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下列物质中常温下既能与NaOH溶液反应,又能与盐酸反应产生氢气是(  )A.MgB.Cl2C.SiD.A


向某稀盐酸中逐渐加入试剂X后溶液的pH变化如图,试剂X可能是下列物质中的(  )A.MgB.H2OC.CaOD.Fe

A、镁与盐酸反应能生成氯化镁和氢气,氯化镁 呈中性,所以随着反应的进行溶液酸性不断减弱,直至盐酸完全反应溶液呈中性,反应后溶液的性质不可能呈碱性(pH>7),故错误;B、水能稀释盐酸使其酸性不断减弱,但溶液不可能变为中性,更不可能变为碱性,故错误;C、氧化钙加入水中能生成氢氧化钙,氢氧化钙能中和盐酸使其酸性减弱,直至盐酸全部消耗溶液呈中性,在继续加入氧化钙溶液中会因氢氧化钙的存在而显碱性,故C正确;D、氧化铁能与盐酸反应生成氯化铁和水,氯化铁呈中性,所以随着反应的进行溶液酸性不断减弱,直至盐酸完全反应溶液呈中性,反应后溶液的性质不可能呈碱性(pH>7),故错误;故选C.


OA=10 D为AO中点, OD=5 三角形ODP是腰长为5的等腰三角形1. OP=5, △OPC为直角三角形,OC=4,所以CP=32. DP=5, 过D做DE⊥BC, DE=4,所以PE=3CP=5+3或CP=5-3CP=8或CP=2

如图,OP平分∠AOB,且OA=OB。 (1)求证:PC=PD (2)求证:PO平分∠CPB

题目错的,第二问要嘛PO平分∠CPD,或者PO平分∠APB第一问,OP平分∠AOB,且OA=OB,所以△AOP≌△BOP,所以∠APO=∠BPO,所以∠CPO=DPO,因为∠COP=∠DOP 所以△COP≌△DOP所以CP=DP第二问如果题目没错,跟第一问一样,先证明三角形全等,然后证明角相等,然后就是角平分线


红酒vce和aop的区别是等级标准不同,红酒vce是欧盟红酒等级的最低等级,而红酒aop是法国红酒等级的最高等级。红酒vce的葡萄汁可以来源于欧共体各个国家,全称为Vins de la Communauté Européenne( VCE )。这是欧盟葡萄酒新规范的等级制度中的最低级别。红酒AOP是新版的法国红酒等级,法国于2009 年进行了一次改革,于是新的AOP体系取代了原有的AOC制度;在新的法规下,法国葡萄酒被分为 3 个等级,从高到低分别是AOP、IGP 和 VdF。红酒aop的酿造方式红酒aop其使用的葡萄品种、最低酒精含量、最高产量、培植方式、修剪以及酿酒方法等都受到最严格的监控。只有通过官方分析和化验的法定产区葡萄酒才可获得A.O.P证书。正是这种非常严格的规定才确保了A.O.P等级的葡萄酒始终如一的高贵品质。红酒aop这个等级虽然在法国属于最高等级,但是能够达到aop等级的葡萄酒已经超过了50%,也就是说绝大部分葡萄酒是可以轻松的达到aop要求的。可以说aop这个等级是国家规定的一个最基本的一个标准。在法国很多具体的产区内,他们对于种植管理、酿造工艺的标准和要求其实要远远高于国家制定的标准。所以一瓶aop等级的葡萄酒,通常只是高质量葡萄酒的入门级别。很多时候还需要进一步考量这瓶酒更具体的产区和酒庄。这就是名庄、精品庄、一般酒庄的差别。


AOFAS踝-后足评分系统(AOFAS Ankle Hindfoot Scale)评 分疼痛(40分)无 40轻度,偶尔 30中度,常见 20严重,持续 0功能和自主活动、支撑情况(10分)不受限,不须支撑 10日常活动不受限,娱乐活动受限,需扶手杖 7日常和娱乐活动受限,需扶手杖 4日常和娱乐活动严重受限,需扶车、扶拐、轮椅、支架 0最大步行距离(街区数)(5分)>6个 54 ~ 6个 41 ~ 3个 2<1< span="">个 0地面步行(5分) 任何地面无困难 5走不平地面、楼梯、斜坡、爬梯时有困难 3走不平地面、楼梯、斜坡、爬梯时很困难 0反常步态(8分)无、轻微 8明显 4显著 0前后活动(屈曲加伸展)(8分)正常或轻度受限(>30°) 8中度受限(15°-29°) 4重度受限(<15°) 0后足活动(内翻加外翻)(6分)正常或轻度受限(75%-100%正常) 6中度受限(25%-74%正常) 3重度受限(<25%) 0踝-后足稳定性(前后,内翻-外翻)(8分)稳定 8明显的不稳定 0足部对线(10分)优:跖行足,踝-后足排列正常 10良:跖行足,踝-后足明显排列成角,无症状 5差:非跖行足,严重排列紊乱,有症状 0优:90 ~ 100分;良:75 ~ 89分;可:50 ~ 74分;差:50分以下



QINGDAO NYLON是什么牌子的轮胎?是山东青岛生产的吗?

科赛(青岛)尼龙有限公司Kordsa Qingdao Nylon Enterprise Ltd

QINGDAO NYLON是什么牌子的轮胎?是山东青岛生产的吗?

是NYLON尼龙轮胎。QINGDAO NYLON是青岛尼龙轮胎。并不一定是在青岛生产,有可能只是一个牌子的名称,总公司在其他地方也有可能。尼龙胎,亦即斜交轮胎,跟子午线轮胎相对,胎体帘布层是由数层挂胶帘布组成,相邻的帘布层帘线角度相同,是一种沿用的时间长,使用范围广的传统结构的充气轮胎。扩展资料:斜交胎(尼龙胎)的结构特点:斜交胎的胎体帘布层是由数层挂胶帘布组成,相邻的帘布层帘线角度相同,相互交叉排列,帘布层数一般为偶数,这样能使胎体帘布层负荷均匀分布。斜交轮胎胎冠帘线角度通常取48度到55度之间,胎冠帘线角度是指帘线与胎冠中心垂直线的夹角。帘布层分为内帘布层和外帘布层两部分。内帘布层是胎体主要的骨架层,其特点是层数多,帘线密度较密,使胎体强度增大。外帘布层位于内帘布层与缓冲层之间起过度作用,又称之为胎体的辅助层,其特点是层数少,通常只有两层,帘线密度较内帘线稀疏,附胶量较多,捏着强度较高,缓冲层位于外帘布层与胎面胶之间,其结构由胶片或两层以上挂胶帘线组成,布层的上,下或中间加贴缓冲胶层。缓冲层帘布比外帘布层的密度稀疏,挂胶厚度较厚,帘线角度等于或稍大于帘布层帘线角度,相邻布层相互交叉排列,起宽度一般稍大或稍窄于胎冠宽度。通常载重轮胎的缓冲层采用挂胶帘布与胶片组合结构,轿车轮胎也可采用缓冲胶片作为缓冲层。现在,斜交轮胎为了在制作工艺上的简化,提高使用效能和经济效益,已趋于轻量化减层化。参考资料来源:百度百科-尼龙轮胎

请教以下地名如何翻译:老挝 南塔省 孟莫港/勐莫港? ?,Luang Namtha,Laos。

呃呃呃~~~Luang Namtha, Laos 皇太后南塔河、老挝

有人知道一个叫laos的乐队吗? 歌很好听,但搜不到什么资料



我猜是这样的, Laos的英语发音是laus,听着是“老吾斯”,中间的“吾”音很清,如果忽略,听着很像“老斯”这个太不雅,所以翻译的时候,突出了“吾”音,忽略了“斯”音. 而老挝之前的国名叫Kingdom of Lan Chang (Lan Xang) .而“挝”这个字有令一个读音zhuā,和古代我国称呼的名字很相近,所以就把“挝”多音了?“挝” 在古代同“抓”,意思用指或爪挠. 上面是我自己考证的观点.


截止2019年11月,aoa成员参加《runningman》的期数如下:1、AOA雪_——《runningman》第140824 E210期——《人生黑白棋大作战特辑》2、AOA朴草娥——《runningman》第150426 E244期——《危险情侣竞赛》3、AOA雪炫——《runningman》第150712 E255期——《初伏的女王》4、AOA雪炫《runningman》第151220 E278期——《X-MAN特辑-上》5、AOA雪炫——《runningman》第151227 E279期——《X-MAN特辑-下》6、AOA雪炫——《runningman》第160403 E293期——《少数服从多数Race》扩展资料《runningman》嘉宾介绍1、雪_1995年1月3日出生于韩国首尔市,女歌手、演员,女子演唱组合AOA成员及其小分队AOA White成员。2010年,金雪炫在第八届Smart校服模特大赛上获得第一名,正式签约FNC Entertainment,成为旗下练习生。2、朴草娥1990年3月6日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手。2012年7月30日,朴草娥作为演唱团体AOA成员出道,并随团体发行出道单曲《Angels"Story》。2013年7月26日,随团体发行第三张单曲《MOYA》。





Karaoke Star 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke Star歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: Greatest Hits 1990 - 2010Robbie Williams - Karaoke Star.Did you do that girlThat was in that soapDid yaWill you save the whaleWill you be Bob HopeWill yaI""ll tell you about my Pepsi deal if you likeA celebrity village bike with a micI get more press when there""s a war on.Come sing a song with meA simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Justify what you get paidCan yaDoctors save lives and you get laidDon""t yaApologise for the job that you doIt would be nice if you were talented tooI think you better lock up your daughter.Come sing a song with meMy simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Everyone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re pretty

I Know Him So Well (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:I Know Him So Well (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsI Know Him So WellJohn Barrowman & Daniel BoysNothing is so good it lasts eternallyPerfect situations must go wrongBut this has never yet prevented meWanting far too much for far too longLooking back, I could have play it differentlyWon a few more moments, who can tell?But it took time to understand the manNow at least I know, I know him wellWasn"t it good (Oh so good)Wasn"t it fine.(Oh so fine)Isn"t it madness, he can"t be mineBut in the endHe needs a little beat more than meMore security (He needs his fantasy and freedom)I know him so wellNo one in your life is with you constantlyNo one is completely on your sideAnd though I move my world to be with himStill the gap between us is too wideLooking back I could"ve played it differently(Looking back I could have played things some other way)Learned about the man before I fell(I was just a little careless maybe)But I was ever so much younger then (Much younger then)Now at least I knowI know him wellWasn"t it good (Oh so good)Wasn"t it fine (Oh so fine)Isn"t it madness, he can"t be mineDid I know, how it would goIf I know from the startWhyWhy am I falling apart...He can"t be mineBut in the end he needs a little bit more than meMore securityHe needs his fantasy and freedomI know him so wellIt took time to understand himI know him so well

Kzraoke Professional Digital Audio Processor 这是个什么牌子的调音东西 ?

KTV调音的机子 不知道怎么调音 想搜索一下什么牌子的 更想知道怎么调试音效 。,谢谢了 麻烦知道的告知一下

Karaoke Star 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke Star歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: The Greatest Hits 1990 -2010Robbie Williams - Karaoke Star.Did you do that girlThat was in that soapDid yaWill you save the whaleWill you be Bob HopeWill yaI""ll tell you about my Pepsi deal if you likeA celebrity village bike with a micI get more press when there""s a war on.Come sing a song with meA simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Justify what you get paidCan yaDoctors save lives and you get laidDon""t yaApologise for the job that you doIt would be nice if you were talented tooI think you better lock up your daughter.Come sing a song with meMy simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Everyone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re pretty

Karaoke Star 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke Star歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:KidsRobbie Williams - Karaoke Star.Did you do that girlThat was in that soapDid yaWill you save the whaleWill you be Bob HopeWill yaI""ll tell you about my Pepsi deal if you likeA celebrity village bike with a micI get more press when there""s a war on.Come sing a song with meA simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Justify what you get paidCan yaDoctors save lives and you get laidDon""t yaApologise for the job that you doIt would be nice if you were talented tooI think you better lock up your daughter.Come sing a song with meMy simple symphonyI""ll be a karaoke starLush strings and timpaniHave got it in for meLook how I""m dancing love.Everyone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re prettyEveryone say I""m handsomeEveryone say you""re pretty

爱过痛过亦愿等(Karaoke Version) 歌词

歌曲名:爱过痛过亦愿等(Karaoke Version)歌手:彭羚专辑:爱过痛过亦愿等词:张美贤 曲:D.Robinson-L / Worley轻轻挥手 让视线再三闪避目光中充塞了泪水在转身一刻为你留低祝福句谁清楚真心早暗许也听说过 情痴应收起快乐过后 留心碎这天即使需分离如海跟天相距怀里挚爱不应告吹曾笑过怨过未愿分爱过痛过亦愿等甘心长夜独对晚星冷冷细雨像泪水暖暖爱意梦内追珍惜回味逝去笑声孤单街灯寂寞却这么安份灯影中谁可给靠紧仍衷心感激是你曾于今生回忆中 添温暖感我盼你 从此可准许让我在美梦留低你远海高天都知道谁真的喜欢你无计较错对 只想一起

Summer factor(karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Summer factor(karaoke)歌手:小比类巻かほる专辑:Summer factorSummer Rain快刮风快发疯下点雨来点轻松车发动雷电交错直觉要我笔直前行我不要再回头我不要再迷惑不要再替你圆谎你原来爱的是我Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~离开你下雨快得闪躲不及Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~不爱你泪乾以後爱会放晴出太阳雨冰凉Summer Rain 乎晴乎暗再不甘敞开心房甩掉遗憾会不一样我不要再回头我不要再迷惑不要再为你去恨她不值得我这样Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~离开你就让大雨把我打醒Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~不爱你我要自己善待自己我爱过你我有过你失去过你我想要忘了你Beautiful Day不值得我这样Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~离开你下雨快得闪躲不及Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~不爱你泪乾以後爱会放晴Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~离开你就让大雨把我打醒Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~不爱你我要自己善待自己Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~离开你下雨快得闪躲不及Doo~Dud...Dud...Doo~不爱你

Maggie May (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Maggie May (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke PartyWake up maggie I think I got something to say to youIt"s late september and I really should be back at schoolI know I keep you amused but I feel I"m being usedOh maggie I couldn"t have tried any moreYou lured me away from home just to save you from being aloneYou stole my heart and that"s what really hurtThe morning sun when it"s in your face really shows your ageBut that don"t worry me none in my eyes you"re everythingI laughed at all of your jokes my love you didn"t need to coaxOh, maggie I couldn"t have tried any moreYou lured me away from home, just to save you from being aloneYou stole my soul and that"s a pain I can do withoutAll I needed was a friend to lend a guiding handBut you turned into a lover andMother what a lover, you wore me outAll you did was wreck my bedAnd in the morning kick me in the headOh maggie I couldn"t have tried anymoreYou lured me away from home "cause you didn"t want to be aloneYou stole my heart I couldn"t leave you if I triedI suppose I could collect my books and get on back to schoolOr steal my daddy"s cue and make a living out of playing poolOr find myself a rock and roll band that needs a helpin" handOh maggie I wish I"d never seen your faceYou made a first-class fool out of meBut I"m as blind as a fool can beYou stole my heart but I love you anywayMaggie I wish I"d never seen your faceI"ll get on back home one of these days

Crazy Girl (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy Girl (Karaoke)歌手:Candy Girls专辑:Candy Girls「CRAZY Girl」作词∶twenty4-7作曲∶TAZZ/MIKA歌∶twenty4-7We are CRAZY Girl!ガタガタ言わずについて来いWe are CRAZY Girl!心の底から叫んで行こうWe are CRAZY Girl!あらゆる壁を跳ね飞ばし抵抗We are CRAZY Girl!触れると危険な CRAZY Girl次々 high speed で休みなく越えていくよ wallBut 弱音 言い訳 踌躇无し顶上 道なき道でいい舞い散ってく砂埃见向きもせずにbet 远虑知らずに突っ走れGOAL! anything can happen!根强く耸え立つ溌剌 Girl获物をキャッチ→転がす→刺さる→咲くドーンと构えてぶっ放す悪 but 心は乙女…んな事秘密な话さここで言ったらバレるやん!まぁいいっか相手が谁だと容赦しないさコツコツ溜めてるパワーを炸裂!Nothing in life is to be feared (Oh)やりたいように heaven (Oh)I don"t want to stop being free Oh…We are CRAZY Girl!ガタガタ言わずについて来いWe are CRAZY Girl!心の底から叫んで行こうWe are CRAZY Girl!あらゆる壁を跳ね飞ばし抵抗We are CRAZY Girl!触れると危険な CRAZY Girl何でも出来る 何だって平気今や口だけじゃなくWhat? 无谋だらけの beautiful day无理难题追って来る明らかに势い?弾み増していく dropWhat? 沈む訳にはいかないならanything can happen!Nothing in life is to be feared (Oh)やりたいように heaven (Oh)I don"t want to stop being free Oh…We are CRAZY Girl!ガタガタ言わずについて来いWe are CRAZY Girl!心の底から叫んで行こうWe are CRAZY Girl!あらゆる壁を跳ね飞ばし抵抗We are CRAZY Girl!触れると危険な CRAZY GirlCRAZY Girl…はいはい分かった OK (まだまだ)徘徊する罠赠呈 (I wanna)大体その程度だってどうせ出来ないんだろってもういっぺん煽ってチキショーの精神上には上がおるってもっとスゲー奴ならば dog-eat-dog world この AREA!负けてたまるか CRAZY GirlNothing in life is to be feared (Oh)やりたいように heaven (Oh)I don"t want to stop being free Oh…We are CRAZY Girl!ガタガタ言わずについて来いWe are CRAZY Girl!心の底から叫んで行こうWe are CRAZY Girl!あらゆる壁を跳ね飞ばし抵抗We are CRAZY Girl!触れると危険な CRAZY GirlWe are CRAZY Girl!ガタガタ言わずについて来いWe are CRAZY Girl!心の底から叫んで行こうWe are CRAZY Girl!あらゆる壁を跳ね飞ばし抵抗We are CRAZY Girl!【 おわり 】

karaoke system是什么意思

卡拉OK系统双语对照例句:1.No other company in the market is offering fully legal Karaoke musicdownloads with free software to enable playback on your home Karaokesystem.

Santa Baby (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Santa Baby (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Christmas Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!Santa BabySanta Baby,Just slip a sable under the treeFor meBeen an awful good girlSanta Baby,So hurry down the chimney tonightSanta baby,A 54 convertible tooLight blueI"ll wait up for you, dearSanta baby,So hurry down the chimney tonightThink of all the fun I"ve missedThink of all the Fella"s that I haven"t kissedNext year I could be just as goodIf you"ll check out my Christmas listSanta Baby,I want a yact and really that"s notA lotBeen an angel all yearSanta Baby,So hurry down the chimney tonightSanta Honey,one little thing I really needThe deedTo a platinum mineSanta Baby,So hurry down the chimney tonightSanta cutie,Fill my stocking with a duplexAnd checksSign your "x" on the lineSanta cutie,and hurry down the chimney tonightCome and trim my Christmas treeWith some decorations bought at Tiffany"sI really do believe in youLet′s see if you believe in meSanta Baby,Forgot to mention one little thingA ringI don"t mean on the phoneSanta Baby,So hurry down the chimney tonightHurry down the chimney tonightHurry...tonight

Nananana (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Nananana (Karaoke)歌手:De Randfichten专辑:Nananana徐怀钰-NA NA NA曲:Reiven Vanloo词:于光中谁也不准先离开秘密全部说出来不偷偷谈恋爱谁也不准不愉快烦恼不放进脑袋用力和昨天说Bye ByeNa Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...HEY HEY HEY GOOD BYE...谁也不准先离开谁也不准不愉快谁也不准先离开谁也不准不愉快谁也不准先离开我们和自己比赛谁端庄谁厉害有人可怜没人爱有人却忙不过来没有时间让你发呆Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...HEY HEY HEY GOOD BYE...

I Don T Feel Like Dancing (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:I Don T Feel Like Dancing (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke 2007I Don t Feel Like DancinScissor Sisters"Ta-Dah"Made by:Amuro221Wake up in the morning with a headlike "what ya done?"This used to be the lifebut I don"t need another one.Good luck cuttin" nothin",carrying on, you wear them gowns.So how come I feel so lonelywhen you"re up getting down?So I play along when I hear that favourite songI"m gonna be the one who gets it right.You better knowwhen you"re swingin" round the roomLook"s like magic"s solely yours tonightBut I don"t feel like dancin"When the old Joanna playsMy heart could take a chanceBut my two feet can"t find a wayYou think that I could muster up a little soft,shoop devil swayBut I don"t feel like dancin"No sir, no dancin" today.Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Even if i find nothin" better to doDon"t feel like dancin", dancin"Why"d you break down when I"m not in the mood?Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Rather be home with no onewhen I can"t get down with youCities come and cities gojust like the old empiresWhen all you do is change your clothesand call that versatile.You got so many coloursmake a blind man so confused.Then why can"t I keep upwhen you"re the only thing I lose?So I"ll just pretendthat I know which way to bendAnd I"m gonna tell the whole worldthat you"re mine.Just please understand,when I see you clap your handsIf you stick aroundI"m sure that you"ll be fine.But I don"t feel like dancin"When the old Joanna playsMy heart could take a chanceBut my two feet can"t find a wayYou think that I could muster up a little soft,shoop devil swayBut I don"t feel like dancin"No sir, no dancin" today.Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Even if i find nothin" better to doDon"t feel like dancin", dancin"Why"d you break down when I"m not in the mood?Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Rather be home with no onewhen I can"t get down with youYou can"t make me dance aroundBut your two-step makes my chest pound.Just lay me down as you blow it awayinto the shimmer lightBut I don"t feel like dancin"When the old Joanna playsMy heart could take a chanceBut my two feet can"t find a wayYou think that I could muster up a little soft,shoop devil swayBut I don"t feel like dancin"No sir, no dancin" today.Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Even if i find nothin" better to doDon"t feel like dancin", dancin"Why"d you break down when I"m not in the mood?Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Rather be home with no onewhen I can"t get down with youDon"t feel like dancin", dancin"Even if i find nothin" better to doDon"t feel like dancin", dancin"Why"d you break down when I"m not in the mood?Don"t feel like dancin", dancin"Rather be home with no onewhen I can"t get down with you

Getting To Know You (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Getting To Know You (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsGetting To Know YouThe King And I Musical Soundtrack{Anna}It"s a very ancient saying,But a true and honest thought,That if you become a teacher,By your pupils you"ll be taught.As a teacher I"ve been learning(You"ll forgive me if I boast)And I"ve now become an expert,On the subject I like most...{Spoken}Getting to know you!{Children Giggle}Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you, putting it my way,But nicely,You are precisely,My cup of tea.{Children Giggle}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{All ... Except Children}Getting to know you,Getting to know all about you.Getting to like you,Getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you,Putting it my way, but nicely,You are precisely,{Anna}My cup of tea.{All including children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Anna}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezy{Anna and Children}Because of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.

Nananana (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Nananana (Karaoke)歌手:De Randfichten专辑:Nananana徐怀钰-NA NA NA曲:Reiven Vanloo词:于光中谁也不准先离开秘密全部说出来不偷偷谈恋爱谁也不准不愉快烦恼不放进脑袋用力和昨天说Bye ByeNa Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...HEY HEY HEY GOOD BYE...谁也不准先离开谁也不准不愉快谁也不准先离开谁也不准不愉快谁也不准先离开我们和自己比赛谁端庄谁厉害有人可怜没人爱有人却忙不过来没有时间让你发呆Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...HEY HEY HEY GOOD BYE...

REASON(karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:REASON(karaoke)歌手:小坂由美子专辑:REASON 宇宙の骑士テッカマンブレード主题歌I figured it outI was high and low and everything in betweenI was wicked and wild, baby, you know what I meanTill there was you, yeah, youSomething went wrongI made a deal with the devil for an emptyI.O.U.Been to hell and back, but an angel was looking throughIt was you, yeah, youIts all because of youYou are the reasonYou are the reason I wake up every dayAnd sleep through the nightYou are the reason, the reasonThe reason...In the middle of the nightIm going down cause I adore youI want to floor youIm giving it upNo more running around spinning my wheelYou came out of my dream and made it realI know what I feelIts youIts all because of youIn the middle of the nightIm going down cause I want youI want to touch youI want to floor you

Karaoke Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke Soul歌手:Tom Mcrae专辑:Just Like BloodPull me close look into my eyesSmile at me when you stick in the knifeWe"re bleeding into a cup when we"ve got enoughWe"ll just paint the wallsAnd we don"t care how much it hurtsYou think you"re cursed it"s what you deserve"Cause you"re talking rock and rollWalking karaoke soulI can see you desperate to pleaseLet me treat you for your diseaseBetween angels and ropes babe what would you chose?As you kick the dust from your perfect shoesYour wolf suit is wearing thin and your real skin looks like it never bleedsAnd you"re playing to the crowd as the ship goes down comforting me"Cause you"re talking rock and rollWalking karaoke soulIf you see me falling sleepPlease don"t wake me from this dreamYeah you"re talking rock and rollWalking karaoke soulIf you see me falling sleepPlease don"t wake me from this dreamYeah you"re talking rock and rollWalking karaoke soulI can see you desperate to pleaseLet me treat you for your diseaseFaith is gone and love is goneYour diseaseAnd fear is stronger nowYour disease.

あんなに一绪だったのに(KARAOKE) 歌词

歌曲名:あんなに一绪だったのに(KARAOKE)歌手:See-Saw专辑:机动戦士ガンダムSEED エンディングテーマ あんなに一绪だったのに士ガンダムSEED ED1~あんなに一だったのに~歌: See-Saw作: 石川千anna ni issho datta no niyuugure wa mou chigau iroarifureta yasashisa wa kimi wotoozakeru daketsumetaku kimi suteta kokoro wasamayou bakarisonna kakko warusa gaikiru to iu koto narasamuzora no shita me wo tojite iyouanna ni issho datta no nikotoba hitotsu tooranaikasoku shite ikuse naka ni ima waanna ni issho datta no niyuugure wa mou chigau irosemete kono tsuki akari no shita deshizuka na nemuri wounmei to umaku tsuki atteyuku nara kittokanashii to kasabishii nanteitterarenainando motsu na gattakotoba wo muryoku ni shite motaikutsu na yoru wo tsubu shita iindaneanna ni issho datta no nifusoroi na futari ni imatadori tsukeru basho na do nai indaanna ni issho datta no nihajimete au yoko kao nifushigi na kurai ni miserareterutomado ukurai nikokoro wa doko ni iru?doko ni fukarete iru?sono hitomi ga mayowanu you nianna ni issho datta no nikotoba hitotsu tooranaiugoki hajimeta kimi no jounetsuanna ni issho datta no niyuugure wa mou chigau irosemete kono tsuki akari no shita deshizuka na nemuri woあんなに一だったのに夕暮れはもうう色ありふれたしさは君をざけるだけ冷たく切りてた心は彷徨うばかりそんな格好さが生きるということなら寒空の下 目をじていようあんなに一だったのに言ひとつ通らない加速していく背中に今はあんなに一だったのに夕暮れはもうう色せめてこの月明かりの下で静かな眠りを命とうまく付き合って行くならきっと悲しいとか寂しいなんて言ってられない何度もつながった言を力にしても退屈な夜をしたいんだねあんなに一だったのにふぞろいな二人に今たどりつける所などいんだあんなに一だったのに初めて会う横に不思なくらいに魅せられてる惑うくらいに心はどこにいる?どこに吹かれている?その瞳が迷わぬようにあんなに一だったのに言ひとつ通らないき始めた君の情あんなに一だったのに夕暮れはもうう色せめてこの月明かりの下で静かな眠りを~Mobile Suit Gundam SEED~

You Raise Me Up (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:You Raise Me Up (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke 2006Westlife - You Raise Me Up / 西城男孩 — 依靠翻译:六翼天使 @ GD05 翻译工作室When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary / 失魂落魄的时候,我的灵魂疲惫不堪When troubles come and my heart burdened be / 烦恼袭来的时候,我的内心充满负担Then, I am still and wait here in the silence / 孤寂中的我,在静静守候Until you come and sit awhile with me / 等着你出现,坐在我身边You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains / 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas / 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间I am strong, when I am on your shoulders / 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮You raise me up, to more than I can be / 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains / 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas / 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间I am strong, when I am on your shoulders / 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮You raise me up, to more than I can be / 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains / 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas / 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间I am strong, when I am on your shoulders / 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮You raise me up, to more than I can be / 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains / 你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas / 你给了我依靠,我才能航行于波涛之间I am strong, when I am on your shoulders / 靠着你坚实的臂膀,我变得多么强壮You raise me up, to more than I can be / 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限You raise me up, to more than I can be / 你给了我依靠,使我不断超越极限LRC translated by Six-Winged Angel from GD05 Translation Studio

Peggy Sue (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Peggy Sue (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsIf you knew peggy sue,Then you know why i feel blue without peggy,My peggy sue-ue-ue-ue.Oh, well, i love you, gal,Yes, i love you, peggy sue.Peggy sue, peggy sue,Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty peggy sue.Oh ho, peggy,My peggy sue-ue-ue-ue-ue.Oh, well, i love you, girl,And i need you, peggy sue.I love you, peggy sue,With that love so rare and true,Oh ho, peggy,My peggy sue-ue-ue-ue-ue.Oh, yes, i love you, girl,And i want you, peggy sue.Look out!Peggy sue, peggy sue,Oh, how my heart yearns for you,Oh ho, peggy,My peggy sue-ue-ue-ue-ue.Oh, well, i love you, girl,And i want you, peggy sue.Oh, yes, i love you, girl,And i want you, peggy sue.Oh!

Mistletoe And Wine (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Mistletoe And Wine (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke ChristmasThe child is a kingThe carolers singThe old is passedWith a new beginningDreams of SantaDreams of snowFingers numbFaces aglowChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeA time for livingA time for believingA time for trustingNot deceivingLove and laughterAnd joy ever afterOurs for the takingJust follow the masterChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeIt"s a time for givingA time for gettingA time for forgivingAnd for forgettingChristmas is loveChristmas is peaceA time for hatingAnd fighting to ceaseChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we see

Leave Right Now (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Leave Right Now (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!Leave Right NowBy Will YoungI"m here just like I saidThough its breaking every rule I"ve ever madeMy racing heart is just the sameWhy make it strong to break it once again?And I"d love to say I doGive everything to youBut I can never now be trueSo I say...I think I"d better leave right nowBefore I fall any deeperI think I"d better leave right nowFeeling weaker and weakerSomebody better show me howBefore I fall any deeperI think I"d better leave right nowI"m here so please explainWhy you"re opening up a healing wound againI"m a little more carefulPerhaps it showsBut if I lose the highs,at least I"m spared the lowsNow I tremble in your armsWhat could be the harmTo feel my spirit calmSo I say..I wouldn"t know how to sayHow good it feels seeing you todayI see you"ve got your smile backLike you say your right on trackBut you may never know whyOnce bitten twice is shyIf I"m proud perhaps I should explainI couldn"t bear to lose you againYes I will...

防卫本脳 (karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:防卫本脳 (karaoke)歌手:Daisy×Daisy[含假名]专辑:防卫本脳Evidence「防卫本脳」歌:Daisy×Daisy作词:DECO*27作曲:DECO*27だから怖(こわ)いの 心闭(こころと)じるのが常(つね)に开(ひら)いて 矢印(やじるし)を飞(と)ばしたいの狭(せま)いところが嫌(いや)なの暗(くら)いところも嫌(いや)なの一人(ひとり)でいるとさ、ほら心化(こころば)けだしちゃうからさ防卫本脳(ぼうえいほんのう) 対自分兵器(たいじぶんへいき)ですアタシは自分(じぶん)を护(まも)るために谁(だれ)かを爱(あい)してみるんだ逃(に)げ続(つづ)けている 抚(な)でてるのはいつでも自分(じぶん)の头(あたま)なんだ二人(ふたり)でいる时(とき)の 寂(さみ)しさが心地良(ここちよ)くてまた缲(く)り返(かえ)す手招(てまね)きする 悪(わる)いアタシをやっつけたよ セルフナデナデ狭(せま)いところなんてもう嫌(いや)だよ暗(くら)いところなんて论外(ろんがい)さ大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)、谁(だれ)かの矢印(やじるし)がアタシを守(まも)ってくれるのだけど怖(こわ)い だけれど怖(こわ)いよこの兵器(へいき)は 谁(だれ)かがいないと発动(はつどう)しない 护(まも)ってくれないこうなったら秘密兵器(ひみつへいき)だよねアタシは自分(じぶん)を护(まも)るためにアタシを爱(あい)してみるんだ逃(に)げ続(つづ)けたって 増(ふ)えるだけさひとりの世界(せかい)のカウンターが一人(ひとり)でいる时(とき)の 寂(さみ)しさが笑(わら)いかける「もう大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)。」狭(せま)くても 暗(くら)くても 一人(ひとり)でも 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)手招(てまね)きする 悪(わる)いアタシ 爱(あい)せたから自分(じぶん)こそが最高(さいこう)の兵器(へいき)-エンド-

海贼王 1 2 ジャンゴ! karaoke 歌词

海贼王-永久指针追寻的梦想碎片不曾改变不断追逐的我们漂浮在向往的天界即使在厌倦的时候也依然如故探索的指针永远留在身边丝丝的记忆就像悄悄打开的日记记录着遥远过去的点点滴滴那正是如今最珍贵的宝物引出最深层的意义熟睡前造访的梦虽然有些微微变形但我也渐渐意识到一个成熟的自己how to make my dream come true明明应该知道答案却又因懵懂而忧郁心里只残留下苦苦打拼辛酸血泪如星尘般渐渐消散的梦想碎片虽然眼前的光辉已经消失殆尽但仍然是彼此心灵深处最珍藏的印迹小时候的梦幻童话是无法抹去的记忆丝絮就像心中烙印的火苗还未熄灭和伙伴们一起向着那片熟悉的晴空万里许下超越时空界限的誓言直到永远永远…命运这种东西不值一提这种相逢就是志同道合的朋友彻夜谈心一起开怀大笑释放心情时看见的那颗夜里最亮的星在日记里写下这新的回忆为了下一页追寻的目标和方向现在就扬起风帆一起出发沿着前进的航线go!共同度过了多少个春夏秋冬一起追逐同一个梦想偶尔回首往事却又马上抛向脑后那种过去已经渐渐变味现在只要坚定信念朝着风前进的方向即使永不放弃不说出口你的心声也能让全世界体会小时候的梦幻童话是无法忘记的记忆丝絮就像心中烙印的火苗还未熄灭和伙伴们一起向着那片熟悉的晴空万里许下超越时空界限的誓言直到永远永远…如今宣称实现梦想尚存一丝汗颜时间匆匆流逝容不下一秒钟的驻足留恋但能感觉那时描绘的蓝图真真切切在心中涌动不用理会风言风语我们会顺着这条道路大步向前总有一些琐碎悄悄改变让心灵为之悸动有的只是环境的变迁和风音的变奏而有些东西永远不曾改变…直到有一天追寻的梦想就要走到终点心中回荡着的只有那份不断的成长追寻的梦想碎片不曾改变不断追逐的我们漂浮在向往的天界即使在厌倦的时候也依然如故探索的指针永远留在身边最美的笑容也永远留在我们的颊间最美的笑容也永远留在我们的颊间

Chicago (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Chicago (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!by Vaetion ChinI"ve never known youBut I"m no stranger to this feelingI I know it"s over but the hurts notWhat do you call it?What do you call it when broken hearts are not done healingYou threw down your cigarette but it"s still hotWell I"ve learned to lieAnd here"s what I"ve gotChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happenin"No no noWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou gotta believeI have suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavin"With just a kiss on the cheek andI"m gone.I"ll be up at 7 o"clockwhoa oh oh whoa oh oh7 o"clock to ChicagoWhoa oh whoa ohIt"s never easyBreakin" this old addictionI I"ve got the reasonsBut no rationalAnd I wanna hate you cause you don"t give me no convictionYour betrayal oughta make this break down no trouble at allSo let the rubble fallCause I"m running offChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happenin"No no noWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou gotta believeI have suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavin"With just a kiss on the cheek andI"m gone.I"ll be up at 7 o"clockwhoa oh oh whoa oh oh7 o"clock to ChicagoWhoa oh whoa ohI"ll be on the 7 o"clock to ChicagoI ain"t got no second thoughtsBecause I know I"m on my way to the topOn my wayChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happeningWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou"ve gotta believe I"ve suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavingJust a kiss on the cheek and I"m goneI"ll be on the seven o"clockOh Oh the seven o"clock to ChicagoOh Oh

突发奇想 (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:突发奇想 (Karaoke)歌手:蔡淳佳专辑:日出蔡淳佳 - 突发奇想有很多话没说有很多事没做有很多时候你走后我不知所措有很多时间沉默有很多日子要过有很多时候你走后我寂寞太多突然 有点突发 奇想你是不是也和我一样对着同一片夜空喝酒想你在身旁突然 有点胡思 乱想你我的故事结局会怎样是不是有一天我停住了你依旧会飞向远方是不是有一天我停住了你依旧会留在身旁

陪我看日出 (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:陪我看日出 (Karaoke)歌手:蔡淳佳专辑:日出陪我看日出蔡淳佳-等一个晴天找不到歌词 还得自己做 o(╯□╰)o雨的气息是回家的小路路上有我追着你的脚步脚下边保存着昨天的温度你抱着我就像温暖的大树雨下了走好路 这句话我记住风再大吹不走祝福雨过了就有路 像那年看日出你牵着我穿过了雾叫我看希望就在黑夜的尽处哭过的眼看岁月更清楚想一个人闪着泪光是一种幸福又回到我离开家的小步你送着我满天燕子都在飞舞雨下了走好路 这句话我记住风再大吹不走祝福雨过了就有路 像那年看日出你牵着我穿过了雾叫我看希望就在黑夜的尽处雨下了走好路 这句话我记住风再大吹不走祝福雨过了就有路 像那年看日出你牵着我穿过了雾叫我看希望就在黑夜的尽处虽然一个人我并不孤独在心中你陪我看每一个日出为大宝 我爱你 κ__

两全齐美(Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:两全齐美(Karaoke)歌手:刁寒两全其美刁寒刁寒 - 两全其美日子过的平平淡淡的如水我爱的你又是谁的谁影片里的爱情来的干脆两个人的情我一个人背旧的往事闭上眼也可追你还是你当初的那样最美说好我们分手了不要你陪傻傻的天真还是让我心醉熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要伤心几回我的手心难握你的手背就是为了传说中两全齐美熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要期盼几回想遗忘的还有太多回味就是为了传说中两全齐美旧的往事闭上眼也可追你还是你当初的那样最美说好我们分手了不要你陪傻傻的天真还是让我心醉熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要伤心几回我的手心难握你的手背就是为了传说中两全齐美熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要期盼几回想遗忘的还有太多回味就是为了传说中两全齐美熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要伤心几回我的手心难握你的手背就是为了传说中两全齐美熟悉的人也要陌生相对来来回回总要期盼几回想遗忘的还有太多回味就是为了传说中两全齐美

Karaoke (Feat. Dj Khaled) 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke (Feat. Dj Khaled)歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Karaoke (Feat. DJ Khaled)Dear Akon ... Forgive me for what I"m bout to say...Dear Barry Wize, I know you told me not to worry about it man but, I can"t let it ride...Dear God... Let"s make it happen (ha ha ha...)Ha Ha I"m tryna be you nigga...Yeah NiggaWatch me do me! Watch me do me!Watch me do me! Watch me do me,Yeah! (Nappy Boy... Nappy Boy)(DJ Khaled) Ay yo Pain. I want you to go in.DJ Khaled, Let"s Go Man(We The Best!) (Listenn!!!)I got up out da streetsSo I ain"t gotta stealbut listen to the radio, it"s obvious I still killBut y"all was in the game way before meso why you wanna do some shit I did in "03I"m layin low key, for a long timeBut don"t act like you know me, this is the wrong timeso grab ya microphone, set yo auto tuneand I"ma bust a verse on you ass like I outta doI ain"t no gangsta dudeAin"t got a poppin" bangabut you know I"m powerful when I"m pissin off the gospel singasI"m tryin ta feed my kids y"all niggas can die slowlyCause to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeAy yo!T-Pain, they wanna live you life manThese are bitch ass niggas manIt"s the DJ khaled, nappy boysI"m goin in! I"m goin in!Ay yo, T-PainYou know what Khaled,I know you right now.Let me get em again, though.Ay Ay listenIt ain"t all bad, some of you please meBut the only niggas that"s cool is Kanye and Lil WeezyI"m a hit maker, not a comedianThis shit will never work or one hit wonder bitchBet all the shit that you do and not make me one of thisNow why its cool for you but it"s not for meAnd why you ain"t hop on my song and make it hot for me.You"re just a swagger jackerNow I"m a certified lamborghini-st and cadillac-erCuz I"m tryin to feed my kids.Y"all niggas can die slowlyCuz just to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeYou"re singing the same old songYou"re some karaoke niggasThis is Nappy BoyThis is DJ KhaledWe Global with this hood shitThis is what we doWhy you wanna live our lifeYou wanna live our life, STOPAy yo T-Pain,(What Up Khaled)Get EmLet me get a moment of silenceFor the late great groud that trout meY"all niggas ain"t holdin" "em downSo we had to put me at youBitch, I"m Teddy Pain, the son of Teddy RileyThe father of the game, you pussy niggas wileyHow many niggas really wanna test,Pain he originate I gotta be the bestTill a fool from a infant, style from a kid24 Years, 24 CarsBitch we the best, we got many more starThere"s been a more hits, been a more barsYayyy. That"s not cool babySo that"s not happenin"Y"all keep on stealing from meLet me try this rappin" thingI know you know I hear youIsn"t that embarassingSet the game on fire,Teddy got some lingPussy niggas step up if you really got good gameI gotta lot of shit to say about a nigga,but it"s really not good thangsIt ain"t no disrespect man, y"all keep doing your shitBut my daughter told me to tell you to get off of daddy"s dickAy yo Pain manI"ma call this niggas outI"ma pull them skirts manAy yo Let me get "emIt"s the DJ Khaled????????A.K.A we the bestA.K.A Shit On Niggas DOT comA.K.A Nappy Boy BITCHWE GLOBALWE GLOBAL


卡拉OK(现多叫KTV)  卡拉OK“通常是在播放预录在录影带之类储存在媒介上、没有主唱人声的音乐伴奏同时,在电视荧幕上同步播放有着节拍提示的歌词,然后由参与者边看着歌词边持麦克风唱歌。”“卡拉OK”是一种伴奏系统,演唱者可以在预先录制的音乐伴奏下参与歌唱。“卡拉OK”能通过声音处理使演唱者的声音得到美化与润饰,当再与音乐伴奏有机结合时,就变成了浑然一体的立体声歌曲。这种伴奏方式,给歌唱爱好者们带来了极大的方便和愉悦,使人们休闲娱乐的一种方式。现多叫KTV。

karaoke KA一3180功放机什么牌子?


Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke Kids PartyTo BombayA travelling circus cameThey brought an intelegent elephantand Nellie was her nameOne dark nightshe slipt her iron chain, and of she ranto Hindustan and was never seen againoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpNight by night she danced to the circus bandWhen Nellie was leading the big parade she lookedso proud and grandNo more tricks for Nellie to performeThey taught her how to take a bow and she tookedto crowd by stormoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpThe head of the heard was calling far far awaythey meet one night in silver lighton the road to Mandaleyoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpBY 工藤夏子 06.08.05


是功放一个接口(红、黑)要接两个8欧姆音箱吗?两个音箱串联就可以。一个音箱的黑口,接另一个音箱的红口,剩余的两个口,接功放。 如果功放有两组出口,可以接两个音箱,两个音箱接法一致就可以。

Never Gonna Give You Up (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Gonna Give You Up (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke 80 SNever Gonna Give You UpAshley TisdaleWe"re no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do IA full commitment"s what I"m thinking ofYou wouldn"t get this from any other girlI just wanna tell you how I"m feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youWe"ve known each other for so longYour heart"s been aching but you"re too shy to say itInside we both know what"s been going onWe know the game and we"re gonna play itAnd if you ask me how I"m feelingDon"t tell me you"re too blind to seeNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)We"ve known each other for so longYour heart"s been aching but you"re too shy to say itInside we both know what"s been going onWe know the game and we"re gonna play itI just wanna tell you how I"m feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youThe End ~u2665

Da Da Da (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Da Da Da (Karaoke)歌手:Kimon And His Gang专辑:Kimon And His Gang生きてる间すべて远回り『生而在世一切都是饶远路』すべて大回り なのにそれなのに『兜大圈 但是 即便如此』近道探してみて 小回り『还是寻找着捷径 抄小路』お巡りに见つからないようにばかり『一味地被逃避不想被巡逻的人发现』あげくの果ては拝み 神頼み『最终的结果也只是求神拜佛 抱佛脚』少しでも楽に 他人よりも前に『就算稍微一点也想过得轻松点 比他人更往前一步』叶わぬと知るや否や 嫌み ひがみ『一旦知道实现不了 便开始厌烦 执拗』鬼畜の极み 南无阿弥陀仏『鬼畜的终极 南无阿尼陀佛』RADWIMPS -DADA作词∶野田洋次郎作曲∶野田洋次郎翻译∶时雨生まれた时すなわちそれが入り口『出生之时 换句话说便是入口』あとは谁しもが死ぬ时が出口『然后无论谁 逝去之时便是出口』生きてることそれこそ回り道『生存本身就是一条弯路』长い暇つぶし そのものが命『冗长的消遣 这就是生命』なのに なぜに我先に『却为何毫不知晓 争先恐后地』向かう先は出口とも知らずに『前往的终点 其实只是个出口』一抜けるために日々自分探し『然后为了出人头地 每天找寻着自己』ならぬ肝试し 终いにゃうらめし『却挑战不到自己的胆量 最终只能怨天尤人』近道がしたいなら すぐそこにあるよ『想走捷径的话 就在眼前』壱、弐の、参で 线路へ『一 二 三 沿着轨道』なぁなぁなぁなぁなぁなぁにしないで『别总是“啊啊啊啊啊啊”地絮叨 』もんもんもんもんもんもんとさせないで『别让我“闷闷闷闷闷闷”地呆着』まぁまぁまぁまぁまぁまぁにしないで『别总是“嘛嘛嘛嘛嘛嘛”地敷衍』とんとんとんとんとんとんといかないで『别擅自“大步大步大步”地离开』我らの宝それはテクノロジー『我们的宝物是科技』新しい命のためにエコロジー『为了新生命而环保』守るべきこの地球の素晴らしい未来のために『为了我们必须保护的这个地球美好的未来』いざ今目醒まし『现在摇醒自己』って何たわけた事抜かし『呃 为何还是遗漏掉早已清楚的事情』耻ずかしげもなく 梦见の心地に『还恬不知耻地 沉浸在梦里』大事に抱えたその命が『我们如此珍爱的生命』この星にとり何よりもいらんのに『对这个星球来说明明最多余』どうなってんだ どうなってるんだ『到底是怎么回事 这是怎样的世道』あんたもう黙っておくんな『你也不要沉默不语』どうなろうがなんだって言うんだ『无论怎样倒是说点什么啊』そんなこた知ったこっちゃ『“那样的事情谁会』ないんだこっちゃ なんだっていいんだ『知道啊”无论什么都好』エンヤコラ やんのかこら『喂 你是想干架吗』ハッケヨイでさぁさぁ ノコッタ『准备好了吗 放马过来吧』地球救いたいなら その身を舍てなよ『想要拯救地球的话 就先舍弃自我』针千本ノックで『千锤百炼视死如归』なぁなぁなぁなぁなぁなぁにしないで『别总是“啊啊啊啊啊啊”地絮叨 』もんもんもんもんもんもんとさせないで『别让我“闷闷闷闷闷闷”地呆着』まぁまぁまぁまぁまぁまぁにしないで『别总是“嘛嘛嘛嘛嘛嘛”地敷衍』とんとんとんとんとんとんといかないで『别擅自“大步大步大步”地离开』消えて なくなっちゃって じゃあね バイバイ『消失吧 消逝吧 再见 拜拜』望み叶って やった ワイワイ『实现愿望 太好了 兴高采烈』って拳高くあげんだ ハイハイ『高举双手 兴高采烈』喜び勇んでさぁさぁ バイバイ『欣喜万分地 拜拜』今更なんで泣いてるんだい?『事到如今还哭个毛?』お礼の一つや二つもないかい『连句谢谢都没有吗?』オーライ? 『all right?』どうだい『到底怎样』なぁなぁなぁなぁなぁなぁにしないで『别总是“啊啊啊啊啊啊”地絮叨 』もんもんもんもんもんもんとさせないで『别让我“闷闷闷闷闷闷”地呆着』なんならそこで泣き散らして『那就在那里哭个够吧』ただ駄々こねくり回して『像个孩子发脾气哭哭啼啼』何度だって立ち尽くして『然后无论多少次都一直站立』邪论、戯论、愚论まき散らして『邪说、戏言、愚论 四处撒播』

Aquarius (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Aquarius (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsAquarius-AQUA 水瓶座(水叮当)Aquarius, was born the night. 水瓶座,你诞生在夜晚。The shining stars. 你是闪烁的明星。Needed brighter shining light. 希冀更亮的光辉。Aquarius was my savior. 水瓶座,是我的守护人。It came along. 它独自而来。Like a blast from out of sight. 恰似视线之外的一阵风When I was weak. 当我脆弱时。U came along. 你独自而来。Enlightened me. 开导我。Covered the sun. 给我阳光。U seduced me. 你诱惑我。I can never ever run. 我再也离不开你。Cause I can. Only lose ! 因为我只能失去。When I"m Aquarius ! 当我是水瓶座时。U"re the power that I need. 你是我所需要的力量。To make it all succeed. 使一切都成功。Can hear me call ? 听到我的呼唤吗?Aquarius,is the stardust. 水瓶座,是星尘It kills the faith & the only one I trust. 作为我唯一信任的,它竟然背信弃义。It calls Ur name & U listen. 他呼唤你的名字,而你在听。It steals Ur soul. 它偷走了你的灵魂。And Ur hunger & Ur lust. 还有你的饥渴和你的欲望。For life & being free !(It"s killing me,it"s killing me.)为了生命和自由(它毁灭了我,它毁灭了我)It"s dragging U. 它拉住你。it"s killing me !(It"s killing me,it"s killing me.)它毁灭了我(它毁灭了我,它毁灭了我)Can U hear me call? 你能听到我的呼唤吗?I wish the stars would turn U in. 我希望星尘会出卖你。And leave me standing in the wind. 好让我一个人站在风里。I wish the devil gave U up. 我希望魔鬼将你放弃。And all the snow would melt & stop. 所有的雪都融化和停止。This is it,I can"t run away. 这就是一切,我不能逃避。U"re controlling my life. 你正控制着我的生命。And I can hear me say. 而我可以听到自己说 !歌评:没错,各位迪曲的爱好者,这首柔情而大气的歌曲确实是由"嘣嘣嘣"的水叮当创作并演绎的,怎样?吃惊吧。来自他们新专辑的这首歌充分证明了水叮当努力在除了舞曲之外拓展更为广阔的流行音乐疆域,事实上他们做得很好。整个歌曲竟然找不到一个鼓点,对于水叮当这样的超级舞曲大腕类似于小甜甜改唱京剧,恬静的钢琴恰似满天的繁星。背后的弦乐组则是吹拂树梢的夜风,一个水瓶座的女孩对着夜空的水瓶座,祈祷并反省着自己的命运,这就是此歌为我们展开的图景。



Karaoke,instrumental,Less Vocal,TV mix 和 MR有何区别?

Karaoke: 卡拉ok就是音译而来的,不用解释了instrumental: 纯乐器MR: 非官方 (变版,音色,配乐,鼓点不是原版)Less Vocal: 减人声


是功放一个接口(红、黑)要接两个8欧姆音箱吗?两个音箱串联就可以。一个音箱的黑口,接另一个音箱的红口,剩余的两个口,接功放。 如果功放有两组出口,可以接两个音箱,两个音箱接法一致就可以。



Karaoke 这个单词的音标是什么?

karaoke英音:[,kɑ:rɑ:"u0259ukei]美音:[,kɑrɑ"oke]就是卡拉OK的意思回答完毕! 跪请采纳! 请赏赐!谢谢!


卡拉OK(现多叫KTV) 卡拉OK“通常是在播放预录在录影带之类储存在媒介上、没有主唱人声的音乐伴奏同时,在电视荧幕上同步播放有着节拍提示的歌词,然后由参与者边看着歌词边持麦克风唱歌。”“卡拉OK”是一种伴...----卡拉OK 就是能唱歌。能唱歌的音箱,在音箱面板的特定区域指卡拉OK部分唱歌部分的调试跟使用地方。----如果是插孔,就是唱歌用的卡拉ok插孔,是插话筒的;若是按键,则是卡拉ok功能选择键;若是屏幕上显示此字样,则表示卡拉ok功能已打开。----







什么是 Reign.Of.Chaos.ISO

魔兽争霸3 混乱之治 吖 老掉牙了再去下个冰封王座吧

sap KKAO 怎么计算 wip

我想你想问的是,这个功能计算WIP的逻辑是吗? 我的理解是:工单所有的投入金额,减掉它已产出的成品金额,结果就是WIP. 投入包含:已发料的价值(数量*单价,移动平均价或是标准价,视物料主档的设定,) 已报工的工时*标准费率, 产出为:已产出的成品数量*标准价.

the raoscott χ2 test for association是什么统计学分析方法

T.TEST(array1,array2,tails,type)T.TEST 函数语法具有下列参数 (参数:为操作、事件、方法、属性、函数或过程提供信息的值。): Array1 必需。第一个数据集。Array2 必需。第二个数据集。Tails 必需,指示分布曲线的尾数。如果 tails = 1,函数 T.TEST 使用单尾分布。如果 tails = 2,函数 T.TEST 使用双尾分布。Type必需,要执行的 t 检验的类型。参数 如果 type 等于 检验方法 1 成对2 等方差双样本检验3 异方差双样本检验说明 :如果 array1 和 array2 的数据点个数不同,且 type = 1(成对),则 T.TEST 返回错误值 N/A。 参数 tails 和 type 将被截尾取整。 如果 tails 或 type 为非数值型,则 T.TEST 返回错误值 VALUE!。 如果 tails 不为 1 或 2,则 T.TEST 返回错误值 NUM!。 T.TEST 使用 array1 和 array2 中的数据计算非负值 t 统计。如果 tails=1,假设 array1 和 array2 为来自具有相同平均值的总体的样本,则 T.TEST 返回 t 统计的较高值的概率。假设“总体平均值相同”,则当 tails=2 时返回的值是当 tails=1 时返回的值的两倍,且符合 t 统计的较高绝对值的概率。

求Paolo Meneguzzi唱的Noi歌词 及中文翻译




snl korea aomg那期,有模仿smtm的情节,和朴宰范对唱的那段说唱是哪首歌,歌词是送信

词:五月天阿信/八三夭阿璞曲:王力宏知人知面 知己知彼 又知心古人说 这就是所谓知音相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆朋友你 会不会常把我想起何年何月 何日何时 再相聚何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆很多很多 很深很深 的回忆很多歌 我只想要为你唱起春秋时期 远近知名伯牙琴艺沉鱼也出水 马儿仰秣聆听聆听 寂寞 的声音举世知名 不如 一个知音直到子期 闻琴解开伯牙心境高山流水 风景似有灵悉高山青 流水静 如镜无言却胜过有言的天地听 宫商角徵羽 那歌词未写上的是弦外的延长音斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心在千年之后 再延续 不变的旋律当 春雪融夏景 秋风为我捎封信冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬 冬锣隆隆冬墙墙又是思念的四季知人知面 知己知彼 又知心古人说 这就是所谓知音相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆朋友你 会不会常把我想起何年何月 何日何时 再相聚何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆很多很多 很深很深 的回忆很多歌 我只想要为你唱起某年某月 某天伯牙再访子期风景依旧绿 子期却已归西触景 触琴 即伤情 伯牙绝弦只因再无知音千年过去 当我再度拨弄琴韵更多冷箭 更多冷言冷语请你听 请轻轻 倾听唱给我永远不离弃的知音听 宫商角徵羽 那歌词未写上的是 喔 喔喔斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心在千年之后 再延续 不变的旋律当 春雪融夏景 秋风为我捎封信冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬 冬锣隆隆冬墙墙又是思念的四季知人知面 知己知彼 又知心古人说 这就是所谓知音相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆朋友你 会不会常把我想起何年何月 何日何时 再相聚何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆很多很多 很深很深 的回忆很多歌 我只想要为你唱起





一首英文歌 背景音乐听到的 男声baby now sao man wo tudu

This Kiss - Carly Rae JepsenI went out last night昨晚我出去I"m going out tonight again我今晚要再次出去Anything to capture your attention凡是捕捉到你的注意力Your attention你的注意力And she"s a real sweet girl她是一个真正的甜美女孩And you know I got a boy你知道我有一个男孩。Details we both forgot to mention详细信息我们都忘了提Forgot to mention忘了提And you而你I always know where you are我总是知道你在哪里And you always know where I am而你总是知道我在哪里We"re taking it way too far我们正在路太远But I don"t want it to end但我不希望它结束This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻You know you"re just my type你知道你只是我喜欢的类型And your eyes are lock and key你的眼睛是锁和钥匙,To my heart我的心Tempting my confession诱人我的忏悔My confession我的忏悔And you"re a real hot thing你是一个真正的辣的东西But you know I"ve got a boy somewhere但是你知道,我已经有了一个男孩某处So can you feel the tension所以,你可以感到紧张?Feel the tension感到紧张And you而你,I"m dancing to where you are我跳舞,你在哪里And your dancing to where I am你的舞蹈我在哪里We"re taking it way too far我们正在路太远But I don"t want it to end但我不希望它结束This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻But if you ask me to但是,如果你问我I couldn"t我不能,I couldn"t I我不能,我You"re leaning closer and你靠得更近和I shouldn"t我不应该,I shouldn"t I我不应该,我But if you ask me to但是,如果你问我I couldn"t我不能,I couldn"t I我不能,我I shouldn"t我不应该,I shouldn"t我不应该I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻

初中数学,谢谢,有好评^_^ 如图用量角器画角aob的平分线,在oc上任取一点p,比较点p到oa,

CREEPY STORY...few years ago,a mother and father decided they needed a break,so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. So they called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived,the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. 小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡着了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。 Later at night,the babysitter got bored and went to watch tv but she couldn"t watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs (the parents didn"t want the children watching too much garbage). So she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parents" room. Of course the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request. 深夜,保姆觉得无聊就想去楼下看电视。但是她看不了,因为楼下没有电视(因为孩子的父母不希望他们的孩子看太多垃圾)。她就打电话给孩子的父母,问是否可以在他们的卧室看电视,当然孩子的父母同意了。但保姆又想要最后一个请求。 She asked if she could cover up the clown satue in their bedroom with a blanket or cloth,because it made her nervous. The phoneline was silent for a moment, (and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time) said....take the children and get out of the house....we"ll call the police...we don"t have a clown statue... the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown. 她问是否可以用毯子或者衣服盖住那小丑雕像,因为那使她感到很害怕。 电话沉默了一会。(此时爸爸在和保姆通话) 他说:带孩子离开房间…… 我们将会叫警察……我们从来没有什么小丑雕像。 孩子们和保姆被小丑谋杀了。 It turned out to be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail. 结果是,小丑是一个从监狱里逃出来的杀人犯。编:下面这段可以不用看,只是为了保持原文的完整性,原来这种发帖方式在全世界都流行啊,我个人也讨厌收到连续贴,这贴还好点,有的比较没有人性,比如没转帖父母就会怎么样怎么这样的诅咒。If u don"t repost this within 5 minutes the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3:00 am with a knife in his hand. There i said it so the evil clown won"t kill me.I hate chain letters!!! 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿着刀站在你的床前。我在这里发了,这就是恶魔般的小丑没有杀我的原因。我恨连续的(诅咒)

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T-Pain的《Karaoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Karaoke (Feat. DJ Khaled)Dear Akon ... Forgive me for what I"m bout to say...Dear Barry Wize, I know you told me not to worry about it man but, I can"t let it ride...Dear God... Let"s make it happen (ha ha ha...)Ha Ha I"m tryna be you nigga...Yeah NiggaWatch me do me! Watch me do me!Watch me do me! Watch me do me,Yeah! (Nappy Boy... Nappy Boy)(DJ Khaled) Ay yo Pain. I want you to go in.DJ Khaled, Let"s Go Man(We The Best!) (Listenn!!!)I got up out da streetsSo I ain"t gotta stealbut listen to the radio, it"s obvious I still killBut y"all was in the game way before meso why you wanna do some shit I did in "03I"m layin low key, for a long timeBut don"t act like you know me, this is the wrong timeso grab ya microphone, set yo auto tuneand I"ma bust a verse on you ass like I outta doI ain"t no gangsta dudeAin"t got a poppin" bangabut you know I"m powerful when I"m pissin off the gospel singasI"m tryin ta feed my kids y"all niggas can die slowlyCause to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeAy yo!T-Pain, they wanna live you life manThese are bitch ass niggas manIt"s the DJ khaled, nappy boysI"m goin in! I"m goin in!Ay yo, T-PainYou know what Khaled,I know you right now.Let me get em again, though.Ay Ay listenIt ain"t all bad, some of you please meBut the only niggas that"s cool is Kanye and Lil WeezyI"m a hit maker, not a comedianThis shit will never work or one hit wonder bitchBet all the shit that you do and not make me one of thisNow why its cool for you but it"s not for meAnd why you ain"t hop on my song and make it hot for me.You"re just a swagger jackerNow I"m a certified lamborghini-st and cadillac-erCuz I"m tryin to feed my kids.Y"all niggas can die slowlyCuz just to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeYou"re singing the same old songYou"re some karaoke niggasThis is Nappy BoyThis is DJ KhaledWe Global with this hood shitThis is what we doWhy you wanna live our lifeYou wanna live our life, STOPAy yo T-Pain,(What Up Khaled)Get EmLet me get a moment of silenceFor the late great groud that trout meY"all niggas ain"t holdin" "em downSo we had to put me at youBitch, I"m Teddy Pain, the son of Teddy RileyThe father of the game, you pussy niggas wileyHow many niggas really wanna test,Pain he originate I gotta be the bestTill a fool from a infant, style from a kid24 Years, 24 CarsBitch we the best, we got many more starThere"s been a more hits, been a more barsYayyy. That"s not cool babySo that"s not happenin"Y"all keep on stealing from meLet me try this rappin" thingI know you know I hear youIsn"t that embarassingSet the game on fire,Teddy got some lingPussy niggas step up if you really got good gameI gotta lot of shit to say about a nigga,but it"s really not good thangsIt ain"t no disrespect man, y"all keep doing your shitBut my daughter told me to tell you to get off of daddy"s dickAy yo Pain manI"ma call this niggas outI"ma pull them skirts manAy yo Let me get "emIt"s the DJ Khaled????????A.K.A we the bestA.K.A Shit On Niggas DOT comA.K.A Nappy Boy BITCHWE GLOBALWE GLOBAL



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席德- S作词:毛作曲:御惠明希编曲:糖苷、Takayuki Kato醒来是凶器违背道德的立场白色的扭曲的快乐的平衡Too late来开始吧拘束,尽头,满淫爱神你是俗称绝妙的语气Too late来声音吧浓厚黑暗微量痛给给得住同化一直美丽而贪婪的肌肤粗暴的湿度看透冰冷的椅子碎裂的每次被拒绝了。无力,但没有爱超越了极限的立场悲观突饲养是平衡的样子Too late来干吧?感情,全无,绝顶的性爱鸦雀无声暧昧的语气Too late来次领受浓厚黑暗微量有害夺夺夺走的话么净化永远不结束玩赏一样解气为止反复冰冷的无知しなる每次叫了其他没有得到原谅永远保持美丽的贪婪的肌肤粗暴的湿度看透冰冷的椅子碎裂的每次被拒绝了。无力的爱就好永远不结束玩赏一样解气为止反复冰冷的无知しなる每次叫了其他没有得到原谅结束
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