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If S is the product of the integers from 100 to 200,inclusive,一道GMAT数学题。

I dont no

inclusive of vat什么意思



好多单词都用这个缩写,不知道楼主要的是哪个的读法.不过无论是哪个单词,虽然在写的时候可以写成缩写,但在读的时候是要把整个单词读出来的.不能只读缩写. 以下这些词都可以写成Inc.但是最后一个表示公司缩写的好像用得多一些. Increase Incomplete inclosure including inclusive income incorporated (用于商店名称之后,表示其为公司组织,亦可作Inc.)

inclusive of sales tax

Sarah自己开店,要交营业税. 营业税需要按买入卖出的价差来计算缴纳. 假设不含税的纯支出为a,那么: 2350 = a * 17·5% + a ==> a = 2000 买入卖出的价差为 2000 - 1000 = 1000 所以,营业税额为:1000 * 17.5% = 175 选 D


include和including是两个不同的词语,前者是一个动词,表示“包括、包含”,后者是一个介词,表示“包括在内”、“不仅仅是”或“加上”等意思。而included则是include的过去分词形式,表示“被包括在内”的意思。include是一个动词,表示“包括、包含”的意思,用于表明一个事物或一组事物的其中一部分被包括在内。例如:1、The package includes a book and a CD。2、The price doesn"t include tax。including是一个介词,可表示“包括在内”、“不仅仅是”或“加上”等意思,用于向实体的某一部分添加其他事物。例如:1、The group went on a picnic, including sandwiches,chips,and soda。2、The event attracted a diverse crowd, including young adults, families,and seniors。被动语态中,include的过去分词形式是included。例如:1、The package was opened and included a book and a CD。2、The list of participants included several world-renowned experts。包含include或including的词汇1、be included in: 表示“被包括在…中”,强调某种区别或属性的共性。2、not including: 表示“不包括”,加强排除的明确性。3、inclusive of: 表示“包括…在内”,强调某种区别或属性的不限制性。4、including but not limited to: 表示“包括但不限于…”,强调列举的不全面性。

How to Be More Inclusive at School 英语作文

It"s important for us to keep safe at school and it will make us study better and live more happily. In order to keep safe at school, we must do like these.First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs. Second, make sure to be safe when we are doing sports. Try not to be hurt. Third, know about some knowledge of safety. It"s helpful to us.If we follow the advice, we"ll make ourselves safe at school.




include verb 包括,包含inclusive adj ~of sth. prepinclusion noun

dates inclusive中文是什么意思

dates inclusive 起讫日期dates n. (注明的) 日期( date的名词复数 ); 时代; 目前; (北非和西亚常见的海枣树的) 海枣; v. 过时( date的第三人称单数 ); 使…显老; 显示出…时代(或年龄); 鉴定…的年代;

英文缩写 _ incl. _ incl.是什么意思

英文缩写 incl. 英文全称 inclusive 中文解释 包括在内 缩写分类 常用词汇 缩写简介

inclusive of GST是什么意思

你好。inclusive of GST,翻译成中文是:包含消费税。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


includeprep.形式includingsth./sth.includedinclude的形容词是:inclusive、included;名词是:inclusion;介词是:including。1、inclusive英[u026an"kluu02d0su026av] 美[u026an"klusu026av]adj.包括的,包含的2、included英[u026an"kluu02d0du026ad] 美[u026an"klu028adu026ad]adj.包括的;[植]内藏的v.包括(include的过去式和过去分词)3、inclusion英[u026an"kluu02d0u0292(u0259)n] 美[u026an"kluu0292n]n.包含;内含物4、including英[u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b] 美[u026an"klu028adu026au014b]prep.包含,包括

A is inclusive of B是指A包含B还是A包含在B内?

inclusive of 表示 包括. 所以A is inclusive of B B包括在A内 例子: The rent is £10 inclusive of everything. 房租总共十镑,包括一切费用.

什么叫inclusive education?

包容性教育,指倡导机会平等的教育includ v.包含inclusive a.包含包括兼得




all-inclusive [英]u02c8u0254:linu02c8klu:siv [美]u02c8u0254linu02c8klusu026av adj. 包括一切的;包罗万象;兼容并包;无所不包 [例句]Trust in god is all-inclusive. 对上帝的信仰是包罗万象. 如对你有所帮助, 如有其他疑问,

inclusive holiday 什么意思

inclusive holiday一切开支包括在内的假期inclusive[英][u026anu02c8klu:su026av][美][u026anu02c8klusu026av]adj.包括的,包罗广泛的; 包括…的; 一切开支包括在内的; (语言使用上)不分男女的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Inclusive institutions protect individual rights and encourage investment andeffort. 包容型制度则保护个人权利和鼓励投资和奋斗。2.Cambridge university has an inclusive design programme. 剑桥大学有一个包容性的设计项目。






inclusive [ɪn"kluːsɪv] adj. 包括的,包含的短语inclusive ticket 票价包括所有费用inclusive disjunction 可兼析取 ; 包含性析取 ; 又称可兼析取 ; 选言连接词inclusive a 包括一应费用在内的 ; 首末日包括在内的 ; 包括的inclusive segments 相容段Inclusive value 包容值inclusive development 包容性发展inclusive finance 普惠金融 ; 包容性金融 ; 普惠制金融Inclusive Language 中立语言 ; 使用中性语言 ; 广容性语言inclusive OR 可兼的逻辑或 ; 或 ; 可兼或inclusive [in"klu:siv]adj.1.包括的,包含的2.一切费用包括在内的;一切项目包含在内的3.首末日(或页码)包括在内的4.无性别歧视的;不排除女性的[1991]This process should be inclusive of all departments and all situations. 此过程应该包括所有部门和所有的情况。


292个2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 1009 1013 1019 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 1051 1061 1063 1069 1087 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 1117 1123 1129 1151 1153 1163 1171 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223 1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291 1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451 1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583 1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657 1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733 1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811 1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889 1901 1907


应该是过去分词,表示被动语态的.这句话也可以这样说:include the service charge.作定语的形容词 adj.被包括的

inclusive education是什么意思

inclusive education融合教育;全纳教育;全纳性教育They also seek to enhance the quality of teaching and learning and to foster inclusiveeducation in primary and secondary schools in Kosovo. 赠款也力求提高科索沃中小学的学习和教学质量,促进包容性教育发展。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助



inclusive finance是什么意思

inclusive finance普惠金融

diversity 和 inclusive的区别


数据库中inclusive 和exclusive是什么意思


英语inclusive mind怎么翻译?


inclusive 和not subject to有哪些区别?

inclusive [in"klu:siv] adj.1. 包括的,包含的2. 一切费用包括在内的;一切项目包含在内的3. 首末日(或页码)包括在内的4. 无性别歧视的;不排除女性的[1991]例句与用法We want to remain as inclusive as possible.我们想要尽可能包含在内的保持。Happiness, is the small pointed thorn. Careless finger pricks. Perhaps I is the cactus, in your inclusive of willfulness.幸福,是尖尖的小刺。不小心扎伤手指。也许我才是仙人掌,在你的包容下任性。The Master of Accountancy allows you to integrate courses in other fields to supplement accounting course work for a more inclusive education.会计硕士课程可让您整合课程,在其他领域,以补充会计课程工作的一个更具包容性的教育。not subject to the limits: 不在此限Thus metals in contact are aluminum and cadmium, and are not subject to serious galvanic attack.如此一来,相接触的金属是铝和镉,而不会造成严重的电镀氧化。One finding not subject to interpretation is that the greatest diversity of mitochondrial DNA sequences exists among Africans.没有发现可解释的主题,这便是线粒体DNA序列的最大差异,存在于非洲人中间。Some people say that people behave differently when they wear different clothes while others maintain that their true selves are not subject to any external changes.有的人说人们会因穿著的不同而表现出行为的不同,也有的人说:我就是我,不会因任何外在的变化而变化。


inclusive的意思是包容广阔的; 包括一切费用在内的; 包括的,包含的; 无性别歧视的; 对外开放的。例句:The rent is inclusive of water and heating. 租金包括水费和暖气费。The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be. 该学院如今比过去更为兼收并蓄。Answer questions 8 to 12 inclusive. 回答第8到第12题。


inclusivity n. 包容性双语例句:1.We are committed to enhancing cultural diversity and inclusivity and are proud of the fact that we already have over 80 nationalities on campus with whom these students will integrate. 同时,我们也在尽力加强校园文化的多样性及内涵。现在我们的校园里有来自八十多个国家的学生在一起学习。对此,我们感到非常骄傲。2.With the strong inclusivity, creativity, power and stable mass basis, Guangzhou contemporary art has conceived numerous elites and talents. 广州当代艺术包容性强,群众基础好,创造性强,力量大,产生众多艺术尖子。


形容词意思是“包含的,包括的;包含全部费用的;包括提到的所有……在内的;范围广泛的;一切服务包含在内的;包括明示界限在内的;不排斥任何一方的;有意避免性别歧视的;兼收并蓄的”,副词意思是“包括一切费用在内地”。inclusive disjunction[计]可兼析取 ; 包含性析取 ; 又称可兼析取 ; 选言连接词inclusive ticket票价包括所有费用inclusive finance普惠金融 ; 包容性金融 ; 普惠制金融But it should be so inclusive.它就应该这么包容。Give me all inclusive eventually go away.给了我所有包容最后还是离我而去。As a convenience, I use the term "mechanism," as in the phrase "governance mechanism" to be all-inclusive of the components identified above.为了方便起见,如在短语“治理机制”中一样,我使用术语“机制”来包括上面所识别的所有组成部分。

Macromedia, Inc中的inc什么意思?

INC是incorporated的缩写,(有限)公司的意思。 Inc.表示了公司的性质。Company Limitid 通常缩写为 或是精简为 Ltd.但是这只是指从公司的性质上说,该公司是一个有限公司不是什末其他的公司。公司名称后面与Co.ltd之间不应再出现 company,因为Co.已经包含了公司的意思。再说回来,Inc.的原形是Incorporation意思是指:组成公司/注册/合并。如果加在公司名称后面,多是它的分词形式,但是已变成一个固有的形容词汇:Incorporated .使用这种用法,多是美国式的用法,不要加什末Ltd.。但是它的含义却是:‘某某股份有限公司"重点在于性质是‘股份制"的有限公司,意味着‘按股分公司组成的"、‘组成(股份)公司的"。在英国用法中,直接将Limited加在公司名称后即可。表达的是和Inc.同样一个意思。

有首男声慢摇,歌词开始大概是:come on baby show me baby,since i have to know,求歌名字啊~~~谢谢


Feel Good Inc. 歌词

歌曲名:Feel Good Inc.歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 19Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.Hahahahahahahahahahahahafeel good (x 9)City"s breaking down on a camel"s back.They just have to go "cos they don"t know wackSo all you fill the streets it"s appealing to seeYou wont get undercounted, "cos you"re bad and freeYou"ve got a new horizon It"s ephermal style.A melancholy town where we never smile.And all I wanna hear is the message beep.My dreams, they"ve got to kiss,because I don"t get sleep, no...Windmill, Windmill for the land.Turn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is sticking, falling downLove forever love is freeLet"s turn forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,Lining them up-a like ass cracks,Ladies, homies, at the trackits my chocolate attack.Shit, I"m stepping in the heart of this hereCare bear bumping in the heart of this herewatch me as I gravitatehahahahahahaa.Yo, we gonna go ghost town,this motown,with yo soundyou"re in the placeyou gonna bite the dustcan"t fight with usWith yo soundyou kill the dont stop, get it, get ituntil you"re cheddar header.Yo, watch the way I navigateHahahahahahahahaafeel good (x4)Windmill, Windmill for the land.Turn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is sticking, falling downLove forever love is freeLet"s turn forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Dont stop, get it, get itwe are your captains in it (feel good)steady,watch me navigate,ahahahahahhaa. (feel good)Dont stop, get it, get itwe are your captains in it (feel good)steady, watch me navigate (feel good)ahahahahahhaa.(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)

帮我翻译feel good inc这首歌成中文

啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~城市在骆驼的背上颓然坍塌可恶的家伙给我滚一边去 他们不了解我们这帮鸟人满大街的孩子 没人看管没人会在乎你 因为你是坏人——也是自由人你也意识到这是另一种行事风格这是个忧郁的小镇 任何人都没有笑脸我想听的只是手机短信的声音(西皮士没有手机)我的梦想 它们打波去了我可不想睡着 不想……我们一起旋转起来!一起来跳舞!为了美丽的家园永远手牵着手 永远大踏步向前走!大家就这样粘在一起 一起下落……爱永远是自由的我们要永远在一起 为了家乡故土都在吗你们?我们笑的好厉害 这些hazmats(不知是什么鸟东西) 还有飞奔的猫咪让它们叠罗汉 就像笨驴的屁股一样!~小姐们 妇女们 一起跳起舞来~那是我用巧克力吸引她们过来的操!我站在正中间呢!我得负责酝酿这里的气氛!看着我 跟着我一起移动哈哈哈哈哼哈哈哈~~哟!我们要到城市的废墟去了到处都是汽车的地方伴随着“哟”的声音 你来到了那里你掸掸身上的尘土 不想跟我们打架伴随着“哟”的声音 你击毙了所有包含在内的东西所以不要停 继续 继续在你失去激情之前哟!看我怎么引导气氛~哈哈哈哈哈哈哈感觉真好~一起热舞 为我们的故土永远手牵手 大踏步向前走就这样贴在一起 一起下落……爱是永远的自由为了自由的故土 我们永远在一起跳着旋转的舞蹈每个人都在吗?别停 继续继续我们就是这儿的引路者啦看好了 我来引领这气氛啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈别停别停 继续我来当DJ看好啦 看好啦!……附上一份中文版歌词:感觉好极了!整个城市变的蓝绿分明政治人物都过气了因为他们不了解我们满街都是打扮的象艾微儿的孩子别做快闪族因为你白痴的程度一眼会就被发现你每天苟延残喘只追求速食快感活在这个无聊到没有冷笑话的城市我歇斯底里****只能消音播出连做梦都有恶魔让我无法好好睡一觉风车风车转丫转移动天空之城带领我们携手迈向永恒跟随你大步向前迈进带你轻轻向下坠落爱是永恒爱是自由载着你我飞向未来风车风车转丫转大家都在吗?别泄气!加油!知道吗!有真本事才能生存下去!学着点!看我怎么做!风车转丫转~转丫转~感觉好极了!风车转丫转~转丫转~转丫......

Countdown to Extinction 歌词

歌曲名:Countdown to Extinction歌手:Megadeth专辑:Countdown to Extinction (Deluxe Edition)Endangered species, caged in frightShot in cold blood, no chance to fightThe stage in set, now pay the priceAn ego boost don"t think twiceTechnology, the battle"s unfairYou pull the hammer without a careSqueeze the trigger that makes you ManPseudo-start, the hunt is canned ...The hunt is cannedAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to ExtinctionTell the truth, you wouldn"t dareThe skin and thophy, oh so rareSilence speaks louder than wordsIgnore the guilt, and take your turnLiars anagram is "liars"Man you were never even thereKilled a few feet from the cagesPoint blank, you"re so courageous ...So courageousAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to ExtinctionOne hour from nowAnother species of life formWill disappear off the face of the planetForever ... and the rate is acceleratingAll are gone, all but oneNo contest, nowhere to runNo more left, only oneThis is it, this is the Countdown to Extinction




melogincn无线路由器设置方法如下:操作工具:vivo X9操作系统:Funtouch OS 7.127操作软件:手机浏览器1、直接通过浏览器搜索melogincn,选择图示项进行跳转。2、这个时候,需要输入管理员密码并点击登录。3、下一步,继续启动无线设置功能。4、如果没问题,就根据实际情况确定保存相关信息。5、这样一来会发现对应结果,即可实现要求了。
































,contemporary,是现代的同时代的意思;比如contemporary chemistry现代化学consequently是因而所以的意思,一般都在文章中单独使用,加逗号;coincidence,巧合,一致,符合的意思,其实就是名词,表示很巧;controversial就是有争议有争论的,形容词conventional传统的traditional一样的意思。习惯的,常规的意思。这几个是形容词当然在使用中作定语用了、。。

cubic inch中文翻译

This cubic inch of hydrogen would contain about 880 bilpon bilpon atoms . 这一立方英寸的氢就将含有大约88万万万亿个原子。 Cid cubic inch displacement 立方英寸排气量 This cubic inch of hydrogen would contain about 880 bilpon bilpon atoms 这一立方英寸的氢就将含有大约8 8万万万亿个原子。 We will start with a cubic inch of hydrogen at atmosphere pressure ( or the air pressure at the earth " s surface ) 我们从大气压力(即地球表面的空气压力)下的一立方英寸氢气开始。 A unit of dry volume or capacity in the british imperial system equal to8 quarts or approximately554 . 8 cubic inches 配克英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554 。 8立方英寸 The nova maintained its pact car status by virtue of its size as well as its performance from the 194 cubic inch , six cypnder engines 对只有194立方英寸, 6缸引擎的车型来说, "新星"延续了该型车特有的精巧设计和卓越的操纵功能 Cube logic basically uses unit dimensions to calculate cube ( cubic inches per unit ) and then pares this to the cube capacity of the location to determine how much will fit 立方物流是基于通过用物体尺寸来计算立方体(每个物体含有的立方英寸数) ,并把结果与摆放地的容积相比,以确定是否装的下。 With performance credentials won on oval tracks and drag strips across america , the 1960 pontiac bonneville bined the clean style of capfornia customs with raceproven 389 cubic inch power . the bonneville was at the top of the pne for pontiac in the 1960 model year , riding on a 124 wheelbase and a revolutionary 64 wide - track stance that could turn corners as easily as it could turn heads 从20世纪60年代开始, 1960年版的庞蒂亚克bonneville轿车一经问市,就以其加利福尼亚传统的简洁明快的风格, 389马力的强大动力,在横贯北美大陆的一个个椭圆形赛道上,以风驰电掣般的速度赢得巨大声誉

A______chang has taken place in China since the policy of opening up and refrom was adoped.

1、fundamental 在这里应量解为“根本性的”。2、essential 必要的elementary 初步的primary 主要的3、a fundamental change has taken place in China 中国发生了根本性的变化

erve since the day you wentaway,这是哪首英文歌的开头


论文阅读“Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Mining Cluster Complementarity”

现有不完整多视图聚类存在两点限制: (1)对缺失数据进行不正确的推断或者填充可能会对聚类产生负面的影响; (2)融合后特征的质量可能会受到低质量视图的影响。 针对以上问题,本文提出了一种imputation-free 和 fusion-free的IMVC框架。主要贡献包含以下: 数据定义: 给定包含 个样本的数据集 ,其中 代表样本的数目,因为包含缺失数据,因此 。本文中把数据集中包含的完整数据作为一个集合 。视图1和视图2中最下的蓝色部分是完整数据,这部分的数据包含给定的全部视图表示。而视图1最上的样本集合仅包含视图1的表示,同理视图2中间的样本也仅包含当前视图表示。也就是说,在数据表示中完整样本是视图对齐的。(这里的解释和论文intro中的关于数据的定义完全不对应。。所以后续的样本对应和拼接的解释很牵强。。。。) 但是论文中的解释,对于每个视图的数据而言,这里给出了一个示意图:




  phyto powder in cleansing cream的中文翻译  phyto powder in cleansing cream  植物粉在洁面霜

vue A、B、C三个页面keepAlive、include页面缓存问题

背景: 1、A列表页面 --- 跳转到 --- B填写页面 (B页面不要缓存)。 2、A列表页面 --- 跳转到 --- B填写页面(填写了内容) --- 跳转到(B页面需要缓存) --- C选择单位页面再回到B页面,要显示 B页面之前填写的内容。 用vue-router中的keepAlive设置为true是不可行的。 注:::::以上这种方式是不行的。 可行方案: 结合keep-alive的include属性和vuex进行缓存。 这种方式不依赖于vue-router中的keepAlive值,那怕设置为false,也可以通过上面的方式进行页面缓存。 这样就OK了!!!

请问一下,我发的雅戈尔T型衫商标是YOUNGOR 后面是since 1979是正品吗?




求princess princess 的M的歌词汉字也要换成平假名!求翻译

M作词:富田京子 作曲:奥居香 歌:PRINCESS PRINCESSいつも一绪にいたかった想与你永远在一起となりで笑ってたかった在你身边一起欢笑季节はまた変わるのに季节又再次更替了心だけ立ち止まったまま只是我的心却停住不动了あなたのいない右侧に再没有你在的右侧少しは惯れたつもりでいたのに现在总算有点习惯了どうしてこんなに涙が出るの但为什麼眼泪还是要流出来もう叶わない想いなら已经知道不能再实现了あなたを忘れる勇気だけ欲しいよ只想得到能够忘记你的勇気You are only in my fantasyYou are only in my fantasy今でも覚えているあなたの言叶直到现在我还未曾忘记 你的说话肩の向こうに见えた景色さえも So once again和伏在你肩膀那边所看到的景色 So once againLeavin"for the place without your loveLeavin"for the place without your love星が森へ帰るように星星回归到森林那处自然に消えてちいさな仕草も跟著自然地消失影踪 随著那轻微的动静はしゃいだあの时の私も像是当时的那个在开玩笑的我一样いつも一绪にいたかった想与你一直在一起となりで笑ってたかった在你身边一起欢笑季节はまた変わるのに季节又再次更替了心だけ立ち止まったまま只是我的心却停住不动了出会った秋の 写真には看到秋天时拍下的照片はにかんだ笑颜ただ嬉しくて那既害臊又高兴的笑容こんな日がくると思わなかった没有想那天的日子可以重来瞬きもしないで虽然已不能再闪烁あなたを胸にやきつけてた恋しくて但仍然剌热著你的胸膛 一直爱恋著You are only in my fantasyYou are only in my fantasyあなたの声闻きたくて想再次听到你的声音消せないアドレスMのページを不能被除掉的地址和 M 字头的那一页指でたどってるだけ So once again用指尖追踪著 So once againLeavin"for the place without your loveLeavin"for the place without your love梦见て目が覚めた在梦中醒了黒いジャケット後ろ姿が在那件黑色的JACKET 的背後谁かと见えなくなっていく So once again谁也看不见 So once againYou are only in my fantasyYou are only in my fantasy星が森へ帰るように星星回归到森林那处自然に消えて ちいさな仕草も いつまでも自然地消失了影踪 随著那轻微的动静 直到永远あなたしか见えない 私も我眼中只有你Itsumo isshoni itakattaTonari de waratte takattaKisetsu wa mata kawaru noniKokoro dake tachidomatta mamaAnata no inai migigawa niSukoshi wa nareta tsumori de ita noniDoushite kon"na ni namida ga deru noMou kanawa nai omoi naraAnata wo wasureru yuuki dake hoshii yoYou are only in my fantasyIma demo oboeteiru Anata no kotobaKata no mukou ni mieta keshiki sae mo So once againLeavin" for the place without your loveHoshi ga mori e kaeru youniShizen ni kiete Chiisana shigusa moHashaida ano toki no watashi moItsumo isshoni itakattaTonari de waratte takattaKisetsu wa mata kawaru noniKokoro dake tachidomatta mamaDeatta aki no shashin niwaHanikanda egao Tada ureshikuteKon"na hi ga kuru to omowanakattaMabataki mo shinaideAnata wo mune ni yakitsuketeta KoishikuteYou are only in my fantasyAnata no koe Kiki takuteKese nai adoresu(address) M no pe^ji(page) woYubi de tadotteru dake So once againLeavin" for the place without your loveYume mite me ga sametaKuroi jaketto(jacket)Ushiro-sugata ga dareka to mienaku natte iku So once againYou are only in my fantasyHoshi ga mori e kaeru youniShizen ni kiete Chiisana shigusa moItsumademo Anata shika mie nai Watashi mo

Qty Inc是什么意思?


日本动漫如月女子高野球部(又名女棒甲子园Princess Nine)的ED日文歌词

[00:08.27]★引き出しの片隅に[00:12.36] 一枚の写真が[00:16.37] 梦を信じていた 懐かしい笑颜[00:25.12]☆あの顷の私たちは[00:28.94] 巡り会いを求め[00:33.21] いつも 见えない明日 手探りしていた[00:43.65]★昨日はすれ违い 伤つけ合っても[00:52.19] 晴れた朝再び 奏でるハーモニー[01:05.27]★☆REMEMBER[01:06.60] PASSIONATE DAYS[01:09.00] 今でも忘れない[01:12.94]★阶段登って 后振り向いた时の[01:21.66]★☆手を振るみんなの笑颜[01:28.36][01:30.37]☆頬にあたる风さえ[01:34.59] 気持ち良く感じた[01:38.46] そんな优しい日に 恋をしたんだ[01:47.26]★あの顷の私たちは[01:51.35] 全てに燃えたね[01:55.27] それが ひとときの さだめであっても[02:05.86]★狂おしい気持ちに 眠れなかった[02:14.25]☆窓を开け静かな 星空见上げた[02:27.36]★☆REMEMBER[02:28.74] PASSIONATE DAYS[02:31.03] 今でも忘れない[02:35.12]★情热のかけら とめどなくあふれて[02:43.69]★☆眩しかったあの朝焼け[02:50.38][02:53.12](台词)☆若叶が萌えるテニスコートだったね[02:56.12] 初めて会ったあなたは[02:57.54] あふれる阳差しを浴びて[02:59.34] 近寄り难いほど辉いていた[03:01.86](台词)★あの顷の私、いつもヒロインを演じようと[03:05.95] あなたの视线ばかり気にしていたの[03:09.12] でも、本当は心を开ける[03:12.21] 友达が欲しかっただけなのかもしれない[03:14.82][03:17.39]★真夏の太阳に 投げた白い梦[03:25.78] みんなの瞳の中 无限に広がり[03:39.00]★☆REMEMBER[03:40.29] PASSIONATE DAYS[03:42.61] 一人ぼっちじゃないよ[03:46.65]★违う道のりを 今歩いていても[03:55.26] 忘れないあの夏の日

给我推荐两首好听的歌曲吧,风格就像vincent或者小野丽莎的la vie en rose或者imagine


And since Windows just copied the Mac, it‘s likely that no personal computer would have them


Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...) 歌词

歌曲名:Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...)歌手:Panic! At The Disco专辑:Vices & VirtuesKids, you have to remember I"m up here conducting you for a reason.Okay watch me, watch my fingers. Here we go ready?Watch me.Dès le premier jourTon parfum enivra mon amourEt dans ces instantsJ"aimerais etre comme toi par momentMais depuis ce jourJe n"ai qu"un seul et unique regretPanic! At the Disco - Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...)My wing tips waltz across naiveWood floors they creekInnocently down the stairsDrag melodyMy percussive feet serve cobweb headaches as a,Matching set of marching clocksThe slumbering apparitions that they"ve come to wake upHere I am composing of burlesqueout of where they rest their necksSunken in their splintered cradlesAnd, ramshackle ants, they asked for itAs a girl, you have set your heart onhaunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we metI only shoot up with your perfumeIt"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you doEver since we metI"ve got just one regret to live throughThat one regret is youHow does a heart love if no one has noticedits presence and where does it goTrembling hands play my heart like the tromboneThe beats gone and lost in the showYou have set your heart on,haunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live through,(And I regret never letting you go!)Ever since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live throughAnd that one regret is youMona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (I"ve got just one)

incubator的《untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:untitled歌手:incubator专辑:mcgillroy the house fly(Song Has No Name)Look around in our little paradiseTaste the innocent fruitI"ll bomb your brain awayThere"s power of technologyWhich"ll guard your human wayGod is dead - Jesus crucifiedAnd the pope will burnOn his gallow tonightI can"t believe this shocking truthCan"t look around - Can"t open eyesSo taste just the freedom ofAn forbidden youthEveryday I walked through the streetsBones instead of treesBlood instead of waterA land which keeps on smilingIn the end of the bookNobody wants to speak your dirtyLanguageNobody wants to hear your sadisticMessageQuestions build up - Never answeredMore than just your god can seeSo let"s creep in the graves of ourBrothers and sistersTo forget an evil culture4 "Raped By A Stranger"Confusion seems to be your wayMy murdering is inconsequentialClose your lovely, lying eyesStay brideI"ll guard your last mealBefore your executionYour treacherousDissatisfied faceWill rot by hunger for lustLet"s stop talking all aboutThat shitLet"s fuck show me yourGenitalsThe hunger for perversionStrikes backI"ll break your personalityYou lie in a sheet of organicJuicesThe plague of myself buriedAmong your bonesI"ve got a present for youIt"s an overcrowded boxWith corpses of the new-bornIncubator5 "Chaos Ego"Hunger, thirst, pain myVeinsThe horizon keeps onBurningThe wind blows strongMelodies fall into dustA fog of sadness checkledTo my lonely skinAll illusions standing stillRaped chaos calls forManipulated stressIs this my judgement orMy rebirth in heavensWomb...These time has been lostAll green has just beenKilledMy flesh for all mistrustBlood on the groundI start to understandThese deal has been madeThese voice promisedUnknownTears change into timeMy brain keeps in turning, ISink to the groundThe cries of the unbornSold, lost, and found...Nails in my eyes for a lifeWithout paincontrolled emotions fromMc GillroyAre burning insane...6 "Identit"t"Mindmelting sorrow - The eyes of the blind - See youEverytime and everywhere you stay - A part ofDestructed illusions - Praying for your destinyYour primitive tongue is torn in half - Wintergarden,Summerdreams a cry without a sound - The murderOf fatality tries to rip his life away - CorruptionAnd brutality for preachers without identity!!!Trees lie in darkness - The truth sleeps in dust - TheBlind just can see - Greets to the master who"sControlling me - Nails in y eyes for a lifeWithout pain - Pain controlled emotions from McGillroy are burning insane -7 "Stories Enter Controlled Dept."You are alone...You"ve stolen the pastenseOut of my lifeMy aim is to conquer yourFilthy braincellsShow me - Your raw andViolent realityShow you - A part of myLet"s drink the wine and eatThe cakesThe thorns of forbiddenFlowers are the nailsFor your place on myCross...The principle of the elephantsHas been fadedOut of your eyesHang the murder - RewardThe thiefIdolise the pleasureBehavioural disturbanceI"m the guider of yourIllusionsThe extension of your fearIs inaudibleHear the tone of my voiceIt means hate to youBelieve in your godlessInnardsOut of the cunt - Into the life8 "The Braineliminator"(Instrumetal)9 "Games Of A Moonmurder"Good morning MrsSunshineHave you heard theLatest newsThe moon yourEternal husbandDied between yourLies - And my dirtyTruthLast night I"veBeen outsideWaiting for hisLight...The stars told meThe storyHe has beenSacrificedThe lord ofRottennessLay down his mysticCardsNow the smell ofFearHangs deep in theTreesAnd fields areDeserts of tearsDarkness andDeath stands nearBy my side - Couldn"tExistWithout his holyLight

It was April 29,2011____Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding

如果是强调句,那么前面应该是 It was on April 29,2011 that.....没有on,则只能用when,作定语从句解释。

两用扳手inch 和metric有什么区别

两用扳手的用途:大型工业用两用扳手适用于石油、化工、冶金、发电、炼油、造船、石化等行业。是设备安装、装置及设备检修、维修工作中的必需工具。两用扳手分为公制和英制两种。  两用扳手的材料:两用扳手采用45号中碳钢或40Cr合金钢整体锻造加工制作。  两用扳手的制造标准:GB/T4392-1995(敲击呆扳手和敲击梅花扳手)。  两用扳手的特点:两用扳手由优质中碳钢或优质合金钢整体锻造而成,具有设计合理、结构稳定、材质密度高、抗打击能力强,不折、不断、不弯曲,产品尺寸精度高、经久耐用等特点。



include observation eviwes中是什么意思?


since ago是用于观察的意思吗

since ago是自从... 以前的意思。拓展:“观察”英文单词有:observe、observation、viewing、watching、outsight1、observe读音:英 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0v] 美 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0rv]    v. 观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝He made a telescope through which he could observe the stars.他做了个望远镜,用其观察星座。2、observation读音:英 [u02ccu0252bzu0259"veu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccɑu02d0bzu0259r"veu026au0283n]    n. 观察;观察力;注意;评论He is a man of little observation.他是个观察力极差的人。3、viewing 读音:英 ["vjuu02d0u026au014b] 美 ["vjuu02d0u026au014b]    n. 注视;检视;观察动词view的现在分词形式.He is given to viewing life as if it were an aesthetic spectacle.他喜欢观察生活,好象生活是一幅美的图景。4、watching 读音:英 ["wu0252tu0283u026au014b] 美 ["wu0252tu0283u026au014b]    n. 观察;看守;注意;监视动词watch的现在分词形式.Toad was watching both of them closely.蟾蜍在一旁仔细观察他俩的动静。5、outsight 读音:英 ["au028atsau026at] 美 ["au028atu02ccsau026at]    n. (对事物外部的)观察;观察力.The toy can be developed the outsight, attention, imagination and creativity of training children.玩具可以开发培养儿童的观察力、注意力、想象力和创造力。

the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design谁写的

the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design3R原则对工业设计的影响the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design,The editor:Huang Junxiong重点词汇impact影响; 碰撞,冲击,撞击; 冲击力; 撞击; 挤入,压紧; 对…产生影响; 产生影响; 冲撞,冲击principles原则; 原理; 准则; 道义; 节操; 原则( principle的名词复数 ); 工作原理; 神圣的原理industrial design工业设计希望对您有所帮助

since、 before、 ago 他们的区别是什么

since有(自从,由于的意思,是介词) before ,在之前,动作发生前,如:before you go.ago多于年月等时间之后,表示...多年前.嘿嘿,

princess dont cry是什么歌?

Baby, Don"t Cry 出自歌曲《Baby, Don"t Cry》。《Baby, Don"t Cry》作词:王雅君谱曲:Sam Lim Kwang-Wook演唱:EXO-M所属专辑:《XOXO》歌词:LUHAN:你就别再犹豫了好吗就请拿住我的心脏爱像一道很刺眼的光芒凌厉的月光 把眼睛关上CHEN:如果不是我 是别的男人如果 只是戏剧里面的一句话笑淡了就罢我愿和你的爱交换伤痕ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight当黑夜再次亮起来Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化成像泡沫一样难道你不知道吗So Baby Don"t Cry, Cry我的爱守护你不分开LAY:放下你最不安的心房就请接受命运吧我想我爱你比更多的恋人啊还更加倍的去爱上When You Smile, Sun ShineLUHAN:太灿烂的让我都说不出话整颗心起波浪CHEN:拍碎了 就停下来ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight在暴风来袭的夜晚 (Woo~ I Can Hold You In My Arms )Baby Don"t Cry Tonight好像很适合这个夜晚但这一瞬间的激情不能够延长却要目送你离开So Baby Don"t Cry~ Cry~就让我的爱像记忆吧TAO:到处阴阴的沉沉的冷空气陷入了称为离别的疼痛里快要窒息 痛到无力 唯有你的笑容才是镇痛剂 ah!我的任性越轨希望我们的故事有结尾Don"t Cry 不想你悲伤落泪 宁愿你对我是冷漠的 babyKRIS:Say No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)不要犹豫 不要挣扎 当这一切都开始崩塌Say No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)请让我可以保留最后的尊严或者请将我直接毁灭LUHAN:你的眼神里充满了月光 Baby, Woo~CHEN:无声无息在痛苦里 流淌著纯洁的光ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight (Cry~~~)当黑夜不再亮起来 (I Can Hold You In My Arms )Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化成像泡抹一样要永远都不知道So Baby Don"t Cry~ Cry~( Don"t Cry~ Cry~)我的爱守护你不分开 (Cry~ Cry~)LUHAN:就看清晨的阳光洒下来 (下来)像你一样耀眼的洒下来 (Falling Down)我想我眼睛迷路 现在才 Cry~ Cry~ Cry~


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