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英文原文:There are many Chinese shops in Chinatown.英式音标:[ðeə; ðə] [ɑː] [ˈmenɪ] [ˌtʃaɪˈniːz] [ʃɒp] [ɪn] [ˈtʃaɪnəˌtaʊn] . 美式音标:[ðɛr] [ɑr] [ˈmɛni] [ˌtʃaɪˈniːz] [ʃɑːp] [ɪn] [ˈtʃaɪnəˌtaʊn] .


convenience store


Department store音标如下:department英[di"pɑ:tmənt] store英[stɔ:] 希望能帮到你,祝你开心。


美语小对话-商店介绍Male Voice:"Hello and thank you for calling American Vision, this area"s finest store in eyeglasses for you and your family. Our store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. We"re open Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays.Please visit our store on Saturday for an additional 20% off on our already low prices on all brands of eyewear. And remember: eye exams are free."finest(adjective): excellent, high quality- May I use your pen. Yeah, sure.additional(adjective): extra, added- Buy now and receive an additional two dollars off the regular price.

三个商店英语three shop对吗

three shops


百货商店英语:department store 。例句:1、仓库设在百货商店的后部。The warehouse is at the back of the department store.2、百货商店被迫改进它们的做法。Department stores have been forced to shape up their acts.3、店中店会否成为百货商店的累赘?Are In-Store Shops a Problem for Department Stores?4、我喜欢在哈罗德百货商店买衣服。I like to shop at Harrods for clothes.5、银行常常与大百货商店并肩而立。The banks usually exist here alongside the large multiple stores .6、这是王室御用装饰品百货商店。This is a department store for ornaments used by the royal family.


裤子商店Trousers shoptrousers英 [ˈtraʊzəz] 美 [ˈtraʊzərz] n.裤子复数: trousers 形近词: trouseau双语例句He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots. 他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。




百货商店英语是:department store。读音:英[dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː(r)],美[dɪˈpɑːrtmənt stɔːr]。释义:n. 百货公司;大百货商店。例句:One of the advantages of a department store is that you are left to yourself to try things on逛百货公司的其中一个优势是顾客可自行试穿衣服。复数:department stores。近义词emporium读音:英[emˈpɔːriəm],美[emˈpɔːriəm]。n. 商场;商业中心。例句:Construction of Basic Motivation Model on Customer Loyalty in Emporium大型商场顾客忠诚基本驱动模型的构建复数:emporiums。短语:underground emporium地下商场。gastronomic emporium公寓。Electronic Emporium电子商城。department emporium百货大楼。

商店英语怎么读 商店的英文是啥

1、“商店”的英文shop。 2、读法:英 [ʃɒp] 美 [ʃɑp] 。 3、释义:、n. 商店;店铺、vt. 购物、vi. 购物;买东西。 4、例句:Business is booming since I enlarged the shop. 自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。