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return(销售退回),revenue泛指收入,income(主营业务收入) earing(赚钱,毛收入)profit(利益)gain(获得的收入,利益,侧重指通过劳动努力去获得收入.)

Revenue,Gain 和 Income 的区别

revenue是指利润加上成本,是说比如你买某个东西花了10元,卖出去的价钱是25元,你赚了15元差价。成本就是10元,利润是15元,revenue是25元。有个公式,总利润=总成本-总的revenue。 income是收入,收入是有很多组成的。

4 bit increment-by-3 circuit是什么意思


the price include include in the

不能换成include,因为一眼就可以看出 including 是做状语成分对主语进行补充说明,后面一定还有真正的谓语,如果换了那就成了谓语成分了 .

increase in price 与price increase区别

increase in price 和 price increase都为名词性短语,但increase in price 的中心词为increase,强调的是increase ,而price increase强调的是price。给你些例句体会体会吧。increase in price1。a fifty per cent(ie 50%)increase in price 价格上涨百分之五十(即50%) 2。A 5% commission means an increase in our price. 百分之五的佣金就等于价格提高了。 3。Such an increase in price is very unusual in the international market. 这种涨价在国际市场上很罕见,price increase1。Stop beefing about the price increase.不要对涨价没完没了地发牢骚了

会计学income statement中discounts allowed为什么算financial expenses



As/ since 与because 同样系连接词 亦都解作「因为」 但分别在于它们的用法和含意。以下系参考一位文法书Practical English Usage 作者Michael Swan的解释。英文部份系原稿 中文解释系我附加上去。 1) as and since As and since are used when the reason is already known to the listener/ reader or when it is not the most important part of the sentence. As- and since- clauses often e at the beginning of sentences. 当我地要提及的原因系大家已知 就会用as and since 或者当这个原因并非某句子的重点。因此 as and since的 clause 通常会被放在句子的开端。 As it"s raining again we‘ll have to stay at home. Since he had not paid his bill his electricity was cut off. As- and since-clauses are relatively formal: in an informal style the same ideas are often expressed with so. 2) because Because puts more emphasis on the reason and most often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/ reader. 如果改用Because时 一般系要去强调所提及之原因 或者此原因系对方未知的。 Because I was ill for six months I lost my job. When the reason is the most important part of the sentence the because-clause usually es at the end. It can also stand alone. Since and as cannot be used like this. 由于此原因系句子的重点 所以通常留在句子的末端。甚至可以用作的句子。 Why am I leaving? I‘m leaving because I‘m fed up! (NOT…I‘m leaving as/since I‘m fed up!) Why are you laughing? Because you look so funny. 参考: englishforum 及 oup (即Oxford University Press) 没有分别,但如果since后面是年份的话,就解自从的意思。 参考: 书本 since ad.(常用于现在完成式或过去完成式) 1.此后;从那时到现在 She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since. 她三年前毕业 从那时起便一直当护士。 2. 之前 以前 prep. 1. (常用于现在完成式或过去完成式)自...以来 从...至今 I haven"t heard from him since last year. 我自去年以来未曾收到过他的信。 conj. 1. (常用于现在完成式或过去完成式)自...以来 从...至今 It"s been ten years since they married. 他们结婚到现在已经十年了。 2. 既然;因为 由于 He must have taken the book since it isn"t here. 他一定是把书拿走了 因为书已不在这里了。 conj. 1. 因为 He is absent because he is ill. 他因病缺席。 参考: yahoo

此处正确答案是 [A]concerning[B]including[C]relating[D]attaching


现在完成时的所有知识,特别是短暂性动词与延续性动词,since 能不与短暂性动词连用

现在完成时的用法 have(has)+过去分词 1.现在完成时用来表示现在之前已发生活或完成的动作或状态,但其结果却和现在有联系,也就是说,动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在. I have lost my wallet.(含义是:现在我没有钱花了.) Jane has laid the table.(含义是:已可以吃饭了.) Michael has been ill.(含义是:现在仍然很虚弱) He has returned from abroad. (含义是:现在已在此地) 2. 现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的,持续到现在的情况,常与for,since连用. Mary has been ill for three days. I have lived here since 1998. 3. 现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如already, yet, just, before, recently, lately等: He has already obtained a scholarship. I haven"t seen much of him recently (lately). We have seen that film before. Have they found the missing child yet 4. 现在完成时常常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如often, sometimes, ever, never, twice, on several occasion等: Have you ever been to Beijing I have never heard Bunny say anything against her. I have used this pen only three times. It is still good. George has met that gentleman on several occasions. 5. 现在完成时还往往可以同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用,如now, up to these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, now, just, today, up to present, so far等: Peter has written six papers so far. Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom. There has bee too much rain in San Francisco this year. The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries have been enhanced in the past few years. Up to the present everything has been successful. 6. 现在完成时表示现在之前业已完成的动作,虽然其效果或影响仍然存在但已不再继续,但是有一些现在完成时的句子,在后面加上for+一段时间,则现在完成时的动作就表示延续性. Thomas has studied Russian. (现在不再学俄语) Thomas has studied Russian for three years. (=Thomas began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.(同第2点用法第一个例句) 7. 现在完成时还可以用来表示过去的一个时间到现在这段时间内重复发生的动作. We have had four texts this semester. =================== 现在完成时的“完成用法”和“未完成用法” 1.现在完成时的"完成用法" 现在完成时的"完成用法"指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。 例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。(动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。) 现在完成时"完成用法"的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 2.现在完成时的"未完成用法" 现在完成时的"未完成用法"指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。 注意:(1)现在完成时的未完成用法只适用于延续性动词,不可用于终止性动词,即瞬间完成或延续时间很短的动词。如:come,go,arrive,leave,join,become,die等。 (2)现在完成时常见两种句型: ①主语+have / has been+for短语 ②It is+一段时间+ since从句 例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了就这些了


【答案】:B19.B【解析】clea rly意为“真切地”。其他三项均不合句意。


Hi~ ,turn into a prince是变成了一个王子的意思,希望能帮到你!

since he came here last year,we happy.

B.have been 现在完成时,强调过去的动作对现在的影响---- happy

rocket与 increase区别

不及物动词 vi. rocket1.向前急冲;飞快行进[Q]The train rocketed by. 火车飞驰而过。2.迅速上升;猛涨[(+up)]His profits rocketed. 他的利润猛增。increase及物动词 vt. 1.增大;增加;增强Travel increases one"s knowledge of the world. 旅游增进人对世界的了解。不及物动词 vi. 1.增大;增加;增强Foreign investments there increased five times. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍。2.增殖These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多。

以下程序的运行结果是 #include"stdio.h" int abc(intu,intv)main(){inta=24,b=16,c;c=abc(a,b);

13下列程序运行后的输出结果是___。intc=1;main(){staticinta=5;intb=6;printf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d ",a,b,c);func();printf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d ",a,b,c);func();}func(){staticinta=4;intb=10;a+=2;c+=10;b+=c;printf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d ",a,b,c);}Aa=5,b=6,c=1Ba=5,b=6,c=11Ca=5,b=6,c=1Da=5,b=6,c=1a=6,b=21,c=11a=5,b=21,c=11a=5,b=21,c=11a=6,b=21,c=11a=5,b=6,c=11a=5,b=6,c=11a=5,b=6,c=11a=5,b=6,c=11a=8,b=31,c=21a=8,b=31,c=21a=8,b=31,c=21a=5,b=31,c=21

123.有以下程序 #include main() { int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0; (a++ && b++) ? c++ : d++; printf(


#include "stdio.h" main() { int x=8; for(;x>0;x--) { if(x%3) {printf(%d,,x--}

#include <stdio.h>void main() { int x=8; for(;x>0;x--) { if(x%3) { printf("%d ",x--); } }}不知道你说什么意思,帮你完整了下

题目如下 #includestruct s {int a,b;} data[2]=10,100,20,200}; main() { struct s p=da...

struct s {int a,b;} data[2]={10,100,20,200}; 定义了一个数组,data[1]中的a未20b为200然后p=a[1],把a[1]的值赋给p

pinch to zoom in是什么意思


pinch to zoom in是什么意思

pinch to zoom in捏放大双语对照例句:1.How do I zoom in? Top left symbol. 我该怎么放大?左上角标志。

Racial discrimination has still ____ in some parts of the U.S.A since it _____ after the Civil War. away with除掉,废掉之意,这是一个一般的现在完成时的考点,现在完成时后的时间状语为一般过去式


i n c r e a s e, increase

__________ [A]incredibly [B]increasingly [C]absolutely [D]dramatically

【答案】:B副词作修饰成分。incredibly意为“难以置信地”;increasingly意为“日益,愈加”;absolutely意为“绝对地”;dramatically意为“戏剧地,引人注目地”。副词作修饰成分,划去空格后句子的意思是通顺的,所以要填入肯定含义的词汇。结合句子含义分析,句子的意思是“使得离婚被 地接受”,只有[B]选项语义通顺,意思是:使得离婚越来越被人们接受。这个修饰关系可以作为固定短语来背,即:sth is increasingly acceptable。

contain consist combine include的区别


combine incorporate synthesize的区别

combine是联合的意思,侧重指某物与其他事物联成一体;incorporate“把??纳入”、“吸收入”、“合并入”;synthesize合成,综合/化学合成。combine??with??(??与??相结合)。combine侧重指结合、联合。 incorporate指一物或多物收入、并入到某一整体之中,常用结构是:incorporate??into??..。synthesize,主要用作及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时译为“合成;综合”,作不及物动词时译为“合成;综合”。

since the times

5. Because trees were cut down, ______. [ ] A. the soil became richer B. the land was turned into useless deserts C. new trees were planted on the land D. the land was washed away by strong winds


嗯,coming,指的是接着的,即将到来的,新的开始,尤其是有些事情将导致很多的变化。例如,with the coming of heavy winds. new moderate rain has started. 随着大风来临,一场新的中雨开始了。coming需要接 of something /somebody.此外,coming,接在名词之前,意思就是即将发生的,做形容词,在英语中属于非正式的表达方式。incoming,指的是正到达的,正来临到一个地方,进来的,只用在名词之前,不能用于比较关系中。例如 incoming tides cause some heavy problem s in many river s. 即将来临的潮水导致了许多河水出现了一些严重的问题。从中可以看出,这两个词的用法和区别还是很明显的,可以根据例句,或者上下文来做出一些理解,尤其是coming后面要接固定的结构,incoming,就不需要,但是必须用在名词前面。

include file能否包含变量?


Shenzhen is __ __city in Guangdong province (new) The Yellow River is ___ ___the Changjiang River.

a newer shorter than the tallest brighted than the largest 祝学习进步!

I am from x city in xx Province of China,这句话语法对吗?

city of ...province, China

Shenzhen is ------- than ------- ------ city in Guangdong province.

后面是THE OTHER前面形容词随便 但要是比较级

idea 中的gitee出现 Incorrect credentials. Request response: 401 Unauthorized

idea 中的gitee出现 Incorrect credentials. Request response: 401 Unauthorized 如图: 出现这个问题的第一反应是:我去,密码输错了??? 但是一看报错信息,凭据不正确,请求未经授权 401。 两眼懵圈 什么鬼 ?难道是本地存储的数据凭证出问题了?赶紧点开控制面板->用户账户->管理windows凭据查看 , 手电动添加凭据如下图: 1、点击添加凭据: 注意: 2、重启Android Studio,再次下拉项目,有一切OK。 3、注意:我报的错误是404,配置好了,没有再爆错,借用401的图片,一样的操作。

求教principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar

principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar翻译成中文是:软美元的主要贸易和代理贸易相关单词学习:principal 英[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [例句]The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。[其他] 复数:principals 相关短语学习: soft dollar软美元欧美国家以“软美元”(soft dollar)即证券互惠行为,来称呼基金经理与经纪商之间的行为。满意请采纳,谢谢!


意思不同。1、common意为"普通的","平常的",指常见的,常常发生的,不足为奇的。2、in common则是共同的意思。





有做化工的朋友吗?下面这些成分的INCI name和CAS NO.都是什么呢?


#include这个头文件是否包括cstdio,string ?

不包括。 iostream 是 c++ 输入输出流 头文件。i 是 input (输入), o 是 output (输出)。stream 是 流。-------#include <cstdio> 相当于 stdio.h 是 c 输入输出标准函数头文件string.h 是 字符串 有关函数 的 头文件。

#include #include using namespace std; int main() { int c; int i; i

using namespace std;




高级游客 级 酒店Our Marriott hotel in Blue Ash Ohio features luxurious signature bedding with crisp linens, thick mattresses and piles of pillows for a perfect rest.You"ll also enjoy our superb location at this Kings Island hotel: you"ll reach I75 or I71 in less than 5 minutes and downtown Cincinnati Reds and Bengals in less than 20.The Courtyard Cafe Full or continental breakfast available.Courtyard Cincinnati Blue Ash is one of the most convenient, comfortable hotels in Cincinnati. Working is a pleasure at your roomy, ergonomically designed work area with efficiency lighting, 2line telephone and free highspeed Internet. Start your mornings with a hot, madetoorder breakfast at the Courtyard Cafe and a workout in our fitness center and indoor pool.Click on Deals and select Sports Packages for more sporting benefits. Whether you"re visiting our city for business or personal travel, you"ll find the Courtyard Cincinnati Blue Ash is the perfect Cincinnati hotel.飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于COURTYARD CINCINNATI BLUE ASH的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点

包合物(inclusion compound)

【答案】:包合物(inclusion compound):是指一种分子被全部或部分包合于另一种分子的空穴结构内,形成的络合物。


消费者收入(Consumer income) 消费者收入是指消费者个人从各种来源所得到的货币收入, 通常包括个人的 工资 、 奖金 、其他劳动收入、 退休金 、助学金、 红利 、馈赠、出租收入等。消费者收入主要形成消费资料购买力, 这是社会购买力的重要组成部分。


inclusion英 [u026anu02c8klu:u0292n] 美 [u026anu02c8kluu0292u0259n] n.包含; 内含物网络包容; 包涵体; 包容性复数: inclusions 双语例句 Also, inclusion of data modeling and alignment with WS Standards. 此外,还包含了数据建模和向WS标准的靠拢


in clusion of 意思是:在结论inclusion n. 包含;内含物in collision 相撞;在冲突中inclusion英 [u026an"kluu02d0u0292(u0259)n] 美 [u026an"kluu0292n] n. 包含;内含物

Mr. Zhang once taught in a remote village in Anhui province as a volunteer, which was ______ on...

A 试题分析:考查形容词辨析。句意:张老师曾经作为一名志愿者,在安徽省一个偏远的村子教学,那个学校(交通不便,)只有步行才能到达。A可到达的; B可接受的;C可得到的,可使用的;D适当的,合适的。故选A。


英语翻译 转译法 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage increase.

= = 同学 你是在上叶净的翻译课吧?

has seen an increase in demand?

是 已经看到 的意思

five feet ten inches =( )米?一个人的身高。



词性和意义。since和thetime之间的区别是词性和意义。1、意义方面:since“自从”,by the time是固定用法,表示“到……时候”。2、词性方面:the time引导时间状语从句,Since作为介词,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用。



inclusion criteria是什么意思

inclusion criteria纳入标准双语对照词典结果:inclusion criteria[英][u026anu02c8klu:u0292u0259n krau026au02c8tu026au0259ru026au0259][美][u026anu02c8kluu0292u0259n krau026au02c8tu026aru026au0259][医]选择标准; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Studies identified in your search that do not meet the inclusion criteria of the review maybe listed under characteristics of excluded studies, along with the reason each study wasexcluded. 检索到但不符合纳入标准的文献可以列入排除研究特征表(characteristics of excludedstudies)中,其中要包含排除理由。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


操作如下:1。先打开任一张WinCC编辑画面,在任意一个图标对象上鼠标右击“Properties”,则弹出“Object Properties”属性对话框;2。点击“Properties”标签,则可看见“Miscellaneous”节点项,再点击“Miscellaneous”节点项,在右侧可看见“Tooltip Text”属性项;3。在“Tooltip Text”属性项里,键入需要在鼠标移动到设备上的时候的提示或注释文本,就可以了。


在“Tooltip Text”属性项里键入注释文本后只要将鼠标放到该位置即可自动显示注释。具体操作步骤如下:1.先打开任一张WinCC编辑画面,在任意一个图标对象上鼠标右击“Properties”,则弹出“Object Properties”属性对话框。2.点击“Properties”标签,则可看见“Miscellaneous”节点项,再点击“Miscellaneous”节点项,在右侧可看见“Tooltip Text”属性项。3.在“Tooltip Text”属性项里,键入需要在鼠标移动到设备上的时候的提示或注释文本,就可以了。





扇形原则(sector principle)

【答案】:扇形原则(sector principle)是该国的领土范围可以达到以东西两端界限为腰,以极点为圆心而构成的扇形空间,该原则由英国在1908年对南极地区提出领土主张时首先提出。

die out与extinct,extinction有什么区别?如何使用

您好,这样的:两个都有灭绝的意思.但die out 是动词,extinction是名词,其含义比die out要丰富,extinction还有下面几种意思:名词 n.[U]1.灭绝;消灭Apes are in danger of extinction 猿类正处于绝种的危险之中.2.熄灭;扑灭;破灭the extinction of one"s hopes 希望的破灭 the extinction of a fire 一场火的扑灭 网络释义extinction1.消光;绝灭,消失,绝迹分子生物学词汇中英文对照表(d-m)-生物...extinction|消光;绝灭,消失,绝迹2.消光英语翻译-机械工程学专业词汇英语翻译(E)...extinction 消光3.熄灭、灭火电厂汉英词汇对照(2)[中国学习动力网]熄灭、灭火 extinction

die out 和 extinction 有什么区别

你不能这样问,你应该问die out & extinct 有什么区别吧说白一点,die out就是死全extinct就是比较科学的说法,灭绝


Dig if you will the pictureOf you and I engaged in a kissThe sweat of your body covers meCan you my darlingCan you picture this?Dream if you can a courtyardAn ocean of violets in bloomAnimals strike curious posesThey feel the heatThe heat between me and youHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world that"s so cold? (So cold)Maybe I"m just too demandingMaybe I"m just like my father too boldMaybe you"re just like my motherShe"s never satisfied (She"s never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other?This is what it sounds like When doves cryTouch if you will my stomachFeel how it trembles insideYou"ve got the butterflies all tied upDon"t make me chase youEven doves have prideHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)Maybe I"m just too demandingMaybe I"m just like my father too boldMaybe you"re just like my motherShe"s never satisfied (She"s never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other?This is what it sounds like When doves cryHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world that"s so cold? (A world that"s so cold)Maybe I"m just too demanding (Maybe, maybe I"m like my father)Maybe I"m just like my father too bold (Ya know he"s too bold)Maybe you"re just like my mother (Maybe you"re just like my mother)She"s never satisfied (She"s never, never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other? (Why do we scream? Why?)This is what it sounds like When doves cryWhen doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)Don"t Cry (Don"t Cry)When doves cry When doves cry When doves cry When Doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry, doves cry)Don"t cryDarling don"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cry

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。外企特别是投行等金融类企业,往往有associate,AVP, VP(Associate director), Director, senior director,executive director,managing director等职级划分。 这些头衔往往并不代表字面所代表的意思。比如VP副总裁其实不是公司的副总裁,可能只是比较资深的普通员工。像高级的MD虽然很多部门经理会是MD,但很多MD并非管理者,只是代表其资历或类似的职称。 我们看到外企的名片时候,不用被这些头衔吓倒。高盛大摩有12000多名VP,MD也不少,但真正的高级管理者其实并不多。所以,如果要看其所承担的管理职能就是官衔,不能只看名片上的头衔。 就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior
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