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不是,他是Original是由涂鸦艺术家KAWS创立的潮流品牌。2006年,已经在潮流圈成名许久的KAWS在MEDICOM TOY的资助下,在东京的南青山开设了Original的首家,也是唯一的一家专卖店。从设计的角度来讲,Original遵循的依旧是KAWS的艺术风格,无论T-shirt图案还是衣服上的细节设计都来源于KAWS的著名作品以及个人标识,如Companion与Bendy玩偶,涂鸦海报以及KAWS招牌式的骷髅头骨和叉眼图案。

名诗我译(济慈篇)——Ode To A Nightingale夜莺颂

译文:真念一思 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness, That thou,light-winged Dryad of the trees In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease. 我的心在疼痛 我感到昏沉,麻木、疼痛 就像是饮了毒鸠 或是一分钟前 刚将一些令人麻醉的鸦片 一饮而尽 我在忘川里沉沦 这绝不是嫉妒你有多么快乐 而是你的快乐让我太过欣喜 你,轻羽翩翩的 林中仙女 在山毛榉的葱绿 和数不清的荫影中的 那些旋律悠扬的地方 你放开歌喉 把夏天歌唱 O,for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool"d a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance,and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true,the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple-stained mouth That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim 噢,好想痛饮一杯美酒 那在深深的地窖 冷藏了多年的甘醇 品尝那如花之清香,乡间青草 舞蹈和浪漫恋曲般的味道 还有那炙热的狂欢 噢,想饮一大杯 那满溢着南国温暖的佳酿 那满满的真正的 喝了让人脸红的山之灵泉 带着串珠般的气泡在杯沿闪动 而唇边留着紫色的酒渍 我要一醉方休 然后就悄然离开这尘世 随你隐入幽暗的密林深处 Fade far away,dissolve, and quite forget What thou among the leaves hast never known, The weariness, the fever,and the fret Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; Where palsy shakes a few,sad, last gray hairs, Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin,and dies; Where but to think is to be full of sorrow And leaden-eyed despairs, Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow. 远远的隐没,消溶 彻底忘却 这尘世的一切 生活在林中的你 永远不会知道 这世界的疲惫 狂热和焦躁不安 在这里 人们坐在一起 长吁短叹 在这里 人们麻痹,颤抖,悲伤 直到脱落 最后几缕灰白的头发 在这里 年轻人面色苍白 形销骨立,乃至死亡 在这里 只要一想起来 就会满怀悲伤 沉重的眼里充满绝望 在这里 美人的明眸 难以保持那迷人光泽 对新的爱情渴望 都在遥远的明天 Away! away! for I will fly to thee Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, But on the viewless wings of Poesy, Though the dull brain perplexes and retards Already with thee! tender is the night, And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, Cluster"d around by all her starry Fays; But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 离去,离去 我要向你飞去 不是乘坐酒神的战车 和他的豹骑 而是乘着那诗歌的 隐形翅膀 尽管这混沌的头脑 困惑、迟缓 但它已与你同在 夜色温柔 或许,月亮王后 已登上了她的宝座 周围簇拥着她所有的星星仙子 但这里却没有光亮 只有那被微风吹来的 些许天光 透过幽暗中的葱茏 和覆满青苔的曲径 I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But,in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass,the thicket,and the fruit-tree wild; White hawthorn,and the pastoral eglantine; Fast fading violets cover"d up in leaves; And mid-May"s eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. 我看不清哪些花在我的脚旁 也辨不出何种软香悬于高枝 但暗香袭来 凭着对时令的了解 我猜测着每一种甜香 有青草地、灌木丛和野果树 有白山楂树和田园蔷薇 那容易凋谢的紫罗兰 掩映在一片绿叶之中 还有在五月中旬 最早生长 即将绽放的麝香玫瑰 啜满了露酒 夏季的夜晚 四处蝇声嗡嗡 Darkling I listen;and,for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death Call"d him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath; Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy! Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain- To thy high requiem become a sod. 我在幽夜里倾听 多少次 我几乎爱上了这静谧的死亡 用苦苦思索出来的诗句 呼唤他柔美的名字 让我安静的呼吸 融入这夜的空气 现在,似乎比以往任何时候 都感觉可以死而无憾 在午夜时分 毫无痛苦地 安然别离 而你正放声高歌 倾诉你的灵魂 你唱得如此痴迷 我已化为了一抔泥土 再也听不见 你那高亢的安魂曲 Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown: Perhaps the self-same song that found a path Through the sad heart of Ruth,when, sick for home She stood in tears amid the alien corn; The same that oft-times hath Charm"d magic casements,opening on the foam Of perilous seas,in faery lands forlorn. Forlorn! 永生的鸟啊! 你不是为死亡而生! 那贪婪的世代 吞噬一切的时间 都无法将你摧残 在这逝去的夜晚 我听见的美妙歌声 在那古老的年代 也同样为帝王和庶民们 所倾听 也许,那同样的歌声 在露丝思念家乡的时候 触动过她的乡愁 让她站在异邦的谷田里 泪流满面 这同样的歌声 也常常吸引着 被幽禁在魔法城堡里的 年轻公主 她伫立窗前, 凝望着大海的骇浪惊涛 激起层层泡沫浪花 在这寂寞的仙国里 孤寂! the very word is like a bell To toll me back from thee to my sole self! Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well As she is fam"d to do,deceiving elf. Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades Past the near meadows,over the still stream Up the hill-side;and now "tis buried deep In the next valley-glades: Was it a vision,or a waking dream? Fled is that music:-Do I wake or sleep? 这个特别的词语 犹如一际钟响 把我从你身边 又拉回我孤独的自身! 别了!你这骗人的小精灵 幻想虽然能欺骗一时 却无法欺骗一世 别了!别了! 你那忧伤的哀歌 已渐渐褪去 越过附近的草场 越过平静的溪流 爬上山坡 如今 它已在另一个山谷林间 深埋 这是幻觉 还是一个醒着的梦? 那歌声渐渐远去了: 而我,是醒着 还是睡着? 注释: 1、Lethe:忘川。希腊神话中冥府之河,名列斯,鬼魂饮了此河之水,便忘却生前的事。 2、Ruth:据《旧约·路得记》,露丝(Ruth)是摩押女子,大卫王族的女祖先。她在丈夫死于饥荒之后,自愿随婆婆去异邦逃荒,靠拾田里遗下的麦穗为生。此处济慈想像她站在异邦的谷田里,伤心流泪,思念家乡。 3、Charm"d magic casement:迷住了被魔法(magic)镇住的城堡窗前(casement)的人。中世纪传奇和民间故事中常常描写位于海中被魔法镇住的城堡。如果有一位勇敢的骑士冲破惊涛骇浪,前来相救,并抵制住任何巫师的引诱而保持自己的品德,他就能赢得被幽禁的公主的爱。casement此处不是指某一城堡或窗户,而是指被幽禁在城堡中的公主,她站在窗前,遥望大海,等待勇敢的骑士前来搭救,解除魔法。 作者简介: 约翰·济慈(John·Keats,1795年10月31日-1821年2月23日),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,杰出的英国诗人作家之一,浪漫派的主要成员。 济慈才华横溢,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。他善于运用描写手法创作诗歌,将多种情感与自然完美结合,从生活中寻找创作的影子。他的诗篇能带给人们身临其境的感受。 他去世时年仅25岁,可他遗下的诗篇誉满人间,他的诗被认为完美体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌特色,济慈被人们推崇为欧洲浪漫主义运动的杰出代表。 本诗是济慈的代表作。 1818年年底,23岁的济慈结识了他的邻居芬妮·布朗妮小姐。他们恋爱的最初半年,济慈生活在幸福之中。他像一个健康人那样,常常同芬妮远远地散着步,度过愉快的时光。这半年也成了诗人创作最旺盛的时期。这首《夜莺颂》是翌年春天的一个早晨,诗人坐在布朗妮家中花园的梅树下,听到夜莺的啼声后,不禁心旷神怡,诗兴勃发,不到三个小时,一气呵成。 济慈患有肺病,这给他的爱情生活笼罩上一层忧郁的阴影。他曾写道:"在我的散步中,我有两件极喜欢思索的事,你(指芬妮)的可爱与我的死的时间。"因此,他的诗中常常流露出哀伤、悲凉的情绪。 这首诗的艺术特点是大量运用象征、比喻、夸张等手法,时而缅怀往昔,时而关注现实,绮丽诡谲,变幻多姿,充满着浓郁浪漫主义的想像色彩,展现了诗人的卓越才华。

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Name:名字:Jukka "Julius" NevalainenBirthday:出生年月:21.04.1978Place of residence:居住地:Joensuu, Finland 芬兰 Hobbies:Spending time with my family. Playing drums.爱好:与家人在一起,打鼓Vices:Perfectionism.恶习:至善论Musical background:音乐背景:First I started to play drums in the age of 11 but couldn"t really practise since I didn"t had a place to rehearse in. So basically I just played some exercises by hitting couch or what ever proper target was available. My first band in the age of 11 or 12 was called "The Highway" and it really rocked... =) Then on the age of 15 or 16 I got in to my first band. We got a practising place where we could play couple of times a week. After quiting in this band we started playing together with Emppu and got a permanent rehearsal-place. This was a bless since from then on we were able to play every day if we felt so. And we did play a lot. First we played some Finnish rock but quite soon got into more heavier stuff like Stratovarius, Helloween and Yngwie Malmsteen. On the age of 17 (if I remember right) Tuomas and Emppu asked me to join a project called Nightwish and the rest is History.我在11岁开始学习打鼓,但一直不能真正的投入练习,直到我拥有排练的地方。所以最初,我只能借助可以利用的东西进行练习。我参与的第一个乐队是在我11到12岁时组建的,叫做“高速公路”,那是一个真正的摇滚乐队。然后,到我15,16岁时,我加入到乐队。我们有排练场所,一周可以练两次。退出这个乐队后,我和Emppu(NIGHTWISH吉他手)继续一起演奏并且拥有了一个完全永久属于自己的排练场所,从那以后,我们可以每天随心所欲的排练。我们经常练。起初,我们练一些芬兰摇滚,但很快,我们就改练一些重型的音乐,像灵云(芬兰著名重金属乐队),万圣节(德国著名金属乐队)以及 因格威 马尔马斯汀(世界吉他大师)。如果没记错,在我17岁时Tuomas(NIGHTWISH键盘手,乐队主创、核心人物)和Emppu邀请我加入一个叫做NIGHTWISH的乐队,这就是过去的历史。Equipment:装备Tama Starclassic Maple drums : 塔马 古典之星 槭树牌 架子鼓Paiste Cymbals : Paiste铙钹Pro Mark 5B Sticks : Pro Mark 5B 鼓锤Idols in music:音乐榜样Nowadays there are no particular idols. I more follow bands as a whole. On the early days biggest influences came from Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater and Jörg Michael of Stratovarius.现在没有什么特别的偶像。我什么乐队的歌都听。早先给我影响最大的是梦剧院的鼓手Mike Portnoy ,和灵云的鼓手Jörg Michael Idols in life:生活榜样All the people who understand to enjoy their lives and treat other people well.所有懂得享受生活并善待他人的人们。Life philosophy:人生哲理Treat others like you want them to treat you.你想让别人用何种方式对待你,你就用这种方式去对待别人。Place you would like to go:想去的地方Pyramids in Egypt.埃及金字塔What makes you laugh:什么使你欢笑My daughter Luna and Ewo our manager.我的女儿Luna和我们的经理。First record you bought:购买的第一张专集Might have been Sepultura"s Arise.可能是Sepultura(巴西重金属乐队)的《Arise》。All time top 5 albums:你认为的五张最好专集Gladiator - SoundtrackDream Theater - Images And WordsMetallica - Black AlbumPantera - Vulgar Display Of PowerDream Theater - Scenes From A MemoryPersonal highlight with Nightwish:你在NIGHTWISH风光的时候First European Tour in 1999.1999年第一次欧洲巡演Best Nightwish show so far:NIGHTWISH最好的一次演出Hartwall Arena on 21st October 2005.2005年10月21号 在Hartwall Arena Killing time on tour:巡演路上打发时间的方式Drinking and watching movies.喝酒和看电影Preparation for a show:演出前准备什么A few beers during the day and just before the show a proper boost by Jägermeister.要有一些啤酒,并且在演出前用烈性酒来活跃气氛Strangest experience on tour:糟糕的经历We were almost forced to cancel the show in Portugal since promotor tried to fuck us. He didn"t pay our fee and we were forced to stay in a hotel until he did pay it. The show was delayed but fortunately we got to play.我们在葡萄牙的一次演出几乎被取消,因为组织者讨厌我们。他不给我们费用,我们被迫待在旅馆里,直到他来付钱。演出被推迟,但幸运的是,我们还是演出了。Worst nightmare on stage:在舞台上最糟糕的经历I loose the click and we play in a different timing with the background-tape. And when I shout Tero to shut it up he doesn"t hear me and we keep on playing totally wrong.我松开点击设备,随着背景音乐带以不一样的节奏来打。当我向Tero大声喊,让他把它关掉,他却没听到,我们只好继续演奏,完全一踏糊度Worst nightmare in general:将来的最糟糕是Something bad would happen to my family.发生在我家的不幸的事Favorite Nightwish song:最喜欢的NIGHTWISH的歌Ghost Love ScoreFavorite band/musician:最爱的乐队/乐手Band must be Pantera. Musician... I don"t know. There are so many I appreciate. Let"s list a few. Dimebag Darrell, Hans Zimmer and Alexi Laiho.最喜欢潘多拉。乐手....我不知道。很多喜欢的。可以列出一个单子。Dimebag Darrell(如果你不认识他,你不配说你听过金属),Hans Zimmer 和Alexi LaihoFavorite book:最喜欢的书The Dirt《肮脏》Favorite drink:最喜欢的饮品Jägermeister with Red Bull烈性酒加红牛Favorite food:最喜欢的食物Indian food印第安食品Favorite movie:最喜欢的电影Gladiator《决斗士》Favorite TV show:最喜欢的电视节目American ChopperDumbest question you have ever been asked:你被问起的最愚蠢问题Actualy this is not a dumb question. This is extremely good question which was asked by my daughter Luna. She once asked "Is our house outside or inside?". Think about it and if you"ll find an answer please let me know.事实上,这不是一个愚蠢问题。这是一个很好的问题,是我的女儿问我的。她曾经问我“我们的房子在里面还是在外面?”仔细想想,如果有答案请告诉我。


前任女主唱Tarja Turunen(塔雅·图仑尼),在2005年10月塔雅·图伦尼被开除后,Anette Olzon接任. http://baike.baidu.com/view/1462093.htm 原主唱:Tarja Turunen http://baike.baidu.com/view/1413815.htm


sami vanska?http://www.nightwish.jp/members/images/sami_detail.jpghttp://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i95/kiniakinia/facts_sami_1.jpg


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nightwish资料 !还有它属于重金属 中的什么类型

Nightwish 主唱:Tarja (已经于2005年离开乐队,目前新主唱为Anette Ozlon) 吉他:Emppu 贝斯:Marco 键盘:Tuomas 鼓:Jukka 成立于1996年的芬兰交响哥特金属团Nightwish是这个弹丸小国的一宝,北欧的淳厚的古典积淀和新金属的浓烈氛围,造就了Nightwish的天籁之音。 Heavy metal(重金属) Progressive metal(前卫金属) Symphonic black metal(黑色交响) 1996年七月的一个夜晚,当Tuomas与他的朋友们在树林里坐在篝火旁聚会的时候,Nightwish这个想法第一次出现在他们的脑海里,他们当时就创作了三首歌曲并于当年12月录制了出来.最初乐队的成员只有三人Tuomas,Tarja和Emppu. 后来大家觉的这些歌需要有鼓声,因此Jukka也加入了进来.Emppu将原来的箱琴换成了电琴,Nightwish又创作了些新歌,他们在97年4月花了一星期的时间录制了7首作品.97年乐队与Spinefarm签订了两张专辑的合约.这样他们又创作了4首作品.其中Carpenter这首歌登上了芬兰单曲榜的第8位.97年11月乐队首张专辑Angels Fall First正式发行,听众反映良好,但乐队很快就停止了活动。Emppu和Jukka要服兵役而 Tarja要完成学业.大家与公司协商后延长了合同并将专辑数量变为三张.98年5月公司为Nightwish发布了Carpenter等歌的Video.而同年夏天,贝司手Sami Vanska加入到队伍中.8月Nightwish备齐人马开始了新的工作.先录制了单曲的video,到12月7日,乐队至今最成功的专辑Oceanborn发布了.它登上了专辑榜第五名,其中单曲sacrament of wilderness成功的坐上了单曲榜的头把交椅.Nightwish开始全国巡演,等到99年春天,Oceanborn在海外成功发行.乐队在欧洲特别是德国极受欢迎,所有作品全部热卖,他们开始参加大型音乐节并进行欧洲巡演了. 2000年Nightwish开始制作自己的第三张专辑,可乐队在欧洲电视网芬兰歌曲大赛中的参赛歌曲sleep walker牵扯了大家的精力不得不暂停工作,最终sleep walker得到了第二名,而公众评判则是第一名.同年乐队的最新大碟Wishmaster终于发布.一经售卖立刻登上了芬兰排行榜首位,并停留了三个星期.而且被德国Rock Hard评为了2000年6月的最佳大碟(超过了Bon Jovi和iron Maiden的新专辑)并成为金唱片. 现在Nightwish可以说是芬兰最红的乐队了,她们那种女声Gothic metal深受北欧大众的喜爱,可以预见在不远的将来,她们会成长为一颗真正耀眼的Rock star. 《Angels Fall First》是乐队的首张大碟,并取得了不俗的成绩。很快这几个芬兰人又带来了新作《Oceanborn》。tarja的女声还是那么特别,把古典元素细致的融入金属乐,与Therion不同的是,Tarja 的音质更富冒险。她更多的按单音节清晰发音,一个完整使用元音歌剧花腔女高音似乎更适合这种交响力量金属。个人也更乐意听到她这 种歌剧层次化的嗓音,特别是在类似"Wwanheart"和"Walking in the air"这样的歌曲中。 当然,如果你听过本世纪2大歌剧女高音Maria callas和Kirsten flagstad会领略到更精深的唱腔,但在金属一派,能与Tarja匹敌的还真不多。 专辑的词多出自Tuomas,他同时还负责演奏合成器和低沉的男音嘶吼。Nightwish在他们的歌曲中涉及到了幻象和神话,为细心的听者编织出一个梦一般的仙境。 如前面所提,Nightwish玩的是交响力量金属,这很容易让人想到他们的另一支芬兰金属同伴--Stratovarius。特别是"swanheart"中的长笛旋律段;类似"Stargazers"和"Gethsemane"中的器乐合奏;"Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean"中走出的跳跃、清馨的节奏;而"Moondance"更是一首俄罗斯民族旋律穿梭其间的器乐曲。美仑、一致的歌曲创作和清晰的唱片制作无疑是锦上添花。 组建时间: 1997年 国 籍:芬兰 专 辑: Dark Passion Play(2007)、Once(2004)、Over the Hills And Far Away、Century Child(2002)、Wishbox、Wishmaster(2000)、Oceanborn(1998)、Angels Fall First(1997) 推荐: Nightwish - Nemo Nightwish - come cover me Nightwish - 10th man down Nightwish - stargazers Nightwish - sleeping sun Nightwish - she is my sin Nightwish - over the hills and far away Nightwish - bless the child Nightwish - deep silent complete Nightwish - ocean soul Nightwish - Sacrament Of Wilderness Nightwish - Ghost love score Nightwish - Moon Dance Nightwish - End of all hope Nightwish - Wanderlust Nightwish 的成员: Vocals:Anette Keyboards:Tuomas Drums:Julius Bass & Vocals:Marco Guitars:Emppu 前任队员: Vocals:Tarja Turunen(1996-2005) Bass:Sami Vänskä(1998-2001) Nightwish的官方网址链接 target=_blank>http://www.nightwish.com/


FunPlus Phoenix vs. Invictus Gaming / 2019 World Championship - Semei-Final / Post-Match Discussion S9总决赛半决赛:iG 1-3 FPX,天使折翼iG卫冕梦碎,凤凰展翅FPX进军巴黎 [-]ChadJobin This is what League of Legends on 2x speed looks like 原来两倍速的英雄联盟看起来是这样的 [-]ithrowaway4fun They saw that URF was up and decided to play this match urf mode 他们看到无限火力回来了,所以他们决定在比赛里开启无限火力模式 [-]helenalovett Bit weird tbh that riot lets them play URF in a semi 但是拳头允许他们在半决赛里玩无限火力属实奇怪 [-]IceNineKilled LPL champions > World Champions LPL冠军 > 世界冠军 [-]Rymasq LPL first seed > LPL Third seed who"d have guessed? 谁能想到LPL的一号种子竟然比LPL的三号种子强呢? [-]JinxsLover I could never track the fights when they happened lol 当团战打起来的时候,我看的眼花缭乱 [-]KiXiT Amazing the contrast between this and LCK 这与LCK的风格形成了鲜明的对比 [-]MelissaLiberty TheShy saving ult for next game TheShy这大招等着打下一局呢? [-]dtkiu27 For next worlds 等着下一次世界赛呢 [-]anderpot TheShy"s being granted the Doublelift award. 我们该给他颁发一个Doublelift奖了 [-]LazinessOverload He"s transcended that level by saving his ult too 他还有大招,所以他已经超越那个级别了 [-]bisthg Saving ult and flash. The Doublelift + Jensen award 不交大招,不交闪现。Doublelif + Jensen奖,双黄蛋嗷 [-]The_NA_Deft When they beat TL in groups, they absorbed all their memes as well 当他们在小组里击败TL的时候,他们一并把TL所有的梗也都吸收(偷)了 [-]RIP_gypsy Doublelift once died in a crucial teamfight while having flash up so he was memed "oublelift" for the whole year Doublelift有一次团战里,有闪现,但是被击杀了,正好他的闪现是放在D键上的,所以那一年他获得了新的名字:“oublelift” im so salty TheShy doesn"t have "R" in his name or it would"ve been the perfect eternal meme TheShy的名字里没有“R”实在是让我太酸了,这样就没有办法创造出一个会流传好久的梗,我太酸了 [-]29fh95 He choked really hard in this series imo. Just after he is called out to be the best player in the world TheShy这个系列赛打的太差了,而前几天他还被成为世界上最好的选手。 [-]maralunda FPX just played fantastically around him, and there seemed to be several failed moments of miscommunication on IG. That Vlaf vs Mord match up was fantastic, just the rest of FPX collapsed. Gimgoon is definitely not as good an inpidual player as theshy, but this series showed how much more important it is to play with and around your team. FPX很好地围绕TheShy展开了他们的战术,而且iG很明显地出现了几次沟通上的失误。其实用金属大师对着吸血鬼是一个很好的想法,但是FPX的其他队员失误了。金贡很明显在个人能力是不如TheShy的,但是他在这个系列赛里展现出来与队伍协同性的重要性。 [-]eclip468 Gimgoon honestly impressed me today, I expected him to get crushed a lot harder in lane by TheShy. He definitely lost lane, but he was still a threat even in lane. 说实话,金贡今天的表现十分惊艳,我原以为他在线上会被TheShy打的更惨一些。虽然他输了对线,但是他在对线的时候仍然是一个威胁。 [-]FallsZero FPX much better at teamfighting than IG FPX的团战比iG强多了 [-]KiXiT After understanding the situation, we would like to clarify iG was not negative gaming, it was a normal iG experience. 经过了解,iG并未有消极 游戏 ,这是一局正常的iG比赛。 [-]Dontforgetthat What"s the origin of this pasta ? 这梗什么意思? [-]lolKhamul their twitter 来自他们的推特(这里也为大家附上iG的微博回应)[-]9th_Planet_Pluto jackeylove inting a soloq game and ig"s twitter defending it as not negative gaming, was a normal soloq experience or something [-]EliteeI Ah so this is the LPL fiesta. 原来这就是LPL嘉年华啊 [-]KappacinoNation Welcome to the world of LPL, boys! 同志们,欢迎来到LPL的世界! [-]MusicMedic88 I gotta say I love watching bloody fiestas like this game. ITS SO FUCKING FUN TO WATCH! 我不得不说我太喜欢这个系列赛的浴血奋战了,真是太tmd好看了! [-]Koersfanaat APNAUTILUS A P 泰 坦 [-]Raider_Noles Rito pls don"t nerf him more because of Doinb 拳头我求求你了,不要因为Doinb就把泰坦削弱了 [-]ZedWuJanna That 50 base dmg on ulti is already a huge enough nerf, I doubt they"ll nerf him even harder. 削弱的50点大招伤害已经很多了,我猜他们还会继续削弱泰坦 [-]TaoTheCat I"d be happy with a Naut World"s skin! 一个泰坦冠军皮肤会让我很开心的 [-]McSchlumpf Instead of an anchor, he has the trophy. Just imagine him throwing the trophy at your head. 手里可以用奖杯取代锚。想象以下他把奖杯扔向你的瞬间 [-]cjdeck1 If FPX win, no doubt we"ll get the Naut skin for DoinB. only other choices would be Sion or Kled but Nautilus has been by far the most valuable of DoinB"s pocket picks 假如FPX赢了,毫无疑问我们会得到Doinb的泰坦皮肤,其他有可能的选项是塞恩或者克烈,但是就现在来看,泰坦是Doinb最具有价值的王牌之选 [-]Vectivus_61 Why not Ryze? 为什么不选瑞兹呢? [-]cjdeck1 My thought with Ryze is that, while it"s one of DoinB"a favorites, Ryze is also just simply one of the most popular mids at worlds this year. So he"s more likely to pick a champion that is uniquely his 虽然瑞兹也是Doinb的招牌之一,但是瑞兹也是其他中单选手的选角。我觉得他会选有着他强烈风格的英雄。 [-]Babyboy1314 omg im hard 这AP泰坦把我看硬了 [-]fliktor This madlad plays nautilus AP mid in worlds semifinal like its nothing. God bless DoinB aka one of the worst midlaners 这个疯子在世界赛半决赛掏出AP中单泰坦,却表现的若无其事一样。愿上帝保佑Doinb aka 世界上最差的中单之一。 [-]DeliriumHuntens Yeah. Imagine being so "bad" u go to the finals; when all your detractors watch you behind a screen,being unable to play the game themselves... 是啊,想象一下:你是在是太“菜”了,以至于进入到了决赛。而那些批评者只能在屏幕前面看着你打比赛。 [-]ahritina Doinb and his dark technology are in the finals. Doinb和他的黑 科技 终于来到了决赛。 [-]frostyWL Wife buffs too strong 老婆的buff太强了 [-]talon1306 As @FPX_Esports wins the semifinals, Umi, Doinb"s wife, tears up in the crowd FPX赢了半决赛后,Doinb的妻子糖小幽,在人群中哭了起来[-]SpCommander Alright this might be the most wholesome thing weve seen at worlds this year. 好吧,这可能是这次世界赛最令人感到温暖的事情了。 [-]john58129343 Wow she"s pretty. 她好漂亮啊 [-]CFCkyle It"s cute, but it"ll be sad to see her cry in the final when G2 wins it all 这太可爱了,但是看见她在G2获得冠军之后的哭泣会很难过的 [-]SunshineZz I never thought I"d say this but theShy threw that last game 我从来没想到我会说这句话,但是TheShy送没了最后一局比赛 [-]retief1 What"s a kayle ult? 凯尔的大招是什么东西? [-]Kudos2YouPal When he and jackeylove ran up to fpx I nearly flipped my table 当TheShy和Jackeylove跑到FPX阵前的时候,我差点掀桌子了 [-]GreatestJabaitest I"m shocked that IG decided to swap in Sword halfway though that last game. Bold call. 看到iG让Sword在第四局中途的时候上场,我很震惊,这真是太大胆了 [-]Hektor_Ekhein The Sword [-]Blue_5ive TheWhy [-]vexmythoclast TheDie [-]Pwanage_Peanut TheCry [-]Lagiwoe TheBye [-]Acelesdar 7heShy TheShy在那波团战中打出了7点伤害。

102、以下选项中不属于C语言的类型和是______。 A:signed short int


102、以下选项中不属于C语言的类型和是______。 A:signed short int


unsigned int 和 int的问题

首先你要明白 unsigned 和 signed的区别,unsigned的表示范围比signed大一倍,只有正数,而signed的最高位用0,1来区分正数,负数 。这里%d代表打印10进制数,第一个printf d+c=-14 所以打印-14 应该能理解,没问题吧?第2个printf c+d>16 这里是个关系表达式,如果成立,值为1,否则为0 而c和d却1个是unsigned,1个是signed,在这种关系表达式里面,相加的结果随后面一个数的类型,所以加之前就会把int变为unsigedint,因为16是unsigned,所以c被转化为unsigned了,singed转unsigned怎么转的这里就不详细去讲了,去看看计算机原理里面的原码,反码,补码是怎么回事就好,c+d>26 值为真,为1,所以打印1.

duly signed

我想知道你信用证的完整条款是怎么样的?前面有FULL SET OF OCEAN B/L...吗?按照这个意思,你这份提单只能签发一份正本,多签发的话就有麻烦了。因为一般船公司现在都发三份正本提单的。而本证只要求一份正本三份副本后面的商业发票也是要求一份正本三份副本DULY SIGNED是适当签署,由签发这种单据的人来签章就行。前面的提单是承运人或其代理人或船长或其代理人来签章。后面的商业发票由你受益人来签章。

为什么骑士是knight 圣骑士是paladin



最近韩媒评选了新赛季最值得期待的五位中单选手: 第五名:Ablazeolive-GG战队 LCS赛区实力一直不被玩家们看好,2021年也是如此。像CLG这样的队伍,尽管是一支实力不错的队伍,但夺冠的机会并不高。尽管LCS赛区顶级选手和中低层选手的实力差距过于明显,但一些新人选手也有大放异彩的机会。Ablazeolive擅长一些AD英雄和近战英雄,使GG能够围绕他来制定战术。不管是之前还是新赛季,Ablazeolive都是一位值得期待的选手。 第四名:Vetheo-MSF战队 提到实力强悍的选手,Vetheo是2021赛季LEC赛区最引人注目的中单之一。在加入到LEC赛区的第一年,Vetheo就带领Misfits进入到世界赛。Vetheo是一位纯粹的传统法师选手,尽管2021赛季版本不断变更,但他仍执着于自己的选择。虽然他的KDA数据在榜单上有所下降,但他的补刀数却能遥遥领先。他擅长发育,并总能在队伍需要他的时候就站出来。 第三名:Fate-KDF战队(原AF战队) 韩国拥有很多世界上最强的中单选手,比如Faker、Chovy、ShowMaker,以及2021年的世界冠军中单Scout。随着Gori在今年夏季赛以新秀的身份进入常规赛,也让一些新的中单选手有了角逐与最佳中单选手比肩的机会。而在2022年,Fate就很有可能是其中之一。作为一位团战战士,Fate是该赛区最谦虚、最健谈的选手之一。他会为了比赛胜利而甘愿牺牲自己的发育。新赛季加入到KDF战队后,他将是下个赛季最令人期待的中单之一。 第二名:Doinb-LNG战队 在经历了2021世界赛的惨败之后,Doinb在很长一段时间里都没提到关于新赛季的归属。但我们知道的是,FPX的名单肯定会有所变动。虽然在世界赛上的表现令人失望,但Doinb依然是一个很好的选手,是一个在2019年带领队伍夺得世界赛冠军的好中单。 Doinb的打法和很多中单选手不同,他更擅长于游走支援与团战方面。甚至为了在比赛初期拿到优势,也会选择像克烈这样的非版本英雄 如今的Doinb加入到LNG战队,而且队内还拥有一个最可怕的上单选手:Ale,以及野王Tarzan。在今年世界赛上失去的,LNG新阵容有能力在新赛季帮他夺回来。 第一名:Knight-TES战队 除了2020年世界赛之外,Kinght很少出现在国际舞台上。但在LPL赛区,他是一位令人恐惧且受人尊敬的中单选手。为什么很少登上国际大赛舞台的Knight,却是如此特别呢? (以上为韩媒评选及评价) #英雄联盟[超话]#

light 含义

先给你简单的 :)light[lait]n.光, 日光, 发光体, 灯adj.轻的, 发光的, 明亮的, 浅的vt.点燃, 照亮adv.轻地vi.点着, 变亮下面是英文原解:)EnglishRank of this word in the English language, from analyzing texts from Project Gutenberg. Gutenberg best word #247: light felt since use PronunciationenPR: līt, IPA: /laɪt/, SAMPA: /laIt/ Audio (US)help, file Rhymes: -aɪt Homophones: lite Etymology 1Old English līhtan (“‘illuminate"”)VerbInfinitiveto light Third person singularlights Simple pastlit or lighted Past participle[[lit or lighted]] Present participlelightingto light (third-person singular simple present lights, present participle lighting, simple past and past participle lit or lighted)(transitive) To start (a fire). (transitive) To illuminate. Synonyms(start (a fire)):: ignite, kindle, start (illuminate):: illuminate, light up Antonyms(start (a fire)):: extinguish, put out, quench Derived termslight someone"s fire light up Translations[show ▼]to start (a fire)Afrikaans: aansteek Armenian: վառել (vaŕel) Bulgarian: запалвам bg(bg) (zapalvam), паля bg(bg) (palia) Catalan: encendre Chinese: 点火, 点火 (diǎnhuǒ) Croatian: upaliti hr(hr), zapaliti hr(hr) Czech: zapálit cs(cs) Danish: antænde, tænde Dutch: aansteken nl(nl) Finnish: sytyttää palamaan French: allumer fr(fr) Galician: prender gl(gl), acender gl(gl) German: anzünden de(de), anstecken de(de), anmachen de(de) Greek: ανάβω (anavo) Hebrew: הדליק (he) (hidlík), הצית (he) (hitsít) Hungarian: gyújt hu(hu), meggyújt hu(hu) Icelandic: kveikja is(is) Italian: accendere it(it) Japanese: 引火する (いんかする, inka-suru) / 点火する (てんかする, tenka-suru) Korean: 불붙이다 (bul-butIda) Kurdish: Kurmanji: agir vêxistin Lao: ໄຕ້ lo(lo) (tai) Latvian: aizdedzināt Malayalam: കത്തിയ്ക്കുക (kathiykkuka) Norwegian: tenne no(no) Occitan: alucar oc(oc) Old English: ǣlan ang(ang) Polish: rozpalić, zapalić Portuguese: acender pt(pt) Russian: зажигать (zažigát"), зажечь (zažéč"), разжигать (razžigát"), разжечь (razžéč") Slovak: zapáliť, zažať Slovene: prižgati Spanish: prender es(es), encender es(es) Swedish: tända sv(sv) Telugu: వెలిగించు (veligiMcu), అంటించు (aMTiMcu) Turkish: yakmak tr(tr) Ukrainian: запа́лювати, запали́ти Vietnamese: đốt, thắp, châm, nhóm Welsh: cynnau [show ▼]to illuminateAfrikaans: skyn, belig Armenian: լուսավորել (lusavorel) Bulgarian: осветявам bg(bg) Catalan: encendre, il·luminar Chinese: 照明 (zhàomíng) Croatian: osvijetliti hr(hr) Czech: osvětlit, osvítit Danish: belyse, oplyse Dutch: lichten, bijlichten Finnish: valaista fi(fi) French: allumer fr(fr), illuminer fr(fr) German: beleuchten de(de), anstrahlen de(de) Greek: φωτίζω el(el) Hebrew: האיר (he) (he"ír) Hungarian: világít hu(hu) Icelandic: lýsa is(is) Italian: illuminare it(it) Japanese: 照らす (てらす, terasu) Korean: 불켜다 (bul-kyeoda), 밝히다 (balkhida), 비추다 (bichuda) Kurdish: Kurmanji: ron kirin Latin: illuminare la(la) Latvian: apgaismot Malayalam: പ്രകാശിയ്ക്കുക (prakaaSiykkuka) Norwegian: opplyse no(no) Polish: oświetlić, iluminować Portuguese: iluminar pt(pt) Russian: освещать (osveščát"), осветить (osvetít") Slovak: svietiť Slovene: osvetliti Spanish: iluminar es(es) Swedish: belysa Telugu: ప్రకాశింపజేయు (prakaaSiMpajEyu) Turkish: aydınlatmak tr(tr) Vietnamese: chiếu sáng, rọi sáng, soi sáng Welsh: goleuo The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Help:How to check translations. [show ▼]Translations to be checkedChinese Characters: 焌 Guaraní: myendy (1,2) Hindi: (jalana) Ido: acendar Indonesian: menyalakan (1), menerangi (2) Interlingua: accender (1), illuminar (2) Romanian: aprinde (1), ilumina (2) Tupinambá: moendy (1,2) Tagalog: ilaw Etymology 2Old English lēoht. Cognate with Dutch licht, German Licht.LightSingularlight Plurallightslight (plural lights)(uncountable) The natural medium emanating from the sun and other very hot sources (now recognised as electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 400-750 nm), within which vision is possible. As you can see, this spacious dining-room gets a lot of light in the mornings. A source of illumination. Put that light out! Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information. Can you throw any light on this problem? (in plural, now rare) Facts. pieces of information; ideas, concepts. 1621, Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Book I, New York 2001, p. 166: Now these notions are twofold, actions or habits [...], which are durable lights and notions, which we may use when we will. A notable person within a specific field or discipline. Picasso was one of the leading lights of the cubist movement. A point of view, or aspect from which a concept, person or thing is regarded. I"m really seeing you in a different light today. A flame or something used to create fire. Hey, buddy, you got a light? A window, or space for a window in architecture This facade has eight south-facing lights. The series of squares reserved for the answer to a crossword clue The average length of a light on a 15x15 grid is 7 or 8. (informal) A cross-light in a double acrostic or triple acrostic. Synonyms(electromagnetic wave perceived by the eye):: visible light Derived terms[show ▼]terms derives from light (noun, illumination)black light booklight bring to light come to light fanlight footlight gaslight half-light headlight hide one"s light under a bushel lamplight light at the end of the tunnel light box, lightbox lightbulb light globe lighthouse lights, camera, action! moonlight nightlight search light see the light spotlight skylight strike a light sunlight twilight white light Translations[show ▼]electromagnetic waveAlbanian: dritë f. Arabic: نور (nūr), ضوء (ḍū") Armenian: լույս (luys) Bulgarian: светлина bg(bg) (svetliná) Catalan: llum f. Chinese: 光 (guāng), 灯 (dēng) Croatian: svjetlo hr(hr) n. Czech: světlo cs(cs) n. Danish: lys da(da) n. Dutch: licht nl(nl) n. Esperanto: lumo eo(eo) Estonian: valgus Finnish: valo fi(fi) French: lumière fr(fr) f. German: Licht de(de) n. Greek: φως (fos) n. Hawaiian: lama, ao Hebrew: אורה (he) (orá) f., אור (he) (ór) m. Hungarian: fény hu(hu) Icelandic: ljós is(is) n. Ilocano: silaw Indonesian: cahaya id(id) Irish: solas ga(ga) m. Italian: luce it(it) f. Japanese: 光 (ひかり, hikari) Korean: 빛 (bit) Kurdish: Kurmanji: ronî f., ronahî f. Lao: ແສງ lo(lo) (sëëng) Latin: lux la(la) f., lumen la(la) n. Latvian: gaisma f. Lithuanian: šviesa f. Luxembourgish: Liicht n. Malay: cahaya ms(ms) Malayalam: വെളിച്ചം (veLicham), പ്രകാശം (prakaaSam) Maori: rama mi(mi) Norwegian: lys no(no) n. Old Prussian: swāikstan n. Persian: نور (nur) Polish: światło pl(pl) n. Portuguese: luz pt(pt) f. Romanian: lumină ro(ro) f. Russian: свет ru(ru) (svet) m. Scots: licht Slovak: svetlo sk(sk) n. Slovene: svetloba sl(sl) f. Spanish: luz es(es) f. Sumerian: nuru, immaru Swedish: ljus sv(sv) n. Tagalog: ilaw Telugu: కాంతి (kaaMti), వెలుతురు (veluturu) Turkish: ışık tr(tr) Ukrainian: світло (uk) n. Vietnamese: ánh sáng vi(vi), ánh vi(vi) Welsh: golau, goleuni [show ▼]a source of lightArmenian: ճրագ (črag) Catalan: llum f. Czech: světlo cs(cs) n. Danish: lys n., lyskilde n. Dutch: licht nl(nl) Finnish: valo fi(fi) German: Lichtquelle de(de) f. Greek: φως (fos) n. Hebrew: אור (he) (ór) m. Icelandic: ljós is(is) n. Irish: solas ga(ga) m. Italian: luce it(it) f. Korean: 불 (bul) Kurdish: Kurmanji: ronî f., ronahî f. Sorani: ڕۆشنایی ku(ku) (RoshnAyee) Lao: ປະທີບ lo(lo) (pathiip) Norwegian: lys no(no) n. Old Prussian: likti Polish: światło pl(pl) n. Portuguese: luz pt(pt) f. Romanian: lumină ro(ro) f., corp de iluminat n., far ro(ro) n. (car light) Russian: свет ru(ru) (svet) m. Scots: licht Serbian: svetlo n., svetlost f., svetlina f., luča f. Slovak: osvetlenie n. Slovene: luč sl(sl) f. Spanish: luz es(es) f. Swedish: ljus sv(sv) n. Telugu: జ్యోతి (jyOti) Turkish: ışık tr(tr) Vietnamese: đèn vi(vi) Welsh: golau, goleuni [show ▼]a spiritual truthArmenian: լույս (luys) Catalan: llum f. Danish: lys da(da) n. Dutch: licht nl(nl) n. Finnish: valo fi(fi) German: Erleuchtung de(de) f. Greek: φως (fos) n. Hebrew: אור (he) (ór) m., הארה (he) (he`ará) f. Italian: luce it(it) m. Korean: 빛 (bit) Kurdish: Kurmanji: ronî f., ronahî f. Norwegian: lys no(no) n. Polish: światło pl(pl) n. Portuguese: luz pt(pt) f. Romanian: lumină ro(ro) f. Russian: свет ru(ru) (svet) m. Spanish: luz es(es) f. Swedish: ljus sv(sv) n. Telugu: జ్ఞానజ్యోతి (JnaanajyOti) [show ▼]a point of viewHebrew: אור (he) (ór) m. Polish: światło pl(pl) n. Romanian: lumină ro(ro) f. Russian: свет ru(ru) (svet) m. Vietnamese: cách ("see [someone] in a good light" = nhìn đến ai một cách đẹp), trạng thái [show ▼]a flame or something used to create fire.Catalan: flama, metxa Danish: flamme da(da) n. Dutch: vuurtje n. German: Flamme de(de) f. Hebrew: אש (he) (ésh) f. Irish: solas ga(ga) m. Korean: 불 (bul) Norwegian: flamme no(no) m. Polish: ogień pl(pl) m. Scots: licht Vietnamese: lửa vi(vi) [show ▼]a windowPolish: światło pl(pl) m., okno pl(pl) n., świetlik pl(pl) m. The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Help:How to check translations. [show ▼]Translations to be checkedArabic: نُور (nūr) Croatian: svjetlo Guaraní: endy (t-) Hindi: (prakash) Ido: lumo Indonesian: cahaya Interlingua: lumine Kurdish: ronahî, ronayî Lithuanian: šviesa f. (1); šviestuvas m. (2) Turkish: ışık Tupinambá: endy (t-) Adjectivelight (comparative lighter, superlative lightest)Positivelight Comparativelighter Superlativelightesthaving light pale in colour (of coffee) served with extra milk or cream Synonyms(having light): bright (pale in colour): pale (coffee: served with extra milk or cream): white, with milk, with cream Derived termslight-haired light-skinned Translations[show ▼]having lightAfrikaans: lig, helder Danish: lys, belyst, oplyst Dutch: licht nl(nl), helder nl(nl) German: erleuchtet de(de) Greek: φωτεινός el(el) Hebrew: מואר (he) (mu`ár) m., מוארת (he) (mu`éret) f. Icelandic: bjart is(is) n., bjartur is(is) m., björt is(is) f. Kurdish: Kurmanji: ron, geş Sorani: ڕوناک ku(ku) (RoonAk) Norwegian: lyst no(no), opplyst no(no), belyst no(no) Old Prussian: lāuks Polish: widny pl(pl) m., jasny pl(pl) m. Russian: светлый ru(ru) (sv"étlyj), яркий ru(ru) (járkij) Swedish: belyst, ljus Vietnamese: sáng vi(vi), sáng sủa vi(vi) Welsh: golau [show ▼]pale in colourAfrikaans: lig, bleek gesig (pale face), blas vel (light complexion, pale skin) Armenian: սփրթնած (sp‘rt‘nats) Catalan: clar Czech: světlý cs(cs) m. Danish: lys da(da), bleg da(da) Dutch: licht nl(nl) Finnish: vaalea fi(fi) French: clair fr(fr) German: hell de(de) Greek: αχνός el(el), ανοιχτός el(el) Hebrew: בהיר (he) (bahír) m., בהירה (he) (behirá) f. Hungarian: világos hu(hu) Icelandic: fölur m., föl f., fölt n. Italian: chiaro m. chiara f. Kurdish: Kurmanji: geş, (rengê) vebiye Sorani: کاڵ ku(ku) (kAL) Latvian: gaišs m., gaiša f. Norwegian: lys no(no), blek no(no) Polish: jasny m., jasna f., jasne n. Portuguese: clara pt(pt) f., claro pt(pt) m. Russian: бледный ru(ru) (blédnyj) m., светлый ru(ru) (sv"étlyj) Slovene: svetel m., svetla f., svetlo n. Swedish: blek sv(sv), ljus sv(sv) Turkish: soluk tr(tr) Vietnamese: nhạt vi(vi) Welsh: golau [show ▼]coffee: served with extra milk or creamCatalan: tallat Dutch: koffie verkeerd nl(nl) French: au lait Icelandic: með mjólk, hvítt n. , ljóst n. (both hvítur and ljós are always neuter because the word "coffie" is neuter) Spanish: con leche Swedish: med grädde, med mjölk Vietnamese: nhẹ, nhiều sữa (extra milk), nhiều kem (extra cream) The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation ta

求罪恶装备xrd sign的声优表

SOL=BADGUY(ソル=バッドガイ),CV:中田让治KY=KISKE (カイ=キスク),CV:草尾毅MILLIA=RAGE(ミリア=レイジ),CV:住友优子MAY(メイ),CV:兴梠里美CHIPP=ZANUFF (チップ=ザナフ),CV:川原庆久FAUST(ファウスト),CV:近藤隆POTEMKIN(ポチョムキン),CV:近藤隆SLAYER(スレイヤー),CV:家弓家正AXL=LOW(アクセル=ロウ),CV:难波圭一I-NO(イノ),CV:井上喜久子VENOM(ヴェノム),CV:诹访部顺一ZATO=ONE(ザトー=ONE),CV:子安武人BEDMAN(ベッドマン),CV:绿川光RAMLETHAL=VALENTINE(ラムレザル=ヴァレンタイン),CV:潘惠美(使魔CV:关智一)SIN=KISKE(シン=キスク),CV:宫崎一成ELPHELT=VALENTINE(エルフェルト=ヴァレンタイン),CV:洲崎绫LEO=WHITEFANG(レオ=ホワイトファング),CV:稻田彻一共17个人物。给出了英文名和日文名,中文名就没有了。虽然因为艾尔菲尔特对这游戏蛮感兴趣的但是到头来还是因为手残不敢乱入格斗游戏...不过给出了全角色的头像你可以自己对着人物来确定。


我们平时在阅读文献的过程中常常会看到以下这些美腻的图片。像这样: 这样 这些图片不单单长得好看,更重要的是它们能够直观地表达科研工作者想要传递的信息和内容。是一张完美的figure的重要组成部分。 那么,这样的图片是用什么软件做出来的呢?细心的同学可能已经在论文中发现了它的身影。 这就是我们今天要介绍的主角,SigmaPlot SigmaPlot是一款科学图表以及数据分析软件,可以在Windows平台上运行,它可以直接读取包括Microsoft Excel spreadsheets在内的各种格式的文件,进行数据转化以及统计分析。它一开始是由Jandel公司开发,1996年随着Jandel公司合并为SPSS,它就继续由SPSS维护并更新至8.0版本,随后从9.0版本开始,SigmaPlot就由SYSTAT公司维护和开发,目前已经更新至14.0版本。 下面我以SigmaPlot12.5为例进行讲解。 基础界面 01 SigmaPlot12.5的界面包括格式栏(也叫功能区)和数据区 大家看到这个格式栏,可能会觉得非常熟悉,很类似于Microsoft office的界面,分为 主页、工作表、创建图表、分析、报告和工具箱五个部分。我们接下来就会围绕这几个基本部件以一个实例对如何用SigmaPlot进行作图进行讲解。 实例讲解 2 我们可以试着将下面这组数据,变换为图表,就像下图这样。 1 输入数据 首先我们可以新建一个worksheet,输入数据并编辑项目名,(动图sigma plot0) 2 创建柱状图 可以发现我们的这组数据的X值对应着两个Y值,所以我们可以创建一个柱状图和折线图的和叠合图。首先点击格式栏的Create Graph,选择Vertical BarChart,Type选择Simple Bar,Data Format 选择XY Pairs。接下来在的数据分别选择数组1和数组3.(动图sigma plot1) 3 创建折线图 将另一组的Y轴数据添加为折线图,右击图表,选择 Add New Plot,Type 选择Line Plot,Style 选择Simple Straight Line,Data Format选择XY Pairs,(动图sigma plot2) 4 调整柱状图形状颜色 双击图表,出现 Graph Properties对话框,纵栏列表内有三个选项Plots、Axis和Graphs.点击Plots选项下的Bar Widths,调整width为100%,(动图sigma plot3),点击Plots选项下的Fills,将Fill Color调整为DL.Cyan,Pattern Color调整为DL.Cyan,(动图sigma plot4) 5 修改X轴起始点并去掉图例 在Graph Properties 对话框的Axis选项下选择Scaling,将x data 的range调整为0-26,并在Graph选项下将legend去除,可以看到柱状图更加紧凑了,下标的图例也随之消失。(动图sigma plot5) 6 修改折线图颜色 在Graph Properties 对话框的plots选项下选择Lines,将Line Style的thickness调整为1.0,color 调整为Dk.Red.(动图sigma plot6) 7 增添一条Y轴 在格式栏的Graph Page选项卡下选择Add Axis,依次选择Plot2,Y axis和Right,此时图片右方出现一个新的纵坐标,折线的形状也随之相应调整(动图sigma plot7) 8 修改图片标题 双击图片标题,输入新的标题 “Line and Bar Chart with two Y axes”调整字号以及文本框位置。(动图 sigma plot8) 9 保存图片 在格式栏内选择graph,export,可以直接将图片保存起来,这里还告诉大家一个小技巧,如果在export前选中了图片,导出时就可以选择export selected only选项,选了之后可以去掉周围的空白,单独保存图片(动图sigma plot9) 结语




delight 1 / dɪˈlaɪt; dɪˋlaɪt/ n [U] great pleasure; joy 高兴; 快乐; 愉快: give delight to sb 使某人快乐 * To our great delight, the day turned out fine. 我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了. [C] cause or source of pleasure 使人高兴的原因: Her singing is a delight. 她的歌声使人快乐. * the delights of living in the country 在乡村生活的乐趣. (idm 习语) take delight in sth/doing sth find pleasure in sth/doing sth (esp sth cruel or wrong) 以某事物[做某事]为乐(尤指残忍的事或坏事): He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的极大乐趣是证实别人错了.> delightful / -fl; -fəl/ adj ~ (to sb) giving delight 使人快乐的; 令人愉快的: a delightful holiday, melody, conversation 令人愉快的假日、 曲调、 谈话 * No news could be more delightful to me. 这消息最令我高兴. delightfully / -fəlɪ; -fəlɪ/ adv. delight 2 / dɪˈlaɪt; dɪˋlaɪt/ v [Tn] give great pleasure to (sb); please greatly 给(某人)乐趣; 使愉快: Her singing delighted everyone. 她的歌声使大家很愉快. [Ipr no passive 不用於被动语态, It] ~ in sth/doing sth take great (and often cruel) pleasure in sth; enjoy sth 以某事物为乐(常为残忍的事); 喜好某事物: He delights in teasing his younger sister. 他以戏弄他妹妹为乐. * (fml 文) She delights to be surrounded by admirers. 她喜欢身边簇拥着爱慕她的人.> delighted adj ~ (at sth/to do sth/that...) very pleased; showing delight 非常高兴的; 显示愉快的: a delighted smile, look, child 愉快的微笑、 样子、 小孩 * I"m delighted at your success/to hear of your success/that you succeeded. 我对你的成功[听到你成功的消息/对你已获成功]感到很高兴. * `Will you come to the party?" `I"d be delighted (to)!" ‘你来参加聚会吗?"‘很愿意来!" happy / ˈhæpɪ; ˋhæpɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest) ~ (about/in/with sth/sb) feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment,satisfaction, etc 有愉快、 满意、 满足等感受或表现的; 快乐的; 幸福的: a happy marriage, scene, memory, child, ending (to a book, etc) 美满的婚姻、 欢喜的场面、 愉快的回忆、 幸福的孩子、 (书等的)圆满的结尾 * I won"t be happy until I know she"s safe. 我只有在知道她平安无事之后才会感到高兴. * Are you happy in your work/withyour life? 你对工作[对生活]是否满意? (in greetings) full of joy (祝愿用语)快乐的: Happy birthday! 祝你生日快乐! * Happy Christmas! 祝你圣诞节快乐! [pred 作表语] ~ to do sth (fml 文) pleased to do sth 乐於做某事: I am happy to be of service. 我很愿意提供帮助. fortunate; lucky 幸运的; 运气好的: He is in the happy position of never having to worry about money. 他真有福气, 从来不需要为金钱之事操心. (of words, ideas, behaviour, etc) well suited to the situation; pleasing (指言语、 思想、 行为等)恰如其分的, 令人满意的: That wasn"t a very happy choice of words. 那样的措辞并不十分恰当. (idm 习语) (as) happy as the day is `long/as a `sandboy/as `Larry very happy 非常快乐.a happy e`vent the birth of a child 弄璋或弄瓦之喜. a/the happy `medium thing that achieves a satisfactory avoidance of excess; balance between extremes 中庸之道; 折衷办法: be/find/seek a happy medium 是[找/寻求]一个折衷办法. many happy re`turns (of the `day) (used as a greeting to sb on his or her birthday 用作生日的祝词).> happily adv 1 contentedly 满足地; 幸福地: They lived happily ever after. 此后他们一直生活得很幸福. 2 fortunately 幸运地: Happily this never happened. 幸好这事从未发生. 3 appropriately 妥当地: His message was not very happily worded. 他的通知在措辞上有些欠妥.happiness n [U].# ,happy-go-`lucky adj accepting events cheerfully as they happen; carefree 乐天的; 无忧无虑的: She goes through life in a happy-go-lucky fashion. 她一向乐天知命.



delighting delightgul的区别

都是形容令人愉快的东西。我在国外生活了好几年了,从来没听过有人用delighting。。。一楼的,自己不知道答案对错,就别复制别人的答案。这很不负责任。其次回答问题你就记住delightful和delighted区别就好了a delightful night sth is delightful delightful形容物sb is delighteddelighted 形容人



it"s delightfui for和it"s delihtfulto的区别


delighting 与 delightful 的 区 别

delightful指“某样东西”让人感到快乐,主语是物体 Giving great pleasure or delight 例如: a delightful color,a delightful trip delighted指“人”感到快乐,主语是人,或者是感到快乐的主体 1.greatly pleased 2: filled with wonder and delight 例如: Sandy will be delighted to see you. delighted (that) I"m delighted that we have settled the matter. delighted with/by/at She was delighted with her new home. I am delighted by the result. Her screams of delighted laughter filled the air.




delighted英 [dɪ"laɪtɪd] 美 [dɪ"laɪtɪd] adj. 高兴的;欣喜的v. 使…兴高采烈;感到快乐(delight的过去分词)[ 比较级 more delighted 最高级 most delighted ]柯林斯英汉双解大词典 delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ 1. ADJ If you are delighted, you are extremely pleased and excited about something. 高兴的例:I know Frank will be delighted to see you.我知道弗兰克见到你会非常高兴。2. delightedly ADV 高兴地 [ADV with v]例:"There!" Jackson exclaimed delightedly.“在那儿!”杰克逊高兴地大喊起来。3. ADJ If someone invites or asks you to do something, you can say that you would be delighted to do it, as a way of showing that you are very willing to do it. 乐意的[情感]例:"You have to come to Todd"s graduation party."—"I"d be delighted."“你一定要来参加托德的毕业派对。”——“非常乐意。”delight英 [dɪ"laɪt] 美 [dɪ"laɪt] n. 高兴vi. 高兴vt. 使高兴n. (Delight)人名;(英)迪莱特网络释义专业释义英英释义 高兴英语常用口语表达小词典(英语辞书系列) ... Curiosity 好奇 Delight 高兴 Desire 欲望 ...基于495个网页-相关网页 快乐 乐趣 乐事短语delight in 喜欢 ; 取乐 ; 欣喜 ; 对……很喜欢Sinners Delight 喜欢负罪Sneake Delight 运动鞋与服饰店 ; 活动鞋与衣饰店 ; 活动鞋与服装店 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 delight /dɪˈlaɪt/ CET4 TEM4 ( delighting, delighted, delights )1. N-UNCOUNT Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure. 高兴; 欣喜例:Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight.整个房子,目之所及不停带来惊奇和欣喜。例:Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel"s nickname for the baby.安德鲁听到雷切尔给那个婴儿起的爱称时,高兴地叫起来。2. PHRASE If someone takes delight or takes a delight in something, they get a lot of pleasure from it. 以…为乐例:Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong.海格显然以证明他的批评者是错误的为乐。3. N-COUNT You can refer to someone or something that gives you great pleasure or enjoyment as a delight. 乐事; 乐趣 [表赞许]例:The aircraft was a delight to fly.驾乘这种飞机是一件乐事。4. V-T If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure. 使高兴; 使欣喜例:She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world.她创立了一种为全世界听众所喜爱的音乐风格。




delight→英 [dɪˈlaɪt];美 [dɪˈlaɪt]  n.高兴;愉快;快乐;令人高兴的事;乐事;乐趣vt.使高兴;使愉快;使快乐第三人称单数:delights。复数:delights。现在分词:delighting。过去式:delighted。过去分词:delighted。1、This news will delight his fans all over the world. 这消息将使全世界崇拜他的人都感到高兴。2、"You"re safe!" Tom cried in delight. “你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地大声说道。3、I was delighted that you could stay. 你能留下来我很高兴。4、Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe. 病人高兴的是当地医院得以免遭关闭。5、Her daughter was a continual source of delight to her. 她的女儿是她无限快乐的源泉。6、They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer. 他们在看别人受罪时显然得到一种病态的快感。7、She was delighted at the result. 对这个结果她感到高兴。



IgM是免疫球蛋白M(Immunoglobulin M,IgM)的缩写。根据结构的不同将免疫球蛋白分为五种,IgM是人的免疫球蛋白之一,其他还有lgA、lgG、IgD和lgE。IGM= INTERNATIONAL GENERAL MANIFEST 国际标准舱单 C/A=CORRECTION ADVICE 舱单更改通知 以上这两个词一般在船公司跟他们国外的代理之间使用的比较多, 通常印度那边的进口舱单递交一般当地海关的说法就是IGM SUBMITION,船公司在国外的代理会在海船到打当地港口48-78小时前 提前把进口舱单按照当地海关的要求及时申报递交,IGM申报结束以后的任何舱单更改对他们老说就是C/A ( 更改通知), 按照一般的操作习惯,通常国外代理是要看到POL 起运港船公司的书面或者邮件的通知他们才会帮忙做更改

拉丁语 niger的单复数,阴阳中的所有形式

Negroes n. 黑人(Negro的复数形式) Negroes and heroes eat tomatoes and potatoes. 黑人和英雄吃土豆和西红柿。 供参考,O(∩_∩)O~

求This love BIG BANG 的歌词意思

this love yeah yeah yeahthis loving in dugging disonoh I"m tray falling dislikeyeah yeah yeahthis is song for young今天比其他日子更加伤心想见到你 现在连这话都不能再说起连在旁边照看也不可以 真的完了怎么看都像个傻瓜白费心思一直错觉下去你有男友 我是知道的为什么那样 越那样越喜欢上你朋友们都说像变了一个人他有什么好的 叫我清醒过来玩我的 没关系 当然 怎么样能像这样见到你 我就知足This Love再也不需要爱情非常消瘦望着我的身影 为什么这样傻This Love已经离开了的想抓却消失了的不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里不在心里的你的故事这个就像Like一减一9月19日你的生日 独自一个人alone I"ma fallin luv shady记起来了吗 在你门前的夜里都走了 等着你的我的心很低落拿着一束玫瑰花 心里已经浮起来跟期待的不一样的你没来 却下起了雨现在才整理我的心(在你心里)在你心里应该有别人 安慰我吧(对不起)也没弄清楚就让你惊慌(对吗)再一次我成了一个人This Love再也不需要爱情非常消瘦望着我的身影 为什么这样傻This Love已经离开了的想抓却消失了的不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里叫我怎么办 那么爱你好象受罪 现在实在太累去跟你的男人说我们这样是不对的This Love赶紧忘了吧淹没在岁月里的连记忆里的痕迹为什么我这么心痛This Love那么的脆弱谈到爱情显得年轻那些回忆和记忆都远远地飞向那云里this love this love(注意给分)


街坊 邻域 附近短语neighborhood enterprise 街道企业 ; 街道兄弟姐妹搞neighborhood effect 相邻效应 ; 邻里效应 ; 邻近效应 ; 邻居效应neighborhood filter 邻域滤子为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

neighbourhood 是什么意思?

neighbourhood 英[ˈneɪbəhʊd] 美[ˈneɪbərhʊd] n. 街区; 城区; (统称) 某街区(或城区)的居民; 所在地; 邻近的地方;



bigbang 歌词

亲要的 歌词已经发送过去咯~请及时接收哈 希望采纳哟~






wiseADJ-GRADED (人)充满智慧的,英明的,睿智的 A wise person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgments.intelligentADJ-GRADED 聪颖的;有才智的;有灵性的 A person or animal that is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well.从英文释义可以看出:wise是用来形容人的,是指人运用经验和知识来做出理性的决定和判断。intelligent可以用来形容人或动物,是指人或动物能思考、理解以及又快又好地学习事物。intelligence是名词,和wise的词性不同。


n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力


查字典intelligentintelligent英 [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt]美 [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt]词形变化:intelligentialintelligently基本释义adj.聪明的;智能的如果觉得满意的话,请选一下那个【满意】哦。谢谢……


情报intelligence[英][ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns][美][ɪnˈtɛlədʒəns]n.智力; 聪颖; 情报; 情报机构;


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