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include是一个及物动词,意思是包含、包括,include这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【in】和【clude】,第一个音节in的发音为【u026an】,而第二个音节clude的发音为【kluu02d0d】,重音在第二个音节上,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【u026anu02c8kluu02d0d】,我们再看一下用法,include作为包含、包括的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子里,Optional extras,include cooking classes at a top restaurant. 可选的额外之物包括一家高级餐馆的烹饪课程,The trip has been extended,to include a few other events.行程已经延长以包括其他几项活动,在这两个句子中,include都指的是包括,include还有两个短语,Include files,指的是包含文件,例如下面这个句子,This error can be caused by include files,with different linkage specifiers. 具有不同链接说明符的包含文件可能会导致此错误,另一个短语是include in包括在…中,例如在下面这个句子中,I can"t remember,what else you include in the price,apart from the air tickets. 除了机票,我不记得价格里还包括了别的什么,include这个单词你学会了吗?


include的用法是用作动词,表示“包括;包含;使成为…的一部分”的意思。include的宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。有一点需要注意的是,include不能用于进行体中,其后接的宾语可能指整体,也可能指一部分。常见句型His writings include poetry and prose.他的作品包括诗和散文。The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography.平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。The Chinese nation includes more than 50 ethnic minorities besides the Hans.中华民族除了汉族外,还包括五十多个少数民族。


一、详细释义: , v. , 包括,包含 [T] , 例句: ,Course requirements also include three 7 page papers, and a final exam.,课程要求还包含了三篇7页的论文和一次期末考试。, 例句: ,You must include all Notices on all copies of the Products.,您必须在产品的所有复制品中包含所有标记。, 使(某人/某事物)成为整体中的一部分,包含于...里面 [T] , 例句: ,He included an article in a newspaper.,他在报纸上登一篇文章。, 例句: ,I include eggs on the list of things to buy.,我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。, 二、词义辨析: , contain,include,embrace,involve,prehend,hold,prise ,这些动词均含有“包括,包含”之意。contain普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。include普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。embrace正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。involve把包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。prehend正式用词,指包含在整体范围以内。hold常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。prise书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include交换使用。, 三、参考例句: ,Don"t include quotes.,不要包含引言。,Include a time limit!,还要考虑时间限制。,These include harvard and yale.,这些学校包括哈佛和耶鲁。,Include your full postal address.,写上完整的邮政地址。,Its qualities include high credibility.,它的质量取决于可靠性强。,Other features include auto shut-off.,其他特色包括自动关机。,Examples of end goals include:,下面是一些最终目标的例子。,That could even include microsoft.,这甚至包括微软。,Styles include stripes and checks.,样式有条纹的和格子的。,Does your rent include utilities?,房租包括水电和煤气的费用吗?


1.作动词 包括,包含The price includes both house and furniture.价钱包括房子和家具。2. 算入,包含于...里面I include him among my friends.我把他当作朋友。including则用作介词,理解为"包括"Countless animals, including us, bear external structures without blood supply or nerves -- for example, our hair and fingernails, or the scales, claws, and horns of other animals. 包括人在内的无数动物都有一些没有血液供应和神经的体外构造,例如,我们的头发和指甲,或者鳞片、爪子和其它一些动物的角。PS;动词介词用法比较。例:We all went to the park last Sunday,Tom included。等于:We all went to the park last Sunday,including Tom.

include用法整理 有哪些使用方法

include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。 Include的用法 第一种情况,先看看include所在的句子有没有谓语动词,如果有,就填写include的非谓语的形式,including和included,比如,I have many books,including the English book.或者I have many books,the English book included. 结构为 名词或代词+included 或 including+ 名词或代词 比如,There are 36 stuents in our class,me included. 或者后半句改为including me. 第二种情况,如果include所在的句子没有谓语动词,那就用include的正确的动词形式,一般的结构为include doing或include sth. 比如,My job includes cleaning the room. Include的例句 1. The radio station has to include a substantial proportion of classical music. 该电台不得不播放大量的古典音乐。 2. Atlanta has shelved plans to include golf in the 1996 Games. 亚特兰大已搁置了将高尔夫球纳入1996年奥运会的计划。 3. The performance will include the premiere of three new ballets. 三段新编芭蕾舞将在演出中首演。 4. Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss. 这种疾病的症状包括发烧和体重减轻。 5. The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。


include用法及搭配:include作为动词,是及物动词,含义为包括、包含、使成为...的一部分,后面可接动名词作宾语,不接不定式;固定搭配为include sb/sth或者include as/in/on sth,意为使成为...的一部分。include的第三人称单数是includes,过去式是included,过去分词是included,现在分词是including。include相关的词根或词缀是:clos、clud、clus。include还是一个计算机专业术语,一指C/C++中包含头文件命令,用于将指定头文件嵌入源文件中。二指include 指令,在JSP中包含一个静态的文件,同时解析这个文件中的JSP语句。三指PHP语句。incude例句1、The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。2、You should include some examples in your essay.你应该在文章里举一些例子。


include的用法与搭配如下:1、包含、包括:这里“包括”的内容只能是整体的一部分,不是全部。不能用于进行时态,如果后面的宾语是动词(短语)的话,则动词(短语)要用ing形式。2、把······算入;使······成为······的一部分:常常用于被动语态,根据实际情况,后面要跟不同的介词in、on或as。include的双语例句1、The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。2、Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.你的职责将包括建立一个新的计算机系统。3、The package includes 20 days" paid holiday a year.这一揽子福利包括每年20天的带薪假。4、The course includes a placement in Year 3.本课程第3年有实习课。


include有多种词性,下面是给大家整理出来的不同词性的用法include:包括,包含,及物动词,侧重指被包含着是整体的一部分。 include sth.包括某事在内 include 动词(不能用于现在进行时),不过后面可以加带ing的词 including介词(和in,on,之类的介词没有功能上区别----只有意思上的) include前面要有主语的,作为动词.如: The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。 I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。 The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的.including是介词,不是动词. the band played many songs, including some of my favourites. 这个乐队唱了很多的歌,包括我喜欢的一些歌 Seven, including a goalkeeper. 7名,包括一位守门员。 trademarks (including service marks); 商标(包括服务商标); an arthropod family including: chalcidflies. 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂


include 的用法表示“包括”“包括……在内”,是及物动词。 扩展资料 include 的用法表示“包括”“包括……在内”,是及物动词。如:Does the price include breakfast, or not? 这定价包括不包括早餐?Clearly she no longer included her among her friends. 显然她不再把她看作朋友。后接动词,通常用动名词。如:Your duties include checking the post and distributing it. 你的职责是检查和发送邮件。Your responsibilities will include making appointments on my behalf. 你的职责包括为我安排预约。included 与including的用法区分,比较以下句子,用现在分词including,其后要接宾语,其实此时它可视为介词;用过去分词included,要放在所修饰的词语之后,表示被动关系,“名词或代词+included”可视为独立主格:我们所有的人都去,包括老师在内。正:All of us went, including the teacher.正:All of us went, the teacher included.定价10美元,包括邮资。正:Price $10, postage included.正:Price $10, including postage.include的"用法例句,A good British breakfast always includes sausages ,一顿丰盛的英式早餐总会包括香肠。I had worked hard to be included in a project like this ,为参与这样的项目,我过去一直努力工作。The trip has been extended to include a few other events ,旅程被延长,其他几项活动也被包括进来。The list includes many British,internationals.名单中包括了许多英国国际级选手。The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.人们期望总统把这一意见列入他的教育计划当中。

越狱 中LINC的弟弟是谁饰演的?

WENTWORTH MILLER 扮演Michael Scofield 编号:94941 所在位置: 普通犯人A区,40号牢房 所犯罪行:持枪抢劫 刑期:5年 剩余刑期:5年 距可保释时间:2年6个月 注释: Michael Scofield的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表现,他以优异的成绩毕业于芝加哥的Loyola大学,取得了土木学士和土木硕士的学位。 Scofield被捕时,他受雇于芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名气的公司,他是一名结构公程师。 犯人Michael Scofield,没有前科,被定罪为持枪抢劫,企图抢劫国立储蓄银行芝加哥市区分行,金额超过50万美元。审讯时,Scofield没有辩护,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。 附加注释:该犯目前患有I型糖尿病,他的访客有他的律师,Veronica Donovan,他也有每月一次的行房探监的机会,对象是他的妻子Nika Volek。他属C级犯人可以参加监狱生产劳动。 扮演者 WENTWORTH MILLER Miller在英国出生,纽约的布鲁克林长大,毕业于普林斯顿大学。他在电影电视业是一个非常有竞争力的年轻演员。Miller刚开始的时候是在幕后工作的。在大学获得文学学士后,他于1995年春来到了洛衫矶,在一家小型的电视制作公司的发展部任职。然而,儿时的梦想使他很快地就走向了演艺界。 在之后的几年里,Miller逐渐开始出现在很多的电视剧中,如《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》,《仁心仁术》和《Popular》。Miller也有在电影《恐龙帝国》和《mega-series》里饰演过角色。Miller还出现在罗伯特61本顿导演的电影《人性污点》中,主角有安东尼61霍普金斯和妮可61基德曼。这部电影是关于种族和身份种种问题,霍普金斯饰演一个被指责的大学教授,一直隐藏着一个不可思议的秘密,而Miller扮演这个教授年轻的时候。Miller接着出演了《黑夜传说》,客串了《《阿卡狄亚的琼》和《鬼语者》。然后便开始了《越狱》的拍摄,也因此被提名为2006年金球奖电视剧部分的最佳表演奖。

taxable income与和gross income和 employment income 怎么区分


including China.为什么用v-ing

记住两个很简单的句子就好了,很容易分辨including ,incleded 的区别。There are 66 students, including 22 girls.包括22个女孩 ing表主动There are 66 students, 22 girls included.22个女孩被包括。ed表被动

什么是revelation principle ?

启示性原则 The revelation principle is that truth-telling, direct revelation mechanisms can generally be designed to achieve the Nash equilibrium outcome of other mechanisms; this can be proven in a large category of mechanism design cases.据我所查,启示性原则在不同的领域有不同的定义。以上是其在经济学中的解释。


一、require()所在位置的语句不被执行,require()所包含的文件中的语句也不会被执行。 二、require()语句的功能完全适用于include()语句。下边介绍require()语句所没有的include()语句的功能和特点。 include语句只有在被执行时才会读入要包含的文件。 .require()语句 使用require()和include()语句时要特别的注意。那就是在被包含的文件中,处理器是按照html模式来解释其中的内容的,处理完被包含的内容后又恢复到php模式。所以如果需要在被包含文件中使用php语法,就要使用正确的php开始和结束标记来把这些语句包含进去。 require()和include()知识php中的一种语言特性,而不是函数。它们和函数有许多不同的地方。 比如:require()所包含的文件中不能包含控制结构,而且不能使用return这样的语句。在require()所包含的文件中使用return语句会产生处理错误。 不象include()语句,require()语句会无条件地读取它所包含的文件的内容,而不管这些语句是否执行。所以如果你想按照不同的条件包含不同的文件,就必须使用include()语句。当然,如果require()所在位置的语句不被执行,require()所包含的文件中的语句也不会被执行。 require()不能在循环体中根据条件的不同而包含不同的文件。require()语句只会在第一次执行时调用它所包含的文件中的内容替换本身这条语句,当再次被执行时只能执行第一次所包含的语句。但是include()语句可以在循环体中来包含不同的文件。 require()语句中的变量继承require()语句所在位置的变量作用域。所有在require()语句的位置可以访问的变量,在require()语句所包含的文件中都可以访问。如果require()语句位于一个函数内部,那么被包含文件内的语句都相当于定义在函数内部。 require()语句在PHP程序执行前就会将使用require引用的文件读入,因此require通常放到程序的开始处。因此要特别注意一点,require语句有一点强,不管程序是否真的需要引用的文件,只要你使用require语句,它都会把他们包含进来!即使你是在条件控制语句中使用这个函数进行包含,那怕是那个条件不为真,引用文件也会被包含进来!形成了僵尸,在运行过程中这些僵尸是不起任何可见作用的,但是很明显它会加重负担,所以这一点要特别注意!如果使用require语句发生了包含错误,那么程序将输出出错信息并停止运行!! 如果require()语句通过声明文件的URL来包含远程文件,而且远程服务器按照php代码来解释该文件的话,本地php文件中所包含的内容是在远程服务器上处理以后的结果。例如: 本来在php3.0中,require()所包含的文件可以使用return语句,但条件是return语句不能出现在{}内部,而必须出现在被包含文件的全局范围内。在php4.0中已经取消了require()的这个功能,但是仍然可以使用include()来实现。 2.include()语句 include()语句和require()语句有许多相同的地方。凡是在上边require()语句中没有明确说明不能适用于include()的部分外,require()语句的功能完全适用于include()语句。下边介绍require()语句所没有的include()语句的功能和特点。 include语句只有在被执行时才会读入要包含的文件。在错误处理方便,使用include语句,如果发生包含错误,程序将跳过include语句,虽然会显示错误信息但是程序还是会继续执行! php处理器会在每次遇到include()语句时,对它进行重新处理,所以可以根据不同情况的,在条件控制语句和循环语句中使用include()来包含不同的文件。 例如: 在php3.0和php4.0中include()语句所包含的文件中都可以使用return语句来返回一个值,并停止执行被包含文件下面的内容。但php3.0和php4.0在处理这样的情况时有所不同。在php3.0中return语句不能包含在{}内,除非它在一个函数中,因为这时它表示函数的返回值而不是文件的返回值。而在php4.0中就没有了这样的限制,用户甚至可以在文件中返回一个数字,就象函数的返回值一样。这样的语句在 php3.0中通常会报告错误。以下举例说明: 假设被包含的文件为test.inc和主文件main.php位于一个目录中。 在php5.0中的输出结果也是: Before the return Back in main.html 在php3.0中的输出结果是: Before the return 27Back in main.html Parse error:parse error in /apache/htdocs/phptest/main.html on line 5 出现上面的错误是因为return语句位于{}内部而且不是一个函数内部。如果把{}去掉,使它位于test.inc的最外层,输出结果是: Before the return 27Back in main.html 之所以出现27,是因为在php3.0中不支持include()返回。


最好别改,早晚用的上, 每次进去的时候设置,这个没办法



NAVI(natus vincere) 为什么用俄罗斯国旗

虽然这个Navi战队最早是乌克兰的团体,但是2015年新加入的“ubah”本人是俄罗斯籍的,所以显示国旗是俄国三色旗。其实同时还有一个Airat"Silent"Gaziev也是俄国人。最左边就是 Ivan"uBaH"Kapustin:



household income是什么意思

household income 英[u02c8haushu0259uld u02c8inku0259m] 美[u02c8hau028asu02cchold u02c8u026anu02ccku028cm] [词典] 家庭收入; [例句]At the same time your expenses will increase, your household income may decrease.与此同时,你的支出将增加,而家庭收入可能减少。

consist of 与be made up of和inclued区别

includ指比较抽象的名词be made up of强调一种来源consist of强调一种组成部分

日语,久石让,quincy jones

久石譲:正常应该发音为ひさいし じょう。→くいしじょう→クイシーu30fbジョーンズ

完形填空:Directions:In this part there are 15 incomplete sentenc?

CDBDC ADCBC 如回答帮助您解决了问题,请选为满意答案,,10,1--5 CDBDC 6--10 AACBC,2,完形填空: Directions:In this part there are 15 inplete sentences.For each blank,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best pletes the sentence You really have to get very old before you realize you"re old.I"m in my middle fifties and I don"t feel old yet.However,sometimes I look back at my childhood and 1____________ things to the way life is for today"s kids.Some things have 2____________ changed. One area of change is television.Some changes have been improvements.Some changes,3____________ the other hand,have been setbacks. When I started school,most people didn"t have a television; TV was just beginning to get 4____________.My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set.I still remember 5____________ the Lone Ranger save people from the bad guys on that awesome electronic machine.That was exciting! Now,televisions have larger pictures in full color.The pictures are 6____________ and the sound is much more realistic.The new high definition sets are made to rival movie 7____________.The variety and quantity of programming has increased greatly.There are hundreds of 8____________ and more shows than one person could ever watch.There are many fine entertainment and 9____________ shows.There"s also a lot of garbage,stuff that most parents don"t want their kids exposed to.Overall,we have more choices,and that is good. I wonder what television will be 10____________ when today"s kids are my age. 1.A.forget B.remember Cpare D.miss 2.A.seldom B.often C.usually D.certainly B.on D.for 4.A.gone B.great C.expensive D.popular watch B.have watched C.watching D.watched 6.A.clearer B.good C.cheaper D.clearly B.mirror C.shade D.screen 8.A.c *** s B.chains C.channels D.shifts B.educational C.educate D.educator 10.A.likely B.alike D.dislike

【过电影】【La princesse de Montpensier】【高清蓝光720P版BD-RMVB.中字】种子下载地址有么?感激不尽

【过电影】【La princesse de Montpensier】【高清蓝光720P版BD-RMVB.中字】种子下载地址:尊重我的劳动成果,请给分

The increasing number of

production comes to,需要去掉S

distinction 与discrimination 的区别

两者都有区别的意思,但是distinction可以用于任何区别,但discrimination有歧视的意思,比如说种族歧视,racial discrimination,不是所有的区别都可以用这个词希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

padraic my prince 歌词

歌曲名:padraic my prince歌手:Bright Eyes专辑:letting off the happinessi had a brother oncehe drowned in a bathtub before he had ever learned how to talkand i don抰 know what his name was but my mother doesi heard her say it once, padriac my prince i have all but died from thesheer weight of my shame. you cried but no one came and the water filled yourtiny lungs. appear, my dear, and sing to me. it was six years ago today thatwe laid you in your grave, your sweet young skin was shining then too.and so tonight to celebrate i will poison myself.another coughing, shaking fit in a bathroom that is i close the door and rest my head on the tile floor,sickness and sleep turning me cold.i am still not sure, is there some better place i should be heading towards?where the selfishly sick and self absorbed are welcome.i saw the future once.i was drunk in a phone eyes were wet and red but i could not tell what was saidand through the screams of the traffic voiced carried sayingi am sorryon a day so gray its black insidewatching churches on tvin a coma you don抰 dream you just hope that someone sits with youbabies turn blue when they are ignored like the sky on summer daysbefore you turn and walk away it has changed youso tonight to compensate i will poison myselfanother coughing, shaking fit in a bathroom that is spinning.

#define N 5 struct student { char num[6]; char name[8]; int score[3]; } stu[N]; #include

#define N 5struct student{char num[6];char name[8];int score[3];}stu[N];#include <stdio.h>void main( ){int i,j ;for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf(" Input score of student %d: ",i+1);printf("NO.:");scanf("%s",stu[i].num);printf("name:");scanf("%s",stu[i].name);for(j=0;j<3;j++){printf("score %d:",j++);//这个位置有问题,不能让j++,应该改成j+1scanf("%d",&stu[i].score[j]);}printf(" ");}print(stu);}/* 定义函数print */print(struct student stu[5]){int i,j ;printf(" NO. name score1 score2 score3 ");for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf("%5s%10s",stu[i].num,stu[i].name);for(j=0;j<3;j++)printf("%9d",stu[i].score[j]);printf(" ");}}

c程序帮忙给一下 我只想输出t后面的一个字母 #include void main() { char x[]="the teacher"; in

就两问题 if(x[i-1]=="t")=改为== 后面的分号 ; 去掉流程没有问题

“The title of prince of wales is held by a welsh according to tradition”这句话怎样翻译?


prince of the princess 是什么意思

prince of the princess公主王子例句1.Prince of the princess said: "You may say that Chinese? "王子就对公主说:“你会说中文吗?”, the Prince and the Queen thought of a test. They made a bed on which the princess could rest.所以,王子和女王想出了一个测试方法。他们做了一个可以供给公主休息的床。3.Prince William turned 25 on Thursday and gained part of the inheritance left by his mother, Princess Diana.于本周四满25周岁的威廉王子获得了母亲戴安娜王妃留下的部分遗产。4.Much has been written about Charles, Prince of Wales and the widely mourned Diana, Princess of Wales.很多人写过关于查尔斯王子的书,和哀悼戴安娜的书。5.Knight will always be watching over distressed princess, until the arrival of her prince .骑士永远会守护着落难的公主,直到她的王子到来。

the title of prince of wales


求 城中大盗 片尾曲名字 ◎译名 城中大盗/小镇/镇上/窃盗城 ◎片名 The Town/Prince of Thieves

◎译  名 城中大盗/小镇/镇上/窃盗城(台)/狂盗之城(港)◎片  名 The Town/Prince of Thieves◎年  代 2010◎国  家 美国◎类  别 犯罪/剧情/惊悚◎语  言 英语◎字  幕 中英双字◎IMDB评分 8.0/10 18,690 votes◎文件格式 DVD-RMVB◎视频尺寸 640 x 272 2.35:1◎文件大小 2CD◎片  长 2 hours 3 minutes

The Prince and the Pauper,王子与贫儿英语作文600字

Reading the prince and the poor son, this book is one of my Chinese homework when I was in grade six. An unexpected assignment, I read the book. The book was written by Mark Twain, a great American writer. It was one of the most satisfying works of Mark and Twain, and of course it was one of my most treasured books. This book let me understand democracy, equality, freedom and the value of friendship, let me feel the ordinary life, there are so many friends in my left, there are so many friends all around me, so I do not feel lonely, I think, I really very lucky and happy. Through this fairy tale plot, the novel first uses vivid contrast to show the extreme hardship and hardship of the working people"s life and the extreme luxury of the ruling class life. At the same time, the novel also clearly shows that life is born equal democratic thinking and environment, determine the character of the materialist concept. Tom was not born to be poor, and Edward was not born to be a prince, all in difference in clothing and status. Edward once said to Tom: "if we go naked, who also don"t know which is you, which is my! Indeed, when poor children wear Prince clothes, everyone regarded him as the prince and the Pauper; Edward put on clothes, they identified him as a pauper, here what is not born rich, nor what talent kingship, the question on what to wear clothing and in what position. A poor family poor son Tom was born in London, grew up living qiku, often around begging. Once he was led into the palace by the prince. Prince Edward has been longing for the outside world and free life, so he and Tom decided to swap clothes, but also change status, so that he could be Tom and left the palace to see the outside of unfettered life. Tom and Edward are not only of the same age, but also of very similar appearance, so when they dress up, they can"t even tell the difference. So the prince became Tom, and Tom became the prince. When Tom prince after gradually adapt to the palace life, he can be benevolent, understanding and did a lot of good people. Prince Edward was not so lucky, he was dressed in rags, hungry, wandering. Finally, with Sir Meyers"s help, he returned to london. At the coronation of the new king, the prince proved himself to be the real prince, and Tom was willing to help him restore the prince"s identity. Finally, good good, the punishment to the satisfaction of all. Mark Twin will be transferred thinking, in this way woven into a winding and moving fairy tale, so that readers in the sigh of education, as if suddenly grew up a lot, really benefit from shallow. Life is not perfect as one wishes. However, people who live in the real world should not only interpret their own roles, but also stand in other people"s positions and look at problems, and often reflect on themselves. They will constantly improve themselves and improve themselves. We must learn to change thinking in life, in order to truly learn tolerance, understanding, and learn to get along with people. This book is very interesting and worth reading.

跪求童话《快乐王子(The Happy Prince)》的故事概括。急!

The Happy Prince and Other Tales (also sometimes called The Happy Prince and Other Stories) is an 1888 collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde. It is most famous for The

Prince Of Egypt 内容(特急!!!!!!!!!)[20分!!!!!]

This is the extraordinary tale of o brothers named Moses and Ramses one born of royal blood and one an orphan with a secret past. Growing up the best of friends they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth will ultimately set them at odds as one bees the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth and the other the chosen leader of his people! Their final confrontation will forever change their lives and the world. Written by Anthony Pereyra {[email protected]} Egypt eons of years ago: Pharao Seti mands all male hebrew babies to be drowned. A desperate mother places her son in a basket and lets the Hebrew god guide it along its way on the river. The basket is found by the Queen and Moses is brought up as a brother to the heir of the throne Ramses. Years later the brothers who grew up happily and wealthy are split by Moses" recognition of his true heritage and the suppressing system his brother is about to inherit willing to carry it on. Fleeing from the city in despair Moses finds himself being called by God. He is given the task of being the messenger in order to free the Hebrews and to lead them into a country where milk and honey flow. Written by Julian Reischl {[email protected]} In ancient Egypt Moses the prince of Egypt finds he is a Hebrew and that he was born a slave. After leaving Egypt and meeting Jethro. the high priest and marrying Jethro"s daughter Tzporah Moses must return to Egypt to free his people with the hands of God to lead him. The one problem is that his former brother Ramses is now the Pharaoh and won"t give in to God"s wonders. Now Moses will do anything and that me ANYTHING to convince Ramses to let his people go. Written by Zac Abrams 2008-04-22 20:10:19 补充: 这是一个家传户晓的圣经故事,讲述两个本是不相干的孩子-一个法老王子兰姆西斯,另一个奴隶之子摩西,却因为一次误会成为兄弟。两人一同成长,一起追逐理想,情如手足。没料到一天,摩西发现了他的真正身份;他实在接受不了残酷的事实,在万念俱灰之下,颓然离开皇宫,逃到荒野。在那里,他遇上了他的妻子,其后更被一众奴隶推举为拯救他们的民族领袖,带领他们脱离法老王的摩掌之中。一对本来相亲相爱的好兄弟,为了各自所属的民族,不得不倒戈相向,展开连场人神之战。 2008-04-22 20:10:23 补充: 为了带来一新耳目的视听场面,《埃及王子》动用了来自35个国家的350名首席画师、动画师及技术师,花了四年时间炮制出来。本片获得奥斯卡最佳音乐大奖,其主题音乐“When You Believe”由《风中奇缘》金像填词家史提芬舒华执笔,配以《狮子王》金像作曲家汉斯洗马的妙韵旋律,再加上乐坛两位天后云妮候斯顿及玛莉嘉儿合唱,令电影生色不少。 幕后制作阵容庞大,幕前配音人员同样强劲;电影分别请来韦基马及赖夫韦恩斯演出两位王子摩西及兰姆西斯的声音,其他配音红星还包括米雪菲花、珊迪娜布洛、丹尼高化、谢夫高拔林、柏德烈史钊域、海伦米兰、史提夫马田及马田索特等,阵容一时无两。 2008-04-22 20:12:39 补充: 上面个个英文较深 下面呢段系内容差吾多 英文较简单既 希望可以帮到你啦~ Two men -- brothers and princes of the greatest empire on earth. One will someday rule Egypt. The other will bee one of the greatest heroes of all time. 2008-04-22 20:13:01 补充: A lie made them brothers - but the truth will destroy a dynasty and forever separate them - in faith - in heritage - in destiny. The epic journey of Moses from slave to prince to deliverer has been told and retold for centuries inspiring generation after generation. 2008-04-22 20:13:33 补充: Now this timeless story es to the screen in a new form for audiences of every generation to experience. "The Prince of Egypt" features the voices of Val Kilmer as Moses and Ralph Fiennes as Rameses. 2008-04-22 20:13:51 补充: It also brings together the vocal talents of Sandra Bullock as Miriam Danny Glover as Jethro Jeff Goldblum as Aaron Steve Martin as Hotep Helen Mirren as the Queen Michelle Pfeiffer as Tzipporah Martin Short as Huy and Patrick Stewart as Pharaoh Seti. 2008-04-22 20:14:00 补充: Oscar winner Stephen Schwartz ("Pocahontas") wrote six original songs for the film and poser H Zimmer an Academy Awardr winner for his work on "The Lion King " created the score. 2008-04-22 20:14:12 补充: Over 350 artists animators and technici from over 35 different countries devoted four years to bringing "The Prince of Egypt" to the screen. 2008-04-22 20:14:32 补充: The film breaks exciting new ground in animation with such developments as the state-of-the-art exposure tool developed by DreamWorks and SGI which allows for the seamless blending of 2-D and 3-D animation. 2008-04-22 20:14:41 补充: New approaches in character and production design give the film a look that is distinctly different from other animated films. 2008-04-22 20:14:46 补充: In addition award-winning visual effects artists from the world of live-action films joined with traditional animation artists to achieve a new level of special effects for an animated feature. 2008-04-22 20:16:22 补充: 我都睇果呢套戏 好好睇 等等等 等到今年过年就32岁,男朋友连影子都没 我个性内向 想透过未婚联谊认识对象 我是朋友推荐 来到桃园红娘李姐 对女生颇为照顾的 很快就让认识不错异性.


A.含有碳碳双键,可与酸性高锰酸钾发生氧化还原反应,故A正确;B.含多个-OH,能溶于水,故B错误;C.羰基的氧是强吸电子的 故双键上的电子偏向羰基,从而①②两个羟基上O吸引电子使氢离子易电离,显酸性,故C正确;D.不含-CHO,则不能发生银镜反应,故D错误.故选AC.


是 铁+维他命C 的意思


B 试题分析:A、由维生素C的结构简式可知,维生素C的分子式为C 6 H 8 O 6 ,错误;B、羰基中的氧原子是强吸电子的,所以碳碳双键上的电子偏向羰基,从而③、④两个羟基上的氢原子易电离,显酸性,正确;C、由维生素C的结构简式可知,维生素C中不含-CHO,则不能发生银镜反应,错误;D、由维生素C的结构简式可知,维生素C中含多个-OH,能溶于水,错误。

Vitaminc 的 graduation谁能帮翻译下?

school:学校slow down :(使)慢行、(使)减速;Eg:Slow down before you reach the crossroads到达十字路口前你要减速。so:School,slow down 的意思是→有学校,请您慢行/减速。


维他命C+锌 或者 维生素C+锌小朋友的咀嚼片么

B-Complex vitaminC多少钱一瓶,吃了它能有什么好处?



SWANSON是一个维生素品牌,vitaminC就是维C,with rose hips就是说玫瑰果或者叫玫瑰实。因此你问的意思是swanson牌的含有维C的玫瑰实(或者含有玫瑰果实的维C)


This kind of fruit is rich of vatamin




维他命 C


A.由结构简式可知,分子式为C6H8O6,故A错误;B.羰基的氧是强吸电子的 故双键上的电子偏向羰基,从而③、④两个羟基上O吸引电子使氢离子易电离,显酸性,故B正确;C.含多个-OH,能溶于水,故C错误;D.不含-CHO,则不能发生银镜反应,故D错误;故选B.


WYETH PHARMS INC 惠氏英文缩写,惠氏是全球500强企业之一,也是全球最大的以研发为基础的制药和保健品公司之一。自上世纪80年代中期惠氏营养品进入中国市场以来,惠氏在中国的业务已经取得了长足的发展。到目前为止,惠氏在华业务已包括了营养品、处方药和非处方药等领域。

Coincidence 歌词

歌曲名:Coincidence歌手:exilia专辑:NakedExilia - Coincidence‘静态脉冲"Q:21281770I was lying on the floorTill I I heard you cry so closeYes, I was thinking of suicide,suicide.Your face,there in the mirrorYour sigh,vision in my headGoin" mad,is there someone else? Someone else?Is there something more that I can say?I can say,I can say,I feel you closerI can say,I can say,is the something more thatI can say,I can sayAre we living on a razor?Is this predestination?I"m confusing what is real,what is realSomething,something is controllingCalling,crawling in my skinI say,is there someone else?Is there something more that I can say?I can say,I can say,I feel you closerI can say,I can say,is the something more thatI can say,I can sayI feel you-Am I sick?There"s no end,if you believeCoincidence,destiny,it"s not overI feel you-Am I sick?There"s no end,if you believeCoincidence,destiny,it"s not overGive me a signGive me a signGive me a signGive me a signI can"t see you(chorus)If I have a starYou are protecting meIf I am too blindIt"s just a coincidenceIf I live in feraYour sigh covers meIf I fear to liveI can sayIt"s not over

matlab 优化 fmincon函数 at least four input arguments. 请知道的同学帮帮忙。

有些语法上的小地方修改下,如下:(可以运行下)————————————————————————%zy2-3fun.mfunction f=zy2_3fun(x)f=x(1)^2*x(2);%zy12-3con.mfunction [c,ceq]=zy12_3con(x)c(1)=10*x2-x(1)^3;c(2)=6.25-x(1)^3;c(3)=0.34*x(2)^3-x(1)^4;ceq=[];然后command window:A=[];b=[];Aeq=[];beq=[];lb=[1.7,5];ub=[10,1];x0=[3.684,5.0];options=optimset("Display","iter","LargeScale","off");[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambad]=fmincon(@(x) zy2_3fun(x),x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,@(x) zy12_3con(x),options)运行结果如下:Exiting due to infeasibility: 1 lower bound exceeds the corresponding upper bound.x = 3.6840 5.0000fval = []exitflag = -2output = algorithm: "medium-scale: SQP, Quasi-Newton, line-search" iterations: 0 funcCount: 0 stepsize: [] lssteplength: [] constrviolation: [] firstorderopt: [] message: "Exiting due to infeasibility: 1 lower bound exceeds the corresponding upper bound."lambad = []————————————————————————exitflag=-2 指明程序退出的原因是在约束条件下,没有可行点,所以这题无解


。。 不懂哦

杜丽莎的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

辛宝儿的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

罗伯托韦基奥尼的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

Sheila的《Mr Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

Vincent (Starry Starry Night) 歌词

Vincent (Starry Starry Night) (文森特 (繁星点点的夜晚)) - 黄莺莺Lyrics by:MC LEAN DONComposed by:MC LEAN DONStarry starry nightPaint your palette blue and grayLook out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the trees and daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy linen landNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blazeSwirling clouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing hueMorning fields of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowFor they could not love youBut still your love was trueAnd when no hope was left in sightOn that starry starry nightYou took your life as lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meant for oneAs beautiful as youStarry starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallFrameless heads on nameless wallsWith eyes that watch the world and can"t forgetLike a strangers that you"ve metThe ragged men in ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLike crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I knowWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listenThey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never willNow I think I knowWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listenThey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will

Vincent - Starry, Starry Night 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent - Starry, Starry Night歌手:Chloe Agnew专辑:Celtic Woman Presents: Walking In The AirDeclan Galbraith - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)Starry, starry night.Paint your palette blue and grey,Look out on a summer"s day,With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hills,Sketch the trees and the daffodils,Catch the breeze and the winter chills,In colors on the snowy linen land.Now I understand what you tried to say to me,How you suffered for your sanity,How you tried to set them free.They would not listen, they did not know how.Perhaps they"ll listen now.Starry, starry night.

Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban专辑:Josh GrobanJosh Groban - Vincent(Starry,Starry Night)Starry, starry nightPaint your pallet blue and greyLook out on a summers dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the trees and daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy lined landNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listenThey do not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blazedSwirling clouds and violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of china blueColors changing hueMorning fields of amber greyWhethered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artists" loving handFor they could not love youBut still your love was trueAnd when your hope was left insideOn that starry, starry nightYou took your life as lovers often doBut I could have told you, VincentThis world was never meant for one as beautiful as youLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged man in ragged clothesThe silver thornA bloody roseLie crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I knowWhat you tried to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey were not listeningThey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will

长发公主 — healing incantation的歌词


高一数学 a,b,c,sinA,sinB,sinC的关系


Google Inc是什么?


有关dubious distinction的解释

a) ‘勉强算是一种荣誉" is perfect understanding of ‘dubious distinction". Take the great author Lu Xun for example. Not all Chinese think LX deserved the honor that had been heaped upon him; some think his achievement has been hyperbolized. Thus we can use ‘dubious distinction" to talk about LX"s distinction.b) The word ‘dubious" means ‘questionable" or ‘of doubtful quality", e.g. And they can sometimes dispense dubious advice that students might be better off ignoring.c) The word ‘distinction" means ‘excellence of character" or ‘distinctive qualities", e.g. a man of distinction. The words ‘merit" & ‘distinction" are often used to show achievement -- academic, artistic, etc., e.g. Dee passed his dissertation defense with distinction today.d) ‘dubious distinction 可以理解为“算是有别于他人的特点” " is misinterpretation of the original sentence.



unique 和distinct 的区别

SQL 语句可返回唯一不同的值A.UNIQUE是完整性约束里的一种,如果某列的值需要是唯一的那么就添加UNIQUE约束Distinct是在查询时用的,若在SELECT的列选择列表中的某列说明为Distinct,那么查询出来的结果里,该列不会出现重复的值.B.unique是distinct的同义词,功能完全相同。distinct是标准语法,其他数据库 sql server,db2,oracle,sybase,mysql等都支持。unique,informix数据库认识,其他数据库有的认识,有的不认识。C.用UNIQUE和DISTINCT查找不重复的行,语法好像是一样的,结果也是一样的,他们究竟有什么区别?别人的回答是:一样的。总之,效果是一样的,但是还是按照习惯和规章来吧。select 就用distinct。在SQL语法里面,有unique和distinct两个关键字,unique是distinct的同义词,功能完全相同。distinct是标准语法,其他数据库 sql server,db2,oracle,sybase,mysql等都支持。unique,informix数据库认识,其他数据库有的认识,有的不认识。以后方便数据库移植,推荐使用distinctDistinct|Unique返回select 出来的重复数据的一笔(distinct/unique 可认为互为同义词)重复行数数据必须和select 出来的每一个表达式匹配。限制:1:当你指定Distinct或者Unique 时,总共能显示在Select 后面表达式的Bytes 限制是oracle的DB_block_size 减去 一些"头部"字节.(即Select list 中出来的Bytes 数不能大于 DB_block_Size)2: Distinct 后面不能跟 Lob栏位。Examplecreate table uni_dis(colu1 varchar2(4000),colu2 varchar2(4000),colu3 varchar2(4000),colu4 varchar2(4000),colu5 varchar2(4000))当将Each column 加满时使用下面SQL 都会报 1486 errorselect unique/ distinctcolu1,colu2,colu3,colu4,colu5,colu1||colu2 abcvfrom uni_dis大家要注意此项:01489, 00000, "result of string concatenation is too long"// *Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size.// *Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size

distinctive nos是什么意思

distinctive nos独特的NOS

a distinctive catalog number意思

Aldrich化学试剂公司(美国sigma-aldrich是全球最大的化工试剂生产商,Sigma-Aldrich 是一个生物/ 化学试剂领先的高科技企业,Aldrich是它的子公司) catalog是目录 那么因该是该公司的产品目录吧,对应产品序号,反正是目录

To tell you that you are unique, distinctive中文怎么说


distinctive nos什么意思

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 解析: distinctive 与众不同的, 有特色的 (1)NOS abbr. [计] Neork Operating System, 网络操作系统(2)Nos. abbr. 号;数(numbers)

distinctive nos是什么意思

distinctive nos独特的NOSdistinctive[英][du026au02c8stu026au014bktu026av][美][du026au02c8stu026au014bktu026av]adj.有特色的,与众不同的; 区别的,鉴别性的; 独特; 特异; 例句:1.Fast retailing also has a distinctive business model. 讯销零售的商业模式也很独特。

considered a distinctive

答案B 由题干可知,consider的逻辑主语是Yangzhou,二者之间是逻辑上的被动关系,be considered(to be),被认为是…,因此第一个空使用过去分词considered; be worth doing,值得做某事,此处动名词主动表示被动意义,故答案为B

distinctive numbers翻译


知识产权中distinctive signs 什么意思



动词形式是distinguish 形容词形式是distinctive

distinctive feature是什么意思

英 [du026au02c8stu026au014bktu026av u02c8fi:tu0283u0259 ] 美 [du026au02c8stu026au014bktu026av u02c8fitu0283u025a]区别性特征


The singer has a distinctive voice that sets her apart from other artists in the industry. (意思:这位歌手有一种独特的声音,使她在行业中与其他艺术家区分开来。)The hotel has a distinctive architecture that blends traditional and modern design elements. (意思:这家酒店有一种独特的建筑风格,融合了传统和现代的设计元素。)The region is known for its distinctive cuisine, featuring spicy flavors and unique ingredients. (意思:这个地区以其独特的美食而闻名,特点是辛辣的口味和独特的食材。)The artist"s paintings have a distinctive style, with bold colors and abstract shapes. (意思:这位艺术家的画作具有独特的风格,色彩鲜明,形状抽象。)The company"s branding strategy focuses on creating a distinctive image that resonates with its target audience. (意思:该公司的品牌战略侧重于创建一个与其目标受众共鸣的独特形象。)


distinct,distinctive    这一对词都是形容词,拼法也相近,但涵义不同.  Distinct的意思是“分明的”、“明了的”、“清楚的”(well-marked,clearly defined or easily discernible).例:  The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough.  你在香港文化中心拍的那张照片不够清晰.  She has a distinct pronunciation.  她的发音清楚.  There is a distinct smell of smoke in my room.  我的房间里有一股明显的香烟味.  有时候,distinct还可用以表示“不同的”、“有区别的”意味.如:  This picture is distinct from that.  这幅图和那幅不同.  The twins have distinct personalities.  这对双胞胎的个性并不相同.  Distinctive的意思是“表示差别的”、“有特色的”、“特殊的”(marking or showing a difference).例如:  Can you find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp?  你能找到这枚邮票上有明显的水纹吗?  Pupils in Hong Kong usually have distinctive badges on their school uniforms.  在香港,小学生的校服上常戴有颇具特色的徽章.  现将distinct和distinctive用在一个句子里,以便区分:  One of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations.  本书的特点之一就是具清楚明了的图解.


Distinct 是“明显的,清晰的”意思,可以用来强调确定无疑。Distinctive 是“特殊的,与众不同的,有特色的”,可以用来强调人或事物独特的、容易分辨的特征。例句如下:My professor has a distinctive presentation style. He loves randomly picking students to join him on the stage.我的教授授课方式别具一格,他特别喜欢随机挑选学生上台参与。这里用 distinctive ,可以体现教授喜欢用观众上台参与的方式而使其授课方式独具风格。如果我们在这里把 distinctive 换成另一个近义词,最合适的选择是 unique,独特的。当我们说起主题、区域、时段等,我们可以用 distinct 来强调“明显不同的”意思。这里 distinct 的近义词是 different ,不一样的。Distinct 也常常用于两个以上同类事物的对比。例句如下:Cashmere is one of Scotland"s famous exports, it has a distinctive feel to it.羊绒是苏格兰的著名出口商品之一,摸上去手感特别不一样。


  distinct和distinctive是一对形近易混单词。两者词性都是形容词,都可以表示明显。但是,distinct表示的"明显"是"分明的""显然的",而distinctive表示的"明显"是"有特色的""特殊的"。distinct含有"区别""不同"的意味,distinctive含有"有特点"的意味。所以,"发音清楚应该说成"a distinct pronunciation"而不是"a distinctive pronunciation";"区别性特征"应该说成"distinctive feature"而不是"distinct feature"。    distinct adj. 英 [du026a"stu026au014bkt] 美 [du026a"stu026au014bkt]  ①清晰的(clearly visible),明显的(easily perceived);②确定无疑的(indisputable);③不同的(different) be distinct from sth. (与某事物不同)  distinctive adj. 英 [du026a"stu026au014bktu026av] 美 [du026a"stu026au014bktu026av] 特别的。 distinctive ringing(区别铃声)


special 这个特别指的是那种“与众不同的特别”,即一个东西或人或事与相同的、相似的比较,截然不同,所带来的“本性”的特别.如:She"s a special one.她是与众不同的一个.distinctive [dis"tiu014bktiv] adj.1.特别的,特殊的,特有的,独特的,有特色的,有特征的,与众不同的;区别性的,差别性的,差异的 2.【语言学】区别性的 Something that is distinctive has a special quality or feature which makes it easily recognizable and different from other things of the same voice was very distinctive.


distinctive造句如下:1、Partners around the world sell the products in their distinctive blue glass packaging.2、But they could also be set apart by their highly distinctive style.3、Luck is linking you to a friend who has a very distinctive voice.


前者是:有特色的,特殊的。distinctive features 特点 Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels.士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。如:Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一种特殊的味道.后者是指:清楚的,明显的,截然不同的,独特的。如:on two distinct occasions.在两种不同的场合前者比后者的表达感情更强烈,特殊性更强。
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