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意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely

英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+ yours吗?

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。


Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。3.How did you sign the letter? Did you write "sincerely yours"? 你在信上是怎么署名的?你写上“忠实于您的”了吗?




adv. 1. 真心实意地,真诚地,诚实地2. (用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启


sincerely的意思是:副词:真诚地;诚实地。sincerely的例句有:1、George was sincerely anxious that his son should find happiness and security.乔治真诚地希望他儿子可以找到幸福和安全感。2、He sincerely believed he was acting in both women"s best interests.他真的认为他的所作所为对两个女人都非常有利。3、We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.我们衷心希望你早日康复。4、I sincerely hope you will soon recover.我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。5、I sincerely hope you"ll help me.恳切希望你能帮助我。6、Sincerely wish you a pleasant summer vacation.恭祝夏安。




你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。

Cordially 和 Sincerely区别是什么

cordial:showing warm and heartfelt friendliness 意思以友善热情为主 sincere 真诚 以诚为主 clear?


这是英语书信的固定格式,相当于中文的谨启或此致. 已经不完全是你真诚的某某,而且结尾不一定会用Sincerely,有时当写给你很亲密的朋友家人时也会用yours or love 等


sincerely的形容词是sincere 真诚的;诚挚的;真实的; sincerely adv. 真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地 扩展资料   Praise them sincerely when they do something good.   当他们做了好事时,真诚地赞美他们。   We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.   我们衷心希望你早日康复。   I sincerely hope that the doctors can restore you to full health.   我真诚地希望医生能够让你恢复健康。   My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and have dinner with us.   我和我父母都真诚地期盼着你来和我们一起吃晚饭。








你好,就像我们中国人信的最后会写 此致 敬礼 差不多的意思哦~~


信末尾落款:sincerely yours,


你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。




Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。3.How did you sign the letter? Did you write "sincerely yours"? 你在信上是怎么署名的?你写上“忠实于您的”了吗?


意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely




sincerely[英][su026anu02c8su026au0259li][美][su026anu02c8su026arli]adv.真诚地;诚恳地;谆双语例句1.I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。2.We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.我们衷心希望你早日康复。3.You are sincerely requested to be present at the party.敬请您光临晚会。4.We sincerely rejoice over your victories.我们为你们的胜利感到由衷地高兴。5.I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings.我真诚地同情这些不幸的人。


sincerely 英[su026anu02c8su026au0259li] 美[su026anu02c8su026arli] adv.真诚地;诚恳地;谆 [例句]The caretaker prime ministers are broadly popular and generally regarded as sincerely committed to reform. 几任看守总理很受欢迎,普遍被视为真诚致力于改革. 2.I sincerely hope I have the chance to participate and set an example for thiscountry that money isn"t everything. 我真诚的希望我能参加这个节目,而且用我自己作为例子告诉这个国家钱不是万能的. 3.I sincerely hope that they are right. 我真诚地希望他们的选择是正确的 4.But I sincerely hope that mr obama was being insincere. 但我真心希望,这不是奥巴马的肺腑之言. 5.Moreover,many american legislators-and judges-will sincerely feel we areobligated to bring our laws in line with a treaty we have agreed to honor. 此外,许多美国的立法委员和法官们将会由衷地感到我们有义务将我们愿意遵守的条约纳入我们的法律.

数学归纳法的一个问题,principle of Induction




i accept the terms and conditions,including the privacy policy什么意思


天才大导演大卫芬奇David Fincher

作品: 1985年 《敲击生命之鼓》 The Beat of the Live Drum 1992年《异形3》Alien3 1995年《七宗罪》Seven 1997年《心理游戏》The Game 1999年《搏击俱乐部》 2001年《惊恐屋》The Panic Room 2007年 《十二宫杀手》Zodiac 2008年 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Nine Inch Nails专辑:Live: And All That Could Have BeenCloserNine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralYou let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate youHelp me...I broke apart my insidesHelp me...I"ve got no soul to tellHelp me...the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself,I wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodYou can have my isolation...You can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faith...You can have my everythingHelp me... you tear down my reasonHelp me... it"s your sex I can smellHelp me... you make me perfectHelp me think I"m somebody elseI wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodThrough every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey, inside your hive...You are the reason I stay alive...

大数据原则 怎么翻译?(计算机英语里的) 用 Big Data Principle 行么?

大数据原则 Large data principle小数据原则 Small data principle


并不是这个 -c 是编译加的,而是整个gcc -c -o mycrp.o mycrp.c都是Makefile自动推导出来的。你的程序要生成test,make工具就要找test由哪几个文件生成,你写的是${OBJS} ${LIBS},也就是说make会先去生成mycrp.o。但是mycrp.o怎么生成呢?你的Makefile中并没有写,make工具在当前目录下看到了mycrp.c,所以make工具自己猜测你想从mycrp.c生成mycrp.o,那怎么生成mycrp.o你没写,它就用猜测你想用gcc -c -o mycrp.o mycrp.c命令生成。你把你的OBJS变量的值改成mycrp.c就可以解决。不过最好的方法还是让OBJS=mycrp.o然后加上:%.o : %.c $(CC) ${LFLAGS} -c $<

extraordinary income是什么意思

extraordinary income非常收入Network marking is the ordinary person"s best opportunity to make extraordinary income . 网标识是普通人的最佳时机做出不平凡的收入。



Dark Princess-的歌词翻译.

Despite it seems so frail尽管它看上去如此脆弱Love"s still by my side爱依然在我身旁Despite our misery尽管痛苦There"s way out to find还是有出路可寻No matter now who"s right不管现在谁对谁错Just come, cross the line只要过来 穿过界线‘cause all the tears you"ve cried,因为你所流下的每一滴泪Were also mine也是我的My shame, my fear…all is mixed here我的害羞 我的胆怯 都混合在一起了Isn"t it so clear -这还不够清楚吗?For you and me there"s nothing to pretend…对你和我来说 没有什么需要假装Dead stars are falling, all the bridges are burning…流星在坠落,桥梁在燃烧But look - I"m tied up with you in the end!但请看- 我最后还是和你系在一起Despite it seems so frail尽管它看上去如此脆弱Love"s still by my side爱还是在我的身边Despite our misery尽管痛苦There"s way out to find还是有出路可寻的No matter now who"s right不管现在谁对谁错Just cross the line请越线过来You"ll see these tears you"ve cried你会发现你所流的泪Were also mine也是我的Again, again…yet I nurse my pain,一次又一次 我还得自己照顾伤痛Cup we"ll never drain总有一线希望To dregs…But its a shortest track I know但我知道这是最短的捷径To break the wall, to reach the shore we"ve year ned for想要上岸还得很长时间…To save a chance we"ve lost some lies ago只为抓住我们曾经失去的机会Despite it seems so frail尽管它看上去如此脆弱Love"s still by my side爱还是在我的身旁Despite our misery尽管痛苦There"s way out to find还是有出路可寻No matter now who"s right不管现在谁对谁错Just cross the line但请越线过来You"ll see these tears you"ve cried你会发现你所流的眼泪Were also mine也是我的So join me in life所以加入我的生活吧As I want you to breath因为我想让你呼吸到The same air of dream…我所呼吸的空气~Should we try to forgive?我可以尝试谅解吗Games end up in tears游戏以眼泪结束But for some never end…但是为了某些永不终结的。。。As I"m gonna live -因为我还得活下去For sure we will see那时我们一定会看到All that we could be我们本该在一起的样子Despite it seems so frail尽管它看上去如此脆弱Love"s still by my side爱依然在我的身边Despite our misery尽管痛苦There"s way out to find还是有出路可寻No matter now who"s right不管现在谁对谁错Just cross the line但请越线过来You"ll see these tears you"ve cried你将会发现你所流的每一滴眼泪Were also mine也是我的啊




计算机应用程序Plugin(Plug-in,addin,add-in,addon或add-on)是一种计算机应用程序,它和主应用程序(host application)互相交互,以提供特定的功能。应用程序支持Plugin有许多原因,一些主要原因包括:使得第三方开发者有能力扩展应用程序,以提供无法先期预料的特色;减小应用程序的大小;由于软件版权之间的不兼容性将源代码和应用程序分享。

Labor omnia vincit improbus.是什么意思?


拉丁文中Omnia vincit amor是什么意思?谢谢



Omnia vincit labor 拉丁语 意思是:劳动战胜一切。不知道这里的形容词miprobus表示什么呢

Amor vincit omnia是什么意思?翻译下,谢谢


grasp, scratch, pinch, seize区别


Omnia vincti amor! 什么意思?(好像不是英语,嘻嘻!)谢谢!



principal的读音是:英["pr_ns_p(_)l]。principal的读音是:英["pr_ns_p(_)l]。principal副词:principally;名词:principalship。principal【近义词】capital。一、详尽释义点此查看principal的详细内容adj.(形容词)主要的,最重要的,首要的,第一的资本的,本金的,作为本钱的负责人的,首长的,领头的最大的,一流的有地位的n.(名词)主角,主要演员本金,资本校长【法律】委托人;本人;当事人长,首长;社长;负责人;长官;会长独唱者首席演奏者,主奏者主动者决斗的本人【律】主犯二、双解释义adj.(形容词)[A]最重要的,主要的 highest in importance or position; main; chiefn.(名词)[C]负责人,校长 the head of some universities, colleges and schools[S]资本,本金 an amount of money lent, put into a business, etc. and on which interest is paid[P]被代理人,委托人 person for whom another acts as his agent[C]主犯 person directly responsible for a crime三、英英释义Noun:the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculatedthe educator who has executive authority for a school;"she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"an actor who plays a principal rolecapital as contrasted with the income derived from it(criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvementthe major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own accountAdjective:most important element;"the chief aim of living""the main doors were of solid glass""the principal rivers of America""the principal example""policemen were primary targets""the master bedroom""a master switch"四、例句Our principal problem is lack of time.我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。My wages are the principal source of my income.薪金是我收入的主要来源。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000?5000美元本金的利息是多少?Mr.Charlie Wang is a Principal of Pangaea and responsible for capital management.王岩先生现任磐石基金执行董事,负责资本管理。The principal or capital,as distinguished from the interest or income,as of a fund or estate.资金,基金或资产的本金或资本,以区别于利息或收入。When I came into the office, the principal rose to welcome me.当我走进办公室时,校长起身欢迎我。He is going to fill the position of principal.他将去担任中学校长的职务。She danced the principal role in the ballet.她在这个芭蕾舞中担任主角。Through it all Richard Nixon moved as if he were himself a spectator, not the principal.尼克松自始至终表现得象旁观者,而不是主角。The agent spoke on behalf of his principal.代理人代表他的委托人说话。I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that.我必须同我的委托人磋商后才能就这个问题给你答复。Indeed I was the principal in the crime.我真正做了这个罪恶的主犯。Shall I work underground, bribing the paltry assistants in that foul conspiracy, until I find my way to the thrice guilty principal?我要不要秘密进行追究,贿赂那肮脏密谋中的可鄙助手,直至我找到线索挖出那三倍有罪的主犯?五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.酗酒是公路死亡事故的最重要的原因。She has been the principal dancer in our ballet for ten years.十年来她一直是我们芭蕾舞团的台柱演员。用作名词(n.)He is the principal of this school.他是该学校的校长。There is a shortage of principal.资金有些短缺。I must consult my principals.我得同委托人商量一下。六、情景对话Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室。B:He was found cheating and was driven out.他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来。A:If theprincipal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.如果校长发现他作弊的话,会活剥了他他的皮。七、词语用法adj.(形容词)principal用作形容词的意思是“最重要的,主要的,首要的”,用于人时指其起的作用最大,而不指职位最高; 用于物时,指其在重要性上优于他物,起决定作用。principal无比较级和最高级形式。principal同principle的比较:两者的发音相同。principal作为形容词时,意思为“主要的”“最重要的”。 principal作为名词时意为“校长”。 而principle的意思为“科学定律或者是到个规范”。What"s your principal reason for wanting to be a writer?If you want to leave early you"ll have to ask the Principal.He"s a boy with very strong principles.principal作为校长时,各地区用法不尽相同:在英国常表示牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)大学的若干学院(college)的院长,或是若干大学的校长。在美国仅仅只是表示中学或小学校长。而在苏格兰表示的是大学校长。principal的相关近义词capital、chief、first、main、primary、dean、headmasterprincipal的相关反义词least、minorprincipal的相关临近词principle、Princeton、Principali、principals、principalia、principally、principalis、principality、principal act、principal boy、principal ray、principal Zhu点此查看更多关于principal的详细信息

西兰公国(Principality of Sealand)的爵位有购买的价值吗?

没有。西兰公国(英文:Principality of Sealand),是一个由小组织宣称建立而未被国际普遍承认的国家。它声称怒涛塔(Roughs Tower)是该国的仅有陆上领土,位于英吉利海峡之上的废弃人造建筑,约距英国英格兰萨福克郡海岸10公里(6英里)。该国自建立以来一直由其元首派迪·罗伊·贝茨和他的家人以及合作伙伴们统治。西兰公国的常住人口很少超过五人,其可供居住的领土面积大约有550平方米。西兰是世界上最知名的私人国家之一。自1967年以来,西兰公国上的22名居民就宣布了独立,不再隶属于英国。2012年10月,该国“元首”“罗伊亲王”去世,享年91岁。琼王妃将负责接管“西兰公国”的统治权。瓦尔加兰王国、尼马克共和国、威斯塔克迪卡、塞波加大公国、埃洛王国、米咯斯西亚是与西兰公国性质类似的国家。


词、曲、歌手:Don McLean歌词译文:真念一思 我认为歌中所说的:梵高的痛苦,是那种“世人皆醉我独醒”的痛苦,一种满怀真诚与热情,却得不到任何理解与认同的痛苦! 第一次听这首歌时,我刚刚看完了《梵高传》,那是一位挪威女歌手翻唱版。那也是我第一次,因为听一首歌而泪流满面……可惜我已经找不到那个版本了…… 歌曲简介: Vincent是一首民谣音乐,由美国歌手Don Mclean在1971年创作并演唱,他用这首歌来纪念荷兰著名印象派画家文森特 梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh)。 这首歌的第一句"Starry starry night......"为人熟知,它描绘了梵高的著名作品《星月夜( The Starry Night )》。同时,歌词中还穿插描绘了梵高的其他画作。 唐·麦克莱恩在1971年阅读了梵高的传记并创作了这首作品,次年便成为了英国单曲榜的冠军和美国单曲排行榜的第2名。 画家的笔触创造出那种让人感动和颤栗的感觉,仿佛画面中的一切都在呼唤着生命似的,一种激情燃烧的生命力扑面而来。似熊熊燃烧的火焰般的树以及由奇特的月亮、星星和神奇的漩涡所构成的天空给人以悲怆而激动的感染,这种感染直直地穿透至人们的心底深处,让人们宛如亲眼目睹到一个美丽新世界。梵高画下《Starry Night》时,绝不会想到,81年后,美国乡村民谣歌手Don McClean看到这幅画,会写出这首歌来献给他。不知被他所感动过而又曾抛弃过他的世界能不能由此给他带来些许感动。 歌手简介: Don Mclean(唐·马克林)于1945年10月2日出生于美国纽约。60年代早期Don在纽约州的俱乐部中以灌制唱片开始了他的演艺生涯,大多数时间里,Don是一名游吟歌手。1970年他曾写了一首纪念梵高的音乐献辞《vincent》。Don的首次亮相专辑TAPESTRY同年出版,但没能卖出去。艺术家联合会第二年和他签约并制作了American Pie的第一个增加版(Mulder注:即Extended Version),这首歌惊人地登上了英国排行榜第二,美国第一的位置。这首歌的同名专辑也获得成功。Don也由此被认为是最有天赋和最有商业价值的新生歌手。 尽管开头不错,Don的演艺生涯在70年代中期却陷入了困境,好在他是一名具有强烈自我意识的歌手,1980年他凭借一曲Crying重登排行榜。之后,他的再版旧专辑也引起轰动,他个人也因此而进行大规模巡回演出。80年代以后,Don转向乡村音乐发展,不过仍处于流行音乐的主流。1991年,他那张已有20周岁的专辑 American Pie出乎意料的重返英国排行榜前20位,这无疑又掀起了人们对他早先作品的兴趣。 或许有人不知道Don McLean,但是我想应该有很多人听过开头是一句“Stary Stary Night”的《Vincet》吧,这首歌所写的就是梵高的一幅充满强烈表现力的名作。梵高最受人爱戴的名画就是1889年他住在St.Remy精神病院内所画的The Starry Night,也就是Don McLean在《Vincent》的第一句歌词。这幅名画The Starry Night现放于纽约现代艺术博物馆内,每天开始及完结时,艺术馆都会播放DonMcLean的Vincent这首名曲。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

关于vincent (starry, starry night)

Vincent(文森特)是歌曲名,starry starry night是其中的歌词,这首歌的演唱者名叫Don Mclean(唐.马克林),他为纪念偶像文森特.凡.高而创作了《Vincent》,我想你问的是马克林,而非梵高的资料吧。Don Mclean,1945年10月2日生于美国纽约。60年代早期在俱乐部中一灌制唱片的方式开始了演艺生涯,1970年他写了一首纪念凡高的歌。马克林的首张专集名叫〈TAPESTRY〉,但没卖出去后来他和艺术家联合会签约并制作了美国派的增加版,登上了英国排行镑第儿,美国排行镑第一,马克林一下子成了炙手可热的歌手但他的演艺生涯在70年代中期陷入困境1980年他凭一曲〈CRYING〉重返排行镑80年代后马克林转向乡村音乐发展1991年,他那张已有20周岁的美国派专集居然重返英国排行镑,是使得人们重新开始关注他。他最近的一张专集是95年的〈RIVER OF LOVE〉

The Incredibles 歌词

歌曲名:The Incredibles歌手:Lunatica专辑:New ShoresEditor:MelodySeekerOnce upon a time there was a planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right



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Level 6 - Unit 2 - Part 2 Reading - The Lost City of the Incas(印加迷失之城)

Machu Picchu is one of the world"s most impressive historical sites. It was built around 1450 by the Incas, who ruled most of South America at that time. They called themselves children of the Sun, the powerful god they worshipped as the source of light and life. 马丘比丘是世界上最令人印象深刻的历史遗迹之一,大约1450年由当时统治了大部分南美地区的印加人修建。他们称自己为太阳之子,太阳是他们崇拜的强大的神,是光和生命的源泉。 Located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, at 8,000 feet above sea level, the"City of the Incas" was mysteriously abandoned just 100 years after its construction. This was when the Spanish were beginning their conquest of the Inca Empire, in the 1530"s. There is no evidence that the Spanish invaders ever attacked or even reached the mountaintop city, so many believe that the city"s inhabitants deserted the site because of a small pox epidemic. “印加之城”位于秘鲁安第斯山脉,海拔8000英尺,建成仅100年就被神秘遗弃,当时是15世纪30年代,西班牙人开始征服印加帝国。没有证据表明西班牙侵略者曾经袭击过甚至抵达过这座山顶城市,因此许多人认为该城市的居民是因为天花流行而离开了这里。 The city was almost forgotten until 1911 when it was discovered by an American historian, Hiram Bingham, after he heard rumors of its existence. Bingham was led to the site by local farmers and was amazed by what he saw, which seemed like an unbelievable dream. He wondered if anyone would believe what he had found. Though the surrounding jungle had overgrown the site, what remained was impressive. The city had been built on a remote and nearly inaccessible mountaintop, often shrouded in clouds. Forty rows of farming terraces hugged the steep mountainside, each over 10 feet high and linked together by over 3000 stone steps. Among the city were what appeared to be neighborhoods of homes and exquisite stone buildings that are thought to be temples. Even today, the mystery remains as to the purpose of these temples, how the city was used and what its citizens did. 这座城市几乎被遗忘,直到1911年美国历史学家海勒姆·宾厄姆在听到它存在的传言后发现了它。宾厄姆被当地农民带来这里,他对自己看到的景象感到惊讶,这似乎是一个难以置信的梦。他不知道是否有人会相信他的发现,尽管周围长满了丛林,但印象令人深刻。这座城市建在一座偏远、几乎人迹罕至的山顶上,常年被云层笼罩。40排农耕梯田环绕着陡峭的山腰,每排梯田高达10英尺,由3000多个石阶连接在一起。在这座城市中,似乎有住宅区和被认为是寺庙的精美石头建筑。即使在今天,这些寺庙的用途、城市的用途以及市民的所作所为仍然是个谜。 Despite its remote location, Machu Picchu has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year, thousands of people travel to Peru to admire its magnificent stonework and breathtaking design. What they see is a wonderful harmony between the city and the landscape around it that is captivating. 尽管马丘比丘地理位置偏远,但它已成为世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。每年,成千上万的人前往秘鲁,欣赏其宏伟的石雕和令人惊叹的设计。这座城市和周围景观之间的美妙和谐,令人着迷。

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解释incremental plagiarism的具体含义(增量剽窃)

incremental plagiarism英文的直译是“增量”“剽窃”,但具体到不同性质文本中则有“胆大妄为地剽窃”及“大规模大范围侵犯”(知识产权等)的行业涵义!再就是这可能是影视作品名!--寂寞大山人



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Include consist contain comprise 的区别和例句

Comprise:包含,由……组成。(可用复数的“部分”成分作主语,表构成) eg.The committee comprises five persons. Twenty lessons comprise Book One. Consist:由……构成(不能用被动语态)consist of eg.Our university consists of 22 departments. The entire world consists of matter. Contain:包含,容纳(它的宾语只是整体的一部分) eg.Sea water contains salt. Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol The hall can contain 2000people.. Include:包括(宾语只是整体的一部分) eg.Your duty will include washing the test tubes. Involve:包括(含必然包含);使专注;使卷入 eg.Building this road involves the construction of the bridges. He was involved in writing a test report. This is an experiment which involves a lot of difficulties.


include包括(一般为可数)contain包含(一般为不可数,有些情况可数)consist of由...组成(不可数)

contain与consist of还有include的区别

简明英汉词典 contain [kntein]vt.包含; 容纳Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.威士忌的酒精含量极高。控制, 抑制The little boy couldn"t contain his urine any longer.这个小孩再也忍不住小便了。 Google 网络词典 contain 隐藏摘要 包含 【摘要】 ... 偶然内聚逻辑内聚过程内聚功能内聚communication 通信complement number 补码constrain 约束contain 包含correspond(corresponding) 相符合(相应的一致的) CPETT ... - 相关网页 容纳 【摘要】 contain 包含,容纳 contaminate 污染 contemporary 同时代的 contend 竞争 content 使 满足,使满意 contest 比赛,争斗 contiguous 接触,邻近的 contort 扭歪,歪曲 ... - 相关网页 能容纳 【摘要】 contain v. 包含;包括;能容纳. container n. 容器. content1 a. 甘愿的,满意的. content2 n. 内容. continent n. 大陆,大洲;陆地. continue vi. 继续 ... - 相关网页 内装 【摘要】 wicked adj. 很坏的,邪恶的 contain v. 包含,内装 honesty n. 诚实. 参考译文. 我走进饭店经理的办公室,坐了下来。我刚刚丢了50英镑,感到非常烦恼。 ... - 相关网页 包容 【摘要】 contain 包含,包容 maintain 维持,维护(main 主要的tain 目的,要维持,保证) Assist Engineer to maintain BOM. certain 确定的,肯定的 ... - 相关网页 同义词:compriseconsist ofcontrolcurbholdincludeinvolverestrain 简明英汉词典 consist of 由…组成The book consists of nineteen chapters.全书共分19章。 Google 网络词典 consist of 隐藏摘要 包括,组成 【摘要】 7. consist of 包括,组成. 8. put sth. into sth. 把什么融入什么. 句型:. 1. not only …but also…不但…而且… e.g. We can do it not only with the help of words, ... - 相关网页 构成;由组成 【摘要】 consist of 由……组成,相当于be made up of。 表示“构成”的三个词组 consist of 构成; 由组成 make up 构成;组成 be made up of 由构成 Light consists of waves. ... - 相关网页 组成,构成 【摘要】 consist of 组成,构成 approach [E5prEutF] n.①(处理问题的)方法,态度 ②靠近, 接近 v.①靠近,接近 ②(为取得某种预期效果)找…商量,同… ... - 相关网页 同义词组 【摘要】 consist of 和compose of 的区别? , be make up of 与be consist of 与be compose of的区别. , compose和constitute的区别? , deliver(名词)consist of(同义词组) ... - 相关网页 含有 【摘要】 16. consist of组成,构成,含有 17. be employed in 受雇于 18. live on依靠…… 而生活 19. economize on 在……方面节约使用 20. escape from 从……逃亡 ... - 相关网页 简明英汉词典 include [inklu:d]vt.包括, 包含Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。 Google 网络词典 include 隐藏摘要 包括 【摘要】 排除在外)是include(包括)的反义词;复杂一点的例子如correspondence(通信; 符合)、correspondent(记者,通信员)、corresponding(复合的,相应的)是 ... - 相关网页 包括/排除 【摘要】 Exclude/include(包括/排除) 这个功能与标准的MAX或VIZ自带的灯光的功能是一样的。 Color swatch(颜色开关) 这个颜色参数与MAX自带的灯光颜色参数稍微有点不同, ... - 相关网页 计入 【摘要】 include 包括,计入 inclusion 包含,包埋 incompatible 不相容的,禁忌的 incompetence 机能不全,闭锁不全 inconvertible 不可逆的 incorporation ①并入②公司 ... - 相关网页 公共文件 【摘要】 images 图片 include 公共文件 install 安装包 ipdata ip地址 plugins 插件 readme 帮助文档 templates 模板 utilities 工具包 wap 手机网站 文件夹include ... - 相关网页 INCLUDE 隐藏摘要 强制符号引用 【摘要】 /INCLUDE(强制符号引用) · /INCREMENTAL(增量链接) · /KEYCONTAINER(指定密钥 容器以便为程序集签名) · /KEYFILE(指定密钥或密钥对以便为程序集签名) ... - 相关网页 同义词:comprisecontaincoverenclose反义词:exclude


由......组成;由......构成”,后接名词做宾语,如: The book consists of nineteen chapters. 全书共分19章。 The entire world consists of matter. 整个世界都是由物质组成的。 include 是及物动词,表示“包含、包括”,直接跟名词做宾语。如: Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory. 他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。 Prices include 15% VAT.价格中含有15%增值税.希望采纳



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prince charming是什么意思


#include #include int main(){ int n,i=1,j=0; double z; float x,y; scanf("%d",&n);

后面少一个大括号}需要返回一个int 值 return 0;吧程序应该是正确的.

#include #include #define N 10 double fun(double *x) { int i, j; double s, av,




Sheryl Crow&Prince的《Baby Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Knows歌手:Sheryl Crow&Prince专辑:rave un2 the joy fantastici pretended i"m glad you went awaythese four walls closin" more every dayand i"m dying insideand nobody knows it but melike a clown i put on a showthe pain is real even if nobody knowsand i"m crying insideand nobody knows it but mewhy didn"t i saythe things i needed to sayhow could i let my angel get awaynow my world is just a tumblin" downi can say it so clearlybut you"re nowhere aroundthe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but mei carry a smile when i"m broken in twoand i"m nobody without someone like youi"m tremblin" inside and nobody knows it but mei lie awake it"s a quarter past threei"m screamin" at night as if i thoughtyou"d hear meyeah my heart is callin" youand nobody knows it but mehow blue can i getyou could ask my heartbut like a jigsaw puzzle it"s been torn all aparta million words couldn"t say just how i feela million years from now you knowi"ll be lovin" you stillthe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but metomorrow mornin" i"m hitting the dusty roadgonna find you wherever ever you might goi"m gonna unload my heart and hope you come back to mesaid when the nights are lonelythe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but methe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but methe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" you

Robin Hood and Prince John 译文



Inconel600合金是镍-铬-铁基固溶强化合金,具有良好的耐高温腐蚀和抗氧化性能、优良的冷热加工和焊接性能,在700℃以下具有满意的热强性和高的塑性。合金可以通过冷加工得到强化,也可以用电阻焊、溶焊或钎焊连接,适宜制作在1100℃以下承受低载荷的抗氧化零件相近牌号:GH3600、GH600(中国)、NC15Fe(法国)、W. Nr .2.4816、NiCr15Fe(德国)、NA14(英国)Inconel600、UNS NO6600(美国) NiCr15Fe8(ISO)Inconel600执行标准:UNS N06600,DIN/EN 2.4816,ASTM B168,ASME SB-168,AMS 5540,NCF 600化学成分:Inconel 600 :Ni.>72;Cr:14.0~17.0;Fe:6.0~10.0;Mn<1.00;C<0.15;Cu<0.5;Si<0.5;s<0.030;上海骏廷主营:蒙乃尔MONEL 英科耐尔Inconel 因科诺伊Incoloy 哈氏合金Hastelloy GH高温合金 铸造高温合金 NS耐腐蚀合金 J系列软磁合金 Stellite司太立合金 奥氏体不锈钢双相不锈钢 沉淀硬化钢等

underlying principle是什么意思

1. 基础性的原则2. 基础性原则3. 基础原理例句:1.Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperouscoexistence within and among nations. 社会公正是国家内部和国家之间赖以和平、繁荣共处的基本原则。2.From the standpoint of expense, the underlying principle applicable toplanning is simple. 从费用的观点看,适用于规划的基本原理是简单的。
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