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It is necessary for foreigners to learn Chinese language in the future?

2023-07-23 08:14:17

China is rising, we can see she has more international influence. Chinese people are going outside,meanwhile people from other country are going to China. Obviously, Chinese language could be another choice for foreigners to know and learn Chinese culture. It is definitely happening.

As another point of view, more and more foreigners found out more opportunities if they speak Chinese. For example, teaching English in China or working in the international corporations in China. Chinese language will play an important role in their life. they can communicate with more Chinese people in China, no matter where they are. Chiese language let foreigner no lonesome, no longer vacant.

Although, it is hard to grasp Chinese language, I am convinced that China"s wonderful history and culture will hook foreigner in spite of difficultes.



The Chinese Language
2023-07-23 03:06:354

中国人 用英语怎么读

2023-07-23 03:06:4614


译文:Chinese英[tu0283au026a'ni:z]释义:n.中文,汉语;中国人adj.中国的,中国人的;中国话的短语:Chinese Taipei中国台北;中国台北队扩展资料:近义词:China英['tu0283au026anu0259]释义:n.中国adj.中国的;中国制造的n.(china)瓷器adj.(china)瓷制的短语:China Open中国公开赛;中国网球公然赛;附评语
2023-07-23 03:07:212


中文语言 [词典] Chinese language; [例句]这是一个编码为UTF-8的简体中文语言文件。This is a Simplified Chinese translation for UTF-8.
2023-07-23 03:08:153


中国语言不就是汉语吗?Chinese 可以吗
2023-07-23 03:08:265


2023-07-23 03:08:423


  普通话,即现代标准汉语,又叫国语,华语。普通话是以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代汉语标准。那么,你知道普通话的英语怎么说吗?   普通话的英文释义:   Putonghua   Mandarin (common language)   colloquial language   mandarine   common speech of the Chinese language   普通话例句的英语:   他普通话说得很标准。   He speaks putonghua quite correctly.   在中国十个人中约有七人讲普通话。   In china about seven people in ten speak putonghua.   人的交流和练习普通话。   People to exchange and practise chinese putonghua. 普通话英语怎么写   普通话:下车时请小心月台与车厢之间的空隙。   Please mind the platform gap when alighting.   你打电话约一个说普通话的朋友周末一起吃午饭,不巧他不在家。   You are calling a friend for lunch on the weekend but he is not at home when you call him.   呈现出普通话水平测试的等级与量化关系的规律性特征。   It presents the regularity in the relationship between the grades and the number of errors.   另本人由于自小学习普通话,故亦能教授普通话拼音及会话。   Since my major TESL, I can also teach Phonics and Cambridge English.   一些学校和大学已经有普通话班,普通话是他们用来沟通的主要语言。   "Selective schools and colleges already offer Mandarin, the principal dialect."   从普通话水平测试看高职普通话教学   View on Chinese Teaching from Chinese Proficiency Test   一些学校和大学已经有普通话班。普通话是他们用来沟通的主要语言。   Selective schools and colleges already offer Mandarin, the principal dialect.   的普通话说得不规范。   He does not speak standard Putonghua.   我第一次来到中国和北京大学是在1981年的夏天,那时,我还是一名学习普通话的大学生。   I first came to China, and to Peking University, in the summer of 1981 as a college student studying Mandarin.   也就是说,任何追求 教育 、影响力或权力的人均应学习普通话,对吗?   Certainly, any human being who seeks education, influence, or power should belearning Mandarin, right?
2023-07-23 03:09:031

chinese language前面有定冠词the吗

要的,你可以理解为语言加THE 为专有名词,也可以理解为,汉语为世界上独一无二的,这类名词前都需要加定冠词。外国有本书就叫THE CHINESE LANGUAGE作者(Author) : Daniel Kane 你可以百度一下
2023-07-23 03:09:122

chinese language前面有定冠词the吗

2023-07-23 03:09:222


语言中文的英文:Language Chinese; language: n.语言;语言文字;言语;说话;某种类型的言语(或语言) 复数: languages 扩展资料   When I was young, the home language was Chinese.   我小时候,在家里所用语言是汉语。   English is a foreign language to Chinese students.   英语是我们学生的第一外语。   On the Differences of Space Language in Chinese and Western Cultures   论中、西空间语言差异   I love Chinese language and Chinese literature.   热爱汉语和中国的.文学。   Deep Structure of Language and Chinese Teaching for Foreigners   论语言的深层结构和对外汉语教学   Try Talking about the Teaching Language of Chinese Class   试论语文课堂的教学语言   The application of artistic language in Chinese language textbooks for middle schools   艺术语言在中学语文教材中的运用   Briefly Discussion on the Art Meaning of the Language in Chinese Drawing   浅谈中国画语言的艺术意蕴
2023-07-23 03:09:311

i have problem of saying chinese language 语法对吗

i have trouble saying chinese
2023-07-23 03:09:424

chinese language为什么前加the

定冠词the的用法之一就是“用在世界上独一无二的事物之前”,chinese language(汉语)是世界上独一无二的语言,所以之前要加the。
2023-07-23 03:09:491

in the Chinese language与in Chinese language该用哪个或分别是什么意思?

您好 应用 in the Chinese language定冠词the的用法之一就是“用在世界上独一无二的事物之前”,Chinese language(汉语)是世界上独一无二的语言,所以之前要加the。望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-23 03:09:561


2023-07-23 03:10:162


2023-07-23 03:10:269

以“chinese language”为题的英语小作文60字 简单点,不要难度太大

Chinese language is my nativelanguage. I talk with my classmates in Chinese every day. Although we haveEnglish lesson in school, but I think Chinese language is much more important.Not only because it"s our own language, but also more and more people arelearning it now. In my opinion, Chinese language will be a veryimportant language around the world. So, study Chinese is very necessary.
2023-07-23 03:11:001

i have problem of saying chinese language.i’m sorry是什么意思

2023-07-23 03:11:094


问题一:对外汉语专业翻译为英文应该怎么说? Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language,俗称的TCFL,正式场合一般用这个。 另外Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 也常用。 问题二:对外汉语的英文翻译是什么哦? 对外汉语教学”(TCFL)全称是 Teaching of Chinese as a foreign language 或者称为“汉语作为第二语言教学”(TCSL) Teaching of Chinese as a Second language 对外汉语教学是针对教外国人学习汉语这一事业所起的名字,明显带有中国人的视角来称说这一学科的色彩;海外根据各自不同情况,称之为“中文教学”、“中国语教学”、“华文(语)教学”等。而我们则把海外的这种教学简称为“汉语教学”。 问题三:“对外汉语教师”用英语怎么说 对外汉语教师 TCSL teachers Chinese teacher for foreigners 问题四:对外汉语教学的英文怎么说 对外汉语教学 [duì wài hàn yǔ jiào xué] [词典] teaching Chinese as a foreign language; [例句]量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点。 The teaching of Chinese classifiers is a nodus in TCFL 请采纳O(∩_∩)O~ 问题五:“对外汉语专业”英文怎么说? 对外汉语专业 Chinese Educatin for Overseas ------国外课程表译法 问题六:中文用英语怎么说 40分 你好,中文的翻译是:川hinese 或者Chinese language. 希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好。 问题七:32岁生孩子畸形率有多大 5分 35岁前没有大的影响,所谓影响就是孕妇自觉负担重些,体力恢复慢些。
2023-07-23 03:11:161


汉语是汉民族的母语,中国的官方语言,拥有15亿以上使用者。也是联合国六种官方语言之一。那么你知道汉语用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。汉语英语说法:Chinese汉语的相关短语:汉语语法 Chinese grammar ; Mandarin grammar ; Chinese nouns ; grammar of Chinese近代汉语 Old Mandarin ; Proto-Mandarin Chinese ; Proto-Mandarin ; Modern Chinese汉语桥 Chinese bridge
2023-07-23 03:11:242


“在中国人们说汉语”的英语是People speak Chinese in China。汉语,汉族的语言,中国的通用语言。国际通用语言之一。属汉藏语系,同中国境内的藏语、壮语、傣语、侗语、黎语、彝语、苗语、瑶语等,中国境外的泰语、缅甸语等都是亲属语言。汉语历史悠久,是世界上使用人数最多的语言。全球至少15亿使用者,占世界人口的25%,是中国、新加坡的官方语言,亦是联合国六种工作语言之一,主要流通于中国和新加坡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国等东南亚国家以及美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本等国的汉族华人社区。一般所说的汉语指的是普通话。2021年1月25日起,中文正式成为联合国世界旅游组织官方语言。汉语的双语例句:1. The word "ginseng" comes from the Chinese word "ren-shen".ginseng这个词来自汉语的“人参”。2. The names are direct borrowings from the Chinese.这些名称是直接从汉语中舶来的。3. Chinese language appellation system takes the relatives appellation terms as the base.汉语称谓以亲属称谓为基点。4. I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect Chinese.我从来没有遇到一个外国人汉语说得这么好。5. He translated what I said in English into Chinese.他把我用英语说的译成汉语。6. Long practice enabled that American to speak fluent Chinese.长期的练习使得那个美国人能讲一口流利的汉语。7. You"re no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am.你我都不会说汉语。8. Insofar as possible, our examples will be drawn from Chinese.在可能范围内,例证均引自汉语。9. He"d have difficulty in learning any language - Greek, Chinese, or whatever.他学习任何语言都会遇到困难,不论是希腊语、汉语、或是其他语。10. Please do this passage into Chinese.请把这一段译成汉语。
2023-07-23 03:11:311


The Chinese language usually refers to the standard language and its dialect used by the Han nationality.Chinese is one of the five official working languages of the United Nations. It is also one of the richest and highly developed languages in the world.Chinese is also spoken by many overseas Chinese: it is the common language of more than 10 million overseas Chinese and persons of Chinese descent in Southeast Asia alone. At present, more than one billion people, approximately 1/5 of the world"s population, speaks Chinese as their mother tongue.够了么~
2023-07-23 03:13:371


Chinese is one of the most ancient and widely spoken languages in the world. It is the official language of China and is spoken by more than one billion people globally. It has a unique writing system with characters that represent words and ideas rather than individual sounds. Learning Chinese is a great way to understand Chinese culture and traditions. The language has become increasingly important for business and trade in recent years, making it an attractive skill for many foreign learners.
2023-07-23 03:13:463


2023-07-23 03:13:5610

语言环境 英语 怎么说?

language atmosphere,linguistic context 或 language situation
2023-07-23 03:14:535

Why learning Chinese language?

We are Chinese. Of course we have to learn Chinese language.We learn it so that we can communicate with our parents and friends.
2023-07-23 03:15:222


问题一:国学英语怎么说 30分 sinology 较好,英文字典指The study of Chinese language, literature, or civilization 即汉学,研究中国语言、文学或文明的学科。虽然是殖民主义的产物,但恰当准确。而且殖民一说如美国黑人(African-American)一开始不使用negro(黑人,农奴庄园经济时的专用名词),认为有种族歧视之嫌,但现在反倒经常自称negro,可见其殖民意义并无大碍。 另外:儒学 Confucian Studies, 玄学 Metaphysical Studies 或 Chinese Metaphysics 问题二:国学英语怎么说 sinology 较好,英文字典指The study of Chinese language, literature, or civilization 即汉学,研究中国语言、文学或文明的学科。虽然是殖民主义的产物,但恰当准确。而且殖民一说如美国黑人(African-American)一开始不使用negro(黑人,农奴庄园经济时的专用名词),认为有种族歧视之嫌,但现在反倒经常自称negro,可见其殖民意义并无大碍。 另外:儒学 Confucian Studies, 玄学 Metaphysical Studies 或 Chinese Metaphysics 问题三:“国学”用英语怎么说 studies of Chinese ancient civilization 问题四:“国学”的英文译法请问“国学”这个词用英文怎么翻 studies of Chinese ancient civilization 问题五:国学课英语怎么说 是国学课的英文翻译吗?Traditional sinology class 问题六:国学代表课程用英语怎么说 国学代表课程 The representative course of Chinese culture 国学代表课程 The representative course of Chinese culture 问题七:我是被新聘上的德克士的 *** 。我需要前辈指导基本的东西,一些细节操作 按照标准的SOC SOP 操作就行了 记住执行率要100% 问题八:国学堂英文怎么说 classroom on studies of Chinese ancient civilization 问题九:国学馆英文怎么说 国学 National Studies. 国学馆 National S揣udies Institute
2023-07-23 03:15:291


teaching Chinese as a foreign languageorteaching Chinese as a second language
2023-07-23 03:15:375


The Charm of Chinese Language-汉语的魅力 Chinese Language faces some challenges. As compared with English and other Latin based languages, Chinese is less popular and more difficuh for computer word processing. Some college students, wondering whether it is still one of the best languages in the world, neglect Chinese study. Extensive research has revealed that Chinese possesses many advantages over other languages. Written Chinese is based on a set of ideogram characters. From a simple word one may obtain a wealth of information about its hidden meaning, evolution history and related phrases. Historians can decipher the damaged ancient characters carved on ox hones but no such achievement could be obtained with Latin-based languages. To express a given idea, the Chinese version is always the shortest, most accurate and most effective. Moreover, Chinese kids learn Chinese by memorizing patterns or funny pictures which stimulate curiosity and imagination. It is well recognized that human brains work well with patterns and pattern recognition in turn promotes brain development. What's more, Chinese is also easy to learn. Many foreigners speak Chinese fluently after a few years of learning. Recently, several word processing programs have been successfully developed for Chinese language and turned out to be better than those designed for English. Chinese is the crystallization of the splendid culture developed continuously for over 5,000 years. Many treasures remain to be explored. As China grows stronger, more and more foreigners will learn Chinese and share the invaluable treasure.
2023-07-23 03:15:552

This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language.

【答案】:B题意:在英语里这并不典型,但却是汉语的一个特色。句中typical意为:典型的,特有的。A项particular意为:特别的,详细的;例句:Each mineral.has crystals of a particular shape.每种矿物的晶体都有其特殊的形状。B项characteristic意为:典型的,特有的;例句:Feathers are a characteristic specific to birds.羽毛是鸟类特有的。C项remarkable意为:卓越的,非凡的;例句:Her tactfulness is a remarkable gift.她的机敏是一种非凡的天赋。D项idiomatic意为:惯用的,符合语言习惯的;例句:Did I make another Idiomatic mistake?我是不是又犯了什么俗语的错误?故本题选B。
2023-07-23 03:17:241

中文系 英语怎么说啊?

2is OK
2023-07-23 03:17:435

More and more foreign students come to China to learn________ Chinese language. A.a B.the .

B 试题分析:考察冠词。汉语有两种表达Chinese="the" Chinese language,如果Chinese后面有language前面就需要使用the表示特指。句意:越来越多的外国学生来到中国学习中文。故B正确。
2023-07-23 03:18:001


  从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。我整理了“2018年12月大学英语六级汉语相关翻译试题”,带您详细了解一下哦,希望给您带来帮助!祝您好运哦! 2018年12月大学英语六级汉语相关翻译试题(1)   汉语常被认为是一种非常古老的语言。从某种意义上说,这种说法不免失之偏 颇。人类所有的语言都可追溯到朦胧的史前时期,但目前我们还无法确定这些语言是否都同宗同源。五千年前华夏祖先说汉语的方法同英语人士的祖先说英语的 方式大致相似。而从另一种意义上说,汉语确实也是一种很古老的语言。今天所存留下来的最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史 。 这些文字均为甲骨雕文。大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。 汉语有丰富的古代文字作品,源远流长,远非其他一种语言的文字可与之媲美。一些最古老的文字属象形文字。    参考译文:   Chinese is often termed a very old language. In a sense such a statement is misleading. All human languages go back to the dim uncertainty of prehistory, and at present we have no way of knowing for sure whether or not they can all be traced back to the same root. Five thousand years ago the ancestors of Chinese people spoke an early form of Chinese language in much the same way that the ancestors of English-speaking people were using an early form of the English language. In a sense, however, Chinese is indeed a very old language. The earliest written forms of Chinese in existence today date back nearly 4,000 years. These writings are incisions on bones and tortoise shell. Most of the inscriptions are oracular, dealing mostly with political and religious events, or with weather or warfare. Chinese has an abundance of ancient writings that reach back continuously in time further than the writings of any other language in the world. Some of the earliest written Chinese characters were quite pictographic. 2018年12月大学英语六级汉语相关翻译试题(2)   汉语热指近年来越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语的现象。在很多国家,学汉语的人数在迅速增长。据统计,全世界已有109个国家、3000多所高等学校开设了汉语课程。一项调查显示,他们学习汉语的主要目的是去中国旅游、从事贸易活动、了解中国和中国文化。汉语热背后的原因是中国经济的飞速发展,它使中国的国际地位和影响力得到了提升。全球“汉语热”传达了世界各国人民渴望了解中国文化的信息。    参考译文:   Chinese language craze refers to the phenomenon that a growing number of foreigners start to learn Chinese. The number of Chinese learners increases rapidly in many countries. According to statistics,more than 3000 institutions of higher education in 109 countries are offering courses on Chinese language. A survey indicates that they learn Chinese for the main purpose of travelling in China, engaging in trade activities and knowing China and the Chinese culture. The underlying reasons for this craze lie in the rapid development of China"s economy, which enhances the international status and the influence of China. This global Chinese language craze conveys a message that people around the world are eager to know the Chinese culture. 2018年12月大学英语六级汉语相关翻译试题(3)   今年在长沙举行了一年一度的外国人汉语演讲比赛。这项比赛证明是促进中国和世界其他地区文化交流的好方法。它为世界各地的年轻人提供了更好地了解中国的机会。来自87个国家共计126位选手聚集在湖南省省会参加了7月6日到8月5日进行的比赛和决赛。比赛并不是唯一的活动。选手们还有机会参观了中国其他地区的著名景点和历史名胜。    参考译文:   The annual Chinese language speech competition was held in Changsha this year. This contest has been proved to be a good way to promote cultural communication between China and the rest of the world. It provided a better chance to understand China for young people around the world. A total of 126 contestants from 87 countries gathered in the capital of Hunan Province and participated in the semi-final and final from July 6th to August 5th. The competition was not the only activity. Contestants also had the opportunity to visit well-known scenic spots and historical sites in other parts of China. 2018年12月大学英语六级汉语相关翻译试题(4)   从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书、隶书、楷书和行书。中国书法家往往使汉字的字形夸张以取得艺术效果,例如旅游胜地的一些石刻碑文。中国书法是一门研究艺术,随着各位学习兴趣的提高,我们将适时介绍中国书法的流派,以及如何欣赏中国书法的艺术性。    参考译文:   In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago. During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different forms, such as the Seal , Clerical , Regular and Running . Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.
2023-07-23 03:18:071


2023-07-23 03:18:142


TodaysomanystudentsarelearningEnglish,parentspayspecialattentiontotheirkids"English,whileChinesehasbeenneglectedbysomestudents.TheythinkChineseistheirfirstlanguage,sotheycanlearnitwellnaturally.Idon"tthinkso,Chinesehasalonghistoryandthecultureisvarious,thelanguageisbroadandprofound,itneedsworkhardandspendmoretimetolearn.JustasEnglish,Chinesegrammar,structureandidiomarefullofdifficulties,sowemustlearnChinesebyourhearts.WeshouldlearnChinesewellwhenwestudyEnglish.翻译: 今天很多学生把英语学得很好,家长很注重学生的英语,然而,一些学生忽视学习中文。他们认为中文是第一语言,自然很容易就可以学好。我不这样认为,中文历史悠久,文化多样,语言博大精深,这需要下苦功和时间去学。正如英语,中文的语法,结构和习语充满困难,所以我们必须用心学中文。我们应该在学英语的同时把中文学好。
2023-07-23 03:18:301

what is the third person of the Chinese languageuff1f

英语第三人称介绍:英语中第三人称包括:he、she、it、they,英语中人称代词,意为用于指代人的词汇,属于代词范畴,就像汉语中的“你”、“我”、“他”。常用的英语人称代词有:I、you、he、she、it(主格)。人称代词在句中作不同成分时有不同的形式,如:主格、宾格、第三人称单数形式等。其中人称代词有主格和宾格两种形式,第三人称的人称代词还有性别的变化。主格主要用来做句子的主语,在正式文体中也可用作表语。宾格主要用作宾语,在口语中也常用来做句子的表语。在口语中,若省略谓语及其他成分的短句中,人称代词宾格可用作主语。第三人称用法1、在句子的时态是一般现在时时,第三人称单数都要加s或者es,第三人称单数是针对一般现在时来说的,动词的过去时时没有人称这一差别的。2、如果前面出现了助动词,就不要加。比如 Does he like watching tv?这里的like就不加S,因为前面有does 。一般疑问句的后面的动词就不用加s 或是es,还有些类似的词,情态动词(包括can may 等等 )。因为情态动词后面跟动词原形。
2023-07-23 03:18:441


In Chinese, also has the similar taboo region. the people to make good use of the God in the religion which some eulogies calls them to admire, like big emperor, big saint, Buddha (Buddha) and so on, but to devil then evades it. in the natural aspect, the Buddhist mortification of the flesh thought influence, the Confucianist to the male and female morals emphasis, was revealed in addition "extremely evil was obscene is the head". the nature and 性事 has all taken to bring with the unclean ingredient, abstained from quite deeply. Chinese escaped in the human body the aspect conversation also much to have the taboo, Like when dining all does not raise the feces and urine. to evade if I die. to the dead characters or words taboo really. English with if anything happen to meChinese also said "if I have the accident" to evade die. the child to teach since childhood cannot say "dies" the character, "died of exhaustion" or "has busily died" and so on the pet phrase, the age big people has listened also to think not auspicious. in China, before used "残废人", now uses "the disabled person"."the disabled soldier" the present to use "the disabled serviceman", this all was also has the retention to "waste" the character taboo. England Chinese in to "rich", He is well off,"he the current economic condition is good", right "poor" did not say that seriously, They are down on their luck.The modern society advocates healthily, to old and is fat also on more and more abstained from. therefore looked from the overall, center the western language taboo had similar tendency. this kind to hasten the homogeneity already to demonstrate to the people the human culture had general character one side, also manifested the different culture to have the mutual influence, seeped mutually one side.
2023-07-23 03:19:115

i have problem of saying chinese language.i’m sorry是什么意思

2023-07-23 03:19:251

英语作文 汉语在世界流行

Chinese is becoming more and more popular in the world. In recent days foreigners pay much attention to study Chinese and Chinese culture. Firstly, China is becoming involved in national affairs after open and reform. The economic powder of China has impressed a lot of country. More and more international companies have interests to open their own company or sell their products in China, to fulfil this goal, they have to know the culture of China and study Chinese.Secondly, after we successfully hold the Olympic Games, especially what we showed in the opening ceremony to foreign friends, they have found this astonishment eastern culture are so charming and fantasy.
2023-07-23 03:19:352

What position does the writer feel very much interested in?A Chinese language ______ .

【答案】:teacherteacher 解析:第1段第1句说该大学可能聘用一名汉语教师。
2023-07-23 03:19:421


"语文"是指中国的语言和文学教育科目,主要包括汉字、词语、语法、修辞、作文等内容。在英语中,可以将"语文"翻译为"Chinese language and literature",或者简化为"Chinese studies"。这个词汇在英语教育或学术领域中用来描述涉及中国语言、文学、文化和传统的学科或研究领域。在一些国际学校或华人社区中,也可能使用"Chinese language arts"作为"语文"的翻译。无论是哪种翻译,它都指的是以汉语为基础的阅读、写作和研究技能的学科。通过学习语文,学生可以提高对中国文化和语言的理解和应用能力。语文是指汉字和汉语言文字的学科。它主要涵盖了文字的认读、书写、理解和运用等方面。语文作为一门学科,不仅包括了对汉字字形、字义的学习,还包括对语法、修辞、写作等方面的研究。语文的学习不仅仅是为了掌握文字的基本技能,更重要的是为了培养学生的语言表达能力、思维能力和文化素养。通过学习语文,学生可以提高阅读理解能力,培养批判思维和创造性思维,提高写作能力,培养审美意识和文学素养。语文的学习内容主要包括识字、词语运用、句子结构、修辞手法、篇章组织等方面。学生需要通过阅读、写作、口语演讲等方式来提高自己的语文水平。语文是学习其他学科的基础,也是人们进行交流和文化传承的重要工具。通过学习语文,我们可以更好地理解和传承中华文化,增强民族认同感和文化自信心。同时,语文也是提高个人素质和综合能力的重要途径。总之,语文的学习对于每个人来说都是必不可少的。通过学习语文,我们可以提高自己的文字表达能力和思维能力,拓宽自己的知识面,培养自己的文化素养,增强个人竞争力和综合素质。
2023-07-23 03:19:591


study Chinese as my major
2023-07-23 03:20:3210


问题一:对外汉语专业翻译为英文应该怎么说? Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language,俗称的TCFL,正式场合一般用这个。 另外Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 也常用。 问题二:对外汉语的英文翻译是什么哦? 对外汉语教学”(TCFL)全称是 Teaching of Chinese as a foreign language 或者称为“汉语作为第二语言教学”(TCSL) Teaching of Chinese as a Second language 对外汉语教学是针对教外国人学习汉语这一事业所起的名字,明显带有中国人的视角来称说这一学科的色彩;海外根据各自不同情况,称之为“中文教学”、“中国语教学”、“华文(语)教学”等。而我们则把海外的这种教学简称为“汉语教学”。 问题三:“对外汉语教师”用英语怎么说 对外汉语教师 TCSL teachers Chinese teacher for foreigners 问题四:对外汉语教学的英文怎么说 对外汉语教学 [duì wài hàn yǔ jiào xué] [词典] teaching Chinese as a foreign language; [例句]量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点。 The teaching of Chinese classifiers is a nodus in TCFL 请采纳O(∩_∩)O~ 问题五:“对外汉语专业”英文怎么说? 对外汉语专业 Chinese Educatin for Overseas ------国外课程表译法 问题六:中文用英语怎么说 40分 你好,中文的翻译是:川hinese 或者Chinese language. 希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好。 问题七:32岁生孩子畸形率有多大 5分 35岁前没有大的影响,所谓影响就是孕妇自觉负担重些,体力恢复慢些。
2023-07-23 03:21:251

英语释疑 We have begun to learn _ Japanese language 该填什么

2023-07-23 03:21:333


【小编为你解答】In recent years,it was noticed that there are more and more foreigners begin learning Chinese.Interest in learning Chinese around the world has grown dramatically. Why is chinese language becoming so popular? first,chinese culture is full of magic and legends. second,mandarin is spoken by the largest population in the world. third,China has surprising economic strength and potential. fouth,enterprises are increasingly entering China. In my view,while Chinese is a fever among foreigners,the language is neglected on its native land.As a chinese , I pride myself on the popularity of Chinese learning. It reflects our economic development in a sence.I also realize that we should learn our mother tongue well first,and then take the responsibility to popularize it.
2023-07-23 03:21:432


2018下半年英语四级考试翻译试题:方言(1)   中国土地广阔,人口众多。尽管全国都讲汉语,但是不同地区的人说汉语的方式不同,这被称为方言。方言一般被称为地方话,是汉语在不同地区的分支,只在特定地区使用。汉语方言非常复杂。它们有以下三方面不同:发音、词汇和语法。发音的区别最为显著。2000多年前,中国人发现社交时应该使用统一的语言。和方言相比,普通话(mandarin)能被所有人理解。普通话有利于不同种族、地区人民之间的信息传递和文化交流。    参考译文:   China has a vast land and a large population. Eventhough the Chinese language is spoken all over thecountry, people in different areas speak it in differentways, which are called dialects. Generally called locallanguages, dialects are branches of the Chineselanguage in different regions, and are only used in certain areas. Dialects of the Chineselanguage are very complicated. They differ from each other in three aspects: pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar. And the difference in pronunciation is the most outstanding. Over2,000 years ago, Chinese people realized that a common language should be used in socialactivities. Compared with dialects,mandarin can be understood by all people. It is beneficialto information transmission and cultural exchange between ethnic groups and people indifferent places.. 2018下半年英语四级考试翻译试题:方言(2)   汉语方言作为地方文化的一种,是中国民族文化不可缺少的部分。中国式一个多民族、多语言的国家。汉族社会在发展过程中出现过不同程度的分化,因而逐渐产生了汉语方言。现代汉语有各种不同的方言,分布的区域很广。在现代汉语的几大方言中,北方方言源于古汉语,是经过数千年在广大北方地区发展起来的。现代汉语各方言之间的差异表现在语音、词汇、语法各个方面,语音方面尤为突出,但它们不是独立于汉语之外的另一种语言。    参考译文:   As part of local culture, Chinese dialects are an indispensable part of Chinese national culture. China is a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual country. In the process of its development, the Han Chinese society went through divisions at different levels, so the Chinese language was gradually mixed with dialects. Modern Chinese language comprises various dialects from widely distributed areas. One of the few major dialects in modern Chinese is the northern dialect which was derived from the ancient Chinese language after thousands of years of development in the vast northern region. The differences of various dialects in modern Chinese can be seen in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, especially pronunciation, but none is a separate language independent of Chinese. 2018下半年英语四级考试翻译试题:方言(3)   汉语因汉族社会在发展过程中出现过程度不同的分化和统一而逐渐产生了方言(dialect)。现代汉语有各种不同的方言,他们分布的区域很广。现代汉语各方言之间的差异表现在语音、词汇、语法三个方面,语音方面尤为突出。但由于这些方言和共同语之间在语音上都有一定的对应规律,词汇、语法方面也有许多相同之处.因此它们不是独立的语言。当前语言学界对现代汉语方言划分的意见还未完全达成一致,大多数人认为现代汉语有七大方言。    参考译文:   As Chinese ban society experienced various degrees of division and unification in the process of development,the dialects gradually emerged.Modem Chinese has numerous dialects spreading widely among various regions.The differences among dialects are apparent,which are shown in three aspects,that is pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar,and the most notable difference lies in pronunciation. However,the dialects follow the same rules correspondingly with the Chinese language,also have similarities in vocabulary and grammar with none of which truly exists as a unique language.Nowadays,the linguist experts have not reached a consensus as to how to categorize these modem Chinese dialects,but the majority of people argue that there are seven major dialects.
2023-07-23 03:21:501


2023-07-23 03:21:572

how to learn chinese 英语作文

2023-07-23 03:22:303


我就知道 大卫 和布鲁斯
2023-07-23 03:17:324

you belong with me的创作背景

泰勒·斯威夫特在接受采访时表示,《You Belong with Me》的创作灵感来源于她在无意中听到某一个男性朋友和他女朋友打的一通电话,这个男孩一直在电话中在为自己辩解,而那个女孩只是一直冲他大吼大叫。于是,泰勒·斯威夫特就写下了《You Belong with Me》的第一句歌词:你正和你的女朋友打电话,她很不高兴,然后揪着你说的话不放。紧接着,泰勒·斯威夫特就继续将其发展为一个故事情节,设想自己也正处于故事里,她爱上了那个男孩,而他应该和自己在一起才对。于是,这就组成了《You Belong with Me》的所有歌词 。
2023-07-23 03:17:331


电脑版微信收藏中文档,找存储在电脑的位置步骤如下:首先我们需要在电脑版微信收藏中有收藏好的文档,如图所示。然后我们在微信首页点击左下角的菜单按钮,如图所示。之后我们在菜单选项中点击设置选项,如图所示。然后会打开设置窗口,在里面点击左侧的通用设置选项,如图所示。之后我们在里面,可以看到文件管理的位置,有的人会更改,都可以在这看到,如图所示。然后默认保存位置,我给大家演示一下,我们点击C盘,如图所示。然后我们点击用户文件夹(usre)→founder→我的文档,在里面找到自己微信号的文件夹点击一下,如图所示。然后在里面点击files文件夹进去到里面,这个地方在微信设置中不显示,是默认常态,如图所示。最后我们在里面就能看到全部收藏中的文件文档,在里面可以直接使用,或者复制编辑等,如图所示。补充微信(WeChat) 是腾讯公司于2011年1月21日推出的一个为智能终端提供即时通讯服务的免费应用程序 ,由张小龙所带领的腾讯广州研发中心产品团队打造。微信支持跨通信运营商、跨操作系统平台通过网络快速发送免费(需消耗少量网络流量)语音短信、视频、图片和文字,同时,也可以使用通过共享流媒体内容的资料和基于位置的社交插件“摇一摇”、“朋友圈”、”公众平台“、”语音记事本“等服务插件。截止到2016年第二季度,微信已经覆盖中国94%以上的智能手机,月活跃用户达到8.06亿,用户覆盖200多个国家、超过20种语言 。此外,各品牌的微信公众账号总数已经超过800万个,移动应用对接数量超过85000个,广告收入增至36.79亿人民币,微信支付用户则达到了4亿左右 。微信提供公众平台、朋友圈、消息推送等功能,用户可以通过“摇一摇”、“搜索号码”、“附近的人”、扫二维码方式添加好友和关注公众平台,同时微信将内容分享给好友以及将用户看到的精彩内容分享到微信朋友圈。2020年12月,iOS端微信更新至7.0.20版本,同时,个人资料页多了一项“微信豆” 。2021年1月21日,微信更新至8.0版本 。2021年7月,在最新推出的8.0.8版本中,微信不仅可以同时登陆手机、PC/Mac设备,还增加了平板设备的同时登陆功能,这也就意味着,平板设备在微信的使用逻辑中已经与手机和电脑处于平级,用户可以同时登陆的设备数量也达到了3台之多。
2023-07-23 03:17:311