environment.   我可以适应任何环境,并随着环境的改变做出调整,可以在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长。   3.I am innovative.I pay attention to detail and find opportunities where other people see none.   我是一个有创新能力的人,关注细节,我可以在别人不在意的地方发现价值   4.I leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence.   我是有领导能力的人。我可以让人们为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,并且激励一个团队取得成功。   5.I always has an eye on my target. I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time.   我是个专注于目标的人。每一次我都会及时地提供高质量的服务。   6.I knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.   充分了解这份工作的人。拥有多年相关工作经验的我,毫无疑问将能胜任这份工作。我能为公司带来的效益。 4.面试英语口语的常用句子   Regarding salary,I leave that to yon but feel certain that I can earn at least RMB 4,000yuan per month.   关于薪金,留待您来决定,本人相信每月能得到至少4,000元。   I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary.   本人愿在开始的数月接受低微的薪金试用。   The salary at which I should desire to commence is from HK$ 4,000 to 5,000.   本人心目中的起薪为4,000至5,000港币。   However,the matter of remuneration will take care of it-self,as it always does,if otherthings are all right.   不过,如其他条件具备,待遇问题,自然会解决。   I require RMB 2,500 yuan per month as a start.   我要求的起薪为每月人民币2,500元。   I"m quite willing to start with a small salary.   本人愿接受低微薪水开始。   With regard to salary,I leave it to you.   待遇方面,还是留待阁下决定吧。   The salary required is 2,000 yuan per month,living in the house.   希望待遇月薪2,000元,另供应宿舍。 5.面试英语口语的常用句子   1. Are you hiring?你们招人吗?   2.I sawyour adin the paper and wanted to apply for the job.我看到你们在报纸上登的广告想来应聘这个工作。   3. Do you have any references?你有介绍信吗?   4.What s your past job experience?你以往有何工作经验?   5.This is a very impressive resume, Mr. Smith.你的履历表给人印象深刻,史密斯先生。   6. What are your qualifications?您具备什么资历?   7. What s the starting salary?起始薪金是多少?   8. What possibilities are there for advancement?获得提升有何要求?   9.What kind of holidays/benefits doyou have for youremployees?你们为职员提供何种假期/福利?


应届生面试英语口语问题   面试是通过书面或面谈的形式来考察一个人的工作能力与否,物以类聚,通过面试可以初步判断应聘者是否可以融入自己的团队。下面我给大家带来应届生面试英语口语问题,欢迎大家阅读。    应届生面试英语口语问题   问题1、Tell me about yourself   回答:在自我介绍的过程中,重点在于表达清楚自己想要从事这份工作的意愿,如果再加上与工作相关的业余爱好就更好了。   例如:Good afternoon. I am of great honor to stand here and introduce myself to you .My name is…… It is my long cherished dream to be……And I am eager to get an opportunity to do……   问题2、What is your greatest strength?   回答:这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,这是你展示自己的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。   例如:I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I "d planned. I "ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor "s thesis.   问题3、What is your greatest weakness?   回答:你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳的策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。   例如:I "m afraid I "m a poor talker. I "m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business so I have been studying public speaking.   问题4、Do you have any work experience in this field?   回答:谈论工作经验是表现自己是该职位合适人选的良机,可以运用事例说明自己的工作经验和成就。   例如:Yes. After my graduation from university, I worked as a Customer Service Coordinator in a foreign representative office, and then I transferred to a joint venture as a Market Development Manager. So I am familiar with the market in China.   问题5、What have you learned from the jobs you have had?   回答:突出与目前所面试的工作相关的优势。   例如:I learned to be patient when dealing with customers complaints and try my best to solve them. In addition, I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues.   问题6、Do you like regular work?   回答:所有工作都有重复性,但又要不断创新,所以在回答要格外慎重,既突出自己的想法和创意,又要显示自己的稳定性。   例如:No I don"t like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opportunities and new challenge but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.   问题7、What salary do you expect?   回答:在回答与薪资要求相关的`问题时,要给定一个范围,而不是准确的数字。或者技巧性的将薪资底线拉高。   例如:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.   问题8、What kind of personality do you think you have?   回答:这其实是一道与性格相关的问题,在回答时要表现自己积极向上的一面。   I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something I don"t like to leave it half done. I can"t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.    应届生常见的面试问题   1、我们为什么要雇请你呢?   有的面试只有这么一个问题,应届生可能会遇到的面试问题。   2、你认为自己最大的弱点是什么?   绝对不要自作聪明地回答“我最大的缺点是过于追求完美”,有的人以为这样回答会显得自己比较出色,但事实上,他已经岌芨可危了。   3、你最喜欢的大学课程是什么?为什么?   说和你要应聘的职位相关的课程吧,表现一下自己的热诚没有什么坏处。   4、你最不喜欢的大学课程是什么?为什么?   “我不得不说是我们大学的主修课程,虽然我知道他们只是例行一下公事,但课堂上死气沉沉,老师和学生都只不过想熬完这个学期”。   5、你在大学期间最喜欢的老师是谁?   我一向的回答都是(事实上也的确是):教我们广告营销的教授,他能使课堂充满生气。通过实例让学生把知识和现实紧密结合,而不是死读书本,我想我从他身上得到的最多。   6、你能为我们公司带来什么呢?   假如你可以的话,试着告诉他们你可以减轻他们的费用——“我已经接受过 Microsoft Access和Word的培训,立刻就可以上岗工作”(他们在那边可能想:Access培训要花$540Word要花$445,这小子能为我们省下$1000的培训费用呢。   7、最能概括你自己的三个词是什么?   我经常用的三个词是:适应力强,有责任心和做事有始终,结合具体例子向主考官解释,使他们觉得你具有发展潜力。   8、你为什么来应聘这份工作?   “我来应聘是因为我相信自己能为公司作出贡献,我在这个领域的经验很少人比得上,而且我的适应能力使我确信我能把职责带上一个新台阶”。   9、你对加班有什么看法?   尽量诚实——如果你说了“是”而实际上却不想,那么你会被人一直盯住。   10、你对我们公司有什么认识?   说几件你知道的事,其中至少有一样是“销售额为多少多少”之类,求职英语《应届生可能会遇到的面试问题》。   11、你是怎么知道我们招聘这个职位的呢?   如果你是从公司内部某人处打听回来的消息,记得提及他的名字,公司不说偏袒内部关系不代表它不存在。   12、除了工资,还有什么样的福利最吸引你?   尽可能诚实,如果你做足了功课,你就知道他们会提供什么,回答尽可能和他们提供的相配。如果你觉得自己该得到更多,也可以多要一点。   13、你参加过什么业余活动?   既然最好是让人觉得你处事不乏手腕,那么最好强调一下那些需要群体合作和领导才能的活动。   14、你参加过义务活动吗?   现在就着手做一些义务活动,不仅仅是那些对社会有贡献的,还要是你的雇主会在意的,如果他们还没有一个这样的员工,那么你会成为好的公关资源。   15、你心目中的英雄是谁?   最好的答案是你的朋友或者家人,尽量避免提及名人。   16、你有什么问题吗?   一定要提问。   17、你为什么还没找到合适的职位呢?   别怕告诉他们你可能会有的聘请,千万不要说“我上一次面试弄得一塌糊涂……”。 指出这是你第一次面试。   18、你最近看过的电影或者小说是什么?   虽然《雌雄大盗》是部不错的电影,但现在显然不是适合讨论的时候,找一些老少咸宜的电影如《尽善尽美》。   19、你的业余爱好是什么?   找一些富于团体合作精神的,这里有一个真实的故事:有人被否决掉,因为他的爱好是深海潜水。主考官说:因为这是一项单人活动,我不敢肯定他能否适应团体工作。   20、你怎么看待要向比你年轻的人/女性汇报呢?   “我从不根据年龄性别划分别人,只要他们是凭借自己能力到达该职务的,那绝对没有问题。” ;


  面试英语除了测试应聘者本身的英语口语水平,也是面试官了解应聘者、判断应聘者是否符合职位要求的主要渠道。那么如何提高自己的面试英语的水平呢?下面我为大家整理了面试英语常用口语26句,供大家参考!   求职英语面试必备口语   If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.。倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时侯教。   If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint。如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所指定的时日,前往拜访   Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquit myself to your satisfaction。假如本人之应征能歌德青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望.   If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear from you in the near future。如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽快惠函赐知面试。   You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require。关于阁下对我个人所需之详细材料,可从所附的邮电大学校长推荐函获悉。   I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you。敬希阁下抽空惠予接见。   If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。若需有关本人的.更详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址惠函示知。   I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work。只要阁下时间方便,我随时都可晋见,并随时提供我过去工作情况的所有资料。   I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character。我乐于奉告阁下,如阁下要求提供查询人,以便了解我的工作情况和性格,我可以满足阁下要求。   I believe they may be found satisfactory. Concerning my character. 附上我的简历表和相片,希望能令你满意。   I am looking for a job. I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management.。我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。   I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience. 如能为贵公司效力,本人将不胜荣幸。阁下耐心读完这篇申请,本人至为感激,并请尽速惠函示知。   I believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere. 我相信我可以担任贵公司的任何工作,如蒙录用,愿意随时接受阁下指派。   Before my present employment, I worked for the Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical section。自感目前工作发展并不乐观,拟改变一下工作环境。   I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position. 自信以本人的能力和所受的训练,应当获得更大回报,谋得更高职位,而就目前工作来看,将来不会有多大发展前途。   I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.至于我的品德,您可函询《中东国际》杂志主任史密斯先生。   I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction. 如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽最大努力工作,争取诸事满意。   Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy。承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。   My duties included compiling reports for the chief engineer on production in the various departments.。因希望节省交通时间,故想在纽约谋得一职。随函寄上简历表及近照各一份。   I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview。随函附寄简历表一份,望能通知能否有机会见面。   I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications。兹附本人资料一份,谨供贵公司参考。   I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience.。如贵公司愿意接见,我随时侯教。   Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience。敬请贵公司对本人之应征惠予考虑,并请赐函告知。   Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible。预先感谢阁下对我的关怀,并敬请尽速赐函示知。   I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview。恳请惠予面谈为盼。   I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me。我相信您会喜欢这个申请,我也像您保证我会尽全力去配得上您对我的信任。


【 #英语口语# 导语】每次面试中肯定会出现的可怕问题是“你的缺点是什么?”也许这是面试官淘汰应聘者的方式,他们想看看谁真正为这个不友善的问题做了准备。无论如何,你可以通过准备答案和遵循下面的方法免去部分尴尬。以下内容由 !   1. Don"t give a cop-out answer   不要回避问题   Please don"t give tired answers like, "My greatest weakness is that I"m too much of a perfectionist/workaholic." Perhaps it is true for you, but unfortunately, it may bring false to the interviewer who is used to hearing these generic answers that come off as a way to dodge the question.   请不要给千篇一律的回答,比如:“我的缺点是过于追求完美 / 工作太拼命。”也许这是真实回答,但不幸的是,它会给面试官错误信息,他们习惯了听这些通用回答,会以为你想回避这个问题。   2. Be honest   要诚实   Dig deep into yourself and figure out what your true weaknesses are at work. Write them down on a sheet of paper, and figure out which ones you can use in an interview. If you state a weakness you"ve struggled with, your answer will sound more honest. Some things that will help you come up with true weaknesses is to look at some of the challenges you have faced in your previous jobs or think about constructive criticism you"ve received from a manager.  深入挖掘自己,找到真正的缺点。把它们写在纸上,看看哪些可以在面试的时候说。如果你说的是让你烦扰的缺点,听上去会更诚实。帮助你想到真正缺点的事是看你在以前工作中遇到的困难或想想经理对你的有用批评。   3. Avoid deal breakers   不要说会影响面试的缺点   Although we mention that you should be honest, it"s also good to remember that there is such a thing as being too honest. You need to avoid weaknesses that will hurt your chances of getting the job. For example, say if you"re applying for an HR position and you say that you"re not good with people, or if you"re trying for a sales job and you say you are bad at negotiating. This doesn"t mean that you have to make up a weakness, but it"s just preferable for you to pick another weakness that isn"t a deal breaker.   虽然我们刚才提到你应该诚实,但也要记住别太诚实。你要避开那些会影响你得到工作的缺点。例如,申请人力资源的职位却说不善于与人相处,或者想做销售却说不擅协商。不是让你一定要编缺点,但是挑个不会影响面试的缺点会好一些。   4. Talk about your attempts to overcome your weakness   要谈到你为克服缺点做的努力   Always talk about the steps you have taken to overcome your weakness. This is your chance to show the interviewer that although you have your flaws, you are proactive and resourceful enough to overcome them. In a way, your effort to conquer your weaknesses will be looked at as a strength.   要说你为克服缺点做的事。这是你向面试官证明的机会,让他们知道虽然你有缺点,但你会主动克服缺点,也有办法克服它们。在某种程度上,你为克服缺点做的努力会被视作优点。