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shed light在句中是什么意思?

2023-07-23 07:30:36
TAG: ig ed he she shed

shed light on (upon)=throw light on(upon)使某事清楚明白地显示出来,使人明白理解某事。



为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…


These Clausewtzian commonplaces will shed light on the grotesque fiasco at Leyte Gulf.



现在和将来的研究可能会照耀到所谓的“东地中海盆地矛盾论”,...。意思应该是现在或将来的研究可能能够解释“东地中海盆地矛盾论”, 言外之意,现在还解释不了。


shed light on - 是 让明白,弄清楚,解释



2023-07-23 01:20:472

shed 是什么意思啊

来自百度知道:vt.1. 流出;流下She shed tears over her loss.她因遭受损失而流泪。2. 散发;放射The sun sheds light and warmth.太阳发射光和热。3. 脱;使(籽、毛发等)脱落;蜕(壳等)Most trees shed their leaves in autumn.大多数树在秋天落叶。4. 使泻去The umbrella sheds water.雨伞能泻水。5. 摆脱,去除This method can help students shed inhibitions.这一方法能帮助学生去除顾虑。6. 倾吐,吐露vi.1. 流出,溢出;泻去2. 脱落;蜕皮(或壳等)That snake has just shed.那条蛇刚刚蜕皮。3. 散发;散布n.1. 分水岭2. 【纺】(纺织机的)梭口,梭道shed2n.[C]1. 棚,小屋He left his bicycle in the shed.他将自行车放在车棚内。2. 堆房;库房;车库vi.1. 把...放入棚内
2023-07-23 01:20:566


shed n. 棚,库; 分水岭; vt. 流下; 流出; 蜕皮; 树叶脱落; vi. 脱落; 流出; 蜕皮; 散布; 第三人称单数:sheds 复数:sheds 现在分词:shedding 过去式:she过去分词:shed
2023-07-23 01:21:132

shed a tear 中shed的原形

shed就是动词原形。shed英 [ʃed] 美 [ʃɛd] vt. 流出;摆脱;散发;倾吐vi. 流出;脱落;散布n. 小屋,棚;分水岭比较级 shed最高级 shed短语:shed tears流出眼泪,涌出眼泪
2023-07-23 01:21:301


什麼主动表被动,shed,shed,shed,它是不规则动词,这里是过去分词短语作後置定语,修饰the warm glow
2023-07-23 01:22:162


2023-07-23 01:22:231


2023-07-23 01:22:421

shed 同义词是哪个

2023-07-23 01:22:512


2023-07-23 01:22:583

"jobs shed"奥巴马讲演中的这个shed 原型是哪个单词,为什么不用lost,shed有什么特殊意义么?

It"s a phrase. Shed jobs/staff 意思是 to be fired, be made redundant比如:The company shed a further 250 jobs this month. 的意思是:250 people were fired by this company. shed 动词的意思是 discard, throw off
2023-07-23 01:23:061


2023-07-23 01:23:162


sheds n. 棚,库( shed的名词复数 ); v. 流出( shed的第三人称单数 ); 流下; 蜕皮; 树叶脱落; [例句]The waterside flower sheds petals for love, while the heartless brook babbles on.落花有意,流水无情。
2023-07-23 01:23:441


2023-07-23 01:23:533

shed light on disciplined school management.

2023-07-23 01:24:022


2023-07-23 01:24:239


"脱落"的英文表达是 "fall off"。在英语中,"fall off" 表示物体从原本位置掉下或脱离。"Fall off" 这个短语可以用来描述各种物体或部分的脱落情况。例如,树叶可以从树上脱落(leaves fall off the tree)、瓷器可能会从桌子上掉下(the china may fall off the table)、也可以用来描述头发的脱落(hair falling off)等。此外,还有一些与 "fall off" 相关的表达方式,可以用于特定的脱落情况:1. "Shed":通常用于描述动物的脱毛、脱皮或脱羽现象。例如,蛇脱皮可以表达为 "the snake is shedding its skin"。2. "Drop":用于描述物体突然从一个位置掉落或脱离。例如,眼镜从桌子上滑落可以表达为 "the glasses dropped off the table"。3. "Detach":用于描述物体从另一个物体或结构上分离或分开。例如,按钮从衣服上掉落可以表达为 "the button detached from the shirt"。脱落现象在日常生活中非常常见,无论是物体的脱落还是生物的脱皮,都可以使用适当的表达方式来描述。这些表达方式有助于准确传达物体或生物的状态和变化。此外,脱落也可以引申为非物质方面的意义。例如,一个人可能会从某个团体或组织中脱离,可以使用 "break away"、"separate from" 或 "depart from" 等表达方式来描述这种情况。总之,"fall off" 是表示脱落的常见英文表达。它可以用于描述物体或物质的脱落现象,也可以扩展到描述人与团体的脱离。理解并熟练运用这些表达方式有助于更准确地传达脱落的概念和相关情况。
2023-07-23 01:24:571

shed crocodile tears是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:25:151

There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements.怎样翻译,about怎样理解

2023-07-23 01:25:495


不知道你是不是想表达:Amy落泪有情绪,眼睛充满感激。我翻译的是:Her tears were emotional, her eyes grateful.
2023-07-23 01:26:086

shed brands 是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:26:484

shed light on是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:27:072

shed new light on是什么意思

shed new light on新的阐述双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 进一步揭示例句:1.It is now possible to use advanced dna analysis to shed new light on old subjects. 现在人们可以利用先进的dna分析,对旧的主题作新的阐述。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-23 01:27:151

shed a tear与 shed tears的区别?

cry 哭;一般用shed tears,但在否定句中可使用shed a tear 或者a 后面跟有形容词,,表示"...的眼泪"例子:Don"t you shed a tear 别掉泪And I never shed a tear Another sign of my condition Fear of love or bitter vanity That kept me on the run George can indeed shed a furtive tear that we will not see Kitty"s likes again.乔治的确可以掉一滴伤心之泪,因为我们再也不可能见到基蒂这样的好人了。When an enemy dies, no tear is shed.敌人死,休落泪。He shed tears of sorrow.他流下了伤心的眼泪。He shed tears for the first time.他第一次流下了眼泪Here and now I alone shed tears.独怆然而涕下
2023-07-23 01:27:231

there is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights

2023-07-23 01:27:301


在寒冷潮湿的冬夜,广告灯发出的温暖灯光令人感到安慰. comforting adj.令人欣慰的;安慰的 warm glow shed温暖的灯光
2023-07-23 01:27:371

shed tears

cry 哭;一般用shed tears,但在否定句中可使用shed a tear 或者a 后面跟有形容词,表示"...的眼泪"例子:Don"t you shed a tear 别掉泪And I never shed a tear Another sign of my condition Fear of love or bitter ...
2023-07-23 01:27:451

shed light on是什么意思

shed light on揭示 拼音 双语对照 已复制双语结果shed light on词典为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…
2023-07-23 01:27:522


shed [ʃed] 美 [ʃɛd] x0dx0avt. 流出;摆脱;散发;倾吐x0dx0avi. 流出;脱落;散布x0dx0an. 小屋,棚;分水岭x0dx0aThe horns of some deer begin to shed. (脱落)x0dx0a有些鹿开始换角了。x0dx0aIn her study, 24 percent of students actually shed a few pounds. (相当于lose weight 减重)x0dx0a在她的研究中,24%的学生体重实际上减轻了一些。x0dx0aIf you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. (相当cry)x0dx0a如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。x0dx0ax0dx0abe in line 符合;成直线;排成一行x0dx0ai was in line to rule this country. 我是符合治理国家的。x0dx0ax0dx0awhat are you doing here?和what are you doing out here?有什么区别,为啥加out?x0dx0a这两句话的意思一模一样,加了out只是增强了语气。x0dx0awe sleep till past noon/we sleep till pass noon.这两句话那句是对的?这里pass和past有何区别?x0dx0apass 和 past 都有 经过、过了、晚于、的意思,所以这里都是表示我们睡到了中午。
2023-07-23 01:28:112


shed 英[u0283ed] 美[u0283ed] n. 棚,库; 分水岭; vt. 流下; 流出; 蜕皮; 树叶脱落; vi. 脱落; 流出; 蜕皮; 散布; [例句]Some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves.有些树已经开始落叶了。[其他] 第三人称单数:sheds 复数:sheds 现在分词:shedding 过去式:shed过去分词:shed
2023-07-23 01:28:181


使流动 散出 舍弃 脱落
2023-07-23 01:28:472

shed的意思 怎么用?什么词性?最好详细些.

shed1KK:[]DJ:[]vt.1.流出;流下She shed tears over her loss.她因遭受损失而流泪.2.散发;放射The sun sheds light and warmth.太阳发射光和热.3.脱;使(籽、毛发等)脱落;蜕(壳等)Most trees shed their leaves in au...
2023-07-23 01:28:541


shed [u0283ed] n. 车棚,小屋,脱落之物|v. 使...流出,放射,脱毛
2023-07-23 01:29:292

came out of the shed ??

(1) He tied the rope to a large block of stone. 为什么要加 ( BLOCK ) a large stone 已经是一块大石... ( 他用绳捆着大石头 ) 好像解得不好 因用了 block. 怎解才畅顺?? A block is a piece with a regular shape for example concrete block 石屎砖,wooden block积木. A large block of stone 是一块大石,不是大石头(big rock),因为块表示了比较有规则的形状。 He tied the rope to a large block of stone.正确畅顺译法是: 他将绳索缚到一块大石上。 ( 他用绳捆着大石头 不确, 因英文意思是 He used a rope to tie the big rock.) (2) Three tall men came out of the shed. 三个大男人流泪. 三个高男人流血 三个又高又大的男人离开厂房. ( 三句边句解得正确 ) Shed is a *** all simple house for storage小贮物屋 所以三个大男人流泪. 三个高男人流血都错,而三个又高又大的男人离开厂房也要改正为: 三名高的男子从小贮物屋走出来。 (3) She pointed to the three cards lying on the table. 她躺着指住三张卡....她指著三张躺卧的卡..边句才正确. : . lying 是平放着意思。 她躺着指住三张卡....意思错了。她指著三张躺卧的卡..要改正为: 她指著桌子上平放着的三张咭。 He tied the rope to a large block of stone. 他把绳索捆绑到一块大石上。 A large block of stone 是一块大石,有稳定绳索的作用。 Three tall men came out of the shed. Shed 是简陋的搭建木屋,也不是厂房。 我会译成:三个高大男子从简陋的木屋走出来。 Lying on the table 是英国人一般的说法。这里就不须译作「躺卧著」。 你就译作:「她指著桌子上的三张卡片」就是了! 2010-01-11 11:05:35 补充: 回应问者:a block of stone 是习惯的用法,就像你认为可作 a stone 一样!但没有英人会写 a large stone 的。 A block 是很好的「量词」。尤其与 large 同用,更是天衣无缝的呢! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!
2023-07-23 01:29:361

shed some light是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:30:123

we can not go in the shed 意思

Shed 棚屋,库翻译: 我们不能进棚子里面。
2023-07-23 01:30:192


shedding 英["u0283edu026au014b] 美["u0283edu026au014b] n. 脱落,蜕落; v. 流出( shed的现在分词 ); 流下; 蜕皮; 树叶脱落; [例句]The moon shone, shedding a ghostly light on the fields.月亮闪耀,田野上洒下幽幽的亮光。
2023-07-23 01:30:271

canada sheds workers 是什么意思? 我想问那shed在这里是什么意思

加拿大厂房工人。 厂房的意思
2023-07-23 01:30:351

shed interesting light on是固定短语吗?shed light on中lig

shed light on 是固定短语,interesting 不是固定短语的一部分[释义]为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…; 全部释义>> [例句]To shed light on this business.那对这件事更有帮助.
2023-07-23 01:30:431

英语shed some light怎么翻译?

2023-07-23 01:30:532

if you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars 什么意

2023-07-23 01:31:252


shed some light网络释义:关灯短语shed some more light 透露更多的情况shed some light on 弄清楚shed some light on this 进一步了解这个双语例句权威例句New research may shed some light on why, despite these burdens, lateteens and twentysomethings aren"t afraid to belly up to the cash registerand often incur debt to do it. 新的研究可能会发现一些原因,为什么尽管有如此重负,那些十八九岁、二十多岁的学生对于自己会因收银机破产却并没有感到害怕,,反而还要借钱去消费。article.yeeyan.orgA new study hopes to shed some light on this area. 一项新的研究希望在此领域有所开创 。article.yeeyan.orgAlthough the game is the function you"re least likely to buy off theshelf, you may still be able to shed some light on viable gamearchitectures by looking at the problem from a patterns perspective. 尽管游戏本身是独立的,似乎与业务模式无关,但是仍然可以按照基于模式的视角考察问题,这对建立可行的游戏体系结构可能有帮助。
2023-07-23 01:31:431


问题一:流下感动的眼泪,英文怎么说? 10分 Shed tears of tears 问题二:流下眼泪的流下 英语怎么说 i"m teering 或者 shed teer 问题三:凯特忍不住流下眼泪用英语怎么翻译 30分 Kate couldn"t help her tears. couldn"t help one"s tears.禁不住流泪 She couldn"t help her tears of gratitude rolling down her 丹ace. 她禁不住流下感激的眼泪。 问题四:眼泪流了下来用英语怎么说 你们楼上的诗意一点不行吗!!! 让姐一只ABC来告诉你们: My eys blurred. 我的视线模糊了。Tears shed. 泪水流淌。 My eyes watery with his words. 听到他的话我的眼眶湿润了。(这是个独立主格,请放在完整句子中装饰使用。) 你们一票Tears flow down是什么意思!内牛成河么! 问题五:眼泪自己就流出来了的英文怎么说 眼泪自己就流出来了 Tears will flow out. 眼泪自己就流出来了 Tears will flow out. 问题六:感动得流下眼泪用英语怎么说 某人感动得流下眼泪用英语可以说 *** . is moved to cry 问题七:流眼泪用英语怎么说 shed tears 问题八:谁知道《荀子》这本书是什么体裁的啊? 散文 先秦诸子百家散文
2023-07-23 01:31:521

During the eight years war, many people(D )their blood for their country. D是错的为什么

devote to
2023-07-23 01:32:017

shed light on是什么意思

shed light on揭示 拼音 双语对照 已复制双语结果shed light on词典为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…
2023-07-23 01:32:164

shed some light on是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:32:292


shed some light网络释义:关灯短语shed some more light 透露更多的情况shed some light on 弄清楚shed some light on this 进一步了解这个双语例句权威例句New research may shed some light on why, despite these burdens, lateteens and twentysomethings aren"t afraid to belly up to the cash registerand often incur debt to do it. 新的研究可能会发现一些原因,为什么尽管有如此重负,那些十八九岁、二十多岁的学生对于自己会因收银机破产却并没有感到害怕,,反而还要借钱去消费。article.yeeyan.orgA new study hopes to shed some light on this area. 一项新的研究希望在此领域有所开创 。article.yeeyan.orgAlthough the game is the function you"re least likely to buy off theshelf, you may still be able to shed some light on viable gamearchitectures by looking at the problem from a patterns perspective. 尽管游戏本身是独立的,似乎与业务模式无关,但是仍然可以按照基于模式的视角考察问题,这对建立可行的游戏体系结构可能有帮助。
2023-07-23 01:32:361


2023-07-23 01:32:441

Shed a Little Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shed a Little Light歌手:James Taylor专辑:Greatest Hits Volume 2James Taylor - Shed A Little LightLet us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodThat we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the world becomeA place in which our childrenCan grow free and strongWe are bound togetherBy the task that stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound and we are boundThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restShed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordCant get no light from the dollar billDont give me no light from a tv screenWhen I open my eyesI wanna drink my fillFrom the well on the hill(do you know what I mean? )Shed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restOh, let us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhood
2023-07-23 01:32:511

Shed A Little Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shed A Little Light歌手:James Taylor专辑:James Taylor (Best Live)James Taylor - Shed A Little LightLet us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhoodThat we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the world becomeA place in which our childrenCan grow free and strongWe are bound togetherBy the task that stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound and we are boundThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restShed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordCant get no light from the dollar billDont give me no light from a tv screenWhen I open my eyesI wanna drink my fillFrom the well on the hill(do you know what I mean? )Shed a little light, oh lordSo that we can seeJust a little light, oh lordWanna stand it on upStand it on up, oh lordWanna walk it on downShed a little light, oh lordThere is a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chestThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleeps the heart will never restOh, let us turn our thoughts todayTo martin luther kingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and womenLiving on the earthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhood
2023-07-23 01:32:581


If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 如果你因错过太阳而流泪,那麼你也将错过群星
2023-07-23 01:33:254