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激光干涉仪重力波天文台(LIGO)是美国的一对巨大的研究设施,致力于探测时空结构中的波动,称为重力波。这些信号来自宇宙中巨大的物体,例如黑洞和中子星,并为天文学家提供了一个全新的观察宇宙现象的窗口。 LIGO的基本机制依赖于著名物理学家爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)的工作,他在相对论中预言了一个多世纪前类似于电磁波的引力波的存在。根据位于帕萨迪纳市的加州理工学院(Caltech)进行的该项目的 历史 ,爱因斯坦认为此类波太微弱,无法进行切实可行的探测。 从1960年代和70年代开始,研究人员使用自由悬挂的反射镜在它们之间反射激光,建造了重力波探测器的原型。如果重力波穿过设备,它将使时空结构摆动,并使反射镜移动得如此之小。这种被称为干涉仪的设备仍然是当今重力波探测器中的基本单元。尽管这些早期模型没有捕获重力波信号所必需的灵敏度,但进展持续了数十年,1990年,美国国家科学基金会批准组装两个LIGO探测器;一个在华盛顿州汉福德,另一个在路易斯安那州利文斯顿。 两种探测器的建造均于1999年完成,几年后开始了对引力波的搜索。十多年来,随着物理学家们学会了如何处理高度敏感的仪器以及所有可能出问题的事物,检测器继续空空如也。任何数量的东西都可能使设施混乱,包括像乌鸦在通向它们的管道上啄的小事。 LIGO经过重新设计,在2010年至2014年之间具有更高的敏感性。根据加州理工学院的LIGO资料页,在2015年9月打开仪器的几天之内,天文台就开始拾取其首次引力波的信号。 当科学家努力了解其细节时,这个 历史 性信号被秘密保存了几个月。2016年2月11日,这一发现被公开,物理学家宣布他们发现了两个黑洞的碰撞,分别比太阳的质量大29倍和36倍,这发生在近13亿年前。物理学界对此表示欢迎,并获得了媒体的广泛关注。这项观测不仅证实了爱因斯坦的百年预言,而且为研究人员提供了一种崭新的方式窥视宇宙。一年后,加州理工学院的天体物理学家Kip Thorne和Barry Barish以及麻省理工学院的Rainer Weiss共同获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,以表彰他们在引力波检测领域的开拓性工作。 LIGO的合作目前包括两个基于美国的探测器以及2017年上线的名为Virgo的第三台仪器。它位于意大利比萨附近,由一个欧洲集团经营。每个设施都包括一个L型真空室,其腿长4公里,其中装有一个干涉仪。探测器的激光能够以质子宽度的1 / 10,000的惊人准确性识别出它们在镜子之间的运动。这三个设备协同工作,有助于确认一个设备接收到的任何信号都是真正的重力波检测,而不是随机噪声。研究人员在重力波探测器周围创造了世界上最安静的一些地点,减慢了附近的交通,监测地面上的每一个微小震颤,甚至将探测设备悬吊在钟摆系统上,以最大程度地减少振动。 LIGO和处女座最引人注目的结果包括首次发现两个中子星-极致密的恒星尸体-互相撞毁。这项发现于2017年10月宣布,同时还使用无线电,红外,光学,伽玛射线和X射线望远镜对同一事件进行了观测,从而使科学家能够从多个渠道提取信息,这就是所谓的多信使天体物理学。数据有助于证明这种碰撞是宇宙中大量金,铂和其他重元素的来源。 2020年1月,LIGO探测到了第二次中子星粉碎,其中涉及质量为太阳的3.4倍的巨大物体。如此重的中子星从未在望远镜中见过,它推高了这类实体理论上可能存在的大小极限,使科学家们对如何制造这些恒星scratch之以鼻。 那年晚些时候,研究人员宣布,LIGO和处女座发现了两个庞然大物黑洞合并的信号。这些实体的质量分别是太阳的66倍和85倍,它们形成了一个总质量是太阳142倍的黑洞。这是所谓的中等质量黑洞的第一个明确证据,黑洞的质量介于太阳的50到100,000倍之间,科学家知道这是必须存在的,但从未见过。 2020年,LIGO和处女座被日本名为Kamioka引力波探测器(KAGRA)的仪器所加入,尽管由于全球COVID-19大流行,所有设施不得不暂时关闭。预计印度探测器将在2020年代中期加入网络。通过这些额外的设施和对当前设施的升级,物理学家将能够从更远的地方以更高的频率观察引力波,从而使他们将来能够发现更多。 这里是@流芳科学,欢迎关注转发收藏,每日看科学知识!

Love Is The Drug (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is The Drug (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Roxy Music专辑:Siren『LOVE IS THE DRUG』作词∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay作曲∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay歌∶布袋寅泰T"aint no big t"ingTo wait for the bell to ringT"aint no big t"ingThe toll of the bellAggravated ― spare for daysI troll downtown the red light placeJump up bubble up ― what"s in storeLove is the drug and I need to scoreShowing out showing out, hit and runBoy meets girl where the beat goes onStitched up tight, can"t shake freeLove is the drug got a hook on meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug for meLate that night I park my carStake my place in the singles barFace to face, toe to toeHeart to heart as we hit the floorLumber up limbo downThe locked embrace, the stumble roundI say go, she say yesDim the lights, you can guess the restOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug with a hook in meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove the drug for me【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2679182

Ueber ein Drittel von ihnen liest Buecher.Siebzig Prozent der Befragten hoeren gern Radio.


3/2der benotigten wassermenge in die flasche geben.什么意思

3/2 der benotigten wassermenge in die flasche geben.在benotigten 3/2瓶水。3/2 der benotigten wassermenge in die flasche geben.在benotigten 3/2瓶水。

More and more foreign students come to China to learn________ Chinese language. A.a B.the .

B 试题分析:考察冠词。汉语有两种表达Chinese="the" Chinese language,如果Chinese后面有language前面就需要使用the表示特指。句意:越来越多的外国学生来到中国学习中文。故B正确。

It is necessary for foreigners to learn Chinese language in the future?

China is rising, we can see she has more international influence. Chinese people are going outside,meanwhile people from other country are going to China. Obviously, Chinese language could be another choice for foreigners to know and learn Chinese culture. It is definitely happening. As another point of view, more and more foreigners found out more opportunities if they speak Chinese. For example, teaching English in China or working in the international corporations in China. Chinese language will play an important role in their life. they can communicate with more Chinese people in China, no matter where they are. Chiese language let foreigner no lonesome, no longer vacant.Although, it is hard to grasp Chinese language, I am convinced that China"s wonderful history and culture will hook foreigner in spite of difficultes.

求问一首英文歌,是比较high的歌,高潮是i can fly,i can fly

I believe I can fly

LED(light-emitting diode display)是什么意思?


dream high2 歌曲 dream high2所有歌曲插曲

渐渐 智妍的

那个我很想知道oh its all right的歌词!如果有哪位人士精通韩文可以帮我写下歌词和读音吗? 谢谢!

oh it"s alright  chuo han nu li wei lo hei duo nuo ma nv ji qiu gei即使忤逆上天也要守护你  oh it"s alright  oh it"s alright  du gu dei long nei xin zang en nuo ya gei never stop我跳动的心脏为了你neverstop  oh it"s alright  nei san chuo ner ku lei wa nen nuo ye gei ever love包容我的伤痕你是我的everlove  oh it"s alright  sun ga kei ten li you la kuo li gu kuo crazy world su lu ma li ka du kei  无比卑劣的距离一定要crazyworld充满悲痛  nei you sa ye on and off ga sen suo gei na den guo nuo ye gei ha memory  霓虹灯on and off 留在心中的是对你的memory  wow~~all my love for you  wow~~all my heart for you  wow~~all my life for you  wow~~i will never cry  oh it"s alright  du gu dei long nei xin zang en nuo ya gei never stop我跳动的心脏为了你neverstop  oh it"s alright  ku mei gu duo wa da xi nan sa la mu o den guor没有任何人可以代替你  oh it"s alright  chuo han nu li wei lo hei duo nuo ma nv ji qiu gei即使忤逆上天也要守护你  oh it"s alright  sei sang yi suo dangerous sa lu lei jin da xi ba nu mu ma li ku yo wa  nei hei you xi nen nuo pei dang piao jiang mei gu yi nen ger mi ga yo gi yi gi ye  wow~~all my love for you  wow~~all my heart for you  wow~~all my life for you  wow~~i will never cry  oh it"s alright  du gu dei long nei xin zang en nuo ya gei never stop我跳动的心脏为了你neverstop  oh it"s alright  ku mei gu duo wa da xi nan sa la mu o den guor没有任何人可以代替你  oh it"s alright  chuo han nu li wei lo hei duo nuo ma nv ji qiu gei即使忤逆上天也要守护你  oh it"s alright  oh it"s alright  du gu dei long nei xin zang en nuo ya gei never stop我跳动的心脏为了你neverstop  oh it"s alright  nei san chuo ner ku lei wa nen nuo ye gei ever love包容我的伤痕你是我的everlove  oh it"s alright

dream high2 第二集里面有吹口哨的歌,节奏感很强的


dream high2 第二集里面有吹口哨的歌,节奏感很强的



qia kon sa lang mi a su ma ku la jio(ku lo ma) na bon sa lang mi a mi a ku la jio qie ba qia ga ya da ma lu ma la da o you ji you lin ma wei belejin majima qia zhong xiu xiu yi yi gudalin xikikudie man na jia nayigei na nidie jiang na bi gei o mo dki qi gei be lei gi qi mo su mo mo nei cjo die ku die o nri ku mei du la mei su mo na xi ga nei mei yi nong mei kon ku mei jia lin lin deng ji wu sa jiang di ren neng ji Oh please One more Time Dance with Me Tonight o nu du gu mei ka die wai wai ko mei xi gan qia bu ni bei mai qiu go na nu dou ye gi ri ku li no xi ga ni da Toxic kio xi yi lo mi go bi yo xi de qio xi nei ki lo gei sa lang lo jia da gei su nli ya ma ji lo gei do ne der do go da mbai no qi ye ba bong ga su bi na kei lo bi nu lei qia kon sa lang mi a su ma ku la jio(ku lo ma) na bon sa lang mi a mi a ku la jio qie ba qia ga ya da ma lu ma la da o you ji you lin ma wei belejin majima qia zhong xiu xiu no ji lin ma ta jilido boneidio qia bon ji ga pa bo ga ji don min judie wuleimo jia hua qi man ku li wu mie bo do ji wu gei a mu lu jio do hong nan bang mo bu lo han nan jia ma nie su jiogu ro man ti ka su su gi bon bon sei rei qiu xi gan li ya gi duidui ji yi mie di gei die gain chan qi (kafeiyin na go qiu gen man chu lo yo) ko wu lei mi qin nei mo she (na wei de le pa ti) qia kon sa lang mi a su ma ku la jio(ku lo ma) na bon sa lang mi a mi a ku la jio qie ba qia ga ya da ma lu ma la da o you ji you lin ma wei belejin majima qia zhong xiu xiu ba la ba la gu kio wu don gu qia zhong xin do ga da ga da don tu nei a jiu ki lo ga lang ga lang bi ga wa a ji no lu mo di go o gu die yo ba la ba la gu kio wu don gu qia zhong xin do ga da ga da don tu nei a jiu ki lo ga lang ga lang bi ga wa a ji ku nio nei mo di jio qia kon sa lang ku nio na mo di jio na bon sa lang no ri bmi go qia kon sa lang na bon sa lang na bon sa lang

dream high 所有的歌曲,包括插曲!求发375559168@qq.com

金秀炫 -《Dreaming》(注:片中版本被改)   素拉祈愿歌曲:Brown Eyed Girls- 《Abracadabra》   《Dream High》主题曲 - 《Dream High》   《修女也疯狂》主题曲 -《 I will follow him》   郑珍云 -《向我走来》   HershE演唱歌曲:《I know you will be a superstar》   宣布规则歌曲:金泫雅、张贤胜-《Trouble Maker》   欢迎派对歌曲:2NE1- 《最走红》、T-ara- 《Roly Poly》 G.N.A-《Top Girl》   安慰素拉的吉他弹唱:少女时代- 《说出愿望吧》   素拉JB跳舞歌曲:太阳-《I need a girl》   wonder girls- 《The DJ is mine》   JB和JR斗舞歌曲:《Heartbreaker》-Bigbang(G-Dragon)   JB和陈佑振表演歌曲:《beautiful dance》-bye bye sea(第五集)编辑本段OST  一.Dream High2 OST Part.1   1. Falling -(朴振荣)   二.《DREAM HIGH 2》OST PART.2   曲目:01. You"re My Star - SUZY   三. Dream High2 OST Part.3   01. Hello To Myself --- 朴誉恩

有谁知道城市猎人里“it`s all right”韩语歌词?谢谢!


求 Daviglio 翻唱的I need a doctor 的歌词。 就是两英国女的吉他翻唱的。

i"m about to lose my mind我就快要发疯了you"ve been gone for so long你走了那么久i"m running out of time我快等不下去了i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生to bring me back to life把我带回正常生活i told the world one day i would pay it back我曾对整个世界说我要把我遭受的一切还给它say it on tape, and lay it, record it我要对着录音带说把话录下来so that one day i could play it back这样将来我就可以重播它but i don"t even know if i would leave it when i"m saying that当我这么说的时候我却不知道我是否会去这样做ya"ll start to creep in, everyday its so grey and black自从他们进入了我的生活日子是如此灰暗hope i just need a ray of that我希望能人生能有一丝曙光cause no one see"s my vision when i play it for em因为他们没人能了解我歌中的内涵they just say its wack他们只说这歌好差劲(wack 差劲烂的意思)thye don"t know what dope is他们根本不懂欣赏(dope 酷好的意思)and i don"t know if i was awake or asleep我不清楚我到底是醒是睡when i wrote this,当我写着歌all i know is you came to me when i was at my lowest脑中只想到在我人生最低谷时你来到了我身边you picked me up, breeding life in me你把我拉出低谷让我焕发了新生i owe my life to you我今生今世都将报答你before the life of me, i dont see why you dont see like i do在你到来之前我不知道为什么他们不能明白我的看法but it just dawned on me you lost a son我知道你失去了你的儿子see this light in you, it"s dark. let me turn on the lights and brighten me and lighten you你被黑暗笼罩着让我打开光芒重新点亮我俩i dont think you realise what you mean to me我觉得你不了解你对我有多重要not the slightest clue一点也不cause me and you were like a crew因为我俩就像是伙伴i was like your sidekick我就是你的兄弟you gon either wanna fight me when i get off this f-cking mic如果我放弃唱歌你一定会冲动地想打我or you gon hug me或是由衷地拥抱我but i"m not an option, theres nothing else i can do cause…可我没别的选择我只会干这个因为i"m about to lose my mind我就快要发疯了you"ve been gone for so long你走了那么久i"m running out of time我快等不下去了i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生to bring me back to life把我带回正常生活it hurts when i see you struggle看见你受煎熬我很难过you come to me with ideas你找我谈了一些事情you say there pieces so i"m puzzled你说(there pieces不知道什么意思)我迷惑了cause the shit i hear is crazy我不敢相信这些话是从你口中说出but your either getting lazy or you don"t believe in you no more你变得无所事事不再相信自己seems like your own opinions, not one you can form似乎你已经无法形成自己的观点cant make a decision keep qu

God Bless The Child (Digitally Remastered 05) 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The Child (Digitally Remastered 05)歌手:Grant Green专辑:Sunday Mornin God Bless The ChildThem thats got shall getThem thats not shall loseSo the Bible said and it still is newsMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownYes, the strong gets moreWhile the weak ones fadeEmpty pockets dont ever make the gradeMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2852043

shed a light什么意思

shed light on (upon)=throw light on(upon)使某事清楚明白地显示出来,使人明白理解某事. 后接名词代词做宾语,或者接宾语从句.

shed light on是什么意思

答案是杀鸡儆猴。拼音:shā jī jǐng hóu释义:杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的用法:杀鸡儆猴,汉语词语之一,可以作谓语、定语、宾语,褒义词。近义词:杀一儆百。造句:杀鸡儆猴是我们的新领导给我们的下马威。这种杀鸡儆猴的做法只能够是一次两次,千万不能每次都是用。我不想在他杀鸡儆猴的时候你们还带着对我的鄙视目光,所以我今天把你们这些不知道的事情都告诉你们。这种杀鸡儆猴的做法对于我个人来说是完全没有用的。

shed light on是什么意思

shed light on为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…1A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.新的方法提供了一个答案,并且可能让人们对一个更大的问题有进一步的了解。2The new study also shed light on why HIV causes a disease of the immune system.这项新的研究还为揭秘HIV为什么导致免疫系统的疾病投入了一道光芒。3Hopefully, this can shed light on the relation between identity and language use.希望通过这一研究可以管窥身份和语用之间的关系。

shed light在句中是什么意思?

shed light on - 是 让明白,弄清楚,解释

Hot _______the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. ...

B 考查状语从句。hot是做从句的表语,提前说明从句时倒装,即as引导的让步状语从句中,要将从句中的表语,状语,或动词原形提到as之前,故选B。

shed light on是什么意思


shed light on是什么意思

shed light on释义为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…照亮; 阐明1u2022 A group of experts could shed light on the agenda and list proposals to enhance its transparency and management.u2022可以由一个专家小组阐明议程并列出各项提议,以提高议程的透明度和增进对议程的管理。

shed light on是什么意思

shed light on [词典] 为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…; [例句]Hopefully, this can shed light on the relation between identity and language use.希望通过这一研究可以管窥身份和语用之间的关系。

Shed A Little Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shed A Little Light歌手:James Taylor专辑:New Moon ShineJames Taylor - Shed A Little LightLet us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodThat we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the world becomeA place in which our childrenCan grow free and strongWe are bound togetherBy the task that stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound and we are boundThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restShed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordCant get no light from the dollar billDont give me no light from a tv screenWhen I open my eyesI wanna drink my fillFrom the well on the hill(do you know what I mean? )Shed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restOh, let us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8786562

Shed A Little Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shed A Little Light歌手:James Taylor专辑:James Taylor (Best Live)James Taylor - Shed A Little LightLet us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodThat we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the world becomeA place in which our childrenCan grow free and strongWe are bound togetherBy the task that stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound and we are boundThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restShed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordCant get no light from the dollar billDont give me no light from a tv screenWhen I open my eyesI wanna drink my fillFrom the well on the hill(do you know what I mean? )Shed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restOh, let us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8767131

Shed a Little Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shed a Little Light歌手:James Taylor专辑:Greatest Hits Volume 2James Taylor - Shed A Little LightLet us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodThat we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the world becomeA place in which our childrenCan grow free and strongWe are bound togetherBy the task that stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound and we are boundThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restShed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordCant get no light from the dollar billDont give me no light from a tv screenWhen I open my eyesI wanna drink my fillFrom the well on the hill(do you know what I mean? )Shed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restOh, let us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54675070


shed some light网络释义:关灯短语shed some more light 透露更多的情况shed some light on 弄清楚shed some light on this 进一步了解这个双语例句权威例句New research may shed some light on why, despite these burdens, lateteens and twentysomethings aren"t afraid to belly up to the cash registerand often incur debt to do it. 新的研究可能会发现一些原因,为什么尽管有如此重负,那些十八九岁、二十多岁的学生对于自己会因收银机破产却并没有感到害怕,,反而还要借钱去消费。article.yeeyan.orgA new study hopes to shed some light on this area. 一项新的研究希望在此领域有所开创 。article.yeeyan.orgAlthough the game is the function you"re least likely to buy off theshelf, you may still be able to shed some light on viable gamearchitectures by looking at the problem from a patterns perspective. 尽管游戏本身是独立的,似乎与业务模式无关,但是仍然可以按照基于模式的视角考察问题,这对建立可行的游戏体系结构可能有帮助。

shed some light on是什么意思


shed light on是什么意思

shed light on揭示 拼音 双语对照 已复制双语结果shed light on词典为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…

During the eight years war, many people(D )their blood for their country. D是错的为什么

devote to


shed some light网络释义:关灯短语shed some more light 透露更多的情况shed some light on 弄清楚shed some light on this 进一步了解这个双语例句权威例句New research may shed some light on why, despite these burdens, lateteens and twentysomethings aren"t afraid to belly up to the cash registerand often incur debt to do it. 新的研究可能会发现一些原因,为什么尽管有如此重负,那些十八九岁、二十多岁的学生对于自己会因收银机破产却并没有感到害怕,,反而还要借钱去消费。article.yeeyan.orgA new study hopes to shed some light on this area. 一项新的研究希望在此领域有所开创 。article.yeeyan.orgAlthough the game is the function you"re least likely to buy off theshelf, you may still be able to shed some light on viable gamearchitectures by looking at the problem from a patterns perspective. 尽管游戏本身是独立的,似乎与业务模式无关,但是仍然可以按照基于模式的视角考察问题,这对建立可行的游戏体系结构可能有帮助。

英语shed some light怎么翻译?


shed interesting light on是固定短语吗?shed light on中lig

shed light on 是固定短语,interesting 不是固定短语的一部分[释义]为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…; 全部释义>> [例句]To shed light on this business.那对这件事更有帮助.



shed some light是什么意思


shed light on是什么意思

shed light on揭示 拼音 双语对照 已复制双语结果shed light on词典为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…

shed new light on是什么意思

shed new light on新的阐述双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 进一步揭示例句:1.It is now possible to use advanced dna analysis to shed new light on old subjects. 现在人们可以利用先进的dna分析,对旧的主题作新的阐述。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

shed light on是什么意思


shed light on disciplined school management.


英语Europe’s third-biggest truck-marker怎么翻译?

Europe"s third-biggest truck-marker欧洲第三大卡车标志

it was quiet those big trucks

选C.until 才能正常表达意思. 句子意思是: 直到那些大卡车进入那个镇,它都是安宁的. 相当于: It was not noisy until those big trucks started coming through the town. (那个镇没有什么噪音,直到那些大卡车穿城而过.)





有一首英文歌 开头的歌词是We see all night

up all night


在 UIView 中有一个autoresizingMask的属性,它对应的是一个枚举的值(如下),属性的意思就是自动调整子控件与父控件中间的位置,宽高。 enum { UIViewAutoresizingNone = 0, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin = 1 << 0, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth = 1 << 1, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin = 1 << 2, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin = 1 << 3, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight = 1 << 4, UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin = 1 << 5 }; UIViewAutoresizingNone就是不自动调整。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin 自动调整与superView左边的距离,保证与superView右边的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin 自动调整与superView的右边距离,保证与superView左边的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin 自动调整与superView顶部的距离,保证与superView底部的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin 自动调整与superView底部的距离,也就是说,与superView顶部的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth 自动调整自己的宽度,保证与superView左边和右边的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight 自动调整自己的高度,保证与superView顶部和底部的距离不变。 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin 自动调整与superView左边的距离,保证与左边的距离和右边的距离和原来距左边和右边的距离的比例不变。比如原来距离为20,30,调整后的距离应为68,102,即68/20=102/30。

iOS navigationbar的高度可以修改吗


如何建立config schematic cellview

在自定义UITableViewCell中创建了一个按钮。想在点击该按钮时知道该按钮所在的cell在TableView中的行数。就是cell的 indexPath.row两种方法都很好。-(IBAction):(id)sender{NSLog(@"MyRow:%d",[self.table indexPathForCell:((TableViewCell*)[[sender superview]superview])].row); //这个方便一点点,不用设置tag。NSLog(@"MyRow:%d",((TableViewCell*)[[sender superview]superview]).tag);//这个需要加载cell时设置tag.不过也很方便。}-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewcellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{//删除cell.contentView中所有内容,避免以下建立新的重复int i = [[cell.contentView subviews] count] - 1;for(;i >= 0 ; i--){[[[cell.contentView subviews] objectAtIndex:i] removeFromSuperview];}//添加buttonUIButton *but = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];[but setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"delete.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];[but setFrame:CGRectMake(280, 10, 30, 30)];[but setAlpha:0.8];[but addTarget:self action:@selector(del:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];[cell.contentView addSubview:but];//设置Tag为cell 对应的indexPath rowfor(id view in subviews){if([view isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]){[view setTag:[indexPath row]];//[cell.contentView bringSubviewToFront:view];}}}//Button事件-(void)del:(id)sender{for(UITableViewCell *cell in visiblecells){if(cell.tag == button.tag){//button.tag就是对应的[indexPath.row}

Beijing is bigger than ( ) in Jiangsu. ()中填any other city 还是any city?

几道小学六年级的英语题.选择部分:1.The sun is _____ bigger than the moon.A.q?

1、C,因为这里是太阳与月亮之间的大小比较,在比较级bigger前只能用选项C.一般more是用在无法直接加er的表示比较级,比如more beautiful. 2、D这里是考察最高级的用法,此题很显然问的是班级里谁的学习最好,一个班肯定有3个以上的学生,因此要用最高级best. 3、a little 用来修饰不可数名词,few用来形容可数名词的复数形式.知道这一知识点后就很容易选择C 4、此题有两个考点,即忘记做某事forget to do sth和tell *** .about sth.明确两个考点后,自然能选出答案C和D(选项是一样的).,5,几道小学六年级的英语题. 选择部分: 1.The sun is _____ bigger than the moon. A.quite B.very C.much D.more 2.Who studies _____ in your class? A.good B.better C.the better D.best 3.He knows _____ English and he has _____ English friends. A.a little,a few B.a few,a little C.a little,few D.a few,little 4.I forget ____ you ____ it last time. A.tell,about B.tell,with C.to tell,about D.to tell,about


Are your feet bigger than mine?或Are my feet bigger than yours?句子中有be动词变一般疑问句时,直接把be动词提到主语的前面。

twice as big as 与 twice bigger than 的区别


句型1 This room is twice bigger than that one.


英语问题A is four times the size of B.和A is four times bigger than B.的区别



1. get bigger我比你更大翻译为get bigger。示例:我个儿比你更小更矮些是的,我比你更大个更强壮。I"m thinner than you and shorter. Yes. I"m bigger and stronger than you.来源:英国拉丁词典2. greater tolerance我比你更大翻译为greater tolerance。示例:我比你更大更强壮。I"m bigger and stronger than you.来源:在线英语词典3. have off我比你更大翻译为have off。示例:你当时很高兴,然后你来到我家里,你发现我有一个比你更大的、图像更清晰的电视机。You"re very happy with it and then you come to my house, and I have a bigger, clearer picture than yours.来源:中小学生词典4. greatter英语网络翻译1. have off( 我休得假比你的少)2. get bigger( 变得更大;变更大)3. greater tolerance(更大耐性)4. greatter( 更大)5. largier( 更大)英语短语&俚语I"m stronger than you ( 但我比你更强大 )我比你更大翻译例句1. i"m a lot older than you, and that means i"m a lot stronger than you.译文:我比你老自然比你强。2. i"m taller and older than you.译文:我比你高,而且我也比你大。3. - Hey, i"m bigger than you.译文:我比你高大。4. We"ve got bigger problems than your new dress.

my shoes are bigger than his改为一般疑问句?

一般疑问句Are your shoes bigger than his?

two times as big as ....与two times bigger区别?


Mine feets are bigger than your对吗?

Mine 改为 My ... feets 去掉 s , your 改为 yours 。My feet are bigger than yours.我的脚比你的脚大。

whose feet are bigger than yours


英语谚语"the bigger,the better"是什么意思


your bag is bigger than 后面加什么


HIT FM 2012年2月9日 最近的广告 第二个 广告是katy perry 唱的last friday night

那个 广告 是这几首 第一首 Nicki Minaj - Super Bass试听 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY0NjAyMDcy.html第二首 Katy Perry - Last Friday Night 第三首 Jodie Connor ft. Tinchy Stryder - Bring It试听 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ5NzU4NTgw.html 试试吧 应该是 祝你好运


绝对是higher.我有个题目和你一样的 答案是higher


它似乎比我想象中的还要大。What I have imagine(宾语从句,作宾补)

求here by my side(original) mink完整版!


比较级可以后置吗?比如I had one bigger than that对吗?

比较级,用到名词或者是代词的前面,不能用到后面。但是可以用到系动词的后面。所以这个句子可以说成:I had a bigger one than that.或者The one is bigger than that.

60个形容词,并写出写出比较级和最高级。(big bigger. Biggest )

Tall taller than the tallestShort shorter than the shortestBig bigger than the biggestLarge larger than the largestSmall smaller than the smallestEasy easier than the easiestDifficult more difficult than the most difficultHard harder than the hardestSoft softer than the softestquick quicker than the quickestfast faster than the fastestslow slower than the slowestcheap cheaper than the cheapestexpensive more expensive than the most expensiveyoung younger than the youngestold older than the oldestnew newer than the newestwide wider than the widestnarrow narrower than the narrowestdeep deeper than the deepestflat flatter than the flattestthick thicker than the thickestthin thinner than the thinnestfat fatter than the fatteststrong stronger than the strongestweak weaker than the weakestslim slimmer than the slimmestlate later than the latestearly earlier than the earliestsoon sooner than the soonestsimple simpler than the simplestcomplicated more complicated than the most complicatedfar from farther from ... than the farthest .. ·fromnear nearer than the nearestclose to closer to ... than the closest. .. tohigh higher than the highestlow lower than the lowestgood better than the bestbad worse than the worstrich richer than the richestpoor poorer than the poorestclean cleaner than the cleanestdirty dirtier than the dirtiestempty emptier than the emptiestfull fuller than the fullesthot hotter than the hottestwarm warmer than the warmestcold colder than the coldestcool cooler than the coolestwet wetter than the wettestdry drier than the driestwindy windier than the windiestnoisy noisier than the noisiestthirsty thirstier than the thirstiesthungry hungrier than the hungriestfresh fresher than the freshestsweet sweeter than the sweetestgreat greater than the greatestloud louder than the loudestquiet quieter than the quietestclear clearer than the clearestbright brighter than the brightestdark darker than the darkestlight lighter than the lightestheavy heavier than the heaviestbrave braver than the bravesthappy happier than the happiestsad sadder than the saddestclever cleverer than the cleverestfunny funnier than the funniestsafe safer than the safestlucky luckier than the luckiestlazy lazier than the laziestkind kinder than the kindestnice nicer than the nicestpretty prettier than the prettiest


I think it"s bigger than the elephant.(话说it"s=it is 不是“它的”意思)所以如果是its应该这样I think its head is bigger than the elephant.(当i指自己时要写大字)

less bigger

没看过这样用的,通常都是,not bigger than,not as big as.如果有的话,我肯定不会是 less bigger than.


twice/double the size of

Bigger Than Us 歌词

歌曲名:Bigger Than Us歌手:hannah montana专辑:Hannah Montana 2 Non-Stop Dance PartyBigger Than Us - Hannah MontanaI see your face, I look in your eyesWhat you feel is no surpriseEveryone needs somethin" to believe inTell me your dreams I"ll tell you mineIn our hearts we"ll look insideand see all the colors of the rainbowI knowWe all want to believe in loveWe all want to believe in somethingBigger than just usWe all want to be a partOf the greater pictureThat"s hanging in our hearts (our hearts)Yeah, its bigger than usI want to see beyond my own little worldGrab your hand so we can twirl around the galaxySee the world with clarity oh, ohOh, oh, we have such a long way to goBut I knowWe"re getting closer every dayEVERY DAY!We all want to believe in loveWe all want to believe in somethingBigger than just usWe all want to be a partOf the greater pictureThat"s hanging in our hearts (our hearts)Yeah, its bigger than usIt fills the universe, it lights the skies aboveIt rescues all our heartsWith loveL.O.V.E love, with love, L.O.V.E loveThat"s what"s bigger than us (bigger than us, Come on!)Its love, its love that"s bigger than usIts love, its love that"s bigger than usIts love, its love(its love, its love, its love, its love)We all wanna believe in loveWe all wanna believe in somethingBigger than just ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/17698488

如何理解something bigger than yourself

这个表达的字面意思是:比你自己还要大、还要重要的东西,类似于汉语说: 大我(对应小我)。

my school bag is bigger than什么,用你的正确形式填空?


three times bigger than和three times as big as有区别么

three times bigger than大三倍three times as big as三倍大(大两倍)

bigger twice than

倍数的两种用法: 1.as+倍数+as 2.倍数+比较级+than A应该是twice larger than B没有这个用法 C形容房子大是空间大,用large,不用big

Bigger Than Us 歌词

歌曲名:Bigger Than Us 歌手:White Lies专辑:Bigger Than Us - EP03.Bigger Than Us.You took the tunnel route home,You""d never taken that way with me beforeDid you feel a need for change?Apologies on your fingernails,Love flickered in the city of lights,Like intermittent radio waves.I don""t need your tearsI don""t want your loveI just gotta get home..And I feel like I""m breaking up, and I wanted to stay,Headlights on the hillside, don""t take me this way,I don""t want you to hold me, I want you to pray,This is bigger than us..You went where the horses cry,You""d never taken that way with me before.Did you feel a need for change?Guilt smeared across your lips,I was tired and cold from the windowYou""re tired, nothing has changed..I don""t need your tearsI don""t want your loveI just gotta get home..And I feel like I""m breaking up, and I wanted to stay,Headlights on the hillside, don""t take me this way,I don""t want you to hold me, I want you to pray,This is bigger than us.http://music.baidu.com/song/17591002

bigger than us的歌词

(L.O.V.E. love, L.O.V.E...)I see your face, I look in your eyes,What you feel is no surprise,Everyone needs something to believe in,Tell me your dreams, I"l l tell you mine,In our hearts we"l l look inside,And see all of the colors of the rainbow,I know![Chorus]We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our hearts,Yeah it"s bigger than us!I want to see beyond my own little world,Grab your hands so we can twirl around the galaxy,see the world with clarity,Oh-oo-oh,We all have a long way to go,But I know,We"re getting closer everyday,Everyday![Chorus]We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our heart,Yeah bigger than us!It fills the universe,It lights the skies above,It rescues our hearts with love,(L.o.v.e, love)with love!(l.o.v.e, love)That"s what"s bigger than us! (bigger than us, c"mon)It"slove, it"s love, that"s bigger than usIt"s love, it"s love, that"s bigger than us(Whoo!)It"s love, it"s love! (it"s love, it"s love!)We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us!

no bigger和notbigger区别

no more than 不比什么什么(两者否定) He is no more clever than me.他和我都挺笨的. not more than 不比……怎么样 后者不一定否定 She is not more beautiful than me.她比我丑.

bigger than 什么 of

the one因为是特指,所以用 the one望采纳,谢谢
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