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Landon Pigg的《Tinman》 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Tin Man歌手:Landon PiggI don"t why I do what II don"t why I do what I doIt feels so good to meI guess that"s why I do what II guess that"s why I do what I do"Cause it feels good to me and it"s right there for the takingWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s trueI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soonI don"t know why I feel like I should changeI don"t know why what I need and what I want can"t be the same thing, ohI don"t know why I don"t miss my friendsI don"t know why I cannot comprehend how special love can beAnd it"s right there for the takingWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s goodI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soonThe tin man"s got nothing on meWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s goodI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soon, pleasehttp://music.baidu.com/song/682239

Landon Pigg的《Rooftops》 歌词

歌曲名:Rooftops歌手:Landon Pigg专辑:The Boy Who NeverRooftopsWhen our time is up,When our lives are done,Will we say we"ve had our fun?Will we make a mark,This time.Will we always say we tried.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your heart out.All the love I"ve met,I have no regrets,If it all ends now,I"m set.Will we make our mark,This time.Will we always say we tried?Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftop,Waiting till the bomb drops,This is all we"ve got now,Scream until your heart stops,Never gonna regret,Watching every sunset,Listen to your heartbeat,All the love that we"ve felt.Standing on the rooftop,Waiting till the bomb drops,This is all we"ve got now,Scream until your heart stops,Never gonna regret,Watching every sunset,Listen to your heartbeat,All the love that we"ve felt.Scream your heart out.Scream your heart out.Scream your heart out.Scream your...Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your...http://music.baidu.com/song/608298

Landon Pigg的《Sailed On》 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Sailed On歌手:Landon PiggPlease dont do what I sayCause if you dont love me, its worthless anywayPlease dont trouble yourselfYoull only go away in the endPlease dont follow all my commandsCause whats the point in thatI keep hoping that all of your plansWill fall through the roofChorus:Like two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onPlease dont trouble yourselfI only want your loveYou keep giving me your helpOh please stop playing alongYou know your wasting your energyAnd your breaking my heartLike two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onOh I can just see it now (I can see it now)Your recklessly in loveYour hearts boiling overOh I can just see it nowYour coming aroundLike two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onsailed onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/378652

ifconfig命令查出来的信息中flags代表什么 里面的UP代表什么 running代表什么


[Flags] [PreserveSig]这两个属性分别是什么意思啊?


Landon Pigg的《Last Stop》 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Last Stop歌手:Landon PiggI write a million songs about the weatherBut when it comes to youI pick up all the pieces of the chords I didn"t use.I pick them up and glue them back togetherI sure hope this will doHere"s piece of trash I cleaned and polished just for you.Cause it"s the last stop of the nightI sure hope this will doYeah, I sure hope it will doIt"s the last kiss of the nightI sure hope it"ll doCause after this I"m throughThis distance is the best thing that could happenWhen it comes to usI was getting tired of pretending it was loveOne girl"s trash is some other boy"s treasureWhen it comes to skinAgainst a tiny shirt, you know the boys don"t often winCause it"s the last stop of the nightI sure hope this will doYeah, I sure hope it will doIt"s the last kiss of the nightI sure hope it"ll doCause after this I"m throughWith youCan"t you see I"m killing youCan"t you see I"m deadGoodbye love, goodnight hate, just let me go to bed.It"s the last stop of the nightI sure hope this will doYeah, I sure hope it will doIt"s the last pointless kiss of my lifeI sure hope it"ll doCause after this I"m throughWith you...with you...I"m throughhttp://music.baidu.com/song/681990




没有pigg这个品牌的摩托车,但有PIAGGIO即比亚乔摩托,比亚乔是意大利著名摩托车品牌,也是欧洲规模最大的摩托车制造企业,是全球第一辆踏板车VESPA的制造商,除PIAGGIO品牌外,意大利比亚乔集团还拥有韦士柏(Vespa)、吉列那(Gilera)、德比(Derbi),古兹(Moto Guzzi)、阿普里亚(Aprilia)等众多世界著名的摩托车品牌,其两轮机车产销量高居欧洲第1位,在国内有与宗申合资的宗申比亚乔,在广东佛山。

360Amigo System Speedup的功能

1.系统沙盘(类似影子系统,可以一键进入系统沙盘,不用重启)2.垃圾文件清理(浏览器支持IE,Firefox,Chrome,系统临时文件,应用程序临时文件,还支持自定义类型文件的扫描,支持删除的时候反复擦除,防止被恢复)3.注册表清理(历史记录,ActiveX,驱动,服务,COM错误)4.快速磁盘整理(2分钟整理好,比系统整理快很多)5.删除文件查找(找到以前删除的文件,并恢复出来)6.进程管理(可以树形结构显示正在运行的程序,包含强行关闭程序)7.网络防御(Cookies追踪防御,超过5000多个网页黑名单)8.服务管理(显示系统中的服务,可以卸载,删除,停止任何服务)9.网络管理(显示系统中联网的程序,可以关闭连接,关闭程序)10.启动管理(显示出系统所有可能的自动运行项,多大上百种)11.驱动列表(显示出系统中所有加载的驱动程序,可以检测他们的数字签名)12.卸载程序(显示出所有安装的程序,可以强力卸载软件)13.CPU使用率,CPU温度14.上传下载网络流量显示15.空文件夹扫描(扫描分区下所有的空置的文件夹)16.空文件扫描(扫描指定分区下所有的大小为0的文件)17.文件粉碎(支持多达30次的美国FBI标准的反复的擦写)18.磁盘擦除(擦除已经被删除过的文件,防止被恢复)19.注册表备份和恢复(支持无限制的备份注册表,可以随时的恢复注册表)20.注册表整理(可以压缩注册表中的空项,减少注册表的体积)21.重复文件查找(找到系统内重复的文件,比如多次下载了同一个电影,删除其中一个可以节省不少磁盘空间)22.MBR备份和还原23.磁盘分析(哪些文件夹占用磁盘空间最大,磁盘分析可以告诉你)24.文件加解密(不错的模块)25.Hosts文件编辑器(查看和编辑Hosts文件)26.超级浏览器(木马可以轻松的把自己隐藏起来,在Windows自带的资源管理器里你根本看不到,用超级浏览器,可以看到任何隐藏的文件)27.木马探测器(自己分析NTFS和FAt32,对比Windows API返回的结果,很快木马就无处遁形)28.超级注册表浏览器(通过自己分析注册表文件,可以轻松的看到和Windows注册表的不同结果)29.系统信息(看到详细的系统的信息)30.系统报表(一键保存系统的所有信息)人的眼睛只能看到眼前的180度,而朋友的作用就是帮你看身后的180度。Amigo在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中就是朋友的意思,360Amigo就是360度关心你的朋友,是您可以放心,值得托付的朋友。360Amigo系统加速大师(360Amigo System Speedup),是一款来自英国的免费系统优化产品,发布仅短短半年,其用户已经近50万。360Amigo不仅自带短小精悍的影子系统,能够瞬间保护系统盘不受任何病毒的侵害,还具有全球最强的文件和注册表垃圾扫描引擎,它可以在几分钟甚至几十秒内整理好磁盘碎片,还可以恢复已经删除的文件,自动优化开机选项,汇报开机时间,查杀木马,管理应用程序,管理服务,设置计划任务,同时还提供网络防御,CPU温度显示,网络上传下载流量监控,注册表整理和备份,MBR、Hosts的备份和还原,空文件夹扫描,重复文件扫描等功能,最重要的是还自带了超级密盘,使用10万年也无法破解的加密算法来保证密盘的数据安全。360Amigo是全中文操作界面,支持WindowsXP/2003/Vista/7/2008等主流操作系统,还强力支持64位操作系统,实在是2011年不可多得的给力系统加速软件。整个软件加上20多种语言文件和帮助文件才只有不可思议的2MB,而看了下面强悍的功能列表,您对此软件的超高性能会有更深的印象的。1. 系统沙盘(类似影子系统,可以一键进入系统沙盘,不用重启,整个系统盘被内存中的影子所替代,不怕任何病毒的感染和侵扰)2. 开机优化(帮助您优化所有的开机项目,包括自动启动项,Windows服务,计划任务,让系统的启动更快,开机更加清爽,新版支持延迟加载开机启动项)3. 自启动防火墙(监控系统内所有对自启动项的修改,自动显示新增的自启动项,您可以删除您不需要的自动启动项)4. 超级密盘(快速的创建加密分区,使用最新的虚拟分区技术配合256加密算法,真正的10万年无法解密的即时加密方案,陈冠希都感叹这个软件怎么没有早点出来!)5. 垃圾文件清理(浏览器支持IE, Firefox, Chrome,系统临时文件,Windows更新,大量的第三方应用程序临时文件,Cookies,历史记录。除此之外还支持自定义类型文件的扫描,支持删除的时候反复擦除,防止被恢复,扫描出的结果是CCleaner的多倍)6. 注册表清理(被公认为目前史上最强的注册表清理组件,扫描出的结果是CCleaner的多倍,如果不相信,就试试看,绝对让人震撼的注册表错误扫描引擎)7. 快速磁盘整理(10秒钟分析好系统内的需要整理的文件,1分钟就能整理好,比Windows系统的磁盘整理快的多的多)8. 删除文件查找和恢复(在Windows上删除的文件,即使从回收站清除,其实在磁盘上还是可以被找到的,本功能就是把以前删除的文件扫描出来,并恢复出来,支持文件时间,文件名,文件类型等组合模糊查找)9. CPU使用率,CPU温度(支持大多数的笔记本电脑,采用的是微软提供的算法来获得系统的CPU温度,无需安装任何驱动在硬件端口来探测)10. 进程管理(和Windows自带的进程管理器不同,本功能可以树形结构显示正在运行的程序,就是可以把某个进程的父进程关系清晰的展示出来,还能显示软件的CPU使用率,内存使用率,文件属性,数字签名等,用户可以强行关闭列表中的程序)11. 网络防御(智能防御Tracking Cookies,帮助用户抵御超过5000多个网页黑名单,自动过滤超过5000个ActiveX组件,让您上网整个过程始终在保护中)12. 服务管理(显示系统中的服务,自动过滤微软的内核服务,可以卸载,删除,停止任何服务)13. 网络管理(显示系统中联网的程序,包括TCP连接,UDP端口,让用户一目了然的看到系统内哪些程序在联网,用户可以断开TCP连接,也可以关闭程序)14. 启动管理(普通的启动管理程序只能显示注册表里面的Autorun项,但是本软件能显示出系统所有可能的自动运行项,多达上百种,比微软著名的Autoruns都要多出好多,用户可以自由的删除其中的启动项)15. 驱动列表(Rootkit多数都要靠驱动来进入用户的内核,哪些驱动在我的系统中运行呢?本功能就能显示出系统中所有已经加载的驱动程序,可以检测他们的数字签名,发行公司,让用户对自己的内核驱动了如指掌)16. 卸载程序(如果您想知道您的系统上安装了哪些程序,那么本功能就能帮助您,它显示出所有安装的程序,支持用户强力卸载软件,并且用户可以修改软件的卸载指令,包括可以删除任何已经无法卸载的软件死链接)17. 上传下载网络流量显示(即时显示当前用户系统的上传速度和下载速度,让任何悄悄在背后传输数据的行为都在您的掌控之内)18. 空文件夹扫描(Windows系统在运行时间长后,会在系统中产生很多无用的空文件夹,这些文件夹在积累过多后,不仅浪费了磁盘空间,还会影响系统的使用速度,因此本功能可以让您扫描硬盘内所有的空置的文件夹,用户可以随意删除任何扫描出来的空文件夹)19. 空文件扫描(除了空文件夹,系统内大小为0的空文件也是一种负担,不仅要占用文件记录,而且还会影响系统的性能,本功能可以让用户扫描磁盘内所有的大小为0的文件)20. 文件粉碎(在Windows内删除的文件,可以被很多文件恢复工具轻松的扫描出来,并且被恢复出来,本功能通过支持多达30次的美国FBI标准的反复的擦写,让需要删除的文件和文件夹彻底在您的磁盘内消失)21. 磁盘擦除(在Windows内删除的文件,可以被很多文件恢复工具轻松的扫描出来,并且被恢复出来,本功能可以擦除磁盘上的空闲数据,将以前所有删除过的文件(包括未使用文件粉碎),在擦除已经被删除过的文件,防止被恢复)22. 注册表备份和恢复(注册表是Windows系统的核心部件,定期备份注册表是一个非常好的习惯,本功能支持无限制的备份注册表,还可以任意的恢复注册表)23. 注册表整理(注册表是Windows系统的核心部件,但是为了兼顾效率,注册表设计中存在一个小缺陷,就是注册表被删除的项,会一直占据着注册表的空间,本功能可以让用户压缩注册表中的空项,减少注册表的体积,让您的系统运行的更快,更平稳)。24. 重复文件查找(在很多时候,系统的磁盘空间是被重复的文件占据了,比如多次下载了同一个电影或者MP3,删除其中一个可以节省不少磁盘空间,本功能可以查找磁盘内重复的文件,并且支持用户删除这些重复的文件)。25. MBR备份和还原(基于MBR的病毒也开始流行了,常备份MBR也是不错的好习惯,本功能支持分析MBR是否和备份的MBR相同,如果不同,那么用户就有可能中了Bootkit病毒,这时候只需轻点按钮就可以恢复MBR到之前的状态。)26. 磁盘分析(哪些文件夹或者文件占用磁盘空间最大?Windows本身并没有提供这个基础的功能。现在磁盘分析功能可以告诉你,您可以根据磁盘分析,得到哪些文件(文件夹)占用了您大部分的空间,并且得到一个大于10MB的超大文件的列表,您可以删除它们中的任何一个)27. 文件加解密(使用AES 256算法来加密和解密文件,并且支持密码提示,支持超大文件的加密和解密)28. Hosts文件编辑器(Hosts文件是Windows系统的一个重要部件,很多病毒和木马都要感染这个文件,本功能支持查看,编辑,备份,恢复Hosts文件)29. 超级文件浏览器(Rootkit木马可以轻松的把自己隐藏起来,在Windows自带的资源管理器里你根本看不到,通过一般API来探测这些文件也根本探测不到。超级浏览器通过自行分析文件系统,就可以看到任何隐藏的文件和文件夹,并且通过和API获得的信息对比,显示出哪些文件是隐藏的)30. 木马探测器(Rootkit木马可以轻松的把自己隐藏起来,在Windows自带的资源管理器里你根本看不到,通过一般API来探测这些文件也根本探测不到。超级浏览器通过自己分析NTFS和FAt32,对比Windows API返回的结果,很快就让Rootkit木马无处遁形)31. 超级注册表浏览器(通过自己分析注册表文件,可以轻松的看到和Windows注册表的不同结果)32. 系统信息(看到详细的系统的信息,包括硬件,软件,Windows更新,共享文件夹等等)33. 系统报表(一键保存系统的所有信息,包括软件,网络,服务,驱动,系统信息,启动项,您可以把这些信息分享给您的大牛朋友,帮您分析您的系统是否存在着安全隐患)34. 修复网络(LSP)(LSP已经很多病毒和木马藏身的重要场所,直接删除这些病毒就会让您的系统网络无法使用,因此使用本功能来修复您的网络就十分有必要,而且还提供备份LSP和恢复LSP功能)。35. 系统体检(系统体检可以检查您的系统的重要部件,从而让用户知道自己的系统哪些部分存在问题,哪些部分需要改进和修正,定期做系统体检和身体体检一样重要哦)36. 超级复制(可以复制任何被锁定的文件,或者被隐藏的文件,即使是被驱动保护,也无法逃脱被我们复制出来的结局,不要用于做坏事哦)37. 开机报告(可以告诉您开机使用的时间,并且报告开机后有多少程序被加载,多少服务被加载,多少驱动被加载,并且可以定量显示在开机过程中被加载的程序列表。)38. 自动备份(软件自第一次运行开始,就自动备份了您的LSP,MBR,Hosts文件,如果在任何时候系统发生了故障,这些备份的数据就可以挽救您的系统于危难之中)

King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Prince Far I专辑:Black Man LandBehold the King, the King of Kings.On your knees dog. All hail.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,He tasted his grin and it tasted good.The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King left none living, none able to tell.The King took their heads and he sent them to hell.Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death.Ripped open they died. With their final breath.They hailed to the King, the King of Kings.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Into the dirt, his will be done.Now feel your fear, there can be only one.Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down to the...Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down.The King is here, now feel your fear.The King of Kings.All hail, all hail the King.On your knees, on your knees for the King.The King of Kings, there is only onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2690853

mclean 写给梵高的vincent 和 starry night是两首歌 还是同一首

是同一首歌,只是翻译不同而已.VINCENT,又名Starry Starry Night,是Don McClean在1971年做的,灵感来于凡高在精神病院时做的同名画。歌词付在下面给你参考演唱者是著名民谣歌手唐·麦克莱恩(Don Mclean),他用这首感人的歌献给这位“疯子”凡高,在感动其本人的同时,也感动了全世界热爱生活, 心存希望的人们...在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的凡高纪念馆前,人们总能听到这首歌,她一遍一遍的放着,永远让人感动,让人怀念。 Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点,Paint your palette blue and gray 你在 画板上涂抹着灰与蓝。 Look out on a summer"s day 夏日里轻瞥一眼With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 便将我灵魂的阴霾洞穿。 Shadows on the hills 暗影铺满群山, Sketch the trees and the daffodils 树木与水仙花点缀其间, Catch the breeze and the winter chills 用雪原斑驳的色彩, In colors on the snowy linen land 捕捉着微风与料峭冬寒。 Now I understand 我终于读懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They would not listen 可他们却充耳不闻, They did not know how 对你视若不见。 Perhaps they"ll listen now 也许,现在听还为时不晚…… Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点, Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 鲜花盛放,火般绚烂 Swirling clouds in violet haze 紫幕轻垂,云舒云卷。 Reflect in Vincent"s eyes of china blue 都逃不过文森特湛蓝的双眼 Colors changing hue 色彩变化万千, Morning fields of amber grain 清晨琥珀色的谷田, Weathered faces lined in pain 张张饱经风霜与苦痛的脸, Are smoothed beneath the artist"s Loving hand 在画家笔下渐渐舒展。 Now I understand 我终于读懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They would not listen 可他们却充耳不闻, They did not know how 对你视若不见。 Perhaps they"ll listen now 也许,现在听还为时不晚…… For they could not love you 他们根本不会在乎你, But still your love was true 你对他们的爱却未曾改变。 And when no hope was left inside 当最后一点希望都一去不返, On that starry, starry night 在那繁星点点的夜晚, You took your life 你愤然结束自己的生命, As lovers often do 如热恋中盲目的人儿一般。 But I could have told you, Vincent 文森特,我本该告诉你。 This world was never meant for one 像你这样美好的灵魂, As beautiful as you。 本就不该来这肮脏的世间。 Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点, Portraits hung in empty halls 空旷的大厅里画作高悬。 Frameless heads on nameless walls 无名的墙上无框的肖像, With eyes that watch the world 用注视整个世界的双眼, And can"t forget 把一切刻在心田。 Like the strangers that you"ve met 就像你曾遇见的匆匆过客, The ragged men in ragged clothes 褴褛的人身着破烂的衣衫。 The silver thorn of bloody rose 血红玫瑰上银白的利刺, Lie crushed and broken 零落成泥、摧折寸断, On the virgin snow 散落于皑皑雪间。 Now I think I know 我想我现在懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They will not listen 而他们根本不会去听, They"re not listening still 此刻,仍无人在听 Perhaps, they never will 也许,永远。

Big Pocky是什么意思啊

大百奇, 某个商品名吧


The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:The New World Orchestra With Merv Young专辑:Pure Acoustic ChilloutAtomic Kitten - The Tide Is HighThe Tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.I"m not that kinda girlWho gives up just like that oh no!It"s not the things you doThat tease and hurt me badBut it"s the way you doThe things you do to me.I"m not the kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Number one.Oh noNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her manBut I"ll wait, my dear, "till it"s my turn.I"m not the kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Number one.Oh noNumber one.Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me somthing to believe inEverytime that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen somehowAnd you know I can take the pressureI"m moment to wait for a lifetimes pleasureEvery girl wants you to be her manBut I"ll wait, my dear, "till it"s my turn.I"m not the kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me somthing to believe inEverytime that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen somehowAnd you know I can take the pressureI"m moment to wait for a lifetimes pleasurehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2779264

the tide is high

照着歌词听就知道那个是原版了the tide is high the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. i"m not that kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no! it"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad but it"s the way you do the things you do to me. i"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. number one. oh no number one every girl wants you to be her man but i"ll wait, my dear,"till it"s my turn. i"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. number one. oh no number one. everytime that i get the feeling you give me somthing to believe in everytime that i got you near me i know the way that i want it to be but you know i"m gonna take my chance now i"m gonna make it happen somehow and you know i can take the pressure i"m moment to wait for a lifetimes pleasure

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Blondie专辑:Tide Is High (Digital Ep)The Tide Is HighBlondieThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noIt"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad ooo ooo ooobut it"s the way you do the things you do to meI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneNumber oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number one your number onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2698696

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Blondie专辑:Greatest Hits: BlondieThe Tide Is HighBlondieThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noIt"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad ooo ooo ooobut it"s the way you do the things you do to meI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneNumber oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number one your number onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2653607

The Tide Is High (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High (Edit)歌手:Blondie专辑:Summer ReggaeThe Tide Is HighBlondieThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noIt"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad ooo ooo ooobut it"s the way you do the things you do to meI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her man ooo ooo ooobut I"ll wait my dear "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber oneNumber oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number one your number onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2898879

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Billie Piper专辑:The Very Best Of Billie PiperBILLIE PIPER - The Tide Is HighThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noIt"s not the things you do, that try and hurt me badBut it"s the way you do the things, you do for meI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber one, number oneEvery girl wants you to be her boyBut I"ll wait right here "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneNumber one, number oneEvery time that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe inEvery time that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know that I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen some howAnd you know I can take the pressureA moments wait for a life time treasureEvery girl wants you to be her boyBut I"ll wait right here "till it"s my turnI"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh noThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneThe tide is high but I"m holding onI"m gonna be your number oneEvery time that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe inEvery time that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know that I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen some howAnd you know I can take the pressureA moments wait for a life time treasureThe tide is high and I"m holding onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2682282

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Larry Hall专辑:Caribbean Summer[Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is HighThe Tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.I"m not that kinda girlWho gives up just like that oh no!It"s not the things you doThat tease and hurt me badBut it"s the way you doThe things you do to me.I"m not that kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Number one.I"m no the oneNumber oneEvery girl wants you to be her manBut I"ll be right here, "till it"s my turn.I"m not that kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Number one.I"m no the oneNumber one.Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me somthing to believe inEverytime that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen somehowAnd you know I can take the pressureI"m moment to pain for a lifetime pleasureEvery girl wants you to be her manBut I"ll right here "till it"s my turn.I"m not the kinda girlWho gives up just like that, oh no.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.The tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me somthing to believe inEverytime that I got you near meI know the way that I want it to beBut you know I"m gonna take my chance nowI"m gonna make it happen somehowAnd you know I can take the pressureI"m moment to pain for a lifetime pleasurehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2624116

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Blondie专辑:Atomic/AtomixBlondie - The Tide Is HighThe tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.I"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no.It"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad ooo, ooo, ooo,but it"s the way you do the things you do to me.Number one.Every girl wants you to be her man, ooo, ooo, ooo,but I"ll wait, my dear, "till it"s my turn.I"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh, no.Every girl wants you to be her man ooo, ooo, ooo,I"m gonna be your number one, your number one.http://music.baidu.com/song/36511245

求一首女声英文歌,歌名好像是×× shadow,不是moonlight shadow也不是sitt

Whataya Want From Me-Adam Lamberthey嘿slow down慢点whataya want from me你想从我这儿得到什么whataya want from me你想从我这儿得到什么yeah是的I"m afraid我很害怕Whataya want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya want from me你想我做些什么There might have been a time也许有一段时间了When I would give myself away我放弃了自己oh哦once upon a time I didn"t give a damn从前我才不在乎哩but now但是现在here we are我们在一起so whataya want from me所以你想我为你做什么whataya want from me你想我做些什么just don"t give up千万不要放弃I"m working it out我正努力解决Please don"t give in请不要屈服I won"t let you down我不会让你失望的It messed me up曾经的我陷入困境Need a second to breathe需要一秒钟呼吸Just keep coming around去保持清醒Hey whataya want from me嘿,你想从我这儿得到什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么yeah是的it"s plain to see这是显而易见的baby you"re beautiful你犹如婴儿一样美丽there"s nothing wrong with you而且完美无缺it"s late只怪我I"m afraid反复无常The face that"s loving me但是谢谢你爱我Cause you"re doing it perfectly因为你对我很好There might have been a time耶曾经有一段时间When I would let you slip away你离开了我I wouldn"t even try我甚至不去挽留But I think you could save my life但我想你就是我的生命Just don"t give up千万不要放弃I"m working it out我正努力解决Please don"t give in请不要轻易屈服I won"t let you down我不会让你失望的It messed me up过去我很混乱Need a second to breathe需要一秒钟呼吸Just keep coming around去保持清醒Hey whataya want from me嘿,你想从我这儿得到什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么whataya want from me你想我为你做什么Just don"t give up on me只要不放弃I won"t let you down我就不会让你失望的No I won"t let you down一定,我一定不会让你失望的Just don"t give up千万不要放弃I"m working it out我正在努力解决Please don"t give in请不要屈服I won"t let you down我不会让你失望的It messed me up过去我很混乱Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around来保持清醒Whataya you want from me你想从我这儿得到什么Just don"t give up千万不要放弃I"m working it out我正在努力去做得更好Please don"t give in请不要轻易屈服I won"t let you down我不会辜负你的It messed me up过去我很混乱Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around来保持清醒Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么Whataya you want from me你想我为你做什么

The Tide Is High 歌词

歌曲名:The Tide Is High歌手:Blondie专辑:The Best Of BlondieBlondie - The Tide Is HighThe tide is high but I"m holding on.I"m gonna be your number one.I"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no.It"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad ooo, ooo, ooo,but it"s the way you do the things you do to me.Number one.Every girl wants you to be her man, ooo, ooo, ooo,but I"ll wait, my dear, "till it"s my turn.I"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh, no.Every girl wants you to be her man ooo, ooo, ooo,I"m gonna be your number one, your number one.http://music.baidu.com/song/7959971


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: the tide is high the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. i"m not that kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no! it"s not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad but it"s the way you do the things you do to me. i"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. number one. oh no number one every girl wants you to be her man but i"ll wait, my dear,"till it"s my turn. i"m not the kinda girl who gives up just like that, oh no. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. the tide is high but i"m holding on. i"m gonna be your number one. number one. oh no number one. everytime that i get the feeling you give me somthing to believe in everytime that i got you near me i know the way that i want it to be but you know i"m gonna take my chance now i"m gonna make it happen somehow and you know i can take the pressure i"m moment to wait for a lifetimes pleasure

the tide is high 歌词中文意思

[歌词大意] http://gb.chinabroadcast.cn/5324/2004/12/02/982@379310.htm The Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是

"the Tide Is High "这歌描写的是什么呢???


谁帮我翻译这个The Tide Is High歌词,很好听。

The Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是

the tide is high 唱的什么意思?

[歌词大意] http://gb.chinabroadcast.cn/5324/2004/12/02/982@379310.htm The Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是

tide is high这首歌的中文大意是什么啊?

[歌词大意] http://gb.chinabroadcast.cn/5324/2004/12/02/982@379310.htmThe Tide Is High 高潮来临 The tide is high 当高潮来临时, But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that (Oh no) 那种轻言放弃的女孩 It"s not the things you do to try and hurt me so 不是你所做的事伤害了我 But it"s the way you do the things 而是你做事的那种方式 You do for me 你那样对我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是 The tide is high 当高潮来临时 But I"m holding on 但我仍然坚持住 I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 But I"m holding on 我仍然坚持住I"m gonna be your number one 我要成为你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Number one 你的唯一 Every time that I"ve got the feeling 每次我对你有些感觉 You give me something to believe in 你都让我相信我的感觉是对的 Every time that I"ve got you near me 每次我贴近你时 I know the way that I want it to be 都是我所想要的那样 But you know that I"m gonna take my chance now 我觉得我现在要把握住机会 I"m gonna make it happen somehow 我要将梦想变为现实 And you know I can take the pressure 我能承受得住压力 A moment"s pain for a lifetime pleasure 一时的痛换来一生的快乐 Every girl wants you to be her man 每个女孩都希望作你的女朋友 But I"ll wait right here 而我在这里静静等待 "Till it"s my turn 直到轮到我 I"m not the kinda girl 我不是那种女孩 Who gives up just like that 那种轻言放弃的女孩 Oh no 不是

make you high tide always

吼吼 求歌曲。名

High Tide In Alaska 歌词

歌曲名:High Tide In Alaska歌手:Native Nod专辑:Today Puberty, Tomorrow The WorldCr?mo? cr?mo?pas, quu part en AlaskaY a un phoque qui sennuie en mauditSa blonde est partie gagner sa vieDans un cirque aux Etats-UnisLe phoque est tout seul, il rgarde le soleilQui descend doucement sur le glacierIl pense aux Etats en pleurant tout basCest comme quand ta blonde ta lh? vaut pas la peineDe laisser ceux quon aimePour aller faire tournerDes ballons sur son nez fait rire les enfants dure jamais longtemps fait plus rire personneQuand les enfants sont grandsQuand le phoque sennuie, il rgarde son poil qui brilleComme les rues de New York apr la pluieIl re ?Chicago, ?Marilyn MonroeIl voudrait voir sa blonde faire un showCest rien quune histoire, jpeux pas men faire accroireMais des fois jai limpression qucest moiQui est assis sur la glace les deux mains dans la facehttp://music.baidu.com/song/16467273

your high tide

your high tide你的高潮

High Tide的《Nowhere》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Nowhere歌手:High Tide专辑:Sea Shanties/High TideSevendust - NowhereIs this the life you madeThe kind of life you fakeIs there a point we break?Or do we sing that same old songAnd hope they play along (We follow)We"re well on our way now to nowhere(To nowhere)We"re so far away from getting somewhere(From where getting somewhere)Please stop the broken recordYour worthless effortThat makes you feel like GodSo play that songAnd watch it all go wrong(Where do we search to find the honestyIn a world so fucked up and bleeding)Knowing we will followClose to anything at all(On our way)http://music.b***.com/song/2764954

High Tide的《Ice Age》 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Age歌手:High Tide专辑:High TideAlbum:NightcrawlerPete Yorn-Ice AgePete Yorn-Ice AgeWhen winter comesAlbum:NightcrawlerAlong these shoresOld HollywoodWe"re knocking downWe"re sifting throughWe are the actual tigersWhen winter comesThey leave behind usThrow your arms around my neckAnd hold me tightlyThere"s a lot that we will getI"m asking you...Let your diamond bracelet fallOver the ice ageOver the ice ageThose summer yearsWe"d follow themIn light of dayIn light of usWe"ll see it throughWhen they"re playing our songThose summer yearsHave long since goneThrow your arms around my neckAnd whisper softlyOf a thing that we will getI"m asking youLet your diamond bracelet fallOver the ice ageOver the ice ageI want to go backI want to go backIn future timesWe"ll hold it closerImaginingWe weren"t olderYet, through it allThey"ll be playing our songThrow your arms around my neckAnd whisper softlyOf a thing that we will getI"m asking you...Let your diamond bracelet fallOver the ice agePete Yorn-Ice AgeAlbum:NightcrawlerPete Yorn-Ice Agehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2627114

Hightide 科技面料休闲鞋的设计特点是什么?


Paul Horn的《High Tide》 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/7491391

Blanc.的《High Tide》 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/13781023

Fused的《Hightide》 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8884614

Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night 分别是几点到几点?

Good morning一般上午,11点前 Good afternoon午饭后,一般12点后 Good evening晚饭前后,5点—10点吧 Good night 一般是睡觉前,5,12:00am前都是good morning, 12:00am后都是good afternoon, good evening和good night 是一样的,一个英式英语,一个美式英语。,1,Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night 分别是几点到几点说的话? 请给出精确的依据,不要随性回答.

有个黑人女歌手,MV是晚上在车前唱的刚开始。 前奏类似The Tide Is High

the tide is high主要被两个乐队演出过,稍微老一点的版本是叫blondie(金发人),主唱是美国女白人。。。比较近期在02年左右被英国一个女子组合atomic kitten翻唱,个人比较喜欢atomic kitten版的,歌名就是the tide is high, 至于黑人atomic kitten貌似刚出道时有一名黑人成员不过现在都是3白的了。。。

The tide is high歌词

  The Tide Is High  歌手:Atomic Kitten 专辑:Feels So Good  Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High  The Tide is high but I"m holding on.  I"m gonna be your number one.  I"m not that kinda girl  Who gives up just like that oh no!  It"s not the things you do  That tease and hurt me bad  But it"s the way you do  The things you do to me.  I"m not the kinda girl  Who gives up just like that, oh no.  The tide is high but I"m holding on.  I"m gonna be your number one.  The tide is high but I"m holding on.  I"m gonna be your number one.  Number one.  Oh no  Number one  Every girl wants you to be her man  But I"ll wait, my dear, "till it"s my turn.  I"m not the kinda girl  Who gives up just like that, oh no.  The tide is high but I"m holding on.  I"m gonna be your number one.  The tide is high but I"m holding on.  I"m gonna be your number one.  Number one.  Oh no  Number one.  Everytime that I get the feeling  You give me somthing to believe in  Everytime that I got you near me  I know the way that I want it to be  But you know I"m gonna take my chance now  I"m gonna make it happen somehow  And you know I can take the pressure  I"m moment to wait for a lifetimes pleasure  END

Hilary 原子猫 的tide is high怎么是一样的?(qq音乐)

Hilary在电影中翻唱了这首(边试衣服边随意唱的),但没有正式版本 收录到电影原音中的其实就是 原子少女猫 版本的。所以在QQ音乐中收录的也就是 原子少女猫 版本的。所以听起来当然一样。--------------------the Tide is High 是一首很经典的歌曲1967年最初是被 The Paragons 所演唱http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/EAC4O_kE5UA/然后 之后有被Gregory Isaacs .Blondie.Billie Piper.Atomic Kitten.Kardinal Offishall 等人翻唱最被当代人熟知的当然是Atomic Kitten(原子少女猫)这个版本的了当然 Hilary Duff 也在她的电影《平民天后》中翻唱过 很是受到歌迷们的喜爱 但没有正式版本 收录到原声带里的 就是原子少女猫版本的。--------------------上面是自己写的 资料自己从国外网站上查的。刚才没看清题目 所以 写了一些不过 已修改 望采纳

Tide Is High的中文意思

浪潮是高的 保证对

High Tide or Low Ride的歌词

给marley 做活动?呵呵 有意思

High Tide的《The Joke》 歌词

歌曲名:The Joke歌手:High Tide专辑:Sea Shanties/High TideWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youTo make sure yesterday doesn"t repeatI took a shortcut homeI left on the street I knowThat they won"t find me hereI found out how to make my mamma proudBe real quiet, don"t talk to loudI try, I try to disappearMy life is for the takingBreak down as your wakingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThis is my last dayShould have had my first kissThanks to myself will I ever be missed I hopeWell maybe I don"t careI wear my T around my neckI Love so much, gotta love it to deathTonight, see the world through my eyesMy life is for the takingBreak down as your racingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on you-BY TAKO哥-http://music.baidu.com/song/2764913

high tide 歌词意思

高潮时光,从红转到绿很难相信春天来得这么快,我去得这么久坚持,寄给你的家书依然萦绕在我的记忆深处,我迷失了方向高潮,变换心情那些熟悉的面孔我知道高潮,变换灯光 我将去那熟悉的地方坚持放出喜爱的歌谣促使我不时大声歌唱我祈求你能听得到并且和我一起歌唱时光,由甜美变得干燥家乡的记忆依然萦绕在我的每一天,我在等待你的回答高潮,变换心情那些熟悉的面孔我知道高潮,变换灯光 我将去那熟悉的地方

《High Tide》卡兰迪龙 的中文歌词


求high tide歌词

这么多high tide。。。。。

《High Tide》卡兰迪龙 的中文歌词

Days, turning from red to green It"s hard to believe that spring Is here so soon and I"ve been gone so long Keep, sending your letters on Memories of home are still Haunting my days and I am losing my way High tide, changing moods Familiar faces I know High tide, changing light Familiar places I"ll go Keep playing out favourite song Cause sometimes I sing it so loud I"m praying that you might hear And sing along Days turning from sweet to dry Memories of home are still Haunting my days and I"ll wait for your reply High tide, changing moods Familiar faces I know High tide, changing light Familiar places I"ll go高潮时光,从红转到绿很难相信春天来得这么快,我去得这么久坚持,寄给你的家书依然萦绕在我的记忆深处,我迷失了方向高潮,变换心情那些熟悉的面孔我知道高潮,变换灯光 我将去那熟悉的地方坚持放出喜爱的歌谣促使我不时大声歌唱我祈求你能听得到并且和我一起歌唱时光,由甜美变得干燥家乡的记忆依然萦绕在我的每一天,我在等待你的回答高潮,变换心情那些熟悉的面孔我知道高潮,变换灯光 我将去那熟悉的地方

high tide是什么意思

high tide英[hai taid]美[hau026a tau026ad]n.满潮; 高潮,高潮时间,顶点例句The movement is at its high tide.运动正处于高潮。

禁绝的边境线罗马音 就是那个giligilieye 中日罗马音都要qnq

见(み)つめあって恋(こい)をして 无我梦中(むがむちゅう)で追(お)いかけてmitsumeattekoiwoshite mugamuchuudeoikaketeだけどもっと知(し)りたくてメラメラしてるdakedomottoshiritakute meramerashiteru愿(ねが)うほど谜(なぞ)は増(ふ)え 思(おも)うほど热(ねつ)になるnegauhodonazohafue omouhodonetuninaruだからもっととびこむの未开(みかい)の世界 (せかい)dakaramottotobikomuno mikainosekai AH恋(こい)とか梦(ゆめ)とか谁(だれ)でも信(しん)じるけどkoitokayumetoka daredemoshinjirukedoそこそこ攻(せ)めなきゃつまんないよsokosokosemenakyatsumannaiyoギリギリeye いけないボーダーラインgirigiri eye ikenaibodarain难易度(なんいど)Gでも全(すべ)て壊(こわ)してみせるnanido G demo subetekowashitemiseruギリギリmind さらなるGへとgirigiri MIND saranaruG heto意识(いしき)は溶(と)ける 体(からだ)は制御不能(せいぎょふのう)ishikihatokeru karadahaseigyofunouいっちゃうかもねitchaukamoneふざけあった友达(ともだち)と求(もと)めあったあの时(どき)とfuzakeattatomodachito motomeattaanodokitoまた会(あ)える日(ひ)のためにキラキラしてるmataaeruhinotameni kirakirashiteru光(ひか)るほど影(かげ)は出来(でき) 燃(も)えるほどhighになるhikaruhodokagehadeki moeruhodo HIGH ninaru走(はし)るほど见(み)えてくる あぶないラインhashiruhodomietekuruabunairain自由(じゆう)も平和(へいわ)も望(のぞ)めば生(う)まれるけどjiyuumoheiwamo nozomebaumarerukedoモタモタしてたら腐(くさ)っちゃうよmotamotashitetarakusatchauyoギリギリeye あぶないボーダーレースgirigiri EYE abunaibodaresu非常识(ひじょうしき)だね まだ加速(かそく)しているよhijoushikidane madakasokushiteiruyoギリギリmind 限界点(げんかいてん)なら涂(ぬ)り替(か)えていいgirigiri MIND genkaitennaranurikaeteii破壊(はかい)と再生(さいせい)から私(わたし)は出来(でき)るhakaitosaiseikara watashihadekiruギリギリeye いけないボーダーラインgirigiri EYE ikenaibodarain难易度(なんいど)Gでも全(すべ)て壊(こわ)してみせるnanido G demo subetekowashitemiseruギリギリmind さらなるGへとgirigiri MIND saranaruG heto意识(いしき)は溶(と)ける 体(からだ)は制御不能(せいぎょふのう)ishikihatokeru karadahaseigyofunouいっちゃうかもねitchaukamoneギリギリeye いけないボーダーラインgirigiri EYE ikenaibodarain燃(も)え尽(つ)きながらまだ辉(かがや)いてみせるmoetsukinagara madakagayaitemiseruギリギリmind あなたのためにgirigiri MIND anatanotameni未来(みらい)のために何度砕(なんどくだ)け散(ち)ってもmirainotameni nandokudakechittemo爱(あい)することで生(う)まれ変(か)わるaisurukotode umarekawaru爱(あい)されたくて生(い)きて帰(かえ)るaisaretakute ikitekaeru

He is ill. He has kept_____. A.coughing all along B.to cough at night C.cough since yest

A 考查非谓语动词。Keep doing sth.“一直做某事”,排除B、C;He和cough是主谓关系,排除D。故选A。

i have been right all along 歌词

歌曲名:i have been right all along歌手:Armor For Sleep专辑:what to do when you are deadNow I抦 hiding behind your stair caseWaiting to tell you something you抣l never believeI"ve got a lot to tell you about meThat won"t go over well...well I don"t careYou can抰 turn off, that you抮e deadYou just deal with it (deal with it)Thought I was dreamingMy heart stopped beatingBut I抳e got this feelingThat I was put here for youI抳e got a secretBut you won抰 believe itArmor For SleepBut I抳e got this feelingThat I was put here for youI see the timeline of your whole lifeI admit that there抯 more than a scratch I left behindBut there抯 a point you can抰 swim away fromthat I know you feel. That won"t let you goYou can抰 turn off, that you抮e deadYou just deal with it (deal with it)Thought I was dreamingMy heart stopped beatingBut I抳e got this feelingThat I was put here for youI抳e got a secretBut you won抰 believe itThat I was put here for youThe ghost of what I left behindIs dragging me right back next to youBelieve meIt抯 the truth I swearBelieve meIt抯 the truth I swearDeal with itThought I was dreamingMy heart stopped beatingBut I抳e got this feelingThat I was put here for youI抳e got a secretBut you won抰 believe itBut I抳e got this feelingThat I was put here for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14283600

so long as work hard . with a strong will a bright future will surely in stor a for you !


Heartache Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Heartache Tonight歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:Crazy LoveMichael Buble - Heartache TonightSomebodys gonna hurt someoneBefore the night is throughSomebodys gonna come undone.Theres nothin we can do.Everybody wants to touch somebodyIf it takes all night.Everybody wants to take a little chance,Make it come out right.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I know.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I know.Lord, I know.Some people like to stay out lateSome folks cant hold out that longBut nobody wants to go home now.Theres too much goin on.This night is gonna last forever.Last all, last all summer long.Some time before the sun comes upThe radio is gonna play that song.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I know.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I know.Lord I know.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,The moons shinin brightSo turn out the light, and well get it right.Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I know.Heartache baby,Somebodys gonna hurt someone, (somebody)Before the night is throughSomebodys gonna come undone,Theres nothin we can do(everybody) everybody wants to touch somebodyIf it takes all nightEverybody wants to take a little chanceTo make it come out rightTheres gonna be a heartache tonightA heartache tonight, I knowTheres gonna be a heartache tonight,A heartache tonight, I knowLets go.We can beat around the bushes;We can get down to the boneWe can leave it in the parkin lot,But either way, theres gonna be aHeartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know.There"ll be a heartache tonightA heartache tonight I know.http://music.baidu.com/song/608811

fight or flight有什么含义。??

fight or flight 字面上是战斗或者逃跑,在心理学里是一个专业术语,指的是人的脊椎在遇到紧急事情后会第一时间做出反应是fight还是filght

请问flight leg和flight segment的区别

flight leg定义:Segment of a flight involving a stopover, change of aircraft, or change of airline. Also called flight segment.另外:航段概念通常分为旅客航段(Segment,通常简称为航段)和飞行航段(Leg,通常称为航节)。旅客航段通常是指能够构成旅客航程的航段,例如北京--上海--旧金山航线,旅客航程有3种可能:北京--上海、上海--旧金山和北京--旧金山。就是说这三种航段需求的旅客,而飞行航段是指航班飞机实际飞经的航段,例如北京--上海-一旧金山航线,飞行航段为北京--上海和上海--旧金山。在航运中内河航道上的一段称为航段,在下列情况将内河航道划分成航段:  ①当航道所在水系发生变化。②当航道现状技术等级或定级技术等级发生变化。③当航道所在省级行政区域发生变化。对于航道所在地市级和县级行政管理区域变化时是否进行分段,由各省(自治区、直辖市)、长江航务管理局、上海航道局根据实际管理需求确定。④当省级航道管理机构发生变化。对于地市级和县级航道管理机构发生变化时是否进行分段,由各省(自治区、直辖市)、长江航务管理局、上海航道局根据实际管理需求确定。⑤当航道所在水域类型发生变化。⑥当出现重复航段。⑦当航段维护类别发生变化。⑧当航标配布类别发生变化。⑨在主控点处必须分段。划分的航段里程原则上不小于1公里。

flight和stair都作梯子意思时的区别。。a flight of stair...

flight作量词居多,a flight of stairs表“一段楼梯”,一般情况下两者可以互换,都表示两层之间的楼梯,stair更侧重与室内的楼梯或梯级

safe flight是什么意思

safe flight 安全飞行

forty flights of stairs是几楼.

flight 楼梯的一段. He lives two flights up .他住的地方还要再上两段楼梯. She fell down a flight of stairs .她从一段楼梯上摔了下来. 〖测试要点〗辨析 flight 和 stair flight 是“一段楼梯”.stair 是“一层后台阶”.可见 flight 范围大于 stair,也就是说,flight 是由一层一层的stair 组成.另外,flight 还作“飞行,飞翔,航班,射程”讲. How long is the flight to New York She took the two o"clock flight to Chicago .她搭两点飞往芝加哥的航班. Did you have a good flight 这躺飞机还好吧 The flight of stairs wants repairing . His room is three flights up .他的房间在 3 段楼梯上面 .


be used as 被当作...用be used for 被用来干...= be used to do be used to doing 习惯做...=get used to it"s no use doing sth 做...是没用的。sth is of use to sb 某物对于某人很有用。come into use 开始使用make use of 使用、利用1.a flight of ambition野[雄]心勃勃2.a flight of fancy想入非非, 异想天开3.a flight of imagination想入非非, 异想天开4.a flight of stairs(两个楼梯平台之间的)一段楼梯5.in flight在飞行中6.in flight from逃避, 逃开7.in the first/top flight[口]居首要地位; 领先8.make a/one"s flight飞去; 迅速离开9.take a/one"s flight飞去; 迅速离开10.of the same flight飞翔力相等; 大小轻重相等(指箭)11.put to flight迫使仓皇逃窜12.wing its flight飞翔空中(指鸟类)

air jordan flight是什么意思?它和乔丹系列1-23有什么区别?高手快帮忙解决一下


flying number和flight number有什么不一样的




flight 19是什么意思



回答如下:它们的区别是:1. take a direct flight 直飞。例如:The plane will take a direct flight to Shanghai. 这架飞机将直接飞往上海。2. take to fly是错误的。我们可以说take sb to fly(带、领某人飞)。例如:I will take him to fly.我将带他飞。

plane,flight,fly 与aircraft的区别


airplane plane flight用法上的微弱区别

airplane 载人,载物的受人控制的运输飞机多用于日常英语plane 飞行物,可以是纸制的,可以是气体制动的飞船也可以是飞船多用于科研flight 多半侧重强调螺旋桨式的飞行器,多用于航天航空专业

求Big Brother(老大哥).第九季中文字幕的全部视频的网址,我只找到没字幕的,看了怪郁闷,谢谢。


go and get my big bag on the log是什么意思







flight fly-flew-flown n.飞行,逃走,飞跃,飞机的航程,班机,射程,迁徙,飞逝 vi.迁徙 vt.射击(飞禽)

The Big brother is watching you 什么意思

The big brother is watching you.中文意思:大哥正在盯着你.

flight 和 flying 有啥区别?

1.flight作为名词使用,飞翔,飞行的意思 He completed the flight in 25 hours and 50 minutes. 他用二十五小时五十分钟飞完了全程. 2.flying作为形容词,飞行的.而且flying有正在进行的意思.

Big Brother And The Holding Company Featuring Janis Joplin的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Big Brother And The Holding Company Featuring Janis Joplin专辑:Hear It Now! The Sound Of The "60SShe want it I can tell she want itwant me to push up on itfore she know when I"m all on itwe get the party going liquor flowing this is fire50 and jeremih number 1 there"s nothing higher(won"t you go and)get it get it (I see you baby)work it work itbreak it break it(won"t you, just put it down)get it get itwork it work itbreak it break it down...Ok she headed to the dancefloor and she slowly start to poppin itsomething like my wrist cause everybody got to watching itgirl you go that secret treasure I"m gon put that lock on itdon"t care what they say I would be stupid to be not on itheard you go that stickylets go and take 9 shots we"ll just call it fiftyand I"m gon lick it lick it lick ittill her hicky have her Rev runningkeep you running til you whimpy(bang bang bang bang)Oh you look so sweetwhat you work in Parislook at your pysiquegirl you are a beauty well I am a beastthey must have been trippin to let me off the leashI love the way you grind with that booty on meshorty you a dime why you looking lonelywe"ll buy another round and it"s all on meas long as I"m around put it down on mejust put it down on meput it down on medown down on meput it down on medon"t throw it off the moundshow me how its gon begiurl all I really want is you down on meput it down on meSystems thumping party jumpingshorty she"s a perfect 10she rock her hips than roll her hipsthan drop it down like it"s nothingshe shaped just like an hour glassshe see how fast an hour passedtime flies when I"m on that assbut I won"t put our sh-t on blastwork it like a pro pro prosit and watch it go go godo her thing all on the floorshe bounce it fast and shake it slowso sexual incredibleshe beautiful she edibleI got her I won"t let her goI aint seen nothing better yolook at how she twurk itthe way she work itmake me wanna hit it hit itheaven when I"m in it in itif I do not fit, I"m gonna make itgirl you can take itdon"t stop get it get itI love the way you grind with that booty on meshorty you a dime why you looking lonelywe"ll buy another round and it"s all on meas long as I"m around put it down on mejust put it down on meput it down on medown down on meput it down on medon"t throw it off the moundshow me how its gon begiurl all I really want is you down on meput it down on meSay you independantget it from your mommatell me if you with itdo you really wanna wannababy when you see meyou know I be on itcan you keep it upput it all up on meSay you independantget it from your mommatell me if you with itdo you really wanna wannababy when you see meyou know I be on itcan you keep it upput it all up on medown with that booty on meshorty you a dime why you looking lonelywhat we be thinking low low low yeahI love the way you grind with that booty on meshorty you a dime why you looking lonelywe"ll buy another round and it"s all on meas long as I"m around put it down on mejust put it down on meput it down on medown down on meput it down on medon"t throw it off the moundshow me how its gon begiurl all I really want is you down on meput it down on memaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选http://music.baidu.com/song/7514148


flight fly-flew-flown n.飞行,逃走,飞跃,飞机的航程,班机,射程,迁徙,飞逝 vi.迁徙 vt.射击(飞禽)

I realized what It meant to be a big brother句子成分?


fight or flight是什么意思


Mucc的《Flight》 歌词

歌曲名:Flight歌手:Mucc专辑:ShionflightArcolove the nightdon"t know why it sounds so strangebut wind in treesalways makes me dream of changeand in this dream i flyover childhood"s homeskiss the earth goodbyerise above the life i"ve knownbut world is hardyou could fall and really hurt yourselfand people farmuch too far for help to ever comesafer just to flyin some stupid dreamkiss the earth goodbyerise above the man i"ve beenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/725016
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